- Your Ward News
- Your Ward News
A PUNK, A SODOMITE, AND A LOON WALK INTO A BAR … Dear Loyal Readers: “Christian” wannabe punker Warren Kinsella, “gay activist” Jew lawyer Martin Gladstone, and “Christian” inept Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, do not like us. Like in the old Soviet Union, these Bolsheviks compulsively report us to the authorities for ThoughtCrimes. We are not sure who leads this anti-free speech cabal. Fervent ZioMarxist and Israeli atrocity apologist Martin Gladstone fought to banish “Queers Against Israeli Apartheid” from “Gay Pride”. In June he sent longwinded, histrionic letters to all our advertisers, to intimidate them into pulling their ads from our paper. Most are immigrants, so he knew they would be easy prey to legal scare tactics. Gladstone’s letter provided several reasons to fear us. He claimed our paper was “…turned over to the police and we are advised under good authority that the matter is being investigated by the Office of the Attorney General to determine if in fact charges will be laid under the Criminal Code regarding hate laws.” Statements like this cause naïve immigrants to falsely presume THEY could be arrested just for advertising with us. Warren “Nazi Bogeyman” Kinsella cannot stop obsessively blogging about us. Like a grade school pupil working on a class project, washed up Kinsella cherry-picks imagery from our paper to create inspiring Nazi-themed collages for his blog. Fortunately his followers have grown tired of all his whining, with virtually no comments posted after his most recent tirade. And then we have the oh-so-spankable Marxist Mary McMahon. She is Martin Gladstone’s fag hag and may be taking direction from him. Her assistant Ellen Pisani wrote … “Councillor McMahon is certainly aware of this paper, and is also very concerned with the content. She has reported the paper to the police, Canada Post, the Integrity Commissioner, the Human Rights Commissioner, and the City’s Ombudsman. There is a current hate crime investigation with the police. A strategy that some residents have taken is calling the businesses and people who advertise in the paper. You could also report this to the police, and/or Human Rights Commission. Also, since Canada Post, a Crown Corporation, is delivering this paper perhaps you would like to contact MP Matthew Kellway to see if this can be stopped.” Well, we are still here and we are not going anywhere. Donations to the New Constitution Party of Canada keep rolling in! Because the Thought Police may freeze our now sizable bank account, we must SPEND IT ALL, so we may soon increase our distribution area to include Marxist Riverdale. A $100 donation allows us to print and deliver to 427 more homes. Please open the paper and enjoy this month’s overdose of truth! EXPEL THE PARASITE! Dr. James Sears Founder and Leader New Constitution Party of Canada This message is brought to you by THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY OF CANADA. 163 Main Street, Toronto, ON. Phone: (647) 349-7865 www.NCparty.ca THE 1st ANNUAL TORONTO OLD-FASHIONED ANTI-MARXIST BOOK BURNING Bring the whole family out to help us fan the flames of Canadian political history, as we cleanse the body politic of commie filth. The New Constitution Party of Canada is proud to sponsor The 1st Annual Toronto Old-Fashioned Anti-Marxist Book Burning. Admission is free. The evening will feature educational speeches from members of the NCP, live music courtesy of the Beaches Blues Festival, refreshments and food courtesy of Dr. James Sears, and of course, the burning of Marxist effigies and books. Attendees are encouraged to bring Marxist books to be dropped into the fire pit by Dr. James Sears. He will arraign each item. If he finds it guilty of corrupting our body politic by spreading Marxist ideology, he will sentence it to the ash heap of history. We welcome Marxist books of every kind: Marxist political doctrine like the Communist Manifesto; cultural Marxist filth like Kathleen Wynne’s paedophilic sex education curriculum; FemiMarxist literature by authors like Margaret Atwood; EnviroMarxist Agenda 21 propaganda by scientific sellouts like David Suzuki, etc. We are open-minded and prepared to terminate any parasitic prose, without prejudice. ITINERARY: We will announce a detailed schedule of events and speakers in the September 2015 issue of Your Ward News. If you or your group would like to speak at our event, please contact Dr. James Sears at www.NCparty.ca. PLEASE NOTE: No matter how tempting, we will not burn religious scripture or national flags. Our sharp focus will be on Marxist books. ONE FINAL NOTE: Unlike the Marxists, we terminate books we disagree with --not the authors themselves. One Million Germans Attended The 1937 Nuremberg Rally — Help Us Beat Hitler’s Record! Marxist Book Burning Is Fun For The Whole Family. Kids Love Watching Their Textbooks Go Up In Flames! Nothing Brings A Community Together Like Burning Marxist Books And Effigies While Everyone Salutes And Yells "HAIL VICTORY! EXPEL THE PARASITE!" Handsome Heterosexual NCP Men Will Be On Hand — No Metrosexuals Allowed! DATE: Saturday September 19, 2015 TIME: 6pm to 10pm LOCATION: TBA This message is brought to you by THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY OF CANADA. 163 Main Street, Toronto, ON. Phone: (647) 349-7865 www.NCparty.ca DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. $5.00 J 2 WARDS: 31 & 32 FIVE Dollars BEACHES & EAST YORK MÉTIS OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 2007 U 0 L 1 Y 5 ISRAELI JEWS DESTROY YET ANOTHER CHRISTIAN CHURCH INDEX: Four months after torching and desecrating a Greek Orthodox Church, Israeli Jews have burned down the oldest Catholic Church in Palestine—and we have not heard a peep out of the ZioMarxistcontrolled mainstream media or Prime Minister Stephen Harper. BEACH METRO INTERVIEW. Page 3 the LAST STRAW for me. I cannot remain silent any longer. It is time to expose the Jewish invaders for what they are doing, and work toward dismantling the illegitimate Zionist Apartheid State of Israel, and give the land back to the Palestinian people. Up until the Jewish state was formed in 1948, members of all Palestinian religions lived in harmony. Muslims, Christians and Sephardic Jews who had occupied Palestine for centuries, would babysit each other’s children. The indigenous Palestinian Jewish minority was VERY religious. They strictly followed the teachings of the Torah (Old Testament) and rejected the Babylonian Talmud (oral teachings of the Christmurdering Pharisees) as satanic lies. In the late 1940’s the Ashkenazi Jewish invasion of Palestine began in full force. It started gradually during the 1930’s, when Hitler and his Zionist Jewish collaborators teamed up to move Jews into concentration camps. The eventual goal was to ship them to Palestine to form a Jewish state under the authority of the Balfour Declaration. Fast forward to today, and in the last few weeks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an Ashkenazi Jew, is now calling for the Talmud to become the basis for ALL Israeli law! The Talmud is the reason why brainwashed Jews destroy churches. The Talmud states, amongst other things, that Jesus Christ is the son of a whore; Jesus Christ is boiling in excrement for eternity; non-Jews are subhuman animals and therefore a Jew can steal from, lie to, and murder them without punishment, etc. Such teachings provide carte blanche to Jews to abuse and murder non-Jews. Last year a Romanian Orthodox church in Jerusalem was sprayed with graffiti reading "Jesus is garbage" ahead of a visit to the Holy Land by Pope Francis. "Death to Arabs and Christians" was sprayed on the offices of the Assembly of Bishops at the Notre Dame Centre, opposite the walls of Jerusalem's Old CIty. On February 26, 2015, Talmudic Jews TORCHED and defaced a Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem with slogans like “Jesus Son Of A Whore”. As in previous As an Orthodox Christian whose extended family incidents of church vandalism by Jews, the story was never reported by the mainstream media, so Jews felt was mass-murdered by Bolshevik Jews in the Soviet Union, I am sensitized to anti-Christian hate crimes. The empowered to step up their attacks. Holocaust of 50 million Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Then on June 17, 2015, one of the most heinous Union began with the stifling of free speech, then gun control, and then burning down churches. Destruction of anti-Christian acts short of the usual genocide took place in Palestine. The Church of the Multiplication of the sacred relics is usually followed by mass genocide. Loaves and Fish, a stunning church at the Sea of Naïve Canadians think that the Palestinian Galilee, built before 380 AD and filled with rare, ancient Holocaust being perpetrated by Ashkenazi Jews involves mosaics commemorating Jesus’ feeding of 5,000 people, only Muslim victims. Nothing could be further from the was totally gutted when Talmudic Jews set it on fire. This truth. Not only do Jews spit on, threaten, and beat church was filled with beautiful ancient art. Graffiti such Christian Priests on a regular basis, but they vandalize as “the