17 KM
17 KM
E NJ OY AGE T AWAYAL ONGT HEMONT É RÉ GI E WI NEROUT E ! Doy o uf e e l l i k ea d mi r i n gs t u n n i n gl a n d s c a p e s , ma k i n gas t o p o v e rt ov i s i t c h a r mi n gs ma l l v i l l a g e s , a n dt a s t i n gs a v o u r i n gwi n e s ? T heMont é r é gi eWi neRout ea wa i t sy ou! E x p l o r i n gt h eMont é r é gi eWi neRout ei st r u l yap l e a s a n te x p e r i e n c e . T h eRo u t ee x t e n d sa c r o s sb o t hu r b a n a n dr u r a l l a n d s c a p e s , a n dc o n n e c t st h ec i t i e so f S a i n t É t i e n n e d e Be a u h a r n o i sa n dS a i n t Hy a c i n t h eo v e ra d i s t a n c eo fa p p r o x . 1 7 5k m. He r ea r et h r e es u g g e s t e di t i n e r a r i e st oh e l py o ud i s c o v e r t h eMont é r é gi eWi neRout e. T h es u g g e s t e di t i n e r a r i e s c a nb et r a v e l l e db yc a r , b yb i k eo rb ymo t o r c y c l e . T of u l l ya p p r e c i a t et h ee x p e r i e n c e , i ti sr e c o mme n d e dy o u o p tf o rat h r e e d a yg e t a wa y . T h i swi l l g i v ey o ut h eo p p o r t u n i t yt ov i s i tf o u ro rs i xo ft h e1 6p a r t i c i p a t i n gv i n e y a r d s a n dt od i s c o v e ra ni mp r e s s i v ea r r a yo fc o mp l e me n t a r y a c t i v i t i e st op a r t a k ei na swe l l a sg o u r me tp r o d u c t st o t a s t ea n ds a v o u r . Be f o r ee mb a r k i n go ny o u ra d v e n t u r e , c o n s u l tt h eo fc i a l ma po ft h eMo n t é r é g i eWi n eRo u t e ; i ts h o wst h ed i f f e r e n t wi n e p r o d u c i n ga r e a s . Y o uc a ne a s i l yn dt h ema pa t ma r out e de s v i ns . c om Ch e e r sa n dh a p p yt r a i l s ! ITINERARY 1 GOURMET OUTING 20 MINUTES AWAY FROM MONTRÉAL TOTAL DISTANCE: 57 KM DAY 01 IN THE REGION OF: 17 KM VARENNES AND SAINT-AMABLE Begin your outing in Varennes. Nestled on the shores of the St. Lawrence River, Vignoble Domaine du Fleuve invites you to discover its exceptional estate. The vineyard is accessible via route Marie-Victorin or by the bike path along the St. Lawrence River. Take the time to enjoy good wine on the inviting terrace. Next, head off to Saint-Amable and come meet with the charming owners of Domaine Elbama. They will gladly make you discover their exceptional wines, whose fruit aromas will enchant you. Vignoble Domaine du Fleuve 1164, route Marie-Victorin Varennes • 514 796-5056 Domaine Elbama 1126, rue Principale Saint-Amable • 450 649-0710 elbama.ca Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLIMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville Boucherville • 450 928-5088 parcsquebec.com/ilesdeboucherville Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville • 450 653-7544 parcsquebec.com/montsaintbruno Domaine du Fleuve Domaine Elbama Domaine du Fleuve Produits du Domaine Elbama The Électrium, Hydro-Québec's Electricity Interpretation Centre Sainte-Julie • 450 652-4558 hydroquebec.com/visit Verger de la Savane Longueuil • 450 655-4205 marchefruitlegumesmontreal.com RESTAURANT SUGGESTIONS: ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Resto Bar l’Atrium Holiday Inn Montréal-Longueuil Au Gîte à la Brunante Longueuil • 450 646-8100 holidayinnlongueuil.com Longueuil • 1 800 263-0159 holidayinnlongueuil.com Longueuil • 450 442-7691 gitescanada.com/augitealabrunante Hôtel Sandman Montréal-Longueuil À la petite scène Longueuil • 450 670-3030 sandmanhotels.ca Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu 450 787-1109 alapetitescene.ca DAY 02 IN THE REGION OF: 40 KM SAINT-JEAN-BAPTISTE AND LA PRAIRIE Next, make your way to Saint-Jean-Baptiste and stop over at Vignoble Les Murmures; it offers an exceptional panoramic view of the region. The vineyard’s stone walls, stone-lined vines and underground cellar wine storehouse give it a distinct European charm. Afterwards, discover the charms of Vignoble Vertefeuille in La Prairie. Also available on site, country-style dining which showcases the farms fresh products. Take advantage of your outing to come admire the small barnyard animals and unwind in the spa. The estate’s wine tastings events feature Québec-made cheeses. Vignoble Les Murmures 2750, chemin Noiseux Saint-Jean-Baptiste • 450 467-1730 lesmurmures.ca Vignoble Vertefeuille 1960, rang Saint-Raphaël La Prairie • 450 659-2766 vignoblevertefeuille.com Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Saint-Bernard Island Châteauguay • 450 698-3133 ilesaintbernard.com Fort-Chambly National Historic Site Chambly • 450 658-1585 parcscanada.gc.ca/fortchambly Vignoble Les Murmures Vignoble Vertefeuille Vignoble Les Murmures Products of Vignoble Vertefeuille Exporail, the Canadian Railway Museum