Bibliography of British Columbia1


Bibliography of British Columbia1
Bibliography of British Columbia 1
C o m p i l e d by Melva J. Dwyer, L i b r a r i a n E m e r i t a , University of British
AKRIGG, G.P.V. a n d H e l e n B. H.M.S. Virago in the Pacific, 1851-1855. To the
Queen Charlotte Islands and Beyond. Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1992. 209
p. $21.95.
ARMSTRONG, J e a n n e t t e a n d Douglas Cardinal. The Native Creative Process.
Penticton: Theytus Books, 1991. $24.95.
B O D E G O M , Volker. Bicycling Vancouver. E d m o n t o n : L o n e Pine Publishing,
1992. 219 p . ill. m a p s $14.95.
British Columbia: Geographical Essays in Honour of A. McPherson. Burnaby:
D e p a r t m e n t of Geography. Simon Fraser University, 1991. 2 9 4 p . ill.
Changing Views, Health Reform in British Columbia. Vancouver: SPARC, 1992.
19 p . (Social P l a n n i n g a n d Research Council of B.C., #106-2182 West
12th Avenue, Vancouver V 6 K 2N4)
C H E R R I N G T O N , J o h n A. The Fraser Valley, a History. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harb o u r Publishing, 1992. 391 p . ill. $44.95.
CHOMIAK, Robin et al. A Tapestry of Cultures, Voices from Burnaby s Ethnic
Communities. Clélie Rich, ed. Burnaby: Burnaby Multicultural Society,
1992. 130 p . $10.95. ( 2 n d fl. 2 5 0 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby V5C 5E9)
COATES, Mary et al. Will You Have a Cup of Teal or Summerland Grows,
S u m m e r l a n d , B.C.: S u m m e r l a n d M u s e u m Archivists
G r o u p , 1992. ill.
COLEMAN, Sue. Sue Coleman, Artist at Large in the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Victoria: ICY Publications, 1992. 5 9 p . col. ill. $14.95. (Box 27, R.R.2
Victoria V9B 5B4)
CROSS, Cordell. 'Stand by Your Beds.' Surrey: Aggie Blinkhorn Organization
Inc., 1990. 3 7 0 p . $19.95. ( B ° x 8 8 5 4 9 , 1 0 1 _ 1 3 7 5 3 7 2 n d Ave., Surrey
V3W 0x1) (a novel a b o u t the Vernon cadet army c a m p )
DEVERELL, William. Fatal Cruise, the Trial of Robert Frisbee. T o r o n t o : McClelland & Stewart, 1992. 3 8 3 p . $6.99.
DRUSHKA, Ken. Working in the Woods, a History of Logging on the West Coast.
Madeira P a r k , B . C : H a r b o u r Publishing, 1992. 3 0 4 p . m a n y ill. $39.95.
31 January 1993
BG STUDIES, no. 97, Spring 1993
D W Y E R , Eric. Hockey's Young Superstars. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 1992.
128 p . ill. $16.95.
Echoes from the Past: A Collection of Oral Histories and Personal Accounts. Surrey,
B.C.: Langley Writers Guild, 1991. 116 p . ill. (17546 9 2 n d Ave., Surrey
V3S 5 X 7 )
FRANCIS, Daniel. The Imaginery Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian
Culture. Vancouver: A r s e n a l / P u l p Press, 1992. 258 p . $15.95.
FURNISS, Elizabeth. Victims of Benevolence: Discipline and Death at the Williams
Lake Indian Residential School, 1891-1920. Williams Lake, B.C.: Cariboo
Tribal Council, 1992. 5 3 p . ill. $9.95. (available Chief Mask's Book
Store, Vancouver)
GLAVIN, Terry a n d t h e P e o p l e of t h e Valley. Nemiah: The Unconquered Country. Vancouver: New Star Publishers, 1992. 153 p . many ill. $ 2 4 . 9 5 .
