Appendix 10.1 Air Quality Impact Assessment (Ricardo-AEA)
Appendix 10.1 Air Quality Impact Assessment (Ricardo-AEA)
[Keywords] Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park Air quality, dust, odour and human health impact assessment ___________________________________________________ Report for Wardell Armstrong ED 60039_AQIA | Issue Number 2 | Date 11/05/2015 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | i RICARDO-AEA Customer: Contact: Wardell Armstrong LLP Thomas Buckland Ricardo-AEA Ltd Gemini Building, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0QR, United Kingdom t: +44 (0) 1235 75 3019 e: [email protected] Ricardo-AEA is certificated to ISO9001 and ISO14001 Customer reference: Wardell Armstrong LLP Confidentiality, copyright & reproduction: This report is the Copyright of Ricardo-AEA Ltd and has been prepared by Ricardo-AEA Ltd under contract to Wardell Armstrong dated 12/01/2015. The contents of this report may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any organisation or person without the specific prior written permission of Commercial Manager, Ricardo-AEA Ltd. Ricardo-AEA Ltd accepts no liability whatsoever to any third party for any loss or damage arising from any interpretation or use of the information contained in this report, or reliance on any views expressed therein. Author: Thomas Buckland Approved By: Dr Mark Broomfield Date: 11 May 2015 Ricardo-AEA reference: Ref: ED60039_AQIA Issue Number 2 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 1 RICARDO-AEA Executive summary The proposed Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park will process up to 120,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of residual waste through a materials recovery facility (MRF) of which 85,000 tpa will be treated by gasification, generating both heat and electricity. The air quality impact assessment for the proposed facility was carried out as follows: (a) Outline review of the policy context for air quality. (b) Assessment of baseline air quality. (c) Identification of potentially sensitive locations. (d) Dispersion modelling study of emissions to forecast air concentrations and deposition rates at potentially sensitive locations. (e) Evaluation of forecast levels of released substances against relevant standards, guidelines, critical levels and critical loads. (f) Assessment of plume visibility. (g) Assessment of road traffic emissions on air quality. (h) Assessment of abnormal operating conditions/accidental releases. (i) Mitigation measures. (j) Conclusions. The main focus of the air quality assessment was the evaluation of modelled levels against relevant standards and guidelines. Levels of relevant substances were forecast at sensitive receptors to enable an assessment of the effects on air quality with regard to human health risks to be evaluated. Levels of relevant released substances were also forecast at designated habitat sites in the local area to enable an assessment of the potential effects on habitat sites due to emissions to air from the proposed facility to be carried out. The study used a wide range of information on baseline air quality to characterise baseline conditions in the vicinity of the proposed facility. A state-of-the-art computer model was used to forecast the levels of substances emitted from the proposed facility that would result in the local area. The forecast levels of released substances combined with baseline levels were assessed against relevant air quality standards and guidelines. In all cases, modelled levels of released substances when combined with background levels were forecast to comply with standards and guidelines for air quality at all locations in the vicinity of the proposed facility. The proposed development is forecast to have no significant effects on air quality due to road traffic emissions, and no significant cumulative effects are forecast to occur. No amenity issues such as odours or dusts would be expected to arise outside the site boundary, and emissions to air from the proposed facility are forecast to have no significant effects at designated habitat sites. The study was carried out using a highly conservative approach to ensure that any air quality effects are more likely to be over-estimated than under-estimated. For example, emissions from a comparable facility in Norway are at much lower levels than the limits which were assumed for the purposes of this study. Using a set of independent criteria, the impact of the proposed facility can be described as “negligible”. On the basis of this assessment, it was concluded that the proposed facility will have no significant adverse effects on air quality. Consequently, it was concluded that no further mitigation is necessary, other than the extensive mitigation and control measures already built into the proposed facility. Emissions monitoring will be specified under the terms of the Pollution Prevention and Control permit for the proposed facility. If considered useful, an ambient air quality monitoring programme could also be specified under the remit of the PPC Permit. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 2 Table of contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 2 Planning policy context ............................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 National Planning Policy Framework for Scotland ............................................................ 4 PAN 63 Waste Management Planning .............................................................................. 4 Ayrshire Joint Structure Plan ............................................................................................. 5 East Ayrshire Local Plan ................................................................................................... 5 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 5 3 Baseline air quality .................................................................................................... 6 4 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 5 Results...................................................................................................................... 26 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 6 Construction phase ........................................................................................................... 9 Air quality modelling study ................................................................................................. 9 Substances assessed ....................................................................................................... 9 Deposition........................................................................................................................ 10 Process design and emissions ........................................................................................ 11 Receiving environment .................................................................................................... 13 Standards and guidelines ................................................................................................ 18 Assessment of metals ..................................................................................................... 20 Assessment of deposition ............................................................................................... 21 Critical levels and loads at designated habitat sites........................................................ 21 Plume visibility ................................................................................................................. 22 Emissions from road traffic .............................................................................................. 22 Cumulative impacts ......................................................................................................... 22 Abnormal operating scenarios......................................................................................... 23 Other air quality issues .................................................................................................... 23 Results interpretation ...................................................................................................... 23 Conservative approach ................................................................................................... 24 Construction phase impacts ............................................................................................ 26 Identification of appropriate stack height ......................................................................... 29 Air quality model results .................................................................................................. 30 Model results summary ................................................................................................... 33 Assessment of metals ..................................................................................................... 33 Deposition........................................................................................................................ 37 Ultrafine particulate matter .............................................................................................. 37 Designated habitat sites .................................................................................................. 38 Plume visibility ................................................................................................................. 38 Sensitivity tests ................................................................................................................ 39 Cumulative impacts ......................................................................................................... 40 Other air quality issues .................................................................................................... 41 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 43 6.1 6.2 6.3 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 43 EPUK Criteria .................................................................................................................. 43 Mitigation and monitoring ................................................................................................ 43 Appendices Appendix 1: Modelled airborne concentrations at designated habitat sites Appendix 2: Assessment of modelled process contributions at designated habitat sites against critical levels Appendix 3: Assessment of modelled deposition rates at designated habitat sites Appendix 4: Critical levels for designated sites in the vicinity of the proposed facility Appendix 5: Assessment of modelled process contributions to acid and nitrogen deposition at designated habitat sites against critical loads Appendix 6: Modelled process contributions at individual sensitive receptor sites Appendix 7: Process contribution dispersion images of key substances Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 3 RICARDO-AEA 1 Introduction The assessment and control of emissions to air from the proposed Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park is a key aspect of the planning application and Environmental Statement for the development. The proposed facility will provide capacity to process up to 120,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of residual waste through a materials recovery facility (MRF) of which 85,000 tpa will be treated by gasification, generating both heat and electricity. As well as being an important issue in its own right, this air quality assessment also informed the assessments of ecological and health issues. The air quality impact assessment for the proposed facility was carried out as follows: (a) Outline review of the policy context for air quality. (b) Assessment of baseline air quality. (c) Identification of potentially sensitive locations. (d) Dispersion modelling study of emissions to forecast air concentrations and deposition rates at potentially sensitive locations. (e) Evaluation of forecast levels of released substances against relevant standards, guidelines, critical levels and critical loads. (f) Assessment of plume visibility. (g) Assessment of road traffic emissions on air quality. (h) Assessment of abnormal operating conditions/accidental releases. (i) Mitigation measures. (j) Conclusions. The main focus of the air quality assessment was the evaluation of modelled levels against relevant standards and guidelines. Levels of relevant substances were forecast at sensitive receptors to enable an assessment of the effects on air quality with regard to human health risks to be evaluated. Levels of relevant released substances were forecast at designated habitat sites in the local area. This information was used to carry out a screening assessment in relation to the potential effects on habitat sites due to emissions to air from the proposed facility, with more detailed assessment in any situations where this is warranted. Information on designated habitat sites was obtained from Scottish Natural Heritage’s Sitelink resource. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 4 2 Planning policy context A range of national and local planning policy documents are relevant to this assessment. 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework for Scotland Scotland’s Third National Planning Framework (2014) Main Issues Report para 1.3 confirms the importance of the challenge of “ensuring that new development leads to a healthier environment”.1 The Framework highlights that the Spatial Strategy should promote “the creation of high quality, distinctive, sustainable and healthy places.” (Section 1.14) It goes on to emphasise the role of planning in environmental protection (Section 4.33). The Third National Planning Framework also makes reference to the importance of reducing the impacts of environmental pollution on habitats and species. The rural setting of the proposed Energy Recovery Park was taken into account in the design of the proposed facility, to ensure a minimal effect on airborne levels of the relevant substances. The facility was designed to ensure no significant impacts on designated habitats and species. 2.2 PAN 63 Waste Management Planning Further guidance is provided in Planning Advice Note PAN 63, “Waste Management Planning.” This highlights SEPA’s role in the planning system, with the objective of ensuring that waste is disposed of or treated without endangering human health or causing harm to the environment. With regard to air pollution, PAN63 states: “Airborne Pollution 63. In deciding whether to license a proposed development, SEPA will consider whether, for example, emissions comply with industry standards. However, the planning authority, in considering a planning application, may need to apply additional land-use considerations in relation to compatibility with neighbouring land use. Further information is available in Planning Advice Note 51: Planning and Environmental Protection. 