1973 - University Libraries
1973 - University Libraries
This document was digitized by the staff of University Archives, Department of Special Collection, Washington University Libraries. Unless otherwise noted, this work is the copyright of the original creator. It is digitally reproduced for educational use only, per U.S. copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 1 § 108 U.S. Code) For further information please contact: University Archives, Department of Special Collections Washington University Libraries One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1061 St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: (314) 935-5444 or (314) 935-9730 Fax (314) 935-8320 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/archives THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH WASHINGTON COMMENCEMENT UNIVERSITY NINE O'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING MAY THE TWENTY-FIFTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI SEVENTY-TfIREE 2lmtricQ 4 1 My country, 'tis of thee Sweet land of liberty Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain-side Let freedom ring. ------------------ Our Father's God to Thee Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King. ~ A Note on Academic Dress The academic dress worn by Faculty and candidates indicates the degree held, the subject in which it is held, and the institution granting it. Gowns are of three kinds: the Bachelor's, with full, pointed sleeves, hanging open; the Master's, with flowing sleeves which hang below the opening at the wrist; the Doctor's, with very full sleeves gathered at the wrist. The gowns are black, although occasionally trimmed with colored ueloet; the hoods, on the other hand, are of many colors. The color of the lining of the hood indicates the institution granting the degree: e.g., the hood of Washington University is lined with red and green. The color of the tassel on the cap and of the velvet edging of the hood, carried forward around the throat, indicates the faculty or major department: White-Arts, Letters, Humanities Orange-Engineering Lilac-Dentistry Drab-Business Dark Blue-Philosophy Brown-Fine Arts, Architecture, Interior Design Golden Yellow-Science Purple-Law Green-Medicine Pink-Music Citron-Social Work Light Blue-Education Gold tassels and black tassels, when worn, indicate degree rather than faculty or majof' department. Thus gold indicates the Ph.D. degree and black indicates the Master's degree. Academic dress markedly different from the above description indicates a degree from a foreign university. 1Che 5llma mater 1 2 Dear Alma Mater, Those days of youth which Thy name is sweet to me. All of us spent with thee Our hearts are all for thee, Form a dear history, Fair Washington. Fair Washington. Thy halls shall honored be Could they renewed be, Throughout this great country We'd live our days with thee For all eternity, For all eternity, Our Washington. Our Washington. Order of Procession GRAND MARSHAL Oliver Wyatt Wagner FACULTY DIVISIONS I Chancellor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Speaker, Honorary Degree Recipients, Members of the University Administration ASSOCIATE GRAND MARSHAL II III Carl McCandless Deans and Members of the Board of Trustees MARSHAL --------------Joe Freeman Evans Members of the Faculty MARSHAL .James Buzzell 8 Order of Exercises Academic Procession Howard Kelsey, University Organist assisted by the Washington University Brass Quartet America LORENZ Roy WAHLERS Remarks CHARLES ALLEN THOMAS Chairman of the Board of Trustees Address ELI GoLDSTON Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates HFor The Rich It Sings" Conferring of Degrees WILLIAM HENRY DANFORTH Chancellor of the University The Alma Mater LORENZ ROY WAHLERS Recessional Howard Kelsey assisted by the Washington University Brass Quartet The audience will please remain seated while the academic procession enters the Quadrangle. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the audience will remain seated until the procession has left the Quadrangle. 4 Order of Presentation of Degree Candida tes (Marshals wear Red and Green Washington University tassels) Bachelor of Arts MARSHALS Charles David Goldman Anthony Earl Harris David Jay Krauss Joan Kuriansky Jean Elizabeth Sherwin Bachelor of Science (Engineering) MARSHALS Robert Stephen Davidson Stephen Mark Schuetze Master of Science MARSHALS CYnthia Barnes Castrovinci James Paul Shawcross Doctor of Science MARSHAL Walter L Eckardt, Jr. Master of Architecture Master of Architecture and Urban Design MARSHAL J ohn Arthur Raeber Bachelor of Science in Business Administration MARSHAL Steven Jed Krasnow Master of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration MARSHAL Dale Jay Garber Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Bachelor of Technology MARSHALS Bachelor of Fine Arts MARSHALS Stephen Anthony Hood Arthur Leslie Texier Dennis Burton Gillaspy Lynn Ellen McLeod Master of Fine Arts MARSHAL Kim David Strommen 5 Master of Social Work MARSHAL Ruth Ann Taylor Doctor of Law Master of Laws MARSHALS Rita Marie Montgomery John William Showalter David Poland Whitman Doctor of Dental Surgery MARSHALS Blaine Rudd Pi erson VIalter Fred ThaI Bachelor of Science in Occupational The rapy MARSHAL Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy MARSHAL Master of Health Administration MARSHAL Karen Ann Ponciroli J oan Adrienne Conry Herbert Masataka Hamako Doctor of Medicine MARSHALS Lynn Ellen Anderson Mark Stanley Minkes Master of Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Advanced Graduate Certificate in Education Doctor of Education Doctor Philosophy MARSHALS Sarah Ellen Baker Marilyn Rae Cohn Wayne Travis Hanebrink Donald Marcus Wilson Recessional will follow the same order as the presentation of degree candidates. 6 THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by BURTON MAYNARD WHEELER, PH.D., BACHELOR OF Dean ARTS May 25,1973 Dennis Ward Abelson Lester Patrick Ackerman III Stephen Moog Ackerman Eric Noah Aglow Charles William Ahner, Jr. Roberta Marsha Ain Samson Ayo Alabi Kevin Allen Terry Ross Altman Armin Kay Altshuler Timothy Michael Anderson William Richard Ansteth Levy Clarence Anthony Arthur Charles Apffel, Jr. Phyllis Beth Arenstein David M Askinas Joann Lynnette Ater Alice Yue-Wah Au Emily Elizabeth Babin Susan Margery Baerwald John Milton Baker, Jr. J ames David Barnes Susan Ruth Baron Steven Barry Bassoff Daniel James Bauer Laura Gail Baum Susan Joette Becker Robert Edward Beebe J ames Farrell Behnke Elizabeth Ruth Bell Henry Dexter Bellamy Steven Louis Belton Joseph Berchenko Nancy Jane Berger Ellis Richard Berkowitz Laurel Berkson Jeremy Blair Bernstein Andrea Claire Beskind G Robert Bishop Sharon Lynn Bivins Cheryl Allyson Black Barbara Regina Kastner Blim Thomas Michael Blumenthal Daniel Victor Boeckman Joan Boldizar J ames Arthur Boler Jeffrey Alan Brambila Keith Happ Bridwell Michael Irving Brier Kenneth Howard Bronstein Donald Terrence Brubeck Charlene Sherman Bry Thomas Blakemore Buck Donna Marie Budzinski Elizabeth Claire Busey Ann Christine Butler James Nathan Cahan J ames Pendleton Cahill Michael Richard Cannon Charles Roger Cantalupo III Harry James Cantwell Steven Hull Carney Alex Carroll Jane Ruth Cassell David Paul Casstevens Diego Orlando Castro Elizabeth Cherubini Celli Juanita Chambers Janet McPherson Cheeseman William Hok-Nin Chen Pamela Marika Chimoures Alison Mary Choate Edward Claridge Harry Jake Classe Nola Sue Cofer J an Susan Cohen Judith Rita Cohen Martin Roth Cohen Sheldon Charles Cohen Thomas Joseph Cohn Sara Eve Colburn Deborah Blanche Coleman Erica Jean Colman Shelia Maxine Colston Mary Catherine Comerio Gary Mears Comins Patricia Elizabeth Cook Andrew Charles Cooper Steven Harlan Cooper Kathi Marion Cox David Drew Crane Peter Anthony Creticos Margaret Anne Cullom Mary Agnes Curran Barbara Crozier Daniels Lorna Ruth Daniels Warren Lee Danziger Jeffrey Alan Daube Carl Edward Davis Gary Louis Davis Patricia Jane Davis William Wescott Davis Chad Logan Deal Carol Susan Denninghoff Betty Sue Dery Naomi Lee Deutscher Anita Abigail Diamant Theresa Marie Dickerson Michael Harry Dmytryszyn Stephen Michael Doben Raymond Francis Donohue Anna C Lebenberg Dorin Michael Alan Drummond Donald Gerard Dylewski Debra Lee Ebel Gregory William Edwards Roslyn J 0 Ehudin Giah Miriam Eisenstein Sari Jane Ellovich Michael Winfield Elsass Daniel Arthur Engel Vita Diane Engelbart Esther Joyce Entin Debra Lynne Epstein Frances Lenora Evens George Anthony Everding, Jr. Frederick Garth Falker James Harold Feldman, Jr. Nathan Alan Feldman Ronald Michael Fellman Laurence Ferar Robert Alan Finkel Nancy Beth Firestone Gary Thomas Fischbach Jonathan Lear Fischel Deborah Middlebrook Fisher Linda Syd Fisher Phillip Herschel Fisher Evan Bart Fishman Gerald Allan Fishman Paul Edwin Fitzgerald, Jr. Janet Beth Fleischmann Paul Giulio Andre Florian Steven Tedd Fogel Harris Clayton Footer 7 Faye Milicent Foreman Nancy Ann Frankel Carole Mae Frankford Eileen Renee Fredman Laura Ellen Freedman Ralph Jacob Freedman Deborah Anne Freund Gail Beth Fribush Elise Rebecca Friedman Linda Robin Friedricks Clayton Samuel Frohman Joyce Rhein Fuller Teri Lee Gaby Stanley Anthony Gardner Jane Anne Gebhart Charles Bradford Giffin Richard Millard Gilmore, Jr. Patricia Ellen Giniger Karen Sue Glassman George Melvin Glatt Stephen Philip Gleit Mark Alan Goldberg Cynthia Julie Goldfarb Linda Merle Bernstein Goldman Martin Hyman Goldstein Faye Gonsenhauser Miguel Gottschalck Timothy Lee Graham Stephanie Gratz Sharon Joyce Green Carol Greenwald Theodore John Grellner Henry Stephen Griffith Robert Stephen Griffith John Alan Grimm James Gritz Michael Joseph Groban Pamella Suzzanne Gronemeyer Christine Louise Grossheider Mary Lynn Guttman John Alan Haj ek Robert Blum Halle Philip Handleman Martha Louise Harbison Ralph Paul Hargrow Elliot Mitchell Harris Steven Lewis Harris William Joseph Hartnett Harris Hickox Hatcher Gregory Bert Hauptman Priscilla Susan Hayes Timothy Rex Hays Urban Joseph Hecker III Richard Helfand Daniel Morey Henick Carole Sue Herson Vicki Linda Hertzberg Mark Lee Herzog Karen Ann Hessing Alva Taylor Hicks Forrest Wayne Hill Steven Almour Hirshorn Cynthia Sue Hirtzel Carolyn Sue Hoffman Peter Boone Hoffman Philip Scott Holley Sandra Jean Holman Sherri Gay Holtzman Susanne Clarke Howard Celestine Jay Hughes Susan Shaun Hullverson Sheila Lynn Humphrey Shelly Helene Marks Douglas Mark Husid Joshua Ben Martin Alan Joseph Iser Jane Mavis Marweg Marcia Gay J ackoway Israel Thekiso Matenge Arlene Marie Jackson Nahoum Michael Matsas Jacqueline Jacobs William Joseph McIlvaney Robert Steven Jacobs Ruth Jean McManemin J ames Alexander Jamieson Samuel Hoffman McMurray Michael Todd Jamison Donna Louise McQueary Patricia Mary Jenkins Todd Charles Meier Margaret Ellen J ennes Neil V Meltzer R Colin Johnson Michele Peters Merrell Stella Jue Raymond Anthony Meurer Joan Bayla Kagan Daniel Charles Meyerson Nicholas Peter Kamakas Helen Elizabeth Blair Michael George Howard Kamen Kathryn Lynn Milam David Norman Kantor David Burrell Miller Rhonda Gale Kaplan Susan Beth Miller Deborah Katz Kirk Harold Millican J ames Warren Kauffman Eugene Leo Milton Charles Jeffrey Kaufman Susan Elizabeth Milton Paul David Kaufman Michael Louis Minns Michael Ira Kay Kathleen Eleanor Moore William DeFries Kellner Sylvia Baron Moore Patricia Ann Kelly Stephen Takuji Moriguchi Steven Michael Kendall Cecelia Veronica Morsby Jonathan Samuel Kessel Richard Alan Mueller Stephen David Kessler David John Mullman Bruce Alan Keyt Roslyn Gail Murov Robert Allan Killen, Jr. Michael James Murrah Stephen Alan Klayman Yvonne Etsuko Nakano Susan Lynn Kleine Daniel Arthur Nathanson Robert Louis Koenig Cynthia Lynne Naye I' Daniel Carl Kolb Jacqueline Sue Neal Elliott Harvey Kolker David Charles N elling Edward Michael Kopf James Anthony Nepute Randall Bruce Kopf Ann Robin Neuer Mark Michael Koppel Shelley Ann N eukom Laura Ann Kreter Karen Elizabeth Norberg Barry David Krigel Richard Allen Novick Karen Ruth Kuff Christine O'Connor John Leo Kuhn John Robert O'Connor Margot Sterling Kuhn Charles Robert Christopher Kullmann Linda Sue Oliver Anita VanTuyl Ondr Andrew Anthony Kusnierkiewicz Renee Relin Osterman Linda Margot Laird J ames Martin Owen Mary Kathryn Lamb Judith Lynn Ozar John Laird Lambert Helen Elizabeth Page Phyllis Louise Landau David Michael Paisley Paul Whitmer LaPrade, Jr. David Allen Paley Shiu Fan Lau Barbara Lee Pappas Jill Beth Lawson Madeleine Parrish Steven Lax J ames Richard Parvis Gary Allan Lebowitz David Mark Paulson Mary Ellen Lehane Stephen Chalmer Peiper Carol Ruth Lehr Alan Bennett Pemstein Steven Robert Lentz Kathleen Marie Perisho Erik Lerner Michael Gary Persh Selma Kahn Levi Jeryl Lou Persky Mark Stephen Levitt Joan Elizabeth Peterson John Jeremiah Lewin Suzanne Clark Peterson Barbara J 0 Lewis Mary Diane Pienkowski Kathryn Ann Liddy Juan Francisco Ponce Lauren Gail Liebling Henry Julius Posner Linda Ruth Liebschutz Marcia Christine Pratt Sheri Ann Lipstein Barbara Margaret Press Gary Allen Lisch Lloyd Greer Price David Joseph Litwack J esse Lee Prince Charles Huei Lo Stephen Brent Prine Richard Bennett Lord, Jr. Joseph Stephen Prosser William Everett Lore Steve Mark Pu Alan Ira Lourie John Edward Puchalski Mark Evan Lowe Janet Mae Puschaver Rosalyn Estair Lowe Katherine Braude Rappaport Douglas Samuel Lowenstein Gregory Alan Redish Mary Anne Lucas John Richard Reeve Barry Donald Lupiani Billie Jean Resch Barbara Lyne . Nancy Laurie Richards Carol Diane Macht Diane Anita Ridley Roger Scott Madris Michael David Rig-g"s Diana Marie Mancuso Barbara Wallace Rinderknecht Irene Theresa Mann Joyce Lyn Rinsky Margaret Dolores Marek James Lewis Robbins Steven Philip Margolin Carol Weston Roberts Katherine Inez Marin 8 Beth Ellen Robinson Michael Fred Robinson Bruce Michael Roger Karen Ronne Meredith Lee Rosen David Lee Rosenberg Joan Eastman Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg Richard Kenneth Rosenstein Henry Thomas Rosteck, Jr. Fred Abraham Rotenberg Debra Lynn Rozansky Deborah Beth Rubin Martin Dennis Ruddock Michael Alan Ryan Margaret Ellen Saks Michael George Saks Shelley Somerville Sansbury, Jr. John Frederick Sappington Garry Roy Scarato David Barry Schaechter Susan Jane Schepman David Stier Schlamb Thomas L Schlesinger Kevin Edward Schmidt Nancy Ellen Schmidt Gene Joseph Schnair Kathy Lynn Schneider Peter Stuart Schram Charles Daniel Schrock Patricia THane Schulman Linda Diane Schumacher Kenneth Bruce Seamon Glenn Dee Seitzer Robert Charles Seldon Amanda April Sellers Elissa Wendy Senescu Helen Elizabeth Severson Nissan Shabtai Asad Ahmad Shaheed Thomas Albert Shamess Cheryl Lynn Shapiro Mark Shapiro Michael Charles Shatken Arthur Leon Shechet Stephen Irwin Shotland Dennis Edward Siegel Karen C Silverberg Cynthia Merle Silverman Richard Alan Simon William Eric Singer Dennis Eli Slater Darlene Kay Slaughterbeck Alan Paul Sloma Kerry James Smith Mark Allen Smith Howard Allen Snyder Suzanne Batush Sonduck Dianne Grant Spencer Frederick Spencer Carolyn Ann Sperber Forrest Lee Staley, Jr. Lisa Robin Stearns Leon Robert Stein Susan Barbara Stender Kate Macomber Stern Howard Lee Stewart Richard Alan Steyer Paul Cameron Stillwell Gary Dale Stogesdill J ames Stafford Stokoe Alice Marie Stollenwerk Dan Mitchell Storper Janet Strange Mila Lynne Strasburg Tom Frederick Straus Barbara Sue Subin Nancy Elizabeth Swett Marvin Leonard Szymkowicz David Edward Taibleson Cynthia Hak-Chung Tao Daniel Steven Taub Jeffrey Elliot Taylor Richard Lee Teig Toby Lee Tenenbaum Calvin Byron Terrell Kenneth Karl Thoele Darwin Russell Thomas Frances Louise Thomas Chezia Brenda Thompson Jo Ann Tinkle Katherine Hurt Todd Stephen Harold Toombs Hiram Eulalio Torres Montalvo John Robert Trautman William Palmer Tredway Frederick William Trump Harikleia Tsatsis J ames Reid Turk John Earl Turner William Frank Turner, Jr. Michael Blane Understein Nancy Ellen Unger Meryl Sue Urdang Mark Lee Applebaum Theodore Stephen Bank Pamela Renee Benitez Richard Arnold Bennett, Jr. Jeffrey Steven Bisker Jacqueline Yvonne Bonner Dennis Michael Burnes James Richard Cadieux, Jr. Amy Teresa Chiang Frederick Ira Cohen Charles Stewart Colodny Katheryn Elizabeth Conrad Mary Beth Crowe Juan Manuel Csillagi Robert Lynn Downen Mary Louise Eastham Karen Joyce Elliott Allen Herbert Fox Ellen Deutsch Frankel Peter Adler Judith Ellen Bamburg Jeffrey Barter Gary Joseph Bertchume John William Campbell Gary Michael Deutsch Steven Joseph Eskind Lynn Barbara Fedder Patricia Ann Adler Lawrence Edward Blume James Patrick Clear David Dale Desper, Jr. Carol Ann Doroshow Julia Lee Epstein Rose Martha Goldberger Timothy John Vance Randy Sue Victor Karen Lee Vinyard Hilary Peil Volkman Bruce Peter Wainer Etta Alberta Wallace Ann Shelley Wasserman Maureen Michelle Waters Joyce Elaine Weaver Marilyn Rene Wechter , Ellen Meryl Weinberg Bruce Laurence Weiner Solomon Weingarten Amy Susan Weinstein Lisa Sara Weinstein Earl Bruce Weisbrod Ellen Louise Weiss Jeffrey Gerald Weiss Helene Rochelle Weisz Joanne Lynn WeIling cum laude Mark Jay Ginsburg Joseph Vincent Gleich J ames Lewis Goldschmidt Barry Siglin Herst Ira Steven Hirschfield Julius Dewey Holten III Joel Michael Kichler Keith Robert Kretchmer Joan Kuriansky Rita Claire LaDoux Tom Albert Lassar Richard Simon Lavenstein Elaine Joan Lewis Richard Alan Lifshitz Robert Cambridge Livingston, Jr. J ames Michael Lurie Brian Franklyn Mandell Joseph Thomas Mason Danielle Idelle Miller magna cum laude Mary J 0 Herweg Janet Lee Hom Bruce Bieri Karl' Amy Jean Katz Stephen Wayne Kiefer Laurie Ellen Leader Thomas William Likens Sean Michael McCormack Richard Louis Meives summa cum laude Charles David Goldman Carole Robin Haber Leah Tepper Haimo Anthony Earl Harris David Jay Krauss Donna Jean Levy Ingrid Hedwig Wendland Bruce J ona than Wexler Caroline Ellen Wexler Dorothy Bothfeld Whitney Arlene Beverly Williams Carolyn Williams Cynthia Lu Williams Marcus Ira Williams, Jr. Michael Emmanuel Willis Susan Leigh Willner Harlan Joseph Wilson Marcia Winter Susan Helen Witenberg Cynthia Hirschfield York John Raymond Young Brad Hao Yuan Susan Diane Zackula Mark Dale Zerman Paul Zidel Laurie Deborah Zox Alan Edward Zweig Bruce Gilbert Millinger Eric Scott Palles Tina Reva Perchik Lawrence Jack Raifman Richard Phillip Reinherz Larry Alan Rosen Evelyn Sue Rosenberg Paula Eileen Rosenfeld Barbara Rose Schwartz Jean Marie Shaver Larry Steven Stern Edwin Carl Stone Linda Karen Suhgers Robert Samuel Tandler Daniel Robert Veaner Martha Pollard Vinson Vivian Nina Walters Harvey Samuel Wilson Michael Elliot Wilson Stephen Andrew Schwartz Diana Beth Seligman Joseph Carl Shapiro Miriam Louise Shark Jean Elizabeth Sherwin Stephen Michael Slaughterbeck