Wurlitzed 3600 Jukebox service Manual
Wurlitzed 3600 Jukebox service Manual
SECTION A WARRANTY Consistent with The Wurlitzer Company policy of offering their products with fuU confidence in their performance, all parts of automatic phonographs and accessory equipment are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use as follow: (A) Bonus A~cumulator(BO/AC), except pricing hoard, for a period of three years from date of delivery by Distributor to his customer. (B) All other parts for a period of one year from date of delivery by the Distributor to his customer. The Company's liability under this wammty is limited to replacement, free of charge, F.O.B. North Tonawanda, New Yotk, of any part or parts returned to the Company's North Tonawanda plant for examination which prove defective and provided the phonograph has been serviced as recommended in the Service Manual and Lubrication Chart. This express Warranty excludes all implied warranties, and no promise or representation inconsistent herewith, which may be made by any person, firm or corporation, shall be binding upon The Wurlitzer Company. The Wurlitzer Company shall not be liable for damage of any nature due to delayed shipment. THE WURL~ COMPANY ER NDB." Page A TrnNAWANO.. N ", SECTION A SPECIFICATIONS WURLITZER SUPER STAR SERIES 100 - 160 - 200 SELECTION PHONOGRAPHS Height 52 1/2" CABINET DIMENSIONS Depth 25 1/4" Width 40 114" :. . . RW 110 CASH BOX LOCK . . . . Ace WCX Series DOLLAR BILL CASH BOX LOCK . . . . Ace WCX Series DOME LOCK KEY POWER REQUIREMENTS Standby 117 Volts 6 0 Hertz 200 VA (120 Watts) Operational 117 Volts 6 0 Hertz 360 VA (230 Watts) CABINET ILLUMINATION 1 - 36" 30W and 1 - 28" 25W Fluorescent (on Models with Dollar Bill Accepter) 2 36" 30W Fluorescent (on Models not equipped with Dollar Bill Accepter) - CREDIT EQUIPMENT Slug Rejector . . . . . . . . . National Simplex IV Dollar Bill Accepter. . . . . National Simplex 100 Credit Unit . . . . . . . . . Wurlitzer Electronic Bonus Accumulator RECORD CHANGER Wurlitzer Wnrlamatic Turntable Speed . . . . 33.3 and 45 Automatic Intermixed Records . . . . . . . . . 7" - 33.3 and 45 RPM Record Libran, 100 election Phonograph . . . . 5 0 record capacity 160 Selection Phonograph . . . . 80 record capacity 200 Selection Phonograph . . . . 100 record capacity - KEYBOARD 200 Selection Phonographs LP selections can be programmed in die A only or A and B sections 1 thru 0. Minimum LP programming 5 LP records, 10 selections. Maximum LP programming 10 LP records, 20 selections. Automatic Programmer (when phonographs are so equipped). Preset 1 Program selects records EI-E3-E5 and El-F3-F5, also E7-E9 and F7-F9 if so desired. Preset 2 Program selects records J1-J3-J5 and K1-K3-K5, also J7-J9 and K7-K9 if so desired. The Automatic Programmer can he optionally set for six, eight or ten selections in the E-F and J-K sections. WURLITZER .- Page B SECTION A KEYBOARD - 160 Selection Phonographs LP selections can be programmed in the 1 only or 1 and 2 sections A thru V. Minimum LP programming 10 LP records, 20 selections. Maximum LP programming 20 LP records, 40 selections. KEYBOARD - 100 Selection Phonographs LP selections can be programmed in the A only or A and B sections 1 thru 0. Minimum LP programming 5 LP records, 10 selections. Maximum LP programming 10 LP records, 20 selections. SOUND SYSTEM Solid State Amplifier . . . . Wurlitzer Model 553 Power Supply . . . . Wuditzer Model 554 Pickup . . . . Astatic Stylus . . . . Dual Tip Diamond .7 Mil Power Output total . . . . 8 0 watts music power Output lmpedance . . . . Multiple tap low impedance plus constant voltage. CABINET SPEAKERS 2 - 12" Lower - Range Speakers 2 - 6" Upper Range Speakers - SUPER STAR ACCESSORIES Remote Volume Control Kit 219 Microphone Kit 220 Stepper, 100 and 200 Selection, Model 270 Stepper, 160 Selection, Model 271 Income Computer, Model 225 Wall Box, 200 Selection (with Speakers & Golden Bar), Model 5220 Wall Box, 200 Selection (without Speakers or Golden Bar), Model 5220A Wall Box, 100 Selection (with Speakers & Golden Bar), Model 5225 Wall Box, 100 Selection (without Speakers or Golden Bar), Model 5225A Wall Box Bar Mounting Bracket (Chrome), Kit 191 Wall Box Bar Mounting Bracket (Aluminum), Kit 192 Wall Box Mounting Plate, 5220.5225 Wall Box Mounting Plate, 5220A-5225A Wall Box Booster Transformer, Model 222C Speaker, Directional, Model 5126 Speaker, Wall, Model 5133 . Page C Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. SECTION A COIN AND CREDIT EQUIPMENT - - SLUG REJECTOR ELECTRONIC BONUS ACCUMULATOR ..................... , ...., ................................ Page ZA ....*................................... ...... page 2.4 ......................................................... Page ................................................................ Page 43AA Reject Rod Adjustment Slug Rejector h.iuunting Plate Adjustment , Coil1 Switch Adjustments Electronic Bonus Accumulator Slug Rejector Mounti~lgAssembly Illustrated Parts List , .....................................Page SA 3 Page f A SECTION A REJECT R O D ADJUSTMENT Open phonograph dome assembly and remove the program holder, then close dome assembly. Depress reject button f 1 1 y . Viewing SLUG REJECTOR through the dome assembly, verify that the BRACKET and CAM ASSEMBLY is fully depressed with 114" of the reject button remaining. Sllould adjustment of the REJECT ROD be necssary, loosen REJECT ROD ADJUSTING NUTS and position the REJECT ROD ns required for proper operation. Tighten REJECT ROD ADJUSTING NUTS. REJECT ROD RETAINING SPRING MOUNT1NG SCREWS (Typical1 REJECT ROD ADJUSTING NUTS - BRACKET and CAM ASSEMBLY SLUG REJECTOR SLUG REJECTOR PLATE C3 ANGLE and GUARD ASSEMBLY SLUG REJECTOR MOUNTING PLATE ADJUSTMENT Be sure tl~atthe phonopph is positioned on n level surface prior to making any adjushents to the SLUG REJECTOR MOUNTING PLATE, Should it be necessary t o compensate For uneven footing, die following methods may be used. 1. Side to side leveling of the phonograph m a y be nccampfished by placing Mach or strips under the castera on the low side of the cabinet. Check SLUG REJECTOR for proper cain acceptance. 2. Front to back leveling of the SLUG REECTOR may be accomplished by loosening the seven MOUNTING SCREWS and positioning the SLUG REJECTOR MOUNTING PLATE as required. Tighten MOUNTING SCREWS. Check SLUG REJECTOR for proper coin acceptance. NOTE Acces t o all MOUNTING SCREWS is accomplished by lifting the RETdZNING SPRING, moving the top of the SLUG IEECTOR to the left then lifting out. Page 2A WURLITZER - SECTION A COIN SWITCH ADJUSTMENTS Remove ANGLE and GUARD ASSEMBLY to obtain a c c m fa coin switch. With coin switch pzddes resting flus11 against bottom of slug rejector, verify spacing between switch mounting bracket ant1 cover and cIip assembly is 114". Tension of the long movable biadcs must be sufficient to hold die c o i r ~switch paddles against bottom of slug rejector. The stiffener blades sllould be set to vrovide 1/32" opening between short and Iong movable contact blades, T h e st~ortbIades must bear against siirfefeners with sufficient tension to prevent vibration. lliis sl~ouldbe approximntely one gram on the 10 cent blade and two to tllrec grams on the 5,35, and 50 cent blades. - - - The tension of the Iong nloveble blades should be adjusted so a tliin coin, when stopped on it's coin pnddle by l~oldingthe paddle up. will upon releasing die paddle. actuate tlle tnavable blade, close the contacts then dear paddle. 1. InstnU SLUG REJECTOR in phonopph and apply power. 2. Test each individunl coil1 track tell co~lsecutivetimes wid1 coins of varied wear. Tf a coin fails to register, that partictilar coil1 switul? sl~ouldhe e~a~nined :~nd,i f necessary, rmdjusted. Clieck SLUG REJECTOR for proper dipnerlt. A pulse of more t l ~ : u ~five seconds drrrntion should normany trip the circuit breaker i11 W U R LITZER the coin mag~letcircuit. Page 3A SECTION A ELECTRONIC BONUS ACCUMULATOR The Electronic Bonus Accumulator, hereinafter referred to as BOIAC, is a solid state eIectronic crdit accumulator designed to provide a method of credit accumulation, both standard and bonus, resulting from the depositing of coinage of alT denominn1 ions. It will a l ~ oaccumulate credits resuxllting from the depositing of dollar bilIs illPhonograpi~sequipped with Dollar BE11 Accepters. Tile coins antllor doItar bills may hc deposited in any sequence until tnaxi~nurncredits l~avebeen accumulated to permit the selection of tl~irty-onestandard plays. The amount of credits required for encll standard play are governed by the plug in Program Card shown in the illustrar ion. Program Fard, Part No. 138442, is supplied with the BOIAC. Any combination of coinnge equalling .25, -50, -75 ar 1.00, using this Program Card, wiIl provide the following: @ - and twelve for 1.00. b. LP's - One for -25, two for .50, three for -75 and four for 1.00, a. Singles Two for .25, Fne for .SO, eight for .75 provided the Phonograph is programmed for LP's and the Conversion Switches located 011thc Selector Switch AssernbIy are positioned to ON, c. Six or eight preselected singIes for -50 provided the Phonograph is equipped to play preselected programs. Should a pricing changc be desired, additional: Programs are awilable thmugh your local Wurtitzer Distributor. Access to the k ~ g r a r nCard, installed in tlie I30/hC, is obt:dned by removing the PRICE AND BONUS PROGRAMMING CARD Cover located on the Cover nf the BOlAC. 4 1 "onLMI d *I * -1 ! NOTE nre base of the Program Cards are slotted to prevent improper insertion when instnlling Program Cards in the ROIAC. , ;: :: ,@! 8% ; i. .. . a >: ..~n Y a l A&;.:-q * A + mmR aoi $' @ - &.,-rn..yv-r r=*-"<. A > " : g y . .&kc.. $ + %", ;I- -: * i " r I*\ I ? W~ Ai.2AALLxL * * r ><> ,\ -., Illustrated below, and on tlie following page, are the available Coin Denamisation aud Select L~beIs, Listed next to each segment of cncF~ Coin Denomination nnd Select Label is tlie Part No. of the specific Program Card required to provide the proper crediting for the various pricing outlined on each segment of each Coin Denominatinn and Select Label. 138554 138560 DEPOSlt M I N E 0 CUlHL I N ANY SLUUFNCf SELECT DEPOSIT MIXED COIN8 l M ANV EEPULHCE PNGLIS VUlClhG rr m n I& 10 I o t ~ u s t rMIXED C D ! ~ Sln PAlCIHG 5 1 11 UEPOSIT AOOlllDHAl CPlNl 11 '1 B 1 50 aur SI~UINCC SINGLES 10 B Program Card Pan Na. 738442 ~ U L AUOIIIONAL ~ 2 S ~ O ~ S 1 51UE 75 Program Card Part No. 138437 OEPDSIT AOOlllOUAL COINS Program Card 15 SL~~CT iiE o l v ~ s l rMH€Q fa':' ,75 1 ANY Part Na. 138437 SINGLE of VOblT AUDITIUNAL COlhS cvlnt ln A M X S E O ~ N ~ sa nu IP 15 Program Card Part No. 138442 OLPOSlT MlbEm COINS I H M Y SfOUEHCE Program Card Part No. 138441 1 I LOINS IH ANY S SElECl UEPbSlT lOOlflONll COlHB 15 15 5I I5 in U!FPSIT MIIIED AODIIIOHIL ELECT i:c ANY ho~r&m Card PartNa.138441 SINGLE I I D t P O B T H I Y E 0 COlHS IR ArtY SEIIUEMCE VfllLlHlr 11 00 SlNGLES 10 I5 11 533 9 15 1 IB I /""""f"' 50 fl !O Page 4A OEPOSTt AOPIIIONAL CDlRS 5rrril P t V U I l t M l X t U CDIHS I H ANY SEOUINCE Program Card Part No. 138959 /pwmcPart No. 138958 1 51 DD 29 4 10 BQSIUGIES lh SlHCLC 1 aLQQIIT M I X L D C P l H I I H ANY SEUUEHCE 511 S t l l G I E lr2 S~XSLES >+I 5lMljlE PEPOFIT PUOITIOHAI COlHS s'L~fl diE SILCC~ ANY 51NGiE Program Card Part No. f 38959 iT:yI SELECT lCCEM SIDr Program Card Part No. 138958 5lNGLE WU R LITZER SECTION A .$a 2s *e,.c, 6 rarsrrrnro n*r,rr ran 5 0 ct*s rats Llrlrro raorarv Buno* No. I 1 *1 oa *@2 / 11"TLB I" A*" S t O U L l l t s,.w OEIOSIr 1001TIONll COINS .75 Program Card Part No. 138442 .SO .25 L I ~PROGRU ~ ~sunon s ~ MO. 1 on *a. I DEPOSIT 1001TIONll COlNf tlMrLn ill COINS I, .So 2% .lo )Ills LIC*rLO I0CII.I OLIOI1T U l l l O COIMI 8" AM" SEQ"S"CE s1.w .JS 2% 1 'i 1 t P %<OE% SELECT IS. e l l 5 llrlrro rnorlru ,"no*no. I on a*. I,*"Lt, CO'Ns 2floLs Ll z llorl I* m , ,a"" r1.m Program Card Part No. 138442 ; .25 I,*Gu, " 9l.t. 1 ;i i I i SELECT V 8 r a r r a m r a uurtrr ron 50 r r * n IRE. LlCXTlO ,ROCRIM 8YTTOI1"D 01P011 1001T10111 COINS SIOl 3 OR " 0 . 1 Program Card Part No. 138442 SEISCT AM" SllOLI OtPOfl, a.r .to SELECT U l X E O C01"I 1" AN" I O " L * I SINCLI SELECT 2% .,o Ot.O,l, OlSOllT 1001TIONlL ,~ ~ O E S Program Card Part No. 138959 so 25 10 rarsrrrnro s*rrrr roa 50 CEun rain rlCHlro I R O C I U BYTIOH 10. 1 OR "0. I ,"IT01 "0. I 0 1 1 0 . 2 s*our 6 rnrlrrrnro nmrrrr FOR 50 twn O t l O I l , MlXtD <OI*f I* a** I E I ) Y I Y I I 38 ,EL,, 10 r a n r u n r o nmrs r o a 50 rrvrr Program Card Part No. 138958 Program Card Part No. 138442 ,,,,,, 8 rarrrrtc~row u r r l roa 50 r r * n al,OflT YlXEO c0111 I" lil* I I O Y t N C l I 10 ParrrLsrro a,nrrrr ran 50 rt*.r SELECT Program Card Part No. 138959 Program Card Part No. 138958 IINGLT P R l S LIG*TIO lllOCRAY Bun01 10. 1 011 *0 1 138893 DElOUT * I X t l l <DI*I I* 1"" I r O Y r H C l $#N8kE3 m %> .?s .so Program Card Part No. 138437 .25 .>I 10 ,arrtcrrrro s*ctra roa 50 cr*rr men ur~rroraornru wno* NO. I oo NO. 2 I DEPOSIT ADDITIONAL COINS I ,,,,,, Program Card Part No. 138437 DIPOUT YllEO COINS I* A*" i r l ) Y T * < l Ildl .,s Program Card Part No. 138441 Program Card Part No. 138441 .SO .>s .,a 10 mrrr~rrrrouwrrrr t o e 50 rrwn ,RE= L,&*,tO I P 6 l " Y BUTTO* "0. I 0 8 NO. 2 01.011711110 C01"I 4" a"" sEm"r"ce Program Card Part No. 138437 II.