2011 - 2012 annual report


2011 - 2012 annual report
T e t o n
C e n t e r
2011 - 2012 ANNUAL REPORT
307.733.9242 | www.tetonliteracy.org
PO Box 465 • 1715 High School Road, Suite 260
Jackson, WY 83001
T e t o n
C e n t e r
a letter from
Dear Friends of Literacy,
We celebrate 20 years of building reading proficiency and self-confidence for a lifetime of learning
for our community members! Over that time period, our staff and a thousand-plus volunteers have
delivered over 135,000 hours of instruction.
“And that is how change happens.
One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.”
- Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing
The seed that Kris Gridley planted in 1992 has changed thousands of lives and we continue to use the
power of literacy to transform learners and families. At last year’s end, we were beginning our journey
to fundamentally alter how we deliver literacy services. The economy prompted us to reflect on our
course and we used it as an opportunity to zero in on where we can make the most impact: kids
and families. Teton Literacy Center has made amazing strides in implementing a new early literacy
program for children 5 and under and their parents. This is a critical step in building the foundation
for a comprehensive family literacy program. While it is off to a great start, it will take time to develop.
This is one of the reasons you may notice TLC serving lower numbers of students. Our transition to
family literacy is still in its infancy. It also reflects our new philosophy to serve our clients at a deeper
level for greater impact.
We have seen strong growth in the demand for our tutoring services for K-12th grade students. Not
only did our Children’s Program tutor 98 children in its after-school program, but also another 58
low level learners were served through a new collaboration with Teton County School District. Just
five years ago, TLC served 30 children in after-school tutoring. That’s an increase of 420%! Youth
Program tutors provided 50% more one-to-one tutoring hours to middle and high school students
compared to the prior school year. This again is a testament to our commitment to serve our clients
at a deeper, more meaningful level.
We are thankful for the strong support of our community and people like you who believe in the
power of literacy.
In gratitude,
James Mathieu
Board President
Valley Peters
Executive Director
Our Vision
A 100% Literate Community.
Our Mission
Changing lives through
the power of literacy.
The number of local students
served in the 2011-12 school year.
Percent increase in students
served through K-5th grade
after-school tutoring since 2007.
Hours of instruction
provided to our clients.
TLC builds
confidence and
instills a love
of learning in
struggling readers.
My son showed
significant improvement
The cost to tutor one
student for one year.
in both reading and
writing. He has become
a much more engaged
The number of community
volunteers who tutored last year.
reader, and he really
enjoys reading.
-TLC Parent
We gave away 1,000 books throughout the year
at events and booths in our community.
Early Literacy Program
42 little learners, ages 18 months - 5 years
old, attended classes.
smart start
24 children, 23 parents
Parents and caregivers joined us for educational “play dates”!
TLC staff taught FREE, fun classes about how to build toddlers’ literacy and
school readiness skills. Children spent time listening to stories and exploring the
Literacy Lab which is equipped with books and toys designed to develop preliteracy skills.
The Literacy Lab offers education directly to children to bolster pre-school literacy skills.
The Literacy Lab offers instruction directly to pre-school children to bolster early literacy skills and
ensure kindergarten readiness. Teton Literacy Center provides two, four hour weekly sessions of
literacy instruction in an engaging learning environment for 3-5 year old children who have never
been to pre-school and reside in a low income family. Classes are provided during the school year
and summer. The curriculum focuses on building literacy skills, but also addresses socio-emotional,
fine and gross motor skills development. It was modeled after Teton County School District #1
Kindergarten curriculum and includes building skills through reading workshops, writing workshops
and handwriting exercises. Classroom activities foster discovery and independent learning through
music and rhythm, art, physical movement, dramatic play, and storytelling.
lit lab
18 students
Lit Lab and S.P.O.T.S services made possible through grants from the Community Foundation of
Jackson Hole, Ellbogen Foundation, KLE Foundation, and The Wyoming Women’s Foundation.
15 parents
Supportive Parenting Options, Training, and Skills (SPOTS) is a parent education class
developed by Dr. Lucy Bayles to help parents support their child’s development.
This class encourages parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. They are given
tips on how to turn every excursion, even one to the grocery store, into a learning
opportunity. Parents learned to make simple games and to use regular household items
to enhance their child’s literacy. They were empowered to make a difference in their
child’s life. All students were English Language Learners.
