Private Hospital NIMC 11 DAY VERSION
Private Hospital NIMC 11 DAY VERSION
AFFIX PATIENT IDENTIFICATION LABEL Family Name: Given Names: DOB: Sex M Private Hospital NIMC 11 DAY VERSION AS REQUIRED “PRN” MEDICATIONS NOT A VALID PRESCRIPTION UNLESS IDENTIFIERS PRESENT UR No. Attach ADR Sticker F See front page for details 1st Prescriber to Print Patient Name and Check Label Correct: Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Date Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Contact Date Max dose/24 hours Indication Pharmacy Sign Time Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Date Max dose/24 hours Indication Pharmacy Sign Time Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Date Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Pharmacy Contact Sign Date Max dose/24 hours Time Indication Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Date Max dose/24 hours Indication Pharmacy Sign Time Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Date Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Contact Date Max dose/24 hours Indication Pharmacy Sign Time Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Hourly frequency PRN Date Max dose/24 hours Indication Pharmacy Sign Time Dose Route Prescriber Name (Print) Prescriber Signature Contact Sign cm Ward/Unit: ADDITIONAL CHARTS IV Fluid BGL/Insulin PCA Other Palliative Care Chemotherapy IV Heparin ONCE ONLY, PRE-MEDICATION & NURSE INITIATED MEDICINES Date Prescribed Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Date/Time Prescriber/Nurse Initiator (NI) of Dose Signature Print Name Given by Time Given Pharmacy TELEPHONE ORDERS (To be signed within 24 hrs of order) Date Time Medication (use Generic Name) Print Route Dose Frequency Medicines taken Prior to Presentation to Hospital (Prescribed, over the counter, complementary) Medication Nurse Initials Nr 1 / Nr 2 Own medications brought in? Dose & Frequency Duration Dr. Sign Dr Name Y Medication Date RECORD OF ADMINISTRATION Time/ Given By Time/ Given By Time/ Given By Time/ Given By N Administration Aid (specify) Dose & Frequency Duration N O I T A R T S I N I M D A R NOT FO GP: Documented by: © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 - As amended 2009. Community Pharmacy: (Sign:) (Date) Medicines usually administered by: MR 21 Date Contact HEIGHT OF MEDICATION CHART Date Contact kg MEDICATION CHART BINDING MARGIN - DO NOT WRITE Date Contact PATIENT WEIGHT BINDING MARGIN - DO NOT WRITE Dose Prescriber’s Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name (Print). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pharmacist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indication Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Time Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? PRN Pharmacy Max dose/24 hours Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Hourly frequency Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Dose Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Route Date Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Medication (use Generic Name) Print Continue on discharge ? Yes / No Dispense? Yes / No Duration? days Qty? Date Year 20 AFFIX PATIENT IDENTIFICATION LABEL HERE & OVER LEAF Attach ADR Sticker ALLERGIES & ADVERSE REACTIONS (ADR) Nil known Drug (or other) NOT A VALID PRESCRIPTION UNLESS IDENTIFIERS PRESENT UR No. Unknown (tick appropriate box or complete details below) Reaction/Type/Date Initials Family Name: Given Names: DOB: Sex M F To reduce the risk of wrong identification label being placed on the chart 1st Prescriber to Print Patient Name and Check Label Correct: Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEDICATION CHART INSTRUCTIONS MEDICATION CHART INSTRUCTIONS WARFARIN ORDERING SECTION Patient Name 1st PBS RPBS LE P M A EX NLY O 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Date WARFARIN Brand of Warfarin (Circle) VARIABLE DOSE MEDICINES DOSE INR Result TIME DOSE Marevan / Coumadin Route 1800 Target INR Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Pharmacy Quantity Indication 6pm Doctor Contact Nurse 1 Repeats Patient Name 1st ( ) Appropriate box mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg Nurse 2 Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature It is recommended that a laminated copy of the Guidelines for Anticoagulation using Warfarin is available to assist the doctor/pharmacist/nurse when a patient is commenced on warfarin. The Guidelines offer information about target INR, duration of therapy, dosing, management of excessive bleeding and drug interactions. A standard dose time of 1600 hours (4 pm) or 1800 (6pm) is recommended as this allows the medical team caring for the patient to order the next dose based on INR results. The indication and target INR (based on Guidelines for Anticoagulation using Warfarin) should be included when warfarin is initially ordered. For each day of therapy, the following information should be documented: - INR result. - warfarin dose - doctor’s initials - initials of nurse that administers the dose and the checking nurse. AS REQUIRED (“PRN” MEDICATIONS) Frequency OSE D E EXAMPLE L B VARIA ATION EDIC MONLY ....................... PLE M EXA NLY O Indication Repeats Pharmacy Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... Absent A Fasting F On Leave L Twice A Day BD Not available - obtain supply or contact Dr N Refused - Notify Dr R Self Administering S Three Times A Day Four Times A Day Six Times A Day Withheld - enter reason In Clinical Record Indication Pharmacy Repeats Quantity 0800 2000 TDS 0800 1400 2000 QID 0600 1200 1800 2200 4 Hourly 0200 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200 Antibiotic 8 8 Hourly Hourly 0600 1400 2200 W 05 Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials Date Patient Name 1st PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box . Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature COMMONLY USED AND UNDERSTOOD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning PO per oral / by mouth NG nasogastric sublingual sublingual IV intravenous injection IM intramuscular injection subcutaneous subcutaneous IT intrathecal PR per rectum PV per vagina Gutt eye drop Occ eye ointment Top topical MA metered aerosol Neb nebulised / nebuliser PCA patient controlled analgesic Tick if Slow release SR = Sustained, modified or contolled release formulation. If scored tablet, then half can be given. Dose must be swallowed without crushing. RECOMMENDED WAY OF CHARTING MEDICATIONS TO BE GIVEN LESS FREQUENTLY THAN DAILY PRN Contact 1800 or 2000 Antibiotic 6 6 Hourly Hourly 0600 1200 1800 2400 V Hourly Frequency Prescriber Signature Yes / No Morning Mane 0800 Nocte PBS RPBS Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Discharge Required (GUIDELINES ONLY) Night ( ) Appropriate box Dose Nurse RECOMMENDED ADMINISTRATION TIMES Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The actual dose given must be recorded. The person administering each dose is responsible for checking that the maximum daily dosage will not be exceeded. LE P M A X E NLY O Time Given This section has been formatted to facilitate ordering of medicines that require variable dosing based on laboratory test results or as a reducing protocol eg gentamicin and steroids. If these agents are ordered in the regular order section, then there is no designated area to record drug levels and if they are ordered in the “once-only” ordering section, the risk of errors of omission is increased. For each day of therapy, the following information should be documented: - Drug level results. - Time drug level taken. For each dose, the following information should be documented: - Dose. - Doctor’s initials - Actual time of administration (this may be different from the dose time) - Initials of nurse that administers the dose. If a patient requires a second variable dose medication or twice daily dosing prescribe in the regular section using the above format. Vomiting Route Quantity DOSE Doctor Contact Given Warfarin Book/Information: Administration: Tick if Slow release TIME Dr to enter Dose Time & Individual Dose Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Sign: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The medical officer must write: - Dose and hourly frequency. “PRN” (pre-printed) alone is not sufficient. - Indication and maximum daily dose (ie maximum dose in 24 hours) eg Paracetamol 4g/24 hrs 2nd DOSE Drug Level Time Level Taken Patient Educated by: Sign: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescribing: Drug (Generic Name) Route REASON FOR NURSE NOT ADMINISTERING WARFARIN EDUCATION RECORD Because of the well documented risks associated with use of warfarin, all patients should receive counselling about the use of warfarin and given a warfarin book (available from Sigma pharmaceuticals). This section is included as a record that these risk mitigation activities have been completed. 1st Medication (Use Generic Name) Print CODES MUST BE CIRCLED WARFARIN EDUCATION RECORD Patient Name Date mg The warfarin ordering section is printed in red as an extra alert to indicate that it is an anticoagulant (and a high-risk medicine). Date PBS RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency 0600 RECOMMENDED ADMINISTRATION TIMES GUIDELINES ONLY Clinical Pharmacist Review Patient Name: Clinical Pharmacist Review Patient Name: Morning Mane 0800 REGULAR MEDICATIONS Patient Name ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Date Medication (Use Generic Name) Print OSE D E L B VARIA ATION MEDIC Route Frequency Contact Indication Repeats Patient Name 1st Quantity ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Date WARFARIN Brand of Warfarin (Circle) Marevan / Coumadin Route Prescriber No. Indication Prescriber Signature Pharmacy Quantity Patient Name 1st Discharge Required DOSE INR Result TIME DOSE 6pm Doctor Contact Nurse 1 Repeats Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Tick if Slow release ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Route Dose Prescriber Signature Year 20 Date 0800 1400 2000 6 hrly 0600 1200 1800 2400 8 hrly 0600 1400 2200 QID 0600 1200 1800 2200 Date & Month Administration times Patient Name 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats WARFARIN EDUCATION RECORD Date Patient Educated by: mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg Drug (Generic Name) Sign: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Given Warfarin Book/Information: Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats ....................... Sign: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nurse 2 Discharge Required mg Patient Name 1st Quantity (✓) Appropriate box ....................... Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Frequency Quantity Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tick if Slow release (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) 2000 Nurse ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd TDS 0800 REGULAR MEDICATIONS Time Given 1800 Target INR Print Prescriber Name DOSE BD Doctor Dr to enter Dose Time & Individual Dose Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Pharmacy Drug Level Time Level Taken DOSE TIME Twice a day 3 times a day Regular 6 Hourly Regular 8 Hourly 4 times a day 1800 or 2000 Nocte SR=Sustained, modified or controlled release formulation. If scored tablet, then half can be given. Dose must be swallowed without crushing. Contact Date Patient Name 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats REASON FOR NURSE NOT ADMINISTERING Indication Pharmacy Quantity Codes MUST be circled Repeats Discharge Required Date Patient Name 1st Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Absent Fasting Date Refused - notify Dr Patient Name 1st Quantity ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose (✓) Appropriate box Vomiting Frequency On leave ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Prescriber Signature Contact Pharmacy Repeats Quantity Discharge Required Date Patient Name 1st Drug (Generic Name) Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature Not available - obtain supply or contact Dr Withheld - Enter reason in Clinical Record Route Dose Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Quantity Patient Name 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose (✓) Appropriate box Frequency Drug (Generic Name) ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Quantity Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Date ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Self Administering Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Quantity Dr. Signature 157431 DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Administration times 1st Date Night Tick if Slow release Route Dose Quantity Frequency DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Year 20 Date & Month TIME Route Frequency Dr to enter Dose Time & Individual Dose Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for use as PBS at: Repeats Patient Name Quantity ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Date WARFARIN Route Target INR Marevan / Coumadin Print Prescriber Name 1800 6pm Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for use as PBS at: Quantity Date Patient Name 1st Contact Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Indication Date Prescriber No. Patient Name 1st 2nd Contact Tick if Slow release Route Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Indication Patient Name 1st 2nd Tick if Slow release Route Dose Print Prescriber Name Indication Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Date Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Repeats Tick if Slow release PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Patient Name 1st Route Dose Prescriber Signature Repeats Frequency Contact Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Patient Name 1st Contact Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Patient Name 1st Contact Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Indication Prescriber No. PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) Date Contact Contact PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Indication ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Patient Name 1st Print Prescriber Name Indication Frequency Prescriber Signature ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Frequency (✓) Appropriate box Date Contact Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Contact Repeats PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Date Prescriber No. PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Drug (Generic Name) ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Date Indication Frequency Route Medicare Australia/DVA copy - Valid for Quantity use as PBS at: Indication Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Print Prescriber Name Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Tick if Slow release ❑ Brand substitution not permitted ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) (✓) Appropriate box DOSE TIME Brand of Warfarin (Circle) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) 157431 PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION DOSE Patient Name 1st PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Medication (Use Generic Name) Print Date Date PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION (✓) Appropriate box PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Patient Name 1st TIME Route Frequency Dr to enter Dose Time & Individual Dose Print Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name Quantity ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd (✓) Appropriate box Date WARFARIN Route Target INR Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Date Patient Name 1st 1800 Quantity Contact Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Indication Date Prescriber No. Patient Name 1st Quantity 2nd Contact Tick if Slow release Route Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Indication Patient Name 1st Quantity 2nd Tick if Slow release Route Dose Print Prescriber Name Indication Prescriber No. Date Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Quantity Repeats Contact PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Patient Name 