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3ideshow#ollectibles com
$EAR&RIENDS 7ITHAPASSIONTOWARDCREATINGUNIQUEHIGHLYSOUGHTAFTERCOLLECTIBLES THE ARTISANS OF 3IDESHOW HAVE DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES FOR THEIR CRAFTSMANSHIPANDCOMMITMENTTOAUTHENTICITY%ACHNEWITEMIS CAREFULLYCONSIDEREDFORITSCOLLECTIBLEVALUEANDDESIRABILITY!SASPECIALTY MARKET MANUFACTURER OF LICENSED AND PROPRIETARY COLLECTIBLE PRODUCTS 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESHASBEENCREATINGMUSEUMQUALITYCOLLECTIBLEPIECES FOR NEARLY YEARS 4HE COMPANYS ORIGINS IN THE SPECIAL EFFECTS AND MAKEUPINDUSTRYHAVEHELPEDTOESTABLISHITSPLACEOFREVERENCEINTHE COLLECTIBLEINDUSTRY7ORKINGFROMTHECREATIONSOFRENOWNEDSCULPTORSTHEEXPERIENCEDMODEL MAKERSPAINTERSANDCOSTUMERSAT3IDESHOWCREATEINTRICATELYDETAILEDLIKENESSESOFPOPULAR CHARACTERS9OUWILLINSTANTLYRECOGNIZEMANYFAMOUSANDINFAMOUSFILMANDTELEVISIONMONSTERS VILLAINSANDHEROESASYOUGOTHROUGHTHISCATALOG4HEFOLLOWINGPAGESAREALSOFILLEDWITH SOMEWELLKNOWNSTARSOFCOMEDYANDMYSTICALCREATURESOFFANTASY 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLES IS PROUD TO MANUFACTURERCOLLECTIBLE PRODUCTSBASED ONTHE FOLLOWING LICENSED PROPERTIES 4HE 0LANET OF THE !PES 4HE ,ORD OF THE 2INGS (ELLBOY 6AN (ELSING *AMES "OND 5NIVERSAL 3TUDIOS #LASSIC -ONSTERS 4 *ASON &REDDY ,EATHERFACE0LATOON8&ILES"UFFYTHE6AMPIRE3LAYER4HE3IMPSONS3TAR4REK/UTER ,IMITS4WILIGHT:ONE!RMYOF$ARKNESS-ONTY0YTHONAND*IM(ENSONS-UPPETS )NADDITION3IDESHOWMANUFACTURERSITSOWNLINEOFHISTORICALLYACCURATEFIGURESUNDER THESE3IDESHOWTRADEMARKS"AYONETS"ARBED7IRE77)"ROTHERHOODOF!RMS!MERICAN #IVIL7ARAND3IX'UN,EGENDSHISTORICALFIGURESOFTHE!MERICAN7EST !N IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF 3IDESHOWS SUCCESS IS THE VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS ESTABLISHED WITH INNOVATIVE COMPANIES AND CREATIVE PEOPLE 3IDESHOW HAS FORGED RELATIONSHIPS WITH SPECIAL EFFECTSHOUSE7ETA7ORKSHOP4HE,ORDOFTHE2INGS4RILOGYAND3PECTRAL -OTION (ELLBOY DIRECTOR 'UILLERMO DEL 4ORO AND SPECIAL EFFECTS ARTIST3TAN7INSTONAMONGOTHERS!SARESULTOFTHESECOLLABORATIONS 3IDESHOW IS ABLE TO OFFER AN EVEN BROADER RANGE OF HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE FIGURESBUSTSFRAMEDARTPROPREPLICASANDSTUDYMAQUETTESTOFILMFANS ANDDISCERNINGCOLLECTORS #USTOMER3ERVICE/UR0LEDGE4O9OU !SPARTOFOURPLEDGETOOFFERYOUOUTSTANDINGCUSTOMERSERVICEWEHAVE EXPANDEDANDIMPROVEDOURWEBSITETOGIVEYOUTHEBESTEXPERIENCE POSSIBLE4HEWEBSITEISNOWEVENEASIERTOUSEANDISTHEBESTPLACETOFIND ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT SHIPPING NEW PRODUCTS PREORDERS AND EDITION SIZES"Y SIGNING UP FORTHEMONTHLYNEWSLETTERYOUAREAMONGTHEFIRSTTOKNOWABOUTPRODUCTANDLICENSING NEWSCELEBRITYINTERVIEWSANDSPECIALEVENTS/URNEWSLETTERMEMBERSAREALSOELIGIBLEFOR MONTHLYGIVEAWAYSANDCONTESTSFORSOMEOFOURMOSTPOPULARPRODUCTS3IDESHOWSPOLICY ISTONEVERSHARETHEINFORMATIONTHATYOUHAVEPROVIDEDTOUSANDWEMAKEITSIMPLEFOR YOUTOADDNEWSLETTERCHOICESORUNSUBSCRIBEATANYTIME )NADDITIONTOVALUABLEINFORMATIONABOUTUPCOMINGPROMOTIONSANDPRODUCTANNOUNCEMENTS OURUSERFRIENDLYWEBSITEALSOLETSYOUTRACKYOURPRODUCTFROMTHEINITIALORDERTHROUGHTHE SHIPPINGPROCESSWITHYOURONLINEUSERACCOUNT 7EARECONSTANTLYIMPROVINGOURWEBSITETOBETTERSERVEYOUANDWELCOMEYOURSUGGESTIONS ANDFEEDBACK ,OCATEDIN7ESTLAKE6ILLAGE#ALIFORNIA3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESISASPECIALTYMARKET MANUFACTURER OF LICENSED AND PROPRIETARY COLLECTIBLE PRODUCTS 3IDESHOW #OLLECTIBLES AND 3IDESHOW7ETA #OLLECTIBLES ARE CURRENTLY SOLD IN SPECIALTY TREND COLLECTIBLE AND COMIC SHOPSASWELLASONTHE)NTERNETATWWWSIDESHOWCOLLECTIBLESCOM INTHISEDITION v&IGURES -ODERN(ORROR "UFFY4HE6AMPIRE3LAYER (ELLBOY 6AN(ELSING 8&ILES0LANETOFTHE!PES -ONSTERS3CI&I *AMES"OND 0LATOON 4ALKING,EE%RMEY "ROTHERHOODOF!RMS!#7 "AYONETS"ARBED7IRE77) 3IX'UN,EGENDS ,IVE"Y4HE3WORD&IFEAND$RUM !CCESSORIES %NVIRONMENTS"ASESAND3TANDS !RT3"UCK!RTIST&IGURES 3CALE&IGURES 5NIVERSAL-ONSTERS 6AN(ELSING #LASSIC3TAR4REK&IGURES .APOLEAN&IGURE (ELLBOY (ELLBOY3TATUES0ROP2EPLICAS (ELLBOY 3PECTRAL-OTION (ELLBOY0OLYSTONE3TATUES (ELLBOY0ROP2EPLICAS 0OLYSTONE3TATUES"USTS-ETAL(ELMS 6AN(ELSING 3TAR4REK 3IMPSONS 4HE-UPPET3HOW )NSANELY4WISTED2ABBITS 7ARHAMMER 7ORLDOF&ROUD ,ORDOFTHE2INGS !RT0IECES 'ANDALF"RONZE3TATUE (ELLBOY!RT0RINTS 4ERMINATOR!RT0RINT 480ROP2EPLICA "ARLOWES$ECURION (2'IGERS3PELL/NE !BOUT/UR,IMITED%DITIONS -ANYOFOURITEMSARELIMITEDEDITIONS4HISMEANSTHATTHEQUANTITYOFEACHPIECEISRESTRICTEDTOASPECIFIC NUMBER OF UNITS OR LIMITED TO A SINGLE PRODUCTION RUN /NCE THE EDITION QUANTITY HAS BEEN SOLD THROUGH THE ITEMISLISTEDASgRETIREDgORgSOLDOUTg"ECAUSEMANYOFOURCOLLECTIBLESARELOWQUANTITYEDITIONSAVAILABLETOA WORLDWIDEAUDIENCETHEYTENDTOSELLOUTQUICKLY4HEREFOREWEOFFEROURCUSTOMERSAg0REORDER/PTIONgWHICH HOLDSANITEMINTHEIRNAMEUNTILITARRIVESATOURWAREHOUSE3IDESHOWgSPOLICYISTHATTHECUSTOMERISNEVER BILLEDFORANITEMUNTILITISSHIPPED " ! 4 % Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746).#(&)'52%3 ",EATHERFACEv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM #-ICHAEL-YERSv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ).#(&)'52%3 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com !4HOMAS(EWITT,EATHERFACEv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION )TEM $&REDDY6S*ASON&REDDY+RUEGERv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION )TEM %&REDDY6S*ASON*ASON6OORHEESv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION )TEM &*ASON6OORHEESv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM '&REDDY+RUEGERv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM $ & # ' 5 Join our weekly e-newsletter online!).#(&)'52%3 $ # 4- " % ! Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. The Slayer Code: Destroy all vampires with the obligatory aid of super strength, fighting ability and an acute and intense gift of timing. It’s not only vampires, however, that these warriors have chosen the responsibility to annihilate. They also have to time-out demons, monsters and just about every other kind of nasty that can come to mind. !"UFFY3UMMERSv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION Accessories include two stakes, a battle axe, 12” figure base, and the Hunga Munga featured in the episode "Anne." )TEM 6 "!NGELv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION Includes a 12" figure base, his sword, and holy water bottles. )TEM #3PIKEv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping Mar. / Apr. 04 Spike's accessories include a large cross with removable knife, railroad spike and 12” figure base. )TEM $&AITHv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping May / Jun. 04 Faith includes wooden stake, crossbow, knife and 12” figure base. )TEM %6AMPIRE7ILLOWv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping Jul. / Aug. 04 Includes keys, whip, pool cue and 12” figure base. Prototype - final product may differ from image shown. )TEM ).#(&)'52%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 4- ! " Born in the flames of hell and brought to Earth to perpetrate evil, Hellboy was rescued from sinister forces by the benevolent Professor Broom, who raised him to be a hero. In Dr. Broom’s secret Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.), Hellboy creates an unlikely family consisting of the telepathic “MerMan” Abe Sapien and “Pyrokenetic” Liz Sherman, the woman who can control fire. Hidden from the very society that they protect, they stand as the key line of defense against an evil madman who seeks to reclaim Hellboy to the dark side and use his powers to destroy mankind. !v$ELUXE(ELLBOY&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping Apr. / May 04 )TEM "v+ROENEN&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping Apr. / May 04 )TEM # #v!BE3APIEN&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping Apr. / May 04 ©2004 REVOLUTION STUDIOS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Join our weekly e-newsletter online!).#(&)'52%3 4- Deep in the mountains of Carpathia lies the mysterious and mythic land of Transylvania- a world where evil is ever-present, where danger rises as the sun sets, and where the monsters that inhabit man’s deepest nightmares take form. Filmmaker Stephen Sommers (The Mummy; The Mummy Returns) brings Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman), the legendary monster hunter born in the pages of Bram Stoker’s$RACULA to film. In his ongoing battle to rid the world of its fiendish creatures, Van Helsing joins forces with the fearless Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale). !(UGH*ACKMANAS6AN(ELSINGv&IGURE,IMITED%DITION )TEM "+ATE"ECKINSALEAS!NNAv&IGURE,IMITED%DITION )TEM ! " 8 Van Helsing is a TM & © of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, LLLP. All rights reserved. ).