false Gods will be eliminated” was sprayand burn down our churches. The latest example was painted on what was left of the exterior. By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 1 · MAYOR JOHN TORY, PSYCHOPATH-INCHIEF. Page 4 NOW I AM REALLY DOING “GOD’S WORK”. Page 5 REBEL REBEL, RAISE THE FLAG! Pages 6-7 TIMMY, SAY IT AIN’T SO! Page 8 BEND OVER TORONTO. Page 9 SO MUCH FOR TRUDEAU’S “JUST SOCIETY”. Page 10 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Page 11 DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE These sorts of attacks happen all the time in Israel, but this Catholic Church was so ancient and so important to Catholics, that the attack has sent shock waves throughout the entire Middle East. The destruction was so total, brazen, and targeted, that it bordered on Deicide. This deeply holy site and the ancient artifacts it housed were so important to the history of western civilization, that its destruction severely wounded the collective consciousness, and constitutes a crime against all of humanity. Even though 46% of Canadians are baptized Catholics (with many Irish Catholics, including my wife, living in the Beaches-East York riding), and only 1% of Canadians identify themselves as Jews, we have not heard a peep out of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau (a supposed Catholic who supports the murder of unborn children), and NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair (a supposed Catholic who is a ZioMarxist and even more Satanic than Trudeau or Harper). Perhaps if Lord Conrad Black (a born Protestant who converted to Catholicism and later married a Jew) still had his vast media empire and wealth, Harper would have second thoughts about turning a blind eye to anti-Catholic hate crimes. But, as long as the only media outlet in Canada reporting this disgusting hate crime is Gentile-owned and edited Your Ward News, Harper is in the clear sucking up to Jewish money and media power. Today I call upon all ethical Torah-worshipping Jews to express their moral outrage at what their people have done to my Orthodox Christian people and to my Catholic friends. I call upon Canadian Jews to denounce the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud, and petition the Canadian government to make the token gesture of banning the Talmud in Canada as “hate literature” directed against the Gentile 99%. Even though “religious scripture” is exempt from our hate laws, the Talmud is political commentary rather than inspired scripture. No sane man could possibly consider the hate-filled passages of this book written by those who murdered Jesus Christ, to be the basis of any legitimate religious doctrine. It is merely hateful antiGentile propaganda. Denouncing hate and teaching their children to love and respect others is the only way future generations of Jews will stop murdering Christians and Muslims, and hopefully make it the first step toward perfecting themselves by accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts. Photos of the ancient Catholic Church of The Multiplication in Galilee, before and after being destroyed by Christ-hating Talmudic Jewish Terrorists. · PAGE 2 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. Andrew Hudson, Beach Metro: What is the mandate of the Your Ward News? LeRoy St. Germaine, Your Ward News: Our mandate is to be the only true community paper in Wards 31 and 32, and report the REAL news that is LeRoy St. Germaine important to our community, but that the mainstream media is suppressing. LeRoy: Grammar and spelling have improved dramatically. The quality of articles is better. He has rejected a lot of potential articles that contained historical fallacies. He also knows how to manipulate the content to get us negative publicity while staying within the bounds of the law, which translates into huge donations from all over the world! Andrew: Why did sheets go up on the windows of the office at 163 Main Street? Andrew: How is it funded? LeRoy: My staff were being distracted by passers by. Girls would wave and do Nazi salutes at the window. Some even flashed their breasts. It got to the point where I had to cover the windows. The door is open and you can come in and see that nothing sinister is going on inside. But, I run a professional environment with a lot of young men as employees, and I cannot have my staff distracted by young women with Nazi fetishes. LeRoy: The majority of our funding is by donations and a small percentage by advertising. We do not require advertising to stay funded, but we offer it as a service to the community. Andrew: Has Gary Schipper, former spokesperson of the Heritage Front, had articles published in the Your Ward News, either under his own name or a pen name? Andrew: How do you describe Your Ward News to potential advertisers? LeRoy: Nobody that goes by the name Gary Schipper has ever had an article published in our paper. I do not ask for ID, so if Mr. Schipper is using an alias to publish, I cannot be sure. Furthermore, if Mr. Schipper approached me BY NAME to publish articles under a pseudonym, and asked that his identity be kept secret, I would honour his request and deny his involvement, like any good commanding officer would. LeRoy: The only community newspaper in Wards 31 and 32 that is delivered by Canada Post to approximately 48,000 homes and businesses each month. Andrew: What do you think of the campaign by neighbourhood groups to phone your advertisers and tell them that the newspaper is full of bigotry? LeRoy: I think this is AWESOME! The campaign has lost us a few hundred dollars a month of ad revenue, but has caused a massive surge of thousands of dollars a month of donations from free speech advocates. Also, Dr. Sears is thrilled because now he has more space for social justice articles. Andrew: Some local businesses who bought multiissue ads in the Your Ward News have said that they’ve since asked for those ads to stop running, with no money refunded, but that hasn’t happened. Why not? LeRoy: They entered into contracts with our paper to advertise in several issues in exchange for deep discounts. We are honouring our end of the contract. If they break the contract unilaterally because they are pussies who cannot handle Marxist bullies harassing them, that is not our problem. Editor-In-Chief: Dr. James Sears Owner/Publisher: LeRoy St. Germaine Graphics & Layout: Robert James Senior Journalist: J. J. This paper is owned by the Your Ward News Media Group and is being published in print and by web to provide an unbiased view on activity in the City of Toronto. Your Ward News Media Group is owned by LeRoy St. Germaine, in support of Freedom of Expression. OUR DISTRIBUTION AREA: YOUR WARD NEWS IS DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. Andrew: Your Ward News has published neo-Nazi style graphics, caricatures of Jews, and a column last fall by Michelle Erstikaitis that endorsed two white supremacists for city council. Are you a white supremacist? LeRoy: By definition, a "supremacist" is someone who wants to reign supreme over another group. For example, Zionists want to reign over Palestinians and Talmudic Jews want to reign over everyone else. So, those people are supremacists. Neither I nor members of my staff want to reign over anyone. We are not white supremacists. Furthermore, I am NOT white! I am a proud Métis whose great-great-great-grandfather was Louis Riel's right hand man. We have several black staff and I even appointed ... brace yourself ... a Greek as Editor-In-Chief! Andrew: Why publish a newspaper that supports white supremacists? LeRoy: Our newspaper is neutral. It does not support Andrew: Some local residents have said they find the any ideology. We just report the truth and let people make up their minds. Personally, I am an newspaper racist, and they don’t want it delivered to their door. Can people opt out of deliveries? If not, why ABORIGINAL SUPREMACIST. I think you guys should be taking orders from my people. deliver it to people who don’t want it? LeRoy: Words like "racist", "sexist", "anti-Semite" and "homophobe" are insults thrown at good Christian people by Marxists who do not agree with their opinions. It is not possible for us to pick and choose individual houses with Canada Post. If a thin-skinned, brainwashed recipient is offended, they can chuck it in the recycling bin. Andrew: What charities are supported by the Beaches Blues Festival? LeRoy: The Beaches Blues Fest is NOT a charity, it is a non-profit corporation. It supports musicians by way of educating them as well as the public through live performances. Over the past twenty years we have provided for disadvantage youths with tickets, food and Andrew: What is the newspaper’s relationship with the t-shirts, plus great entertainment. As well as raising cash for many worthy causes. Far too many to New Constitution Party of Canada? mention. LeRoy: The party is not directly associated with our paper. Their advertising is wrapped around our paper. Andrew: Why insist on answering questions by email? Andrew: Why did James Sears become editor of Your Ward News? LeRoy: It is a thankless, unpaid job, so you would have to ask him. I was glad that he took that