meeting notice - Advisory Boards
meeting notice - Advisory Boards
The Original Florida TOURISM TASK FORCE MEETING NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Original Florida Tourism Task Force on July 17, 2014. The meeting will be held at the Grace Manor Bed and Breakfast, 221 SW U.S. Highway 221, Greenville, Florida, beginning at 10:00 a.m. (Location Map on Back) 1 117 Sw Us Highway 221, Greenville, FL 32331 Directions, Location and... 1 of 1 Notes Grace Manor Bed and Breakfast 850-948-5352 Map of: 117 Sw Us Highway 221 Greenville, FL 32331-4552 ©2014 MapQuest - Portions ©2014 TomTom | Terms | Privacy ©2014 MapQuest, Inc. Use of directions and maps is subject to the MapQuest Terms of Use. We make no guarantee of the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability. You assume all risk of use. View Terms of Use 2 7/7/2014 11:47 AM The Original Florida TOURISM TASK FORCE Meeting Agenda Grace Manor Bed and Breakfast 117 SW U.S. 221, Greenville, FL Madison County July 17, 2014 Thursday 10:00 a.m. PAGE NO. I. Call to Order, Introductions II. Approval of the Agenda 3 III. Approval of the June 19, 2014 Meeting Minutes 5 IV. Old Business A. Committee Reports 1. Finance Committee Report a. Monthly Financial Report Review and Approval 11 2. Other Committee Reports a. Supplemental Marketing Program Committee b. Marketing - 2015 Work Program B. Staff Items 1. Staff Report on Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Grant 15 a. Contract Status b. Bicycle Trail Maps 17 c. Regional Brochure 19 2. Staff Report on VISIT FLORIDA Grants a. Reimbursement Status b. 2013-14 Marketing Grant (Regional Marketing Research) 1. U.S. Travel Association/American Express Destination Travel Insights 2. John Moran Photo Drawing c. 2013-14 Small Business Partner Grant (Targeted Internet Advertising Campaign) d. 2014-15 Marketing Grant Application r:\bryan\original florida\task force meetings\agendas\2014\ofttf agenda 7-17-14.docx 3 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Agenda 7/17/14 Page 2 PAGE NO. 3. Other Staff Items a. Undiscovered Florida Co-op Ad b. Harvey Campbell Memorial Scholarship/Internship c. Meetings with Columbia, Hamilton and Suwannee Counties b. Florida Governor’s Conference on Tourism September 22-24, 2014, Boca Raton, Florida C. Other Old Business 1. Suwannee River Wilderness Trail Paddling Guide Update 2. Updated Task Force Member Contact Information 35 3. Meeting Dates and Locations 37 D. VISIT FLORIDA Report V. 33 39 New Business A. Announcements B. Other New Business VI. Leadership Forum: To Be Determined Date and Location of Next Meeting: The next regular meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., August 21, 2014 at a location to be determined in Lafayette County. r:\bryan\original florida\task force meetings\agendas\2014\ofttf agenda 7-17-14.docx 4 MINUTES OF The Original Florida TOURISM TASK FORCE Island Hotel and Restaurant Cedar Key, Florida Levy County June 19, 2014 Thursday, 10:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT Roland Loog, Alachua County Lois Nevins, Alachua County Russ McCallister, Dixie County Dick Bailar, Jefferson County Nancy Wideman, Jefferson County, Chair Susie Page, Lafayette County Carol McQueen, Levy County Brenda Graham, Madison County Cindy Vees, Madison County Sandy Beach, Taylor County Sam Martin, Wakulla County Pam Darty, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dean Fowler, Steinhatchee Landing Danah Heye, Madden Media Sean Plemons, City of Gainesville Lisa Valea, Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce Bailey Vees Cortnie Vees STAFF PRESENT Steven Dopp MEMBERS ABSENT Anna Mikell, Alachua County Martin Pierce, Dixie County Donna Creamer, Gilchrist County Helen Koehler, Levy County Dawn Taylor, Taylor County Dave Mecusker, Union County Jackie Youngstrand, Wakulla County Chair Wideman called the meeting to order at 10:13 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS Chair Wideman opened the meeting and asked for introductions. II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Chair Wideman asked for approval of the meeting agenda. ACTION: Carol McQueen moved and Roland Loog seconded a motion to amend the Agenda to add an item under New Business regarding recognition of the tourism promotion career of Harvey Campbell and to approve the Agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 5 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Minutes 6/19/14 Page 2 III. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 15, 2014 MINUTES Chair Wideman asked for approval of the May 15, 2014 meeting minutes. ACTION: IV. Dick Bailar moved and Mr. Loog seconded a motion to strike Kay McCallister from the list of other persons present at the meeting and to approve the May 15, 2014 minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously. RECOGNITION OF DEAN FOWLER, FORMER ORIGINAL FLORIDA TASK FORCE MEMBER Chair Wideman recognized Dean Fowler for his 17 years of service as a member of the Task Force and presented him with a framed John Moran photograph on behalf of the Task Force. V. OLD BUSINESS A. Committee Reports 1. Financial Committee Reports Steven Dopp presented the monthly financial report. ACTION: Lois Nevins moved and Susie Page seconded a motion to accept the monthly financial report. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Other Committee Reports: a. Legislative Committee Report on Legislative Funding Proposal. Legislative Committee members agreed to meet 1:00 p.m., July 8, 2014 at the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council office to finalize a legislative funding proposal. b. Marketing No report was provided on this agenda item. B. Staff Items 1. Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Grant. a. Contract Status Steven Dopp discussed the revised deliverables schedule for the 2013-14 contract which was recently received from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and included in Task Force members meeting packets. He noted that the Department of Economic Opportunity is requesting the Task Force to approve and return the revised contract no later than June 26, 2014. ACTION: Ms. McQueen moved and Cindy Vees seconded a motion to approve the revised Florida Department of Economic Opportunity grant contract. The motion passed unanimously. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 6 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Minutes 6/19/14 Page 3 b. Trail Maps Mr. Dopp reported that staff is developing the regional bicycle trail map. He distributed copies of the draft regional map to Task Force members and asked them to mail their map revisions to the Council no later than June 27, 2014. c. Regional Brochure/Maps Mr. Dopp stated that staff has received Task Force member revisions to the Task Force springs brochure and will begin updating the brochure based on member revisions. 2. Staff Report on VISIT FLORIDA Grants and Other Projects a. Reimbursement Status Mr. Dopp stated that he has submitted a reimbursement request to Visit Florida for the three Visit Florida grants; however, the Task Force has not yet received the reimbursement. b. 2013-14 Marketing Grant (Regional Marketing Research) 1. U.S. Travel Association Membership and Purchase of U.S. Travel Association/American Express Destination Travel Insights Mr. Dopp reported that he has submitted the list of zip codes to the U.S. Travel Association for the development of the Destination Travel Insights report. 2. John Moran Photo Drawing Mr. Dopp stated that the photograph for the winner of the John Moran nature photo will be ordered and shipped to the winner by the next Task Force meeting. c. 2013-14 Small Business Partner Grant (Targeted Internet Advertising Campaign) 1. Presentation of Campaign Results, Danah Heyeh, Madden Media Ms. Heyeh presented the results of the Targeted Internet Advertising Campaign. d. 2014-15 Marketing Grant Application Mr. Dopp reported that the Visit Florida had approved the Task Force application for its 2014-15 Marketing grant. 3. Other Staff Items a. I-10 Welcome Center Summer Festival, June 6, 2014, Pensacola Brochures Mr. Dopp reported on the I-10 Welcome Center Summer Festival which he attended on behalf of the Task Force. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 7 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Minutes 6/19/14 Page 4 b. Website and Facebook Page Report Mr. Dopp stated that he had no new information to report on the Task Force website and Facebook page. c. Undiscovered Florida Co-op Ad Mr. Dopp stated that the Task Force is continuing to receive leads from the National Geographic Traveler reader response cards. He stated he is forwarding the leads to Task Force members as they are received. d. Public Notices of Meetings Mr. Dopp stated that he had placed a link to the meeting packet on the Task Force Facebook page. He suggested the Task Force place a legal advertisement announcing Task Force meetings in the newspaper of general circulation in whichever county the Task Force is holding a meeting. It was agreed by consensus to post meeting notices and agendas on Facebook and at each County administrative building in whichever county the Task Force is holding a meeting. e. Membership Dues Mr. Dopp stated that the Task Force had received a letter from Dawn Taylor requesting that the Task Force dues not be increased for Taylor County as a result of the County annual bed tax revenue exceeding the $200,000 threshold. Mr. Dopp presented a report which indicated that if dues are based on the first two cents of bed tax then the annual dues for all counties would remain the same for next year. ACTION: Ms. McQueen moved and Mr. Bailar seconded a motion to specify that the dues structure to be based only on the first two cents of bed tax collected by each county. The motion passed unanimously. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 8 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Minutes 6/19/14 Page 5 C. Other Old Business 1. Updated Task Force Member Contact Information Mr. Dopp noted that contact information for Task Force members is included in the meeting packet. 2. Suwannee River Wilderness Trail Paddling Guide Update Mr. Dopp stated that staff has received Task Force member comments on revisions to the paddling guide. 3. Southeast Tourism Society Membership and Southeast Tourism Society Marketing College, August 3 - 8, 2014, Dahlonega, Georgia Mr. Dopp reported that the Task Force has joined the Southeast Tourism Society and that he has registered for the Marketing College to be held in August 2014. D. VISIT FLORIDA Report No report was provided under this agenda item due to the absence of a Visit Florida representative at the meeting. V. New Business A. Announcements Task Force members made various announcements of interest to the Task Force. B. Other New Business 1. Harvey Campbell Chair Wideman reported that she sent flowers on behalf of the Task Force to Harvey Campbell’s funeral. Mr. Loog recommended that an annual Scholarship/paid Internship with the Task Force be established by the Task Force in Mr. Campbell’s name for University of Florida Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management students. Mr. Loog stated that the amount of the internship could be $500. He stated that the Department Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management could select the intern. He further stated that the Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management requires students to engage in a one-semester internship as part of their curricula. ACTION: Mr. Loog moved and Ms. McQueen seconded a motion to request Mr. Dopp and, if needed, the Council attorney to research labor law issue with regards to a scholarship or a paid internship for students enrolled in the University of Florida Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management. The motion passed unanimously. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 9 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force Meeting Minutes 6/19/14 Page 6 VI. Leadership Forum: Pam Darty, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pam Darty made a presentation on the history of native Americans who once resided along the Dixie, Levy and Taylor County coast. Date and Location of Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Thursday, July 17, 2014 in Madison County at a location to be determined. The meeting adjourned at 1:16 p.m. _______________________ Nancy Wideman, Chair 7/17/14 Date Minutes prepared by Steven Dopp of the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council. R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Minutes\2014\OF_MINUTES_6-19-14.docx 10 11 12 13 14 Exhibit B 1. Administration: Administration cost for all grantrelated activities including operating cost, travel, meeting preparation, etc. A Quarterly Report on activities/deliverables is due on or before the 15111 day following the last day of each quarter. Report is to be submitted in a 3-ring binder with a table of contents. tabs and cover sheets for each section. All supporting docwnentation must be legible and arranged in an orderly fashion. All necessary fonus must be completed and submitted in approved formal (Payments are $1,312.50 per quarter, total payment is $5,250.(0). o Quarterly report o form (Exhibit G) Quarterly Minority & o o o o Compliance certification Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Report (ExhibitD) Invoice (See Exhibit F) Updated list of matching fimds received if match not demonstrated previously (Exhibit E) all necessary documentation/fonns $1,312.50 2. Leadership Development Forums: Organize and conduct a total of nine (9) Regional Leadership Development Forums. Develop, coordinate and present on topics to enhance the professional capacity of those served by the organization. Possible topics may include best practices, state or federal grants, resources, new and ongoing initiatives, infOimation on events and targeted training available to regional partners and existing and prospective tourism businesses and industries. ($825.00 payment for each forum. a total payment For each forum held, submit: o o o o o Agenda Sign in sheets Copies of minutes Swnmary of training Copy of presentation (if applicable, may be submitted on CD) S825.00 payment for each forum, a total payment ofS7,425.00 for nine Page 18 of 37 15 Exhibit B o 3. Create "Biking Trails of Natural North Florida" web pam' An inventory will be conducted of designated biking trails in the Natural North Florida region as well as state and local highways with bike paths. 4. Create "Biking Trails of Natural North Florida" web Dages: An online region·wide map will be created to display the inventory, with mileages o 5. Create "Biking Trails of Natural North Florida" web Dages: Each county will have a separate online map that highlights the trails located within the county and additional infonnation on local bicycle vendors, resources, and related links. o 6. Finalize Website link 7. Regional Marketing. a Develop and print 100,000 fold out regional brochures/maps: A professional graphic artist will be hired to design the brochure, and the print job will be publicly noticed for bids (not to exceed $10,000.(0). 8. Regional Marketing: o o o b. Contract with a brochure distribution rompanyto distribute a minimum of 50,000 regional brochures to private businesses, such as hotels along major travel routes within the state to be accessible to travelers (not to exceed o Submit a hard and electronic (CD) inventory of designaled biking trails in the region, as well as state and local highways with bike paUls. $1,331.25 (CD) copies of the regional map displaying the inventory, with mileages shown between $1,331.25 Submit hard and electronic (CD) copies of separate maps that highlight the trails located within each county in the region and additional infonnation on local bicycle vendors, resources, and related links. $1,331.25 Submit link for completed website. SI,331.25 Submit a copy of the regional brochure and/or map. Submit copies of receipts for brochure design and printing cost reimbursement not to exceed Submit a copy of receipt for brochure distribution cost reimbursement. Submit a list of where brochures were distributed. not to exceed $7,000.00 SIO,OOO.OO Page 19 of 37 16 17 This page intentionally left blank. 18 Original Florida “Springs” Brochure Text Updates, July 2014 Panel #10 (Visitor’s info panel): Visitor Information Access the Visit Natural Florid website at and Facebook page ( for more information. You are also invited to write, call or visit any of the offices listed for more information about specific sites, cities, attractions, events or activities. ALACHUA COUNTY Covering: Alachua, Archer, Gainesville, Hawthorne, High Springs, La Crosse, Micanopy, Newberry & Waldo Alachua County Visitors & Convention Bureau Visit Gainesville 30 E. University Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 1-866-778-5002 or 352-374-5260 DIXIE COUNTY Covering: Cross City, Horseshoe Beach, Jena, Old Town & Suwannee Dixie Chamber of Commerce County Tourism Development P.O. Box 547 2600 Cross City, FL 32628 352-498-5454 352-498-1403 [email protected] GADSDEN COUNTY Covering: Chattahoochee, Havana, Lake Talquin, Midway and Quincy Gadsden County Tourism Development Council 208 N Adams Street Quincy, FL 32351 850-627-0344 [email protected] GILCHRIST COUNTY Covering: Bell, Fanning Springs, & Trenton Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce 220 South Main Street Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-3467 HAMILTON COUNTY Covering: Jasper, Jennings & White Springs Hamilton County Tourist Development Council 1153 US Hwy 41 NW, Suite 4 Jasper, FL 32052 (386) 792-6828 Toll Free 866-341-2492 [email protected] JEFFERSON COUNTY Covering: Jefferson & Monticello & Lamont Monticello/Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce 420 West. Washington St. Monticello, FL 32344 850-997-5552 LAFAYETTE COUNTY Covering: Mayo Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 416 Mayo, FL 32066 386-294-2705 [email protected] LEON COUNTY Covering: Greater Tallahassee area Visit Tallahassee 106 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 1-800-628-2866 or 850-606-2305 [email protected] LEVY COUNTY Covering: Bronson, Cedar