Reading Auction Centre Great Knollys Street, Reading, RG1 7HU CONTRACTORS PLANT and EQUIPMENT READING AUCTION Thursday 4th December 2014 Lots 1-1500 from 9.30 am Lots 1501-2500 from 9.30 am Lots 2501 to end from 9.30 am On line bidding with will be available on lots 2501 onwards. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS TRAVEL: Road: From M4 junction 11 follow A33 relief road to Reading centre. See location plan on outside back cover. Rail: Reading Station is within 5 minutes walking distance of the sale yard. Great Western (or Thames Trains) from London Paddington. Air: Heathrow via Rail Air link to Reading Station. Connection departs half hourly. HOTELS Crowne Plaza 0871 423 4876; Best Western Calcot Hotel 0118 941 6423; Holiday Inn, Reading South, 0871 423 4876; Pentahotel 0118 958 6222; Premier Inn, Reading Caversham Bridge 0870 111 2932, Reading Central 0870 850 6318 VIEWING On morning of sale from 8.00 a.m. PARKING PAY & DISPLAY Would clients kindly note that the Auctioneers have no control over the market car park. This is owned and operated by the Reading Borough Council who alone are responsible for the charges levied. SPACE MAY BE RESTRICTED ON BUSY SALE DAYS. REGISTRATION All buyers must register at the auction office prior to sale when they will be given a bidding number. New customers will be required to provide satisfactory proof of identity ie driving licence/passport together with business card/letter heading and bank reference (or letter of credit in the case of overseas customers). It is recommended that such arrangements are made before the day of sale. In addition a £500 cash or card deposit if purchasing small tools (£1,000 in the case of all overseas customers) will be required. If purchasing large plant (auctioneer 3) the deposit is £2,000. PAYMENT Payment for all lots must be made on the day of sale. Our terms are strictly cash, bank transfer, debit card, credit card with a surcharge of 2%(+VAT). Our Bankers are: NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, Reading Market Place Branch. Account No 67642977, Sort Code 60:17:21. IBAN NO GB 29 N WBK 60172167642977, BIC Code No NWBKGB 2L (tel. No. 0845 3041924). The Auctioneers reserve the right to request a deposit of £500 from customers unknown to them. No clearance of goods will be allowed until such arrangements have been made. 2 PAYMENT IN CASH In order to comply with money laundering regulations we will not accept payments in cash exceeding £9,000. Cash payments in excess of £4,000 must be accompanied by valid proof of identity ie passport/driving licence, supported by 2 utility bills, bank statement or equivalent. Cash payments via your bank will no longer be permitted. The Auctioneers will only accept payment from and permit removal of goods purchased by the successful purchased or their duly appointed agent. No lots will be transferred to third party invoices after the auction. REFRESHMENTS are available in the Market Cafe or Queens Arms public house close to the market. COMMISSIONS TO PURCHASE will be executed with care and judgement by the auctioneers on receipt of full written instructions providing prospective purchasers have previously inspected the goods in question. VALUE ADDED TAX All lots marked with a ‘v’ before the lot number will carry VAT at the standard rate which will be added to all accounts unless otherwise stated at the time of the sale. VAT invoices will be issued. RISK All lots remain at the risk of the buyer from the fall of the hammer and it is strongly advised to effect insurance at once. REMOVAL OF GOODS All lots remain at the risk of the purchaser from the fall of the hammer. They should be paid for on the day of sale and removed as soon as possible thereafter. We will have staff available full time between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on the Friday and between 8.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. on the Saturday following the sale to assist with loading. Customers are otherwise strongly advised to make appropriate arrangements for removal of their lots as the market may be inaccessible due to another sale. NO VEHICLE MOVEMENT WILL BE PERMITTED ON SITE UNTIL SELLING HAS CONCLUDED. NO REMOVAL OF LOTS WILL BE ALLOWED UNTIL CHEQUES HAVE BEEN CLEARED UNLESS A BANKER’S REFERENCE HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN RECEIVED. DESCRIPTIONS All lots have been described to the best of our ability from information supplied. No liability whatsoever is undertaken in respect of faults, deficiencies and errors of descriptions either oral or printed. All lots are sold as seen without warranty and are available for inspection prior to sale. Any complaints concerning goods sold in “GOOD WORKING ORDER” (gwo) must be made within seven days of sale. 3 HIRE PURCHASE We would respectfully remind buyers wishing to purchase goods on finance that they should make such arrangements before they make their purchases as payment is due at the fall of the hammer in accordance with our terms of business and conditions of sale. BUYERS PREMIUM A buyers premium of 5% plus VAT at the standard rate will be added to the hammer price of all lots in the first two sections (Auctioneers 1 and 2) and a buyers premium of 2.5% plus VAT at the standard rate will be added to the hammer price of all lots in section 3, Large Plant and Equipment (Auctioneer 3). HEALTH & SAFETY It shall be the purchasers responsibility to ensure safe use of any lots purchased and comply with all relevant legislation regarding the safe use of such lots. WITHDRAWN OR NOT FORWARD LOTS Despite our best endeavours to ensure that all lots catalogued come forward for sale we are at the mercy of individual vendors some of whom regrettably do not always send the equipment entered. This inevitably causes frustration and annoyance to prospective customers who may have travelled long distances for a particular lot. To avoid such disappointment we recommend that you make a phone call to check the availability of any particular “one off” lot before setting out. 4 OVERSEAS PURCHASERS OVERSEAS PURCHASERS will on registration be required to produce their passport or other means of identification together with full details of their bank and method of payment. They should also ensure that the country of destination has no import or currency restrictions on the goods they wish to purchase. Our normal terms of business otherwise apply and payment is due in full on the day of sale. VAT IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL EXPORT BUYERS (APPLICABLE TO BOTH EC AND NON-EC CUSTOMERS ALIKE) VAT WILL BE CHARGED IN FULL This will only be refunded on receipt of valid proof of exportation (bill of lading) in compliance with H. M. Customs and Excise Notice 703 paragraph 3.5. To be valid the goods must be exported within three months of the date of sale and valid proof thereof must be provided within the same time limit 5 INTERNET BIDDING Live internet bidding through will be available at this auction for Auctioneer 3 only – (large plant and equipment) allows you to listen in and view the auction live on line and to participate in the bidding via their website. A £2,000 deposit will be taken from all on line bidders wishing to bid via prior to the auction. The auctioneers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw on line bidding facilities without reason. The deposit will be taken from a debit or credit card when registering on and please note credit card payments attract a 2% surcharge. Sign ups for this auction are provisional and subject to the approval of the auctioneer who will notify bidders by email. Internet bidders will be required to pay an additional 1% buyers premium. 6 PLEASE NOTE UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE THE AUCTIONEERS REQUIRE PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION AND RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A CASH DEPOSIT OF £500 BEFORE A BIDDING NUMBER WILL BE ISSUED. THIS WILL BE REFUNDED IN FULL AT THE END OF THE DAY IF NO PURCHASE IS MADE. UNLESS STATED IN THE CATALOGUE OR ANNOUNCED AT THE TIME OF SALE THAT ELECTRICAL GOODS ARE IN WORKING ORDER THEY ARE SOLD ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THEY MAY ONLY BE SUITABLE FOR SPARES OR REPAIR. ANY COMPLAINT REGARDING GOODS SOLD IN GOOD WORKING ORDER (GWO) MUST BE MADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE SALE REGISTRATION DATES/YEARS OF MANUFACTURE/ HOUR AND KILOMETRE READINGS Dates shown in this catalogue or announced at the time of sale are either given from information supplied, deduced from serial numbers or taken from registration documents, while believed to be correct they cannot always be relied upon and in certain circumstances the date of registration may not coincide with the date of manufacture. Equally hour and kilometre readings are those showing on the machine on delivery to the auction site and cannot be relied upon if the clock is broken or a new one has been fitted. No warranty is given either expressly or implied and the auctioneers undertake no liability whatsoever in respect of such discrepancies. Purchasers are advised to make their own independent enquiries if in any doubt as the correctness of such statements BEFORE PURCHASING. 