flyer - Richard Olson Associates
flyer - Richard Olson Associates
BACKHOES/LOADERS | HAY EQUIPMENT | SKID STEERS | TRAILERS | TOOLS Sat APR 9am 9 2016 PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION NH B95B Saturday, April 9, 2016 - Location: Across from Grundy County Fairgrounds (8890 N. IL-47, Morris, IL) Directions: 1 miles North of I-80 (exit 112) on IL-47 in Morris, IL. Parking will be available in a nearby location. Watch for signs!!! Backhoes - JD Tractor - Skid Steers - Attachments: 2008 NH B95B Loader/Backhoe, Extendahoe, 4wd, flip over forks, cab; Ford 555B Loader/Backhoe, 4wd, cab; 2012 NH 225 Skid Steer; 2010 NH C190 Skid Steer, tracks, 1200 hrs; (2) Skid Steer Buckets; Skid Steer Post Auger; Skid Steer 72” Bucket; Skid Steer FFC Preparator Power Broom; Skid Steer Fork Attachment; NH BC5070 NH 225 Skid Steer 9’ Blade; Avalanche 12’ Box Blade; (2) Skid Steer Tires & Rims; Neighbo r is bringing JD 5085M Utility Tractor, 563 Lo a der, Ha y Fo rk , FWA, Po w rReverser Tra ns, 442 hrs, 16.9-30 rear, 11.2-24 front, Foldable ROPS, clean S/N: 1LV5085MPAJ336279. Hay Equipment (like new): 2015 New Holland BC5070 Baler, like new, less than 450 bales; Kuhns Bale Accumulator #1534; Kuhns 15 Bale Grapple; (2) Hayrack & Gear. Trucks & Semis: 2013 Ford F450, 4x4, Lariat, 6.7L, V8, 6spd, auto, dsl, duals, crew cab, 114k NH C190 Accumulator miles; 1994 IH 2674 Dump Truck, tandem w/ Bonnell V-plow, #517-655; 1985 GMC Brigadier Semi, winch; Ford 9000 Semi, live tandem, as-is; Ford LN9000 Semi, red, wet kit, as-is; Ford LN9000 Semi, white, winch, as-is. Trailers: 2009 PJ 40’ Gooseneck flatbed trailer, 24k lb, 10’ hyd ramp, winch, tandem axle, duals; 2012 PJ 36’ Gooseneck tri-axle trailer, 6’ beaver tail & ramps; 2009 PJ Dump Trailer, gooseneck, tandem axle, tarp; 2006 Redi Haul Trailer, 20’ tandem-axle w/ramps; 2006 Cargo Mate Trailer, 6x14, tandem axle; 2006 Cargo Mate Trailer, 6x12, sgl axle; Hi-Tensile 16’ tandem Ford F450 PJ 40’ axle trailer, duals, 20k lb w/ramps; Pole Trailer; 10’ Flatbed Trailer; Strick 48’ Van Trailer; Strick Van Trailer; Micker Alum Van Trailer; 48’ tri-axle flatbed Semi trailer; 53’ Van Trailer; Fruehauf Van Trailer; 1975 CTR Van Trailer; 18’ Van Body; Neighbo r is bringing Sundowner 28’ Gooseneck Stock Trailer, a luminum, ta ndem, S/N: 13SKJ2824E1KA8525. Vintage Tractors & Equipment: 1952 IH M, #296600, M&W, fenders, restored; 1951 IH M, w/ fenders, restored; IH H, #95230, fenders, restored; Cub 154 Low Boy, w/mower & blade; IH-H; IH M JD 5085M IH 300 Utility Tractor, loader, fast hitch; IH Super M, #511820; IH 300 Loader/Backhoe, as-is; (2) IH 560 Farmall Tractors; IH 560 Frame; AC WD w/Woods #45 mower; Farmall B Tractor; Farmall B Frame; IH M rear axle; IH H rear wheel; IH 2pt 4-row Cultivator; 10’ 3pt Disc; IH 2pt 3-btm Plow; IH 70 3-btm Plow; (2) IH 70 4-btm Plows; IH 2pt 2-btm Plow; IH 2pt Sickle Mower; IH weights; IH H-Drawbar; Many IH parts. Equipment: Skyjack SJ6826 Electric Scissor Lift, 40’; 5-Shank V-Ripper, 3pt; Stainless Steel IH H IH M 1000 gal Tank & Trailer; 5th Wheel Cart; 3pt Blade; Drag Sections; Scaffolding Sections; Maverick Sign Rack (carry road signs), like new; 8’ Landscape Leveler; Pull Road Grader; Loader Boom; Adapter 3pt, 5th wheel; Kraus Belt Auger. Miscellaneous: 4+ Racks of Shop Tools & Supplies; Misc Tires; Log Chains; HD Pulley Hooks; Asst Step Ladders; Wire Gates; Grills; Tables; Chairs; (2) New Master Forge Tool Boxes; (2) Knaack Tool Boxes; 2x10 Asst Lumber; Millermatic 350P MIG Welder; Miller Spectrum Cargo Mate 14’ Cargo Mate 12’ 625 Plasma Cutter; 60” ALC Abrasive Blaster Cabinet; New 50gal 12V Sprayer; 60 Gal Upright Air Compressor; Acetylene Tanks & Torch Set; 1200 gal Poly Tank; American Harvester Corn Furnace. PJ Dump Sundowner 28’ Auctioneers: Richard A. Olson IL License #440.000585 815-942-4266 (o) 815-258-3003 (c) Erik C. Olson IL License #441.001909 815-942-4266 (o) 815-931-0699 (c) Owner: Estate of Denny Bennett Terms: Cash or good check with pr oper ID on day of sale. Nothing removed until settled. All items are being sold as is with no stated or implied warranty. Sale day announcements take precedence over printed material. Buyers are responsible for all items after sold. NO BUYERS PREMIUM! Text OLSONAUCTION to 22828 to receive email updates!!
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