64. Waste management facilities potentially produce unpleasant odours and other airborne pollution. Good practice requirements are normally included in the terms of waste licences. Air quality can be a material planning consideration as well as a pollution control issue. The nature of any emission, including particulates and gases, will depend on the type of waste management facility and can be minimised through the use of appropriate, well-maintained and managed premises, equipment and vehicles. 65. Dust emissions can be controlled, for instance, by damping down exposed areas, adequately covering deposited waste in landfill sites and by fitting suitable suppression equipment on the air outflows from buildings or incinerators. Control of these detailed operational matters is more appropriate to the site license. However, it may be appropriate to impose a planning condition, requiring waste operators to prepare a scheme, or to indicate what measures will be undertaken, to suppress dust on a site. Care must be taken, however, that any planning condition does not duplicate a condition appropriate to a waste licence. Consideration of proposals for waste management facilities should take account of whether: Adequate means of controlling dust, litter, odours and other emissions are incorporated into the planning application; Appropriate planning conditions are used to minimise potential litter problems, where they are not already dealt with by waste licensing. 66. Applicants should demonstrate that: The development includes construction practices to minimise the use of raw materials and maximise the use of secondary aggregates and recycled or renewable materials; Scottish Government, “Ambition, Opportunity, Place, Scotland’s Third National Planning Framework,” Main Issues Report and Draft Framework, 2014 1 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 5 RICARDO-AEA Waste material generated by the proposal is reduced and re-used or recycled where appropriate on site (for example in landscaping without excessive earth moulding and mounding).” This air quality assessment provides the information required to enable SEPA and East Ayrshire Council to fulfil their responsibilities in respect of air pollution. In view of the nature of the proposed facility, odour and dust are not likely to present significant issues; nevertheless, dust and odour control is addressed as part of this study. 2.3 Ayrshire Joint Structure Plan The Ayrshire Joint Structure Plan2 (Approved in 2007) establishes a framework to provide a strategic land-use context to the year 2025 for East, North and South Ayrshire and states the following: “Schedule 1: Guiding principles for sustainable development: … Development proposals should not have an adverse effect on land, air and water quality or nuisance by way of smell, noise or light.” “ENV11 Air, Noise and Light Pollution: The three Ayrshire councils shall not be supportive of new development that would expose large numbers of people to unacceptable levels of air, noise and light.” This air quality assessment demonstrates that the proposed Energy Recovery Park will comply with the principles of sustainable development, and the requirements to avoid adverse odour impacts, and to avoid unacceptable levels of air quality, which are set out in this Plan. 2.4 East Ayrshire Local Plan Policy ENV25 of the East Ayrshire Local Plan 20103 states: “The Council will require all developers to ensure that their proposals have minimal adverse impact on air quality and will require air quality assessments to be undertaken in respect of any proposed developments which it considers may significantly impact on air quality, as considered appropriate. The Council will also ensure that any new development will have minimum adverse effects on the physical environment and the amenity of an area as a result of light and noise pollution. Appropriate conditions and Section 75 Agreements will be attached to individual planning consents to ensure that environmental impacts caused by air, light and noise pollution are minimised wherever possible.” This air quality assessment fulfils the requirements set out in Policy ENV25, and demonstrates that the proposal will have minimal adverse impact on air quality. 2.5 Summary Provided unacceptable impacts on air quality are avoided, and criteria relating to other aspects of proposed developments are met, local and national policy is supportive of the development of residual waste treatment facilities. 2 3 Ayrshire Joint Structure Plan via East Ayrshire Local Plan 2010 via Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 6 RICARDO-AEA 3 Baseline air quality A wide range of information sources have been considered to enable baseline air quality in the local area to be characterised. Reports produced by East Ayrshire Council and South Ayrshire Council for the purposes of local air quality management were reviewed to identify any information on baseline air quality which was relevant to the assessment of the proposed facility, including: 2010 Air Quality Progress Report for East Ayrshire Council 2014 Air Quality Progress Report for South Ayrshire Council This information was also evaluated to identify any concerns expressed by the local authority in respect of air quality at or in the vicinity of the proposed development. The reports confirmed that no air quality management areas (AQMA) have been declared in either East or South Ayrshire4,5. The reports provide details of the automatic monitoring stations located in East and South Ayrshire providing continuous data on concentrations of a nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter <10 micrometres (PM10) (see Table 1). Table 1: Details of automatic monitoring sites in East and South Ayrshire Site type OS Grid Ref Pollutants Approx. distance from stack New Cumnock (closed) Urban background x.261812 y.613503 NO2, PM10 15 km Kilmarnock St Marnock Street Roadside x.242742 y.637705 NO2, PM10 18 km Kilmarnock John Finnie Street Roadside x.242691 y.638095 NO2, PM10 19 km High Street Ayr Roadside x.233701 y.622114 NO2, PM10 15 km Taylor Street Ayr Roadside x.233608 y.622750 NO2, PM10 15 km Site name East Ayrshire South Ayrshire The reports also provide details of non-automatic monitoring sites (diffusion tubes) in East and South Ayrshire. The reports indicate that one NO2 diffusion tube is situated within 3 km of the proposed site, the details for which are provided in Table 2. Table 2: Details of diffusion tube monitoring within 3 km of the proposed development Site name Site type OS Grid Ref Pollutants Approx. distance from stack Junction at Main Street & A70 Ochiltree Roadside x.250712 y.621166 NO2 3 km Relevant measurements and data available from national resources were also considered. These resources included the Scottish Air Quality website, 6 the UK national air quality archive, 7 and the 4 2010 Air Quality Progress Report for East Ayrshire Council via 2014 Air Quality Progress Report for South Ayrshire Council via Scottish air quality website,, accessed November/December 2014 7 UK air quality archive, accessed November/December 2014 5 6 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 7 RICARDO-AEA resource operated by the nature conservation agencies. The information used included data from the following databases: Toxic Organic Micropollutants (TOMPs) network Trace elements monitoring networks Ammonia and acid gases monitoring network National background air quality maps, produced by Defra Estimated background nitrogen and acid deposition values at European sites from Although the information was not all local to the proposed development, it provided a useful dataset to enable a complete picture of baseline air quality to be gained. Having reviewed the available information, a representative baseline air quality level was identified for each substance under consideration. This was designed to provide a realistic worst-case estimate of baseline air quality levels in the study area, based on the best quality and most representative available data. A detailed evaluation of baseline air quality data was carried out, and representative baseline air quality levels for each substance of potential concern were summarised, as set out in Table 3 below. Table 3: Baseline air quality in the study area Substance Particulate matter (PM10) Long-term baseline level (µg/m3) 16 µg/m3 Basis Highest level measured at any automatic monitoring station in South and East Ayrshire in 2010, 2011 and 2012. This level is higher than the interpolated map values within the vicinity of the site. Particulate matter (PM10) (90.4th percentile of 24 hour mean concentrations) 32 µg/m3 Calculated as 2x the annual mean (Ref. 10 page 26) Particulate matter (PM10) (98.08th percentile of 24 hour mean concentrations) 32 µg/m3 Calculated as 2x the annual mean (Ref. 10 page 26) Particulate matter (PM2.5) 7 µg/m3 Highest interpolated map value in the vicinity of the site (x. 245500 - 251500, y. 617500 - 623500). Benzene 0.8 µg/m3 Highest level measured at Auchencorth Moss monitoring station between 2012 and 2014. Hydrogen chloride 0.41 µg/m3 Highest level measured at the four nearest rural sites (Eskdalemuir, Carradale, Auchencorth Moss and Bush Estate) during 2011, 2012 and 2013. Hydrogen fluoride 2.46 µg/m3 Short-term peak level suggested by EPAQS8 There are no automatic monitoring stations for CO in East or South Ayrshire. Carbon monoxide 1400 µg/m3 This value is the highest level measured at either of the two automatic monitoring stations in Glasgow during 2013 (Glasgow Byres Road). The use of data from Glasgow is likely to be highly conservative for the vicinity of the proposed facility. Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards, “Guidelines for Halogens and Hydrogen Halides in Ambient Air for Protecting Human Health against Acute Irritancy Effects,” 2006 8 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 8 RICARDO-AEA Substance Long-term baseline level (µg/m3) Basis There are no automatic monitoring stations for SO2 in East or South Ayrshire. Sulphur dioxide 3 µg/m3 Recorded at the Glasgow Anderston monitoring station in 2013. The use of data from Glasgow Centre is likely to be conservative for the vicinity of the proposed facility. Nitrogen dioxide 26 µg/m3 Highest concentration recorded by diffusion tube at the Junction at Main Street & A70 Ochiltree between 2007 and 2009. This level is higher than the interpolated map values within the vicinity of the site and higher than the values recorded by automatic monitoring stations in East and South Ayrshire between 2009 and 2012. Oxides of nitrogen Various Interpolated map data was used to evaluate baseline levels of oxides of nitrogen at designated habitat sites. Ammonia 0.93 µg/m3 Highest annual mean recorded at the Auchencorth Moss monitoring station between 2011 and 2013. National Ammonia Monitoring Network (NAMN). Dioxins and furans ITEQ 49 fgTEQ/m3 0.000055 PAHs (benzo(a)pyrene) Highest level measured at urban and rural locations in the UK in 2010 (level recorded at Manchester). This is likely to be highly conservative for the area of the proposed facility. Highest annual mean level recorded at Auchencorth Moss monitoring station between 2011 and 2013 (PAH Digitel (solid phase). Metals Cadmium 0.032 ng/m3 Mercury 1.97 ng/m3 Arsenic 0.2 ng/m3 Lead 1.6 ng/m3 Chromium 0.79 ng/m3 Copper 0.99 ng/m3 Manganese 1.05 ng/m3 Nickel 0.38 ng/m3 Vanadium 0.42 ng/m3 Chromium VI 0.16 ng/m3 Cobalt 0.04 ng/m3 Antimony No national measurement. Baseline measurements used in relation to other developments confirms that baseline levels are not significant in relation to the air quality standards and guidelines. Thallium Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Rural Heavy Metals Network: Highest value recorded at the Auchencorth Moss automatic monitoring site between 2011 and 2013. Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 9 4 Methodology 4.1 Construction phase The control of construction-phase impacts on air quality was considered in outline, highlighting the control measures available to the contractor. The assessment of construction phase impacts drew on guidance published by the Institute of Air Quality Management. 9 The study sets out the most appropriate means for assessing and controlling construction-phase air quality impacts, and recommends a range of measures to mitigate these. 4.2 Air quality modelling study The air quality study was carried out in accordance with SEPA and Environment Agency guidance on air quality modelling studies,10,11 and established good practice for air quality modelling and assessment. The study considered emissions from the stack of substances controlled under the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU), together with ammonia which may potentially also be significant. Five years’ meteorological data were obtained from a nearby, representative meteorological station. The closest weather station to the proposed facility is at Prestwick Airport, approximately 12 km northwest of the proposed facility. Measurements at this station are representative of the weather conditions likely to be experienced at the proposed development site. The meteorological data covered the years 2010 to 2014 inclusive. Meteorological data from this station provides a minimum wind speed recording of 1 m/s. To address the issue of low wind speed (<1 m/s) the dispersion model was run using the calm conditions module in ADMS5, which will substitute values recorded as 0 m/s with 0.5 m/s. Additionally, in order to represent meteorological conditions at an inland elevated site, a sensitivity test was carried out using five years’ meteorological data from Drumalbin located approximately 46 km north-east of the site. The model results using Drumalbin meteorological data were found to be lower than those obtained using data from Prestwick Airport, and consequently Prestwick Airport data was used as a conservative approach. The proposed development site is located in a rural area close to the western boundary of East Ayrshire. There are no pronounced gradients in the vicinity of the site, and the effects of terrain on dispersion are not expected to be significant. However, for the avoidance of doubt in this area, the effects of terrain on dispersion of emissions from the proposed facility were considered in the assessment. Local terrain data was incorporated into the modelling study at the highest appropriate resolution. Local land use patterns can affect the structure of the atmosphere. For example, the presence of highrise buildings in an industrial or city centre area can result in increased turbulence in the atmosphere. Conversely, areas with low vegetation or open water may have less influence on the atmosphere, and tend to result in a more stable atmosphere. This is represented in the dispersion model using a parameter known as the “surface roughness length”. The surface roughness length used in this study was 0.3 metres, representative of the maximum surface roughness for agricultural areas. The ADMS 5 and AERMOD version 14134 dispersion models were used to evaluate the levels of released substances in the vicinity of the proposed Energy Recovery Park. Levels of released substances were evaluated at the identified sensitive locations, and the highest forecast levels at any point in the vicinity of the site was identified. The models were also used to provide contour plots of the levels of key substances emitted from the proposed facility. 