1976 - University Libraries
1976 - University Libraries
This document was digitized by the staff of University Archives, Department of Special Collection, Washington University Libraries. Unless otherwise noted, this work is the copyright of the original creator. It is digitally reproduced for educational use only, per U.S. copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 1 § 108 U.S. Code) For further information please contact: University Archives, Department of Special Collections Washington University Libraries One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1061 St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: (314) 935-5444 or (314) 935-9730 Fax (314) 935-8320 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/archives THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH WASHINGTON E IGHT-THIRTY MAY THE O 'CLOCK TWENTY-FI RST , SAINT UNIV ERSITY FRIDAY NINETEEN LOUIS , COMMENCEMENT MORNING HUNDRED MISSOURI SEVENTY-SIX America 1 My country, 'tis of th ee Sweet land of liberty Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died , Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain-side Let freedom ring . 4 Our Father's God to Thee Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God , our King . A Note on Academic Dress The academic dress worn by Faculty and candidates indicates the degree held, the subject in which it is held, and the institution granting it. Gowns are of three kinds: the Bachelor's, with full, pointed sleeves, hanging open; the Master's, with flowing sleeves which hang below the opening at the wrist; the Doctor's, with very full sleeves gathered at the wrist. The gowns are black, although occasionally trimmed with colored velvet; the hoods, on the other hand, are of many colors. The color of the lining of the hood indicates the institution granting the degree: e.g., the hood of Washington University is lined with red and green. The color of the tassel on the cap and of the velvet edging of the hood, carried forward around the throat, indicates the faculty or maier department: White-Arts, Letters, Humanities Orange-Engineering Lilac-Dentistry Drab-Business Dark Blue-Philosophy Brown-Fine Arts , Architecture, Interior Design Golden Yellow-Science Purple-Law Green-Medicine Pink-Music Citron-Social Work Light Blue-Education Gold tassels and black tassels, when worn, indicate degree rather than faculty or major department. Thus gold indicates the Ph.D. degree and black indicates the Master's degree. Academic dress markedly different from the above description indicates a degree from a foreign university. The Alma Mater 1 Dear Alma Mater, Thy name is sweet to me. Our hearts are all for thee, Fair Washington. Thy halls shall honored be Throughout this great country For all eternity, Our Washington. 2 Those days of youth which All of us spent with thee Form a dear history, Fair Washington. Could they renewed be, We'd live our days with thee For all eternity, Our Washington 2 Order of Procession and Presentation GRAND MARSHAL Robert Wiber Reinhardt FACULTY DIVISIONS I Chancellor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Speaker, Honorary Degree Recipients, Members of the University Administration ASSOCIATE GRAND MARSHAL ------------------------------------Joe Freeman Evans II Deans and Members of the Board of Trustees MARSHAL _. . . . .--------.John Kenneth Russell III Members of the Faculty MARSHAL . . . .... Gloria Waters White STUDENT MARSHALS Divisional banners are being carried by the student marshals of each division who wear red and green tassels. Red and green denote the colors of Washington University. The seal on the banners is the official seal of the University and the color denotes the degree. I Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education MARSHALS . .. . Eugene Francis Provenzo, Jr. Sandra Ann Wawrytko II Master of Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Advanced Graduate Certificate in Education MARSHALS . . . III Doctor of Medicine MARSHALS . z • • IV Master of Health Administration MARSHAL . Suzanne Gail Busch Thomas Kenneth Ryan Colleen Kyle Flint Lawrence Barry Schwartz • .__. .M Joan Dooling V Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy MARSHALS ._.. VI Master of Science in Endodontics Doctor of Dental Medicine Doctor of D ental Surgery 3 Susan Ann Wilson Robert Arden Wright VII Master of Laws Doctor of Law MARSHALS VIII Master of Social Work MARSHALS IX Master of Fine Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts MARSHALS __ _ _.._ Thomas Edward Eslocker James Vincent Stepleton James Merle Thomas _ _._. Stanley Henryk Mitchell Charlotte Ann e Tileston ._._.__ Laura Beth Ives Mendal Scott Stephens X Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Bachelor of Technology MARSHALS _ __ .._ __ .Mary Jane Abrewczynski Richard Samuel Jackson XI Master of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration MARSHALS _ _ _. ._ _._ _ Steven Michael Loeb Joseph Michael Moro XII Master of Architecture and Urban D esign Master of Architecture MARSHAL _.._._ _.__._ Richard Bennett Lord, Jr. XIII Doctor of Scienc e Master of Science Bachelor of Science (Engineering) MARSHALS _._ _..Mark Alan Barteau Tze-Ying Chiang Kenneth Paul Gibbs Philip Gray Winger Chao-Ping Wu XIV Bachelor of Arts MARSHALS _ Bruce Wayne Campbell Sherrelyn Diane Ewell Adrienne Kay Gamel Robert Alan Kohn Barry Steven Levin Ronald Wing Leong Estelle Ikuko Yamaki _._ _. _ _ The asterisk beside a student's name indicates combined degree recipient. The recession will follow the same order as the procession. 4 Order of Exercises Academic Proc ession AIR FORCE BAND OF M ID A M ERICA Scott Air Force Base Directed by Captain Ray E. Toler America MARY CATHERINE VOLANSKY Remarks CHARLES ALLEN THOMAS Chairman of the Board of Trustees A ddress CLARK MCADAMS CLIFFORD Senior Partner, Clifford , Warnke, Glass , McIlwain and Finney, Washington, D.C. "Our Americ an System: Can It Withstand Th e Pr esent Threats ?" Conferring of Degrees WILLIAM HENRY DANFORTH Chancellor of th e University T he Alma lU ater MARY CATHERIN E VOLANSKY Recession The aud ience will please rem ain sea te d while th e aca de mic pro cession enters th e Qu adrangle. At th e conclusion of th e cerem oni es, th e au dience will remain sea te d until the procession has left th e Qu adrangle. 5 Emeritus Appointments Each year some members of the Washington University faculty reach the rank of emeritu s. Their ability and service, in the classroom and out, has enriched the Uni versity and the lives of their students and colleagues. In appreciation for what they ha ve done, we record here the names of those who attain emeritu s rank at the end of the academic year 1975-76. LEROY ROBB BOLING Professor of Anatomy At Washington University since 1928 LESLIE CHABAY Professor of Music At Washington University since 1955 JEROME SAUL CROSBY Professor of Clinical Oral Surgery At Washington University since 1953 PIERR E M ARC EL HONNELL Professor of Electrical Engineering At Washington University since 1946 MORRIS MOORE Assistant Professor of Mycology in Clinical Medicine (Dermatology) At Washington University since 1936 RALPH EVERETT PUMPHREY Professor of Social Work At Washington University since 1959 FRED CURTIS REYNOLDS Professor of Surgery (Orthopedic Surgery) At Washington University since 1946 EDWARD E. SCHWARTZ Professor of Social Work At Washington University sinc e 1970 JOHN W. SEDDON Instructor in Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1937 HERBERT MAURICE SMIT Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology At Washington University sinc e 1936 LINCOLN BUNCE SPIESS Professor of Music At Washington University sinc e 1951 KEITH SINGLETON WILSON Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1937 6 HONOR AR Y DEGREES DOCTOR OF E N GI NEERI NG STEPHEN DAVISON BECHTEL is Seni or Director of th e principal ope ra ting companies of the Bechtel group of compa nies, one of th e world's lar gest enginee ring and constr uc tion orga nizations. It has comple te d major proj ect s on all seve n continents. Mr. Bechtel has b een acti ve in this firm for more th an fifty yea rs. Named preside nt of th e opera tion in the mid-nineteen thirti es, he d irected the expansio n of the com pany which spe cializes in railroad, highway, dam building, oil refineries and othe r ventu res. El ected chai rman of its Board of Directors in 1960, he serve d in th at capacity for five years, and th en wa s elected to his pr esent post. The recipi ent of numerous honors , he was named one of th e "Top Ten Con struction Men " of th e p ast half century b y th e Am eri can Society of Ci vil E ngin eers. T he Un iver sity of Californi a at Berkeley presente d it s 1951 Alumni Association Awa rd to him, and last year he b ecam e th e same schoo l's first eng ine ering alumnus to receive the Berkeley Citation from its Colleg e of Engineering. DOCTOR O F H U MANITIES JESSIE BERNARD, Research Scholar Hon oris Cau sa at Pennsylvani a Stat e Uni versity, is an intern ationally kno wn sociologist. She has published wide ly on a va riety of subjects including marriage an d family problem s, th e sociology of th e community, aging and its political con sequences, and th e role of wome n in society. A gra dua te of th e Uni ver sity of Minnesot a wh ere she ea rn ed her bach elor 's degree and her master of arts degree, she was awarde d her d octoral degree in sociology at W ashingt on Un iver sity in 1935 . She is a pas t pr esid ent of thr ee orga niza tions: The Society for th e Study of Socia l Problems; the Easte rn Sociological Associa tion; an d the Di strict of Columbia Socio logical Associa tion . From 1975 th rough April 7, 1976, she served as Scholar-in-Residen ce at th e Unite d Stat es Civil Rights Commission in Washing ton, D .C. Previo usly ( 1974-75 ), she was Visiting Research Schola r at th e Na tiona l In stitute of Education , th e Dep artment of H ealth, Educati on , and Welfa re, W ashin gt on , D.C. Recently, th e American Sociological Associati on estab lishe d th e annua l Jessie Bern ard Award in her hon or . MAXWELL LEO BOHANON is a di stingui shed socia l worke r an d administra tor who has be en widel y acclaimed for his yea rs of service with th e Na tiona l Urban L eague and it s local, state and regional affilia tes. H e b egan his car eer in socia l work at th e Phyllis Wheatley Settlem ent House in Minneap olis, Minnesota in 1927. Seven years later, he join ed th e Minneapolis W elf ar e Department as a case worker , and th en ser ved successively as it s supe rvisor of fed eral progra ms and as dir ector of social service . Mr. Boh anon was th e princip al we lfa re officer for th e United Nati ons Relief and Reh abili- · tation Administr ation from 1944-46. Having com plete d th at assig nme nt, he b egan hi s career with th e Urban Leagu e which h e serve d in numerous ca pa cities including Act ing Deputy Director of th e national orga nization. Mr. Boh an on is a gra dua te of th e University of Minnesota an d took ad ditiona l training at th e Univer sity of Maryland and th e Home Mini ster 's Sch ool in Reading, England. H e has b een acc orde d many hon ors including th e United Na tions Relief an d Reh abilitati on Administrati on 's Certificat e of Merit and the Ou tstanding Leader ship an d Servic e Awa rd presented by th e St. Louis Ch apt er of the Na tional Associa tion of Social Wo rkers. 