Cathy Ann Snyder William Walters Daniel Sprich Elissa Mendales David Allen Newell Lester Arnold Reingold Steven Jay Rosenstone Andrew Clifford Scallet Stephen Mark Schuetze Ben Robert Smithloff December 22, 1972 Suzanne Simon Allen Philip Eugene Bacon Deborah Ann Bailey Ralph Robert Barracano Merrilee Tanner Barton Dorothy Joan Bergold Sharon Kaye Berke Leslie Jane Blatt Brent Loomis Bondurant Michael Allan Breining John Albert Burger J ames Michael Cantonis Deborah Olga Ann Carter Scott Sydney Cate Susan Ann Cats Judy Reiss Cohen Michael John Collom David Arthur Cooksley Laurie Sue Cowan David Lee Cox Bruce Isbester Crabtree III Mary Bernstein Diamond Phyllis Judith Dobin Judy Barbara Dressner Megan Durham Laura Ruth Edlin Gerald Allan Einsohn Benj amin Eisner Charles Steiner Elbert Harriet Mae Epstein 9 Sharon Mindy Essig Jeri Lynn Falk Patricia Ann Fein Shelly Lucille Feldman Matthew Ferguson Paula Marie Ferrario David John Flodin Judith Ann Frankel Robert Stewart Freed Greg Stuart Friedman Janet Sybil Friedman Murray Robert Friedman Jeffrey Hale Gimbel Philip Giovacchini Terry Michael Gold Deena Pearl Goldman Irene Carolyn Goldman Robert Eugene Handkins Richard Louis Hart Alice Karen Harvey Albert Harold Hiller Michael James Hogan Becky Bryant Hubert Wendy Gail Hyman Edward Jeffrey Jacobs Donna Lite Jeffe Robert Scott Joice Joel Abraham Kanter Thomas Alan Karol Margaret McCulloch Keenan Nina Crimm Koltun Paul Patrick Kroeger II Joanne Kurz Alyne Emily Lamborn Adele Elaine Lander Harry Morton Levy J ames Spencer MacFarland Susan Klinefelter Mayer Robert Garland McKnight Robin Hope Melman Janice Claire Meyerson Charles Henry Miksicek Alvin Leon Morie, Jr. Billy Monroe Noble, Jr. Mary Kathryn Oliveri Karen Ruth Perlmutter Claude Walter Phillips Carol Beth Pleatman Andrea Maureen Prevan Debralee Roberg Sarah Jane Rosenberg Jolene Ann Rosequist Barbara Anne Scheel Laura Elizabeth Schmidt Sheila Rachel Schultz Gail Leslie Schwartz Cathi-Jane Sitzman Lauren Ann Sosniak Margaret Jean Speas Edward Duncan Storer Christopher Michael Swann Michael Thomas Swisher Judith Barbara Taibleson Mary Louise Tate Volker Boy Ernst Thomsen William Wayman Toombs Margot Anne Upham Edith Clough Varley Kayla Vaughan Sandra Jean Walls Sturgis Warner, Jr. Michael Edward Weinberger Ann Frieda Wimpfheimer Laurence Carey Zale cum laude Madelon Iris Goldfeder Jon H Feltheimer magna cum laude Peter Laurence Hendler Jeffrey Alan Lieb Robert Benjamin Rubin Arnold Glazer Shapiro summa cum laude Steven Paul Rosen August 18, 1972 Douglas Ray Ackerman Joseph Alongi Richard Carl Amelung David Leonard Arunski John Martin Brink Nancy Corbin Burrows Stuart Neil Cholfin Dale Arlene Cohen Larry Stephen Cuba James Rylee Deen Mary Louise Dillon Lawrence Burton Dolins William Orne Fisher Richard Wayne Fishgall Paul Bingham Gilmore Robert Myron Gimprich Carl Allen Goetsch Nancy Rose Golob Judith Rose Greenspan Barbara Ellen Greenspoon Martin John Hewitt Steven Allen Hoffman Earl William Jochim, Jr. Antinez Valancia Jones Richard Matthew Justin Claire Kaplan Karen Teresa Kappen Jill Dinah Karro Hugh Sandy Katz Gordon Arnold Kent Nathan Klarfeld Karl Arthur Knickmeyer Cheryl Charlene LaValle Mark Thomas Leander Amy Beth Leiwant Craig L George Lister Constance Emily Mantis Ruth Roslyn Marion Michele Marie Maue Karen Lee May Terry Michael McKenna Debra Ellen Menaker Ellen England Mittnacht Ross Steven Myerson Shana Lou Overton Richard Reed Peterson Annette Ray Stephanie Erna Reass Katherine Keys Reed Warren Dale Roach Karen Marla Rose cum laude Brian York Cooper magna cum laude Joan Levison Peters 10 S Tod Rosensweig Edwin Rowold, Jr. Debora Ann Russell Richard William Salam Deborah Samuels Roseanne Illard Sheahan John Robert Shipley Jerome Daniel Siesholtz Bruce Edward Silverman, Jr. Carolyn Phillips Spector Carolyn Letricia Stansberry Robert Jay Steinberg David Eric Steinhoff Sidney Glenn Steinkeler Susan Merle Stevenson Susan Diane Stogel Janice Eileen Strug Julie Ann Tenenbaum Kathleen Susan Teutenberg Judith Anne Ulett Ira Greg Warshaw Dorothy Fischer Weiner Ann Mary Whitehill John Lee Williams Linda Lane Williams Frances Krebs Wisch THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, PH.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE May 25, 1973 Gary Dean Bader Raymond Charles Bradbury Connie Wai-Lan Chung Deborah Ann Domjanovic Barbara Rose Evans Benjamin Gleicher Susan Kay Hinderleider William Henry Hochstettler III Yuk Chi Ip Yuk-Keung Ip Dale William Jones Dennis Ballord Karbach Ronald Gary Kohn Vincent Hoi-Yuen Li Katherine Rosella Miller Owen David Mitz Lewis Albert Price John Frederick Riess William Wayne Ritchie Stanley Ross Schimerman Joanne Fox Schott Gregory Lewis Scott Nancy Arline Skipwith Lawrence Clark VanSickle December 22, 1972 J ames Thomas Blancett Thomas Wetherill Simons Robert Lynn Schott August 18, 1972 David Gary Myers BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 25,1973 Asrat Bulbula James John Compass Thomas Otto Dappert Robert Stephen Davidson Steven Thomas Donatiello Kenneth Eisdorfer Paul Gerard Farwig Frederick Francis Hall, Jr. Chandu Shewaram Mansharamani Robert Owen Martin Richard Dominick Moschitto Anthony Joseph Nocchiero Kerry James Smith Donald William Sturniolo Ken Tadano Michael Dean Tellor John Foster Tyson, B.A. Diane Jean Westphal Richard Frank Williams August 18, 1972 Thomas Ray Coughlin Robert Edward Beck BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 25, 1973 Paul Neil Chod Raymond Joseph Kannapell Robert Callan MacDonald BACHELOR Robert Mitchell Minkoff Stephen John Nelson OF SCIENCE IN Thomas Kenneth Ryden Basil Zarkadis Terry Marshall Zwick ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING May 25, 1973 Richard James Ballard Warren Davis Berryman Richard Allen Burne Lloyd Anthony Cibulka Anita Marie Colombo Robert James Crepin, Jr. Patrick Daniel Curry Russell Abraham Feingold Richard Craig Filcoff J ames Lawrence Gebhart Terrence Michael Gottlieb Edward Peter Gruendler Paul Andrew Hovanec David Bedford Johnson Margaret Bernice Johnson Edward Harry Kovnar Stephen Norman Levine Vincent Hoi-Yuen Li David Bruce Marts Robert Emmett Morley, Jr. Barbara Katherine Oliveri David Harmon Olson Malachi Owens, Jr. Lawrence Leroy Packer III Robert Lyman Parks Pierre Louis Pondrom Richard Vernon Sanders Stephen Mark Schuetze Dennis Kerry Slinkard Cynthia Joan Wagner Milton Ka-Kui Woo William Wai Choy Young Vincent William Zucchero December 22, 1972 Wesley Breeden Argo, Jr. August 18, 1972 John Fredolin Schlafly 11 Joseph Henry Copeland BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 25, 1973 Stephen Alexander Gambaro David Darell Harris, B.S. Donald Alan J ubel Kenneth Alan Munder Kongyuf Ndzegha Gary Alan Norton David Barry Schaechter John Edward Schweitzer John Joseph Stoecklin December 22, 1972 Gary William Essert Robert Henry Tonnies August 18, 1972 Thomas Gainer Batty BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS May 25, 1973 Lawrence Joseph Altman Gregory Dean Bailey Larry Arnold Harris BACHELOR OF David John Keys Milton Ka-Kui Woo SCIENCE May 25, 1973 Allan Bernard Davidson 12 THE HENRY EDWIN SEVER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, PH.D., MASTER OF Director SCIENCE May 25,1973 IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Chuen Yin Moy, B.A., Southern Illinois University Lawrence Eugene Nolan, B.S.Appl.Math., University of Missouri at Rolla Vernon Dewayne Palmer, B.S ., Arkansas State University; A.M., Washington University David Charles Pflasterer, B.S., Union University IN APPLIED MECHANICS Edward Frank Shroyer, B.S.Appl.Mech., 'Washington University IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Stephen John Henderson, B.S.Ch.E., Washington University Kyriakoulis Phinopoulos, B.S. cum laude , Lafayette College Keith Daniel Roberts, B.S. (hons.), Rose Polytechnic Institute Robert Vincent Sanderson, B.8.Ch.E., University of Arizona Bernard Stephen Springrose, B.Ch.Engr. (with distinction), University of Minnesota Albert Martin Uljee, B.S.Ch.E., Washington University IN CIVIL ENGINEERING George Konstantinou Orfanos, B.S.C.E., Saint Louis University; M.S., University of Illinois IN CONTROL SYSTEMS Tze- Ying Chiang, B.S., National Chiao Tung University; M.S., Clemson University Robert Walter de Mello, B.S.E., The Johns Hopkins University Donald Joseph Halski, B.S.Aer.E. (with distinction), Iowa State University Keith Albert Huckshold, B.S .E.E., Washington University Nageswara Rao Vemula, B.E., Osmania University IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Harold Wood Adamson, B.S. (hons.), Rose Polytechnic Institute Cynthia Barnes Castrovinci, B.S., The University of Rochester Santanu Das, B.Tele-Communication, Jadavpur University; M.Elect. and Tele-Communication, ibid. Gary Alan Evans, B.S. cum laude, Syracuse University Hui-Pin Hsu, B.S., National Chiao Tung University Thomas LeRoy Jackson, B.S.E.E., Iowa State University James Foster Jordan, B.S.E.E., Washington University Wen-Lin Jung, Diploma, Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology William Raymond Lang, B.S .Phys., Illinois Institute of Technology Alan Lipschultz, B.S.E.E. (hons.), University of Maryland Susumu Okada, B.Engr., Waseda University Timothy Clayton Perry, B.S.E.E., Washington University Richard Lee Roa, B.S.E.E., University of Missouri George Eldridge Short, Jr., B.S.E.E., Washington University David Gerald Sizemore, B.S.E.E., University of Missouri at Rolla Mishell Josef Stucki, B.A., Harvard University Chusak Tansuwan, B.Engr. (hons.), Chulalongkorn University David Ke-Chiang Tao, A.B. cum laude, Harvard University Robert Nelson Tatum, B.S .E.E., Washington University Seh-Hoon Yun, B.Engr., Yonsei University; M.Engr., ibid. IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING Robert William Breidenbach, B.S., Loyola University at Los Angeles Joe Dean Burroughs, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Clarence Eugene Gay, Jr., B.S.M.E., University of Oklahoma James Patrick Hyland, B.S.C.E., The University of Tennessee Frederick Arthur Lafser, Jr., B.S., University of Missouri Richard Bradshaw Lambert, B.S., Principia College David William Rodden, B.A., University of Missouri IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mirko Butkovic, Dipl., University of Zagreb; Dipl.Engr.Mech., ibid. Eric David Kapust, B.S., Rutgers-The State University Yi-Tsang Lo, B.S., Chung Cheng Institute of Technology James Paul Shawcross, B.S.M.E., Washington University Paichit Tengtrairat, B.E.M.E., Chulalongkorn University Chun-Peng Tiu, B.S.M.E., Cebu Institute of Technology 13 IN TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN AFFAIRS Francisco Ladislao Szekely, Ingeniero Mecanico Electricista, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico; M.S., Tufts University December 22, 1972 IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Chi-Lieh Chiang, B.S.B.A., Taiwan Cheng Kung University Uisik Choi, B.S.Engr., Seoul National University; M.S.Engr., ibid. William Hartwell Eveleth Day, A.B., Harvard University Chun-Fu Hsu, B.Sc., Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences; M.Sc., National Tsing Hua University Tung-Ying Hu, B.Comm., Fujen Catholic University William Wayne Stenzel, B.S., The University of Wisconsin; M.S., ibid. Sarma Raghunadha Vishnu Bhotla, B.Sc., Andhra University; Dipl.Electronics Engr., The Madras Institute of Technology IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Sudhir Chopra, B.E., (hons.), Birla Institute of Technology and Science Thomas Gerard Hartmann, B.S.Ch.E., Washington University David Alan Hurwitz, B.S., Cornell University Linda Waring Johnson, B.S.Ch.E., Washington University Vabilisetti Satyanarayana Murty, B.Tech., Andhra University; M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Hasmukh Somabhai Patel, B.Engr., University of Baroda Jayprakash Uttamchand Raisoni, B.Tech. (hons.) , Indian Institute of Technology James Eugene White, B.S.Ch.E., Purdue University IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Chin-Kwan Kao Chen, B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng-Kung University Adel Mohamed Elwefati, B.Sc.C.E., Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering Youssef Ahmed Mariamy, B.Sc., University of Libya Christopher John Byrne Roberts, B.Sc., The University of Leeds IN CONTROL SYSTEMS William Charles Phillips, B.S., Mississippi State University IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Edmund Wheeler Ballou, A.B., Oberlin College Ravi Kumar Bhola, B.S.E.E., Washington University John Albert Brockmeyer, Jr., B.S.E.E., Washington University Thomas Michael Doran, Jr., B.S.E.E., Washington University Ralph Haynes Forrester, Jr., B.S.E.E., Washington University Michael Floyd Gard, B.S.E.E., Kansas State University Darin John Groll, B.E.E., University of Detroit Burton Alan Newman, B.S., University of Illinois Carl Frederick Pieper, B.S.E.E. (with distinction), University of Kansas William Philip Rympalski, B.E.E., Villanova University IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING Michael Ryan Foresman, B.S.M.E., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy Paul Blocher Hodges, B.S.Ch.E., University of Kansas Hsyi-Ming Jean, B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University John William MacClarence, B.S., Hampden-Sydney College IN MATERIALS SCIENCE Duvan Riveros Ruiz, Ingeniero Metalurgico, Universidad Pedagogica Tecnologica de Colombia IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING William Bentley Bicknell, B.S.M.E., Chico State College Timothy Joseph Grant, B.S.Aero.Engr., Saint Louis University Juan Jose Gutierrez, B.S.M.E., University of Houston Promod Kumar, B.S.Engr., Panjab University 14 DOCTOR OF SCIENCE May 25, 1973 IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Walter L Eckardt, Jr., B.E. magna cum laude, Vanderbilt University; B.E., ibid.; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: A Sequential Selection Procedure: Binomial Populations Sarma Raghunadha Vishnu Bhotla, B.Sc., Andhra University; Dipl, Electronics Engr., The Madras Institute of Technology; M.S., 'Washington University Title of Thesis: Fault Diagnosis in Computer Systems IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Faramarz Nazem, B.Ch.E., The Ohio State University; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: Elongational Viscosity of a Filled Thermoplastic IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Subir Kumar Sen, B.E., University of Calcutta; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: High Precision Finite Element Analysis of Shells of Revolution IN CONTROL SYSTEMS Man-Feng Chang, B.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University Title of Thesis: Disturbance Localization in Linear Systems with Simultaneous Decoupling, Pole-Assignment, or Stabilization Shauying Kou, B.S.Engr., National Taiwan University; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Observability and Observers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Brajnandan Bihari Sahay, B.Sc., Patna University; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: Estimation in Continuous Time Systems via New Representations IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING George Ficklin Keyser, B.S.E.E. (hons.) , San Jose State College; M.S., University of Maryland Title of Thesis: Quantitative Analysis of the Spontaneous Activity of Smooth Muscle from the Urinary Bladder of Rabbit Monte Deh Lien, B.Sc., Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology; M.S ., Washington University Title of Thesis: A Mathematical Model of the Mechanics of the Cochlea Hosea Reid Vann, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: A Study of the Technological Feasibility of a Proposed Semiconductor Radiation Detector IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING David Lee Campbell, B.S.Educ., Arkansas State College; M.S.Com.Sci., The University of Mississippi Title of Thesis: The Effect of Lawn Fertilizer on the Nutrient Load of an Urban Stream Richard Lewis Reisenweber, B.A., University of Colorado; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: A Cost Effectiveness Comparison of Point Source Controls and Emission Density Zoning as Strategies for Achieving Regional Air Quality Donald Mark Shilesky, B.S., University of Cincinnati; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Lipid Recovery from Domestic Wastes Eddie Yue-Hwa Yu, B.S.Engr., National Taiwan University; M.Sc. cum laude, University of Ottawa Title of Thesis: Suppression of Nitrification in Activated Sludge with Thiourea December 22, 1972 IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Lawrence Joseph Mazlack, B.Elect.Engr., Marquette University; M.S.E.E., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: An Investigation of Computer Generated Crossword Puzzle Techniques James Tomlin Witherspoon, B.A., Denison University; M.S., University of Chicago Title of Thesis: Some Aspects of Approximation Theory in Commutative Banach Algebras and Applications IN APPLIED MECHANICS Wei-Chi Kung, B.Engr., National Northwestern College of Engineering; M.S., University of Kansas Title of Thesis: Combined Eigenvalue Spectra in Structural Dynamics by the Use of Component Modal Receptances IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Robert John Calcaterra, B.S.Ch.E., The University of Nebraska; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Incipience, Growth and Break-off of Bubbles During Nucleate Boiling In a Flowing Liquid 15 Don Louis Holt, RS.Ch.E., Washington University; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Measurement and Correlation of Excess Enthalpy and Excess Volume Data for Selected Cs to Cs Hydrocarbon Binaries Hsiu-Hsyong Hsu, RS.Engr., National Taiwan University; M.S.Engr., ibid. Title of Thesis: Optimal and Sub-Optimal Control of a Fixed Bed Catalyst Regenerator Bhoopinder Singh Mehta, RCh.E., University of Delhi; M.S.Ch.E., University of New Hampshire Title of Thesis: Gaseous Diffusion and Permeation in Fiber Reinforced Composites Donald Joseph Stookey, B.S.Ch.E., Washington University; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: A Major Correlation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Mixtures and Improved Measurement of Excess Volume Kuei-Hsiung Yang, RSc., Tunghai University; M.S.Ch.E., University of Missouri at Rolla Title of Thesis: The Effects of Environment on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Unfilled and Graphite-Reinforced Polysulfone and Poly (2,6-dimethyl) Phenylene Oxide IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Howard Allen Bomze, RS.E.E., Drexel Institute of Technology; M.S.Bio.Med.E., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Development of an Automated System for the Measurement of Spasticity Duck On Kim, B.S.Engr., Seoul National University; M.