4.3 Substances assessed The substances assessed in this study were derived from the Industrial Emissions Directive Annex VI, as follows: 9 Guidance on the Assessment of the Impacts of Construction on Air Quality and the Determination of their Significance via 10 SEPA, Environment Agency and NI Environment and Heritage Service, “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC): Environmental Assessment and Appraisal of BAT,” Version 6 2003 11 Environment Agency, “Frequently asked questions and further guidance on air quality modelling and assessment,” available via (accessed July 2011) Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 10 RICARDO-AEA Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Volatile organic compounds Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen fluoride Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide Oxides of nitrogen Metals group 1: Cadmium and Thallium Metals group 2: Mercury Metals group 3: Antimony, Arsenic, Lead, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, Vanadium Dioxins and furans Ammonia The Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) allows for Member States to set emission limit values for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), although this provision was not brought forward into the Industrial Emissions Directive, and no such limit values have been set in the UK. Emissions of PAHs from the proposed facility are expected to be minimal, but an assessment was nevertheless carried out on the assumption that emissions of PAHs could be at the level identified in a recent planning and permit application for a similar facility in England. 12 4.4 Deposition The air quality model was used to model deposition to land of the substances identified in relevant SEPA guidance.10 The substances of potential concern are listed in Table D7 of this guidance, and comprise: Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Deposition of these substances was modelled following the screening approach set out in SEPA guidance. This procedure assumes a dry deposition velocity of 0.01 m/s, which is multiplied by 3 in order to account for both wet deposition and dry deposition processes. The highest modelled deposition rates at any location in the study area were assessed against the benchmarks set out by SEPA. Additionally, deposition of nitrogen and acids at designated habitat sites was also investigated to ensure that the proposed development would have no significant effects at these protected sites. This focused on designated sites within 15 km of the proposed development site, following SEPA guidance.10 There are a number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and two European sites within this range: Airds Moss (Special Area of Conservation – SAC) Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (Special Protection Area - SPA) Resource Recovery Solutions (Derbyshire) Limited, “Sinfin Waste Treatment Facility Environmental Permit Application (EA/EPR/WP3133KP/A001), Impact Assessment Report,” Produced by Scott Wilson, June 2009; United Utilities, “Human Health Risk Assessment: Energy from Waste Facility,” Final Report produced by RPS Ltd, Version 1, March 2009 12 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 11 RICARDO-AEA The proposed Energy Recovery Park is also situated within the ‘transition area’ of UNESCO designated ‘biosphere reserve’ in Galloway and Southern Ayrshire, however this does not present additional assessment requirements for the air quality study. The assessment of deposition at habitat sites was carried out in accordance with recently published Environment Agency guidance.13 In accordance with this guidance, the deposition velocities assumed for the study are provided in Table 4. Table 4: Deposition velocities Deposition velocities (m/s) Substance Grassland Woodland Ammonia 0.02 0.03 Nitric oxide 0 0 Nitrogen dioxide 0.0015 0.003 Sulphur dioxide 0.012 0.024 Critical load information for the SSSIs under consideration was taken from the APIS website ( Modelled deposition rates were assessed against the relevant critical loads identified for each designated habitat site. 4.5 Process design and emissions Data on the process design and emissions was obtained from the project team, including: (a) Emissions concentration and/or release rate data. (b) Emission temperature and volumetric flow/velocity data. (c) Emission oxygen and moisture content for combustion sources. (d) Location, height and diameter of the release point. Emissions from the single stack were assumed to be at the limits set in the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU). Emissions of ammonia were assumed to be at the limit proposed in the BREF note for waste-to-energy facilities (Ref. 14 Table 4.56) and reflects the potential for loss of ammonia in the event of incomplete reaction between NOx and urea, referred to as ‘ammonia slip’. Source and emissions data used in the study are set out in Table 5 and Table 6. Environment Agency, “Habitats Directive – Environment Agency policy,” Appendix 7 “Stage 1 and 2 Assessment of new PIR permissions under the Habitats Regulations,” issued 30 January 2009. Environment Agency, “Habitats Directive: taking a new permission, plan or project through the regulations,” issued 10 August 2010 14 European Commission, “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control: Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration,” August 2006 13 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 12 RICARDO-AEA Table 5: Source information Parameter Units Stack location: Metres (m) Value Easting 247718 Northing 620258 Stack height Metres (m) 55 Stack internal diameter Metres (m) 1.56 Gas flow rate at discharge conditions Cubic metres per second (m3/s) 33.04 Gas flow rate at reference conditions Normalised cubic metres per second (Nm3/s) 25.78 Discharge temperature Degrees Celsius (°c) 150 Discharge oxygen level Percentage (%) 6.8 % Discharge moisture level Percentage (%) 14.9 % Table 6: Concentrations of released substances Emission concentration for averaging periods Emission concentration for averaging periods < 24 hours >= 24 hours Not applicable 10 mg/Nm3 Volatile organic compounds 20 mg/Nm3 10 mg/Nm3 Hydrogen chloride 60 mg/Nm3 10 mg/Nm3 Hydrogen fluoride 4 mg/Nm3 1 mg/Nm3 Carbon monoxide 150 mg/Nm3 Not applicable Sulphur dioxide 200 mg/Nm3 50 mg/Nm3 Oxides of nitrogen 400 mg/Nm3 200 mg/Nm3 Substance Particulate matter Metals group 1: Cadmium and Thallium 0.05 mg/Nm3 Metals group 2: Mercury 0.05 mg/Nm3 Metals group 3: Antimony, Arsenic, Lead, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, Vanadium 0.5 mg/Nm3 Dioxins and furans 0.1 ng/Nm3 Ammonia Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 20 mg/Nm3 10 mg/Nm3 0.001 mg/Nm3 The air quality model was run for a range of stack heights. On the basis of the model results, an appropriate stack height was identified. A limited range of stack height sensitivity test results is provided. Full model results are presented for the proposed stack height. In practice, emissions from the proposed Energy Recovery Park will be substantially lower than the Industrial Emissions Directive limits. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 13 RICARDO-AEA It was assumed that 70% of oxides of nitrogen are present as nitrogen dioxide for assessing long term mean concentrations, and 35% present as nitrogen dioxide for assessing short-term mean concentrations, following Environment Agency guidance.15 The presence of buildings adjacent to the release point can affect the dispersion of emissions. SEPA guidance indicates that buildings with a height of less than 40% of the stack height do not affect dispersion from the stack.10 The effect of the proposed process buildings was taken into account in the present study using the appropriate modules of the ADMS and AERMOD dispersion models. The model considered the section of the building closest to the stack, which has a maximum height of 30 m, and is therefore above 40% of the stack height. The parameters of the main process building included in the modelling assessment are provided in Table 7. Table 7: Parameters of the main process building at the proposed Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park Elevations Main building Max. height (m) 30 Central coordinate x y 247776 620278 Length (m) Width (m) Angle (°) 74 42 72 The building parameters were used to apply the buildings module in the ADMS5 dispersion model. The model inputs are illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: Visualisation of ADMS5 buildings input file 4.6 Receiving environment Potentially sensitive locations in the vicinity of the facility were identified from Ordnance Survey mapping. A notional radius of 3 km was used for this assessment. Farms or allotments identified within a 3 km radius of the site were also included in the assessment to enable potential health risks due to dietary exposure to be assessed at these locations (see Human Health Risk Assessment report). Sensitive locations included: Residential areas and properties Schools Environment Agency, “Conversion ratios for NOx and NO2,” undated, available from 15 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 14 RICARDO-AEA Care homes Hospitals Playing fields Farms / allotments Designated habitat sites (European Sites, Ramsar Sites and SSSIs) located within 15 km of the proposed facility have also been included in the assessment, following SEPA guidance.10 The closest Local Wildlife Site (LWS) to the proposed facility was also included in the assessment. Distances were measured from the closest point on the designated habitat site to the centre of the proposed facility. Where habitats were found to cover a large area receptor points have been selected at several locations along the closest boundary to the proposed facility. Although emissions from the proposed facility could potentially affect designated sites further away from the proposed facility, any impacts would be less significant than those forecast at sites within the 15 km zone. SSSIs designated on the basis of their geological (including paleontological, stratigraphic and mineralogical) interest alone were not considered in the assessment. Additionally levels of released substances were assessed at a grid of points extending 1.5 km in each direction from the centre of the site. The grid size was 76 × 76 points, resulting in a grid resolution of 40 m. The size of the grid was reviewed to confirm that the points of maximum concentration were included within the grid area. The potentially sensitive locations and designated habitat sites identified within the vicinity of the proposed facility are listed in Table 9 and Table 8. These locations are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 2, with the location of the emission stack represented by a red star. Table 8: Potentially sensitive locations Ref. Name Type x y Approx. distance from Energy Recovery Park (km) S1 Pennymore Farm 248884 621862 1.98 S2 Findlayston Farm 250156 620463 2.45 S3 Holehouse Farm 249570 619960 1.88 S4 Bardarroch Farm Farm 247095 618531 1.84 S5 Hunterston Farm 246279 621583 1.96 S6 Creoch House Residential 247623 620969 0.72 S7 Ardmhor Residential 247622 621096 0.84 S8 The Bungalow Residential 248878 621553 1.74 S9 Knowe View Residential 249895 620966 2.29 S10 Gallowlee Avenue Residential 250241 620991 2.63 S11 Torview Residential 248903 620814 1.31 S12 Mote Toll Residential 249057 620619 1.39 S13 Netherton Residential 250498 620708 2.82 S14 North Palmerston Residential 250712 620043 3.00 S15 The Bungalow Residential 250697 619775 3.02 S16 Killoch Residential 247923 620258 0.21 S17 Hilltop Residential 249337 619489 1.79 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 15 RICARDO-AEA Ref. Name Type x y Approx. distance from Energy Recovery Park (km) S18 Auchness Cottage Residential 248554 619646 1.04 S19 Lessnessock Bungalows Residential 248306 619658 0.84 S20 Provost Mount Residential 247711 619866 0.39 S21 Clydenoch Residential 247290 619272 1.07 S22 Oakmount Residential 246933 618100 2.30 S23 The Cottage Residential 246426 619844 1.36 S24 Shield Residential 245279 619923 2.46 S25 Briardene Cottage Residential 245108 621159 2.76 S26 Alpbach Residential 245396 621344 2.56 S27 House Fox Hollow Residential 246050 621589 2.13 S28 Gowanpark House Residential / farm 247977 622321 2.08 S29 Gargowan Residential / farm 247489 622329 2.08 S30 Steelpark Residential / farm 248503 622454 2.33 S31 Corselet Residential / farm 248450 621650 1.57 S32 Cawhillan Residential / farm 249237 621552 2.00 S33 Slatehole Residential / farm 249078 623077 3.13 S34 Barturk Residential / farm 249516 622088 2.57 S35 Low Carston Residential / farm 249945 621752 2.68 S36 Hill of Ochiltree Residential / farm 250016 621331 2.54 S37 High Tarbeg Residential / farm 248610 620713 1.00 S38 Back o'Hill Residential / farm 250217 619821 2.54 S39 South Palmerston Residential / farm 250786 619544 3.15 S40 Glenconner Residential / farm 249470 619350 1.97 S41 Barquharrie Residential / farm 250259 619079 2.80 S42 Burnockstone Residential / farm 250123 618685 2.87 S43 Lessnessock Residential / farm 248181 619633 0.78 S44 Barlosh Court Residential / farm 248066 618199 2.09 S45 High Plyde Residential / farm 248906 617702 2.82 S46 Burnton Residential / farm 249367 617985 2.81 S47 Bardarroch Residential / farm 247373 618715 1.58 S48 Killochside Residential / farm 247386 620184 0.34 S49 Treesmax Residential / farm 246082 618570 2.35 S50 East Tarelgin Residential / farm 246665 619857 1.13 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 16 RICARDO-AEA Ref. Name Type x y Approx. distance from Energy Recovery Park (km) S51 Macquittiston Residential / farm 246068 619250 1.93 S52 Lochmark Farm Residential / farm 245065 619639 2.72 S53 West Tarelgin Residential / farm 246137 620014 1.60 S54 Chipperlaigan Residential / farm 245629 620735 2.14 S55 Hoodston Residential / farm 245937 620972 1.92 S56 Speirston Residential / farm 246330 621261 1.71 S57 Braehead Residential / farm 246828 621708 1.70 S58 Trabbochburn Residential / farm 246676 621872 1.92 S59 Laigh Tarbeg Residential / farm / B&B 248730 620437 1.03 S60 Tarelgin Smokehouse Residential / retail 246115 619720 1.69 S61 Gemmell's Garden Centre Retail 245656 621496 2.40 S62 Ochiltree Primary School School 250523 621047 2.91 S63 Watson Residential / farm 249647 621013 2.07 Table 9: Designated habitat sites Ref. Name Designation x y Approx. distance from Energy Recovery Park (km) H1 Airds Moss (A) SAC 257461 624709 10.71 H2 Airds Moss (B) SAC 259302 622825 11.87 H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) SPA 257418 624779 10.70 H4 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) SPA 258148 623668 10.97 H5 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) SPA 254645 633055 14.55 H6 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) SPA 256052 628981 12.06 H7 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) SPA 263344 620377 15.63 H8 Afton Lodge SSSI 241591 625802 8.26 H9 Stairhill SSSI 245153 624132 4.65 H10 River Ayr Gorge SSSI 245808 624721 4.85 H11 Howford Bridge SSSI 251274 625107 6.01 H12 Greenock Mains SSSI 263280 627653 17.23 H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) SSSI 256110 628851 12.01 H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) SSSI 255179 631719 13.68 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 17 RICARDO-AEA H15 Lugar Sill SSSI 259823 621527 12.17 H16 Nith Bridge SSSI 259294 614130 13.10 H17 Barlosh Moss (A) SSSI 248300 618674 1.69 H18 Barlosh Moss (B) SSSI 249141 618711 2.10 H19 Benbeoch SSSI 248945 608874 11.45 H20 Dalmellington Moss SSSI 246342 606588 13.74 H21 Bogton Loch SSSI 246565 605778 14.53 H22 Dunaskin Glen SSSI 245597 609165 11.29 H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood SSSI 240321 617764 7.81 H24 Burnock Water LWS 249957 620139 2.24 Figure 2: Location of sensitive receptor sites Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 18 Figure 3: Location of designated habitat sites 4.7 Standards and guidelines Levels of released substances were assessed against the relevant standards and guidelines for air quality. These standards and guidelines derive from a range of references, including: European environmental quality standards Air quality regulations for Scotland Expert group recommendations World Health Organisation recommendations Environmental assessment levels (EALs) derived from occupational exposure standards The standards and guidelines used in the assessment were specified at a level such that no significant adverse effects on air quality would be expected to arise provided air quality complies with the relevant standards and guidelines. The key reference point for air quality standards and guidelines was the SEPA H1 Document. 