Program Enrollment
S.P.O.T.S. Parents, 27%
Literacy Lab Children, 32%
Smart Start Families, 41%
TLC builds early literacy
skills in a fun environment.
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This program was excellent. I can’t thank you enough
for increasing my child’s kindergarten readiness.
He even gets excited about reading at home.
- Early Literacy Parent
393 Kindergarten - 5th grade
students were served.
Through tutoring, students gain confidence and develop reading fluency, along with
building skills in comprehension and word decoding. Students reading 6 months to 2
years below grade level work one-to-one with a volunteer tutor for one hour each week.
In-school TLC volunteer tutors work with students during literacy periods to provide
students with personalized support.
156 after-school
& 18 in-school students
Enrichment programs include storytime with local preschools,
Camp Jackson support, Exito Para Todos (“Success for all”
Kindergarten readiness, a TCSD #1 program), and Kid’s Club.
summer program
89 students
86 students
Students have the opportunity to learn in a fun
environment while bridging the summer learning gap.
Kindergarten-2nd grade students learn the basics
of the Spanish language and enrich their
foreign language literacy skills.
spanish classes
44 students
*Some learners are enrolled in multiple programs. 393 reflects the number of individual learners served without duplication.
Student Enrollment
Spanish Classes, 11%
Tutoring Program, 44%
Enrichment Programs, 22%
Summer Programs, 23%
I think that this is one of the BEST programs
offered to serve students and families in
the community. The impact that a positive
role model can make in the life of a child is
huge. It has been critical to provide students
with extra practice in reading skills that can’t
always be provided at home. The one-toone support can also be difficult to provide
for students in the classroom setting. This
is so critical in helping students reach their
highest academic potential. It takes a village to
educate a child.
- TCSD Teacher
Our deepest impact is through one-to-one tutoring. 75% of our struggling readers
and writers are able to read at grade level after
1 year of after-school tutoring.
youth Program
67 Middle and High School students
were served.
after school
26 school year
and 11 summer students
This year the Youth Program moved towards personalized instruction.
TLC staff supports students by providing weekly lesson plans for tutors,
personalized to meet individual student needs in vocabulary, fluency,
comprehension, and writing. TLC also monitors students through regular
grade checks and annual assessments. Students meet one hour a week
with their tutor, receiving literacy support through skill-building activities
and homework help.
Students who are failing classes or not completing their homework
receive support from TLC staff and volunteer tutors during
the ASHH program at JH Middle School. Tutors help students
successfully understand and complete their assignments, especially
required reading. At the same time, tutors encourage students in
reading, writing, motivation, and confidence. Many students received
multiple tutoring sessions during the school year.
5 students
homework help
41 students
This year Teton Literacy piloted a new summer camp using art and technology to
build literacy skills over the summer for reluctant readers and writers.
The program was made possible with generous support from the Center of Wonder,
in collaboration with the Teton County Library and JH Wildlife Film Festival.
*Some learners are enrolled in multiple programs. 67 reflects the number of individual learners served without duplication.
In the first few weeks, it would take my
Hours of Instruction
student one hour to read a short article
and write a response. Each week we
After-school Tutoring, 79%
managed to work through the reading
ASHH, 12%
Summer Programs, 9%
comprehension and summarizing in a shorter
amount of time. I noticed a significant
improvement in the quality of his writing.
-Sam Hartnett, Tutor
TLC tutors supported
128 homework assignments
605 shared reading minutes through ASHH this year.
The operating expenses for the 2011-12 fiscal year were $427,125.
Old Bill's, 20%
Contracts, 15%
Government, 9%
Events, 10%
Teton Literacy Center generates income
from diverse funding sources including:
contracts, government, foundations,
events, Old Bill’s and individual donations.
While Old Bill’s Fun Run proceeds include
many individual donations, the total
contribution is reflected as foundation
income because it is a grant from the
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.
Donations, 16%
Foundations, 30%
Program expenses relate to activities that
further our mission and result in the direct
delivery of literacy services to our clients,
including volunteer management.
Fundraising, 3%
Administration, 12%
Program, 85%
Administrative expenses are for general
management and governance that
provide the overall direction of Teton
Literacy Center.
Fundraising expenses are used to achieve
sustainable funding goals.