Key, Chiefland, Fanning Springs, Inglis, Otter Creek, Williston & Yankeetown Levy County Visitors Bureau 620 North Hathaway Ave P.O. Box 1324 Bronson, FL 32621 Toll free 877-387-5673 352-486-3396 19 MADISON COUNTY Covering: Greenville, Lee & Madison Madison County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism 177 SW Horry Ave 278 Southwest Range Ave Madison, FL 32340 850-973-2788 [email protected] TAYLOR COUNTY Covering: Keaton Beach, Perry & Steinhatchee Perry/Taylor Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 892 428 North Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32347 800-257-8881 866-584-5366 Toll Free Panacea, FL 32346 (850) 984-3966 VISITORS CENTERS/INFORMATION: STATE OF FLORIDA Nature & Heritage Tourism Center I-75 at Exit 84 U.S. 41 N White Springs, FL 32098 386-397-4461 PURE WATER WILDERNESS Covering: Dixie, Gilchrist & Levy Counties P.O. Box 214 Trenton, Florida 32693 (352) 463-3467 WAKULLA COUNTY Covering: Crawfordville, Sopchoppy & St. Marks Wakulla County Tourist Development Council P.O. Box 67 Panel #11 – Mailing label format Visit Natural North Florida The Original Florida Tourism Task Force 2009 NW 67th Place Gainesville, FL 32653 20 Panel #1 – Intro panel. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Natural North Florida allows you to move at the speed of nature. Replenish your spirit by day frolicking in the springs that feed the world-famous Suwannee River, and by night experience the music and cultural venues of Tallahassee, the state capital, or Gainesville, the home of University of Florida. Natural North Florida is home to the largest collection of natural springs in the world, 30 award-winning state parks, and old-fashioned rural towns ready to be explored. Located approximately 300 miles south of Atlanta at the hub of I-75 and I-10, the region spreads from the original tourist destination of White Springs where tourists went to “take in the waters,” Monticello, home to the historic Old Jail Museum, to Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park, the world’s deepest and longest freshwater spring, to Micanopy and its National Historic District, to the Gulf of Mexico and the quaint fishing villages of Cedar Key and Steinhatchee and Cedar Key. Inside this brochure you’ll find visitor services information, a map of the region and a listing of springs, state parks, events and attractions you’ll love to explore. Toll free 1-877-955-2199 Panels #2-9 Inside copy: Rest of copy (non-map side): We invite you to explore a place that brings back memories of a simpler time when roads weren’t nearly as congested, wild flowers grew in abundance on the roadsides and nature was literally all around us. Welcome to Natural North Florida – the state’s original tourism destination that still offers a glimpse of Old Florida. Here we’ve listed some of the highlights that the area has to offer. The Suwannee River Wilderness Trail The Suwannee River Wilderness Trail (SRWT) is a unique experience for everyone from first-timers to the traditional outdoor enthusiast. The SRWT trail runs 170 miles from the city of White Springs in rural North Florida all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, and encompasses activities such as canoeing, camping, boating, hiking, biking, birding and horseback riding. Go to for more information. ♪ There are several hubs spaced a day’s of travel apart on the river and designed as starting points for exploration along the world-famous Suwannee River. Those hubs are: (Please make the bullets for these the same as the markers on the map side) A The Trail begins at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park located in White Springs, along the upper Suwannee River. B Spirit of Suwannee Music Park, just north of Live Oak, Florida. 21 C Suwannee River State Park at Ellaville, on a bluff overlooking the intersection of two rivers. D Dowling Park (Advent Christian Village). D Lafayette Blue Springs State Park, near Mayo. E Convict Spring, Suwannee River Rendezvous east of Mayo, Florida. F Town of Branford. G Fanning Springs State Park H Town of Suwannee. Places to Stay - River camps with sleeping platforms and cabins alternate every ten 10 river miles down the trail. Beautiful cabins at Stephen Foster, Suwannee River State Park, Lafayette Blue Springs State Park, and Fanning Springs State Park can sleep up to 8 eight and are reasonably priced. Make reservations at Many privately owned hotels, motels and lodges are also located at various points along the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail SRWT. ♪ Packages are now available on the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail website for a variety of venues along the river from a half-day paddle to multiple day trips. Check for details. More Canoeing, Kayaking & Camping ♪ The Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail is a 106-mile trail from St. Marks to Yankeetown. Sea kayakers have long known of the multi-day expedition possibilities along Florida’s Big Bend Gulf Coast. The area boasts one of the longest and wildest publicly-owned coastal wetlands in the United States, and a striking array of bird and marine life. ♪ Canoe outposts throughout the region will equip you for a canoe trip down the Suwannee, Santa Fe, Withlacoochee, Aucilla, Wacissa, or any other waterway in the region, including kayak rentals in the towns of Suwannee and Cedar Key on the Gulf of Mexico. They will pick you up at your exit point, and shuttle you back to your car. ♪ Camping areas are located along the rivers, beside the springs, under massive mossdraped oak trees and even on the beach at the Gulf of Mexico. Public parks and private campgrounds also provide a variety of accommodations, from wilderness campsites to RV resorts with all the amenities. See the table of Springs and Parks below the regional map for camping availability. 