10 The principles, standards and guidelines set out in this document were adopted for this assessment. The relevant standards and guidelines are set out in Table 10. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 19 RICARDO-AEA Table 10: Air quality standards and guidelines Substance Averaging time Standard value (µg/m3) Particulate matter (PM10) Annual mean 18 Particulate matter (PM10) 98th percentile of 24 hour means 50 Particulate matter (PM2.5) (target) Annual mean 25 Particulate matter (PM2.5) (limit) Annual mean 12 Volatile organic compounds (assessed against standard for benzene) Annual mean 3.25 1,3-butadiene Annual mean 2.25 Hydrogen chloride Maximum hourly mean 750 Hydrogen fluoride Annual mean 16 Hydrogen fluoride Maximum hourly mean 160 Hydrogen fluoride (vegetation) Maximum 24 hour mean 5 Carbon monoxide Maximum 8 hour mean 10,000 Carbon monoxide No assessment of annual mean concentrations as the EAL for carbon monoxide in H1 is specified in error Sulphur dioxide 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means 266 Sulphur dioxide 99.7th percentile of hourly means 350 Sulphur dioxide 99.2nd percentile of 24 hour means 125 Sulphur dioxide (vegetation) Annual mean 20 Sulphur dioxide (vegetation) Winter mean 20 Nitrogen dioxide Annual mean 40 Nitrogen dioxide 99.79th percentile of hourly means 200 Oxides of nitrogen (vegetation) Annual mean 30 Oxides of nitrogen (vegetation) Maximum 24 hour mean 75 Ammonia Annual mean 180 Ammonia Maximum hourly mean 2,500 Ammonia (vegetation) Annual mean 1 or 3 Cadmium Annual mean 0.005 Thallium Annual mean No standard Thallium Maximum hourly mean No standard Mercury Annual mean 0.25 Mercury Maximum hourly mean 7.5 Antimony Annual mean 5 Antimony Maximum hourly mean 150 Arsenic Annual mean 0.003 Lead Annual mean 0.25 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 20 RICARDO-AEA Substance Averaging time Standard value (µg/m3) Chromium Annual mean 5 Chromium Maximum hourly mean 150 Chromium VI Annual mean 0.0002 Cobalt Annual mean No standard Cobalt Maximum hourly mean No standard Copper Annual mean 10 Copper Maximum hourly mean 200 Manganese Annual mean 150 Manganese Maximum hourly mean 1,500 Nickel Annual mean 0.02 Vanadium Annual mean 5 Vanadium Maximum 24 hour mean 1 Dioxins and furans ITEQ Annual mean No standard (see below) There are no air quality standards for dioxins and furans, because the majority of exposure takes place via indirect exposure pathways. Consequently, modelled levels of dioxins and furans were assessed using an exposure modelling system, as described in the Human Health Risk Assessment report, submitted as part of this Environmental Statement. Following advice from SEPA,10 modelled 15 minute mean levels of sulphur dioxide was increased by a factor of 1.34 to account for the shorter averaging period compared to the one hour averaging period of the meteorological data. Emissions of VOCs were assessed against the Scottish air quality standards for benzene and 1,3butadiene, to ensure a conservative approach. Standards and guidelines specified for the protection of human health should in principle be applied at locations where people are likely to be present over the relevant averaging period. In practice, the study was carried out by assessing air quality across the grid of points covering the vicinity of the proposed facility. The study was carried out to ensure compliance with air quality standards and guidelines at all locations in the study area for substances released from elevated locations. 4.8 Assessment of metals The Environment Agency has published guidance on the assessment of the group of nine metals, 16 which was used for this study. This guidance sets out a staged procedure for the assessment of these metals: (a) Carry out the impact assessment assuming each metal contributes 100% of the group concentration limit. Assume that chromium VI comprises 20% of background chromium. Screen out any metals which meet the following criteria on this basis: 16 Long-term Process Contribution (PC) <1% of air quality standard or guideline (AQSG), or Short-term PC <10% AQSG: Screen out. Otherwise: Long-term or Short-term PEC <100%: Screen out. Otherwise: Environment Agency, “Guidance to Applicants on Impact Assessment for Group 3 Metals Stack Releases”, Version 3, September 2012 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 21 RICARDO-AEA (b) Carry out the impact assessment for any metals not previously screened out assuming that each metal contributes one ninth (11%) of the emission concentration limit. Assume that 20% of chromium is present as chromium VI. Screen out any metals which meet the above criteria on this basis. (c) Carry out the impact assessment using the above criteria for any metals not previously screened out using case-specific assumptions, which must be justified. 4.9 Assessment of deposition SEPA guidance10 sets benchmarks for maximum deposition rates of a subset of the substances released from the proposed facility. These are set out in Table 11. Table 11: Maximum deposition rate benchmarks for released substances Substance Maximum deposition rate (mg/m2-day) Arsenic 0.02 Cadmium 0.009 Chromium 1.5 Copper 0.25 Lead 1.1 Mercury 0.004 Nickel 0.11 4.10 Critical levels and loads at designated habitat sites Forecast levels of released substances was assessed against the critical levels in Table 10, and against critical loads specified for the protection of natural ecosystems at designated habitat sites within 15 km of the proposed facility. Critical load values were taken or derived using professional judgment from the Air Pollution Information System resource, operated by the conservation agencies. 17 This assessment considered the contribution to nitrogen deposition and acid deposition. The critical load for nitrogen is expressed as the rate of nitrogen deposition per unit area per year which can be tolerated by the habitat site. If specified for a particular site, the acid critical load is made up of a contribution from nitrogen-derived acid and sulphur-derived acid. The assessment of emissions from the proposed facility with regard to acid deposition was carried out using the “Critical Load Function Tool” and supporting guidance provided on the APIS website.18 Specifically, the “detailed explanation” provided for this tool sets out the basis for calculating process contribution as a percentage of the critical load. The guidance sets out the calculation to be used if the combined background and process contribution is below the minimum critical load point referred to as “CLminN”. However, this condition did not apply at any designated habitat site in the study area. The guidance goes on to set out the calculation to be used in the majority of cases, where the combined background and process contribution is above the CLminN value. In this case, the calculation is as follows: PC as %CL function = ((PC of S+N deposition)/CLmaxN)*100 A contribution of less than 1% of the relevant long-term critical level/critical load was considered to represent an insignificant contribution, following the approach broadly set out in SEPA guidance.10 A contribution of less than 10% of the relevant short-term critical level was considered to represent an insignificant contribution, again following SEPA guidance. 17 18 SEPA, Scottish Natural Heritage and others,, SEPA, Scottish Natural Heritage and others, Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 22 RICARDO-AEA If any modelled air concentrations and deposition rates were identified to be above 1% of the relevant critical level/critical load values at locations where background deposition rates are close to or above the relevant standards, further evaluation was carried out. 4.11 Plume visibility The proposed Energy Recovery Park will from time to time give rise to a visible plume of white water vapour. The likely extent of visible plumes emitted from the site was assessed using the appropriate module of the ADMS model. Information on the moisture content of the plume is given in Table 5. The value of 14.9% moisture in the flue gases by volume is equivalent to 9.3% by mass. The ADMS model was used to forecast the plume length for every hour of meteorological data. The forecast plume lengths were assessed against the criteria set out in SEPA guidance. 10 This guidance indicates that a plume can be considered as having an insignificant or low impact if it crosses the site boundary less than 5% of daylight hours per year. For the purposes of this assessment the distance between the stack and the closest boundary was estimated to be 45 m. 4.12 Emissions from road traffic The potential effect of road traffic emissions was assessed using appropriate screening criteria: Guidance published by Environmental Protection UK 19 indicates that construction-phase traffic impacts may need to be considered for projects which generate over 200 heavy goods vehicle movements per day, or which will increase traffic flows by 5-10% or more. The Highways Agency has provided guidance for assessing the effects on air quality of road traffic.20 This guidance indicates that an air quality assessment should be carried out for “affected roads”, defined as follows: o Road alignment will change by 5 m or more (this is mainly relevant to new road schemes); or o Daily traffic flows will change by 1,000 AADT or more; or o Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) flows will change by 200 AADT or more; or o Daily average speed will change by 10 km/hour or more; or o Peak hour speed will change by 20 km/hour or more. The proposed development is forecast to result in an increase of 43 HDV vehicles accessing the site per day, which equates to 86 HDV movements (in and out) per day. The proposed facility is also forecast to result in an increase in staff and visitor vehicles trips (in and out) of 72 per day. This increase in road traffic does not exceed the guideline values set out above. On this basis, the Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park is not forecast to have any significant effect on air quality due to traffic emissions in the vicinity of the site. 4.13 Cumulative impacts The potential for cumulative effects arising due to emissions from the existing roadstone coating plant situated on the development site were considered through a modelling assessment of particulate emissions from the facility. Emissions data was derived from monitoring data undertaken in accordance with the facility’s statutory requirements under Process Guidance Note 3/15(12) 21. Emissions from the facility were modelled using ADMS5, assuming continuous operation between 6am and 6pm, 365 days a year. The potential for cumulative effects with other existing sources of emissions to air was taken into account by the use of appropriate background air quality data. Background levels of oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter due to emissions from the nearby Egger Barony chipboard plant are Environmental Protection UK, “Development Control: Planning For Air Quality (2010 Update)” Highways Agency (2007), “Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Volume 11 Environmental Assessment, Section 3: Environmental Assessment Techniques, Part 1: Air Quality” HA 207/07 21 Statutory guidance for roadstone coating via 19 20 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 23 RICARDO-AEA taken into account in the development of baseline air quality maps used in the derivation of background air quality. The potential for cumulative effects with proposed sources of emissions to air was evaluated by considering other relevant proposed developments in the vicinity of the proposed Energy Recovery Park. Information on new developments was obtained from the East Ayrshire Council’s online planning resource ( No developments that pose the potential for cumulative air quality impacts were identified within the vicinity of the site. 4.14 Abnormal operating scenarios Articles 46 and 47 of the Industrial Emissions Directive provide operators with some operational flexibility to resolve plant problems without initiating a complete shutdown of the facility. These scenarios are termed ‘abnormal operations’ and include incidents such as technically unavoidable stoppages, disturbances or failures of the pollution control equipment or monitoring equipment. The IED requires that such abnormal operations must not exceed a maximum of four hours at any one time and the cumulative duration of these periods must not exceed 60 hours in a year. If the failure cannot be rectified after four hours, then the facility must shut down. It is important to ensure that any environmental impacts associated with foreseeable abnormal operating scenarios are properly considered. This will take place via the PPC permitting process, and is addressed in outline terms only in this Environmental Statement. 4.15 Other air quality issues Localised site-specific issues such as the control of odours, dust and bioaerosols during operation were considered in outline. The controls built into the design of the scheme were highlighted, and any key issues for design and operation of the proposed facility was identified. SEPA guidance on odours27 highlights that dispersion modelling is normally not an appropriate technique for assessment of fugitive odour emissions. The guidance states (page 12): “It must be emphasised that this is a complex exercise, only applicable to emissions from ducted sources such as stacks and is not readily applicable without careful consideration to area and fugitive sources, due to the uncertainties in modelling such releases.” Consequently, in relation to the potential for odour impacts, the focus is on prevention of odorous releases rather than modelling of fugitive releases. 