C or ey T urner
[email protected]
+44 (0) 7718615887
I am a confident young designer with
a passion for illustration and quirky,
vibrant design. I am a fast learner able
to pick up new skills and techniques
with ease, developing ideas with
imagination and a sense of humour.
TAROT Existence Exhibition 2015
Produce a piece of design for an exhibition
exploring the idea of humanity in a variety of
Exploring the four cardinal virtues of humanity,
considered their greatest qualities; Fortitude,
Justice, Prudence and Temperance, this
brief answered an external question of our
existence as humans.
Virtues are accepted as the basic qualities required for human beings to experience
happiness and general well being. Taking inspiration from a traditional deck of tarot cards this
brief was later expanded to include the remaining Major Arcana.
TAROT Self Authored Project 2015
The Existence brief was later repurposed and
expanded as part of a self authored project,
where I went on to develop my original four
cards to incorporate all twenty-two of the
Major Arcana found in a traditional tarot deck,
along with a storage chest and information
Developing the deck to include the entire Major Arcana meant creating a further 18 cards
upon my original set, inspiration was drawn from varied sources including the most famous
tarot illustrations, the Rider-Waite Deck as well as in depth research into the iconography and
meaning behind each individual card in regards to cartomancy, the art of fortune telling using
playing cards. The cards include various ëcharacterí cards such as The Devil or The Magician
and also ëscenicí cards such as The Tower or The World, adding variety to the collection.
TAROT Self Authored Project 2015
To accompany the cards I also produced some supporting material; an information
booklet, detailing information on each of the cards, their associations and their common
interpretations. I also built a container to house both the deck of cards and the information
booklet, incorporating a pattern that reflected the pattern found on the reverse of the cards
into the lid of the container.
WWF ë52 Waysí CampaignCreative Conscience Silver Award Winner
The D&AD Brief submitted by WWF was to
create a campaign that would inspire its
audience to be more engaged with creating
a better and greener world. The brief asked
to target the ëalways oní generation of 14-24
year-olds. This project listed as a finalist for the
Creative Conscience Awards 2015, with final
results pending.
Working as part of a team, we created
an integrated campaign that invited the
audience to make one small change to
their daily routines throughout the year. The
campaign included a mixture of both print
and digital elements including calendars, a
mobile application and a website.
WWF ë52 Waysí CampaignCreative Conscience Silver Award Winner
As conservation campaigns tend to rely on shock value and negative imagery, we
purposefully set out to create a campaign that was more inviting and welcoming for the
audience, drawing them in using positive messages for change rather than
The use of hand-drawn, playful illustrations within the campaign was an intentional design
decision intended to make the campaign more visually inviting to the target audience, being
both appealing to the younger end of the spectrum as well as none threatening to the older
members of the target audience.
Hetairia Wines External Brief set by Elmwood 2015
To create a range of premium wine
packaging that has a cohesive and desirable
look across three wine bottles using
typography, illustration or photography.
Hetairia is an Ancient Greek word for a secret society, which was the foundation for the
packaging range and a brand identity built around exclusivity and mystery.
The illustrations on each bottle have slight variations in style and recurring images, for
example; the bottle for white wine includes a recurring diamond motif where the rosÈ bottle
features heart shaped images. Each bottle is housed in a plain black container with a label
attached to identify the blend of wine housed inside through the use of an illustration of a key
that corresponds to the illustration on the wine bottle contained within the packaging.
Stoke-on-Trent Scrabble Tiles Themed Brief: ëStoke-on-Trentí 2014
To create a piece of design that celebrated
the unique culture and history of the Stokeon-Trent area.
The ëPotteriesí Dialect is unique to the Stokeon-Trent area, unlike other regional dialects
the Potteries dialect often replaces words with
completely different ones in ever day life.
Taking inspiration from one of Stoke-on-Trentís most famous ceramicists; Thomas Minton, I
created a series of ceramic scrabble tiles featuring a pattern reminiscent of Stoke-On-Trentís
traditional blue ceramic transfers and incorporating Mintonís signature use of a circular image
housed within a square frame on his tiles.
