Pictured - Fort Jackson Leader
Pictured - Fort Jackson Leader
GAME OF LOVE POST COUPLES USE BINGO TO IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS PAGE 3 ★ HAPPENINGS, PAGE 18 ★ HEALTH, PAGE 19 ★ SPORTS, PAGE 25 ★ CHAPEL, PAGE 27 ★ NEWS ON THE COVER Graphic illustration by SUSANNE KAPPLER Couples gathered at the Joe E. Mann Center Tuesday to participate in a Healthy Relationship Bingo event. SEE PAGE 3. Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Battalion activates Fort Jackson, South Carolina 29207 This civilian enterprise newspaper, which has a circulation of 15,000, is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of the Fort Jackson Leader are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Fort Jackson. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or Camden Media Company of the firms, products or services advertised. All editorial content of the Fort Jackson Leader is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the Public Affairs Office of Fort Jackson. The Fort Jackson Leader is published by Camden Media Company, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive written contract with Fort Jackson. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. For display advertising rates and information call (803) 432-6157 or write Camden Media Company, P.O. Box 1137, Camden, S.C. 29020. For classified advertising information only: call (800) 698-3514 or e-mail [email protected] or fax (803) 432-7609. For questions or concerns about subscriptions, call (803) 432-6157. To submit articles, story ideas or announcements, write the Fort Jackson Leader, Fort Jackson, S.C. 29207, call (803) 751-7045 or e-mail [email protected]. Lt. Col. James Moyes, commander of the newly activated Lightning Battalion (Provisional), and battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Eddie Del Valle unfurl the unit’s colors during an activation ceremony Oct. 16 at Victory Field. The battalion includes former companies from other Basic Combat Training units to form a 10th BCT battalion. It is assigned to the 165th Infantry Brigade, commanded by Col. Bryan Hernandez, left. Follow the Leader on www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao Commanding General.............Maj. Gen. Bradley A. Becker Garrison Commander......................Col. Michael S. Graese Public Affairs Officer..................................Michael B. Pond Editor/Staff writer......................................Susanne Kappler Staff writer................................................Wallace McBride Staff writer................................................Andrew McIntyre The Leader welcomes letters to the editor. All letters should include the name, hometown and phone number of the writer. The Leader reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, style, spelling and brevity. Send your letter to FJLeader@ gmail.com. For more information, call 751-7045. Website: www.fortjacksonleader.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/FortJacksonLeader Twitter: www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/fortjacksonpao/ Page 2 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 NEWS Healthy Relationship? Bingo! FAP takes creative approach to domestic violence prevention By SUSANNE KAPPLER Fort Jackson Leader More than 30 Fort Jackson couples took the opportunity to go on a date night and improve their relationship skills during the Family Advocacy Program’s Healthy Relationship Bingo event Tuesday at the Joe E. Mann Center. Col. Michael Graese, Fort Jackson garrison commander, said he was happy to see so many couples participate. “It’s just good that you’re here tonight,” Graese said. “It shows the commitment that each of you has to strengthen your relationship.” Kamala Henley, a victim advocate with the Family Advocacy Program, said the organization wanted to emphasize prevention during this year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month main event. “In the past, we’ve had survivors come and speak about their experiences being in abusive relationships,” Henley explained. “This year, we want to highlight the positive aspects of relationships, show people what a healthy relationship looks like.” Henley said the idea is to engage couples in a playful manner to set the stage for continued relationship development. “The purpose for this event is for FRXSOHV WR DSSUHFLDWH HDFK RWKHU ¿QG RXW what a healthy relationship is and how to maintain it once they have it, and how to DYRLGVRPHRIWKHUHGÀDJVRUWKHSLWIDOOV we fall into sometimes,” she said. “When you’re in the beginning of a relationship, you always want to please the other person, and you sometimes fall away from that as you go along. ...We have to be reminded sometimes to appreciate each other and love each other and not take each other for granted.” The game used bingo cards with different categories instead of numbers. The categories included “Things to look for in DUHODWLRQVKLS´³5HGÀDJV´³2EVWDFOHVWR DKHDOWK\UHODWLRQVKLS´³*UHHQÀDJV´DQG Photos by SUSANNE KAPPLER Sgt. 1st Class Yazmin Tull, 120th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception), and her husband, Kai, participate in the Healthy Relationship Bingo event Tuesday at the Joe E. Mann Center. “Skill to build a healthy relationship.” Winners were awarded prizes, and all participants were treated to free dinner. Henley said she hoped the games would stimulate couples to schedule regular date nights. Family Advocacy Program victim advocates were also available to answer questions by participants, said Shenitha Shiver, an advocate with the program. “Based on what (the couples) share we can make an assessment and (offer) different resources we have to assist them,” Shiver said. Participants also had the chance to play a healthy relationship trivia game. [email protected] Follow the Leader on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ fortjacksonpao. Like us on Facebook. Log on to your account and search for “Fort Jackson Leader.” October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 3 NEWS Expect. Empower. Employ. Disability no obstacle to federal employment By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader Calvin Yates’ vision has never been very good. Born with albinism, Yates, a senior server administrator for the U.S. Army Signal Network Enterprise Center at Fort Jackson, has had vision problems his entire life. People with albinism not only lack pigmentation in their eyes, but the genetic disorder can also have a negative impact on the eye’s structure. “I’m legally blind, but I’ve never known anything different,” he said. Cataract surgery helped stem his deteriorating vision, he said, but there’s no permanent remedy for the problem. For him, low vision is merely a fact of life. The government’s policies for hiring persons with disabilities have evolved over the years. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers the same protection against discrimination to people with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on gender, religion, race and other DWWULEXWHV :KHQ <DWHV ZDV ¿UVW KLUHG E\ the government in the early 1980s, things were a little different, though. “I was supposed to be hired under (a special provision) where the government could hire the handicapped for 700 hours,” he said. The concept was to see if the new hires were capable of doing the job. If so, they were hired on a full time basis. If not, they were dismissed. Today, the Department of the Army has DJRDORIVWDI¿QJSHUFHQWRILWVZRUNIRUFH Page 4 Photos by WALLACE McBRIDE Born with albinism, Calvin Yates, a senior server administrator for the U.S. Army Signal Network Enterprise Center at Fort Jackson, has had vision problems throughout his life. with the disabled, said Timothy Gladders, get preferential hiring treatment, and can is willing to do that. disability program manager for the post’s be pushed to the front of the line when “You can’t make an employee self (TXDO(PSOR\PHQW2SSRUWXQLW\2I¿FH TXDOL¿HGIRUDSRVLWLRQ identify,” he said. “Employees can be “That’s actually a pretty big number,” he But, he said, the Army not only has to reluctant to identify that they have a VDLGDQGRQHWKDW¶VPRUHGLI¿FXOWWRUHDFK get people to apply for jobs, but get them to See DISABILITIES: Page 12 than might appear. People with disabilities identify as disabled, as well. Not everyone The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 5 NEWS Navigator helps post’s EFMP families By ANDREW McINTYRE Fort Jackson Leader Fort Jackson families with special needs family members now have a navigator to help ZLWK¿QGLQJWKHULJKWUHVRXUFHVRQDQGRIISRVW ³0\UHVSRQVLELOLW\LVWRHQVXUH)RUW-DFNVRQ Soldiers with special-needs family members UHFHLYHWKHUHVRXUFHVWKH\QHHGWRWDNHFDUHRI their loved ones,” said Felicia Johnson, the new systems navigator with the Exceptional Family 0HPEHUSURJUDP -RKQVRQ VDLG VKH ¿QGV MR\ LQ NQRZLQJ WKDW ()03 IDPLOLHV KDYH UHVRXUFHV DYDLODEOH ZKHQ WKH\DUULYHDWWKHLQVWDOODWLRQ “We start with helping families of Soldiers PDNH D VPRRWK WUDQVLWLRQ IURP WKHLU ODVW GXW\ VWDWLRQWR)RUW-DFNVRQE\HQVXULQJWKH\UHFHLYH the same assistance (here) they were receiving WKHUH´VKHVDLG Johnson said that typically, Soldiers are sent to installations where the family member enUROOHGLQ()03FDQUHFHLYHWKHUHTXLUHGPHGLFDODQGHGXFDWLRQDOVXSSRUW6XSSRUWIRUVSHFLDO QHHGV IDPLO\ PHPEHUV DOVR LQFOXGHV ¿QDQFLDO DQGHPRWLRQDODVVLVWDQFH ³0DQ\ RI RXU IDPLOLHV SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH Respite Care program, the Department of Disability and Special Needs programs and Family &RQQHFWLRQ´-RKQVRQVDLG In addition, families also work in cooperaWLRQZLWKWKHVFKRROOLDLVRQRI¿FHUVWKH)DPLO\ Advocacy Program and early intervention serYLFHVRQSRVW -RKQVRQVDLGVKHZRXOGOLNHWRVHHPRUHIDPLOLHV DSSO\ IRU WKH 6XSSOHPHQWDO 6HFXULW\ ,QFRPHSURJUDPZKLFKSURYLGHV¿QDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRIDPLOLHVZKRDUHLQQHHG6XSSOHPHQWDO 6HFXULW\,QFRPHLVDIHGHUDOO\IXQGHGSURJUDP WKDWSURYLGHV¿QDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRHOLJLEOHGLVDEOHGSHUVRQVIRUFORWKLQJIRRGDQGKRXVLQJ EFMP enrollment is mandatory for active $UP\$UP\5HVHUYHDQG1DWLRQDO*XDUG6ROGLHUV-RKQVRQVDLGWKHEHQH¿WVRIWKHSURJUDP are best when the family members keep their LQIRUPDWLRQXSGDWHGZLWKWKH([FHSWLRQDO)DPLO\0HPEHU3URJUDPPHGLFDOSHUVRQQHO ³6ROGLHUV VKRXOG NHHS WKHLU ()03 PHGLFDO UHFRUGXSGDWHGUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHLUIDPLO\PHPEHU¶VFRQGLWLRQEXWHVSHFLDOO\LIWKHFRQGLWLRQ JHWV ZRUVH´ VKH VDLG ³6ROGLHUV DQG VSRXVHV RI6ROGLHUVFDQXSGDWHWKHLULQIRUPDWLRQDWDQ\ WLPHEXWWKH\DUHUHTXLUHGWRXSGDWHWKHLULQIRUPDWLRQHYHU\WKUHH\HDUV´ 6KHVDLGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQXSGDWHVDUHKHOSIXO LQJHWWLQJ6ROGLHUVWKHEHVWSRVVLEOHVHUYLFH ³:LWK XSGDWHG LQIRUPDWLRQ , FDQ EHWWHU