Winter 2010
Winter 2010
GINEERS EN CIATION STRUCTUR AL O ASS PRST STD US Postage PAID Houston TX Permit No 6270 THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TEXAS A PUBLICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS President’s Message 6913 Poncha Pass Austin, TX 78749 512 301 2744 A PUBLICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS President: Ismael Legarreta, P.E President-Elect: Jon Jelinek, P.E.; (713) 821-0250 [email protected] Past President: Eric Christiansen, P.E.; (214) 346-6284 [email protected] Secretary: Jon Jelinek, P.E.; (713) 821-0250 [email protected] Treasurer: Stan Agee; (817) 277-8566 [email protected] Corpus Christi -Ramiro Munoz III, P.E.; (361) 866-2141 El Paso - Armando Garcia, P.E.; (915) 525-6825 [email protected] Committee Chairs Professional Activities and Legislative Liaison - Dennis Paul, P.E.; (281) 280-9972 [email protected] Activities - John Schwab, P.E.; (830) 624-2225 [email protected] Communications - Joseph (Joe) Luke, P.E.; (512) 445-2090 [email protected] Community Impact - Dennis Paul, P.E.; (281) 280-9972; [email protected] Financial Health - Victor (Vic) Winter, P.E.; (512) 372-8216; [email protected] Membership - Ismael Legarreta, P.E.; (915) 533-7483 [email protected] State Conference - Luke Nelson, P.E.; (512) 469-9490 [email protected] Treasurer: Stan Agee Past President: Eric Chrstiansen, P.E. Executive Director: Liz Stansfeld Email: [email protected] GINEERS EN SE Emergency Response - Matt Carlton, P.E.; (512) 835-0940 [email protected] Technical & Code - Joe Kallaby, P.E.; (281) 584-9300 [email protected] For a complete list of SEAoT Officers, Board Directors, Committees and Delegates, visit the web site at: CIATION Austin - Kris Swanson, P.E.; (512) 472-9797 [email protected] Information Technology - Will Ikerd, P.E. , (972) 699-8000 [email protected] Secretary: Jon D. Jelinek, P.E. O ASS Executive Director: Liz Stansfeld; (512) 301-2744 [email protected] Chapter Presidents San Antonio - Roger Martinez P.E.; (210) 355-5250, [email protected] President Elect: Jon D. Jelinek, P.E. AL President: Ismael Legarreta, P.E.; (915) 533-7483 [email protected] Fort Worth - Robert Nicholas, P.E. Sub-Committees (817) 656-3200 [email protected] Awards and Recognition - William Kelm, P.E., Houston/Gulf Coast - Rowdy Westbrook, P.E.; (512) 345-5538 [email protected] (713) 630-7316 [email protected] Hall of Honor Committee - Britt Gardner, P.E., North Central Texas - David Parkin P.E.; (713) 780-3345 (214) 221-2220 dparkin@ppoinc. [email protected] STRUCTUR SEAoT State Corporation Board TEXAS 6913 Poncha Pass Austin, TX 78749 512 301 2744 As we come to this year's closure and look forward to the holiday cheer, I would like to congratulate the state board members for a job well done. The board this year tackled issues that ranged from the licensure initiative to restructuring the way state conferences will be run in the future. I believe we as a board have improved the organization greatly by restructuring internal procedures and allowing our Executive Director Liz Stansfeld more direct responsibilities. The new year brings in a new slate of officers for our board. Jon Jelinek will be our next President and will be supported by Justice Edge as President - Elect, Whit Smith as Secretary and Stan Agee as Treasurer. I fully expect next year to be the best ever for SEAoT as we eagerly anticipate next years state conference in Dallas. This year's state conference was a complete success. John Schwab deserves praise for a very highly complimented conference that included great accommodations and great technical sessions. Corpus Christi is a great city and proved it again. The NCSEA “Diamond Review Program” added value to an already great conference. The attendance by NCSEA President James Malley this year was icing on the cake. The individual chapters continue to grow and by the state reports we receive are doing an amazing job keeping our members informed and allowing great opportunities for continuing education. Looking towards the future and assuring our successors a solid foundation on which to build on, can only be achieved when the local chapter and the state board share a common vision and then proceed to work towards that vision together. My hats off to our local chapter presidents Last year, our President Eric Christiansen reminded us that possible changes to structural engineering licensure would dominate this year's SEAoT agenda. This prediction came true. Eric also reminded us that Bob Navarro stated at one point, “There are no part time structural engineers.” With this in mind, our board voted to support SE licensure in spite of TBPE continuing to oppose SE legislation. SEAoT's Licensure Committee (SELC) with Jon Jelinek as our presenter went before the TBPE and presented our resolution (see page 3). NCSEA, ASCE, The Texas Section of ASCE, SEI, and CASE have issued position statements in support of SE Licensure. We, as the SEAoT board, By Ismael Legarreta - State President voted to take the lead in filing a Bill in the State Legislature to add the SE license to the Texas Engineering Practice Act. (We are not proposing that a new separate Engineering act be enacted). The SEAoT board understands that this change may not occur during this legislation, but is committed to changing the Texas Engineering Practice Act to add the SE license. The board felt the SE designation doesn’t dilute or diminish in any way the PE title. To the contrary, it will enhance it. Under the board’s view, this still allows civil engineers to continue designing typical civil infrastructures. The SE licensure requirements would apply to more complex structures. Our intent is to allow for responsible transitioning and grandfathering. As the complexity of our codes increases, especially in regards to seismic and wind requirements, structural engineers require more specialized training and therefore a need for the SE designation. In order to expedite the filing of our bill, the SEAoT SE Licensure Committee (SELC) met immediately after presenting TBPE our resolution. This committee and its subcommittees are armed with the fact that our board is fully behind this initiative and have committed substantial financial support. It may take us years to complete this task but this issue will not go away. The SELC has created four subcommittees: 1. Preparation of Draft Bill (chair – Pete Larson) 2. Selection of Bill sponsors (chair – Adam Johnson) 3. Establishing/contact support organizations (chair - Todd Speck) 4. Identify/obtain local legislators (chair – Brian Caudle) This committee needs direct help in contacting and gaining support from your local state representatives and state senators. Please call Robert Navarro or Joe Luke if possible. It may be the close of my year as SEAoT president, but it starts a commitment required from all of us to get “all others” to understand that structural engineers are at the forefront of “protecting the public health, safety and welfare” of all Texas citizens. Wiinter 2010 AL STRUCTUR CIATION FOR DURABILITY, VERSATILITY AND EFFICIENCY, NOTHING BEATS GATE-CORE