the Media Kit


the Media Kit
Pet360 Media Solutions
Media Kit
Spring 2015
#1 in the category*
147% growth year over year^
20 Million Unique Pet Parents monthly^
300 Million ad impressions monthly**
*comScore, pet sites Jan 2015
^comScore, Jan 2015 vs. Jan 2014
**DFP, January 2015
Our Properties Change the Game
Content Leader
Content &
petMD - #1 Pet Health Site
Pet360 Leads Customization
*Over 7.5MM Unique Users
*Over 1.7MM Unique Users Monthly
petMD is the leading online resource for
pet health and wellness management
dedicated to providing trusted
information, interactive products, and
services to people who have a passion
for pets. is revolutionizing content
consumption, creating a personalized petcentric experience by integrating content,
community and commerce to make pet
parenting easier for users.
Leading Pet Retailer
PetFoodDirect – Since
*80,000 Orders Shipped per Month
We provide pet parents convenient
online access to the widest variety of pet
supplies possible. We offer 15,000+
products and growing, including the
single largest offering of premium
canned and dry pet food.
What That Means for YOU
300%+ Better CTR
Than Industry Avg.
Full Marketing Suite
Rich Media
Data Targeting
Custom Content
Native Content
Tools and Services
Content &
Registration Data
eCommerce Marketing
Shopper Data Targeting
Custom Content
High Impact Ads
Community Boards
Convert Pet Parents
into Customers
Segmented Emails
In-box Sampling
Auto ship
Bonus Brands
Product Mover Banners
We continue to be the
leader of the pack with
20MM Pet Parents Monthly*
160MM Annually*
#1 overall, online pet sites
Digital Pet Properties**
comScore Ranking January 2015
1. Pet360 Media
Animal Rescue Site
*Google Analytics, Jan 2015 – includes
Pet360 Properties and; 4%
**comScore Jan 2015
A Perfect Audience for your Brand
300% Better CTR than industry average
97% Find it important that a company has veterinarians on staff
98% Look at the pet food label for ingredients
65% Are heads of household
70% Women
46% Have a $75K+ Income
30% Men
Pet360 Family of Sites
We reach the most pet parents, plain and simple
We’ve been in the industry for 16 years trying to find ways to better serve our customers. We know there’s a
wide spectrum of pet parents out there who have different breeds, live in different parts of the country, and
have different demographics. And they consume a wide variety of content, from cute pet pictures to trusted
medical information on petMD. Wherever and whenever they are, so is Pet360.
Over 30 Sites and 280MM monthly impressions served
Shaping Social Media one amazing pet parent at a time
BlogPaws programs amplify your marketing campaigns across the web via our hundreds of pet blogs
and social media platforms. Our community is over 3,100 bloggers and growing! Market with pet
parents, not at them.
Pet bloggers and brands also look forward to our Annual Conference, which is the largest event of its
kind. Leverage the opportunity to engage, educate and sample your brand to leading pet influencers
and experts.
We’ve Seen Success in Numbers
Community members and growing
Attendees in 2014; another sell out!
Consumers trust online product reviews
Buy based on blogger recommendation
CMO’s that look at social influence
Native Content
Providing our loyal users with the content they are looking for – but
standing side-by-side as we do it
Our expert editorial team is ready to go to work creating trusted content our consumers want
and need – but doing it in partnership with, and in collaboration with, our sponsors. This
is beyond ads…
Rich Media Production Studio
Whatever the challenge, we have the solution.
Leveraging custom rich media ad solutions to bring any message to any user across our entire family of
sites. Eliminate wasted ad impressions, and impress your target with impactful, relevant ads.
• Email collection
• petMD Content Promotion
• Video serving
• Click-to-buy
• Zip Code Search
• Sweeps entry
Data Targeting
Leverage our unequaled archive and collection of consumer data to
hyper-target your campaigns to the right PET PARENT customers:
Registration Data
Purchase History
Search History
Content Interest
Full Media Suite
• Pet360 Sites serve mobile customers through responsive design,
fully accessible web destinations
• Apps include our popular Symptom Checker and our newest
edition, PetCoach
• Mobile Rich Media advertising capabilities
• Our registered customers receive personalized, relevant emails with
site updates and promotions
• Multiple lead generation funnels allow for sponsor co-registration and
database generation
• Leverage email to drive promotion of on-site campaigns
• Thousands of pet parenting and health related videos with
unmatched quality…and an unmatched audience
• Custom proprietary web series allow for new video content and
advertiser integration
• Sponsored video series based on sponsor themes
• Our social media properties are where our consumers engage with
us, talk with us, and share with others
• Custom social media programs including sweepstakes, Pinterest
contests and boards, and timely offers
• Leverage our social platform and community to drive awareness and
promotions of on-site campaigns
A Better Way to Bring Pets Home
AllPaws offers a fresh & modern approach to pet
adoption that combines sophisticated online
dating functionality, engaging pet content & deep
social integration.
Innovative Approach to Pet Adoption:
Sponsor Opportunities:
* Personals / matching approach to search
* Targeted Ads to New Pet Parents
* Streamlined interface
*Custom email communication
* Social media and sharing
*Sampling and Offers to consumers
* Adoptable pet memes
at the beginning of the decision cycle
PetCoach allows consumers to go beyond “search” and obtain
direct responses from certified vets, behaviorists and other pet
Therefore, PetCoach cuts through all of the overwhelming amount
of information out there, providing direct advice from verified pet
1-time public Q&A session between a consumer and expert
Paid, private 5-question exchange between consumer and expert
make their mark via targeted ads and branded consultations
Pet360 In-store
Experts at Pet360 mobilize to create
fun, engaging events that reach
shoppers while they are at a crucial
decision point – in the aisle
events through geo-targeted digital media, local offline media and more
customers at the point of purchase with advice from petMD experts
sales through consultative marketing, store affinity, and trial.
stronger relationships stores owners and merchandise partners
Pet360 Surveys and Research
We reach pet parents. More specifically, we reach women who are the primary decision makers.
Pet360 offers brands the opportunity to get to know these crucial consumers in a unique and
special way – through 1st party proprietary surveys. We learn preferences, influences, joys and
concerns directly from our own pet parenting consumers. Leverage this data to inform brand
decisions and gain a competitive edge:
how your customers feel through Pet360 created white papers
a competitive edge through 1st party consumer feedback
We craft
each survey with brand themes, topics, and interests in mind
Andrew Zucker
[email protected]
EVP & Chief Revenue Officer
Ben Bergman
[email protected]
Senior Sales Executive
Phil Redgate
[email protected]
Senior Sales Executive
Howie Feinblatt
[email protected]
Senior Sales Executive
Jose Suarez
[email protected]
Sales Executive