Saint-Constant • 450 632-2410 exporail.org Domaine de Rouville Saint-Jean-Baptiste • 450 467-6867 domainederouville.com Ferme Guyon Chambly • 450 658-1010 fermeguyon.com Récré-O-Parc Sainte-Catherine • 450 635-3011 recreoparc.org RESTAURANT SUGGESTIONS: ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Le Fourquet Fourchette Hôtel Brossard Gîte Éden sur terre Chambly • 450 447-6370 fourquet-fourchette.com Brossard • 1 877 890-1008 hotelbrossard.com Saint-Jean-Baptiste • 450 708-3729 edensurterre.ca Le Garde-Manger de François Comfort Inn Brossard Le Domaine de la Montagne Chambly • 450 447-9991 gardemanger.biz Brossard • 1 877 465-6116 comfortinn.com Mont-Saint-Hilaire • 450 467-7379 ledomainedelamontagne.ca ITINERARY 2 MOUNTAINS GETAWAYS TOTAL DISTANCE: 21 KM DAY 01 IN THE REGION OF: 10 KM SAINT-PAUL-D’ABBOTSFORD Spend a day in Saint-Paul d’Abbotsford. Nestled on the southern flank of mont Yamaska, Vignoble Coteau St-Paul welcomes you to sample savoury food products in its reception hall of French-inspired design. Afterwards, head over to Rang de la Montagne and fall under the spell of Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles which is located in an enchanting setting on the eastern slope of mont Yamaska. Finish off your tour of the mountainside with a gourmet stopover at Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir. Let yourself be tempted by more than 20 transformed food products that are sure to satisfy your taste buds and awaken your senses! Take advantage of your visit and admire the religious buildings that have been classified as historic sites in 2004. The St. Paul’s Anglican Church (1822) and the Abbotsford United Church, their cemeteries, the rectory (1887) and the parish hall (1898) are characterized by their integrity and serve as a reminder of the British occupation during the early 19th century. Vignoble Coteau St-Paul 1595, rue Principale Est Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford• 450 379-5069 coteau-st-paul.com Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles 995, Grand Rang Saint-Charles Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford • 514 971-5653 domainelegrandsaintcharles.com Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir 1150, rang de la Montagne Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford • 450 379-5353 artisansduterroir.ca Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLIMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Verger champêtre Granby • 450 379-5155 vergerchampetre.com La Pommeraie d’Or Rougemont • 450 469-2345 lapommeraiedor.com Vignoble Coteau St-Paul Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir Les vins de la Montérégie Cidrerie Michel Jodoin Rougemont • 450 469-2676 micheljodoin.ca Coteau Rougemont Rougemont • 450 469-3000 coteaurougemont.com Domaine De Lavoie Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Manoir Ramezay Marieville • 1 866 460-3251 manoirramezay.com Gîte le chalet du Mont Yamaska Saint-Paul-d’Abbotsford 613 523-1369 DAY 02 IN THE REGION OF: 11 KM ROUGEMONT AND MARIEVILLE Head off to Rougemont and discover the charms of Vignoble Coteau Rougemont. The estate produces several award-winning wines and ciders. Continue your outing with a stopover at Domaine de Lavoie which is nestled on the south-facing slope of mont Rougemont. The estate invites you to discover its authentic, 100 % Québec-made products, including several wines and perries. Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi welcomes you inside its century-old barn which houses a country-style boutique. The vineyard boasts 6,000 grape vines of multiple varietals: Frontenac rouge, Frontenac gris and Sabrevois. Let the tasting begin! Vignoble Coteau Rougemont 1105, La Petite-Caroline Rougemont • 450 469-3090 coteaurougemont.ca Domaine De Lavoie 100, rang de la Montagne Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi 550, chemin de la Branche du Rapide Marieville • 450 460-2834 mariebeauboi.ca Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Centre des arts Juliette-Lassonde de Saint-Hyacinthe Saint-Hyacinthe • 450 778-3388 centredesarts.ca La Pommeraie d’Or Rougemont • 450 469-2345 lapommeraiedor.com Products of Vignoble Coteau Rougemont Domaine de Lavoie Products of Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi Wine and cheese pairing Cidrerie Michel Jodoin Rougemont • 450 469-2676 micheljodoin.ca Domaine De Lavoie Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Manoir Ramezay Marieville • 450 460-3251 manoirramezay.com Restaurant Auberge Le Fruit Défendu Rougemont • 450 469-1222 lefruitdefendu.ca Gîte La Maison du Doc Acton Vale • 450 546-7469 