GINEERS EN O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER When you are looking for an economical and efficient solution for the construction of floors and roofs in multi-story and high-rise buildings, hotels, motels, apartment buildings, condominiums, schools, churches, marinas, prisons and warehouses, nothing beats Gate-Core. As a “PCI” Certified Producer-Erector of precast prestressed hollowcore planking across the South, ADVERTISERS Gate is the preferred Precast Manufacturer and the STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AT UTSA recognized specialists in the erecting of Gate-Core Continued from page 18 prestressed concrete hollowcore slabs. IV. Student Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge Competition Students at UTSA have many opportunities to participate in research projects and join in regional and national competitions. In the structural area, three events where students at UTSA always participate are the Concrete Canoe, the Timber Bridge Competition and Steel Bridge Competition. Thanks to our students, UTSA also has a good standing in these national competitions in the last couple of years. Especially this year, the ASCE-UTSA Steel Bridge Team ranks second among eleven universities from Texas and Mexico and has advanced to the National finals to be held at Purdue University. UTSA has also received first place, second place and most aesthetical timber bridge awards from 2006 to 2008. UTSA is a growing university and has expanded its teaching and research in structural engineering recently. With all the effort from our faculty and students, we believe the Structural Engineering division at UTSA will continue to grow strong. We maintain close ties with structural companies in San Antonio. Some of the professionals working at several structural companies assist in evaluating structural projects as part of the Civil Engineering Design capstone courses. Little wonder that in 2009, Gate-Core was specified and erected in new constructions across Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. With eight manufacturing facilities, Gate can deliver any type of precast imagined. A special thanks to all the companies who support the Structural Engineers Association of Texas with their advertising dollars. With the current economic downturn, one of the first things to get cut is advertising. So we are particularly grateful to the companies whose advertising messages appear in this publication. Their contributions help pay for the publishing and printing of this newsletter, as well as theAnnual Directory. Please take a moment to view these companies messages and please visit their web sites: American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Azazz Galvanizing Services Delta Structural Technology Fugro Consultants Gate Concrete Lindapter Mobile Enterprises Pieresearch Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) Raba-Kistner Consultants Radarview Terracon Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. Unified Building Science and Engineering Wiss, Janney, ElstnerAssociates Ad Opportunities Advertising is cost efficient and affordable. For under $90 an issue your advertising message will reach over 700 structural engineers and structural professionals across Texas. For rates and specifications, please visit the SEAoT web site at Gate Concrete Products Co. MEMBER DUES 3201 Veterans Drive Pearland, TX 77584 PH: (281) 485-3273 F: (281) 485-7644 Page 2 Figure 18.ASCE Steel team of UTSA2009 If you have not already paid your 2011 dues, please do so now through the website. No login is necessary and it only takes about 30 seconds to complete. Page 19 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AT UTSA RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LICENSING Continued from page 17 (8) Blasting engineering and classical civil engineering Design “Explosion Safety of Deck Coverings for Shipboard Use”, in which experimental tests are conducted on the effects of Figure 12. Interrogation signals in the structural component Figure 11. A typical structural health monitoring system explosives in rigid and flexible ship deck coverings. Analytical modeling of the effects of the explosives is performed and recommendations on the most promising ship deck coverings are suggested. It is worthy to note that this work was a result of collaboration withABS Consulting. “Development of AASHTO Distribution Factors for Exclusionary Ve h i c u l a r L o a d s f o r Prestressed Concrete Open Box Beam (U-Beam) Bridges”, in which an analysis method for Fig. 16. CMU Walls after construction TxDOT U-beams is suggested, and distribution “Response and Modeling of CMU Walls under Blast Loading”, in factors for typical U-beam which analytical predictions of masonry walls to blast loading is designs are determined. performed. Several masonry walls subjected to shock tube Fig. 13. Typical feature pattern of the EGlass polyurethane specimens explosions are tested and used to verify analytical models. Recommendations for the design of future masonry walls subjected to blast loads are suggested. This work was in collaboration with Baker Risk Engineering WHEREAS the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) Strategic Plan lists as one of the primary objectives, to promote and work toward Structural Engineering licensure, and, WHEREAS the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute adopted Policy Statement 101 in 2010 which states: “The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) supports Structural Engineering licensure”; and, WHEREAS the Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE), a coalition of the American Council of Engineering Companies (CEC) adopted “Position Statement on Separate Structural Engineering Licensure”, which supports Structural Engineering licensures, and, WHEREAS NCEES determined that “the role of the design and analysis of structures for lateral loading has increased significantly in the design process, regardless of where in the country the structure is located” and that “Sixteen hours is the appropriate number of examination hours for structural engineering licensure”; and, WHEREAS NCEES will replace two 8-hour exams (the Structures I and II Exams) with a 16-hour exam (the PE Structural Exam) in April 2011; and, WHEREAS the Texas Board of Professional Engineers (TBPE) currently licenses those who pass a single 8-hour exam as PE's and now must determine the appropriate license for those who pass the new 16-hour exam; and, WHEREAS at the request of TBPE, the Structural Engineering Task Force (SETF) was established to provide advice, with representatives from the Structural Engineers Association of Texas (SEAoT), ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), Texas Section-ASCE, TSPE, and Texas CEC; and, WHEREAS the SETF has proposed changes in the Texas Engineering Practice Act, supplemented with new TBPE Rules, in order to establish SE Licensure in Texas for those who select and pass the new PE Structural Exam, as well as for all Texas PEs who currently practice in the field of Structural Engineering; and, WHEREAS