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute Title of Thesis: A Nonlinear Model for Basilar Membrane Motion and Related Phenomena of Single Cochlear Nerve Fibers Victor Henry Nettle, Jr., RS.E.E., Saint Louis University; M.ScLRes., ibid. Title of Thesis: An Investigation of Flat Panel Displays Floyd Martin Nolle, B.S.Engr.Phys., Washington University; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Argus, A Clinical Computer System for Monitoring Electrocardiographic Rhythms Kinichiro Ogawa, REngr., University of Tokyo; M.Engr., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Theory of the Grating Coupler Carl McGrath Shinn, Jr., RS.E.E., University of Denver; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Design of a Language for Image Processing (LIPI) You-Sun Wu, RS.Engr., National Taiwan University; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: On Broadband Y-Junction Circulators IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING Homer Wendell Hiser, RS., University of Illinois; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Theory and Application of Remote Sensors in Air Pollution Engineering IN MATERIALS SCIENCE Adrianus Antonius Godefridus Cooper, M.Sc ., Technological University at Delft Title of Thesis: Trajectorial Fiber Reinforcement of Composite Structures Roger Fountain, RSc., The University of Aston in Birmingham; Grad.R.I.C., The Royal Institute of Chemistry; M.S., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Study of Adhesive Bonding of Hydrosilation-Cured RTV Silicones to Materials that Cause their Cure Inhibition IN 'MECH AN I CAL ENGINEERING John Gerard Manda, RS.M.E., Washington University; RS.Engr.Phys., ibid.; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Flow of Concentrated Suspensions in Circular Tubes William Arthur Messner, RS.M.E., Washington University; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: Stress-Strain Rate Relations for a Colloidal Suspension of Ellipsoidal Particles 16 THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Candidates Presented by GEORGE ANSELEVICIUS, DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE, Dean MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 25, 1973 Kennon Whittle Baldwin, A.B., Washington University Neil Edwin Dixon, B.S., New York Institute of Technology Tamio Fukuyama, B.S.Arch., Nihon University William Hess Gantz, A.B., Washington University John Frank Hill, A.B., Washington University Jaturapat Israngkul, B.Arch., Chulalongkorn University George William Johannes, A.B., Washington University Allen Jerome Kanter, A.B., Washington University Jeffrey Wayne Olson, B.A., Carleton College Hong Hong Tan Ong, B.S.Arch., University of Santo Tomas Karl Dravo Pettit III, A.B. (hons.) , Princeton University John Arthur Raeber, A.B., Washington University Thomas Morton Rauch, Jr., A.B., Princeton University Stephen Alan Schonberg, A.B., Washington University Predanan Sirisalee, B.Arch., Chulalongkorn University Wilbur Tyson Trueblood III, A.B., Princeton University Robert Gates Watel, Jr., B.F.A., University of Oklahoma December 22, 1972 Edward Robert Ford, A.B., Washington University Jonathan Andrew Himmel, A.B., Washington University Lewis Block Strauss, A.B., Washington University Raul Suarez-Del Campo, A.B., Washington University MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN May 25, 1973 Lawrence Gene Anderson, B.Arch., University of Minnesota John Anthony Blackburn, B.Arch., Clemson University Michael Joseph Buono, B.Arch., Pratt Institute Andrew James Trivers, B.Arch., Tulane University December 22, 1972 Anthony Alexius Carrasco, Dipl.Arch., Academy of Architecture Larry Warner, B.Arch., The Pennsylvania State University August 18, 1972 John Steven Crane, B.Arch., Texas Technological College Jean Henri-Louis Doulliez, Ingenieur Civil, Universite Catholique de Louvain; d'Ingenieur Civil Architecte (with distinction), Universite de Liege Francis Ford, Dipl. Arch., College of Technology Carlos Adolfo Ott, Arquitecto, Universidad de La Republica Lee Maxwell Strickland, B.Arch., The Pennsylvania State University 17 THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by KARL ALLEN HILL, M.C.S., LL.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 25, 1973 Scott Hammer Alyn Edward William Ambo, Jr. Stephen Joel Aronson Lawrence Bennett Blankstein Robert William Brennan Thomas Clark Dauten Michael John Davis Velva Ann Cornell Davis John James Dowling III Susan Ellen Fritzshall John William Geppert III Jerome George Krachenfels, Jr. Steven Jed Krasnow Robert Frank Lanfer Tong Lee Veselina Lekich Kenneth F Lorch Martha Eddy Black Karl Heinz Reinlein Jimmie Carl Mapp Joyce Stephanie Marder Ronald Garland Sherod Steven Edward Spoeneman Lawrence Aldrich Thayer Douglas Warren Thomas William Benjamin Wiener III Arthur John Yoggerst II Donna Anne Zuroweste December 22, 1972 Robert Mark Saul August 18, 1972 Robert Blanchard Hicks Christopher Ames Kline Alan Jeffrey Koslow Charles Joseph Bratkowski Jeffrey Glaser Fihn THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF Elaine Paula Mandel Stan Drew Mayer BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by KARL ALLEN HILL, M.C.S., LL.D., Dean MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 25,1973 J on William Asahina, A.B., Earlham College Merilyn Lee Barnett, B.S.B.A., Washington University Victor Russell Benedikt, B.A., Principia College Richard Paul Berger, B.S.Appl.Math.andComp.Sci., Washington University Lawrence Bennett Blankstein Barbara Regina Kastner Blim Terence Ernest Block, A.B., Earlham College Harold Stanton Brody, A.B., Washington University Robert Francis Brush, A.B., Bucknell University Francis Joseph Calcagno, B.S.E.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute Robert Albin Cardell, B.A., Beloit College Lindsay Carter, Jr., B.S., Ohio University Claudius Barrett Claiborne, B.S.E., Duke University Norman Kenwood Cohn, B.S., University of Illinois James John Compass Jacob Donald Conrad, Jr., B.S.Comm., University of Kentucky John Michael Cummings, B.A., Kenyon College Frank Michael DeSalvo, B.A., Southwestern at Memphis John Thomas Dorsey, B.S., University of Dayton Thomas Earl Droegemueller, B.A., Macalester College Paul James Ducas, B.S., Iowa State University Charles Burkett Dunne III, B.S.Ch.E., Northwestern University John Richard Elder, A.B., Coe College Robert Stanton Ellis, B.Ad.E., New York University Franz Karl Fleischli III, B.S., Purdue University Gary Lee Flotron, B.S., University of Missouri at Rolla Hector Ramon Funes-Aguilar, B.S.B.A., Boston University Clinton Dale Garber, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame Dale Jay Garber, B.S.B.A., Washington University Juan Luis Garcia-Tufion, B.S.Comm., Saint Louis University Edgar William Gillula II, A.B., University of Missouri John Carlisle Green, A.B., Westminster College James George Grubisha, B.E., Youngstown University John Michael Hensgen, B.J., University of Missouri Thomas Parker Hickey, B.A., Knox College Alan Roger Horna, B.S.B.A., Washington University Paul Andrew Hovanec Richard Cannon Hungerford, B.S.E., Princeton University Maxwell Mason Jewell, A.B., University of Missouri 18 Ronnie Jean Johnson, B.S.Math., Lafayette College Raymond Joseph Kannapell Michael David Katzman, B.A., Northwestern University Michael George Kelly, B.S.Chem., University of Missouri at Rolla Dennis Leonard Kempner, A.B., Ripon College Kee Young Kim, B.Comm., Yonsei University; M.B.A., ibid. Scott Kendall Koepke, B.A., DePauw University Charles Leroy LeCluyse, Jr., B.S., Rockhurst College Ronald Marlin Lee, B.A. cum laude, University of Minnesota William Louis Luth, B.S., University of Missouri at Rolla Bradley Dean Mabuce, B.A., The Monmouth College Ernest Russell Maddox, B.S.Appl.Psy., Georgia Institute of Technology Kenneth Andrew Marsch, B.A., DePauw University William Jay Marshall, B.S.B.A., Washington University Cynthia Cummins Masters, A.B., Washington University Brian James McCall, B.S., Rutgers-The State University James Scott McDonald, B.S., Washington University Gail Ellis Meltzner, A.B ., Washington University Robert Aaron Middleton, B.A., University of Kansas Ronald Roy Moore, B.A., Tulane University Graham Paul Mulligan, Jr., B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University Christopher Anthony Noronha, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras William Gary Odle, B.S.Ch.E., University of Missouri at Rolla James Michael Patton, A.B., Washington University William David Pennell, B.A., DePauw University Roy Charles Postel, B.S.B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis Frank Paul Preissle IV, A.B., Duke University Karen Aleta Pryor, A.B., Washington University Timothy James Regier, B.A., Transylvania College William Henry Roberts, A.B., Lake Forest College Robert Pius Rogers, Jr., B.S., United States Air Force Academy Leo Wallace Saulnier, Jr., B.S.Aero., Saint Louis University Robert Walters Schoening, A.B., Washington University Stephen Alan Schonberg, A.B., Washington University John Edward Schweitzer David Dudley Sichel', B.A., Dartmouth College James Gregory Simmons, B.8.Ch.E., Washington University William Curtis Simmons, B.S., University of Pennsylvania Richard Lester Smith II, B.B.A., Southern Methodist University John Morgan Soaper, Jr., A.B., University of the South Leslie Lawrence Spero, A.B., Yeshiva University George Edward Stevens, J'r., B.S., Delaware State College Sylvester Stevenson, Jr., A.B., University of Pittsburgh John William Sunnen, B.A., DePauw University Lawrence Aldrich Thayer Douglas Warren Thomas Theodore David Tice, B.S., Iowa State University Norris Turner, B.S., Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Guy Louis Vitale, Jr., B.A., Lawrence University Ulysses Walls, A.B., University of Missouri William Fredricke Yarger, B.Arch., The Ohio State University Arthur John Yoggerst II David Lauren York, B.A., Knox College Vincent William Zucchero December 22, 1972 Ronald Edward Berry, B.S.E., University of Michigan Donald Lee Denny, B.A., The Monmouth College Terry J Eastham, B.S., Oklahoma State University of Agriculture and Applied Science; A.M., Washington University Raymond Michael Fischer, B.S.M.E., Neward College of Engineering Sundar Wilson Fleming, B.A., Duke University Kenneth Richard Fritz, B.A., Knox College Alan Fredrick Hauff, B.A.B.A., University of Washington Phillip Leroy Lilley, B.S.B.A., Montana State University John Dugald Macfadyen, Geol.Engr., Colorado School of Mines; Metal.Engr., ibid. James Tyrone McCullin, B.S.B.A., Washington University Robert J Patrick, B.S.E., University of Michigan Dayton Clyde Pegues, B.S., Lemoyne-Owen College Edward David Powers, B.8.Ch.E., Illinois Institute of Technology John Raymond Quam, B.S., The University of Wisconsin Ray Sylvester Steinnerd, B.S.B.A., Washington University August 18, 1972 Wayland Patrick Barber, Jr., B.S., Culver-Stockton College William Eaton Bates, B.A., Franklin and Marshall College James Laverne Cressman, B.S., The Pennsylvania State University Alan Edward Doede, A.B., MacMurray College Charles William Dungy, B.S.Ed., Eastern Illinois University Dennis Neal Hamilton, B.S.B.A., Boston University Vernon Leroy Hoeksema, B.S.Ch.E., Iowa State College Harry Leonard Holmes, B.A., Lake Forest College 19 Stephen Craig Johnson, B.A., Southwestern at Memphis Ken Edward Kotiza, B.A., North Central College Kent Edward Lawson, B.A., Beloit College Harold Moses, B.A., Clark College Bruce Terence O'Neill, A.B., Saint Louis University Grant Oliver Reed, B.S.Engr., Tulane University Judy Helen Smith, A.B., Saint Louis University David Michael Touhill, B.S., Saint Louis University Gordon Byron Wilson, B.S.B.A. cum laude, University of Missouri at St. Louis MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION August 18, 1972 Eugene Gregor Stone, B.S., University of Utah; M.B.A., ibid. DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 25,1973 Bruce Gilbert Meyers, B.A., Kent State University; M.B.A., ibid. Title of Thesis: A Study of the Relations Between Some Creative Thinking Abilities and Innovative Buying Behavior. THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Candidates Presented by JOHN BERNARD ERVIN, Ed.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 25,1973 David Marshall Adams Charles William Ady Edward Keith Allen William Henry Armstrong Ernest Wilson Barlow Robert Woodrow Beard, Jr. Ilana Bialecki Lester William Bierman Keith Roy Bishop William Joseph Boyer Patrick Joseph Brooks Edward Victor Bruning, Jr. Walter Dale Bub Ferdinand Grady Buffington, B.S. John Lary Callan Robert Joe Coambes, B.S. Rita Erna Cohen Kenneth John Cottin David Joseph Curran Thomas Arthur Dickens Tommy Dorsey Tyrone Michael Evers Thomas Russel Ferguson Jeremiah Joseph Fleming Robert Lee Forbis John Gouse, Jr., B.S., M.Ed. William Benton Haden James Melvin Hall, Jr. Joseph Louis Hegedus, Jr. Stephen Anthony Hood Judith Monica Hughes James Earl Hunt Clister Jack Ingrum Harry Ross Irwin, Jr. Frankie Allen James Lawrence Roger Jones, B.S. Nelson Eddie Kimmell, B.S. Allyn Robert Klutho, B.S. Wayne John Klutsarits Stephen Romeo Koch James John Koester Edward George Koppel, A.B. Gloria Annette Lamm, B.Mus.Ed. Donald Raphael Lawrence August Vincent Liberto William Follett Lobdell Leonard Lopez Jack Richard Luebbert Gloria Jean Matthews Rita Allene Mauchenheimer Jerome Joseph McGunnigle David Leon Merrick Winton Otto Meyer Ronald John Morosky Domingo Beltran Ornelas, B.S. Barbara Joan Owens Marguerite Paris Charlotte Lerner Peskind Walter Joseph Peteraf Phyllis Anne Petersen William Robert Pochek Howard Anthony Rau Arthur George Rauch, Jr. J ohn Joseph Roach III Daniel Joseph Rogaczewski Ernest Ray Russell Walter Michael Schrampf, Jr. J ames Louis Schwab Rudolf Marshall Sida Michael David Smith Andrew Anthony Spavale Vincent Andrea Spavale Alvin Stern Kwang-Hee Streiff, B.A. Thomas Patrick Sullivan Kennith Larry Summers Gwendolyn Gerturde Sykes Arthur Leslie Texier Michael Joseph Toney Richard Fred Ultzen Bert Anthony Van Kampen, Jr. Louise Margaret Venable Thomas Frederick Wanner, Jr. Barry Lee Weismantle Dorothy Isabelle White John Nelson Williams, Jr. John Thomas Wood Bruce Bennett Yampolsky cum laude Marlene Rhodes December 22, 1972 Fred Allen Joseph Ancona Peggy Komer Bearman George Charles Beville Harry Fredrick Bollenbach Carl John Bossert, B.S., M.S. James Warren Brown James Leroy Capes, Jr. Betty Bee Christensen Jackie Gaylon Cooper Catherine Ursaline Cosentino Jerry Mac Cottrell Kathleen Doris Davie Marie Delores Diekman Ann Helen Dragues Elgin Paul Duck Jon Edward Ferner George William Fitzwater 20 Charles Lawrence Grover. Jr. Lartivia Ann Hammond Wilburt Harris, Sr. Edward William Havey Henry Richard Hein James Dale Herrick Donald Roy Hoelscher Jack Dale Ifiand Robert Martin Johnson Richard Donald Korte Lawrence George Krebs Frank Bernard Lammers Jean Marie Pinnell Linus Francis Pottebaum Alan Charles Preusser J ames Marion Reichert Melvin Rhodes Ronald Cecil Scarborough Henry Anthony Schoster Pauline Vivian Smith Robert Smith, Jr. Marianne Helen Stanek Thomas Howard Stark John Frank Steinfeld Arthur M Abrams Curtis Edward Blankenship Roberta Ann Bolin Ronald Joseph Broclaneyer Eunice Netta Brown Jerry Dale Fritts Edwin Raymond Gordon William Erwin Gordon Dorothy Ozment Gorman Byron Rudd Graham Jacob Lee Kammerer Lawrence Knopfel Marian Louise Kohlwes Alfonse Patrick Laiben Esther Haber Lampel John Joseph McFarlane Larry Oscar Moore J ames Thomas Stiles Donald Ray Stueven Robert Lorenz Walther Irvin Weinman Robert Primo Williams William Oliver Wobbe Janet Watson Yung Kenneth Charles Zeiler August 18, 1972 BACHELOR Gail Susan Capper Frances Marie Chapman OF SCIENCE IN AND May 25,1973 Victoria Jane Harmon BACHELOR OF Richard Charles Bitsch Edward Douglas Fitts Eugene John Forneris Courtney Lloyd Goffe A Lawrence Hirsch SPEECH Violamae Ochterbeck Eugene Edward Petty Robert Conrad Postill Robert Brent Regan Kenny Oliver Reinhart Michael James Summers Edwin George Volz, Jr. Suzanne Wigert Mary Kay Hoffman Beth Ann Mays TECHNOLOGY May 25,1973 James Martin Hoffmann, Jr. Stephen Iwasczuk Willie Jene Johnson J ames Martin Jones 21 HEARING Larry William Keeney Robert Leo McGauley George Thomas Seener Jerry Dean Wischmeier Herman Thomas Young THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Candidates Presented by LUCIAN KRUKOWSKI, B.F.A., M.S., Dean BACHELOR Deborah Daun Harazin Ackley J anna Sharon Bernheim Bonnie Marthel Beutel Linda May Bressler Diane Mary Budzinski J ames Michael Chleboun Mary Martha Coble Bobbye Agnes Cochran Nancy Jean Day Elizabeth Pauline Ellerman Nancy Lucille Ellis Stephen Christopher Fiedler Joan Marie Fitzsimmons Theodore M Frankel Joseph Anthony Fucaloro Dennis Burton Gillaspy Barbara Jean Goedde Anita Elizabeth Graber Gerard Joseph Hanewinkel Elona Peppi Gruber Henig Tamlin Elaine Hermann Emily Marie Hill Gerard Raymond Ruth OF FINE ARTS May 25,1973 Amy DeLap J endrzejewski Alfred Joel J ung Bonnie Mae Korte Janis Patricia Kuhn Elyse Marla Leving David Ernest Longwell Mary Ellen Maginnis Carol Ellen Manders Mary Pamela Mathers Craig Murdoch McClure Lynn Ellen McLeod Marla Gail Milne Ken Irvin Morgan Tirzah Ann Mutrux Maureen Frances O'Day Valerie Jean Payne Renee Colette Petty Patricia Ann Reid Robert Henry Schaefer Sue Ellen Scheiner Mary Ann Schmisseur William Patrick Schuchard Schon Schurecht Evelyn Linda Fine Shanker Elizabeth Allen Shepard Donald Carl Shields Molly Shifrin Mary Lou Simon Carolyne Jane Smith Madge Margaret Stewart Vicki Sue Stone Charles Leslie Stricklan, Jr. Donna J ule Tuholsky Vickie Marie Van Osdol Patricia Lynn Watkins Patricia Susan Wild Barbara Noee Wilkat Ralph Arthur Wilke, Jr. Steven Charles Williams Kathleen Anne Wilmes Christopher John Winfield Mary Elizabeth Winslow Deborah Jill Wolf Catherine Elizabeth Wood George Andrew Wright, Jr. Suzanne Elizabeth Wu December 22, 1972 Eugene Edward Ruble Nancy Lynn Lewandowski August 18, 1972 Ellen Austin Goers Russell Ellsworth Rutledge MASTER OF FINE Winifred Carroll Williams ARTS May 25, 1973 Lynn Carol Applefeld, B.A., University of Pennsylvania Michael Edward Christopherson, B.F.A., Wisconsin State University Georgiana Kettler Cooper, B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute Richard Ralph Cooper, B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute Cecil Beasley Day, A.B., Indiana University John George Dickson, B.F.A., Temple University James David Duchek, B.A., Michigan State University; B.F.A., Washington University Thomas Allan Duncan, Jr., B.F.A., The Maryland Institute College of Art Charles Everette Hook, B.A., University of Kentucky Marcia Milrae Houston, B.