responsibility off my hands so that I could spend more time managing my media empire. Andrew: How has the paper changed since he became editor? LeRoy: I learned that from Dr. Sears. He is a smart man. He said that Marxists will twist what you say by phone or in person. If it is in writing, it cannot be misconstrued. Also, if sentences are taken out of context, when a FULL EXPLANATION was originally given in writing by me, Dr. Sears says that we can sue you and HE would put up the money to do it. In conclusion, since you requested to have answers to your questions, I demand you print them completely in your paper. · PAGE 3 · If your home or office is in this area and you are not receiving our newspaper, CONTACT US ASAP! The opinions and views expressed in or through this newspaper or our websites are the opinions of the designated authors and/or advertisers. They may not reflect the opinions or views of the publisher or the views of any other individual. www.YourWardNews.com 163 Main Street (@ Gerrard) Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V9 (416) 693-NEWS (6397) [email protected] DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. POLITICAL CASE STUDY: MAYOR JOHN TORY, PSYCHOPATH-IN-CHIEF The majority of voters compulsively and repeatedly vote for psychopaths. Is it pure ignorance or merely the law of attraction? By Bahman Yazdanfar There is extremely tough competition amongst members of mainstream political parties to get ahead, become party leader, and eventually head of government. Like sperm swimming fast against one other, in the end only one penetrates the egg! Paradoxically, after all the hard work the winner put in, once he obtains power he behaves like a moron and bamboozles the very people who elected him and now pay for his lavish lifestyle. Why? Is it because power corrupts? Or is it because corrupt individuals want power at any price? The answer lies in focusing on who these people are and their common personality traits. Firstly, we must identify their primary objectives and goals, and whether or not they behave as a reasonable person would in various circumstances. They are undoubtedly smart or they would not have gotten where they are. However, are they smart enough to comprehend the ramifications of the public policies they push for? And if they are, do they give a damn about the consequences of their actions, which affect millions of citizens? Reading a person’s mind is impossible, but by observing his behaviour we can interpret a lot about his personality, and to some extent, his intentions. Do these “leaders” … success: A large number of uninformed voters and a low voter turnout, of course! Ironically our legal system uses public resources to deal seriously with those who break the law and leave behind one or a few victims. However, there are little or no consequences for unsuitable and/or incompetent “leaders” whose bad judgement while decision-making on behalf of their constituents, adversely affects thousands, and even millions of victims. Where is justice when you need it most? Here is the icing on the cake: people like John Tory, Kathleen Wynne, etc., will always land much better jobs, top positions, with much less responsibility, and much more money and perks, after they are out of the office. Shocking, isn’t it? Those who promise something they know they can't deliver are either stupid or deceptive! John Tory introduced his “code of conduct” to the voters, months before Election Day, claiming he will: • “Respect and defend our laws, not break them.” Is he suggesting that we should expect to have crooks and criminals running for public office? • “Keep an open schedule, which is easily accessible to the public.” Isn’t availability to his constituents part of the Mayor’s job? • “Conduct press availabilities, at least once a week.” Is he doing us a favour by using taxpayers’ money and public resources to promote himself? • “Use City resources exclusively for City business, and tightening spending rules.” Apparently the operative word is “EXCLUSIVELY”--he increased the Mayor's office budget by MORE THAN $325,000! • “Introduce real penalties for city staff members who abuse their positions of power.” Is he going to impose "Real Penalties" for “elected” members who betray their constituents? Why does he leave them out? • Want to get rich? • Despise the public? • Seek power for the power’s sake? • Serve their masters behind the scenes? • Crave affection or rock star recognition? • Want to compensate for their shortcomings? • Believe they know better than everybody else? • “Force all lobbyists to register, in order to level the playing field for union lobbying.” However, he can hand-pick companies like The Group of 13, and pre -select consultant teams, giving them millions of dollars to study issues he championed while he was campaigning for office. Not to mention his sons’ involvement and possible conflicts of interest in questionable projects like Live Nation and Billy Bishop airport! An ordinary citizen must obtain some sort of education and/or skills and gain experience in his field, in order to have acceptable, if not impressive job credentials; he must submit his resume to prospective employers, pass personality tests, and partake in multiple interviews before getting hired. • “Work to build relationships with neighbouring municipalities and other levels of government.” Has he been isolating himself? And then there’s the list of bogus and useless comments and platitudes like … Why haven’t we, as an advanced society, developed a similar system to examine the • “Mend relationships and build bridges within a divided city council” credentials of our “leaders”? Why don’t we, as taxpayers, demand certain tests, such as • “Not have an enemies list." He said he will use the office to work with basic independent psychological evaluations, to ascertain the mental stability of these people, not to "carry on old fights". individuals before giving them the power to decide our destiny? • “Treat city staff professionally and with courtesy”, suggesting that he is better than past Toronto Mayors who were unprofessional and did not do their job. For example, let us consider newly elected “Mayor” John Tory. One can clearly see a drastic change in his direction and behavior over time. When he kicked off his campaign he was a questionable candidate due to his past conduct. His skeletons included … • And he is going to “clean up city hall”, like we haven’t heard this one before! Interestingly enough there is no mention of taxpayers, citizens, constituents, voters, or people in general, in any of the items on his list, so is very clear that John Tory exhibits extreme narcissistic personality traits, and those traits have expressed themselves more prominently since he was elected Mayor of Toronto. It is as if he was fighting to suppress these traits until penetrating the municipal egg. • Contribution to the demise of the federal Conservative Party in 1993 • Involvement with Charter Communications’ shady practices, leading to its bankruptcy • Introducing "The White Papers" while enjoying the ride as the leader of the Ontario PC Party, just before the 2007 Ontario general election (that fiasco led to the Liberals’ second majority government in Ontario, and him losing his seat to Kathleen Wynne). Anyone with a sound mind would ask why people would vote for such an inept person amongst 60 plus Mayoral candidates! How could Mr. Tory get away with such chronically dismal job performance in so many cases? It’s simple. He received lots of money from certain benefactors with deep pockets. Unelected individuals and industries provided him unlimited access to the mainstream media. Mr. Tory swore allegiance to his past employers, and broadcast baseless ideas, along with a big basket of empty promises. And let’s not forget the main ingredients of his All of Mayor Tory’s signs and symptoms closely mirror those of a psychopath. Even though the mainstream media does its best to camouflage his actions, the evidence is in plain sight for the public to examine. So why do voters keep electing psychopaths? Are voters in denial or do they simply like deceptive creatures managing their lives? It appears the public, collectively and not individually, practices masochistic behaviour, by giving mandates to maniacal “Leaders” to backstab them continuously! Gory John Tory Back-Stabbed Voters · PAGE 4 · In future articles, we will philosophically explore how some societies come to be ruled by psychopaths. DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. NOW I AM REALLY DOING “GOD’S WORK” I always felt that I had God on my side, but ever since an 85 year old Catholic woman gave me a crucifix to “protect (me) from the Jews that murdered Jesus”, I feel I am no longer merely an expendable pawn in Divine Providence. By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News. Jewish Billionaire Lloyd Blankfein is Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, the world’s premier bank and investment house. He is a General in the army of the 1% that pillages the wealth of the 99%. When Blankfein was confronted about his misdeeds and was accused of getting “Richer than God” on the backs of those less