GOSSAGE, Carolyn, ed. Double Duty, Sketches and Diaries of Molly Lamb Bobak
Canadian War Artist. T o r o n t o : D u n d u r n Press, 1992. 156 p . many ill.
G R A H A M , Stewart. Yeah College! A Story of Douglas College. New Westminster:
Douglas College, 1992. 128 p .
G R E A T E R V E R N O N M U S E U M AND A R C H I V E S . Valley of Dreams: A Pictorial His-
tory of Vernon & District. Alton, MA: D.W. Friesen a n d Sons, 1992. 2 5 0
p . many ill.
H A R M O N , Carol a n d Bart Robinson. Byron Harmon Mountain
Banff: Altitude Press, 1992. 112 p . many ill. $14.95.
HASSELL, Alan. The Hassells of Early Radio. Vancouver: T h e Author, 1992.
$10.00. p h o t o c o p y r e p r o d u c t i o n . (Alan Hassell, 106-2320 Trinity St.,
Vancouver V5L 2W7)
H E A L , S.C. Conceived in War. Born in Peace. Canada's Deep Sea Merchant Marine. Vancouver: Cordillera Publishing Co., 1992. 2 3 4 p . ill. $19.95.
(Box 4 6 , 8415 Granville St., Vancouver V 6 P 4Z9)
Helen Pitt Awards 1990.91.92.
24 p . col. ill. $7.00.
Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1992.
H E R G E R , Megan et al. In the Shadow of the Mountains: Maple Ridge and Pitt
Meadows. Maple Ridge,B.C.: e.y.e. Publications, 1992. 9 5 p . m a n y col.
ill. $ 2 4 . 9 5 . (22914 Storey Ave., Maple Ridge V2X 3W1)
H O R T O N , J o h n M. Re: Discovery '92, a Pictorial Essay. Steveston, B.C.: Gulf of
Georgia Galleries, 1992. 32 p . col. ill. $20.00. (exhibition S e p t e m b e r
28-October 9, 1992)
INGLIS, Robin, ed. Spain and the North Pacific Coast, Essays in Recognition of the
Malaspina Expedition, 1791-1792. Vancouver: Vancouver Maritime Museum, 1992. 197 p . $ 2 4 . 9 5 . (Based o n papers given at Symposium,
UBC. D e p a r t m e n t of History a n d Vancouver Maritime M u s e u m , April
JOHNSON, Louise. Not Without Hope. Matsqui, B.C.: Maple L a n e Publishing,
1992. 173 p . ill. $11.95 (story of Dr. H e r m a n A l e x a n d e r McLean at the
Esperanza General Hospital) (34968 Sim Rd., Matsqui v o x i s o )
KENDRICK, J o h n , trans. The Voyage of "Sutil" and "Mexicana", 1792: The Last
Spanish Expedition of the Northwest Coast of America. Northwest Historical
Series no.16. Spokane,WA.: A r t h u r H. Clark, 1991. 2 6 0 p . ill. maps.
K I N G , J a n e . British Columbia Handbook. 2d ed. Chico, CA.: M o o n Publishers
Inc., 1992. 381 p . ill. $16.50.
KLUCKNER, Michael a n d J o h n Atkin. Heritage Walks Around Vancouver. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992. 244 p . ill. $14.95.
KOERNER, J o h n . John Koerner Past/Present. Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater
Victoria, 1991. 51 p . col. ill. $11.00.
LEONARD, David. A Fostered Dream: The Lure of the Peace River
1872-1914. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1992. $ 2 9 . 9 5 .
The Logger's Digest, v.i. From Horses to Helicopter. Victoria: MCB C o m m u n i c a tions L t d . / O r c a Publishing dist., 1992. 163 p . m a n y ill. $18.95.
L O W E , Mick. One Woman Army, the life of Claire Culhane. T o r o n t o : Macmillan,
!992- 3 H P- $ 1 7-95L U N N , J a n e t a n d C h r i s t o p h e r M o o r e . The Story of Canada. T o r o n t o : Lester
Publishing, 1992. 319 p . many col. ill $35.00.