the SEAoT will work with the SETF in the next few months to define possible modifications and additions to the nd Texas Engineering Practice Act prior to the 82 Session of the Texas Legislature and will continue to solicit input from member societies; and, WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Structural Engineers Association of Texas voted unanimously to support Structural Engineering Licensure, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Structural Engineers Association of Texas supports modifications and additions to the Texas Engineering Practice Act as well as corresponding modifications and additions to the TBPE Board Rules which will allow SE Licensure in the form of a Practice Act which will restrict anyone from representing themselves as a Licensed Structural Engineer unless they hold a Texas SE License, AND which will restrict anyone from designing certain types of structures, unless they hold a Texas SE License, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Structural Engineers Association of Texas will undertake the necessary efforts to enact SE legislation. Fig. 14. Modified Goodman curve through the suggested S-N model Signed this day Fig. 17. Measured pressures, average pressure and average impulse of the test walls November 17, 2010 By: (Signed by Ismael Legarreta), President, SEAoT By: (Signed by Jon D. Jelinek), President-Elect, SEAoT Continued on page 19 Fig. 15. Shock Tube Lateral View Page 18 Page 3 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AT UTSA By Mijia Yang,AlbertoArroyo, and Manuel Diaz The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Structural Engineering Program is part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE Department). The department includes four areas of concentration: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Transportation, Hydraulic Engineering, and Structural Engineering. The Department of Civil Engineering graduated thirty-one students this past December. Currently, there are 441 undergraduates and 55 graduate students enrolled in the program. This is summarized in the table below. Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 327 Full-Time Students 275 Part-Time Students 103 109 108 111 Full-time equivalent 309.3 363.3 366 393 Graduates 46 60 330 Fall 2008 40 356 62 Table 1 Enrollment Trends; Civil Engineering I. Structural Engineering Faculty and Courses The structural engineering program at the University of Texas at San Antonio is widely known in southern Texas for its quality teaching and its leadership in innovative research. The structural engineering faculty at UTSA consists of three full-time faculty members, Drs. Alberto Arroyo (Professor), Manuel Diaz (Associate Professor) and Mijia Yang (assistant Professor) and two adjunct professors Dr. Asadul Chowdhury and Mr. Diego Gorgazzi. All the faculty are registered professional engineers. Their experience includes building and bridge design, evaluation of existing structures, load rating of bridges, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, composite materials and blast engineering. They bring to the CEE Department a combined practical experience in structural engineering of more than 75 years. In addition to their practical experience the structural engineering faculty has worked on research projects on earthquake engineering, impact/blast loading and mitigation strategies, health monitoring and condition assessment, structural stability including bridge inspection, bridge load rating, and bridge management, as well as light-weight structural systems, and masonry structural design. Teaching for undergraduate level includes courses on Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Properties/Behavior of Engineering Materials, Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, Steel Design, Reinforced Concrete Design, Prestressed Concrete (Elective), Advanced Reinforced Concrete (Elective), Page 4 Masonry and Timber Structures (Elective), and Advanced Steel Design (Elective) and Foundations (Elective). The undergraduate students and some full-time graduate students are involved in extra-curricular activities such as the steel bridge competition, the concrete canoe competition and the timber bridge competition. UTSAstudents have won national recognition at these events. The graduate courses in structural engineering have been renamed in the 2009 – 2011 Graduate Catalog ( from topics in structures to courses with unique call numbers. The courses that are scheduled for teaching within the next two years are: CE 5023 – Finite Element Methods Fall 2009 CE 5103 – Advanced Steel Design CE 5123 – Bridge Engineering CE 5133 – Advanced Reinforced Concrete 345 CE 5153 – Prestressed Concrete CE 5463 – Foundation Engineering CE 6153 – Advanced Mechanics and Modeling of 96 Structural Materials Other courses under Special Topics in Structures that have been taught in the past and can be implemented as 377 the need arises are: Masonry Design of Structures, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, and Advanced StructuralAnalysis. 55 All graduate courses can be audited to satisfy PDH units needed for licensing requirements. In Fall 2010 the Department of Civil Engineering started offering a Master in Engineering which does not require a thesis or special project for graduation ( CE/NewMCE.html). This program has been developed with practitioners in mind rather than focusing on research and specializes in advanced professional training and new design developments. By providing students with sought-after skills and experience, they stand poised to thrive in the competitive and increasingly international work force. Continued on page 14 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AT UTSA Continued from page 14 Fig 7. Dynamic compact scenario Fig 8. Dynamic crashing simulation Figure 4. Peanut-shape damage area of the laminate (symbol “*” in the figure indicates the damage) Figure 9. Composite automobile bumper design Figure 5. Finite element modeling of ballistic impact of 0/+/- 60o braided composite panel (2)Progressive cracking and branching of concrete materials The progressive damage of concrete was studied by Yang and Bobaru (2008), and can be used to capture the progressive damage process and branching of inhomogeneous materials. The damage area predicted using adaptive meshless peridynamics methods is shown in Figure 6. (5) Effect of intermediate diaphragms on bridge stability Using intermediate diaphragms for increasing bridge stability and mitigating dynamic effects of abnormal loading on bridges is always under debate. The structural group at UTSA systematically studied the effects of intermediate diaphragms on bridge stability under static and dynamic loading and suggested a guideline for the optimized parameters of intermediate diaphragms (Figure 10). Failure in intermediate diaphragm near the loading location Figure 10. Effect of intermediate diaphragms on bridge stability Fig 6. Progressive cracking of concrete materials using adaptive peridynamics (3) Forensic engineering consulting through two cases: Dynamic compaction and Crash worthiness The progressive damage due to dynamic compaction has also been studied by Dr. Yang and his collaborators. An engineering consulting report is completed under the PI's supervision. Crash accidents on highway-rail grade crossing have also been analyzed by the Structural Group, which can be used to assist in judging the responsibility from two sides. (4) Impact bumper design for Chevrolet at Creative Pultrusion New advanced materials have been used in automobile structures. The possibility of using GFRP composite for impact bumpers on Chevrolet vehicles has been studied by the structural group and its possibility of replacing aluminum alloy has been summarized in the final report to Creative Pultrusion, Inc. (6) Structure health monitoring and condition assessment Structural health monitoring and in-situ condition assessment is always a top priority for any structure, including typical civil structures such as bridges and buildings. The structural group at UTSA has conducted researches into structural monitoring on composite materials used as stand alone structural components as well as strength retrofitting for other structural components, such as concrete beams, girders or columns. (7) Fatigue characterization and strain rate effect of composite materials Fatigue and strain rate effect is prominent for composite materials. The structural group has conducted an experimental fatigue characterization of E-glass polyurethane polymer composites, suggested an innovative fatigue life model, and greatly reduced the required total test arrangements suggested by ASTM. (Continued on page 18) Page 17 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS NCSEA 2011 Winter Institute The Amelia Island Plantation, Florida - February 25-26, 2011 Below are excerpts from the program. For complete details, and registration, please go to Friday February 25 - PDHs - 8 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. - Deferred Submittals Gone Wrong – Ben Belson, Martin/Martin, Inc. Tom DiBlasi, DiBlasiAssociates, P.C. Tom Grogan, Haskell 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - Building Officials Have Their Say The complexity of deferred submittals is not often appreciated by the structural engineer, nor fully comprehended by the contractor. There will be a case study and the pros and cons of deferred submissions, and concerns building departments encounter during the permitting process when deferred submissions are used. Ron Lynn, president of the International Code Council, Nevada, is a certified building official and the Clark County, NE, Department of Development Services-Building Division since 1981. Jim Schock, deputy building official for Jacksonville, FL, is a P.E. and certified building official, an appointed member of the Florida Building Commission, and chairman of the Structural Technical Advisory Committee to the Building Commission. 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. - Non-Standard Steel Joists The communication between, and the responsibilities of, the project registered design professional and the joist manufacturer for non-standard steel joists will be reviewed. IBC section 2206 will be discussed, along with types and formats for steel joist calculation submittals. Tim Holtermann, based in Washington, MO, is the corporate engineering manager for the Canam Steel Corporation. 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Design Responsibility for Engineered Precast Systems Discussion will include how best to convey necessary design information in the contract documents and how to deal with issues related to precast concrete lateral load resisting systems, as well as approaches to avoid RFIs and design omissions. Tim Salmons, is a precast design engineer who worked 10 years for various precast concrete manufacturers before co-founding Salmons P.C. in Albuquerque, NM, in 1997. He is a licensed P.E. or S.E. in 31 states. 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Moderated Discussions En Route to the Steel Joist and Concrete Products Facility Tours 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Tour of Canam Steel Joist Facility See and learn about joist fabrication and metal decking; then view a film on standard load testing and BIM. Tim Holtermann, chief engineer, Canam Steel Corporation 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Tour of Gate Concrete Products Facility Tour the facility and lab to see pretest of design mixes, production of hollow core slabs and load testing. Tom Newton, vice president operations, Gate Concrete Products Saturday February 26 - PDHs - 7.5 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Specifying Wood & Cold-Formed Steel Page 16 Trusses - Avoiding Pitfalls and Unnecessary Liability Some of the pitfalls of specifying premanufactured trusses, including the very different expectations of “who is responsible for what” on the parts of the SER, the truss industry, contractors, and the building department. Ed Huston, principal in the firm of Smith and Huston, Inc., Seattle, WA, is a licensed civil and structural engineer in Washington, with nearly 40 years of experience in structural design, evaluation, investigation and code and standards development. 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Cold-Formed Steel Submittals — Expectations and Performance of Structural and Specialty Engineers The responsibilities of all members of the construction team with respect to the use of cold-formed steel products, and with particular emphasis on the roles of the SER and the specialty structural engineer and the liability for design assumed with each of these arrangements, will be discussed, along with recent case histories. Steve Walker, is the principal engineer of the Light Gauge Steel Engineering Group, Inc. (LGSEG). Mr. Walker, a P.E. from Central Florida with more than thirty years experience in the design of structural framing systems, is also a member of the subcommittee that developed and periodically updates the AISI Code of Standard Practice for the Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing Industry. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Current Trends in Professional Liability & Risk Management Presentation will cover professional liability loss prevention topics. The focus will be on duties and limitations when providing construction phase services, important contract provisions that are frequently the subject of difficult negotiations, and how poorly worded provisions may impact a design professional. Brian Hader, Suncoast Insurance, has 19 years of experience as a specialist in professional liability insurance and loss prevention education for architects and engineers. Colleen Palmer, Beazley Insurance, has been an industry professional since 2002 and, before that, was a practicing attorney, specializing in providing risk management services to design professionals. 