June 2012 - St. Joan of Arc


June 2012 - St. Joan of Arc
J UNE 2012
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic
High School
“Let the message of Christ, rich as it is, find a home in you.” Colossians 3:16
Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s), and Students:
s the school year comes to a close, we reflect In Spirit and Truth to
celebrate the many accomplishments as we journeyed through another academic
year. We are proud to be named after a young person who exemplified
incredible courage, commitment, and compassion. Saint Joan of Arc was
martyred at the young age of 19 because of her steadfastness and belief in her
faith and her actions. Our school motto, In Spirit and Truth connects us to the
strength Saint Joan embodies and to her character. This year our students have
embraced the spirit of Saint Joan to foster friendships, build upon knowledge
and skills and as a group of learners, they have strived to build a community
based on forgiveness of one another, caring for each other, bearing one another’s
burden and facing all challenges with courage.
Our EQAO Mathematics and Literacy results continue to demonstrate that our
students are excelling in academic achievement as compared to last year.
Students find a home at Saint Joan where they shine in academics and, equally
important, our students become involved in any of the multitude of clubs,
committees and athletic opportunities. Their sense of belonging is second to
none. You will be witness to the many highlights of this year as you read the
pages that follow.
We salute our Class of 2011—2012 as they graduated on June 27, 2012.
Graduates, as your high school years come to an end, you have equipped
yourselves with the tools and skills necessary to be lifelong learners. Now, you
are ready to go forth In Spirit and Truth and stand on our own, making decisions
about where you want to go in life; what kind of person you want to be. You
have been positive role models who have proven yourselves in the classroom,
the field, the stage, the kitchen, the Chapel, and the community. As you leave
Saint Joan of Arc, it is our hope that you take with you the values and traditions
of such a fine institution. Remember that you do not stand alone; rather, you are
a member of a fine group of people. May God continue to bless and guide you
in the days ahead.
It is this same sense of community that is instrumental to the continued success
of our school. We are blessed at Saint Joan to have in our midst so many
dedicated staff, parents, and Chaplaincy, and truly, the accomplishments of our
students are a reflection of the healthy and vibrant partnerships between all
members of our Catholic school community.
We are indebted to our parent community for your constant support. Our
Catholic School Council (CSC), has been such an integral component to the
success of our students. They have demonstrated incredible leadership whether
coordinating guest speakers, informing parents via monthly newsletters, or
organizing a Catholicity Evening to promote Catholic values and sense of
community to name a few. We are appreciative of Mr. L. Piacentini’s time and
efforts as CSC Chair this past year. We welcome parents to join CSC this
upcoming academic year. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 19,
2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Thank you to the executive and all CSC
members for another spectacular year!
As Principal, I am extremely proud of my students and grateful for the staff that
nurture and motivate our student body on a daily basis. I thank my teaching and
support staff, my secretaries, and custodians for the time and care you have
given our students. It is In Spirit and Truth that we educate the mind, body, and
We say farewell and wish Ms. L. Francescutti a wonderful beginning to her well
deserved retirement and thank her for the many contributions she has afforded
our students and in particular the Family Studies Department. Congratulations
on a magnificent career!
We congratulate Ms. D. Pincivero in her new role as Department Head of Family
It is with mixed emotions that we bid Mr. E. Pivato farewell. He has served our
community over the past three years and provided our staff, students, and parents
with the leadership and vision to advance our school. His watchful eye, wisdom,
and integrity have made Saint Joan of Arc an extraordinary school. We will
miss him and wish him well in his new assignment as Principal of Father
Bressani. Congratulations!!!
In closing, may you savour the lazy days of summer to reenergize and replenish.
Take the time to be with family and friends and be thankful for the many
blessings that surround you. Have a safe, restful summer break and may God
remain by your side.
In Spirit and Truth,
A. Rubino
A Farewell
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2012
A Message from … E. Pivato
Message from Trustee Teresa Ciaravella
OSSLT—Literacy Test Update
YSCPC Awards
In Spirit and Truth
Department News
Honour Roll / Ontario Scholars
The Principal’s Platinum Award - 2011 - 2012
Halpern’s Uniform Shopping Day
Upcoming Events
Cheerleading Competition
Specialist High Skills Major
September Bus Stop Information
Student Administrative Council - 2012 - 2013
Inspired by the courage, commitment, and compassion of Jesus and Saint Joan of Arc,
our mission is to develop a Christ-centered community which challenges students to achieve their full potential in
body, mind, and spirit. Individual excellence will be determined by student participation and performance
in all aspects of our supportive learning environment.
J U N E 2 0 12
e thank the following staff members
who have left Saint Joan of Arc Catholic
High School. Best wishes in your future
Saint Joan of Arc C.H.S. and Halpern’s
Host A Summer Uniform Shopping Day
@ Saint Joan of Arc
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
3:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
E. Pivato
In the Cafeteria
Teaching Staff
L. Francescutti (Retired)
S. Cerone
L. Friedrich
S. Lamothe
M. E. Rende
Teaching Staff (LTOs)
D. Anzil
L. Bozzo
R. Busca
A. Cipolla
P. Clarke
S. Cumbo
D. DiPanfilo
C. Grandilli
N. Hemraj
J. Junior
T. Klobucar
D. Lettieri
R. Mukaddam
S. Nardi
D. Perhat
D. Pirillo
A. Posca
S. Salvino
M. Shouldice
A. Vicente
S. Zeagman
Educational Assistants /
Educational Intervenors /
Child and Youth Worker
M. Grainger
M. Meo
F. Rui
A. Pasquariello
F. Vivacqua (Retiring)
Grade 9 Orientation Day - GRFHS
ESL Newcomers Orientation
School Begins
Opening Liturgy
Last Day for Timetable Changes
SAC—Grade 9 “Buy In” BBQ
Catholic School Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Post Secondary Information Night - 7:00 p.m.
Photo Day
Terry Fox Walk / Run
Awards Night
P.A. Day
Ontario University Fair (3 days)
Earth Hour
Thanksgiving Food Drive Week
Progress Reports Mailed Out
P.A. Day / Faith Day
Ontario College Information Fair
Grad Photo Week
Earth Hour
SAC - Halloween Events
Photo Retakes
Blood Donor Clinic
Take-A-Grade 9-To-Work Day
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Report Card Distribution
Parent Teacher Interviews
Grade 11 - SAC - Semi-Formal
MADD Assembly
Grade 8 Parent Information Night
P.A. Day
Staff / Student Basketball Game
Earth Hour
J U N E 2 0 12
n Wednesday, June 27, 2012 the Saint Joan of Arc School Community gathered at the Bellvue Manor to honour our
Graduating Class of 2012. Our Graduates were welcomed by parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, Board representatives &
community sponsors. It was an evening of celebration of the many accomplishments of our Graduating students. School and Community Awards
were presented to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of individual students. Our school community is very proud of our Saint Joan of
Arc Catholic High School Graduates and wish them all continued success in their future endeavours.
B. Crook, Vice Principal, M. Bressi, A. Cartaginese, and M. Lamarra
Graduation Co-ordinators
Sponsored By:
Parkin Sentance
Jordana Bauco &
Jin Wook You
Luca Mauti
Sierra Mariani
Julian Muia
Myrah Pasha
Jessica Le Bars
Carly Totaro
Amanda Seravalle
Lisa Lee
David Armini &
Mikhail Vorona &
Philip Zambito
Ma Marisar Mae F. Manalo
Andrea LiCalzi &
Vladimer Ortiz
Waqar Ahmad &
Giulia Saccucci
Andrea LiCalzi &
Robert Listi
Parkin Sentance
Parkin Sentance
Jordana Bauco
Christopher Saladino
Tulakshiga Selvarajah
Jesse Bandeira
Anthony Scaramuzzo
J. Quinn Clement-Schlimm &
Andrea LiCalzi
Leelan Ferhan
Ma Marisar Mae F. Manalo &
Julian Muia
Melissa Colaluca
Katharine Antonini
Giancarlo Stalteri
Alanda Truong
Ryan Sidsworth
J. Quinn Clement-Schlimm
Veracia Ankrah
Adeife Adekusibe
Philip Zambito
The Saint Joan of Arc Art Fellowship Award
The Curry’s Art Award
FDR Catering
Curry’s Artists Materials
The Saint Joan of Arc Music Fellowship Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Business Award
The Canadian & World Studies Book Award
The Family Studies Award of Excellence
The Saint Joan of Arc Fellowship of Modern Languages-French
The Saint Joan of Arc Co-operative Education Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Fellowship In Literature
The Saint Joan of Arc Humanitarian Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Mathematics Fellowship Award
Arcadia Academy of Music
Royal Bank of Canada (Jane & Major Mackenzie)
Focus Imaging
BSM Wireless
Frontline Mechanical Systems Inc.
Castelpizzuto Social Club
Scotiabank (Jane & Major Mackenzie)
FDR Catering
The Catholic Student Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Christian Living Award
King Home Construction Inc.