M C I L W R A I T H , T.F. The Bella Coola Indians. 2v. T o r o n t o : University of
T o r o n t o Press, 1992. v.i. 763 p . v.2. 672 p. $ 6 o . o o / $ i 2 5 . o o . R e p r i n t of
1948 edition, (introduction by J o h n Barker with list of references)
MANDY, E. Madge. Our Trail Led Northwest. Surrey, B.C.: Heritage H o u s e
Publishers, 1992. 224 p . $14.55. (original edition 1989)
M I L E S , Fraser. Slow Boat on Rum Row. Madeira Park: H a r b o u r Publishing,
1992. 270 p . $ 2 6 . 9 5 .
N O R B U R Y , R o s a m o n d . Behind the Chutes. Vancouver; Whitecap Books, 1992.
109 p . m a n y ill. $19.95.
O ' K I E L Y , Elizabeth. Gentleman Air Ace, the Duncan Bell-Irving Story. Madeira
Park, B.C.: H a r b o u r Publishing, 1992. 216 p . ill. $ 2 9 . 9 5 .
O B E E , Bruce a n d G r a e m e Ellis. Guardians of the Whales, the Quest to Study
Whales in the Wild. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992. 169 p . m a n y col.
ill. $ 3 4 . 9 5 .
Okanagan History. Fifty-sixth Report of the Okanagan Historical Society. Vernon:
T h e Society, 1992. 208 p . $14.95 plus $1.55 postage. (Box 313 Vernon
V I T 6M3) (Articles from this publication are listed in t h e periodicals
PLUMMER, Katherine. The Shogun's Reluctant Ambassadors: Japanese Sea
Drifters in the North Pacific. Portland,OR.: O r e g o n Historical Society
Press, 1991? ill. maps US$19.95 P m s $2.00. (1230 S.W. Park Ave.,
Portland 97205)
R E A D , Margery. Steel, Smoke & Steam, a Guide to America's Scenic Railroads.
Castine, Maine: Country Roads Press, 1992. 116 p . many ill. $ 2 2 . 9 5 .
(includes B.C. Rail) (P.O. Box 286, Lower Main St., Castine, Maine
R I N G , Eisa. Care Enough to Cook. Kamloops: Care E n o u g h to Cook Publishers, 1992. 178 p . $12.95 P m s $2.00 post. (840 Sicamore Drive,
Kamloops V2B 6 S 2 )
SPREITZ, Karl. Songs from the Wild. Victoria: Beautiful British Columbia Magazine, 1992. 136 p. col. ill. $39.95.
STEVENS, H o m e r a n d Rolf Knight. Homer Stevens, a Life in Fishing. Madeira
Park, B.C.: H a r b o u r Publishing, 1992. 255 p . $29.95.
Tee Off, Golf Guide British Columbia. Winnipeg: Market Force Inc., 1992. 3 8 8
p. ill. m a p s $19.95.
T H O M A S , Stan, ed. Cable . . Vision of the Pioneers: An Anthology. Delta, B.C.:
Guiness Enterprises, 1992. 339 p . ill. $24.95 plus $5.00 post, (cable
TV in B.C. a n d the west) (5381 - 4 8 t h Ave., Delta V4K 1W7)
T I C K N E R , Florence. Raincoast Chronicles 14. Fish Hooks & Caulk Boots. Madeira Park: H a r b o u r Publishing, 1992. 80 p. ill. $10.95. (memoirs by
Tickner of life in the logging c o m m u n i t i e s of the Minstrel Island area)
WAKAYAMA, Tamio. Kikyo: Coming Home to Powell Street. Madeira Park: Harb o u r Publishing, 1992. 168 p . ill. $29.95.