7 EU CONFORMITY – Purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the suitability of equipment for export markets and the organisers accept no liability in any respect whatsoever. Certificates of Conformity are not supplied with equipment but in most cases will be available from the manufacturer AUCTIONEER NO 1 – SALE COMMENCES 9.30 am A Buyers’ Premium of 5% + VAT will be charged on the hammer price of all lots in this section BUILDERS EQUIPMENT (OUTSIDE) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 v17 v18 v19 v20 v21 Quantity of used alloy ladders 16/29 ladder & 12/22 ladder 7 various ladders Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder Ladder 8 v41 v42 v43 v44 v45 v46 v47 v48 v49 v50 v51 v52 v53 v54 v55 v56 v57 v58 v59 60 61 62 v63 v64 v65 v66 v67 v68 v69 v70 v71 v72 v73 BTSAxio high lift electric forklift Robur electric forklift Linde electric forklift Still high lift electric forklift Sumner 2311 plasterboard hoist Genie SLA15 and pallet of Genie SLA parts Pallet of tower components Petrol screeder Petrol screeder Petrol screeder Boss alloy tower Boss alloy tower Fuel caddy Builders toilet Boss GRP tower Boss GRP tower Portaloo Portaloo Genie lift 10 no trench struts No1 .500-.700 10 trench struts No2 .700-1.100 10 Acrow No 0 1.100-1.800 Quantity of Acrow props Quantity of band stands Podium Podium Scaffold tower Crowd barrier Sumner 10ft materials lift 450kg max gwo Sumner 10ft materials lift 450kg max gwo Group Eng 22 gallon diesel mate bowser (2001) B0035 Group Eng 22 gallon diesel mate bowser (2005) 138377 Group Eng 22 gallon diesel mate bowser (2005) 138370 9 v74 v75 v76 v77 v78 v79 80 v81 v82 v83 v84 v85 v86 v87 v88 v89 v90 v91 v92 v93 v94 v95 v96 v97 v98 v99 v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 Group Eng 22 gallon diesel mate bowser (2005) 138385 Group Eng 22 gallon diesel mate bowser 138371 400 main distribution unit (2000) NM3203 200 mains distribution unit (2007) 159278 Quantity of steel trestles Quantity of Acrow props Dexion conveyor belt 11m run, 800mm width Safety bars, 3PHZ motor & upstand 6 no 1.2m podium internlink - minor damage 6 no 1.2m podium (minor damage & holes) 5 no 1.2m & 1 no 1.6m podiums (minor damage) 6 no 1.6m podiums 6 no 1.6m podiums 6 no 1.6m podiums 4 no 1.6m podiums (structural damage) 3 no 1.6m and 1 no 2m podiums (structural damage) 6 no 0.5m podiums (structural damage) 6 no 1.2m podiums Bumpa hoist 10m petrol Bumpa hoist 8m petrol Road marking portable heater/drier Quantity of staging boards Petrol Magic screed Mace 8m Bumpa hoist 110v MK2 podium steps MK2 podium steps MK2 podium steps MK1 podium steps Podium steps Various tower parts 4 no Blakely 10kva 415/110v transformers 4 no Blakely 10kva 415/110v transformers 10 v105 v106 v107 v108 v109 v110 v111 v112 v113 114 115 116 117 v118 4 no Blakely 10kva 415/110v transformers 3 no Blakely 10kva 415/110v transformers 2 Genie type forks 2 Genie type forks Alvac kerb lifter Western fuel caddy Western fuel caddy Western fuel caddy Western fuel caddy Bulk bin Bulk bin Bulk bin Bulk bin HD yard gates POWER TOOLS, HAND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT (INSIDE) 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 v157 v158 Thor 234 breaker Thor 16D Quantity of rock drills and fly bits Quantity of rock drills and bits Quantity of points and chisels Quantity of points and chisels Quantity of breaker steels Ingersoll Rand breaker Hydraulic breaker gun, as new CP9 type breaker with points CP breaker CP breaker 5kva transformer gwo 5kva transformer gwo 3kva transformer 3kva transformer 2 light tripods 10 x 350mm diamond blades (Clipper) New van tool vault with keys New van tool vault with keys 11 v159 v160 v161 v162 v163 v164 v165 166/180 v181/240 241/290 291/310 v311 v312 v313 v314 v315 v316 v317 v318 v319 v320 v321 v322 v323 v324 v325 v326 v327 v328 v329 v330 v331 v332 v333 v334 v335 New van tool vault with keys New van tool vault with keys New set of 8 tonne machine skates New set of 8 tonne machine skates New set of 8 tonne machine skates New set of 8 tonne machine skates New set of 8 tonne machine skates Contractors tool (15 lots) Contractors hand tools and consumables (60 lots) Power tool (50 lots) Site survey equipment (20 lots) Box of ratchet straps Box of ratchet straps Heavy duty lock and chain Heavy duty lock and chain Clips Saw blades Welding rods 10 no 4pc PPE kits 4pc PPE kit 4pc PPE kit 4 rolls of centre feed paper towel 4 rolls of centre feed paper towel 4 rolls of centre feed paper towel 2 chains with padlocks 4 club hammers Jump leads and mini compressor 6 tonne workshop press Motorcycle chain splitter and riveter 25 no 4.5 in stainless zip discs 2 sets of O rings 4 tonne puller Spline and hex key sets Tap and die set tool steel 21pc 3/4 in socket set Box of lifting strops 12 v336 v337 v338 v339 v340 v341 v342 v343 v344 v345 v346 v347 v351/360 v361/366 v367 v368/374 v375 v376/379 v380/382 v383 v384 v385 v386 v387/388 v389 v390 v391/400 v401 v402/404 v405 v406 v407 v408 v409 v410 v411/415 v416 Box of lifting strops Box of lifting strops Box of lifting strops 20 lifting strops 20 lifting strops 20 lifting strops 3 chain tensioners 4 hydraulic jacks 2 chain blocks 3 tonne lever hoist Chain block Quantity of hand cleaner Husqvarna disc cutter gwo (10 lots) Cat detector gwo (5 lots) Silver breaker Makita power tool gwo (7 lots) 4 jerry cans Husqvarna diamond disc (4 lots) Bosch power tool (3 lots) Chain block Thor air breaker Hitachi power tool gwo Hitachi power tool gwo Cat detector & signal emitter gwo (2 lots) 3 beacons Distance measuring wheel Diamond disc (10 lots) Ifor Williams jockey wheel Gaffa tape (3 lots) Tow hitch Tow ball lock Tow chain 36 tape measures Quantity of strops Quantity of discs Hi viz coat (5 lots) Overalls 13 v417/418 v419 v420/423 v424/427 v428 v429/433 v434/435 v436 v437 v438/440 v441 v442/443 v444/453 v454 v455 v456/470 471/472 473/474 475/477 478 479/482 v483 v484 v485 v486 v487/488 v489 v490/499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 Work boots (2 lots) Kango 900 breaker Transformer (4 lots) Wacker breaker (4 lots) Clare tester Makita tool (5 lots) Cobra breaker (2 lots) Dimas core drill Rubi tile cutter Bosch tool (3 lots) Quantity of cordless batteries Partner K750 disc cutter (2 lots) Hilti power tool (10 lots) Edging sander Hitachi site radio Contractors tool (15 lots) Pin/ball hitch (2 lots) Pair of 12in trailer tyres (2 lots) Magnetic drill 110v gwo (3 lots) 12v winch c/w remote control 12v machine battery (4 lots) Osprey Frank steam force 3 steam cleaner 240v Dulux Envirowash system Hako Hamster floor sweeper Hako Hamster floor sweeper 75mm Grundomat mole (2 lots) 2 no 45mm Grundomat moles Fusion Provida AM65 Electrofusion machine (10 lots) Black & Decker cordless drill Hitachi drill Cordless drill Makita 18v cordless drill Bosch 18v cordless drill SDS plus drill Ridgid 550 pipe cutter 14 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 v518 v519 v520 v521/522 v523 v524 v525 v526 v527 v528 v529 v530 v538 v539 v540 v541 v542 v543 v544 Hilti TE706AVR breaker Heavy duty breaker Makita heavy duty breaker Bosch GSH27 breaker Bumper hoist ladder stays 3 Makita grinders 3 Makita grinders Bosch diamond core drill Makita die grinder Makita sds plus drill Electric fan heater 3 phase, 10kva, 6 socket 110v site transformer Thor 234 air breaker Thor 24 air breaker 10 no air breaker steels (2 lots) Air poker flex 2 Kobus manhole lifters Quantity of drain cover keys Hydraulic pipe squeezer jack Quantity of 2in water pump hose fittings Large air starter motor 4 unused braked wheely bin wheels 2 Andrews heaters Atlas Copco TEX28PE heavy air breaker (2006) 151418 Atlas Copco TEX28PE heavy air breaker (2006) 151418 Atlas Copco TEX28PE heavy air breaker 5101466 CP 1210 VRS heavy air breaker (2007) 5003393 CP 1210 VRS heavy air breaker (2007) 5003396 CP 1210 VRS heavy air breaker (2007) 5003402 CP 1210 VRS heavy air breaker (2007) 5003409 15 v545 v546 v547 v548 v549 v550 v551/590 v591/595 v596 v601/640 v641/642 v643 v644/645 v646/647 v648 v649 v650 v651/652 v653 v654 v655 v656 v657 v658 v659 v660 v661 v662 v663 v664 v665 v666/667 v668 v669 CP 1230VRS heavy air breaker (2002) 127256 CP 1230VRS heavy air breaker (2004) 133598 CP 1230VRS heavy air breaker (2008) 5007443 CP9 air drill (2008) 5007466 Macdonald 24VRS heavy air breaker (2000) 119628 Macdonald VRS28 heavy air breaker (2006) 145428 Electrical tool (40 lots) Site box (5 lots) Site pallet truck Contractors tool (40 lots) Makita LS1013 mitre saw gwo (2 lots) Stihl cut off saw Porta nailer (2 lots) 12 Hitachi metal cutting discs (2 lots) Bosch GSH27 110v heavy duty breaker 12 Hitachi metal cutting discs Bosch GSH27 110v heavy duty breaker 20 Makita stone cutting discs (2 lots) Bosch GSH27 110v heavy duty breaker Hiretech HT8 240v floor sander 20 Makita stone cutting discs 25 Hitachi metal grinding discs Hiretech HT8 240v floor sander 25 Hitachi metal grinding discs New steel toe cap work boots size 11 25 Hitachi metal grinding discs New steel toe cap work boots size 11 20 pairs of work gloves 20 Makita metal grinding discs Kemco central heating power flush 240v 20 pairs of work gloves 20 Makita metal grinding discs (2 lots) 20 pairs of work gloves Kemco central heating power flush 240v 16 v670 v671 v672 v673 v674 v675 v676 v677 v678 v679 v680 v681 v682/683 v684 v685 v686/690 v691 v692 v693 v694 v695 v696 v697 v698 v699 v700 v701 v702 v703 v704 v705 v706 v707 v708 v709 Compressor air tool lubrication oil Stihl cut off saw 20 sets of 4 piece PPE kits Compressor air tool lubrication oil 20 sets of 4 piece PPE kits Heavy duty wheel clamp 20 sets of 4 piece PPE kits Heavy duty wheel clamp 10 pairs of 4 piece PPE kits with ear defenders Rotrex 250kg manual winch (new) 10 pairs of 4 piece PPE kits with ear defenders Rotrex 250kg manual winch (new) Makita LS1013 110v mitre saw gwo (2 lots) 3 air conditioning units 3 Hilti DX450 nail guns 5kva site transformer (4 lots) Beta electric scaffold hoist Bosch GSH 27 breaker Fein air saw Genie type fork Hilti TE80 ATC breaker Imer table saw Oxygen & acetylene kit Rhino 240v dehumidifier Rubbermaid and contents SPE BEF275 floor grinder gwo Quantity of 2 way radios including base station, 10 Storno mobile sets and 2 Motorola GP300 walkie talkies 2 petrol disc cutters Retrack light & 3kva transformer Hilti 206 and Makita 1213L medium breakers 2 Makita 9in grinders 4 reciprocataing saws 2 Kango 900 breakers 10in mitre saw and Makita power plane 3 Makita angle grinders 17 v710 v711 v712 v713 v714/715 v716 v717 v718 v719 v720/728 v729/731 v732 v733 v734 v735 v736 v737 v738 v739 v740 v741 v742 v743 v744 v745 v746 v747 v748 v749 v750 v751 v752 v753 2 Makita 4011C rotary hammer drills Henry vacuum and fume extractor hose 2 Makita HR2470 14v drills Various harness 10 no starter motors (2 lots) 10 air tools Hilti TE76 breaker for spares/repair 4 Hilti 9in saws Water pump suction fittings Electrofusion pipe welder 40v (9 lots) Sala PW60L materials winch in bag (3 lots) Calibre hydraulic core drill Multi charger for 2 way radios 3 no Retrac base stations c/w 8 HAU meters and cable MSA turbo Flo 2 man fresh air