Due to the generosity of our Capital Campaign donors,
our facility is
100% owned by TLC.
Team Fighting Bear Antiques at Laps for Literacy
fundraiser and ski event hosted by Wells Fargo,
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Teton Mountain Lodge.
2011 - 2012 volunteers
Volunteers gave their time and energy
to support clients served by
Teton Literacy Center!
Aaron Bilotta, Abi Arnold, Adrienne Benson, Ainsley Cooper, Alicia Cox, Alison Jones^, Allison Frederick, Alyson
Klaczkiewicz, Amanda Bain, Amanda Benavides, Ana Rode, Andrea Evans, Andrew Carson, Andrew Wilson, Andria
Clancy*, Ann Carruth, Anne Fish, Anne Schuler, Annie McNulty, Barb Huhn, Barbara Trachtenberg^, Bear Hollis, Ben
Manzano, Bernadette Cuvalo, Bethany Ankerson, Bev Menghetti, Bill Maloney*, Billy Oppenheim, Biz Doyle^, Bob
McLaurin*, Bob Moeller, Brad Campbell, Brian Smith^, Carol Maloney, Caroline Hudnut, Catherine Di’Santo, Ceci Clover*, Cheryl Brown, Christine
Franzeim, Claudia Bonnist*,
Corey Fifles, David Hewat,
Debbie LaJeunesse, Derek Stal,
Dorothy Tanner, Doug Hayden,
Dustin Nichols Schmolze, Erik
Kimball, Gail Hahn^, George
Hein, Grace Robertson^, Gustavo Suclla, Hanacke Offutt,
Heather Hamilton-Brown, Heidi
Dolan, Jade Walsh*, Jael Chapeton, James D. Hand, James
Mathieu*, James Radda, Jamie Dunn, Jamie Lavenstein,
Jamie Turner, Jane Kusek, Jeff
Dickerson, Jennifer Conwell,
Jenny Spence Barkley, Jessica Chambers, JJ Gill, John
Fox, Joyce Steece, Julia Kirby,
Katie Matthies, Katie Murray,
Keely Castor, Kelli Ward, Kit
Hughes*, Kris Gridley, Kristina
Smith, Laura Remmy, Laura
Yungmeyer, Leif Huot, Lindsey
Anderson, Lisa Jennings^, Lisa
Ryan, Lori Clark-Erickson, Louis Centrella, Louis Smithwick,
Mackenzie Moore, Maria Wyllie,
Mark Hannon, Marsha Wackerly, Marva Duke, Matt Rodosky*,
Megan O’Brien, Mike Shaeffer, Molly Perlman, Mr. Rode,
Myra Dorros*, Nancy Carson,
Nina Resor, Noah Nicole Barnhart, Patty Tucker, Paul Hansen*, Petria Horner Fossel, Pier
Trudelle^, Polly Warner, Randy
Reedy, Reagan Warsinke, Rebecca J. Edge, Robert Biolchini
Jr.*, Robyn Reedy, Rosa Sanchez, Rose Caiazzo, Rose Novak^, Rosemary McIntosh, Sabrina Jourden, Sam Hartnett, Samantha Danahy, Sandy
Strout, Sarah Kerr, Scooter Gill, Scott Albrecht, Sonia Capece^, Stephanie LaMeer, Steve Melanson, Sue Hebberger,
Susan DeMuro, Teresa Griswold, Tim Cline*, Tom Mann^, Tony Mendes^, Tris Dunn, Team Clancy, Van Driessen, Valerie
Conger, Victor Hernandez, Wilden McIntosh-Round
You inspire,
you empower,
you change lives.
*denotes Board Member ^denotes Literacy Council Member
1,582 hours tutoring students,
providing an in-kind donation of $79,850.
Volunteer tutors spent
Calculation based on private tutoring rate of $50/hour.
Tutoring pair working on building reading and
writing skills using a custom lesson plan.
We are grateful to these exceptional volunteers
for their continued support, commitment and willingness to share their talents.
Volunteer of the Year
Given to volunteers whose infectious energy,
extraordinary dedication, and generous contributions
of time and talents positively affect learners’ lives and
advance the mission of Teton Literacy Center.