The Saint Joan of Arc Science Fellowship Award
Dr. Forman & Associates
The Saint Joan of Arc Physical Education Fellowship Award
Olympic Trophies
The Saint Joan of Arc Technological Studies Fellowship Award
The Hair and Esthetics Award
The Synervoice Communications Effective Communicator Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Staff Fellowship Award
The Saint Joan of Arc Stewardship Award
The Trustee Award
The City of Vaughan Proficiency Award
The La Rocca Bursary Awards
Frontline Mechanical Systems Inc.
Sublime Salon
Synervoice Technologies Inc.
Saint Joan of Arc Staff
Steve Kerwin
Teresa Ciaravella
The City of Vaughan
The Guglietti Family of Rosehaven Homes
The Saint Joan of Arc Citizenship Award
The Spirit of Saint Joan Award
Saint Joan of Arc C.H.S.
SJA Catholic School Council
The York Catholic Teachers Award
The Tom Tittel Award
The Ryan Sheridan Memorial Scholarship
The Joe Team Humanitarian Award
The Alex Schioppo Perseverance Award
The Michael Carnovale Award
The Roy Foss Chevrolet Buick GMC Leadership Award
The Principal’s Award
The Governor General’s Academic Medal
York Unit of O.E.C.T.A.
Scotiabank (Dufferin & Major Mackenzie)
The Sheridan Family
The Joe Team, Vaughan
The Schioppo Family
Susan LaRosa, Director of Education, YCDSB
Roy Foss Chevrolet Buick GMC
Saint Joan of Arc C.H.S.
J U N E 2 0 12
ear Staff and Students:
The best memory I have of Saint Joan over the last three years is the positive, daily greetings from
students, and a staff who go beyond what is required to achieve all that inspires. As well, I will forever
cherish the incredibly hard working and caring Administrative teams comprised of Mr. B. Crook, Mr. J.
Babic, Mr. S. Hayes, and my hero, Ms. A. Rubino.
The encounters we have had at Saint Joan make me wish to know you all better. But it is not how well we
come to know each other that matters … what matters is the shared bond we have, and the determination
to bring out the best in one another given the short time together that we are given. Continue to raise
each other up so that you are as strong as THUNDER.
To the staff and students at Saint Joan, I wish you God’s grace and a lifetime of happiness, one body in
Thank you for all your support, warm wishes, and touching moments together. May we meet again.
E. Pivato
Vice Principal
n May 26, 2012
The Saint Joan of Arc
T h u n d e r
competed for the first
time ever in school
history at Canada’s
Wonderland. The
coaches, Ms. M. Miccoli and Ms. A. Cipolla are
exceptionally proud of the Team as they placed 6th overall in
their category of 11 schools from all over Ontario. The Team
worked extremely hard ALL year, and their hard work,
dedication, commitment, improvement, and school spirit will
not be forgotten. Thanks for an outstanding, memorable,
entertaining and successful year Cheerleaders! We look
forward to another great season next 2012 - 2013 school year. Any male or female interested in joining
the Thunder Cheerleader Team next year please keep a look out for tryouts that will be commencing
September 2012 and, or speak with Ms. M. Miccoli. T-H-U-N-D-E-R LETS GO THUNDER!
M. Miccoli
Coach / Science & Mathematics Teacher
J U N E 2 0 12
any thanks to you for your ongoing support and commitment to the values and
goals of Catholic education.
This is also the time of year that I would like to salute the graduating class of 2012
and bid them farewell. Whether you will be entering the workforce, college or
university – I wish you great success.
My sincere thanks to each member of the Catholic School Council, your dedication
and hard work makes St. Joan the best that it can be. Involved parents really do make
a difference!
Best wishes to teachers and other staff members who are retiring. I would also like to thank the school
administrators at St. Joan Catholic High School. Your leadership, dedication and love of children are
very much appreciated. I look forward to working with you next year.
May each of you enjoy a stress-free and refreshed summer break and may God hold you in the palm of
His hand.
As always, you may reach me at [email protected] or by phone at 905-832-4562
God Bless,
Teresa Ciaravella
Your Trustee and YCDSB Vice-Chair
Celeste Busca, Sarah Chiu, Melissa Colaluca, Anser Daud, Andrea Li Calzi, Naila Manahil,
Giulia Saccucci, Tulakshiga Selvarajah, and Peter Vaccaro completed all of the components
and will graduate with the prestigious Red Seal on their Diplomas. Their SHSM Co-op
placements in various hospitals, medical clinics, dental, and physiotherapy offices have prepared
them well for future studies and a career in the Health and Wellness sector.
We are pleased to announce that the popularity of the SHSM program continues to grow with well over 15 students
preparing to graduate with the Red Seal in 2013 and over 40 new registrations. SHSM students will kick off the year
with an overnight stay at the Cedar Glen YMCA, where they will complete 3 certifications while enjoying the many
recreational activities available. Any students interested in a career in Health and Wellness are welcome to come to
Guidance and register for the Specialist High Skills Major program or contact Ms. D. Venneri at 905-832-5626,
Extension 230 at any time.
D. Venneri
SHSM Liaison
J U N E 2 0 12
e are pleased to announce the results of our students' performance on the March 2012 E.Q.A.O. Ontario
Secondary School Literacy Test. The success rate of our first-time eligible students was 81%, an increase of 2%
from March 2011, and only 1% from the overall Provincial rate of 82%. We are also pleased to announce that our
students in the Academic programming level equaled the Provincial success rate of 93%. Our students who are
enrolled in Applied English also showed an improvement, with an increase of 4% year-over-year. We congratulate
all of our students and staff for their individual and concerted efforts towards improving Literacy.
Students and parents are reminded that the successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test is
a mandatory requirement for earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students who wrote the O.S.S.L.T.
this past March will receive an E.Q.A.O. Individual Student Report along with their Final Report Cards. Students
who were unsuccessful on the O.S.S.L.T. can complete this graduation requirement by attempting the test a second
time, or by enrolling in the Ontario Secondary Literacy Course, which serves to improve students' literacy, earns
students an additional credit, and meets the criteria of the O.S.S.L.T. for graduation.
This coming school year the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test will be written across Ontario on Thursday,
April 11, 2013. Parents and students who are interested in preparatory activities for next year's Ontario Secondary
School Literacy Test can visit www.eqao.com or our school website http://stjo.ycdsb.ca this coming school year.
J. Babic
Vice Principal
arents of students entering Grade 9 who are eligible for transportation may review bus stop information
by visiting www.schoolbuscity.com.
If you wish to reconfirm transportation arrangements, please access www.schoolbuscity.com beginning the
3rd week in August.
Grade 9 students not eligible for transportation who wish to obtain York Region Transit information should
visit their website at www.yrt.ca or phone 1-866-668-3978.
Transportation Eligibility
In accordance with Board Policies, transportation is provided for students who live within their Home School
attendance area and outside their grade appropriate Non-Transportation Zone.
All YCDSB students in Grades 9 — 12 who live within 4.8 km of their school in a transit served area are not
eligible for transportation.
E. Pivato
Vice Principal
J U N E 2 0 12
Award for Athletic Leadership ................................................................................................. Robert Listi
Breakout Award ................................................................................................................... Steven Pichelli
Character Award ............................................................................................................... Christina Amico
Equity Award ................................................................................................................... Daniela Cappello
Initiative Award ............................................................................................................ Katharine Antonini
Inspiration Award .......................................................................................................... Michael Szczebiot
Award for Junior Leadership .......................................................................................... Stephanie de Bem
Award for Leadership in the Arts ...................................................................................Amanda Seravalle
Award for Outstanding School Spirit............................................................................... Tamara Agostino
Award for Religious Leadership ........................................................................................ Andrea Li Calzi
Award for Outstanding Staff Support .................................................................................Pauline Whelan
Award for Outstanding Non-Teaching Staff ...................................................................... Giovanni Corbo
Marc Belli
Vice President
Julia DeMichele
Joseph Benjamen
Miraal Saeed
Junior Public Relations
Renee Bailey
Senior Communications Officers
Rachel Botelho
David Aceituno
Grade 9 Representatives
(To Be Announced in September)
Senior Public Relations
Monica Pio
Celina Pecchia
Media Specialist
Brandon Primozic
YSCPC Liaison
Tamara Agostino
Arts Representatives
Stephanie de Bem (Junior)
Emma Kulcsar / Christina Esposito (Senior)
J U N E 2 0 12
Mr. T. Klobucar’s Grade 11 Visual Arts Class
First Row:
Mr. T. Klobucar, Leonard Lacson, Annamaria Aloisi, Sarina Adams, Jessica Affunti,
Sabrina Mardikian, Sara Jeronimo, Elena Panzica, Daniel Velasquez, and Mrs. A. Rubino
Second Row:
Samson De Vellis, Susy Espinoza, Levi Sabanal, Anita Lucic, Jessica Ramirez, Janelle Ottolino,
Anlil Georges, Edward McDonald, Michael Rozzi, Ryan Umbertinese, and Tiago Vitorino
Third Row:
Vincent Iervasi, Michael Skupin, Daniel Quintero, Michele Strazzeri, Emma Kulcsar,
Emily DiCio, Vanesssa Capovilla, Domenic Manno, and Meghnum Sangwan
J U N E 2 0 12
pring is always a wonderful time for the Arts at Saint Joan of Arc.