breathing fan 110v c/w 2 masks and hoses Makita LF1000 flip saw bench 110v Makita 2704 saw bench 110v Hauchek hydraulic port diamond drilling system Hyram vertical lift injector kit in box Pipe equipment pipe expander in box Steve Vick 125 air operated pipe pushing machine 2 hydraulic squeeze off pipe clamps Fusion hydraulic pipe cutter Hydraulic hand pump 4 no Hyram top loading clamps Periquip PQ200 bypass kit in box Pipetech gasmaster tee set 2 no Ridgid 246 pipe cutters Fusion ABF 250 PSPL 2 butt fusion machine c/w cutter and clamps Fusion generator 3.5kva 110v Quantity of Ridgid pipe cutters Quantity of Fromax pipe cutters Primayer Eureka 2 leak noise correlator 18 v754 v755 v756 v757/758 v759 v760 v761 v762 v763 v764 v765 v766 v767/768 v769/770 v771/773 v774 v775 v776 v777 v778 v779 v780 v781 v782/791 v792 v793 v794 v795 v796 v797 v798 v799 v800 Wheeler hydraulic pipe cracker in box Fusion 125-400 pipe roller kit Fusion multi clamp kit 65mm mole (2 lots) 75mm mole Quantity of in line oilers Hilti TE905 rotary hammer drill in case Pipe Hawk Mk11 ground scammer c/w battery, charger & comp box Fusion ABF315 butt fusion machine c/w cutter and clamps Fusion welder on trolley Rossendale man hole cover lifter Stihl 400 cut off saw Quantity of transformers (2 lots) Hiram compact 4 drilling kit (2 lots) Hi-Ram No 1 under pressure drilling kit (3 lots) Cobra wheel, large Cobra wheel, small Wask tee set Quantity of Wask equipment 4 pipe rollers 4 test stand pipes (cow horns) 4 test stand pipes (cow horns) Quantity of gas seeker gas detectors Contractors tool (10 lots) Ebac BD150 dehumidifier 2 Ebac BD70 dehumidifiers Makita palm sander 110v & Makita Randomn orbital sander 240v Tyranno saw 240v 3 no 3kva transformers Measuring wheel Mini pod light 110v Kingpost air conditioning unit Makita diamond core drill & DLU 194 diamond core drill 110v 19 v801 v802 v803 v804 v805 v806 v807 v808 v809 v810 v811 v812 v813 v814 v815 v816 v817 v818 v819 v820 v821 v822 v823 v824 v825 v826 v827 v828 v829 v830 v831 v832 v833 v834 v835 9 drive belts Tyrolean render machine Top electric pump Master indirect heater 240v Hitachi 240v drill, Hitachi SDS drill 240v, 18v cordless drill Makita sabre saw 110v Trailer lighting board 3 pallet trucks Bosch hammer drill Stihl TS350 cut off saw Assorted extension leads Makita 7.5in circular saw 240v Makita HR4011C drill 110v Door Boss door trimmer 240v Spear & Jackson cordless drill 18v Trailer jockey wheel Numatic dry vacuum 240v Redband floor saw Hitachi drill & Bosch hammer drill Teng torque wrench Makita 9in angle grinder 240v & Bosch cordless drill 2.2kva transformer Red Rad heaters x2 240v Spot nailer SPE tile lifter 110v Von arc needle gun Hot air paint stripper 240v 2 Numatic Henry vacs Numatic wet vac 110v Karcher floor scrubber and drier Hydraulic breaker gun 2 no 240v dehumidifiers Oil filled radiator 10in auger bit Numatic Henry vacuum 240v 20 v836 v837 v838 v839 v840 v841 v842 v843 v844 v845 v846/858 v859 v860 v861 v862 v863 v864 v865 v866 v867 v868 v869 v870 v871 v872/876 v877 v878 v879 880 881 882/883 884 885 886 887 888 7 no LM8900 laser levels Stihl TS410 cut off saw Bosch cordless drill & 2 no Ryobi cordless drills Stihl TS410 cut off saw Quantity of vacuums Quantity of full body harness and chains Quantity of lights Cobra wheel 2 no diamond core drills 2 no Big Blue easy floats 2 no compressed guns (13 lots) Ryobi mitre saw 110v gwo 3 no Numatic 2 motor industrial vacs 2no 3kva transformers Hilti TE56 breaker 110v 2 Bosch drills 110v Screed motor drive unit 10kva transformer Husqvarna K30 air saw Husqvarna K30 air saw Bef 200 floor scabbler 110v Bef 200 floor scabbler 110v SLA15 material hoist 5 no electrical tools Stihl TS400 masonry saw (5 lots) 3 Hitachi nail guns Ambirad Inferno heater Various boxes of new nails Atlas Copco TEX 280 PE Assorted air tools Set of CP9 drill bits (2 lots) Hydraulic core drill and stand for spares or repair Rock drill stems Pair of extra long rock drill stems 50ml TCT rock drill cutter heads Assorted large TCT rock drill cutter heads 21 889 890 v891 v892/894 v895 v896/900 v901/905 v906 v907 v908 v909 v910 v911 v912 v913 v914 v915 v916 v917 v918 v919 v920 v921 v922 v923 v924 v925 v926 v927 v928/931 v932 v933 v934 v935 v936 v937 v938 30ml TCT rock drill cutter heads Large TCT rock drill cutter heads 2 air conditioning transport jackets 10 bottles of carpet cleaner solution (10 lots) 2 Sullair MK250 breakers 10 new keyless chucks (5 lots) 2 packs of work gloves (5 lots) 3/8in reversible air drill 50 lynch pins 4.5-10mm 16 bow and D shackles 2 axes and log splitter 10M air hose and fittings 20T bottle jack Bolt and screw selections 3m wash brush Heavy duty double gear winch Strap winch 3 core cutters and 2 extensions 2 chains with padlocks Chain, ring & hook Wood and carving chisels 115pc HSS imperial drill set 204 pc drill set 2 drill sets and hole saws 2000lb 12v drum winch 2 ceiling/van extending props Fencing puller and pliers 100 needle files Twin halogen tripod light 110v (4 lots) Jump leads and mini compressor Jump start compressor Jockey wheel Pneumatic jockey wheel Knapsack sprayer Rechargeable 12v mobile sprayer Lathe chisels 22 v939 v940 v941 v942 v943 v944 v945 v946 v947 v948 v949 v950 v951 v952 v953 v954 v955 v956 v957 v958 v959 v960 v961 v962 v963 v964 v965 v966 v967 v968 v969 v970 v971 v972 v973 v974 v975 6 no 12in lock clamps 4 no 48in lock clamps 12 pop up LED lights 2 no 33ft lorry straps and clips 2 no 33ft lorry straps and clips 2 no 27ft lorry straps 2 no 27ft lorry straps Automatic welders mask 6 tonne workshop press Pickup/van hoist Brake bleeding kit Brake caliper rewind kit universal Exhaust pipe expander kit M/C chain splitter and riveter 50 no 4.5in stainless zip discs 5kg of nuts, bolts & washers 2 sets of O rings 2 sets of O rings 28pc punch and chisel set Padlocks 12 pass padlocks, all same key 10 brass padlocks 2 portable halogen work lights 2 pop riveters 4 tonne puller 4 bow saws 2 stroke chain saw Chain saw helmet Ratchet loppers and edge shears Nordstrom trimmer and pruner 13ft telescopic pruner Pair of 6ft steel ramps .5 tonne 8 ratchet straps 4x4ft aluminium sash cramps 4 x 3ft T bar sash cramps 4 x 10in marine wheels 2 screwdriver sets 23 v976 v977 v978 v979 v980 v981 v982 v983 v984 v985 v986 v987 v988 v989 v990 v991 v992 v993 v994 v995 v996 v997 v998 v999 v1000 v1001 v1002 v1003 v1004 v1005 v1006 v1007 v1008 v1009 3m and 4m 2 tonne slings Spline and hex key sets 30 stall clips 4-9in 20 metal stall clips 3 tape measures Tap and die set tool steel 3 poly tarpaulins 9x6ft and 18x12ft Poly tarpaulin 23x18ft 4ft trailer board Various tools 3/4in socket set 21pc 170pc HSS drill selection Imperial and metric drill sets 2 packs of bungees 5 tonne bottle jack 2 no 13in wheels 20mm bore 2 no 13in white wheels 25mm bore 2 barrow wheels Towing spares 3ft trailer board 23x18ft poly tarpaulin 14 large padlocks Marine pneumatic jockey wheel 12 tape measures 30kgs wood burner blocks 30kg wood burner blocks 7 Hitachi routers for spares/repair 3 Bosch/Hitachi cordless drills for spares/repair Door saw for spares/repair Hitachi cordless reciprocating saw for spares/repair Paslode IM250 for spares/repair Makita cordless stapler for spares/repair 7 no Bosch/Makita reciprocating saws for spares/repair 7 no Bosch SDS max breakers for spares/repair 24 v1010 v1011 v1012 v1013 v1014 v1015 v1016 v1017 v1018 v1019 v1020 v1021 v1022 v1023 v1024 v1025 v1026 v1027 v1028 v1029 v1030 v1031 v1032 v1033 v1034 v1035 v1036 v1037 v1038 v1039 v1040 v1041 5 no Bosch SDS plus drills for spares/repair 4 Wacker SDS max breakers for spares/repair 2 no Dewalt 8in mitre saws for spares/repair 10 no angle grinders for spares/repair 6 no Hitachi 9in angle grinders for spares/repair 6 no circular saws for spares/repair 16 safety harness for repair 2 no Bosch jig saws for spares/repair 4 no fall arrest systems for repair Bosch core drill, worktop jig and 5kva transformer all for spares/repair Large 110v fan & Stihl 2 stroke blower for spares/repair Long reach sander, Hitachi planer and Makita hot air gug, all for spares/repair Bosch paddle drill for spares/repair Makita polisher for spares/repair Tile cutter Wacker heavy breaker 110v for spares/repair Impact wrench & Evolution steel cutting saw for spares/repair 3 no 10kva site transformers for spares/repair 2 air conditioning units for spares/repair 2 no air breakers for spares/repair 3 no triple head air scabblers for spares/repair Pole air scabbler & single head air scabbler for spares/repair Geda ladder hoist base unit for spares/repair 6 no industrial dehumidifiers for spares/repair 3 no compact dehumidifiers for spares/repair 3 no space heaters for spares/repair 2 no 32A 110v junction boxes for spares/repair Box of assorted vacuum hoses, tubes, tools 3 no 3kw heaters 110v for spares/repair Box of Ridgid threader parts for spares/repair Dehumidifier Builders sundries 25 v1042 DLG industrial dehumidifier gwo c/w trolley 240v v1043/1044 DLG industrial dehumidifier gwo c/w trolley, dual voltage (2 lots) v1045 5kva site transformer single phase gwo v1046 5kva site transformer single phase gwo v1047 Easi Heat 145 space heater dual v1048 2 no Red Rad infra red heaters 240v gwo v1049 2 no Red Rad infra red heaters 240v gwo v1050 Master BV170E indirect heater 110v gwo v1051 2 Marcrist DDM2 diamond drills v1052 Bosch GBH7 110v breaker v1053 Bosch hammer drill and Hitachi drill v1054 Quantity of Bosch batteries and chargers v1055 Quantity of drill chucks v1056 Industrial heater v1057 Diamond drill 110v v1058 Makita reciprocating saw v1059 9in angle grinder v1060 110v diamond drill v1061 Various power tools v1062 Makita breaker v1063 Makita rotary hammer v1064 Makita 14in metal chop saw v1065 Makita rotary hammer v1066 Gas space heater and propane gas heater v1067 2 no Stihl saw trollies v1068 Propane space heater v1069 Ridgid pressure test pump v1070 Jig saw 110v v1071 Box of K taper drill bits v1072 Stihl 14in disc cutter c/w trolley v1073 Various pipe stoppers 1074 5 no Stihl disc saws 1075 Stihl TS400 1076 Quantity of 110v junction boxes and leads 1077 2 no 110v overhead winch and gantrys 26 1078 1079 1080 1081 Stihl TS410 2 Thor breakers 4 no TS400 cut off saw Cat