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute; M.Ed., University of Missouri Nergish Rustom Irani, Dipl. Drwg. and Ptg., Sir J. J. School of Art, Bombay Andrew John Jendrzejewski, B.F.A., Temple University Marilyn Newstadt Levy, B.S., Washington University Jeffrey Roy Maron, A.B., Washington University Paulette Kay Emerine Myers, B.S .Ed., Indiana University Kim David Strommen, B.F.A., University of South Dakota 22 THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK RONALD Candidates Presented by FELDMAN, Ph.D., Acting Dean ARTHUR MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK May 25, 1973 Dorothy Mary Albracht, B.A., Avila College Carlos Barnette Anderson, B.A., Georgetown College; M.R.E., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Ronald Lee Ayres, B.S., Illinois State University Mary Louise Baptist, B.A., Lemoyne-Owen College Raymond James Blakeslee, A.B., Northwest Nazarene College David James Campbell, B.S., Wisconsin State University Sandra Jean Christie, B.A., Southern Illinois University Michael Cohen, A.B., Washington University Mary Dale Craig, B.A., Principia College Richard Robert Daumueller, B.A., Simpson College Robert Leslie Davidson, A.B., University of Missouri Frederic Paul Dorin, A.B., Washington University Gladys Faye Edwards, B.A., University of Arkansas Joseph Francis Famiglietti, B.S.Econ., University of Pennsylavnia Robert Walter Fiebiger, B.A., Cardinal Glennon College; M.Div., Saint Louis University Judith Wilma Freiberg, A.B., Indiana University Carol Ann Wimsatt Fuss, B.S., The Creighton University Jacque Eugene Gibbons, B.A., University of Kansas Sally Glassberg, A.B., Washington University Richard Austin Goins, B.S., Bradley University Don Elliot Goldstein, B.B.A., University of Oklahoma Richard Michael Green, B.S.B.A., Suffolk University Eugene Edward Hanacek, B.S., The Ohio State University Judith Ann Hank, B.A., The University of Wisconsin Joan Reimler Haugk, B.S., Lindenwood College Paula Gronert Hayes, A.B., Washington University Gracie Adelene Herron, B.S.Ed., Lincoln University Sheila Laurine Hill, A.B. , Emmanuel College Margaret Robin Hinshaw, B.A., Scripps College Inza Eraine Howard, B.S. cum laude, Agricultural and Teohnical College of North Carolina Joyce Marie Huebner, B.A., Wartburg College Iris Elise Turnquest Jones, B.A., University of Nevada Shirley Ann Jones, B.A., University of Arkansas Betty Jane Kahn, A.B., Washington University Natalie Von Kennedy, B.A., Spelman College Joan Helene Kindleberger, B.A., State University of Iowa; M.A., Trinity College Patricia Gorman Knutson, A.B., Washington University Roslyn Kopperman, B.S.Sp.H., Washington University Margaret Ellen Lander, B.A., University of Denver Darrell Francis Lauer, B.A., Central Missouri State College Tung-Chiang Stephen Lee, B.A., Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University Likotola Nawa Lifanu, Dipl, S.W., The University of Zambia James Barry Linn, B.S., Bradley University Jean Shiu Kwong Lo, B.A., University of Hong Kong; Dipl.Soc.St., ibid. Mary Eleanor Lutz, B.S., Saint Louis University Clarence Mack, B.S .Ed., Lincoln University James Louis McGinnis, B.A., The University of Iowa Rochelle Schiff McGowan, B.A., Brooklyn College Samir Mostafa Meari, B.S.W., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Vicki Lee Miller, B.A., St. Olaf College Rita Marie Montgomery, A.B., Washington University Marilyn Pine Moseley, B.A., Oklahoma State University Priscilla Foggy Murrell, A.B., Livingstone College Jeanne Ellen Nakashima, B.A., University of Hawaii Arlene Michiko Nikaido, B.A. (hons.), University of Hawaii William Joseph Obermark, B.A., Cardinal Glennon College; M.Div., Saint Louis University David Andrew Perine, B.A ., Lincoln University Barbara Louise Phillips, B.A., St. Olaf College Barbara Jean Piotti, A.B., Webster College James Scott Prager, B.A., University of Hartford Cheng-yih Ralph Rei, B.A., Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University Madeline Reno, B.A., Siena Heights College Larry Royce Reynolds, A.B., The University of Nebraska Diane Louise Rotnem, B.A., University of Minnesota Robert Leslie Rucker, B.S., Middle Tennessee State University Annie Horton Rutlin, B.A., Jackson State College Randa Sue Sale, A.B., Washington University 23 Michael Peter Schaal, A.B., Boston University Albert Paul Schebera, A.B., Saint Louis University; M.A. Urban Affairs, ibid. William Frank Siedhoff, B.S., Washington University Charles Jack Silow, A.B., Washington University James Hugo Sporleder, B.S., Washington University Ruth Ann Taylor, A.B., University of Illinois Dorothy Jean Beene Townsend, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College Susan Schwab Turi, A.B., Connecticut College Sharon Elizabeth Vogt, A.B., University of Missouri Carol Elaine Weisman, B.A., University of Denver Barbara Young Whitman, B.S., University of Louisville Donald Allen Williams, B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook Frank Edward Williams, B.A., Pershing College December 22, 1972 Joan Nemschoff Alschuler, B.S., The University of Wisconsin Earl Randolph Baldwin, B.S.Ed., Lincoln University Cecilia Anne Callomon, B.A., College of Our Lady of the Elms Susan Gay Canterbury, B.S .N., Illinois Wesleyan University Dale Kent Clark, B.S., Weber College James Daniel Collison, B.A., St. Olaf College Lola Ann Dennstedt, B.P., DePaul University Gloria Anderson Dunn, B.A. 'magna cum laude, Philander Smith College Calvin Richard Edwards, B.A., Elmhurst College Abla Hassan EI-Affandy, B.A.S.W. (hons.}, The Cario School of Social Work Marsha Pamela Eldot, B.S. (with distinction), University of Minnesota Marilyn Harris Elliott, B.Sc.M.T., The Ohio State University Mary Ursula Fagan, B.A. cum laude, College of Santa Fe Deborah Harshey Field, B.A., Indiana University Arthur J Gilbert, B.A., Lewis College Cathy Ann Gotway, B.A., Valparaiso University Mark Paul Gross, B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University Patricia Lynn Grove, B.A., The University of Wisconsin Richard Thompson Hellan, B.A . Trinity University Burcy Stocker Hines, B.A., Elmhurst College Joan Andrews Hinshaw, A.B., Oglethorpe University Todd Lloyd Hoover, B.S., The Ohio State University Jonna Henson Huff, B.S.Ed. (hons.), University of Illinois; M.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University Linda Mary Kidder, B.A., The University of Akron Jacqueline Jo Kinden, B.A., The University of Iowa Patricia Ann Lee, B.S.Lib.St., Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College Arnold Lee Levine, B.A., The Ohio State University; B.H.L., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion; M.A., ibid. Teri Riehl McCarthy, B.A. cum laude, Saint Louis University Elisabeth Mutschler, Dipl.Soc.Wk., Hahere Fachschule Fur Sozialarbeit Kathleen Ann O'Brien, A.B., Webster College Kirsten Alusow Olmstead, A.B., MacMurray College Annamary Colbert Pearson, B.A., The University of Iowa John Frederick Pearson, B.S., Richmond Professional Institute Mary Frances Griffin Penn, B.S., Texas Woman's University Benjamin Franklin Pettus, Jr., B.A., Bethune-Cookman College Carolina Mae Rewerts, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville James Michael Roraff, B.S., Wisconsin State University Tom Sawyer, B.A., Elmhurst College Sandra Maley Schnall, A.B., Washington University Gary Sh ibe Shaffer, B.A., Drake University Douglas Ma rk Shine, B.A., Rollins College Phyliss Elayne Simmons, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Semanthie Beverly Smith, B.A., Elmhurst College Margaret Grace Solmssen, A.B., Washington University Patti Jack Sontag, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Octurus Ivan White, Jr., B.A. magna cum laude, Wiley College Awarded Pos thumously Frank Joseph Sohutzenhofer, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Rita Ellen Carter Schutzenhofer, B.S., University of Illinois August 18, 1972 Nancy Laba Cohen, B.A., University of Wisconsin Clifford Haskell Kraut, B.S., University of Illinois Eldon Leon Tietje, B.A., Concordia Senior College; B.D., Concordia Seminary; S:r.M., ibid. Kathleen Anne Williams, A.B., Lindenwood College Paul Allaby Wilson, B.A ., Acadia University; B.D., Union Theological Seminary DOCTOR OF SOCIAL WORK August 18, 1972 Galal-Eldin Omar Elghazzawy, Dipl., Higher Institute of Social Service, Alexandria, Egypt; M.S.\V., Wayne State University Title of Thesis: The Behavior Performance of Social Work Organizations in a Social Welfare Situation: The Case of the 1962 Amendments. 24 THE SCHOOL OF LAW Candidates Presented by EDWARD THADDEUS FOOTE, LL.B., Acting Dean DOCTOR OF LAW May 25, 1973 Dennis Charles Affolter, A.B., Washington University David Bruce Agnew, B.A., St. Olaf College Lawrence Jones Allen, Jr., A.B., Wesleyan University Patricia Claire Armstrong, A.B., University of Nebraska Gary Eugene Barnhart, B.A., Knox College James David Bauer, B.A., Knox College William Alan Becker, B.A ., Lawrence University William Thomas Beltz, B.S., Michigan State University Edwin Howard Benn, B.S., University of Illinois Stuart Robert Berkowitz, B.A., University of Rochester William Lee Berry, B.A., Millikin University Sam Coleman Bertolet, A.B., University of Illinois Thomas Alan Boardman, B.A., College of Wooster Alana Lee Bowman, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Sylvester Brooks, Jr., B.S., Middle Tennessee State University Mary Elizabeth Broom, A.B., Spring Hill College Kenneth MacKinnon Brown, B.A., University of New Hampshire Robert Lee Browne, B.A., College of William and Mary Diana Ruth Buckthal, B.A., DePauw University James Austin Christman, B.A., DePauw University David Myron Cohn, B.A., University of Southern California Dana Charles Contratto, B.S., Southern Illinois University Belle Atkins Cori, A.B., Vassar College Janice Kromrey Corr, B.A., San Jose State College Joseph Alexander Derque III, B.A., Westminster College David Wheeler Detjen, A.B., Washington University Richard Frederick Doerr, B.A., St. Ambrose College Michael Japheth Doster, A.B., Case Western Reserve University Thomas Edward Douglass, B.A., Brown University Carmen Durso, B.A., St. John Fisher College Clyde Curtis Farris, Jr., B.A., Texas Technological College Robert Bradley Fine, B.A., University of Minnesota Franz Karl Fleischli III, B.S., Purdue University; M.B.A., Washington University Alan Keith F rost, B.A., Ottawa University Jack Abraham Frydrych, B.A., San Fernando Valley State College Gary Vaughan Fulghum, A.B., William Jewell College William Robert Gales, B.A., Yale University Leo Vernon Garvin, Jr., A.B., Saint Louis University Jack Allen Ginsberg, B.A., University of Washington Del Andrew Goldenhersh, A.B., Washington University Peter Laurence Gordon, B.S., Sy racuse University Mich ael David Graves, B.A., University of Tulsa; M.A., ibid. William Francis Greer, Jr., B.A., Miami University David Alan Harrison, B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo Wayne Calvert Harvey, B.S.C.E., University of Missouri at Rolla John Gordon Hershey, B.S . Econ., University of Pennsylvania Cynthia Sue Holmes, A.B., Washington University Edward Dashiell Holmes, B.A., Virginia Military Institute Robert Campbell Houpt, B.A., Covenant College William Leslie Hoversten, B.S., Morningside College Thomas Reinhard Iben, B.A., Amherst College Alphonso Roy Jackson, B.S.Ed., No rtheast Missouri State College; M.A., ibid. David Lynn Jones, B.S.B.A., University of Arkansas Henry Howard Katz, A.B., Rutgers-The State University Gregory Stephen Kessler, A.B., Washington University Bernhardt William Klippel III, A.B., Ripon College Mason Walker Klippel, B.A., Grinnell College Scott Ross Klunder, B.A., Miami University Thomas Patrick Knoten, B.A., Maryknoll Seminary Robert Bruce Knowles, B.A., Iowa State Teachers College; M.A., State University of Iowa Richard Carter Kraege, B.A., DePauw University Mark Howard Kruger, B.A., University of Wisconsin Carl Clement Lang, B.S ., Miami University Joseph Dov Lehrer, A.B., Washington University David Jay Letvin, B.A., Oakland University Jeffrey Ray Liebman, B.A., DePauw University David Charles Lingren, B.A., Carleton College Mark Irvin Litow, A.B., Washington University Randall Brian Lowe, A.B., University of Rhode Island Stanley Maxim Lucas, B.S., University of Massachusetts William David Lytle, A.B., Washington University Edward Thomas McCarthy, B.S.B.A., Washington University 25 Daune Maureen McDevitt, B.A., American University Dale Edward Markworth, B.A., 'Denison University Joel Louis Marmelstein, B.A., University of Massachusetts Stephen Edwin Martin, A.B., Washington University Randall Clifford Meidenbauer, B.A., Bowling Green State University Joseph Richard Meives, A.B., Washington University Richard Drew Meredith, B.A., DePauw University David Earl Miller, B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis Michael Paul Millikin, B.S., Michigan State University Rita Marie Montgomery, A.B., Washington University; M.S.W., ibid. Michael Stephen Moran, A.B., Washington University Abby Morrel, A.B., Washington University; M.A.T., ibid. Jeffrey Michael Morris, B.S.G.E., University of Illinois Robert James Mrizek, B.S., Purdue University Alan Ross Nettles, B.A., St. Olaf College Philander Scott Neville, Jr., B.A., Culver-Stockton College Charles Andrew Newman, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara Jay Grant Newquist, B.A., Trinity College John Halford Parker, B.A., Denison University Lawrence Jeffrey Permuter, B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis Mathew Walter Placzek, Jr., B.A., Clark University Gary Robert Planck, B.S., Illinois State University; M.S., University of Wisconsin Joseph Earl Priddy, B.A., Washington and Lee University David Scott Purcell, B.A., College of Wooster Bruce Alan Reznick, B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis Ben Arthur Rich, B.A., DePauw University Joseph Michael Rigot, B.A., University of Dayton; B.S.Ed., ibid; M.A., University of Cincinnati Douglas Dolvin Ritterskamp, A.B ., Washington University John Newton Rooks, B.A., DePauw University John James Rubin, A.B., Boston College Amos Ryce III, A.B., Washington University Stuart Stephan Sacks, B.A., LaSalle College Carey James Schiever, B.A., DePauw University Randall Graham Schneider, B.A., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Donald James Schulte, B.A., DePauw University Herbert True Sears, B.S.B.A., Boston University Clyde Holcomb Sellers, A.B., Washington University John William Showalter, B.A., Purdue University Steven Gary Silets, A.B., Grinnell College Thomas Casey Soraghan, A.B., University of Missouri William Randall Sprague, A.B., University of Michigan Thomas Albert Stegeman, A.B., University of Illinois Andrew John Steinberg, B.A., University of Rochester Steven James Stogel, B.A., Clark University Hollye Elise Stolz, A.B., Washington University Steven Michael Stone, B.A., Northwestern University Robert Francis Strenski, B.S., University of Illinois Jay Arthur Summerville, B.A., Carleton College Frances Dianne Taylor, B.A., Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia Richard Bertram Teitelman, B.A., University of Pennsylvania Gary Henry Terando, B.A., Southern Illinois University Eric Flory Tremayne, B.A ., Westminster College David Milton Uhler, B.A., University of Arizona Stephen Jon Van Daele, B.A., St. Joseph's College Richard Wallace Vidal, B.A., DePauw University William Giles von Glahn, B.A., University of North Carolina Daniel Walton Vradenburg, B.A., University of Washington Michael Browning Walker, B.A., Westminster College Jerry Boyd Wamser, A.B., Washington University Marilyn Preble Watson, B.A., Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia Michael Daniel Weiner, A.B., Washington University Deborah Harris Weinstein, A.B., Washington University David Kent Wenger, B.A., Beloit College David Poland Whitman, B.A., Brown University Allan Barnet Winston, B.S ., New York University George William Wynne, Jr., A.B., Washington University December 22, 1972 Stephen Chandler Banton, A.B., Bowdoin College Jerry Maurice Drewry, A.B., Saint Louis University Robert Lee Ford, B.B.A., Idaho State University Thomas Harold Kuergeleis, B.S., University of Illinois Helen Louise Moorman, B.A., University of Chicago Stanley Platke, A.B., University of Missouri Barry Stuart Schermer, B.A., University of Colorado Frank Van Dyne Smith III, A.B., Saint Louis University Tatjana van der Horst, B.A., University of Pennsylvania Michael Robert Werner, B.A., University of Rochester Richard Osborn Wuerth, B.A., Wittenberg University 26 August 18, 1972 Richard Hunt Evans, B.A., Principia College Woo-Hyung Kim, LL.B., Chonpuk National University; LL.M., ibid.; LL.C.M., University of Pennsylvania Law School; LL.M., Southern Methodist University Randall Scott Parker, B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University MASTER OF LAWS May 25, 1973 Dickson Chock Hoong Lee, B.A., Michigan State University; J.D., University of Kansas James Charles Moloney, E.S.B.A., Washington University; J.D., ibid. Joan Meskiel Newman, B.A., Case Western Reserve University; J.D., Washington University Arthur Richard Silen, B.A., San Jose State College; J.D., University of California, Davis December 22, lfJ72 Sanford J Poger, B.S., Saint Louis University; J.D., Washington University Ted M Riseling, B.S.B.A., University of Tulsa; J.D., ibid. August 18, 1972 Yvonne Beatrice Carrasco, B.A., St. Xavier's College (Bombay); LL.B., University of Bombay MASTER OF COMPARATIVE LAW August 18, 1972 Chaisidh Dhitisudh, LL.B., Thammasat University 27 THE SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Candidates Presented by JOHN THOMAS BIRD, D.D.S., Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ORTHODONTICS May 25,1979 Rea Freeman Graves, B.S., University of Arkansas; D.D .S., University of Tennessee Alan Francis Leritz, A.B., Washington University; D.D.S., Washington University William Gregg Shaner, D.D .S., Washington University Woodson Miller Tottenham, Jr., D.D.S., University of Texas Dental Branch Lewis Carroll Walker, D.D.S., University of Tennessee College of Dentistry John Michael White, B.S., Bradley University; M.S., Illinois State University; D.D.S., Washington University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PROSTHODONTICS May 25,1979 Richard Lane O'Brien, B.S., Saint Louis University; D.D.S., Washington University DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY May 25, 1979 Robert Denver Bauer, Jr., B.S ., Oklahoma State University Paul Thomas Bles, A.B., M.A.Ed., Washington University Richard Gary Boguslaw, B.