Many students
have attended our
trips to
The ROM and
The AGO.
Junior Drama students saw a performance from Second City.
On May 2, 2012 we had our annual Arts Night whereby numerous Drama and Dance students shared their
talents. There was also a Visual Art and Photography Display that stretched into the front foyer of SJA. On
this night we recognize the many talents and accomplishments of our Arts students.
This year the Visual Art class of Mr. T. Klobucar created a three-part image of Saint Joan of Arc for the front
of the Chapel. A work of art that is both spiritual and beautiful.
On May 28 and 29, 2012 the Grade 12 Drama class performed Alice in Wonderland under the direction of
Ms. S. Nardi. It was a beautiful production that explored a timeless classic. The Drama students and Visual
Art classes created sets, props, and costumes. It was a spectacle.
The choirs / bands and guitar classes, continue to perform their music in our feeder schools. Ms. R.
Abrahamse and the Music students also performed at Canada’s Wonderland and Music Alive Festival in
May 2012 and received a Gold Award. The choir received a Silver Award.
To culminate the Music students’ year was their Spring production entitled Hollywood Hits production
along with our Photography show entitled Snap on June 6, 2012 in our gyms. The Music Department also
hosted Battle of the Bands in April and Music Week in March, our first annual.
Many thanks to Ms. R. Abrahamse, Ms. C. Luongo, and Mr. P. Agati for their dedication to our students’
musical education. Also to Ms. A. Santini for her continued efforts in developing the Photography in our
Have a restful summer.
T. Calderone
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
n May 22 to May 25, 2012 the students of this Semester’s Marketing
classes again set up their booths in front of the cafeteria for 4 exciting days
of selling products of their choice.
During this time, the students had a chance to experience what it was like
to manage and market a product and get a feeling of the role of a marketer.
After four days of selling, the class was able to raise $986.68 for the Sick
Kids Foundation; a worthy cause that can not be overlooked.
Top sellers of Mr. R. Fiore’s class:
Alec Christodoulou, Massimo Nardone,
Nicholas Malisani, Andrew DiGaetano,
and Aaron Ortins
(Shamballa Bracelets)
It is with great pleasure to congratulate the entire class on their success
and their accomplishments during this Semester’s Marketing Fair.
R. Fiore
Business Teacher
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where
there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
n May 24, 2012, the Grade 12 Business Leadership class (BOH4M) hosted the
Business Leadership Luncheon at Saint Joan of Arc. It was a great success!!!
(Left to Right)
D. Schlimm, A. Rubino,
J. Eisbrenner,N. Spencer, T. Esteves
The event was an excellent opportunity for the Grade 12 Business students to
showcase the management skills they acquired in the course throughout the semester.
The students planned, organized, and delivered the Business Luncheon to over 80
students, teachers, and special guests. The Grade 12 class delivered presentations,
provided lunch and entertainment, and invited guest speakers from the business
community to speak on the topic of leadership.
We were fortunate to have four guest speakers who volunteered their time, including: Dirk Schlimm – Management Consultant at
Jenoir Management International, Jane Eisbrenner – President & CEO of Junior Achievement of Central Ontario, Tony Esteves
– Inspirational Speaker, and Nina Spenser – Canadian best-selling author / motivational speaker. The guest speakers motivated
students with their messages of leadership and encouraged SJA’s future leaders to reach for the stars!
The Grade 12 Business Leadership
students executed the event with great
professionalism and should be proud of
their accomplishments! We look
forward to more business luncheons for
the upcoming 2012 - 2013 school year.
Great work BOH4M!!
V. Giacomel
Business Teacher
Invited Guests
J U N E 2 0 12
s we approach the end of another school year, we reflect on the many wonderful contributions our students have
made to the Saint Joan of Arc school community through Chaplaincy and Religion.
Our Lenten Season began with a number of students participating in
our annual Vow of Silence held on Ash Wednesday, February 22,
2012 in support of ShareLife. Students raised money and earned
Community Service Hours as they remained silent for an entire
school day in solidarity with the marginalized in our world. Many of
these students assisted with the distribution of ashes following a
reflective prayer service over the P.A.
On March 1 and 2, 2012, a group of dedicated students fasted for 25
hours in our annual Thinkfast. Students were both informed and
challenged by Luke Stocking, Development and Peace Coordinator,
as they learned about the importance of food solidarity for local
farmers and the dangers of industrialized farming with its emphasis
on profit. Close to $1000.00 was raised and donated to Development
and Peace. Our Fast began with a prayer service and concluded with
a Mass, and breakfast in the Cafeteria. Special thanks to the local
Tim Horton’s and COBS Bread for their donations.
Three students attended the Ordinandi Dinner on March 6,
2012, hosted by Serra House in honour of newly ordained
priests in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Grade 12 students, Mae Manalo, Andrea LiCalzi, and
Felipe Rubim had an opportunity to meet with Father
Hansoo Park at the dinner.
Our Lenten Liturgy, held in the gym during Holy Week,
prepared our hearts for the Easter Triduum and focussed
on God’s mercy and grace. Special thanks to Ms. C.
Luongo and her vocal students, for their role in the music
On May 3, 2012 students from Saint Joan of Arc
participated in the Board-wide Vocations Day hosted by
Serra House. Students had an opportunity to learn about
religious life and the important contributions they make to
society. Students also had the privilege of meeting with
Cardinal Thomas Collins.
J U N E 2 0 12
During the week of May 8 to May 11, 2012 we celebrated
Catholic Education Week. Special emphasis was placed on the
Right to Life for the unborn as prayers and power point
presentations focussed on the seriousness of the sacredness of all
life from conception to natural death.
A number of our students
participated in an overnight
trip to Ottawa in support of our
national efforts to bring about
change with regard to attitudes
towards abortion in Canada.
Students participated in a mass
celebrated in Notre Dame
Cathedral, a peaceful march
through the streets of Ottawa
and testimonies by the Silent
No More Campaign, people
who regret their abortions.
Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring and
organizing this event for Saint Joan of Arc Catholic High School.
Our students continued to experience retreats at the Grade 9, 10,
and 12 levels. Grade 11 World Religions students were privileged
to hear from Holocaust survivors, participate in Sacred Symbol presentations in our Chapel, and visit various places of
worship. These are moving and very enriching experiences for our students.
On May 30, 2012, our school community celebrated our Saint Joan of Arc Closing Feast Day mass outdoors. Once
again, our liturgy was enhanced by the music ministry of our vocal students under the leadership of Ms. C. Luongo.
Student reflections by Grade 12 student Syed Daud and Grade 10 student Olivia Mistretta were shared. Special
thanks to Mrs. Ambrosini, for sharing her thoughts of gratitude with us. Our Principal, Ms. A. Rubino addressed the
students and staff on the many achievements they accomplished over the school year and bid a fond farewell to retiring
teacher, Ms. L. Francescutti. The Lord provided wonderful weather for us all. Our students were commended for their
full participation and reverence.
On June 11, 2012, the Saint Joan of Arc community honoured our Grade 12s at their Graduation Mass. Special thanks
to Servants by Song Choir at St. David’s. We thank in a special way, Graduate students Giancarlo Stalteri and Jessica
Galeano for their heartfelt reflections and Mr. P. Hill for his inspiring words to all in attendance.
As we reflect on the past school year, we continue to give thanks for our Catholic Education system that allows us as a
school community to gather in faith and learning. As people of faith, we strive to encourage our young people to be
leaders in the community, by word and deed. May their example be a blessing to others as they give an account of the
joy that is in them.
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live,
in your love, faith and your purity (1Timothy 4:12)
May the summer months ahead be a time of refreshing for you and your families.
M. Torrone, Chaplaincy Team Member &
D. Conte, Department Head of Religion
J U N E 2 0 12
s another Semester is coming to an end for Saint Joan of Arc’s Co-op students, they are preparing for
their final evaluation in the form of a performance task. This task is performed at the placement and will
demonstrate acquired student’s skills relative to the career chosen.
Michael Cerquiera achieved an 82% mark in the Electrical OYAP Accelerated
Program at Humber College. Accelerated Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs
offer an excellent opportunity to earn part of a Level One Apprenticeship Program
while in the last semester of Grade 12.
Our students have had great opportunities to experience various career paths. These
opportunities include plumber, mechanic, chef, where our students earn valuable
experience in a fast paced environment. These opportunities allow the student to
showcase their employability skills that can be transferred to any occupation.
Central Placement interviews will be taking place in mid to late June for
opportunities at Markham Stouffville Hospital, North York Hospital, York Central Hospital, and Rogers
Television. Saint Joan has 7 students who have forwarded applications for these opportunities and are
awaiting interviews.