scanner and genny, with certificate until 2015 1082 24v winch v1083 2 man post hole borer, 2 stroke v1084 Nibbler 110v v1085 Laminate trimmer 110v v1086 Autofeed screw driver 110v v1087 Wood planer 110v v1088 Cooler cube 240v v1089 4 air conditioning units 240v v1090 Vacuum 110v v1091 2 Cooler Cubes 240v v1092 Medium wall chaser v1093/1094 Cart lights (2 lots) v1095 Hand nailer v1096 Cart lights v1097 Petrol floor sweeper v1098 Floor polisher/scrubber v1099 Floor edger v1100 Bench tile saw 110v v1101 Floor polisher v1102 10 heavy air breakers v1103 5 demo guns v1104 Fuel kaddi v1105 Wallpaper stripper 110v v1106/1107 12in 110v brick saw (2 lots) v1108 Makita 5in grinder 110v v1109 Makita wall chaser 110v v1110 Numatic vacuum v1111 Hilti TE905 v1112 Makita router 110v v1113 Marcrist diamond drill v1114 Makita Tec gun 110v v1115 Marcrist diamond drill 27 v1116 v1117 v1118 v1119 v1120 v1121 v1122 v1123 v1124 v1125 v1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 v1131 v1132 Hitachi diamond drill 110v HT7 edging sander Makita 110v breaker Alvac kerb lifter Alvac kerb lifter Paslode IM250 Paslode gun Alvac kerb lifter Paslode gun 5kva transformer 5kva transformer 2 triple motor vacuum cleaners 6 twin motor vacuum cleaners Pneumatic vacuum cleaner 2 industrial refrigerant dehumidifiers 150 ltrs Milwaukee MS305 mitre saw Tub mixer TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT! 28 AUCTIONEER No 2 – SALE COMMENCES 9.30 am A Buyers’ premium of 5% + VAT will be charged on the hammer price of all lots in this section UNLESS STATED IN THE CATALOGUE OR ANNOUNCED AT THE TIME OF SALE THAT ELECTRICAL GOODS ARE IN WORKING ORDER THEY ARE SOLD ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THEY MAY ONLY BE SUITABLE FOR SPARES OR REPAIR. ANY COMPLAINT REGARDING GOODS SOLD IN GOOD WORKING ORDER (GWO) MUST BE MADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE SALE GARDEN MACHINERY v1501 v1502 v1503 v1504 v1505 v1506 v1507 v1508 v1509 v1510 v1511 v1512 v1513 v1514 v1515 v1516 v1517 v1518 v1519 v1520 v1521 Petrol chain saw 2 backpack sprayers Brush cutter Backpack sprayer with petrol engine Husqvarna 372XP chain saw Husqvarna 3120XP chain saw Dolmar 122S chain saw Stihl 011AV in case Stihl BR600 blower Stihl HL95 long reach hedge cutter Stihl MS341 chain saw Stihl BR650 backpack blower Stihl HS81RC hedge cutter Stihl pole hedge cutter Petrol lawn mower Ellet petrol shredder 2 no 10ft staging Honda GXH50 engine Petrol lawn scarifier and petrol lawn mower Stihl blower Stihl MS171 chain saw 29 v1522 v1523 v1524 v1525 v1526 v1527 v1528 v1529 1530/1549 v1550 v1551 v1552 v1553 v1554 v1555 v1556 v1557 v1558 v1559/1583 v1584 v1585 v1586 v1587 v1588/1607 v1608/1611 v1612 v1613 v1614/1616 v1617/1618 v1619/1621 v1622/1624 v1625/1626 v1627 v1628 v1629 v1630 Seed spreader Stihl chain saw Viking electric shredder 240v Turf cutter Stihl petrol hedge trimmer Honda petrol lawn mower 3 no chain saw helmets Viking mower Part exchanged/repaired uncollected garden machine (20 lots) Stihl MS360 chain saw Stihl MS261 chain saw Stihl MS260 chain saw Stihl HS86R hedge trimmer Stihl HS86R hedge trimmer Stihl HS85 hedge trimmer Stihl HL100 long reach hedge cutter Stihl FS130 petrol strimmer Stihl blower New and ex demo garden machine Mitox long reach hedge trimmer McCulloch chain saw Kawasaki pole chain saw Kawasaki petrol strimmer Horticultural sundries (20 lots) Garden machine (4 lots) Echo long reach hedge cutter Stihl MS362 chain saw Stihl MS170 petrol chain saw (3 lots) 10L Stihl 2 stroke oil (2 lots) 5L Stihl 2 stroke oil (3 lots) Strimmer cord (3 lots) Chain saw helmet (2 lots) Honda roller mower 5L of air compressor/tool oil 5L of air compressor/tool oil Patio cleaner 30 v1631 v1632 1633/1637 v1638/1639 v1640 v1641 v1642/1644 v1645 v1646 v1647 v1648/1657 v1658 1659 1660 v1661 v1662/1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 Lawn mower Stihl long handled hedge cutter Honda engine to fit Belle mixer (5 lots) Stihl FS400 gwo (2 lots) Husqvarna trimmer gwo Mower ramps Chain saw gwo (3 lots) Echo strimmer Stihl trimmer Mitox long reach trimmer Garden machine (10 lots) Robin diesel engine Lawnflite Pro 34 strimmer Stihl BG85 hand held blower 2 stroke leaf blower Petrol lawn scarifier (3 lots) Husqvarna 2100CD chain saw Husqvarna 345XP chain saw Partner 351 chain saw McCulloch MT270 strimmer McCulloch TM250 strimmer Makita RBL250 blower Ryobi RCT2800B strimmer Kawasaki TG18 hedge trimmer Stihl FS400 brush cutter Little Wonder hedge cutter Barracuda SV22 leaf blower Champion garden strimmer Ecman long reach pole saw H/L 95 strimmer MacCulloch Mac 335 chain saw JCB chain saw Tanka brush cutter Shibaura long reach hedge cutter Gardena 7000/3 2T water pump Allen Might Mac chipper/shredder Danarm chain saw 31 v1686 v1687 v1688 v1689 v1690 v1691 v1692 v1693 v1694 v1695 v1696 v1697 v1698 v1699 v1700 v1701 v1702 v1703 v1704 v1705 v1706 v1707 v1708 v1709 v1710 v1711 v1712 v1713 v1714 v1715 v1716 v1717 v1718 v1719 v1720 v1721 v1722 Stiga SP338 chain saw McCulloch Mac335 chain saw Solo 600 top handle chain saw Stihl MS230 chain saw Husqvarna 235 chain saw Stihl MS200T top handle chain saw Husqvarna 141 chain saw Stihl MS260 chain saw Stihl 025 chain saw Ryobi 44 chain saw Husqvarna 266XP chain saw Husqvarna 350 chain saw Husqvarna 266XP chain saw Stihl 028 wood boss chain saw Top handle chain saw McCulloch Mac 742 chain saw Champion 38cc chain saw Dynamic chain saw Alpina 330 chain saw McCulloch Mac 335 chain saw Stihl MS660 chain saw Stihl 024 chain saw Stihl 017 chain saw Echo SRM-2100SB strimmer Husqvarna 232R strimmer Husqvarna 350 chain saw Stihl MS181 chain saw Mitox 260 long reach hedge cutter Kawasaki TG18 strimmer MT chain saw Stihl HT75 telescopic pole saw McCulloch Mac 335 chain saw Stihl HS45 hedge cutter Ryobi PLT3043 strimmer Stihl HS86R hedge cutter Stihl HS81T hedge cutter Stihl HS45 hedge cutter 32 v1723 v1724 v1725 v1726 v1727 v1728 v1729 v1730 v1731 v1732 v1733 v1734 v1735 v1736 v1737 v1738 v1739 v1740 v1741 v1742 v1743 v1744 v1745 v1746 v1747 1748 1749 1750 Stihl KM56 Kombi with hedge cutter attachment Husqvarna 16H hedge cutter Spear and Jackson strimmer Mitox 330U strimmer Husqvarna 225H hedge cutter Husqvarna 325H575 hedge cutter Stihl HL75 strimmer Husqvarna 325HD75 hedge cutter MacAllister MBCP254 strimmer MacAllister MBCP254 strimmer McCulloch Tivoli hedge cutter Stihl BG55 blower MacAllister MBCP254 strimmer MacAllister MBCP254 strimmer Stihl FGS45 strimmer Oleo Mac backpack blower Stihl FS25-4 strimmer Stihl FS85 strimmer McCulloch strimmer Stihl FS44 strimmer Stihl FS400 strimmer Kawasaki KBH48A strimmer McCulloch strimmer Ryobi RLT30CD strimmer Sovereign 6109 strimmer Bosch wood chipper Electric lawn mower Stihl BG85 leaf blower RIDE ON MOWERS v1781 v1782 v1783 Westwood T1600 ride on with 36in deck and collector Kubota T1400 ride on mower Lawnflite ride on mower 33 WORKSHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1821/1827 1828 1829 1830 v1831/1832 v1833/1834 v1835 v1836/1837 v1838/1839 v1840/1841 v1842 v1843 v1844 v1845/1854 1855 v1856 v1857 v1858 v1859 v1860 v1861/1862 1863 1864/1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 Karcher HD5/11C pressure washer (7 lots) Karcher petrol pressure washer Karcher B602 pressure washer Karcher K2 pressure washer Lifting equipment (2 lots) Airlessco airless paint sprayer 110v (2 lots) Record stainless steel electric pallet truck Robur high lift electric pallet truck (2 lots) Warrior high lift electric pallet truck (2 lots) Kenstar high lift electric pallet truck (2 lots) Electric workshop hydraulic punch 415v 3 Clarke compressors for spares/repair 240v bench grinder for spares/repair Workshop machine (10 lots) Honda 11hp Kew petrol jet wash gwo Karcher steam cleaner Oxford 240v oil cooled welder Unused electric motor Pressure washer Kubota test pump Marxco dust extraction unit (2 lots) Jet wash 25 tonne bottle jack (2 lots) Charnwood 890 wood worker SIP 180 welder Magnum Power 180 turbo welder Castrol Lubrequipment compressor Draper power pressure washer Draper power pressure washer Compressor Pillar drill Pressure washer Clarke 100E welder Sureweld 140m welder Industrial 100 mini welder 34 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 v1890 v1891 v1892 v1893 v1894/1895 v1896 v1897 v1898 v1899 v1900 v1901 v1902 v1903 v1904 v1905 v1906 v1907 v1908 1909 v1910 v1911/1914 1915 1916 1917 SIP 180 industrial welder Karcher K294 pressure washer Kew 5000 Force pressure washer Kew 5000 Force pressure washer Dynamic pressure washer Stenor static charger Karcher 330 pressure washer Airmate Tornado welder Weldmate 140 welder Weldmate 140 welder Maypole Maxi 100 max mig Wizard sip welder Karcher pressure washer 240v Dust extractor 2 pallet trucks Pallet of workshop tools and spare parts Boxed petrol washer gwo (2 lots) Typhoon diesel steam cleaner Hilta diesel steam cleaner Hilta diesel washer 2 bottle jacks Karcher washer Karcher steam cleaner Stihl power washer Nilfisk steam cleaner Petrol wood saw Ridgid pipe threader Long tine pallet truck Karcher pressure washer 240v 450 Lpm air puridier (2005) Y102630 Engineers surface plate Diesel 3000psi pressure washer Petrol pressure washer (4 lots) Hydrovane compressor 440v 178EFAD 56.6ltr Atlas pallet truck and charger (2003) HPC compressor type SH15A, 3hp 35 1918 1919 v1920 v1921 v1922 v1923 v1924 v1925 v1926 v1927 v1928 v1929 v1930 v1931 v1932 v1933 v1934 v1935 v1936 v1937 v1938 v1939 v1940 v1941 v1942 v1943 v1944 Air receiver DP11 bar, TP 165 bar H 106 ins, OD 3m Ultratroc refrigeration drier 2 diesel pressure washers Pallet truck and chain hoist Tiger 1 tonne chain hoist 4 leg chain brothers 8mm 3m long c/w shortners Dewalt DC500 dust collector c/w hose Karcher HGD525S pressure washer c/w lance gwo Rems Magnum 4000 threader Honda petrol engine pressure washer Honda petrol engine pressure washer MSA turbo Flo fresh air breathing 2 man Fan 110v Atlas Copco B4-32 mag drill 110v gwo Fusion ABP180AF 110v plastic pipe welder c/w cutter and clamps Gysm Tri Mkig 385 4S mig welding machine gwo SIP Merlin 185 arc welder & leads Hobart Oerlikon PXC 110 heavy duty plasma cutter CEA Arc welder and leads gwo Honda petrol pressure washer Miller Pulstronic 400 mig