4.16 Results interpretation Modelled levels of released substances were assessed against the air quality standards and guidelines set out above. There are no air quality standards for dioxins and furans, because the majority of exposure takes place via indirect exposure pathways. Consequently, modelled levels of dioxins and furans were assessed using an exposure modelling system, as described in the Human Health Risk Assessment report, submitted as part of this Environmental Statement. Modelled acid and nutrient nitrogen deposition rates at designated habitat sites were assessed against site-specific benchmarks, as described in Section 4.4 above. Modelled levels of nitrogen dioxide and PM10 in the vicinity of the proposed facility were also evaluated using the approach developed by Environmental Protection UK.22 This enables the scale of potential impacts on air quality to be described on a consistent and independent basis (see Table 12 and Table 13). Table 12: Definition of impact magnitude for changes in nitrogen dioxide and PM 10 concentration 22 Descriptor Magnitude of change in annual mean concentration relative to air quality objective Large Increase/decrease >10% Environmental Protection UK, “Development Control: Planning For Air Quality (2010 Update)” Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 24 RICARDO-AEA Medium Increase/decrease 5 - 10% Small Increase/decrease 1 - 5% Imperceptible Increase/decrease <1% Table 13: Descriptors for changes to annual mean nitrogen dioxide and PM10 concentrations Change in concentration Absolute concentration Small Medium Large Above Objective/Limit Value With Scheme Slight adverse Moderate adverse Substantial adverse Just Below Objective/Limit Value With Scheme Slight adverse Moderate adverse Moderate adverse Below Objective/Limit Value With Scheme Negligible Slight adverse Slight adverse Well Below Objective/Limit Value With Scheme Negligible Negligible Slight adverse Increase with scheme After completing this comprehensive range of evaluations, conclusions were drawn with regard to the potential effects on air quality of the proposed facility during the operational phase. Recommendations were made for any appropriate monitoring or mitigation measures. 4.17 Conservative approach This study was carried out on a conservative basis, to ensure that modelled concentrations and impacts are more likely to be over-estimated than under-estimated. The conservative assumptions adopted in this study are listed below: It was assumed that the facility will operate continuously, whereas in practice there will be some process down-time. It was assumed that emissions from the facility will be at the limits permitted under the Industrial Emissions Directive. In practice, emissions will be substantially lower than these limits. Measured emissions from a comparable gasification facility at Sarpsborg, Norway relative to these limits are shown in Figure 4. The measurements were carried out in 2011. The measured emission concentrations were between 0.1% and 93% of the relevant limits, with metals and dioxins/furans all emitted at levels of 5% or less of the applicable limits. Levels of released substances are typically somewhat higher from the older Sarpsborg 1 line (commissioned in 2002) than from the newer Sarpsborg 2 line, which was commissioned in 2010. However, in each case, levels comply with the Industrial Emissions Directive limits, and for most substances by a substantial margin. It was assumed that all particulate matter emitted from the proposed facility is likely to be in the PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions. In practice, some emitted particulate matter will be in larger size fractions, although current information indicates that the majority of particulate matter will be in the smaller size fraction. It was assumed that 35% of oxides of nitrogen was present as nitrogen dioxide for the purposes of modelling short-term mean concentrations, and 70% for long-term mean concentrations. In practice, the proportion present as nitrogen dioxide will be significantly lower, particularly in the areas close to the facility at which the highest modelled concentrations of released substances are forecast to occur. The highest modelled concentrations for any of the five years of meteorological data was used in the study. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 25 RICARDO-AEA Baseline air quality levels were selected on the basis of the highest levels likely to be applicable to the study area. The potential significance of alternative study approaches was investigated via sensitivity testing to ensure that the study findings were robust. Figure 4: Comparison of measured emissions from Sarpsborg facility with emissions limits Measured concentration as % of Waste Incineration Directive limit 100% 90% 80% 70% 93% 60% 50% 72% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40% 0.70% 0.24% 1.00% 0.20% 0.14% 0.60% 0.92% 0.59% 6.4% 7.2% 17% 32% 6.0% 19% 4.0% 22% 2.0% 2.0% 10% 5.0% Ricardo-AEA in Confidence 1.0% Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 26 RICARDO-AEA 5 Results 5.1 Construction phase impacts The proposed development will involve significant construction activity. The main potential air quality issues which need control are: Control of dust Emissions from construction vehicles Exhaust emissions from site plant As discussed in Section 4.1, emissions from construction phase traffic will have no significant effects on air quality, and do not require further assessment or specific control. In 2011 the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) published guidance on the Assessment of the Impacts of Construction on Air Quality and the Determination of their Significance 9. This provides a 4Step procedure for assessing the potential impact of construction activities on air quality. Step 1: Screen the Need for a Detailed Assessment An assessment will normally be required where there are sensitive receptors within 350m of the boundary of the site and/or within 100m of the route(s) used by construction vehicles on the public highway, up to 500 m from the site entrances(s). The Energy Recovery Park cannot be screened out at this stage due to the presence of residential properties on the Ayr Road within 350 m of the site boundary, and within 500m of the entrance to the site, which will be the primary access road for construction vehicles. Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Effects Arising The risk of dust arising in sufficient quantities to cause annoyance and/or health or ecological effects should be determined using three risk categories: low risk, medium risk and high risk. A site is allocated to a risk category based on two factors: The scale and nature of the works, which determines the risk of dust arising (i.e. the magnitude of potential dust emissions) classed as: small, medium or large; The proximity of receptors, considered separately for ecological and human receptors (i.e. the potential for effects). The IAQM guidance provides the following risk category matrix by which the scale of risk can be determined: Table 14: IAQM risk category from construction activities Distance to nearest receptor (m) Dust emission class Dust soiling and PM10 Large Medium Small <20 High risk site High risk site Medium risk site 20 – 50 High risk site Medium risk site Low risk site Ecological 50 – 100 <20 Medium risk site Medium risk site Low risk site 100 – 200 20 – 40 Medium risk site Low risk site Negligible 200 - 350 40 - 100 Low risk site Low risk site Negligible The guidance provides the following criteria for determining the dust emission class: Large: Total building volume >100,000m 3 Medium: Total building volume 25,000m 3 - 100,000m3 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 27 RICARDO-AEA Small: Total building volume <25,000m 3 Once complete the main process building of the proposed facility, which will house the gasification units, will be >100,000m3, therefore the dust category can be considered Large. Furthermore the closest sensitive receptor (non-ecological) is approximately 25m from the nearest boundary of the site, therefore the site should be classified as a “high risk site” with regard to the need for control of dust during construction. Step 3: Identify the need for site-specific mitigation Given the variety of development sites and the individual issues they face, professional judgement should be used to determine the site-specific mitigation measures to be applied. These will need to be written into a dust management plan (DMP), which should be approved with the local planning authority and environmental health department prior to commencement of work on site. It is recommended that a construction and dust management plan should be developed, which includes measures such as those set out below: Site Planning Erect solid barriers to site boundary No bonfires Plan site layout – machinery and dust causing activities should be located away from sensitive receptors All site personnel to be fully trained Trained and responsible manager on site during working times to maintain logbook and carry out site inspections Hard surface site haul routes Consider using alternatives to road transportation to/from site Put in place real-time dust monitors Construction traffic All vehicles to switch off engines – no idling vehicles Effective vehicle cleaning and specific fixed wheel washing on leaving site and damping down of haul routes All loads entering and leaving site to be covered No site runoff of water or mud On-road vehicles to comply to set emission standards All non-road mobile machinery to use ultra-low sulphur diesel where available and be fitted with appropriate exhaust after-treatment Minimise movement of construction traffic around site Hard surfacing and effective cleaning of haul routes and appropriate speed limit around site Site Activities Minimise dust generating activities Use water as dust suppressant where applicable Cover, seed or fence stockpiles to prevent wind whipping Re-vegetate earthworks and exposed areas If applicable, ensure concrete crusher or concrete batcher has permit to operate Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 28 RICARDO-AEA Step 4: Define effects and their significance The IAQM guidance sets out the following criteria when assessing the sensitivity of the area in which a development has been proposed: The specific sensitivities of receptors in the area; The proximity and number of those receptors; In the case of PM10, the local background concentration; and Site specific factors, such as whether there are natural shelters, such as trees, to reduce the risk of wind-blown dust. The Guidance goes on to provide the following matrix for determining the level of sensitivity to dust soiling effects based on the proximity of sensitive and ecological receptors. Table 15: Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property Number of receptors Distance from the source (m) <20 <50 <100 <350 >100 High High Medium Low 10 – 100 High Medium Low Low 1 – 10 Medium Low Low Low Medium >1 Low Low Low Low Low >1 Low Low Low Low Receptor sensitivity High The proposed Energy Recovery Park is located in a rural area, with few surrounding residential properties and ecological sites. Two residential properties are situated within a distance of 20-100 m from the nearest boundary of the site. As discussed in Section 0, baseline levels of particulate matter (including PM10 and PM2.5) around the facility comply with the national air quality objectives. Furthermore there are currently no designated AQMAs in either East or South Ayrshire. On the basis of this evidence it is reasonable to categorise the sensitivity of the area surrounding the proposed Energy Recovery Park as Low. Table 16 is derived from the IAQM guidance and provides an indication of how the implementation of mitigating measures affects the significance of impacts on air quality due to construction activities. Table 16: Significance of effects for construction activities with and without mitigation Risk of air quality impacts during construction WITHOUT mitigation Risk of air quality impacts during construction WITH mitigation High Medium Low High Medium Low Very high Substantial adverse Moderate adverse Moderate adverse Slight adverse Slight adverse Negligible High Moderate adverse Moderate adverse Slight adverse Slight adverse Negligible Negligible Medium Moderate adverse Slight adverse Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Low Slight adverse Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Sensitivity of surrounding area Due to the “Low” sensitivity of the surrounding area and the “High” risk category of the site, the construction activities could be expected to have a “Slight adverse” effect on local air quality unless controls are put in place. However through the implementation of the mitigating measures set out above this risk can be reduced to “Negligible”. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 29 5.2 Identification of appropriate stack height In identifying an appropriate stack height, there are two key aspects to consider from the perspective of control of air quality impacts: (a) Identifying a point at which increases in stack height no longer provide a significant benefit in reducing environmental concentrations of released substances; and (b) Ensuring that the modelled environmental concentrations of released substances for this stack height are at acceptable levels. The effect of stack height on modelled concentrations of released substances is shown in Figure 5 below. Figure 5: Effect of stack height on highest modelled concentration at any location The results shown in this figure indicate that Increasing stack height has a significant benefit on modelled annual mean concentrations. Long-term mean levels of airborne pollutants is normally the most significant issue for facilities of this nature. Consequently, adopting a stack height with a height of 45 metres or higher would have a worthwhile effect. Increasing stack height above 50 metres has an ongoing, although less marked, benefit in reducing the highest modelled levels of released substances. A preliminary analysis demonstrated that at a stack height of 45 metres levels of all released substances would comply with the relevant air quality standards and guidelines. However in order to achieve further reductions in process contributions a stack height of 55 metres was found to result in an insignificant contribution to airborne concentrations of all substances. On this basis, a stack height of 55 metres was adopted for the proposed facility. Model results set out in the remainder of this document are on the basis of a stack height of 55 metres. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 30 5.3 Air quality model results As set out above, the ADMS version 5 model was used to identify the highest levels of released substances which are forecast to occur in the local area. These model results are set out in Table 17. Cells highlighted in yellow show those substances where the combined baseline level plus process contribution (PC) is above the air quality standard or guideline (AQSG). Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 31 RICARDO-AEA Table 17: Maximum modelled air concentrations of released substances Substance Averaging time Particulate matter (PM10) Annual mean Particulate matter (PM10) Particulate matter (PM10) 90.4th percentile of 24 hour means (UK) 98.08th percentile of 24 hour means (Scotland) AQ Standard / Guideline (µg/m3) Baseline (µg/m3) Process contribution (µg/m3) PC/ AQSG Combined process + baseline (µg/m3) Combined/ AQSG 18 16 0.14 0.76% 16 90% 50 32 0.41 0.83% 32 65% 50 32 0.76 1.51% 33 66% Particulate matter (PM2.5) Annual mean (Scotland) 12 7 0.14 1.14% 7.33 61% Particulate matter (PM2.5) Annual mean (UK) 25 7 0.14 0.55% 7.33 29% VOCs (assessed as benzene) Annual mean 3.25 0.27 0.14 4.20% 0.40 12% VOCs (assessed as 1,3butadiene) Annual mean 2.25 0.27 0.14 6.06% 0.40 18% Hydrogen chloride Maximum hourly mean 750 0.4 19 2.60% 20 2.65% Hydrogen fluoride Annual mean 16 2.5 0.014 0.085% 2.51 16% Hydrogen fluoride Maximum hourly mean 160 2.5 1.30 0.81% 3.80 2.37% Carbon monoxide Maximum 8 hour mean 10000 1400 2.26 0.023% 1402 14% 266 6 49 18% 55 21% 350 6 31 8.77% 37 10% 125 3 4.58 3.66% 8 6% Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means 99.7th percentile of hourly means 99.2nd percentile of 24 hour means Nitrogen dioxide Annual mean 40 26 1.91 4.78% 28 70% Nitrogen dioxide 99.79th percentile of hourly means 200 88 22 11% 110 55% Ammonia Annual mean 180 0.932 0.14 0.076% 1.07 0.59% Ammonia Maximum hourly mean 2500 1.865 6.49 0.26% 8.35 0.33% Cadmium Annual mean 0.005 0.00003 0.00068 14% 0.00071 14% Thallium Annual mean No AQSG No data 0.00068 No AQSG No data No AQSG Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 32 RICARDO-AEA Substance Averaging time AQ Standard / Guideline (µg/m3) Thallium Maximum hourly mean No AQSG No data 0.016 No AQSG No data No AQSG Mercury Annual mean 0.25 0.002 0.00068 0.27% 0.0027 1.06% Mercury Maximum hourly mean 7.5 0.004 0.016 0.22% 0.020 0.27% Antimony Annual mean 5 No data 0.00076 0.015% 0.0011 0.022% Antimony Maximum hourly mean 150 No data 0.018 0.012% 0.019 0.012% Arsenic Annual mean 0.003 0.0002 0.00076 25% 0.0010 33% Lead Annual mean 0.25 0.002 0.00076 0.30% 0.0024 0.96% Chromium Annual mean 5 0.0008 0.00076 0.015% 0.0015 0.031% Chromium Maximum hourly mean 150 0.0016 0.018 0.012% 0.020 0.013% Chromium VI Annual mean 0.0002 0.000158 0.00000061 0.30% 0.000159 79% Cobalt Annual mean No AQSG 0.00004 0.00076 No AQSG 0.00080 No AQSG Cobalt Maximum hourly mean No AQSG 0.00008 0.018 No AQSG 0.018 No AQSG Copper Annual mean 10 0.001 0.00076 0.0076% 0.0017 0.017% Copper Maximum hourly mean 200 0.002 0.018 0.0090% 0.020 0.010% Manganese Annual mean 150 0.001 0.00076 0.00051% 0.0018 0.0012% Manganese Maximum hourly mean 1500 0.002 0.018 0.0012% 0.020 0.0013% Nickel Annual mean 0.02 0.0004 0.00076 3.79% 0.0011 5.70% Vanadium Annual mean 5 0.0004 0.00076 0.015% 0.0012 0.023% Vanadium Maximum 24 hour mean 1 0.0008 0.0064 0.64% 0.0073 0.73% 1.36E-09 No AQSG 5.04E-08 No AQSG 0.000014 5.46% 0.00069 28% Dioxins and furans ITEQ Annual mean No AQSG PAHs (benzo(a)pyrene) Annual mean 0.00025 Note. PC: Process Contribution Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Baseline (µg/m3) Process contribution (µg/m3) 4.90 × 10-08 0.000055 AQSG: Air quality standard or guideline Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 PC/ AQSG Combined process + baseline (µg/m3) Combined/ AQSG RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 33 5.4 Model results summary The results in Table 17 confirm that: All modelled process contributions due to emissions from the proposed facility comply with the relevant air quality standards and guidelines. The substances with the highest process contribution due to emissions from the proposed facility relative to the air quality standard or guideline (maximum PC/AQSG >=5 %) are: o Volatile organic compounds (VOCs – assessed against the air quality standard for 1,3butadiene): Annual mean o Sulphur dioxide: 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means o Sulphur dioxide: 99.7th percentile of 1 hour means o Nitrogen dioxide: Annual mean o Nitrogen dioxide: 99.79th percentile of 1 hour means o Cadmium: Annual mean o Arsenic: Annual mean o PAHs: Annual mean Modelled levels of these substances are shown in Appendix 7. Other than the screening calculations for metals discussed further in Section 5.5 below, the highest modelled process contribution is 18 % of the air quality standard, for 15 minute mean sulphur dioxide levels. All combined concentrations due to emissions from the proposed facility added to background levels comply with the relevant air quality standards and guidelines. Other than the screening calculations for metals, the substances with the highest combined concentration due to emissions from the proposed facility added to background levels relative to the air quality standard or guideline (maximum Combined/AQSG >50 %) are: o PM10: Annual mean – Combined / AQSG: 90 % o PM10: 90.4th percentile of 24 hour means (UK) – Combined / AQSG: 65 % o PM10: 98.08th percentile of 24 hour means (Scotland) – Combined / AQSG: 66 % o PM2.5: Annual mean (Scotland) – Combined / AQSG: 61 % o Nitrogen dioxide: Annual mean – Combined / AQSG: 70 % o Nitrogen dioxide: 99.79th percentile of hour means – Combined / AQSG: 55 % o Chromium VI: Annual mean – Combined / AQSG: 79 % These relatively high combined concentrations are due almost completely to the estimated baseline levels of these substances. There are no air quality standards or guidelines for dioxins and furans. This is because exposure to dioxins and furans takes place primarily via indirect pathways such as consumption of meat and dairy products. The potential exposure of local residents and others to dioxins and furans is evaluated in the Health Impact Assessment of this Environmental Statement. Modelled levels of released substances at individual receptor locations are lower than the maximum values set out in Table 17. Modelled concentrations of key substances at specific receptor locations are set out in Appendix 6. 5.5 Assessment of metals The forecast levels of the group of nine metals were assessed in accordance with the staged process set out in Environment Agency guidance.16 (a) Carry out the impact assessment assuming each metal contributes 100% of the group concentration limit. Assume that chromium VI comprises 20% of background chromium. Screen out any metals which meet the following criteria on this basis: Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 34 RICARDO-AEA Long-term Process Contribution (PC) <1% of air quality standard or guideline (AQSG), or Short-term PC <10% AQSG: Screen out. Otherwise: Long-term or Short-term PEC <100%: Screen out. Otherwise: (b) Carry out the impact assessment for any metals not previously screened out assuming that each metal contributes one ninth (11%) of the emission concentration limit. Assume that 20% of chromium is present as chromium VI. Screen out any metals which meet the above criteria on this basis. (c) Carry out the impact assessment using the above criteria for any metals not previously screened out using case-specific assumptions, which must be justified. For Step (c), the assessment of chromium VI was carried out using data appended to the Environment Agency guidance. This provides a statistical summary of measurements of metal emissions from a number of UK waste incineration facilities. The proposed Energy Recovery Park uses a gasification technology to separate out the stages of combustion, so that emissions of metals would be expected if anything to be lower than those measured at other UK waste incineration facilities. Hence, the data in the Environment Agency guidance can be used with confidence to screen metal emissions from the proposed facility. This assessment is set out in Table 18. The assessment shows that all metals can be screened out from requiring further assessment. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 35 RICARDO-AEA Table 18: Screening assessment of metals Metal Value Standard/ guideline (µg/m3) Baseline (µg/m3) Process contribution (µg/m3) PC/ AQSG Screen out? Combined process + baseline Combined/ AQSG Screen out? Step (a): All metals assumed to be at 100% of emission limit Antimony Annual mean 5 0.0003 0.0068 0.14 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Antimony Maximum hourly mean 150 0.0006 0.16 0.11 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Arsenic Annual mean 0.003 0.0002 0.0068 227 % No 0.0070 235 % No Lead Annual mean 0.25 0.002 0.0068 2.73 % No 0.0085 3.38 % Yes Chromium Annual mean 5 0.0008 0.0068 0.14 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Chromium Maximum hourly mean 150 0.0016 0.16 0.11 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Chromium VI Annual mean 0.0002 0.00016 0.0071 3554 % No 0.0073 3633 % No Cobalt Annual mean No AQSG 0.00004 0.0068 n/a Yes n/a n/a Already screened Cobalt Maximum hourly mean No AQSG 0.00008 0.16 n/a Yes n/a n/a Already screened Copper Annual mean 10 0.001 0.0068 0.068 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Copper Maximum hourly mean 200 0.002 0.16 0.081 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Manganese Annual mean 150 0.001 0.0068 0.0045 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Manganese Maximum hourly mean 1500 0.002 0.16 0.011 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Nickel Annual mean 0.02 0.0004 0.0068 34 % No 0.0072 36% Yes Vanadium Annual mean 5 0.0004 0.0068 0.14 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Vanadium Maximum 24 hour mean 1 0.0008 0.058 5.80 % Yes n/a n/a Already screened Arsenic Annual mean 0.0030 0.00022 0.00076 25 % No 0.0010 33 % Yes Chromium VI Annual mean 0.00020 0.00016 0.00079 395 % No 0.00095 474 % No Step (b): All metals assumed to be at 11% of emission limit Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 36 RICARDO-AEA Metal Value Standard/ guideline (µg/m3) Baseline (µg/m3) Process contribution (µg/m3) PC/ AQSG Screen out? Combined process + baseline Combined/ AQSG Screen out? Yes n/a n/a Already screened Step (c): Site-specific assumptions Chromium VI Annual mean 0.00020 0.00016 0.00000061 0.30 % All but two of the assessed metals were screened out under ‘step (a)’ of the screening process. Under ‘step (b)’ long term arsenic concentrations were found to represent <100% of the AQSG when combined with background levels, whilst under ‘step (c)’ long term process contributions of chromium VI were found to be <1% of the AQSG. This structured process confirms that emissions to air of metals from the process are forecast to have no significant effects on air quality. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 37 RICARDO-AEA 5.6 Deposition The maximum modelled deposition rates of released substances were assessed against SEPA benchmarks.10 Table 19: Deposition model results Substance Maximum deposition rate (mg/m2-day) Maximum modelled deposition rate (mg/m2-day) Maximum modelled rate as percentage of benchmark Arsenic 0.02 0.0020 9.8 % Cadmium 0.009 0.0018 19.6 % Chromium 1.5 0.0020 0.1 % Copper 0.25 0.0020 0.79 % Lead 1.1 0.0020 0.2 % Mercury 0.004 0.0018 44.2 % Nickel 0.11 0.0020 1.79 % The highest modelled deposition rate as a percentage of the benchmark was for mercury. In this case, the modelled deposition rate was 44.2 % of the applicable benchmark. For all other substances, and in all other locations away from the point of maximum modelled impact, the contribution was a smaller proportion of the benchmark. 5.7 Ultrafine particulate matter Modern energy recovery facilities make only a slight contribution to levels of airborne particles. It may be the very smallest particles ("ultrafine" or "nano" particles – that is, particles with a diameter of 0.1 microns or less) which are of concern with regard to their effects on health. It is also plausible that the risks to health associated with particulate matter are more closely linked to the number of particles, rather than the mass of particles. As with other sources of emissions to air, there is limited data on emissions of nanoparticles from energy recovery facilities. Recently published research describes measurements of particulate matter emitted from a waste to energy incinerator in Piacenza, Italy. 23 The study found that no particles with aerodynamic diameters greater than 2.5 µm were measured, confirming the effectiveness of the emissions control technology in removing larger particles. 65% of the measured PM 2.5 mass was from sub-micrometre particles (PM1) and the contribution of PM0.1 to the mass of particulates was negligible. Most of the mass was from particles that were between 0.1 and 1 microns in aerodynamic diameter. The numbers of particles were distributed approximately equally between particles greater than and less than 0.1 micron. Similar particle mass distributions were recorded at the SELCHP waste incinerator in south-east London. A subsequent environmental monitoring survey investigated ultrafine particles in the environment in the vicinity of the Piacenza facility.24 Levels of particulate matter were found to be low in the Italian context. An analysis of the elemental composition of particulates indicated that sources other than the energy 23 Buonanno, G., Ficco, G., and Stabile, L. (2009) Size distribution and number concentration of particles at the stack of a municipal waste incinerator. Waste Management. 29. 749-755. Buonanno G, Stabile L, Avino P, Belluso E, “Chemical, dimensional and morphological ultrafine particle characterization from a waste-to-energy plant,” Waste Management 31 (2011) 2253–2262 24 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 38 RICARDO-AEA recovery facility accounted for all the elements present, and the contribution from the energy recovery facility was not detectable. In a separate study of fine and ultrafine particles on the surface of foodstuffs in Italy,25 the authors concluded that “little evidence is found for particles whose origin could be attributed to industrial combustion processes, such as waste incineration”. Similarly, Morishita et al. found that waste incineration facilities made a minimal contribution to PM 2.5 levels in urban environments in the United States.26 These findings indicate that energy recovery facilities make a small contribution to levels of ultrafine particles, analogous to the findings in relation to larger particles. Other sources like road traffic and cooking are likely to be much more important sources, even in the immediate vicinity of an energy recovery facility. 