We also have a number of students that have expressed interested in the Dual Credit Program in such
programs as Social Psychology, Introduction to Criminal Justice at Humber College, Introduction to
Computer Applications, Blueprint Reading at Seneca College. Students can take one college course and
earn a credit that is recognized by two institutions - the College and the high school.
For more information on dual credit courses, speak to your Guidance Counsellor or visit the Ministry of
Education website at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/morestudentsuccess/dualCredit.html
M. Potamianos
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
Grade 10
t has been another busy and exciting Semester
in the English Department!
Khaled Hosseni
A Thousand Splendid Suns
As the Semester draws to a close, we can reflect
on the learning that has taken place to help
students understand literature and use it as a
means to understand the world around them.
Kenneth Oppel
This Dark Endeavour:The Apprenticeship of
Victor Frankenstein
We now have a wonderful Literacy
Lab, where we have been able to
engage our Junior level students in an
online environment. The Grade 12
classes participated in Book Club meetings and
one of the Grade 9 classes got the opportunity to
meet and work with a published poet.
We are proud to announce a new course: Grade
12 College Preparation Literature Studies (Sci-Fi
Film and Literature) for next year! This will be a
fantastic course with modern literature and films
to analyze and discuss in and beyond the
classroom. Other electives that are scheduled for
next year are Grade 12 Studies in Literature at the
University level, which takes the students through
an analysis of the canon of literature and Grade 12
Writer’s Craft, where students get to explore the
art and purposes of writing in a creative and
personal way.
As we think about the coming year, we encourage
students to continue to read throughout the
summer to continue to hone their literacy skills.
Here are a few favourites from the English
Department that may get the students through the
dog days of summer:
Grade 9
Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
John Wyndham
The Chrysalids
Kimberly Derting
The Body Finder
George Bernard Shaw
St. Joan
Grade 11
Bram Stoker
Robertson Davies
Fifth Business
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
Grade 12
Mary Shelley
Stephen King
John Greene
Looking for Alaska
D. Marano
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
his year, ESL students were given the opportunity to get involved in their community and help the
environment by participating in York Region’s Adopt-a-Stream Crossing Program.
On May 15, 2012, thirty ESL students, along with three teachers and two settlement workers, travelled to an
area near San Remo Court where they learned how to plant trees, work together as a team, and reflect on the
importance of protecting our environment. After a long day of hard work, students planted 64 trees in total!
This was an invaluable experience for students that they are sure to remember forever. Students showed true
Saint Joan of Arc spirit and made a lasting impact on our community for years to come.
Students worked hard, and had fun!
J. Karbowniak
Department Head
J. Albi, H. DeLaCueva
E.S.L. Teachers
J U N E 2 0 12
he Family Studies Department has enjoyed another exciting and memory filled year.
Every Tuesday and Thursday Ms. V. Sarraino’s Breakfast
Club welcomed more students who stopped by to enjoy a
healthy breakfast and stayed on to socialize and start their
day off on a positive note.
Ms. L. Francescutti’s Food Leadership course provided
breakfast Semester 2. Ten Leadership students and their
special needs buddies created wonderful breakfast treats
that were enjoyed by staff and students alike.
Ms. L. Williams and Mr. V. Sarraino were the driving forces behind our new Human Growth and Development
Course (HHG4M1). Current students spread the word about the course and enrolment has almost doubled for
next year!
Thanks to Ms. A. De Caria, we are please to re-introduce Grade 12 Fashion next year. Her many interesting
projects inspired students to be creative and enjoy their sewing skills.
Ms. A. Salluce gave our current Grade 9s a taste of the practical aspects of Family Studies as they were introduced
to simple sewing projects and food labs.
On a personal note, I will be retiring at the end of this school year.
As founding Department Head, it has been an honour to see the
Department grow from two courses to eight offerings. What began
as a staff of one has blossomed to a staff of six full time members, all
with special talents and skills but bound together by a passion for
our subject area.
I congratulate Ms. D. Pincivero who will be replacing me as
Department Head and thank all the many wonderful students who
chose Family Studies as their course option.
You have all touched my heart and I will cherish many happy memories of my years at Saint Joan.
L. Francescutti
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
Diploma while helping them make successful transitions
to college and apprenticeship programs. They provide
students with an opportunity to enroll in a college course
while they are still working towards their high school
lthough the school year is quickly coming to an end,
our Counsellors are already busy preparing for next year’s
graduates. Several important events occurring throughout
next year will be listed on the Saint Joan of Arc website
(http://stjo.ycdsb.ca) under the heading Guidance.
Parents should mark these important dates on their
Once again, Saint Joan will be hosting a Parent
Information Night for those who have children that plan
to attend University, College, or an Apprenticeship. This
event will take place on Thursday, September 20, 2012
at Saint Joan of Arc from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Present
will be our Universities and Colleges from the Greater
Toronto Area and Mr. L. Cotton from the School Board,
who will discuss Apprentice / OYAP opportunities.
These programs are called “dual credit” because high
school students can take one college course and earn a
credit that is recognized by two institutions - the college
recognizes the course and counts it towards a certificate,
diploma, or degree and the student’s high school
recognizes the credit and counts it as an optional
(elective) credit towards his / her diploma. In cases
where the dual credit course is tied to an apprenticeship
program delivered at the college, successful completion
counts towards the student’s apprenticeship certification
(e.g., Level 1). Students are provided with support for
transportation and course fees are paid for by the
Ministry. Students also receive a college student ID card
that allows them to experience and access college
We look forward to seeing you in September. Wishing
everyone a wonderful and safe summer.
Listed below are a few examples of the many courses
offered to students at Saint Joan of Arc.
Some Dates to Remember:
Hospitality and Tourism, Coaching
Theory and Skills, Introduction to
Psychology, Introduction to
Humber College
Early Childhood - Promoting Health
and Safety, Introduction to Criminal
Justice Systems, Animation Art I
Ontario University Fair
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
- 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Visit the website for more information: www.ouf.ca/
Ontario College Information Fair
Direct Energy Building, Exhibition Place
October 23, 2012 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Visit the website for more information:
Fall Campus Days 2012
University of Toronto
October 20, 2012 - St. George Campus
October 21, 2012 - Mississauga Campus
November 10, 2012 - Scarborough Campus
York University
November 17, 2012 - Keele Campus
Dual Credit Courses
DUAL CREDIT COURSES assist secondary students in
the completion of their Ontario Secondary School
For more information visit the school Board website or
contact your Guidance Counsellor:
Need a Transcript During the Summer?
Post-secondary applicants who are completing their
admission requirements during the summer are
responsible for sending their updated transcripts to the
university or college application centre as summer school
grades are not sent to the universities during the summer.
Transcripts during the summer are not provided by the
school but will be provided to students by contacting the
Board Office at 416-221-5050.
J. Varone & C. Hall-Hancock,
Guidance Counsellors
J U N E 2 0 12
Financial Aid and Scholarship Resources
Ontario Tuitions
The Ontario Government has launched its new grant
program for high school graduates. The grants will
provide significant financial assistance to eligible students
taking a university or college program (Parents' gross
income is $160,000.00 or less). Students pursuing a
university or college degree could receive a grant of
$1,680.00 and those pursuing a college diploma or
certificate may be awarded $770.00.
For more information visit the Ontario Government
website at: Ontario.ca/30off
Plan your financial support early; visit the following
websites to help you prepare:
A comprehensive search engine that provides direct email alerts and a wealth of information about scholarships
and financial aid relevant to your interests.
Ontario Student Assistance Program – financial aid for
graduating students entering a post-secondary program.
Eligible apprentices can get up to $4,000.00 in Federal
apprenticeship grants (Call 1-866-742-3644)
Working After School?
Think Safety First
As a number of graduates and other students
enter the workplace this summer the topic of
safety can often escape consideration. Every
day in Ontario, about 50 youth workers are
injured or killed on the job. Students are reminded to
work smart and protect themselves by knowing the
hazards in their workplace and how to protect themselves.
Students should not be afraid to refuse unsafe work, it
may mean their lives.
When going for a job interview, students should ask safety
questions such as getting safety training before they do the
work or what potential safety concerns there may be that
students should be concerned about?
On their first day at work or on a new assignment students
shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions, especially if they’re
asking how to do a job that they’ve never done before.
Students should gather enough information to be clear
about the duties that need to be done and how to do
them safely.
Remember employers must provide workers with the
instruction, equipment, and supervision to protect their
health and safety.
The Ontario Ministry of Labour offers a number of
resources about safety.
Listed below are a few Safety Tips. For additional
information visit their website:
Tips for Staying Safe at Work
(From: Ontario Ministry of Labour)
Get Training - How do I do it? Show me! What do
I look for? Learn how to work safely. Follow the
rules and know what to do in an emergency
Be Supervised - Supervisor, will you be here to see
that I do the job right? If you’re not around, who
should I ask?
Wear The Gear - Hair nets, gloves, aprons, safety
glasses, ear plugs, etc. Use them properly as
Identify Risks - Before you start the job, report
unsafe practices and situations to your supervisor or
If You Don’t Know, Ask! - There are no “dumb”
questions. Learn about your rights and obligations
under the OHSA.
