1975 - University Libraries
1975 - University Libraries
This document was digitized by the staff of University Archives, Department of Special Collection, Washington University Libraries. Unless otherwise noted, this work is the copyright of the original creator. It is digitally reproduced for educational use only, per U.S. copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 1 § 108 U.S. Code) For further information please contact: University Archives, Department of Special Collections Washington University Libraries One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1061 St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: (314) 935-5444 or (314) 935-9730 Fax (314) 935-8320 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/archives THE ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH COMMENCEMENT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY NINE O 'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING MAY THE TWENTY-THIRD, NINETEEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE SAINT LOUIS , MISSOURI America 1 My country, 'tis of thee Sweet land of liberty Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain-side Let freedom ring. ---------- 4 Our Father's God to Thee Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King. ~ ---------- A Note on Academic Dress The academic dress worn by Faculty and candidates indicates the degree held, the subject in which it is held, and the institution granting it. Gowns are of three kinds: the Bachelor's, with full, pointed sleeves, hanging open; the Master's, with flowing sleeves which hang below the opening at the wrist; the Doctor's, with very full sleeves gathered at the wrist. The gowns are black, although occasionally trimmed with colored velvet; the hoode, on the other hand, are of many colors. The color of the lining of the hood indicates the institution gtranting the degree: e.q., the hood of Washington University is lined with red and green. The color of the tassel on the cap and of the velvet edging of the hood, carried forward around the throat, indicates the faculty or major department: White-Arts, Letters, Humanities Orange-Engineering Lilac-Dentistry Drab--Business Dark Blue-Philosophy Brown-Fine Arts, Architecture, Interior Design Golden Yellow-Science Purple-Law Green-Medicine Pink-Music Citron-Social Work Light Blue-Education Gold tassels and black tassels, when worn, indicate degree rather than faculty or major department. Thus gold indicates the Ph.D. degree and black indicates the Master's degree. Academic dress markedly different from the above description indicates a degree from a foreign university. The Alma Mater 1 Dear Alma Mater, Thy name is sweet to me. Our hearts are all for thee, Fair Washington. Thy halls shall honored be Throughout this great country For all eternity, Our Washington. 2 Those days of youth which All of us spent with thee Form a dear history, Fair Washington. Could they renewed be, We'd live our days with thee For all eternity, Our Washington. 2 Order of Procession and Presentation GRAND MARSHAL Robert Wiber Reinhardt FACULTY DIVISIONS I Chancellor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Speaker, Honorary Degree Recipients, Members of the University Administration ASSOCIATE GRAND MARSHAL Joe Freeman Evans II Deans and Members of the Board of Trustees MARSHAL J ohn Kenneth Russell III Members of the Faculty MARSHAL Gloria Waters White STUDENT MARSHALS Divisional banners are being carried by the student marshals of each division who wear red and green tassels. Red and green denote the colors of Washington University. The seal on the banners is the official seal of the University and the color denotes the degree. I Doctor of Philosophy N oha Applebaum Laurily Keir Epstein MARSHALS II Master of Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Advanced Graduate Certificate in Education MARSHALS Friederike Johanna Hassauer Ralph Edmund 'I'opham II III Doctor of Medicine MARSHALS Mark Dillen Stitham Sherida Elaine Tollefsen IV Master of Health Administration MARSHAL . William Charles Schoenhard, Jr. V Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy MARSHALS .. Donald Amos Houck, Jr. June Reine Shatken 3 VI Master of Science in Orthodonics Doctor of Dental Medicine MARSHAL VII Master of Laws Doctor of Law MARSHALS Philip Conrad Jaynes Robert Allan Finke Barbara Harris Jablonski Mel Scott Johnson VIII Doctor of Social Wor k Master of Social Work MARSHAL Gertrude Mussman Galler IX Master of Fine Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts MARSHALS Scott Gary Hueting Mary Elizabeth Weidner X Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Bachelor of Technology MARSHALS Carl James Mueller Charles Victor Zurfluh XI Master of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration MARSHALS Charlotte Waldeck Bachar Frederick Charles Lewis XII Master of Architecture and Urban Design Master of Architecture MARSHAL Margaret Joan Sedlis XIII Doctor of Science Master of Science Bachelor of Science (Engineering) MARSHALS Nicholas Kalouptsidis William Esco Moerner Ariyanayagipuram Kanthimathna Subramanian XIV Bachelor of Arts MARSHALS Rebecca Lynn Barnard Cynthia Bette Baum Thomas Alan Deutsch Bonnie Linn Raskin Jeffrey Skolnick Wanda Tyronne Terrell The recession will follow the same order as the procession. 4 Order of Exercises Academic Procession Howard Kelsey, University Organist assisted by the Washington University Brass Quartet America JANE BERNTSEN STRICKERT Remarks CHARLES ALLEN THOMAS Chairman of the Board of Trustees Address ALBERT WILLIAM LEVI David May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities "The Uses of the Humanities" Conferring of Degrees WILLIAM HENRY DANFORTH Chancellor of the University The Alma Mater JANE BERNTSEN STRICKERT Recession Howard Kelsey assisted by the Washington University Brass Quartet The audience will please remain seated while the academic procession enters the Quadrangle. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the audience will remain seated until the procession has left the Quadrangle. 5 Emeritus Appointments Each year some members of the Washington University faculty reach the rank of emeritus. Their ability and service, in the classroom and out, has enriched the University and the lives of their students and colleagues. In appreciation for what they have done, we record here the names of those who attain emeritus rank at the end of the academic year 1974-75. HELEN BULBROOK BURCH Professor of Pharmacology At Washington University since 1953 BENJAMIN HYNES CHARLES Instructor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1939 EUGENE FEENBERG Wayman Crow Professor of Physics At Washington University since 1946 VIRGIL OTTO FISH Instructor of Clinical Surgery At Washington University since 1940 GUERDAN HARDY Associate Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology At Washington University since 1934 IRWIN LEVY Professor of Clinical Neurology At Washington University since 1940 EDITH C. ROBINSON Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics At Washington University since 1941 SAUL ROSENZWEIG Professor of Psychology At Washington University since 1949 HENRY MAXIMILIAN SCHAERF Associate Professor of Mathematics At Washington University since 1947 HAROLD SCHEFF Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1937 WILLARD CALVIN SCRIVNER Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1932 EARL EMANUEL SHEPARD Professor of Clinical Orthodontics At Washington University since 1931 ISIDORE SILVER Rosa May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities At Washingten University since 1957 6 JOSEPH WALTER TOWLE Professor of Management At Washington University since 1954 PHILIP GEORGE VIERHELLER Professor of Prosthodontics At Washington University since 1966 'M ARTH A FRANCES WATSON Associate Professor of Social and Environmental Studies in Preventive Medicine At Washington University since 1952 RUSSELL CHARLES WHEELER Research Professor of Dental Anatomy and Physiology At Washington University since 1971 RAY DAVID WILLIAMS Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1931 7 HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF FINE ARTS WALTER SUSSKIND, Music Director and Conductor of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, trained as a pianist, composer and conductor at the Prague State Conservatory, and was assistant conductor at the Prague German Opera House. Former Musical Director of the Aspen, Colorado Festival (1962-68), he also was associated with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and was instrumental in the founding of the National Youth Orchestra of Canada. He will leave his post with the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra at the end of the 1974-75 season. In October, he plans a series of performances with the BBC Orchestra, and next year will tour Australia and New Zealand. DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS HEINRICH MARIA LEDIG-RoWOHLT is the head of one of the best-known publishing firms on the European continent, .the Rowohlt Publishing House of Hamburg, Germany. Mr. Rowohlt took over his father's publishing business in 1938. The Nazi party dissolved the Rowohlt Publishing House in 1943 and confiscated several books published by the company. It was later reestablished in Stuttgart with a license from the American Occupation Authority in 1945. In 1950, the Rowohlt firm's headquarters were consolidated in Hamburg. The Rowohlt organization published the first paperback in Germany. Mr. LedigRowohlt received the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1974. DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN is John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service ProfesSOr of History and former Chairman of the Department of History at the University of Chicago. He has served twice as Professor at the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies in Austria, and has been a visiting lecturer at the Seminar in American Studies at Cambridge University, England, where, in 1962-63, he was Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions. He is the author of numerous books including his well-known From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans, now in its fourth edition. DOCTOR OF LAWS AUGUST ANHEUSER BUSCH, JR. is Chairman of the Board of Anheuser-Busch, Inc. He also serves as Board Chairman and President of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball club which Anheuser-Busch acquired in 1953. Mr. Busch served. as President of the St. Louis Bicentennial Corporation, formed to give leadership and planning to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of St. Louis. He was Chairman of the Board of Civic Progress, Inc., a non-profit organization of civic leaders devoted to revitalization of the St. Louis area, for thirteen years. 