fortunate, Blankfein beamed a smile and exclaimed "I’m doing God’s work". The chief owner of Goldman Sachs is Lord Jacob Rothschild, the fourth Baron of the Rothschild Dynasty. He and other Rothschild family members dominate the consortium reigning over Earth’s most gigantic and powerful force--that of the Money Power. According to Christian preacher Texe W. Marrs “Goldman Sachs is its nucleus and tornadic eye”. Indeed, Blankfein IS "doing God’s Work" as he sees it … that is, if we agree with the famed nineteenth century German Jewish writer and philosopher Heinrich Heine, who wryly observed "Money is the God of the Jews, and Rothschild is His prophet." Even the Jewish play “Fiddler on the Roof” was sanitized for naïve gentile audiences by having the original Sholem Aleichem song “If I Were a Rothschild” changed to “If I Were a Rich Man”. As a Christian, my idea of “doing God’s work” is the polar opposite of Blankfein’s. I emulate God by fighting the 1% as Jesus did when he drove the moneychangers out of the temple. My work is one of selfless sacrifice for the betterment of all DON’T MESS WITH A mankind. My battle was always a lonely MISSIONARY MAN one, as hundreds of men followed me, but none dared emulate me. However, a few days ago someone very special entered my life, and WATCH OUT SATAN … her involvement is a game-changer! “Until the age of roughly 50, I was another mass-produced Luciferian Jew--Zionist, liberal, socialist and feminist. Luciferian Jews are ‘revolutionaries’--people who deny and often defy God by overturning His design, the natural and moral order of the universe. They have defined the modern world, which is built on the ruins of religious ‘superstition.’” Years ago I considered myself an atheist, and for a couple of years I even considered Satanism the way. During that time I felt Makow’s thinking was out of line. However, I eventually came back to the teachings of Jesus Christ and now feel that Makow was right all along. If by chance he comes across this article, I want to thank him for all of “God’s work” he has done over the years. And thank you Mary for your thoughtful and generous gifts. Please remember that our time on this Earth is merely a drop in the sea of our existence. I feel very strongly that beings from another world seeded our planet with DNA to start life. We refer to them as “God”, and they observe and judge us each and every day. You will be blessed for dressing me in God’s armour, and I hope that one day you and I sit in honour, on either side of God’s throne. NOW THAT IS A KICK-ASS CRUCIFIX I just learned that one of my biggest fans is a lovely, 5’ tall, meek, 85 year old Catholic lady living in the Victoria Park Avenue and Dawes Road area. She is a HUGE fan of Your Ward News, the New Constitution Party of Canada, and lowly me. She has become my #1 groupie. She has asked to remain anonymous, stating that she is “merely a mouse”. But make no mistake: My most special disciple, who will be named “Mary” for the purposes of this article, is the MOUSE THAT ROARED!!! Mary is extremely well-read and highly intelligent. She has keen insight into the Illuminati and their plan to enslave the world under a Satanic one-world government. She realizes that my position as Editor-In-Chief of an anti-NWO publication makes me public enemy #1 for the Satanists. Frightened for my safety, Mary urgently contacted me to say that she had “a gift to protect you from the Jews that murdered Jesus”. I explained to her that I was not afraid of being murdered in that “Jesus survived it and so will I”. However, Mary would have none of my cute retort, and insisted she present me with her gift ASAP. That heart-melting gift was in an envelope quaintly marked “For Protection, Dr. James Sears”. It was a lovely crucifix which I now wear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is true that I do feel safer. I also feel more directed by God in His battle against the forces of the Antichrist. In addition to her protective gift, Mary provided me with a slew of literature meant to enlighten me as to the ways of our enemy. I have not yet had a chance to begin reading any of it, but when things settle down I promised her I would read every word. The books, magazines and print-outs include … • “Illuminati, The Cult that Hijacked the World” by Henry Makow • “Illuminati 2, Deceit and Seduction” by Henry Makow • “Illuminati 3, Satanic Possession” by Henry Makow • “The Social Credit proposals explained in 10 lessons” by Alaine Pilote • “Michael: For the Triumph of the Immaculate”, March/April 2015 edition • “Did Zionists Help Plan the Holocaust?” from HenryMakow.com • “Father John O’Connor Sounded Satanist Alarm” from HenryMakow.com For those not familiar with Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D., he is a Canadian author, campaigner against homosexuality, public opponent of Zionism and Freemasonry, and the inventor of the card game Scruples! I knew of him years ago from his first web site SaveTheMales.com. Now you can find his work at HenryMakow.com. He describes the Jewish life he rejected as follows … MY NEW “INTELLIGENCE CHIEF” HAS PROVIDED ME WITH SATAN’S BATTLE PLAN · PAGE 5 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. REBEL REBEL !!! The recent attack on the Confederate Battle Flag by naïve, brainwashed North Americans is yet another example of cultural Marxism infecting the body politic, and trying to re-write history to suit its Egalitarian agenda. THERE’S NOTHING MORE OFFENSIVE THAN ATTRACTIVE, WHITE HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS By J.J. RAISE THE FLAG! And why not? It’s flying off the shelves in North America, and represents freedom from oppression more than ever. Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina all have laws protecting the beautiful, iconic Confederate Flag from being desecrated. But after the unfortunate massacre in a Charleston, South Carolina church, politicians and mainstream media blame this rebellious flag for that horror. There are also many examples of pop culture co-opting the Confederate Flag for fun and profit: Dukes of Hazzard, The Simpsons and Forrest Gump, to name several. Southern rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd have displayed the Confederate Flag as part of its stage show for ages. Gary Rossington of “Skynyrd” defends the band’s use of the flag, claiming that he and ALL past and present members MORE than approved of it and are “extremely proud” of their Southern heritage. Even the famous Negro rapper Kanye West came under fire in 2013 when he used the Confederate Flag to promote his Yeezus album. Kid Rock has also used the flag in his performances, and he’s from Detroit!!! (Southern Detroit, maybe?) The vote-pandering governor of South Carolina demands that the flag no longer fly outside the Statehouse. However, the knee-jerk, politically correct reaction has backfired as freedom-loving people are displaying the misunderstood symbol. These people know that the American Civil War was NOT about slavery, as ZioMarxist school text books will have us believe—it was about States’ rights. The South wanted to secede for economic reasons, and they had the constitutional right to do so. Canada has also had its share of controversies regarding this flag: In 2013, the owner of a downtown Hamilton restaurant caught heat for displaying the Confederate Flag because he wanted to show a “Southern icon” in-keeping with his restaurant’s theme. Some whiners complained about slavery, hurt feelings, blah, blah, blah. They failed to realize that if you don’t have freedom of speech, you ARE a slave. The South was invaded by a corrupt and over-reaching Northern government. The South fought valiantly for 4 years. Over 600,000 Americans died, of which 500,000 were Confederates. The population of The United States at the time was about 35 Million. It would be equivalent to 6 million dying today (sound familiar?) It was nothing short of an American Holocaust (a REAL, not mythical one), and for that reason ALONE we must commemorate ALL battle flags from that war. That same year, students at a York Region high school lost a two-year battle for the right to wear back-packs and belt buckles etc. with the flag on them. One year later, a black student was beaten as other students cheered and yelled “nigger”. Was this racial frustration and resentment caused by the flag? Of course not! The racial frustration and resentment was caused by banning it. Our concern is that the U.S. will experience the same phenomenon on a much larger scale after “lowering the flag” on Southern Holocaust survivors. The South was devastated. Anything that was built up by slavery was gone, so the notion that America was “built on slavery” does not hold water. In the south 6 million white people and 4 million newly-freed slaves were left with nothing. Today 70 million Americans are descended from the Confederacy and they will never forget what massmurdering, control freak Abe Lincoln did to their ancestors. Walmart, Sears (not James) and several other large retailers decided to remove products bearing the Confederate Flag from their stores and websites. America’s oldest and largest flag manufacturer, Annin Flagmakers, announced