22 Hiking, Biking and Horse Trails The Original Florida Natural North Florida is gaining popularity with bicyclists who have discovered the many lightly-traveled roads and miles of wooded public trails, including the Florida Trail, a well-marked hiking trail linking one end of Florida to the other. Touring companies in the area offer tours, rentals, and routing information. ♪ The 16-mile Gainesville-Hawthorne State Trail is designed for walking, cycling, and horseback riding. The trail borders the edge of Paynes Prairie, a state-owned wildlife sanctuary. ♪ The RO Ranch is a 2,500 acre equestrian park located 11 miles south of Mayo. It is adjacent to 20,000 acres of public land open to horseback riding. The ranch has a guest lodge as well as RV and primitive campsites ♪ The “Madison Loop” starts in quaint and beautiful downtown Madison and provides over 100 miles of bicycling adventure. For more information contact the Madison Tourist Development Council. The Madison Bike Loop rates high on the Adventure Cycling Association’s Southern Tier Section 7 with over 100 miles of cycling adventure. For details, contact the Madison County Chamber of Commerce at 877.272.3642 ♪ The Nature Coast State Trail System, which connects the towns of Cross City, Fanning Springs, Chiefland, and Trenton, provides both paved and equestrian trails. History ♪ The Historic San Luis Spanish Mission in Tallahassee is a beautifully re-created community with period actors from the 1700s. Time stands still in this 2006 Preserve America award-winner where Florida’s Spanish and Native American heritage intersected. ♪ The South’s Most Haunted Small Town, as reported by ABC News in October, 2003, Monticello Florida is a beautiful small town with loads lots of Southern Charm by day and ghostly spirits by night. The Big Bend Ghost Trackers hosts great ghost tours at Halloween time. ♪ The Island Hotel & Restaurant in Cedar Key was constructed of “seashell tabby” in 1859. Built as a general store and post office, it has changed little over the years. ♪ Monticello is also legendary for its sheer number of restored and registered historic homes and buildings. Peruse the moss-covered, oak lined city streets, while taking the Self Guided Walking and Driving Tour. Don't miss the 1890 Monticello Opera House. ♪ The historic Putnam Lodge in Cross City, built in the late 1920s, will remind visitors of an old National Park-style hotel with its “pecky cypress” interior. The Dixie County Cultural Center is also located in Cross City ♪ Museums and Towns - For a sense of life gone by, visit the authentic Cracker farm at the Forest Capital Museum in Perry, or the Tallahassee Museum’s authentic turpentine camp. Visit historic down town Madison, home of the oldest stain glass windows in the state Honey Lake Plantation Resort and Spa in Greenville, home of the oldest stained glass windows in the state. There are also museums that preserve the history of the region: Jasper’s Old Jail Museum, and the Cedar Key Museum State Park, which depict the colorful history of the thriving port city on Florida’s Gulf Coast. The Micanopy Historic Museum highlights both the Native American history and life in Florida’s oldest inland town. 23 Culture, Music and Nightlife ♪ Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park honors the composer who immortalized the river through his song “Old Folks at Home” with music festivals throughout the year, and Florida folk crafts are displayed and demonstrated year round. ♪ Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Homesite – Just south of Gainesville, Cross Creek is the National Trust Historic Landmark home of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author of The Yearling and many other famous novels. Guided tours are given from October through July. ♪ The University of Florida’s Cultural Plaza in Gainesville hosts world-class theater and art, and is home to the largest collection of butterfly specimens in the world at the Florida Museum of Natural History is home to the Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History, a canopied walk-through exhibit featuring hundreds of freeflying butterflies from around the world. ♪ Downtown Tallahassee is home to the state capitol, great museums such as the Mary Brogan and the LeMoyne Arts Center, and abuzz with nightlife and festivals throughout the year. ♪ The Blue Grass Festival at the Forest Capital State Park in Perry was recently nominated as one of the best festivals in the US United States by the International Bluegrass Musicians Association. ♪ The Monticello Opera continues to present plays and concerts in the historic, perfectly acoustic second story theater. 24 More Water Fun ♪ Ichetucknee Tubing Traditions - Cool off at the Ichetucknee Springs State Park in Fort White, a delightful spot to learn the easy art of “tubing” on a crystal-clear river that carries you gently down one of Florida’s most pristine waterways. ♪ Sitting atop a wondrous maze of underground caverns and the world’s deepest and longest fresh-water spring, the 6,000-acre Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park overflows with wildlife and a guided riverboat cruise through a protected Old Florida natural corridor with Tarzan movie fame. A 1937-era lodge with dining room, bathhouse, and beach with observation platform/diving tower are clustered near the spring. ♪ Leave plenty of time to sample the other outstanding springs in the area. Choose a campsite such as Ginnie Springs, a camping resort and world-renowned cave-diving location with a dive shop and equipment rentals, or retire in the delightful ambience of one of the many bed and breakfast inns nearby. This area has become very popular with kayakers, canoeists, bicyclists, and nature lovers. ♪ Get an up-close view of local marine life at the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Panacea. The laboratory contains an array of weird and wonderful treasures from the northwest Gulf Coast in touch tanks and aquariums, including crabs, sea urchins, starfish, stingrays, turtles and seahorses. ♪ Cave Diving Mecca – the region is well known to experienced divers from around the world who come to explore the caverns of a vast underwater world. Diving instruction and guided tours are available from master dive instructors in area dive shops. For more diving adventures, travel to Old Town, site of the “City of Hawkinsville” Underwater Archaeological Preserve in the Suwannee River. In Williston, both the Devil’s Den Spring and the Blue Grotto are excellent places for cave diving and snorkeling. Manatee Springs State Park and Fanning Springs State Park are also great diving and snorkeling spots. 