Sandra GB Iturbides, Supervisor
Sandra GB Iturbides, Supervisor
Sandra GB Iturbides, Supervisor } World Language Standards } Performance vs. Proficiency } Exploring Modes of Communication } WL Performance Guidelines } Reflection } With a partner, assemble the standards and come up with a beginning level and an advanced level activity where students would truly be focusing on the standard they pick. Unlike other Core Curriculum Content Standards areas,theworldlanguagesstandardisbenchmarkedby proficiencylevels.TheAmericanCouncilofTeachinga foreign Language (ACTFL) Performance Descriptors for Language Learners shows how assessing for performanceisdifferentfromassessingforproficiency. } What is the progression of learning a second language? The development of these proficiency levels was informed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Performance GuidelinesforK-12Learners(ACTFL,1998),theACTFLProficiencyGuidelines— Speaking (ACTFL, 1999), and the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines—WriFng (ACTFL, 2001) and is supported by more recently released documents including the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners 2012 and ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012. Below is a short summary of each proficiencylevelincludedinthestandarddocument: • Novice-MidLevel:Studentscommunicateusingmemorizedwords andphrasestotalkaboutfamiliartopicsrelatedtoschool,home, andthecommunity. • Novice-High Level: Students communicate using words, lists, and simple sentences to ask and answer quesSons, to handle simple transacSons related to everyday life, and to talk about subject maUerstudiedinotherclasses. • Intermediate-LowLevel:Studentscommunicateusingsimplesentencesto ask and answer quesSons, to handle simple transacSons related to everydaylife,andtotalkaboutsubjectmaUerstudiedinotherclasses. • Intermediate-MidLevel:Studentscommunicateusingstringsofsentences to ask and answer quesSons, to handle simple transacSons related to everydaylife,andtotalkaboutsubjectmaUerstudiedinotherclasses. • Intermediate-High Level: Students communicate using connected sentences and paragraphs to handle complicatedsituaSonsonawide-rangeoftopics. • Advanced-Low Level: Students communicate using paragraph-level discoursetohandlecomplicatedsituaSonsonawide-rangeoftopics. EXPLORING MODES OF COMMUNICATION Realis@cGrade-LevelTargetsforBenchmarkedPerformance Levels:TheStrands Languagelearnerscanbeexpectedtomovethroughlevelsof proficiencyatdifferentrates.InaddiSon,languagelearnersmay demonstratedifferingproficienciesdependinguponthe communicaSvemodeinwhichtheyarefuncSoning (interpersonal,interpreSve,orpresentaSonal)andthelanguage theyarestudying. Strand A reflects the InterpreFve Mode of communicaFon, in which students demonstrate understanding of spoken and wriUen communicaSon within appropriate cultural contexts. Examplesofthiskindof“one-way”readingorlisteninginclude cultural interpretaSons of printed texts, videos, online texts, movies,radioandtelevisionbroadcasts,andspeeches.Beyond t h e N o v i c e l e v e l , “ i n t e r p r e t a S o n ” d i ff e r s f r o m “comprehension”becauseitimpliestheabilitytoreadorlisten “betweenthelines”and“beyondthelines.” StrandBreflectstheInterpersonalModeof communicaFon,inwhichstudentsengageindirect oraland/orwriUencommunicaSonwithothers. Examplesofthis“two-way”communicaSon includeconversingface-to-face,parScipaSngin onlinediscussionsorvideoconferences,instant messagingandtextmessaging,andexchanging personalleUersore-mailmessages. StrandCreflectsthePresentaFonalModeof communicaFon,inwhichstudentspresent, orallyand/orinwriSng,informaSon,concepts andideastoanaudienceoflistenersorreaders withwhomthereisnoimmediateinteracSon. Are you selecFng culturally authenFc materials based on student proficiency level? In ImplemenSng Integrated Performance Assessment, Adair-Hauck, Glisan, & Troyan offer more current consideraSons suggesSng that instructors should choosematerialsbasedon“CALL-IT”: } } Context } Age, } LinguisScLeveland } ImportanceofTask alwayskeepinginmindthatitisthetaskthatshouldbeedited notthetext. } } Use the understanding of the standards and performance levels to analyze the appropriateness of class learning targets. Choose a performance level. Think of examples of assessments that would capture student performance at the level in your classroom. Share out! } } } Identify 3 key signs that your students are moving out of a current level and moving toward the next level? Talk to your partner. What can you do differently next time? Share out!