#(&)'52%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 " As agents of the FBI, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are dedicated to investigating cases involving the paranormal, supernatural, extraterrestrial, and the unexplained. Mulder, who is fueled by the belief that his sister was abducted by aliens when he was a child, is an unwavering believer in the unknown. Together, they work to solve, or at least explain, the strange cases known as the X-Files. !v$AVID$UCHOVNYAS!GENT&OX-ULDER ,IMITED%DITION )TEM ! #/-).'3//. Classic 12” figures, 1/4 scale figures, and polystone collectibles "v'ILLIAN!NDERSONAS!GENT$ANA3CULLY ,IMITED%DITION )TEM 4- 9 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com).#(&)'52%3 " % ! # !33%,ONDON!FTER-IDNIGHTv&IGURE#HANEY ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM "33%6AMPYREv&IGURE3CHREK ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM $ #33%&RANKENSTEINv&IGURE+ARLOFF ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM & $33%$RACULAv&IGURE,UGOSI3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM %33%0HANTOMOFTHE/PERAv&IGURE#HANEY ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM &33%7OLF-ANv&IGURE#HANEY ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 10 ).#(&)'52%3 Order online at SideshowCollectibles.com ' ( ) + * , '3ONOF&RANKENSTEINv&IGURE+ARLOFF ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 0 (&RANKENSTEIN-EETSTHE7OLF-ANv&IGURE,UGOSI ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM - )'HOSTOF&RANKESTEINv&IGURE#HANEY ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM *0HANTOMOFTHE/PERAv&IGURE#HANEY3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM +$RACULAS2ENFIELDv&IGURE&RYE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ,-ASQUEOFTHE2ED$EATHv&IGURE#HANEY ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM --URDER,EGENDREv&IGURE,UGOSI ,IMITED.UMBER"ACK)N3TOCK )TEM .&RANKENSTEINS&RITZv&IGURE&RYE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM /-R(YDE-ARCH ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING&EB-AR )TEM 07OLF-ANS"ELATHE'YPSY,UGOSI ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING&EB-AR )TEM / . Refer to our web site for current pricing and availability. 11 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746).#(&)'52%3 4- !$OCTORAND.URSE&IGURE3ET4WILIGHT:ONE ,IMITED%DITIONOF From the episode, “Eye of the Beholder.” !SSRT "+ANAMITv&IGURE4WILIGHT:ONE ,IMITED%DITIONOF From the episode, “To Serve Man.” )TEM #'REMLINv&IGURE4WILIGHT:ONE ,IMITED %DITION OF From the episode, “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.” Item # 6904 ..................................$40. ! $)NVADER&IGURE4WILIGHT:ONE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Life-size )TEM $ # # ! " !RMYOF$ARKNESS !!SHv&IGURE,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM "%VIL!SHv&IGURE,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 4(%/54%2,)-)43 & #)KAR)KARS3OLDIERv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM $'WYLLMv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM %%BONITE'UARDv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ' 4- % 12 $ :ANTI-ISFITS2OTOCAST&IGURES ,IMITED%DITIONOF &0RISONER3/,$/54 )TEM '2EGENT )TEM ! ).#(&)'52%3 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com !4HE-UDDY+NIGHTSv&IGURES ,IMITED%DITIONOF 3ETOF "0RINCE(ERBERTv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM #4HE3WAMP+INGv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM $ % " # $-ANDYv&IGURE 3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITION )TEM %"RIANv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITION 13 Order online at at SideshowCollectibles.com).#(&)'52%3 'OLDEN%YE A. Sean Bean as 006 Alec 12” Figure Shipping Aug. / Sept. 04 )TEM B. Pierce Brosnan as Bond 12” Figure Shipping Aug. / Sept. 04 )TEM C. Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp 12” Figure Prototype - final product may differ from image shown Shipping Aug. / Sept. 04 )TEM /N(ER-AJESTYS3ECRET3ERVICE D. Telly Savalas as Blofeld 12” Figure )TEM E. George Lazenby as Bond 12” Figure )TEM # ! " %XCLUSIVE F. Desmond Llewlyn as Q - 12” Figure Limited Edition )TEM G. Richard Keil as Jaws - 12” Figure Limited Edition )TEM $ ,IVEAND,ET$IE H. Julius Harris as Tee Hee 12” Figure )TEM I. Roger Moore as Bond 12” Figure )TEM È%%%^i\XkAXd\j9fe[Zfcc\Zk`Yc\j%È ?l^_?\]e\i$glYc`j_\i GcXpYfpDX^Xq`e\ $R.O J. Sean Connery as Bond )TEM K. Joseph Wiseman as Dr. No 3/,$/54 )TEM ,ICENCETO+ILL L. Robert Davi as Sanchez 12” Figure )TEM M. Timothy Dalton as Bond 12” Figure )TEM 4HE-AN7ITH4HE'OLDEN'UN N. Christopher Lee as Scaramanga 12” Figure )TEM O. Roger Moore as Bond 12” Figure )TEM $IE!NOTHER$AY P. Pierce Brosnan as James Bond 3/,$/54 )TEM R. Halle Berry as Jinx 12” Figure )TEM Q. Rick Yune as Zao 12” Figure )TEM / 1 2 14 ).#(&)'52%3Join our newsletter at SideshowCollectibles. ' ) ( & % Ç@k`jhl`k\Xk_i`ccX]k\i),p\Xijkf Y\i\d\dY\i\[n`k_X]`^li\%%%%%%`k `jjfn\cc[fe\`kYi`e^jYXZbXcfk f]gc\XjXekd\dfi`\j%È I`Z_Xi[B\`c$XZkfi DffeiXb\iAXnj + * , . Refer to our web site for current pricing and availability. 0 - Ç@kÊj^i\Xkkf_Xm\pflifneXZk`fe ]`^li\%@ki\d`e[jd\k_Xk@e\\[ kfnfibflkÇ IfY\ik;Xm`$XZkfi C`Z\eZ\kfB`ccJXeZ_\q #Gif]`c\i 15 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com).#(&)'52%3 $ % ! " # $ $ 3ET 6IETNAM"ASIC5NIFORM )TEM 3ET ,ONG2ANGE0ATROL )TEM 16 !2HAHv&IGURE0LATOON %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF As the leader of the 'Underworld.' Rhah offers an often eccentric but satisfying perspective on the insane situation the Platoon members find themselves in. Comes with M-16 rifle, jungle uniform, Nam boots, canteen, rifle pouches, first aid kit, jungle kit, M-1 helmet with bug repellant bottle, jungle belt, and H-harness, M-16 bayonet and sheath, wrist watch, Nam jungle pack, Nam e-tool and cover, Nam flack jacket, Rhah stick with barbwire. )TEM "+INGv&IGURE0LATOON %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF 'King' offers the members of the Platoon support from both his M-60 machine gun and his own home spun wisdom. Comes with: M-60 machine gun, ammo belt for M-60, jungle uniform, Nam boots, canteen, rifle pouches, first aid kit, jungle kit, M-1 helmet with bug repellant bottle, oil bottle, jungle belt, and H-harness, M-16 bayonet and sheath, wrist Watch, M-16 Bandoleer with M-16 Magazines, Nam jungle pack, Nam e-tool and cover, .45 Colt auto pistol, holster for pistol. )TEM #3PC&OUR,ERNERv&IGURE0LATOON %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF A skilled translator and good friend of Chris Taylor. When Lerner is wounded, Chris finds a new courage and resolve to handle the insane situation of war. Comes with M-16 rifle, jungle uniform, Nam boots, canteen, rifle pouches, first aid kit, jungle kit, M-1 helmet with bug repellant bottle, jungle belt, and H-harness, M-16 bayonet, sheath, wrist watch, flash light, M-16 bandoleer with M-16 magazines, Nam jungle pack, Nam e-tool and cover, rain jacket and nam machete. )TEM $0LATOONv&IGURE3ET0LATOON )ncludes 3 figures: Barnes, Taylor and Elias. ,IMITED%DITIONOF3ETS !SSRT . %3GTh2EDv/.EILLv&IGURE 0LATOON %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF Loud-mouthed and less-than-courageous, O'Neill does what he can just to stay alive. Much to his surprise, it is he who is left in charge of putting the Platoon's shattered pieces back together at the film's end. Comes with M-16 rifle, jungle uniform, Nam boots, canteen, rifle pouches, first aid kit, jungle kit, M-1 helmet, jungle belt, H-harness, M-16 bayonet and sheath, Nam flack jacket, wrist watch, Nam jungle pack, Nam e-tool and cover, cigarette and green t-shirt. )TEM ).#(&)'52%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 " ! !8TRA3ALTY2,EE%RMEY Based on real life retired Gunnery Sgt. and actor, R. Lee Ermey (Full Metal Jacket, History Channel's Mail Call), this figure comes dressed in digital camoflauge and features an Xtra Salty Sound Chip. There is no PC “@X#!” here. )TEM "22ATED'UNNERY3GT2,EE%RMEY This figure spouts a blistering, R Rated, one minute sound chip that barks Ermey's unique motivational advice. )TEM 17 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746).