25 Authentic Gulf Coast Fishing Villages For fishermen eager to wet a line, try any of our rivers or the local lakes and ponds for bass, brim, or catfish, and of course the Gulf Coast is renowned for its saltwater bounty. Boat ramps and bait and tackle shops are found in many locations. Note: a State of Florida fishing permit is required, and available at most bait and tackle shops. ♪ Try Keaton Beach and Steinhatchee to experience some of the best sunset vistas and seafood restaurants around. These friendly fishing communities offer visitor services such as marinas, charter and guided fishing, and Victorian-style condo rentals. ♪ Dixie County has deployed 18 artificial reefs 11 miles offshore! ♪ The Town of Suwannee at the mouth of the Suwannee River, is a great place to rent a houseboat, a canoe, or a fishing boat and explore the river delta or the Gulf shoreline, which is still much as it was during the days of Florida’s early settlers. From Suwannee, boaters may take a leisurely ride upstream for water access to nearby springs. ♪ Cedar Key is one of the oldest ports in the state, and when Florida's first railroad connected it to the east coast, it became a major supplier of seafood and timber products to the northeast. Today it has become a haven for artists and writers who find the unspoiled environment inspirational to their work. Several galleries and award winning restaurants dot the downtown. 26 Antiquing and Unique Shopping Shopping for unexpected treasures is part of the fun of visiting our towns, where you will find shops filled with enticing bargains in collectibles and antiques, affordable souvenirs, gifts, and country arts and crafts. ♪ There are plenty of places for antiquing. Try Quincy and Havana begin the Antique Trail of North Florida. From there, travel US U.S. 90 East through Monticello, then on to Madison where a stop at the Madison Antiques Market & Interiors Hickory Hill Antiques and Gifts as well as the Auction next door are is a must-sees. to Highway 441 at White Springs Head to Trenton to the Crystal Ice House. Stop in Chiefland and explore Manatee Antiques. Williston has Dixie Antiques and Cedar Chest Antiques. and stroll Stroll down shady streets of Micanopy that lead you to an array of hand crafters and antique shops full of treasures from yesteryear. Downtown High Springs is also a prime area for antiquing. ♪ Monticello Vineyards & Winery is a small and unpretentious Florida farm winery. Located in the Red Hills bioregion of north central Florida, the winery is housed at Ladybird Organics. The Dakotah Winery, located just north of Chiefland along Highway U.S. 19, was named Florida’s Best Wine Shop by Florida Monthly Magazine in 2002 and 2006. ♪ The Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe, located in a restored 1925 Coca Cola Bottling Company building on Main Street in Trenton, draws quilters and cross-stitchers from the surrounding Southeastern U.S. region. Founded by the Log Cabin Quilters Club, the Levy County Quilt Museum in Chiefland is the only registered quilt museum in the state of Florida. Twice each year this club organizes a Quilt Show for quilters to display their work at the museum and offer items for sale. 27 Wildlife Viewing ♪ Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park was named Florida’s best spot to view alligators, but keep a safe distance please! Walk the La Chua Trail starting at north rim of Payne’s Prairie for the best Gator viewing. While near Gainesville try fishing in one of the many lakes such as Orange and Lochloosa, renowned for their abundance of bass. It is ♪ Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park is also a gateway to the Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail, which is a collection of 445 sites throughout Florida selected for their excellent bird watching or bird education opportunities. This 2000-mile, self-guided highway trail is designed to conserve and enhance Florida's bird habitat by promoting bird watching activities. Currently, there are 36 trail sites located within the Natural North Florida region. ♪ At the Tallahassee Museum, history, nature and wildlife are spun together, telling the story of the culture and natural history of the Big Bend area of Florida. ♪ St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge provides wintering habitat for migratory birds. Consisting of more than 70,000 acres on the Gulf Coast in Jefferson, Taylor and Wakulla counties, the refuge offers miles of trails and many exceptional wildlife viewing locations. ♪ The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo lets you view animals in a relaxed and natural setting. One of only two teaching zoos in the country, this zoo is located just off of I-75 in Gainesville. ♪ The 53,000-acre Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1979 to protect one of the largest undeveloped river-delta estuarine systems in the United States, and is located approximately 16 miles southwest of Chiefland on State Road 347. #Map side changes# a. Need to change the Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail to show it goes from St. Marks to Yankeetown. b. Remove Olustee battlefield from map. #Changes to box titled “Calendar of Events”# CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY Stephen Foster Day White Springs Ididaride Bicycle Challenge White Springs Hernando deSoto Winter Encampment Tallahassee Nature Coast Combined Horse Driving Event Goethe State Forest Manatee Awareness Program Manatee Springs State Park For New Year’s Eve/Day celebrations, see FEBRUARY Covered Wagon Days Hoggetowne Medieval Faire Manatee Springs State Park Gainesville 28 Just Because Festival – O’Toole’s Herb Farm Seven Days of Opening Nights Fiddler Crab Festival Old Florida Celebration of the Arts Tallahassee Culture Fest