5.8 Designated habitat sites Modelled levels of released substances were assessed at designated habitat sites in the local area. As described above, a contribution of less than 1% of the relevant long-term critical level/critical load was considered to represent an insignificant contribution, following the approach set out in Environment Agency guidance.13 Modelled air concentrations at designated habitat sites are set out in Appendix 1. The highest modelled long-term mean air concentration at any international or national designated site is 0.60 % of the relevant critical level. The modelled long-term mean air concentration at the closest locally designated site is 1.29 % of the relevant critical level for ammonia. There are currently no monitoring stations measuring ammonia within the vicinity of the Burnock Water LWS. If the modelled ammonia concentration at Burnock Water is combined with the highest background ammonia level measured at the Auchencorth Moss monitoring station, representing an elevated rural setting, between 2011 and 2013 (0.93 µg/m3)7, the combined concentration would represent 94% of the long-term critical load. The highest modelled short-term mean concentration at any international, national or locally designated site is 3.29 % of the relevant critical level. Modelled deposition rates at any international, national or locally designated site are set out in Appendix 3. The highest modelled deposition rate at any international, national or locally designated site is 1.02 % of the relevant critical level, for acid deposition at the Barlosh Moss SSSI. This threshold is designed to apply for screening at European sites, and a forecast process contribution marginally above this level at a national designated site does not constitute a significant adverse impact. Furthermore this assessment has been carried out assuming a conversion rate of NOx to NO 2 of 100 %. If a conversion rate of 70 % is applied, as per Environment Agency guidance 15, the maximum rate of acid deposition at Barlosh Moss was found to be 0.97 % of the relevant critical load. It can therefore be concluded that all long-term mean modelled air concentrations and deposition rates at international and national designated sites are below 1% of the relevant standards and guidelines, and all short-term mean modelled concentrations are below 10% of the relevant standards and guidelines. . Furthermore, the contribution of the proposed facility to ammonia levels at the Burnock Water LWS, the closest locally designated site, is not forecast to result in an exceedance of the longterm critical level. On this basis, it is concluded that the proposed development would have no significant effects on air quality or deposition at any European site, or any other relevant designated habitat site. 5.9 Plume visibility The modelled lengths of visible white water vapour plumes are set out in Table 20. For the purposes of the assessment the distance between the stack and the closest boundary of the site is estimated to be 45m. Table 20: Results of plume visibility modelling assessment Parameter Model results Giordano C, Bardi U, Garbini D, Suman M, “Analysis of particulate pollution on foodstuff and other items by environmental scanning electron microscopy,” Microsc Res Tech. 2011 Oct;74(10):931-5. 26 Morishita M, Keeler GJ, Kamal AS, Wagner JG, Harkema JR, Rohr AC , “Identification of ambient PM2.5 sources and analysis of pollution episodes in Detroit, Michigan using highly time-resolved measurements,” Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 1627-1637 Morishita M, Keeler GJ, Kamal AS, Wagner JG, Harkema JR, Rohr AC , “Source identification of ambient PM2.5 for inhalation exposure studies in Steubenville, Ohio using highly time-resolved measurements,” Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011b) 7688-7697 25 Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 39 RICARDO-AEA 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Occurrence of no visible plume 85% 92% 89% 86% 93% 89% Occurrence of a visible plume of any length 15% 8% 11% 14% 7% 11% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% Occurrence of a visible plume >45m Average The results show that in all years the plume visibility will not exceed 45m more than 2% of the time, and will therefore remain within the boundaries of the site at least 98% of the time. On this basis, the impact of the proposed Energy Recovery Park in terms of visible plume is described as “low” following Section 3.8.2 of the relevant SEPA guidance.10 5.10 Sensitivity tests In most cases where there was uncertainty over a model input, a worst-case approach was adopted to ensure that model outputs would tend to be over-estimated. This is described in more detail in Section 4.17. 5.10.1 Model choice A sensitivity analysis was completed to determine which of the two atmospheric dispersion models, ADMS5 and AERMOD, would provide the most conservative results. Both models were run across the 3 km x 3 km gridded area surrounding the stack using 5 years meteorological data from the Prestwick Airport station. The maximum value recorded by the AERMOD dispersion model for each averaging period was assessed against the equivalent value provided by ADMS. The results of this assessment are provided in Table 21. Table 21: Sensitivity test: model choice Averaging time Value obtained using AERMOD as a percentage of value obtained using ADMS Annual mean 53 % Maximum hourly mean 63 % 99.79th percentile of hourly means 93 % 99.7th percentile of hourly means 83 % Maximum 8 hour mean 118 % Maximum 24 hour mean 73 % 98.08th percentile of 24 hour means 56 % 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means 128 % Note 1: AERMOD does not provide 15 minute mean concentrations. This value was estimated as 1.34 times the 99.9th percentile of 1 hour mean concentrations The sensitivity analysis found that the ADMS5 model produced higher results for all averaging periods than the AERMOD model, with the exception of maximum 8 hour means and 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means. The impact assessment is most sensitive to annual mean concentrations, and these were found to be 53% lower from AERMOD than those obtained using ADMS. The maximum 8 hour mean averaging period is only applicable to modelled concentrations of carbon monoxide, whilst the 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means is only applicable to concentrations of sulphur dioxide. The higher modelled concentrations for these averaging periods produced by AERMOD do not affect the conclusions set out in this study. On this basis, it is concluded that the study results are robust to the choice of air quality model between ADMS and AERMOD. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 40 RICARDO-AEA 5.11 Cumulative impacts Impacts arising due to the cumulative emission of particulates from the adjacent roadstone coating plant and the proposed Energy Recovery Park were assessed by modelling emissions from the roadstone coating plant and combining the concentrations with the results of the full modelling assessment. The input parameters for this assessment are detailed in Table 22. The results of the assessment are summarised in Table 23. The assessment was carried out under the conservative assumption that the roadstone coating plant is operational for 12 hours a day, 365 days a year. This was achieved through the use of a time-varying emission file in ADMS5. Table 22: Killoch roadstone coating plant dispersion modelling input parameters Parameter Input data Stack coordinates (x, y) 248083, 620531 Stack height (m) 24 Stack diameter (m) 1.2 Stack area (m²) 1.13 Gas velocity (m/s) 2.22 Temperature (°C) 62 Volume flux (m3/s) 2.51 Particulate matter emission rate (g/s) 0.24 Table 23: Summary of cumulative impact assessment Substance AQSG (µg/m3) Baseline (µg/m3) Max PC ERP* (µg/m3) Max PC RCP** (µg/m3) Max Combined PC (µg/m3) Combined PC / AQSG (%) Combined PEC (µg/m3) Combined PEC / AQSG (%) PM10 annual mean 18 16 0.14 0.73 0.83 4.58 % 17 93 % PM10 90.4th%ile of 24hr means 50 32 0.41 2.54 2.83 5.65 % 35 70 % PM10 98.08th%ile of 24hr means 50 32 0.76 5.23 5.71 11.41 % 38 75 % PM2.5 annual mean (Scotland) 12 7 0.14 0.73 0.83 6.88 % 8.01 67 % PM2.5 annual mean (UK) 25 7 0.14 0.73 0.83 3.30 % 8.01 32 % *Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park **Killoch roadstone coating plant Note: the location of maximum PC values due to the ERP and RCP are different. Consequently, the maximum combined PC is less than the sum of the individual maximum PC values. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 41 The results of this assessment show that the maximum combined concentrations of both PM 10 and PM2.5, under all averaging periods, would not result in an exceedance of the relevant air quality standard/guideline. Therefore no significant cumulative impacts are forecast to occur. 5.12 Other air quality issues It will be important for the proposed facility not to give rise to excessive dust, odour or bioaerosols during operation. Under foreseeable operating conditions, no significant odour, bioaerosols or dust issues would be expected to arise outside the site boundary. This is principally because all waste handling operations will take place inside the process buildings. Effective abatement of odours is provided by the gasification process. Air required for the combustion process will be drawn into the building through the waste reception and sorting areas before being used in the gasification process. This will create a positive air flow into the building. Airflows will be maximised in areas used for the storage of input waste, and other potential sources of odour, with the design aim that odour will be adequately controlled without the need to extract and treat excessive air volumes. The air extracted from the building will be used to provide combustion air to the gasifier and odorous compounds in this combustion air will be destroyed as part of the gasification/oxidation process. In the event of unplanned maintenance or downtime, waste materials can be rapidly diverted or removed to nearby landfill sites operated by Barr Environmental. In the event of major planned maintenance events requiring shutdown of the process, the waste inputs will be run down such that there is no remaining potentially odorous material on site during the maintenance/lifecycle replacement event. This is a well-established approach for odour control at energy recovery facilities of this nature. As a form of odour abatement, SEPA identifies thermal oxidation/incineration as a technique capable of achieving a “>>99%” odour removal efficiency27. This represents a valuable additional form of odour control which is not available at facilities which do not have a gasification or combustion component. SEPA’s 2010 Odour Guidance27 provides the following hierarchy of control options for odorous substances: 1. Avoid using odorous substances altogether. 2. Where odorous substances are present they should be used and stored in contained systems. 3. Where odorous substances cannot be fully contained they should be captured using local ventilation systems (e.g. fume hoods) and the exhaust gases suitably treated to reduce the amount of odour substances present. 4. Where odorous substances cannot be contained or collected locally then a building or structure should be constructed, maintained and operated to offer a high level of room containment such as having sealed (air locked) working areas, room extraction with at least three room air changes per hour as a minimum and the exhaust gases suitably treated to reduce the amount of odorous substance present to a minimum. 5. Any treated gases are discharged to the air via appropriately designed chimneys. Options 1 and 2 are not fully available to operators of waste facilities, as some residual odour in waste materials is unavoidable and waste materials cannot be fully contained. Option 3 will be implemented through design of the process buildings and ventilation, as described above. Options 4 and 5 will be implemented, by containment within the building, treatment of exhaust gases in the gasification process, and discharge of treated gases via an appropriately designed chimney. The following good practice techniques will be followed in order to further minimise the potential for fugitive dust, odour and bioaerosol emissions: 27 Maintaining the integrity of process buildings, through the regular inspection of the building fabric and ensuring doors and windows remain closed where possible. The maintenance of fugitive release points, including pumps and valves. Ensure waste materials are appropriately stored. SEPA Odour guidance 2010 via Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 RICARDO-AEA Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 42 Provide sufficient training to staff and establish a system of good housekeeping. A site odour, dust and bioaerosol management plan will be developed in accordance with SEPA’s 2010 Odour Guidance Appendix 4, which will set out the controls to be applied for avoiding adverse impacts due to any such fugitive emissions. As set out in the SEPA guidance, the management plan will cover training, procedures, monitoring, supervision, record-keeping, identification and implementation of corrective actions, and plan review, as well as describing how any complaints will be handled. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park | 43 RICARDO-AEA 6 Conclusions 6.1 Summary This study describes an assessment of potential effects on air quality of substances emitted from the proposed Barr Killoch Energy Recovery Park. Modelled levels of all released substances when combined with background levels are forecast to comply with standards and guidelines for air quality. The proposed development is forecast to have no significant effects on air quality due to road traffic emissions, and no significant cumulative effects are forecast to occur. No odour, bioaerosols or dust issues would be expected to arise outside the site boundary, and emissions to air from the proposed facility are forecast to have no significant effects at designated habitat sites. The study was carried out using a highly conservative approach to ensure that any air quality effects are more likely to be over-estimated than under-estimated. For example, the data set out in Figure 4 demonstrates that emissions from a comparable facility are at much lower levels than the Industrial Emissions Directive limits which were assumed for the purposes of this study. On the basis of this assessment, it is concluded that the proposed facility will have no significant adverse effects on air quality. 6.2 EPUK Criteria The EPUK criteria set out in Section 4.16 provide standard descriptors to be used in describing the forecast air quality effects of the proposed development. While these are designed primarily for use in relation to traffic emissions, they can also be applied to describing the impact of emissions to air from the proposed facility. The assessment for annual mean nitrogen dioxide and PM10 levels is as follows: Nitrogen dioxide: o Maximum forecast change: 1.91 µg/m3 – Small o Absolute concentration outside of the AQMA: 27.91 µg/m3 (below objective/limit value) Impact descriptor: Negligible PM10: o Maximum forecast change: 0.14 µg/m3 – Imperceptible o Absolute concentration: 16.14 µg/m3 (above objective/limit value) Impact descriptor: Negligible On this basis, the impact in relation to annual mean nitrogen dioxide and PM 10 levels can be described as “negligible”. 