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook Michael Douglass Brann, B.S., Oklahoma State University Kent Wilson Broadbent, B.S., Utah State University James Ray Carney, B.S., Oklahoma State University Jack Maxwell Chinn II, A.B., Washington University Benjamin Hungwah Chu, B.A., M.S., University of Hawaii Donald Mitchell Cohen, B.S., City College of New York Paul Thomas Coleman, B.S., Kansas State University Scott Peery Daynes Carl Arthur Dickerson, B.S., M.Ed., Utah State University Neal Binns Evans, B.S., Utah State University Arnold Earl Gelfand Harold Morton Gregg, B.A. magna C'Um laude, Kansas State University Stanley Stuart Groom Stephen Dale Hanks, B.S., Brigham Young University David Layton Harrison Robert Richard H enrich, B.S.M.E., University of Rochester Robert Aegerter Hunter Steven David Iceland, A.B., Duke University John Blaine Keddington, B.S., University of Utah Thomas John Kennedy, B.A., Wabash Colleg-e John Paul LaPine, B.S., University of Utah Judel Lew, B.A., University of Connecticut Robert Walter Lindenmuth, B.S., Loyola University of Los Angeles William Henry Maisey Melvin Hugh Martin, B.A., University of Utah James Robert McDonald, B.S., Northern Arizona University Steven Darryl Meltzner Richard Dudley Padberg, B.A., University of Oklahoma John Ter rance P eterson, B.A., Southern Illinois University Blaine Rudd Pierson, B.S., Utah State University Thomas Edward Prosser, B.S., St. Joseph's College Ronald Dale Risner, B.S., Northeastern State College Donald Lee Roberts Robert Paul Rothenberg, B.S., University of Illinois Kent Joseph Sadler, B.S., University of Utah Patrick Francis Stranahan, B.A. , University of Colorado Ernest Porter Sutton Walter Fred ThaI, A.B., Washington University Frank T Thomalla III Thomas Leon ard Tiedeman, B.S., University of Notre Dame Peter Yoshio Umekubo Edward Leroy Vines, B.A., California Western University Cordell W ebb Whitmer George Washington Williams III, B.S., Oklahoma State University Patrick Richard Wilson Rodney Allen Wong, B.A., University of the Pacific Rodney John Zelenka, A.B., MacMurray College C'Um laude Shu Lau Cheuk William John Miller, A.B., Washington University August 18, 1972 Marzban Gustad Patel, B.D.S., Government Dental College, Bombay, India; M.S., Tufts University Lawrence Lee Zigler 28 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Candidates Presented by MORRIS KENTON KING, M.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 25,1973 Sabrina Wai-Sheung Leung Anne Elizabeth Leviton Marcia Dorothy Lilley Carol Ellen Lubin Judith Maria Meredith, A.B. Eno Okon Cynthia Ann Phares Karen Ann Ponciroli Eleanor Lucy Christman, A.B. Danise Conley Christine Kinsel Flaherty Mary Leetta Hammack, A.B. Marsha B Hansen, B.S. Pamela WHeller Mary Katherine Kuxhaus BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL Theresa Anne Riordan Susan R Schwartz Susan Sachie Shimokawa Mickie Lynne Solomon Claudette Lorraine Tyler Winona Claire Williams Susan Deborah Wood THERAPY May 25,1973 Linda Raye Goode Judith Ann Hembree Rowena Winn Holley Mary Alice McLaurin Susan Estes Meneer Michele Sisson Moore Richard Alan Buechler Christine Lee Collier Joan Adrienne Conry Virginia Lynn Diveley Linda Cecilia Gearing MASTER OF HEALTH Beth Ann Reed Ruth Harriet Rose Ellen Shapiro Susan Jane Vignone Peter John Whalen ADMINISTRATION May 25,1973 Robert Edward Blumentritt, A.B., University of Missouri Robert Tipton Brodhead, B.S., Carroll College William Corbin Burke, A.B., Colgate University; M.A., The American University Jimmy Edwin Bushmiaer, B.S., University of Arkansas Bruce Crichton Campbell, B.A ., Lake Forest College Mary Juliane Carey, B.S., Webster College Robert Henry Carey, A.B., University of Missouri Naylor Bruce Clement, B.A., Cornell College Don Lee Coffman, B.S ., Oklahoma Baptist University Harold Gray Cox, B.A., University of Minnesota Raymond Francis Crerand, B.S., University College, Dublin; B.S., The City University of New York Robert Stephen Curtis, B.A., University of Connecticut Arthur Eugene Divine, B.A., Texas Christian University Richard Leon Edwards, B.S.B.A., Rockhurst College Margaret Dwyer Etheridge, B.A., Emory University Doris Jean Frank, B.A., Wartburg College Michael Allan Gelder, B.A., Michigan State University Curtis Charles Gielow, B.S ., St. Louis College of Pharmacy Harold Richard Grisham, B.S., University of Oklahoma Dennis Allison Hall, B.S.C., University of Louisville Herbert Masataka Hamako, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles James Preston Hull, B.B.A., Southern Methodist University Joseph Francis Lazorchak, B.A., Cannon College Robert Mershon Love, B.S.B.A., Washington University Kenneth Alan Marcoux, B.S., University of Arizona Thornal Goodloe Oliver, B.S., Tennessee State University John Michael Rayburn, B.S., University of Tennessee; M.B.A., Memphis State University Thomas James Rehak, B.A., University of Puget Sound Richard David Roodman, B.S ., University of Missouri Mark Richards Russell, A.B., Marquette University Michael Anthony Scavotto, B.A., Beloit College John Ryan Schneider, B.S., University of Kansas Gregory Roland Shanika, B.S.B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis Russell Eugene Struble, B.S., North Dakota State University Gary Lee Sutton, B.S., Centenary College of Louisiana Edson Erdix Swift, B.A., Loras College John Russell Walsh, B.A., College of the Holy Cross Richard Paul Weatherford, B.S.B.A., Southern Colorado State College Alexander Ross White, Jr., B.A., The College of William and Mary August 18, 1972 J Kendall Anderson, B.A., vVilliamette University Barbara DeSha Dowl, B.S., Washington University; M.S., ibid. 29 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE May 25, 1973 Kyrieckos Anthony Aleck, A.B., Harvard College; B.M.S., Dartmouth Medical School Lynn Ellen Anderson, B.S., Muhlenberg College Patrick Craig Ayer, B.A., University of Notre Dame William Whitley Barnes III, A.B., Washington University Roy Clifford Baron, B.S., University of Wisconsin Gregory Duncan Beall, B.A., Johns Hopkins University Edward Henry Birkenmeier II, A.B., Washington University John Scott Black, B.A., University of California, San Diego Lesley Zlotta Blumberg, B.A., University of California, Riverside Joel Dean Blumhagen, A.B., Stanford University James Clark Boyd, B.S., University of Colorado Donald William Bussmann, Jr., A.B., College of the Holy Cross Yvonne Classen Bussmann, B.A., Tabor College William Mark Caplan, B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison David John Carlson, B.A., Wabash College Robert Leo Collins, A.B., College of the Holy Cross John Michael Condit, B.A., University of Arkansas Byron Stanley Cooper, B.A., Johns Hopkins University Stewart Frederick Cramer, A.B., Cornell University Howard Luther DeLozier, B.S., Juniata College Bela Stephen Denes, A.B., Washington University William Michael Duff, B.A., Westminster College; B.A.(Oxon), University of Oxford; M.A.(Oxon), ibid. Arthur David Earl, B.S., University of Idaho Barry Scott Farber, B.S., Texas A and M University Frank James Fazzio, Jr. Michael Francis Finkel, A.B., Washington University Philip Howard Fleckman, B.A., University of Texas at Austin David Lee Fuller, B.S., University of Notre Dame S Vic Glogovac, A.B., Washington University John Dennis Guletz, B.A., University of Notre Dame Edward Feldin Hill, B.S., United States Military Academy John David Hirsch, B.A., Case Western Reserve University Edward Irving Holland, B.S., University of Chicago David Crittenden Hooper, B.A., University of Texas at Austin Mark Wayne Hosler, A.B., University of Missouri Howard Lee Huddleston, B.S., Texas A and M University Mark David Jacobi, B.S., University of Michigan Arthur Elliott Jacobs, B.A., University of Kentucky Mark Schering Jenkins, B.A., University of Texas at Austin David Kaplan, A.B., Case Western Reserve University Daniel S Karin, B.S., Tulane University Robert Harry Karl, B.A., Northwestern University . Catherine Healy Kassens, A.B., Vassar College; B.M.S., Dartmouth Medical School Gale Gordon Kerns, B.A., University of Montana Edward Wells Knowlton Donald Henry Knudson, B.S., Iowa State University Alan Norman Kohn, B.S., Cornell University; M.S., ibid. Kenneth Ray Koskella, B.S., University of Idaho Louisa May Krusack, B.S., University of Illinois King Tak Lee, B.S., Chung Chi College Marc Albert Levine, B.A., Rice University Ace Lipson, B.A., New York University Barbara Cooper Mandell, A.B ., \Vashington University Samuel Kofelanjuma Martin, B.A., Reed College Michael Allan McCarty, A.B., Washington University John Mark Michael, B.A., University of Kansas Barry David Milder, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Douglas Parker Miller, Jr., B.A., University of California, San Diego J effrie Davis Miller III Mark Stanley Minkes, A.B., Washington University Jon Frederick Moran, B.A., Yale University Alan Charles Moses, B.S ., Duke University Janice Marie Mullinix, B.A., University of Kansas Thomas Curtis Namey, A.B., Thiel College Steven Henry Nichols, B.A., Vanderbilt University Mark Alan Novack, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Douglas Gregory Nuelle, B.S., University of Missouri at St. Louis Julius Fredrick Paulin, B.A., University of Colorado Alan Carl Peterson, B.S., University of Michigan Terry Freeman Plasse, A.B., Brandeis University Joshua Herbert Rassen, B.A., Harvard University John D' Arcy Reinhard, B.A., Cornell College Dennis Richmond, B.S ., Purdue University Kenneth Ray Schroer Karen LaFrance Scruggs, B.A ., Macalester College J ames Victor Seegers, B.A., Concordia Senior College Allan James Shapiro, B.A., Stanford University Eugene Meredith Shepherd III, B.A., David Lipscomb College 30 Edwin Haywood Shuck III, B.A., New College Lucien Caldwell Simpson, B.A., David Lipscomb College Jerrold Martin Stempel, B.S., University of Illinois George K Turi, A.B., Columbia University Annette Twitchell, B.S., Washington State University Lawrence S Waldbaum, A.B., Cornell University Richard Coburn Walters, B.S., University of Illinois Nancy E Weaver, B.S., Montana State University Jonathan Weintraub, B.A., Reed College Robert Alan Weisman, A.B., Washington University Jay Harlan Weiss, A.B., Washington University Richard Harvey White, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara William Gregory White, A.B., College of the Holy Cross James Paul Wilhelm, B.S., University of Idaho John Richard Wittenborn, Jr., A.B., Rutgers-The State University Robert Alan Yanover, A.B., University of Rochester Steven Jay Zalcman, A.B., Washington University John Wells Zerdecki, B.A., Rice University Ronald Bert Ziman August 18, 1972 Bruce Robert Ransom, B.A., University of Minnesota 31 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by RALPH ERNEST MORROW, PH.D., MASTER OF Dean ARTS May 25,1973 IN ANTHROPOLOGY Susan Carey Hegger, A.B., Washington University Janet Elizabeth Levy, B.A., Brown University IN ASIAN STUDIES Linda Karen Cospito, B.A., Bradley University Shirley Julia Harding, B.A., Furman University Ching-Huang Abraham Lin, B.A., National Taiwan University Dominick Philip Puccio, B.A., Dartmouth College Hiroko Takebe Scharon, A.B., Washington University Linda Frances Sullivan, A.B. cum laude, Connecticut College Kannika Tiyayon, B.A., Chulalongkorn University IN BIOLOGY Isolde Erika Thalmann, B.S., Washington University IN CHEMISTRY Yen-Yau Harrison Chao, B.Sc., National Taiwan University Weitay Victor Jiang, B.Sc., National Tshing Hua University Chong Ma, B.Sc., National Taiwan University Charles Edson Scott, B.S.Chem., The University of Texas at Austin IN CHINESE Su-pi Hsieh Yen, B.A., Tunghai University IN EARTH SCIENCES Mary Ann Raffe, B.S.Geol., Edinboro State College Robert Anthony Scarato, A.B., Washington University IN ECONOMICS Jack Arthur Bintz, A.B., Saint Louis University Wedson Vice Chinyamata Chipeta, B.Sc., Makerere University; M.A., Yale University Maurice Egbert Ezechiels, B.A. magna cum laude, Howard University Lawrence Helbers, A.B., Rutgers-The State University Karl Neil Hella, B.S.Econ., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jeffrey Wayne Londer, B.A. cum laude, University of Minnesota Richard Alan Woepke, B.S.B.A., University of Missouri at St. Louis IN EDUCATION Gloria Jean Clark, B.A., St. Andrews Presbyterian College Peter Dean Mendelson, A.B. summa cum laude, Washington University IN ENGLISH Susanne Catherine de Risi, A.B. cum laude, Webster College Frances Nations Durham, A.B., Webster College Ronald Edward Peterson, B.A. (hons.), The University of Manitoba Nancy Elledge Richardson, A.B. cum laude , Wellesley College Mary Susan Wallace, B.A., Emory University IN FRENCH Roberta Pospisil Tucker, B.A. summa cum laude, Texas Christian University IN HISTORY Beverley Anne Fullinwider, B.A., The University of Auckland; M.A., ibid. Ina Neal Watson, B.A., Tougaloo College Robert Charles Watson, B.S., Tougaloo College IN JAPANESE LITERATURE Ellen Zweig Edman, A.B., Washington University IN LINGUISTICS Elsa Louise Cooler Liner, A.B., The University of North Carolina; M.S., ibid. IN MATHEMATICS Stuart Jay Epstein, A.B., Washington University Joseph Harold Friedman, B.A., The University of Chicago Lone-Young Yee, B.Sc., National Taiwan University 32 IN MICROBIOLOGY Patricia Cayce Simpson, B.A., David Lipscomb College IN PHILOSOPHY Thomas William Simon, B.A., The St. Lawrence University Douglas John Soccio, B.A., University of California, Riverside IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kathleen Marie Haywood, A.B., Washington University Michael Harris Imergoot, A.B., Washington University IN PHYSICS Claire Joyce Behrmann, B.S., Valparaiso University Mohamed Taher Elfazani, B.Sc., University of Libya Donald Marcus Wilson, B.S.Engr., Arizona State University Mai Yang, B.Sc., National Taiwan University IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Laurily Keir Epstein, A.B., Washington University Kenneth Dan Wald, A.B., The University of Nebraska IN PSYCHOLOGY Karen Blank, A.B. summa cum laude, Washington University Margaret Ann Roberts, B.A. magna cum laude, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York IN SOCIOLOGY Patricia Gail Pellett, A.B., Washington University Suan Neo Tan, B.A. (hons.), The University of Singapore Allen Eugene Wagner, A.B., Washington University IN URBAN AFFAIRS Andrea Joy Berkson, A.B., University of Illinois Maureen Gramling Hughson, B.A., The University of Wisconsin December 22, 1972 IN ANTHROPOLOGY Jih-chang Chester Hsieh, B.A., National Taiwan University; M.A., ibid. Paul Jay Ross, B.A., Clark University Paul Marion St. John, B.A., Stanford University Margaret Lucie Thomas, A.B. cum laude, Bryn Mawr College Vincent Thomas Tucker, B.Th. cum laude, Universite Saint-Paul; S.T.B., ibid.; M.Th., ibid.; S.T.L., ibid. IN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY Jenny Nathan Strauss, A.B., Smith College IN BIOLOGY Ina Rea Bicknell, A.B., Indiana University Deborah Stein Lax, B.S., The George Washington University IN CHEMISTRY Jen-Ling James Chen, B.Sc., National Taiwan University Gary John Ehrhardt, A.B. summa cum laude, Washington University James Mrozack, Jr., B.S., Hofstra University James Joseph Reilly, B.S.Chem., University of Missouri at St. Louis IN CHINESE Charles Dennison Lane, B.A., Norwich University IN CLASSICS J ames Garry DeVoto, B.A., College of the Holy Cross IN ECONOMICS Terry Lee Huskey, A.B., University of Missouri Wesley Scott Mellow, B.S.B.A., University of Denver Claudio Adrian Pardo, Ingeniero Comercial, Universidad de Chile James Francis Ragan, A.B., University of Missouri William Spencer Reece, B.A., University of Maryland Alan Milton Schlottmann, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University Koon-Lam Shea, B.Soc.Sci., University of Hong Kong IN EDUCATION Laurie Neal Casey, A.B., Maryville College of the Sacred Heart 33 IN ENGLISH Barbara Ann Bretcko, B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Steven Douglas Neuwirth, A.B., Hunter College of the City University of New York IN FRENCH Rosalind Stillerman Seiden, A.B., Washington University IN GERMAN Michaela Kobele Elisabeth Uttenthal Price, B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., ibid. IN GERMAN AREA STUDIES Mary Ellen Cibulka, A.B., Washington University IN HISTORY Philip Lee Chancellor, A.B., Rockhurst College; M.A., The University of Kansas Michael John Crawford, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University John Joseph Dwyer, Jr., A.B., Hamilton College John Charles Gannon, B.A., College of the Holy Cross Jeanette Carol Lauer, B.S.Ed. summa cum laude, University of Missouri at St. Louis Charles Kermit Piehl, B.A., Valparaiso University Judith Barry Wish, B.A. magna cum laude, University of Masscahusetts IN MUSIC Clarisse Dobrowolski IN PHILOSOPHY Richard Craig Friedman, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University IN PHYSICS Patrick Thomas Love, B.S., St. John Fisher College Dennis Kirkwood Mansfield, A.B., Rutgers-The State University IN PSYCHOLOGY Robert Buford Carpenter, A.R, Asbury College; B.D., Chandler School of Theology, Emory University IN SPANISH Clemencia Velez de Vockrodt, B.A. (hons.), The George Washington University IN URBAN AFFAIRS Clarkson Carpenter III, A.B., Saint Louis University August 18, 1972 IN ANTHROPOLOGY Elizabeth Gayle Nett, B.A. (hons.), Newcomb College of Tulane University Oscar Jose Osorio, Licenciado en Antropologia, Universidad de los Andes IN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY Linda Kulla Schmelzer, A.B., Webster College IN BIOLOGY Paul Richard Fantz, B.