Nature Coast Civil War Reenactment Black History Month Celebrations “Pee Wee Mercer” Benefit Rodeo Cedar Key Star Party Bark N Purr Concert Madison Tallahassee Steinhatchee and Jena Cedar Key Tallahassee Williston Tallahassee Williston’s Horseman’s Park Cedar Key Bronson MARCH Gatornationals Wild Azalea Festival Suwannee Valley Quilt Festival Jazz & Blues Festival Red Hills Horse Trials Black Prong Combined [Horse] Driving Event Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Spring Festival Spring Paddle Florida Event Lee Homecoming Day Gainesville Raceway White Springs Trenton Tallahassee Area Tallahassee Area Goethe State Forest Gainesville Various Rivers Lee APRIL Spring Arts Festival Old Florida Celebration of the Arts Four Freedoms Festival Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ Festival Waldo Railroad Days Antique Tractor & Engine Show Wakulla Wildlife Festival Lee Homecoming Steven C. Smith Memorial Regatta Springtime Tallahassee Rock the Dock Fishing Tournament Florida Wine Festival Florida State Bluegrass Festival Wild Hog Canoe & Kayak Race Gainesville Cedar Key Madison Sopchoppy Waldo White Springs Wakulla Springs State Park Lee Shell Point Beach Tallahassee Panacea Tallahassee Perry near Cedar Key Bronson/Otter Creek Levy County FAIR Southern Music Rising’s Bluegrass Festival Morningside Farm and Forest Festival Williston Monticello Gainesville Jest Fest! Nature Coast Challenge-Kayak Fishing Tournament Gainesville Yankeetown MAY 20th of May Jubilee Celebration Suwannee Bicycle Festival City of Madison White Springs 29 Big Bend Kayak Classic Florida Folk Festival Panacea Blue Crab Festival Pioneer Days Annual Arts & Crafts Festival Annual Rodeo 5th Avenue Arts Festival Emancipation Celebration Cedar Key Annual Small Boat Meet Southern Music Rising’s Bluegrass Festival Williston Arts & Crafts Festival Windsor Zucchini Festival Crawfordville White Springs Panacea High Springs Keaton Beach Jasper Gainesville Tallahassee Cedar Key Monticello Williston Windsor JUNE Chiefland Watermelon Festival Monticello Watermelon Festival Newberry Watermelon Festival Shriners Kids Fishing Tournament Annual Florida African Dance Festival Chiefland Monticello Newberry Hart Springs Tallahassee Tour de Melon Bike Ride Chiefland Juneteenth Festival Gainesville JULY 4th of July Celebrations in various locations throughout the region. See for more details Yulee Day Archer Swamp Stomp Tallahassee CLAMERICA Clam Festival Cedar Key Seahorse Key Lighthouse Open House Cedar Key AUGUST Caribbean Carnival Great Adventure Summer Speed Series Tallahassee Area Williston’s Horseman’s Park Florida Cracker Seafood Festival Horseshoe Beach SEPTEMBER Downtown Getdown Great Adventure Summer Speed Series Country in the Pines Music Festival Seahorse Key Lighthouse Open House Southern Pines Blues & BBQ Festival Elephant Appreciation Day Tallahassee Williston’s Horseman’s Park Perry Cedar Key Perry Two Tails Ranch-Williston OCTOBER Riverfest High Springs Ghost Tours in America’s Most Haunted City Small Town Monticello 30 Suwannee River Quilt Show & Sale The Lost Railroad- at Kirby Family Farm & Railroad Annual Steinhatchee Canoe Trip Annual Equestrian Trade Ride Florida Forest Festival Pioneer Days Goodwood Antiques & Treasures Show Zoobilee Monarch Butterfly Festival Central Florida Fall Harvest & Peanut Festival Cedar Key Annual Seafood Festival Seahorse Key Lighthouse Open House Bronson Motor Speedway, School Bus Figure 8’s PRCA Pro Rodeo Suwannee River Challenge & Canoe Race St. Marks Stone Crab Festival Butterfly Festival-Fla. Museum of Natural History Fall Paddle Florida Event Hickory Hill Founder’s Day Festival Hidden Coast Paddling Adventure NOVEMBER Dixie Plantation Festival & Walking Horse Show Rural Folk Life Days Two Hawk Hammock Fall Festival Downtown Festival & Arts Show Arts Festival Micanopy Fall Festival Fat Tire Festival Cane and Boil Festival Big Bend Folk Festival North Florida Fair Art & Seafood Festival Clay Landing Days White Springs Williston Steinhatchee Steinhatchee Perry Mayo Tallahassee Tallahassee St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge Williston Cedar Key Cedar Key Bronson Williston’s Horseman’s Park White Springs St. Marks Gainesville Various Rivers City of Madison Alternates between the towns of Suwannee, Cedar Key, Jena, and Steinhatchee Monticello White Springs Williston Gainesville Micanopy White Springs Gainesville Tallahassee Area Tallahassee Inglis/Yankeetown Manatee Springs State Park DECEMBER Various Christmas Festivals occur throughout the region. See for more details. Winter Festival Tallahassee Seahorse Key Lighthouse Open House Cedar Key Market Days Tallahassee Commemorative Mass at Mission San Luis Tallahassee Levy County Quilt Museum Festival Chiefland The Christmas Express at Kirby Family Farm & Railroad Williston 31 Downtown Countdown New Year’s Eve Celebration Gainesville 32 Steve Dopp VISIT FLORIDA [[email protected]] Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:32 PM Steve Dopp Registration for the Florida Governor's Conference on Tourism is Open From: Sent: To: Subject: Featured Session & Speaker: Registration is Open! The Florida Governor’s Conference on Tourism is the premier annual educational conference for the Florida tourism industry; designed and coordinated by VISIT FLORIDA, the Official Tourism Marketing Corporation for the State of Florida. Jonah Berger, Author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On. Registration is now open. Visit this page for more information and to start. As one of VISIT FLORIDA’s signature events, the conference is attended by hundreds of representatives from destinations, attractions, hotels, resorts, parks and convention centers along with state and local government officials, media representatives, advertising agencies and many more. You'll have the amazing opportunity to network with fellow Florida tourism people and learn more about the industry. Expert keynote and break-out session speakers will discuss information, tips and tricks of the trade that will benefit your business. Professor Jonah Berger studies social