welder/T216 feeder & spool on gun for aluminium Clarke 160 turbo welder & leads gwo Britech 2hp/50 litre single phase air compressor gwo Oxy propane cutting outfit 10 new electrode holders for welding Flame Fast DS200 brazing hearth & canopy with 2 torches Karcher HD525S 110v pressure washer 36 v1945 Sealey Power Clean washer with Briggs and Stratton petrol engine v1946 Oxy propane cutting outfit with gauges/hoses etc v1947 Wolf Weld 150 amp single phase mig welder gwo v1948 Snap On 170 single phase mig welder v1949 Honda 'bouncy castle' air pump/blower gwo v1950 Box of welders masks/gloves/gas regulators & safety equipment v1951 Garden blower/vacuum & Karcher 300 pressure washer both for spares/repair v1952 Workshop compressor v1953 Kemppi RA350 mig welder v1954 Kemppi RA325 mig welder v1955 Fly press v1956 Toggle press v1957 Murex Transtig 150 welder v1958/1959 Box of Metrode welding rods (2 lots) v1960 Cemont SX150 Arcotech welder v1961 Migatronic Pilot 2400 welder v1962 Box of cutting/grinding/linishing discs v1963 v1964 Sealey 50 litre air compressor 240v v1965 Cat pump for cold pressure washer v1966 Trend workshop jig x2 v1967 Wesley hot washer 240v v1968 Twin tool compressor hose and washer hose v1969 Stihl RA101 patio cleaner head v1970 Diesel washer v1971 Stihl HS391 chain saw v1972 Stihl HS391 chain saw v1973 Engine hoise v1974 Fusion welder v1975 Paint sprayer/compressor v1976 Dirt driver pressure washer v1977 Petrol pressure washer 37 1978 Oxyacetylene hoses and torch HYDRAULIC PACKS 2001/2003 2004 2005/2006 v2007/2011 v2012/2015 v2016/2017 v2018 2019 2020/2022 v2023/2024 v2025 v2026 v2027 v2028 v2029 v2030 v2031 2032 2033 2034 Hydraulic breaker (3 lots) Terex BR48 anti vib hydraulic breaker Hydraulic core drill (2 lots) Atlas Copco TEX 27 hydraulic breaker (5 lots) JCB Beaver Mk11 power pack c/w hose & breaker gwo (4 lots) Lifton LP8 hydraulic powre pack c/w hose & gun gwo (2 lots) Hydraulic breaker pack Diesel Beaver pack gwo Petrol Beaver pack gwo (3 lots) JCB Beaver 3 c/w hose & gun (2 lots) Cat PP120 pack c/w hose & gun JCB HM25 hydraulic breaker gun Crate of new Hitachi parts Crate of Hilti fixings JCB hydraulic breaker c/w gun (petrol) Hycon hydraulic breaker c/w gun (petrol) JCB petrol hydraulic breaker c/w anti vib gun JCB hydraulic breaker gun Atlas Copco breaker pack with gun 2 no JCB breaker packs with guns PLATE COMPACTORS & RAMMERS v2051 Plate compactor v2052/2055 Wacker BS60Y green top upright rammer (4 lots) v2056/2057 Wacker Neuson WP1235A plate compactor (2011) gwo (2 lots) v2058 Bomag BP15/36 plate compactor gwo v2059 MBW1030 plate compactor gwo 38 v2060/2062 v2063/2065 v2066 2067 v206/2069 v2070/2079 v2080/2084 v2086 v2087/2090 v2091 v2092 v2093 2094 v2095/2096 v2097 2098 v2099/2100 v2101 2102 v2103/2104 v2105 v2106 v2107/2109 Wacker VP1135 plate compactor gwo (3 lots) Petrol plate compactor (3 lots) Ammann 330m Wacker plate gwo Petrol compactor plate gwo New Wacker plate compactor gwo (2 lots) Green Top Wacker rammer (10 lots) Wacker plate compactor gwo (5 lots) Belle plate compactor (2011) gwo Wacker plate compactor (4 lots) Belle plate compactor Vibrating plate compactor Small Dynapac vibrating plate compactor Bomag vibrating plate compactor Wacker compactor plate (2 lots) Wacker compactor plate for spares/repair Wacker trench rammer Trench rammer (2 lots) Belle upright rammer Mikasa upright rammer Vibrating plate compactor (2 lots) Wacker BS50 rammer Upright rammer Wacker rammer (3 lots) WATER PUMPS (Inside) v2131 v2132 v2133 v2134 v2135 v2136 v2137 v2138 v2139 v2140 3in 110v submersible pump Obart sub pump 110v Obart puddle pump 110v Submersible pump Honda petrol 2in water pump & hose Electric 2in water/silage pump 415v, 3 phase gwo 3in sub pump c/w hose Drysite 3in pump, Yanmar electric start gwo Drysite 3in pump, Yanmar electric start 3 no 2in sub pumps 39 v2141 v2142/2143 v2144/2145 2146/2153 2154/2156 v2157 v2158 v2159 v2160/2161 v2162/2163 v2164 v2165 v2166 v2167 v2168 v2169 v2170 v2171 v2172 v2173 Petrol water pump Submersible pump (2 lots) Petrol water pump (2 lots) 2in petrol water pump (8 lots) Honda 2in water pump (3 lots) Blagdon 2in stainless steel pump (1998) 444 Sterling 10/18 3in sludge pump (2003) P724 Petter water pump with hose Petrol water pump gwo (2 lots) Submersible pump gwo (2 lots) Hilta diesel pump Honda petrol pump 2 submersible pumps 3in Robinson petrol pump 2in pump Submersible pump 110v 2in trash pump 2in electric bore hole pump 6 Tsurimi puddle pumps for spares/repair 5 Tsurimi sub pumps for spares/repair POKERS 2191 v2192 v2193 v2194 v2195 v2196 v2197 v2198 v2199 v2200 v2201 v2202 2203 2204 2 no 2in air pokers Hydraulic concrete chain saw c/w chain Wacker poker drive unit 110v High frequency poker Wacker high frequency vibrating poker 110v Electric hand held poker 2in Belle poker drive unit and poker Redband poker drive unit and poker Quantity of air pokers New pdu and poker gwo Hi frequency poker Belle pdu and poker 3in air poker gwo Quantity of poker hoses 40 v2205 v2206 3 petrol poker drive units for spares/repair Poker drive unit 110v & high frequency poker 110v for spares/repair FLOATS v2221/22281 Power float (8 lots) v2229 Petrol power float for spares/repair MINI MIXERS v2241 v2242 v2243 v2244 v2245 v2246 v2247 v2248 v2249 v2250 v2251 v2252 v2253 v2254/2257 v2258/2259 v2260/2261 v2262 v2263 v2264 v2265/2266 v2267/2268 v2269/2270 v2271 v2272 v2273 2274 Petrol mixer Honda 150 petrol cement mixer Belle petrol tip up mixer Belle paddle mixer Tub mixer Belle 150 4/3 petrol mixer c/w stand gwo Belle 150 4/3 petrol mixer gwo Belle mixer Gas space heater Belle mixer Belle 348A mixer Belle mini mixer Belle cement mixer Belle petrol mini mixer (4 lots) Belle electric mixer (2 lots) Petrol mixer (2 lots) Electric mixer 110v Belle mixer Belle petrol mixer Belle 4.3 110v mixer (2 lots) Belle petrol mixer (2 lots) Belle 150 mini mixer (2 lots) Belle mini mixer c/w stand Belle 110v mini mixer with stand Belle 110v mini mixer with stand Belle 150 mixer 41 FLOOR/ROAD SAWS & BLOCK SPLITTERS v2301 v2302/2305 v2306 v2307 v2308 v2309 v2310 v2331 v2332 v2333 v2334 Belle road saw (2012) gwo Clipper C99 road saw gwo 4 lots) Clipper diesel road saw gwo Wacker road saw Wacker petrol floor saw Clipper C99 floor saw Block splitter 18in masonry saw bench 110v Clipper 110v brick saw for spares/repair Elu Sawking saw bench 4in capacity c/w spare blade 110v gwo Masonry saw bench TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT! 42 AUCTIONEER No 3 – SALE COMMENCES 9.30 am A Buyers’ Premium of 2.5% + VAT will be charged on the hammer price of all lots in this section REGISTRATION DATES/YEARS OF MANUFACTURE/ HOUR AND KILOMETRE READINGS Dates shown in this catalogue or announced at the time of sale are either given from information supplied, deduced from serial numbers or taken from registration documents, while believed to be correct they cannot always be relied upon and in certain circumstances the date of registration may not coincide with the date of manufacture. Equally hour and kilometre readings are those showing on the machine on delivery to the auction site and cannot be relied upon if the clock is broken or a new one has been fitted. No warranty is given either expressly or implied and the auctioneers undertake no liability whatsoever in respect of such discrepancies. Purchasers are advised to make their own independent enquiries if in any doubt as the correctness of such statements BEFORE PURCHASING. Please note abbreviations that may be used in this catalogue: RMP – Runs & makes power RNP – Runs, no power RDV – Runs, drives, vibrates RDD – Runs, drives, digs RMA – Runs & makes air RD – Runs & drives RDL – Runs, drives & lifts RDT – Runs, drives, tips These are advisories only and DO NOT constitute any guarantee or warranty. Please try goods before you buy. 43 GENERATORS 2501 v2502 v2503 v2504 v2505 v2506 v2507 v2508 v2509 v2510 v2511 v2512 v2513 v2514 v2515 v2516 v2517 v2518 v2519 2520 v2521 v2522 v2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 4kva generator gwo 6kva generator 2kva petrol generator 2kva generator 6kva generator 6kva generator 6kva generator 2.8kva petrol generator Stephill 2.7kva generator 2.7kva generator Honda engine SDMO 5kva generator Stephill 2.7kva generator Pramac E4000 4kva generator Stephill 3kva generator Loncin 3.8kva generator, Honda petrol Haverhill 2.4kva petrol generator Stephill 5kva generator on trolley Loncin LC3800 D2 3.8kva generator, Honda petrol Haverhill 2.4kva petrol generator Honda generator Petrol generator Petrol generator Petrol generator Honda 3.5kva petrol generator 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP Honda 3.5kva petrol generator Generac E1500 generator 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.8kva petrol generator 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.8kva petrol generator 2.4kva petrol generator 44 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 v2564 v2565 v2566 v2567 v2568 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.4kva petrol generator 2.5kva petrol dual voltage generator RMP 2.4kva petrol generator JLO petrol welder engine Generac ET2400 petrol generator Honda powered JCB petrol generator RMP Diesel generator Mosa SXC TS 300amp/10kva diesel welder/generator Mosa SXC TS 250 amp 7.5kva diesel welder/generator Honda E1500 petrol generator Honda E1500 petrol generator Honda 2.5kva petrol generator 2.8kva dual voltage generator 2.8kva dual voltage generator Honda 2.5kva petrol generator 2.8kva dual voltage generator Honda 2.5kva petrol generator 2.8kva dual voltage generator Honda 2.5kva petrol generator Honda 2.5kva petrol generator 240v and 3 phase petrol generator Honda generator Honda generator Honda generator Honda generator 2.8kva petrol generator RMP 2.8kva petrol generator RMP Stephill 5kva petrol generator gwo Brook Thomson 650w petrol suitcase generator gwo Lister 3 cylinder generator Marlec generator Honda petrol generator 45 v2569 v2570 v2571/2591 v2592/2596 v2597 v2598 v2599 2600/2602 2603 2604 v2605 v2606/2614 v2615 2616 v2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 v2623/2632 2633 v2634 v2635 2636 2637 v2701 v2702 v2703 v2704 v2705 JLO welder gwo Mosa