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University; M.S.Ed., ibid. Susan Helen Fisher, A.B., Washington University Kathleen Louise Shea, A.R (hons.); Grinnell College IN CHEMISTRY Aina Hung Cheng, RSc., National Taiwan University Po-Hsin Liu, B.Sc ., National Taiwan University Michael Dewey Loberg, B.S., Trinity College IN EARTH SCIENCES Richard Laurence Davis, A.B., Washington University IN ECONOMICS Arthur Thomas Denzau, RS., Arizona State University Dorothy Blake Lockard, B.A. cum laude , Bates College Uthai Santivimolnat, REcon., Thammasat University IN EDUCATION Barbara Elaine Bell, B.S.Ed., University of Missouri Judith Ann Herzog, B.S., Indiana State University 34 IN ENGLISH Kristina Mary Bamvakais, A.B., Washington University Jacqueline Rae Brovold, B.A., St. Olaf College Eleanor Callahan DeKms, A.B., Cornell University; M.A.T., Washington University Henry Allan Green, B.A., Lehigh University Charles Ossian Hartman, A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard University IN FRENCH Nancy Lee Lawther, B.A., The Pennsylvania State University Richard Warren Lemp, A.B., University of Missouri Cheryl Alison Mann, B.A., Dickinson College IN GERMAN Ernest Lionel Carpenter, A.B., University of Missouri at St. Louis Ingrid Eggers Arthur Albert Koenig, A.B., Washington University Judy Irene Wulff, B.A., South Dakota State University IN GERMAN AREA STUDIES Patricia Tylisz Strauss, A.B., Indiana University IN HISTORY Martin Philip Adams, B.A., Michigan State University Edward Thomas Breslin, B.A., Swarthmore College Ronald Henry Chertok, B.A., The University of Wisconsin Nathan Orr Hatch, A.B. (hons.) , Wheaton College Duncan Scott Johnson, B.A., Trinity College Joanne Fox Przeworski, A.B., Northwestern University; A.M.T., Harvard University Marcia Jeanne Rodgers, B.A. cum laude, Knox College IN JAPANESE LITERATURE Ernest Juchan Tsai, B.A., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University; l\rLL.S., North Texas State University IN MATHEMATICS Ilda Cleofe Hernandez de Macias, Licenciada en Matematica, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Edward Francis McHugh, Jr., B.S., Tufts University IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Margaret Burmeister Hopwood, B.A., University of Minnesota IN MUSIC Susanne Elisabeth Bell, B.S., Washington University Mary Celeste Lehman, B.Mus., Webster College Margaret McGinness Liggett, A.B., Maryville College of the Sacred Heart IN NURSING SCIENCE Evelyn Luetisher Parker, B.S.Sec.Ed., Alabama State College; Dipl. Nurs., Jewish Hospital School of Nursing IN PHILOSOPHY James Joseph Sweeney, B.A., Manhattan College IN PHYSICS Bruce Cecil Anderson, B.S.Phys., University of Missouri at Rolla Elmer Louis Lueker, Jr., B.S., University of Illinois IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Mary J 0 Long, B.A. magna cum laude, Southwest Missouri State College Ronald Arthur Lowy, B.A. (hons.); Swarthmore College Glenn Stanley Silloway, B.A. summa cum laude, Macalester College IN SOCIOLOGY Harry Edward Berndt, B.A., Kent State University Joanne Biernbaum, A.B. magna cum laude, University of Missouri at St. Louis Paul Dennis Brunn, A.B. cum laude, Brandeis University; M.S.W., Wayne State University Delores Helease Carpenter, B.A., Morgan State College; M.Div. cum laude, Howard University John Estano de Roche, B.A. (hons.) , St. Francis Xavier University Frederick Douglass Hobby, B.A., Kentucky State College Mary Catherine Mattis, B.A. cum laude, Oakland University Susan Bee Rosenblum, A.B. cum laude, Washington University Patricia Toni Scalia, B.A., New York University IN SPANISH Diane Lieto Gomer, A.B., Rutgers-The State University IN URBAN AFFAmS George Spencer Gilley, B.A., Southern Illinois University; M.A., ibid. Louise Ann Veninga, A.B., Webster College 35 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING May 25,1973 IN ART Laura Sue Saiber, B.F.A., Washington University IN ENGLISH Thomas Michael Dlugosch, B.A. summa cum laude, University of Minnesota Daria Tamar Naftulin, A.B., The University of Michigan James Ray Richardson, A.B. cum laude, University of Missouri at St. Louis Philip M Weber, B.A., Southern Illinois University IN MUSIC Terese Marcus Edelstein, A.B., Washington University December 22, 1972 IN BIOLOGY Jeffrey Wayne Shelton, A.B., Washington University IN ENGLISH Kathleen Ann Karr, A.B., Washington University IN MATHEMATICS Bonita Gay Coleman, A.B., Washington University IN SOCIAL STUDIES Michael Mandell, A.B., Washington University August 18, 1972 IN ART Claude Rene Kruchmar, B.F.A., Washington University Gladys Orvilla Volz, B.F.A., The University of Arizona IN ENGLISH Avajoy Mathews, A.B., University of Illinois Kathleen Ann McNeill, B.A., Cornell College Paula Sue Murray, A.B., University of Missouri Bruce Edward Schneider, A.B., University of Missouri IN LATIN Frederick August Haase, B.A. magna cum laude, Wabash College IN MATHEMATICS Francena Willingham, A.B., Talladega College IN SPANISH Joe Leonard Beard, B.A., Jackson State College IN SOCIAL STUDIES Mary Jane Baird, A.B., Duke University Joan Elizabeth Gates, B.A. magna cum laude, Maryville College Cynthia Brams Koch, A.B., Washington University MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION May 25, 1973 IN EDUCATION Sharon Jaramillo Alexander, A.B., Washington University Esther Strenger Beckmann, A.B., Washington University Elizabeth Flippen Beinke, B.S .Ed., University of Missouri Cathy Kushner Berchenko, A.B., Washington University Maureen Alexandrine Berle, B.S.Elem.Ed., College Misericordia Richard Raymond Berne, B.A., Cardinal Glennon College; M.A., Saint Louis University; M.Div., ibid . Ray Vernon Blanchard, A.B., Washington University Jennifer Lisa Boretz, A.B. , Washington University Cynthia Jane Buchanan, A.B., Washington University Suellen Buess, B.S.Ed., Bowling Green State University 36 Maria-Teresa Elizabeth Butler, B.S., Northeast Missouri State College Dahl Joseph Cento, B.S.G.S., Saint Louis University Mark Paul Cereghino, A.B., Washington University Karen Levin Coburn, B.A., Skidmore College; M.A.T., Harvard University Michael Cohen, A.B., Washington University Marilyn Rae Cohn, A.B., Washington University Robert Francis Costello, B.A., Immaculate Conception College; B.D., ibid. James Albert Dalton, Jr., B.S., Little Rock University Jean Rudovsky Dayan, A.B., Barnard College Wendy Smith DuBois, A.B., Washington University Joseph Francis Famiglietti, B.S.Econ., University of Pennsylvania Margaret Tracy Flori, A.B., Washington University Carol Ann Wimsatt Fuss, B.S., The Creighton University Sally Glassberg, A.B., Washington University Beatrice Erna Greenspan, A.B., Washington University Barbara Joyce Groppel, B.A., Northwestern University Margaret McDonald Guest, B.S., Saint Louis University Eugene Edward Hanacek, B.S., The Ohio State University Patricia Lynn Hogenkamp, A.B.Ed. magna cum laude, Harris Teachers College Irene Jolinda Hopkins, B.A., Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences Daisy Marie Jones, B.S.Ed., Central State College William Mark Kahnweiler, A.B., Washington University Cheryl Gaye Kliefoth, A.B., Washington University Janie Birdsall Lander, A.B.Ed., The University of Michigan David Littman, A.B., Washington University; M.A.T., ibid. Edward Wollerman Martin, B.S.B.A., Washington University Georgiana Rose McCormick, A.B., Washington University Holly Ryan Moremen, B.A., Dickinson College Bernice Mazurek Morton, B.S., Saint Louis University Janice Orea Mosby, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College William Henry Nagel, B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.A., University of Arkansas Margaret Eileen O'Brien, B.S., Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Joan Dicker Pearlman, A.B., Washington University Patricia Remington Piot, B.A., The Principia College Mark Eric Raisher, A.B., Washington University Leo Harry Range, A.B., Cardinal Glennon College; A.M., Saint Louis University Chionia Peterson Reed, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Peggy Husch Reichman, A.B., Washington University; M.A.Ed., ibid. Lawrence Charles Sanders, B.B.A., St. Mary's University of San Antonio Eric Sharenow, B.A., Alfred University Jacqueline Powell Smith, B.S., Washington University Abby Snay, A.B., Washington University Judith Christine Spink, A.B., Drury College Catherine Mary Steel, B.A., The University of Western Ontario Jacqueline Zillha Tatum, A.B., University of Missouri at St. Louis Michael Lewis 'I'hal, B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo Raymond Oliver Tretter, A.B., Washington University Joy Ann Walker, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Terrell Nathaniel Walker, B.S., Southern Illinois University Marc Allen Weiner, A.B., Washington University Marc Morris Weiner, B.A. cum laude, Queens College of the City University of New York Rita McKenney White, B.S. (hons.); University of Connecticut; R.N., ibid. Clyde Williams, B.A., Webster College Sheryl Joy Williams, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University Pamela Jean Wolens, A.B., Washington University Robert Neal Zevin, A.B., Washington University IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Eileen Ruth Johnston, B.S.Ed., Central Missouri State College Gregory William Laumann, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Gwendolyn Roseburr, B.S.Ed., Langston University Donald Stuart Wilson, A.B., Washington University December 22, 1972 IN EDUCATION Johnnie Mae Chen, B.A., Howard University Rosalyn Schultz Kass, B.Ed., National College of Education Melody Marian Maksudian, A.B., Washington University Marilyn Schowengerdt Pryor, A.B., 'W a shington University August 18, 1972 IN EDUCATION Sandra Scroggin Albright, A.B., Webster College Barbara Jane Atwater, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Susan Jennings Bates, B.A. magna cum laude, Carleton College Neil Douglas Berry, B.S.Ed. magna cum laude, Southeast Missouri State College Susan Jane Busch, A.B., Washington University Paul Joseph Cates, B.S., Saint Louis University 37 Demosthenes DuBose, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Ann Louise Fahey, A.B., Maryville College of the Sacred Heart Katherine Edna Gibson, B.A., Hollins College Barbara O'Neal Guilfoil, A.B. (hons.), San Jose State College Patricia McGahey Henderson, A.B., Washington University Jane Bray Huffstutler, A.B., University of Kentucky Marie Oberkramer Hunter, B.S.Ed., Washington University Barbara Ruth James, B.S., Tulane University Patricia Young Jordan, B.S., Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University Jacqueline Anderson Keaton, B.A., Fisk University Maureen Regina Kenefick, B.S.Ed., St. Thomas Aquinas College Philip Frederick Lesser, A.B., Washington University Marilee Moeller Lovit, A.B. cum laude, MacMurray College Annie Owens MacDonald, B.A., Philander Smith College Gerald Roy Manker, A.B., Washington University Grace Tolliver McGowan, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Ruby Gee Moore, B.S., Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University Martha Jane Neukomm, A.B., Grinnell College Juanita Jane Newton, B.S.Ed. cum laude, University of Missouri Roshelle Phillips, A.B., Washington University Ralph Preston Robinson, B.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University Sharon Ann Sanders, B.A. summa cum laude, Notre Dame College Linda Stone Sobota, B.S.Ed. 'magna cum laude, Southeast Missouri State College Beverly Ann Tatum, A.B.Ed., Harris Teachers College Janice Jackson VanBuren, B.S., Morgan State College Marilyn King Warren, B.S.Ed., North Texas State University Carol Noweta Williams, B.A., University of Colorado Sandra Rose Wolk, B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo Cindy Lea Wynn, B.S.Ed., University of Missouri Alan Edward Zarkowsky, A.B., Washington University IN HEALTH EDUCATION Emily McClinton Moore, B.S., George Williams College IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sallie Price Fuhri, B.S .Ed., University of Missouri Deborah Ann Fulstone Geiger, B.S.Ed., University of Missouri Terry Lew Krause, B.S., Millikin University Marcia Dianne O'Connell, B.S.Ed., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 25, 1973 Kathleen Farrell Daniel, B.S ., George Peabody College for Teachers Rachel Mayberry Daumueller, B.A., Drake University Regina Anne Davis, B.A., Marillac College; M.A., Saint Louis University Janice Lynn Duffield, B.A., Miami University Carol Diane Edley, B.A., Phillips University Kathleen Hanau Fioretti, B.S., Saint Louis University Charles Lee Gammel, B.A., Mississippi College Irene Gutmann, B.A., McGill University Karen Sue Hanacek, B.S.Ed., The Ohio State University Barbara Joan Harris, B.A., The University of Wisconsin Star Christine Leonard, B.A., Oregon State University Suzanne Marie Lux, A.B.Spch. cum laude, Gonzaga University Patricia Fisk McKinnon, B.A., Raymond College, University of the Pacific De Ann McMahan, B.A., University of Colorado Martha Lois Mitchell, B.A., The University of Mississippi Caryl Weiler Sagovac, B.S., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Patricia Joan Sommerville, B.S., University of Minnesota Virginia Kay Wallace, B.S.Ed., Mississippi College Wendy Louise Watts, B.S.Ed., Indiana University James Francis Wilson, B.A., University of the Pacific MASTER OF MUSIC May 25,1973 Sarah Ellen Baker, A.B., Washington University Margaret Thomas Calcaterra, B.Mus., Fontbonne College Susan Rhona Flamm, B.F.A. cum laude, Newcomb College of Tulane University Camille Ruth Neubauer, B.S .Mus.Ed., Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Lorenz Roy Wahlers, B.Mus., Valparaiso University Barbara Catherine White, B.Mus., DePauw University August 18, 1972 Catherine Ann Kenner, B.Mus.Ed. cum laude, Webster College 38 ADVANCED GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION May 25, 1979 IN EDUCATION Harold Dean Greer, B.S.Ed., Central Missouri State College; M.A.Ed., Washington University Ida Marie Greenleaf Hamilton, B.S., Allegheny College; M.A.Ed., Washington University Cleta Ruth Pouppart, B.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University; M.A.T., Webster College December 22, 1972 IN EDUCATION Douglas Frank Benn, B.S., Michigan State University; M.A., ibid. Patricia Irene Owoc, B.S.Home Econ., Kansas State University; M.S., ibid. August 18, 1972 IN EDUCATION Sherrill Hose Akyol, A.B., Washington University; M.A.Ed., ibid. Jacquelyn Lea Gardner Coleman, B.S.Ed., The Ohio State University; M.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University Keith Douglas Cormack, A.B., William Jewell College; M.A.Ed., Washington University James Wood Shucart, B.S.Ed., Southeast Missouri State College; A.M., Saint Louis University DOCTOR OF EDUCATION May 25,1973 IN MUSIC EDUCATION Rosalyn Harris Ball, A.B.Ed., Stowe Teachers College; M.Mus .Ed., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Title of Thesis: An Ungraded Guide to the Organization of the Elementary General Music Curriculum in the Public Schools August 18, 1972 IN MUSIC EDUCATION Douglas Leonard Turpin, B.S.Ed., College-Conservatory of Music of Cincinnati; M.Mus.Ed., Eastern Kentucky University Title of Thesis: The Twentieth Century: A Secondary Teacher's Guide for the Introduction of Twentieth Century Music with Emphasis Upon American Composers DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 25,1973 IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION James Alan Anderson, B.A., DePauw University Title of Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Income Measurement Theories in Financial Accounting IN CHEMISTRY Kwang Yul Choo, B.Sc., Seoul National University Part I: Reactions of Reactive Silicon Species Part II: Reactions of Cl CP 3/ 2) and Cl Cp1/ 2) Atoms IN EARTH SCIENCES Edward Stewart Hughes, B.A., The College of Wooster; M.S., University of Minnesota Title of Thesis: Calcareous Nannoplankton and Biostratigraphy of Late Miocene to Late Pliocene Sediments in the Conrad Cores from the Blake Plateau, North Atlantic Howard Richard Shifflett, B.S.Ed., Central Missouri State College; M.A., California State College at Long Beach; M.S., University of Utah Title of Thesis: Geomorphology of the Kaskaskia River, Illinois Donald John Thompson, B.A., The Monmouth College; A.M., Indiana University Title of Thesis: A Paleoecologic and Biostratigraphic Analysis of Late Neogene Sediments in the Gulf Coast IN ECONOMICS C Mario Mundaca Cortes, Licenciado, Universidad de Chile; M.A., Yale University Title of Thesis: Technological Absorption and Unemployment: A Comparative Analysis Gelvin Lee Stevenson, B.A., Carleton College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Determinants of the Occupational Employment of Black and White Male Teenagers 39 IN EDUCATION Theodore Martin Smorodin, B.A., Brooklyn College of the City University of New York; M.A.T., Purdue University Title of Thesis: A Study of the Relationship of Measures of Student Perception of Teacher Behavior to Student Performance and Characteristics IN ENGLISH Pamela Gay Hadas, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: Efforts of Affection: The Poetry of Marianne Moore Sherwood Mitchell Novick, A.B., Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: George Meredith: From The Shaving of Shagpat to The Egoist IN GERMAN Clarence Elliot Butler, A.B., Washington University; M.A., University of Kansas; B.D., Episcopal Theological School Title of Thesis: Hartmann von Aue als tibersetzer und Padagoge : Eine Untersuchung zur E rhellung padagogischer Absichten in den hofischen Epen Richard Milton Kalfus, B.A., The City College of New York; M.A., Northwestern University Title of Thesis: The Function of the Dream in the Works of E. T. A. Hoffmann Margaret Anne Scholl, B.A . magna cum laude , The University of Buffalo; M.A., Middlebury College Title of Thesis: German "Bildungsdrama": Schiller's Don Carlos, Goethe's Torquato Tasso, and Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg Heimtraut Fritzen Taylor, B.A., Brigham Young University; M.A., The Pennsylvania State University Title of Thesis: The Meaning of the Family in the Life and Works of Theodor Storm-A Literary-Sociological Study IN HISTORY Ronald Dennis Bittel, B.A., Manhattan College Title of Thesis: Belgian "Liberal Catholicism" and t he Papacy, 1863-1879 Wayne Travis Hanebrink, B.