DVVLVWIDPLOLHVZLWK¿QGLQJVXSSRUWJURXSVIDPLO\ VHUYLFHSODQVPDNLQJUHIHUUDOVWRUHTXLUHGVHUvices and help families develop a family service SODQ´-RKQVRQVDLG Johnson said she is committed to making VXUHWKDWZKDWHYHUVHUYLFHVIDPLOLHVDUHVHHNLQJ DUHSURYLGHGWRWKHPLQDWLPHO\PDQQHU She said she is also looking forward to planQLQJVXSSRUWJURXSPHHWLQJVWRSURYLGHVSHFLDO needs family members with information, serYLFHVDQGDFRPPXQLW\EDVHGQHWZRUNWKDWFRQQHFWVIDPLOLHV 6KHHQFRXUDJHG6ROGLHUVZLWKVSHFLDOQHHGV IDPLO\PHPEHUVWRYLVLWWKH$UP\&RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFHRI¿FHLQWKH6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ or to meet her at the Post Newcomers OrientaWLRQ Photo by ANDREW McINTYRE For more information the EFMP program, Felicia Johnson is the new systems navigator with Fort JackFDOO son’s Exceptional Family Member Program. [email protected] We care for the unique needs of children like no other practice. Kids and parents love our fun atmosphere and friendly staff whose sole focus is helping children to learn healthy dental care. (803) 736-6000 Page 6 The Fort Jackson Leader- www.carolinachildrensdentistry.com October 23, 2014 OP-ED Domestic violence — it’s all about control T he famous educator and author Anna Julia Cooper once said, “The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or sect, a party or class — it is the cause of human kind; the very birthright of humanity.” This quote is my favorite because it epitomizes the way I feel, advocating for people whose freedom to JURZDQGÀRXULVKDVDKXPDQEHLQJLVMHRSDUGL]HGE\ domestic violence. Domestic violence is about having power over and controlling another person through battering, using threats, isolation, and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. This control may include denying access to money, friends, family, school, birth control and any other VXSSRUWV\VWHPEHQH¿FLDOWRWKHSHUVRQ¶VZHOOEHLQJ,W is premeditated, calculating, manipulative and designed WREHQH¿WWKHDEXVHU6RPHWLPHVLWVWDUWVRXWVRVXEWO\ WKHYLFWLPGRHVQRWUHDOL]HZKDWLVKDSSHQLQJDW¿UVW Many people have experienced the thrill of a new relationship — the excitement, giddiness, hopefulness that something wonderful is happening. Is this the perVRQZLWKZKRP,ZLOO¿QDOO\EHDEOHWRVHWWOHGRZQDQG have children? During this time, the abuser is not going to slap the victim and then ask her (or him) out on another date. On the contrary, the abuser will be charming, sensitive, caring and concerned about all the details of the vicWLP¶VOLIH7KHYLFWLPIHHOVVDIHDQGZLOOWUXVWWKHDEXVHU with personal desires, fears and life goals that, further in the relationship, will be used against him or her. But little by little the waters will be tested with each COMMENTARY By KAMALA HENLEY Family Advocacy Program concession by the victim giving the abuser more conWURO$W¿UVWLWPD\EHDVXJJHVWLRQWRZHDUDGLIIHUHQW style of clothing, or maybe a suggestion to go with a different phone carrier and a phone provided to the victim by the abuser. Then the accusations may come, the subtle put-downs. “Why do you hang out with them?” “Why were you looking at that man/woman?” “You are not smart enough to start your own business.” The abuser will blame the victim for behaving badly. The abuser will not take responsibility for his or her acWLRQV6RPHDEXVHUVZLOOUHVRUWWRVWDONLQJRUFDOOLQJWKH victims several times a day to keep tabs on them. No matter how the abuse starts, it will only escalate, putting the victim in more danger. By the time we become aware that our friend, sister, brother or child is involved in an abusive relationship the victim is psychologically worn down, confused and scared. We must be a lifeline for them — ready and DYDLODEOHWRKHOS:HPXVWEHQRQMXGJPHQWDOSDWLHQW and empathetic to their reluctance to break the silence. The National Domestic Violence Hotline at www. thehotline.org has help for family and friends of those involved in abusive relationships. You may also call 1-800-799-7233 to speak with an advocate. At Fort Jackson you may call the Family Advocacy Program at 751-6325 for assistance. (YHU\RQHGHVHUYHVWREHIUHHWRÀRXULVKDQGOLYHXS WRWKHLUJUHDWHVWSRWHQWLDO²LW¶VRXUELUWKULJKW PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS and reach more than 2.5 million readers using our small space display ad network Statewide or regional buys available Donna Yount 888.727.7377 scnewspapernetwork.com South Carolina Newspaper Network October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 7 UP CLOSE Photos by WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson marked national archaeology month Saturday with a Family Field Day event at Twin Lakes. Visitors were asked to participate in a public archaeological excavation. Above, Joshua Salmon, 4, sifts through the soil in search of prehistoric and recent historical artifacts. A hands-on history lesson Children get a crash course in local archeology during field day event Above, relics recovered from Fort Jackson were on display for visitors during Saturday’s event. Right, Jason Moser, S.C. National Guard archeologist, tells Joseph Austin, 6, and Isabella Austin, 7, about how turpentine is distilled from the resin of local trees. Page 8 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 UP CLOSE Photos by PATRICK ALBRIGHT, Maneuver Center of Excellence Jorge Perez with the Fort Jackson Boxing Club lands a punch against a Fort Benning, Ga., boxer during a bout at Fort Benning Saturday. A team of 28 boxers, coaches and other staff from the Fort Jackson club traveled to Georgia for the boxing tournament that also included fighters from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. Fort Jackson could not retain its championship belt, but a rematch is scheduled for Feb. 21. Boxing at Benning Left, Maj. Gen. Bradley Becker, Fort Jackson’s commanding general, supports the Fort Jackson team during the boxing tournament at Fort Benning, Ga., Saturday. Above, Fort Jackson’s Brennon Steib, left, takes on USMA’s Willie Gray. October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 9 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Photo by DAVID SHANES, command photographer Helping Hands More than 50 Soldiers, family members and civilians are honored during the quarterly Helping Hands volunteer recognition ceremony Tuesday at the Joe E. Mann Center. Fort Jackson volunteers provide support to a variety of on- and off-post organizations and schools. Spiritual fitness U.S. Army Central’s chaplains host the unit’s bimonthly Spiritual Fitness Luncheon at Shaw Air Force Base, Oct. 15. The event provided an opportunity for attendees to fellowship and strengthen their resilience. Photo by SGT. SHARMAIN BURCH , USARCENT Page 10 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 NEWS Hiring our Heroes job fair scheduled Center 8 a.m. the morning of the job fair. The workshop is designed to provide tips for job interviews, and to help critique and revise resumes. Visitors are asked to bring Originally planned as an annual event, copies of their resume to the workshop. the Hiring Our Heroes job fair will soon be “This is for veterans and their family making its second appearance at Fort Jack- members,” she said. “People can expect to son this year. have on-the-spot interviews at the job fair, The post will host the Hiring our He- and to learn about future job openings. It’s roes job fair for veterans 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., RQO\IRUWKRVHDI¿OLDWHGZLWKWKHPLOLWDU\´ Nov. 18 at the Solomon Center. Organizers Andrews said anyone planning to visit are expecting 80 to 90 employers to par- next month’s job fair should register in adticipate, offering job opportunities ranging vance at www.hiringourheroes.org. Regisfrom entry-level to executive positions. tration allows participants to interact with “Because it was so successful, and employers before the day of the event. thanks to the support of our local and naHiring Our Heroes was launched in tional partners, this is the second (event) March 2011 as a nationwide initiative to we’re having this year,” said Carolyn An- KHOSYHWHUDQVDQGPLOLWDU\VSRXVHV¿QGHPdrews, transition services manager for Fort ployment. It works in cooperation with the Jackson. “It’s an exciting time to have em- U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s network of SOR\HUV DQG RXU KHURHV PHHW XS DQG ¿QG 1,600 state and local chambers and other employment.” partners from the public, private and nonAndrews said an employment workshop SUR¿WVHFWRUV is scheduled to take place at the Solomon [email protected] By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader Ft. Jackson Movie Schedule PH (803)751-7488 Adult $5.50/Child (6-11): $3.00 3D: Adult $7.50/Child (6-11): $5.00 3319 Jackson BLVD **Ticket sales open 30 minutes prior to each movie** *Movie times and schedule are subject to change without notice* Wednesday October 22 No Good Deed (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 14m A Walk Among The Tombstones (R) 4 p.m. 1h 54m Friday October 24 No Good Deed (PG-13) 7 p.m. 1h 14m Saturday October 25 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Equalizer (R) 4 p.m. 2h 12m Sunday October 26 The Equalizer (R) 2 p.m. 2h 12m The Boxtrolls (PG) 4:30 p.m. 1h 36m Wednesday October 29 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Equalizer (R) 4 p.m. 2h 12m Friday October 31 Annabelle (R) 7 p.m. 1h 39m Saturday November 1 Free Military Appreciation Showing 2 p.m. Sunday November 2 Annabelle (R) 2 p.m. 1h 39m The Maze Runner (R) 4 p.m. 1h 53m Wednesday November 5 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Equalizer (R) 4 p.m. 2h 12m Friday November 7 The Boxtrolls (PG) 7 p.m. 1h 36m Saturday November 8 Annabelle (R) 2 p.m. 1h 39m The Good Lie (PG-13) 4 p.m. 1h 50m Sunday November 9 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Judge (R) 4 p.m. 2h 11m Wednesday November 12 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Equalizer (R) 4 p.m. 2h 12m Fort Jackson Thanksgiving Gate Hours Nov. 27 Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 4 Gate 5 Closed Open around the clock Closed Closed Nov. 28 Gate 1 Closed Gate 2 Open around the clock Gate 4 Closed Gate 5 Open from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. for inbound DQGRXWERXQGWUDIÀF Normal hours will resume Nov. 29. October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 11 NEWS Disabilities Continued from Page 4 disability because there is a stigma attached. They may assume that, if they self identify, it could hurt them in the long run. The reality is just the opposite. There are a lot RI EHQH¿WV LQ WKH IHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQW IRU LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK disabilities. And the hiring preference is a huge one.” 2FWREHU LV 1DWLRQDO 'LVDELOLW\ (PSOR\PHQW$ZDUHQHVV 0RQWK ZKLFK LV DOVR WKH WLPH RI \HDU ZKHQ WKH IHGHUDOO\ PDQGDWHG 'LVDELOLW\ 9HWHUDQV $I¿UPDWLYH $FWLRQ 3ODQ LV conducted on Fort Jackson. “What this plan does is identify barriers that may be LQ WKH ZRUN IRUFH LQ KLULQJ QRW RQO\ YHWHUDQV EXW DQ\RQH ZLWKDGLVDELOLW\´*ODGGHUVVDLG³:HORRNDWWKDWSODQDQG DVNZKDWSRWHQWLDOEDUULHUVPD\EHLQSODFHDW)RUW-DFNVRQ WKDW¶VKLQGHULQJXVIURPKLULQJHPSOR\HHVZLWKDGLVDELOLW\´ The results of the plan are submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. )RUW-DFNVRQLVLQDQXQXVXDOSRVLWLRQ*ODGGHUVVDLGLQ WKDW YHWHUDQV DOUHDG\ UHFHLYH SUHIHUHQWLDO KLULQJ WUHDWPHQW IRUJRYHUQPHQWMREV,IWKH\DOVRKDSSHQWREHGLVDEOHGLW¶V XSWRWKHPZKLFKKLULQJSUHIHUHQFHWKH\ZDQWWRXVH ³:HKDYHDSHUFHQWDJHRIHPSOR\HHVKHUHRQ)RUW-DFNVRQ ZKR DUH WDUJHWHG GLVDELOLW\ HPSOR\HHV´ *ODGGHUV VDLG ³0RVW DUH LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR FODLP VRPH VRUW RI GLVDELOLW\ .HHSLQPLQGWKDWWKHUH¶VQROLVWRIDSSURYHGGLVDELOLWLHV, KDYHFDUSHOWXQQHOV\QGURPH,I,FODLPWKDWDVDGLVDELOLW\ DQGKDYHPHGLFDOGRFXPHQWDWLRQWRYDOLGDWHWKDWWKHQLW¶V a disability.” 