8 DOCTOR OF LETTERS JOHN OLIVER BAYLEY is a literary critic, poet and professor at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. He is author of the novel, In Another Country, and several books of criticism including: The Romantic Survival: A Study in Poetic Evolution. During the spring of 1972, John Oliver Bayley and his wife, Iris Murdoch, were Visiting Hurst Professors of Creative Literature at Washington University. IRIS MURDOCH, contemporary British novelist and philosopher, is the author of numerous books including her latest novel The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. Many of the human situations that she portrays in her fiction are similar to those found in the novels and plays of Jean-Paul Sartre. William Van O'Connor believes that "Miss Murdoch is a kind of twentieth century Congreve". Her books on philosophy include: Sartre: Romantic Rationalist. She is also the author with J. B. Priestley of A Severed Head, a play in three acts which was produced in New York in 1964. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE CARL GUSTAV HEMPEL is Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus and Lecturer with the rank of Professor at Princeton University. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the American Philosophical Quarterly and Co-editor of Erkenntnis. A Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University during 1963-64, he was appointed Honorary Research Fellow at University College, London 1971-72. He is the author of numerous books including the Philosophy of Natural Science. He has written extensively on the philosophy of the natural and social sciences, the philosophy of mathematics and logic. JAMES LEE O'LEARY, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Neurology and Experimental Neurological Surgery (also lecturer) at the Washington University School of Medicine, joined the University's faculty in 1928. He served as Professor and Head of the Department of Neurology from 1946-71. Dr. O'Leary is Assoc iate Neurologist Emeritus at Barnes Hospital and a consultant at many other hospitals. He received The William G. Lennox Award of the American Epilepsy Society in 1968 and the Jacobi Award from the American Neurological Association in 1971. Dr. O'Leary is a past president of the American Neurological Association, the American Electroencephalographic Society and the American Epilepsy Society. He is the author of some two hundred scientific publications. 9 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by RALPH ERNEST MORROW, Ph.D., Dean DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 23, 1975 In Anatomy In Hispanic Languages and Literature Rosemary Penelope Rees Graciela NoemiVico Corvalan In Anthropology In History Nina Lilian Etkin Nadia Rarnzy Bernard Axelrod Ronald Henry Chertok Gerard Francis Denault Jeanette Carol Lauer In Art and Archaeology Frederick Spencer Levine In Biology Elizabeth Berry Rodgers Kwo-yih Yeh In Biological Chemistry Jacques Ulrich Baenziger Charles Barnes Lawrence In Mathematics Alberto de la Torre Roberto Oscar Gandulfo Jose Garcia-Cuerva Josiah William Meyer In Molecular Biology Paula Louise Pfaff Jasper In Chemistry Yen-Yau Harrison Chao David Peter Sinclair In Music J eral Blaine Becker Stephen Milne Curtis In Earth and Planetary Sciences Constance Kay Barsky In Pathology In Economics Mark Binder Edelstein Sydney Smith Hicks William Spencer Reece In Philosophy In Education Naida Tushnet Bagenstos Robert Joseph Mosby Sally Ann Schumacher Paul Ernst O'Connor In Physics Joseph Saul Heyman Yin-Shiong Hwang In English Elizabeth Rayment Eisenstadt Don Lowell Erickson In Physiology and Biophysics In German Carl Lee Adamson Elisabeth Maria Heptner In Political Science William H Vine Nolan Eugene Jones 10 In Psychology Leonard Frederick Brockway Carol Fetter Erdwins Robert Gilden Bonnie Breaux Walbran In Sociology Mary Catherine Mattis December 23, 1974 In Anthropology Steven Christopher Ward In History Paul Walter Brewer J ames William Fullinwider In Audiology David Pedro Pascoe In International Relations and Development Sukehiro Hasegawa In Biology Anne Laurens Bekoff In Biological Chemistry Wesley Warren Murfin In Business Administration Eric Tsun Man Yeung In Chemistry Cheupyeng Cheng Chi-Tang Ho Chi Lup Kwan Michael Rod Zalutsky In Economics Christopher Tate Babb Dismas Bertrand Kalcic J on Robert Miller In English Noha Applebaum Miriam Grove Munson In Mathematics Roberto AristObulo Macias In Pharmacology Barbara Anna J akschik John Hall Russell In Philosophy Raymond Smith Pfeiffer In Physics Simon Igielnik 'I'ien-her Wang In Political Science Daniel Montzingo Berman Laurily Keir Epstein In Psychology Larry Russell Beideman Harry Jay Berman Marvin Joseph Parrish I n Sociology Grace Kathleen O'Connor Blumhagen Paul Dennis Brunn August 16, 1974 In Anthropology Fred William Fischer Richard Penn Reeve In Biology Karen Gaither Glazier Gary Edward Olson In Botany Alan Jay Cohen In Business Administration Jerry Duane Hoover Donald Joseph Messmer Francis Bruce Seaton Michael Ray Taylor In Chemistry Man-Sheung Chan John Frederick Harwig David Niels Wexler Vincent Tan Yue 11 In Comparative Literature In Pharmacology Penelope Parkman Biggs Elizabeth Kern Barbehenn In Economics In PhilOflophy Lawrence Werner Abrams Marvin Hertz Kahn Dean Ray Leimer Miguel Adolfo Espinoza Harold Franklin Gamble In Physics Alberto Antonio Colavita Richard James Drozd John Henry Goebel Icheng Wu Donald Eugene Yuhas In Education Leo Walter Leriche In English Thomas Cullen Bailey Stanley John Hutchison Crowe J ames McDonnell Jane Taylor McDonnell In Political Science Carolyn Teich Adams Karen Smith Dawson In Environmental Systems and Development In Psychology Francisco Ladislao Szekely Leo Michael Croghan Peter Anthony DiNardo Gary Edward Patrick Farrell Craig Carter Wier In German Mary J ane O'Neill Michael Jochem Ziemann In Social Work Trova Katherine Hutchins In History Nathan Orr Hatch Alan Frederick Perry In Sociology Robert Lee David Ali EI-Hadi EI-Hawat Dennis William Magill William David Spier Eleanor Palo Stoller In Mathematics David Shien Liang Wei-Nung Liu In Music Michael Francis Hunt John Paul Jackson Richard Douglas Langley Robert Melvin Miller In Spanish Federica Dominguez Colavita MASTER OF ARTS May 28,1975 In Anthropology Jeremy Francis Dahl Margaret Elizabeth McNamara Richard Paul Meier Barbara Corinne Ensz VanNorman In Art and Archaeology Nadine Ingram See Barbara Lewis Uhlemann In Asian Studies Lim-King Cheng Jill Susan Fendelman Steven Donald Jones Lusia Amalia Karnoatmodjo Asterie Baker Provenzo Joseph Alexander Savittiere, Jr. In Biology Mukda Kuhirun In Chemistry Ashok Shrirang Adarkar Gregory Alan Roberts Kerry James Smith Robert Steven White 12 In Chinese Joel Scott Diamond Christina Shu-Hwa Yao In Comparative Literature Joseph Denson Hewitt Mary Elizabeth Remmel In Earth and Planetary Sciences Michael Francis Fix William Eldon Saeger Deborah Sue Snavely In Economics William Barron Brown Stuart Brian Dorsey Victor Ricardo Kater Donald Allan Larson Chi Ming Shum Ping Shu Tso In Education Michael Edenhart-Pepe In English Bertram Beach Culver III Richard Lange Holinger Edna Smith Leutwiler Thomas Gerald Tierney, Jr. In PhUosophy J ames Edwin Force Karen Gail Lucas Vincent James Mannoia, Jr. James Walter Mayhall, Jr. Robert John Schwartz Paul Chi Lung Tang Sandra Ann Wawrytko In Physic& Lawrence Joseph Busse Larry Arnold Harris Michael Terry Johnson David John Keys John Richard Klepper Eric Irvine Madaras Lawrence Russell Mead Patricia Jane Navarro Otto Francis Sankey Leon Scott, Jr. Charles Robert Wickizer In Political Science J ames Edward Loesel Cheryl Ann Schroeder Vera Vogelsang Shapiro In Psychology In German Friederike Johanna Hassauer Bruce Robert Mayo Peter Roos William Francis Danner Wanda Elizabeth D.ean Bertha Celestine Fields Roberto Julian Flores Deborah Faye Guns Donna Lette Haywood Gosby King, Jr. Mahala Louise Robinson Ransom James Arthur Smith In Germanic Studies Area In Sociology Carl James Hoffman Hubertina Anna Ritmeester Mary Ellen Batiuk Nathaniel Evans Johnson Joel Abraham Kanter Timothy Francis O'Leary In History Harold Alexander Ellis Jeffrey Lawrence Hirsh David Andrew Young In Mathemalic& Henry Leigh Williams In Spanish Christine Lee Clark Wellington In Technology and Human ADairs Jay Randal Perrine In Urban ADairs In Neurobiology James Robert Shipley Susan Kass Glassman Carolyn Hewes Toft 13 December 23, 1974In Anthropology Susan Gale Kapczynski In Art and Archaeology Thomas George Gradnauer Suzanne Farnum Wright Lemakis In Asian Studies Harold Gates Milton Ross In Mathematics Claudette Lecours Shihshu Walter Wei In Microbiology Stephen Charles Weatherford In Music Michael Lee Luechtefeld In Chemistry Duane Alfred Bude Hsiao-Chaun Hseuh Pih Rose Wang In Physics Michael David Jones In Comparative Literature Douglas Ian Sloane Lynne Bonnie Layton Alice Margaret Owen In Economics Ing-Chai Hong .J or ge Luis Ma r ti nez Va zquez In Education Rebecca Posante Loro In English J an Louise Goldberg Harris Hickox Hatcher In French Diane Gelinas Sherline I n Political Science In Psychology Suzanne Brodsky In Sociology McKinney Dow Lambert Barbara Langston Owens In Spanish Muriel Slade Pascoe In Urban Affairs Kathleen Doris Davie Phyllis Jean Shanks 14 August 16, 1974 In Anthropology Gary David Behrend Kenneth Charles Carstens Richard Arthur Lauderbaugh Harold Iver Sondrol Gerelyn Hollingsworth Weil Alma Rene Williams In Asian Studies William Bernard Fortenbury Kristine Elaine Johnson Gates In Japanese John Paul Bowler In Biology Janet Narkewicz Risch I n Linguistics In Chemistry Linda Carol Knight In Mathematics Sara Peterson Crews In Classics Dale Arthur Meyer In Physical Education In Earth Sciences In Physics Lloyd Greer Price Mary Ann Delaney In Economics Lloyd John Alvarado Ahmad J abbari Alfredo Antonio Scimone Eden Siu-Hung Yu In Physiology Katherine Mary Ozanich Judith Larue Lauter Susan Shaun Hullverson In P,hysiology