6.3 Mitigation and monitoring In view of the finding that the proposed Energy Recovery Park will have no significant adverse effects on air quality, it is concluded that no further mitigation is necessary, other than the extensive mitigation and control measures already built into the proposed facility. Emissions from the proposed facility will be measured continuously, and as part of a programme of period extractive monitoring. This work programme is managed under the terms of the PPC Permit for the proposed facility. Continuous emissions monitoring data will be made available for inspection by the regulatory authorities and members of the public via a dedicated website. In view of the low forecast levels of released substances, and conservative assumptions built in to the modelling study, it is most unlikely that an environmental monitoring programme would be effective in identifying a detectable change in air quality which could be linked to emissions from the proposed facility. However, an ambient air quality monitoring programme could be designed as a cross-check on the conclusions of the study. Again, this would more readily fall under the remit of the PPC Permit. Ricardo-AEA in Confidence Ref: Ricardo-AEA/ED60039_AQIA/Issue Number 2 Appendices Appendix 1: Modelled airborne concentrations at designated habitat sites This appendix sets out modelled levels of released substances at designated habitat sites. Annual mean nitrogen oxides Annual mean sulphur dioxide Annual mean ammonia Maximum 24 hour mean nitrogen oxides Maximum 24 hour mean hydrogen fluoride Critical level (µg/m3) 30 20 1 75 5 H1 Airds Moss (A) 0.038 0.010 0.0019 0.37 0.0019 H2 Airds Moss (B) 0.029 0.0073 0.0015 0.32 0.0016 H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) 0.039 0.010 0.0019 0.38 0.0019 H4 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) 0.033 0.0082 0.0016 0.30 0.0015 H5 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) 0.015 0.0036 0.00073 0.23 0.0012 H6 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) 0.024 0.0061 0.0012 0.22 0.0011 H7 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) 0.019 0.0048 0.0010 0.46 0.0023 H8 Afton Lodge 0.024 0.0060 0.0012 0.59 0.0030 H9 Stairhill 0.042 0.010 0.0021 0.91 0.0045 H10 River Ayr Gorge 0.046 0.012 0.0023 0.50 0.0025 H11 Howford Bridge 0.060 0.015 0.0030 0.53 0.0027 H12 Greenock Mains 0.022 0.0054 0.0011 0.26 0.0013 H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) 0.025 0.0063 0.0013 0.23 0.0012 H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) 0.016 0.0039 0.00078 0.21 0.0011 H15 Lugar Sill 0.027 0.0068 0.0014 0.42 0.0021 H16 Nith Bridge 0.026 0.0066 0.0013 0.36 0.0018 H17 Barlosh Moss (A) 0.052 0.013 0.0026 1.80 0.0090 H18 Barlosh Moss (B) 0.12 0.030 0.0060 2.47 0.012 H19 Benbeoch 0.016 0.0039 0.00078 1.13 0.0056 H20 Dalmellington Moss 0.011 0.0028 0.00056 0.51 0.0025 H21 Bogton Loch 0.011 0.0027 0.00053 0.56 0.0028 H22 Dunaskin Glen 0.015 0.0037 0.00075 0.52 0.0026 H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood 0.043 0.011 0.0022 0.61 0.0030 H24 Burnock Water 0.26 0.064 0.013 2.28 0.011 Ref Location Appendix 2: Assessment of modelled process contributions at designated habitat sites against critical levels This appendix sets out the modelled concentrations as a percentage of the applicable air quality standards and guidelines for the protection of vegetation (referred to as “critical levels”). Ref Location Critical level (µg/m3) Annual mean nitrogen oxides Annual mean sulphur dioxide Annual mean ammonia Maximum 24 hour mean nitrogen oxides Maximum 24 hour mean hydrogen fluoride 30 20 1 75 5 Modelled concentration as % of air quality standard/guideline H1 Airds Moss (A) 0.13% 0.048% 0.19% 0.50% 0.037% H2 Airds Moss (B) 0.10% 0.037% 0.15% 0.43% 0.032% H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) 0.13% 0.048% 0.19% 0.51% 0.038% Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) 0.11% 0.041% 0.16% 0.40% 0.030% Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) 0.049% 0.018% 0.073% 0.31% 0.023% Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) 0.081% 0.031% 0.12% 0.30% 0.022% Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) 0.064% 0.024% 0.10% 0.62% 0.046% H8 Afton Lodge 0.080% 0.030% 0.12% 0.79% 0.059% H9 Stairhill 0.14% 0.052% 0.21% 1.21% 0.091% H10 River Ayr Gorge 0.15% 0.058% 0.23% 0.67% 0.050% H11 Howford Bridge 0.20% 0.076% 0.30% 0.71% 0.053% H12 Greenock Mains 0.072% 0.027% 0.11% 0.35% 0.026% H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) 0.083% 0.031% 0.13% 0.31% 0.023% H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) 0.052% 0.020% 0.078% 0.28% 0.021% H15 Lugar Sill 0.091% 0.034% 0.14% 0.55% 0.042% H16 Nith Bridge 0.088% 0.033% 0.13% 0.48% 0.036% H17 Barlosh Moss (A) 0.17% 0.065% 0.26% 2.40% 0.18% H18 Barlosh Moss (B) 0.40% 0.15% 0.60% 3.29% 0.25% H19 Benbeoch 0.052% 0.019% 0.078% 1.50% 0.11% H20 Dalmellington Moss 0.037% 0.014% 0.056% 0.68% 0.051% H21 Bogton Loch 0.035% 0.013% 0.053% 0.75% 0.056% H22 Dunaskin Glen 0.050% 0.019% 0.075% 0.69% 0.052% H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood 0.14% 0.054% 0.22% 0.81% 0.061% Burnock Water 0.86% 0.32% 1.29% 3.04% 0.23% H4 H5 H6 H7 H24 Appendix 3: Assessment of modelled deposition rates at designated habitat sites This appendix sets out the modelled deposition rates due to emissions from the proposed facility. Modelled substance deposition rate (kg/ha/year) Ref Modelled nitrogen/acid deposition rate Location NO2 SO2 NH3 Nutrient nitrogen (kgN/ha/year) Nitrogenderived acid (kEg/ha/year) Sulphurderived acid (kEq/ha/year) H1 Airds Moss (A) 0.018 0.036 0.012 0.015 0.0013 0.0011 H2 Airds Moss (B) 0.014 0.028 0.0092 0.012 0.00096 0.00086 H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) 0.018 0.037 0.012 0.016 0.0013 0.0011 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) 0.015 0.031 0.010 0.013 0.0011 0.00097 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) 0.0069 0.014 0.0046 0.0059 0.00048 0.00043 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) 0.012 0.023 0.0077 0.0099 0.00080 0.00072 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) 0.0091 0.018 0.0060 0.0077 0.00063 0.00057 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 Afton Lodge n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H9 Stairhill n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H10 River Ayr Gorge 0.044 0.088 0.022 0.031 0.0025 0.0027 H11 Howford Bridge n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H12 Greenock Mains n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) 0.012 0.024 0.0079 0.010 0.00082 0.00074 H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) 0.0074 0.015 0.0049 0.0063 0.00051 0.00046 H15 Lugar Sill n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H16 Nith Bridge n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H17 Barlosh Moss (A) 0.025 0.050 0.017 0.021 0.0017 0.0015 H18 Barlosh Moss (B) 0.057 0.11 0.038 0.048 0.0039 0.0035 H19 Benbeoch n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H20 Dalmellington Moss 0.0053 0.011 0.0035 0.0045 0.00037 0.00033 H21 Bogton Loch 0.0050 0.010 0.0034 0.0043 0.00035 0.00031 H22 Dunaskin Glen n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood 0.041 0.081 0.020 0.029 0.0023 0.0025 H24 Burnock Water 0.12 0.24 0.081 0.10 0.0084 0.0076 Appendix 4: Critical levels for designated sites in the vicinity of the proposed facility This appendix sets out the relevant critical loads, obtained from the APIS website. Ref Location Habitat type Minimum critical load for nitrogen deposition (kgN/ha/year) Minimum ritical load for acid deposition (MinCLMaxN) (kEqH*/ha/year) H1 Airds Moss (A) Blanket bogs 5 0.67 H2 Airds Moss (B) Blanket bogs 5 0.67 H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) 5 0.668 Raised and blanket bogs H4 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) 5 0.668 Raised and blanket bogs H5 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) 5 0.668 Raised and blanket bogs H6 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) 5 0.668 Raised and blanket bogs H7 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) 5 0.668 Raised and blanket bogs H8 Afton Lodge Geological n/a n/a H9 Stairhill Geological n/a n/a H10 River Ayr Gorge Upland oak woodland 5 1.723 H11 Howford Bridge Geological n/a n/a H12 Greenock Mains Geological n/a n/a H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) Blanket bogs 5 0.67 H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) Blanket bogs 5 0.67 H15 Lugar Sill Geological n/a n/a H16 Nith Bridge Geological n/a n/a H17 Barlosh Moss (A) Raised bog 5 0.729 H18 Barlosh Moss (B) Raised bog 5 0.729 H19 Benbeoch Geological n/a n/a H20 Dalmellington Moss Raised bog 5 0.888 H21 Bogton Loch Open water transition fen 10 2.188 H22 Dunaskin Glen Geological n/a n/a H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood Upland oak woodland 5 1.832 H24 Burnock Water Neutral grassland 20 4.72 Appendix 5: Assessment of modelled process contributions to acid and nitrogen deposition at designated habitat sites against critical loads This appendix sets out the modelled deposition rates, detailed in Appendix 3, as a percentage of the critical loads set out in Appendix 4. Ref Location Process contribution to nitrogen deposition as % of critical load Process contribution to acid deposition as % of critical load H1 Airds Moss (A) 0.31% 0.36% H2 Airds Moss (B) 0.24% 0.27% H3 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (A) 0.31% 0.36% H4 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (B) 0.26% 0.31% H5 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (C) 0.12% 0.14% H6 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (D) 0.20% 0.23% H7 Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands (E) 0.15% 0.18% H8 Afton Lodge n/a n/a H9 Stairhill n/a n/a H10 River Ayr Gorge 0.63% 0.31% H11 Howford Bridge n/a n/a H12 Greenock Mains n/a n/a H13 Muirkirk Uplands (A) 0.20% 0.23% H14 Muirkirk Uplands (B) 0.13% 0.15% H15 Lugar Sill n/a n/a H16 Nith Bridge n/a n/a H17 Barlosh Moss (A) 0.42% 0.45% H18 Barlosh Moss (B) 0.97% 1.02% H19 Benbeoch n/a n/a H20 Dalmellington Moss 0.09% 0.08% H21 Bogton Loch 0.04% 0.03% H22 Dunaskin Glen n/a n/a H23 Martnaham Loch and Wood 0.58% 0.27% H24 Burnock Water 0.52% 0.34% Appendix 6: Modelled process contributions at individual sensitive receptor sites (µg/m3) Ref PM10 (annual mean) PM10 (98.08th%ile of 24 hour means) PM2.5 (annual mean) SO2 (99.9th%ile of 15 minute means) SO2 (99.7th%ile of hourly means) SO2 (99.2nd%ile of 24 hour means) NO2 (annual mean) NO2 (99.79th%ile of hourly means) Dioxins and furans (annual mean) S1 0.014 0.092 0.014 11.9 5.30 0.49 0.20 3.90 1.45 x 10-10 S2 0.012 0.060 0.012 10.6 4.80 0.40 0.16 3.60 1.16 x 10-10 S3 0.013 0.079 0.013 11.0 5.09 0.46 0.19 3.78 1.34 x 10-10 S4 0.0043 0.051 0.0043 8.8 4.23 0.44 0.060 3.19 4.26 x 10-11 S5 0.0066 0.061 0.0066 10.0 4.56 0.39 0.092 3.34 6.55 x 10-11 S6 0.029 0.20 0.029 17.8 11 1.25 0.40 8.11 2.86 x 10-10 S7 0.027 0.19 0.027 16.2 9.90 1.22 0.38 7.14 2.71 x 10-10 S8 0.019 0.096 0.019 12.0 5.84 0.68 0.27 4.22 1.91 x 10-10 S9 0.015 0.065 0.015 11.4 5.07 0.41 0.21 3.78 1.50 x 10-10 S10 0.012 0.058 0.012 10.1 4.49 0.31 0.17 3.20 1.20 x 10-10 S11 0.037 0.17 0.037 16.4 9.07 0.91 0.52 6.44 3.73 x 10-10 S12 0.030 0.14 0.030 14.9 8.16 0.80 0.43 5.76 3.04 x 10-10 S13 0.010 0.053 0.010 8.4 3.99 0.32 0.14 2.84 1.01 x 10-10 S14 0.0069 0.041 0.0069 8.0 2.97 0.25 0.10 2.37 6.88 x 10-11 S15 0.0064 0.041 0.0064 6.8 3.07 0.23 0.089 2.31 6.38 x 10-11 S16 0.029 0.27 0.029 38.0 19 1.82 0.41 15 2.91 x 10-10 S17 0.015 0.098 0.015 10.0 5.34 0.57 0.21 3.85 1.48 x 10-10 S18 0.025 0.19 0.025 14.8 8.77 1.15 0.35 6.34 2.47 x 10-10 S19 0.018 0.17 0.018 16.0 9.94 1.05 0.25 7.11 1.77 x 10-10 S20 0.0078 0.16 0.0078 29.3 16 1.04 0.11 13 7.82 x 10-11 S21 0.010 0.12 0.010 13.8 7.82 0.96 0.14 5.68 9.75 x 10-11 S22 0.0032 0.038 0.0032 8.3 3.44 0.35 0.045 2.92 3.24 x 10-11 S23 0.012 0.10 0.012 15.1 7.94 0.89 0.17 5.74 1.20 x 10-10 S24 0.0081 0.070 0.0081 16.1 5.90 0.54 0.11 4.48 8.06 x 10-11 S25 0.0066 0.057 0.0066 11.3 4.48 0.35 0.093 3.38 6.64 x 10-11 S26 0.0061 0.053 0.0061 11.1 4.49 0.32 0.085 3.49 6.07 x 10-11 S27 0.0060 0.052 0.0060 10.4 4.24 0.38 0.083 3.14 5.96 x 10-11 S28 0.013 0.077 0.013 9.2 4.53 0.44 0.19 3.28 1.33 x 10-10 S29 0.011 0.072 0.011 8.2 4.28 0.43 0.15 3.13 1.10 x 10-10 S30 0.010 0.058 0.010 7.9 3.84 0.40 0.15 2.74 1.05 x 10-10 S31 0.016 0.11 0.016 12.6 6.46 0.71 0.23 4.72 1.61 x 10-10 S32 0.019 0.087 0.019 14.9 5.85 0.56 0.27 4.27 1.90 x 10-10 S33 0.0067 0.043 0.0067 8.0 2.99 0.25 0.093 2.24 6.67 x 10-11 Ref PM10 (annual mean) PM10 (98.08th%ile of 24 hour means) PM2.5 (annual mean) SO2 (99.9th%ile of 15 minute means) SO2 (99.7th%ile of hourly means) SO2 (99.2nd%ile of 24 hour means) NO2 (annual mean) NO2 (99.79th%ile of hourly means) Dioxins and furans (annual mean) S34 0.012 0.058 0.012 10.3 4.26 0.39 0.17 3.23 1.19 x 10-10 S35 0.014 0.063 0.014 13.1 5.10 0.41 0.19 3.90 1.37 x 10-10 S36 0.015 0.065 0.015 13.4 5.24 0.43 0.20 4.07 1.45 x 10-10 S37 0.054 0.24 0.054 20.1 12 1.35 0.76 8.40 5.42 x 10-10 S38 0.0084 0.055 0.0084 8.2 3.92 0.31 0.12 2.82 8.41 x 10-11 S39 0.0059 0.036 0.0059 7.3 3.04 0.23 0.083 2.24 5.90 x 10-11 S40 0.013 0.087 0.013 9.9 5.03 0.51 0.18 3.65 1.32 x 10-10 S41 0.0082 0.058 0.0082 8.3 3.63 0.31 0.11 2.61 8.15 x 10-11 S42 0.0079 0.056 0.0079 8.5 3.55 0.36 0.11 2.55 7.94 x 10-11 S43 0.010 0.13 0.010 16.1 9.90 0.74 0.14 7.31 1.00 x 10-10 S44 0.0018 0.035 0.0018 8.3 3.23 0.23 0.025 2.69 1.78 x 10-11 S45 0.0017 0.028 0.0017 7.1 2.69 0.20 0.023 2.31 1.65 x 10-11 S46 0.0028 0.033 0.0028 7.9 3.17 0.25 0.039 2.49 2.76 x 10-11 S47 0.0040 0.070 0.0040 9.6 4.92 0.42 0.056 3.75 4.00 x 10-11 S48 0.038 0.35 0.038 37.8 25 3.45 0.53 18 3.76 x 10-10 S49 0.0083 0.077 0.0083 11.5 5.09 0.49 0.12 3.72 8.27 x 10-11 S50 0.015 0.14 0.015 17.0 9.59 1.16 0.21 7.00 1.48 x 10-10 S51 0.011 0.10 0.011 13.5 5.98 0.72 0.15 4.45 1.06 x 10-10 S52 0.0066 0.058 0.0066 13.7 5.26 0.48 0.093 3.84 6.63 x 10-11 S53 0.012 0.11 0.012 14.8 7.00 0.83 0.16 5.17 1.16 x 10-10 S54 0.0089 0.082 0.0089 12.0 5.34 0.49 0.13 4.00 8.94 x 10-11 S55 0.0082 0.072 0.0082 12.9 5.43 0.44 0.12 4.12 8.22 x 10-11 S56 0.0078 0.068 0.0078 14.2 5.41 0.48 0.11 4.26 7.80 x 10-11 S57 0.0080 0.070 0.0080 15.2 4.98 0.44 0.11 3.70 8.00 x 10-11 S58 0.0067 0.064 0.0067 8.9 4.40 0.41 0.094 3.22 6.72 x 10-11 S59 0.043 0.20 0.043 18.2 11 1.23 0.60 7.56 4.32 x 10-10 S60 0.010 0.10 0.010 13.5 6.64 0.75 0.14 4.82 9.83 x 10-11 S61 0.0058 0.056 0.0058 11.4 4.22 0.36 0.081 3.33 5.76 x 10-11 S62 0.010 0.052 0.010 9.1 3.86 0.27 0.15 2.85 1.04 x 10-10 S63 0.019 0.081 0.019 13.4 5.85 0.53 0.26 4.42 1.85 x 10-10 Appendix 7: Process contribution dispersion images of key substances Volatile organic compounds (VOCs – assessed against the air quality standard for 1,3butadiene): Annual mean Sulphur dioxide: 99.9th percentile of 15 minute means Sulphur dioxide: 99.7th percentile of 1 hour means Nitrogen dioxide: Annual mean Nitrogen dioxide: 99.79th percentile of 1 hour means Cadmium: Annual mean Arsenic: Annual mean PAHs: Annual mean