W A R R I O R , M.C. a n d Mark Leier. The First Forty Years, a History of the Tunnel
and Rock Workers Union Local 168. Vancouver: the U n i o n , 1992. 186 p .
ill. ( T u n n e l a n d Rock Workers U n i o n , Local 168, 200-3550 Kingsway,
Vancouver V5R 5L7)
W I N G , R o b e r t C. Joseph Baker, Lieutenant on the Vancouver Expedition, British
Naval Officer for Whom Mt. Baker Was Named. Seattle: Gray Beard Publishing, 1992. 120 p . col. ill. $47.00 (available Vancouver Maritime
Periodical Articles
"56 p e r c e n t of Highways M a i n t e n a n c e Contracts C h a n g e H a n d s . "
Columbia Politics & Policy 6:5 (1992): 1, 11.
ADAMS, T i m o t h y Dow. " T a i n t i n g above Paint': Telling Li (v)es in Emily
Carr's Literary Self-Portraits."/owraa/ of Canadian Studies 27:2 (1992):
AFFLECK, E.L. "The Aylmer Family of Q u e e n s Bay." British Columbia Historical News 26:1 ( 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) : 29-31.
ALLAN, C a t h e r i n e . "Laurier La Pierre's Canada." Glenbow 12:4 (1993):
ALLARD, Christian. "Star Turn." Globe and Mail Report on Business 9:6 (1992):
80-81, 8 3 , 85-86, 88. (Western Star Trucks, Kelowna)
A L L I N , Richard. "Community Forest Boards." Canadian
(1992): 26-28.
A L L S U P , Curtis. "Life at Fintry Ranch: 1933-1947-" In Okanagan History 56th
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 55-64.
ANDERSON, Eric. " S h e e p h e r d i n g in t h e 1930's." In Okanagan History
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 65-69.
, I r e n e . "Memories of a S h e e p h e r d e r ' s Bride." In Okanagan
56th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 70-75.
A N N E T T , William. "Between Rocks & H a r d Places." BC Business
(1992): 56-57, 59-61, 6 3 . (Mining in B.C.)
—. "Bigger, Stronger, Faster, But Better Off? British Columbia's Economy 20 Years Later." BC Business 20:10 (1992): 59-61, 6 3 , 65-67.
A U G U S T , H e l e n a n d Lesley Cmolik. "40th Anniversary Kelowna Ladies'
Curling Club." In Okanagan History 56th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 12-15.
BAINES, David. "Seeing Red." BC Business 20:11 (1992): 19, 21, 23-24, 26-29.
(collapse of BC Teacher's Cooperative)
BALDREY, Keith. "Beaurocrat or Bogeyman?" BC Business 20:12 (1992):
12-18. (Bob Williams)
BARRIE, Jack. "Through the Eyes of an Eagle." BC Outdoors 48:8 (1992):
37-39BASQUE, Garnet. "Old Man G r e e n ' s Missing H o a r d . " Canadian West 8:3
(1992): 126-34.
BEAUDRY, Michel. "Searching for Sockeye." Equinox 66 (1992): 52-63.
BEAZLEY, Mike, Libby Davies a n d J i m Green. "The P e n d e r a S u m m i t Towards Community-Based Regional Government." City Magazine 1 3 : 3 / 4
(1992): s u p p l e m e n t 35-39.
BEERS, David. "Close for Comfort." Western Living 22:12 (1992): 66-68,
86-86a-b, 86e.
B I S H O P , Frances. "From Bessarabia to Brocklehurst." Family Footsteps 8:2
(1992): 8-13.
BIXLER, Giles. "Cold Snaps." Beautiful British Columbia 34:4 (1992): 4-13.
(winter p h o t o g r a p h s )
BLACK, Martha. "Display & Captures, some Historic P h o t o g r a p h s from the
Northwest Coast." American Indian Art Magazine 18:1 (1992): 68-75.
BLACKMER, C o n n i e a n d David De Pledge. "The World's Longest M u s e u m ,
Hiking t h e Chilkoot Trail." Explore 57 (1992): 18-22.