7KDW GRHVQ¶W PHDQ VRPHRQH ZLWK D GLVDELOLW\ LV automatically hired. ³,I\RX¶UHTXDOL¿HGWRGRWKHMREWKDW¶VDQQRXQFHG\RX PLJKWQRWKDYHWRFRPSHWHIRULW´KHVDLG³LI\RXPHHWWKH guidelines.” *RYHUQPHQW RI¿FHV DUH DOVR UHTXLUHG WR SURYLGH “reasonable accommodations” to disabled employees. What TXDOL¿HVDV³UHDVRQDEOH´KHVDLGLVXVXDOO\GHWHUPLQHGRQ a case-by-case basis. ³,W¶V DQ LQWHUDFWLYH SURFHVV EHWZHHQ WKH HPSOR\HH DQG WKH VXSHUYLVRU WR DFFRPPRGDWH WKH HPSOR\HH´ KH VDLG “One of the reasons to deny someone an accommodation is WKDWLWZRXOGFDXVHWKHDJHQF\XQGXHKDUGVKLS7KDWPHDQV WKH DJHQF\ GRHVQ¶W KDYH HQRXJK PRQH\ RU UHVRXUFHV WR accommodate the employee.” )RU<DWHVKLVZRUNLQJDFFRPPRGDWLRQVDW)RUW-DFNVRQ KDYH WDNHQ DQ LQIRUPDO FDVXDO IRUP 7HFKQRORJ\ KDV HYROYHGWRKHOS<DWHVRYHUFRPHVRPHRIKLVYLVXDOREVWDFOHV LQWKHZRUNSODFH ³:LQGRZVKDVDGDSWHGWRZKHUH\RXFDQVHWWKHIRQWVIRU DOPRVWDQ\WKLQJDWWKHVL]H\RXQHHG´KHVDLG³,GRQ¶WXVH DQ\DGDSWLYHVRIWZDUHEXWWKH$UP\KDVDZD\WRJHWLW,¶YH MXVWQHYHUQHHGHGLW´ 7KH RWKHU LVVXHV WKDW FRPH DORQJ ZLWK KLV YLVLRQ LPSDLUPHQWDUHJHQHUDOO\HDVHGE\FRZRUNHUV ³,FDQ¶WGULYHEHFDXVHRIP\YLVLRQ´KHVDLG³%XWGXH WR WKH VXSSRUWLYH QDWXUH RI WKH SHRSOH , ZRUN ZLWK , JHW DORQJMXVW¿QH0\IULHQGVKHUHDWZRUNKHOSPHJHWWRP\ GRFWRU¶VDSSRLQWPHQWVDQG,KDYHWRFDWFKULGHVWRDQGIURP ZRUNHYHU\GD\,W¶VQHYHUEHHQDSUREOHPEHFDXVH,ZRUN ZLWKJUHDWSHRSOH7KHFRPPDQGVWUXFWXUHNQRZVWKLVDQG ZRUNVZLWKPH7KH\¶YHEHHQIDEXORXV´ [email protected] Visit the Leader online at www.fortjacksonleader.com Page 12 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 13 NEWS Total Army Strong replaces family covenant By J.D. LEIPOLD Army News Service WASHINGTON — Total Army Strong, successor to the Army Family Covenant, was explained last week at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Annual Meeting and Exposition. Rather than having a prescribed list of what programs stay and go, Total Army Strong will give installation commanders the authority to determine what Soldier and family quality-of-life programs work best in their particular geographic communities because needs differ from Georgia to Washington state to Korea. In 2007, under the Army Family Covenant, Army leaders undertook a long-term commitment to resource and standardize critical support programs for Soldiers, their families and civilians. Whereas the covenant was focused RQVSHFL¿FSURJUDPVZKLFKFRPPDQGHUVFRXOGQ¶WFRQWURO Total Army Strong will be a customizable platform, and commanders will decide what programs best suit their communities. “Total Army Strong is our continued commitment to Soldiers, families and civilians,” said Lt. Gen. David Halverson, assistant chief of staff for installation management and IMCOM commanding general. “Through Total Army Strong we will sustain a system of programs and services to mitigate the unique demands of military life, foster life skills, strengthen resilience and promote a strong and ready Army.” 'XULQJ ¿VFDO \HDUV WKURXJK WKH $UP\ doubled its investment in funding for Soldier and family programs and improved the quality-of-life portfolio by building new youth and child development centers and creating Survivor Outreach Services, to help the families of fallen Soldiers. The covenant also built upon Family Assistance Centers for the National Guard and Army Reserve, improved Army housing and increased the accessibility to health care. “Throughout that period, there was a lot of building and JURZLQJRISURJUDPVEXWWKHQZHKLWDQGZH started going to the sustain mode, the improvement mode Page 14 Photo by J.D. LEIPOLD, Army News Service In a Warrior’s Corner presentation during the AUSA Annual Meeting in Washington, Robert Hansgen of the Soldier and Family Readiness Division of IMCOM explains the Total Army Strong commitment of senior leaders to continue quality of life programs. Total Army Strong replaces the Army Family Covenant and allows installation commanders to determine what programs work best. a bit and that really helped us standardize and get things in order for the Army,” said Robert Hansgen of the Soldier and Family Readiness Division of IMCOM. ,Q ZLWK WKH 'HIHQVH 'HSDUWPHQW IDFLQJ sequestration and major slashes in the budget, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno reached out to IMCOM WR H[SORUH KRZ WR EH PRUH HI¿FLHQW ZLWK 6ROGLHU DQG family quality-of-life programs while keeping the Army’s commitment to its force. Hansgen said IMCOM, the Army staff and a variety The Fort Jackson Leader- of commands collectively put together a bucket list of programs, which were categorized from high, medium to low risk, based on how the loss or diminishment of a particular program would affect families and Soldier readiness. ³7KH UHDVRQ ZH GLG WKDW ZDV EHFDXVH LW¶V GLI¿FXOW from a headquarters level to say which program is more important than another, which is why commanders will now be able to determine what is best and then do some rebalancing,” he said. October 23, 2014 NEWS Soldiers ramping up Ebola fight By GARY SHEFTICK Army News Service WASHINGTON — U.S. Soldiers in Western Africa are constructing facilities to treat Ebola patients and providing logistics, engineering and medical skills to help contain the epidemic. Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams and Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Stitzel, of U.S. Army Africa, talked to reporters recently, as they skyped from Monrovia, Liberia, to the Association of the U.S. Army’s Annual Meeting and Exposition, at the Washington Convention Center. “We think we’re making a difference,” said Williams, 86$UP\$IULFDFRPPDQGHUDQGWKHRI¿FHULQFKDUJHRI the U.S. Joint Operations Center in Liberia. He emphasized that the U.S. military is there in support of local governments, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and other non-governmental agencies striving WR¿JKW(EROD As of Oct. 15, 539 service members were part of the U.S. military task force in Western Africa, and Williams said he expects that to grow to about 3,200 over the next month. When the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) headquarters arrives later this month, division commander Maj. Gen. Gary Volesky will take over the Joint Operations Center, Williams said. Williams has been in Liberia for more than a month, DQG VDLG PXFK RI WKH ¿UVW WZR ZHHNV ZHUH VSHQW SURYLGing an assessment of what was needed across affected areas in West Africa, to include Sierra Leone. Facilities in the “hinterlands” often have different situations than those in Monrovia, Williams said, and sometimes jungles need to be cleared before construction can begin. About three weeks ago, two U.S. Navy mobile labs arrived and Williams said those have shortened the time to diagnose a patient from two or three days down to about three or four hours. A 25-bed military hospital also arrived about two weeks ago, and its erection is almost completed. It will be used to treat any health care workers who come down with Ebola, Williams said. Soldiers are also constructing several 100bed Ebola treatment units across Liberia, to treat patients. Williams said the majority of those should be operational in November. “We’re moving gravel” and helping construct other facilities as well, Williams said. Construction continues 24 Photo by CMDR. PETER NILES, U.S. Army Africa Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams, commander of U.S. Army Africa, third from front, and U.S. Ambassador to Liberia Deborah Malac transit the hot zone at an Ebola treatment facility in Liberia. The hot zone is defined by the double barrier orange fence. hours a day, he said, despite an 11 p.m. curfew in Monrovia. The Liberian government granted the U.S. military an exception to policy to speed up construction of treatment facilities. The U.S. military is also ramping up efforts to train up to 500 health care workers per week, he said. About 200 of those would be in Monrovia, and the rest in other areas across West Africa. Stitzel talked about the protective measures Soldiers are taking to make sure they don’t contract the disease. They wash their hands often in chlorine, which kills the virus, and body temperatures are taken to make sure Soldiers don’t have a fever — one of the prevalent symptoms of the virus. :KHQQRWL¿HG86$UP\$IULFDPRYHGTXLFNO\WRGHSOR\LQWR:HVW$IULFD:LOOLDPVVDLGKHUHFHLYHGDEULH¿QJ on a Sunday, and two days later, he and the command sergeant major were in West Africa. “This is what we do,” Williams said, explaining that U.S. Army Africa stands ready to deploy on short notice to provide “bridging and enabling” capabilities in response to a crisis. And there’s a real need for aid in West Africa now, he said. Deploying the task force to West Africa was “absolutely the right thing to do,” Williams said. To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: [email protected] or Fax 803-432-7609 October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 15 Page 16 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 Photos by ANDREW McINTYRE First Sgt. Matthew Dial, right, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, leads his team up a cliff during the medical evacuation exercise of the 165th Infantry Brigade’s Lightning Challenge Friday. The exercise required Soldiers to get over an obstacle with a life-size mannequin. IN FOCUS CMYK 27” WEB-100 October 23, 2014 The 165th Infantry Brigade conducted its semiannual Lightning Challenge Friday — a daylong competition to test the stamina and technical FRPSHWHQFH RI WKH RI¿FHUV QRQFRPPPLVLVRQHG RI¿FHUV DQG FDGUH LQ WKH EULJDGH RQ D YDULHW\ RI physical and mental tasks. 