#(&)'52%3 $ % # " ! & ( ) ' !'ENERAL2%,EEv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with wide brimmed slouch hat, Confederate frock coats with insignia, Trousers, undershirt with cravat, riding boots with spurs, officer waist belt, Confederate staff officers sword and scabbard, binoculars, binocular case and gauntlets. )TEM $#3)NFANTRY/FFICER!RMYOF.ORTHERN6IRGINIAv &IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with CS officer trousers, officer sash, CS officer belt, CS foot officer sword & scabbard, CS officer kepi, officer boots, officer haversack, binoculars and case. )TEM "'ENERAL@3TONE7ALL*ACKSONv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM %#OLONEL*#HAMBERLAINv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with an authentic period outfit, shackles, 1873 singleaction Army Colt pistol, 1873 Schofield revolver, double-barreled shotgun, gun belt and holster. )TEM # 53 )NFANTRY /FFICER !RMY OF THE 0OTOMAC v &IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with US officer trousers, officer sash, US officer belt, 1840 US foot officer sword & scabbard, officer forage cap, officer boots, holster, Remington 58 Army pistol, cap pouch and officer haversack. )TEM 18 & #3 )NFANTRY "UGLER!RMY OF .ORTHERN 6IRGINIA v &IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM '53TH.9:OUAVE)NFANTRYMANv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ('ENERAL5LYSSES3'RANTv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping July / Aug. 04 Comes with officer slouch hat, officers sack coat, US vest, US trousers, boots, 2 maps and map case, cigar, flask, binoculars and binocular case. )TEM )-AJOR'ENERAL7ILLIAM4ECUMSEH3HERMANv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOFShipping Mar. / Apr. 04 Comes with officer slouch hat, US superior officer frock coat with General rank, US officer frock coat, civilian shirt, US saber belt with officer buckle, officer presentation sword, boots with spurs, binoculars and case, and maps of Atlanta. )TEM ).#(&)'52%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 !53ND7ISCONSIN)NFANTRY#3v&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM "'ENERAL*EB3TUARTv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM #"EDFORD&ORESTv&IGURE ShippingJune / July 04 ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 88 $ST4EXAS)NFANTRYv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM %TH'EORGIA"ATTALION@4HE3AVANNAH 'UARD Crutchfield’s Artillery Brigade Carded Set ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM ! &RD'EORGIA)NFANTRY#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM 'TH.9)NFANTRY@)RISH"RIGADE#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM (#IVIL7AR2IFLES#ARDED3ET Limited Edition of 2,000 (figure not included) )TEM )ND53"ERDAN3HARPSHOOTER#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM *53ND7ISCONSIN)NFANTRY#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM " # $ +TH.ORTH#AROLINA)NFANTRY#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOFFIGURENOTINCLUDED )TEM ,ST4EXAS)NFANTRY#ARDED3ET ,IMITED%DITIONOF(figure not included) )TEM ) ( ' % + * , & 19 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com).#(&)'52%3 ! $ " # !53!RMY,INE/FFICER,IEUTENANT!%&v&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF3/,$/54 Comes with M1917 helmet, US Officer tunic w/Officer collar and shoulder rank, US breeches, trench coat, SBR gas bag and gas mask, .45 holster, pistol belt, map case, whistle, .45 pistol with working slide, med pouch, US canteen, cane and .45 ammo pouch. )TEM "53!RMY)NFANTRYMAN0RIVATE!%&v&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with M1917 helmet, US Army tunic, US Army breeches, US Army putties, boots, US cartridge belt, M1910 haversack, SBR gas bag and gas mask, M1910 shovel & cover, US canteen, US med pouch, US working mess tin, US fork, US spoon, US knife, 1903 Springfield rifle with working bolt action, trench knife, and 1903 bayonet. )TEM % 20 #!USTRALIAN,IGHT(ORSEMAN 3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with Australian felt hat with Emmu feather, Australian tunic with collar and shoulder badges, Australian riding breeches, leather waist belt, waist ammo pouches, ammo bandoleer, water bottle with holder and harness, 1903 haversack, boots with leggings and spurs, enfield bayonet with frog, enfield rifle with working bolt )TEM $53'ENERAL*OHN*OSEPH0ERSHING!%&3/,$/54 12” Figure 3)$%3(/7%8#,53)6%,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with US Officer peak cap, riding crop, US Officer coat with medals, collar and general collar rank, US riding breeches, Sam Brown belt, map case, riding boots, spurs and gloved hands. )TEM %53TH-ARINE2IFLEMANv&IGURE This 12" hightly articulated figure comes with M1917 helmet, M1914 tunic and trousers in "Forest Green", French ankle boots, M1917 gasmask and bag, M1910 canteen, M1910 first aid pouch, cartridge belt (fabric construction), M1910 haversack, shovel with cover, M1905 bayonet with M1910 scabbard, M1903/05 Springfield rifle with sling, puttees, and Marine tan undershirt. )TEM ).#(&)'52%3Join our newsletter at SideshowCollectibles.com % & ' 4- 4HE 3IDESHOW #OLLECTIBLES TEAM IS PROUD TO HAVE THE CREATIVEPARTICIPATIONOFFILMDIRECTORANDFELLOW77COLLECTOR 0ETER*ACKSONONTHISLINEOFFIGURESANDACCESSORIES %'ERMAN)NFANTRY,IEUTENANT#ENTRAL0OWERSv &IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with Officers’ peak cap, Stahlhelm helmet with chin strap, Officers tunic with LT shoulder straps, Iron Cross, wound badge, trousers, puttees, ankle boots, cavalry boots, waist belt with Prussian belt buckle, breadbag, water bottle, artillery luger, shoulder stock, drum magazine and magazine carrier, artillery luger holster with shoulder sling, fernglass binoculars and belt case. )TEM &'ERMAN4RENCH2AIDER#ENTRAL0OWERSv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF German Stosstruppen 'Trench Raiders' were trained to survive the horrors of trench warfare and were well armed for the task. Armored breastplates were issued for the initial assault across no mans land in an effort to protect as many men as possible. Once on the enemy, the armor could be dumped, and each man would go to work with grenades, pistols, clubs, and knives; whatever got the job done. )TEM ' &RENCH 2IFLEMAN ST 2ÏGIMENT D)NFANTRIE !LLIED0OWERSv&IGURE,IMITED%DITION Comes with an Adrian helmet, single breasted great coat, tunic dickie, breeches with infantry stripe, puttees, boots, leather Y strap and waist belt, cartridge boxes, haversacks, 2-liter canteen, bayonet frog and scabbard, M-2 gas mask and bag, Large wirecutters, 1886 Epee bayonet and 1907 Berthier Rifle. )TEM2 ("RITISH,EWIS'UNNERST"ATTALION,ANCASHIRE&USILIERS TH$IVISION!LLIED0OWERSv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITION Comes with a helmet with cover, uniform blouse w/ 29th Division insignia, trousers, ammo boots with puttees, P-08 shoulder braces and waistbelt, webley No. VI pistol, pistol holster and ammo pouch, P-08 Haversack, Water Bottle, P-08 bayonet frog, enfield bayonet, entrenching tool w/ handle and carry, small box respirator and bag, Lewis Mk I machine gun and rolled rain poncho. )TEM2 ( 21 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746).#(&)'52%3 " ! !"ILLYTHE+IDv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with authentic period outfit, wanted poster, 1873 Winchester carbine, 1877 Colt Lightning pistol, hunting knife, gun belt and holster. )TEM # "7YATT%ARPv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with an authentic period outfit, shackles, 1873 single-action Army Colt Pistol, 1873 Schofield Revolver, double barreled shotgun, gun belt and holster. )TEM "ILLYTHE+ID%ARP!SSRT #$OC(OLIDAYv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with Wide brimmed hat, shirt with string tie, vest, trousers, overcoat, gunbelt with holster, Colt Peacemaker, shoulder holster, walking stick, coachgun, flask, pocket watch and chain. )TEM $#RAZY(ORSEv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with Sioux pattern moccasins, leather fringed leggings, beaded waistbelt, beaded choker, Henry rifle with tacked stock, alternate rifle-firing/grasping hands, hawk heather, loin cloth, plains knife with beaded scabbard, tomahawk and bone breastplate with ties. )TEM %'ENERAL#USTERv&IGURE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITIONOF Wide-brimmed plains hat, sailor shirt, 1872 pattern calvary boots, modified officer's saber belt with leather cartridge loops, 2 ivory-handled Irish constabulary revolvers, private purchase plains knife with fringed scabbard, buckskin jacket and fringed trousers, red cravat, spurs with straps, gauntlet hands, cap pouch, remington No.1 rolling block rifle, pistol-firing and rifle-firing alternate right hands. )TEM 22 $ % ).#(&)'52%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 4- !6LADTHE)MPALERv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Accurately recreated on the basis of early paintings and prints. this "Vlad The Impaler," figure comes dressed in crimson robes. Accessories include a spear, Turkish style sword w/ scabbard, western style mace, and a chalice filled with blood. )TEM ! ""LACKBEARDTHE0IRATEv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOFPCS Accessories include tricorn hat, lined overcoat, waistcoat, ruffled sleeve shirt, seamans trousers, socks, buckle front shoes, lions head pommel cutlass hanger, Queen Anne pistols with working locks, large caliber pistol with working lock, pistol brace belt with patch box, cutlass baldrick, waistbelt. )TEM " #TH2EGIMENT&OOT"RITISH3OLDIERv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with short land pattern musket and bayonet with sheath, haversack, knapsack, canteen, waist belt, cartridge box, military cocked hat with cockade, uniform coat with 64th Regiment lace & button loops, breeches, and buckled shoes with half gaiters. )TEM $$ELAWARE2EGIMENT#ONTINENTAL3OLDIERv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Comes with Delaware uniform coat, gaiter trousers, buckled shoes, short land pattern musket and bayonet with shoulder carriage, haversack, knapsack, canteen, waist belt, cartridge box, and military cocked hat with Alliance cockade. )TEM # $ 23 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746!