petrol welder Honda petrol generator (20 lots) New petrol generator (5 lots) Silent diesel generator 6kva diesel generator 6kva diesel generator Small generator (3 lots) HG950 240v two stroke generator Honda 2.7kva petrol generator Stephill 6kva diesel generator (9 lots) Pramac 6kva diesel generator Small generator 1 cylinder diesel 240v generator Honda suitcase generator Onan 6kva generator 3 Honda generators Petrol generator Honda generator Generator (10 lots) New Wolf Power WP5000P generator 6kva 4kva diesel generator for spares/repair 6kva diesel generator for spares/repair Makita generator Honda welder generator Lots 2701 to 2717 are sold on Instruction of Hewden ArcGen 15kva generator (2004) 5607 Arcgen Weldmaker 300avc (2007) 153671 Caterpillar XQE 100kva generator (2006) 145906 Caterpillar XQE 100kva generator (2006) 145923 Caterpillar XQE27 27kva generator (2007) 157742 46 v2706 v2707 v2708 v2709 v2710 v2711 v2712 v2713 v2714 v2715 v2716 v2717 v2718 v2719 2720 2721 2722 v2723 2724 Miller Big Blue 400X welder (2005) 138713 Miller Big Blue 400X welder (2005) 141267 Miller Big Blue 400X welder generator 139275 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2004) 137173 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 138702 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 138709 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 138715 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 139081 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 141269 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2005) 1414279 Miller Big Blue 400X weldergen (2007) 151498 Arcgen 10kva diesel generator Arcgen 300AVC, 300A Kubota diesel welder Atlas Copco QAS14 compressor 16892 hrs RMP Atlas Copco QAS14 compressor 20691 hrs RMP Atlas Copco QAS14 compressor 22812 hrs RMP Big Green cabinet generator Brook Thompson 300amp 10kva diesel welder/generator v2727 Lots 2725 to 2727 are sold on instruction of Speedy FG Wilson 75kva generator HF2976 FG Wilson Perkins XD20 20kva generator (2007) HF6536 FG Wilson XD80P1 80kva generator HF3729 v2728 v2729 v2730 v2731 Genset 6kva diesel generator Genset 8-300 welder Genset MG1000 Genset MG1000 v2725 v2726 47 v2732 v2733 v2734 v2735 v2736 v2737 v2738 v2739 v2740 v2741 v2742 v2743 v2744 v2745 Lots 2732 to 2739 are sold on instruction of Speedy Genset MPM 12/370SSKA weldergen 2107 hrs, 040142F10001 Genset MPM 12/370SSKA weldergen 5452 hrs, RMP 040142N0002 Genset MPM 12/400 SSK weldergen (2006) 2334 hrs RMP A0004193 Genset MPM 12/400 SSK weldergen (2007) 1162 hrs 04/0145/F10003 Genset MPM 12/400 SSK weldergen (2007) 1633 hrs RMP X0020359 Genset MPM 12/400 SSK weldergen (2007) 2473 hrs RMP 040142E10016 Genset MPM 12/400 SSK weldergen (2008) 1560 hrs RMP A0034653 Genset MPM 12/400SSK weldergen N004381 Lincoln Electric Ranger 305D welder generator Lincoln Electric Ranger 305D welder generator Lincoln Electric Ranger 305D welder/generator Lincoln Electric Ranger 305D welder/generator Lister SL2 driven generator Miller Big Blue 400A Perkins diesel welder for spares/repair v2746 Lot 2746 is sold on instruction of Speedy Pramac P6000 generator MA0077379 v2747 v2748 v2749 v2750 v2751 v2752 v2753 Stephill 10kva generator Stephill 10kva generator (gen 234) Stephill 10kva generator (gen 244) Stephill 10kva generator (gen 520) Stephill 16kva generator Stephill 20kva generator Stephill 6kva generator (gen 171) 48 v2754 v2755 v2756 v2757 v2758 v2759 v2760 v2761 v2762 v2763 v2764 Stephill 6kva generator (gen 271) Stephill 8kva generator (gen 125) Stephill 9kva generator (gen 190) Stephill silent diesel generator Stephill SSD26Y 26kva generator gwo Stephill SSDX20 20kva diesel generator Super Silent 100kva generator Super Silent 100kva generator Trend Tractor driven generator Wilson Perkins XD20P generator (2007) HF6536 100kva diesel generator ENGINES 2801 2802 v2803 v2804 v2805 v2806 v2807 v2808 v2809 2810 v2811 v2812 2813 v2814 v2815 2816 v2817 2818 v2819 v2820 v2821 v2822 2 no 2 cylinder Kubota engines 2 no 2 cylinder Lister engines 4 no Lister LT1 engines 6 cylinder diesel engine Deutz 3 cylinder engine Deutz 3 cylinder engine Deutz 4 cylinder engine for spares Ford 4 cylinder engine and gearbox Hatz E79 engine Kia 3litre engine from forklift Kubota 1902 engine for spares Kubota diesel engine Landrover engine and gearbox Lister 2 cylinder engine Lister 3 cylinder engine Lister 3 cylinder with marine gearbox Lister 4 cylinder diesel engine Lister 4 cylinder engine Lister 4 cylinder turbo engine Lister engine Lister LT1 c/w pressure washer pump Lister SR1 engine 49 v2823 v2824 2825 2826 2827 v2828 v2829 v2830 Lister stationary engine Lister TR2 engine Lombardini 300 diesel stationary engine Mercedes 5 cylinder engine from forklift Perkins stationary air cooled diesel engine 3.05hp, brand new Peugeot 4 cylinder engine Yanmar L48ARESYC diesel engine, new Yanmar L48ARESYC diesel engine, new MIXERS v2851 v2852 v2853 v2854 v2855 v2856 v2857 v2858 v2859 v2860 v2861 v2862 v2863 v2864 v2865 v2866 v2867 v2868 v2869 v2870 v2871 Diesel mixer Diesel mixer Diesel mixer Diesel mixer Diesel engined cement mixer Diesel engined cement mixer Diesel engined cement mixer Benford 5/3.5 mixer LT1 Belle Premier 100XT mixer Yes gwo Belle diesel mixer Yes (2011) Belle diesel mixer Belle diesel mixer Belle diesel mixer Belle diesel 100XT mixer Belle diesel 100XT mixer Belle 5/3.5 mixer Belle 5/3.5 mixer Belle 5/3.5 mixer Belle 200XT diesel mixer 5/3.5 mixer 5/3.5 diesel mixer 50 PUMPS (OUTSIDE) v2892 v2893 Lots 2891 to 2893 are sold on instruction of Speedy Impulse 6in HP water pump (2008) 11396 SPP Autoprime 6in pump (izusu) 11162P SPP Autoprime 8in pump (izusu) 10698 v2894 Lot 2894 is sold on instruction of Hewden SSP ACE80 3in fast tow pump (2007) 153640 v2895 Putzmeister concrete pump v2891 COMPRESSORS v2901 v2902 v2903 v2904 v2905 v2906 v2907 v2908 v2909 v2910 v2911 Lots 2901 to 2911 are sold on instruction of Hewden Compair 85cfm compressor (2009) 5008311 Atlas Copco XAS77 compessor (2006) 149034 Atlas Copco XAS67DD compressor (2007) 155020 Atlas Copco XAS67 150cfm compressor (2007) 155570 Atlas Copco XAS47 92cfm compressor (2007) 155566 Atlas Copco XAS137 compressor (2008) 5002577 Atlas Copco XAS136 compressor (2007) 152887 Atlas Copco XAHS416 compressor (2006) 148167 Atlas Copco XAHS175 compressor (2006) 147266 Atlas Copco XAHS156 compressor (2007) 152879 6 way air manifold (1996) M408 51 v2912 v2913 v2914 v2915 v2916 v2917 v2918 v2919 v2920 v2921 v2922 v2923 v2924 v2925 v2926 v2927 v2928 2929 Lots 2912 to 2928 are sold on instruction of Speedy Atlas Copco XAHS416MD compressor (2004) 3438 Atlas Copco XAHS416MD compressor (2005) 4890 Atlas Copco XAHS426CD compressor (2008) 7827 Atlas Copco XAS47 compressor (2005) 2213 hrs Runs, makes air PCGP01202 Atlas Copco XAS47 compressor (2005) SPYQ72343 Compair C30G compressor (2007) 1087 hrs COM00892 Doosan 7/26E compressor (2009) Doosan 7/31E compressor (2011) 441 hrs MA0137315 Doosan 7/41 compressor (2000) Runs, makes air, 765 hrs MA0108632 Ingersoll Rand 7/31 compressor (2007) 1018 hrs COMP0721 Ingersoll Rand 7/36 compressor (2008) 1884 hrs 7956 Ingersoll Rand 7/41 compressor (2004) 1959 hrs 1900704563 Ingersoll Rand 7/41 compressor (2006) 3858 hrs P19/0073E10006 Kaeser M38 compressor (2001) 3383 hrs Sullair 65 compressor (2008) 1110 hrs 19000707914 Sullair 65 compressor (2008) 805 hrs 1900707911 Sullair 65 compressor (2008) 971 hrs 1900707977 Atlas Copco XAHS186 compressor 52 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 v2937 v2938 v2939 v2940 2941 v2942 v2943 v2944 v2945 v2946 v2947 v2948 v2949 v2950 v2951 v2952 v2953 v2954 v2955 Atlas Copco XAHS335 compressor 5184 hrs RMA Atlas Copco XAMS486 compressor 8,000 hrs 2 new tyres, RMA Atlas Copco XAS136 compressor 2383 hrs RMA Atlas Copco XAS136 compressor, 2203 hrs Not running Atlas Copco XAS137 compressor 2594 hrs Engine dismantled, non runner Atlas Copco XAS147 compressor RMA Atlas Copco XAS186 compressor 2632 hrs Electrical issue - non runner Atlas Copco XAS36 compressor (2007) Atlas Copco XAS40 compressor, 525 hrs Atlas Copco XAS47 compressor (2007) Atlas Copco XAS66 compressor Chicago Pneumatic CP2.0 compressor RMA Compair c20 compressor Compair C38 compressor Ingersoll Rand 2 tool compressor Ingersoll Rand 7/26 compressor Ingersoll Rand 7/26 compressor Ingersoll Rand 7/26 compressor Ingersoll Rand 7/26 compressor Ingersoll Rand 7/26 compressor (2002) Ingersoll Rand 7/41 compressor (2007) RMA Ingersoll Rand compressor (2007) Ingersoll Rand twin tool compressor New, unused compressor chassis Sullair 115 4 tool compressor (2008) RMA SN 115K0132 Compair C20 compressor 53 ROLLERS v2971 v2972 v2973 v2974 v2975 v2976 v2977 v2978 v2979 Lots 2971 to 2979 are sold on instruction of Speedy Benford MBR71 HEW pedestrian roller (2008) WX0021254 Benford MBR71 HEW pedestrian roller (2008) X0024724 Benford MBR71 HEW roadpack roller (2011) c/w trailer T: MA0003619 R: MA1094138 Benford MBR71 HEW road pack roller (2008) c/w breaker and trailer T - MA0155849 R - CRFX0005236 Benford MBR71 HEW roadpack roller & trailer (2011) R: CRFVRB01300 T: X0028092 Benford MBR71 HEW roadpack roller & trailer (2011) R: MA0136505 T: CRFMA00336 Benford MBR71 HEY pedestrian roller (2011) MA0167593 Benford MBR71 HEY road pack roller (2010) c/w breaker and trailer T ; CRFX0012763 R : MA0096435 Benford MBR71 HEY roadpack roller (2010) c/w trailer T: 0210E10011 R: MA0096932 v2980 v2981 v2982 Benford MBR71 roller Benford MBR71 roller breaker Benford MBR71 single drum roller (2007) v2983 Lot 2983 is sold on instruction of Speedy Benford MBR71HEW pedestrian roller (2006) X0016710 v2984 v2985 v2986 v2987 Benford single drum roller and trailer Benford TV1000 roller - 88053594 Benford TV1200 roller (engine seized) Benford TV75 tandem roller 54 v2988 2989 v2990 v2991 v2992 v2993 Lot 2988 is sold on instruction of Speedy Benford TV800 tandem roller (2005) 6068 hrs E0002203 Benford TV800 twin drum roller Bomag 120 AD3 roller Bomag 55e roller Bomag 80ADH roller (2004) Bomag BW120AD roller 101170030762 RDV v2994 Lot 2994 is sold on instruction of Speedy Bomag BW120AD tandem roller (2006) 2610144 v2995 v2996 Bomag BW71 EHB-2 single drum roller (2006) Bomag roller v2997 v2998 v2999 v3000 v3001 