7 ADA LOUISE HUXTABLE, a member of The New York Times Editoral Board, has been the recipient of this country's highest honors for architecture criticism. Winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism in 1970, she has received some twentyfive other professional awards. Among them are: the Frank Jewett Mather Award of the College Art Association for art criticism in 1967; the Architecture Critic's Medal of the American Institute of Architects, 1969; and the Diamond Jubilee Medallion of the City of New York, 1973. She is an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects and a Fellow of Fine Arts in the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mrs. Huxtable served as assistant curator of architecture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City from 1946-1950. She received a Fulbright Scholarship in 1950 to study contemporary Italian architecture and design, and a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1958 for studies in design and technique in American architecture. Macmillan published her most recent book , Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard? in 1970. She is a graduate of Hunter College, magna cum laude, and has done graduate work in architectural history at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. CHARLES IRWIN SCHOTrLAND is Joseph M. Proskauer Professor in Law and Social Welfare at The Florence Heller Graduate School for Ad vanced Studies in Social Welfare at Brandeis University. He has been associated with Brandeis University since 1959 wh en he was named Dean and Professor of Social W elfare of the Florenc e Heller Graduate School. In March, 1970, Professor Schottland was named President of Brandeis University, a post he held until June, 1972. Before joining the Brandeis faculty, he served in a variety of positions. Professor Schottland was Director, California State Department of Social 'Welfare from 1950-1954. He was appointed Commissioner of Social Security by Pr esident Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 and served until 1958. He is a past president of the National Association of Social Workers, the International Council on Social Welfare and the National Conference on Social Welfare. He is the author of mor e than 130 articles and two books. He edite d a third book , Th e Welfare Stat e, published in 1967 by Harper and Row. Professor Schottland earned his bachelor's degree at the Uni versity of California at Lo s Ang eles, and then continued his studies at th e Graduate School for Jewish Social Work and at th e New York School of Social Work. A memb er of th e California Bar , he is an alumnus of th e Uni versity of Southern California Law School. DOCTOR OF LAWS ARTHUR FRANK BURNS, noted economist, is Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Alternate Governor, International Monetary Fund. Born in Stanislau, Austria, he complet ed his higher education in th e United States where he earned his bachelor of arts, master of arts , and doctoral degrees from Columbia University. He has held many positions of emine nce in the federal government. These include memb ership on th e Pr esident of th e United States' Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy from 1961-66 and Counselor to th e President of th e United States from 1969-70. Mr. Burns has b een John Bates Clark Emeritus Professor of Economics at Columbia University sinc e 1969, and has been invited to be a special lecturer at numerous institutions of higher education. He is ~ memb er of th e Board of Directors and also serve s as Honorary Chairman of th e National Bur eau of Economic Research. Th e author of numerous publications, his most recent book is The Business Cycl e in a Chan ging World. 8 CLARK MCADAMS CLIFFORD, governmental advisor, policy maker, and Presidential counsel, is senior partner of the Washington, D.C. , law firm of Clifford, Warnke, Glass ; McIlwain and Finney. An advisor to three Chi ef Executives, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson, he has helped make history for some thirty years in the nation's capital. As Counsel to Pr esid ent Truman, Mr. Clifford had a leading role in helping to shape the Truman Doctrine in for eign policy, followed later by the Marshall Plan and NATO, th e Fair Deal in domestic policy, and the consolidation of the armed services under a civilian. He directed the transition from the Eisenhower to the Kennedy Administration and also served as President Kenn edy's personal attorney. His roles as unofficial advisor hav e be en almost as numerous as major issues that have confronted the nation. Twenty years aft er having helped to draft the legislation that created the Department of Defense, Mr. Clifford became Secretary of Defense in 1968-69 under President Lyndon B. Johnson. He returned to private law practice in 1969 . Mr. Clifford earned his law degree at Washington University in 1928. He has been a trustee of Washington University for over twelve years. IRVING EDISON is one of th e founders, a dir ector and a pa st pr esident of Edison Brothers Stores, Inc. This chain of stor es wa s established by th e five Edison brothers in 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia. It now op erates over eleve n hundred shoe, hardware, app arel and sporting goods store s throughout th e United States. The Edison company moved its home office to St. Louis in 1929 . Mr. Edison is a member of th e Board of Dir ectors of Barnes Hospital. For a quarter of a century, he wa s a member of th e Board of Directors of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Edison was a director and form er Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerc e of Metropolitan St. Louis ( now th e St. LOUIS Regional Commerce and Growth Association). In 1955, he was named one of th e five original members of the St. Louis County ·Board of Polic e Commissioners. He served on the board of directors of The Boatmen 's National Bank of St. Louis, General American Life Insurance Company and Union Electric Compan y. Mr. Edison is a p ast pr esident of the Jewish Community Centers Association (JCCA) and of the World Federation of YMHA's and Jewish Community Centers. He wa s a dir ector of Civic Progress, Inc. and served as a member of th e governing body of th e United Way of Greater St. Louis, Inc. Mr. Edison received th e Humanities Award in St. Louis in 1970 from th e St . Louis Globe-Democrat. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE VIKTOR HAMBURGER is Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Biology at Washington Uni versity. Born in a small town in Silesia , Germany, he att ended the Uni versities of Breslau, Heidelb erg , Munich and Freiburg. At the University of Freiburg, he studied with the renowned biologist, Hans Spemann, Nobel Laureate. Professor Hamburger earned his doctoral degree in zoology (experimental emb ryology ) at the University of Freiburg in 1925. The recipient of a Rockefeller Fellowship in 1932, Professor Hamburger came to the United States to study at the University of Chicago with Dr. Frank R. Lillie. Three years later he joined the faculty of Washington Uni versity wh ere he has remained eve r since . During his tenure at thi s university, he serv ed as Chairman of th e Dep artment of Zoology from 1941-1966. H e has been a Visiting Professor at th e Uni versity of Chi cago , th e Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Univ ersity of California at Berkeley. Professor Hamburger is a member of the National Academy of Scienc es, one of th e highest honors accorded a scientist in this country, as well as th e American Acad em y of Art s and Scienc es, Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa. 9 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by RALPH ERNEST MORROW, Ph.D., Dean DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 21, 1976 In Anatomy °John Edwin Krettek, Jr. In Biological Chemistry Paul Ernst Bock "David Robert Herbold "Lawrence Barry Schwartz °John Wayne Turk In Music Kathleen Agnes Bolduan Robert Joseph Hutcheson, Jr. In Neurobiology Michael Philip Hon char Harry Taylor Orr In Pharmacology In Economics James Reyburn Douglas, Jr. Robert Anthony Nicolotti John Thomas Rose Eden Siu-hung Yu In Philosophy In Education Robert Lester Latta Sandra Ann Wawrytko Charlotte Epstein Biegelsen Murella Anne Bosse Robert Crawley Johnson III Paul Joseph Owoc Eugene Francis Provenzo, Jr. In Political Science Benjamin Lincoln Crosby Kenneth Dan Wald In Psychology In English Charles Ossian Hartman In German Bernhard Peter Zimmermann In History John Charles Gannon Alexander Scot McConachie Frederick Harris Olsen Keith Anthony Pickens In Mathematics Robert Hall Gordon , Jr. Linda Brownlow Greensfelder Randall Lockwood Albert Dominik Loro, Jr. Richard Samuel Milich Joseph Gander Pfeffer Mark Robert Roth Sharon Brooks Stiver James Michael Wyss In Social Work Peter George Hookey In Sociology James Gordon Bennett Kenneth Carleton Kusterer Norval Stanley Peabody III In Molecular Biology In Spanish James William Owens James Townsend Shelby 10 December 20,1975 In Anthropology Mary Agnes Bufwack In Biology Joan Elizabeth Bauman Robert Bruce Faden Paul Ross Lennard In Business Administration James Michael Patton In Mathematics John Paul Rice In Music James Willard Sperry In Pathology Patricia Louise Dodero Stranahan In Philosophy James Clyde Gaa Curtis Harold Peters In Chemistry Weitay Victor Jiang Po-Hsin Liu Richard Willi am Reding In Physics Claire Joyce Morgan James Richard Shirck Bruce Elliott Sirovich In Comparative Literature Laura Kart Noell In Physiology and Biophysics Chien-Ping Ko In Economics Fr edric Michael Acker Jam es Francis Ragan, Jr. In Education Sharon Slane Koenigs In English Kathleen Mildred Coyle In French Andrew Forbes Campagna In Political Science Jan Edmund Mabi e In Psychology Theodore Hugh Goltz Joann Hess Grayson Randy Lee Hammer Robert James Ivnik Karl Wendell Jackson Norman William Katz Arnold Mindingall Elizabeth Camel Penick In Social Work In German Robert Arnal Hutto In History Marvin Howard Kabakoff Albert Charles Edward Parker Wallace James Gingerich Elisabeth Mutschler Paul Allaby Wilson In Sociology Charles Kimball Cummings III In Spanish In Japanese Nelia Olivencia Del Kartchner Shumway In Kwan Hw ang 11 August 15, 1975 In Anatomy In Comparative Literature Russell Alan Fricke John William Lough, Jr. Paul Joseph Linnehan In Art and Archaeology Margot Orthwein Clark Carol Uhlig Crown Kathleen Joel Regier In Economics Josephine Gervaise Boswell Gordon William Edward King III Sophie Marie Korczyk Wesley Scott Mellow Alan Milton Schlottmann In Biology Gerald Michael Adair Jerome William Van Sambeek In Education William James Kritek Benson Skoff Rita Milhollin Whiteley In Biological Chemistry John Stephen Garavelli Mark Edward Harder In English Gene Ann Graham In Business Administration Kee Young Kim In French In Chemistry Ginette Plummer Adamson Solange Saragea Guberman Lucy Schmitz MOITOS Ajit Kumar Bhattacharya Robert Anthony Braga Christopher Caton Felix Chung Yuan Mou In German Nobuko Ohashi Tsukamoto 12 In History In Physics Maximilian Ivan Reichard Julio Ciro Benegas Gregory Charles Dente Mary Mellott Hoppe Donald Richard Matthys Charles Jerome Morgan In Mathematics Mark Joseph Driscoll Margot Simons Pallmann In Political Science In Microbiology Robert Jacob Kerstein Naomi Lynn Block In Psychology In Music Jane Elizabeth Strickert In Pharmacology William Wilson Young, Jr. In Philosophy Vincent James Mannoia, Jr. Robert John Schwartz Douglas John Soccio Nancy Susan Winnik Berland Charles Kenneth Burdick Victor Michael Klodin Judith Glenn Samson Harold Royce Teasley In Sociology Harry Edward Berndt Janet Marie Wedel David Lyon Wright DOCTOR OF EDUCATION May 21,1976 In Music Education Mary Clarice Newander Stephen Kai-Nin Yik August 15, 1975 In Music Education Roger Wayne Warner 13 MASTER OF ARTS May 21, 1976 In Anthropology Pamela Carol Behring Robert Lee Franklin David Graham Gantt Susan Valentine Hopper Kathleen McHugh Patton In Art and Archaeology Mary Patricia Quinlan In Asian Studies Donald Eugene Long Thomas Kenneth Ryan In Chemistry Alfred George Le Comte Maria Ghigo