Do Your Job - Don’t do anything you haven’t been
asked to do, or have been told specifically not to do.
Follow The Safety Rules - And if you don’t know
the safety rules, ask your supervisor.
Report Hazards - Tell your supervisor if you see
anything hazardous, even if it involves another
If You’re Hurt - No matter how minor, report
injuries to your supervisor and tell your family.
Talk To Your Family - Tell them what you’re doing
at work. Let them know if you think something’s
Be Honest - If a task is too much for you, say so!
Don’t attempt something that you can’t handle.
Never Assume - Don’t assume you can do
something without instruction, guidance, or
A. Carbone
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
his past year has been an exceptionally busy and active one in the Library. We have, once again, added many new
resources to our collection to support student literacy, ongoing learning, and the integration of technology in the
Both the Accelerated Reader Program and the White Pine Reading Club have been a true success. Several students
received perfect scores on the Accelerated Reading tests, and in doing so, are now eligible to win a prize for their efforts
and dedication to the program.
The 2012 White Pine event took place on April 20, 2012 at the Catholic Education Centre. Students from many of
our high schools, including Saint Joan of Arc Catholic High School, participated and were able to share their love of
reading. This year’s event included over 100 student participants, a guest author, Don Aker, who was very well
received by both students and teachers, and an ‘Awesome’ art activity. In addition, students enjoyed a complimentary
lunch, had the opportunity to vote for their favorite book, and connect with so many other students from several
schools. As coordinator of this yearly event, I hope to continue this tradition in years to come and give students the
opportunity to share their love of reading.
During the month of May the SJA Library welcomed Cosimo Stalteri, a studentteacher from the University of Toronto (OISE). Cosimo is a former Saint Joan of Arc
student who returned in hopes to give back to the community which made his student
experience a valuable and meaningful one. His diligence, enthusiasm, abundance of
creativity, and expertise did not go unrecognized by both teachers and students.
Cosimo volunteered a great deal of his time to the drama presentation, Alice and
Wonderland, by providing free make-up and hair services for both rehearsals and the
two-night presentation. In addition, he readily volunteered his time, to visit a seniors
home with our Grade 11 Hair and Aesthetics class. Finally, as shown in the photo,
Cosimo painted and donated three of his own paintings to the school Library. We want
to thank Cosimo for his dedication and never-ending commitment to students and our
school community Good Luck with all your future endeavours.
It is a known fact that reading improves oral language and writing skills. An excellent way
for students to build on such skills while away from school is to read a variety of materials:
Newspapers, magazines, graphic novels, and non-fiction. By making such materials readily
available in the home teens may be more inclined to read for pleasure. Please visit our
website for a list of Summer Reading.
M. De Rose
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
e would like to congratulate 2nd Semester Grade 9 students for successfully completing
the Ministry EQAO Mathematics Test held on Monday, June 11 and Tuesday June 12, 2012.
We would also like to thank all the Grade 9 teachers for preparing and administering the EQAO
tests. We would like to also thank Ms. S. Cerelli and Ms. A. Cipolla for instructing the after
school Remedial Program for our Grade 9 students!
We would also like to thank the Math teachers and Grade 12 volunteers for their continued
support and efforts at the weekly Math Lab. Every Wednesday, students could be found in
Room 203 seeking extra help and support. Our dedicated teachers gave up their time after
school to help our students be successful in Mathematics.
On Monday, May 28, 2012 Mr. P. Attar and Ms.
M. Rotondi’s Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors
classes went to Canada’s Wonderland for the day.
They had the opportunity to apply what they have
been learning in-class to real-world applications
at Wonderland. The students had a great time and
enjoyed living out the math they have learned.
Thank you to Ms. M. Rotondi for organizing the
trip for the students.
We would like to congratulate all the Grade 12s that are graduating and wish them the best in
their future endeavours. We hope that all your dreams and wishes become a reality. Keep up
the good work!
Paths Support
Student CLIPS is
an interactive tool
student s.
work on specific
areas by either the
mathematics or
the grade level.
games that help
material to keep
students engaged
and focused. A
great website to
visit over the
I would also like to thank all of the dedicated Mathematics teachers in the Department. Their time and commitment
to Mathematics education and the Saint Joan of Arc school community is greatly appreciated. The Mathematics
Department would like to wish all students a safe and enjoyable summer.
A. Cartaginese
Acting Department Head
his last term, the Moderns Department has been filled with activity! Our Grade 9 students had the opportunity to visit the
Toronto Zoo in April, where they completed a scavenger hunt in French. The students were working diligently to complete this
task, all while enjoying the beautiful May weather.
In April, our Grade 10 and 12 French classes were able to enjoy an authentic French meal at Marcel’s Bistro, in downtown
Toronto. Here, students had the opportunity to order their food in French and partake in French conversation.
It is with much anticipation and happiness that I announce that I will be starting my maternity leave as of September 2012. In
my absence, Mme. T. Di Paola will be standing in as Acting Department Head of the Moderns Department.
Finally, on behalf of the entire Department, Mme. H. De La Cueva, Mme. T. Di Paola, Mme. M. Piacentini and myself, we
would like to wish you a safe and restful summer! À bien tôt!
E. Vona
Department Head
J U N E 2 0 12
s another school year ends we reflect on the past. In doing so, we hope to have given our best and use the past as a
foundation to set goals for the future. This year in the Physical and Health Education Department our students have thrived at
achieving the Department’s primary objective, improving their physical fitness levels.
Through the implementation of a new mode of delivery in Grade 9, a continued emphasis on healthy active living in Grade 10, a
focus on personal fitness in Grade 11 and completion of a triathlon in Grade 12 our students improved their fitness levels and are
leading healthier lives.
With the support of our partners - City of Vaughan, Kettle Creek Golf Course, Carrickmacross Golf Centre, Hardwood Hills,
Toronto Island, Safe International, SAJE Vital Signs, and Bushido Kai - we continue to offer diversity in programming to help
our students attain their optimal level of fitness in various ways.
The Physical and Health Education Department also oversees Athletics and Intramurals at Saint Joan of Arc. This year the
participation levels at SJA were 2nd in all of York Region. This is an outstanding accomplishment and a credit to our studentathletes, teacher-coaches, and the never-ending support of our Administrative team.
The Fall season began with our Senior Soccer team returning to the YRAA final and concluded with Jessica Armstrong
representing the Thunder at the Provincial Cross Country Championships where she finished 6th.
The Winter season was highlighted by our immensely talented Junior Boys Basketball Team and ended with our Senior Girls
Wrestling Team bringing home the YRAA Championship as well as having several wrestlers advance to the OFSAA
Continuing in the high standard set in the Fall and Winter, our Spring athletes were not to be out done. The Senior Boys
Baseball Team advanced to the region final for the second year in a row and our Track and Field Team ended the year by
sending numerous athletes to the Provincial Championships.
Overall it was a very successful year and there were too many accomplishments to mention in a brief newsletter. However, I
invite you to visit our Hall of Fame wing at Saint Joan of Arc where you can travel down memory lane. The tour will take you
through all of our student / athlete accomplishments not only for this year but also for the entire history of Thunder athletics.
Finally, we concluded our year with our annual Athletic Banquet. Mr. M. Fantauzzi gave the keynote address and outlined the
value of high school sports for our students as well as delineating the significant differences between community sport and
learning through sport at SJA. Congratulations to our junior achievement award winners, Jessica Armstrong and Jonathan
Femi-Cole. Also best wishes and good luck in the future to our graduating athletes of the year Adeife Adekusibe and Andrew
Have a fantastic summer and as always, stay active, get fit and may the Lord keep you in good health.