##%33/2)%3 ! " !3TONE7ALL%NVIRONMENT ,IMITED%DITIONOF The main section measures 2.75" W x 6.25" H x 14.25" L, and the end cap measures 2.75" W x 6.25" H x 3.25" L. Figure not included. )TEM # "4RENCH%NVIRONMENT ,IMITED%DITIONOF Rigid foam base is both durable and lightweight. 14.25" H x 9" W x 6" D. Can display most 12" figures. Includes ladder for 'over the top' assaults. Figure not included. )TEM #3TONE$UNGEON"ASES ,IMITED%DITIONOF Small Stone Base (1 figure) )TEM Large Stone Base (2 figure) )TEM $-UD'RASS"ASES ,IMITED%DITIONOF Small Mud Base (1 figure) )TEM Large Mud Base (2 figure) )TEM &IGURE3TANDS E. 12” Sideshow Stand )TEM G. 12” Marine Stand )TEM 24 $ % ( !##%33/2)%3 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 " ! These highly durable figures have true human proportions in 1/6 scale. The male and female heads are generic facial features and the heads have distinctive, expressive fingers to aid with your detailed drawing studies. The Art S. Buck figures each come with a custom stand. The durable plastic stand has a circular base, measuring approximately 4.5" in width, with a plastic stem that houses a wire holder which is adjustable in height. The stand features colorful artwork of the Art S. Buck logo. !-ALEv&IGURE )TEM "&EMALEv&IGURE )TEM #/-).'3//. Caucasian and African-American models. 25 Order by phone (800) 474 - 37463#!,%&)'52%3 In 1931 Boris Karloff portrayed the lumbering, misunderstood monster in the Universal Studios film “Frankenstein.” In his non-speaking role, Karloff ended up stealing the picture from its leading man and becoming a star in his own right. The Monster, later to be synonomous with the film’s title, “Frankenstein,” would launch a string of memorable monsters for the studio throughout the first half of the century. This 1/4 scale figure’s detailed face captures the essence of Karloff’s likeness in his star making role. The figure’s soft body houses a poseable wire armature that allows for basic re-positioning of the pose to your desired taste. A wooden floor board textured stand is also included for sturdy support of the figure when on display. ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM This Limited edition 1/4 scale collectible rendition of Lugosi's Dracula, from Tod Browning's black and white classic Dracula, is the third 1/4 scale horror icon from Sideshow. The figure comes completely posed with highly detailed, theatrically accurate clothing, and a hand painted likeness that brings Bela Lugosi's hypnotic gaze to life. The Count was brilliantly sculpted by accomplished portrait artist Andy Bergholtz. The clothing details and fabrication were achieved by the masterful hands of large scale figure artist Greg Mowry. Shipping Apr. / May 04 Limited Edition of 1,100 )TEM 26 3#!,%&)'52%3Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com Deep in the mountains of Carpathia lies the mysterious and mythic land of Transylvania- a world where evil is ever-present, where danger rises as the sun sets, and where the monsters that inhabit man’s deepest nightmares take form. Filmmaker Stephen Sommers (The Mummy; The Mummy Returns) brings Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman), the legendary monster hunter born in the pages of Bram Stoker’s $RACULA to film. In his ongoing battle to rid the world of its fiendish creatures, Van Helsing, on order of a secret society, travels to Transylvania to bring down the lethally seductive, enigmatically powerful Count Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) and joins forces with the fearless Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), out to rid her family of a generations-old curse by defeating the vampire. This 18” Van Helsing figure features film-accurate costuming, a highly detailed Hugh Jackman likeness and poseable arms. (UGH*ACKMANAS6AN(ELSINGv&IGURE Shipping June / July 04 ,IMITED%DITION )TEM Van Helsing is a TM & © of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, LLLP. All rights reserved. #/-).'3//. This 18 inch figure features highly detailed film-accurate clothing and an authentic Lon Chaney likeness as The Vampire from “London After Midnight”. 27 3#!,%&)'5 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com " !#APTAIN+IRK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING*UNE*ULY This 18” figure features an authentic William Shatner likeness and finely tailored Star Fleet uniform. The figure stands on a high-quality polystone base featuring the command officer insignia. Captain Kirk has his phaser set for action, and both arms are highly poseable. )TEM "3POCK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING*ULY!UG This 18” figure features an authentic Leonard Nimoy likeness and finely tailored Star Fleet uniform. The figure stands on a high-quality polystone base featuring the science officer insignia. Spock is equipped with his trusty tricorder, and both arms are highly poseable. )TEM ! 28 3#!,%&)'52%3Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com At certain times and in certain places, it is possible for individuals of genius to change not only the course of their own lives, but to reshape nations and to affect the lives of millions. There is no more striking example of this than Napoleon Bonaparte, a man who went from being a minor aristocrat and artillery officer in the French Army to being crowned Emperor of France in a little over a decade. During the time he held sway on the continent, Napoleon was able to topple governments and change European society from the Iberian Peninsula to the plains of Eastern Europe. This was possible, in part, because of his amazing abilities as an administrator and politician, but even more so it was due to his tactical skill, good fortune, and determination in battle. Quite simply, Napoleon was one of the greatest examples of military genius Europe ever saw. For over twenty years, from 1793 to 1815, Bonaparte led French troops in almost continual campaigning. His armies faced a wide range of enemies who were determined to destroy the upstart nation that had dared to overthrow its old monarchy. With a foundation of solid training as a professional soldier, and instincts and insights that more often than not enabled him to surprise and outmaneuver his opponents, Napoleon repeatedly defeated the armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, various Italian states, and even the Mamelukes of Egypt. In the opinion of one of his most successful opponents, the Duke of Wellington, the presence of Napoleon on a battlefield was worth 40,000 men. The Emperor's soldiers were fiercely loyal to him, firmly believing in his genius and luck, and willing to fight to the death for Napoleon and for France. 3CALE.APOLEONv&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONShipping July / Aug 04 )TEM 29 Order online at SideshowCollectibles.com3#!,%&)'52%3 4- (ELLBOY3CALE&IGURE 3HIPPING-AY*UNE This figure stands roughly 20” tall and is complete with movie-accurate costuming and an authentic likeness of Ron Perlman as the rugged Hellboy. The figure is cast in heavy weight polystone, including the detailed stone right hand, “The Samaritan” at the ready in the left hand, and Hellboy’s tail. The figure stands securely on a base emblazoned with the BPRD logo. )TEM 30 ©2004 REVOLUTION STUDIOS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. $ESPITE THE POPULARITY -IGNOLA ENJOYED AS A FREELANCE ARTIST HE HAD LONG ENTERTAINED THE IDEA OF CREATING HIS OWN COMIC BOOK INSPIRED BY FOLKLORE 6ICTORIAN GHOST STORIES AND THE PULP MAGAZINES OF THE S AND S 3OONTHEIDEAFOR(ELLBOYWASBORNAND-IGNOLASNEWCAREERASTHEOWNER OFHISOWNCOMICSSERIESBEGAN 0UBLISHED BY $ARK (ORSE #OMICS (ELLBOY IS PUBLISHED IN OVER A HALF DOZEN LANGUAGES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND HAS EARNED NUMEROUS INDUSTRYAWARDS-IGNOLAISTHEVISUALCONSULTANTFOR'UILLERMODEL4OROSFILM VERSIONOF(ELLBOYHAVINGPREVIOUSLYWORKEDWITHTHEDIRECTORON"LADE (EALSOWORKEDWITH&RANCES&ORD#OPPOLAON"RAM3TOKERS$RACULANDAS APRODUCTIONDESIGNERON$ISNEYS!TLANTIS4HE,OST%MPIRE(ECURRENTLY LIVESIN.EW9ORK#ITYWITHHISWIFEANDDAUGHTER 0!24.