~ .?B .I5 .I0 1 ' I,*CLII L I SOLS *+I SCMCLE i 10 rnrrrtrr~ros ~ ~ s o ran r 5 0 rrun I R E S Llrlllo 110"RAY l Y T T O l " 0 . 1 011 "0 1 OLIOS,, UliEO TDI*S ,I 1""1 I O " I " C E UY",I ,IIlOll s1.m 01~0S1, (100,TIONAl COlNS lELEcr -- rarn ,,r*rro raoraru I U n o * uo. I oa "0. 2 Program Card Part No. 138441 SELECT LI l,Dr SELSCT Program Card Part No. 138437 liNY SINGLE Program Card Part No. 138441 p:ic r w u t AN" g rarrr~rcrro.*cur ron 50 rrvrr SCLECT I)NI DCPOflT ADDITIONAL COINS Page 5A - SECTION A Cover and Clip Assembly Cable Clamp (2) Locating Pin and Catch Assembly Lever, Reject Rod Retaining Ring Mounting Bracket, Pin Actuator Keps Nut, 6-32 Actuator and Pin Assembly Spring Washer Retaining Ring Coin Entry Chute Spacer (4) Keps Nut, 6-32 (4) Mounting Bracket and Guide Mounting Bracket, Lower Reject Rod Pivot Pin Retaining Ring (5) Keps Nut, 114 x 20 (2) Retaining Spring, Slug Rejector Washer (2) Mounting Plate and Bracket Assemblv w;&er (5) Shipping Clip, Slug Rejector Washer Mounting Plate, Slug Rejector Washer (4) Grommet (4) Spacer (4) Actuator and Bracket Assembly Shaft Spring Retaining Ring (2) Angle and Guard Assembly Thumbscrew (2) Coin Switch Plug, 9 Pin Terminal (7) Lockwasher (2) Screw, 6 x 5/16 HEX Speednut Shaft Cooner Washer LO& Paddle Spacer Copper Washer Copper Washer Short Paddle Iron Washer Iron Washer Mounting Bracket and Guard Assembly Washer (2) Bracket and Pin Assembly SECTION B KEYBOARD SELECTOR SWITCH CONTROL BOX AND TOP TUNE EQUIPMENT KEYBOARD SELECTOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY a CONTROL BOX Connectar Link PIate Adjustment ............................ . . . .................... .................................. . . .. . . ...................................,......... Page 22B Preliminmy Adjustment of the Latch Solenoid Page 2B h t c h Solenoid Stop Bracket Adjustment Page 3B ............................................. Final Latch Solenoid Adjustment ...................................................... Latch Solenoid Switch Adjustment ................................................... Letter and Nwnber Series Switch Adjustment ........................................... Letter and Number Latch Switch Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selector Switch Assembly Illustrated Parts List ........................................... Page 3 B Support Buttan and Cable Assembly fllnstrsted Parts List Page 9B Control Box Assemhly Illustrated Parts List .................................... ............................................. Rge Letter and Number Latch Lever Adjustment WURLITZER Page 4R Page 4B Page 5B Page 5B Page 6l3 Page 1B SECTION B CONNECT0 R LINK PLATE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER BATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW Loosen the LElTER and N m B E R LATCH LEV ADJUSTLNG SCREWS. LETTER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW B. - Loosen NUMBER and LETTER CONNECTOR LINK PLATE ADJUSTTN LETTER CONMECTOR LlNK PLATE ADJUSTING NUMBER CONNECTOR LlNK PLATE ADJUSTING SCREWS ^ SCREWS LETTER LlNK and LEVER ASSEMBLY NUMBER LINK and LEVER ASSEMBLY C. Fully depress a number button, then position the NUMBER LINK and LEVER ASSEMBLY in a vertical positio~l. Tigliten the N UM IZER CONNECTOR Lm K PLATE A W USTING SCREWS. D. Fully depress a letter button, tllen position the LETTER L N K and LEVER ASSEMBLY in a vertical position. Tighten the LETTER CONNECTOR LINK PLATE ADJUSTING SCREWS. PRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENT O F THE LATCH SOLEN010 A. T u n t l ~ eRELEASE LEVER AD.FUSTING SCREW in two turns. \ B. h Loosen tlle LATCH SOLENOID ADJUSTING SCREWS. RELEASE LEVER TAB LATCH SOLENOID ADJUST lNG SCREWS LATCH SOLENOlD T R l P LEVER RELEASE LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW C. LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER LATCH SOtENOlD PLUNGER firmly bottomed in tlic LATCH SOLENOID, tliet~set the LATCH SOLENOID t o provide 3/64" maximr~m ctearance between the RELEASE LEVER TAB and the LEFT HAND TRlP LEVER. Tiglite~ithe LATCH SOLENOID ADJUSTING SCREWS. Manually hdd the Page 2E WURLITZER SECTION B LATCH SOLENOID STOP BRACKET ADJUSTMENT A. Verify that the RELEASE LEVER is in its rest position, LATCH SOLENOID STOP BRACKET ADJUSTING llor~lld B, Loosen the LATCH SOLENOID STOP BRACKET ADJUSTING SCREWS, RELEASE LEVER SCREWS NUMBER LATCH LEVER LATCH SOLENOID STOP BRACKET LETTER LATCH LEVER 1/64'' CLEARANCE 1/64'' CLEARANCE LEFT HAND TRIP LEVER C, Position LATCH SOLENOID STOP BRACKET to pravide 1/64" CLEARANCE between stud of the LEFT HAND TRIP LEVER and the stop pad of the LE'ITER LATCH LEVER. LETTER AND NUMBER RIGHT HAND TRIP LEVER RELEASE LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW D. Back off the RELEASE LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW to provide 1/64" CLEARANCE llchveen square stud of the NUMBER LATCI.1 LEVER and The KIGHT HAND TRIP LEVER. LATCH LEVER ADJUSTMENT Verify h a t the LETTER and NUMBER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREWS are loose, then manually or electrically actuate the LATCH SOLENOID. A. Manually hold a letter button fulIy dcpresed, then adjust the LETTER LATCH LEVER so tB:~iits stop tab rests firmly against the square stud US the LEFT HAND TRIP LEVER. B. \ Mahtaia t l ~ escttingaf StepA and tighten the LE'ITER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW. Check each letter button ior proper latching and elector w i t c h colltnct cngapinent. LATCH SOLE'NOID LETTER LATCH LEVER NUMBER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW LETTER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SGR EW / LEFT HAND TRIP LEVER C. RIGHT HAND TRIP LEVER Mimually hord a number butt011 fully depressed, then adjust the NUMBER LATCH LEVER so that tlre square stud of the NUMBER LATCH LEVER rests firmly against t l ~ estep tab of the RIGHT I-IAND TRIP LEVER. WURLITZER \ NUMBER LATCH LEVER D. Maintail) tlle setting of Step C and tighten the NUMBER LATCH LEVER ADJUSTING SCREW. Clleclc each number but tot^ fnr proper ln tcliir~gand selector switcl~contact engugernent. Page 38 SECTION B FINAL LATCH SOLENOID ADJUSTMENT A. Loosen the SCREWS. LATCH SOLENOID ADJUSTING 8. MnuaIIy hoId the LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER firmly bottomed in the LATCH SOLENOID! \ LATCH SOLENOI D ADJUSTING SCREWS r LATCH SOLENOID RELEASE LEVER STOP TAB LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER LEFT H A N D TRIP LEVER C. Position the LATCR SOLENOLD to provide 5/64" maximum clearance betweeri tlie RELEASE LEVER STOP TAB nnd the LEFT HAND TKIP LEVER. Tighten the LATCH SOLENOID ADJUSTING SCREWS. I). While nlallually I~oldirrg the LATCH SOLFNOID PLUNGER GrmIy bottomed in the LATCH SOLENOID, mark the LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER wit11 an identifying mark at tlte LATCH SOLENOID. Release the LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER, then measure and verify lliat the LATCH SOLBNOlD PLUNGER travel does net exceed 3/16 of an inch. B. M311~11111y 110Id LATCH SOLENBlll SWITCH ADJUSTMENT A. Loosen the LATCH SOLENOID SWlTCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. tlie LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER LATCH SOLENOlD, firmly bottomed in die CATCH SOLENOID SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS LATCH SOLENOID SWITCH LATCH SOLENOID LATCH SOLERlOlD PLUNGER C. Verify that the normaIly open contacts of the LATCH SOLENOID SWITCH close wi tll 1/32'' uvertnvel. D. Position the LATCH SOLENOID SWITCH to provide 1/32'' to 1/16" opening of the normally closed contncts. Tighten the LATCH SOLENOID SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. SECTION B LETTER AND NUMBER SERIES SWITCH ADJUSTMENT A. Loosen the LETTER and NUMBER SERES WITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. Verify tllnt the rest positiun. B. LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER IS at NUMBER SERIES SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS LETTER SERIES SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS LETTER SERIES SWITCH LATCH SOLENO1 D PLUNGER LElTER LATCH LEVER NUMBER LATCH LEVER Adjust the LETTER SERIES SWITCH so that the long blade of the switch rests against the insulated NUMBER SERI ES SWITCH the NUMBER SERIES SWITCH so that the long bl:tde of t l ~ cswitcll rests against the insuletcd stud of [lie NUMBER LATCH LEVER with zero cleanlice. Tighten the NUMBER SERIES SWITCH ADJUSTlNG SCREWS. D, Adjust - C. - When a letter andlor number button is latched, h e contacts of their respective SERJES SWITCHES should ope11 11/32" and sllould close with 1/32" overtravel when the b t ~ton t is relensed. - L E l T E R AND NUMBER LATCH SWITCH ADJUSTMENT stud of the LETTER LATCH LEVER with zero clearance. Tighten the LETTER SERIES SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. NOTE - A. Loosen the LETTER and NUMBER LATCH SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. M;liiually hotd the LATCH SOLENOID PLUNGER firrnty bottomed in tbc LATCH SOLENOID. 3. \ TCH - C. / LEFT HAND TRlP LEVER Adjust the LETTER LATCH SWITCH so that the long blade of the switcli rests against the insulated stud of [lie LEFT HAND TRIP LEVER with zero clcan~ice. Tighten LETTER LATCH SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. D. Adjust the NUMBER LATCH SWITCH so that the lorrg blade OF rile switch rests agairrst he insulated stud nf the RlCHT HAND TRIP LEVER with zero clearance. Tighten the NUMBER LATCH SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. NOTE f i e contact3 of the LEXTER and NUMBER LATCR SWITCHES are set nomafly open t 132". When a letter andlor number button is latched, the contacts of their respective switcPies sl~ouldclose with I /32" overtravel. WUALITZER Page 5B SECTION B Page 6B WURLITZER SECTION B SELECTOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Selector Button and Clip Assembly, A Selector Button and Clip Aseembly, B Selector Button and Clip Assembly, C Selector Button and Clip Assembly, D Selector Button and Clip Assembly, E Selector Button and Clip Assembly, F Selector Button and Clip Assembly, G Selector Button and Clip Assembly, H Selector Button and Clip Assembly, J Selector Button and Clip Assembly, K Selector Button and Clip Assembly, L Selector Button and Clip Assembly, M Selector Button and Clip Assembly, N Selector Button and Clip Assembly, P Selector Button and Clip Assembly, Q Selector Button and Clip Assembly, R Selector Button and Clip Assembly, S Selector Button and Clip Assembly, T Selector Button and Clip Assembly, U Selector Button and Clip Assembly, V Cap Only Insert Clip Only Button and Clip Assembly, Reset Stop Bracket Switch and Wire Assembly Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 1 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 2 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 3 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 4 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 5 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 6 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 7 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 8 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 9 Selector Button and Clip Assembly, 0 Cap Only Insert Clip Only Complete Set Selector Button and Clip Assembly Mounting Plate Light Diffuser Light Diffuser Selector Switch -Numbers Gusset, R: H. Electric Counter Receptacle - 9W Contact Terminal (7) Crank and Link Assembly Retaining Ring Retaining Ring 200 131953 131954 131955 131956 131957 131958 131959 131960 131961 131962 131963 131964 131965 131966 131967 131968 131969 131970 131971 131972 131900 131901 131909 138249 138250 138248 131973 131974 131975 131976 131977 131978 131979 131980 131981 131982 131900 131901 131909 131953A 138190 138244 138245 , 138157 138251 134192 131173 132001 111720 73724-15 73724-18 160 131953 131954 131955 131956 131957 131958 131959 131960 131961 131962 131963 131964 131965 131966 131967 131968 131969 131970 131971 131972 131900 131901 131909 138249 138250 138248 131973 131974 131975 131976 131977 131978 131979 131980 131900 131901 131909 131953C 138190 138244 138245 138156 138251 134192 131173 132001 111720 73724 - 15 73724-18 ALL MODELS 13. 14. 