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University; M.A., ibid. Title of Thesis: Labour Intellectuals and the Soviet Union: A Study in Intercultural Contact and Understanding, 1917-1935 Herbert Theodore Mayer, B.A., Concordia Seminary; M.Div., ibid.; S.T.M., ibid.; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Charity in the Western Roman Empire Sumner Anthony Standen, B.S., Columbia University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Statute of Mortmain in the 13th and 14th Centuries IN MATHEMATICS Norman Eugene Liden, B.A. cum laude, Colorado College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: K-Spaces, Their Antispaces and Related Maps Jeffrey Clayton Wiener, B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Extremal Length Problem Applied to a Bordered Riemann Surface with a Finite Number of Boundary Components IN MUSIC Katherine Pejkarianz Georgieff, B.M., University of Music Mozarteum; A.M. , Washington University Title of Thesis: The Instrumental and Vocal Works of Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann IN NEUROBIOLOGY Madelon Tashma Price, A.B., Washington University Title of Thesis: Studies on Axoplasmic Transport in the Rabbit Visual System IN PATHOLOGY John Clark Sauer, B.A., University of Wyoming; M.S., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Effects of Oxygen and Salinity on Renal Renin and Juxtaglomerular Cells in Kidneys of Goldfish, Carassius Auratus IN PHILOSOPHY Philip Joseph Bossert, A.B., Rockhurst College; . A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Origins and Early Development of Edmund Husserl's Method of Phenomenological Reduction Marc Edward Kellner, A.B. magna cum laude, Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: Civil Disobedience in Democracy: A Philosophical Justification Charles Richard Meyer, A.B., Washington University; A.M ., ibid. Title of Thesis: Entrenchment and Comparative Projectibility: Prospects for Inductive Logic Kathleen Marie Squadrito, B.A., San Jose State College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: A Defense of Locke's Theory of Sensitive Knowledge James Alwin Thomas, B.A., University of Delaware; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Truth, Translation, and Ontological Commitment IN PHYSICS Charles Byron Lady, B.S., University of Maryland Title of Thesis: An Experimental Study of the Kila to Kea Branching Ratio 40 IN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS John Woodring Studt, B.A., Yale College Title of Thesis: Linear Electrical Properties of the Cardiac Purkinje Cell Membrane IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Frederic Teitelbaum, A.B., Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Floating Voter and the American Electoral Process Louis Pearce Westefield, B.A. cum laude, Washington and Lee University Title of Thesis: Party Leaders and Followers in the House of Representatives IN PSYCHOLOGY L Nell Logan Cox, A.B., University of Kentucky; A.M., New York University Title of Thesis: Ego Development and Helping Behavior Carol Diane Gay, B.A., The University of Chicago Title of Thesis: Behavioral and Physiological Expression of the Organization of Adaptive Mechanisms Mobilized by Contingency Management Joanne Bamberger Gilden, A.B., Mount Holyoke College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Guesses and Strategies in Identification of Environmentally Familiar Pictorial Stimuli in Three Age Groups of Children Kenneth Charles Haugk, B.A ., Concordia Senior College; M.Div., Concordia Seminary Title of Thesis: Primacy Effect in Rorschach Interpretation Elliot Martin Sharpe, B.S., University of Cincinnati; M.A ., Bowling Green State University Title of Thesis: An Analysis of Activities of Children Du ring Free Play in Nursery Schools IN ROMANCE LANGUAGES William Thomas Little, B.A. magna cum laude, San Fernando Valley State College; A.M., Indiana University Title of Thesis: Don Juanism in Modern European Literature IN SOCIOLOGY Marcos Gimenez-Zapiola, Licenciado en Sociologia, Argentine Catholic University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Hegemony and Underdevelopment in Argentina Lawrence Barry Radine, B.A., San Jose State College; M.A., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Taming of the Troops: Modern Techniques of Social Control in the United States Army IN SOCIOLOGY; URBAN AFFAIRS Clara Rodriguez, B.A., The City College of New York; M.S., Cornell University Title of Thesis: The Ethnic Queue in the U.S.: The Case of Puerto Ricans IN SPANISH Rufino Reinaldo Sanchez, B. Letters, Instituto de Segunda Enseiianza de Marianao; LL.D., Universidad de la Habana; A.M., 'Washington University Title of Thesis: Rasgos del Heroe en la Novela Modernista December 22, 1972 IN BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY David John Bates, B.A., Carleton College Title of Thesis: Studies on Aspects of Enzymatic Mechanisms: Development of Computer Simulation Programs and Investigation of Some of the Properties of Glutamate Dehydrogenase Francoise Jacqueline Heritier, Maitre es Science, Universite de Paris Title of Thesis: The Purification of Glycogen Branching Enzyme a (-1,4-Glucan: a-1,4-Glucan 6-Glycosyltransferase) from Rabbit Liver and a Study of Some Catalytic and Molecular Properties of its Multiple Forms. Comparison with the Branching Enzymes of Rabbit Muscle and Human Liver IN BIOLOGY Alwyn Howard Gentry, B.S., Kansas State University; B.A., ibid.; M.S., The University of Wisconsin Title of Thesis: An Eco-Evolutionary Study of the Bignoniaceae of Southern Central America Jerome Bernard Rattner, B.A., Miami University; M.S., The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston Title of Thesis: Observations of Spermatogenesis and Mitosis IN CHEMISTRY Ernest Paul Brody, B.S., Antioch College Title of Thesis: The Hydrolysis and Cyclization of Farnesyl Phosphate Jaime Alberto Rabi, Biochemist, Universidad de Chile; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis : Nucleic Acid Chemistry: Part A. Synthesis of 3- (l3-D-Ribofuranosy1) xanthine. Part B. The Iodination of Thymidine and 2t,3 1-O-I sopr opyliden eur idine. An Approach to the Mechanism of Conversion of 5-Halogenonucleosides into 06,51-Cyclonucleosides in Alkaline Medium 41 IN ECONOMICS Suk Tai Suh, B.Mgmt., Yonsei University; M.A., University of Massachusetts Title of Thesis: A General Model of Factor Proportions Theory of International Trade John Andrew Wenninger, B.A., Wisconsin State University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Political Economy of Monetary Policy: The Constraints on Monetary Policy Jess Barry Yawitz, A.B. cum laude, Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: Economically Relevant Wealth: Its Specification and Role in Consumption IN ENGLISH Terrence George Des Pres, B.A., Southeast Missouri State College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Visionary Experience in the Poems of Shelley IN MICROBIOLOGY Elizabeth Schulenburg Dugan, B.S. cum laude, Wake Forest College Title of Thesis: The Primary Structure of the Light Chain of a Mouse Myeloma Protein with Anti-Hapten Activity IN PHARMACOLOGY Richard Howard Fertel, A.B., Brandeis University Title of Thesis: The Effect of a-Carbon Substituted Short-chain Monocarboxylic Acids on Insulin Release IN PHYSICS John William Ladrigan, B.S., University of Cincinnati; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Reality of Zero Point Energy IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Darlene Leona Boroviak, B.A. cum laude, Beloit College Title of Thesis: Institutionalization of Capital-Labor Relations in Western Europe Mary Alice Owen, B.A., Southwest Missouri State College; M.A., University of Florida Title of Thesis: The Process and Politics of State Expenditures in Missouri IN PSYCHOLOGY Barbara Burdine Bremer, A.B., University of Illinois Title of Thesis: Construct Validity of Several Facets of Extraversion-Introversion Carl Frederick Hoppe, B.S., Saint Louis University Title of Thesis: Ego Development and Conformity Behaviors IN SOCIAL WORK Howard William Kroll, B.A., University of California at Los Angeles; M.S.W., University of Washington Title of Thesis: Modification of Smoking Behavior by Self-Management of Smoking Cues William Maurice Theisen, B.A., Loras College; M.S.W., Washington University Title of Thesis: Implementing a Child Abuse Law Weston Elroy Whatcott, B.A., Brigham Young University; M.S., University of Missouri Title of Thesis: Bureaucratic Constraints, Bureaucratic Focus, Misfeasance and Powerlessness: An Empirical Assessment of Psychiatric Hospitals Vernon Robert Wiehe, B.A., Concordia Seminary; M.Div., ibid.; M.A., The University of Chicago Title of Thesis: A Comparison of the Group and Individual Methods of the Adoptive Study in Relation to Attitudinal Change IN SOCIOLOGY James Carleton Miller, A.B., Wilmington College Title of Thesis: The Corporate Ideal and Postwar Disarmament IN SPANISH Martha LaFollette Miller, A.B. magna cum laude, Smith College; M.A., The University of Wisconsin Title of Thesis: Love in the Poetry of Jorge Guillen August 18, 1972 IN ANATOMY Norma Namminga Wagoner, B.A., Drake University Title of Thesis: Some Morphological Aspects of the Guinea Pig Visual System IN ANTHROPOLOGY James Culhane Pierson, B.A., Sacramento State College; M.A., ibid. Title of Thesis: Aboriginality in Adelaide: Urban Resources and Adaptations IN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY Marilyn Eiseman Heldman, B.S.Ed., University of Missouri; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: Minatures of the Gospels of Princess Zir Ganela, an Ethiopic Manuscript dated A.D. 1400/01 42 IN BIOLOGY Richard Kendall Baker, A.B., Washington University Title of Thesis: Foliar Anatomy of the Laeliinae (Orchidaceae) Roseanne Mary Cook, B.A. magna cum laude, Fontbonne College Title of Thesis: The Influence of a Factor Present in Liver and Serum on the Character and Development of Alkaline Phosphatase in the Mouse Drew Morrison Noden, B.A., Washington and Jefferson College Title of Thesis: A Radioautographic Analysis of the Migration of Chick Cephalic Neural Crest Cells John Cameron Semple, B.S. cum laude, Tufts University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Cytology, Flavonoid Chemistry and Systematics of the Texas Sleepy Daisy Xanthisma texanum DC. (Asteraceae) IN BOTANY William Gerald D'Arcy, B.A. (hons.), University of Alberta; M.S., University of Florida Title of Thesis: The Solanaceae of Panama IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Douglas Eugene Durand, B.A., Westminster College; M.B.A., Washington University Title of Thesis: Black Entrepreneurship Training: A Study of the Effects of Achievement Motivation Training in a Management Development Program for Black Businessmen IN CHEMISTRY Thornton Chard Carpenter, A.B., Harvard University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Mechanism of an Ylid Rearrangement: Conversion of N-Methyl-N-phenylisoindoliniumylid into 5-Methyl-5,6-dihydromorphanthridine Baiba Kurins Gillard, B.S.Chem., Purdue University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: 3-Phenyl-1-Azabicyclo-(1.1.0)-Butane: The Transition State Structure for Hydrolysis of a Highly Strained Small Ring Compound Daniel Kenneth Schiffer, A.B., Washington University Title of Thesis: Some Macromolecular Properties of Poly (a-L-Glutamic Acid) in N-Methyl Acetamide and Guanidine Hydrochloride Solution IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Bruce Sewell Erlich, A.B., Washington University; A.M., ibid. Title of Thesis: The Idea of Politics in Georg Buchner: An Essay on the Problem of Knowledge in the Transition from Hegel to Marx IN ECONOMICS Philip Joseph Karst, B.S.Comm. cum. laude, Saint Louis University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Effect on Performance of the Separation of Ownership from Control George Richard Meadows, B.B.A., Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Residential Property Values and Local Public Budgets: An Empirical Study of the Capitalization of Local Property Tax and Expenditure Differentials Robert Simpson Woodward IV, B.A., Haverford College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Industrial Incentives and Regional Economic Growth: The Case of Puerto Rico IN EDUCATION Ruges Richmond Freeman, Jr., B.Ed., Southern Illinois University; A.M., University of Illinois Title of Thesis: The St. Louis Public Schools, 1938-1956, with Emphasis on Philip J. Hickey, Superintendent 1942-1956: A Study of the School Board-Superintendent Relationship John Elroy Gadell, A.B., Washington University; M.A.Ed., ibid. Title of Thesis: Charles Allen Prosser: His Work in Vocational and General Education Beverly Novack Hotchner, B.S., University of Illinois; M.A.Ed., Washington University Title of Thesis: Comparative Effectiveness of Isolated Focus, Embedded Focus, or No Focus in Increasing Confrontation Skill of Counselor-Trainees and Quasi-Counseling Personnel IN ENGLISH Bruce Vincent Roach, B.A., Ohio University; M.A., ibid.; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Layamon's Brut 1-8020, Concorded IN GERMAN Richard Charles Helt, B.A., Kansas State College of Pittsburg; M.A., The University of Wyoming Title of Thesis: Untersuchungen zum Pessimismus in den sozialen Dramen Georg Kaisers 43 iN HISTORY Roger Dean Adelson, A.B., The George Washington University; A.M., Washington University; B.Litt. (Oxon); University of Oxford Title of Thesis: The Formation of British Policy towards the Middle East, 1914-1918 Mary Kaufmann Durham, B.A., Skidmore College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Sans-Jupons' Crusade for Liberation During the French Revolution Darrell Richard Reinke, B.A., Yale University; B.D., Concordia Seminary; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Luther, the Cloister, and the Language of Monastic Devotion IN MICROBIOLOGY Elizabeth Anne Craig, B.S., University of Rhode Island Title of Thesis: RNA Metabolism in Escherichia coli During Bacteriophage T4 Infection, Amino Acid Starvation and Complete Inhibition of Protein Synthesis IN MUSIC Steven Lee Cooksey, B.M .Ed. cum laude, Evansville College; M.Mus., Syracuse University Title of Thesis: Impressionistic Aspects of Twentieth Century French Organ Literature Robert Harold Danes, B.Mus., Oberlin Conservatory of Music; M.Mus., Yale University Title of Thesis: Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress: Paradigm of Neoclassic Opera IN NEUROBIOLOGY Bruce Robert Ransom, B.A., University of Minnesota Title of Thesis: Neurophysiological Studies on Presumed Neuroglial Cells in Cat Cortex IN PHILOSOPHY Richard Hood Holmes, B.A., Montana State University; M.A., ibid. Title of Thesis: HusserI's Transcendental Turn E rnest Philip Soper, A.B. summa cum laude, Washington University; A.M., ibid.; J.D. magna cUm laude, Harvard University Title of Thesis: The "Acceptability" of Law: An Analysis of the Concept of Law Based on the Legal Theory of Professor H. L. A. Hart IN PHYSICS Howard Crittendon Baker, B.A., Berea College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Light Cone Algebra in Regge Domains Fred Harden Geisler, B.S.Phys., Case Institute of Technology; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Search for Superheavy Elements in Terrestrial Minerals and Cosmic Ray Induced Fission of Heavy Elements David Allan Gibbs, B.S., The Principia College; M.S., San Diego State College Title of Thesis: Aspects of Neoclassical Radiation Theory Jerry Allen N urenberg, B.S., Valparaiso University Title of Thesis: Track Length Fluctuations in Electron-Photon Showers of Energy 20 - 200 MeV Donald Paul Ragan, B.S., New Mexico State University; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Apollo 14 Rare Gases: Pu-244 Xenon Ronald Edward Rider, A.B. cum laude, Occidental College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Quantitative Analysis of Trabecular Structure from Human Bone Radiographs Ernst Kunibert Zinner, Dipl, Ing., Technische Hochschule in Wien Title of Thesis: An Experimental Study of the Kpa Dalitz Plot Distribution IN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS Judith Clark Metzger, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College; B.S.Ed., ibid.; A.M., University of Missouri Title of Thesis: Myocardial Blood Flow and Oxygen Consumption using Hl50 and 1l50-Hemoglobin IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Joan Garstens Franklin, B.A ., Reed College; M.A., University of Oregon Title of Thesis: The High School Social Studies Teacher: His Vie ws on Course Content, the Curriculum Choice Process, Educational Innovations, and His Political Preferences Karl Theodore Kurtz, A.B., Oberlin College Title of Thesis: Elections and the House of Representatives, 1882-1968 Donald Irving Ostrom, B.A., St. Olaf College; A.M ., Washington University Title of Thesis: The House Education and Labor Committee: An Alternative Strategy IN POLITICAL SCIENCE; LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Gayle Pendleton White Jackson, A.B. cum, laude, Smith College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Making Policy in a Latin American Bureaucracy: The Cauca Valley Corporation of Colombia IN PSYCHOLOGY Larry Junior Bass, B.S.Ed., University of Missouri; M.Ed., ibid. Title of Thesis: An Investigation into the Construct Validity of the Hypothesized Trait: The Need for Social Approval Gloria Gordon Commoner, A.B., Oberlin College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: The Interpreter Effect: Variation in Judgments of Scientfic Articles as a Function of Ideological Commitment William Lieberman, B.S., McGill University Title of Thesis: Latency of Electrodermal Responses as a Function of Expectancy, Stimulus Complexity, and Habituation Judith Wantland McMahon, A.B. magna cum laude, University of Missouri at St. Louis Title of Thesis: Sex Guilt, Reported Heterosexual Behavior, and Attitudes Toward Premarital Permissiveness Among Women IN SOCIAL WORK Ghassan Michel Rubeiz, B.A., The American University; M.A., ibid.; M.S.W., Fresno State College Title of Thesis: Program Content in Group Work: An Empirical Analysis IN SOCIOLOGY Christine Elizabeth Rasche, B.A., Elmhurst College; A.M., Washington University Title of Thesis: Problems, Expectations and the Post-Release Adjustment of the Female Felon IN SPANISH Graciela Beatriz Coulson, A.M., Indiana University; M.A., University of Toronto Title of Thesis: La obra noveHstica de Leopoldo Marechal 45 P R I Z E S, A WAR D SAN D H 0 NOR S ETHAN A. H. SHEPLEY AWARD In recognition of leadership, scholarship and service to the Campus Community, Lester Patrick Ackerman III, Pamela Renee Benitez, Peter Anthony Creticos, Dennis Burton Gillaspy, Ralph Paul Hargrow, Anthony Joseph Nocchiero AND THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Academy of American Poets Prize in English, Margaret Movshin Criscuola Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: In Music, Gary Joseph Bertchume In Political Science, Thomas William Likens, Steven Jay Rosenstone In Speech and Hearing, Kathleen Hanau Fioretti, Suzanne Marie Lux F. Ward Denys Prize in English, Reuel Louise Kurzet Frederick Douglass Award, Sandra Jean Holman Dramatics Club Prize, James Patrick Clear, Deborah Middlebrook Fisher, Stephen Andrew Schwartz W. E. B. DuBois Award, Ralph Paul Hargrow, Chezia Brenda Thompson J. Walter Goldstein Prize in History, David Allen Newell Roger Conant Hatch Prize in English, Samuel Hyman Arnold J. Lien Prize in Political Science, Charles David Goldman Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Overture Service Award, James Robnett, Jr. Norma Lowry Memorial Fund Prize: First Prize, Richard Matthew Ryan Second Prize, Charles Ossian Hartman Ernest L. Ohle Award in Earth Sciences, William Wescott Davis Rhodes Scholarship, Michael Richard Cannon Paul Robeson Award, Gregory William Edwards John C. Sowden Memorial Prize in Chemistry, Julius Dewey Holten III, Robert Benjamin Rubin The Black Scholar Honor List, Jacqueline Yvonne Bonner, Frances Louise Thomas The Patrice Lumumba Award, Nellie Anderson, Madlyn Wyona Barringer, John Lee Brown, Pia Evene Dennis, Patricia Ann Kelly, Willie Frank Lester, Calvin Byron Terrell, Leroy Turner, Sharon Lee Williams Shirley McDonald Wallace Prize in History, John Gulledge Maier Courtney Werner Prize in Earth Sciences, Timothy Rex Hays, Lloyd Greer Price Carter G. Woodson