Valerie Conger
Children’s Program Tutor since 2011
Valerie meets weekly to strengthen her second grade student’s reading
and writing skills. Valerie finds creative ways to teach her student and
keep motivation high. Her phenomenal dedication to the program is
illustrated by the time and energy she puts towards each session.
Paul Hansen
Youth Program Tutor since 2009
Paul is an exemplary tutor who has worked with the same high school
student for 2 years. Their work on writing, expressing ideas, and college
preparation has resulted in strong academic skills and an even stronger
friendship. Paul’s favorite tutoring moments are when he does not know
the answer. He and the student figure it out together.
Tutors of the Month
Each academic year we select six “Tutors of the Month” who share
their passion for teaching and learning with their students.
Paul Hansen
Youth Program Tutor since 2009.
Kelli Ward
Children’s Program Tutor since 2011.
Sandy Strout
Youth Program Tutor since 2011.
Sue Hebberger
Children’s Program Tutor since 2011.
James Radda
Youth Program Tutor since 2008.
Valerie Conger
Children’s Program Tutor since 2011.
What does a volunteer tutor do?
Volunteer tutors share their love and passion for reading, writing and
learning with students in K-12th grade. They motivate, encourage
and support students’ reading and writing development. Students
see incredible gains in confidence, reading, and writing with the
personalized attention to their literacy needs.
our donors
Ana & Tom Chapman
Petria & Scott Fossel
Kit Hughes
Deb Adams
Chapman Family Foundation
Susan Foster
Wendy Hultman
Jean Adams
Karen & Stan Chatham
John Fox
Maggie Hunt
Emily Ambler
Story Clark Resor & Bill Resor
Ann Frame
Henry Hutchinson
Ana’s Grand Excursions
Judith Clemons
Don Frank
Stephen Inglis
Marieluise Hessel Artzt
& Ed Artzt
Tim Cline
Chole Fraser
Nancy Jarrell & Ed Smail
Jim Clouse
Jane Jerger
Devvie Asel
Ceci Clover
Free Lunch Foundation/
Jade & David Walsh
Mary Jane Ashmore
Audrey Cohen-Davis & Trey Davis
Beth Freeman
Alison & Richard Jones
Kelly & Dave French
Terese Kalenak
Rachel Freundlich
Dale & Jay Kaplan
Julianne & Ed Fries
Maurine Karabatsos
Lynn & Foster Friess
Karla Tessler Fund
Deb Wuersch & Bob Ablondi
Beth & David Augé
Sparky Colby & Andy Norman
Karl M. Johnson Foundation
Bank Of Jackson Hole
Elizabeth Collins
Jennifer Barkley
Reba Bass
Community Foundation
Of Jackson Hole
Frank Bellinghiere
Valerie Conger
Kathy & Lee Gardner
Jeanine & Pete Karns
Petie Bennett
Contour Investment Properties
The GE Foundation
Sarah & Renny Kerr
Janet Benz
Cony Corporation/Andrew Carson
Martha & John Gilmore
Patti Berlin
Sara Van Genderen
& Andrew Cornish
Laura Ginty
The Robert S. and Grayce B. Kerr
Foundation/Joffa & Bill Kerr
Tom Glassberg
Kent Kimball
Melissa Corrigan
Flynn Govern
Erik Kimball
Helen & Mike Cottingham
Robert & Katie Grady
Shan & David Kingston
Carol & Peter Coxhead
Colleen & Bob Grady
Ann & Morris Kinne
Libby Crews-Wood
Rebecca & John Griber
Jerry Kirk
Rose-Marie & Michel Crouzillat
Erik Grossman
Carl and Emily Knobloch Fund
Julie & Paul D’Amours
Louise & Ralph Haberfeld
Suzanne Kowalski
Katie Dahlgren
Anne & George Haefner
Nicole Krieger
Cindy & Matt Daly
Julie Ann Giacobassi & Zach Hall
Julia Krugh
Robert del Signore
Helen & Gerald Halpin
Marcia Kunstel & Joe Albright
Susie & Pete Dennis
Kay Stratman & Paul Hansen
Jane Davis-Kusek & Chuck Kusek
Addie & Ted Donnan
Milo Harcourt
Norman Lamb
Louise Boots