M. Loschiavo
Department Head
Andrew Prempeh
Adeife Adekusibe
J U N E 2 0 12
Junior Girls Basketball
Senior Girls Basketball
Junior Boys Basketball
Senior Boys Basketball
Junior Football
Senior Football
Golf Boys
Golf Girls
Junior Boys Hockey
Senior Boys Hockey
Junior Boys Soccer
Senior Boys Soccer
Junior Boys Volleyball
Senior Boys Volleyball
Junior Girls Volleyball
Senior Girls Volleyball
Cross Country
Baseball Tier One
Baseball Tier Two
Midget Track & Field
Senior Track & Field
Ultimate Frisbee
Junior Badminton
Senior Badminton
Junior Girls Soccer
Senior Girls Soccer
Girls Varsity Rugby
Boys Bantam Rugby
Boys Junior Rugby
Boys Senior Rugby
Swim Junior
Swin Senior
Table Tennis
Wrestling Girls
Wrestling Boys
Rock Climbing
Cheer Leading
Most Valuable Player
Ashley Moreira
Hamida Tejan-Cole
Jonathan Femi-Cole
Shamon Ahmed
Jonathan Femi-Cole
Eric Iaboni
Michael Skupin
Sara D’Ambrogio
Eric Eremita
Jesse Tracey
Paul DeMaria
Mikhail Farquharson
Robert Beer
David Ivanov
Shamon Ahmed
Lauren Bevan
Paulyna Martin
Jessica Armstrong
Zack Sardellitti
Vincent Caira
Jessica Armstrong
Andrew Prempeh
Ethan McKenzie-Halls
Marvin Thomas
Robert Beer
Madison Martellacci
Selina Cozzupoli
Stephanie Commisso
Marco Principe
Attilio Durso
Steven Pichelli
Kaela Hicksten
Fernando Reyes-Massa
Elisa DiGiulio
Robert Beer
Angela Maddalena
Andrew Anichini
Daniel Inacio
Mary Morgan
Most Improved Player
Bernice Orowale
Allyssa Rillera
Ahron Gordon
Andrew Prempeh
Luke Mazzocca
Michael Ballesteros
Gianluca Tatangelo
Amanda Iuliano
Trevor Owen
Luca Mauti
Jason Bisogno
Jason Novo
Ivana Farquharson
Richard Phan
Jahbrel Jordan
Gabriela Choque
Hamida Tejan-Cole
Adam D’Andrea
Micheal Ascenzi
Andrew Bruno
Lauren Bevan
Hamida Tejan-Cole
Brooke Kuyumcu
Miraal Saeed
Maryse De Castro
Danitza Indacochea
Nakisha Jarvis
Vanessa Carvalho
Adam Capogna
Adrian Sciortino
Merlin Gomez
Katrina Rocca
Sarah McCallion
Rebecca McDonald
Ryan Pellegrini
Alicia Corlevic
Michael Sturino
Alessia Palmieri
Isabella Chander
J U N E 2 0 12
Rosario Vennare Award
Salvatore DiMaria
Athletic Appreciation Awards
Adeife Adekusibe
Vanessa Carvalho
Chuckwunonso Chukwurah
Marcus D’Ulisse
Mark Facca
Claudio Galaz
Kelly Garcia
Dmitriy Ivanov
Shamon Ahmed
Tamara Agostino
Doyin Akindolie
Michael Ascenzi
Davin Babulal
Marc Belli
Emily Bevan
Christopher Boatto
Vincent Caira
Letisha Castoro
Sara D’Ambrogio
Marcus D’Ulisse
Matthew DaSilva
Elisa DiGiulo
Jordan Dixon-Keating
Jonathan Femi-cole
Claudio Galaz
Tiziana Gil
Jarylle Isagan
Dmitriy Ivanov
Adeife Adekusibe
Andrew Anichini
Adam D’Andrea
Rebecca Diaz-Alas
Kelly Garcia
Robert Listi
Jahbrel Jordan
Samantha Lotti
Paulyna Martin
Andrew Prempeh
Anthony Ross
Junior Letters
Jahbrel Jordan
Samantha Lotti
Ethan McKenzie-Halls
Mathew McLymont
Mathew Mollicone
Patrick Piacentini
Allyssa Rillera
Juliano Russo
Daniel Scida
Daniel Tari
Hamida Tejan-Cole
Senior Letters
Colin Hood Coach
Marc Fantauzzi
Colin Hood Female
Adeife Adekusibe
Colin Hood Male
Robert Listi
Stephanie Marando
Steven Pichelli
J U N E 2 0 12
n Saturday, May 26th, Saturday, June 2nd, Sunday, May 27th, and Sunday, June 3rd students in Ms. M. Miccoli's and Mr. J.
Gillingham's University Physics class volunteered to be a part of University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science and
Engineering RobotX Challenge. This interactive program featured 4 days of total robotics immersions.
The Saint Joan of Arc Physics Robotic Team consisted of John Anthony Annabelle, Adam Bozzo, Marco Giancola, and
Lucas Santaguida. This Robotic Team strategized, designed, built, tested and competed! The Team consulted with their
Team Advisor and Mechatronics expert from across the Faculty who shared their wealth of knowledge. On the final day of the
program, participants battled it out in the ultimate competition to see whose robot came out on top!
We are very proud to inform the school community that the Saint Joan of Arc Physics Robotic Team ranked 1st Place overall in
the Capture the Flag Robot Race and placed 2nd overall for the Robot Battle. We are extremely proud of these students for
putting forth such determination, and taking on this challenge and coming out on top. Congratulations!
he Science Department would like to congratulate Davin Babulal on his acceptance to the Ontario Science Centre School
(OSCS). The Science School seeks students with a passion for learning and communicating science who have a strong
academic background, demonstrated initiative, independent-study skills, and the ability to work as part of a team.
At the OSCS, there is a strong emphasis on the communication of science. Davin will gain experience in this area through
practicum hours spent participating in engaging activities within the Science Centre and the local community. Furthermore,
Davin will be taking his Grade 12 University Science courses and we wish him the best of luck!
M. Miccoli, Science Teacher
n April 18, 2012, Ms. M. Miccoli's and Mr. J. Gillingham's Grade 11 Physics classes went to the Dixie Curling Club to
investigate the physics behind one of Canada's most popular sports - Curling! The students first received a lesson from the
curling instructors on site regarding some of the basic principles of curling. After they felt comfortable on the ice, students then
got the opportunity to try to curl themselves. Many of the students (and even the teachers) found it difficult at first to even
propel the curling rock down the ice, but after a few attempts, many of the participants got the hang of this fun and engaging
activity. During the day, the Physics students got to see a first-hand account of the force of friction and how sweeping the
broom on the ice would melt the ice and reduce the coefficient of friction, allowing the rock to travel further. The students had
a great time curling, and they were definitely tired after an exhausting day of "HURRYING HARDDDD!!!".
J. Gillingham, Science Teacher
ur Spring Blood Donor Clinic was the most successful to date. The clinic collected 51 units of blood which exceeded our
goal. Those 51 units collected will help save approximately 153 patient lives! To all those that donated don’t forget that you
will be eligible to donate again in July. Go to bloodservices.ca to find a clinic near you.
Finally, all the Science teachers would like to wish our Graduates the best of luck as they begin their journey into their postsecondary pathways. Have a safe, restful, and enjoyable summer!
B. Evans, Department Head
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel.”
Claude Bernard (1813-78) French Physiologist
J U N E 2 0 12
he Hair and Aesthetics teachers are very proud of Ilona Stoklosa, the Saint Joan of Arc student who entered the
Skills Ontario Hairstyling Competition.
She began the training with no prior experience and worked very conscientiously to gain all the skills required. She
received the Gold Medal at the Regional Level and moved on to the Provincials.
She placed 6th overall, a great achievement (men’s trendy cut, colour, and style, ladies trendy fashion forward cut and
colour, and an elegant evening style).
She represented both Saint Joan of Arc Catholic High
School and York Catholic District School Board at an
exceptional level.
Her dedication, commitment, and many hours of practice
are very much appreciated.