it would cease making and selling the Confederate Flag. The company has been in business since 1847. Canada’s Flag Shop also decided to stop selling the Confederate Flag. Several Toronto stores Most white Southern families had no slaves, meaning most white soldiers in the that sell the flag will continue to do so. Kudos to them! South had no slaves. According to the previous census of the entire United States, of 27 Even Warner Brothers will halt production of the Confederate Flag-bearing million people, about 1.4% owned slaves; 4.8% of Southern whites owned slaves. There “Dukes of Hazzard” car, the General Lee (General ROBERT E. LEE that is). But here’s were over 3,000 BLACK slave owners living in the South. According to the U.S. census, the clincher for us: Canadian stores and on-line distributors such as Walmart, Ebay and in South Carolina in 1830, about 1/4 of the Negro slave masters owned 10 or more Amazon now deem the Confederate Flag immoral and offensive, but their hypocrisy slaves! should make any healthy and educated Canadian sick to their stomach. I was commissioned to write an article about how the Confederate Flag is not racist. But if you THINK it’s racist, then it is!!! If you THINK it stands for Southern pride, then it does!!! Clearly a subjective matter, those in power will try to decide for us what it stands for. Your Ward News supports the flying of ANY flag, even the awful Rainbow Flag which CLEARLY represents the trashing of traditional family life and even traditional matrimonial unions. Our disgust is trumped by our love of free speech and expression. EXAMPLE: Amazon.com clearly promotes rape culture and is more than happy to advertise, sell and profit from the “BONDAGE VELCRO MOUTH GAG COLLAR WITH ADJUSTABLE WRIST CUFFS”. They have concluded that it would be immoral to sell the Confederate Flag, but it is just dandy to supply serial killers and college boy rapists who drug women then rape them, with the tools of the trade. Those killers and rapists are Amazon.com’s version of “GOOD ‘OL BOYS”. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 6 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. RAISE THE FLAG !!! ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE And while we’re on the subject of Amazon, take some time out today to order your very own “MINI NEGRO STEEL TIN TOY COLLECTION” (they come in black only). And while you’re at it, make a change for the summer by ordering a “HAIR EXTENSION PONY TAIL, AVAILABLE IN NIGGERBROWN AND RED”. Go on, it’ll look great on ya. Yes, “Nigger Brown” was once on the colour palette. And even though the term has not been used for over half a century, Amazon does not seem to care (Blatant, bald-faced hypocrisy of the highest order). What about those who seem uncaring that the flag is “hurtful” to too many people and that “hurt feelings” are the top priority? We had a lengthy discussion about this phenomenon and concluded that a person cannot PROVE that their feelings have been hurt. If something is not PROVABLE, it certainly can’t be “heard” (in the legal sense) in any meaningful way by ANY judicial or even quasijudicial body. Even morally and ethically, the notion of banning free speech and expression to protect people’s feelings is unrealistic and quixotic. CNN, the CBC, and virtually every mainstream media outlet will doggedly continue to equate the Confederate Battle Flag with Southern black slavery, so the uneducated calls for “lowering the flag” will continue. While we’re on the subject of Southern black slavery, those who believe that the flag in question is related to slavery and racism against blacks, probably believe the lies their teacher taught them about Good ‘Ole Abe (President Abraham Lincoln. that is), the “GREAT EMANCIPATOR” who freed the slaves. Here’s the truth at last … inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Three-time presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul has a “gotta-see” video on YouTube. According to the highlyeducated Dr. Paul … IT’S OK TO SAY “NIGGER” IF YOU’RE A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION (courtesy Amazon.ca) “The south was on the right side. Over 11 countries in North and South America got rid of slavery WITHOUT war. One legislative method was to ‘buy’ slaves’ freedom, which makes sense considering the cost of war. Upwards of ¾ of a million dead and loss of liberty at untold cost. There must have been a tremendous motivation for that war to be fought”. Watch the video here … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEC68vTQwP8 SOME CONCLUSIONS: • The Civil War was NOT fought over slavery. • The North fought the war for financial reasons and many Northerners had slaves. • The Confederate Flag never flew over slave ships, but those of the British, Portuguese and Dutch did. • Federal, Yankee, Union ships brought black slaves to America. • The U.S. flag flew over a slave nation for over 85 years. • The North made a fortune off slavery and its commodities. They tolerated slavery and acknowledged it as a Division of Labor. RAPE SUPPLIES ARE GOOD, CLEAN CHRISTIAN FAMILY FUN (courtesy Amazon.com) The sixteenth President of the United States Abraham Lincoln was NOT an abolitionist! The MOST prominent of ALL slavery abolitionists said, “Lincoln had not a drop of anti-slavery blood in his veins”. The fact is that he was AGAINST social and political equality of the races, OPPOSED to inter-racial marriages, and was a life-long advocate of sending blacks to Africa, Haiti and Central America—ANYWHERE BUT The United States. And straight from the horse’s mouth: “I CANNOT LET THE SOUTH GO IN PEACE (sic); WHO WOULD PAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT?” During a debate in Ottawa, Illinois on August 21, 1858, Abraham Lincoln said "I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races [applause]: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and · PAGE 7 · THE NEXT BEST THING TO OWNING A LIVE NEGRO (courtesy Amazon.ca) • Many blacks willfully joined the Confederate Army to fight for their beloved Southern home. There are many more misconceptions about the Confederate Battle Flag, The South and the Civil War. Unfortunately, you will have to do some homework on your own. In the meantime … ORDER YOUR VERY OWN HIGH-QUALITY BEAUTIFUL CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG T-SHIRT TODAY! STOP BY AND SEE US AT 163 MAIN STREET. Or Call: 647-350-2665. DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. TIMMY !!! SAY IT AIN’T SO !!! The iconic donut chain Tim Horton’s is tightly woven into the fabric of Canadian culture. Why then does it spit in the face of free speech by censoring controversial political web sites whilst allowing children to view homoerotic filth? TIMMY’S SAYS ONE OF THESE IS “INAPPROPRIATE” By J.J. should have been blocked in the first place. We apologize if anyone was offended by that error." Tim Horton’s is part of a Canadian’s everyday life. The iconic landmarks were started by the great Canadian hockey defenseman himself, who was admired by Bobby Orr when Bobby was young. Unfortunately, Tim Horton, who died in a car crash, would roll over in his grave if he knew that the Wi-Fi it provides for its customers has a censorship filter in place. A close perusal of dailyxtra.com uncovers a treasure trove of depraved filth. What Timmy’s finds acceptable includes multiple images of homosexuals getting hot and steamy with one another, lewd sexual discussions, and clips from a web series titled “So You Think You Can F*ck” in which “gay porn stars” compete in team challenges and one-on-one sex scenes. The images were too disgusting to publish in our clean, family-oriented, community newspaper. If you attempt to visit a politically incorrect website while drinking their coffee and eating their donuts you will be confronted with a notice that informs you of “ACCESS DENIAL”. We are not talking about lewdness of any kind; only political opinion. Further examination reveals that the stated motive is to prevent adults from reading or viewing anything “inappropriate”. Based on the above being deemed “appropriate” by Timmy’s, we conducted a test. We attempted to access sites which were politically controversial, but far more benign than dailyxtra.com: The white nationalist discussion boards Stormfront.org and VNNforum.com. In both cases we were confronted with “ACCESS TO THIS PAGE HAS BEEN BLOCKED DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT”. Exactly who decided that these sites were not “appropriate”? We like them, and WE will decide what we want to watch and read. A lawyer inquired about Timmy’s repressive policy regarding the open marketplace of ideas. The snotty response from Senior Corporate Counsel Jon Domanko was “In reference to your inquiry (sic) let me decline your request to change the Tim Horton’s ‘ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY’ as it relates to WIFI available at Tim Horton’s restaurant. If our guests do not agree with these terms they are free not to use the service”. Your Ward News finds Mr. Domanko’s notion of freedom questionable, to say the least. However, if the lawyer represented a group of sodomites, Timmy’s would have been far more