v3002 v3003 v3004 v3005 v3006 v3007 Lots 2997 to 3006 are sold on instruction of Hewden Caterpillar CB11E roller (2006) 145551 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2005) 136763 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 145656 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 145671 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 145693 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 145752 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 812 hrs 143964 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 898 hrs 145679 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2006) 945 hrs 145723 Caterpillar CB224E roller (2007) 800 hrs 149778 Clear side diesel roller 55 v3008 v3009 v3010 v3011 v3012 v3013 v3014 v3015 Lot 3008 is sold on instruction of Speedy JCB VMS 71/70 pedestrian roller and trailer MA0015021 Mortimer petrol roller and trailer Roller breaker c/w trailer Roller trailer Roller trailer Single drum roller Terex 100 wide roller c/w blade No serial number - prototype machine Lot 3015 is sold on instruction of Speedy Terex MBR71 pedestrian roller CRFVRB00533 FORWARD/REVERSING PLATES v3031 v3032 v3033 v3034 v3035 v3036 Wacker DPU6055 forward/reversing plate Wacker DPU2550H forward/reversing plate Wacker diesel plate Wacker diesel plate Wacker diesel plate Petrol reversing compactor plate DUMPERS v3051 v3052 v3053 v3054 v3055 v3056 v3057 1 tonne tracked dumper Ausa 100AHA skip dumper (2005) Barford SX3000 3 tonne dumper (2006) Hinowa HP850 tracked dumper (2008) HT500 tracked skip loader (2007) JCB dumpster Neuson 6 tonne dumper v3058 Lot 3058 is sold on instruction of Hewden Neuson 6 tonne dumper (2007) 151546 56 v3059 v3060 v3061 v3062 v3063 v3064 v3065 v3066 v3067 v3068 v3069 Neuson hi lift dumper (2004) Small ride on dumper with Lister engine TCP track barrow Terex HD1000 hi tip dumper Terex HD1000 high tip dumper (2005) Terex MRB-71 single drum roller (2011) sn - SLBP00ZOEBAKX0429 Lots 3065 to 3069 are sold on instruction of Speedy Thwaites 1 tonne dumper (2005) RDT JCB50741 Thwaites 1 tonne dumper (2006) RDT JCB610521 Thwaites 1 tonne dumper (2007) JCB708018 Thwaites 1 tonne dumper (2007) 27/0011W50915 Thwaites 1 tonne dumper (2007) RDT JCB608460 v3072 Lots 3070 to 3072 are sold on instruction of Hewden Thwaites 1 tonne hi tip dumper (2007) 152969 Thwaites 2 tonne swivel skip dumper (2007) 153035 Thwaites 3 tonne dumper (2007) 153060 v3073 Thwaites 3 tonne swivel dumper (2008) v3070 v3071 v3074 v3075 Lots 3074 and 3075 are sold on instruction of Hewden Thwaites 3 tonne swivel skip dumper (2005) 137366 Thwaites 3 tonne swivel skip dumper (2006) 143616 57 v3076 v3077 v3078 v3079 v3080 v3081 v3082 v3083 v3084 v3085 v3086 v3087 v3088 Thwaites 6 tonne dumper Lots 3077 to 3083 are sold on instruction of Hewden Thwaites 6 tonne dumper (2005) 137447 Thwaites 6 tonne dumper (2005)137440 Thwaites 6 tonne dumper (2006) 149152 Thwaites 6 tonne dumper (2008) 5001952 Thwaites 6 tonne swivel skip dumper (2005) 137473 Thwaites 6 tonne swivel skip dumper (2006) 143625 Thwaites 6 tonne swivel skip dumper (2007) 153134 Thwaites 9 tonne dumper (2004) Thwaites 9 tonne dumper (2005) Thwaites 9 tonne dumper (2005) 137507 Thwaites 9 tonne dumper (2010) 5009113 Yamaguchi WB16H track dumper EXCAVATORS v3101 v3102 v3103 v3104 v3105 Bobcat 1.5 digger (2007) c/w 4 buckets Bobcat 341G midi excavator c/w 12in, 24in and 18in ditching buckets Lot 3103 is sold on instruction of Hewden Caterpillar 301.6 excavator (2007) 149368 Caterpillar 302-5c mini digger (2008) Caterpillar 303CCR excavator (2006) 3090 hrs 143421 58 v3106 v3107 v3108 v3109 v3110 v3111 v3112 v3113 v3114 v3115 v3116 v3117 v3118 v3119 v3120 v3121 v3122 v3123 v3124 v3125 v3126 v3127 v3128 Lots 3106 to 3119 are sold on instruction of Hewden Caterpillar 305CCR excavator (2006) 143340 Caterpillar 307B excavator (2006) 146331 Caterpillar 308CCR excavator (2006) 4077 hrs 146355 Caterpillar 308CCR excavator (2007) 150929 Caterpillar 308CCR excavator (2007) 150933 Caterpillar 308CCR excavator (2007) 150952 Caterpillar 312C excavator (2007) 6619 hrs 145502 Caterpillar 312C excavator (2007) 145523 Caterpillar 312C excavator (2007) 149521 Caterpillar 312C excavator (2007) 149526 Caterpillar 312C excavator (2007) 149544 Caterpillar 314C excavator (2007) 4831 hrs 152579 Caterpillar 432E backhoe loader (2007) 152106 5059 hrs Caterpillar 432E backhoe loader (2007) 152123 2994 hrs Daewoo Solo 030 mini digger (2005) c/w 4 buckets Hinomoto E18 W/O rotary 4wd tractor Hinomoto E1804 4wd tractor & rotovator Hinomoto E25 4wd tractor & foreloader EX Hitachi EX55UR excavator Hytec ZL08A loading shovel JCB 0.5 tonne excavator, 1800 hrs, c/w 3 buckets Lots 3127 and 3128 are sold on instruction of Hewden JCB 2CX Airmaster (2007) 153370 JCB 2CX Am Airmaster (2008) 5004602 59 v3129 v3130 v3131 v3132 v3133 v3134 v3135 v3136 v3137 v3138 v3139 v3140 v3141 v3142 v3143 v3144 v3145 v3146 v3147 v3148 v3149 Lots 3129 and 3130 are sold on instruction of Speedy JCB 801.4 mini digger (2006) clock broken JCB606308 JCB 801.4 mini digger (2008) 2162 hrs RDD JCB80885 JCB 801.8 excavator (2008) JCB 801.8 excavator (2008) c/w 2 buckets JCB 8045 excavator (2007) c/w buckets John Deere 3350 tractor 4wd Kubota DX91-3 excavator (2006) c/w buckets Kubota K008 mini digger (2013) Kubota KX121 (2004) c/w buckets Kubota KX121-3 excavator Kubota KX151 excavator RDD Kubota KX36 excavator (2007) 2735 hrs Kubota KX36-3 mini digger (2006) Kubota KX9103 excavator Kubota KX91-3 excavator (2006) c/w buckets Kubota L1500 2wd tractor & rotovator Mitsubishi D1300 2wd tractor and rotovator Samsung rubber duck Takeuchi TB014 excavator (2010) c/w quickhitch and buckets Takeuchi TB016 (2007) c/w buckets Takeuchi TB016 excavator (2008) c/w 3 buckets, 2103 hrs 60 v3150 v3151 v3152 v3153 v3154 v3155 v3156 v3157 v3158 v3159 v3160 v3161 v3162 v3163 Lots 3150 to 3155 are sold on instruction of Speedy Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2007) 3112 hrs RDD EXM00106 Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2008) 1989 hrs RDD CRFEXM00156 Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2008) 2392 hrts RDD EXM00182 Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2008) 2735 hrs RDD EXM00173 Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2008) 3125 hrs RDD EXM00181 Takeuchi TB016 mini digger (2009) 2160 hrs RDD EXM00191 Takeuchi TB125 (2007) 3300 hrs c/w 2 buckets Takeuchi TB125 excavator Lots 3158 and 3159 are sold on instruction of Speedy Takeuchi TB125 mini digger (2008) 2664 hrs RDD TK000125 Takeuchi TB125 mini digger (2008) 2820 hrs TK00127 Takeuchi TB175 (2007) 5666 hrs c/w 2 buckets Lot 3161 is sold on instruction of Speedy Takeuchi TB23FR mini digger (2009) 1194 hrs RDD EXM00201 Takeuchi TB80FR (2005) 3232 hrs c/w 2 buckets Vermeer 450 self propelled trencher 61 v3164 v3165 v3166 v3167 v3168 v3169 v3170 v3171 v3172 v3173 v3174 v3175 Volvo 2.5 tonne mini digger (2001) c/w 1 bucket and quickhitch 3975 hrs RDD Volvo EC15B 1.5 tonne mini excavator gwo Volvo EC20B mini digger (2005) c/w expanding tracks, 3 buckets Volvo ECR88 excavator (2005) c/w hydraulic hitch and buckets Yanmar B25 excavator (2007) RDD Yanmar compact tractor (engine needs attention) Yanmar SB15 excavator (2007) RDD Yanmar SV08 mini excavator RDD Yanmar YM1510 4wd tractor & rotovator Hitachi U17 excavator (2012) 1855 hrs c/w quickhitch and 2 buckets Takeuchi TB228 excavator (2010) c/w quickhitch and 2 buckets Takeuchi TB125 excavator (2007) c/w quickhitch and 2 buckets HYDRAULIC BREAKERS v3181 v3182 v3183 5 tonne breaker to suit 3CX 3 tonne breaker Atlas Copco SB150 breaker for KX61 FORKLIFTS & TELEHANDLERS v3201 v3202 v3203 BT Cargo 3 tonne gas forklift Sideshift, triple mast, gwo Caterpillar 340 telehandler (2005) Caterpillar 407 Agri telehandler (2009) 62 v3204 v3205 v3206 v3207 v3208 v3209 v3210 v3211 v3212 v3213 v3214 v3215 v3216 v3217 v3218 v3219 v3220 v3221 v3222 v3223 Lots 3204 to 3234 are sold on instruction of Hewden Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2005) 136269 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2006) 5090 hrs 143869 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2007) 3013 hrs 154245 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2007) 154232 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2007) 154240 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2007) 1628 hrs 154232 Caterpillar TH330B telehandler (2007) 2602 hrs 5000072 Caterpillar TH340B telehandler (2006) 3820 hrs 143884 Caterpillar TH355B telehandler (2004) 5344 hrs 134166 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2005) 6351 hrs 136680 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 3447 hrs 154291 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 3980 hrs 5000424 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 154402 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 154423 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 159588 Caterpillar TH360B telehandler (2007) 2544 hrs 154324 Caterpillar TH414 telehandler (2009) 2311 hrs 5003072 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2005) 136305 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 3011 hrs 1543852 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 3777 hrs 154378 63 v3224 v3234 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 3967 hrs 154409 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 154383 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 154397 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 154399 Caterpillar TH580B telehandler (2007) 2944 hrs 154385 JCB 524 telehandler (2007) clock broken 152495 JCB 524 telehandler (2007) 2197 hrs 153616 JCB 524 telehandler (2007) 2259 hrs 153629 JCB 524 telehandler (2007) 2412 hrs 153650 JCB 524 telehandler (2007) Runs, no functions 153639 JCB 535 telehandler (2007) 153610 v3235 v3236 v3237 JCB 535/95 telehandler JCB 535-95 telehandler (2000) JCB 535-95 telehandler (2003) v3238 v3239 v3240 v3241 v3242 v3243 v3244 v3245 v3246 v3247 v3248 v3249 Lots 3238 to 3249 are sold on instruction of Hewden JCB 540/170 telehandler (2007) 5000116 JCB 926 forklift (2004) 2632 hrs 134266 JCB 926 forklift (2004) 132685 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 