15. Latch Solenoid Plunger, Solenoid Pin, Solenoid Plunger Washer Cotter Pin Mounting Bracket, h t c h Solenoid Washer Switch Assembly Retainer Plate Mounting Bracket WURLITZER 54024 60518 63014 121005 (Cont'd. page 8B) Page 7B - -- SECTION B ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST CON'T 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. , 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Switch aud Bracket Assembly, Series, Numbers Switch Assembly Retainer Plate Mounting Bracket Switch and Bracket Assembly, Latch Solenoid Switch Assembly Retainer Plate Mounting Bracket Washer Latch Lever, Numbers Washer Trip Lever, Right Hand, Numbers Stop Nut, 10-32 Washer (2) Washer Spring, Trip Lever, Right Hand Triv Lever. Left Hand. Letters Spacer Spring, Trip Lever, Left Hand Switch and Bracket Assembly, Series, Letters Switch Assemblv Retainer Plate Mounting Bracket Switch Assembly Retainer Plate Mounting Bracket Cover and Clip Assembly Release Lever Washer Svrine. Solenoid Return ~ a t c ' h~ g e rLetters , Washer Stop Bracket Washer (2) Rubber Grommet Switch. L P. Conversion (2) Resistor, 85 ohm, 5W Gusset, L H. Plug, Molex, 36 Pin Terminal (24) Plug, Molex, 24 Contact Terminal (21) Selector Switch. Letters, 3600.3660 Selector Switch, Letters, 3610 Snap Bushing (2) Connector Link Plate (2) Spacer, Link, Selector Switch (4) Spacer, Shoulder Bushing, Link (2) Washer Connector Link (2) 3600-3660 Connector Link (2) 3610 Shoulder Bushing, Link (4) Washer Shaft. Link and Lever Assemblv shaft; Link and Lever ~ s s e m b 6 Clamp ALL MODELS -- SECTION B SUPPORT BUTTON AND CABLE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 73728-75 Retaining Ring (2) 136176 Switch 73804 - 4 Cable Clamp Guide Plate and Support Housing Assembly 138495 138944 Button 138654 Insert, Button 134836 Insert. Blank. Red 131174 Plug, 9 132000 P i Terminal (8) : 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Insert, Blank, Gold Button Insert, Button Retainer (4) Mounting Plate and Plunger - Assembly (2) Spring Bulb, No. 51 (2) Light Socket and Wire Assembly (2) (3 SECTION El SECTION El CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST Switcl~.Slide Switcli. Slide Fu\e Post Lockwasher Fuse, 8 A. Slo Blo Cover. Printed Board, Control Box Printed Board, Co~itrolBox Relay. Red (RY-12) Holddown Spring Receptacle. Relay, Red Terminal, Relay Socket Receptacle, 1 2 W (not shown) Receptacle, 15 W (not shown) Contact Terminal Jumper Pliig Assembly, Stepper Relay, D.C. (Large) (2) Holddown Spring, Relay (Large) (2) Receptacle, Relay (Large) (2) Receptacle, 9 R Contact Termiiial Relay, White (RY-2. RY-3, RY-4, RY-6, RY-7, RY-21. RY-22, RY-23 and RY-24) Holddown Spring, Relay Receptacle. Relay, Wliite Terminal, Relay Socket Receptacle, 1 2 R Contact Terminal Receptacle, 3 6 Min. Contact Terminal Receptacle, IS R Contact Terminal Plug, I 2 B Pin Terminal Recentacle. I S W 'contact Terminal Receptacle. 1 2 W Contact Terminal Receptacle. 24 Min. Contact Terniinal Relay, Yellow ( RY-I, RY-I I , and RY-20) Receptacle, Relay, Yellow Terminal, Relay, Socket 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Relay. A.C. Receptacle and Paint Assembly (Large) Pin, Fall Support Retaining Ring Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker (23 Receptacle. Relay, 6 Pole Relay, 6 Pole Control Box Assembly Components Not Illustrated: Mounting Bracket Printed Board Assembly, Standard Printed Board Assembly, LP Printed Board Assembly, LP and Pre-Select Rectifier, Silicon, 3A, 300 P.I.V. Diode, .75 A, 400 P.I.V. Printed Board and Wire Assembly Printed Board Assembly Zenner Diode Transistor. NPN (2) Transistor, UNI Rectifier, Silicon, 3A, 300P.I.V. Diode. .75A, 400P.I.V. (3) Canacitor. 100MFD..6V ~ a p a c i t o r : 4 7 0 ~50V ~~.: Cioacitor. 25 MFD.. l ZV capacitor; SOMFD.: 12V Resistor, 1SOK, 570.1 / 4 W Resistor, IOK, 5% , 1/4W Resistor. 5.6K. 5%). 1/4W (2) Resistor, 1K, 570, 114W Resistor, l000l1m, 570, 114W(2) Resistor, 56Ohm. 5%. 114W Resistor, 68001im, 1070, 1W Resistor, 1.2Ol1m. 5%. 1W Resistor, 50Ohm, 1070, 5W Resistor, 330 Ohm, 10%. 1W Resistor, 1001im. 1070, 1W Capacitor, 35 MFD., 50V (2) Capacitor, .47MFD., 400V Capacitor, 4.7 MFD., 80V Diode, .75A, 400 P.I.V. Page 11El - SECTION C RECORD CHANGER ADJUSTMENTS - I WURLITZER' x Page 1C SECTION C INDEX TO ADJUSTMENTS ................................................... Shaft and Magnet Arm Assembly Adjustment ............................................. Override Assembly Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magazine Lock Switch Adjustment .................................................... Magazine Drive Motor Adjustment .................................................... Side 1 Cancel Solenoid Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Record Now Playing Indicator Adjustment ......................................... Side 1 and 2 Readout Switch Adjustment ............................................... Safety Switch Adjustment ......................................................... Bail and Bushing Assembly Clearance Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main Cam Motor Brake Adjustment ................................................... Transfer Switch Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancel Switch Adjustment ......................................................... Record Takeout Arm Alignment ..................................................... Selection Accumulator Adjustment Playmeter Reset Magnet Adjustment Side 1 Shift Adjustment ................................................... ........................................................... ................................................... Record Takeout Ann Turn Adjustment ................................................. Record Takeout Arm Stop Adjustment ................................................. Turntable Drive Wheel Adjustment ................................................... Turntable Speed Change Adjustment ................................................... Tone Arm Lift Adjustment ......................................................... Turn Arm Holdout Cam Adjustment ........................................................... Tone Arm Release Adjustment ....................................................... Tone Arm Feed-In and Trip Switch Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Play Switch Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stylus h e m r e Adjustment ......................................................... Turntable Pilot Reset Adjustment ..................................................... Safety Circuit Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . StylusBmshAdjushnent Page 4C Page 4C Page 5C Page 7C Page 7C Page 8C Page 8C Page 9C Page 11C Page 11C Page 11C Page 12C Page 13C Page 13C Page 13C Page 14C Page 1 5 ~ Page 15C Page 16C Page 16C Page 17C Page 18C Page 18C Page 19C Page 19C Page 20C Page 20C Page 21C Page 21C SECTION C The following procedure will provide access to the lower side of the RECORD CHANGER: A. Unlock and raise tlte UPPER DOOR ASSEMBLY to its full height. B, Lift the SERVICE DOOR LATCHES on both sides of the cabinet. C. Discnnncct the SERVICE DOOR SPEAKER and LAMP PLUGS! ... D. Unhook the two SERVICE DOOR FALL SUPPORT CHAINS at the cabi~let end. Lift the SERVICE DOOR out of the cabinet. E. Remove the two WING NUTS to free the RECORD CHANGER; F. Pull Hie RECORD C W G E R Convard, thai lift the front of the RECORD CHANGER. Tlie spring loaded FALL SUPPORTS will drop into position to support the RECORD CHANGER. To return the RECORD CHANGER ta its normal operating position, lift the front of the RECORD CHANGER then depress the FALL SUPPORT EXTENSIONS and lower the RECORD CHANGER. Push the RECORD CHANGER back to its aormal operating position and reinstall the two WING NUTS rcrnoved i11 Step E. Page 3C - SECTION C SELECTION ACCUMULATOR ADJUSTMENTS SELECTION ACCUMULATOR DIRECTION OF ROTATION CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY MAGNET LAMlNATlON MOUNTING SCREWS CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY MOUNTlNG SCREWS SHAFT and MAGNET ARM ASSEMBLY SELECTOR LATCH PIN A - l SHAFT AND MAGNET ARM ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENTS A. Rotate SHAFT and MAGNET ARM ASSEMBLY i a clockwise direction and vertically dig tlre lending edge of tlie MAGNET LAMINATIONS with the leading edge of SELECTOR LATCII PIN. B. \ NOTE: SELECTOR LATCH PINS and SPACER have been removed to clarify adjustment procedures only. If vertical alignment cannot be obtained, Ionsen MAGNET LAMWATION MOUNTING SCREW and d i p MAGNET LAMINATIONS to meet requirement uF Step A. Tighten MAGNET LAMINATION MOUNTING SCREW. SELECTOR LATCH PIN d MAGNET LAMINATIONS - MAGNET LAMI NATION MOUNTING SCREW C. Verify that OUTER CONTACT BLADE is adjocent to leading edge of tlie OUTER with zero cIearance. CONTACT PATCH \ D. If requirement of Step C callnot be obtained, loosen CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY until the requirement of Step C is met. Tighten CONTACI PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY MOUNTING SCREWS. - CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY CONTACT BOARD and CABLE ASSEMBLY OUTER CONTACT PATCHES OUTERCONTACTBLADE Page 4C WUR LITZER OVERRl DE ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENTS Verify that Record Changer is in "Home" position, then position Line Switch to OFF. Remove Cover Plate from Override Assembly ; position Line Switch to ON. A. Verify h t both escapemaits of RATCHET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY are cal~cclledoff and OVERRIDE SWITCH is open with -015 MMMUM CLEARANCE between switch contacts :a sbown . B. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen OVERRIDE SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW and adjust OVERRIDE SWITCH as required ta satisfy requirement of Step A. (Contact pressure to be 15 Grams minimum measured at contacts. Blades my be reformed if \ necessary. ADJUSTMENT .Dl5 MINI MUM CLEARANCE SPACERS OVERRIDE SWITCH RATCAET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY C. Verify that dl SELECTION ACCUMULATOR LATCH PINS m cancelled off. OVER R l DE SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW D. SOLENOID PLUNGER Position Service Switcll to OFF and verify that SCAN - LOAD - RUN Switch is in RUN position. ESCAPEMENTS RATCHET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY E. Manually actuate SOLENOID PLUNGER to release the two ESCAPEMENTS of RACRET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY as shown. F. Slowly rotate RECORD MAGAZINE until Override Cam on the Record Magazine Drive Arm passes Override Hub of the Override Assembly. ESCAPEMENTS RATCHET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY G. Verify that one ESCAPEMENT on the RATCHET WHEEL and HUB PLSSEMELY cancels off as shown. WURLITZER H. Continue to slowly rotate RECORD MAGAZFNE until Override Cam on dte Record Magazine Drive A m approaches Override Hub on the Override Assembly for the second time (approactling "Home" position). Page 5C SECTION C I. Firmly grasp the RECORD MAGAZINE and continue to slowly rotate the RECORD MAGAZINE until Override Cam on the Record Magazine Drive Arm J. Verify that w a n d ESCAPEMENT of RATCHET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY is cancelled off as sliown. passes the Override Hub on the Override Assembly. DO NOT release grasp 011 RECORD MAGAZINE. ADJUSTMENT SPACERS ,015" MlNlMUM CLEARANCE RATCHET WHEEL and HUE ASSEMBLY OVERRIDE SWITCH OVERRIDE SWlfCH ADJUSTING SCREW K, LOCUNG PIN of MAGAZINE LOCKING ARM engilges proper escnpcme~~tOF RECORD MAGA2XNE PLATE 114 OF ESCAPE- Verify that L. \ Should adjustment be necessary, loosen Override Assembly ADJUSTMENT SPACERS and adjust Override Assembly to satisfy the requiremelit of Step K. Tighten ADJUSTMENT SPACERS. MENT SLOPE LENGTH from top of escapement as shown. 114 OF ESCAPEMENT SCOPE LENGTH RECORD MAGAZINE LOCKING PIN RECORD MAGAZl NE PLATE LOCKING ARM M. SOLENOID PLUNGER to release botrt ESCAPEMENTS of the RATCHET WHEEL and HUB ASSEMBLY then position Service Switch to ON. Manually actuate Page SC N. Verify that RECORD M A G A m E makes two coii~plelerevolutions and stops in "Home" pasition (RECORD TAKEOUT ARM one escapement clockwise from A - I record slot). WURLITZER SECTION C MAGAZINE LOCK SWITGH ADJUSTMENT Verify that LOCKING PIN of MAGAZINE LOCKING ARM is fi~Ely engaged with RECORD MAGAZINE PLATE as shom~. A. B. With MAGAZINE LOCK SWITCH actuated, clearance betweeel MAGAZlNE LOCK SWITCH ACTUATOR a ~ i dSWITCH BODY sllould he 1/64"'. RECORD MAGAZl NE PLATE LOCK1 RIG PIN MAGAZl NE LOCK SWITCH ACTUATOR MAGAZINE LOCKING ARM MAGAZINE LOCK SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS SWITCH BODY 1/64" CLEARANCE C. ShouId adjustment be necessary, loose~lMAGAZINE LOCK SlVITCH MOLMTING SCREWS nnd a?iust MAGAZINE LOCK SWITCH as required to sitisfy requireinellt of Step B. Tiglrtcn MAGAZINE LOCK SlVlTCH MOUNTING SCREWS, MAGAZINE DRIVE MOTOR ADJUSTMENT A. Position Senice Switch to OFF. Select any convenient selection from SELECTOR SWITCH, the11 manudly cancel LATCH PIN seIected. B. M n n ~ ~ e l rotate ly RECORD M A G A m two complete and check meshing of MAGAZINE DltlVE GEAR aiid RECORD MAGAZINE GEAR. revolutions RECORD MAGAZI N f MAGAZINE GEAR MAGAZINE DRIVE MOTOR MOUNTING MAGAZf N E DRIVE GEAR C. SCREWS Should adjustment be necessary, laosen MAGAZINE DRIVE MOTOR MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust motor as required to satisfy requirements of Step B. Tighten MAGAZINE DRIVE MOTOR MOUNTING SCREWS, WURCITZER Page 7C SECTION C Prior to making the following adjustments, verify that the RECORD MAGAZINE is m 'cHornc" position then position the Service Switch to OFF. A. Manually pnsitbn the RECORD MAGAZINE so that Selection A-E is centered directly beneath the RECORD TAKEOUT ARM. B. Verify that L O m N G PIN of MAGAZINE L O C m G ARM is fully engaged with RECORD MAGAZINE PLATE escapements as shown. PLUNGER READOUT ARM ADJUSTING SCREW LATCH PIN A-1 ARM SIDE 1 CANCEL SOLENO!D READOUT C.