and Biophysics John Joseph McFarlane In Education Roger Harris Bishop In Political Science In English Laurence Stephen Callum Lincoln Bernardo Prates dos Santos Randall Bruce Waitman Kay Louise Graham Antonios Pavlos Laouras Mark Stephen Looker In Psychology Jeffrey Michael Linn Max Albert Rigendinger Mark Edward Troy In French Richard Carl Amelung Minnie Claytee Hawkins Julian Zachary Meltzer Laurence Rimer In Sociology John Rolph Ainlay In German In Spanish Robert Lee Popham Kay Astrid Wuttke In Germanic Studies Area Mark Henry Kertz In History Paul Douglas Cass Richard Henry Fallon Helen Louise Speer In Technology and Human Affairs Robert Crawley Johnson III Robert Joe Steelman In Urban Affairs Deborah Louise Browne 15 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING May 23,1975 In Spanish In Biology Mary Jean Schrage Ralph Edmund Topham II In Social Studies Colleen Douglas In English Janet Pfefer Tanzer In Music Dale Susan Barken Carol Frank Smith In Biology Mukda Kuhirun In English Janis Garden Castro December 23, 1974 In Social Studies Deborah Beth Rubin August 16, 1974 In Social Studies Bonnie Bloom Gibbs MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION May 23, 1975 In Education Donald Lewis Archibald Nancy Jean Barton Nancy Jane Berdass Judith Kelly Blackshaw Kathleen Annette Boatman Constance Diane Brodhead Franzcine Antonia Caldwell J ames Raymond Carroll James Nathaniel Carter Charellise Townsend Coleman Lewis Curd, Jr. Dorian Meier Davis Alice Rosetta Dickens Carol Gast Dierker Kathleen Mary Fishburn Richard Joseph Fogelbach Joyce Deda Gang Jack Francis Goldkamp Karen Anne Greer Marc Irving Hafkin Michael Stephen Hahn Nancy Lynne Hemmerich Laura House Herring Donald Victor Huebener Andrea Rehagen Huff Donald Joseph J acobsmeyer Barbara J anger Cynthia Ann Komie Andrea Lou Kraushaar Judy Karron Lamb Marcia Weakley Lyons Cheri Ann May Barbara Bernstein Messing Yvonne Etsuko Nakano Laine Collinger Neiman Deborah Smith Onken Dorothy Ann Pearrow Louise Mary Peloquin Evelyn Frances Hicks Preston Charles Rabushka Helene Coffino Reynolds Marlene Rutherford Rhodes Mary Kathleen Rice John Anatole Sckorohod Minna Rifka Shulman Jane Levin Sivakoff Frederick Spencer Harriet Heidenberg Spilker Grace Ellen Sunn Chezia Brenda Thompson Marjorie Lawrence Treeger Yvonne Annette Swindall Whiters Hildred Mathieu Word Ann Eleanore Zeile In Music Education Wilma Arnada Jones In Physical Education Harold Gregory Bryson Gary Lee Cohen Derrill Daniel Dunkman Lionel Eugene Lefler Gloria Ann Madalon Karen Lois Thiele Lloyd Arthur Washington 16 December 29, 197I,. In Education Russell Joseph Amrein Bradley Gene Jones Nanette Falk Knight Ute Schweitzer Levi Brian C Richardson In Physical Education Thomas James Dix John Michael Mathews Norman James Ryan August 16, 197I,. In Education Joyce Lorene Alexander Marilee Bedell Sandra Kay Cleghorn Helena Lenore DeWulf Jerry Raymond Eichholz Suzanne Elizabeth Finney Gloria Brenda Fishman Paulee Ellen Geiderman Peggy Sue Gerber Paula Elizabeth Gordon Sally J 0 Gordon Linda Beth Green Clara Taylor Harvey Dianne Carolyn Floyd Jones Genise Verdell Jones Philip Joseph Lunge Richard Thomas McKinney Madelyn Knoll Mosley Margaret Ellen Rashbaum Margaret Mary Rustige Fany Ruth Schwarzbach Michael Lee Skinner Edward Stephen Slawin James Joseph Spies In Music Education Doris Jones Wilson In Physical Education Brenda Margaret Duke Elbert Edward Eschman Charles Gilbert Gateley Cheryl Ann Herron Michael Francis Kenny Joseph Frank Lowder Fred Newton McConnell MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 23, 1975 Mary Louise Brecht Robin Melman Feder Gary Robert Anthony Fowler Patricia Anne Gilliam Christine Hilleary Gustus Leslie Elizabeth Herman . Anne Christine Koester Kathy Lee Taylor Larsen Susan Levin Terri Rosalind Loewenthal Shelly Helene Marks Mary Devona Marsh Linda Carol Nakashima Marion Hinton Oliver Janice Marie Ronnebaum Michelle Patricia Schuller Naomi Sue Schwartz Burton Ellis Shickman Margaret Parrott Solis Janet Sylvia Weil MASTER OF MUSIC May 23, 1975 Francis Joseph Schindler, Jr. Richard Isadore Schwartz Carl Frank Smith, Jr. Jane Hua The Huy Hsu Wong August 16, 197I,. Craig George Lister Linda Jean Preece Paul David Weber ADVANCED GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION August 16, 197I,. In Education Elmer Roger Epperly In Physical Education Mary Ann Beall 17 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Candidates Presented by MORRIS KENTON KING, M.D., Dean DOCTOR OF MEDICINE May 23, 1975 David Allen Andersen J ames Leonard Andrews Scott Randall Arrowsmith Maurice Franklyn Attie Vernon Wendoth Averhart Jacques Ulrich Baenziger Scott Paul Bartlett J ames Michael Barton Donald Robert Bassman Daniel Bernard Bauwens Daniel Martin Becker William Waite Benedict Lincoln Lewis Berland Robert Mark Black Ira Stephen Bloomfield Joseph Houston Bosley III Garrett Michael Brodeur Frank Reginald Brown III Freeman Fletcher Brown III Reginald David Bruss Karen Rabideau Cleary David Burr Clifford William Hawley Cloud, Jr. Phyllis Joanne Cornbleet Marshall Nelson Cyrlin Michael Bruce Deldin Quida Deborah Draine Mark Binder Edelstein Robert James Flaherty Steven Alan Freedman Keith Harry FullingJerome Benjamin Gabry Kenneth Lee Gammon Deborah J 0 Gersell Robert Joseph Gogan Arthur Greenberg Robert Alan Greenstein Stephen Dale Grubb Harley Jay Hammerman Daniel Hansburg Gary Richard Hansen Theodore Edward Harrison Gregory Lynn Hemphill Robert Lynn Horne Thomas Michael Houston John William Hubert James Melvin Hudson Thomas Arthur Hughes Edward Samuel Hume, Jr. Laurence Dow Hutchinson Michael Jay Isserman Bruce Allen Julian Rachel Ann Hendrickson Julian Frank Martin J ung Wishwa Nath Kapoor Nathaniel Louis Karlins J ames Lester Kesler Richard Gary Kleinman Lyle Dorsey Koen Peter Michael Krook, Jr. Robert Allen Latimer Eric Harvey Leder Irene Patricia Leech Charles Richard Lepley Arnold Lawrence Levin Eric Richard Lindstrom Caroline Jeanne Lundell Thomas Orvan Lyles Joseph Ned Marcus Henry Edward Mattis Charles Norman Mead John Todd Meredith David Andrew Meyer Brian George Miller Roberta Ruth Miller Barry Anthony Mills Clay Leon Molstad Barbara Monsees Paul Ira Nadler Michael Alonzo Nelken Bruce Allen Nelson Charles Gordon Newton, Jr. Patricia Ann Newton Charles Jeffrey Oestrich Linda Ann Osborn Clarence Leon Partain Joseph Farrell Pasternak Horace Mitchell Perry III Juan Francisco Ponce Laurel Gregor Porter Edward Allan Puro J ames Stuart Reitman William Louis Rohr, Jr. Kenneth Stanford Rotskoff Paul Ira Rubinfeld Jo-Ellyn M Ryall Richard Maxwell Sandefur, Jr. Bruce Allan Sehainker 18 Walter John Schoepfle Mark Traudt Schreiber William Glenn Sedgwick Thomas Edward Shine Robert William Sindel Leroy Carter Smith William Frederick Southworth Irwin Spirn Wayne Andrew Stillings Mark Dillen Stitham J ens Alvin Strand Howard Eric Strom Brent Vern Stromberg Michael Verne Taylor Stephen Sik Kook Teng Sharon Frost Tiefenbrunn Sherida Elaine Tollefsen Audrey Colleen Traub Mary Margaret Treese Thomas Martin Ulbright Warren Leslie Vaughn, Jr. William H Vine Gordon Allen Vogel Manfred Anthony von Fricken David Jeffrey Weil Richard Putnam Wenham Theodis Morris Wheatt Steven Todd Yedlin John Edward Zeller MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION May 23, 1975 Gary Bruce Bartelt James John Bemberg Larry Allan Dragan James N Eimers Woodford Helm Fields Jon Milton Gates Robert Lee Graves Allen George Gruber Jack Alan Gupton J ames Arnold Harding Melvin James Henderson Alan Sommers Hitt Ernest Henderson Horton, Jr. Kenneth Evan Jones Thomas Michael Kish Harris Fitz-Hugh Koenig Laurence Andrew Rustin Richard Charles Gibbs Edward Alvin Eckenhoff William Gary Griffin Robert James Langlais Richard Albert Levesque Leonard Lopez Donald Mary Lynch Joseph David Machtel Robert Wendell Orner John William Packard, Jr. Lester Charles Rankin Charles John Sardeg-na Robert LeRoy Savage William Charles Schoenhard, Jr. Jeffrey Day SelbergEugenia Florence Shuller J ames Duane Stewart Samuel M Wachtel Diane Amanda Wallace Larry Woodrow Weller December 23, 1974 Edward Valenzuela August 16, 1974 James Curfman Gwyn BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 23, 1975 Deanice Faye Beck David Murville Benson Louise Ann Clark Amy Louise Dougherty Anne Michael Gerber Marie Grant Howe Mollie Lucille Jung Susan Kay Lightfoot Nelwyn Pattie Longfield Jill Minette Maurer Peggy Ann Mellman Sharon Rebecca Meyer Elfriede Olney Anne Lyddan Pawlowski Deborah Jean Semmel Joan Laura Senese June Reine Shatken Louise Marie Siemers Emily Kirkpatrick Snyder Paulette Welch Lawrence Hung Young Christine Dale Youngstrom 19 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY May 23, 1975 Lauren Terri Baros Barbara Marie Hayes Myra Margaret Botsay Donald Amos Houck, Jr. Gail Louise Broadie Gloria Ann Kelley Carol Beatrice Moll Mary Suzanne Buelteman Diane Lynette Christman Patricia Ann Poage Betsy Lynn Dotson Diane Marie Reynolds Gary Wayne Fite Jane Louise Schapman J ulaine Marie Florence Linda Jean Silverman Ellen Beth Friedman Elizabeth Jean Sindelar THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Candidates Presented by JOHN THOMAS BIRD, D.D.S., Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ORTHODONTICS May 23, 1975 Stephen Dale Hanks John Blaine Keddington, Jr. Albert Page Jacobson James Harris Mutti, Sr. Philip Conrad Jaynes Robert Samuel Olson, Jr. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE May 23, 1975 Richard James Mooney Marvin Hamilton Bohnenkamp Fred Rick Thomas Kendall Ray Jacobs Dennis Brian Winthrop Robert Gregory Layman Steven Caine Monrotus March 26, 1975 cum laude Steven Boyd Curtis Dennis R Deaton Steven Eugene Bagley Duane Harrison Beers Alan Huber Broadbent Robert Lawson Buckles Richard Lin Call Daniel Kenneth Cook Richard William Danyluck Haskell David George John diCristina Barry Dennis Dugger Ronald Allen Hohenadel Jeffery Justin Johnson Jeffrey Roland Johnson Roger Kay Jones Fred Michael Kalish Alan Kleiman Randall Allen Kleitz Wendel John Lewis John Morgan Mayfield Theodore Lee Moss Charles Frederick Genthe David Allen Durham Sammy Dee Palmer March 26, 1975 Glen Erwin Mueller David Louis Mugleston Robert James Mysse Paul Anthony Nativi David Andrew Nelson John Hamilton Newton Charles Edward Niesen II Russell Craig Pool Robert Marion Reier Donald Glenn Richardson Austin Rozier Rust Paul Edward Saarinen Brent Tracy Schvaneveldt Gamil Evans Shaw Christine Nemanick Smith Richard Edward Smith Robert Shannon Stoughton Terence Kevin Sullivan J ames Lee Unger August 16, 1974 20 DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY March 26, 1975 Daniel Terrence Sullivan Donald Joseph Yaron Octavio William Arana Galen Vere Campbell Lawrence Daniel Hafner THE SCHOOL OF LAW Candidates Presented by LL.B., Dean EDWARD THADDEUS FOOTE, MASTER OF LAWS May 23, 1975 Robert Benton Leggat, Jr. Glen Robert Lewis Jack Humphries Putnam, Jr. Andrew Fitzpatrick Reardon Mark Alan Spiegler Alan J Steinberg Philip Neal Chilton David O'Neil Danis Ronald Nicholas Danna Cornelius Thomas Ducey, Jr. Gary Bruce Gelfand Ralph Anthony Kister December 23, 197J,. John Baumert Turner Andrea Beth Schlanger DOCTOR OF LAW Douglas Ray Ackerman Kerry Lynn Adams Mark Eaton Allen Frederick Milton Baker, Jr. Robert Scott Baker William Joseph Becker Kathleen Bell Barbara Louise Beran John Wickham Berresford Kenneth George Biskup J ames Stuart Bisnow Kevin Floyd Blaine Christopher Michael Blanton Wendell Wilkie Brooks William Allan Burch Gary Allan Caldwell Dale Lee Cammon Kathleen Carey John Benjamin Carothers III Gary Thomas Carr William Manring Chapman Robert Allyn Chappell Gayle Lee Crose Norman Gene Curtright Max Winston Custer, Jr. John Frederick Dahlem James B Davidson Earon Scott Davis May 23, 1975 Michael Allen DeHaven Gregory Charles Denton Edwin Taylor Dexter Ilene Adele Dobrow David Potter Duff Louise Lombart Edmonds Frank Chapman Ehrlich Bennett Lee Epstein Karen Leigh Schpeiser Fairbank Howard Fred Feinman Robert Allan Finke Robert Lewis Firth Douglas Wayne Fix Michael Alan Friedman Joan Lynn Garden Dane William Garrett Judith Garson Bernard Watson Gerdelman M Lee Watson Gerdelman John Laurence Gilbert Aaron Jay Gold Rochelle Golub Sally Louise Gould Gerald Phillip Greiman Paul Elliot Ground Claire Jane Halpern Peter Allan Handy Robert James Hartman 21 James Joseph Hennelly Dean Robert Hoag William Gordon Hogle Margaret Howard Leigh Rae Hunt Michael Barrett Huston Barbara Harris Jablonski John Charles Jackson Harry James Joe Mel Scott Johnson Cassondra Eileen Joseph Arthur Samuel Kahn Bennett Lee Katz John Anthony Klobasa John Edgar Kosloske Verleah Brown Kosloske John Wesley Kozyak Dennis Raymond Kurth Richard David Lageson Mary Jones Lake David Leon Lapides Ilona Sue Leavitt Paula Kathryn Lorant Kim Roger Luther Shayne Marie Madsen Lloyd Isao Mashita Lon Emmons Mathews Douglas George Mooney Margaret Elizabeth Zonia Morrison J Joseph Muller Alan Ira Nusinow Robin Joseph Omahana J ames Lindsay Palenchar Melba Irene Parente Michael Barry Phillips Steven John Quam Gregory Francis Quinn Stuart Jay Radloff James Ewan Robertson David Mark Rosen Gabor J eno Rozsa Ronald Franklin Sample Nancy Saul Edward Arthur Scallet, Jr. Benjamin David Schwartz David Francis Seele John Steven Slavich Eric James Snyder Alan Gerald Stone Emanuel Thomas Richard Keller Thompson John Rodney Tisdale Sheldon Baruch Toibb Richard Roger Vouga Joel William Wagman Andrew Siegel Walker Michael Weinberg David Thomas Weir Mark Wayne Weisman Stephen Lee Wells Edward Seth Weltman Peter John Weygandt Timothy John Whitsitt John Tarleton Williams Willie Earl Williams Gregory Russell Yaw December 23, 1974 Mark Howard Goran Carole Maureen Bica Stephen Neil Kaufman Charles Hubert Blair David Arch Bloch John Hall Layman Raoul Joseph Gagne Gregory Lewis Lee Edward Myron Goldenhersh Stephan Wallace Stover August 16, 1974 Theodore Herbert Barrett-Page Andrew Lee Granat Joel Freeman Bonder Richard Allan Ong William Paul Buzzi Donna Mages Schuckman William Francis Culleton, Jr. Carol Marie Crandall Van Sambeek Benjamin Franklin Edwards 22 THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Candidates Presented by SHANTI KUMAR KHINDUKA, Ph.D., Dean DOCTOR OF SOCIAL WORK May 28, 1975 Amy Riemenschneider J ames Milton Willis August 16, 1971,. John Christian Goeke MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK May 28,1975 Sherry Rose Abelove Paul Edward Amstutz Judith Annette Anderson Jacqueline Yvonne Bonner Gary Edwin Bromley Janet Virginia Case Bromley Barbara Amy Brooke Louis Thomas Brothers Ronald Aaron Budd Jill Frost Butler Catherine Malinda Chapin Mani Chhugasingh Chhabria Terry Ellen Cohen Debra Sue Cohn Feryle Armstrong Cooper Polegia Jean Desmond Alan Howard Fabel Dale Susan Fisher Joan Paula Goldstein Freiman Lowell Ray Freiman Molly Elizabeth Gallagher Gertrude Mussman Galler Joyce Deda Gang' James Roy Gannaway Wanda Marie Gardner Flavia Valmae Goldson Sharon Ann Gomberg Sara Beth Greenberg Marc Irving Hafkin William Faucette Hall Betty Alley Hamilton Gloria Kay Harris Nancy Lynne Hemmerich Gary Allen Hirmer . Geraldine Paula Hoober Margaret Howard Jeanne Kolker Hurvitz Janet Gail Hurwitz Delores Russell Jordan Sheila Karpan Jeffrey Jay Kegley Alfred Zee Kelley, Jr. Bonnie Jeanne Kelly Lawrence Allan Kogan J ames Manning Langlois Ann Marie Levy Steven Wayne Litt Bannie Mwambwa Lombe Ricardo Lyles Carolyn Sue Main Margaret Marcus Cheri Ann May Charles Fuller McGowen Carol Ann McShane Michael John Mervilde Stephen Douglas Miller William Clarence Moore Leonard William Moskowitz David Wayne Murray Regina Adeline Nelson Christine Ann Parfitt Dorothy Ann Pearrow Louise Mary Peloquin Vincent Perez Pereda Stephen Robert Phlaum Larry Dean Pollock Terry Thurston Puster Thomas William Rasley Poorna Manubhai Raval Pamela Anne Risley Beverlee Jean Rissover Laura Ann Robin Rae Jean Roller Steven Raphael Rose Helene Ronnie Rothstein Marsha Salus Bertram Franklin Schwartz 23 Lorna Diane Valentine Lottie Holland Wade Virginia Lee Wagenseller Marilyn Rene Wechter Susan Wilhelmina Weiler Claire Woodbury Yasuko Yokota Jeanne Schwartz John Anatole Sckorohod Minna Rifka Shulman Sandra Ruth Smith Frederick Spencer Paula Carolyn Swenson Kathryn Sue Thilking Nancy Cowie Tongren December 23, 1974 J ulene Regina Mayewski Kathleen Alicia Adams Leonard Keith McKee, Jr. Jacqueline Lee Bacus Susan Mavis Medoff Jocelyn Cynthia Moore Barker Bhanu Mansukhlal Mehta Mary Ellen Biljes Ronald Bertram Meier William Mark Birnbaum Linda Louise Miller Dorothy Meek Brooks Mary Wells Moore Audrey Wolff Chanen Sima Kolman Needleman JoAnn Chapola Cynthia Jacquot Ousley Gerald Edward Davis Madeline Robin Permutt Cheryl Lynn Dittrich John David Peterson Nancy Elaine Entz Deborah Joy Schaumann Robert Jonathan Fletcher Ronald Arthur Schenk Mary Lou Fox Myra Ann Shneider Candace Lynn Henline L Richard Shuck Mary Joan Hrdy Stuart James Smyth Roberta Susan Jaffe James Ohris Starr Robert James Kelly Ronald Dean Stehl Susan Barrett Koslin Jeffrey John Strowbridge Linda Nancy Kramer Denise Charleen Lapp Jean Kaye Wagner Victor Virgilio Lopez Fredrick Terry Waltzer Barbara Sue Lubin Herbert Richmond Wannen Roger David Luchs Susan Krumholz Waranch Janet Louise Collins MacClarence Demitry Elvira Ward Mordecai Magence Patricia Eileen Wood August 16, 1974 Toby Fern Ruth Bedell Dinker Harilal Bhatt Alan Murray Cohen Susan Margaret Farb Rupa Dwarkadas Goradia Shirley Fortescue Hammond Gary Thomas Hiam Jane Billingsley Hoffman Cecil James Killacky Richard Ira Male Daniel Morris Siegel Timothy Russell Sloan Marvin Edward Works 24 THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Candidates Presented by LUCIAN KRUKOWSKI, B.F.A., M.S., Dean MASTER OF FINE ARTS David Robert Armstrong Harry John Beckemeyer Richard Morgan Brown Cheryl Goldsleger Mitchell Andrew Goodman William Markwith Grote Daniel Carlin Kipnis Sandra Joyce Levin Steven Mannheimer Larry Wayne Millard Fredrick James Nelson May 29, 1975 Ronald Netsky Cissy Pui-Lai Pao Lawrence Truman Pfisterer Virginia Robin Prince Susan Smith Rogers John Robert Ryan J ames Dell Suchovsky Patricia Ann Vecchione Mary Elizabeth Weidner Ralph Arthur Wilke, Jr. William Morris Yonker December 23, 1974 Richard Owen Miles BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS J \ May 29, 1975 Stephen Geoffrey Anderson Carol Ann Kaminsky Claire Marcia Backer Nancy Marie Koetting William John Barge, Jr. Margaret Anne Krebs Brian Patrick Beck Lawrence Arthur Lauxman Elizabeth Rasbach Bland Andrea Jay Lite Geraldine Ann Boruta Sterling Roosevelt Love, Jr. Tom Gerard Bussmann Linda Gail Manes Anne Charles Aida Loretta Milberg'S Gail Minkoff Chod Maxine McClure Mills Vicki Lynne Moses Marie Elise Christovich Veronica Dierker Elizabeth Frances Naylor Christine Marie Doran Janet Nebel Barbara Joy Dunn Caroline Stock Norris Karen Gail Dusenbery Maria Pendleton Orr Susan Ilyce Edelman Margaret Eileen Panian Mary Ellen Shupe Elkins Carla Jean Phelan Sheila Ronnie Fenton Linda Jo Phillips Esther Inez Ratner Wendy Rebecca Friedman Sharon Lynne Garblik Barbara Joan Rawson Mary Clare Sauer Johnnie C Gordon Tommy Lee Greene, Jr. Thomas Patrick Scheve Margaret Louise Schmelzle Teresa Maria Harris Jennifer J anine Harroun Rosalyn Dee Schwartz Mary Ann Sinquefield Herzwurm Richard Patrick Sferra Marcy Ann Hoffmann Linda Gail Smith , Suzanna Theresa Hoppmann Ralph Wayne Stewart Scott Gary Hueting Michael Charles Stoops Lynne Catherine Geist Hutchison Diann Elaine Stotler Joffre Alan Thompson Robert Shepherd Irish Mark Brian Travers Marilyn Sue Jacobi Carolyn Ann Uhley Richard Morehead Johnson 25 Leslie Ann Wolfley Katrina Elizabeth Wende Kristine Ann Zeiner Polly Stultz Willard Betty Lou Winski December 23, 1971,Robert Steven Hirshberg Karen Alicia Raffel Marcea Shear Rundquist Jane Deborah Ehrlich Jennifer Louise Seele Germanese Polly Ruth Hawkins Romane M Kniahynycka Hayda August 16, 1971,J ames Alan Morthland Mark Henry Paradowski Janice Lynn Smith Carl Jeffrey Binder Lynne Dee Greditzer William John Hag:edorn Dorothy Teresa Hubenschmidt THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Candidates Presented by JOHN BERNARD ERVIN, Ed.