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. - Deferred Submittal Documentation — What You Really Need to Show Regarding Deferred Submittals Why is it important to clearly identify, in the contract documents, what scope is covered by the EOR and what scope requires design by a specialty engineer? Review of IBC requirements for deferred submittal documentation, with common problems and avoidance of unnecessary risks with various deferred submittal items. C. Ben Nelson, iMartin/Martin, Inc., has 27 years of structural engineering experience with a variety of materials and building types, many with some aspect of deferred submittals, and has taught continuing education seminars on deferred submittals. 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Deferred Submittals - Lessons Learned Panel Discussion. Page 5 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS NCSEA WEBINARS NEW 16-HOUR STRUCTURAL EXAM January 25, 2011: Heavy Timber Connections: Mistakes and Lessons Learned Ben Brungraber NCEES has introduced a new 16-hour Structural exam, to be administered for the first time in April 2011. The new exam will replace the current Structural I and Structural II exams. Answers to frequently asked questions are shown here. There is also more information at What is the Name of the Exam The new exam is called the Structural exam. It is divided into two 8-hour components. The Vertical Forces Component is offered only on Friday. The Lateral Forces Component is offered only on Saturday. NCEES discourages using letters or numerals such as A and B, 1 and 2, or I and II to prevent confusing the new exam components with the Structural I and II exam How much does the exam cost? If a candidate sits for both Structural components and the board/testing service submits both components for scoring, the minimum cost would be $820 (two exams ordered, two exams scored). Most boards/testing services have administration and application fees as well determined solely by the board/testing service. For example, when NCEES is the testing service for a board, NCEES applies a $100 administration fee to each day a candidate is testing to cover the space and proctoring services needed. In the case of the new Structural exam, then, NCEES would require a $200 administration fee for an examinee taking both components in a single administration. The board/testing service determines whether NCEES will collect fees from the board or directly from a candidate. What will the score report contain? NCEES will send a component results notice to the board each administration that a candidate takes a component. The notice will show the history of the candidate's performance on each component attempted. The results for each component will be listed as acceptable or unacceptable. After a candidate has received an acceptable result on both components within a 5-year period, an exam pass notice will be sent to the board to indicate the candidate has passed the Structural exam. Will the Examinee Management System allow candidates to register for both components in a single administration? Yes, candidates can currently register on EMS for more than one exam at a time if their state allows it. Will there be different exam scripts for the FE and Structural exams given on Saturday? The Saturday exam script will accommodate sites that give the Structural exam on Saturday along with the FE exam. A different exam script will not be necessary. NCEES recommends segregating the Structural candidates from the FE and FS candidates, but a separate room is not required. This setup would be similar to the way many states currently test PS and PE examinees in the same room. When will study materials for the Structural exam be available? The Structural Sample Questions and Solutions was made available in November 2010. February 10, 2011: Detailing of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Structures to Minimize the Effects of Restraint to Shortening Bryan Allred March 1, 2011: Building Information Modeling in Structural Engineering Practice Today David J. Odeh March 10, 2011: Post-Tensioned Slabs on Ground Design Bryan Allred May 17, 2011: AISC T.R. Higgins Lecture - The AISC Seismic Design Provisions: Past, Present and Future James O. Malley NEW FLEX -PLAN NCSEA offers a flex plan that allows webinar participants to buy groups of ten webinars for just $1950 (or five for $1100), and then participate in the webinars when you have the time available to do so. NCSEA has access to over 20 recorded webinars (each includes a CD and Notes) plus at least ten new ones added over the course of a year. Buying in bulk offers a significant savings over the regular price of $250 per webinar. Sample topics and speakers include: Designing Buildings for Wind Load by ASCE 7-05, Larry Griffis Components of a Model QA Program, Cliff Schwinger Tactics for Performance QA Review, Cliff Schwinger AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, Jim Malley Foundation Design in a Three-Story Wood Light-Frame Structure, Doug Thompson Wind Load Examples, Steve Kerr and Dan Werdowatz Code Requirements for Structural Integrity, Ron Hamburger Seismic Design of Concrete Wall Buildings - Current Code and Beyond, Joe Maffei Tilt-up Wall Panel with Openings, John Lawson As a special bonus for SECB certificants, when you first receive certification or when you renew, you receive the option of purchasing ten webinars for only $1495. This is a discount of over $1000 when you consider that the individual pricing is $250 per webinar. All live webinars are 1.5 PDH Diamond-Reviewed, meaning these hours are accepted as continued education in all 50 states by SECB. For more information, visit Page 6 the NCSEA website at Experienced personnel State of the art Our specialty is “volumetric” as-built surveys of concrete and masonry structures. How was the key reinforcement placed in your structure? Dallas/Ft Worth 972.432.6666 Austin/Waco 512.551.0336 Houston/SE Texas 281.446.7363 San Antonio/ 210.775.1637 CONCRETE SCANNING Radarview is the largest and most experienced in Texas Corpus Christi 800.557.3134 Page 15 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AT UTSA Continued from page 4 SEAoT STATE CONFERENCE AWARDS Several outstanding professionals were recently recognized and honored at a banquet held at the SEAoT Annual State Conference in Corpus Christi in October. All of our structural engineering students have been able to secure jobs not only in San Antonio, but also all over the State of Texas and other States in the USA. A few of our graduates even have secured jobs abroad (Mexico, Colombia). Figure 1a: Dr. Diaz at work Schoeller Award - Professor Richard Klingner Award: SEAoT Service Award; Recipient: Ruben Ponce, Jr., P.E. L – R in photo: Ismael Legarreta & Ruben Ponce (Ismael Legaretta made the award presentation) Figure 1b:Dr. Arroyo with students Figure 3: The concrete lab II Structural Engineering Facilities The Structural Engineering Program at UTSA is equipped with standard laboratory facilities, including a concrete lab and a MTS and Structural Dynamics Lab. The Structural Dynamics includes the following major testing capabilities: ! Materials Testing System (MTS) with a capacity of 244 kN in 2 The Structural Dynamics lab has an area of 900 ft , and