Straatmann In Classics Bruce Daren Maronpot Suzanne Marie Mizera David Alan Selby George Nicholas Vellios Robert Charles Wiemken In Comparative Literature Nancy Jeanne Shattuck In Economics Howard Kipnes Janice Marie Pyatte Willie Spearmon In English Janet Williams Beckmann Susan Gilmore McSwain In French Lori Ann Orton In German Antje Engel Bertha Ann Gunn Axel Johann Philipp Seip Ann Marie Stevermer In Histor')' Gertrude Renwick Monroe Sarah Jan e Russell In Japanese Martha Dale Fried In Mathematics Willie Frank Lester In Music Gary Joseph Bertchume In Physical Education Michael Edward Cosgrove Deborah Korpal Garland Richard Franklin Giese William Allen Sodemann, Jr. In Physics Paul Raymond Ashley George Bryant Hudson Charles Lee Melcher Don Joseph Pearson Michael Louis Wroge In Political Science Larry Lee Bye Martin John Hewitt George Leslie Hill Christopher John Mugel In Psychology Victor Steven Barocas Dorothy Jean Bennett Denise Gwendolynn Crute Josephine French Dal e Carolyn Dee Gary Cornell Forde Verlaine Yvonne Hinson Pamelia Renee Hytche Thomas Daniel Jordan Bruce John Munson John Arthur Nelson Micha el Lamonte Ramsey Rodn ey Barr y Robinson Gladys Elizab eth Smith Lores Lamella W ell~ 14 In Sociology In Technology and Human Affairs Barry Richard Glassner Lauren Ann Roberds Peter Mitchell Leitner In Urban Affairs In Spanish Mark James Bogart Martha Ann Crump Randi Sue Knofsky Keith Monroe Kramer Gwendolyn Marie Lewis Robert Leon Adler Rebecca Ann D'Harlingue Judy Maxine Kuperberg Laurie Parvis Pais December 20,1975 In Anthropology William Stadden Cole Stephen Phillip Easley In History Ian Ker Lamberton Randolph Spencer Petralia Jay Leonard Rubin In Art and Archaeology Genevieve Angus Linnehan In Music In Biology Loretta Britton Carroll In Classics John Frederick Sappington Betty Ichord Boehm Stephen Harold Toombs In Philosophy Patricia Ann Fleming R Colin Johnson In Physics Suzanne Alsop Gronemeyer In Comparative Literature Gilbert Edward Kennedy Jenny Newberry Ledeen In Political Science In Earth and Planetary Sciences In Psychology Joshua Ben Martin Henry Watts Wroton, Jr. Ronald Stephen Blouse Heather Lynne Collins Sally Beth Lewis In Economics Alan David Norman Richard David Parshall David Edward Rice [oon Ho Suh Khan Hasan Zahid In English Sandra Beatrice Branahl Cooper Arlene Carol Fine Bruce Arlen Ray Rodney Dean Wright In Sociology Greg Lee Carlson Irene Jeane Dabrowski Arthur David Stickgold In Spanish Linda Bernstein Goldman Terry Yokota In Urban Affairs Sheryl Jean Lincoln Priscilla Picard Murray 15 August 15, 1975 in Anthropology Jill Brody In Art and Archaeology Katherine Wheldon Haskins In Asian Studies William Steven Jones Christopher Lewis Walker In Biological Chemistry Joan Waisanen Koppenbrink In Chemistry Rebecca Elizabeth Hess Chin-Tai Chiang Leonard Ginsberg William Joseph Maher Nina Wattenberg Tarr In Mathematics Philip Charles Cunetto Charles Whitney Shuman In Molecular Biology Stephen Craig Bailey Douglas Holl Jasper In Philosophy 'William Fr ancis Hamilton David Joseph Phillips Jeffrey Linl ey Rees In Comparative Literature Laurence Marie-Louise Arnie In Physics Jay Alan Johnson In Economics James Anthony Langenfeld Aloyse Thomas Polfer In Physiology and Biophysics Judith Schwarz In Education In Psychology Reha Erzurumlu Kenneth Renee Mindingall Edna Pearl Broadnax Murray David Bartley Pritchard Paul Alan Stein Carolyn Mastin Trice In English Berkeley Sloan Gunther John Lewis Harps Diane Harris Margaret Luers Koch Dennis John Martin Dennis Lee Parish Janet Lynn Riedell In French Gregory Thompson Frost Susan Hudson Frost Carmen Belinda Griffin In German Edith Josefine Waldstein In History Linda Julia Blanchard In Sociology Mary Jane Griffith Budenstein Mary Elizabeth Gallagher In Spanish Melinda Lou Hampton In Technology and Human Affairs M Lane Gustafson Vaughncille Molden George Thomas Osner In Urban Affairs Valerie Ann Easter Lemmie Josephine Meek Lockhart Edith Margaret Netter Jess Mitchell Usery , Jr. 16 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING May 21,1976 In Art Mary Elizabeth Gaitskill "]o Ann Meyer In Biology In Music Donna Sue Understein In Social Studies John Ewing Grote Mary Alice White Donohue December 20,1975 In Biology Bonny Alper Adelman" In Music Charles Elliot Medalie August 15, 1975 In Art In Spanish James Charles Kelly III Susan Ellis Kottl er In Social Studies James Gerard Quinn 17 MASTER OF ARTS IN ED UC ATION May 21,1976 In Education °T homas More Barritt Annie Hicks Berry Vickie Wimberley Blanchard Suzanne Gail Busch Frances Mari an Cohn Susan Lynn Easley Matthew Ferguson Mary Philomena Fogarty Paula Louene Forrest Janet Hupert Friedman Victoria Campbell Gonz alez-Rubio Steven Israel Gre enberg Carol Jean Gross Karen Sivia Gruen Annette Vern ell Ha yes Charles Hayes Anne Kathryn Henkenm eier Ann e Lund Hensley \) Joan Joyce Holdman OMary F rances Howell Linda Syd Hurvitz Mb a Kalu Ib em Joan Frances Jami eson Dorothy Eunice Jeani s Betty Baker Johnson Roberta Lee Kilstrom e Marilyn Lee Klepper °Carol Barb ara Komros William Joseph Len tini Marsh a Lynn Lob el "Wendy P Login Barbara Dew Lokitz ° Beth Mae Loshin Gloria Lubowitz Paige Lee MacDonald Elaine Lolita Mahan Lynn Ellen Male van Jane Elizabeth Melt zer Zann e Stu art Meyers Mary Anne Mott Martha Jan e Hackett Munn ecke °Terry Kay Newman Renee Pey Petty Patricia Ann Ridl ey Barbara Jean Ryland Janice Le e Schn eid er Christy Jane Shields Molly Stark Strassner Rodn ey Roy Tatum Donn a Lynn Taylor Bet ty Ketcher Temp elhoff Myrtle Rosella Woo ds Was hington Sylnice Cassandra Willi ams In Music Education Michael Leon ard McNiff In Ph ysical Education Edward Jam es Crenshaw, Sr. Mary Kath ryn Lamb Jerom e Alan W arren Decemb er 20,1975 In Education Ernestine Taylor Beason Joan Dickhaus Burtelow Marilyn Elizabeth Clark son Frances Dan sby Green Marilyn Norma Hornemann Russellin e Craddock Moore Nancy Lee Stewart In Music Education Jo Ell en McElroy In Physical Education Roger Melvin Lill edahl, Jr. August 15, 1975 In Education Mary Ellen Lela Arra s Linda Multin Berger Richard Perry Bowes John Henry Farmer Paul Alan F isher Patricia Lyn Gerb er Edmundo Gutierrez Marga ret Ann Schmidt Hab etler Clarice Butl er Hinch Diane Kelley Killion Shirley Mae King Joan Hoffman Low e Joyce Ann McKee ver Luci e Mary Nordmann [ ody Mari e Nusinow Helen Eliz ab eth Page 18 Patricia Wall Pierc e Sheila Alison Poletsky Donna Marie Preston Dian e Renda Anne Lynn Russo Helen Santamaria Diane Lynn Kazlow Schwartz Patri cia Kay Secrest Bett y Ann Smoot Laur a Keeling Wade Carl R We rmuth Jocelyn Francis Woodson Cheryl Naomi Zwick W ynn e In Health Education Jeanett e Th elma Hendrix Jones E vart Jam es Veech In Physical Education Georg e Alvin Cleaves II Ph yllis Jean Fitzgerald Michael Irving Hoffman Judith Helen Proske Hudspeth . Patrici a Kay Murley Val Teresa Thomas MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 21,1976 Joan Marie And erson Jeann e Marie Behan Diane Marga ret Schott E vans Cha rles Way ne Fr ame Anne Cath erine Grah am Reb ecca Rhea Holmes Ellen Ann LaNicca Richard Th omas Lied ing Dianne Eli zabeth Martin Ruth Ann Fouts Mathers Deni se Lynn Newm an Ellen Joan Rashbaum Christine Eli zabeth Reimler Mary Ann Ruland Brenda Sue Schick Dale Hayward Shaughnessy Karen D'Ell en Zucker August 15, 1975 Pamela Ann Nelson MAST ER OF MU SIC May 21,1976 Henr y E arl And erson Mar y Kathleen Layton Susan McMan e McDuff ee Mary Cath erine Volansky John Pow el Walsh August 15, 1975 Shelb y Jean Breedlo ve Samu el Peyton Dorlaqu e Richard Allen Eichenberger Kenneth Rob ert Palmer ADVAN CE D GRADUA TE CERTI FI CATE IN ED UC ATIO N May 21, 1976 In Education Francis Robert Hronicek Philip Josep h Lungo December 20, 1975 In Education Robert Joseph Konstan zer Vivian Radden W ilkerson August 15, 1975 I n Education Raymond Wall Klaub er John Armando Pohl III 19 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Candidates Presented by MORRIS KENTON KING, M.D. , Dean DOCTOR OF MEDICINE May 21,1976 Robert Hilpert Anschuetz Stewart Bruce Ater John Frederick Aufd erHeid e Robert Joseph Baglan Richard Lewis Baron Sterling Howard Baumwell James Edward Belcher Robin Alvin Bernhoft Lawrence Eley Blanchard III Mark Frederick Blumenthal Gideon Bosker Richard Alan Boyer Christopher Roy Brigham Robert Allen Brinkman Patrick Joseph Buckley Eugene Corning Butcher Christopher Richard Canny John Stephen Cantieri Paul Vore Carlile, Jr. Alan Martin Chausow Tien Hsin Cheng Lilian Wah-ying Chiu Myra Lou Collins Mary Elizabeth Connolly Dennis Brian Cooke Thomas Warren Cooper Dorwyn Wayne Croom II Charles Evans Culbertson Randall Elliott Dalton Andrew Robert Delbaum David D Deutsch °James Reyburn Douglas, Jr. Donald Benedict Edelen Wendy Roberta Eider Diane Louise Elliot Gary Richard Ensz Filippo John Ferrigni Michele Rhona Flicker Colleen Kyle Flint Bruce Sherwin Frank Patricia Jane Garrison Lynn Ralph Gibbs Harvey Stanford Glazer Edwin Marlowe Goble Daniel Isser Goldman David Alan Goran Jonathan Carl Greenberger Richard Henry Haar Curt H Hagedorn Helen Lois Hammer Albert Mark Hammerman Glenn Terrill Hammons Glenn Andrew Handler Joseph Paul Hardy Thomas G Hartmann Catherine Gail Hegge Henry William John Henry ° David Robert Herbold Francoise Jacqueline Heritier Ruth Ellen Hetland Terry William Hood Karl Su Hsieh Allen Vincent Hurt Darwin Clinton Jackson Courtney Reagor Johnson Stephen Gideon Jolley Edward George Kendrick Robert Shig eru Kiyomura Walter Edwin Koppenbrink III Steven Jonathan Kream °John Edwin Krettek, Jr. Jacqueline Anne Krohn Cheong Fay Lai Robert Louis Lamberg Michael Lewis Toby Lynn Litovitz Richard Gordon Lockmiller Linda Christine Lon ey Emily Gerow Lowry Alan Philip Lyss David Eric Magarik Kenneth Lee Malas Oliver Manigo, Jr. o L Matthews Peter George Mavrelis Monte Tim Mellon Milton Toshio Mendenhall John Holland Metcalf John Anthony Milton Bonnie L Mitchell Kenneth Steven Moss George Forest Moxley Michael Steven Myers Stuart Ira Myers Carlton M Newsome Neal Reinhart Olson Michael Andy pfaller Thomas Ralph Pohlman Pamela J 0 Pratt Dian e Deever Rasmussen 20 Kent Robert Rasmussen Beverly June Ringenberg Samuel Craig Risch James Matthew Robins Kenneth Scott Rugh Lawrence Elliott Samuels Richard Patrick San Antonio Jame s Edward Schall John Philip Schilling °Lawrence Barry Schw art z John Fortune Seaworth Dennis Franci s Shan ah an Neil Edward Sherman Barry Alan Siegfri ed Carolyn Wi ese Siemers Reed Earl Simpson Stanley A Skinner Scott Walter Snyder Richard Beck Spencer Patricia Anne Stapler Laurence Eric Stempel Karen Deborah Sumers Allan Yo T eranishi Marilou T erp enn ing Ian Hall Thorneycroft Kathleen Gail Todd Jill Ellen Trice e John Wayne Turk Thomas Ray Turnbaugh Henry John Votava W esley Roger Was dyke Evelyn Sarah Weiner Michael H W eissman Thomas M Willis James David Wilson Sheldon Lawrence Zide Donald Eugene Zimmerman Veronica Demetra Zotos August 15, 1975 August Ian Andr ew Kling MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION May 21,1976 James Mark Arnold Dean Miller Beasle y Jam es Malcolm Berr y James Marc Britton John William Carver, Jr. Thomas Clark Dauten Frank Herb ert Davi s, Jr. M Joan Dooling Willi am W arr en Foresman , Jr. Billy R Frey Robert Kenn eth Gebhardt Bernard Goodman Kevin Andrew Gritzke John Ch arles Grossmeier Andrew Paul Hartman , Jr. Barry David Herzog Judd Faris Holder Carl Jan:es Hooton Craig Walter Jones Elizabeth Lancaster Henry Janes MacFarland Robert Vance Marshall Robert Paul Maurer, Jr. Robert John Moss, Jr. Gary Roger Olson Dennis Leo Pankratz Roberta Irene Pellicer Thomas Wood Price James Earl Privett, Jr. Calvin Raymond Robinson William Raymond Sattley Janet L Schmieding Gary L Stokes Robert Jon Templeton Robert Joseph Vanc e BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 