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 23,1975 Christopher Charles Heeley Charles Thomas Himstedt San Hla Karen Arnita Houston Patricia Richards Hovis Gerald Lee Huether Kenneth Allen Husser Wayne John J ackovac Robert Owens Jones Michael Joseph Klashna, Jr. J ames Robert Konersman Marilyn Joan Landrum Jerry Arthur Laneman Ronald Dale Laupp Dorothy Jacoby Mahon Carol Malone Robert Glenn McAnally, Jr. David Allen McKennedy Robert Franklin Meeks Dominic Carmelo Mercurio J ames Edward Mettes Robert Ewing Miller Wilbur Harry Muenster Stanley Anthony Myrda J ames Howard Osherow Ray Bobby Payne Steven Joseph Pinkston Richard Ray Ravens Michael Phillip Rhodus Larry Darnell Richardson Allen Sanders, Jr. Edwin Lee Abbett Joseph Herman Adrian Joseph Andrew Aimonette Mark Melvin Alexander Francis August Angel Peter Charles Arena Marie Davis Ayler Marvin Henry Barnett John Fred Barozinsky George Englebert Beck, Jr. William Bell Richard Spencer Branch Louis Carl Brandt, Jr. William John Brown Thelma Marie Clifton Patricia Elizabeth Gintz Cunningham Pleas Miller Daniel Betty Chora Dinzebach Michael Joseph Ditmeyer Paul John Donovan Terry Carlton Evans Ronald Featherson Tim Paul Fischesser Dunbar Porter Gibson, Jr. Elliott Charles Goeckeler Andrew Thomas Graziano Lartivia Ann Hammond Patricia Cahill Hanick Donald Franklin Hanneken" George Mark Harper James Arlen Hazzard, Sr. 26 Leo Joseph Scaturro Henry Charles Scherrer Raymond Herman Schlueter Ralph Willard Schmitt Vernon Benny Schroeder Herman Alfred Sen! Carl Louis Sengheiser Jack Shemwell Rickey Paul Silhavy Michael Edward Smith Molly Linda Smith Nathaniel Stricklen LaRoyce Yvonne Stevens Stringer Maurice Thomas Harold Lewis Thompson Larry Leotha Thompson James Felix Turner Russell Austin Vasbinder Edward Charles Wallgren, Jr. Leslie Gale Wallis Daniel Francis Walsh Robert Lee Warren, Jr. Anice Lee Wells Larry Doyle Werth Arthur Lee Williams Ralph William Wolters Charles Victor Zurfluh December 23, 1974 Randall Kirk Abrahams Don Ralph Adams Richard James Allgeyer Howard Paul Aue Dennis Charles Bueltmann Velma Arlene Buls Larry Joe Bunch Ophelia Carson Gloria Williams Cole Barbara Jean Hawkins Coopwood Richard James Crahen Neil Carl Dressler Catherine Haddock Dunlap Terry Ward Ellison Cordelia Gross Farrelly David Joseph Feinstein Fred Randall Govier Dennis Vincent Greaving Roger Dale Griffin J ames Larry Hensley J ames Patrick Higgins Franklin D Hill Arthur D Hollers Gary Lane Hopkins Robert Charles Horwitz Julian Humphreys Rodney Lincoln Johnson Cleart Clifford Jones Ruby Mae Jones Ann Patricia Kastendieck Medford Lajuan Kirk Thomas Eugene Kobylinski Ronald Aloysius Koebbe William Patrick Lafeber Steven Charles Lentz Marion Adler Lipsitz Martin William Longo Robert Emerson Love Joan Sheila Maddox Emmett John Manion Mary Ann Marshall James Logan Mayfield, Jr. Jakob Medve Libby Hoffman Meyer Gerald Maurice Naes John N apolean Nall John Paul Pace Frank Curtis Parker, Jr. Sally Reed Parker Kathy Petersen Michael Joseph Pimmel Jeanne Frances Rieffer Robert Dean Rutledge Norine Kutzner Sgarlata Ronald Russell Stelzleni Werner Charles Stiehling Charles Herbert Taylor Charles Herman Wahlman Michael Roy WaIn Myrtle Rosella Woods Washington John Ronald Weske Richard York August 16, 1974 Robert Joseph Bockskopf Reggie Carey Browne Victor Charles Callier JoAnn Clay Jean Coonan Feryle Armstrong Cooper Anita Evelyn DeClue Harvey Jerome Dickerson Patricia Marie Forester Lewis Edward Fossieck Gloria Sunshine Hicks J acalyn Hunt Thomas Jerome J ersa Ernest Donald Laube Mary Belle Lesley William J Lewis, Jr. Margaret Mary Meyer Thomas Franklin Moore, Jr. Kevin Thomas Mulvihill J on Michael Regan 27 JoAnne Rensing Dale William Richards Stewart Gary Sachtleben Ronald James Sampson Mary Angela Senter BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 23, 1975 Ilona Rae Ciment Jane Ellen Ginsberg Judith Rae Kramer Teresa Anderson Richardson BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY May 23, 1975 John Alton Baker Thomas Edward Bryant, Jr. Gustavo Diaz-Granados Richard Herman Dugge Ronald Gene Henry Paul Joseph Huber Donald William Keck Daniel Marion Mantych Samuel Arlen Martin Robert John Means Carl James Mueller Howard Edward Mueller, Jr. Floyd Monroe Pruett Frederick John Suiter Joseph Matthew Trewhella Russell William Warnky December 23, 1974 Arthur Clinton Daily, Jr. Andrew George Magafas Joseph Gregory Green, Jr. Herby Otto Pearson David Wayne Kohlfeld Linda J 0 Tanner Howard Clifford Lewis August 16, 1974 Kenneth Clifford Braucksick David Ray Kiethline Arthur Putnam Brigham, Jr. Arthur Fred Tainter THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by KARL ALLEN HILL, M.C.S., LL .D., Dean MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 23,1975 David Anthony Adams Andrew K Astmann Darrel Evans Bailey Michael Laufer Baritz Joseph Calise Benway III Louis Harry Bergner George Billy III Jack Arthur Bintz Morton Lindon Brown, Jr. Yvonne Adele Carter Scott David Chartier Edward Frank Clendenin, Jr. Fred Paul Curry Robert Howard Dieckmann J ames Michael Dillard Patrick Ross Doherty James Joseph Echt John Stewart Estabrook Michael Louis Fendya Michael Alan Friedman Samuel Goldstein Alice Beth Golman J ames Leonard Hamilton Martha Louise Harbison Mark Richard Harris David Clarence Hatch Alexander M.eltzor Keith Susan Lynn Kleine Charles Eugene Lee, Jr. 28 Frederick Charles Lewis Cameron Stuart MacLeod Edward Paul Mayer, Jr. Abraham McCoy Thomas Arthur McCue Alan Ernst Meyer Gwendolyn Annette Moore John Tobin Moroney Jacqueline Marie Murphy Stephen Michael Murray Ralph Lee Oakley J ames Fredrick Palumbo Gautam Sagoon Patel Ronald Wesley Pearrow Michael Corriols Phares Jeffry Craig Pollock Randi Jane Reed Michael Spence Ruben Jay Irwin Sarver Thomas L Schlesinger Timothy Edward Schultz Frederick Joel Schwartz Clifford Reginald Shannon Charles Louis Sharp Steven Lee Sider William Oscar Speight III Betty Frances Witthaus Sphar Kenneth Maurice Stone Robert Allen Tate Luis Eugenio Tellez J ames Dean Tyler Richard David Ullom Richard Breed Vega Lavarn Williams December 23, 1974 Stephen Chandler Banton Robert Lee Rettke Harold Gulbrand Belsheim II Jorge Felix Rexach James Johnstone Ritterskamp III Ole LeRoy Brandal Carol Lavonne Dunston Michael James Schaeffer Francis Gerard Grelle Timothy Phillip Willis Richard Gardner Long August 16, 1974 Richard Charles Dietz Masao Nishi Philip Henry N 011 III THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by KARL ALLEN HILL, M.C.S., LL.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Thomas Wayne Abbott Hiram Bowers Ables Charlotte Waldeck Bachar Richard John Bagy, Jr. Henry John Bangert Michael Laufer Baritz William Norman Bley, Jr. Michael Phillip Campau J ames Michael Chuckray 'E ver line Cornell Jeffrey Edmond Frahm Daryl Alan Gehbauer David Mark Gianini Samuel Goldstein Robert Gerard Gottlieb Wayne Bernard Haar May 23, 1975 Carol Ann Halprin Todd Edward Herman John Anthony Hirt Karl Edward Holderle III Suellen Keller Bridgid Marie Lehane Richard Marc Libman Richard Fred Limmer Frederick Edwin Lutzeier Joseph Michael Moro Alan Stuart Protzel Buford Mark Smith Michael Thomas Souris Victor James Venezia Gary Leonard Zemtseff 29 Randall Jackson Allen Kenneth Hills Bitting III Daniel Mark Hazard December 23, 1974Michael Roy Kroeger Frank Robert Szofran, Jr. August 16, 1974Beverly Sharon Easterwood Gregory John Benken THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Candidates Presented by CONSTANTINE E VANGELOS MICHAELIDES, Diploma of Architecture, M.Arch., Dean MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN May 23,1975 Tariku Belay December 23, 1974Richard Henry Franklin John Stuart Baymiller Benjamin Paul Chait Robert Kenneth Fuller Nicholas Salvador Musso, Jr. August 16, 1974Edgar Khtam Taam Valmik Mahendra Thakore Durwin Gerald Ursery Jitendra Vallabhram Vaidya MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 23, 1975 Roger Bennet Call Scott David Chartier Thomas Hilton Cohen Robert Edd Davenport Robert George Ducker Walter Leroy Eckenhoff Hayder Hamid Faraj lain Alasdair Fraser Frank Joseph Gruchalla, Jr. Vinay Kumar Gupta David Clarence Hatch Janet Gail Hurwitz J ames Nicholas Bartl Tsai Chi Christopher Alan Grubbs Katherine Anne Hake Richard Ronald Janis Edward Gerst Lazaron Mark Aaron Kramer Michael Stephan Kulynycz Ralph Hilton Kurtz Andrew Anthony Kusnierkiewicz Kenneth Barton Labs Joseph Chuen-Fung Lam Margaret Joan Sedlis Michael Charles Shatken Morris Alfred Michael Steiner Gordon Greenfield Wittenberg, Jr. William Thomas Young December 23, 1974Andrew Sheung Kai Lee Hannah Rae Roth Douglas Paul Tachi Min Hsiung Wang Marvin Edward Works 30 THE HENRY EDWIN SEVER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, Ph.D., Director DOCTOR OF SCIENCE May 23, 1975 In Applied Mathematics and Carlos Marco Vinicio Vaca Guayasamin Computer Science Harold Yen-Ho Law In Mechanical Engineering Mohammad Houshmand Mehrjardi In Computer Science William Hartwell Eveleth Day In Systems Science and Mathematics In Electrical Engineering Marco Hurtado Li-Ming Liu Ariyanayagipuram Kanthimathina Subramanian December 23 , 1974 In Applied Mathematics and In Electrical Engineering Computer Science Ram Kumar Gupta Hui Pin Hsu Han-Min Huang Ramaswamy Srinivasan Chang Je Kim Paul Floyd Kough In Chemical Engineering Jay Theodore Hargreaves Wu-Der (No-Ree) Huang William Clarkson Kessler Webster Wei-Ping Kiang Allen Leslie Rakow In Environmental and Sanitary Engineering John Leo Kieffer In Materials Science In Civil Engineering Herman Bonifatius Suryoutomo Shu-Chen Wang I n Control Systems Gen-Sen James Cheng John Joseph Duffy Surender Kumar Gupta Yona Rasis Vabilisetti Satyanarayana Murty Jayprakash Uttamchand Raisoni Douglas Charles Ruhmann In Mechanical Engineering Noorallah Velshi Gillani Robert William Meier I n Systems Science and Mathematics Jackson Lee Sedwick, Jr. August 16, 1974 In Electrical Engineering Sang-Koo Chung MASTER OF SCIENCE May 23,1975 In Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Diane Beth Austrin In Chemical Engineering Thomas Jackson Dillon J ames Edward Silver In Civil Engineering Min-Tse Chen Paul Neil Chod Alfonso Tiu Go In Computer Science Unahit Garnjanagoonchorn Mary Jane Townsend Schaefer 31 In Electrical Engineering Michael Lee Dierker Ting-Pien Fang Margaret Ann Carr J ost Vincent Hoi-Yuen Li John Joseph Lobick, Jr. Robert Emmett Morley, Jr. Richard Jamieson Myrick William Byron Ross Samran Ruanphae Michael Howard Taterka Nicholas Phipps Veeder, Jr. Kenneth Melvin Johnson Urs Felix Neuenschwander Rajendra Gyanchand Raisoni Earl Wayne Rosenberg Anan Sirinudasomboon Harold Wayne Thompson, Jr. In Systems Science and Mathematics Nicholas Kalouptsidis Panganamala Ramana Kumar Yasutaka Mihara Daniel Anthony O'Connor Lok Seng Oei Shahriar Shokoohi Boris Vladimir Voh Tai Tong Yong In Mechanical Engineering Samuel Tribble Crews III Charles Theodore Curtis December 23, 1971+ In Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Robert Henry Greenfield Robert Lester Klautzer Sidney Earl Levin Maurice Lewis Pepper, Jr. Ghulam Haider Raz Petre Nichifor Turcu Kenneth Fong Wong In Electrical Engineering Henry Charles Alder Charles Tsun-Yan Chan Henri Chomeau IV Terrence Joseph Coleman Richard Edward Kumpf Gregory Frederick Maxey Saunora Prom Richard Vernon Sanders In Chemical Engineering Thomas Ray Coughlin Mark Phillip Gold Richard Vincent Long Thomas Jay Reynolds Larry Neil Teasley Luis Eugenio Tellez Sanford Lee Test Mariam Maimoona Wahab In Materials Science Javier Sandoval Hernandez In Civil Engineering Antoun Khalil Riad Abiad Mohammed Naim Kayum Chih-Hsiang Li In Systems Science and Mathematics Susan Edith Hodge In Computer Science Irving Louis Paskowitz Jeanne Anne Brenfleck Paskowitz In Mechanical Engineering Richard Ronald Janis Murali Damodar Kanuri Richard Charles Knoff Kongyuf Ndzegha In Technology and Human Affairs Joel J Reich Mike Donald Wong 32 THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, Ph.