from the principal - De La Salle Catholic College, Cronulla
from the principal - De La Salle Catholic College, Cronulla
De La Salle Catholic College Cronulla Deo Duce - With God as Leader coming events from the principal Newsletter Term 1 Week 6 Reflection… 11 Mar Eastern Shire Maths Day 19 Mar Southern Sydney Football Knockout Bosco Mark 9:2-10 The Transfiguration The Transfiguration is quite a unique event in the life of Jesus. One evening Jesus took three disciples up a mountain to pray – probably not the first time Jesus had done this. They thought they knew what they were in for – when suddenly they were knocked to the ground by a blinding light. Jesus was transformed, his face and clothes dazzling like the sun – something of the divinity of Jesus had broken through. 20 Mar Southern Sydney Swimming Carnival 23 Mar to 2 Apr Yr12 Half Yearly Exmas 2 Apr Last day - Term 1 21 Apr First Day - Term 2 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT – 1 March There is a parallel in our own lives. Long humdrum days can be pierced by a momentary insight of eternity. We realise with a new certainty that we are loved by God, that we have an eternal destiny, and that life is of immense value. This is true for every human being. Hence arises our duty to show respect for others and to support them in securing the basic needs of life. What will we do this week of Lent to help others? What will I encourage, inspire my students to do this week of Lent for others? St John Baptist De La Salle . . . Live Jesus in your hearts . . Up and running!... It has been a somewhat frenetic start to our College year, with staff and students very busily engaged in various works and projects that are now seen as normal school life. While we may at times complain about the “things we have to do”, we are also reminded of the blessing we have to be given the privilege and the opportunities our College life provides. We are also reminded in the reflection above that we are encouraged to look beyond our own needs and wants, and to do something for others. This is our strong focus as a Catholic school community in this season of Lent. Parents, what are you doing to encourage your son/daughter to “do something for others”? Student progress… My congr atulations ar e extended to our Year 12 students who have quickly embraced the challenges (and joy?) of there last year of secondary schooling. We enjoyed a very good parent teacher evening last week, and I am very happy with the large majority of students who are focused and working well. To those stragglers, rest assured you have the full support of our wonderful teachers, so make the decision now to get involved in your work. Similarly, our Year 11 students are making good progress in adjusting to life in a large “senior” coeducational school environment. Your son/daughters may have explained to you that we are taking considerable time to focus on their social behaviour; in the way they conduct themselves in classes and around the College. I believe it is a very significant and vital part of their education, and that it is our responsibility to ensure all students act in ways that positively contributes to a safe, caring, and welcoming community. Treating each other with respect and dignity will be modeled every day. 2 Cross Road Cronulla NSW 2230 Phone: 8522 1500 Fax: 8522 1555 I S S U E 6 1 4 M A R C H 2 0 1 5 information ... from the principal cont. from the assistant principal Lasallian Leadership:… I r ecently attended a Confer ence for Lasallian Leaders. School Principals and Leaders across various Lasallian works from our “District” - Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Pakistan attended. It was quite inspiring to hear about what is happening in these places to ensure the great ministry of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle lives on. De La Salle Cronulla is called to play a part in this and one of the many College opportunities for students that bring this to life is our Year 11 Lasallian Leadership training. This program provides individual and group leadership development and I congratulate the 36 Year 11 students who self-nominated to participate in the program. I also thank our Lasallian Youth Leader, Ruby Crowe (Year 12 – 2011) and Mr Chris Pocock, the College Youth Ministry Coordinator, for leading this program. Thank you... for all the positive feedback ar ound the Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interview evening. It was great to see so many parents exchanging information with staff concerning how to support their sons/daughters through their studies this year and more immediately what they could do to help them prepare for the Half Yearly exams which will commence Monday 23rd March through to Thursday 2nd April. May I remind all students and Parents that the College prides itself on providing a safe, friendly and inviting environment for students and staff to enjoy. To this end we continue to ask for your support in encouraging your son’s and daughters to follow our rules and policies around: Student wellbeing:… I would like to br ing to the attention of all parents and students that the College has a strong focus on student wellbeing and in providing a safe and caring community. This is not to be mistaken with eliminating “challenges”; overcoming hurdles and managing stress are significant, useful, and necessary skills for our young men and women. Please take note of the following members of staff who play key roles in supporting your son/daughter: Year 12 Pastoral Coordinators: Peter Geaney and Danielle Fuller (Assistant) Year 11 Pastoral Coordinators: Josie Raftery and Paul Buchanan (Assistant) Transition Coordinator: Yvette Kennedy College Counselor: Sarah Clay Careers Guidance: Cheryl Brown Please note: our first Parent Forum will be held on Wednesday 18 March, from 6.30 – 7.30 pm. The purpose of this evening is to provide an opportunity for parents to discuss issues; positive actions, share ideas and/or concerns. The focus for our discussion will be “Connecting with the school and our sons/daughters in Senior Study” and is aimed par ticular ly for new Year 11 parents. The conversation takes place in the College Library and after a brief presentation for stimulus, we provide an