Myra & Gerald Dorros
Carol & John Harkness
Maggie & Dan Land
Margaret & Andrew Brigham
Gayle Downing
Ruth Harrington & Tim Bradley
Bridget Meyer & Jim Green
Linda & Tony Brooks
Biz & Doug Doyle
Sue & Ed Harrison
Toby Leith
The Brooks Foundation
Dave Dufault
Sandy & Ron Harrison
Virginia Lemon
Cheryl Brown
Barb & David Dussault
Russell & Diana Hawkins
F. Chavez & Rhea Lewis
Dennis Brydon
Gloria & Ross Edwards
Carolynn & Bruce Hawtin
Leticia Liera
Jeremy & Sara Budge
Sandy Eggers
John & Sue Hebberger
Carol Linton
Carolyn Burke
Rod Everett
Molly & Scott Hirschfield
Jim Little
Marian & Dennis Butcher
Tom & Roxanne Factor
Tracy Logan
Joyce & Dan Butcher
Missy Falcey
Norman Hirschfield Foundation/
Berte & Alan Hirschfield
Zachary Byars
Aida Farag
Barbara & Chris Hoeft
Cathryn Brodie & Doug Lowham
Katherine Calder
Martha Feaqin
Cassie Hoffman
Patty & John Lummis
Jill Callahan
Jack Fein
Amanda Hollis
Robin & Bill MacLeod
Corrinda Campbell
Fighting Bear Antiques
James Hollis
Amy & Joe Madera
Lisa Campbell
Lori Findlay
HUB International
Pete & Ann Magnuson
Faye & Bill Campbell
Fine Dining LLC
Beckett Maher
John Carney
First Interstate Bank
A.C. and Penney
Hubbard Foundation
Katie Carr
Naomi & Roy Flack
Lori Cecil
FM Global Foundation
Carol & Dennis Berryman
Martha & Bill Best
Jessica & Aaron Bilotta
Frank Bilotta
James Bilotta
Bob Biolchini Jr.
Julie Birrer & Kraig Kobert
Claudia Bonnist & Terry Winchell
Serine Bonnist Charitable
Lead Trust
Bookies Book Club/Nancy Faems/
Carol Schneebeck/Jan Benz
Laurie Huff
Mercedes Huff
James Hughes
Sharel & Sean Love
Susanne Malaise
Maloney Family Trust/
Carol & Bill Maloney
Kimberly Parker
Carol & Chuck Schneebeck
Pam Maples
Valley Peters
Nancy & Casey Seaton
Adrienne & John Mars
Kelly & Dan Peterson
Marge & Edgar Masinter
Ruth Ann Petroff & Mark Barron
Seidler Foundation/
Mary & Stanley Seidler
Diann & Tom Mann
Roberta Carney & James Mathieu Leslie Petersen & Hank Phibbs
Paul Maxwell
Bonnie & Tom Pockat
Faith & Mike May
Tracy Poduska
Peter McBride
Mary Pokorny & Jeff Bjornsen
Michael & June McCollister
in memory of Paul & Esther
Campbell Prichard
Sonja & Steve Sharkey
Jack Shea
Dotty & Dick Sheahan
Thursday Roundtable Fund
of the Community Foundation
of Jackson Hole
Warren Tichenor
Towercare Technologies
Town Of Jackson
Barbara & Stan Trachtenberg
Jennifer Truman
Leeann Prichard
Starr Donor Advised Fund of
Community Foundation Of
Jackson Hole/Dragon and
Don Sherman
Darcey & Mike Prichard
Vicki Shrum
Private Realty LLC
Dick & Sandy Shuptrine
Wendy McDonald
Peggy & Greg Prugh
Diane & Don Siegel
McDonald’s of Jackson Hole
Pruzan Foundation
Cherrie & Robin Siegfried
The Vega Foundation in honor
of Tom Mann & Gavin Fine
Lynn & Dick McDowell
Merrill & James Ratajczyk
Sieglinde Fund
Carol Viau
Robin, Nico & Brian McGee
David Ratliff
Molly Silberberg
Evie Lewis & Doug Vogel
Constance McGrath
Robyn & Randy Reedy
Mike Sillman
Marsha & Michael Wackerly
Evan McKeith
Michelle & Mike Reisbeck
Jack Sloan
Margot Walk & Jerry Freeland
Julie & Bob McLaurin
Nina Resor
Sydney Smith & Robert Allen
Kate & Brad Mead
Kitty & John Resor
Scott Smith
Free Lunch Foundation/Jade &
David Walsh
Shawn Means
Bill Resor
Sydney Smith
Walton Fund
Anthony Menolascino
Joel & Kristin Revill
Barbara Smith
Ward Capital PC
Elaine & Beno Michel
Anne & Cuper Richardson
Dorie & Randy Smith
Karen Wattenmaker
Nancy & Dick Riddle
Jeanie & Fred Staehr
Carol Wauters
Jim Mitchell
Larry Rieser
Thomas Stanton
Joseph Wauters, Jr.