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE May 23, 1975 Jeffrey Michael Abram Norman Douglas Diamond Stanley Alan Garfield Alan Howard Ingram, Jr. Joseph Thomas Lester III Ellen Sue Neuwirth William Francis Piepmeier John Ross Raber Randi Jane Reed Donald James Samuels Carolyn Sue Smelter Karl Konrad Wehner Richard William Welker December 23, 1974 Vincent James Griesemer Douglas Edwin Hanthorn Jeffrey Hall Rixleben Charles Robert Standridge August 16, 1974 Howard Alan Hirsch . BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 23, 1975 Paul Joseph Abrams Charles Russell Eggert Patrick Donald Fisher Thomas John Greco Kevin Richard Hirschbuehler John Arthur Kennedy Jerald Lee Loeh Douglas Mark Niewoehner Lynne Marie Raffalovich Philip John Schmitt Michael Gerard Turcotte Steven Fred Weinstock December 23, 1974 Henry David Rayman BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 23, 1975 Lance Carter Duncan Donald Leo Eichholz Levi Gurule Steven George Huff Gerald Joseph Inukai Mark Meitus Isenstein Wesley King Nash, Jr. Robert Lee Porter IV David Rotholz Bruce Barton Slimp 33 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING May 23, 1975 David Anthony Adams Darrel Evans Bailey Philip Leighton Bartlett Henry Piao Chu Alan Grahn Curtis William John Dickerson David Djavitt Eisenbraun Harry John Ferris Steven Howard Goldberg David Alan Goldstein Darrell Edward Hogshead Patrick William Jeffries Patrick Michael King Joseph Henry Kuczka David Paul Lautzenheiser Michael Martin May William Esco Moerner Frank Otis Mosby Joseph Marion Nash Jeffry Craig Pollock Herbert Frederick Prasse, Jr. Dennis Lee Priebe Kenneth Don Rowey Reginald Baxter Short Raymond Kai-Wah Tsui Gregory Gerhardt Weltin Budimir Zvolanek December 23, 1974 James Everett Spence Vincent James Griesemer August 16, 1974 William Charles Pennycook Michael Tao BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING May 23, 1975 Lance Carter Duncan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 23, 1975 Phillip Carl Berra James Daniel Bubb Stanley Haight Durlacher Daniel Irvin Hurt Alexander Edwin Jones Valentine Obonna Ogu Victor Hugo Ruiz George Robert Schmidt, Jr. Theodore John Stelling Robert Burr Stewart December 23, 1974 Charles Wilmot Miller Robert Keith Neff Richard Carl Riddle Dennis William Sagez August 16, 1974 Stuart Alan Golden Nhan Quy Nguyen 34 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS May 23,1975 Curtis Anthony Beck William Esco Moerner John Ross Raber Donald James Samuels Raymond Kai-Wah Tsui Joseph Dale Warner December 23, 1974 David James Looney BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 23, 1975 Ronald Marc Baum David Lazar Lieberman Robert Alan Philipson Carl Roger Schwartz Robert Eck Scott Maura Jean Sughrue James Gordon Wright December 23,1974 Robert Francis Helle 35 THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by BURTON MAYNARD WHEELER, Ph.D., Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS May 23, 1975 summa cum laude Linda Ruth Allan Neal Jonathan Barkan Jonathan Bass Corinne Ellen Bott David Barnes Churchill Deborah Lynn Cresswell Sandy Lewis Fogel Kenneth Allen Kuznetsky Alan Jeffrey Lenhoff Christopher Richard Maret Anne McLaren William Esco Moerner Thomas Joseph Olsen Deborah Beth Reinisch Joel Lee Richards J ames Michael Rose Darrell Jay Rudd Carl Roger Schwartz Jeffrey Skolnick Dean Stuart Sommer Kenneth Ray Stokes Michael Howard Sussman Anne Carla Trout Kit Wayne Wesler magna cum laude Nellie Anderson Scott Alan Anenberg Cynthia Bette Baum Richard Newton Blau Martin Sanford Blum Robert Harris Brenner Arlene Meredith Brown Bruce Warren Davidson Marlene Renee Dorfman Benjamin Victor DuBois Jane Christine Durbin Stephen Robert Elkins Susan Evelyn Engel Stephen Alan Finn Lisa Donner Friendly Jane Frances Fromstein Barbara Lucy Gervis Barbara Ellen Gold Marsha Linn Heiman Karen Louise Hulebak Michael Bryant Kimmey Kip William Kootz Karen Lois Kotloff Joan Debra Krevlin Laurie Ellen Lang Lawrence Allan Lynn Michael Stephan Lyss John Robert Marx Robert Jay Oppenheimer Paul Patrick Pennick, Jr. Richard Philjp Phelps Joel Abram Piser Alan David Pratzel Ilene Susan Russinoff David Joseph Salant Mark Sanford Joseph George Sauvage Deborah Sue Seligman Karen Rae Silver Maura Jean Sughrue Elisa Ann Tinsley Judith Carol Vise Alison Ann Weiss Barry Kent Wershi! Cary Jay Wintroub Carol Jean Maupin Young Richard Charles Zane cum laude Billie Lynn Ash Kurt Jeffrey Brotherson David Geoffrey Burnes Ira Douglas Chatman Ira Joseph Cooper Patricia Ann Cwaygel Terry Lee Dannehold Mark Edward Davis Robert Steven Edwards Leslie Myna Fink John Joseph Fogarty Steven Neal Gold Susan Ellen Greenleaf Nancy Hibbett Hansbrough Richard Gerald Harris Ann Marie Herzberger Abram Eugene Katz Rosemary Kern Diane Grace Koeln Marcia Lynn Kornblum 36 Reuel Kurzet David Elliot Lieberman Harriet Anne Lipkin Barbara Anne Lokitz Barbara Sandra Malach Alan Scott Mandel Becky Sue McReynolds Juan Francisco Mella Heather Elizabeth Nachman Dan Franklin Pollets Harold Barry Pomerantz Ira John Rappeport Bonnie Linn Raskin James Wayland Sayre Erika Dale Schuster Gordon Donald Schweitzer Rita Jo Seymour Richard William Shapiro Douglas Jay Steinberg Marc Steven Stern Kathleen Marie Sullivan John Blake Thomas Barbara Lydia Voorhees Roger Dale Wibbenmeyer Wendy Jane Winer Eliot Howard Zimbalist May 23, 1975 Douglas Darrell Achtemeier Edward Lee Adelman Howard Lewis Alster Dorothy Jane Altheimer Camille Alexandra Amron Donald James Anderson Paul Gray Anderson Linda Michie Asazawa Phillip Jay Askot Robert Assael J ames Anthony Badaracco Janet Kay Baker Rebecca Lynn Barnard Joyce Linda Barnathan Madlyn Wyona Barringer Richard Frank Baxt Mark Frederick Bealafeld Joan Phyllis Becker Dee Ann Beckley Catherine Mary Beltz Marianne Fuller Berg Gail Berkowitz Debra Jean Berman Alan Jeffrey Bernstein Jennifer Elizabeth Bixby Edward Jeffrey Block Shelly Beth Blumenthal Suzanne Jane Blumenthal Sally Ann Bock David Bordow Carrie Gail Boretz Susan Anne Bottorff ,Diana Lynn Bourscheidt Lori Sue Brenner Judith Rena Brief Linda Collins Brittain Sheila Pam Britton Cynthia Marie Brown Holly Ann Feldman Bry Julia Elizabeth Bryant Randall Scott Bueter Jeffrey Hall Bunn Elise Lenora Cagan Glenn Evan Cahn Lisa Martha Camel David Bryan Carman Richard William Carr, Jr. Bruno Chung-Key Chan James Allen Charnley, Jr. Anne Charles Marina Yinsheung Cheung Brian Kent Chin Robert Kent Clough Brian Douglas Cohen Edna S Cohen George Mackay Coleman, Jr. Philip George Conway Susan Dutcher Conway Barbara Ellen Cooper Donna Kathrine Crain Marvin Ben] amin Crider Nancy Beatrice Dain Jane Margot Davis Thomas Alan Deutsch Harlene Joy Dodis 37 Tome Estelle Dodson Lisa Dolin Carmen Ingeborg Dollinger Tyler Huntington Donaldson J ames Edward Doroshow Lois Ellen Draegin Lisa Marlon Eisnitz Kenneth Morton Ende Nancy Lynn Engel Todd Adam Epstein Peter Taylor Ernst Dennis Edward Espenschied John Kenj i Eto Valerie Rose Eyster Beth Ann Faller Michael Alan Ferry Lawrence Samuel Fink Roberta Jean Fischer Star Louise Flax Alan Harris Fleck Rhoda Michelle Fleishaker Eleanor Marie Forest Sharon Mindy Forman Laura Francis Fox Steven Howard Frankel Max Richard Frederich Henrietta Winesuff Freedman J ames Lewis Freedman Phillip Freiling Martin Jay Frey Susan Dale Friedberg Amy Patrice Friedland Janet Hupert Friedman Larry Jay Friedman Minot Packer Fryer, Jr. Gail Robin Fudemberg Lynn Keiko Fujimoto Lydia Joy Funger Barry Fred Gale Philip Steven Gallas Barbara Joy Galler Jeremy Simcha Garber Douglas Christopher Gayou Barbara Ann Geisman Richard Eric Gierman Theodore Raymond Ginsburg Elliot Glenn Glassman Susan Ann Godwin Allen Geoffrey Goldberg Lawrence Todd Goldberg Jonathan Golden Peter Joseph Gordon Lawrence Neal Gray Beth Ilene Greenberg Laurence Bennett Greenblatt Anna Caroline Greenleaf Eugenia Marie Greenlee George Groner Jane Susan Grosby Arnie Suzzanne Gross J ames Robert Gutglass Frank George Haas, Jr. Waldine Haertlein James Lynn Hahs Marlene Naomi Hammerman Elliot Victor Handler Thomas Temple Hansen Belinda Fay Harrell Melanie Anne Harvey Mary Dorothea Heineman Heidi Jo Helf Deborah Lynne Helitzer Michael Dana Hendler Arthur Ray Henick Edward Jay Henick Robert Herman Gail Herson Peter Jeffrey Herz James William Hicks III Susan Patricia Hirschmann Elizabeth Wheeler Hollomon Nancy Gorman Huber Glenn Hunt Samuel Hyman Diane Rose Imberman Alan Carl Jacquin Susan Brooke Jaeger Catherine Ellen Jaffe Andrea Sharon James Darcy Ann Jekel Eric Scott Jensen Elizabeth Mae Jordan Benjamin Richard Kahn Patti Marie Kahn Richard Michael Kane Deborah Gail Kantor David Louis Kaplan Judith Clare Kassman Anne Elizabeth Kator Malina Kaufman Mark Kaufman 38 Kathryn Lawson Kerr Kathryn Marie Kiesel George John Kimmerle Theodor Engelmann Kircher III Kathy Kishner Steven Jay Kleifield Stephen Saul Klein Lu Anne Kleppinger Cynthia Lea Klinkerfuss Katherine Kohnstamm J ames Louis Konigsberg Alex Harv:ey Kosloff Lisa Ruth Krieger Susan Karen Krinsk David Bradley Kruel Jane Grace Krupnick Joel Barry Kurtzman Edward James Lammer Andrew Howard Landorf Barbara Kaye Langsam Thomas Gene Lavazzi Andrew Todd Lavien David Henry Lebioda Maura Karen Lerner Stephen Alan Levin Lawrence E Levine Kenneth Oscar Lewis Frederic Laurence Lieberman Howard Mark Lifland Jan Dee Lippman Michele Diane Little Peter Jay Lowe Nancy Augusta Lowenstein Robert Lynn Lowes Werner Hans Maassen, Jr. Paige Lee Dashner MacDonald Joyce Susan Madee John Gulledge Maier Joanne Helene Marcus James Kins Margolis John Robert Markarian