21,1976 Margaret Eil een Bartl ey Patricia Marian Barton Lisa Michen Berg Dorothy Ann Blumenthal Roseann Marie Bobnar Cynthia Yewell Bonskowski Ph yllis Lucille Borgardt Valerie Joan Center Nancy Asther Fischer William Ch arles Gielow, Jr. Lisa Kay Grund Carol Ann Hohn Cynthia F Lipschutz Patricia Ann Seagraves Debra Sue Sunshine Belinda Mary Utley Louise Marie Wenzel Susan Ann Wilson Francesca Owen Woods 21 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY May 21,1976 Debra Olson McConnick Loretta Elizabeth Oslick Marjorie Lillian Petersen Rene Carol Schwartz Julie Ann Thayer Jan Elise Vierse Robert Arden Wright Pamela Flo Wyble Jeannine Young Carol Elyse Berman Randy Lee Chapman Alison Po-wai Cheng Vicki Jo Ciarocco David George Duff Deena Pearl Goldman Jerald Lynn Hurt Linda Fay Kennedy Dennis Charles Lesch Margaret Susan Martin THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Candidates Presented by JOHN THOMAS BIRD, D.D.S., Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENDODONTICS December 17,1975 Michael Alfred Ernest DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE May 21,1976 Michael Robert Durr Richard Thomas Hansen John Barry Julian Alan Clegg Miner Wayne Richard Paris David Taft Quinn Cynthia Ann Williams Nick Biundo, Jr. Brian Carroll Chung Jeffry Lynn Cupps John Robert Dempsey December 17,1975 cum laude Barry Robert Root Mark Louis Travis Robert Michael Waxler Arthur Stuart Wieselthier Richard Hargrave Baldwin Charles Clifford Beard Craig Steven Berkin Eric Andrew Berla Thomas Alexander Black, Jr. Charles Lewis Blackburn Martin Bockler Barry Dean Brace John Victor Caron Tin Chi Chan Lowell Leon Cheney Brian Stuart Cullen Samuel Daniel Dednam John Robert Durham John Blake Evans Kimel Pierce Fisher Karl Heinz Cruendl Daniel Dennis Heer John Avery Hinton December 17,1975 Daniel Thome Howell Charles M Hunter Gary Phillips Klugman Robert Oliver Kron , Jr. William Frederick Letcher Arthur Thomas Lloyd, Jr. Charles Mark Malloy Dana Montelle Mattix James Bernard McGivney III Neal Kiyoshi Nakashima Jan Harvey Rogers Robert David Sager Vernon Richard Schierding Louis Eliot Schwarzbach Michael Kirby Shrout Fred B Skrepcinski Daniel Martin Soper Scott Lee Strong Roger Wells Walkenhorst 22 DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY December 17,1975 James Dexter Burton E agan Richard Robert Rauktis Edward Joseph Shah een , Jr. THE Michael Charles Sills John Paul Starcevich David Niels Wexler SCHOOL OF LAW Candidates Presented by EDWARD THADDEUS FOOTE, LL.B., Dean MASTER OF LAWS May 21,1976 Philip Lesley Azar, Jr. James Edwin Cannon David Maxwell Duree John James Inkley, Jr. Charles Michael Lock John Patrick Mugford Jerry J Murphy Alan Ira Nusinow Arthur William Sexauer Lee Crawford Summers Theodore Charles Traeger December 20,1975 Bevan Bridges Alvey Charles M Babington III Jeffrey Eugene Curtiss Edgar Edward Lim Ronald Charles Thiewes August 15, 1975 Thomas Rutledge Cushman Dianne Rochberg Sagner DOCTOR OF LAW May 21,1976 Jay William Adams John David Aylward Nina Penny Balsam Paul Lawrence Bindl er Warren S Blumenthal Kim Clayton Brown Michael Wayne Brown Julian Bush James Nathan Cahan Marc James Chalfen Robert Edward Chemicoff Steven Eugene Combs Deborah Ilene Conrad Ellen Schiff Cooper Bartley Fuller Day David Cole Day James W Dean Curley McClyde Dossman , Jr. Steven William Edwards Thomas Edward Eslocker William Allen Fairbank Michael Barry Finucane David Solomon Fischer Kenneth Jeffrey Fleischer Thomas Francis Flynn Miles Da vid Friedman Steven Jay Gard Timothy Martin Gardner Steven Michael Geary Barbara Jean Gilchrist Warren Jan Gladders David Eckstein Goldman Terrance Joseph Good °St even Philip Gordon Roy Ai-]! Goto Ellen Ruth Grant 23 Peggy Ann Gregory Lois Lawrence Griffith Russell Coy Grimes, Jr. Theodore Guberman Leslye Ruth Guttenberg Carolyn Ann Haimann Steven Milton Hamburg Todd Maxwell Henshaw Charles Edwin Hileman, Jr. Linda Bea Hodges o Arthur Murray Holtzman Charles Eugene Hostetter Gary S Hurvitz Stephen Hill Hutchings Ernest Willis Irons Frank Alan Isler Herbert Jung Gale Eiko Kaneshiro Martha Anne Karp Richard Alan Kaufman Susan Louise Keller Andrew Steven Kessler Mark Alan Kivitz Michael Evan Klein Robert Ward Kline James Jay Knappenberger Randall Bruce Kopf Gary Philip Kraus Frank William Kriegel, J r. Marilyn Ann Kueper Mary Catherine LaFond Lee Alan Lazar Jay Lewis Levitch Mont Seasongood Levy Gail Susan Lewin Richard Alan Lifshitz Alan Douglas Lobel Judith Dora Lohaus Jere LLoyd Stephen Craig Ludwinski Kathleen Ann Marafino Brent Richard Marquand Edward Ira Maslov William Thomas McGrath Patricia Anne McHugh Richard Louis Meives Mark Carl Meyer Susan Beth Miller William Henry Mohr John Munson Morris III Sheila Mosley Richard A Mueller William Allen Murray Robert Dale Nienhuis Daniel Robert O'Brien Bruce Christian Oetter °Shana Lou Overton Lionel Henry Peabody Scott V Peters John Christian Peterson Neil Edward Polster Mark Lawrence Prager Robert Philip Redbord Janna Lee Remington Alfred Grammer Richter Jerrold Denis Rosen Robert M Rosen Jonathan Bruce Rosenbloom Robert Bennett Satchell Jeanne Lee Sathre Henry Aaron Schmitt Drew Fredric Seaman Steven Alan Segal John Chittenden Shapleigh David A Sherbow Michael Charles Shindler Ann Elizabeth Singleton Rosemary A Smid David Alan Smith Simmons S Smith Stephen Edward Smith James Dunham Sparkman Hans William Steck °James Vincent Stepleton Bradford Lee Stevens Philip Barry Stone Ann Elizabeth Taffel Anne Elizabeth Tan Scott David Thatcher James Merle Thomas Rodney William Thompson "Charlotte Anne Tileston Anne Claire Travis Frederick William Trump Ronald Richard Urbach Joan Dorothy Van Pelt Barbara Wendy Wallace Catherine Van Cleve Meier Walsh Thomas Meifeld Walsh Brian Louis Warr Lee Ann Watson Donald Jon Weber Meir J Westreich Donna Marthel White Judith Martha Zeider Nick Alexander Zotos 24 December 20,1975 Lome Hal Alexander William Stanley Daniel "Hobe rt Wayne Feinstein Mark Louis Juster Roger Allen Keen Kerry James Koboldt °James Da vid Leach Robert Spencer Moss Robert Jon Newman Joyce Rittenhouse Parker James Theodore Plack John Edward Spigle ° Donald Gary Ty e Robert William Wahl Duane Mitchell White August 15, 1975 Deborah Da vis Cooper Frederic Keith Dubin David Masato Hagino Paul Edward Horvath Michael Lee Newmark Patricia Ross Rousseau Jam es Ropiequet Schmidt Anthony Bruce Sciaba Joseph Pascal Sommer THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Candidates Presented by SHANTI KUMAR KHINDUKA, Ph.D. , Dean MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK May 21,1976 Villie Minoo Appoo Marie Agnes Ayler "Thomas More Barritt Louise Ann Bauschard Jill Pamela Benson Delores Shamsky Berm an Carole Rambach Breen Mildred Ann Brooke Mary Louis e Brown Timothy Ivy Brownlee Roselyn Kay Schuman Buehn e Stuart Harley Buman Garland Ellis Burrell, Jr. Ruth Ann Malon e Carr Delbra Ruth Carter Carolyn June Christ Chloe Constantinopoulou Anita Marie Contreras Manorama Sahu Das Bronwen Williams Da vis Sharon Ruth De vine Doris Ginsberg Diamond Susan Margaret Dickens Christine Ann Dougher Gail Cowan Dunnington Michael Arthur Fairbanks Janet Schek Frost Frances Marjorie Golombek Mark Joel Goodman "Steven Philip Gordon Carol Ann Gorman Percy Hinton Green II Miriam Zabludoff Haar Jonathan Ernest Hardy Gerarda Theresa Harris Heidi Henderson Dorothy Jeanne Hester °Joan Joyce Holdman ° Mary Frances Howell Josephina Wei-Li Hu Donald Alan Isikoff Kozo Iwasaki John Charles Jackson Mark Stephen Jacobson Sandra Rowland Johnston Bett y J 0 Jones Karen Esther Joseph Randall Martin Kahan Patricia Josephine Kamp sen Gay Beth Katz 25 Mitchell Gilbert Kellner Shirley Wilson Kern Elizabeth Drake Kimber ° Marilyn Lee Klepper ° Carol Barbara Komros Esther Esaias Lambert Gloria Jean Lanyon Brenda Elaine Patton Lay Christine Elizabeth Leahy Harvey Michael Leavitt Twyla Fredricka Lee Stephen Lesser Minna Ecker Levenkron Hsiu-Fang Susan Chen Liu °Wendy P Login Shelley Susan London °Beth Mae Loshin Carolyn Lee Aster Lowery Joel KLuck Bonnie Jean McBride Barbara Lorrain McEachern Kathleen Marie McElligatt Stanley Henryk Mitchell Shirley Yin-Ping Mo Thomas Paul Moorman Susan Glasgow Murray Judith Blumberg Mustin Urmi Shashikant Nanavaty Heather Marcia Needleman °Terry Kay Newman David Charles Pan Donna Hull Peay Lois Katz Perryman Richard Lee Pfoutz Byron Bradford Richolson Peter Lynn Roper Marshall Rose Kathleen Marie Ryan Marley Cranford Smith Rosemary Nomazizi Sokudela °James Vincent Stepleton Michael Barry Stillman Maurice Lonsway Sullivan James Orville Tebbe ° Charlotte Anne Tileston Joseph Milton Tillman, Jr. Rebecca Lu Trautmann Leroy Turner, Jr. Doris Ann Walker Linda Lou Walls Isabelle Dowling Werber Christopher John Werkley ° Michael Emmanuel Willis December 20, 1975 Mohammed Nawab Alam Elizabeth Anne Aldridge Lynne Aronson Steven Michael Bard Janice Carol Berezin Norman Joel Berkowitz Mindy Schneider Bierman Daniel Allyn Blake Rosemary Ann Blake Kaye Vincent Bock Debra Lynn Boyce Laurie Ellen Braun Randy Joan Braver Brian Charles Brody Margaret LaVelle Burnley Wendy Ellen Cooper ° Michael Lewis Corn Vicki Cunningham Dale Richard Denney Linda Kay Cecelia Dressen Edward Ralph Eckhaus °Robert Wayne Feinstein Arthur Ferguson, Jr. Timothy Paul Fischesser Roberta Lynne Fishman Susanne Gidan Emily Ruth Herold Susan Elizabeth Herzog Myra Issley Elaine Marie Jetter Clarice Elese Murphy Jones Nancy Carol Juster Bruce Lee Kerber Carl Frederick Kontak, Jr. Leslie Francesca KurIan Kathryn Diane Kutler Randy Kay Lempert Alexa Lynn Levin Tandy Laurie Levine Robert Walter Littmann Shuh Yun Liu Sandra Alison Ludwig Rose Schramm Mass Kate Shelly Mattes Linda June McClain Doranne Elizabeth Meny Curtis Calvin Mooney Diane Sue Mundhenke Rhea Shaefitz Oelbaum Rita Pamela Pessin Charlotte Joanne Polowy Ann Denison Pugh Jennye Mettazee Robinson Amy Ruth Rome 26 Babette Rothschild Marjorie Rose Sable Ellen Margaret Sameth Joseph Yossi Sasson Jacquelyn Ann Schauer Kristine Larson Schneider Michael Steinberg Schwartz Shirley Myers Snowe Olabisi Ireti Oyegbemi Sobomehin Lorie Meryl Sommer Elana Spitzberg Susan Carol Stashower Cynthia Patrice Stein Arlene Rubin Stiffman Edwyn Thomas Strubinger Kathleen Doumont Sullivan Abebe Gebre Tsadik Linda Jean Turcotte-Shamski Donald Gary Tye Michael Neil Valley Veda Bryan Viers Deborah Ellen Wald Sherry Lynn Woolf August 15, 1975 Janis Jones Carney Jill Holly Freedman Kilian Joseph Fritsch Darryl Lamount George Susan H Glickman Marion Hunt Anellina Theresa Marrelli Shelley Elaine Natkow Mary Kathryn Oliveri Ellen Polen Roseman Dagmar Schoop Augusto Salas Terlaje, Jr. Richard Keller Thompson David Michael Zemel THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Candidates Presented by LUCIAN KRUKowsKI, B.F.A., M.S., Dean MASTER OF FINE ARTS May 21,1976 John Russell Foster Steven Alan Gordon Jack Frank Gron Laura Beth Ives Garret John King Susan Linda Kriegman Allan David Mandell China Marks Ginit Sue Nevin Marten Judith Ann McCreary °Jo Ann Meyer Anthony Francis Pfeiffer Warren Michael Ser ... Susan Margaret Toplikar Mark Alan Weber Richard Patrick Wheeler December 20,1975 Mark Randolph Golbach Samuel Michael Lieber August 15, 1975 Walter Case Hauck 27 BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS May 21,1976 Julia Elizabeth Austin Carol June Barton David Edward Bergsieker Marijo Louise Bianco Charlotte Pamela Black Marsha Gail Hertzman Blasingame Bonnie Gail Bluestein Joan Frances Bronk Christopher George Clough Margaret Mary Coates Belynda Rhae Daniels William Joseph dePalma Gregory John DiMartino Sharon Louise Erbe Amy Gail Friedman Carolyn Maysel Goss Eve Granick Margot Rhys Griffith Chester Charles Hart Kimberly Ellen Hedden Elizabeth Ann Herman JoAnne Hoffman Linda Horwitz Mark Stephen Karvas Ilene Sue Katz Anne Elizabeth Keck David Kent Kellogg Jane Leslie Klion Celeste Marie Kocot Judy Lynn Lazarus Caroline S Lee Heidi Ann Lopata Beth Engeln Luecke Alexandra Claire Margolis Daniel Frederick McKeown Holly Phyllis Miller Elaine Nehmen Sherry Lorraine Nickell George Edward Palmer Aaron Leslie Presler Timothy Charles Raglin Sarah Maria Reichman Norbert Rosen Jane Rhonda Ross Ronnie Eugene Rowold Eduardo Ernesto Rubio Susan Britton Sanders Amy Ellen Schottenfels Gary Leo Schumer Victoria Ann Seaver Irene Janet Soloway Dennis James Staples Deborah Ilene Stein Francis Albert Steiner Mendal Scott Stephens Leslie Barbara Strauss Nancy Marie Thomas John Eugene Troy Gwyn Ann Wahlmann Thomas Lee Walker Nancy Sue Weinstein Carol Barbara Wexler Jimmy Charles Whitecotton Julie Ann Wolf Jay Philip Wolke December 20, 1975 Virginia Frances Buechler Warren Leggat Duhme Brette Florence Johnson Allen Coleman Moore, Jr. August 15, 1975 Deborah Sue Matheny 28 THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Candidates Presented by JOHN BERNARD ERVIN, Ed.