workplace furnishings
workplace furnishings
WORKPLACE FURNISHINGS LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HALTON SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ The rich look of wood with a durable, lowmaintenance, thermally fused wood-grain laminate surface. ■■ Durable scratch- and dent-resistant edges provided by 2 mm matching PVC edge on all horizontal and vertical surfaces and fronts. ■■ For quick and easy filing, file drawers open with side pull and are mounted on steel ball bearing slides to accommodate letter or legal files. ■■ Easy access and tidy appearance obtained by rectangular wire management on returns and credenzas allowing electrical cords to be routed to power source. ■■ Drawer contents are secure with locking pedestals. ■■ Case pieces remain level on uneven surfaces with leveling glides on all floor units. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-024 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES SERIESSERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: Open Hutch 48” Bookcase 72” Bookcase 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 48” Bookcase 6205078 36 x x4848" 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 15" xOpen 66"Hutch x 36" 48" Bookcase 12"12x x36" 6205079 72" Bookcase 48” Bookcase6205078 6205077 15 x 66 x 36Hutch 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205078 12 x 36 48 Open 48”x Bookcase 72” Bookcase 15 x 66 x 36 Open Hutch 12 x 36 x 48 6205078 48” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 72” Bookcase 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205077 OpenOpen Hutch Hutch 6205077 Open Hutch 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 48” Bookcase 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 12" x 36" x 72" 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 Conference Table Executive Desk Conference Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 Executive Desk 6004297 36 x 72 xConference 29 Conference Table Kneespace48” Credenza Open Hutch Bookcase Open Hutch Open Hutch 48”6665531 Bookcase 36 x 72 x 29 Bookcase 72” Bookcase Executive Desk 6004297 48” 72” Bookcase Conference Table 72” Bookcase 36 x 72 x 29 Desk 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665532 6665531 48 x 96 x 2936 x6665533 Executive 72 x 29 48 x 120 x 29 Kneespace 20 x 6004297 661215 x x29 6205077 Credenza 15 x 66 x 366104488 6205077 x3666x 36 x4836 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 x3636x 48 x7248 6205078 x 36 x 72 x 72 x6014307 29620507830 x1260x x3629x 48 6205079 6665532 x 96 x6665533 296205079 Executive 6665531 12 36 x 36 72 x 72 29 6205079 1212x Desk 48 x12 120 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6004297 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6104488 20Kneespace x 66 x 29 Credenza 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 x 120 x 29 6004297 36 x 72 48 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 6104488 Kneespace Credenza 20" x 66" x 29" 6004297 Executive Desk 6014307 Jr. Executive Desk 36" x 72" x 29" 30" x 60" x 29" 6665531 Conference Table 6665532 Conference Table 6665533 Conference Table Conference Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 Executive Desk 6004297 36 x 72 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 36" x 72" x 29" 48" x 96" x 29" 48" x 120" x 29" Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6044565 Table30 x 66 x 29Series Typical Halton “L” Configuration (right) 6044554 and 6044566 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk Conference Table Conference Table Conference Series Typical Right 6044565 30 x 66 6665531 x 29Halton Sales DeskDesk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x “L” 45 Configuration x 296044554 (right) 6044566 (left) and 6044567 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 6044554 30 x 66Jr.x Desk 29 Pedestal Desk Executive 6665531 36 xTypical 72 x 29 Haltonand Series “L” 6044565 Configuration Executive Desk 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 Executive 36 x 72 x 29 30 x 66 x 29 (right) 6044554 and(left) 6044566 Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Jr. Left Pedestal Desk6044554 30 x 66 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Sales Desk6044565 Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 456665532 x6004297 29 6044565 6044567 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 30 x 66 48 x36 29 6004297 36 x 726044565 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 and x 296044566 (right) and 6044554 x2929 Jr. Credenza Left Pedestal Desk 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 36 Credenza x 72 x6054180 29 x x9672x and Kneespace Kneespace Credenza30 x 66 x 29 Kneespace Sales Desk6004297 Right 24 x 45 x 29Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6044565 30 x 66 x 29 (left) 6044565 6044567 (right) 6044554 and 6044566 6044554 Jr.Pedestal Left Pedestal Desk Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 45 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6014307 4830 x 60xx29 29 x 66 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6014307 30 x x6066x x2929 6665533 x 120 61044886044554 20 x 66 30 x 29 6104488 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 45 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6044554 20 30 x 66 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Sales Desk Right Pedestal Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 6044554 30 x 66 x 29 6044554 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 30" x 66" x 29" 6044565 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6054191 Sales Desk 6044565 6054180 30 x 66 x 29 24 x 45 x 29 Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044554 and 6044566 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6044554 Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044566 Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044565 Typical “L” Configuration (left) 48” Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral File Junior Pedestal Return 6044566 24 x 42 x 29 Halton Series Typical “L” Right Configuration Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration 6044567 Typical (left) 48” Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral Pedestal 6044566 x 42 xReturn 29 6665530 48 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6064269 x 29 Junior Right(right) Junior Left 24 Pedestal 6044567 “L” 24 x Configuration 42 x 29 6044565 30 xDesk 66 x20 29x 366044565 and 6044566 Jr.File Right Pedestal 30 x 66 6044554 xReturn 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Jr. Left Pedestal 6044565 30File x 66 x 29 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk Desk Jr. Left 48” Pedestal Desk Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral 6665530 x 29Conference Table 6064269 48” 48 Round Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 45 30 x 66 x 29 6044554 30 Sales x 66Desk xTable 29 6044554 30 x 66 x 2948 x 29 6044554 6665530 20 xRight 36 xxPedestal 29 x 29 48” Round6064269 Conference 6665530 48 x 29 6665530 48 x 29 48” Round Conference Table 6665530 48 x 29 30" x 66" x 29" 30" x 48" x 29" (right) 6044554 and 6044566 (right) and Return 6044566 Junior6044554 Right Pedestal 24 x 42 x 29 2026054180 x Drawer 36 x 29 Junior6044566 Left (left) Pedestal Return 6044567 x 42 x 2924 x 42 x 29 Lateral File Right Pedestal Return 24 6044566 24 x 45 x 29 6044565 Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24Junior x 45 x x29 (left) Pedestal 6044565 604456724 x 42 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 Junior Left Pedestal Return 24 42 x 29and 6044567 2 Drawer Lateral File6044567 Junior Right Return and 6044566 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 2 Drawer Lateral File 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Right Pedestal Return Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044566 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 24 x 42 x 29 Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 48” Round Conference Table 48” Round Conference Table 48 x 29 6665530 6665530 48 x 29 6665530 48" Round Conference Table 48” Round Conference 2 Drawer Lateral File Table 6665530 20 x48 36xx29 29 48" x 29" 6064269 2 Drawer Lateral Junior File Right Pedestal2 Return Junior Return Drawer 6044566 Lateral File 24 Right x 42 Pedestal x 29 6064269 20 x 36Junior 29Left Pedestal 6064269 36 xJunior 29 Return 20 6044567 xLeft 42Pedestal x 29 Return 6064269 2 DrawerxLateral File 20" xx 36" x2429" 6044566 x 42 x 29 Return Junior24 Right Pedestal 6044567 x 42 x 29 Return Junior24 Left Pedestal 6044566 24 x 42 x 29 24 x 42 x 29 6044566 Jr. Right6044567 Pedestal Return (right) 6044567 Jr. Left Pedestal Return (left) Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. ©2013 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 24" x 42" x 29" 24" x 42" x 29" SAVVY SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Ergonomically correct positioning provided by pneumatically adjustable seat height. ■■ Ultimate comfort and support experienced throughout the workday with contoured seat and back foam along with contoured and padded arms. ■■ A more tailored appearance enhanced by fully upholstered back panel. ■■ Complete active ergonomic features for task-intensive operations featured in high-performance models. ■■ Choose from five different positions without leaving your seat with the patented internal lumbar support system. ■■ Adjust up, down, side to side and rotationally, including three different pivot positions, using multi-functional pivot arms. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-009 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES SAVVY SERIES COMPLETE C O M P L E T ELINE: LINE COMPLETE C O M P L E T ELINE: LINE 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7034608 Drafting Stool 7014693 Management Chair 7034608 Stool 7014693 Management Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7014693 Management Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7014693 Management Chair 38" x 23.5" x 23" 28.25" x 46.5" x 24.5" 7055287 Guest Chair 44.5-50" x 27" x 26" 7014694 Conference Chair 7034608 Stool Chair 7014694 Conference 7014694 Conference Chair 7034608 Stool 25" x 26" x 20" 7034608 Stool 7034608 Stool 7014693 Management 7014693 Management ChairChair 7034591 Task Chair 7055287 G 27.25" x 42" x 24.5" 23.5" x 25" x 31.5" 7034591 Chair 7034591 TaskTask Chair 7014694 Conference Chair FABRIC OPTIONS 7014694 Conference Chair 7034591 Task Chair 7014694 Conference Chair 7034591 Task Chair 7034591 Task Chair Not all cities carry all skus. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 703460 Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 7034591 STACK CHAIRS 7604328 Chromcraft Syntax Chair with Arms 7604330 Chromcraft Syntax Chair without Arms 7604312 Chromcraft Vista 23.5" x 21" x 31" 23.5" x 21" x 31" 25.5" x 24.5" x 32" Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. GOFC12–017 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. DEVON RECEPTION 1006470 Devon Sofa 1207483 Mossina Artwork 2014754 Glass on Glass End Table 82" x 37" x 37" 40" x 60" 28" x 28" x 22" 1015825 Devon Chair 1207486 Mirisha II Artwork 2224652 Contemporary Console 38" x 37" x 37" 20" x 36" 30" x 60" x 19" 1115663 Tube Table Lamp 1255129 Studio Fern Area Rug 1105561 Marco White Chair 31" Tall 5' x 8' 30" x 30" x 31" 1115697 Silver Frescalina Table Lamp 2224651 Soho Tall Bookcase 26" Tall 75" x 26" x 15" Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. RP12-032 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. STONEHENGE RECEPTION 1006215 Stonehenge Sofa 1054521 Rectangle Ottoman 2004741 Colfax Cocktail Table 81” x 37” x 35” 48" x 23" x 18" 46” x 30” x 18” 1015712 Stonehenge Chair 1105473 Hobbs Accent Chair 2014722 Colfax End Table 36” x 37” x 35” 32” x 33” x 38” 24” x 24” x 23” Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. RP12-029 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE.
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