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS Route Dose Prescriber Signature Quantity Frequency Contact Repeats Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name 1st Quantity Contact Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name 1st Quantity Contact Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Tick if Slow release Route Dose Frequency ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Indication Prescriber No. PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Date Contact Tick if Slow release Drug (Generic Name) ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Quantity 2nd Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Indication Indication Frequency Patient Name 1st Print Prescriber Name Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Prescriber Signature ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Date Contact Frequency (✓) Appropriate box ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS Frequency Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Quantity Contact Repeats PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Date Prescriber No. PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Prescriber No. Drug (Generic Name) Indication ❑ Brand substitution not permitted Print Prescriber Name Date Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Route Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Indication Repeats (✓) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Print Prescriber Name ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release ❑ Brand substitution not permitted DOSE 6pm Prescriber No. (✓) Appropriate box Repeats TIME Brand of Warfarin (Circle) Marevan / Coumadin Print Prescriber Name Contact PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd Drug (Generic Name) 157431 PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION DOSE Patient Name 1st PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Medication (Use Generic Name) Print Date Date PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION (✓) Appropriate box PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION 1st ❑ PBS ❑ RPBS 2nd PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Patient Name 1st AS REQUIRED “PRN” MEDICATIONS D A T E DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly DOCTOR: Please Press Firmly Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Pharmacy Prescriptions underneath Year 20 Date Patient Name 1st T I M E D O S E R O U T E S I G N D A T E T I M E D O S E R O U T E S I G N D A T E T I M E D O S E R O U T E S I G N PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Hourly Frequency PRN Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Quantity Discharge Required Date Patient Name 1st Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials MEDICATION CHART PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Hourly Frequency PRN Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Date Patient Name 1st Quantity Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials Discharge Required Yes / No Duration/ Qty DR Initials PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Hourly Frequency PRN Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Date Patient Name 1st Quantity PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Hourly Frequency PRN Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Date Patient Name 1st Quantity PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Route Dose Hourly Frequency PRN Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Prescriber Signature Contact Indication Pharmacy Repeats Quantity REMOVE THIS SECTION PRIOR TO USE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Date Patient Name 1st PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy Valid for use as PBS at: Ramsay Private Hospital Patient Name 1st Dose Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy Valid for use as PBS at: Ramsay Private Hospital Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy Valid for use as PBS at: Ramsay Private Hospital Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy Valid for use as PBS at: Ramsay Private Hospital Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) MEDICATION CHART Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Route Dose Prescriber Signature Medicare Australia/DVA copy Valid for use as PBS at: Ramsay Private Hospital Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact Repeats PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION REMOVE THIS SECTION PRIOR TO USE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Date Patient Name 1st PBS RPBS 2nd ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name 1st Dose Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication Date Route 1st Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Patient Name Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact PBS RPBS 2nd Tick if Slow release Brand substitution not permitted Prescriber Name Prescriber No. Indication PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) MEDICATION CHART Repeats ( ) Appropriate box Drug (Generic Name) PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION Route Dose Prescriber Signature Pharmacist/Patient copy - Valid for use with PBS Repeat Authorisation Quantity Hourly Frequency PRN Contact Repeats PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION REMOVE THIS SECTION PRIOR TO USE
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