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 21,1976 Mary Jane Abrewczynski Richard Eugene Aubuchon Willie Edward Ballentine William Henry Barber, Jr. Kathryn Ann Bax Theodore Alan Biere Matthew Bivens Karl Stanly Bovyn Clifford Earl Branch Joseph Conrad Calloni Robert Charles Calloni Thomas Patrick Craddock Marian West Cross Darryl Damon Crowell James Francis Cuba Dean Edward Darner Larry Edward Deutsch Earl Roland Ekstrand Earl Leroy Finger Dennis Melvin Flores Joyce Ann Frank Robert Eugene Fremont Ronald George Gillespi e Robert Michael Gioia Gary Thomas Girshner James Alexander Givens Ronald Henry Goette Arthur Thomas Gordon Glennen Raymond Grannemann Marvin Dwight Groppe Robert Dann Hardcastle, Jr. Albert William Haskell Steven John Hauck Sidney Allen Hays James Gregory Henry James Robert Holterman Carl Eugene Hooker Stephen Thomas Hunsicker Donald Reid Hunt Donald Gene Hunter Ronald Lee Hutson Richard Samuel Jackson Bruce Edward Jacobs Laura Jacoby William Joseph Jeademann Dianne Richards Jones Robert Warren Jones Walter Kapusta Billy Lee Keel George Mill Kemp , Jr. Frances Stefana Kery Richard Leslie Klopfer Richard Adolf Koch Marjorie Frances Kolb David William Livingston , Jr . Larry Gene Lomax Francis Robert Longo John Edward Lorinc Jerome Love Francis Thomas Marchese, Jr. James Edward Martin Terry: John Martin Ronald George Mertzlufft Karen Jean Miller Rex Miller, Jr. William Patrick Murphy Keith Evan Newman Albert Curtis Niewoehner Erma Jean O'Brien Roy Elvin Overmann Vincent Anthony Palumbo Agnes Marie Parham Herby Otto Pearson Patricia Ann Pettus Elizabeth Lee Powers Charles John Reckenberg, Jr. James Francis Riordan Jack Eugene Sambo Alvin Cornelius Scheeter James Alan Sheets James Edward Shuttleworth James Anthony Siervo Kevin Bryan Smith Jerry Dow Sparks William Paul Staliwe, Jr. Richard Wayne Struense Louis Joseph Student, Jr. Jerome Theodore Taylor Paul Jones Taylor Theoplis Taylor, Jr. David Raymond Tebeau William David Tellmann Charlotte Ann Thomas Gary Dale Thomas Joseph Michael Thomas Samuel Edward Torigian Stanley Harry Webb Rochelle Webber Kenneth Dean Westmoreland Harold Davis White, Jr. Gary Stephen Wilbers Bruce Curtis Wilson Victor Edmond Zarinelli 29 December 20, 1975 Philip Kreter Karen Lynn Solima Lee David A Librach Lawrence Darwin Lueck jannie Ma Matthews Norman Charles McCourt Lou Ann McElyea Stephen Thomas McRae Thomas Hubert Mengwasser Dolores Ann Miller Dottie Ruth Moore Shirley Oliver James Granville Organ Joel Robert Pettus William Grover Powell John Angelo Puricelli Dorothy Ries Raymond Michael Rodenbeck Edgar James Rushing Cynthia Barbara Sachtleben John Herman Saunders, Sr. Rachel Schnur Ruth Siteman Leonard Walter Slovensky Edward Joseph Thiemann William Victor Tramel Louis John Villani James Oscar Walker Emma Floyd Weaver Roy Clifford Weeks Carol Ann Weerts Victor Joseph Wendt James Leroy Williamson Mark Richard Wolf Gerald Young Robert Michael Adams James Warren Alfennan Martin Wilbur Bachelier William Edward Baker Glenn Allen Bish Loretta Beatrice Block Frank Richard Boyd Thomas Brennan Larry Hugh Daniels James Micheal Donahue, Jr. Tommie Lee Doss Kenneth Louis F ellenstein Thomas Frank Figliola Lindon Fred Finley Melvia Jean Forniss James Cornelius Franklin, Jr. Kenneth Winfred Gerlach, Jr. Richard Wayne Goebel Cheryl Jean Goehler Sonya Hennes Goldman Charles Noah Greenlee Billy Aubrey Grissom Susan Harriet Hagen George John Hajny III John Warren Hamilton Claude Edward Harrison Anita Louise Hayes Chandler William Henn Richard Waldorf Hermann David James Hoag Thomas James Holtmeyer William James Hoye Robert Charles Hoyt David John Huddleston William Lewis Hunt, Jr. Dennis James Kelly August 15, 1975 Kenneth Gordon Bowman Lewis Thomas Chatman Larry Eugene Cook Jimmie Lee Dalton Thomas Frederick Derrington Gerald Okon Etim Ronald James Fassler Pearlie Mae Phillips Frank Marianne Gagel Patricia Ann McNaughton Gorski Larry Lee Hobbs David Joseph Koncki Sam McDavis, Jr. Albert Raymond O'Connor Bruce Kenneth Pflanz James Mitchel Politte Dianne Lee Faulkner Robb Cordell John Rogger David Micheal Sheble John Suydam James Theodore Thomson Don Michael Vogel Alvah Fredrick Woods 30 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 21,1976 Florence Elizabeth Hawes Janis Sue Jackman Mary Ann Macauley Cindy Ruth Mogul BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY May 21,1976 Robert Wayne Axsom Franklin Neal Brodzinski Charles William Crow Donald Eugene Dillard Roy Arthur Langston William Gerald Maupin Paul Joseph Mayer Roger Edward Miller Thomas Patrick Moore Frederick Louis Mueller Bob Arthur Paule Dennis Michael Payton Donald Edward Rogers Robert Gerard Roy Rick Edward Schmitt Edward Alvin Schultz George Perenchio Taylor Robert Leroy Weible December 20, 1975 William Wendell Couch, Jr. Dorothy Kate Dunker John Boyd Headrick William Joseph Keating Edward Odell Nelson Donald Rupert Rebert Charles Lee Staples Joseph Matthew Trewhella Samuel Edward Willis August 15,1975 Ronald Alfred Ferber Alan Lemuel Rose Dale Leland Rust 31 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by GILBERT RILEY WHITAKER, JR., Ph.D., Associate Dean MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 21,1976 Richard John Bagy, Jr . George Ban Gregory John Benken William Charles Bennett Robert John Berney Alan Jeffrey Bernstein Myron Jerome Borders Michael Edward Bray William Henry Broderick III Alan Harry Bunse Bruce Alvin Burkhartzmeyer Keith Laurence Callahan Joseph Albert Cassis III Thomas Fischel Claggett William DeWitte Compton Robert Chenault Davis III Dana Graham Devereux Margaret Errichetti °Earl Nelson Fleming II OLinda Lee Fleming "Samir Allenby Gargour Robert Werner Gray Wayne Bernard Haar °Walter Donald Halfmann Stephen Winston Hansen Norbert Orrin Hanson, Jr. °Arthur Murray Holtzman Margaret Louise Howerton Timothy Scott Johnstone Lawrence Jerald Jones Daniel Robert Keyes Kathryn Gorr Korbecki Stephen Albert Korbecki Lee James Kremzier John Michael Kubiak Balachandra Timmanna Kuchinad Monte Byron Lamb Dale Lee Lancaster Allen Edar Larson Wei-Shan Lin Loren Leroy Lohman Christopher Joseph Macmanus Preston Reed Macy Robert Langley Mahoney, Jr. Gwendolyn Faye Marizett BIas Manuel Mazzeo Timothy James McDonough Robert Garland McKnight Joseph Michael Moro Antonina Pipitone Morrisson David Eric Nelson Bruce Thomas O'Dell Michael Archer Oakes °Shana Lou Overton Robert Witherspoon Patton Mark Richard August Pfaff e Stephen Alan Rattner °Daniel Seth Reich Howard Elliot Rubin Michael Joel Rubinstein Frederick Joseph Rupp Shelby Portnoy Schagrin "Cene Joseph Schnair Frederick Kurt Schroeder Maria Wyatt Gayle Schweizer ° Guillermo Eduardo Nasser Segura Jonathan David Settle Hing-Wai Shih Charles Prasse Simmelink Scott Masterson Smith Thomas Peter Sommer, Jr. Richard Bradley Stillahn Thomas Hays Stringer Ruth Velora Teague Milton Webster Templeton, Jr. Dudley Edwin Thomas Jon Derau Thuermer Marquita Marie Trenier Michael Ray Truesdell Jose Antonio Vargas James William Vernon John Vickers Webb Mary Elizabeth Wechsler Esther Siew Woon Wee John William White William Reiland Wiese Ronald Charles Zdellar Mary Jane ZeIl Mark Dale Zerman 32 December 20,1975 George William Adams Russell Lynn Bacon Thomas Alexander Black, Jr. Rick Charles Corry Michael Hugh Cromer Lynn Gillula Cheryl Stupp Knubley °James David Leach William Frederick Osberghaus Harold Oliver Piening, Jr. Robert Lawrence Tegman Alice Goldberg Yawitz August 15, 1975 Roger William Bock Charles Tsun-Yan Chan Stuart Mitchell Ladd Frederick Wilson McCoy, Jr. Stephen Michael Rudolph THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by GILBERT RILEY WHITAKER, JR., Ph.D. , Associate Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 21, 1976 Stephen William Akos Mark Charles Alpert Mark Gerard Bredenkoetter Britt Alan Buersmeyer Kenneth Bruce Cohen Arthur Allen Deckert, Jr. Charles Steven Domingue Robert Clancy Duncan Robert Stephen Duncan Johanna Fleischaker OLinda Lee Fleming Michael Patrick Halleran Louis Griffin Hutt, Jr. Joyce Florence Inman June Ellen Jayson Ann Antoinette Mitchell Johnson Carl William Kaercher Roni Kalmowitz William Bailey Knight Richard Paul Krueger John Leong Howard Louis Levitan Philip Michael Lindsey Michael Robert Merritt Nancy Fern Meyers ° Daniel Seth Reich Timothy Gerard Rhoades Jay Michael Ring Linda Rose Rothenberg Richard Michael Sampson Cary Steven Schack Samuel Jeffrey Schwartzberg Laird Weir Shick Monica Theresa Siegel Malcolm Jerome Sweet Susan Marie Thorne Edwin Charles Wind December 20, 1975 Mark Steven Faller JefIrey Michael Henick Margaret Louise Howerton Cheryl Stupp Knubley Steven Michael Loeb Fred Ouweleen, Jr. Mark Alan Segal Mary Ann Spagnola Gregory Alan Stelmachowicz August 15, 1975 Michelle Renee Coxx Steven Wayne Lefton John Walker McNeiley William Dowling Victor 33 THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Candidates Presented by CONSTANTINE EVANGELOS MICHAELIDES, Diploma of Architecture, M.Arch., Dean MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN May 21,1976 Gregory Sebastian Palermo Andrew James Piaskowy Willem Davis van Bakergem Stephen Holmes Kendall Elliott Joseph Littman Steven Benson Miller December 20, 1975 Christian Hermansen Chadchalit Dasnanjali August 15, 1975 Fereydoun Amir-Moezzi Allen Leroy Anthony Eugene Wilson Brown jitendra Ramanlal Chokshi Patrick William Collins Satyakam Garg Riohard Chester Gillett Stephen James Hruby Thomas Tung Ming Ma Maria Filomena Azevedo Nunes Robert Eugene Olson Chaisae Tang Ivars Viesturs Zusevics MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 21,1976 William Richard Ansteth Joseph John Bilello Frank Pierce Blair III Jeffrey Alan Brambila Paul Scott Cameron David Alan Chassin Paul Duncan Fairbank °Samir Allenby Gargour Randy Stephen Goldenhersh David Alan Goldstein Michael Kenneth Kaufman Russell Eugene Lewis Michael Paul Linder Katherine Inez Lord Richard Bennett Lord, Jr. Nancy Frances Lowe Nahoum Michael Matsas Timothy Irwin Michels Kirk Harold Millican Howard Paul Mock, Jr. Carolyn Berry Nuetzel Judith Macurda Oates Allen Weightman Reed Erik Hans Rhodin Charles Arthur Sandford Thomas Stone Sappington, Jr. oGene Joseph Schnair Richard James Springwater James Stafford Stokoe Jeffrey William Tobin Mark James Vranizan Shinichiro Berger Watari "Michael Emmanuel Willis Richard Hugh Woods December 20,1975 Randy Olga Abramson Lester Patrick Ackerman III Marjorie Miller Brownstein °Michael Lewis Com Margaret Eileen Martin Ferguson Elise Rebecca Friedman Isabel Court Hermansen Chao-Chiung Li Virginia Diane Murison Tushar Ramesh Nagar John Richard Reeve Michael James Reynolds °Jacquelyn Ann Schauer Wei-Ming Yuan 34 THE HENRY EDWIN SEVER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, Ph.D., Director