Ilona Stoklosa
(Grade 12 Student)
P. Basso
Department Head
P. Furfaro
Adamo, Leonardo
Aguirre, Katherine
Ahmed, Nimra
Alemu, Lydia
Alexopoulos, Despina
Alza, Sergio
Angilletta, Amanda
Annetta, Giusten
Argany, Michael
Armstrong, Jessica
Asiffo, Jeremy
Baggetta, Alessya
Bailey, Renee
Ballesteros, Curtis
Barone, Julia
Bashy, Massara
Battaglia, Alex
Bayter, Anwar
Beltran, Justine
Bevan, Lauren
Bordignon, Sydney
Bosotti, Michael
Breda, Stephanie
Cabresos, Genie
Campbell, Britney Vanessa
Cannarozzo, Jessica
Carlucci, Catherine
Carotta, Martina
Cellucci, Sabrina
Chaudhry, Arusha
Choque Cuaresmayo, Gabriela
Claveria, Desiree
Condo Loja,Christopher
Cooper, Natalie
Coulston, Dario
Da Silva, Marcelo
D'Agostino, Daniel
D'Alonzo, Adrien
D'Andrea, Michael
de Bem, Stephanie
DeCarlo, Sarah
DeFrancesco, Marilena
Dela Cruz, Lisa
D'Elia, Maria
Di Martino, Lydia
Dimpas, Chloe
Ditta, Jennifer
Duarte, Brian
Ene, Ana
Eremita, Eric
Espinoza, Josielyn
Fallone, Emily
Favaro, Holly
Fellin, Stefanie
J U N E 2 0 12
Ferri, Jessica
Fynn-Sackey, David
Garcia-Guzman, Katherin
Gardner, Brandon
Gervasio, Donato
Giovinazzo, Alyssa
Granata, Francesco
Iacoucci, Nicole
Jalib, Asad
Joannou, Stefan
Judges, Megan
Khan, Amal
Kirubananthaan, Aksharh
Kurian, Anita Rose
Lo Re, Michela
Madonia, Katherine
Magnone, Ashley
Manalo, Carlos
Mancini, Nicholas
Manganaan, Lisa
Mariani, Antonietta
Mariani, Michaela
Marsili, Claudia
Matte, Samantha
Mauti, Bianca
Muia, Samantha
Mundadan, Linda
Muto, Ivanna
Nino, Natalia
Orowale, Bernice
Owen, Trevor
Pacitto, Vanessa
Papais, Alana
Pen, Pouleaka
Piacentini, Francesco
Principe, Marco
Reyes, Edward
Reyes, Nicholas
Rodelo Sanchez, Daniela
Rodrigues, Vanessa
Rooney, Brittany
Sabanal, Taylor
Scaramuzzo, Amanda
Sekhon, Mohit
Soares, Jason
Szajn, Marianne
Tavares, Emily
Tavares, Marlowe
Tersigni-Mousavi-Rizi, Alexandra
Thomas, Marvin
Tran, Julia
Valenti Longa, Vanessa
Vitiello, Natalie
Younan, Evan
Abrenica, Maria
Achiluzzi, Eleonora
Adamo, Julia
Ahmed, Saadia
Albione, Natasha
Allinson, Mackenzie
Annecchiarico, Melissa
Annoh, Renee
Anton George, Ashley
Arruda, Adam
Attisano, Catherine
Barcham, George
Bauco, Ava
Beltran, Maurizio
Bevacqua, Nicole
Bianchi, Amanda
Bilotta, Joseph
Bisogno, Jason
Blacha, Aleksandra
Boatto, Selina
Bridi, Michael
Calabro, Meghan
Calcagno, Alexander
Campeotto, Vittoria
Caramanna, Louis
Cellucci, Victoria
Cerrito, Belinda
Chaberski, Claudia
Chandar, Isabella
Chiperea, Silviu
Choudhary, Alfia
Colombo, Nicholas
Condo, Roxana
Conte, Cristian
Corsi, Sabrina
Coz, Allegra
Da Conceicao, Nicholas
Daniele, Samantha
DeBartolo, Marie
Demneri, Jon
Di Paolo, Meghan
DiFelice, Lucia
Efram, Katya
El-Chaar, Alicia
Favot, Daniel
Giancola, Lucas
Gileppo, Alessia
Gonsalves, Naomi
Govia, Zionna
Hajdas, Olivia
Henriques, Michael
Hewitt, Paul
Hickstein, Kaela
Hogan, Brianna
Imad, Diana
Indacochea, Danitza
Ivanov, David
Jeeva, Jezica
Jose, Feby
Kerschbaumer, Jessica
Khan, Madiha
Kuyumcu, Brooke
Labriola, Cassandra
Lecce, Virginia
Leonardelli, Sara
Lisena, Giovanna
Lopena, Colleen Rae
Lubiana, Gianmarco
Maddalena, Angela
Maddalena, Angelo
McDonald, Rebecca
Meredith, Cristofer
Mirabelli, Dominique
Mistretta, Olivia
Molina Bunsen, Andrea
Moreira, Ashley
Nasso, Deanna
Newman, Jacob
Nguyen, Jennie
Ogaz, Solange
Orlandi, Giulia
Padua, Norlea
Palmieri, Alessia
Parrotta, Brianna
Persechino, Antonietta
Piacentini, Marisa
Policelli, Daniel
Portelli, Mark
Pronio, Melissa
Riad, Olivia
Rocca, Katrina
Rodrigues, Ryan
Rulli, Stefano
Saeed, Miraal
Sahi, Khaula
Salerno, Cristina
Scarmato, Selena
Siinardi, Mauro
Silva, Karen
Simone, Amanda
Sorrenti, Alessandro
Sorrentino, Nicolette
Spada, Samuel
Storto, Jessica
Szczebiot, Nicole
Tari, Benjamin
Tari, Daniel
Tatangelo, Gianluca
Tavares, Michelle
Thayaparan, Dayanuja
Tropea, Robert
Truong, Evana
Ursini, Chanelle
Ventrice, Gaetano
Vonasek, Franco
Zanon, Matthew
Zeni, Monique
Abarrota, Robert
Aceituno-Caicedo, David
Affrunti, Jessica
Agostino, Tamara
Aguirre, Diego
Aloisi, Annamaria
Alza, Jessica
Amico, Christina
Amorim, Kelly
Andreucci, Brissa
Antoniani, Anthony
Ashmeade, Brittany
Aziz, Isam
Babulal, Davin
Bajwa, Asam
Benjamen, Joseph
Bevan, Emily
Bianchi, Laura
Billanes, Yna
Borrelli, Roberto
Bousaab, Joe
Bozzo, Adam
Bressi, David
Buttivant, Mikaela
Cabreros, Michael
Capogna, Julia
Capovilla, Vanessa
Cappello, Daniela
Cariati, David
Celetti, Antonio
Celetti, Michelle
Cioccio, Alexandra
Corlevic, Alicia
D'Ambrogio, Sara
D'Aversa, Katherine
Delima, Jessica
DeRose, Natalie
Di Pasquale, Angelo
DiBenedetto, Lucas
DiCesare, Anthony
DiGiulio, Elisa
J U N E 2 0 12
DiMaria, Salvatore
Dimitrakopoulos, Nicholas
Ene, Ada
Eshun, Esi
Fama, Robert
Fatola, Tolulope
Favaro, Emily
Ferlisi, Erica
Ferrara, Alexandra
Ferrara, Amanda
Ferrara, Andrew
Ferrari, Erica
Filice, Christina
Fraioli, Steven
Gabriele, Daniela
Galifi, Isabella
Gallo, Gabriela
Gargano, Vanessa
Geana, Laura
Gervasio, Natalie
Giralico, Sabrina
Goncalves, Cristina
Govia, Quintez
Grenci, Cassandra
Hammill, Laura
Hemalal, Shilini
Hewitt, Matthew
Jeronimo, Sara
Khan, Mishal
Kulcsar, Emma
Kurian, Ann Maria
Lacson, Leonard Marius
Landayan, Charlene
Lascar, Leah
Laurenza, Alexandra
Leonardelli, Kristen
Lobalsamo, Amanda
Longo, Alexandra
Lopreiato, Mara
Lucchetta, Vanessa
Malik, Midhat
Marando, Stephanie
Martino, Meagan
Mc Kenzie-Halls, Ethan
Monte, Amanda
Morgan, Mary
Musto, Sarah
Nardone, Dante
Ng Man Chuen, Caitlyn
Nguyen, Catherine
Olasehinde, Temitope
O'Leary, Martin
Ottolino, Janelle
Padula, Jenna
Panzica, Elena
Paz, Ashley
Pecchia, Celina
Perrone, Michelle
Petriglia, Jonathan
Piacentini, Michael
Pio, Monica
Pitton, Alex
Primozic, Brandon
Ramard, Marc
Ramirez, Jessica
Rende, Courtney
Ricci, Francesca
Rymaszewski, Klaudia
Saccucci, Erica
Santaguida, Lucas
Scarff, Brandon
Tersigni, Santino
Thomas, Mili
Thuraisingam, Vinoja
Tiano, Alexandra
Tran, Cathy
Tran, Christine
Velocci, Nicole
Vitmane, Alexandra
Waweru, Olivia
Abou-Rahmoun, Christina
Adekusibe, Adeife
Ahmad, Sarmad
Ahmad, Waqar
Ahmed, Hania
Ahmed, Shamon
Altomare, Alexandria
Ankrah, Veracia
Ansay, Yestine
Antonini, Katharine
Argiropoulos, Nicole
Armini, David
Aulicino, Christian
Azarov, Daniel
Barbuto, Christina
Bashy, Martin
Bauco, Jordana
Bellissimo, Julia
Bianchi, Marina
Bonadiman, Alexander
Brito-Villacreses, Juan
Buccella, Julianna
Busca, Celeste
Cacciola, Robert
Calitri, Filomena
Carchesio, Andrew
Carlucci, Michael
Carvalho, Vanessa
Catalano, Liliana
Cerqueira, Michael
Chiacchia, Daniel
Choque Cuaresmayo, Natali
Clement-Schlimm, Jeremiah
Colaluca, Melissa
Custodio, Henrique
D'Andrea, Adam
D'Angelo, Madison
Daud, Syed
De Castro, Maryse
Dega, Emmanuel
Diaz-Alas, Rebecca
DiBonaventura, Liliana
Duyan, Raphael
Efram, Joseph
Eugenio, Noel
Farhan, Leelan
Fatola, Ayotola
Fazzari, Melissa
Fazzari, Michael
Feliciano, Daniela
Ferreira, Steven
Figliomeni, Vanessa