The tiles were created using heat transfers and firing each tile in a kiln, the collection of tiles
included over one hundred separate tiles corresponding to the amount found in a traditional
scrabble set.
Corey-Land Personal Branding 2015
Welcome to Corey-Land, a fantasy land where all the things I love and create come
together in one place. Enjoy everything from the mystical Wonder Falls to the
action-packed Platform Hills and more.Welcome to Corey-Land, a fantasy land where
all the things I love and create come together in one place. Enjoy everything from the
mystical Wonder Falls to the action-packed Platform Hills and more.
Junk Food Junction;
Wonder Falls;
I haven’t met any Junk Food I’ve not
liked. Junk-Food Junction is home to
the Fried-Folk, citizens of Corey-Land
that are compromised of Fast-Food.
Wonder Falls embodies my creative
spirit and passion for design and
illustration. From the Inky Octopus La goon to the surrounding art supplies,
Wonder Falls is an area for develop ing ones imagination and creative
Diet-Cola Bay;
To offset the copious amount of Junk
Food, the calorie free nature of Diet-Cola makes every meal a healthy
option! Diet-Cola bay provides a welcome break from Urban Living to the
Fried-Folk and is a popular holiday
destination for many citizens of Corey-Land who enjoy the warm sands,
and deep-fizzy waters of the bay.
Cat’s Castle;
Home to the Cats of Corey-Land, the
Cats roam their own private section
of Corey-Land and like all cats, act
independently of the rest of the Land.
A popular destination for many of
the cats are the surrounding Wooly
Heights, where the cats are free to
play amongst giant yarn balls.
Platform Hills;
Television Town;
Fashion Forest;
Pillow Fort;
Ever since I was young I played video
games such as Mario and Sonic and
fell in love with the side-scrolling plat
forming worlds, that were filled with
bright-eyed and colourful characters
and settings.
The colourful and playful style of
these games continue to inspire
me to this day, with their strong flat
I’m a huge fan of TV and Cinema, I
love fictional stories where amazing
thing happen that couldn’t possibly
happen in real life. Fantasy plays a
prominent role in my personal work
as well as playing a large role in the
inspiration and development of my
personal style as a whole.
Fashion Forest is a popular destination for many citizens of Corey-Land,
here they can roam amongst the
Jumper Trees and make sure they
are all dressed in the finest clothes.
The Pillow Fort is home to the Pillow
People and is the militaristic hub of
Pillow Fort is also place for the
citizens of Corey-Land to relax and
feel safe and have a really good nap
within the soft walls of the Pillow
Corey Turner | Graphic Designer & Illustrator | t: 07718615887 | e: [email protected] | w:
Create a CV that reflects your personality as
both an individual and a designer, highlighting your key strengths and abilities.
In addition to your CV you will also be required to produce a letterhead, compliment
slip and business card.
For my personal branding I created ëCoreyLandí a fantasy world where everything I love
and create can come together in one place
and that could reflect my personality and
style of working.
Corey-Land is filled with a variety of colourful characters and locations; from the Wonderfalls,
an embodiment of creativity and inspiration to the Catís Castle, an area populated entirely by
cats. Other areas within Corey-Land reflect other parts of my personality and life-style such as
Fast-Food Junction, Television Town and the Fashion Forest.
Maps provided in theme parks such as Alton Towers and Drayton Manor inspired the overall
illustration of Corey-Land.
Corey-Land Personal Branding 2015
Corey Turner
t: 07718615887
e: [email protected]
t: 07718615887
e: [email protected]
t: 07718315887
e: [email protected]
Promotional Material
The CV itself was crater to work as a three-fold leaflet, with my personal information and
details on one side and the map of Corey-Land on the reverse side. The overall colour
scheme was informed by the sky backdrop of the map itself but also reflects my calm
personality and the clouds represent the fact that I tend to have my ëhead in the cloudsí. I also
created a cartoon portrait graphic to use across my promotional material as my logo.
Corey Turner
t: 07718615887
e: [email protected]