DOCTOR OF SCIENCE May 21, 1976 In Chemical Engineering Pedro Medellin-Milan December 20, 1975 In Electrical Engineering Koon-Whye Loh Richard Lee Roa In Civil Engineering Alberto Giovanni Peano August 15, 1975 In Applied Mathematics and In Electrical Engineering Computer Science David Aaron Gomberg Ming-jau Sun Mou-Hsin Yang In Chemical Engineering John Gerald Schwartz In Systems Science and Mathematics Tze-Ying Chiang 35 MASTER OF SCIENCE May 21,1976 In Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Michael Jay Haubenstock Nazih Hassan Nassif In Chemical Engineering ° Michael Robert Blaha Dogiparti Venkata Satyanarayana Gupta Lynne Raffalovich Schmitt Lloyd Daryl Tryson ° Harvey Allen Zar In Civil Engineering Abdul Karim Ibrahimkhail In Electrical Engineering Michael Martin May °John Alan Moore Kenneth Lauren Ripley Rafael Sanchez Sanchez In Mechanical Engineering Takao Horie Arthur Ronald Hummel Dineshchandra Bhagwanji Mali George Moyich Philip Gray Winger In Systems Science and Mathematics Jeffrey Michael Abram Asdrubal Garcia-Ortiz Donald Charles Keenan Tung-Mea Lin Keh-Ming Lu David Robert Rolston Eugene Paul Schlereth Gregory Lewis Scott Jeffrey Miles Setterholm Joseph Vithayathil December 20, 1975 In Chemical Engineering Thomas Otto Dappert Bernard David Yudow In Civil Engineering Gregory Allen Wilderman In Electrical Engineering Richard James Ballard Ashok Kumar Gupta John Gordon Rosenfeld Richard Fitzhugh Wrenn In Mechanical Engineering Kingo Yamamoto In Technology and Human Affairs Richard Eric Burke Margaret Anne Power August 15, 1975 In Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Grant Lyndon Wagenbach In Chemical Engineering Thomas Craig Hanson Harishchandra Prasad Kanuri Patrick Joseph Maher In Civil Engineering Thomas Ferriero Kevin Cecil Martin Robert Mitchell Minkoff Thomas Kenneth Ryden Thomas Henry Stegmann In Electrical Engineering Brian Edward Campbell Ray Guernon Harclerode Richard Alan Mullen Raghuveer Pallapothu Dennis George Wantzelius In Mechanical Engineering SamAnOu Surinder Singh Sandhu Kenneth Alan Spector 36 THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN MCKELVEY, Ph.D. , Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE May 21,1976 Francesca Maria Alfino Eric Walker Anderson Martin Michael Babinski Wayne Thomas Clark "Walter Donald Halfmann Andrew Lowenthal Terry Lynne Seiler Linda Katherine Siener e Marc LeSueur Smith "David Michael Ungar Eric Reeder Vondruska December 20, 1975 Gail Elaine Travis August 15, 1975 Dave Douglas Bregenzer Arthur Glen Cave BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 21,1976 Thomas Alan Aholt Mark Alan Barteau e Michael Robert Blaha Dennis Charles Caldwell "Frank Robert Dziama William Martin Jarvis Robert William Johnston Diane Viola Jorgensen Felix Lopez David Robert Langdon James Edwin Laurinat Claudia Ann Neist Andrew John Quick Ellen Brogdon Rayman °Guillermo Eduardo Nasser Segura Richard James Siekkinen \) Harvey Allen Zar December 20, 1975 Eugene Csaba Toth BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 21,1976 Margaret Claire Andregg David Alan Baum Patrick Kevin Finefield Mark James Shipley Mark Kevin Holly Daniel Nathan Logan Robert Harris Spaulding December 20,1975 Patricia Suzanne Tonkovich August 15, 1975 John Martin Minney, Jr. 37 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE May 21,1976 Myron Paul Souris Richard Dean Specht David Alan Weiss Roberta Lynn Fox James William Oetting Henry Alfred Robinson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING May 21,1976 Gary Allen Appel Roy Raymond Auer, Jr. William Howard Bridenbaugh II Ralph Windrum Canter Patrick David Deane John Phillip Elking Robert Bernard Ernst Kenneth Paul Gibbs Arthur Scott Gilbert °Walter Donald Halfmann e Jordan Arthur Hirsch William H Homer Cynthia Marie Kriegshauser Hruby Lawrence Charles Klein Tom Alan Krakover Stanley Franklin Kummer Baruch Levy Larry Edwin Long William Meyer, Jr. Andrew Rattin Mitz °John Alan Moore Robert Charles Nix Molly Ann Noland "Edward Anthony Rezek Bruce Stewart Schlafly "Robe rt Steven Schlue "Ernest Peter Schuster ° Marc LeSueur Smith William Michael Steiner Douglas Henry Sundmacher ° David Michael Ungar Charles Edward Vaughn ° Chao-Ping Wu e George December 20, 1975 John Oliver Rogers Scott Saul Stogel Robert Allen Dranter Gary Howard Hanak Philip Alan Minch August 15, 1975 Paul Kenneth Vonk David Lee Bainter BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 21,1976 Joseph Dale Carnevale Melissa Jane Clark Ferdinand St. Haughton Jam es Wayman Darnell Johnson William Richard Krueger William Steven Lambros James Matthew Nieters Raymond Joseph Piorkowski Paul Robert Schumm "Ernest Peter Schuster Joseph John Sind Wendell Carl Sleet Christopher Michael Smith December 20, 1975 Mary Elizabeth McKeown Leo Joseph Reid III Timothy Bennett, Jr. Edith Hoyt Maynard 38 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS May 21, 1976 "Frank Robert Dziama "Ceorge William Meyer, Jr. "Hobert Steven Schlue "Chao-Ping Wu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS May 21,1976 "Hobin Lee Berson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 21,1976 °Annette Lee Dudek James Douglas Foyil Robert John Felekey August 15, 1975 Gary Michael Cupples THE Robert Neil [oos, Jr. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by BURTON MAYNARD WHEELER, Ph .D., Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS May 21,1976 Richard Alan Angell Harry Colbert Blair Alan Keith Brown Maria Alexandra Caras Robert Harlan Chait Jacquelyn Lois Connelly Robert Vincent Cooney Robert Alan Cooper Ruth Sarah DeFries °Annette Lee Dudek Virginia Jane Folsom Leslie Luchene Gans Esther May Haskvitz Clifton Dodds Hood Renee Helene Jacobs Richard Allan Kauff Alan David Klein Michael Peter Krumholz Richard Merrill Launer Ronald Wing Leong Deborah Aline Loeb summa cum laude William Stephen Morgan Marvin Roy Natowicz Gail Nottenburg Joseph Vietor Pardo Michele Lynn Prichard Dan Seth Reiner Claire Lee Reiss David Solomon Rosene Ann Louise Rubenstein Steven Edward Sater Barbara Susan Schaps Alan Mark Shapiro Jeffrey Howard Silber Hillel David Skoff Judith Leslie Stone Richard Gordon Swartz Allan Keith Trautman Margo Nan Vinney Halli e Wahl Mark Howard Wittman 39 Robert Arthur Ansehl Robert Baumol Kenneth Frederick Berg Gary Richard Bernstein Ruth Myra Birnberg Michael Lee Cohen Mark Steven Corman Edward Harris Davidson William Edward Deal David Jonathan Elkin Marcia Beth Epstein Clark Lowden Erickson George Laurance Farnham Adrienne Kay Gamel Ferris Ginsberg Jeffrey Martin Ginsberg Deborah Goldberg Meri Ellen Goldstone Terence Alan Gross Debra Salkin Gudai Mala J 0 Gusman Charles Evans Hendrix Florence Leslie Hyman Daniel Millard Jaffe Judith Ann Kahn Jackie Lynn Kaminsky Michael Joseph Keating magna cum laude Mary Kay Kinsley Barry Steven Levin Herbert Brady Macosko Shauna Iris Marshall Edward McFarlan III Lita Sue Menkin Bernard Stephen Miller III Bruce Eli Mosbacher Alice Louise Nordlinger Mark Cummings O'Heeron David J Packer Dana Michael Paull Kenneth Barry Perlmutter Kim Myron Portnoy Norman Robert Pozez Robert John Raish Richard Lawrence Sarnat Eliza Bauer Scallet Robert Jam es Scallet Patricia Ann Seitz Nancy Ellen Shute Michael Alan Stein Martin Wahl Jeffrey Phillip Wasserstrom Alice Mildred Winkeler Myra Kathleen Wright cum laude James Martin Abroms Deborah Jean Adams Karen Lois Anderson Mark Julian Arnold Philip Zimt Berg Jackie Koblenz Berney Randall Thomas Clarke Stephen Robert Clear Steven James Clemens Melinda Hope Dopkin Deborah D Dunnell Michael Fiala Sheryl Fields Diane Raith Caresche Richard Louis Gershberg Richard Douglas Goodkind John E Goulder Joshua Mark Greenberg Susan Meryl Greenberg Anne Teresa Heintzelman Debra Ellen Herzog Earl Pendleton Holt III Jody Beth Homer Diane Michelle Hurwitz Judith Lyn Isroff Harold Lee Jesser Jennifer Jones Richard Douglas Kalish Barbara Ann Kessler Robert Alan Kohn Kenneth Whiteley Koucky Robin Melanie Kreiter Robert Martin Langdon Elizabeth Katrin Leach Paul Young-Ho Lee Ronald Louis Leven Robert Allen Levy Richard Charles Lichte Daniel Martin Loewenstein Charles Lyons David Buckingham Mather Agather Celeste McKeel Leslie Claire McKinney Karla Maria McLucas Sandra Maria Moore Howard Nathanson Carl Tyrone Pendleton Barbara Ellen Pollard Nicholas Ignacio Quintana '" Mark Alan Robin Jeri Sue Roth John Alan Rothchild Marla Silberman Rubin Craig Richard Schmidt Warren Mitchell Seeley Sushant Kumar Sinha 40 Robert Eric Steinberg Julie Denise Stern Pamela Kay Stub its William Keith Sullivan Mark Paul Terk Richard Maurice Toraek Robin Ilene Vinitsky Wendolyn Cecilia Wade Henry David Warshaw Carol Ann Weintraub Jeffrey Arnold Wolpe Leonard Ritts Woods Paul Mas Yamada Manuel S Zeitlin May 21, 1976 Jonathan Friend Adland Alf Karl Adler, Jr. Mindy Joy Affrime Margaret June Alsup Michael Theodore Altepeter Debra Faye Anderson Ralph Armond Armstrong Catherine Caroline Arndt Michal Louise Aronson Rosetta Diane Arrigo Theresa Tsuruko Asato Robin Carol Axelrod Phyllis Beth Azriel Debra Sue Bach John Dale Baker Michael Dee Baldridge Mitzi Blossom Balikov Ellen Ruth Barker Richard Alan Barnes Robert Adrian Barry III Charles Cruz Bates Charles Frederick Bates Jeffry Stanton Becker Rhonda Jean Beckham Philip Andrew Benes Sarah Elizabeth Benesch Elizabeth Faith Berman Donald Mitchell Bernstein Elliott Mark Bernstein Robert Charles Berra "Hobin Lee Berson Stacia Bert Bevan Leonard Mark Bieringer James Craig Bigogno Judith Ann Binakonsky John Michael Binder Pamela 0 Black Esther Lynn Bloch Riva Ellen Blumenfeld Steven Bock Stuart Erwin Booth Timothy William Bopp Kathryn Lee Borr Robert Joseph Bradbury Ann Hough Bradford Michael Lee Braverman Catherine Mary Brennan Debra Lynn Bresler Jana Beth Brilliant Mary Claire Brink Marilyn Brockman Lisa Brodsky Dennis Keith Brown Deryl June Brown Michael Gregory Bruner James Elliott Burch Dawn Suellen Burton Susan Elizabeth Caddick Alisse Cheryl Camazine Bruce Wayne Campbell Susan Ilene Cantor Craig Matthew Carlson Pamela Diane Cash Fredda Joan Cassell Leo Heung-On Chen Debra Lee Chenault Abraham Alan Cherrick Raymond George Clausen Thomas Cochran Diana Miriam Cohen Jonathan Israel Cohen Ken Ethan Cohen Sarah Schlafly Cohn Priscilla Shaw Coleman Alice Elizabeth Conway Amy Judith Cooper Andria Costas Robert Michael Coughlin Evelyn Ann Craig Robert Orlando Cutchens Michael Henry Dains Ronald Raymond Diebold 41 Francis Edward Litton Dobbs Jeffrey David Dollinger Sean Shea Donnelly Martha Brown Doran Linda Kennedy Edwards Sheryl Ann Ehrenreich Karen Ilene Engelhardt Sherrelyn Diane Ewell David Alan Farbman Michael Scott Feist Stephen Haley Fey Linda Jane Finch Jeffrey Edward Fireman Mark Lewis Fishbein Beverly Fitzgerald Donald Ross Fleischer John Matthew Fleischman \) Earl Nelson Fleming II Mark David Fogel Yvonne Irene Frank John Martin Fraser Louis Scott Freedman Steven Marc Freedman Mary Price Frenzel Catherine Elizabeth Fricke Susan Brahna Fried Kenneth Joel Friedman Andrew Heyburn Gallatin Melinda Gail Gelber Barry Jay Gelda Catherine Leonard Gentry Robert Charles George Jeffrey Ware Geppert Franklin Coleman Gilbert, Jr. Louis Albert Giorgio Susan Jean Gitenstein Gary Francis Gladieux Jamie Caren Glauber Albert Mark Gold Michael Goldman Barry Steven Goldstein Meg Deborah Goldstein Steven Lewis Goldy Lynne Ellen Gordon Susan Gordon Deborah Heloise Green Sara Edmond Green Mark Roy Greenbaum Susan Carol Greenebaum Rodney Joel Gremaud Phyllis Diane Grab Judith Alison Gross Mark Everett Gurvey Edward Lee Hammack Cathy Hanau Joseph Arthur Hanig Richard James Harrington Judith Rae Harris Linda Sue Hassell Ronald Sam Hauptman Marsha Kay Hayles Paul Albert Hecht Scott Tolkacz Hellrung Nina Ross Hermes David Stanley Herzlin Richard Mann Hiller John Andrew Hillman Jordan