%23()03 International callers: 1- (805) 418 - 1940 -IKE-IGNOLATHECREATOROF(ELLBOYISAMONGTHEMOSTHIGHLYREGARD ED WRITERS AND ARTISTS OF HORROR COMICS TODAY (IS CHARACTERS CAN BE AS HUMOROUS AS THEY ARE FRIGHTENING AND HIS BOLD APPROACH TO CHIAROSCURO RENDERINGISPERFECTLYSUITEDTOTHEDARKANDHAUNTEDSETTINGSINWHICHHIS CHARACTERSRESIDE 4O ASSURE THAT THE (ELLBOY LINE OF PRODUCTS WAS AUTHENTIC AND TRUE TO THE FILM 3IDESHOW COLLABORATED WITH 3PECTRAL -OTION ONE OF THE EFFECTS COMPANIES THATCREATEDTHECREATUREANDMAKEUPEFFECTSFORTHE(ELLBOYFILM'LENDALE #ALIFORNIABASED 3PECTRAL -OTION SPECIALIZES IN THE DESIGN AND CREATION OF ASTONISHING FILM AND TELEVISION CREATURE EFFECTS ANIMATRONICS AND SPECIAL MAKEUPEFFECTS4HETALENTEDEFFECTSARTISTSANDTECHNICIANSOF3PECTRAL-OTION HAVEWORKEDONSEVERALFILMSINCLUDING(ELLBOY3TAR4REK.EMESIS"LADE -EN)N"LACKAND!)!RTIFICIAL)NTELLIGENCE 3PECTRAL -OTION AND 3IDESHOW #OLLECTIBLES ARE PROUD TO OFFER (ELLBOY FANS POLYSTONE BUSTS STATUES AND MAQUETTES CRAFTED BY THE SAME ARTISTS THAT WERE INTIMATELYINVOLVEDINTHEDESIGNPROCESSFORTHEFILMVERSIONSOFTHE(ELLBOY CHARACTERS 4HE RANGE INCLUDES OVERSIZED BUSTS OF !BE 3APIEN 3AMMAEL AND (ELLBOYWITH THETALKINGCORPSEDRAPEDOVERHIS SHOULDER4HE LINEALSO INCLUDES A SCALE MAQUETTE OF !BE 3APIEN ALMOST FEET TALL A DESIGN MAQUETTEOFTHEYOUNG(ELLBOY(ELLBABYBASEDONANEARLYVERSIONOFTHE CHARACTER DESIGN AND DONE IN A FAUXBRONZE STYLE AND A SCALE 3AMMAEL MAQUETTESIZEDPERFECTLYFORDISPLAYWITHTHEv(ELLBOYFIGURES!NYOFTHESE HIGHQUALITYHEAVYWEIGHTPOLYSTONECOLLECTIBLESWILLBESURETOBECOMETHE PREMIEREPIECEOFANY(ELLBOYCOLLECTION&ORMOREINFORMATIONONTHETALENTED ARTISTSANDSCULPTORSAT3PECTRAL-OTIONRESPONSIBLEFORTHESEARTWORKSPLEASE VISITWWW3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM 31 Order online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 # " © 2004 REVOLUTION STUDIOS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 32 ! "3AMMAEL"UST Limited Edition of 1,500 Ships Apr / May 04 Approx. 11”H x 10”L x 5”W Item # 8906 .........................................$135. #!BE3APIEN"UST Limited Edition of 1,500 Ships Apr / May 04 Approx. 11”H x 10”L x 6”W Item # 8905 .........................................$125. % $!BE3APIEN3CALE-AQUETTE Limited Edition of 1000 Ships Apr / May 04 Approx. 25”H x 11”L x 7”W Item # 8908 ........................................ $300. %(ELLBABY&AUX"RONZE-AQUETTE Limited Edition of 500 Ships Apr / May 04 Approx. 15”H x 11”L x 8”W Item # 8907..........................................$150. 0/,934/.%&)'52%3 Join our newsletter online! !(ELLBOYWITH#ORPSE"UST Limited Edition of 1,500 Ships Apr / May 04 Approx. 12”H x 7”H x 10”W Item # 8904 .........................................$150. &3AMMAEL3CALE-AQUETTE Limited Edition Ships May / June 04 Approx. 12”H x 12”L x 10”W Item # 8909 .........................................$150. $ & 33 Order online at at SideshowCollectibles.com02/02%0,)#!3 !3TONE(AND3CALE2EPLICA ,IMITED%DITION3HIPPING!PRIL-AY Taken straight from a mold for the hand used for stunt work in the film, this life-size movie-accurate replica of Hellboy’s stone hand is made in a dense rubber material. The forearm of the stone hand is hollow and includes a built-in grip. The display is complete with a black base, featuring the BPRD logo and an engraved nameplate. Approximately 19” H x 10” W. Base measures approximately 9.5” in diameter. )TEM "h4HE3AMARITANv3CALE2EPLICA ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING!PRIL-AY This life-size replica of Hellboy’s oversized revolver was copied directly from the working gun used for the film’s hero shots. This replica is a mixture of die-cast metal and polystone, and features several moving parts including the trigger and hammer. The cylinder can be rotated and opened, allowing you to display the bullets on the base or in the chamber. The high quality heavy-weight base includes two cradles for the gun, the BPRD logo, an engraved nameplate, and four spaces for bullets. 4 bullets included. Please note - This is a non-functional replica of the prop - the gun does not fire. Approximately 13” L x 9” H. Base measures approximately 12” L x 10” D. )TEM ! " ©2004 REVOLUTION STUDIOS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 34 0/,934/.%&)'52%3Join our weekly e-newsletter online ! # " !&RANKENSTEINS-ONSTER"UST ,IMITED%DITION4"$ With light-up head and chest )TEM "$RACULAS"RIDES"UST ,IMITED%DITION4"$ )TEM #(ELL"EAST$RACULA3TATUE ,IMITED%DITION4"$ )TEM Van Helsing is a TM & © of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, LLLP. All rights reserved. 35 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com 0/,934/.% "5 ! " # $ !3COTTY,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM "-C#OY,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM #3POCK,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM $#APTAIN+IRK,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM %'ORN%XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM &#APTAIN+OLOTH %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITION )TEM & ' 36 % '!NDORIAN %XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 0/,934/.%"5343Join our newsletter at SideshowCollectibles. + * ) ( -«>Vi°°°Ì iÊ v>Ê vÀÌiÀ°Ê / iÃiÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊÛÞ>}iÃÊvÊÌ iÊ -Ì>Àà «Ê /,*,-°Ê ÌÃÊ vÛiÊ Þi>ÀÊ ÃÃ\Ê ÌÊ iÝ«ÀiÊ ÃÌÀ>}iÊiÜÊÜÀ`Ã]ÊÌÊÃiiÊÕÌÊ iÜÊ viÊ >`Ê iÜÊ VÛâ>ÌÃÊ Ê /"Ê "9Ê "Ê 7,Ê "Ê Ê -Ê " Ê ",°¸Ê / iÃiÊ ÜÀ`Ã]Ê vÀÃÌÊ i>À`Ê -i«ÌiLiÀÊ n]Ê £ÈÈ]Ê>ÀiÊÜÊLiÛi`ÊLÞÊv>ÃÊ >ÀÕ`Ê Ì iÊ ÜÀ`°Ê >«Ì>Ê ÀÊ >`Ê ÃÊVÀiÜÊVÌÕiÊÌÊÕ« `Ê iiÊ,``iLiÀÀÞ¿ÃÊÛÃÊvÊ Ì iÊ vÕÌÕÀi]Ê >`Ê Ü >ÌÊ Ê ÃÌ>ÀÌ i`Ê ÕÌÊ >ÃÊ >Ê vÛiÊ Þi>ÀÊ ÃÃÊ >ÃÊVÌÕi`ÊÌÊiÌiÀÌ>Ê>`Ê Ã«ÀiÊÛiÀÊÎxÊÞi>ÀÃÊ>ÌiÀ° (#APTAIN0ICARD ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ),IEUTENANT#OMMANDER$ATA ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM *7ORF ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM +#OMMANDER2IKER ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM 37 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 & $ # % " ! THE ULTIMATE CARTOON FAMILY, THE SIMPSONS, ALONG WITH SOME OF THE MOST NOTABLE INHABITANTS OF SPRINGFIELD ARE AVAILABLE AS COLLECTIBLE, POLYSTONE BUSTS! THESE BUSTS FEATURE A CLASSIC FLUTED FAUX MARBLE COLUMN ALONG WITH THE CHARACTER’S NAME EMBLAZONED ON THE FRONT. THE BOTTOM OF THE PEDESTAL FEATURES THE SIMPSONS LOGO, CHARACTER NAME, EDITION SIZE AND SCULPTOR’S SIGNATURE. AT ONLY $35-$40 EACH, THESE ARE A ‘MUST HAVE’ FOR ‘THE SIMPSONS’ FANS! 38 0/,934/.%"5343 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com + ' ) * ( !4HE#OLLECTOR,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM ""ART3IMPSON )TEM #,ISA3IMPSON )TEM $-ARGE3IMPSON )TEM %'RAMPA3IMPSON )TEM 4(%3)-03/.3 4-©&OX !LLRIGHTSRESERVED &(OMER3IMPSON )TEM '4HE#OMIC"OOK'UY )TEM (-OE3ZYSLAK )TEM )!PU )TEM *-R"URNS )TEM ++RUSTY4HE#LOWN )TEM ,'ROUNDSKEEPER7ILLIE )TEM , 39 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 3ERIES/NE 3ERIES4WO 3ERIES4HREE 4-©(ENSON 40 +ERMITITEM 2OWLFITEM "EAKERITEM $R(ONEYDEWITEM 'ONZOITEM 7ALDORFITEM 3AMTHE%AGLEITEM 3TATLERITEM 3COOTERITEM 3WEDISH#HEFITEM *ANICEITEM 0/,934/.%"5343 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746 3ERIES&OUR &OZZIEITEM "EAUREGARDITEM ,EW:EALANDITEM :OOTITEM 3AVEONTHE#OMPLETE3ERIESSET 3ERIES&IVE -ISS0IGGYITEM !NIMALITEM #RAZY(ARRYITEM $OCTOR4EETHITEM 3AVEONTHE#OMPLETE3ERIESSET 41 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%&)'52%3 4- ! 4- # " !3CARAB2ABBIT0OLYSTONE&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF We are proud to announce the second polystone figure in a series of collectibles bases on Gagne’s book, Insanely Twisted Rabbits. This piece is anticipated to be just as popular as the Demon Dog Rabbit release. With it’s big teeth and eyes, this collectible is sure to be a twisted show piece! )TEM ")NSANELY4WISTED2ABBITS"OOK Don’t miss out on one of the most popular books in the collection of Michel Gagné! This 40-page book is a compilation of outrageous and wicked interpretations of a pet rabbit owned by a friend of the artist. The book is an excellent reminder that there is always more than one way to do something! )TEM 42 #$EMON$OG2ABBIT0OLYSTONE&IGURE ,IMITED%DITIONOF This piece is based on the outrageous art of Michel Gagné from his book, Insanely Twisted Rabbits. This polystone collectible is hand finshed and painted to the highest standards, and comes with a textured base that features the logo, edition size and artists signature. )TEM 0/,934/.