opportunity for the College Leadership team to listen to what parents have to say. College security and student safety:… The College has invested heavily in teaching and learning resources in recent years. As a way of keeping these secure, and also to ensure safe and appropriate conduct of students who are working in practical areas with machinery, I have installed a number of video surveillance systems throughout the College. Please see the attached link to the policy and procedures: http:// 20Library/Policies/Video%20Surveillance%20Policy% 20and%20Procedure%202015.pdf Parents of student participating in these practical courses will also receive a hard copy by mail. Wearing the uniform correctly while travelling to and from school as well as during the school day. This includes tucking shirts in and wearing belts for the boys and correct length of skirt and white socks worn by the girls as well as all adhering to the correct footwear and appropriate jewelry (check school diary if unsure). Students are not allowed to be using their mobile phones during class or they will be confiscated and to encourage appropriate social behaviour we are extending this to recess and lunch (except where necessary) but more especially not putting ear phones in or texting rather than speaking with their friends in the playground. We are still very concerned about the volume of traffic with the large number of P platers we now have travelling to and from schools. Parking around the school is congested and care needs to be taken not to park incorrectly. Students need to be extremely careful particularly driving in the afternoons with large numbers of students crossing roads and parents in the local area picking up Primary school children nearby. Courtesy and driving well within the speed limit is a must. Please discuss with your son/ daughter having other young people in the car as this is often an added distraction and pressure to young, inexperienced drivers who are the one responsible if any mishap occurs. Staff Professional Development… Staff from our cluster of schools including De La sale catholic College Cronulla, De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah and Our Lady of Mercy College Burraneer have been offered the opportunity to work with Jon Bergmann, one of the leading proponents of "Flipped Learning". Jon will be leading a workshop exclusively for our threeschools our KLA Coordinators, Leaders of Learning, and those involved in the Teacher Partnerships Project. This will take place on - Tuesday 10th March from 1.00 - 4.00 pm in our Brother Celestine Gavin Library at De La Salle Catholic College, Cronulla For those interested to know more here is a couple of links to some of Jon Bergmann's and his colleague Aaron Sams' work on the Flip Classroom: What is A Flip Classroom Is the Flip Classroom for everyone? Phil Gane Principal ISSUE 61 Michelle Morrison Assistant Principal PAGE 2 information ... from curriculum coordinator from the re coordinator Congratulations… to the 36 Year 11 students who worked together this week training to be Lasallian Youth Leaders with Mr Pocock, Ruby Crowe and our ex-student Phebe Dutton. The enthusiasm shared by all was evident and I commend each of the students for taking this opportunity to contribute to our Lasallian Community. Next Monday these students will work together facilitating the Year 6 Spirituality Days at De La Salle Caringbah and De La Salle Cronulla. The students will be officially recognised, receiving a badge at a future College Assembly. YEAR 12… May I take the oppor tunity to thank par ents for your attendance at the Year 11 and 12 Information Nights, and the Year 12 parent/teacher interviews in recent weeks. Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations commence in Week 9 on Monday 23rd March and conclude in Week 10 on Thursday 2nd April. Term 1 concludes on Thursday 2nd April. Term 2 begins on Tuesday 21st April. This first week of term is extremely important for Year 12 students as they will be provided with constructive feedback from their examinations as an essential part of their effective learning. This feedback helps students understand the course being studied and gives them clear guidance on how to improve their learning. In the lead up to the examinations, students need to ensure that they are well aware of the rules governing examinations as outlined in the HSC 2015 Assessment Handbook. A full version can be found on the college website. All students have also been emailed a copy. If a student is absent during the examination period it is their responsibility to: Congratulations... for Jack Johnson in Year 12 as he is commissioned as a Eucharistic Minister this week, recognizing his commitment to Our Lady of Fatima parish and our College. Phone the College on the day of the task on 8522 1500 and leave a message for the Curriculum Coordinator – Mr Tony Ginestra (this is essential). In cases of illness a medical certificate must be submitted with an Assessment Absence form on the day you return to school. These forms are available from the College website. In cases of misadventure, appropriate documentation must be submitted with an Assessment Absence form on the day the student returns to school. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR THAT TASK. During this season of Lent our College Community is using the organization and the theme DO LENT GENEROUSLY: 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously. The website is interactive and inspirational, providing ways we can help others on a number of levels. We have also launched our Caritas Appeal through Pastoral groups. Please encourage your sons and daughters to be generous in donating to the less fortunate on a global scale and one another within our community. On Sunday Father Tom, Parish Priest from St Aloysius announced that Father Sam Lynch has been appointed administrator of the Summer Hill Parish. We wish Father Sam well and thank him for his contribution to our school over the past four years. Father Andrew Kim has been appointed to St Aloysius and we look forward to meeting and working with him. Students should already be revising work from Term 4, 2014 as well as consolidating their knowledge and understanding of