7KH GD\ VWDUWHG ZLWK D PLOH UXQ WKH )LW WR :LQ&RXUVHDQGDVDQGEDJFDUU\DW+LOWRQ)LHOG7KH WHDPV PDGH XS RI 6ROGLHUV IURP HDFK EDWWDOLRQ DQG +HDGTXDUWHUV DQG +HDGTXDUWHUV &RPSDQ\ WKHQ FRQGXFWHG D VHULHV RI GHPDQGLQJ HYHQWV LQFOXGLQJ EOLQGIROGHG ZHDSRQV DVVHPEO\ ZHDSRQV TXDOL¿FDWLRQDUFKHU\DWLPHGODQGQDYLJDWLRQFRXUVH DPHGLFDO67;ODQHDRQHURSHEULGJHFURVVLQJDQG a canoe race to Weston Lake. ,Q WRWDO WKH WHDPV FRYHUHG PRUH WKDQ PLOHV DQGH[HFXWHGVHYHUDOREVWDFOHVWRVHHZKLFKXQLWZDV 165th Infantry Brigade The Fort Jackson Leader WKHEHVW “This Lightning Challenge was extremely GHPDQGLQJ´VDLG&RO%U\DQ+HUQDQGH]FRPPDQGHU RI WKH WK ³:H FRQGXFW WKLV HYHQW HYHU\ VL[ months to test our cadre on their physical and mental WRXJKQHVVSUR¿FLHQF\RIWKHWDVNVWKH\DUHUHTXLUHG WRWUDLQLQ%DVLF&RPEDW7UDLQLQJDQGWREXLOGVRPH HVSLULWGHFRUSVDQGFRPSHWLWLRQZLWKLQWKHEULJDGH ³,W LV D KHDOWK\ FRPSHWLWLRQ EHWZHHQ RXU XQLWV DQGZHZHUHDEOHWREULQJRXUQHZHVWEDWWDOLRQLQWR WKHFRPSHWLWLRQ´+HUQDQGH]VDLGPDNLQJUHIHUHQFH WR WKH QHZO\ HVWDEOLVKHG /LJKWQLQJ %DWWDOLRQ ³, H[SHFWRXUFDGUHWROHDGE\H[DPSOHDQG/LJKWQLQJ Challenge holds all of our leaders to the highest VWDQGDUGV´ $W WKH HQG RI WKH GD\ DIWHU FRPSOHWLQJ DOO WKH HYHQWV WKH WHDPV ¿QDOO\ KDG D FKDQFH WR JHW VRPH UHVW HDW VRPH IRRG DQG VZDS VWRULHV RI WKH GD\¶V HYHQWV 7KH ZLQQLQJ XQLW ZDV VW %DWWDOLRQ WK Infantry Regiment. Page 17 Staff Sgt. John Wood, 2-39th, runs to the finish line of the medical evacuation exercise during Friday’s event. Staff Sgts. Sheliea Smith and Wesley Price, both assigned to Company A, Lightning Battalion (Provisional), use land navigation skills to plot points and find their next task during Friday’s Lightning Challenge. 165th cadre put to test in team-building event First Lt. Chelsea Aquino, 2-39th, prepares to shoot a bow Friday during the 165th Infantry Brigade Lightning Challenge. The day long event pitted teams of 15 Soldiers from each of the brigade’s battalions against each other. Lightning Challenge CMYK HAPPENINGS Calendar Friday, Oct. 31 AUSA Fort Jackson and Palmetto State Chapter golf tournament Noon, Fort Jackson Golf Club For more information, call 776-7365 or email [email protected]. Friday, Oct. 31 BOSS Halloween bash 7 to 11 p.m., Weston Lake Community Center The event is open to all military, family members and DoD employees. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact your unit Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers representative or call 629-1096. Monday, Nov. 3 and Tuesday, Nov. 4 Military clothing reclamation sale 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., 2570 Warehouse Row The cash-only sale is open to service members of all ranks and military retirees. For more information, call 751-7213. Friday, Nov. 7 Time Warner job fair 9 a.m. to noon, Strom Thurmond Building, Room 222 For more information, call 751-5256. Tuesday, Nov. 18 Hiring our Heroes job fair 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Solomon Center Announcements DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS An information booth in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month will be placed at the Commissary, 10 a.m. to noon, Friday. CPAC HEALTH FAIR The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center will conduct a health fair from 9 a.m. to noon, Nov. 20 in the Marion Room at the Solomon Center. For more information, call 751-4016. YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION Registration is open through Dec. 5 for youth basketball (ages 4 to 15) and cheerleading (ages 3 to 13). Participants must be registered with Child, Youth and School Services and have a current physical on ¿OH &RDFKHV DUH QHHGHG )RU PRUH LQIRUmation, call 751-5040/7451. MARRIAGE RESILIENCY CLASSES ScreamFree marriage classes will be offered Thursdays through Nov. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Chaplain Family Life Center. Page 18 pel. Free child care is available. The group offers outreach and ministry to women associated with the military. The group will conduct “Operation IMMIGRATION EXAMS The Department of Preventive Medi- Christmas Child” at 9 a.m., Tuesday at the ON-POST TRICK-OR-TREAT HOURS Trick-or-Treat hours on post are schedcine provides a physical exam, tuberculo- 0DLQ 3RVW &KDSHO 3:2& ZLOO ¿OO VKRH sis screening, laboratory tests and required boxes with gifts for military families in uled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Oct. 31. LPPXQL]DWLRQV IRU 75,&$5( EHQH¿FLD- need. For more information, email jackRENT CONCESSIONS ries who need to complete an immigration [email protected]. Active-duty junior non-commissioned exam for U.S. Citizenship and ImmigraRI¿FHUVZLOOVDYHRIIWKHUHQWIRUIRXU tion Services. For more information or to AAFES NEWS AAFES has started its free layaway pro- months in new construction three- and fourschedule an appointment, call 751-5251. bedroom homes if they move in this month. gram for holiday shoppers. AAFES customers may enter the “Be: 6HQLRU1&2VFDQVDYHRIIWKHUHQWIRU SPORTS SHORTS Halloween Howl 5K, 8 a.m., Saturday, Ware This Spooky Night” contest through two months. Pro-rated rent for homes in Twin Lakes. To register, visit http://bit. Oct. 31 for a chance to win Exchange gift PT 5 and PT 7 is offered during October. cards. For more information, visit www. This offer applies to all active duty service ly/1vQkJ9M. members, retirees and DoD civilians who Commander’s Cup bowling for active- shopmyexchange.com/patriotfamily. schedule an October move-in. For more induty Service members is scheduled for formation, call 738-8275. Nov. 3, 4 and 6. Each battalion may have COMMISSARY NEWS The Commissary rewards card allows up to three teams of four Soldiers per day. 7HDP PHPEHU QDPHV IRU WKH ¿UVW GD\ DUH shoppers to use digital coupons at any com- LIFEWORKS EVENTS missary. For more information, visit www. Monday, 10 to 11 a.m., Teddy Bear Picdue Oct. 30. nic. Open to all ages. Snacks will be proFor more information, call the Sports commissaries.com/rwards_subscribe.cfm. vided. 2I¿FHDW Nov. 15, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Community SAT TESTING The Education Center will administer yard sale. For more information and to regTSC MOVE The Training Support Center has moved SAT testing Oct. 30. Testing is available ister, call 738-8275 or email emcdaniel@ WR :DVKLQJWRQ 6W /LPLWHG VWDI¿QJ to eligible service members only. For more bbcgrp.com. All events take place at the Community and services will be available through Oct. information and to register, call 751-5341. Center unless otherwise noted. For more 27. DA photos will continue to be taken information and to register, email emcdanin Building 12-650 until today and will be AMMUNITION HOF NOMINATIONS The Ammunition Hall of Fame is ac- [email protected] or call 738-8275. taken at the new location beginning Monday. For more information, call 751-4619. cepting nominations through Nov. 30. For more information, visit www.jmc.army. mil/Historian/HallOfFame.aspx or email MILITARY CHILD OF THE YEAR Operation Homefront is seeking nomi- usarmy.ria.jmc.mbx.ammo-halloffame@ The Fort Jackson Leader accepts only offnations for the 2015 Military Child of the mail.mil. post announcements for those organizations Year. Nominees must be legal dependents or events that directly relate to Service memof Service members and between 8 and 18 SOLSE LOOKING FOR SOLDIERS The Special Operations Logistical Sup- bers and their families. years old. Nominations close Dec. 12. For more information, visit www.militarychil- port Element is looking for active-duty Soldiers (with the MOS 88M, 88N, 92A, FREE MOTHERING CLASS FOR VETS doftheyear.org. &RXUDJH %H\RQG D QDWLRQZLGH QRQSUR¿W 92F, 92Y or 92W) who are airborne quali¿HG RU ZLOOLQJ WR JR WR DLUERUQH WUDLQLQJ organization for Service members, veterans THRIFT SHOP NEWS The Thrift Shop is hiring a cashier. Ap- Eligible Soldiers must qualify for a Per- and their extended families, will host a manent Change of Station move; be in the free six-week online class about mindful ply at the store. Consignors are eligible for the Thrift rank of E5 through E7; have no physical mothering for female Service members and limitations; have a General Technical score YHWHUDQV7KH ¿UVW VHVVLRQ LV VFKHGXOHG IURP Shop’s new layaway and credit program. Thanksgiving items will be accepted of at least 100; and possess a secret clear- noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday. Recordings will be through Nov. 13. They will expire Nov. 20. ance with the ability to get a top secret available for those who cannot participate Christmas items will be accepted Nov. clearance. If interested, submit your En- live. For more information and to register, 18 through Dec. 11. They will expire Dec. listed Record Brief to SOLSERecruiting@ visit http://couragebeyond.org/services-2/ online-classes/mindful-mothering/. jdi.socom.mil. 18. September through November are colInformation is subject to change. lege months at the Thrift Shop. Customers Visit the community calendar at http:// wearing a college shirt or hat will receive a jackson.armylive.dodlive.mil/ for a full discount. The Golden Carriage Program provides listing of calendar events. Send your announcements to fjleader@ free ball gowns for spouses of active-duty gmail.com. Announcements are due one service members E5 and below. week before the publication date. For more information, call 751-7045. Community PWOC MEETINGS www.twitter.com/ The Protestant Women of the Chapel announcements may be edited to comply fortjacksonpao meet Tuesdays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and with Leader style and Public Affairs reguMondays at 7 p.m. at the Main Post Cha- lations. Meals will be provide. For more information, call 751-4966. Housing happenings Off-post events Follow the Leader on TWITTER Fort Jackson Leader Join us on Facebook. Visit www.facebook.com/fortjacksonleader and click “like.” 4 min. . Fort Jackson, SC Like . Comment . Share The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 HEALTH Which hearing protection is right for you? Army Hearing Program U.S. Army Public Health Command Hazardous noise comes in many forms, from continuous noise such as generators or vehicles, to impulse noise VXFKDVZHDSRQV¿UHRUH[SORVLRQV)DLOXUHWRZHDUKHDULQJSURWHFWLRQFDQUHVXOWLQKHDULQJORVVGLI¿FXOW\XQGHUstanding speech (especially with background noise) and WLQQLWXV Hearing damage is more severe when the number RI H[SRVXUHV WR VXFK QRLVH RU WKH H[SRVXUH GXUDWLRQ LQFUHDVHV+D]DUGRXVQRLVHLVDOVRIRXQGLQPDQ\HYHU\GD\ H[SHULHQFHVVXFKDVRSHUDWLQJDODZQPRZHURUXVLQJD YDFXXPFOHDQHU Selecting appropriate hearing protection can be a daunting task with so many different kinds and models availDEOH<RXREYLRXVO\ZDQWVRPHWKLQJWKDWSURWHFWV\RXLV FRPIRUWDEOHDQGHDV\WRXVHDQG¿WVZHOO<RXGRQ¶WZDQW LWWRLQWHUIHUHZLWKIDFHWRIDFHRUUDGLRFRPPXQLFDWLRQV Unfortunately, there is no perfect hearing protector that does it all, but tips are available for selecting appropriate KHDULQJSURWHFWLRQ -XVW DERXW HYHU\ SURWHFWRU SURYLGHV VLJQL¿FDQW