Chris Moll
Al & Lynn Ringer
Jennifer & Michael Stauth
Joni & Rob Weed
Grace Robertson
Mimi & Bobby Stein
Lynn & Ken Wegner
Matt Rodosky
Eric Stibal
The Mary K. Weiss Foundation
Amy & Anthony Rojo
Judi Stillion
Diana Welch
Wells Fargo Bank
Anne & Tom Muller
Rossetter Donor Advised Fund/
Birdie Rossetter
Jim Stratman
Karen Sullivan
Bob Wemple
Alexander Muromcew
Miga Rossetti
Summit Insurance Services
Carolyn West
Anna Mutoh
Rotary Club Of Jackson Hole
Blair Swift
Jennifer & Jerad Weston
Jonathan Nasser
Rotary Supper Club
Karla Swiggum
Ed Wiqq
National Christian Charitable
Foundation, Inc. & Friends
Rotenstreich Foundation/
Jon and Susan Rotenstreich
Ken and Caroline Taylor
Family Foundation
Zachary Wiley
Barry Nelson
Laurent Roux & Lori Zalbowitz
Jennifer & Michael Tennican
RUI, Inc./ Deb & Tony Mendes
Linda Willingham-White
Nan Neth
Allan and Frances Tessler
Gloria & Bill Newton
Karen Rupp
Tom Niedermeyer
Jenny Ryan
Rose & Ron Novak
Laurie & Thomas Saylak
Bobbi & Ken Thomasma
Wort Hotel
Carole & Jack Nunn
Victoria & Bill Scarlett
Mark Thompson
Scarlett Family Foundation/
Dick & Maggie Scarlett
Cindy & Peter Wuerslin
Julie & William Obering
Barbara Auge & Jeff Thompson
Dava Zucker
Joan & Walt Thulin
Isabel Zumel
Holly McCollister in memory
of Paul & Esther McCollister
Elinor & Scott Miller
Debbie LaJeunesse
& Ed Montgomery
Miriam Morillon
Bridget Mullen
Susan & Peter Ordway
Gil & Marge Ordway
Nial Overbay
Barbara Zelazo & Michael Scher
John & Mary Kay Turner
Amy & Steve Unfried
US Bank
US Bancorp Foundation
Polly & Dick Vaughn
Sharon Wiley
Ann & John Willott
Teton County Library Foundation Barbara Kay & Thomas Wilson
Ned Thomas
Wolfensohn Family Foundation
Debbie Schlinger
Your gift enables our clients
to succeed! Thank you for
helping hundreds of families.
our events
Thank you for making our
events and programs a success!
Donors and supporters joined Teton Literacy Center for
the 2nd Annual Literary Adventure Dinner, an evening of fun,
food and cultural adventure. Guests were given a Passport to
Adventure and earned stamps by trying the featured dishes,
visiting locations in the hotel and answering literary trivia. The
dinner was hosted by Snake River Lodge & Spa.
Snake River Lodge & Spa • Atelier Ortega
Fighting Bear Antiques • High Country Linen
The Liquor Store • U.S. Food • Sysco
Westside Wine and Spirits
Bear and Doe Massage Works • 43 North • Floral Art
Florence McCall Photography • HUB Insurance
Images of Nature • Jackson Hole Roasters
Linda Perlman & Ann Lambrecht Jewelry
Mad River Boat Trips • Orvis • Snake River Grill
Signal Mountain Lodge • Sweetwater Restaurant • SYSCO
Teton Pines • Teton Thai • Teton Yoga Shala
The Blue Lion Restaurant • Valley Bookstore
Vom Fass • White Buffalo Club
A special thank you goes out to our table hosts:
Bank of Jackson Hole, Contour Investment Properties,
Claudia Bonnist and Terry Winchell, Paul Hansen
and Kay Stratman, Carol and Bill Maloney, Jade and David Walsh.