epidemics, or how products, ideas, and behaviors catch on and become popular. He examines how individual decision making and social dynamics (e.g., social influence) between people generate collective outcomes such as social contagion and trends. Most recently, Professor Berger has examined why certain products get more word-of-mouth than others and why certain online content goes viral. When & Where Florida's premier educational conference 1 33 for the tourism industry will be held at the Boca Raton Resort & Club September 22 - 24. Find out more at If you no longer want to receive emails from Steven Bonda, CMP, please Opt-Out. 2 34 The Original Florida Tourism Task Force 2014 MEMBERS as of 6/16/2014 ALACHUA COUNTY GILCHRIST COUNTY Roland Loog Director, Retired Visit Gainesville 1907 NW 10th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32605 (h) 352.375.2060 (c) 352.231.2077 [email protected] Donna Creamer Executive Director Pure Water Wilderness P.O. Box 214 220 S. Main Street Trenton, FL 32693 (w) 352.463.3467 (f) 386.463.3469 (c) 386.208.6225 [email protected] Anna Mikell Visit Gainesville 30 E University Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 (w) 352.374.5260 (w) 1.866.778.5002 [email protected] Vacant JEFFERSON COUNTY Lois Nevins By All Means Travel 7513 NW County Road 235 Alachua, Florida 32615 (h) 386.418.0242 [email protected] Nancy Wideman Coordinator Jefferson County Tourist Development Council PO Box 275 1100 Pearl Street Monticello, FL 32344 (w) 850.997.0517 (f) 850.997.1603 (c) 850.528.7362 DIXIE COUNTY [email protected] Russ McCallister Suwannee Guides and Outfitters PO Box 1345 Old Town, FL 32680 (w) 352.542.8331 (f) 352.542.9751 (h) 352.325.1520 (c) 352.258.0189 [email protected] Martin Pierce Dixie County Tourism Development Council PO Box 2600 56 NE 210th Avenue Cross City, FL 32628 (w) 352.498.8088 [email protected] r:\bryan\original florida\of member list 2014.docx Dick Bailar 455 Melrose Drive Monticello, FL 32344 (w) 850.997.0676 [email protected] LAFAYETTE COUNTY Susie Page Suwannee River Rendezvous LLC 828 NE Primrose Road Mayo, FL 32066 (w) 386.294.2510 (f) 386.294.1133 (c) 727.457.3924 [email protected] 35 LEVY COUNTY Carol McQueen Executive Director Levy County Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1324 620 N Hathaway Avenue Bronson, Florida 32621 (w) 352.486.3396 (f) 352.486.3401 (c) 352.221.0838 [email protected] Helen Koehler 1950 SE 111th Court Morriston, FL 32668 (w) 352.486.7040 (f) 319.856.2375 (c) 352.317.0273 [email protected] MADISON COUNTY Cindy Vees Director Madison County Chamber of Commerce PO Box 817 248 SW Range Avenue Madison, FL 32340 (w) 850.973.2788 (f) 850.973.8863 (c) 850.464.7611 [email protected] Brenda Graham Grace Manor Bed and Breakfast P. O. Box 87 Greenville, FL 32331-0087 (w) 850.948.5352 [email protected] TAYLOR COUNTY Dawn Taylor Executive Director Taylor County Chamber of Commerce PO Box 892 428 N Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (w) 850.584.5366 (f) 850.584.8030 (c) 850.843.0992 Sandy Beach 20845 Keaton Beach Dr. Perry, FL 32348 850.578.2898 or 850.584.3812 Cell: 850.843.1546 [email protected] UNION COUNTY Dave Mecusker City Manager City of Lake Butler 200 SW 1st Street Lake Butler, FL 32054 (w) 386.496.3401 (f) 386.496.1588 [email protected] WAKULLA COUNTY Sam Martin Director Wakulla County Tourist Development Council P.O. Box 67 Panacea, FL 32346 (w) 850.984.3966 (c) 757.286.0952 [email protected] www, Jacki Youngstrand Secretary, Wakulla County Tourist Development Council Post Office Box 67 1493 Coastal Highway Panacea, FL 32346 (w) 850.509.1062 [email protected] STAFF Steve Dopp Senior Planner Visit Natural North Florida 2009 NW 67th Place Gainesville, FL 32653 (w) 352.955.2200 ext. 109 (f) 352.955.2209 [email protected] [email protected] r:\bryan\original florida\of member list 2014.docx 36 2014 Visit Natural North Florida Meeting Dates and Counties Third Thursday of each month, subject to change with advance notice. January 16: Alachua February 20: Taylor (Steinhatchee) March 20: Dixie April 17: Jefferson May 15: Union June 19: Levy July 17: Madison August 21: Lafayette September 18: October 16: November 20: December: Alachua Dixie Gilchrist Jefferson Lafayette Levy Madison Taylor Union Wakulla Visit Florida Wakulla Taylor (Perry) Alachua (RPC) - Leadership Forum only R:\Bryan\Original Florida\Task Force Meetings\Meeting Schedules and Notices\2014\2014 meeting schedule by county.xls 37 This page intentionally left blank. 38 The Original Florida / Visit Natural North Florida 7/17/2014 Meeting VISIT FLORIDA Update Prepared by Brenna C. Dacks The Florida Governor's Conference on Tourism will be held September 22-24 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. For details or to register, visit If you are in a RACEC county and register, be sure to use the code GC14RACEC which gives you $100 off a full registration. The interactive VISIT FLORIDA Marketing Plan for FY14/15 is now online. Go to to explore the Domestic, International, In-state and Meetings platforms. Brenna Dacks is your new Regional Partnership Manager. She will serve as a resource to help you maximize your partnership benefits, as well as encourage engagement from businesses in your counties. Brenna may be reached at 850-205-3870 or [email protected]. If you are a VISIT FLORIDA Partner up for renewal, please make sure your partnership is current by July 31. This is the deadline to ensure your listing in the 2015 Official VISIT FLORIDA Magazine (vacation guide). Floridagrams recently launched and are a perfect way for guests to share their vacation photos with friends and family through celebrity-narrated digital photo books. To download a free information card to distribute to guests as they are arriving and leaving your destinations, go to FRIENDLY REMINDERS We will be holding Partner Roadshows this summer. The dates and cities are below: o Fort Myers - July 31 o Ft. Lauderdale - August 1 o Orlando - August 12 o Tampa - August 13 o Pensacola - August 26 o Sandestin - August 27 o Jacksonville - September 9 39 This page intentionally left blank. 40