%&)'52%3Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com # % ' ! $ " ( & Series One Series Two 4- 0 + ) . , 1 / * Series Three -4AU&IRE7ARRIOR ,IMITED%DITIONOF )TEM Series Four Series One Limited Edition of 5,000 each. Series Two Limited Edition of 5,000 each. Series Three Limited Edition of 5,000 each. Series Four Limited Edition of 5,000 each. !"ROTHER-ERIDICUS5LTRAMARINES )TEM ""ROTHER(OLST"LOOD!NGELS )TEM #"ROTHER(YRION$ARK!NGELS )TEM $"ROTHER/SRIK3PACE7OLVES )TEM %"ROTHER3ANCHEZ)MPERIAL&ISTS )TEM &"ROTHER'RIMMAW3PACE7OLVES )TEM '"ROTHER#LEON"LOOD!NGELS )TEM ("ROTHER!MEDEON5LTRAMARINES )TEM )"ROTHER3ANTOS#RIMSON&ISTS )TEM *6ETERAN3ERGEANT/STAVIA$ARK!NGELS )TEM +"ROTHER4HEOLUS"LOOD!NGELS )TEM ,"ROTHER4HRAXIUS5LTRAMARINES )TEM ."ROTHER!MADEON5LTRAMARINES )TEM /"ROTHER'ORGON"LACK4EMPLARS )TEM 0"ROTHER2HAMIEL$ARK!NGELS )TEM 1"ROTHER3TROM7OLF3PACE7OLVES )TEM 43 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.comvv&)'52%3 " ! !(EALING&AERYv&IGURE 3HIPPING&EB-AR,IMITED%DITIONOF A true source of healing, her radiance lifts the burden of your ills. )TEM ".IGHT&AERYv&IGURE3/,$/54 3HIPPING&EB-AR,IMITED%DITIONOF Custodian of the night, she governs the peaceful and tranquil elements that night time brings. )TEM # #$AY&AERYv&IGURE3/,$/54 3HIPPING&EB-AR,IMITED%DITIONOF As the Shepherd of daylight, her touch is the warmth of the sun on your cheek. )TEM 4 44 JEFTIPX$PMMFDUJCMFTCSJOHTUPMJGFGJHVSJOFTCBTFEPOUIFBSUPGUIFh8PSMEPG'SPVEh"MM PGUIF-JNJUFE&EJUJPOGJHVSFTBOETNBMMFSGJHVSJOFTDVMQUVSFTBSFCBTFEPOPSJHJOBM DSFBUJPOTTDVMQUFECZ8FOEZ'SPVEBOEJOTQJSFECZUIFBSUPG#SJBO'SPVE5IFTDVMQ UVSFTBSFGJOFMZEFUBJMFEIBOEQBJOUFEIBOEDSBGUFESFQSPEVDUJPOTDBQUVSJOHUIFFTTFODF PGUIFTFNBHJDBMBOEHSBDFGVMDSFBUVSFT vv&)'52%3 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746 !'OOD&AERY Approximately 13” in height. Shipping July / Aug. 04 ,IMITED%DITION )TEM " ""AD&AERY Approximately 13” in height. Shipping July / Aug. 04 ,IMITED%DITION )TEM ! 3 FOPXOFEBSUJTU#SJBO'SPVEBOEGBNFEEPMMNBLFS8FOEZ 'SPVE CSJOH UP MJHIU B QMBDF UIBU JT PGUFO IJEEFO UP UIF NPSUBMFZFUIF3FBMNPGUIF'BFSZ#SJBOTEFUBJMFEJNBH FTDBQUVSFUIFGFFMJOHPGUIFJSXPSMEBOE8FOEZTTDVMQUVSFT BMMPX VT B UISFF EJNFOTJPOBM HMJNQTF PG UIF FYQSFTTJWF GBDFT BOE NJTDIJFWPVT OBUVSFT PG UIFTF 'BFSZ GPMLT5PHFUIFS UIFJSXPSLDPOWFZTUIFXPOEFSPGUIFTFNBHJDBMJMMVTJWF DSFBUVSFT !&AERYOFTHE4WILIGHT&IGURINE Approximately 6” in height. )TEM # "&AERYOFTHE&OREST&IGURINE Approximately 4.25” in height. )TEM #&AERYOFTHE&LOWERS&IGURINE Approximately 5.5” in height. )TEM $'RIG0IXIE&IGURINE Approx. 3.5” in height. )TEM ! ' % $ & %'ULL0IXIE&IGURINE Approx. 4” in height. )TEM &-AWMET0IXIE&IGURINE Approx. 4” in height. )TEM " '0INKETT0IXIE&IGURINE Approx. 5” in height. )TEM h4HEPIXIESAREALWAYSFULLOFMISCHIEVOUSENERGYWHILE)MSCULPTING THEM4HEYLEAPABOUTONMYWORKTABLEHIDINGMYTOOLSANDPUSH INGOVERPAINTPOTS4HEYNEVERSEEMTOWANTTOHOLDTHEPOSE)VE SCULPTED THEM IN )N THE END ) USUALLY HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH THEIR WISHES AND LET THEM BE WHATEVER THEY WANT TO BE ,UCKILY THEYRE HAPPY CREATURES AND ALTHOUGH THEY MAY CAUSE A BIT OF MISCHIEF IN YOURLIFEASWELLTHEYLLALWAYSDOITWITHASENSEOFFUNv 7ENDY&ROUD 45 Order by phone (800) 474 - 37460/,934/.%34!45%3 ! " 5IF4JEFTIPX8FUB $POOFDUJPO 4JEFTIPX IBT QBSUOFSFE XJUI 8FUB8PSLTIPQ PG /FX ;FBMBOE UP EFWFMPQNVMUJQMFMJOFTPGQPMZTUPOF DPMMFDUJCMFT CBTFE PO UIF GJMN USJM PHZ 5IF -PSE PG UIF 3JOHT 8FUB 8PSLTIPQ JT UIF 4QFDJBM &GGFDUT $PNQBOZ UIBU DSFBUFE UIF FGGFDUT GPSBMMUISFF-PSEPGUIF3JOHTGJMNT 8FUB JT /FX ;FBMBOEhT GPSFNPTU FGGFDUT GBDJMJUZ XIJDI XBT FTUBC MJTIFE GJGUFFO ZFBST BHP UP TVQQPSU /FX ;FBMBOEhT GMFEHMJOH GJMN BOE UFMFWJTJPO JOEVTUSZ 8FUB JT DPN QSJTFE PG B HSPVQ PG BSUJTUT VOJUFE JO UIFJS MPWF PG BSU BOE GJMN GSPN CMBDLTNJUIT UP MFBUIFSXPSLFST TLJMMFE QSPTUIFUJD UFDIOJDJBOT NJOJB UVSF NBLFST QBJOUFST UP XJH NBLFST DBTUJOH BOE NPMEJOH FYQFSUT FOHJ OFFSTBOETXPSETNJUIT # $ ©--)6.,0)NC4-4OLKIEN%NTLICENSEDTO .,0)NC!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED 46 0/,934/.%34!45%3Order Online at SideshowCollectibles. % * ' ( ) + & !!RWEN%VENSTAR3TATUE Approx. 11.5” in height. )TEM "+ING%LESSAR!RAGORN3TATUE3/,$/54 ,IMITED%DITION/& Approx. 12” in height. )TEM #4HÏODEN3TATUE ,IMITED%DITION/& Approx.16.5” in height. )TEM $'ANDALFTHE'REY3TATUE Approx. 12.5” in height. )TEM Refer to our website for availability. , %,EGOLAS'REENLEAF3TATUE Approximately 12.5” in height. )TEM )'ANDALFTHE7HITE3TATUE ,IMITED%DITIONOFApprox. 13” in height. )TEM &"OROMIR3TATUE 3IDESHOW%XCLUSIVE,IMITED%DITIONOF Approx. 11.5” in height. )TEM *%LROND3TATUE3HIPPING-AR!PR Approx. 13” in height. )TEM ''ALADHRIM!RCHER3TATUE ,IMITED%DITIONOF Approx. 17.5” in height. )TEM +"ILBO"AGGINS3TATUE2%4)2%$ ,IMITEDSTOCKAVAILABLE Approx. 8.5”H )TEM (-ERRY"RANDYBUCK3TATUE2%4)2%$ ,IMITEDSTOCKAVAILABLEApprox. 9” in height. )TEM ,&RODO"AGGINS3TATUE2%4)2%$ ,IMITEDSTOCKAVAILABLE Approx. 9” in height. )TEM 47 Order by phone (800) 474 - 37460/,934/.%34!45%3 # !%ASTERLING3OLDIER LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. Approx. 14.5” in height. )TEM2 ",URTZ3TATUE2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. Approx. 14.5” in height. )TEM #/RC"RUTE3TATUE2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. Approx. 11.5” in height. )TEM $/RC/VERSEER3TATUE3/,$/54 Limited stock available. Approx. 10” in height. )TEM % 5RUKHAI "ERSERKER 3TATUE LIMITED EDITION of 3,000 Approx. 10” in height. )TEM &3HELOB3TATUE LIMITED EDITION Shipping July / August Approx. 5.5”H & 13.5”L. )TEM '/RC0ITMASTER3TATUE2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. Approx. 9” in height. )TEM (5GLÞK5RUKHAI#APTAIN3TATUE LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. Approx. 11.5” in height. )TEM 48 " % $ 0/,934/.%34!45%3Order Online at SideshowCollectibles. & ( ' ) * ©--)6.,0)NC4-4OLKIEN%NT LICENSEDTO.,0)NC!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED 49 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 # !!RWEN%VENSTAR"UST )TEM "'ANDALFTHE7HITE"UST )TEM #'IMLI"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM $.UMENOREAN)NFANTRYMAN"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM ( %'ALADHRIM3OLDIER"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM " &$WARVEN,ORD"UST )TEM '%LVEN)NFANTRYMAN"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM (²OMER"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM )!RAGORN"UST )TEM *"OROMIR3ONOF$ENETHOR"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM $ ! +4REEBEARD"UST2%4)2%$ LIMITED EDITION of 1,500. )TEM % ,'ALADRIEL"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM -,EGOLAS"UST2%4)2%$ LIMITED EDITION of 3,000. )TEM .@0IPPIN4OOK"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM /&RODO"AGGINS"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM & ( 0+ING4HÏODEN"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM 1"ILBO"AGGINS"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM 2-ERRY"RANDYBUCK"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM 30EREGRIN4OOK"UST 2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM 50 ' 0/,934/.%"5343 Join our weekly e-newsletter online! ) * + , 3 / 0 . 2 1 ©--)6.,0)NC4-4OLKIEN%NTLICENSEDTO.,0)NC!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED 51 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 ! # " !-ORIA/RC3WORDSMAN"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM "'RIMA7ORMTONGUE"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM #2INGWRAITH"UST )TEM $#LEAVED/RC"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM %/RC/VERSEER"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM &5RUKHAI3WORDSMAN"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM '/RC3OLDIER"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM (5RUKHAI3COUT"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM $ )'RISHNÈKH"UST LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. )TEM *4HE7ITCHKING"UST LIMITED EDITION of 1,500. )TEM +3ARUMANTHE7HITE"UST LIMITED EDITION of 3,000. )TEM ,-ORIA/RC3WORDSMAN"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM -.AZGßL3TEED"UST2%4)2%$ Limited stock available. )TEM % 52 ,iviÀÊÌÊÕÀÊÜiLÃÌiÊ vÀÊ>Û>>LÌÞ° & 0/,934/.%"5343 Join our weekly e-newsletter online! ( ' + * ) , - ©--)6.,0)NC4-4OLKIEN%NTLICENSEDTO.,0)NC!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED 53 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com0/,934/.%"5343 " ! !h%SCAPE/FFTHE2OADv7ALL0LAQUE LIMITED EDITION of 5,000. 15.75”W x 9.5”H )TEM2 "(ELMS$EEP%NVIRONMENT LIMITED EDITION. (Shipping May / June) 15.75”W x 9.5”H )TEM #'OLDEN(ALL%NVIRONMENT LIMITED EDITION. (Shipping May / June) 15.75”W x 9.5”H )TEM $7ATCHERINTHE7ATER3TATUE3/,$/54 LIMITED EDITION of 750. 10.5”H x 15.75”W x 10.5”D )TEM2 # %#AVE4ROLL"UST LIMITED EDITION of 10,000. 10.5”H x 15.75”W )TEM2 &3TONE4ROLLS3TATUE LIMITED EDITION of 750. 8”H x 10.5”W x 16”L )TEM2 '2INGWRAITHAND3TEED3TATUE LIMITED EDITION of 5,000. 16”W x 15”H x 9”D )TEM2 (@!-EETINGOF/LD&RIENDS7ALL0LAQUE LIMITED EDITION. (Shipping June / July) 15.5”W x 9.5”H x 3”D )TEM )@9OU3HALL.OT0ASS7ALL0LAQUE LIMITED EDITION of 2,000. (Shipping Mar. / Apr.) 15.75”H x 9.5”W )TEM -INIATURE7EAPON3ETS EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITIONS of 2,500 each set. *!RMSOFTHE&ELLOWSHIP#OLLECTION )TEM2 +!RMSOF'IMLI )TEM2 ,!RMSOFTHE-ORIA/RCS )TEM2 -!RMSOFTHE(OBBITS )TEM2 54 $ 0/,934/.