lamaisondudoc.com Gîte Aux Portes du Temps : La Costumière Roxton Falls • 450 548-2245 giteauxportesdutemps.com ITINERARY 3 DISCOVER THE WARMEST REGION IN QUÉBEC TOTAL DISTANCE: 46 KM DAY 01 IN THE REGION OF: HAVELOCK AND SAINT-BERNARD-DE-LACOLLE 21 KM The outing begins in Havelock at the Vignoble du Marathonien which offers an educational visit through the use of marked trails throughout the estate’s vines. The vineyard is renowned for its ice wines and late harvest wines. Extend your day in a perfect way by visiting Domaine Clos St-Bernard, which is established on ancestral lands in Saint-Bernard-deLacolle. The estate crafts its wines using the Bordeaux-style winemaking methods and is renowned for its ingenious techniques and for the refinement of its products. Also available, several activities to help you familiarize yourself with the world of winemaking. Vignoble du Marathonien 318, route 202 Havelock • 450 826-0522 marathonien.qc.ca Domaine Clos St-Bernard 271, rang St-André Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle • 450 246-4586 closstbernard.com Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Parc Safari Hemmingford • 450 247-2727 parcsafari.com Cidrerie du Minot Hemmingford • 450 247-3111 duminot.com Vignoble du Marathonien Domaine Clos St-Bernard Vignoble du Marathonien Domaine Clos St-Bernard La Face Cachée de la Pomme Hemmingford • 450 247-2899 lafacecachee.com Lieu historique national du Fort-Lennox Saint-Paul-de-l’Île-aux-Noix • 450 291-5700 parcscanada.gc.ca/fortlennox ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Les Villas Champêtres Venise-en-Québec • 1 866 844-3014 lesvillas.net Domaine Pourki Sabrevois • 514 529-0222 pourki.com Domaine Pourki offers a wide array of outdoor activities as well as the opportunity to sleep in a tipi on the water, a unique experience in Canada! DAY 02 IN THE REGION OF: SAINT-JACQUES-LE-MINEUR, SAINT-BLAISE-SUR-RICHELIEU AND SAINT-JEAN-SUR-RICHELIEU 25 KM Make your way to Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur to visit Vignoble du Domaine St-Jacques. The vineyard enjoys exceptional weather conditions similar to those found in the French region of Burgundy, and produces delicious wines, among which is the unique and renowned "red ice wine". A wonderful estate to discover, unique in terms of the quality of the wines it produces as well as by the passion displayed by the Du Temple-Quirion family. Continue your journey as you wander off to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, in the historic L’Acadie village, and visit the Le Mas des Patriotes vineyard. Inspired by the old farmhouses found in Provence, the vineyard offers unique appeal through its rich history and beautiful terroir. The estate’s wines are available for purchase and for tasting in the magnificent and completely refurbished heritage farm buildings. End your day with a visit to Vignoble 1292, which is found in Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu. It is the ideal venue for events such as weddings, anniversaries, corporate events or a happy hour cocktail. Come discover this enchanting site in the Upper Richelieu Valley! Vignoble du Domaine St-Jacques 615, route Édouard-VII Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur • 450 346-1620 domainest-jacques.com Le Mas des Patriotes 1076, chemin des Patriotes Ouest Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu • 450 608-4891 lemasdespatriotes.com Vignoble 1292 1292, rue Principale Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu • 450 357-6444 vignoble1292.com Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Fort-Lennox Nation Historic Site Saint-Paul-de-l’Île-aux-Noix • 450 291-5700 parcscanada.gc.ca/fortlennox Canal-de-Chambly National Historic Site Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu • 450 348-3392 pc.gc.ca Products of Vignoble du Domaine St-Jacques Vignoble 1292 Le Mas des Patriotes Wine and cheese pairing Fromagerie Au Gré des Champs Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu • 450 346-8732 augredeschamps.com ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Holiday Inn Express Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu • 1 888 852-4466 hiexpress.com Hôtel Relais Gouverneur Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu • 1 800 667-3815 gouverneurstjean.com À la Claire Fontaine, Gîte du Passant Chambly • 450 447-7940 alaclairefontaine.ca Domaine Pourki Sabrevois • 514 529-0222 pourki.com Domaine Pourki offers a wide array of outdoor activities as well as the opportunity to sleep in a tipi on the water, a unique experience in Canada!
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