Arthur Hirsch Robert Mallin Hirsch Ellen Michele Hoffer Mark Jay Hoffman Susan Beth Hoffman Daniel Michael Holland Sandra Johnson Holmes William Bradley Holtz Fred Lee Horowitz Kirby Ross Hotchner Richard William Huetter Laura Ruth Hulbert Sharon Ruth Hurlburt Kim Clair Ireland Harry Hankin Ivrey Imdadali Jatoi Mark Robert Johnson Cary Dennis Jones David Robert Jones Robert Michael Judd Cary Richard Kahn Janis Claire Kahn James Lowell Kaplan Michele Joy Kaplan Karen Ann Kartholl 42 Gar y J Krugman Jeffrey Bruce Kat z John Clint Kimsey Kenneth Alan King Mary Louise Kipp enb erg er Debra Wohlschlaeger Kling Sher yl Elise Kones Valorie Sue Kopp Laura Friedman Koucky Steven Brent Lamberg Carl Robert Lang Virginia Joan Lang David Conant Lavoie Barry Howard Layfer David Walter Lazan Jeffrey Allen Lazar Mordechai Lebenberg III Kenneth Alan Leeds Cathy Genkin Leftin Barbara Anne Leopold Daniel Abbe Le vin Karen Ruth Le vin Dianne Rae Levisohn Alan Mitchell Lewis Amy Beth Lewis Christie Park er Carter Lewis Maril yn Ann Licht Debra Susan Loeb Sanford Carl Loew entheil Barry Brag e Loveman Susan Faith Lubovsky Alison Rae Lutzk Lon David Lynn Douglas Bruce Mac Farlane Kenneth James Mac Kesson Dianne Lee Workman Machal ek Denis Brandon Maduro Cheryl Jo Maier John Tarling Marsalek Alan Keith Marshall Nadia ElizabethMartin Gar y Martin Mass Charlotte Lee McCaffrey , Robert Hofferd McClintic II William Crangl e McFarland Katherine Ferrell McGhee Elizabeth Mcinnes Susan Mari e Mello James Stu art Mendelson David Andr ew Meyer E velyn Marie Miles Robert Myles Miller, Jr. Samuel Austin Miller Susan Jane Miller Craig Stephe n Mind ell Andr ew j oseph Miofsky Marg aret Elizabeth Montell o David Micha el Mould on Debra Reb ecca Mozinski Jacqueline Elaine Mulcare Maxine Tabas Myers Janic e Anheuser Nagel Kay Chi emi Nakakura Randall Scott Nemerovski Lynn Fr an ces Niebur Harvey Alan Nussbaum James Alan Oberman Martin Arthur Olevitch Thomas W ehrli Oliphant Laurie Jean Oppenheim Amy Oppenh eimer Janet Gail Oppenheimer Mark Kiyoshi Oto Alissa Rae Pardo Paul Eric Pariser Deni se Martene Parker Molly Parker Simon Blaise Patrick Thomas Edward Patterson , Jr. Sarah Anne Patz Mary Eliz abeth Ann Payn e Patricia Gail Peacock Richard Kent Peairs Lynn Fr anc es Pearlstein Jeffrey Bru ce Pernikoff Jeffrey W allin Peters Phyllis Betsy Pfeffer Hard y Elbert Pickering Fr anc es Alexis Piper Benn ett Howard Plotnick Steven Jay Popkin Johanna Potts Alan Martin Raifman 43 Steven Joseph Rakel Richard Martin Rasnick °Stephen Alan Rattner Philip Norman Redlich Curtiss Reed, Jr. Susan Ann Reel Eric Leo Reiss °Edward Anthony Rezek Allan Lee Ripp Neal Edward Robbins Kenneth Gary Robert s Timothy James Robinson Kenneth Emanuel Roos Gina Willa Roose Mark William Roy Barbara Susan Rubenfeld Jeffrey David Rubens Howard Arnold Rubin Paul Allan Rubin Brian Ruder Linda Carol Rudorfer Stephen Michael Ruzycki Gary Charles Sachs Ronald Douglas Sampson Randa Louise Samuels Mark John Sanford Mendel Isami Sato Lorilee Mary Saucier Mark Victor Sauer Nancy Rebecca Saville Alan Eric Schachtman Janet Mary Schapiro Marjorie Joy Schaps Alvin Keith Schergen Barry Schlactus John David Schlesinger Nancy Louise Schnell James Michael Schwartz Ruth Ilene Sellman Michael Bennett Schanas Marilyn Massey Shandy Charletta Lee Sharber Floyd Shechter Gerry Lynn Shedlofsky Robert Noel Sheets Stewart Mitchell Sheinbein ·Ellen Mary Shifrin Loreen Nan Silver Roberta Leigh Silver Susan Silver Lynne Adelle Silvers Nancy Ann Siteman Edward Alan Skobac Sally Irene Slipian Elizabeth Ellen Smith Elsie May Smith Gregory Robert Smith Ronald Orville Smith Valerie Lynn Smith Janice Rachel Sorkow Neil Alan Spector Naureen Ingrid Spitzer Esther Susan Starrels Clyde Norman Steck Richard Bruce Steel Amy Beth Stollmack Robin Nori Stone Deborah Ann Stroble Laurence Irwin Sugarman Jana Leigh Sulzer Claudia Beth Sussman Paul Nathan Swepston Richard Jacob Tabershaw Susan Diane Tally Patrick John Tanner Jeffrey Michael Taylor Rosalind Frances Thigpen Peter Gordon Thompson Robin Anne Thompson Michael John Timms Albert Marc Togut Mark Allen Townsell Lawrence Bruce Trachtenberg Mary Ann Trockman John Edwin Trusheim Elaine Ann Tucker Roberta Dee Tucker Stephen Michael Underkofler Nicholas Auguste Ungaro Steven Michael Victor 44 Lan Huong Thi Vu Phyllis Denise Wachter Carol Jean Wald Nancy Jean Wallis Timothy Marshall Walters Diane Karen Wanner Howard Jay Warner William Henry Watkins Janet Marie Weder Margery Ann Weinberg Jill Isidora Weingart en Vonnae Venene Weir Michael Steven Weis er Ariel Weissberg Siegfried Reinhold Wendland Nancy Goddard Wesson Katherine Elizabeth White Kenneth Howard Widder Donn Jay Wi edershine William Jeffrey Wilcox Pearl Yvonne Williams Karen Lowell Williamson Daryl Lee Winer Kenneth Lewis Winokur Robert Michael Wise Pamela Florence Wollenberg Verdun Paul Woods, Jr. Steven Alan Wool Estelle Ikuko Yamaki Deborah Yellin Suzanne Rue Yows Jonathan Zamzok Pamela Lynn Zatz Jane Annette Zobel Decemb er 20,1975 summa cum laude Randi Sue Fain James Walter Fleshman, Jr . Ellen Beth Gibian Debbie Ruth Malinsk y William Leavitt Sternheim Hildegard Charlotte Wette Linda Rae Zetley magna cum laude Matthew Scott Bodner Robert Carey Fried Patricia Ellen Goth Lawrence Howard Jacobson Paul Alan Katzen stein Debbe Ann Levin Gary Samuel Marx Mary Susan McLean Laurie Nest Susan Lynn Bragg Woehrle cum laude Stewart Joel Shilcrat James Sosin Tupp December 20, 1975 Mary Ann Baumann Alan Ronald Bender Rebecca Louise Berkowitz Scott Harrison Bernet William John Bonskowski Daniel Jay Brothman Richard Steven Bruns William Congdon Carey Patrick Martin Chavez Patrice Rose Cowen John Mark Dunn Marc R Eiseman 'Darlene Louise Eyster Robert Edwin Ferguson Stephan Richard Frenkel Louis Earl Ciedinghagen Keith Rader Golan Laurie Jan Gold Arthur Goldberg Roberta Lea Golubock Marian Elaine Greene Jonathan Lee Haas Margie Lorraine McBrid e Harper Susan Hellman James Scovill Herweg David Merrill Himmelreich Irene Grace Jung Gregory Jay Kamer Linda Susan Kaplan Linda Claire Knarr Ann Levine Susan Ann Levy Patrice Michael London Georgette Latoofa Baker Lopez Sarah Lowengard Jeffrey Stanley Lydon Milton Kazuo Matsuo Alice Sheehan Mauss Helen McAllister Catherine Lenore Monnig 45 Andrea Rachelle Nierenberg Michael Eugene Norman Nurite Leah Notarius Margot Hardaway Osborne Glen Edward Parchmann Joan Wiley Dougherty Peterson Marguerite Tower Pettus William Shaun Pharr Sandi Lee Hartupee Raeber Laurie Ann Raskin Howard Stirling Riezman Jerry Robock Keith Rogol Judy Bea Rosenblatt Debora Judith Rosenblum Howard Hillel Rosenblum Andrew Scott Rosenson Louis Marion Ross, Jr. Nancy Pauline Sala Susan Lynn Schmidt Marvin Joshua Schneider Scott Evan Schonbrun Keith William Schroeder Deborah Ann Shandles Carol Anne Shapiro Joan Frani Shapiro David Edward Sherwood, Jr. Marion Stallings Cynthia Ann Taylor Robert Mark Tretiak Steven Barry Ungar Eugene Joseph Walden Steven T Waldman Anne Elizabeth Walker Joan Marilyn Weinberg Kathryn Rose Wertheim Barron Williams Benjamin Schanfarber Wolf Alvin A Wolff, Jr. August 15, 1975 summa cum laude Linda Rae Pearline magna cum laude John Wesley Deaver David James Massa John Reed Averill, Jr. Clare Merlo Bartels Raymond Robert Beaumont Jeffrey Michael Beck Jonathan Blinder Charles Edward Boyd Michael Abe Brown Mark Elliot Brownstein Robert Ethan Burke Carrie Cianchetti Blair Macheca Dalton Kathleen Ann Danner Thomas Charles Davis Gail Eveloff Ted Feldman Randall Jon Fielding David Carl Fowler Emil Frei Judith Ann Guenther Gary Lee Heiman Susan Ann Hunter Gary Allen Joos Clifford Jay Kavinsky Kathleen Marie Kniepmann Paul Nicholas Kotakis Valarie Jean Kusuda Patricia Sue Lenobel James Biro Levites Scott Wilson Mac Coy Deborah Lea Mahoney Sally Sykes Martin Karen Earlein Schmitt August 15,1975 Leonard Ellis Mazel Michael Miller McQuillan Catherine Carter Meehan Alan Harvey Mittelman Diane Reiko Murakami Gary Lee Myers Jack Samuel Nemez Louise Ann Oelbaum Gregory Phillip Pais Anna Eriko Peterson Leona Jacqueline Phillips Michael John Reise Deborah Beth Robnak Arnold Michael Roman Kurt Stephen Schwarz Richard Scott Seymour Burt Richard Shaffer Mary Lynn Shendal Ellen Jean Sherman Alan Jules Siegel Jay Sterling Silver David Alan Simon Benjamin Lee Sloan Richard Doty Smith Norman Clemens Steimel III Jane Hiverna Tedrick Linda Hanson Turnbull Mary Margaret Vogt Jeffrey Phillip Weinstein Mary Eileen Welch 46 PRIZES, AWARDS AND HONORS ETHAN A. H. SHEPLEY AWARD In recognition of leadership, scholarship and service to the Campus Community, Mark Alan Barteau, Marilyn Brockman, Bruce Wayne Campbell, Yvonne Irene Frank, Barry Ste ven Le vin, Ste ven Michael Loeb, Johanna Potts THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Academy of American Poets Prize in English: Jay Dean Divine, Judith Rose Fuchs Rechter Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: In Music, Kim Myron Portnoy In Political Science, Howard Lawrence Chabner, Michael 'Warren Combs, George Laurance Farnham, Timothy Wayne Luke, Michele Lynn Prichard In Speech and Hearing, Denise Lynn Newman, Dale Hayward Shaughnessy F. Ward Denys Prize in English, Edna Hayes Harrison Dramatics Club Prize, Mary Kay Kinsley , Charles Fred erick Bates, Allan Keith Trautman W.E.E. DuBois Award , Sandra Maria Moore J. Walter Goldstein Prize in History, Clifton Dodds Hood Roger Conant Hatch Prize in English, Abby Louise Frucht, Richard Gordon Swartz Arnold J. Lien Prize in Political Science, Deborah Alin e Lo eb, Michele Lynn Prichard Norm a Lowr y Memorial Fund Prize, Lynett e Elain e Barnard , Richard Matthew Ryan Honorable Mention, Edna Hay es Harrison, Joseph Gerard Kobylas, Kenneth Allen Lauter, Bruce Burrell Olive, Ronald Joseph Penoyer, Nancy Jeanne Shattuck The Patrice Lumumba Award, Evelyn Ann Craig, Roy Maurice Evans , Sherrelyn Diane Ewell, Yvonne Irene Frank , Licia Dorene Jennings , Jennifer Jones, Shauna Iris Marshall, Nadia Elizabeth Martin, Agather Celeste McKeel, Karla Maria McLucas, Sandra Maria Moore, Carl Tyrone Pendleton, Frances Alexis Piper, Curti ss Reed, [r., Elsie May Smith, Rosalind Frances Thigpen, Verdun Paul Woods Pi Mu Epsilon-Ross A. Middlemiss Prize in Mathematics, Steven James Clemens Ernest L. Ohle Award in Earth Sciences, Susan Lynn Bragg Woehrle John M. Olin Priz e for Excellenc e in Economics, Jeffrey Howard Silber Theodore F. Presser Music Scholar , Adrienne Kay Gamel Paul Robeson Award , Debra Faye Anderson John C. Sowden Memorial Prize in Chemistry, Robert John Raish Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology, Michael Peter Krumholz Shirley McDon ald Wallace Prize in History, Linda Marie Schmandt Courtney Werner Prize in Earth Sciences , Ruth Sarah DeFries Carter G. Woodson Memorial Prize, Ronnie Edward Dixon 47 THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Dean's Award for Unusually Exceptional Academic Achievement, Mark Alan Barteau, Kenneth Paul Gibbs , Chao-Ping Wu National Science Foundation Fellowship, Mark Alan Berteau Joe B. Butler Memorial Award of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Richard Paul Mattione Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: Douglas Carter Anthony, John Michael Charnecki, Jeffrey Garrett Lewis, Catharin e Marie Merigold Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Wi ves Scholarship, Margaret Ann Hug Outstanding R.O .T.C. Cadet-1975-76, Rebecca Lynn Kulpa American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award, Julia Elaine Lautzenheiser St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Outstanding Senior Chemical Engineering Achievement Award, Claudia Ann N eist St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Senior Scholastic Achievement Award, James Edwin Laurinai Ade H. Winheim American Chemical Society Award, Mark Alan Barteau St. Louis