2273 hrs 138085 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 2751 hrs 138037 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 2821 hrs 138100 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 138039 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 138086 JCB 926 forklift (2005) 3158 hrs 138093 JCB 926 forklift (2006) 143651 JCB 926 forklift (2006) 2567 hrs 143646 JCB 926 forklift (2007) 3935 hrs 150745 v3225 v3226 v3227 v3228 v3229 v3230 v3231 v3232 v3233 64 v3250 v3251 JCB Loadall 540/70 Wastemaster (2005) c/w quichitch, spare filters RDL Lot 3251 is sold on instruction of Hewden Jungheinrich DFG40Ck forklift (2003) Y2457 ACCESS v3285 Lots 3271 to 3285 are sold on instruction of Hewden Genie GS1932 scissor lift (2006) 148264 Genie GS1932 scissor lift (2006) 152026 Genie GS1932 scissor lift (2006)148252 Genie GS1932 scissor lift (2006)152007 Genie GS2646E scissor lift (2006) 149971 Genie GS2668 scissor lift (2006) 147141 1943 hrs Genie GS2668 scissor lift (2006) 148429 Genie GS2668 scissor lift (2006) 150710 Genie GS3384 scissor lift (2005) 141077 Genie GS4390 scissor lift (2006) 144536 Genie GS4390 scissor lift (2006) 148121 1350 hrs Genie GS4390 scissor lift (2006)147144 Genie GS5390 scissor lift (2004) 138336 1837 hrs Genie GS5390 scissor lift (2004) SL971 2368 hrs Genie GS5390 scissor lift (2005) 137732 v3286 v3287 Genie IWP 25 self propelled platform Genie lift v3288 v3289 Lots 3288 to 3298 are sold on instruction of Hewden Genie S45 telescopic boom (2006) 143255 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2004) AB711 v3271 v3272 v3273 v3274 v3275 v3276 v3277 v3278 v3279 v3280 v3281 v3282 v3283 v3284 65 v3290 v3291 v3295 v3296 v3297 v3298 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2004) AB767 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2004) AB786 2588 hrs Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2006) 143982 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2006) 144891 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2006) 147762 2332 hrs Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2006) 150749 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2006) 150750 Genie Z45/25 artic boom (2007) 155073 Haulotte HA260PX artic boom (2008) 5001570 v3299 v3300 Haulotte Star 6 lift Haulotte Star 6 lift v3292 v3293 v3294 v3304 v3305 v3306 v3307 Lots 3301 to 3307 are sold on instruction of Hewden JLG 3394RT scissor lift (2006) 143508 JLG 45ME artic boom (2005) 141652 JLG 660SJ telescopic boom (2006) 145776 2677 hrs JLG 660SJ telescopic boom (2007) 159584 JLG 800AJ artic boom (2004) AB762 JLG E300AJ artic boom (2005) 141646 Niftylift HR21 artic boom (2008) 5001603 3308 v3309 Simon 120N access boom Skyjack 19ft scissor lift v3310 v3311 v3312 v3313 Lots 3310 to 3313 are sold on instruction of Hewden Skyjack 8841 scissor lift (2007) 155741 Skyjack SJ6826 scissor lift (2007) 157674 Skyjack SJ6826 scissor lift (2007) 157710 Skyjack SJ6826 scissor lift (2008) 5000917 v3301 v3302 v3303 66 VEHICLES v3331 v3332 v3334 v3335 v3336 v3337 v3338 v3339 v3340 v3341 v3342 v3343 VW LT35 Dropside Truck Registration No: YC55 ZTN 2461 cc, diesel MOT to November 2015 141000 miles VW LT 35 TDI MWB Dropside Lorry (2004) Registration no: BG04 UMK 2461cc, diesel MOT to May 2015 Golf cart Golf cart Golf cart Golf cart Golf cart Ford Tran Connect L 200 TD SWB Panel Van VU54 UJJ - V5 available MOT to 21.7.2015 250CC Quad bike 24ft x 9ft jack leg split office S2629 24 X 9ft jacklet 50-50 split office S2623 24 X 9ft jack leg 8 by toilet MT025 TRAILERS, BOWSERS, TOWER LIGHTS v3361 v3362 v3363 v3364 v3365 v3366 v3367 Lots 3361 to 3372 are sold on instruction of Speedy 250 gallon fuel bowser HM0438 950 litre Transcube HM11499 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 270673N0030 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser WGP0073638003 Grundowinch KW3000 towed 3 tonne winch 564 hrs TRL00177 Indespension twin axle trailer SR002109 Transcube 1000 litre bunded bowser 270073N0069 67 v3368 v3369 v3370 v3371 v3372 v3373 v3374 v3375 v3376 v3377 v3378 v3379 v3380 v3381 v3382 v3383 v3384 v3385 v3386 v3387 v3388 v3389 v3390 v3391 v3392 v3393 v3394 v3395 v3396 Transcube 950 litre bunded bowser BFB00481 Western pressure washer bowser CRF9P0070519023 Western pressure washer bowser CRFMA0078204 Western pressure washer bowser MA0032154 Western single axle poly bowser GP00255100004 Lots 3373 to 3405 are sold on instruction of Hewden Abbi 2000 litre bunded bowser 148793 Abbi 2000 litre bunded bowser 148822 Abbi 2000 litre bunded bowser 148823 Abbi 2000 litre bunded bowser 148828 Abbi 2000 litre bunded bowser 5004178 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5000612 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004105 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004114 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004117 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004125 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004140 Abbi 950 litre bunded bowser 5004141 ArcGen Power Tower lighting tower (2003) 6419 Genset 8m tower light (2006) 151551 SMC TL35 tower light (2003) 132018 SMC TL35 tower light (2004) 136873 SMC TL35 tower light (2004) 136903 SMC TL35 tower light (2004) 137129 SMC TL35 tower light (2004)136894 SMC TL35 tower light (2005) 142487 SMC TL35 tower light 2006) 157116 SMC TL90 tower light (2007) 5000179 SMC TL90 tower light (2007) 5000231 Trailer Engineering 250 gallon bunded bowser 124479 68 v3397 v3398 v3399 v3400 v3401 v3402 v3403 v3404 v3405 v3406 v3407 v3408 v3409 v3410 v3411 3412 v3413 v3414 v3415 v3416 v3417 v3418 v3419 Trailer Engineering 250 gallon bunded bowser) 125405 Trailer Engineering 250 gallon bunded bowser 141290 Trailer Engineering 500 gallon bunded bowser BO140 Trailer Engineering 500 gallon bunded bowser 129605 Trailer Engineering 500 gallon bunded bowser 133325 Trailer Engineering 500 gallon bunded bowser 155246 Transcube 2000 litre tank 150003 Western 100 gallon bunded bowser (2007) 152601 Western 100 gallon bunded bowser (2007) 152612 Arcgen lighting tower Arcgen lighting tower Brendon diesel washer bowser Brendon diesel washer bowser Cleanwell mobile pressure washer c/w diesel engine Diesel drain jetter Ifor Williams tipping trailer gwo Lister engine towable fan Park tower light SMC lighting tower SMC lighting tower Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN - 400181 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN - 8021435 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN - SH601761K 69 v3420 v3421 v3422 v3423 v3424 v3425 v3426 v3427 v3428 3429 v3430 v3431 v3432 v3433 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -300830 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -702419 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -800220 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -SH501454 Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -SH601341K Superlight VT1 tower light for spares/repair SN -SH601602 Trailer Trailer Engineering 950L fast tow bowser Twin axle car trailer Water bowser gwo Western bowser Western bowser Western pressure washer bowser Western Transcube bowser ATTACHMENTS v3461 v3462 v3463 v3464 v3465 v3466 v3467 v3468 v3469 v3470 v3471 v3472 v3473 v3474 New foreloader bucket New telehandler bucket New telehandler bucket New telehandler bucket New telehandler bucket Post hole borer for mini excavator 2 no JCB bucket pins 80mm 2 rubber tracks 230x96x33 Benford 9 tonne wheel and tyre Kubota KX41 canopy Road sweeper side brush, new Rubber tracks 230x72x42 Takeuchi under guards Motorola GP340 Atex Radio (2008) 5005277 70 3475 v3476 v3477 v3478 v3479 v3480 v3481 v3482 v3483 v3484 v3485 v3486 v3487 v3488 v3489 v3490 v3491 v3492 v3493 v3494 v3495 v3496 v3497 3498 3499 3500 v3501 v3521 v3522 v3523 v3524 v3525 v3526 Arc Machinery Ltd 50 tonne winch 3kva Hydraulic fork positioner Concrete crane skip Takeuchi TB228 boom Takeuchi TB228 cab Thwaites front axle Thwaites rear axle Bucket Ditching bucket Pair of forklift forks Quickhitch to suit 14 tonne machine Probst block grab Probst block grab Probst block grab 12in 40mm pin midi bucket 18in 3CX bucket 2ft 35mm pin midi bucket 4ft 35mm pin grading bucket Bobcat sweeper brush approx 6ft Case/Kubota 45mm pin grading bucket Geith 45mm pin 18in bucket Geith 45mm pin 3ft riddle bucket Small kerb lifter for digger 18IN digger bucket 2ft digger bucket 3ft digger bucket Probst crane forks 1000 litre bunded diesel fuel tank 4000 litre bunded diesel fuel tank Phillips Welding 600 gallon bunded tank 137960 Lots 3524 to 3529 are sold on instruction of Speedy Diesel stacking tank 950 litre Enviro Bulka tank MA0128053 950 litre Enviro Bulka tank MA0127054 71 v3527 v3528 v3529 950 litre Enviro Bulka tank MA0127050 950 litre Enviro Bulka tank MA0127051 6000 litre tank PM0578 READING AUCTIONS OF CONTRACTORS PLANT 2015 DATES Thursday 12th February Thursday 16th April Thursday 11th June Thursday 6th August Thursday 8th October Thursday 3rd December AUCTIONS 2015 Tuesday 24th March – Harrogate Wednesday 24th June – Newbury Wednesday 14th October - Newark 72 TRANSPORT The following may be able to assist with transport requirements Hallett Silbermann Tel: 01707 268 255 Complete range of haulage vehicles Ellis Transport Tel: 01453 890525 Metcalfe Farms Tel: 01969 622193 [email protected] Semi and low loaders M & M Transport – Tel: 07949 274685 or 07767 806338 [email protected] flatbed with hiab Philip Mears – Tel: 01256 850468 Mobile: 07788 913929 hiab lorries Phil Benham Heavy Haulage Ltd Tel: Mobile 07974 330358 Office: 01672 541611 Fax: 01672 541610 low loaders, stepframes, 60ft extendable, flatbeds and hiabs Melbourne Freight Services Tel: 01189 730778 Mobile: 07785 530366 73 Reynolds & Read Ltd Low loader & beaver tail with hiab Tel: 01983 523565 Mob: 07976 577616 [email protected] S D Cooper Transport Ltd Tel: 01405 860506 [email protected] SHIPPING AGENTS A P Shipping Ltd 01482 877078 IML Marine Management Ltd 01948 667200 Baldan Ltd 020 7494 0969 Safina International Ltd 020 8756 0007 A B Plant Shipping Ltd 01603 881199 [email protected] Grange Shipping Ltd 01394 605200 74
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