Edward Lee Marks Andrea Gail Marquit Carolyn Diane Marshall Frank Ray Martin David Warren Mason Gwenn Arlin Mathes Stuart Alan Matz Catherine Louise Mayer Mary Kathryn Mayorwitz Mark Steven McCarty Colleen Mary McGinnis Mary Elizabeth McKenney Karen Yvonne McKinney Jan Merle Melamed Gail Mendelsohn Jill Ann Mendelsohn Robert Alan Messel Rory Joseph Meyer Marta Meyers Michael Louis Millenson Glenis Olive Miller Sara Lee Miller Steven Alan Miller Mark Sheldon Mizruchi Edmund Christopher Mohr David Montgomery Robert Charles Montgomery Sylvester Moore, Jr. David Liebling Morris Charles Everett Morrow III Ricky Dean Mortimer Rachel Moskowitz Jack Jay Moss Margaret Linda Moutseous Jonathan Tanner Mueller Suzanne Leslie Mulstein James Hecker Myles Shelley Elaine Natkow Kathi Ann Newburger Rebecca Thurmond Nikolaisen EUglene Vincent Nolfi, Jr. : Katherine Claire Noonan Caroline Stock Norris Kathleen O'Brien Martin Emerson Ogle Mark William Ollinger Phyllis Jane Orlins Helen Parker Overton Kathy Ann Paddor Judith Lynn Papian John Anthony Paul Janet Ruth Perlstein Alyssa Lee Person Robert Bruce Pickard Jerome Gregory Piontek Charles Juster Piven Jane Ellen Plattner David Lawrence Pollack Rebecca Susan Rabinowitz Jane Wendy Rachlin 39 Craig Rader Lynne Marie Raffalovich Lawrence Mark Ratner Gary NeiI Reiss Robert Edward Renda Daniel Avram Richman Robin Edward Ringwald Lisa Fran Robbins Lynn Terry Roberts William Mark Robins Robert Anthony Romano Jill Ellen Rosenzweig Michelle Debra Rossmann Arlene Rachel Roth Henry Tyler Rowlan John Lewis Rubenstein Michael Joel Rubinstein Eric Charles Rudin Kert David Sabbath Debra Carol Sabel Evelyn Sacks Andrew H Salkin Robert Owen Salus Rachel Anne Sawyer Paul Joseph Schaffer Joel Alan Schechter Rita Elizabeth Scheppner Mary Beth Schiffman Laura Ann Schuette Steven Schwam Kenneth NeiI Scissors Arthur Bly Scofield Roger Neal Seltzer Jeffery Allan Sepesi Julia Marie Sexauer Karl Eric Shanker Susan Lee Shender Audrey Alice Shey Joanna Shum Steven Lee Sider Mark Mazur SiIvermintz Bobby Dean Simms Claire Denise Simons Christopher Gary Smith Thomas Murphy Smith Jeffrey Solomon Hyran Ran Son J ames Marc Sonet Michelle Gay Spector Warren Dale Speicher Gail Susan Sperber Susan Rose Sperling Nancy Sue Stein Peter Mark Steutermann John Michael Stewart Janet IIyse Stillman Allan Arthur Stock Anthony Adam Stokes Jonathan Edward Stone Duane Lavern Storandt Steven Lee Storozum William Charles St reusand David Calvin Strickland Ellen Lee Stromberg Judith Ann Stubbs Peter Fred Sturm Michael Deuel Sullivan Gary Michael Sumers Michael Louis Tachman Jill Ruth Taggart Susan Lynne Tanger Marsha Lee Tannenbaum Martha Joan Telpner Mark Samuel Tepperman Wanda Tyronne Terrell Mary Catherine Tiemann Karla Lili Tievsky J ames Michael Topolski Linda Ruth Trig-g June Patrice Uhlman Lynn Ellen Urkov Loring Jackson Van Slyck Michael Lebrocq Veuve Eric Keith Vickers Alan Jay Wallenstein Lynn Marie Walter Regina Blake Ward J esse Wasley George Hill Watson Ralph Colton Wechsler Michal Weinhaus Karen Beth Weiss Maureen Elizabeth Wellen Donald Melvin Wells 40 John William White Wendell Earl Wickerham Ronald Edward Wilson Allison Elizabeth Wimsatt Cary Jay Wintroub Edward Allen Wise Deborah Louann Witkin Robert Mayer Wolff Lawrence Jay Wolfin Gayle Woodard Stephen Barry Yablon Jessica Ann Yavitz Carolyn Patricia Yoder Paul Roberts Young Miriam Zabludoff Paul Anthony Zaferiou Luis-Enrique Zapata-Casares Deborah Zimbalist Aileen Dale Zingman December 29, 197J,. summa cum laude Jean Marie Deken Robert David Gross Wayne Evan Imber magna cum laude Margaret Ellen Bergstein Bonnie Maryetta Brown Alan Stuart Frank Sharai May Freedman Todd Louis Friedman Timothy Lynn Keenen Barbara Sue Kider Judy KRaker Lisbeth Ann Warren cum laude Maura Leslie Edelman Caroline Roberts Rosenstone Dana George Terp December 23, 197J,. Cathryn Jane Abrams Vicki Rose Hermann Janet Sue Adelman Richard Louis Hirschbeck David Edward Hoffman Javier Rolando Alanis Sharon Lenore Johnson Thomas Baumgarten Gary Allan Kahn Kathleen Ann Behan Lisa Amy Kaplan Catherine Jane Beimfohr J ody Ann Katz Naomi Susan Berman Andrea Sue Kevrick Beverly Susan Blase Debra Elyse Klugman Nancy Ruth Blum Barbara J 0 Krause Cynthia Ann Williams Bodewes Mona Ellen Kushner Last Raymond Kenneth Chafin, Jr. Robin Lesser Ronna Dale Cohen Ellen Sue Liner Wayne Louis Cooper Kathy Jungmei Liu Eva Susan Crystal Diana Katherine Marre John Robert Cutler Larry Paul Matheis Harry Milton Datnoff Robert Marcus McAllister, Jr. John William Davis Judith Norcott Meikle William Schwab Eisler Helen Rose Estoque Richard Louis Moyroud Paul Andrew Murphey John Thomas Fifield John William Fischer Wendy Gilda Newirth Steven Warren Fradin Nobuo Nishi .Laur a Freid Eugene Thomas O'Leary Sandra Lee Hall Furlong Naomi J 0 Oppenheimer Deborah Ann Gittelman Omar Ali Othman Gem Lynn Gordon Kristin Kathryn Paulig Edna Grunberg Nancy Ellen Popkin William Paul Robinson Jeanne Gail Harris Curtis Ariste Heckman Ellen Judith Roos 41 Bruce Rosenberg Keith Dennis Routman John Malcolm Russell Marian K Saks Larry Allan Saltzman Barrett Alan Schaefer Linda Ann Schneider Rudolf Joachim Schwarz Ellen Lee Shycon Geri Marlene Smith Jonathan William Spigel Steven Jay Steiner Lenzie Lee Stewart Christine Marie Syrjala Jonathan Lawrence Teicher Nancy Sue Terrill Constantine Dean Theodorakis William Joseph Walker Gary Stephen Walther Susan Eileen Walther Mark Waynik Mark Edward Weber Weldon Frederick Wooden Ronald Edward Worthington August 16, 1974 magna cum laude Bruce Douglas Woolman Alice Beth Golman Alan Howard Schwartz cum laude Kathryn Lynn Payne William Dale Berry August 16, 1974 Branch Morgan, Jr. Donald Ronald Morin Sanford M Morton, Jr. Kent Eugene Newcome Beryl Cecilia Page Katherine Jeanne Pollak Jeffrey Thomas Prentiss Marc Raphael James August Reid, Jr. Shirley Diane Resnick Frank James Riley Robert Simon Rosen Alan Charles Rosenkoetter Sandra Phyllis Rothschild Alan David Runge Jane Hoyt Sanders Carol Ann Harman Schauerte Alice R Senturia Nancy Ellen Shanfeld Alan Osher Shanker Barry Jay Sidorow Ian Michael Smethurst Carl Iver Steefel Elia Moskalik Sterling Harvey Richard Stern Shane Steven Stewart Dorothy Schaub Strasser Martha Jennifer Sturz Brian Paul Sweeney Leroy Turner, Jr. George Nicholas Vellios Manuel Antonio Vera Alba David Edward Weiskopf Bertha Candace Womble Susan Zimelis Bruce David Barnett Ginevra Benini Joanne Leslie Bober Joyce Anne Bohl Clarence Daniel Borage Carla Sue Carstens Hillard L Chemers Stephen Daniel Coffin Dorothy Frances Combs Stephen Craig Cossel Pia Evene Dennis Marilyn Elise Eichler Mary Bry Elbert Mack Arthur Evans, Jr. Jeri Lee Foley Jeffrey Alan Frank Bradford Mitchel Freeman Lewis Allen Friedland Paul Charles Gerber Susan Mae Gotz Marlene Anna Fritz Grzyb Fred Russ Haviland III Agnes Marie Hayner John Russell Jines Carol Louise Johnson Jerald Scott Kalter, Jr. Todd Stuart Kaufman Burton Mack Kennedy Debra Kesselman Randi Sue Knofsky George Henry Knostman IV Leo Israel Korotki Sarah Mona Kraft David Anthony Lattanzi Louis Mark Lerman Anne Margaret Miller 42 PRIZES, AWARDS AND HONORS ETHAN A. H. SHEPLEY AWARD In recognition of leadership, scholarship and service to the Campus Community, Nellie Anderson, Thomas Alan Deutsch, Ruth Estelle Eisenberg, Patrick William Jeffries, William Esco Moerner, Jack Jay Moss, Mark Sanford THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Academy of American Poets Prize in English: Candice Haddad CampbeU Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: In Music, Ann Marie Herzberger In Political Science, Benjamin Victor DuBois, Edward Theodore Jenn ings, Jr., Lisa Ruth Krieger, Thomas William Likens In Speech and Hearing, Mary Devona Marsh, Margaret Parrott Solis F. Ward Denys Prize in English, Phyllis Dianne Deutsch Frederick Douglas Award, Mark Sanford Dramatics Club Prize, Robert Harris Brenner, Laurie Ellen Lang, John Anthony Paul W.E.B. DuBois Award, Mark Sanford, Wanda Tyronne Terrell J. Walter Goldstein Prize in History, A Zan David Pretzel Roger Conant Hatch Prize in English, Thomas Gene Lavazzi, Honorable Mention, Benjamin Lee Sloan Arnold J. Lien Prize in Political Science, Jeffry Stanton Becker Norma Lowry Memorial Fund Prize, Judith Larue Snider Lauter, Honorable Mention, Margaret Movshin Criscuola, Nancy Patricia Pope The Patrice Lumumba Award, Nellie Anderson, Paul Gray A n derson , Madlyn Wyona Barringer, James William Hicks III, Bobby Dean S imms, Ronald Edward Wilson, Donald Melvin Wells Ross R. Middlemiss Prize in Mathematics, William Esco Moerner Ernest L. Ohle Award in Earth Sciences, Lynn Marie Walter Paul Robeson Award, Gwendolyn Harris John C. Sowden Memorial Prize in Chemistry, Jeffrey Skolnick Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology, Thomas Joseph Olsen Shirley McDonald Wallace Prize in History, Patrick Ford Thompson Courtney Werner Prize in Earth Sciences, Stephen Robert Elkins Carter G. Woodson Memorial Prize, Nellie Anderson THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Dean's Award for Unusually Exceptional Academic Achievement, William Esco Moerner, Philip John Schrwitt National Science Foundation Fellowship, William Esco Moerner Joe B. Butler Memorial Award of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Kenneth Paul Gibbs Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: Susan Polly Bullard, Wayne Howard Tenenbaum 43 The Patrice Lumumba Award, Kenneth Don Rowey Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Wives Scholarship, Corley Melvin Phillips American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award, Mark Alan Barteeu American Institute of Chemical Engineers Regional Student Paper Contest, Third prize, Linda Sue Curp, Tho1rULS John Greco, Kevin Richard Hirschbuehler, John Arthur Kennedy, Maura Jean Sughrue St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Outstanding Senior Chemical Engineering Achievement Award, Lynne Marie Raffalovich St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Senior Scholastic Achievement Award, Kevin Richard Hirschbuehler Ade H. Winheim American Chemical Society Award, Philip John Schmitt American Society of Civil Engineers Award, Levi Gurule Civil Engineering Departmental Awards, Donald Leo Eichholz, Gerald Joseph Inukai, Bruce Barton Slimp Association for Computing Machinery Award, Carolyn Sue Smelter Computer Science Departmental Outstanding Senior Award, Norman Douglas Diamond Computer Science