has a strong floor and a strong wall to perform standard and specific structural testing. To date, a total of about $427k has been invested in equipment for this lab. The Concrete lab (above) includes the following testing capabilities: axial and torsional loading ! Axial loading rig with a capability of 244 kN ! Shaker table with 2 degrees of freedom. ! Instron loading machine with a capability of 600 kN ! Three hydraulic compression/indirect tension machines ! One electric saw for portioning concrete samples ! One drill for drilling asphalt concrete cores from 150 mm to 100 mm diameter ! Mixers and curing baths. Figure 2a: 55 Kips uniaxial tension and torsional Figure 2c: 22 Kips 0.01-10 Hz shake table Page 14 Figure 2b: 55 Kips steel loading frame Figure 2d: MTS controller and data acquisition This lab is used as part of the testing facilities for CE3242 (Properties/Behavior of Engineering Materials). This lab was recently renovated and refurnished. New compression testing machines and attachments were purchased at a cost of about $40k. III. Previous projects conducted and consulted The faculty of structural engineering at UTSA has conducted various projects on different topics. A summary of the research projects is listed below: (1) Impact damage of composite materials The damage of composite laminates induced by impact was studied by Dr. Yang and his collaborators (2004). The damage area was predicted using Hashin's failure criteria, and the common accepted peanut-shape damage pattern of a composite plate under central impact was observed by the modeling (Figures 4-5 - page 17). Dynamic modal analysis has also been used to analyze the vibration and impact behavior of sandwich materials by the PIs (International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2005). Continued on page 17 Award: Wilbur C. Schoeller Award; Recipient: Dr. Richard Klingner. L – R in photo: Bill Kelm & Richard Klingner (Bill Kelm made the award presentation) Professor Klingner received his academic degrees (BS, MS and PhD) from the University of California at Berkeley. His field of specialization is structural engineering, with emphasis on the analytical and experimental investigation of the dynamic response of structures, earthquake-resistant design of masonry and concrete structures, and anchorage to concrete. Since 1977, he has been a faculty member in the Department of Structural Engineering at the University of Texas in Austin, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate classes on structural analysis, dynamics, and the behavior and design of masonry and reinforced concrete structures. He conducts investigation in those areas, and has authored or co-authored more than 80 refereed journal articles, 25 books or book chapters, and 400 other technical publications. Currently, he conducts investigations of the seismic behavior of new masonry and masonry veneer, and of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry. Since 2004, he has been Associate Department Chair, in charge of the Architectural Engineering program. He takes a leading role in the activities of many technical committees of the US and other countries, including the American Concrete Institute, The Masonry Society, and the American Society for Testing and Materials. For the period 2002-2008, he was Chair of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, sponsored by the American Concrete Institute, The Masonry Society, and the American Society of Civil Engineers. SEAoT Service Award - Ruben Ponce Ruben Ponce, Jr., P.E., SECB, is President of Ponce Engineering, Inc. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (with a Structural Option) from the University of Texas at El Paso, December 1979. He was encouraged by his engineering supervisor, while working at Hunt Building Corporation, to attend college and obtain his engineering degree. He enrolled at UTEP, ten years after graduating from high school and while still working full-time completed his BSCE degree in 6½ years. He is licensed under the structural designation and has been practicing structural engineering in both Texas and New Mexico since 1984. The consulting structural engineering company at which he worked was started in 1973. Ruben’s involvement began in November 1978. In October 1980, he became a partner and in July 1993, the name of the company was changed to Ponce Engineering, Inc. Ruben is a member of the American Concrete Institute, the American Institute of Steel Construction, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Structural Engineers Association of Texas. He has served as a SEAoT officer at both the local and state levels and is currently State Director for SEAoT for the El Paso Chapter. His community involvement has included the City Planning Commission; El Paso, (Oct. 2000-Oct. 2005), El Paso Vista Hills Lions Club (June 1988-2002), Member - Zoning Board of Adjustment; El Paso (Nov. 1997-Oct. 2000), Member - Building Board of Appeals; El Paso, (Nov. 1989-Nov. 1997) and a member of the School Improvement Team Committee for Slider Middle School (1993-2002). Ruben has been awarded the Partnership Volunteer of the Year Nominee - Socorro ISD - 1993-1994, the Engineer of the Year Texas Society of Professional Engineers - El Paso Chapter, February 1995 and the Service to People Award - Texas Section, American Society of Civil Engineers in October 1995. Ruben has been married to Emma since May 1971 (working on 40 years & more) and has two children, Edenia Yvette, a second grade teacher, and R. Daniel, a foundation repair & general contractor. Ruben and Emma have five grandchildren. Continued on page 8 Page 7 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS SEAoT STATE CONFERENCE AWARDS Letter from Ray A. Pinnell STATE CONFERENCE 2011 Continued from page 7 October 26, 2010 Bob Tieman - Fifty Years of Service Mr. Britt Gardner Chairman SEAoT Hall of Honor 3200 Wilcrest Dr., Suite 305 Houston, Texas 77042 The 2011 SEAoT State Conference will be held at the Double Tree Campbell Center in Dallas October 27- 29, 2011. Planning for the Conference is underway. We would particularly like to thank attendees of the 2010 conference who completed the post conference survey. A number of valuable comments and suggestions were made and are being carefully considered in the planning and structuring of next year’s event. More information about the Conference will follow in a subsequent newsletter. Dear Mr. Gardner: I wish to sincerely thank you and all my structural engineering colleagues for the honor that was bestowed on me at the SEAoT annual conference in Corpus Christi on October 22, 2010. Award: Hall of Honor Award; Recipient: Ray Pinnell, P.E. L – R in photo: Britt Gardner, Ray Pinnell & Davy Beicker (Davy Beicker made the award presentation) Award: 50 years of service as a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas; Recipient: Bob Tieman; L – R in photo: Bob Tieman & Joe Luke (Joe Luke made the award presentation) Hall of Honor - Ray Pinnell Ray Pinnell was born on July 5, 1925 in Wichita Falls, Texas. With his family, he moved to San Antonio when he