- Manually releweLATCHPIN A-1. Verify that SIDE I CANCEL SOLENOID PLUNGER is centered or 1/64'' over LATCH PIN A-1 * - D. . DIGITAL RECORD NOW PLAYING INDICATOR ADJUSTMENT' A. Verify that Record Changer is in "Home" pasition. B. Select L-I. When selected recurd is in "Play" position, position Service Switch OFF. Should ndjustment be necessasy, arefully turn READOUT ARM A D J U S m C SCREW in or out to satisfy the requirement of Step C. Relr~rnRECORD MAGAZINE io "Home" position. Verify that Digital Indicator displays selection L-I nnd that OUTER BLADE OF CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY is centered on GI PATCH of CONTACT BOARD and WIRE ASSEMBLY. OUTER BLADE L-l PATCH CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY CONTACT BOARD and WIRE ASSEMBLY CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY ADJUSTING SCREW C. SbouId adjustment: be necesrray, adiust CONTACT PLATE nnd BLADE ASSEMBLY AXIJUSTTNC SCREW as required to satisfy the requirement of Step C. Page BC D. Position Service Switch to ON,cnncd selected record and alIow Record Changer to return to "Homev' position. WURLtTZER SlDE 1 AND 2 READOUT SWITCH ADJUSTMENTS A Verify that Record Changer is in "Home" position and all LATCH PINS are canceled off. B. Establish credit for record seIection then position Service Switch ta OFF. C. Select A-1 and A-2 (&-I On Model 3660). Mnnually cancel ~ I e c t e dLATCH MNS. D. Verify Turn SIDE 1 FRETRAYEL ADJUSTMENT SCREW in until MAGAZINE LOCK SOLENOID deactivates. Back out SIDE I PRETRAVEL ADJUSTMENT SCREW until MAGAZINE LOCK SOLENOID activates plus one additional f ~ d lturn. P. Tun1 SIDE 2 P R E W V E L ADJUSTMENT SCREW in until MAGAZLNE LOCK SOLENOID deactivates. Back out SIDE 2 PRETRAVEL ADJUSTMENT SCREW until MAGAZINE LOCK SOLENOID activates plus one additional full turn, H. Manually rotate RECORD MAGAZINE to position READOUT SWITCH ACTUATORS close to, but not touching, selected LATCH PINS. L. that MAGAZTNE LOCK SOLENOlD i s activated. SIDE 2 PRETRAVEL ADJUSTMENT SCREW SlDE 1 PRETRAVEL ADJSWTMENT SCREW C;. Select D-1 and D-2 (L2and M-2 on Model 3660). Position Line Switch ta OFF. 1/32" TO 1/ I 6" $3 SIDE 2 READOUT SWITCH ACTUATOR I. / Bottem edge of ACTUATORS should be 3/64" to 5/64'* below top of selected LATCH PINS. J. SlDE 1 READOUT SWITCH ACTUATOR Ends of ACTUATORS should overlap e d g selected LATCH PINS 1J32'* to 1/16", Should ndjustment be necessary to satisfy requirements of Steps 1and J. ACTUATORS may be reformed. K. Manually rotate RECORD MAGAZTNE to L'Home" position and maniiaIly cancel selected LATCH PLNS. WU'R LlTZER L. Position Line Switch to ON and select A-1. Page 9C SECTION C M. O b w e LOCKING PIN and slowly rotate RECORD MAGAZlNE until SIDE I READOUT SWITCH actuates, rdeaqing LOCKLNG PIN which d~ouldstrike escapement of RECORD MAGAZINE PLATE at 114 N. Verify that RECORD MAGplay selection A-1. is in position to of ESCAPEMENT SLOPE LENGTH from top of I f 4 OF ESCAPMENT SLOPE LENGTH esmpe~nentas diown. - 7 5 b r 0. Should adjustment he necessasy, ndjust SIDE 1 READOUT SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW as required to satisfy requirements of Steps M and N. Turn ADJUSTING SCREW in to retard switch nchration artd out to advance switch actuation. P. SlDE 2 READOUT SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW LOCKING PIN Manually canceI LATCH PIN, Position Phonogmph Line Switch to OFF. Repeat Steps L,M, N and 0 to verify proper operation of SlDE 1 READOUT SWITCH. SfDE 2 READOUT SWITCH ACTUATOR SIDE 1 READOUT SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW SlDE 7 READOUT SWITCH ACTUATOR Q. Mnnually cnncel LATCH PIN, Position L i e Switch to OFF, then ON. R. Select A-2 (B-1 on Model 3660). Ohserve LOCKING PIN w d sIowFy rotate RECORD MAGAZINE until SIDE 2 READOUT SWlTUll actuates, releasing LOCKING PUV which sI~ouldstrike escape~nentnf RECORD MAGAZINE PLATE at I/4 of ESCMEMENT SLOPE LENGTH from lop of cscapsncnt. S, Verify that RECORD M A C m N E is in pnsition to play selection A-2 (B-1 on Model 3660). T. Shodd adjustment be necessary, adjust SIDE 2 MADOUT SWITCH ADJUSTlNG SCREW as rcquired to satisfy requirements of Steps R and S. Turn ADJUSTING SCREW in to retard switch actuation 'and o i ~ to t advance switch actuation. U. Manually cancel LATCH PTN. Position Line Switch to OFF, then ON. Repest Steps R,S and T to verify proper operatiall of SIDE 2 READOUT SWITCH. V. Clieck position of SFDE 1 and SIDE 3 READOUT SWITCH ACTUATORS, ACTUATORS inust not come to rest over 3 LhTCH PIN. W. Should adjustment be necessary, turn nppropristc PRETRAVEL ADJUSTMENT SCREW slowly counrerclockwise until the requireme~lt of Step V is satisfied. Page 10C WURLlITZER & SECTION. G - SAFETY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT A. - Mth Record Changer in "Flome" position, rnanrrally bottom SAFETY S W C H ACTUATOR against switch body. There should be 1/16" CLEARANCE between SAFETY SWITCH ACTUATOR and CLAMP PIN. 1116" CLEARANCE B. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen SAFETY SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREWS and adjust SAFETY SWITCH as required to satisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten SAFETY SIWtTCH ADJUSTING SCREWS. RECORD CLAMP PIN SAFETY SWtTCH ADJUSTMENT PLATE SAFETY S W l f CH ACTUATOR SAFEf Y SWITCH ADJUSTING SAFETY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT SCREWS PLATE BAIL AN5 BUSHING ASSEMBLY CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT A. With RECORD TAKEOUT ARM in "Home"position, there should be -015" END PLAY between BAIL and BUSRrNG ASSEMBLY and GEAR PLATE and PIN ASSEMBLIES. B. Should adjustment be necessary, Ioosen ALLEN SCREWS on either side af BAIL and BUSHING ASSEMBLY and adjtlst loosei~ed side to sutisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten ALLEN SCREWS. -015"' END PLAY GEAR PLATE and PIN ASSEMBLY BAIL and BUSHING ASSEMBLY ALLEN SCREWS GEAR PLATE and PIN ASSEMBLY - MAlN CAM MOTOR BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Prior to making the following adjustment, verify thnt Record Changer is in "Home" position, then position Service Switch to OFF. A. Man~tally actuate MAtN CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID PLUNGER. There should be 1/64" CLEARANCE between LEWRand PAD ASSEMBLY and BRAKE WHEEL. B. Sllould adjustment be necessary, loasen SOLNEOID MOUNTING SCREWS, then wl~demanually actuating MAIN CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID PLUNGER, adjust MAIN CAM MOTOR H M K E SOLENOID ns requircd to satisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten SOLENOID MOUNTlNG SCREWS. BRAKE WHEEL f l64" CLEARANCE LEVER and PAD ASSEIVIBLY MAIM CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID WUR LITZER MAlN CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID PLUNGER SOLENOID MOUNTING SCREWS Page 11C - SECTION C - TRANSFER SWff CH ADJUSTMENT Verify that a record is in '"lay"' position. Cancel record and inmediately upm record entering RECORD MAGAZINE, position Service Switch to OFF. A. Position Swpiee Switch to ON and cycle CAM had GEAR ASSEMBLY untiI RECORD CLAMP CAM FOLLOWER reaches the peak of RECORD CLAMP CAM LOBE as shown, then position Service Switcli to OFF. RECORD CLAMP CAM FOLLOWER RECORD CLAMP CAM LOBE B. Manually position TRANSFER !W*TCH ACTUATOR as shown. There shoald be 1/16'' CLEARANCE between tip of TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR C. and MAIN GEAR TRACK LOBE. \ Should adjustment be necessary, loosen TRANSFER SWITCH MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust TRANSFER SWITCH as required to satisfy requircn ~ e n t of Step J3. Tighten TRANSFER SWI'ICB MOUNTlNC SCREWS. - TRANSFER SWFTCH MOUNTING SCREWS 1/18" CLEARANCE MAlN GEAR TRACK LOBE TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR D, Posi.tian Service Switch to ON and cycle C A M and GEAR ASSEMBLY until TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR is riding on MAIN GEAR TRACK 3s &own, then position Service Switcli to OFF. E. Mnnudy bottom TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR a p h s t switch body, There should be 6/32" CLEARANCE between TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR and MAIN GEAR TUCK TRANSFER SWITCH ACTUATOR SWITCH BRACKET MOUNTING SCREWS 7/32" CLEARANCE MAlN GEAR TRACK F. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen SWITCH BRACKET MOUNmNG SCREWS, making sure that l~orizontd positioning is mainbb~ed, ti1cn adjust SWITCH BRACKET as reqt~ired to satisfy requirement of Step E. Tighten SWlTCH BRACKET MOUNTING SCREWS. G. Position Service Switch to ON and cycle CAM and GEAR ASSEMBLY. Verify h a t each time TRANSFER SWITfX ACTUATOR falls into recess of MAIN GEAR TRACK,switcl~actuates. - SECTION C CANCEL SWITCH ADJUSTMENT hior to making the following adjustment, position SERVICE SWITCH to OFF and verify that SCAN-LOAD-RUN SWITCH i s in RUN position, Make a record selection. A. Utilizing Service Switch cycle CAM and GEAR B. Should ndjustment be necessary, loosen CANCEL SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW and adjust CANCEL ASSEMBLY until TRACK CAM GROOV-PIN is on SWITCH to satisfy the requirement of Step A. the peak of CANCEL SWITCH ACTUATOR. Verify that CANCEL SWITCH has actuated with 1/32" to 3/64" overtravel. TRACK CAM GROOV-PIN CANCEL SWITCH ACTUATOR CANCEL SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW CANCEL SWITCH RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ALIGNMENT A. Select n record that is known to be flnt. Utilizing Service Switch, stop RECORD TAKEOUT ARM when STOP PINS of GEAR and PLATE ASSEMBLIES are approxinlately 1/16': to 3/16'' from RECORD TURN STOP ASSEMBLIES. Verify that record is centered between "V" portion of RECORD SEPARATORS as shown. B, Should adjustment be necessary, loosen LOCK NUT and adjust RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ADJUSTMENT SCREW as rcqlrired to mtisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten LOCK NUT. RECORD GUIDE TIPS RECORD SEPA RECORD TAKEOUT ARM RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ADJUSTMENT SCREW 7/76" TO 3/16" CLEARANCE SlDE 1 RECORD TURN ARM C. STOP PINS SlDE 2 RECORD TURN ARM B. RECORD GUIDE MOUNTING SCREWS LOCK NUT Verify that selected record is centered between RECORD GUIDE TIPS as shown. PLAYMETER RESET MAGNET ADJUSTMENT A. RECORD GUIDE Depress PLAYMETER RESET MAGNET and verify tliat there is 1/16'' CLEARANCE between PLAYMETER RESET MAGNET and PLAYMETER RESET LEVER. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen MAGNET A R M MOUNT1NGSCREWS and adjust PLAYMETER RESET MAGNET as required to satisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten :MAGNET ARM MOUNTING D. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen RECORD GUIDE MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust RECOIlD GUIDE as nccesmry to satisfy reqllirement of Step C. 'Tighten RECORD GUIDE MOUNTlNG SCREWS. 7/16" CLEARANCE PLAYMETER RESET MAGNET PLAYMETER RESET LEVER MAGNET ARM SCREWS. MAGNET ARM MOUNTING ScnEws WURLITZER Page 13C e - SECTION C - SIDE 1 SHIFT ADJUSTMENTS A. Posiiion Service Switch to OFF then selcet A-1. Position Service Switcl~to ON then to OFF to slop Record Changer when STOP PINS of GEAR and PLATE ASSEMBLIES are 114" frnm RECORD TURN ARiiIS as shorm. R. Flange of SIDE 1 kECORD TURN ARM should be centered between inner side of I~endos STOP P I N artd side of nAl L CASTING as shown. - BAI L CASTING BAIL CASTING - STOP PIN - 114'' CLEARANCE SIDE 1 RECORD TURN A R M C. d Should adjustment be necessary, loosen SOLENOrD ADJUSTING SCREWS ant1 adjt~stenergized SIDE 1 SHIFT SOLENOID as necessay to wtisfy reqnircment of Step B. Tighten SOLENOID .AL)JUSTLNG SCREWS. SIDE 2 RECORD - D. Position Service Switch to ON,c m e I selectedrecord, then pasition Service Switch to OEF. - SWtTCH MOUNTING SCREWS SlDE 1 SHl FT SOLENOID SlDE 1 SOLENOID SWITCHES SOLENOID ADJUST1NG SCREWS E. Verify that SIDE 1 SOLENOlD SWITCHES are actuated with 1/32"' overtrave!. G, Select A-2 Switch to F. ShouId adjustment be necessary, loosen SWITCH MOUNTING SCREWS and adiust as necessary ta satisfy requirements of Step ~. TigI~tenS W I ~ C H hlOUNTING SCREWS. A. Tiiere should be 5/64" to 7/64" CLEARANCE hctwecii head of STOP PIN and SIDE I RECORD TURN AIW1 as shown. IBF on Made1 36601. Position Semice dN then to OFF lo stop Record Cl~anger when STOP PINS of GEAR and PLATE ASSEMBLIES are 114" from RECORD TURN ARMS as sh owl. - GEAR and PLATE ASSEMBLIES STOP PIN SIDE 7 SOLENOID ADJUSTING SCREW SlDE f RECORD TURN ARM 5/64"TO 7/64" CLEARANCE I. Should adjustment he neceswry, adjust SIDE I SOLENOID STOP ADJUSTING SCREW as necessary to satisfy requirement of Step M. Page 14C J, Position Service Switch to ON then cancel selected record. WLJRLITZER SECTION C TURN ARM HOLDOUT CAM ADJUSTMENT A. With Record Changer in "Home" position, flat surface of LOCKOUT CAM should hc verticd to B. , RECORD CHANGER MOUNTING PLATE as shown. Should adjustment be necessary, loosen SET SCREWS nnd adjust LOCKOUT CAM as required to satisfy requirement of Step A. Tighten SET SCREWS, LOCKOUT CAM SET SCREWS RECORD CHANGER MOUNTING PLATE C. Slrould ad,iustment Ire necessary, Ioosen remaining SET SCREW and adjust LOCKOUT CAM as required D. Loosen SET SCREW located on top of ,LOCKOUT CAM. Select A-3 (C-I on Model 3660). Position Service Switcll to OFF as RECORD TAKEOUT ARM starts to turn. LOCKOUT CAM should make contact wilh SIDE 1 TURN ARM as shown. to satisfy requirement of Step C. Tightell SET SCREW. Wbcn Record Changer retun~sto "Home" position, repent Steps A and B. Q RECORD TAKEOUT ARM LOCKOUT CAM SIDE 1 RECORD TURN ARM RECORD TAKEOUT ARM TURN ADJUSTMENT A. Select A-2 (B-1 an Mode1 3660). Position Service Switch to OFF when selected tccord is in **Ptay" position. Remove record from TURNTABLE. Surfacc. of TURNTABLE should be 1/32" BELOW V OF RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ROLLERS. B. RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ROLLERS TURNTABLE k?:'*& ;* k:w ,Y C. <.