accommodating. When the owner of dailyxtra.com contacted Timmy’s regarding his lewd homosexual news site being blocked, Timmy’s web administrator appropriately responded "We have reviewed this site's content and have found that it is not appropriate for all ages viewing in a public environment. We try to ensure that all our guests can enjoy a safe and pleasant experience when visiting us." Whether you want to look at cats all day long or debate with historical revisionists, it has to be YOUR choice in a free society. Tim Horton’s is a microcosm of Canada’s aversion to self-education. Even when it comes to politics, Dr. James Sears is the ONLY Beaches politician who has shown ANY support for an open marketplace of ideas. Everyone else is too apathetic, timid or fearful to speak up. IF TIM HORTON WERE ALIVE TODAY HE’D FIRE If you disagree with any of the opinions of Your Ward News, you should sit down at Timmy’s and write a column and tell us why we don’t have our facts straight. If you are offended by any political cartoons we have published, then you have to learn to draw (and have a clear idea to convey). History will reveal that political correctness, “hate laws” and human rights commissions are the evils that almost destroyed western civilization. Not racism. Not bigotry. Not hate. But sweet, caring political correctness. But when the sodomite hordes subsequently HIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR ALLOWING Whether you say something in a donut shop voiced their complaints on Twitter, Timmy’s tore a or online, we believe that the CONTENT AND SODOMITES TO DEFILE HIS DONUTS strip off its web administrator for daring to offend CONTEXT OF THE COMMUNICATIIONS ARE them, and immediately unblocked the site. Timmy’s IRRELEVANT. The next time you “roll up the rim to win”, ask the manager if their Wi-Fi spokeswoman Michelle Robichaud even went as far as kowtowing to the sodomite is “full access”. Freedom will NEVER be given to you. You have to TAKE it! What community with "Sometimes websites are blocked in error; dailyxtra.com never better place to start than at a Canadian landmark like Tim Horton’s? · PAGE 8 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. BEND OVER TORONTO … THE PAN AM GAMES ARE ALMOST HERE! In 2015 the City of Toronto will collect $3.85 billion in property taxes. The Pan Am Games will burn $2.57 billion or 67% of those property taxes in a mere 3 weeks; and create gridlock, chaos, and inconvenience for us all. If governments are supposed to represent the will of the people I would like to know who asked for the Pan Am Games? Officially the cost of the Toronto Pan Am Games (July 10-26) and the Parapan Am Games (Aug 7-15) are supposed to come in at around $2.57 billion. Yes, that’s Billion with a B! Of course we all know there are always cost overruns, graft and corruption not mentioned in this official figure. Mascot “PACHI”, the creepy gay-friendly porcupine ALONE is estimated to cost upwards of $134,550! We don’t even have porcupines here. I would think a skunk or a raccoon would be more appropriate; at least they can be seen on the streets of Toronto. The 2015 Pan American Games will become the first completely ecologically friendly games, because it will be fully carbon neutral, which is code for the globalist bankers having their finger in the pie, as well as grabbing a big piece of that taxpayer money. By Lawrence McCurry It seems the Games’ organizing committee also scored big time with high compensation and bonus packages for its executive team. According to Wikipedia … In 2012, it was revealed that former CEO Ian Troop made CA$552,065, with several other senior staff making between Writer, filmmaker, media CA$100,000 and CA$400,000. Additionally, in 2013 it was revealed that as part of his compensation package, Troop would critic and trouble maker. be eligible for a CA$780,000 bonus at the end of his contract, if the games had finished successfully. Other executives are eligible for bonuses of up to 100% of their salaries upon completion of their contract In 2015, it was revealed that Troop's replacement, Saad Rafi, would receive a bonus of 100% of his CA$428,794 salary upon completion of his contract. WHO CHOSE THE NAME “PACHI”? WERE “PRICEY” & “PANDER” TAKEN? In September 2013, it was reported that many senior members of the organizing committee, including then CEO Ian Troop, expensed Ontario taxpayers for things such as a cup of tea. Even Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said "I'm just going to say it's ridiculous. It is the kind of entitlement that is unacceptable". And she should know, being an expert on how to blow the money of the hard-working people of Ontario. To the average person living in poverty and getting by on a mere $15,000 a year disability pension in Ontario, this kind of spending on a creepy porcupine and the entitlements of a bunch of political fat cats is totally obscene. The billions of dollars spent on the Pan Am Games are only the start of the nightmare for residents of Toronto. All levels of government have gone on a spending spree using the excuse of the Games for everything from building projects that will later be sold off to cronies at a discount price, to the temporary lighting of the Bloor Viaduct which is estimated to cost us $3.8 million by the time it’s finished. (If it’s finished on time for the games). Don’t expect to get to work on time during the games either, even with the money spent on transit and road improvements by the city (Not that the airport train will help any of you working stiffs). Traffic in the city will be a nightmare. Malls and restaurants will be crowded and it’s safe to say that normal business will be slowed considerably. PART OF KATHLEEN WYNNE’S SEX-ED PROGRAM IS TO CONDITION FUTURE GENERATIONS OF TAXPAYERS TO BEND OVER Furthermore, word on the street is that the anarcho-syndicalists and paid protesters have big plans to disrupt and destroy using their planned “diversity of tactics”. These parasites are the same jokers who dressed in black during the G-20 and broke windows up Yonge Street. These black bloc anarchists have had plans in place for some time to disrupt the games. According to writer Greg Renouf, one unrepentant G-20 anarchist has been working in the office of City Councilor Shelley Carroll. It is no secret that there’s going to be trouble from the professional protest gang. Social media has been buzzing for months with plans to disrupt the games with potential riots, storming facilities, venues and so forth. Was the idea of bringing the Pan Am games to Toronto one the people of Toronto really wanted or was it a plan for politicians and big business to line their pockets at your expense? Maybe this question should have been asked a long time ago. Now your only course of action is to bend over and try to enjoy it. Let the fun and games begin! ANARCHO-SYNDICALISTS PLOT TERRORIST RIOT (Screen shot courtesy of Undercoverkity) PRETTY LIGHTS ON A BRIDGE ARE NOT WORTH MILLIONS · PAGE 9 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. SO MUCH FOR TRUDEAU’S “JUST SOCIETY” After receiving the most unjust parking fine in all my years of driving, I spit on the grave of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. In 1968, shortly after becoming Prime Minister of Canada, former National Socialist turned Marxist Pierre Elliot Trudeau exclaimed that he wanted to turn Editor-In-Chief, Canada into a “just society” where everyone is treated as equal. That phrase Your Ward News. became his mantra. Of course, Trudeau meant we would all be “equal” in the Marxist sense—all equally miserable whilst being oppressed by an elite ruling class led by him. By Dr. James Sears, The hypocrisy in Trudeau’s statement is that Canada WAS a “just society” when he took power. I am old enough to remember those times, and they were fondly described to me by my parents. People were decent to one another and felt that we were “all in it together”. You did not have to lock your doors. Violent crime was rare. Armed robbers did not shoot their victims. Rothschild and his cronies. Up until then the Bank of Canada printed INTEREST-FREE money for its own use, or to loan to provinces and municipalities for infrastructure projects. But Rothschild would have none of it! All three branches of government now had to pay billions of dollars a year in tribute to his banking empire. Hyperinflation ensued during the 70’s and 80’s. Provinces and municipalities became cash-strapped and had to find alternate ways to raise capital to fund infrastructure. Nominal and rarely-enforced parking fines BALLOONED. Today the cost of licenses and fines has reached absurd proportions--there are even automated red light cameras. We are living in Rothschild’s Brave Jew World! My parents respected Canada and its aboriginal people. I often fondly tell the story of how my parents’ reverence toward Aboriginals was so great that I remember as a child tossing a gum wrapper onto the grass and my mother slapping me and saying “Never throw garbage on the ground again. This land doesn’t belong to us. It belongs to the Indians.” The only relief in this financial gang rape is the Christian-inspired grace periods of 5 minutes for offences