QRLVH DWWHQXDWLRQ RU SURWHFWLRQ $OO SRLQWRIVDOH SDFNDJLQJ contains a Noise Reduction Rating, called the NRR, that describes in a single number how much attenuation is proYLGHG$KLJKHU155QXPEHULQGLFDWHVPRUHDWWHQXDWLRQ The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health provides a searchable compendium listing performance of PDQ\KHDULQJSURWHFWRUV Users will achieve the listed NRR only when the device LVZRUQFRUUHFWO\DQG¿WVSURSHUO\)ROORZWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶V¿WWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVFDUHIXOO\'LI¿FXOWWR¿WKHDULQJ SURWHFWRUVPD\EHXQFRPIRUWDEOHDQGWKHUHIRUHQRWZRUQ $SSURSULDWHSURWHFWLRQVHOHFWLRQLVDEDODQFHEHWZHHQJHWWLQJWKHSHUIRUPDQFHZKLOHUHWDLQLQJFRPIRUW The amount of attenuation provided by a hearing proWHFWRUVKRXOGFORVHO\PDWFKWKHUHTXLUHGSURWHFWLRQQHHG )RUPRVWQRLVHH[SRVXUHVVXFKDVODZQRUVKRSWRROVSDVsive earplugs or earmuffs should work well; the latter are HDVLHUWR¿WDQGZLOOSURYLGHPRUHUHOLDEOHSURWHFWLRQ Be cautious when using devices that provide much more protection than is needed, as speech and other warnLQJVRXQGVPD\EHGLI¿FXOWWRKHDURUXQGHUVWDQG$KHDUing health professional, such as an audiologist, can help \RXXQGHUVWDQGKRZPXFKSURWHFWLRQLVQHHGHG If you want to be able to hear everything that is happening around you all the time while remaining protected IURP VXGGHQ ORXG VRXQGV IRU H[DPSOH ZKHQ YLVLWLQJ D shooting range), the best hearing protection is probably something more specialized, like a level-dependent deYLFH ([DPSOHVLQFOXGHHDUSOXJVWKDWKDYHDPHFKDQLFDO¿Oter inside that prevents loud sounds from getting to the eardrum while allowing softer sounds to pass through, or GHYLFHV WKDW LQVWDQWO\ FXW RII ORXG VRXQGV HOHFWURQLFDOO\ ([SHFWWRSD\PRUHIRUWKHHOHFWURQLFSURGXFWV The best protection is the one that meets your situationDOQHHGV¿WVZHOODQGLVFRPIRUWDEOHZKHQZRUQ,I\RX ¿QGDGHYLFHWKDWPHHWV\RXUDWWHQXDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVEXW LVQ¶W FRPIRUWDEOH NHHS VHDUFKLQJ 0DQ\ KHDULQJ SURWHFWLRQFKRLFHVDUHDYDLODEOH Flu shot schedule 0RQFULHI$UP\&RPPXQLW\+RVSLWDOZLOORIIHUDIUHHZDONLQ LQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHFOLQLFIRUEHQH¿FLDULHVDJHVDQGROGHU 6RORPRQ&HQWHU 0RQGD\DPWRSP 3DWLHQWVZKRDUHHQUROOHGDW0RQFULHI0HGLFDO+RPHPD\ UHFHLYHLQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHVIURPWRDPDQGWR SP0RQGD\V7XHVGD\V:HGQHVGD\VDQG)ULGD\VDQG IURPWRDPDQGWRSP7KXUVGD\V ,QÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKHWKÀRRUDW 0$&+IRUEHQH¿FLDULHVDQGROGHUGXULQJWKHIROORZLQJWLPHV Like us on Facebook to get the latest news regarding Moncrief, health tips, TRICARE updates and information from the Army Medical Command. Visit www.facebook.com/MoncriefACH. 0RQGD\V7XHVGD\V DPWRSP :HGQHVGD\V DPWRSP 7KXUVGD\V DPWRSP )ULGD\V DPWRSP )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO Prescription home delivery available 75,&$5(EHQH¿FLDULHVFDQVZLWFKWRKRPHGHOLYHU\IRUDQ\PHGLFDWLRQWDNHQ UHJXODUO\7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOZD\VWRVZLWFK &DOO([SUHVV6FULSWVDW $VN\RXUSURYLGHUWRID[\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQWR([SUHVV6FULSWVDW $VN\RXUSURYLGHUWRH3UHVFULEHWR³([SUHVV6FULSW0DLO3KDUPDF\´ 0DLO\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQDORQJZLWKDFRPSOHWHGPDLORUGHUIRUPWR([SUHVV 6FULSWV,QF32%R[3KRHQL[$] :DONLQÀXVKRWVIRUFKLOGUHQDQG\RXQJHUDUHDYDLODEOHDW 0$&+5RRPIURPWRDPDQGWRSP0RQ GD\V:HGQHVGD\VDQG)ULGD\V ,QDGGLWLRQ75,&$5(UHWDLOQHWZRUNSKDUPDFLHVZLOODGPLQLV WHUIUHHVHDVRQDOLQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHVGXULQJWKHÀX VHDVRQ%HQH¿FLDULHVZKRUHFHLYHWKHLQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQDWLRQ IURPQRQPLOLWDU\IDFLOLWLHVDUHDVNHGWRSURYLGHLPPXQL]DWLRQ GDWDWRWKH0$&+VKRWLPPXQL]DWLRQWHDPRQWKHVL[WKÀRRURI WKHKRVSLWDO 7KH¿UVWVKLSPHQWZLOOXVXDOO\DUULYHZLWKLQWZRZHHNV 6ZLWFKLQJ WR KRPH GHOLYHU\ FDQ DOVR VDYH PRQH\ ² IRU HYHU\ EUDQG QDPHGUXJFRPSDUHGWRXVLQJDQHWZRUNSKDUPDF\,QDGGLWLRQWKHUHLVQR FRSD\IRUDGD\VXSSO\RIJHQHULFGUXJV ([SUHVV6FULSWVVWRFNVDOOGUXJVRQWKH75,&$5(IRUPXODU\ October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Follow the Leader on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ fortjacksonpao. for breaking news and updates Page 19 Pay Less In LUGOFF . . . 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ALL MODELS! 250 TOYOTA FORD CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM ACURA CADILLAC CHEVROLET GMC HONDA HYUNDAI INFINITI KIA LUXUS MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ NISSAN SATURN SCION VW VOLVO See Them All On Line At LugoffToyota.com % 0 Up To VEHICLES AVAILABLE! 72 MONTHS * ON 11 TOYOTA MODELS AVALON CAMRY COROLLA SIENNA PRIUS PRIUS C PRIUS V 4-RUNNER RAV-4 VENZA TUNDRA $500 Toyota Rebate when you lease or finance any new Toyota *Offers with approved credit. $8000 off MSRP on ’14 Toyota Tundra Crew Max Limited 4x4. 0% 72 months, $13.89 per thousand borrowed, down payment may vary, expires 10/31/14. FREE 28 MULTI POINT INSPECTION LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires Expires 10/30/14 10 OFF $ LUBE OIL & FILTER LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires Expires 10/30/14 10 OFF $ TIRE ROTATION LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires Expires 10/30/14 878 US Hwy 1 South, Lugoff, SC 803-438-2772 October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 21 AROUND POST Saluting this Basic Combat Training cycle’s honorees DRILL SERGEANTS OF THE CYCLE, Photos by OITHIP PICKERT, Public Affairs Office Sgt. 1st Class Jason O’Gowen Company C 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Khana Dao Company D 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment Staff Sgt. Mathew Beaulieu Company E 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Spc. Alexander Brammeier SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pfc. Kelsey Garber SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Devon Streckfuss SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pfc. Enrique Gonzalez SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Gabriel Barianos SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE Pvt. Javier Arroyotapia HIGH APFT SCORE Pvt. Brooke Johnson HIGH APFT SCORE Pvt. Victor Cruz HIGH APFT SCORE Pvt. Andrew Brotherton HIGH BRM Pvt. Eric Allen HIGH BRM Pfc. Kelsey Garber HIGH BRM Pvt. Javier Arroyotapia Weekly honors LEADER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Announcements should be typed and no more than 45 words. All submissions may be edited to comply with Leader style and Public Affairs regulations. Send all submissions to [email protected]. For more information, call 751-7045. )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW FODVVL¿HG DGYHUWLVLQJ contact Camden Media Co. at 432-6157. &ODVVL¿HGDGVPD\DOVREHID[HGWR or emailed to [email protected]. Capt. Micah Washam Distinguished honor graduate Captains Career Course Adjutant General School Kuwaiti army Maj. Mohamad Alajmi International honor graduate Captains Career Course Adjutant General School Sgt. 1st Class Willard Wilson Cadre of the cycle Company A 187th Ordnance Battalion Staff Sgt. Edward Tirado Instructor of the cycle Company A 187th Ordnance Battalion )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW GLVSOD\ DGYHUWLVLQJ call Betsy Greenway at 432-6157 or email [email protected]. Want more Fort Jackson news? Watch Fort Jackson video news stories and Victory Updates at https://www.youtube.com/user/FortJacksonSC Page 22 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 LUNCH SPECIALS Chicken $ 7.00 Shrimp $ 7.50 Steak $ 8.00 Lunch Monday - Friday 11:30pm - 2pm 1999 North Beltline Blvd. 803-782-1064 Dinner Monday - thursday 5pm - 9:30pm Friday: 5pm - 10:30pm saturday 4:30pm - 10:30pm sunday: 4:30pm - 9:30pm www.satosteak.com AIRLINE CAREERS START HERE Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institution of Maintenance for free information 866-367-2513 IS TODAY THE DAY YOU IGNITE YOUR FUTURE? If you have the spark, we have the programs to guide you toward a rewarding career. FORTIS offers pprograms in the followingg areas: g Nursing Ř Dental Assisting Medical Assisting HVAC-Refrigeration CALL 1.855.445.3276 TEXT “IGNITE” TO 367847 FORTIS.EDU IGNITE YOUR FUTURE FORTIS COLLEGE 246 STONERIDGE DRIVE, SUITE 101 $ COLUMBIA, SC 29210 Financial Aid Available for those who qualify. Career Placement Assistance for All Graduates. For consumer information, visit Fortis.edu. October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 23 Specializing in the latest styles! Sew ins, micro links, cuts, color, natural hair, micros, twists, tree braids, crochet braids, relaxers keratin treatments & more! 108 Columbia Northeast Dr. Suite C www.Haircandybeauty.com Call or book online now! 803-800-3801 Page 24 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 SPORTS Photos by CHELSEA RENE BAKER, special to the Leader Fort Jackson’s Army Ten-Miler runners pose before the race Oct. 12 in Washington. Pictured fom left are Erik Bondhus, Byron Hale, Sean Campbell, Ralf Negrete, Jordan Demay, Jamie Walls, Stephen Hanson, Michele Kehrle, Levi Lavalla, Robert Medina, Daniel Wilson, Jeremiah Hunt, Brian Palizano, Ricardo Gutierrez, Jeremy Bell and Shane Hawkins. The 16 runners competed on three teams representing the post. Soldiers represent post in Ten-Miler By SGT. 1ST CLASS DANIEL WILSON Special to the Leader Sixteen Soldiers from various units represented Fort Jackson in the 30th Army Ten-Miler Oct. 12 in Washington. The Soldiers competed on three teams in the active duty mixed division and the active duty men’s division. Before being selected for the Fort Jackson teams, the Soldiers participated in multiple qualifying events at the installation level. The qualifying runs were organized by Cindi Keene, the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sports director. Once selected, the runners participated in workouts under the direction of the teams’ coach 1st Sgt. Ricardo JORDAN LAW FIRM ǻŞŖřǼȱŝŘŜȬŗşśŖȱȊȱ ǯ ȓ ǯ ŚśŖŖȱȱȱ Less that 1/2 mile from Gate One ȱȱȊȱȱ ȱȱȊȱȱȱȊȱ Initial Consultation: $50.00 (up to one hour) October 23, 2014 Gutierrez. These workouts typically involved 10-mile runs along the range roads. The Army Ten-Miler is one of the premier 10-mile races in the nation. It is the second largest 10-mile race in the United States. Runners from almost every installation and people from all over the world compete. There are multiple divisions and age brackets to compete in, such as open, mixed, masters and international. The top four scores of up to eight team members determine the winner of each division. More than 650 teams competed in the race, many for the Commander’s Cup and other awards. This year, Fort Jackson entered one mixed and two active duty men’s teams. Although none of the Fort Jackson teams brought home any awards, all team members PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS and reach more than 2.5 million readers using our small space display ad network Statewide or regional buys available Donna Yount 888.727.7377 scnewspapernetwork.com gave maximum effort and settled for great team cohesion, lasting memories and lifelong friendships. 