*<. ShauEd adjusbnent be necessary, adjust SIDE 2 RECORD TURN ARM ADJUSTMENT SCREW ns reqrllr~dto I R ~ I N mqalrenlen I~ t of Step R, SIDE f RECOaP TURNAWM ADJUST! NQ SCREW ;+ 9 , D. , ,> TAKEOUTARM ROLLERS Place record back o n TURNTABLE. Position Service Switch to ON and cancel selected record. SIDE 2 RECORD TURNARM ADJUST1 NQ SCREW Balwt A 3 (C4 on Model 3560)' Poaltlan Sewlce Swltcl~to OFF when selected record is in 'Yay"' ppsition. Remove wlected record from TURNTABLEnlrtl repent Steps 0, C n ~ i dD uf~ingSIDE 1 RECORD TURN ARM ADJUSTMENT SCREW, WURLITZER Page 156 - RECORO TAKEOUT ARM STOP ADJUSTMENT Make the following adjustment with the Record Changer in "Home" position. A. Position a straight edge on TURNATDLE as shown. There should be 118" CLEARANCE between straight edge and head of RECORD TAKEOUT ARM STOP ADJUSTMENT SCREW. B. ARM STOP ADJUSTMENT SCREW as required to satisfy requirement o f Step A. Adjust RECORD TAmOUT - 118" CLEARANCE RECORD TAKEOUT ARM STOP ADJUSTMENT SCREW rn - TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL ADJUSTMENT For tlre foIlowing adjustment Record Changer must be in "Home" position. A. Verify that the clearance between TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL and TURNTARLE MOTOR SLEEVE is 1/16" to 1/8" ns shown. B. Sl~ouldadjustment be required, loosen TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL ADJUSTING SCREWS and adiust T'WRNTAULE DRIVE WHEEL ADJUSTMENT PLATE ar l~ecessary to meet the requirement of Step A, Tighten TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL ADJUSTING SCREWS. TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL ADJUSTMENT PLATE TURNTABLE DRlVf WHEEL ADJUSTMENT SCREWS TURNTABLE DREVE WHEEL TURNTABLE MOTOR SLEEVE 1/16" TO I/W CLEARANCE - SECTION C TURNTARLE SPEED CHANGE ADJUSTMENTS A. Select a 33 1/3 R. P. M, record. As record is positioned on TURNTABLE, TURNTABLE SPEED CHANCE SWITCH should actuate wit11 1/32" to 1/16" evertravel of ACTUATOR. B. \ C. Manuplly actuate TURNTABLE SPEED CHANCE SOLENOID PLUNGER. Sliuuld adjustment be nwessary, Ioown TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SWlTCH MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SWITCH as required t o satisfy reguirenlent of Step A. Tighten TURNTABLE SPEED CH.4NGE SWITCH MOUNTING SCREWS, D. TURNTABLE D R N E WHEEL should Iift 114". TURNTABLE SPf ED CHANGE SPEED CHANGE> SOLENOID PLUNGER ! I E. Should adjustmenf be n e t e m , cancel record and manually collapse TURNTABLE PILOT te 33 113 R. P M. position, Ranove TUkVTABLE MOUNTING SCREWS, TUKNTABLE KING and TURNTABLE. Loosen TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SOLENOID MOUNTING SCREWS and adjust TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SOLENOID as required to satisfy requirement of Step D. Tighten TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SOLENOID MOUNTING SCXEIVS. F. Verify that TURNTABLE PILOT is still in 33 113 K. P. M. position. Reinstdl TURNTABLE, TURNTABLE RING aid TURNTABLE MOUNTING SCREWS. Tighten TURNTABLE MOUNTING SCREWS and verify propcr operati011 of TURNTABLE PILOT. TURNTABLE PI LOT TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE SO LEN01D MOUNTING SCREWS WURktTZER Page 77C e SECTION C TONE ARM LIFT ADJUSTMENT A. Position Service Switch RECORD TAKEOUT ARM t o OFF. "I" CLEARANCE Select A-1. B. Position Service Switch to ON. 'When TONE ARM i s directly over RECORD TAKEOUT ARM, position Service to OFF. TONE ARM TONE ARM TUBE TONE ARM LI FT ADJUSTING SCREW C. E. There should be 1" CLEARANCE between TONE ARM and RECORD TAKEOUT ARM as diown. D. Should adjustment be necessary, adjust TONE ARM LIFT ADJUSTING SCREW as required t o satisfy requirement of Step C. Position Service Switcll to ON and cancel selected recard. STYLUS BRUSH ADJUSTMENT A. Position Service Switch to OFF. Select A-2. STYLUS B. Position Service Switch to ON. When TONE ARM is directly over STYLUS BRUSH, position Service Switch to OFF. - - - i . STYLUSBRUSH HOLDER 1/64" TO 1132" PEN E f RATION STYLUS BRUSH I-lOLDER MOUNTING SCREW STYLUS BRUSH C, STYLUS should contact STYLUS BRUSH with 1/64" to 1/32" PENETRATION. D. ShonId adjustment be n e c c s m , lousen STYLUS BRUSH HOLDER MOUNTING SCREW and adjust STYLUS BRUSH HOLDER as required to satisfy requirement. of Step C. Tighten STYLUS BRUSlf HOLDER MOUNTING SCREW. - SECTION C TONE ARM RELEASE ADJUSTMENT A. - Make a record selection, Position Senice Switch to OFF to stop Record Cllmger when TONE ARM has started down on record, but prior to TONE ARM B. touching record. There should be ZERO CLEAR4NCE (no play) between ADJUSTMENT LEVER and BUSHING ASSEMBLY, LEVER and BUSHING ASSEMBLY and PWOT ARM and PLN ASSEMBLY. TONE ARM PIVOT ARM and PIN ASSEMBLY LEVER and BUSHING ASSEMBLY ZERO CLEARANCE TONE ARM RELEASE ADJUSTING SCREW and BUSHING ADJUSTMENT LEVER - C. ASSEMBLY Tllere should be ZERO CLEARANCE between ADJUSTMENT LEVER and BUSHING ASSEMBLY and TONE Am1 RELEASE ADJUSTING SCREW. D. Should adjustment be nmessary, adjust TONE ARM RELEASE ADJUSTlNG SCREW as required to satisfj* requirements of Steps B and C. TONE ARM FEED-IN AND TRlP SWITCH ADJUSTMENTS - A. M&e a record selection, Position Service Switcl~to OFF to stop Record Changer when TONE ARM ha7 started down on record, but prior to TONE ARM touching record. TONE ARM STYLUS shnuld be 3 11/32'' from tip of TURNTABLE PILOT. B. Should adjustment be necessary, adjust TONE ARM FEEDdN ADJUSTING SCREW as required to sntisfy requirement af Step A. TRlP SWITCH ADJUSTING SCREW T R t P SWITCH ADJUSTING PLATE TONE ARM TONE ARM STYLUS 2 3/32" 3 17/32" DlMENSlON DIMENSION ADJUSTING PLATE ADJUSTING SCREW TONE ARM FEED-IN ADJUST1NG SCREW - C. Position Service Switch to ON to play record. 'FRIP SWITCH should actuate when TONE ARM STYLUS is 2 3/32" from tip of TURNTABLE PILOT. D. Should adjustment be necessary, adjust TRIP SWITCH - E. With Record Changer In Worne" position, manually actuate TRIP SWITCH ACTUATOR. SlowIy release ACTUATOR. When TRIP SWlTCH re.wts, ACTUATOR sl~ouldbe 3/32" to 1/SW from TRIP SWITCH ADJUSTING PLATE. F. ADJUSTING SCREW as required to satisfy requirement of Step C, Sl~ouldadjustment be necessary, loosen ADJUSTING PLATE ADJUSTING SCREW and adjust TRTP SWITCH ADJUSTING PLATE as required to satisfy tile requirements of Step E. Page 19C @ PLAY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT A. Select A-2. Position Service Switch to OFF dlen selection is m "'Play" position. B. Verify that PLAY SWITCH actuates with evertravel. The SWITCH ACTUATOR must not bottom on SWITCH BODY. ADJUSTMENT LEVER PLAY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT LEVER ACTUATOR ADJUSTING SCREW C, Should adjustment be necessary, tnrn ADJUSTMENT LEVER ACTUATOR ADJUSTING SCREW as required to satisfy requirement of Step 8. D. Position Service Switch to ON and cancel 'selected record. STYLUS PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT A. With a record on the tumtpble and TONE ARM in playing position, apply CRAM PRESSURE GAUGE 318" from end of TONE A R M as shown. B. Stylus diau1d break confact with record at 5 to 7 Grams of upwurd pressure as indicated on GRAM PRESSURE GAUGE. Should adjustment be required, proceed to Step C. STYLUS GAUGE TONE ARM STYLUS STYLUS PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT WEIGHT C. To adjust STYLUS pressure, loosen STOP NUTS and adjust STYLUS PRESSLRE ADJUSTlWENT WEIGHTS as required to satisfy the requirement of Step B. Tighten STOP NWS. Page 20C W U R L l f ZER - SECTION C TUFFNTABLE PILOT RESET ADJUSTMENT A. - Select a 33 113 R.P. M. record. Cancel record when it is in "Plny" position. Using Service Switch, sf op Record Changer when TURNTARLE PILOT has been lifted to maximum height. B. There shouId be 1/32'"0 3/64" CLEARANCE hetween PILOT LATCH LEVERS and TURNTABLE RING as d~owi. TURNTABLE PILOT LEVERS 1/32" to 3/64'" CLEARANCE TURNTABLE RING TURNTABLE - C. .should adjustment be necessary, djltst TURNTABLE PILOT LlFT ADJUSTING SCREW M required to satisfy requirement of Step B. - D. Position Service Switch 2 0 ON,then select a 33 113 R. P. M. record. With selected record In "Play" position, veriry that there is VISUAL CLEARANCE between TURNTABLE RESET LEVER and HUB ASSEMBLY and PILOT TUBE WASHER. PILOT TUBE WASHER VISUAL CLEARANCE TURNTABLE RESET LEVER and HUB ASSEMBLY TURNTABLE PI LOT LIFT ADJUSTt NG SCREW Pags ZIC aJ SECTION C INDEX TO PARTS DRAWINGS Record Magazine Assembly ...................................... ........................................ Record Changer L. H. ......................................... CamandGearAssembly ........................................ Record Changer R. H. ........................................ Turntable and Mounting Plate Assembly ............................ Selection Accumulator ToneAnnAssembly Record Takeout A m Turntable Assembly Page 22C .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... Page 23 Page 24 - 25 Page 26 - 27 - Page 28 29 Page 30 - 31 Page 32 - 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 SECTION C RECORD MAGAZINE ASSEMBLY Label, Record Playing Label, Record Playing (Numbers 2 through 8) Label, Record Playing (Letters C through K) Label, Record Playing (Number 1) Label, Record Playing (Letters A and B) Label, Record Playing (Letters F and G) Label. Record Maeazine Loading Label. Record Magazine Loading Record Separator Assembly Casting, Record Holder Plate and Gear Assembly Filler, Record Magazine 3600-3660 Filler, Record Magazine 3660 Support Assembly, Magazine Filer 3660 Mounting Bracket Assembly 3660 Filler, Record Magazine(2)3610 Support Assembly, Magazine Filler (2) 3610 Mounting Bracket Assembly (2) 3610 Record Separator and Counter Assembly Page 23C - .- SECTION C SECTION C SELECTION ACCUMULATOR ILLUSTRATE0 PARTS LIST Latch Pin. Inside Latch Pin, lnside Latch Pin, Inside Latch Pin, Outside Spring, Latch Pin, Selection Accumulator Ring and Spacer Assembly 3600 Ring and Spacer Assembly 3660 Ring and Spacer Assembly 3610 Spacer (8) Plate, Pin Stop Shaft and Magnet Arm Asse~nbly, Selection Accumulator Bobbin and Wire Assembly (2) Shield and Support Assembly Contact Plate and Blade Assembly (2) Thrust Washer (2) ~, Ball Race Spacer, Selection Accumulator (8) Contact Board and Cable Assembly 3600 Contact Board and Cable Assembly 3660 Contact Board and Cable Assemblv 3610 Plug, 1 2 Pin Terminal (9) Receptacle, 15 Contact Terminal (IS) Receptacle, 9 Contact Terminal (9) Receptacle, 1 2 Contact Terminal (10) Casting and Bearing Assembly, Selection Accumulator Clutch Bearing Spring Washer Gear and Hub Assembly, Selection Accumulator, Shaft Set Screw. 8/32 x 3/16 Motor Mounting Plate, Selection Accumulator Motor and Gear Assembly Gear and Hub Assembly Roll Pin Support Leg, Selection Accumulator (For Service Only) Mounting Bracket, Receptacles Capacitor, .l8 mfd. 75V (2) Diode, Zenner (2) Page 25C ~ I i SECTION C - - - ._-- C SECTION C RECORD CHANGER ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST, L. H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Record Support 136491 Cam, Override 135922 137318 Drive Arm and Contact Blade Assembly (Part of Drive Ann and Support Arm Assembly, 137333) 73782-52 Roll Pin Housing and Clutch Assembly 128643 Roller Clutch 128641 Housing and Bushing Assembly 128384 Bushing 128383 Guide, Ratchet 128367 Spacer (2) 135185 Switch and Bracket Assembly 135959 Switch Assembly 138837 Retainer Plate 63014 Mounting Bracket 135924 Ratchet Wheel and Hub Assembly 128363 Spacer Stud (2) 135938 Cover, Override 136458 Solenoid 133482 Gripring 76922-12 Spring, Lever and Link 136154 Latch and Pin Assembly 135969 Spring, Armature 136236 Spring, Ratchet Wheel 128647 Mounting Plate and Stud Assembly 135964 Lever Assembly, Override 135967 Retaining Ring 73724 - 15 Spring 135543 134592 WindowPlate and Rivet Assembly 136464 Plate and Silk Screen Assembly Mirror, Record Playing 134891 Lamp, No. 1847 138275 110454 Light Socket and Wire Assembly Plug, 6 131172 Pin Terminal (3) 132000 Light Bracket, Record Playing 136466 Spacer, Record Playing Plate 137026 Magnet and Frame Assembly 135771 74840-2 Resistor, 135 ohm, 5 Watt Mounting Bracket, Window Plate 136462 Mounting Plate and Spacer Assembly 134003 Motor and Gear Assembly 133487 Receptacle, 2 129381 Pin Terminal (2) 132000 Spacer, Selection Accumulator I33402 Mounting Bracket and Roller Assembly (4) 135707 -- -Circuit Breaker 135187 Contact Board and Wire Assembly,Standard 138878 Plug, 6 131172 Pi Terminal (5) 132000 Contact Board and Wire Assembly, Deluxe 138879 Receptacle, 15B 131890 Contact Terminal (1 5) 132001 Receptacle, 15W 131888 Contact Terminal (10) 132001 Plug, 6 138838 Contact Terminal (3) 132001 Plug, 6 131172 Pin Terminal (5) 132000 33. Cancel Solenoid Assembly Internal Hair Pin (2) Cup Washer (2) Spring (2) Plunger (2) Spring, Readout Switch (2) Switch and Actuator Lever Assembly, Side 2 Pretravel Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly ( Bracket Assembly, Readout (2) Switch and Actuator Lever Assembly, Side 1 Support Arm and Stop Nut Assembly (Part of Drive Arm and Support Arm Assembly, 137333) Roll Pin Retaining Ring Spring (2) Spring Arm, Readout Resistor 175 ohm, 5W (2) Shaft, Drive Arm (Part of Drive Arm and Support Arm Assembly, 137333) Bracket, Contact Plate Contact Plate and Blade Assembly, Deluxe Contact Plate and Blade Assembly, Standard Positioning Plate, Magazine Lock Locking Arm and Link Assembly Spacer Stop Nut 4-40 Spridg Switch Tapping Plate Solenoid Channel and Fall Support Assembly, Left Hand Spring Mounting Plate 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. - 49. 