%"5343 Join our weekly e-newsletter online! % & ) ' ( * - + ©--)6.,0)NC4-4OLKIEN%NT LICENSEDTO.,0)NC!LL2IGHTS2ESERVED , ) 55 International callers: 1 - (805) 418 -1940-%4!,(%,-3 & ! $ % ' # " ( , * + ) !%LENDILS(ELM)TEM ".UMENOREAN)NFANTRY(ELM)TEM #)SILDURS(ELM)TEM $/RC)RON#AP)TEM % /RC(IDE(ELM)TEM &/RC3QUINTER(ELM)TEM '-ORIA/RC(ELM)TEM . - ('ANDALFS(AT)TEM )'IMLIS(ELM)TEM */RC#ROWFACED(ELM)TEM +/RC4RAPJAW(ELM)TEM ,"ERSERKER(ELM LIMITED EDITION of 2,000)TEM -(IGH%LVEN)NFANTRY(ELM)TEM .5RUKHAI3COUT(ELM LIMITED EDITION of 2,000)TEM /4HÏODENS(ELM LIMITED EDITION of 2,000)TEM 02OHAN2OYAL'UARD LIMITED EDITION of 2,000 )TEM 1%ASTERLING(ELM LIMITED EDITION of 2,000)TEM / 56 2 0 2'ALADHRIM7AR(ELM LIMITED EDITION of 2,000)TEM 1 !240)%#%3 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746 4- A wonderfully expressive piece of art depicting Gandalf at battle with the Balrog. All of the power and majestry of the wizard is on full display in this expertly sculpted piece by Gary Hunt. At over 24” in height the bronze sculpture is an impressive piece. Cast in the traditional lost wax process, each piece is individually crafted to the highest standards by experienced bronze craftsmen. Gandalf’s cloak has a special acid washed patina that gives the piece a unique but subtle shading. The statue features an engraved, textured bronze plate complete with its individual edition number, movie title and the sculptor’s name. Each piece is mounted on a solid marble base that raises it’s overall height to 27”. The edition size is limited to only 36 pieces with 4 artist proofs. This piece is custom made to order. Please check for availability. 'ANDALFTHE'REY"RONZE )TEM 57 Join our weekly e-newsletter online!!2402).43 • 500 pc. World Wide Limited Edition! (Plus 100 Artist Proofs) • Signed by Director Peter Jackson! • Signed by Academy Award Winner® Richard Taylor! • Signed and Numbered by Artist John Howe! • Actual strip of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers film! • Illuminated Filmstrip • Engraved decorative title plate! • Museum quality antiqued frame with linen matte! J ohn Howe has been re-creating Tolkien’s mythical world of Middle-earth since he was a young man, fresh out of college. In fact, “The Lieutenant of the Black Tower of Barad-dur” was one of his earliest published works. In John Howe’s own words, “Barad-dur’s very foundations are anchored in the folly of Sauron; his wrath, embodied in battlement piled on battlement, his power, the mortar that holds stone to stone to impossible heights.” The original watercolor has been masterfully reproduced as a fine art gicleé, printed on archival paper. It includes the original signatures of the director Peter Jackson, two-time Academy Award winner, Richard Taylor and John Howe, celebrated conceptual designer / illustrator of Tolkien’s world. This intensely beautiful work of art is made even more valuable by the film frame collectible displayed along with it. Director Peter Jackson has donated film stock from his personal collection. A special lighting mechanism is included which allows the filmstrip to be illuminated at the touch of a button. The unique limited edition, hand signed gicleé and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers film strip are displayed within a finely woven acid-free linen matte and finished with a museum quality carved frame. There is also a specially engraved brass plaque identifying the origin of the piece. The finished piece measures an impressive 29” W x 29” H. “Sideshow elected to offer this particular piece based on the powerful and pivotal scene it depicted and on our admiration for the work of John Howe,” said Greg Anzalone, president of Sideshow Collectibles. “We’re pleased to be following up the highly successful ‘Rivendell’ piece with another masterful work of art that is sure to please Tolkien fans worldwide.” Sideshow will release only 500 pieces of this fine art collectible beginning in January 2004. Each numbered piece is accompanied by a signed Certificate of Authenticity and will have a suggested retail price of $500. "ARADDßR0RINT)TEM 58 • Signed by Director Peter Jackson! • Signed by Academy Award Winner® Richard Taylor! • Signed and Numbered by Artist Alan Lee! !2402).43 Order by phone (800) 474 - 3746 • 1,000 pc. World Wide Limited Edition! (Plus 100 Artist Proofs) • Actual strip of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Film! • Lighting mechanism to highlight your film piece! • Engraved decorative title plate! • Museum quality antiqued frame with linen matte! A lan Lee is one of the world's greatest Tolkien illustrators. Steeped in the myth and magical folklore of his native England, he was renowned as a master watercolorist long before Tolkien's publishers approached him to illustrate The Lord of the Rings in 1988. Since then Lee has created dozens of unforgettable paintings which luminous clarity is perfectly matched to Tolkien's words. These illustrations have become, for many fans, quintessential images of Middle-earth. When Peter Jackson began work on The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, he approached Alan Lee to create much of the conceptual art for it. Lee's creative leadership made a cinematic vision of Middle-earth that was full of wonder, and yet, to the fans of the written word, so intensely familiar that it felt like a homecoming. Through a unique arrangement with Peter Jackson, it is now possible to own a piece of cinematic history. Sideshow / Weta Collectibles is proud to offer a Limited Edition Rivendell Lithograph & Film Strip Collectible. This piece features the actual conceptual art of Rivendell created by Alan Lee. The original watercolor has been lovingly reproduced as an offset lithograph, printed on archival paper, and includes the original signatures of the three creative forces behind the making of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy: director Peter Jackson, two-time Academy Award® winner Richard Taylor, and illustrator Alan Lee. Included in this Fine Art Collectible is a piece of the actual film strip of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The strip was cut from a reel donated by Peter Jackson from his personal collection. These film strips are not a reproduction. Each is an actual, unique, and individual Cinema Scope negative print taken from a single film reel that features Rivendell scenes. A special lighting mechanism is included which allows the film strip to be illuminated at the touch of a button. There is also a specially engraved brass plaque identifying the origin of the piece. This unique Limited Edition, hand signed lithograph and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring film strip are displayed with a finely woven linen matte and finished with a museum quality antiqued frame. The finished piece measures an impressive 29" W x 29" H and will make a handsome addition to anyone’s art collection. No serious collector will want to miss out on this truly unique offer! 2IVENDELL0RINT)TEM2 59 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com!2402).43 4- Sideshow is proud to bring you this series of limited edition fine art prints from the feature film Hellboy. Each fine art gicleé is printed on archival paper for long life and is professionally framed & matted to include a dimensional metallic Hellboy logo, and a backlit film frame sequence from director Guillermo del Toro’s private copy of the film. Each photo is individually hand-signed by the director, and set alongside the drawings that inspired the character, which are also hand-signed by the individual artists. The final framed collectible measures approximately 20”H x 24”W and includes an individually numbered Certificate of Authenticity. (ELLBOY-IKE-IGNOLA&RAMED!RTWORK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING!PR-AY This fine collectible is hand signed by Hellboy Director Guillermo del Toro, actor Ron Perlman, and renowned comic artist and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola. )TEM +ROENEN&RAMED!RTWORK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING!PR-AY This fine collectible is hand signed by Hellboy Director Guillermo del Toro, conceptual illustrator Ty Ruben Ellingson, and renowned comic artist & Hellboy creator Mike Mignola. )TEM !BE3APIEN&RAMED!RTWORK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING!PR-AY This fine collectible is hand signed by Hellboy Director Guillermo del Toro and renowned comic artist & Hellboy creator Mike Mignola. )TEM 3AMMAEL&RAMED!RTWORK ,IMITED%DITIONOF3HIPPING!PR-AY This fine collectible is hand signed by Hellboy Director Guillermo del Toro, noted fantasy & sci-fi illustrator Wayne Barlowe, and renowned comic artist & Hellboy creator Mike Mignola. )TEM 60 !2402).4 Join our newsletter at SideshowCollectibles.com This is the most striking piece of Terminator art ever brought to market. The acclaimed photographer Robert Zuckerman has expertly captured the iconic image of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator robot. This 500 piece limited edition fine art print measures 17" x 25". It is an offset lithograph printed on heavy weight acid-free archival paper and then individually hand-signed by Schwarzenegger. The piece is then double framed to museum quality standards using a black wood finish and silver metal foil frame with acid-free linen that perfectly complements the print. The piece includes a special screened metal plate with the Terminator 3 logo. The final framed collectible measures an impressive 28"W x 36"H and includes an individually numbered Certificate of Authenticity. )TEM ! DECADE HAS PASSED SINCE *OHN #ONNOR .)