0DQ\ RI WKH UXQQHUV FRPSHWHG IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH RU achieved personal bests during this year’s race. The race, the pride and the spirit of competition are a big part of the Army Ten-Miler. The unique aspect of the Army Ten-Miler is that it allows many wounded warriors to compete. Many of the wounded warriors who compete are blind or missing limbs and run the 10 miles to the encouraging cheers of, “Hooah warrior,” from the spectators. The proceeds from the race and the weekend of race activities go to the U.S. Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund for projects and programs that help Soldiers and their families. S.R. Anderson, Attorney At Law Former JAG Officer In private practice in Columbia 35 years. Free initial consultation. Divorce, Adoption, Legal Separation, Probate, Wills, Auto Accidents. Call (803) 252-2828. South Carolina Newspaper Network The Fort Jackson Leader Page 25 AROUND POST ACS Calendar — November 2014 EMPLOYMENT READINESS PROGRAM Resume basics 101 for military spouses Strom Thurmond Building, Room 222 Nov. 3 9 to 11 a.m. 751-5256 Job searching strategies for military spouses Strom Thurmond Building, Room 222 Nov. 5, 19 8:30 a.m. to noon 751-5256 8VLQJVRFLDOPHGLDWR¿QGDMRE (GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU5RRP% 1RY DPWRQRRQ 7LPH:DUQHUMREIDLU 6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ Steps to federal employment for military spouses Strom Thurmond Building, Room 222 Nov. 12 9 to 11:30 a.m. 751-5256 1RY DPWRSP +LULQJRXU+HURHVMREIDLU 6RORPRQ&HQWHU To register, visit http://www.uschamberfoundation.org/event/ft-jacksoncolumbia-sc. EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM ()03GURSLQPHHWDQGJUHHW 1&2&OXE 1RY WRSP ()03ERZOLQJRXWLQJ &HQWXU\/DQHV%RZOLQJ&HQWHU 1RY DPWRSP &KLOGVDIHW\DZDUHQHVVLQLWLDOWUDLQLQJ +RRG6W5RRP 1RY WRSP +HDOWK\UHODWLRQVKLSV +RRG6W5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ 2%PDWHUQLW\EULH¿QJ 0$&+5RRP 1RY WRDP %ULJKW+RQH\EHH([SORUHUSOD\JURXS +RRG6W5RRP 1RY WRDP 6WUHVVPDQDJHPHQWFODVV +RRG6W5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ %DE\EDVLFVFODVV +RRG6W5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ &KLOGVDIHW\DZDUHQHVVDQQXDOUHIUHVKHU +RRG6W5RRP 1RY WRSP 7ULSOH33RVLWLYH3DUHQWLQJ3URJUDPFODVV +RRG6W5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ $QJHUPDQDJHPHQWFODVV +RRG6W5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ (GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU5RRP% 1RY DPWRSP )LQDQFLDOUHDGLQHVVIRU¿UVWWHUP6ROGLHUV (GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU5RRP% 1RY DPWRSP )LQDQFLDOSODQQLQJIRULQLWLDO3&6PRYH (GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU5RRP% 1RY WRDP ,QSURFHVVLQJUHHQWU\EULHI 6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ5RRP 7XHVGD\VDQG7KXUVGD\V DP 2XWSURFHVVLQJ 6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ5RRP 0RQGD\WKURXJK7KXUVGD\ WRSP (QJOLVKDVDVHFRQGODQJXDJH &RYHQDQW5RDG 0RQGD\WKURXJK7KXUVGD\ WRDP (QJOLVKDVDVHFRQGODQJXDJH &RYHQDQW5RDG 7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\ WRSP (QJOLVKDVDVHFRQGODQJXDJH 2OG&OHPVRQ5RDG 7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\ WRSP 3RVWQHZFRPHU¶VRULHQWDWLRQ 1&2&OXE 1RY DPWRSP 3KDVH,,OHY\RYHUVHDVEULHI 6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ5RRP 1RY WRDP 6WDWHVLGHOHY\EULHI 6WURP7KXUPRQG%XLOGLQJ5RRP 1RY DPWRQRRQ FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM FINANCIAL READINESS PROGRAM ,QYHVWPHQWVHPLQDU RELOCATION READINESS PROGRAM For more information and to register, call the phone number corresponding to the event. Information subject to change. Page 26 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 CHAPEL Worship Schedule PROTESTANT Sunday 8:30 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel Gospel service, Daniel Circle Chapel (first service) 9 a.m. McCrady Chapel (SCARNG), McCrady Training Center 9:30 a.m. Hispanic, Magruder Chapel 9:30 a.m. Main Post Chapel 10:15 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel Gospel service, Daniel Circle Chapel (second service) 10:45 a.m. Sunday school, Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Memorial Chapel 11 a.m. Chapel Next, Bayonet Chapel Protestant Bible Study Monday 7 p.m. Women’s Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel Tuesday 9 to 11:30 a.m. Women's Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel Wednesday 6 p.m. Gospel prayer service, Daniel Circle Chapel 7 p.m. Gospel Bible study, Daniel Circle Chapel Thursday 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fresh encounter Bible study, Chaplain Family Life Center Protestant Youth of the Chapel Saturday 11 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel youth group, Dorn VA Hospital (first Saturday of each month) Sunday 5 to 6:30 p.m. Club Beyond youth group, Chaplain Family Life Center CATHOLIC Monday through Thursday October 23, 2014 11:30 a.m. Mass, Main Post Chapel Sunday 7:30 a.m. Confessions, Solomon Center 8 a.m. IET Mass, Solomon Center 9:30 a.m. CCD (September through May), Education Center 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for adults (September through May), Main Post Chapel 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for children (September through May), Main Post Chapel 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation (after Mass or by appointment), Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Mass (Main Post Chapel) 12:30 p.m. Catholic youth ministry, Main Post Chapel Wednesday 7 p.m. Rosary, Main Post Chapel 7:30 p.m. RCIA/Adult inquiry (September through May), Main Post Chapel ANGLICAN/LITURGICAL/EPISCOPAL Sunday 8 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel ISLAMIC Sunday 8 to 10 a.m. Islamic studies, Main Post Chapel Friday 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. Jumah services, Main Post Chapel JEWISH Sunday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Worship service, Memorial Chapel 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jewish book study, Post Conference Room CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday The Fort Jackson Leader 11:30 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday 9:30 to 11 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 3 to 5 p.m. LDS family social, Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 7 to 8 p.m. LDS scripture study, Anderson Street Chapel ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS Anderson Street Chapel 2335 Anderson St., 751-7032 Bayonet Chapel 9476 Kemper St., 751-6322/4542 Daniel Circle Chapel 3359 Daniel Circle, corner of Jackson Boulevard, 7511297/4478 Education Center 4581 Scales Ave. Chaplain Family Life Center 5460 Marion Ave (to the side of the POV lot), 751-4961 Magruder Chapel 4360 Magruder Ave., 751-3883 Main Post Chapel 4580 Scales Ave., corner of Strom Thurmond Boulevard, 751-6469/6681 McCrady Chapel (SCARNG) 3820 McCrady Road (located at McCrady Training Center) Memorial Chapel 4470 Jackson Blvd., 751-7324 Warrior Chapel (120th AG Bn.) 1895 Washington St., 751-5086/7427 Installation Chaplain's Office 4475 Gregg St., 751-3121/6318 Page 27 Essex Homes serves our military: Ft. Jackson come to Winchester in Northeast Columbia! Shaw AFB come to Saddlebrook in Lugoff! WE ALSO REQUIRE DRESS UNIFORMS Ebuilt energy es. eff icient homipped All homes equ e with granit ss kle tan countertop, arate sep hot water, /shower, gar den tub l vanity in double bow automatic h, owners bat system sprinkler and more. FOR OUR CEREMONIES Mention this ad and receive a free washer/dryer. Call Jessica Chase 803.513.4494 And honor your service with outstanding support. Transfer credits you earned through military training. Receive the Ashford Military Grant to save money. Use technology to keep you in class when deployed. Earn your degree online and on your schedule. CALL 888.206.5110 OR VISIT MILITARY.ASHFORD.EDU P RIN T E D 0 8 / 14 8620 Spectr Spectrum pectr ctrum Center ct Centter Blvd Blvd. S Diego San Di go CA C A 92123 Page 28 The Fort Jackson Leader- October 23, 2014 Regional C L A S Announcements For Your Information <PIANO LESSONS> Private piano lessons for all ages: Classics/ Jazz/ Hymns/ Alfred/ Accompaniment/ Improvisation/ Music Fundamentals/ Recital. Fun, Challenging & Inspiring. Piano Joy Call: 803-467-5623 Items for Sale Antiques & Collectibles English Antiques for sale: oak barley chairs, bookcases, Roll top desks, Gateleg tables, stain glass. Call 609-315-2301. Cemetery Lots 1 Cemetery space with 2nd right. Space is Section EE, Lot 42D, Space 3. Current value is $2,100. Selling for $1,400 plus transfer fee $150 OBO. Please contact MSG (R) Marshall via email [email protected] or phone 803-695-0250. General Merchandise 12x20 storage building w/10 ft shelter on both ends, shingled roof, (3)windows, large door(front). Double doors on one end, phone hookup, lights, 200 amp breaker box inside, insulated ceiling/walls. $1800 OBO, 803-447-3511. %UDVV +HDG %RDUG ZLWK ÀRZHU design for a full size bed, $30.00 OBO. Full size bed frame, $15.00. Two matching sofas, $100.00 each or both for $180.00, call 803-4473511. &RPPHUFLDO )ULJLGDLUH ÀRRU freezer, 4 feet long, $325. Queen size sleigh bed, $100 OBO. Call 363-6343. Computer, EMach with XP Pro. Tower with clean install, internet ready. 2.5 GHz with 1GB RAM. 40 GB HD w/DVD writer. Asking $100, call 499-4211 or 840-3852 after 10:00 am. Gateway Computer with Vista Home. Small tower w/clean install, internet ready. Pentium 2.1 GHz w/1GB RAM. Asking $170.00 OBO. 499-4211 or 8403852 after 10am. Close to Shaw AFB. Gymboree girls’ clothes size 7/8 over 100 pieces, $50. Gymboree girls’ clothes size 9 over 50 pieces, $30. All are in great to very good condition. 