Memorial Prize, Nellie Anderson, Vanessa Jean Weaver Louis G. Zelson Prize in Spanish, Rebecca Ann Romano THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Fulbright Fellowship, Robert Stephen Davidson Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship, Michael Leonard Powell, Philip John Schmitt The Black Scholar Honor List, Asrat Bulbula, Gregory Lewis Scott Joe B. Butler Memorial Award of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, James Allan Greenfield Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Wives Scholarship, Daniel James Sucher School of Engineering and Applied Science Design Contest: Lowerclassmen, First Place, William John Dickerson, Wayne Thomas Clark Second Place, Douglas Henry Sundmacher, Jordan Arthur Hirsch Upperclassmen, First Place, Richard Anthony Becker, Daniel James Sucher Second Place, Thomas Kenneth Ryden, Bruce Edward Rittmann Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Departmental Award, Connie Wai-Lan Chung Association for Computing Machinery Award, Dale William Jones Ada H. Winheim American Chemical Society Award, Robert Stephen Davidson St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award, Diane Jean Westphal American Institute of Chemical Engineers Regional Student Paper Contest First Prize, Steven Thomas Donatiello, Samuel Ward Graefe, Louis Albert Viamontes, John Robert Wright, Thomas John Yadamec American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award, James Kenneth Harlan St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Outstanding Senior Chemical Engineering Achievement Award, Robert Stephen Davidson American Society of Civil Engineers Award, Paul Neil Chod The Patrice Lumumba Award, Katherine Rosella Miller E. O. Sweetser Award, Bruce Edward Rittmann Emerson Electric Award, James Allan Greenfield 46 Century Electric Award, William Esco Moerner St. Louis Electrical Board of Trade Award, Joseph Henry Copeland Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Outstanding Student Award, Edward Peter Gruendler Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student Paper Award, Terrence Michael Gottlieb American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Award, David Michael Prokopchuk Final Honors Connie Wai-Lan Chung' Lloyd Anthony Cibulka Robert Stephen Davidson Yuk-Keung Ip Robert Lyman Parks David Barry Schaechter Stephen Mark Schuetze Richard Frank Williams Milton Ka-Kui Woo THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Association of Women in Architecture and Allied Arts, Hong Hong Tan Ong Alpha Rho Chi Medal, Wilbur Tyson Trueblood III American Institute of Architects Medal and Certificate, Stephen Alan Schonberg American Institute of Architects Certificate, Karl Dravo Pettit III Frederick Widmann Prize in Architecture, James Stafford Stokoe, David John Mullman Women's Architectural League of the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects, Tyler Huntington Donaldson THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Alexander Grant Award, Jacob Donald Conrad, Jr. American Society of Women Accountants Award, Martha Eddy Black Bache and Company Scholarship, Richard Lester Smith II Boatmen's National Bank Scholarship, Cheryl Stupp Kohl Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Scholarship, Thomas Murray Costello, Samuel Goldstein, Gail Ann Greenberg, Arthur Murray Holtzman, Nicholas William Zuk Max A. Hayutin Honorary Award, Timothy James Regier William S. Krebs Accounting Award, Charles Gregory Case, Timothy Richard Gavin, Richard Royall Gay, Maurice Lionel Hirsch, Jr., Michael Allen Markenson, James Ralph Paynter, Ronald Alan Satnick, Joseph Nicholas Scaglione, Richard Gail Sesler Isidor Loeb Prize, Steven Jed Krasnow, Robert Frank Lanfer Mercantile Trust Company Scholarship, James John Compass, Richard Lester Smith II, Gail Ellis Meltzner National Food Brokers Scholarship, Brian James McCall, J ames Gregory Simmons Gordon I. Scherck Scholarship, Alan Frederick Hauff Volkswagen Mid-America Scholarship, Ronnie Jean Johnson Wall Street J ournal Award, Douglas Warren Thomas, William Benjamin Wiener III Final Honors Scott Hammer Alyn Martha Eddy Black Jerome George Krachenfels, Jr. Thomas Clark Dauten THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Final Honors Charlotte Lerner Peskind Tyrone Michael Evers Rudolf Marshall Sida J on Edward Ferner Marianne Helen Stanek Stephen Anthony Hood Arthur Leslie Texier James John Koester Suzanne Wigert Jack Richard Luebbert Beth Ann Mays The Black Scholar Honor List, Dorothy Isabelle White Charles William Ady Ronald Joseph Brockmeyer James Leroy Capes, Jr. Marie Delores Diekman Ann Helen Dragues THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Bush Graduate Fellowship, Lynn Ellen McLeod John T. Milliken Foreign Travel Fellowship, Joan Marie Fitzsimmons, David Ernest Longwell Lillie Elise 'Willemsen Prize, Mary Elizabeth Winslow Final Honors Nancy Jean Day Dennis Burton Gillaspy Amy DeLap Jendrzejewski Lynn Ellen McLeod Madge Margaret Stewart 47 Steven Charles Williams Kathleen Anne Wilmes THE SCHOOL OF LAW Alumni Association Prize, John William Showalter Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prizes: Andrea Jill Grant, Michael Howard Lax, David Milton Uhler Samuel M. Breckinridge Third Year Scholarship Prizes: First Prize, Michael David Graves Second Prize, Diana Ruth Buckthal Wendell Carnahan Prize, Lynn David Howard Dan Carter-Earl Tedrow Award, David Poland Whitman Hattie G. Ebert Prizes: Rita Marie Montgomery, Hollye Elise Stolz Mary Collier Hitchcock Prizes: Thomas Edward Douglass, Steven James Stogel, William Giles von Glahn Order of the Coif: Diana Ruth Buckthal, David Wheeler Detjen, Gary Vaughan Fulghum, Michael David Graves, Carl Clement Lang, Joseph Richard Meives, Michael Paul Millikin, Michael Stephen Moran, Mathew Walter Placzek, Jr., Joseph Michael Rigot, John William Showalter, Steven James Stogel, Hollye Elise Stolz, William Giles von Glahn, Jerry Boyd Wamser, Marilyn Preble Watson THE SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Dental Alumni Award, William John Miller Anna Bredall Award: First Prize, William John Miller Second Prize, Shu Lau Cheuk American Academy of Dental Radiology, Richard Gary Boguslaw American Academy of General Dentistry Award, Paul Thomas Bles American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Award, Stephen Dale Hanks American Academy of Oral Medicine Award, Patrick Francis Stranahan American Academy of Oral Pathology Award, Donald Mitchell Cohen American Academy of Periodontology Award, William John Miller American Association of Endodontists Award, Benjamin Hungwah Chu American Association of Orthodontists Award, John Blaine Keddington American Society of Dentistry for Children, Shu Lau Cheuk Edward R. Hart Award, William John Miller International College of Dentists Award, Robert Richard Henrich J. D. White Award, Judel Lew Mosby Book Awards Oral Surgery, Paul Thomas Bles Orthodontics, Shu Lau Cheuk Pathology, Robert Richard Henrich Pedodontics, George Washington Williams Prosthodontics, Blaine Rudd Pierson Alpha Omega Award, William John Miller Delta Sigma Delta Award, Robert Paul Rothenberg Xi Psi Phi Scholarship Award, Patrick Francis Stranahan Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Michael Douglass Brann, Shu Lau Cheuk, Steven David Iceland, John Blaine Keddington, William John Miller, Blaine Rudd Pierson, Donald Lee ROberts, Patrick Francis Stranahan 48 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Medical Fund Society Prize in Medicine, David Crittenden Hooper Medical Fund Society Prize in Surgery, Marc Albert Levine Dr. Samson F. Wennerman Prize in Surgery, Mark Stanley Minkes Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Neurology, Janice Marie Mullinix Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Psychiatry, David Crittenden Hooper Sandoz Award in Psychiatry, Steven Jay Zalcman George F. Gill Prize in Pediatrics, William Whitley Barnes III St. Louis Pediatric Society Prize: Kyrieckos Anthony Aleck, David Lee Fuller Upjohn Achievement Award, Kyrieckos Anthony Aleck Mosby Scholarship Book Awards: Robert Leo Collins, Barry Scott Farber, Mark Schering Jenkins, Douglas Gregory N uelle, John Wells Zerdecki The Lange Medical Publications Book Awards: John Michael Condit, Ronald Bert Ziman Alexander Berg Prize, Stewart Frederick Cramer The Hugh M. Wilson Award in Radiology, James Paul Wilhelm The Samuel D. Soule Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Daniel S Karin Missouri State Medical Association Award, Alan Charles Moses The Joseph J. Gitt and Charlotte E. Gitt Prize, Mark Stanley Minkes Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Award, Stewart Frederick Cramer The Richard S. Brookings Medical School Award, David Crittenden Hooper The Robert Carter Medical School Award, Philip Howard Fleckman Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Senior Award Prize in Surgery, Alan Carl Peterson St. Louis Internist's Club Book Award, Alan Charles Moses Yalem Prize in Dermatology, Philip Howard Fleckman Alfred Goldman Book Prize in Diseases of the Chest, Philip Howard Fleckman Alpha Omega Alpha Book Prize, David Crittenden Hooper Alpha Omega Alpha Initiates: Joel Dean Blumhagen, Robert Leo Collins, Barry Scott Farber, Philip Howard Fleckman, David Crittenden Hooper, Daniel S Karin, Marc Albert Levine, Michael Allan McCarty, John Mark Michael, Mark Stanley Minkes, Alan Charles Moses, Douglas Gregory Nuelle, Julius Fredrick Paulin, Alan Carl Peterson, Lucien Caldwell Simpson, Jerrold Martin Stempel 49 HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE FREI OTTO, architect, engineer and educator. He has won recognition throughout the world for the design of tensile structures, which have been used for outdoor theatres, exhibition areas, temporary construction shelters and sports arenas. His architecture is represented in many countries, including the structure which was used to cover one side of the 80,000 capacity Olympic stadium in Munich, Germany. He is a professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he directs a building research institute. Elected an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 1968, he received the Prize of Architecture of the City of Berlin in 1967. He has been a visiting professor at the Washington University School of Architecture, Harvard University and the University of Berlin. DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING ROBERT BYRON BIRD, engineer and educator. Vilas Research Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, he has served as chairman of the University's department of chemical engineering and as Charles F. Burgess Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering. His many honors include election in 1969 to the prestigious National Academy of Engineering and he has been selected as a Fulbright Lecturer in Japan, Holland and Yugoslavia. Professor Bird is renowned for developing a unified approach to the engineering analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer and diffusion; for his contributions to the statistical molecular theories of diffusion and the flow of polymers; and for development of the basic equations which govern the flow of polymers. DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES JOSEPH PARKER COSAND, educator, government official. Deputy Commissioner for Higher Education of the United States Office of Education, Dr. Cosand is on leave from the University of Mich igan, where he is professor of education and director of the Center for the Study of Higher Education. From 1962-71, he was president of the Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County. A spokesman for the cause of higher education throughout this country, he has served in numerous leadership roles, including that of president in 1967 of the Carnegie Commission for the Study of Function, Structure and Finance of Higher Education; chairman in 1970 of the board of trustees of the American Council on Education. Currently he is a member of the National Commission on Financing Postsecondary Education. ELI GOLDSTON, industrial executive and civic leader. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates, Boston, Massachusetts, he formerly was president of Midland Enterprises, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, and was a partner in the Cleveland law firm of Hahn, Loeser, Freedheim, Dean and Wellman. A director of the National Bureau of Economic Research, he is a member of the board of advisors of the Ford Foundation Energy Policy Project. He has lectured at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie-Mellon University and the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies in Austria. His broad range of civic efforts has included work on behalf of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He is a director of the Boston Urban Foundation and Opportunity Funding Corporation. JACK H. HEXTER, educator, historian and author. Charles J. Stille Professor of History at Yale, he is an English and Renaissance historian noted for his works in the field of historical interpretation. His book Reappraisals in His tory, is regarded as one of the best works in this field. A member of the Yale faculty since 1964, he was a professor of history at Washington University for seven years. He is the author of The Ju daeoChristian Tradition, The Vision of Politics on the Eve of the Reformation, The History Primer and Doing Historu. He also has written authoritative studies of Sir Thomas More's Utopia and of the early history of the Long Parliament in England. President of the Conference on British Studies, he has won a Ford Foundation Fellowship, two Fulbright Fellowships and two Guggenheim Fellowships. THEODORE DAVID McNEAL, government and civic leader, former union leader. President of the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners, he was a member of the Missouri Senate for ten years and served for two years as Senate Democratic Caucus Chairman. While a state senator, he was cited for distinguished service by many private institutions and received the St. Louis Globe-Democrat award for meritorious service on three occasions. A member of the national staff of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters for more than 30 years, he was international vice president of the union for 21 years. Former commissioner of the St. Louis Housing Authority and member of the University of Missouri Board of Curators, he is a member of the Policy Committee of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a project of the United States Education Commission. 50 DOCTOR OF LETTERS GWENDOLYN BROOKS, poet, author and editor. Appointed Poet Laureate of Illinois in 1968 by the Governor of that state, Ms Brooks is the author of the highly acclaimed book-length poem, In The Mecca. Other books include: A Street in Bronzeville, Annie Allen, Maud Martha (a novel), Selected Poems, Family Pictures, Aloneness and Riot. She has edited Jump Bad, an anthology of new Chicago writings and is editor of the magazine The Black Position. Her autobiography, Report From Part One was published in December, 1972. She received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1950. Her other awards include the Tietjens Memorial Award, Friends of Literature Poetry Award and the Illinois Sesquicentennial Literary Award. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE HALLOWELL DAVIS, educator and scientist. Director of Research Emeritus and Research Associate of the Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, he has made vital contributions to knowledge of the auditory system and to the training of students in various fields, from physiology to the education of deaf children. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors accorded a scientist in this country. He was Director of Research of the Central Institute for the Deaf from 1946 to 1965 and was professor of physiology in the Washington University School of Medicine. A past president of the American Physiological Society and the Acoustical Soicety of America, he received the Gold Medal Award of the Acoustical Society and of the America n Otological Society. WALLACE R. PERSONS, JR., industrial executive and civic leader. Chairman of the Board: and Chief Executive Officer of Emerson Electric Company, St. Louis, he joined the firm in 1954 after serving as Vice President in charge of Marketing at Lincoln Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Former chairman of Civic Progress, Inc., of St. Louis, he is a trustee of Barnes Hospital, The Governmental Research Institute of St. Louis and the David Ranken, Jr. Technical Institute in St. Louis. A past president of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, he is a director of the World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C., the Boy Scouts of America and the Saint Louis Symphony Society. 51 Emeritus Lis t 1973 Each year some members of the Washington University full-time faculty reach the rank of emeritus. Their ability and service, in the classroom and out, has enriched the University and the lives of their students and colleagues. In appreciation of what they have done, we record here the names of those who attain emeritus rank at the end of the academic year 1972-73. LAUREN VEDDER ACKERMAN Professor of Pathology and Surgical Pathology At Washington University since 1942 WILLARD MYRON ALLEN Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1940 ROBERT WILSON BARTLETT Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery At Washington University since 1931 JUSTIN JOSEPH CORDONNIER Professor of Genitourinary Surgery At Washington University since 1939 MAX DEUTCH Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics At Washington University since 1931 OSCAR PERRY HAMPTON, JR. Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery (Orthopedic Surgery) At Washington University since 1938 ELMER ERNEST HILPERT Professor of Law At Washington University since 1939 RICHARD J OHN WALTER KOOPMAN Professor of Electrical Engineering At Washington University since 1946 PAUL FRANKLIN MAX Instructor in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1935 J AMES LEE O'LEARY Professor of Neurology and Experimental Neurological Surgery At Washington University since 1928 ROBERT CHESTER OSWALD Professor of Architecture At Washington University since 1947 ALBERT CHESTERFIELD STUTSMAN Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology At Washington University since 1933 ROBERT EDWARDS VOTAW Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology At Washington University since 1932 PEGGY WOOD Associate Professor of Social Work At Washington University since 1946 52
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