Fodero, Stephanie
Franceschetti, David
Francesconi, Senna
Fulop, Amanda
Fynn-Sackey, Nancy
Gallo, Matthew
Gambino, Antonina
Gennara, Daniel
Genovese, Michael
Giuliana, Valentina
Goyo, Dallas
Herrera, Daniel
Iaccio, Julia
Isagan, Monica
Ivanov, Dmitriy
Jarvis, Nakisha
Kollari, Rina
La Civita, Stephanie
Lee, Sung Yen
Li Calzi, Andrea
Lo Re, Alessandra
Madden, Katherine
Mahanger, Justyn
Malik, Sehar
Mamow, Jeaneva
J U N E 2 0 12
Manalo, Ma Marisar
Mariani, Sierra
Marsala, Rosaria
Marziliano, Christina
Mauti, Luca
McCallion, Sarah
Micciollo, Adrian
Mignelli, Vanessa
Mihilli, Aleksandros
Milocco, Justin
Moton, Irish
Mubashir, Hina
Muia, Julian
Pacitti, Victoria
Pacitto, Melissa
Palumbo, Alexandra
Pasha, Myrah
Pasqua, Victoria
Paveglio, Joseph
Pavone, Erica
Piacentini, Patrick
Prempeh, Andrew
Quintieri, Anthony
Ritchie, Jared
Rizzo, Melissa
Roderos, Christian
Saccucci, Giulia
Saeed, Mashaal
Sam, Johann
Sardella, Danielle
Scaramuzzo, Anthony
Selvarajah, Tulakshiga
Seravalle, Amanda
Singh, Shubhika
Sorbara, Michael
Stoklosa, Ilona
Strelyanny, Nikita
Suppa, Amanda
Tassone, Cosimo
Tersigni-Mousavi-Rizi, Christopher
Theodoracopoulos, Samantha
Toritto, Michelle
Tracey, Jesse
Truong, Alanda
Ursini, Julia
Velocci, Elliot
Vorona, Mikhail
Yalda, Rita
Zambito, Philip
Zucaro, Sabrina
Abou-Rahmoun, Christina
Adekusibe, Adeife
Ahmad, Sarmad Naveed
Ahmad, Waqar
Ahmed, Hania Ashraf
Ahmed, Shamon Sheraz
Al-Loos, Rita
Altomare, Alexandria
Ankrah, Veracia Mansah
Ansay, Yestine Amanda
Antonini, Katharine
Argiropoulos, Nicole
Armini, David
Aulicino, Christian
Azarov, Daniel
Barbuto, Christina
Bashy, Martin
Bauco, Jordana
Beer, Robert
Bellissimo, Julia
Bianchi, Marina Josephine
Bonadiman, Alexander
Bondi, Orianna
Buccella, Julianna
Busca, Celeste
Cacciola, Robert
Calitri, Filomena
Carchesio, Andrew
Carlucci, Michael
Carvalho, Vanessa
Catalano, Liliana
Cavarretta, Peter
Celetti, Christina
Chiacchia, Daniel
Clement-Schlimm, Jeremiah Quinn
Colaluca, Melissa
Commisso, Stephanie
Cozzupoli, Selina
Custodio, Henrique Persson
D'Andrea, Adam
D'Andrea, Joseph
Daud, Syed Anser
De Castro, Maryse
Dega, Emmanuel
Diaz-Alas, Rebecca
DiBonaventura, Liliana
Drevininkas, Concetta
Duyan, Raphael
Efram, Joseph
Eugenio, Noel
Fahey, Laura Selene
Farhan, Leelan
Farquharson, Mikhail Kyle
Fatola, Ayotola
Fazzari, Melissa
Fazzari, Michael
Fermin, Noel Alonzo
Ferreira, Steven Marques
Figliomeni, Vanessa
Fodero, Stephanie
Franceschetti, David
Francesconi, Senna Dominique
Fulop, Amanda
Fynn-Sackey, Nancy Marianne
Gallo, Matthew
Gambino, Antonina
Gennara, Daniel
Genovese, Michael
Giuliana, Valentina
Henry, Mark Alan
Herrera, Daniel
Houston, Liam
Iaccio, Julia
Isagan, Monica
Ivanov, Dmitriy
Jarvis, Nakisha
Johnson, Samantha Julie
Kollari, Rina
La Civita, Stephanie
Lanna, Mariah
Lee, Sung Yen Lisa
Li Calzi, Andrea
Lo Re, Alessandra
Lotti, Samantha
Louro, Steve Dionisio
Madden, Katherine Lee
Mahanger, Justyn
Malik, Sehar
Mamow, Jeaneva
Manalo, Ma Marisar Mae F.
Manera, Sabrina
Mariani, Sierra
Marsala, Rosaria
Marziliano, Christina
Mauti, Luca
McCallion, Sarah Michelle
Mignelli, Vanessa
Mihilli, Aleksandros
Milocco, Justin
Moton, Irish Kirsten
Mubashir, Hina
Muia, Julian
J U N E 2 0 12
Orquin, Lauren
Pacitti, Victoria
Paglia, Emilio
Palumbo, Alexandra
Pasha, Myrah
Pasqua, Victoria
Paveglio, Joseph
Pellegrini, Michael
Piacentini, Patrick
Powers, Matthew
Prempeh, Andrew Agyeman
Quintieri, Anthony
Ritchie, Jared
Rizzo, Melissa
Roderos, Christian
Rubim, Felipe
Rubino, Angelica
Saccucci, Giulia
Saeed, Mashaal
Sam, Johann
Sardella, Danielle
Scaramuzzo, Anthony
Sciortino, Julian
Selvarajah, Tulakshiga
Sentance, Parkin
Seravalle, Amanda
Shamoon, Samantha
Singh, Shubhika
Sorbara, Michael
Stoklosa, Ilona
Strazzeri, Giovanna
Strelyanny, Nikita
Suppa, Amanda
Tassone, Cosimo
Tersigni-Mousavi-Rizi, Christopher
Theodoracopoulos, Samantha
Toritto, Michelle
Tracey, Jesse
Truong, Alanda
Ursini, Julia
Vargas Chang, Juan Jose
Velocci, Elliot
Villanos, Louise
Vorona, Mikhail Mykhaylo
Washington, Ika
Wittman, Alexandra
Yalda, Rita
You, Jin Wook
Zambito, Philip
Zucaro, Sabrina
J U N E 2 0 12
The Principal’s Platinum Award 2011 — 2012
The Principal’s Platinum Award is a certificate awarded to students at the end of the year.
We salute these students on earning the recognition worthy of being known as “The Principal’s Platinum
Award”. This award is based on the student’s dedication to academic excellence and commitment to attend
classes and to being punctual.
1. Students are expected to attend all classes. Students should not have more than 3 absences in total.
Legitimate illness and school-related activities (field trips, athletics, clubs, etc.) will not negatively
affect a student’s ability to achieve this award.
2. An average of 70% must be maintained over a full load of classes
(4 courses per Semester for Grades 9 – 11 and at least 3 courses per Semester for Grade 12).
3. Students must maintain an excellent behavioural record and character worthy of our Catholic
Congratulations to the following Principal’s Platinum Award recipients for the 2011 – 2012 school year.
A. Rubino
Aceituno-Caicedo, David
Ahmad, Waqar
Alexopoulos, Despina Athanasia
Anton George, Ashley
Arruda, Adam Mariano
Asiffo, Jeremy Gyapong
Asiffo, Michael
Bailey, Renee
Bajwa, Asam
Barone, Julia Anna
Bashy, Massara Ghassan
Beltran, Justine Rebecca
Beltran, Maurizio Ernesto
Bevan, Lauren Alexandra
Bianchi, Joseph
Bilotta, Joseph Pasquale
Bosotti, Michael Anthony
Breda, Stephanie Lauren
Bridi, Michael Andrew
Cannarozzo, Jessica
Carchesio, Andrew
Carlotti, Raffaele
Celetti, Michelle
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic High School
1 St. Joan of Arc Avenue
Maple, Ontario
L6A 1W9
Cesarone, Adam Mario
Chamoun, Mark Wissam
Condo, Roxana
Coz, Allegra
D'Andrea, Michael
de Bem, Stephanie Rocha
Di Martino, Lydia
Duarte, Brian Patrick
Fynn-Sackey, David
Giancola, Lucas
Gomes, Kevin Valente
Grannum, Aaliyah Natasia
Hajdas, Olivia
Jose, Feby Eliz
Khan, Amal
Khan, Mishal
Lamanna, Christian
Larizza, Alessandra
Lecce, Virginia
Listi, Robert
Lo Re, Michela Isabella
Lubiana, Gianmarco
Manalo, Carlos Matthew
Check out our Newsletter
Marsili, Claudia
Molina Bunsen, Andrea Alison
Mundadan, Linda Davis
Olasehinde, Temitope Omobolaji
Portelli, Mark
Prempeh, Andrew Agyeman
Richards, Sean-Patrick
Rizzo, Melissa
Rodrigues, Nydia Kimberley
Rooney, Brittany
Rossi, Clementina
Santos, Christopher Alves
Santos, Shawn Alves
Silva, Karen Santos
Soares, Jason
Szajn, Marianne
Tarzia, Julian Nathanael
Tejan-Cole, Hamid Yusuf
Thayaparan, Dayanuja
Thevasihamany, Priyanhaa
Tran, Julia
Vargas, Lindsey Edrea
Williams, Shavon Tiffany
Teresa Ciaravella
Board Trustee
416 — 221-5050
Extension 17137
VM 7137
Phone: 905 832-8882
Attendance: 905 832-6583
School Fax: 905 832-5791
Guidance/Fax: 905 832-5626