50. 51. i .1 - t Page 27C --- - _ -... - - SECTION C -- SECTION C CAM AND GEAR ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST Coupling Set Screw. 8/32 x 3/16 FL Casting and BUS&& ~ s s e m b l ~ Mounting Bracket, Transfer Switch Switch, Transfer Tapping Plate Retaining Ring Washer Actuating Arm and Hub Assembly Spring, Record Takeout Segment Gear Actuating Arm and Hub Assembly Segment Gear, Record Transfer Roller Bracket Assembly Mounting Plate and Shaft Assembly, Record Transfer Washer (2) Spring, Takeout Arm Return Shaft and Gear Assembly, Record Transfer Retaining Ring (2) Cam Assembly Retaining Ring (2) Link, Record Clamp Lever and Bushing Assembly, Record Clamo Spring Retaining Ring Stud, Pivot Lockwasher No. 8 Adiustment Lever and Lever Pin Assembly Roll Pin Support Bracket and Filler Assembly Casting and Bushing Assembly Pivot Plate and Lever Assembly Lever and Bushing Assembly Retaining Ring Pivot Plate and Stud Assembly ~ ~~ Cable Assembly, Turntable Drive Pully Retaining Ring (2) Pivot Plate and Lever Assembly Lever and Bushing Assembly Retaining Ring Pivot Plate and Stud Assembly Pivot Plate and Lever Assembly Lever and Bushine Assemblv Retaining Ring Pivot Plate and Stud Assemblv Shaft, Housing Mounting Bracket and Spacer Assembly, Drive Motor Bracket and Angle Assemhly, Main Cam Motor Motor and Gear Assembly Gear, Motor Roll Pin Plug, 2 Contact Terminal (2) Motor Brake Assembly Mounting Plate and Pin Assembly Lever and Pad Assembly Spring, Motor Brake Locknut, No. 4-40 Washer Roll Pin Solenoid Washer (2) Cover, Cam and Gear Link, Record Release Lever and Bushing Assembly Retaining Ring Stud, Pivot, Record Release Micro Switch, Cancel Mounting Bracket and Plate Assembly Retaining Ring - Page 29C -. SECTION C ' Page 30C SECTION C RECORD CHANGER ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST, R. H. Switch Service Locating Plate. Record Arm Assemblv Pivot ~ g c k eand t Stop Nut ~ s s e m b l y Set Screw, 6-32 x 112 Oval Stop and Bearing Assembly, L.H. Sorine Washer wash; Retaining Ring Mounting Bracket, Safety Switch Adjustment Plate, Safety Switch Switch Pivot Bracket and Bushing Assembly Stop and Bearing Assembly, R.H. Spring Washer Washer Retaining Ring Pivot Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly Set Screw, 6-32 x 112 Oval Shaft and Lever Assembly Retaining Ring Lever and Shaft Assembly, Record Clamp Pull Lever and Hub Assembly Spring Bearing Bracket and Bushing Assembly Link, Turntable Shift Spring, Turntable Release (4 5/16 oz. a t 2 5/16") Spring Link, Turntable Shift Retaining Ring Roller Bracket and Stud Assembly Roller, Turntable Drive Retaining Ring Adjusting Plate, Trip Switch Mounting Plate and Stop Nut Assembly Trip Switch and Plug Assembly Switch Trip Plug, 3 Pin Terminal (2) Spring Mounting Bracket, Play Switch Switch Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly, Tone Arm Support, Record Changer (4) (For Service Only) Retainer, Chassis Spring (4) Spring (2), Part of ltem 34. Retainer, Chassis Spring (2), Part of Item 34. Chanuel and Fall Support Assembly, R.H. Spring Mounting Plate and Socket Assembly Socket, 4 Min. Receptacle, 3 Contact Terminal (2) Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly, Turntable Stop Link, Tone Arm Lift Retaining Ring (2) Spring Lift Lever Assembly, Tone Arm Lift Spring Thumbscrew Brush Brush Holder Record Arm Rest and Nut Assembly Clamp Bracket and Handle Assembly Shaft and Lever Assembly Turntable Reset Spring Lever and Hub Assembly Turntable Reset Spring Mounting Bracket and Bushing Assembly Mounting Bracket and Bushing Assembly(uot shown) Link Assembly, Playmeter Link, Playmeter Link, Offset, Playmeter Screw, Red (2) Washer (2) Retaining Ring (2) Counter, Lever, Hob and Pin Assembly(aot shown) Bracket and Pin Assembly, Playmeter(not shown) Link and Pin Assembly Retaining Ring (2) Link and Pin Assembly Retaining Ring Spring Solenoid, Side I Link, Solenoid Shoulder Screw Spacer Ston Nut. 4-40 ~ r & k e t ,solenoid Switch (2) Tapping Plate Mounting Bracket Adiustment Plate and Pivot Assemblv ail Race Mounting Plate and Pin Assembly SECTION C SECTION C TURNTABLE AND MOUNTING PLATE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. "0"Ring Retaining Ring Drive Wheel Assembly Shim Washer Retaining Ring Cup Washer Spring, Shift, Turntable Drive Spring, Drive Wheel Ann (6 112 oz. at 1 118") 9. Arm, Hub and Limk Assembly 10. Shaft, Pivot, Bell Crank 11. spring, ~ u m t a b l eReturn (6 112 oz. x 1 1/8") 12. Retainine Rine (21 13. Bell ~ r a l ak n i ~ " bAssembly, L.H. 14. Spring, Solenoid Assist (8-10 oz. at 2 5/16") 15. Retaining Ring (2) 16. Shaft, Solenoid, Bell Crank 17. Plunger, Solenoid 18. Solenoid and Plug Assembly Solenoid Plug - 3 Pin Terminal (2) 19. Retaining Ring 20. Washer 21. Washer, Felt 128579 73724-25 128032 135057 73724-25 124530 128534 133543 128537 124519 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Receptacle - 3 Contact Terminal (2) Micro Switch Tapping Plate Plug - 3 Pin Terminal (2) Mounting Plate, Speed Change Motor and Sleeve Assembly Plug - 2 Pin Terminal (2) Oil Tube . -..~.- 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Cable Clamp Mounting Bracket, Turntable Plate Rubber Mount (4) Nut (8) Lockwasher (8) Motor Mounting and Pivot Bracket Assembly mount in^ Bracket. Turntable Plate Bell Crank and Hub Assembly, R.H. Mounting Plate and Roller Assembly Spacer, Cover (2) Lockwasher (2) Washer (4) Cover, Turntable SECTION C TONE ARM ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1. 2. Tone Arm and Pivot Rod Assembly Tone Arm Balance Bracket and Weld Screw Assembly Pivot Stud Pivot Screw Sleeve Bushing (2) Weight (2) NU< 1 c 3 2 (2) Wire and Plug Assembly Wire and Clip Assembly Plug, 4 Prong Sneed Nut (4) ~ b e e dNut Mounting Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly Pivot Screw, Tone Arm Spring (1 lb. 1 2 oz. at 15/16") Adjusting Bracket and Stop Nut Assembly Set Screw, 8/32 x 3/16 Cup (2) Washerf2) Ball ~ a c e , ' ~ o nArm e Shaft \ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 34C , 132850 132846 133544 135836 135835 135262 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Support Casting and Bushing Asselnlby Mounting Bracket, Tone Arm Spring (3 112 oz. a t 1 118") Adjustment Lever and Hub Assembly Washer (2) Spring (1 lb. 1 2 oz. a t 15/16") Lever and Bushine Assemhlv Retaining Ring Retaining Ring (3) Pivot Arm a i ~ dPin Assembly Set Screw, 8/32 x 3/16 Cup (2) Cup Washer Spring CUDWaslier ~ r ; ~ r (2) in~ Link. Tone Arm Feed-In Ring (2) Tube, Tone Arm Shaft, Tone Arm Cartridge Needle, Double Tip Diamond Needle, Saphire 128069 132928 59710 133127 59864 59615 133074 etai in in^ WURLITZER SECTION C RECORD TAKEOUT ARM ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Gripring (4) Roller. Record Arm (21 Shaft, Record k i m Roller (2) Record Arm Casting Bevel Gear, Record Arm Washer, Record Arm Spring Washer Retaining Ring Spacer, Record Takeout Arm Mounting Bracket, Record Guide Record Guide (2) Mounting Bracket and Pin Assembly Magnet Arm Assembly Magnet (2) Spring Washer Retaining Ring (2) Gripring (4) Pin, Coupling (2) Coupling Connector Counline (Part of Item 31) RGU Pin Pivot Bracket and Bushing Assemblv Spring, Record Arm Bail and Bushing Assembly Set Screw, 6-32 x 3/16 (2) - Washer, Pivot Casting Retaining Ring Gear and Plate Assembly Connectinc Rod. Bail Retaining -king ' Washer Spring Washer Washer, Record Arm Pivot Castine Assemblv sleeve: Pivot caking Gear and Plate Assembly Retaining Ring Washer, Pivot Casting Bail and Bushing Assembly Set Screw, 6-32 x 3/16 (2) Screw (Special) Nut, 5-40 (Small) Holdout Cam 128101 73727-50 128585 128107 Reco'd Clamp and Pin Assembly Retaining Ring Page 35C SECTION C TURNTABLE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST Ring, Turntable Screw, 6-32 x 3/8 Truss (3) -I .nrkwasher --....-- - -- (31 ,- , Turntable Pad Pilot Guide and Shaft Assembly, Turntable Washer Support Casting and Bushing Assembly, Turntable Retaining Ring Cup Washer (2) Spring, Pilot Retaining Ring (2) Washer 128022 76719 -68 73604-5 128038 128042 136022 128015 128023 73727 -43 124530 128007 73724 -25 128004 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Gripring (2) Washer (2) Soring. - -. Pilot Lever (21 , Washer, Felt Retaining Ring (2) Mounting Plate Assembly, Clamp Levers Tube, Pilot Spring, Cam Cup Washer Gripring Shaft, Cam Cam, Clamp Lever Pilot, Turntable -. . SECTION D 3860 PHONOGRAPH SECTION D Page 2D WURLITZER SECTION D CABINET - FRONT VlEW - ILLUSTRATE0 PARTS LlST 1. Upper Door Casting 2. Screen, Upper Door 3. Window, Personalization Light Diffuser Color Shield, Light Orange Color Shield, Turquoise Display Sign, Music For Millions Retainer, Display Sign 4. *Display Glass and Tape Assembly Color Shield, Light Orange Color Shield, Turquoise Glass Clamp, Top and Bottom (2) Glass Clamp, Side, L.H. Glass Clamp, Side, R.H. Upper Glass Clamp, Side, R.H. Lower 5. *Escutcheon and Tape Assembly * Window Blank and Decal Assembly Mounting Plate and Light Socket Assembly (Bii Accepters only) Glass CIamv Assemblv. Side. R.H. Lower (Preset, ~ i s t a & l ~ c c e ~ t e' r ) Window Clamp, Display Window Center (Digital and Accepter) Mounting Bracket, Glass Clamp, Center (Digital) Mounting Bracket, Side (Deluxe) Glass Clamp Assembly, Side, L.H. (3600 and 3660 with Accepter) Glass Clamp, Center (3600 and 3660 with Accepter) 6. Extrusion, Upper Door, Center 7. Window Blank, Coin Denomination *Coin Denomination and Select Label Light Diffuser, Coin Denomination Light Bracket and Cable Assembly 8. Coin Entry Casting Assembly 9. Extrusion, Upper Door, Selector Panel 10. Door Casting. Lower. R.H. 11. Lock ~ s s e m & l ~ Kev. RW-110 w&er Lock Plate, Actuator Screw, Lock Plate Actuator and Pin Assembly SERVICE DOOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frame Weld Assembly Extrusion, Service Door, Top Glass Clamp, Top and Button (6) Glass Clamp, Center (4) Latch Lever (2) Eccentric Spacer Spacer Kevs Nut WURLITZER 137889 138200 138795 138796 138797 138836 138540 138783 138902 138903 138216 138217 138457 138458 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 138980 138460 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Coin Return Cup Frame and Lock Plate Assembly Cash Box Door Assembly Cash Box Door Washer Lock and Key Assembly Key Guard Coin Bae Trim Strip,-~ack Trim Stnu. Side. R.H. Trim Sihp, Side, L.H. Lower Grille Screen, Side (2) Screen and Tape Assembly, Light Orange (Not Illustrated) (3) Screen and Tape Assembly, Turquoise (Not Illustrated) (3) Extrusion, Lower, R.H. Extrusion, Pilaster, R.H; (2) Pilaster, Light Orange (2) Pilaster. Turauoise (2) ~xtrusion,'~ilasier, L.H.'(~) Lower Grille Screen. Center Extrusion, Lower, center Kick Plate Grille Screen Backing, Grille Screen Extrusion. Lower. L.H. Frame ~xtrusion' Glass. Service Door. Lt. Oranee (3) ~ i a s s Service , ~ o o rTurquoise , (3) Extrusion, Top Wurlitzer Name Plate, Lt. Orange Wurlitzer Name Plate, Turquoise Clamp, Upper (Wurlitzer) Clamp, Lower (Wurlitzer) Extrusion. Unver Door. Front *Program lass' Door Casting, Lower, L.H. Selector Panel, 3600 Selector Panel, 3660 Selector Panel, 3610 - * \ , 138111 138069 138858 138053 138206 138857 138179 138180 138077 Refer to Page 8 D for illustration and part number - REAR VlEW - ILLUSTRATE0 PARTS LlST 138112 138053 138332 138330 138336 136185 136522 74262 -13 137250 120692 131168 117823 113789 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Fall Support Assembly (2) Chain Tubing S - Hook (2) Glass Clamp, Side (2) Light Diffuser, Turquoise Light Diffuser, Light Orange Guide, Lower Door (2) Pivot Bracket, Lower Door (2) Stiffener, Baffle Board Speaker, 12" Baffle Board Starter Socket, Starter Insulator, Starter Fluorescent Lamp, Daylight, 30W, 36" 138333 138334 76657 -9 138335 138329 138856 138187 138117 136098 138326 137054 138078 113558 53674 50657 128781 Page 3D SECTION D Page 4D WURLITZER SECTION - CABINET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - INTERIOR VIEW Fall Support Assembly Backing Plate Link Assembly (2) Shoulder Pin (2) Retaining Ring(2) Mounting Bracket, Fall Support Support ail and Bracket &sembly Bracket, Plug Support Fall Support and Pin Assembly, R.H. Roller Washer Retaining Ring Channel, Cable Retainer Cover, Channel, Cable Retainer Side Assembly, Machined, R.H. Spring, Fall Support Return (2) Guide Assembly, R.H. Spring, Latch, Fall Support (2) Mounting Bracket and Latch Plate Assembly, R.H. Shoulder Screw Screw, 10-32 x 318 Hex Sem. Washer Thumb Screw Cover, Channel, Cable Retainer Catch Bracket, Service Door (2) Cover, Back, Hand Hole (2) Hand Hole Cover Assembly (2) Coin Return Chute Light Ballast Assembly Chassis Raid and Gusset Assembly, R.H. Socket, 3 Circuit (Part of Item 18) Contact (2) Receptacle, 3 R Contact Terminal (3) Coin Bag Housing Bracket, Door Scuff, R.H. Pad. Bracket. Scuff Caster (4j Mounting Plate, Caster - ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 25. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Accessory Terminal Panel Cable Clamp Cable and Plug Assembly Plug. 6 ~inl~erminal(5) Transformer, Audio Output (2) (Part of Item 25) Bracket, Door Scuff, Center Pad, Scuff Plate Accessow Panel Cover Catch (zj Bottom Assembly Screen (2)Mounting Rail and Suooort Bracket Weld Assemblv ~ab1e'~etainer Carriage Bolt. 10-24 x 1 1/4 (2) wash& (2) ' Wing Nut, 1 0 2 4 (2) Bracket, Door Scuff, L.H. Pad, Bracket Scuff Plate Channel. Cable Retainer cdver, Channel, Cable Retainer Chassis, Rail and Gusset Assembly L.H. Retainer, Installation Iustmctions Cable Retainer Cover, Bottom, Power Supply . Mounting Bracket and Latch Plate Assemblv. L.H. Shoulder Screw Screw. 10-32x 3/8 Hex Sem washer Thumb Screw Scan Switch and Bracket Assembly Bracket and Actuator Assembly Scan Switch Cable Assembly Plug, 1 2 Pin Terminal (7) Guide Assembly, R.H. Channel. Cable Retainer cdver, Channel, Cable Retainer Side Assembly, Machined, L.H. Fall Support and Pin Assembly, L.H. d . 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. D SECTION D UPPER DOOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Latch and Shaft Assembly Glass Clamp and Slide.Assembly, R.H. Fluorescent Lamp, 30W, 36" Daylight Socket, Lamp (2) Insulator, Starter Socket, Starter Starter Mounting Plate, Contact and Cable Assemblv ~ i o d ;(10) Plug, 15 W Plug, 15B Pin Terminal (28) Page 6D - INTERIOR 138534 138539 128781 131168 50657 53674 113558 138616 - ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 9. 10. 11. Lamp (30) Shield, Record Playing Window Latch Rail Assembly, Control Box and Stenuer 12. Mounting hiacket and Weld Screw Assembly (2) 13. Capacitor, 8 Mfd. (2) 14. Speaker, 6" (2) 15. Mounting Plate and Support Gusset Assembly 16. Latch Rail Assembly, Amplifier 17. Glass Clamp and Slide Assembly, L.H. 136858 135936 138709 136228 77375 1366657 138124 138709 138538 WURLITZER - - - -- - SECTION D PROGRAM HOLDER 1. Extrusion, AI-CO Extrusion, BI-GO Extrusion, F1-LO Extrusion, KI-QO Extrusion, PI-UO Extrusion, TI-VO Extrusion, AI-B8 Extrusion, C1-F8 Extrusion, GI-K8 Extrusion, L I P 8 Extrusion, Q1-T8 Extrusion, U1-V8 Extrusion, Al-A0 Extrusion, BI-CO Extrusion, Dl-EO Extrusion, FI-GO Extrusion, HI-JO Extrusion, KI-KO 2. Program Holder (4) 3. Program Holder, Center Program Holder, Center Rugrdm Holder, Center - ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3610 3610 3610 3610 3610 3600 LP 3600 STD 3660 3600 DLX 3610 11. 12. Program Holder (4) 36003660 Classification Slip Program Holder Frame Assembly 3600 Program Holder Frame Assembly 3660 Program Holder Frame Assembly 3610 Insert, Program Holder (5) 36603610 *Label, Preset 2 Program 3600 DLX Slip Cover, Gold Program 3600 DLX *Label. Preset 1 Promam 3600 DLX slip Cover, id Program 3600 DLX *Label. L.P. Promam 3600-3610 .Label, L.P. Program 3660 3610 Light Shield Light Diffuser 3610 * 128804 134664 138545 138546 138547 137185 138701 134925 138700 134924 134665 134919 137464 137465 Refer to Page 8D for location. Page 7D - --- - - - - - - SECTION D NOMENCLATURE LAYOUT - 3600 SERIES PHONOGRAPHS 138796 LIGHT DIFFUSER 138795 WINDOW 138797 LIGHT ORANGE 138836 TURQUOISE OPTIONAL COLOR SHIELD C D 138398 WINDOW 138393 LIGHT DIFFUSER 134665 L.P. PROGRAM LABEL 138700 PRESET 1 PROGRAM LABEL 134924 RED PROGRAM SLIP COVER 134664 CLASSIFICATION SLlP 138701 PRESET 2 PROGRAM LABEL 134925 GOLD PROGRAM SLlP COVER CLASSIFICATION SLIP Page 8D - RED INSEFT 134836 - GOLD INS' RT 134835 \ 138866 GLASS -#7 138917 PANEL 138421 PANEL 138866 GLASS 138917 PANEL 138257 PANEL - LIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SELECTION 134919 L.P. PROGRAM LABEL - LIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SELECTION - 1 - - SECTION D Refer to Page 9B C 138633 Refer to P a p 9B I I Refer to Pages 4 A and 5 A ! SUPER STAR COLOR SHIELD 138902 LIGHT ORANGE 138903 TURQUOISE DOLLAR ACCEPTER 138866 GLASS 138917 PANEL 138261 PANEL - LIGHT CONTROL - PROGRAM SELECTION 134664 CLASSIFICATION SLIP 3610 137185 INSERT 134665 L.P. PROGRAM LABEL 138540 138633 138636 138638 138657 138665 138949 138950 138951 138952 138953 138954 - Display Sign, Music For Millions - Coin Denomination Label, Dollar Accepter - Window BIank and Decal Assembly - Window Blank and Decal Assembly - Coin Denominati~nLabel, Dollar Accepter - Coin Denomination Label, Dollar Accepter - Diilay Glass and Tape Assembly - Display Glass and Tape Assembly - Display Glass and Tape Assembly -- Escutcheon and Tape Assembly Display Glass and Tape Assembly - Display Glass and Tape Assembly Page 9D I SECTION E TROUBLE SHOOTING Page 1E POWER AND LIGHT SYSTEM SYMPTOMS 1. 2. 3. 4. FLUORESCENT LAMPS do not light; phonograph does not operate. FLUORESCENT LAMPS do not light; PHONOGRAPH operates normally. SINGLE SELECT LAMP does not light; PHONOGRAPH operates normally. L.P. SELECT LAMP does not light; PHONOGRAPH operates normally. CAUSE CORRECTIONS (a) LINE CORD PLUG not making contact in outlet. Repair or replace plug or outlet. (b) Internal break in LINE CORD. Repair or replace LINE CORD. (c) 1 5 amp. LINE FUSE blown. Check for shorts in phonograph wiring. (d) "House"FUSE blown. Check for overload. Replace FUSE. (e) LINE SWITCH off. Turn LINE SWITCH on. (f) LINE SWITCH defective. Replace LINE SWITCH in POWER SUPPLY. (a) Defective LAMP or SMRTER. Replace LAMP or STARTER. (b) Defective BALLAST. Replace BALLAST. (c) Open circuit in LAMP, STARTER or BALLAST wiring. Trace and repair, see WIRING DIAGRAMS. (d) BALLAST LINE PLUG out of POWER SUPPLY SOCKET. Insert PLUG. (a) LAMP burned out. Replace with GE- 1 2 LAMP. (b) Dirty contacts 7-11in RY-1. Clean contacts. (c) MOLEX PLUG on SELECTOR SWITCH not seated in SOCKET. Seat SOCKET. (a) 50 OHM RESISTOR open, mounted in CONTROL BOX. Replace RESISTOR. (b) Dirty contacts in RY-3, RY-4, RY-7 or RY-11. Clean contacts. - COlN A N D CREDIT SYSTEM I 1. Coins rejected or hang in SLUG REJECTOR. I I Coins reach COIN BAG hut do not establish credits. CORRECTIONS (a) Bind in REJECT ROD ASSEMBLY holding REJECTOR GATE open. (b) Dirt in REJECTOR. (c) REJECTOR improperly adjusted. (d) PHONOGRAPH not level. ~ 2. I CAUSE SYMPTOMS - I I Remove hind, check for damaged parts. Clean REJECTOR. See NATIONAL REJECTORS OPERATION and SERVICE MANUAL for 01 -34 SERIES COIN SELECTOR. I Level PHONOGRAPH; see page 2A. - (a) +12V. or -28V. ClRCUlT BREAKER tripped, located in CONTROL BOX. Reset CIRCUIT BREAKER. (h) SLUG REJECTOR or BO/AC PLUGS not firmly seated in socket. Seat PLUG firmly in socket. (c) Incorrect alignment of REJECTOR and COlN SWITCH PADDLES. Seat REJECTOR properly in MOUNTING CHANNEL. (d) Duty or improperly adjusted COIN SWITCH. Clean and adjust COIN SWITCH; see page 3A. (e) RY-1, RY-6 or RY-7 not seated in socket. Check RELAYS. (f) SELECTOR SERIES SWITCHES open. Clean and adjust SERIES SWITCHES; see page 5B. (g) PROGRAM CARD not seated in BO/AC. Check PROGRAM CARD. (h) STEPPER JUMPER PLUG missing from CONTROL BOX. Replace JUMPER PLUG. - - (i) Defective LATCH SOLENOID. Replace LATCH SOLENOID. Cj) BUTTON RELEASE SWITCH (n.c.) open. Check BUTTON RELEASE SWITCH; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (a) (b) Wrong PROGRAM CARD in BOIAC. Check PROGRAM CARD; see pages 4A and 5A. L.P. CONVERSION SWITCHES improperly positioned. Check L.P. CONVERSION SWITCHES; see INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. V) v m D (D w m 3. Incorrect number of selections for coin deposited. rn C) --I 0 - z rn 1, SELECTION SYSTEM CAUSE SYMPTOMS 1. SELECTOR SWITCH LATCH SOLENOID does not operate with credits established. CORRECTIONS (a) Dirty or incorrectly adjusted SELECTOR CONTROL SWITCH contacts. Clean and adjust CONTROL SWITCH; see page 4B and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (b) BUTTON RELEASE SWITCH (n.c.) open. Check BUTTON RELEASE SWITCH; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (c) Open contact in RY-I, RY-6 or RY-7. Check RELAY contacts; see SEQUENCE of OPERATION. 2. LATCH SOLENOID chatters when credit is established. (a) 85 OHM RESISTOR (mounted on SELECTOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY) open. Replace RESISTOR; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. 3. SELECTION ACCUMULATDR MOTOR does not start, SELECTOR BUTTONS remain locked in. (a) NUMBER or LETTER LATCH SWITCHES dirty or incorrectly adjusted. Clean and adjust S ~ T C H E Ssee ; page 5B and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (b) Open contacts in RY-2. Check RELAY contacts; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (c) Blown 8 AMP. FUSE, in CONTROL BOX. Replace FUSE; see WIRING DIAGRAM. (a) RY-3 and RY-4 fail to operate. Check RY-3 and RY-4, check SELECTION ACCUMULATOR CONTACT BOARD and BLADES; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (a) LATCH SOLENOID CONTROL SWITCHES dirty or incorrectly adjusted. Clean and adjust SWITCHES; see page 4B and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (b) Defective STEPPER JUMPER PLUG in CONTROL BOX. Check STEPPER JUMPER PLUG; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (c) Defective SELECTOR MAGNET or ZENER DIODE. Replace MAGNET or DIODE; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (d) lncorrect SELECTION ACCUMULATOR adjustment. Check adjustments; see page 4C. (e) Dirty SELECTION ACCUMULATOR BOARD. Clean BOARD. (f) Defective DIODE D-3 or 500 MFD CAPACITOR. Replace DIODE or CAPACITOR; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION, (g) lncorrect adjustment of LETTER or NUMBER SELECTOR SWITCH LATCH LEVER. Adjust LATCH LEVERS; see page 3B. 4. 5. SELECTION ACCUMULATOR MOTOR runs continuously, BUTTONS locked in. SELECTION ACCUMULATOR MOTOR runs. LATCH PIN not released. s C SELECTION SYSTEM (cont'd.) ?2 SYMPTOMS 6. 7. Two SELECTOR LATCH PINS released when only one is selected. Wrong SELECTOR LATCH PlNS released. CAUSE CORRECTIONS (a) Incorrect vertical alignment of MAGNET LAMINATIONS. Align MAGNET LAMINATIONS; see page 4C. (b) Foreign materials (screws, washers etc.) on SELECTION ACCUMULATOR CONTACT BOARD. Remove foreign materials. (c) Incorrectly adjusted CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY. Adjust PLATE and BLADE; see page 4C. (a) Incorrectly adjusted CONTACT PLATE and BLADE ASSEMBLY. Adjust PLATE and BLADE; see page 4C. O V E R R I D E SYSTEM CAUSE SYMPTOMS 1. 2. SELECTOR LATCH PIN released. RECORD MAGAZINE fails to scan. RECORD MAGAZINE fails to return to rest position after last selection has been played. CORRECTIONS (a) Defective OVERRIDE MAGNET. Check MAGNET; see page 5C and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (b) Dirty or incorrectly adjusted OVERRIDE SWITCH. Clean and adjust SWITCH; see page 5C and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (c) Improper adjustment of OVERRIDE ASSEMBLY. Check OVERRIDE ASSEMBLY adjustments; see page 5C. (d) Dirty contacts in RY-10, OVERRIDE RELAY. Clean RELAY contacts;see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (e) MAGAZINE LOCK SOLENOID CIRCUIT BREAKER tripped. Reset CIRCUIT BREAKER. (f) 1 SIDE or 2 SIDE READOUT SWITCHES not in normally closed position. Check READOUT SWITCHES; see page 9C. (a) OVERRIDE ASSEMBLY incorrectly adjusted. Adjust OVERRIDE ASSEMBLY; see page 5C. - ' ( a a 3 ~ m aao33a 3 lapun pa~unom). L ~ ~ POU Sd~ w v i ~ 3 2 9 3 ' L ~ ~ 10 O dSw v i SOE an!laajaa (q) 'NOILW3dO SO 33NXnbZS pne 3-1 a8ed aas :luamlsnlpe pue H ~ L I M S~ 3 a q 3 'R3LIMS 7 3 3 ~ palsnfpe ~3 Allaaiioau! i o an!taajaa (8) ~ N O I L V X ~d~0O3 3 ~ 3 n b 3 ~ pue 321 a8ed aas :sluamlsnfpe pue ~ 3 1 173aq3 ~s 103 a I S P . 'PallaaueJ NId H3LVl l i O l 3 3 1 3 S ' U O ! ? J ~ I ~ SQ a d W '9 ~ U O I MsAc1d 'S 1 pa)snfpe A1paiio~u!so an!laajaa (e) .palsufpe A~$aalio~u! LSIHS I 301s (el .pioaaijo ap!s '31 1 a8ed aas !mvaa yaaq3 '3AILVXEIdONI mVXll2IOlOW WV3 NIVW (9) '36 aaed aas ! X O L V ~ L ~P VU H3lIMS ~ $ ~ n f ppug e yaaq3 ~aolvn13v10 HXIMS ~ n o a v palsnfpe 3 ~ Apaaiioau! l o aylaajaa (e) .paseapi N I ~~ 3 1 01~P U1O ~ S ~ ~ J O O J lou saop paheld uo!$aa[as 'p PI aaed gas : L ~ I H SI 3a1sl ~ n f p v '36 aaed aas :slualu$snfpe pue ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ a~a q13 ~ s 'amvaaa L ' 3 a8ed ~ aas :luamlsufpe pue ~ 'Pa**!Jl 'L13XV388 LIn3XI3 alON31OS H 3 0 1 3NIZV3VM I ~ ~ lasax X I ~ 3 ~ y3aq3 1 ~ 43a93 '36 aaed ass :S~HXIMSznoav~~a 'NOUVXF~~OI do x3~3nbxsP U ~ ass :s)uam?sNpe pue H ~ L I M SX~SSNVXLY J ~ Y ~ 'Un1 01 H3lIMS UO!l!SOd 'amv3aa ~1n3a13 lasax S N O U ~ ~ X ~ O ~ 'S3H3LLMS ~noav3apalsnfpe Al$aaiioau! 10 an!$aajaa (e) .$saJ o) saluoa uaq$ 'Ru!ddols $noq)!m suo!mlonal oml sale$oi ~ N I Z V ~ Vaao33a W :paseala1 N I H3LV'l ~ XOL3313S 'f XOLOW X N I Z V ~ V Wa " ! ~ a ~ a a (3) 'XOLOW a ~ d a a 32I 'L ,, 'H3lIMS X Z ~ S N V X Lpa~snlpeAl~aaiio~u! JO an!laa~aa (q) ' H J ~ I M Smoav3a 3 a 1 z~ 'NOIlVX3dO d O 3 3 N Z n b 3 S pue 3 6 a8ed :s~uam~sufpe pue H ~ L I M Sp q 3 'pallaauea 3011 NM H 3 l V 7 tlOL3313S 'palaalas uo!~aalass l e a i i a ~ s (9) (e) 'S~H~LIM ~noavza S U! ~13eluoa uado (P) 'HJLIMS ~ R ~ S N palsnfpe V ~ J A~aaiioau!10an!pajaa (a) 'uo!$!sod Unl U! IOU H3L1MS NV3S-aVOI-NllX (9) '~add!ll W X V ~ X B L1113XI3 aION310S X 3 0 1 3NIZV3VW (e) xsnv3 .3NIZV3VW aa03xa a1901 0%S I ! ~ .HJIIMS X3013NIZV3VW palsnfpe Al$aaiioau! l o an!