Section, American Society of Civil Engineers Outstanding Senior Award, Laurence B Oeth III Civil Engineering Departmental Awards, David Alan Bautn, Rafael Coussirat Take, James Richard V osper Association for Computing Machinery Award, Eric Walker Anderson Computer Science Departmental Outstanding Senior Award, Myron Paul Souris Electrical Engineering Departmental Outstanding Senior Award, Chao-Ping Wu Electrical Engineering Departmental Outstanding Junior Award, Rick Martin Cox Gould-Century Electric Outstanding Electrical Engineering Student Award, Corley Melvin Phillips St. Louis Electrical Board of Trade Award, Kenneth Paul Gibbs American Society of Mechanical Engineers Outstanding Senior Award, Thomas Arthur Bubenik American Society of Mechanical Engineers Region Research Paper Contest, . Thomas Arthur Bubenik St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Scholarship Award, William Steven Lambros Joseph P. Razek Prize, Stuart Bryan Brown Society of Black Engineers Appreciation Awards, William Hopkins, Sandra Rachelle Massey Society of Black Engineers Most Outstanding Contribution Award, Hazel Alethea Donald Society of Black Engineers Outstanding Freshman Scholar, Steven Girard Frazier Society of Black Engineers Outstanding Senior Scholar, Charles Edward Vaughn Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Outstanding Junior Award, David Ellis Corman, Timothy Scott Herder Systems Science and Mathematics Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement, Richard Paul Mattione Technology and Human Affairs Departmental Outstanding Senior Award, James Douglas Foyil Technology and Human Affairs Departmental Award for Outstanding University Service, Robert John F elekey School of Engineering and Applied Science Design Contest: Lowerclassmen, First Place, Ralph Arthur Liebelt, Thomas Robert Shores Second Place, Christopher Neil Carlson, Craig Evan Forman Third Place, Kimberly John Meehan, Kayne Denise Wisniewski Upperclassmen, First Place, Timothy Scott Herder, Corley Melvin Phillips Second Place, Laurence B Oeth III, Christopher Michael Smith Third Place, Roy Raymond Auer, [r., Jordan Arthur Hirsch Final Honors Edward Anthony Rezek Annette Lee Dudek Roy Raymond Auer , Jr. Bruce Stewart Schlafly Kenneth Paul Gibbs Mark Alan Barteau Da vid Michael Ungar James Edwin Laurinat Michael Robert Blaha Chao-Ping Wu George William Meyer, Jr. Patrick David Deane 48 THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Alpha Rho Chi Medal , Richard James Springwater American Institute of Architects Medal and Certificate, Judith Macurda Oates American Institute of Architects Certificate, Richard Bennett Lord, Jr. Association of Women in Architecture and Allied Arts, Mary Catherine Comerio Frederick Widmann Prize in Architecture, Mary Catherine Comerio, Elliott Joseph Littman Women's Architectural League of the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects, Lisa Kapp THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Alexander Grant Award, Joseph Michael Moro American Society of Women Accountants Award, Carolyn Blanche Howard Bache and Company Scholarship, David Allen Hays, Stephen Albert Korbecki Mary McLeod Bethune Award , William Charles Bennett Boatman's National Bank Scholarship, Timothy Scott Johnstone, James William Vernon Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Scholarship, Gregory John Benken, Monte Byron Lamb, Frederick Joseph Rupp Givens Scholarship, Bruce Thomas O'D ell, Guillermo Eduardo Nasser Segura, Mary Elizabeth Wechsler, Esther Siew Woon Wee, Mary Jane Zell Max A. Hayutin Honorary Award, John Michael Kubiak William S. Krebs Accounting Award, Timothy Paul Fitzgerald, Karen Lee Gudermuth, Linda Lou Hays , Joyce Florence Inman, Lynn Marie Mikeshock, Kathleen Marie Raymond Isidor Loeb Prize , Mark Gerard Bredenkoetter John Latchum Award, Monte Byron Lamb The Patrice Lumumba Award, Louis Griffin Hutt, Jr. Master of Business Administration Scholar Award, Linda Lou Hays, Emil Alfred Krueger , Joseph Michael Moro, David Eric Nelson, Kathleen Marie Raymond Mercantile Trust Company Scholarship, Robert Chenault Davis III, Kathryn Gorr Korbecki, John William White National Food Brokers Scholarship, Thomas Hays Stringer Volkswagen Mid-America Scholarship, Gwendolyn Faye Marizett Wall Street Journal Award, Dwight Anthony Santagato, John William White F. William Weinheimer Scholarship, Richard John Bagy, Jr., Sharon Kristen Curcio, Matilda Ann Glidewell, Alan Douglas Miller, Dennis Michael Reardon, Alice Goldberg Yawitz Final Honors Robert Stephen Duncan Steven Michael Loeb Timothy Gerard Rhoades THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Mary Jane Abrewczynski ,Charles William Crow James Francis Cuba Jimmie Lee Dalton Joyce Ann Frank Ronald George Gillespie Gary Thomas Girshner Marvin Dwight Groppe Susan Harriet Hagen William Lewis Hunt, Jr. Final Honors Richard Samuel Jackson Dianne Irene Jones Robert Warren Jones Richard Leslie Klopfer Philip Kreter Roy Arthur Langston Karen Lynn Solima Lee Francis Thomas March ese, Jr. William Gerald Maupin Ronald George Mertzlufft 49 Dolores Ann Miller John Angelo Puricelli Donald Rupert Rebert James Anthony Siervo Jerry Dow Sparks John Suydam James Theodore Thomson James Oscar Walker Stanley Harry Webb Kenneth Dean Westmoreland THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS The Patrice Lumumba Award, Belynda Rhae Daniels THE SCHOOL OF LAW Alumni Association Prize, Deborah Ilene Conrad Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prizes , Jay William Adams, Jeanne Lee Sathre , Anne Elizabeth Tan Breckenridge Scholarship Prizes: First Prize, Deborah Ilene Conrad Second Prize, Brent Richard Marquand Dan Carter-Earl Tedrow Memorial Award, Thomas Meifeld Walsh Jack Garden Humanitarian Award, Robert Ward Kline Mary Collier Hitchcock Prize, James Vincent Stepleton United States Law Week Award, Rodney William Thompson Order of the Coif: Robert Edward Chernicoff, Deborah Ilene Conrad, Ellen Schiff Cooper, Lois Lawrence Griffith, Todd Maxwell Henshaw, Frank Alan Isler, Brent Richard Marquand, Richard A Mueller, Joyce Rittenhouse Parker, Alfred Grammer Richter, James Vincent Stepleton, Anne Elizabeth Tan, Charlotte Anne Tileston , Joan Dorothy Van Pelt , Lee Ann Watson THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Dental Alumni Award, Arthur Stuart Wieselthier Richard Bengel Awards, Charles Clifford Beard, Brian Stuart Cullen Otto Brandhorst Leadership Award, Arthur Stuart Wieselthier Anna Bredall Award, Charles Lewis Blackburn, Neal Kiyoshi Nakashima American Academy of Anesthesiology Certificate, Mark Louis Travis American Academy of Dental Radiology Certificate, John Victor Caron, Robert David Sager American Academy of General Dentistry Award, Nick Biundo, Jr. American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Award, John Avery Hinton American Academy of Oral Medicine Award, David Niels Wexler American Academy of Oral Pathology Award, Arthur Stuart Wieselthier American Academy of Periodontology Award, Lowell Leon Cheney American Association of Endodontists Award, Michael Charles Sills American Association of Orthodontists Award, Robert Michael Waxler American Society of Dentistry for Children Certificate, Barry Dean Brace, Daniel Thorne Howell Edward R. Hart Award, Robert David Sager International College of Dentist Award, Charles M Hunter J. D. White Award, Charles Clifford Beard , Vernon Richard Schierding Mosby Book Awards, Oral Surgery, Mark Louis Travis Orthodontics, JeRry Lynn Cupps Pathology, David Niels Wexler Pedodontics, John Victor Caron Prosthodontics, Charles M Hunter Alpha Omega Award, Charles Clifford Beard Delta Sigma Delta Award, Charles Clifford Beard Delta Sigma Delta Scholarship Award, John Robert Dempsey Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Nick Biundo, [r., Brian Carroll Chung, Jeffry Lynn Cupps, John Robert Dempsey, Barry Robert Root , Mark Louis Travis, Robert Michael Waxler, Arthur Stuart Wieselthier Xi Psi Phi Scholarship Award, Robert Michael Waxler 50 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Medical Fund Society Prize in Medicine, Lawrence Barry Schwartz Medical Fund Society Prize in Surgery, Ruth Ellen Hetland Dr. Samson F . Wennerman Prize in Surgery, Colleen Kyle Flint, John Edwin Krettek, Jr. Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Neurology, Marilou Terpenning Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Psychiatry, Richard Beck Spencer Sandoz Award in Psychiatry, Reed Earl Simpson George F. Gill Prize in Pediatrics, Michael H Weissman St. Louis Pediatric Society Prize, Linda Christine Loney Upiohn Achievement Award, Robin Alvin Bernhoft Mosby Scholarship Awards, Patrick Joseph Buckley, Paul Vore Carlile, Jr., Wendy Roberta Eider, Diane Louise Elliot, Robert Louis Lamberg Lange Medical Publications Book Awards, Kathleen Gail Todd, Jill Ellen Trice Alexander Berg Prize, Laurence Eric Stempel Missouri State Medical Association Award, Daniel Isser Goldman The Hugh M. Wilson Award in Radiology, Henry John Votava The Samuel D. Soule Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beverly June Ringenberg The Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Award, Michael Andy Pfaller The Richard S. Brookings Medical School Award, Eugene Corning Butcher The Robert Carter Medical School Award, Stuart Ira Myers St. Louis Internist's Club Book Award, Curt H Hagedorn The Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Senior Award in Surgery, Thomas Ray Turnbaugh The Alfred Goldman Book Prize in Diseases of the Chest, Robert Allen Brinkman The Dr. John Esben Kirk Annual Award for Scholastic Excellence, Richard Lewis Baron The James Henry Yalem Prize in Dermatology, Lawrence Elliott Samuels, Patricia Anne Stapler Alpha Omega Alpha Book Prize, Colleen Kyle Flint Alpha Omega Alpha Initiates, John Frederick AufderHeide, Richard Lewis Baron, Paul Vore Carlile, [r., Thomas Warren Cooper, James Reyburn Douglas, Jr., Wendy Roberta Eider, Diane Louise Elliot, Colleen Kyle Flint, Daniel Isser Goldman, Jonathan Carl Greenberger, Glenn Terrill Hammons, Ruth Ellen Hetland, Terry William Hood, John Edwin Krettek, Jr., Monte Tim Mellon, Kent Robert Rasmussen, Beverly June Ringenberg, Lawrence Elliott Samuels, John Philip Schilling, Laurence Eric Stempel, Kathleen Gail Todd, John Wayne Turk 51 Presentation Receptions Immediately following Commencement, the Deans will hold Presentation-Receptions for members of the graduating classes, their families and friends. These receptions will be held at the following locations: THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Quadrangle near Beaumont Pavilionin the event of rain , Holmes Lounge THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Beaumont Lounge-Mallinckrodt Center THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ApPLIED SCIENCE The Millstone Plaza between Bryan Hall and George F. McMillen Laboratory THE SCHOOL OF LAW The Lounge of the Seeley G. Mudd Law Building THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Lower level of the Shoenberg Gallery-Mallinckrodt Center THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Brown Lounge THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION The Olin Library Arcade-in the event of rain , McMillan Dining Room THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Steinberg Auditorium THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECI'URE Givens Hall , Room 116 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Khorassan Room, Chase Hotel 52 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MAP Rest rooms are available in the following buildings: ALUMNI HOUSE GEORGE F. McMILLEN LABORATORY BROWN HALL MONSANTO BUILDING BRYAN HALL STEINBERG HALL MUDD BUILDING WOMEN'S BUILDING
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