BOYANOWSKY, Ehor. "Dolphin Friendly." Vancouver J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y
(1993): 65-66. (Dolphin's Resort, Campbell River)
B R U N E T , Robin. "Bill Miner Exposed." British Columbia Reports 4:2 (1992):
. "Close to Catastrophe." British Columbia Reports 4:8 (1992): 15.
(Trail smelter)
. "Deathly Efficient." British Columbia Reports 4:10 (1992)! 19.
. "Deserting a Sinking Street." British Columbia Reports 4:10 (1992):
20. (Woodwards closing Hastings Street store)
BUCHANAN, Brian. "Brave New West." BC Business 20:9 (1992): 26-28, 31,
33-34^ 3 6 "37- (Cascadia)
. "British Columbia: T h e n & Now." BC Business 20:10 (1992): 45-50,
52-55B U R N H A M , Rebecca. "Dealing U n i o n s a Royal Flush." British Columbia Reports 4:10 (1992): 17.
a n d J o h n Power. " O n Second T h o u g h t . . ." British Columbia Reports
4:2 (1992): 6-7. ( N D P miscalculates B . C ' s disapproval of Senate sex
BURNS, J o h n . " T h e Raging Grannies." Canadian Theatre Review 72 (1992):
CARR, Mike. "A Framework for Watershed Stewardship: Hazelton, B.C's
New (and Old) Vision." City Magazine 14:1 (1992/93): 37-39.
CARTER PARK, Deborah. "Observations on Gender, Spatial and Thematic
Content of Papers Presented at the CAG Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C. 1992." Operational Geographer 10:3 (1992): 18-19.
Bruce. "Airing Differences." VancouverJanuary /February (1993):
27, 29, 31. (Vancouver's non-smoking By-Law)
John. "Castlegar Easy to Find, Hard to Discover."
British Columbia 34:4 (1992): 14-23.
Cameron. "Frank Albert Clayton." In Okanagan History 56th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, pp. 118-19.
Howard. "Parliamentary Reform: Some Implications for Western
Canada. " American Review of Canadian Studies 22:1 (1992): 11-22.
Allan. "Building a Better School." Boulevard, a Victoria Arts Magazine 3:3 (1992): 38-41. (Rogers elementary school, Greater Victoria)
Gloria. "Metamorphosis, Sculptor Maarten Schaddelee." Boulevard, a Victoria Arts Magazine 3:4 (1992): 40-46.
Robert. "100th Anniversary of the Shuswap and Okanagan Railway." In Okanagan Report 56th Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical
Society, p p . 6-11.
CRUIKSHANK, Julie. "Invention of Anthropology in British Columbia's Sup r e m e Court: Oral Tradition as Evidence in Delgamuukw v. B.C." BC
Studies $5 (1992): 25-42.
C U L H A N E , Dara. "Adding Insult to Injury: H e r Majesty's Loyal A n t h r o p o l o gist." BC Studies 95 (1992): 66-92.
C U N N I N G H A M , Dave. "How to Control the College C r u n c h . " BC Reports 4:2
(1992): 8.
. "Prime-time Pavel." BC Reports 4:8 (1992): 30-33.
DAMER, Warren. "Heritage School." Family Footsteps 8:2
(Robin's Range school n e a r Kamloops)
(1992): 14-15.
DAVIS, D o n a l d . "Technological M o m e n t u m , Motor Buses, a n d the Persistence of Canada's Street Railways to 1940." Material History Review 36
(1992): 6-17.
DESJARDINS, Paul J. "Nightmare Pass." Canadian
(Howse Pass, Canadian Rockies)
West 8:3 (1992): 136-42.
DEVERELL, William. "Bryan Adams off the Record." Saturday Night Novemb e r (1992): 54"58> 76> 79- 8o > 8*> 84, 86.
D O E , J a n e a n d Rick Coe. "Is P a t r o n a g e Really Reborn in H a r c o u r t ' s BC?"
New Directions 7:2 (1992): 8-14.