was four years old. Ray graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School and served on a PT boat for the U.S. Navy during World War II. Thanks to the GI bill, Ray pursued a degree after the war, first taking classes at San Antonio Junior College and then at Trinity University. He transferred to The University of Texas at Austin and earned a Bachelor of Science degree inArchitectural Engineering in 1950. Ray started working for R. Marvin Shipman Consulting Engineers in 1950. He received his Professional Engineer registration #11160 in 1954 and went to work for Lift Slab, Inc. that same year, eventually becoming Chief Engineer. In 1961, he partnered with Dennis Feigenspan, P.E. and began the firm Feigenspan and Pinnell Consulting Engineers. The company grew to 26 people at its peak Offices statewide • Engineering • Environmental • Facilities/Forensics • Geotechnical • Infrastructure • Program Management • Testing 866.722.2547 Page 8 making it one of the largest engineering firms in San Antonio. Ray worked with Dennis until Dennis’s retirement in 1988, then formed his own firm which he named Ray Pinnell Jr. Consulting Engineers. Ray was involved in the creation of several San Antonio landmarks most notably the Tower of Americas and the Palacio Del Rio Hotel, many projects along the Riverwalk and a majority of the stadiums and exhibit buildings at Sea World of Texas. His work also extended outside San Antonio and outside Texas, and included buildings in Fort Worth, Kerrville, Galveston, College Station and San Marcos, as well as Colorado, Nevada, Michigan and New York. His international work included projects in Bedford, England, Jedda, SaudiaArabia, and Bejing, China. Mr. Pinnell was involved in many cutting-edge building technologies and building methods and his engineering ingenuity helped to solve a number of construction challenges. His work as a structural engineer helped increase tourism to SanAntonio, which in turn helped vitalize the city, creating new work opportunities and securing San Antonio’s reputation as a major Texas tourist center. He has found time to mentor and educate young people and authored a book about his life experiences - “Engineering a Life: From Here to China and Back.” The Hall of Honor has now inducted nine “pioneers” of structural engineering in Texas. Our charge as we go forward is to continue to grow the Hall of Honor in stature and prestige, by recognizing and adding more outstanding engineers, engineering educators and those who have contributed to the engineering community. 2009 - Elmer W. Ellisor, 1924 - 1976 2008 - Wyatt C. Hedrick, 1888 - 1964 2008 - Walter Parker Moore Sr., 1903 -1983 2007- Phil Ferguson, 1899 - 1986 2006 - Otto H. Lang, 1864 -1947 2006 - Adophus Trost, 1876 -1957 2005 - Robert James Cummins, 1881 - 1960 2005 -William E. Simpson, 1883 - 1967 My induction into the State of Texas Structural Engineering Hall of Honor by the Association is considered to be the most rewarding recognition that I could receive. To be thusly honored by those in your professional practice division is one for which I am especially grateful and proud. Also another item of personal pride is the distinguished company of the prior eight inductees. Of these I am privileged to personally know five. Again I want to thank you and SEAoT for this special tribute. Yours very truly Ray A. Pinnell, Jr., P.E. SEAoT DUES Dues notices have been sent out to all current SEAoT members. If you have not already paid your dues, please pay on line through the website (, or mail a check to: Structural Engineers Association of Texas 9300 Sandstone Street Austin TX 78737 Dues are $125 for Structural Engineer Members, Affiliates and Associates; $100 for Graduate Engineers and $30 for Student members. Membership runs from January through December. You do NOT need to log in to the members’section to pay your dues online. MOBILE Enterprises, Inc. Specialty Commercial Contractor Received ICRI 2006 Project of the Year Award NCTRCA, DBE, HUB, WBE Certified Architectural & Structural Restoration, Waterproofing, Composite Strengthening, Epoxy/Urethane Injection, Polymer Floors (800) 375-6136 TX, LA, AR, OK E-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 13 AL AL GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION STRUCTUR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FAILURE CASE STUDY Continued from page 11 The extent of design code violations evident from the plans leads to a conclusion that the engineer of record did not refer, in a meaningful way, to the design codes during the design process. This apparent neglect of the design codes during the design process is more than a bit disturbing. In view of the necessarily conservative nature of engineering, a design engineer is expected, first and foremost, to become familiar with the conventional and customary practices relevant to the design. This familiarity can be achieved by various methods such as review of previous similar designs, discussion with experienced practitioners and industry experts, and continuing education activities. Perhaps the most important method is the study of relevant design codes, since engineers, as a profession, commit considerable resources to the development of design codes, which they tend to regard as the embodiment of received wisdom. So, while a slavish adherence to design code provisions is not a guarantee of design success, a close study of relevant code provisions should be a significant part of the design process. The Use or Misuse of Computer Programs The second point to be made regarding design procedures concerns the use of computer programs for structural analysis and design. The engineering profession is still grappling with the so-called “black box” problem. A computer program is like a black box. You can't see what goes on inside. How do you know the answers produced by the program are good answers? Engineers have evolved several strategies to deal with the problem. In this case, the engineer of record made the error of using a plane frame design program without appreciating that the program assumes the frame is braced out-of-plane. Thus, although the program's internally generated design checks indicated sufficiency of individual truss members, the lack of out-of-plane bracing resulted in buckling of the entire truss top chord at less than the design dead load alone. Obviously, one important strategy is to study the program documentation to understand the implications of program assumptions and limitations. Other strategies include techniques such as checking intermediate and final results using other programs or manual methods; studying intermediate results, such as displacements, to verify correct structural behavior; changing variables to verify expected responses; and re-analyzing previous designs to compare results. These and other strategies for dealing with the black box problem become all the more important as program complexity increases and direct design methods become more widely used. The Importance of Failure Case Studies Although it's important to learn from your mistakes, it's much easier and faster to learn from the mistakes of others. That's why failure case studies are just as important as case studies of successful projects. Learning about a successful project can build confidence and show us how to do a good job. But learning about a failure can warn about misplaced confidence and show us where improvements in our own practices are needed. References: 1. See AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridge, Articles,, and relating to the design of vertical members, floorbeams, and their connections on part-through truss bridges. 