Rotarians and non-Rotarians came together to support
Teton Literacy Center at the Rotary Club’s 17th annual
Lunch for Literacy, a pizza buffet, at
Attendees learned about the impact TLC is making in Teton
Lunch for Literacy is hosted by the Rotary Club
of Jackson Hole and Snow King Resort.
Rotary Club of Jackson Hole
Domino’s Pizza
Snow King Resort and Grand View Lodge
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Team Clancy
Snow King Resort.
High Country Linens
Wells Fargo • Teton Mountain Lodge
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
Jackson Hole News & Guide
Faction Skis • Pepi Stiegler Sports • Tommy Moe
Attuned Healing Massage & Bodywork • Betty Rock Café
Enclosure Climbing Center • Fighting Bear Antiques
Fine Dining LLC • Jack Dennis Wyoming Gallery
Jackson Treehouse • MADE • Moo’s Gourmet Ice Cream
Mountain High Pizza Pie • Pica’s Mexican Taqueria
Sands Whitewater River Trips • Scenic Snow Adventures
Shades Café • Snake River Brewery • Teton Toys
Westbank Grill • Will Dornan’s Snake River Angler
Skiers and riders gathered at Jackson Hole
Mountain Resort to support literacy. Participants
Wilson Backcountry Sports • Wyoming Outfitters
Yippy I-O Candy Co.
had a great time and won over $5,000 in prizes,
including skis, hotel packages and a student ski
Laps for Literacy was underwritten
by Wells Fargo and hosted
by Jackson Hole Mountain
Resort and Teton
Mountain Lodge.
We extend an extra-special
congratulations to
for raising the most money.
Cam is an elementary
student in Jackson.
Students, tutors and donors gathered to support Teton
Literacy Center at Old Bill’s Fun Run. Community members
had a chance to stop by our booth and learn about our
programs, meet the staff and get free books. We are
so grateful to our supporters for donating to our family
literacy services and free tutoring programs.
board members & staff
staff members
board members
James Mathieu
Ceci Clover
Vice President
Matt Rodosky
Tim Cline
Valley Peters
• Program Staff •
Executive Director
Dr. Lucy Bayles
• Administrative Staff • Early Literacy Program Director
Jessica Bilotta
Laura West
Director of Marketing
Children’s Program Director
Shan Kingston
Krista Hollis
Director of Administration
Youth Program Director
Fio Lazarte
Spanish Literacy Coordinator
Bob Biolchini Jr.
Ryan Mertaugh
Claudia Bonnist
Youth Program Assistant
Andria Clancy
Myra Dorros
Paul Hansen
Kit Hughes
Bill Maloney
Bob McLaurin
Jade Walsh
TLC staff are inspired
and motivated by their
students’ improvement.
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When I was a teacher, my main concern for my struggling students
was that their reading and writing skills were behind grade level.
The individualized services we provide at TLC are critical to building
literacy skills towards grade-level reading and writing. As a result,
students are able to better complete schoolwork, improve their
grades and catch up on literacy skills necessary for school and life.
-Krista Hollis, Youth Program Director
Teton Literacy Center
continues to build
FOR 2012 - 13
toward the vision of a
100% literate community
through the development
of comprehensive family
literacy services.
Our organization has been the recipient of
a significant grant through the Wyoming
Community College Commission. It will
enable us to expand our services to more
fully support families through home visits,
parent workshops and book clubs, and
one-to-one meetings with parents.
The number of words babies hear each
day is the
SINGLE most important
predictor of future intelligence, school
success, and social skills.
1. Increased Kindergarten readiness
Tony r
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20 min
utes a
2. Children will demonstrate increased literacy skills through personalized instruction,
including reading, writing and problem solving
3. Strengthen parent skills and knowledge in order for parents to actively
support their child’s literacy development
4.Provide parents with skills, awareness, knowledge and resources
they need to advocate for their child at school
5. Increase the frequency families engage in literacy-based activities
6. Improve parents’ level of education and English proficiency for English Language Learners
T e t o n
C e n t e r
PO Box 465
1715 High School Road, Suite 260
Jackson, WY 83001
[email protected]