$!)aajaa XOLOW 3 ~ 1 a 3a ~ 1 ~ ~ 3 ~ 1'Z 1 1 .as013 spe$uoa A V I ~ X a a I a - X ~ A Ou a g ~az!aiaua 0%s p c ~ '1 aION310S X 3 0 1 3NIZV3VW SWO~~WAS RECORD CHANGER MECHANICAL A N D ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (cont'd.) SYMPTOMS CORRECTIONS CAUSE (c) Defective CANCEL COIL. Check COIL. (d) Defective or incorrectly adjusted SIDE I SOLENOID SWITCHES. Check SWITCHES; see page 14C and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (e) CANCEL SOLENOID incorrectly adjusted. Check CANCEL SOLENOID adjustment; see page 8C. (a) 1 SIDE or 2 SIDE READOUT SWITCH or ACTUATOR incorrectly adjusted. Cl~eckREADOUT SWITCH and ACTUATOR adjustments; see page 9C. (a) MAIN CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID defective or incorrectly adjusted. Check SOLENOID and adjustment, clean BRAKE WHEEL and PAD; see page 11C. (a) Incorrectly adjusted READOUT SWITCH ACTUATOR. Adjust ACTUATOR; see page 9C. (a) TURNTABLE not properly positioned when at rest position. Check TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL adjustment; see page 16C. (h) Foreign material under ROLLERS of TURNTABLE and MOUNTING PLATE ASSEMBLY. Remove foreign material. (c) TURNTABLE shipping hracket improperly positioned. Shiit shipping bracket to rear, tighten mounting screws. (a) Defective or incorrectly adjusted TRIP SWITCH. Check TRIP SWITCH; see page 19C. (h) Defective or incorrectly adjusted PLAY SWITCH. Check PLAY SWITCH; see page 20C and SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. (c) Short in remote control cancel circuit. Check remote control circuits; see WIRING DIAGRAM. (d) Defective CANCEL SWITCH in AMPLIFIER. Check SWITCH. (e) MAIN CAM MOTOR BRAKE SOLENOID defective or incorrectly adjusted. Check SOLENOID and adjust, clean BRAKE WHEEL and PAD; see page 11C. - * 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Repeats selection adjacent to one selected. Plays unselected selections at random. RECORD ARM RECORD CLAMP catches on RECORD MAGAZINE spacer. RECORD MAGAZINE scans to selected position, RECORD CHANGER stops as record is being clamped in RECORD ARM. Record not properly positioned on TURNTABLE. Record is placed on TURNTABLE then immediately returned to RECORD MAGAZINE. - R E C O R D CHANGER MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (cont'd.) CAUSE SYMPTOMS CORRECTIONS 13. 33.113 RPM records fail to seat on TURNTABLE. (a) Foreign materials or broken LEVER SPRING in TURNTABLE PILOT. Remove foreign materials, check LEVER SPRINGS inside PILOT. 14. TONE ARM STYLUS misses record. (a) TONE ARM RELEASE incorrectly adjusted. Check TONE ARM RELEASE adjustment; see page 19C. (b) TONE ARM FEED-IN incorrectly adjusted. Check TONE ARM RELEASE adjustment, page 19C, then TONE ARM FEED-IN adjustment, page 19C. (a) TURNTABLE MOTOR not plugged in. Check TURNTABLE MOTOR PLUG. (b) TURNTABLE BELTS off DRIVE WHEEL or TURNTABLE. Check BELTS. (c) Defective TURNTABLE MOTOR. Replace MOTOR. (d) TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL incorrectly adjusted. Check TURNTABLE DRIVE WHEEL adjustment; see page l6C. (e) Open contacts in RY-10, OVERRIDE RELAY. Check RY-10. ( ) TURNTABLE PILOT fails to reset. Check TURNTABLE PILOT RESET adjustments; see page 21C. (h) TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE ASSEMBLY incorrectly adjusted. Check TURNTABLE SPEED CHANGE adjustments; see page 17C. (c) TURNTABLE DRlVE WHEEL CABLE off ADJUSTING PULLEY. Check CABLE and PULLEY (located under TURNTABLE DRlVE WHEEL ADJUSTMENT PLATE): see page 17C. (a) Excessive lint and dust on TONE ARM STYLUS. Check STYLUS BRUSH; see page 18C. (b) Incorrect TONE ARM STYLUS pressure. Check STYLUS PRESSURE; see page 20C. (a) Worn or chipped TONE ARM STYLUS. Replace STYLUS. (h) Incorrect TONE ARM STYLUS PRESSURE. Check STYLUS PRESSURE; see page 20C. (c) Bind in TONE ARM ASSEMBLY. Check TONE ARM ASSEMBLY for freedom of movement. 15. 16. TURNTABLE does not turn, record in play position. 4 5 RPM records play at 33-113 RPM. . 17. 18. TONE ARM jumps grooves producing a THUMPING SOUND. Excessive record wear. s C RECORD CHANGER MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (cont'd.) rn C 19. 20. Record fails to enter RECORD MAGAZINE. SELECTION ACCUMULATOR MOTOR runs continuously. CORRECTIONS CAUSE SYMPTOMS (a) RECORD TAKEOUT ARM and RECORD GUIDE incorrectly aligned. Align RECORD TAKEOUT ARM and RECORD GUIDE; see page 13C. (h) Foreign material in RECORD TAKEOUT BEVEL GEARS. Remove foreign material. (c) Broken RECORD ARM SPRING. Replace SPRING. (a) RY-3 and/or RY-4 fails to energize. Check SAFETY CIRCUIT; see SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. NOTES ELECTRICAL AND SOUND SYSTEMS f SECTION F WIRING D I A G R A M COLOR CODE 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A-B C-D E-F G=H 1-K 160-200 A B C D E-EE F-FF G H J-JJ K-KK 1-91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.110 - SOLID COLOR WIRE TRACER Tan Red Orange Yellow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Purple Gray White Pink Brown Red Orange Yellow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Purple Gray White Tan Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Brown Red Tan Yellow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Purple Gray White Black Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange White Brown Tan Orange YeUow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Purple Gray White Black Tan Red Orange Yellow Dr. Green Dr. Blue Purple Gray Purple Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red None None None None None None None None SOLID COLOR WIRE TRACER White Black Brown Red Orange Tan Dr. Green Dr. Blue Purple Gray White Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Tan Lt. Blue Purple Gray White Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Lt. Green Tan Pink Gray White Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Tan Gray White Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Lt. Green Lt. Blue Purple Gray Tan Black Pink Lt. Green Lt. Blue Pink None None Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Blue Blue Blue BIue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple White White White White White White White White White White None None None None - SECTION F - - I SECTION F SPEAKER CONNECTIONS PHONOGRAPH SPEAKERS The phonograph speakers are low impedance speakers and are normally connected to the A and G terminals of each channel of the Model 553 Amplifier. They may be moved to either B, C, or D terminals for required loudness level with respect to loudness level of auxiliary speakers. LOW IMPEDANCE AUXILIARY SPEAKERS The impedance of a speaker is expressed in ohms. Most low impedance auxiliary speakers (speakers without matching transformers) used with coin operated phonographs have an impedance of 8 ohms, that is, they present a load of 8 ohms when connected to the output terminals of an amplifier. Two 8 ohm speakers connected in parallel present a load of 4 ohms: 8 Ohm Speaker 8 Ohm Speaker 4 Ohm Load Three 8 ohm speakers connected in parallel present a load of 2.66 ohms: 8 Ohm Speaker 8 Ohm Speaker 8 Ohm Speaker I I CAUTION DO NOT CONNECT LOW IMPEDANCE SPEAKERS (speakers without matching transformers) TO CV (constant voltage) TERMINALS: LOAD PRESENTED BY 8 OHM SPEAKERS CONNECTED IN PARALLEL Page 4F Number of Speakers 2 3 Load in Ohms 4 4 5 6 7 8 2 1.6 1.33 9 .88 2.66 1.14 1 Number of Speakers 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Load in Ohms .8 .72 .66 .61 .57 .53 .5 WURLITZER SECTION F CONSTANT VOLTAGE (CV) SPEAKERS Parallel connected constant voltage speakers (those equipped with 70.7 Volt line transformers) should be connected to the CV terminals, either stereo or mono, of the Model 553 Amplifier. For stereo the right channel speakers should be connected across the A channel CV terminals and the left channel speakers should be connected across the B channel CV terminals. The sum of the transformer wattage taps employed on each channel must not exceed the following: Phonograph Speakers Connected to G and: A B C D Not Connected Maximum Sum of CV Transformer Wattage Taps Employed: 20 30 35 37.5 40 PHASING OF CV SPEAKERS Two of the terminals of the Model 553 Amplifier CV terminals are identified by blue dots and are the terminals to which the G or common terminal of 70.7 Volt line transformers should be connected for each channel, either stereo or mono. CAUTION Blue dot terminals are not common with each other (they are of different channels) nor are they common with any other terminals. WURLITZER SATELLITE SELECTIVE CONSOLE SPEAKER The speaker load of the Satellite is 16 ohms per channel (same as phonograph). Provided no other auxiliary speakers are connected, Satellite speakers may be connected to A, B, C or D and G of each channel regardless of where the phonograph speakers are connected. CAUTION Connecting auxiliary speakers, either low impedance or CV, so as to exceed the maximum permissible load will result in distorted sound and blown Amplifier fuses. speakers connected to B & G , an 8 ohm speaker connected to A & G - result EXAMPLE: Phonograph Amplifier fuses blown. I 1 k EXAMPLE: An 8 ohm speaker connected to CV terminals - result speaker damage. - distorted - distorted sound, Amplifier fuses blown sound, and possible '@ ACCESSORY TERMINAL S T R I P YELLOW OOT YELLOW DOT 137055 PHONOGRAPH SPEAKER LAYOUT - REAR VIEW WURLITZER SECTION F MODEL 554 POWER SUPPLY ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1. Chassis Pan and Silk Screen Assembly 2. Socket, 117 V 3. Transformer 4. Receptacle, 9 R Contact (6) 5. Receptacle, 1 2 B Contact (9) 6. Receptacle, 3 Contact (2) 7. Fuse Post Lockwasher Fuse, 5 A Fuse Post Lockwasher Fuse, 15 A Socket. 117 V. WICnd. (2) switch; O N ~ O F F ' Lockwasher Switch Bracket Line Cord Strain Relief INTERCONNECTING CABLE ASSEMBLIES USED I N 3600 SERIES PHONOGRAPHS (Not shown on Illustrated Parts Drawings) 1. Cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly (Power Supply to Amplifier) 2. Cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly (Power Supply to Control Box) 3. Cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly, 3600 (Selection Accumulator to Control Box) 4. cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly, 3610 - 3660 (Selection Accumulator t o Control Box) 5. Cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly (Selection Accumulator to Selector Switch) WURLITZER 136699 6. 138640 7. 138515 8. 138516 9. Cable, Plug and Receptacle Assembly (Chassis to Control Box) Cable and Plug Assembly (BOIAC to Control Box) Cable Assembly (Slug Rejector to BO/AC) Cable and Plug Assembly (BOIAC to Control Box Bill Accepters only) 138519 138520 138835 138818 138518 Page 7F SECTION F NOTE: The two Amplifier Output Transformers are located on the rear of the Accessory Terminal Panel. MODEL 553 AMPLIFIER Cover and Silk Screen Assembly Knob Cover and Silk Screen Assembly, Mike Kit Heat Sink and Socket Assembly Transistor (4) Q10, Qll, Q12, Q13 Red, Orange, YeUow, Green or Blue (Soecifv Color) . ~nskator(4) Capacitor, 2000 Mfd., 50 V. D.C. Plue. 9 -RReceptacle, 6 Receptacle, Audio Capacitor, 3000 Mfd., 55 V. D.C. Receptacle, Auxiliary Amplifier Output Capacitor, 3000 Mfd., 55 V. D.C. Mounting Plate, Capacitor . -. Page 8F - ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST Cover and Silk Screen Assembly, Remote Loudness Switch, Scratch Compensator Pm, Fall Support (2) Retaining Ring (2) Printed Board Assemblv Relay, Red Hold Down Spring, Relay Receptacle, Relay, Red Terminal, Relay Socket (8) Chassis Pan and Silk Screen Assembly Loudness Control Assemblv Control Plug, 9 Mili. Switch, Cancel Tbumbscrew (2) Retainer (2) WURLITZER - - SECTION F BILL OF MATERIALS 553 AMPLIFIER 7 ITEM NO. PART NO. VALUE R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 77347-25 77311-25 77341-25 77347-25 77293-25 77335-25 77363-25 7733525 77312-25 77338-25 77290-25 77300-25 77306-25 7ESU'25 77321-25 7733625 77308-25 77313-25 77251-25 77285-25 77347-25 77327-25 7729525 125710 77295-25 125700 77327-25 74817-2 74844-2 749053 74486-32 72482-31 74826-2 77245-25 77355-25 180 K 5.6 K 100 K 180 K 1K 56 K 820 K 47 K 6.2 K 75 K 750 OHM 2K 3.6 K 36 K 15 K 62 K 4.3 K 6.8 K ISOHM 470 OHM 180 K 27 K 1K 100 K 1 .2 K 100 K 27 K 25 OHM 0.5 OHM 120 OHM 2.7 OHM 1.2 K 390 OHM 100HM 390 K - REMARKS 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W 114 W BALANCE 114 W LOUDNESS 114 W 5 W 5 W 10 W 2W 2 W 5 W 114 W 114 W 'EM NO. 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% ITEM NO. PART NO. 0 1 ,a2 0 3 ,04 05 0 6 ,07 0 8 ,a9 O1O'all 012,013 138789-5 138789-4 131262 138789-5 136406 GREEN DRIVERS Si'9S 125703 RED, ORANGE, YELLOW GREEN OR BLUE S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 125709 125708 125708 121301 116723 62886 D.P.D.T. D.P.T.T. D.P.T.T. D.P.S.T. S.P.D.T. D.P.D.T. TI T2 T3 138238 136780 138508 LOW-VOLTAGE DRIVER.' /<0937 AUDIO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 G3 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 PART NO. VALUE 76695-131 76185-1I S 76481-6 76163-11s 76199-17s 76686-132 76165-11s 76187-11s 76169-11s 7618511s 76392-341 76396-341 76199-17s 76171-215 76419-341 7620327s 76686-135 76811 76811 76165-11 76207-27s 76620 76621 76912 76175-21s 76411-341 77516-3 500 MFD ,039 MFD 2 MFD .0047 MFD .15 MFD 100 MFD ,0056 MFD ,047 MFD ,0082 MFD ,033 MFD ,0047 MFD ,0033 MFO . I 5 MFD .O1 MFD .00047 MFD ;22 MFD 100 MFQ 500 MFD 500 MFD ,0056 MFD .33 MFO 3000 MFD 2000 MFD 3000 MFD .015 MFD 820 MMFD 3300 MFD REMARKS 3 v 100 V 25 V 100 V 75 V 6 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V DISC. DISC, 75 V 100 V DISC. 75 V 25 V 25 V 25 V 100 V 75 V 55 V 50 V 55 V 100 V DISC. 16 V 1 REMARKS DUAL SELENIUM - RED DUAL SELENIUM - YELLOW GREENDOT YELLOW DOT P-N-PSILICON SILICONE 3A 15AMP. SLO 5 AMP. SLO BLO 1.6AMP. SLO BLO I I RELAY Page 9F SECTION F MODEL 3600 WIRING DIAGRAM 1 WURLITZER 10 Page 10F
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