D O L P H I N , Ric. "Stalking ' T h e Butcher of t h e N o r t h ' . " International
23:1 (1993): 12-19. (Alex Mota, p o a c h e r )
D U R A N C E , Eva. "Vanishing Desert of the O k a n a g a n . " Borealis 3:3 (1992):
E L L I S , Leslie. "The Innovators." BC Business 20:11 (1992): 48-54. (5 B.C.
innovators turn theory into real products)
ELMER, Brian. "Norm Williams." In Okanagan
Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 145-46.
History 56th Report of the
EVANS, Darrell. "Sharing the Power of Files." New Directions 7:3 (1992):
22-23. ( F r e e d o m of Information Act)
FAWCETT, Brian. "The Livable Region: T h r e e Accounts of Process: S o m e
Remarks o n the Livable Region Process." City Magazine 1 3 : 3 / 4 (1992):
s u p p l e m e n t 28-29.
FINDLAY, Ray. "Frederick William King." In Okanagan History 56th
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 135-36.
F I S H E R , Robin. ' J u d g i n g History: Reflections o n the Reasons for J u d g m e n t
in Delgamuukw v. B.C." BC Studies 95 (1992): 43-54FOWLER, Albert G. "The O t h e r Gulf War." The Beaver 72:6 ( 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) :
24-31. (San J u a n Island pig war)
FRASER, Dorothy. "Douglas Plaskett Fraser." In Okanagan History 56th
nual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 124-26.
, Douglas Plaskett. "Annie J o s e p h i n e Fraser." In Okanagan History
56th Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 127-28.
FREY, Rod. "A Flood of Complaints." British Columbia Reports 4:8 (1992): 26.
(Alberta bills B.C. for Peace River flood)
GARDNER, Sheila. "The H o n . J o h n Cashore." Everwild 3:6 (1992): 10.
GEREKE, Kent. "The Livable Region: T h r e e Accounts of Process: T h e Learning Model of Planning." City Magazine 1 3 : 3 / 4 (1992): s u p p l e m e n t
30-3 1 GOLDBERG, Kim. "Made for Cutting." Canadian Dimension 26:8 (1992): 25.
. "Women Haters at VCC." Canadian Dimension
26:6 (1992): 21.
G O O D S T E I N , Ethel S. "Redeeming Modernism in t h e Context of Postmodernity: A Revisionist Analysis of the Architecture of A r t h u r Erickson."
International Journal of Canadian Studies 6 (1992): 25-43.
G O R D O N , Marjorie. "Fred a n d N o r a Hitt." In Okanagan History 56th Annual
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 99-102.
G O R M A N , Beryl. "The First Jewellery Store." In Okanagan History 56th
nual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 41-43.
GRAY, Francesca. "Broken Island G r o u p . " Pacific Yachting 34:12 (1992):
38-39. "Phillips Arm." Pacific Yachting 34:11 (1992): 38-39.
G R E E N , George. "Hedley Stevenson." In Okanagan History 56th Annual
port of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 120-21.
H A C K I N G , N o r m a n R. "Captain William Moore British Columbia's Amazing
Frontiersman." The Sea Chest 26:1 (1992): 13-28.
. "Competition between Princesses a n d Princes o n t h e B.C. Coast."
British Columbia Historical News 26:1 ( 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) : 33-34H A M I L T O N , Douglas. "South Moresby or Bust." Pacific Yachting34:11 (1992):
47-5 1 H A N N A , CJ.P. "Bailiff Macaulay." British Columbia Historical News 26:1
(!992/93): l6-!9H A R R I S , E.A. "Kettle Valley Rail Ride." British Columbia Historical News 26:1
( ! 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) : 7" 11 H A T F I E L D , Harley R. "Commercial Boats of the O k a n a g a n . " In Okanagan
History 56th Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 20-33.
HAYES, R o b e r t M. "The W e e d e n Family." In Okanagan History 56th
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 115-17.