803-439-1349. Medical Equiptment for Sale: Portable Oxygen Machine, $1000 or OBO. Electric Scooter, $500 or OBO. Push wheelchair, $75 or OBO. Brand new walker, never used, $150 or OBO. Please call 803-729-4491. Mink Coat for Sale. Size 5, length below bottom. Gave $3000 will sell for $800.00 Too small for me now, would make a great Christmas present. Call 665-5088. Miscellaneous items for sale: Metal headboard and footboard, 2 car seats, baby clothing, adult clothing, refrigerator, curtains, toys, 2002 Toyota Corolla, contact D. Sanders at 803-767-5885. Pastel colored sofa bed for sale! Pretty wicker wood and light colors that will match any decor! $100.00, MUST BE ABLE TO I E TAKE WITH YOU!! Call 803794-2053, leave voicemail or text if no answer please! holds 21 bottles, $65.00. All in excellent condition, 803-7824912. RCA Big Screen TV with Remote (53 1/2 inches tall x 46 inches wide x 21 3/4 deep) has wheels and plays very well, $275 OBO, call 803-447-3511. Tow/Dump Cart, hooks on to your riding lawnmower or ATV. 10 cubic feet, great for loading, hauling and dumping yard waste, JUDYHO ¿UHZRRG HWF &RVWV over $300 new, asking $100. If interested call 803-351-4638. Will send pictures upon request. Small gas grill, $40. Nothing is wrong with it, moving and don’t want to take it with me. Call 803351-4638 if interested. Will send pictures upon request. Sofa & Loveseat. Must sellBrand New Sofa and loveseat, still in plastic. $375. Call now! 803250-5511. Tailgating!! One sweet smoker grill for sale. Can be used for family reunions, work events, or starting a BBQ business. Uses charcoal, wood or propane. This grill does it all. Serious inquiries only, $1700. Will send photos upon request. 803-351-4638. Teak Cocktail Table-43 inches round, $125.00. (2)-pieces exercise equipment, $100.00/ both. (2) end tables w/cane tops, $50 each or 2/$75.00. (2) Antique dining chairs w/cane seats, $40.00 each. Wine cooler dual controls Trailer hitch mounting receiver (new) for 2005-2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee, $100.00 Call 803-4915145. White or Black Queen bed, chest and nightstand, $395. Call 803250-5511. Pets & Animals Pets 4 year old AKC Female Pug (spayed). Needs good/loving/ attentive home. Great w/children (all ages), very loving, timid and active. Needs more attention than current owner can give. Paid $500, asking $300. Vaccines D S current; seen/treated PetSmart (Two Notch). Please call 803743-8958. Services Childcare Head of the Class Academy has full-time openings for children 6wks-5years. Join us and have fun while you learn. We provide an affordable, safe, nurturing and caring environment. Call 803783-8929. kitchen cabinets. New electrical wiring, new a/c unit. Wired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, new security cameras installed. 3 miles to Fort(Gate 2). Call 803318-7142. Beautiful waterfront view! NE Columbia, all brick single-story, 2BR/2BA home. Spacious master, SS appliances. Attached 2-car garage. Friendly neighborhood, minutes to shopping, dining, interstate and Ft. Jackson. Must be pre-approved to view. $125,000. Won’t last! Call 803-446-5632 for more details. Real Estate Homes For Sale 3BDRM/2 FULL Bath, 1300 sqft. 1 Block from award winning elementary school, excellent school district. Deck, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher. Less than 5 mins to Ft. Jackson gates. Close to shopping, Trader Joes. Natural, easy maintenance yard. Arcadia Lakes Neighborhood, 803-256-7150. 3BR/1BA stone siding house w/large backyard. New roof, ODPLQDWH ÀRRULQJ VPRRWKWRS range/oven. New countertop and PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN Med Term, CCT, EKG, Phlebotomy, CPR classes offered. CNA classes offered at a $200 discounted rate. Call (803) 786-1120 to register. Instructors needed. Since 1983 www.landmarkresources.biz (803) 790-0377 803-988-0097 www.ppicolumbia.com HOMES FOR RENT Northeast 516 Summit Terrace Ct., 3/2.5 1 Pennridge Ct., 3/2.5 7 Pennridge Ct., 3/2.5 125 Curvewood Dr., 3/2.5 105 Colchester Dr., 3/2 80 N. Lake Pointe Dr., 3/2.5 437 Buttonbush Ct., 3/2.5 236 Indigo Springs, 4/3.5 Hickory Place 1033-A Deerwood St., 2/2 Forest Arces 1115 Maple St., 3/1 NORTHEAST 414 Spring Oak Lane $850 $850 $875 $900 $950 $995 $1,180 $1,295 Rosewood Shandon October 23, 2014 F For pictures, visit: Donation items: Couch, full dresser w/mirror and a book case. Please call 757-284-9242. Elliptical workout machine, health FOXE TXDOLW\ ¿WQHVV 6PRRWK Fitness CE7.4 Elliptical trainer. Floor mat included. Original price $1599, yours for only $375.00 Buy and move to your home by Thursday , Oct 30, 2014 and save $50. Call 651-592-3384. I [email protected] Dell Laptop, $300.00 Please call 803-729-4491. DUMP CART, new in factory box. Can be towed with yard tractor or can be pushed or pulled with handles. New cost $300 (have sale papers) will sell for $140. Please call 803-528-8197. S $880 $1,050 3/2 ST. ANDREWS/BUSH RIVER 230 Redbud Drive 1101 Cloister Place 1211 Meetze Road, C-3 31 Canterbury Court 2626 Seminole Road 1850 Atlantic Dr., #435 3734 Elberta St., C-2 1208 Bush River Rd., #J-4 3/2.5 $1500 2/1.5 $750 $ 2/2 600 2/2.5 $650 2/1.5 $575 $ 3/3 925 2/1.5 $600 $ 2/2 625 LAKE CAROLINA 3/2 $ 1300 SOUTHEAST $ 2/2 750 3/1.5 $630 3/2.5 $1300 $1,345 911 Cedar Terrace 449 Hickory Ridge Trail 613 Lake Forest Drive $1,400 DOWNTOWN/SHANDON/MELROSE Lexington 205 Crimson Oak, 5/3.5 1050 3/1.5 $695 3/2.5 $1200 2/1.5 $575 274 Swansea Road 911 B Avenue 9 Londonderry Square 420 Braidington Way 1149 Sunnyside Dr., 3/2 $ LEXINGTON/WEST COLA/CAYCE 824 King Street 826 King Street 705 Maple Street 3/1 3/1 2/1 $ 1000 1050 1075 $ $ ROSEWOOD 514 Deerwood Street 522 Deerwood Street 2/1 2/1 $ 3/1.5 $ 615 600 $ GASTON 2128 Glenn Road 675 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS 803-799-0859 [email protected] The Fort Jackson Leader Page 29 Manufactured home w/5 wooded acres. Very secluded, 7 miles to town. 2 miles to Lake Wateree. %5 GHQ ¿UHSODFH DQG RSHQ ÀRRU SODQ ZUDS DURXQG GHFN DQG front porch. Above ground pool. $90,000 OBO. Call/text 803-2430758 or email snezzo@bellsouth. net N.E. (1 mile from FJ Gate) Lake Front 3BR/2.5BA, Hardwood and FHUDPLF ÀRRUV *UDQLWH FRXQWHUV stainless steel appliances. Assume VA mort. FSBO, please call 484678-4993. 2ZQHU ¿QDQFLQJ ZLWK . down payment. 5 Bedrooms, 4 FULL Bathrooms, 3 car garage, only 6 years old. 2800 HSF, N/E Columbia, The Summit. $225,000. Please call 412-3526032. Spring Valley Home! 5BR/3BA, 3648sqft, Formal LR/DR. FR KDV ¿UHSODFH ERRNVKHOYHV ZHW bar. New roof, sprinkler systems. Eat-in Kitchen w/island/bar, desk, GRXEOH RYHQV +DUGZRRG ÀRRUV throughout downstairs. Closets and storage galore. 2-car side entry garage. Richland Two schools, $280,000 (803)530-6296. Very nice 3BR/2BA, 2000 sqft brick home. Eat-in kitchen, formal living and dining room, family URRP ZJDV ¿UHSODFH JDUDJH large fenced in yard, deck w/hot tub. Great subdivision behind Lugoff Elementary. $139,000.00 or make offer. Email snezzo@ bellsouth.net or call/text 803-2430758. Beautiful Brick Home. Move in $750. 20 minutes from Ft. Jackson. +GZG ÀRRUV FHLOLQJ IDQV %5 large LR, DR, central heat. Stove, w/d connect. 2 porches. No pets. By appointment only. Please leave message, name and phone number. (803)765-0022. Beautiful Condo: 2 large BR, 2 full Baths (recently remodeled). VTIW +DUGZRRG ÀRRUV /5 & DR, ceiling fans. Remodeled kitchen, washer/dryer hookups, screened porch. Clubhouse, walking trails. 10 minutes to Fort. $700/month + security deposit. No Pets/No Waterbeds. 803-7886689. Completely furnished 2/2 condo, near NE location, very convenient to Fort Jackson. Tasteful decor, kitchen equipment, dinnerware, housekeeping supplies, washer/ dryer. Great for TDY, student. Only $825/month. Includes water, basic cable, pool, more. 3 month minimum. $825 security. NO PETS. 803-238-7334. Ft Jackson Gate 1, near VA Hospital. 3BR/2.5BA, large IDPLO\URRPZ¿UHSODFH5HQWLQJ $1,050/month plus deposit. Military discount, for more information, please call 803-2061547. Land/Lots For Sale Fully furnished studio apartment w/living room set, bedroom set, kitchen area and full bath. Utilities and cable included w/use of W&D. Front and rear private entrance. $700/month, 10minutes from Ft Jackson (Drexel Lakes area) Nonsmoker/No pets. (803)542-7190 or (856)430-0440. 3.23 acres w/14x70 mobile home, 14x20 addition, 3BR/2BA, w/32x38 open storage shed, CH/A, washer/dryer, some furniture, move-in ready, horses allowed. Asking $43K. 441 North near Dalzell. 15minutes to Shaw. 803-481-0572. Quiet, safe country living in NE Columbia/Elgin. 3BR/2BA home, new paint, tile and hardwood ÀRRUV DOO DSSOLDQFHV LQFOXGHG NO smoking and NO pets. $950/ month with $950/deposit. For more information please call 254423-4826. For Rent Room for Rent 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, new appliances and W/D hookups. Quiet neighborhood and great location. Military clause, available now. For more information call 803-795-7029. PRIVATE full bath upstairs with furnished large bedroom. $400/ month, share utilities. No pets/No smoking. Security deposit. Long or short term lease. Available now. Call 803-665-5088. 3BDRM/2 FULL Bath, 1300 sqft. 1 Block from award winning elementary school, excellent school district. Deck, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher. Less than 5 mins to Ft. Jackson gates. Close to shopping, Trader Joes. Natural, easy maintenance yard. Arcadia Lakes Neighborhood, 803-256-7150. Room for Rent: Nice home Near Ft. Jackson, I-20 and I-77. All utilities, cable, internet, pool. Rent $550 per month plus deposit. Call Debbie at 803-736-9057. 5 Bedrooms/4 FULL Bathrooms, 3 Car garage, only six years old. 2800 HSF. N/E Columbia, The Summit, $1800/month. Please call 412-352-6032. 1997 Toyota Corolla, runs good, $1200. Call 363-6343. Beautiful 2BR/1BA duplex, washer and dryer included. Must see only $585 per month. Summer Special. Contact Shawn at 803331-5066. Beautiful 3BR w/2 full Baths, W&D, new carpet and a fenced in back yard w/shed. Convenient to Ft. Jackson in the SE area of Columbia. Renting for $785/ month with option to buy. If purchased ‘01 BMW 325i comes w/it. (803)331-5066. Page 30 Transportation Cars/Trucks/Vans 1999 Chevrolet 1500 Blue Conversion Van. Southern Comfort Package, V-8 350 engine. 179,000 miles. One owner, Good condition (a must see) for only $6,000. Call 803-432-0196. 2005 Chevy Trailbrlazer, 151k miles,V6 auto transmission, $5500. 2005 Ford Focus, 110k miles, V4 auto transmission, $3,900. Please call/text 404-7984733 or 803-361-8327. Motorcycles/ATVS 2003 Harley FXD Dyna Superglide (Anniversary). 5k miles, garage kept, super clean. Windshield, shorty pullbacks, Fwd controls, vance and Hines pipes, padded sissybar, saddlebags. $6,800. Call 803-481-8740 or text 803-565-9439. 