involving parking in excess of permitted time, and 10 minutes for remaining parked at an expired meter. Which brings us to the ticket pictured in this article, issued near Timothy’s on the Danforth, where I was meeting a friend for coffee. “H. Mansoor, Officer #65948”, of Toronto’s Parking Enforcement Unit, wrote it. Mansoor immigrated to Canada thanks to Trudeau’s “multiculturalism”. And he has a job raping motorists, thanks to Trudeau giving away our central bank and leaving municipalities cashstrapped. Neither of those two facts is in dispute, or Mansoor’s fault. But Mansoor does not share our values. In the City of Toronto there is a 5 minute grace period for my offence. I was ONLY 2 FUCKING MINUTES OVER … well-within the grace period. Mansoor did not honour the grace period because it is NOT MANDATORY. It is “officer’s discretion”. So, if an officer must hit his ticket quota, and he is not a Christian with a conscience, he can RAPE US! Hypocritically, Muslims forbid usury, but Mansoor does not seem to have a problem with me paying $20 per minute or $1,200 per hour in fines! My father told me a story of how a cop overheard him and a buddy speaking Greek on a sidewalk. The cop came over, pulled out his baton and said “Either speak English or I’ll bash your skulls in”. My father felt HE was in the wrong and politely apologized to the officer. Now THAT is the type of respect European immigrants showed toward the host nation. There was an underlying Christian foundation in Canadian society which bound everyone together. Most immigrants were Christians. There was a smattering of Jews that were tolerated because they respected their Christian hosts. Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists were rare. But without exception every non-Christian denomination respected the fact that Canada was Christian. Stores were closed on Sunday and holidays. Sunday parking was free. Bars closed at 11pm. It was like “Leave It To Beaver”. As a child I complained about it, begging my parents to take us to Buffalo for Sunday shopping. But looking back, I did not appreciate what we had. On the day I received the ticket, I spoke to other victims of Mansoor. It appears he has a habit of showing deep disdain for the people of Riverdale, with one neighbour nicknaming him “man-sewer”. I owe it to them to go to court and rip a strip off Mansoor. I will lecture him on how a “just society” expects those with power to wield it. What he did is corrupt. Unbeknownst to Mansoor, on our court date he will be subjected to a Christian sermon and a demand that he come to Jesus. All of that would soon come to an end. Under globalist puppet Pierre Trudeau, society drastically changed for the worse. Trudeau opened the floodgates to immigration of people from parts of the world that did not share our values. Trudeau called it “multiculturalism”—my father called it “the end of Canada”. Then in 1974 traitor Pierre Trudeau did the unthinkable—even though he knew the privately-owned Federal Reserve was RAPING our American neighbours, he gave away control of the Bank of Canada to Jacob SUCH INDECENCY MUST NOT BE TOLERATED IN A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY But Mansoor is just a cog in the machine of corrupt government. This feeding frenzy for fine-driven revenue is totally out of hand, and so bad that now people are neurotic about getting fined for a myriad of offences. It creates general anxiety, guts the pursuit of happiness, and partially explains the surge in anxiety disorders in our society. And it is all thanks to Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. And now Justin wants to follow in his daddy’s footsteps. Yah, right! Fool the Canadian people once, shame on you. We will not fall for Marxism again. FREE HDTV BY ANTENNA Rogers & Bell RIP YOU OFF! Get FREE HDTV by Antenna. ZERO monthly! We can save you hundreds of dollars per year! EAGLESTAR Pro: Top Performance Indoor/ Outdoor HDTV Antenna Antra: High Gain Crystal Clear Signal Indoor HDTV Antenna Up to 40 free channels. Up to 15 free channels. Free over-the-air HDTV signals look BETTER than cable or satellite. DO NOT SETTLE FOR CHEAP IMITATIONS. Visit 163 Main Street at Gerrard Street East or call: (416) 693-6397 · PAGE 10 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. born racist, it's taught.... Fact. Turds don't fall far from the anus.... You're the anus, get it? lol. Oh, and naming the sample member card "Tyler Durden"... OMG! Super cute movie reference! I bet that poor excuse for a dog you nifkin stroke in every issue is named Brad... Bromance perhaps? Just more laughing. You support free speech or hate & ignorance??? I'm not a religious man, I believe in equality for the masses regardless of race religion sex etc. I also believe in justice & truth for all. There are two types in this world....good & evil....which one are u? month after we receive your lovely paper, we sit by the window waiting for neighbours to come home and check their mailboxes. Reactions vary from laughing out loud to visible disgust. One politically correct woman living across the street always fumbles for her cell phone after she sees your front Anonymous cover, and appears to break down as she describes it to a friend. The look of You're a joke and have ZERO credibility. Do you honestly expect those who are evil pain on her face is priceless. We loathe to admit it? Instead of asking people if they our neighbours. Thank you. My entire street (and growing) treats your paper like a comic strip. We point are good or evil, judge them by their words and actions. Evil people always tell you Bob & Cindy, Upper Beach I'm just going to start off by saying I and laugh (even more), we criticize the what you want to hear. We tell the truth, respect the fact you're so dedicated to dribble, and then we use it to clean our whether you want to hear it or not. It is letters like yours that make all the exercise your freedom of speech. I also pets excrement and children's vomit. hours of editing and going back and forth feel (or at least hope) that your So, thanks for that I guess, saves me Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief with my talented graphic artist Robert intentions come from a our intentions paper towel money. James, worth every minute. Maybe your come from a kind place. That being neighbour is the one that throws torn up P.S. White vinegar mixed with some said, I feel obligated to say your When it comes to reading papers, I’m copies of the paper in front of our office. club soda and a splash of rubbing execution is poor at best. I'm going to particularly interested in reading From the meticulous way it is torn apart, it try and explain a very simple concept to alcohol might get that stink of rodentia "Letters to the Editor". One letter to is likely the result of sexual frustration. anal cavity off your finger. you that most homunculus your paper from Marcy, Upper Beach, Neanderthals with a learning disability resonated with me for a couple of Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief can grasp. Open a dictionary, flip to the Dave M., Toronto reasons. When I was verbally attacked "C" section and look up "credibility". for writing articles for your paper, I have Now go to the "S" section. It's the letter Each month I receive several Ghomeshito say my response to this individual You’re racist scum. I reported you to that looks like a snake. Now read up on style homoerotic love letters from was the same ... no one is forcing you to the police, Attorney General, Canada homosexual men obsessed with me. "stereotype". If you want to be a read the paper! The "Manmade Global Post and the Mayor’s office. Your days respected journalist but make racist and Sometimes they are up front about their Warming" scam that Dr. Sears refers to are numbered. Watch your fucking back desire to be ravaged by the most stereotypical comments, you loose is 100% true; and I to get sick to my asshole. handsome heterosexual man in Toronto. credibility. Stick to the facts stomach when I see Crimes Against In other instances, like the one above, they bubblehead. Anonymous coyly imply their desires, hoping I take the Humanity (like chemtrails) being perpetrated on citizens like you and me bait. I published this letter to give our What you fail to understand is that we This month’s front cover is dedicated to on a global scale each and every day! readers an idea of what a curse it is to be (society) can't hold an entire religion, Bolshevik rats like you. born as handsome, charming, and race or people of similar sexual Marlene Lynn intelligent as me. I edit a newspaper orientation responsible for the actions Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief mandated to promote social justice in our of their sociopathic, greedy, extremist, To remind readers, “Marcy” was disturbed community. But by merely publishing my lazy, rude or violent members... OR at receiving our newspaper. I told her that photo which screams “REAL MAN”, I assume that others in the same group My husband hates you. Seeing him get no one was forcing her to read it. In the would act similarly. If that was actually attract freaks like Dave. Let us for a angry turns me on. You’ve improved recent past Marlene has written excellent the case, you're giving all Torontonians moment analyze his letter. our sex life tremendously. Thank you. articles on the toxicity of vaccines, and I a horrific reputation for being a bigot hope she submits another one soon. It is filled with references to me being rodent proctologist (that will make Sandra, Kingston Road “racist” and performing bottom probing. sense later). Holding a generic grudge That is because Dave WANTS me to be a Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief against an entire group because you Is his name “Dave”? bottom-probing racist. He does not specify don't like the actions of an immoral what sort of racism he refers to because he minority is kindergarten behaviour. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief What’s the story with Warren Kinsella is being coy about his own ethnic You're a liar, a bully, and will stop at and his obsession with your paper? background—he wants to build intrigue as nothing until you get what you want, He’s only hurting the Liberal party by to what sort of sexual tryst we will have. and that makes you a dangerous being such a dick. And please comment Due to the offensive nature of your person. While I'm being honest, it's not You see, Dave is partaking in foreplay paper, I’ve desperately searched for on the whole Confederate flag even the fact you're a narcissistic racist which he hopes will lead to a type of sexual factual errors to call you out on. To controversy. Thanks. roleplaying called “race play”. If you are that, for me, discredits your paper. It's date, everything you’ve written has not familiar with the term, it is “a form of the fact that on almost every page proved to be 100% accurate, which is Bill, Wheeler Avenue consensual, sexual roleplaying in which the there's a ridiculous "glamour" shot of more than I can say for Beach Metro. I your pompous face while happily giving actual, perceived or assumed racial/ethnic/ We are just as puzzled by Warren’s sick give up. Could you at least tone down your pet guinea pig a rectal exam. You national identities of the participants are the foul language and racism. I really obsession with us as you are. I feel it is specifically the focus of the scene.” know we're all laughing at you.... A lot. do want to love your paper, but I’m torn. more related to one of our writers rather than the paper itself. As for the In other words, in Dave’s homoerotic I love how you slam David Suzuki for Ruth G., Toronto Confederate Flag, JJ wrote an awesome fantasy I play the “racist” power top to his being a hypocrite, buying new piece in the centre spread of this month’s genetically inferior bottom. If Dave is products / "gadgets", implying he's OK, just for you, I will tone down profanity paper. Jewish, he wants me to be the closeted polluting the landfills with perfectly and racism. LOL! I am fucking with you. I Nazi concentration camp guard who good gear while you're so righteous, am NOT your Nigger, and will not be told Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief molests him in the shower. If Dave is wearing old clothes and using old what to write. black, he wants me to be the closeted phones because you're against slave master who is fondling him in the unnecessary litter. Do you know how Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief Your newspaper is a gift from God. I many large NCparty stickers I've peeled barn while my wife is at church. No matter pray that it survives many years and all what race Dave is, he taunts and nameoff of parking meters, bus shelters, your staff, writers, editor and publisher We cannot publish every letter we calls me in hopes that I lose it and take public signs and public/private will be safe from harm from those you receive. Please note that this month, revenge on his anus. Re-read his letter buildings.... That's littering, which you expose. Jesus loves all of you and he positive letters outweighed negative and you will see what I mean. seem to be SO against, but more will protect you. Amen. ones by a ratio of 20 to 1. importantly it's defacing city / private To borrow a line from the immortal Robert property. If I were you I might inform Rosanna, 2575 Danforth Avenue Got a comment, article or beef Palmer, “I didn’t mean to turn you on”. your NCP Youth, Sons of Freedom, or with us? Send your whoever distributes your flyers that they That goes for all the “Daves” who have Thank you for your kind words and prayers. been sending me this homoerotic filth. may be participating in light by-law We have no fear. Evil will never triumph correspondences to: Years ago we granted you the right to illegal activity which only makes you over good. As Sophocles said, “A lie never sodomize one another—I am sure you can lives to grow old”. The more lies we look like a bigger chump than you find a straight-acting, masculine-looking fag expose, the weaker our enemies become, Dr. James Sears, already are..... Clownshoes brother, to fulfill your fantasy. He may not be as clownshoes. until finally they collapse into the abyss. Editor-In-Chief manly as me, but at least can PRETEND to be me during role-playing. I feel so bad for your children. You c/o Your Ward News Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief choose to be an asshole. They'll just 163 Main Street involuntarily follow in your stinky wake, Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief Toronto, ON. M4E 2V9 We’re pensioners, so we’re usually and grow to also be filled with hate home when the mail comes. Each towards their fellow man. One is not [email protected] -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- · PAGE 11 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. CA$H PAID DAILY! COMMISSION TELESALES JOBS. Call: 647-350-3865 Danforth Furniture Raymond 2726 Danforth Ave 416-913-4488 HELP WANTED: Phone Sales Pro for CASH daily work: 647-350-3865 Entertainers and musicians available for events. Call: 416-69MUSIC FREE COMPUTERS WANTED for non-profit group. 647-350-2328 · PAGE 12 · JOIN THE NCP: FOR A LIMITED TIME you can become a LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBER of The New Constitution Party of Canada for only $10. As a founding member you will receive a laminated membership card. ( Front of Card ) ( Back of Card ) FOR A LIMITED TIME you can become a LIFETIME BLOOD MEMBER of The New Constitution Party of Canada for only $20. As a blood member you will receive a slick, high-quality, adjustable Velcro NCP ARMBAND in addition to your laminated membership card. ( Front of Card ) ( Back of Card ) To join the NCP just fill out the online form at www.NCparty.ca and check "YES, I would like to join the NCP!" Take advantage of these limited time offers ASAP--when they expire, party memberships will run on an annual basis, so you will have to pay every year to be a member in good standing. NCP YOUTH : If you are a male of 16 or 17 years of age, you qualify for membership in the “NCP Youth”. After the party is officially registered, you will have the opportunity to attend such educational events as “Freedom Camp” and lectures geared toward preparing you to become a “Son of Freedom”. Your duties will include caring for and assisting the Founding Elders, and distributing propaganda for the party. SONS OF FREEDOM : If you are a male between the ages of 18 and 29, you qualify for membership in the “Sons of Freedom”. Your duties will include educating the “NCP Youth”, distributing propaganda, providing security at events, providing “muscle” during demonstrations and rallies, and performing community service (i.e. caring for the elderly and poor, using “citizen’s arrest” powers to enforce existing laws that the Marxist-infected state refuses to enforce in order to corrupt society, infrastructure repair after catastrophic events, etc.) LEGION OF DISRUPTION : If you are a male between the ages of 30 and 64, you qualify for membership in the “Legion of Disruption”. At your age you hold optimal influence within society, due to your level of maturity, life experiences, and vocational status. Your prime directive will be to disrupt and dismantle any unnatural or unethical social constructs you encounter, and substitute them with NCP doctrines. You will root out and expose immorality and corruption wherever you find it. If an enemy is too great for you to neutralize alone, you will be empowered to entlist other Legion members to form a temporary, discreet, ad hoc "Disruption Cell", for the express purpose of accomplishing your moral goal, provided your plan of action follows the principles of the NCP Constitution. FOUNDING ELDERS : If you are a male of at least 65 years of age, you qualify for membership in the “Founding Elders”. Your duties will include educating the “NCP Youth” and the “Sons of Freedom”, and acting as a community liaison between the party and outside groups that could potentially be absorbed into the party. You also qualify to become a member of the “Inner Circle” of Founding Elders if your membership is unanimously approved by the “Inner Circle” and the Party Leader. EXPEL THE PARASITE! 163 Main Street Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V9 Phone: 647-349-7865 ( Velcro Armband )