H E N R I K S O N , Steve. "Yéil Koowu, the R e e m e r g e n c e of Ravenstail Weaving
o n the Northwest Coast." American Indian Art Magazine 18:1 (1992):
H I L L , Jessie. "Regional G o v e r n m e n t a n d Community: A C o m m u n i t y
Agenda." City Magazine 1 3 : 3 / 4 (1992): s u p p l e m e n t 3-8.
H O W A R D , Keith. "A L o n g a n d Unsettling Journey." United Church Observer
56:7 (1993): 10-14. (Rev. Tim Stevenson, recently o r d a i n e d gay
H U N D A L , Sukhwant S. "In the Shadow of Violence." New Directions 7:2
(1992): 20-25. (B.C's Punjabi community)
H U R D , J a c q u i . "Delta Credit U n i o n Power to t h e People." The Best in Business Inside Guide 6:6 ( 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) : 23-36.
IGNACE, M a r i a n n e Boelscher. "Haida Public Discourse a n d Its Social Context." Canadian Journal of Native Studies 11:1 (1991): 113-35.
ISAAC, T h o m a s . "The B.C. C o u r t a n d Aboriginal Rights." Policy Options 13:2
(1992): 16-18.
JAMIESON, Roland. "Memories of C a n o e . " In Okanagan History 56th
Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 76-80.
JOHNSON, Ryan. "Law a n d O r d e r in the Mid-Boundary Country." In
Okanagan History 56th Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society.
pp. 167-69. (student essay)
J O H N S T O N , Denis. "Knowing W h a t They Want." Canadian Theatre Review 72
(1992): 11-15. (musical t h e a t r e in Vancouver)
JURICIC, Zelimir Bob. "Croatians Killed in Ladysmith Mine Blast." British
Columbia Historical News 26:1 ( 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 ) : 20-23.
KEENE, Richard. "Steveston, a Splendid O p e n i n g for Capitalists."
West 8:3 (1992): 100-11.
KERMODE, Doug. "An Early History of Aviation in Vernon a n d Area." In
Okanagan History 56th Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society.
pp. 34-40.
. "Two Precious Seconds." In Okanagan History 56th Annual Report of
the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 81-82. (fire in Empress T h e a t r e ,
Vernon, 1931)
KILBY, Louise. "Roadblocks a n d Racism C o n t i n u e u n d e r t h e NDP." New
Directions 7:3 (1992): 18-21.
KILGOUR, David. "Saving the Forests of Western Canada." Policy Options
11:10 (1990): 34-35.
K I N G , Fred. "Arthur Edward Danby, 1899-1991." In Okanagan History 56th
Annual Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, p p . 137-38.
KLAGER, Laura. "Rails, Trails, Tracks & Travails." Explore 57 (1992): 27-29.
KOBAYASHI, Audrey. "The Japanese-Canadian Redress S e t t l e m e n t a n d Its
Implications for 'Race Relations'." Canadian Ethnic Studies 24:1
(1992): 1-19.
LAVALLE, Ed. "Trying to Find a 'Mission'." New Directions 7:3 (1992): 28-32.
(NDP a n d education)
LAVIOLETTE, T o m . "The N a t u r e of Regional Government." City Magazine
(1992): s u p p l e m e n t 9-13.
LAWRENCE, Iain. "Discovering Dundas." Pacific Yachting^wi
(1992): 22-26.
LAWSON, Linda. "And Justice for All." British Columbia Woman to Woman
Magazine 8:1 (1993): 8-9. (Kim Campbell)
LEATHER, Rick. "Seascapes - Portfolio." Camera Canada 92 (1992): 20-23.
L E I D L , David. "Joe Houssian o n Intrawest." BCBusiness 20:12 (1992): 33-34.
. "Tasteful Company." BC Business 20:9 (1992): 55-58. (wine clubs)
LEKiCH,John. "My Vancouver, My Life." Vancouver 25:12 (1992): 68-71, 7 3 ,
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