One Day Only WarehOuse Sale!
One Day Only WarehOuse Sale!
One Day Only WarehOuse sale! saturDay septeMber 27th, 8.30 aM - 5pM 10 Ltr Leyland White / Magnolia Loft Ladder 1200x600 One Day Only price €79.99 One Day Only price €12.99 nOrMally €99.99 24050/ 24049 Hitachi Angle Grinder Twin Pack 115mm + 230mm 240 Volt / 110 Volt 20236 Makita 18V Combi Drill c/w 2 batteries, charger & carry case Only €125 nOW €115 Was €129.99 50627 40406/ 40287 Coal Bunker (150kg: 3 bag capacity) Various Internal Door Styles and Sizes available Specialised Paint & Varnish Bord Na Mona Peat Briquette (PER BALE) 5 fOr €19.99 50625 47897 Chester Oak 6mm €4.99 / per yD 2 47288 Oiled Oak 10mm Irish Oak 8mm €8.99 / per yD2 €9.99 / per yD2 48278 Offers available on September 27th only, while stocks last unless otherwise stated. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Images for illustrative purposes only. Delivery charges will apply. Cash/credit card customers only. E&OE. T’s & C’s Apply. Augusta Walnut 8mm 2 €8.99 / per yD 50486 47998 Dock Rd, Limerick (061) 315388 O n e D ay O n ly W a r e h O u s e s a l e ! Irish Shovel 4ft and FREE Bucket Stanley 22” Twin Saw Pack with Knife and Tape One Day Only price €9.99 19189 + 50572 46010 Ryobi Petrol Chainsaw 35cc 35cm Tala 13 Piece Decorators Kit Only €79.99 th 30 . 45572 50624 Cinnamon Scented Pine Ronseal floorcare MCMAHONS.IE Cones MC Available until September 30th. ve of VAT. Cash & Collect Only. MA Was €38.99 Electrical Items €2 each HO nOW €9.99 NS Was €34.99 .I E nOW €26.99 pdfMachine - is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Get yours now! “Thank you very much! I can use Acrobat Distiller or the Acrobat PDFWriter but I consider your product a lot easier to use and much preferable to Adobe's" A.Sarras - USA 41656 29865 Pet Care Cosco Step Ladder Was €69.99 Marvec Corrugated Sheet (8ft, 10ft, 12ft) frOM €20.99 24963/ 24958/ 24959 frOM €1 46038/39/40/41 Extension Ladder 23ft Was €230 nOW Only €159.99 nOW €54.99 frOM €1 Athlethic Safety Work Boots Sizes 8 - 11 49663 Galvanised Corrugated Iron (6ft, 8ft, 10ft, 12ft) frOM €10.99 Reisser Screw Tubs – Buy 2 Tubs get a 10pcs Driver Bit Pack FREE Was €23.99 13135 Bachco 24” &21” Bow Saw Pack Only €11.99 21064/ 21066/ 21062/ 21063 Offers available on September 27th only, while stocks last unless otherwise stated. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Images for illustrative purposes only. Delivery charges will apply. Cash/credit card customers only. E&OE. T’s & C’s Apply. 3.1 x 90mm Rawlplug Smooth Bright Nails (Box 2200 & 2 Fuel Cells) 47635 Only €47.95 50628 Dock Rd, Limerick (061) 315388 saturDay septeMber 27th 8.30 aM - 5pM Fence Panels (6x6) Loft Board Pack 18mm Chipboard (3-Pack of 1220x325mm Boards) Was €26.99 One Day Only price €8.99 nOW €21.99 (6x5) Was €25.99 nOW €20.99 nOrMally €9.99 24219 46026/46025 Spacesaver SoftTouch Loft Roll Insulation 150mm/6.99M2 Roundup Biactive 5L Was €20.99 One Day Only price €15.99 30164 3 Tier Cold Frame (Mini Greenhouse 125x69x49cm) Hytrol + Free MosGo 1L €4 each Fence Life 5L One Coat Only €6.99 Only €19.99 Timber Sleeper 200x100x2.4M Green Was €22.49 Slim Space Saver Water Butt 100 Ltr comes with Stand Was €35.75 nOW €29.99 31673 Timber Sleeper 250x150x2.6M Heavy 30010 + 30003 / 29996 Alufoil Underlay 15M2 Was €31.99 nOW €15.99 48109 Rooflite Roof Window 78x98cm with Flashing 29917 50235 45729 New Scaffolding Planks (6ft) 50480 nOW €23.99 48020 210 Ltr Water Butt 3 Part Stand and Down Pipe Kit Was €59.99 nOW €48.99 Was €36.99 nOW €26.99 21128 47512 Karcher Pressure Washer Deluxe K2.360M 110 Bar 1400W 240V Only €99.99 23418 11241 Offers available on September 27th only, while stocks last unless otherwise stated. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Images for illustrative purposes only. Delivery charges will apply. Cash/credit card customers only. E&OE. T’s & C’s Apply. Dock Rd, Limerick (061) 315388 One Day Only WarehOuse sale! 34416 Mulberry Joyce Stove (Non-Boiler, Matt Black) 6.8kw nOW €399.99 Was €439.99 47849 Brickwall Large Skamolex Board Only €59.99 Triton Electric Shower T90Z President 5 Piece Suite (includes Bowl, Cistern, Seat, Basin & Pedestal) One Day Only price €199.99 One Day Only price €99.99 Mulberry Joyce Stove Cream Enamel (Non-Boiler) 6.8kw €669.99 50148 Broxo Lump Salt 25kg 10 bags fOr €69.99 Mulberry Beckett (Boiler, Matt Black) 21kw Mulberry Qis (Non-Boiler, Matt Black) 6.5kw insert nOW €1099.99 nOW €494.99 Was €1200 47193 Selection of White & Chrome Shower Doors Various Basin & Mixer Taps Various Bathroom accessories frOM €10 €30 20502 Radiators various sizes frOM frOM Only €100 50300 clearance - all stOck Must gO! 47878 18” Back Boiler €149.99 15047 Large Selection of White Sanitary Ware Was €595 47864 900 quadrant chrome shower door Was €80 Was €76.99 50610 €10 frOM €1 Kitchen Sinks (Various Sizes) Boston Bath Was Was €350 nOW €150 frOM €10 Many MOre baths available frOM €50 Offers available on September 27th only, while stocks last unless otherwise stated. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Images for illustrative purposes only. Delivery charges will apply. Cash/credit card customers only. E&OE. T’s & C’s Apply. 29763 frOM €30 Dock Rd, Limerick (061) 315388
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