Departmental Professional Excellence Award, Alan Howard Ingram, Jr. Century Electric Division, Gould, Inc. Outstanding Junior Electrical Engineering Student Award, Chao-Ping Wu Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Outstanding Student Award, Dennis Lee Priebe St. Louis Electrical Board of Trade Award, Darrell Edward HCJgshead St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Scholarship Award, George Robert Schmidt, Jr. Joseph Razek Prize, Harry Gustave Woehrle III Technology and Human Affairs Interdepartmental Program Awards, Robert Neil Joos, Jr., Robert Eck Scott School of Engineering and Applied Science Design Contest: Lowerclassmen, First Place, Ronald Alan Gardiner, Elliott Craig Mendenhall, Gary Lee Resnick, Kenneth Stefan Scheffel Second Place, Andrew Mayer Bursky, Dane Edward Jablonski, Richard Paul MattWne Third Place, Craig Evan Forman, Frank Neal Labbie, Ira Charles Spector Upperclassmen, First Place, Timothy Scott Herder, Corley Melvin Phillips Second Place, James Matthew Nieters, Harry Gustave Woehrle III Third Place, Jordan Arthur Hirsch, John Carlos Pereira Final Honors William Esco Moerner Philip John Schmitt Carl Roger Schwartz Charles Robert Standridge Michael Tao Jeffrey Michael Abrani Norman Douglas Diamond Vincent James Griesemer Douglas Edwin Hanthorn David James Looney Michael Martin May 44 THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Alpha Rho Chi Medal, Robert Edd Davenport Ame rican Institute of Architects Medal and Certificate, lain AlasdaJir Fraser American Institute of Architects Certificate, Janet Gail Hurwitz Association of Women in Architecture and Allied Arts, Judith Macurda Oates Frederick Widmann Prize in Architecture, Barbara Ann Geiemam, Judith Macurda Oates, Gaylord Evan Richardson Women's Architectural League of the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects, Patricia Ann Seitz THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Alexander Grant Award, Frederick Charles Lewis American Society of Women Accountants Award, Karen Lee Gudermuth Bache and Company Scholarship, Ronald Wesley Pearroui Boatman's National Bank Scholarship, Darrel Evans Bailey, Joseph Calise Benway III, Thomas Arthur McCue Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Scholarship, David Anthony Adams, Patrick Ross Doherty, Charles Eugene Lee, Jr. General Motors Scholar, Charles Louis Sharp Givens Scholarship, Clifford Reginald Shannon, Betty Frances Witthaus Sphar, Luis Eugenio Tellez Max A. Hayutin Honorary Award, William Jay Marshall William S. Krebs Accounting Award, Richard John Bagy, Jr., Gregory John Benken, William Randall McDonnell, Esther Siew Woon Ong, Frederick Kurt Schroeder, Scott Masterson Smith, Mary Elizabeth Wechsler Isidor Loeb Prize, Richard Fred Limmer John Latchum Award, Betty Frances Witthaus Sphar Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Overture Service Award, Sandra Maria Pryor The Patrice Lumumba Award, Everline Cornell Master of Business Administration Scholar Award, Frederick Charles Lewis, Thomas Arthur McCue, Joseph Michael Moro, David Eric Nelson Mercantile Trust Company Scholarship, Louis Harry Bergner, Jack Arthur Bintz, Morton Lindon Brown, Jr., Ronald Wesley Pearrow National Food Brokers Scholarship, Stephen Michael Murray Volkswagen Mid-America Scholarship, Gwendolyn Annette Moore Wall Street Journal Award, Ronald Wesley Pearrow, Frank Robert Szofran, Jr. F. William Weinheimer Scholarship, Fred Paul Curry, James Joseph Echt, Samuel Goldstein, James Leonard Hamilton, Mark Richard Harris, Frederick Charles Lewis, Richard Gardner Long, Michael Spence Ruben, Jay Irwin Sarver, Robert AUen Tate, Richard David Ullom Final Honors Bridgid Marie Lehane Joseph Michael Moro Buford Mark Smith Gary Leonard Zemtseff Michael Phillip Campau Samuel Goldstein Karl Edward Holderle III Michael Roy Kroeger 45 THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Final Honors Jakob Medve Carl James Mueller John Paul Pace JoAnne Rensing Leo Joseph Scaturro Vernon Benny Schroeder Linda J 0 Tanner Charles Victor Zurfluh Velma Arlene Buls Ilona Rae Ciment Pleas Miller Daniel Michael Joseph Ditmeyer Joseph Gregory Green, Jr. Gerald Lee Huether Judith Rae Kramer Steven Charles Lentz Robert Emerson Love THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Norma Lowry Memorial Fund Prize, Marguerite Montague Core John T. Milliken Travel Scholarship, Richard Patrick Sferra THE SCHOOL OF LAW Alumni Association Prize, Gerald Phillip Greiman Mary McLeod Bethune Award, Jerry Hunter Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prizes, To be announced on Commencement Day Wendell Carnahan Prize, To be announced on Commencement Day Dan Carter-Earl Tedrow Award, Margaret Elizabeth Zonia Morrison Hattie G. Ebert Prize, Barbara Harris Jablonski Jack Garden Humanitarian Award, Stephan Wallace Stover, Gregory Charles Denton Mary Collier Hitchcock Prize, To be announced on Commencement Day United States Law Week Award, Kathleen Bell Order of the Coif: Kerry Lynn Adams Claire Jane Halpern Charles Hubert Blair Margaret Howard John Anthony Klobasa Christopher Michael Blanton Gary Thomas Carr Patricia Ross Rousseau Ilene Adele Dobrow Nancy Saul Douglas Wayne Fix Edward Arthur Scallet, Jr. Benjamin David Schwartz Gerald Phillip Greiman THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Dental Alumni Award, David A llen. Durham Anna Bredall Award, Steven Boyd Curtis, Gamil Evans Shaw American Academy of Anesthesiology Certificate, David Allen Durham American Academy of Dental Radiology Certificate, Dennis R Deaton, Daniel Terrence Sullivan American Academy of General Dentistry Award, Randall Allen Kleitz American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Award, Paul Edward Saarinen American Academy of Oral Medicine Award, James Lee Unger American Academy of Oral Pathology Award, Robert Lawson Buckles, David Allen Durham American Academy of Periodontology Award, Charles Edward Niesen II American Association of Endodontists Award, Donald Glenn Richardson American Association of Orthodontists Award, David Allen Durham American Society of Dentistry for Children Certificate, Paul Anthony Nativi, Terence Kevin Sullivan Edward R. Hart Award, Steven Boyd Curtis International College of Dentist Award, Gamil Evams Shaw J. D. White Award, Sammy Dee Palmer 46 Mosby Book Awards, Oral Surgery, John Morgan Mayfield Orthodontics, Terence Kevin Sullivan Pathology, Randall Allen Kleitz Pedodontics, Paul Anthony Nativi Prosthodontics, Robert Marion Reier Alpha Omega Award, Steven Boyd Curtis Delta Sigma Delta Award, Sammy Dee Palmer Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Duane Harrison Beers, Steven Boyd Curtis, Dennis R Deaton, David Allen Durham, John Morgan Mayfield, Sammy Dee Palmer, Robert Marion Reier THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Medical Fund Society Prize in Medicine, William Louis Rohr, Jr. Medical Fund Society Prize in Surgery, Charles Gordon Newton, Jr. Dr. Samson F. Wennerman Prize in Surgery, Thomas Edward Shine Sidney 1. Schwab Prize in Neurology, Daniel Bernard Bauwens Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Psychiatry, Mary Margaret Treese Sandoz Award in Psychiatry, David Andrew Meyer George F ~ Gill Prize in Pediatrics, Joseph Farrell Pasternak St. Louis Pediatric Society Prize, Garrett Michael Brodeur Upjohn Achievement Award, Horace Mitchell Perry III Mosby Scholarship Awards, James Michael Barton, Keith Harry Fulling, Arthur Greenberg, Daniel Hansburg, Thomas Martin Ulbright Lange Medical Publications Book Awards, James Lester Kesler, Bruce Allan Schainker Alexander Berg Prize, Joseph Farrell Pasternak Missouri State Medical Association Award, Scott Paul Bartlett The Hugh M. Wilson Award in Radiology, Mark Binder Edelstein The Samuel D. Soule Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Richard Maxwell Sandefur, Jr. Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Award, David Burr Clifford The Joseph J. Gitt and Charlotte E. Gitt Prize, Brent Vern Stromberg The Richard S. Brookings Medical School Award, Garrett Michael Brodeur The Robert Carter Medical School Award, James Stuart Reitman St. Louis Internist's Club Book Award, Paul Ira Nadler The Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Senior Award in Surgery, Thomas Michael Houston, Richard Gary Kleinman, Steven Todd Yedlin The Alfred Goldman Book Prize in Diseases of the Chest, Maurice Franklyn Attie Alpha Omega Alpha Book Prize, Joseph Farrell Pasternak Alpha Omega Alpha Initiates, Scott Paul Bartlett, James Michael Barton, Robert Mark Black, David Burr Clifford, Robert James Flaherty, Keith Harry Fulling, Deborah Jo Gersell, Arthur Greenberg, Stephen Dale Grubb, Daniel Htmsburq, James Lester Kesler, Riehard Gary Kleinman, Paul Ira Nadler, Charles Gordon Newton, Jr., Joseph Farrell Pasternak, Paul Ira Rubinfeld, Bruce Allan Schainker, Thomas Martin Ulbright 47 Presentation Receptions Immediately following Commencement, the Deans will hold Presentation-Receptions for members of the graduating classes, their families and friends. These receptions will be held at the following locations: THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Quadrangle near Beaumont Pavilionin the event of rain, the Field House THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Beaumont Lounge-i-Mallinckrodt Center THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ApPLIED SCIENCE The Millstone Plaza between Bryan Hall and George F. McMillen Laboratory THE SCHOOL OF LAW The Lounge of the Seeley G. Mudd Law Building THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Lower level of the Shoenberg Gallery-Mallinckrodt Center THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Brown Lounge THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION The Olin Library Arcade-in the event of rain, McMillan Dining Room THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Steinberg Hall THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Steinberg Hall THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE The Women's Building Lounge THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Stouffer's Riverfront Inn 48 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MAP Rest rooms are available in the following buildings: ALUMNI HOUSE GEORGE F. McMILLEN LABORATORY BROWN HALL MONSANTO BUILDING DRYAN HALL STEINBERG HALL MUDD BUILDING WOMEN'S BUILDING
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