#+ 34!(, HELPED PREVENT *UDGMENT$AYANDSAVEMANKINDFROMMASSDESTRUCTION.OW#ONNORLIVES hOFFTHEGRIDvNOHOMENOCREDITCARDSNOCELLPHONE.ORECORDOFHISEXIS TENCE.OWAYHECANBETRACEDBY3KYNETTHEHIGHLYDEVELOPEDNETWORK OFMACHINESTHATONCETRIEDTOKILLHIMANDWAGEWARONHUMANITY5NTIL OUT OF THE SHADOWS OF THE FUTURE STEPS THE 48 A 4ERMINATRIX +2)34!..!,/+%.3KYNETSMOSTSOPHISTICATEDCYBORGKILLINGMACHINE .OW #ONNORS ONLY HOPE FOR SURVIVAL IS THE 4ERMINATOR¤ !2./,$3#(7!2:%.%''%24OGETHERTHEYMUSTTRIUMPHOVERTHETECH NOLOGICALLY SUPERIOR48ANDFORESTALL THE LOOMINGTHREATOF*UDGMENT $AYORFACETHEAPOCALYPSEANDTHEFALLOFCIVILIZATION 61 Order Online at SideshowCollectibles.com!240)%#%3 Few film collectibles have the presence and eye-catching appeal as this TX female Terminator head. The replica has a high-quality black-chrome finish, adding a menacing lustre. It includes the head and neck portion of the robot and is mounted on a sleek base with a TX name plate and the film title: ‘Rise of the Machines’. The entire display lights up with the same eerie blue glow as the original, including the pulsing, breathing effect of the lights seen in the film. )TEM Can't afford the TX Prop Replica Head? Then our chromed polystone miniature TX head is the item ® for you! This 'Terminator 3 : The Rise of the ™ Machines ' film collectible is perfect for any Terminator fan. The miniature replica has a highquality black-chrome finish, which adds a menacing lustre. The sculpture includes the head and neck portion of the robot mounted on a sleek base adorned with the T3 logo. The head also features a transparent blue paint effect which gives the illusion of glowing eyes and cranium section. )TEM 4- #/-).'3//. “ TM & © 2004 IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3 Produktions KG. ® Used under License.” 62 !240)%#%3Join our newsletter at SideshowCollectibles.com !RTIST AND CONCEPTUALIST 7AYNE "ARLOWE HAS CREATED HIS OWN MASTERFULLYREALIZEDREALMOF4(%).&%2./COMPLETEWITH TORMENTED SOULS FRIGHTENING YET REGAL DEMONS AND A COMPLEX ARCHIORGANICENVIRONMENT(ISMETICULIOUSLYRENDEREDVISIONS WERE CAPTURED IN "ARLOWES ).&%2./ AND "253(&)2% BOTHARTBOOKSPUBLISHEDBY-ORPHEUS 7ORKING CLOSELY WITH THE ARTIST SCULPTOR 0AUL -ENDOZA HAS RENDERED "ARLOWES ORIGINAL ARTWORK WITH REMARK ABLE FIDELITY 4HE $ECURION BUST IS A ,IMITED %DITION OF PIECESANDISBASEDONTHECOVERILLUSTRATIONONTHE "ARLOWE PORTFOLIO "253(&)2% WHICH IS CONSIDERED THE CENTRAL PIECE IN "ARLOWEgS MASTERFUL )NFERNO SERIES 4HE BUST IS HIGHLY DETAILED HAND CAST AND HAND FINISHED IN MUSEUMQUALITYPOLYSTONE)TISAPPROXIMATELY7 X(X$ )TEM )085003%&3 0AYMENT /RDER/NLINE3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM /URONLINESTOREPROVIDESCUSTOMERSWITHACONVENIENTWAYTOORDER PRODUCTS9OUCANORDERONLINEUSINGYOURCREDITCARD4HEONLINE ORDER FORM FEATURES AN ENCRYPTION PROGRAM WHICH PROTECTS YOUR FINANCIALINFORMATIONDURINGTRANSMISSION7HENUSINGTHEONLINE ORDERFORMPLEASEENTERASMUCHADDRESSINFORMATIONASPOSSIBLEIN THELINESPROVIDED0LEASEINCLUDEYOURTELEPHONENUMBER4HISWILL ALLOWUSTOCONTACTYOUIFWENEEDFURTHERINFORMATIONTOCOMPLETE YOUR ORDER $UE TO THE LARGE VOLUME OF EMAIL INQUIRIES PLEASE ALLOWUPTOHOURSFORARESPONSE #ALL -AIL 9OUCANALSOPLACEANORDERWITHUSVIAMAILUSINGA CHECKMONEYORDERORINTERNATIONALMONEYORDER-AILYOURORDER FORMWITHPAYMENTMADEOUTTO3IDESHOW,AKEFIELD2D5NIT "7ESTLAKE6ILLAGE#! &AX&AXYOURORDERTOUSAT 7EACCEPTCHECKSMONEYORDERS6ISA-ASTERCARD$ISCOVER#ARD 4HEREISABUSINESSDAYPROCESSINGTIMEFORPERSONALCHECKS BEFORE ORDERS ARE SHIPPED #! RESIDENTS PLEASE ADD SALES TAX #REDIT CARDS USED TO RESERVE PREORDER ITEMS WILL NOT BE CHARGED UNTILPRODUCTSHIPS ALISTOFPRODUCTSCURRENTLYINSTOCKINTHISWAREHOUSE)FYOUORDER ANITEMTHATISNOTINTHE%5WAREHOUSEBUTINOUR53WAREHOUSE YOUWILLBECHARGEDTHESHIPPINGFEESACCORDINGLY )NTERNATIONAL&ORPAYMENTWEACCEPTINTERNATIONALMONEYORDERSIN 53FUNDSORCREDITCARDS)NTERNATIONALCUSTOMERSARERESPONSIBLE TO PAY ANY APPLICABLE DUTIES TARIFFS OR IMPORT CHARGES ON THEIR MERCHANDISE3HIPPINGDUTIESVARYBYCOUNTRY )FYOUPURCHASEDONEOFOURPRODUCTSFROMANOTHERVENDOR ANDWISHTORETURNITPLEASECONTACTTHEMDIRECTLY 3HIPPING $OMESTIC 53 3HIPPING 7E SHIP VIA 503 GROUND UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED 0LEASE ALLOW UP TO BUSINESS DAYS FOR DELIVERYOF@INSTOCKITEMS )NTERNATIONAL 3HIPPING !LL SHIPPING CHARGES TO INTERNATIONAL ADDRESSESOUTSIDEOFTHE%5ARECALCULATEDBYWEIGHTANDCOUNTRY OFDESTINATION!LLORDERSTO#ANADAWILLHAVEAHANDLINGFEEIN ADDITIONTOTHESHIPPINGCHARGE!LLORDERSGOINGTOCOUNTRIESOTHER THAN#ANADAAND%5WILLHAVEAHANDLINGFEEINADDITIONTOTHE SHIPPING CHARGE !LL SHIPMENTS ARE SENT VIA 5NITED 3TATES 0OSTAL 3ERVICE%XPRESS-AILWEEKS #ERTAINPRODUCTSAREAVAILABLEFORSHIPMENTDIRECTLYFROMOUR%UROPEAN 7AREHOUSE0LEASECHECKONLINEAT 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOMFOR 2ETURN0OLICY )F YOU PURCHASED A PRODUCT DIRECTLY FROM 3IDESHOW #OLLECTIBLES ANDWISHTORETURNITYOUMAYRETURNITDIRECTLYTOUSFORAREPLACE MENT OR FULL REFUND LESS ANY SHIPPING CHARGES !LL ITEMS MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN DAYS OF RECEIPT OF PRODUCT 0LEASE ALLOW BUSINESS DAYS FOR YOUR RETURN TO BE CREDITED OR EXCHANGED )F YOU WOULD LIKE TO RETURN ONE OF OUR ITEMS PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMERSERVICEDEPARTMENTBYPHONEORBY EMAILCUSTOMERSERVICE SIDESHOWCOLLECTIBLESCOM7EREQUIREAN 2-! 2ETURN -ERCHANDISE !UTHORIZATION NUMBER FOR ALL RETURNS #USTOMER3ERVICEWILLPROVIDEDETAILSCONCERNINGYOURRETURN 0RICESSUBJECTTOCHANGE3EEWEBSITEFORCURRENTPRICING 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLES ,AKEFIELD2D5NIT"7ESTLAKE6ILLAGE#! H.R. Giger is the Oscar-winning designer of ALIEN and one of the great visionary artists of our time. His masterful paintings hang in museums throughout Europe and are eagerly sought out by avid collectors. Morpheus Gallery and Sideshow Collectibles are proud to have teamed up in order to bring you this remarkable sculpt based on Giger’s classic Spell I painting, opening up an entirely new dimension in collectible art. This amazingly detailed piece was sculpted by R. Vap Studios under supervision of the artist / designer H.R. Giger. This is a limited edition of 666 pieces world wide, made of highly polished, chrome-plated resin. It measures approximately 33" W x 24.5" H x 5.5" D )TEM h)AMVERYIMPRESSEDWITHTHEHIGHQUALITYOF3IDESHOWS PRODUCTANDTHEIREXCELLENTWORKONTHE30%,,SCULPTv H.R. Giger /RDERONLINEAT 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM ORBYPHONE )NTERNATIONALCALLERS 0RODUCT)NFORMATION ,IMITED%DITIONPRODUCTISSUBJECTTOAVAILABILITY,IMITED%DITIONSMAYNOTBEAVAIL ABLEATTIMEOFORDER0LEASECHECKAVAILABILITYONOURWEBSITEORWITHACUSTOMER SERVICEREPRESENTATIVE"ACKGROUNDSETSPICTUREDDONOTCOMEWITHTHEFIGURES!LL PRODUCTSDESCRIPTIONSANDPRICESARESUBJECTTOCHANGE0ICTURESREPRESENTEDINTHIS BROCHUREMAYBEOFFINALPRODUCTORPROTOTYPES0RODUCTSPECIFICATIONSINCLUDING COLORANDACCESSORIESMAYVARYFROMPICTURESSHOWN3HIPPINGDATESARESUBJECT TOCHANGE-ANYFIGURESANDCOLLECTIBLESCOMEWITHSMALLPARTSANDSHARPPOINTS &IGURESANDCOLLECTIBLESRECOMMENDEDFORAGESANDUP&ORCURRENTPRICINGAND AVAILABILITYCHECKOURWEBSITEAT3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM 0ROPERTYNAMESANDLOGOSOTHERTHANTHOSEAFFILIATEDWITH3IDESHOW4OY3IDESHOW #OLLECTIBLES ACTORS LIKENESS AND ACTORS NAMES REPRESENTED IN THIS BROCHURE ARE COPYRIGHTEDANDTRADEMARKEDBYTHEIRRESPECTIVEESTATESENTITIES4HESEPROPERTIES MAYNOTBEREPRODUCEDORCOPIEDINANYOTHERFORMWITHOUTTHEEXPRESSPERMISSION OFTHERESPECTIVETRADEMARKHOLDERS4HE3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESLOGO"AYONETSAND "ARBED7IRE"ROTHERHOODOF!RMS!RT3"UCK-OTIVATIONAL&IGUREAND3IX'UN ,EGENDSARETHETRADEMARKSOF3IDESHOW)NC!LLRIGHTSRESERVED!DDITIONALLEGAL INFORMATIONCANBEFOUNDATWWW3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLES ,AKEFIELD2D5NIT" 7ESTLAKE6ILLAGE#!53! */)./52 %.%73,%44%2 ANDRECEIVENEWPRODUCTINFO DISCOUNTCOUPONSANDSHIPPINGUPDATES 3IDESHOW#OLLECTIBLESCOM
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