2. See also AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for the Design of Pedestrian Bridges, 2009, which provides a detailed explanation and guidelines for designing the U-frame made of the vertical members and floorbeams of part-through truss bridges. Composite Strengthening Since 1991 Delta Structural Technology has been committed to delivering turnkey solutions for structural repairs and enhancements using composite Fiberwrap technology. Delta’s partnership with universities and testing labs and our hundreds of completed projects have enabled structural composite technology to become the accepted industry standard for structural enhancements worldwide. Composite technology is a proven technique in structural strengthening, capacity upgrading, corrosion repair, comprehensive flood proofing, and blast protection of new and existing structures. As industry leaders in the application of advanced composites, we have executed state-of-the-art repairs to many facilities in the following industries: Presently, composite technology is used in a broad range of applications to strengthen, repair, and reinforce all types of structures from columns, beams, joist, slabs, and shear walls. Composites can be used to reinforce a wide variety of materials including concrete, wood, masonry, glulam, steel, and may even be applied underwater! 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Truss Floorbeam Connection Detail Page 12 Page 9 AL AL STRUCTUR GINEERS EN CIATION CIATION THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER O ASS O ASS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTUR GINEERS EN TEXAS PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FAILURE CASE STUDY By Linwood E. Howell, P.E. This case study looks at a beautiful pedestrian bridge designed, built, and about to be opened when a vigilant subcontractor's observations revealed serious design flaws that made the bridge unstable and near the point of collapse. After the flaws were corrected by adding a midspan support and overhead bracing as shown in Figure 2, the was bridge opened without incident. The pedestrian bridge consisted of a part-through steel truss with eight, 20-ft panels for a total length of 160 ft. The truss was supported at the first interior panel points such that each end panel cantilevered to a retaining wall at the embankment. Secondary supports in front of the retaining walls controlled possible downward deflection of the cantilever ends. Decorative concrete panels enclosed the main and secondary supports to give the appearance of uniquely shaped abutments. Figure 3. Truss Top Chord Buckled Shape. Figure 1. Original Design of Part-Through Truss Pedestrian Bridge. Discovery and Investigation Soon after placing the bridge concrete deck, the contractor noticed 1 to 2 inches of upward vertical offset of the cantilever ends at the embankment retaining walls. An initial evaluation suggested that the embankments had settled, a common problem in construction. Fortunately, before the embankments could be rebuilt, a subcontractor installing decorative lighting along the truss top chords raised an alarm after noticing that the top chords swayed several inches laterally during the installation. The owner immediately ordered an investigation to determine what was actually wrong with the bridge and what could be done to fix it. Two structural engineering consultants were hired to carry out independent investigations. The result of their investigations revealed a bridge near collapse due to buckling of the truss top chords. Figure 3 Figure 2. Pedestrian Bridge withAdded Support and Overhead Bracing. shows measurements of the top chord buckled shape. Analysis indicated collapse was averted by redundancy from the bending capacity of the truss Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. bottom chords, which consisted of W27x178 steel beams. This bending capacity enabled the owner to fix the bridge inexpensively Geotechnical Engineering and Testing · Engineering Consulting Construction Materials Testing · Deep Foundations Testing by installing columns at the under passing roadway median, in effect rendering the truss mere decoration. Houston Office (Headquarters) Analyzing the Design Process The averted collapse was a non-event that did not receive mention in the local press, despite the high profile of the project. Looking at the bridge today, unless you happen to be a structural engineer, you might not suspect there had been any problem with the design. Page 10 10710 S. Sam Houston Parkway W., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77031 Phone: 713-722-7064 Fax: 713-722-0319 Other Offices Beaumont, TX ! Corpus Christi, TX ! Dallas, TX Gonzales, LA ! Gainesville, FL Visit us at: But as a practicing structural engineer, you would have to ask an important question: How could the design of this bridge have gone so wrong? Three aspects of the design process for this bridge stand out as contributing factors in the resulting failure. 1.An architect's vision for the bridge involving a unique structural concept. 2.An inexperienced engineer assigned to work out the structural details. 3.No independent review of the design by an experienced bridge engineer. The point here is not to suggest that architects and unique structural concepts are to be avoided in bridge design, but rather that the firm engaged in such a project should expect that a greater level of structural engineering expertise will be required than for routine bridge design projects. While it may be true for routine bridge designs that a thorough and independent review is seldom carried out, such a review should be considered essential for a design that goes beyond the familiar and customary parameters of the practice. The Role of Design Codes Two important points can be made regarding design procedures followed by the engineer of record. The first concerns the role of design specifications or codes in the design process. Examination of the design drawings for the pedestrian bridge revealed details at odds with specific recommendations of relevant code provisions. For example, the truss vertical member connection detail at the lower chord, shown in Figure 4, does not provide a rigid connection that can effectively resist lateral load applied at the 1,2 truss top chord as required by relevant code provisions. The poor ability of this connection to resist top chord lateral load is one of several significant design code violations that caused instability of the bridge. Continued on page 12 Page 11