2004 Harley Davidson Ultra motorcycle, 15,000 miles. $9999.00 Please call 803-4949181 Campers/RVs 2011 Keystone Laredo, 5th wheel RV. Two slide outs, electric awning. Many extras, super nice. See Pictures on Craig’s List. Call Judd at 803-751-2346 M-F. $23,135.26. Boats & Accessories Boats & Accessories 1980 15’Zephyr Craft, 70hp Evinrude, 2 Deep Cycle Batts, Bimini top, Stereo, LED lights. Too many extras to list, $3,000 OBO. Contact Joe at 803-7957477. Motorguide Trolling Motor mounting bracket (brand new in box), $50. New 36 inch Pontoon door (white). Call 803-491-5145. REGIONAL CLASSIFIEDS Announcements For Your Information Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Week Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance with 1DWLRQDO &HUWL¿FDWLRQV 9$ %HQH¿WV(OLJLEOH FAA CERTIFICATION - Get approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial DLG IRU TXDOL¿HG VWXGHQWV -RE placement assistance.. Call AIM for free information 866-367-2513 IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER XARELTO and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727. IN NEED OF QUICKBOOKS HELP? QuickBooks consultant experienced in Installation, Setup, Data entry/Clean up, Reconciliation, Reporting & more all at affordable rates. Use Qkbks to run your business PRUH HIIHFWLYHO\ HI¿FLHQWO\ SUR¿WDEO\)UHHSKRQHFRQVXOWDWLRQ (803)446-5172. LeGrand Cosmetology 425-8449 Clinic Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 11:001:30 Friday & Saturday 8:301:30 1/2 Off Foils with 1 color process ($45.00 & Up) Shampoo, Cut & Style $12.00 Services performed by supervised students Remember-Open Late on Thursday!! SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. 8QDEOHWRZRUN"'HQLHG%HQH¿WV" We can help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-404-5928 to start your application today! DISH TV Retailer - Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month(where available) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800635-0278 Tuesday, October 28, 2014 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Games: (SC628) MEGA CASH; (SC648) $25 GRAND MATTRESS SETS Full $115, Queen $135, King $225. 8807 Two Notch Rd., NE Columbia. New in plastic. (803)736-4799 Yard Sales Yard & Estate Sales ***YARD SALE Saturday, 1025-14, 9am until 3pm. Clayton Homes, 193 Hwy. 378, West Lexington, SC. Appliances, Bicycles, Clothes, Yard Tools. You name it we got it. Won’t last so get here early. Call for details. 803917-4261. Auctions ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 107 S.C. newspapers for only <RXUZRUGFODVVL¿HGDG will reach more than 2.6 million readers. Call Donna Yount at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377 Items for Sale Cemetery Lots FOR SALE: 4 Cemetery Plots, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Single $700; 2 for $1200; 4 for $2000. 912-576-9449. Wanted to Buy * T O P DOLLAR FOR JUNK C A R S , VANS AND TRUCKS. 803-459-6711. We pay cash for used and broken appliances. Refrigerators, stoves, washer & dryers. 803-549-6124. We will pick up!! Farm Goods Truckload of Puerto Rican Sweet Potatoes For Sale at the Flea Market, Hwy. 1, Camden, Saturday, 7am. 803-432-5360. General Merchandise Brand New Mattreee Sets: Still in plastic. Full Set $110. Queen set $125. King set $200. Can deliver. Call 803-250-5511. Direct TV 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirectTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-9085974 Direct TV. 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only Direct TV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-9085974 The Fort Jackson Leader- REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL * Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-631-7038 Pets & Animals Pets 9 month old female BoykinShepherd Mix. Needs large area to run, has lots of energy. Good w/kids/other dogs. Sue 803-4783388. Services Home Repairs & Improvement #1 Atkinson Lawncare. 843229-3224 or 843-597-1472. Gene Atkinson at www. atkinsonlawncarellc.com ***A Notch Above Tree Care. Top Quality Service-Lowest Prices. Licensed//Insured. BBB accredited. Call 803-983-9721 or 803-669-3414 and save. Free Mulch. **Decks Unlimited of Camden, LLC. For all your new construction, home improvement or recreational needs. Free estimates. Licensed/Insured. 803309-2303/803-243-2654 **VETERANS LANDSCAPING. Pressure Washing, Tree Trimming/ Removal, Yard Maintenance/ Clean-Up, Grading, Irrigation Systems, Sod. /Bush Hog/Hauling/ Chipper Service. 803-4279133/803-729-8721. Licensed/ Insured. Help support veterans Barnhill’s Tree Service. Tree trimming & removal. Reasonable, Reliable, Licensed & Bonded. Free Estimates. 425-7368. Camden Appliance Repair. 20 years experience. Affordable service rates on all makes & models. Call Vic 427-3212. &KDUOHV 5 *ULI¿Q 6U +RPH Improvement. Locally owned. Free Estimates. Residential & &RPPHUFLDO 5RR¿QJ 6HDPOHVV Gutters/Cleaning, Replacement Windows, Vinyl Siding, Decks, Carpentry, Additions. 803-5721168. David Branham Construction. Homes, Additions, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Roofs, Garages and More. Quality Work. 803438-6768 or 803-427-3707 Erik’s Tree Service. Tree removal & trimming. Responsible & reliable. Free Estimates. Licensed & Insured. 803-463-4172 Erik. EXTERIOR DREAMS & SEAMLESS GUTTERS. 6” seamless gutters, siding, decks, porches, replacement windows, URR¿QJ IHQFLQJ HWF 7160. Visit: dreamgutters.com --5RR¿QJ$OOFRQVWUXFWLRQ1R air guns used. Contact us for the best prices on any home repairs. 803-331-6441; 803-718-1059. Jerry Morris Home Improvements & Vinyl Siding. Metal & Shingle Roofs, Remodeling, Room Additions, Barns, Stables, Pole Buildings, Metal Buildings, Decks, etc. 432-3881(home); 6692481(cell) Jones Landscaping Professional Lawn Care Services. Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Pinestraw Mulch & Much More. Free Estimates and Affordable Prices! Call Cody 803427-5944. 2OGH 6RXWK 5RR¿QJ Construction Co., LLC. Free Estimates. Complete Roof Replacements. Roof Leak Repairs. As low as $49.95. (803)796-2366. Jobs Employment Wanted Looking for License Cosmetologist Barbers Massage Therapists and Make-Up Artists to join BeYOUtiful Full Service Salon. Cheapest Booth Rent In Town!!! More spaces available for rent. For more details please call 272-3306 today. Drivers Wanted ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVERS JOBS in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word FODVVL¿HGDGZLOOUHDFKPRUHWKDQ 2.6 million readers. Call Donna Yount at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377 ATTN: Drivers $$ RECENT PAY INCREASE $$ 4 CPM Raise for Every Driver + Bonuses, 401K + Insurance. Paid Training/ Orientation. CDL-A Req. (877)258-8782 meltontruck.com/ drivers AVERITT P/T CITY DRIVERS DAILY DELIVERIES TO LOCAL CUSTOMERS! Competitive Pay Home Every Day Newer / Modern Equipment 401(k), Career Advancement Opportunity & more! CDL-A w/1 yr. exp. & HM req. For more information contact us at 888-WORK-4-US 2I¿FHRSHQXQWLOSFVW www.AverittJobs.com Equal Opportunity Employer Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply Experienced OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. VLJQRQWR4XDOL¿HGGULYHUV Home most weekends Call 843266-3731 /www.bulldoghiway.com EOE Join our Team! Guaranteed pay for Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers. Regional and OTR. Great pay/ EHQH¿WVN PDWFK &$// TODAY 864-299-9645 www.jgrinc.com October 23, 2014 Powell Dojaquez - Refinance your car loan and get... * No payments for days & cash back! IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE PHOTO IDS, YOU ARE READY TO VOTE. Be sure to bring your Photo ID with you to the polling place. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE OF THESE PHOTO IDS: Make your voting experience as fast and easy as possible by getting a free Photo ID from DMV or your county voter registration office. IF YOU FORGET TO BRING YOUR PHOTO ID TO THE POLLING PLACE: You may vote a provisional ballot that will count only if you show your Photo ID to the election commission prior to certification of the election (on Friday after the General Election). IF YOU CAN’T GET A PHOTO ID: Bring your non-photo voter registration card with you to the polling place. You may vote a provisional ballot after signing an affidavit stating you have a reasonable impediment to obtaining Photo ID. A reasonable impediment can be: a disability or illness a conflict with your work schedule a lack of transportation a lack of a birth certificate family responsibilities a religious objection to being photographed any other obstacle you find reasonable This ballot will count unless someone proves to the election commission that your affidavit is false. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT SCVOTES.ORG 5470 Jackson Blvd. Online at (803) 736-3110 www.AllSouth.org FOLLOW SCVOTES ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER *Approval is based on credit worthiness; existing AllSouth auto loans are not eligible for this promotion; 2010 and newer vehicles only; minimum loan amount of $5,000; interest will continue to accrue during the 90 days with no payment; $100 will be deposited into your account when the loan is established. Federally Insured by the NCUA. October 23, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 31 Why Pay More When you Can Payless? 20 ISSAN N 3 1 PATHFIN DE R POWER LOCKS, CRUISE U UNDER 25K MILES HUGE SELECTION OF VEHICLES AVAILABLE! CALL TODAY! DO 3 1 0 2 DGE CHALLENGE R UCONNECT RREMOTE EMO PROXIMITY KEYLESS ENTRY KEYLESS START STK# 10527 STK# 10390 WON’T LAST MUST SEE! HURRY IN! OIL LIFE MONITOR 38 HWY MPG STK# 415 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 ADJUSTABLE STEERING WHEEL POWER DOOR LOCKS AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHTS STK# 10457 SERVING THE AREA FOR 11 YEARS! 2013 CHEVY AVALANCHE 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 MULTI-ZONE A/C REAR DEFROST HEATED SEATS STK# 10399 SECURITY SYSTEM TOW HOOKS KEYLESS ENTRY STK# 10456 2013 CHEVY CAPTIVA BLUETOOTH XM RADIO MP3 PLAYER STK# 10516 Why Pay More When you Can Payless? 803-454-1052 Call Today! 2013 CHEVY CRUZE AUTO-DIMMING REARVIEW MIRROR CRUISE STK# 10525 REMOTE ENGINE START HUGE MILITARY DISCOUNTS AND SPECIAL MILITARY FINANCING! Daily Specials SPEED CONTROL SECURITY ALARM KEYLESS ENTRY 3 POINT SEAT BELTS FOG LAMPS STK# 415 2013 CHRYSLER TOURING 2013 DODGE AVENGER 2011 FORD CROWN VICTORA UCONNECT POWER DOOR LOCKS HOOD INSULATION STK# 10438 SOUND INSULATION CRUISE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT STK# 10425 2012 HYUNDAI TUCSON LIMITED BLUETOOTH W/VOICE RECOGNITION EZ LANE CHANGE ASSIST STK# 10441 2011 LINCOLN MKS BLUETOOTH VOICE ACTIVATED COMMUNICATIONS MULTI-ZONE A/C STK# 10449 CERTIFIED ® ® i à *8$5$17(('48$/,7<'(3(1'$%,/,7<5(/,$%,/,7< ,00(',$7(&29(5$*($)7(5385&+$6( 48$/,),(6)25217+(63271(:&$5),1$1&,1* '5,9(:,7+3($&(2)0,1' V 10307 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC 29229 803-454-1052 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. *Ì> /7"Ê "/ Ê, $//0$.(6$//02'(/6&(57,),(' 83720,/(61(:&$5:$55$17,(6$9$,/$%/( 32,17,163(&7,21352&(66 <($581/,0,7('0,/(52$'6,'(6(59,&( Ê ,` STEERING WHEEL MOUNTED AUDIO CONTROLS AUX AUDIO JACK TINTED WINDOWS STK# 10512 Óä ALL SALES PLUS TAX, TAG, AND FEES. $0 DOWN WITH 66 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $19.23 FOR EACH $1000 BORROWED AT 8.9% APR WITH APPROVED CREDIT. Page 32 The Fort Jackson Leader October 23, 2014