the topics currently being studied. Students should continue to adopt any strategies (for example, from the study skills day as well as advice from parent/teacher interviews) that that they feel will assist them in preparation for their examinations. YEAR 11… Year 11 subject changes have now been finalised and all students should be well settled and aware of the expectations and requirements of each of their courses. It is the responsibility of each student who has changed subjects to ensure that any work missed is completed. Year 11 formal assessment tasks are well and truly under way in most courses. Students need to be aware of the rules and procedures governing Assessment, as outlined in the Preliminary 2015 Assessment Handbook. A student version of this handbook was emailed to all Year 11 students earlier this term. A full version can be found on the college website. Maree Cullen RE Coordinator ISSUE 61 PAGE 3 information ... from the curriculum coordinator from the year 11 coordinator Year 11 formal assessment tasks are well and truly under way in most courses. Students need to be aware of the rules and procedures governing Assessment, as outlined in the Preliminary 2015 Assessment Handbook. A student version of this handbook was emailed to all Year 11 students earlier this term. A full version can be found on the college website. Our Year 11 students… have settled very nicely into senior life. As we approach the end of Week 6 we have noticed that our boys and girls are working collaboratively in their classes and much peer tutoring is taking place. Any issues relating to Assessment tasks need to be addressed with the class teacher and KLA Coordinator in the first instance. Good luck to Year 11 Construction and Hospitality students who will undertake their first work placement in Week 8 from Monday 16th March to Friday 20th March or Week 9 from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th March. Work Placement is a compulsory component of all VET courses. Absence from work placement will require students to provide the college with documentation to explain their absence. Alternative arrangements may be required to make up the hours lost due to absence. This may involve making up time in the in the school holidays. It is the responsibility of each student on work placement to ensure that any school work missed is completed. Tony Ginestra Curriculum Coordinator from the year 12 coordinator The recent Parent / Student/ Teacher evening… was a huge success judging by the numbers in attendance. I am sure the feedback you received from our experienced staff will put them in good stead for the remainder of the year. Balance is the key for those struggling to deal with a part-time job, sport and studies. We strongly suggest study should be about 3 hours each night. A study timetable is essential at this time of year with the Half-Yearly Exams only weeks away. Remember, I a'm more than happy to assist in creating a workable timetable. Teachers are also commenting on the energy in their classes and are impressed by the positive contributions made by their students. Our physical environment is certainly very beautiful and there has been a marked improvement in the cleanliness of the playground. There are still a few uniform issues that need to be addressed. Some boys are still arriving to school without a belt. Boys also need to ensure that their shirts are tucked in. With regard to girls, we need to remind them that only one earring per ear is to be worn. Skirts need to be of knee length. Students will need to familiarise themselves with their individual assessment schedules as a number of Assessment Task Notifications across a number of KLAs have already been given out. Should parents have any questions or concerns at any time please don't hesitate to contact us. Josie Raftery Year 11 Co-ordinator and Paul Buchanan Assistant Year 11 Co-ordinator The Half-Yearly Exams will start on March 23rd which is in Week 9. The exam timetable will be released very shortly so please read this carefully as miss-reading the exam is no excuse. If your son /daughter misses an exam due to illness, you must ring the College and also get a doctor's certificate. On February 11th, school leaders from Our Lady of Mercy College and De La Salle Caringbah met our College Leaders and we organised a series of activities for them. I would like to thank Mrs Fuller for her creativity and enthusiasm to keep all the leaders entertained for the afternoon. I was very proud of the maturity of our students and the younger leaders certainly looked up to them. Do not hesitate to call if you need to discuss any of the above. Peter Geaney Year 12 Co-ordinator ISSUE 61 PAGE 4 information ... from the capa department from the tas/vet department Art Express Success… Two Students in Prestigious Exhibition Year 12 Food Technology… enhanced their classroom learning with an authentic experience at Brasserie Bread on Tuesday the 17th February 2015. De La Salle Cronulla is well represented in this year’s exhibition of excellence for N.S.W. art students. Photographer, Zoe Izzard and painter, Heloise Hurst are on display at the Hazelhurst Gallery alongside the rest of the best from the 2014 H.S.C. exam. Both girls are graduates of Our Lady of Mercy and the artistic formation for their achievement was established in the art department of the College.. The students gained valuable insight for the unit they are currently studying, Food Manufacture. They were hands on in creating a bread plait and then used an authentic sourdough as the base for individual pizzas, which they were then able to take home. After a tour of the bakery facilities students were able to ask questions of the bakers to assist in completing their assessment task, including production methods, raw materials and HACCP ecifications. Zoe has produced a series of photographs of her sister posed in a variety of landscapes from the local area. “I wanted to show the similarities between the shapes and textures of the human body and those of the natural world,” she said. “I am a acrobatic gymnast, so I spend a lot of time looking at the human body in motion and adopting different positions. My work explores the different emotions produced when the body twists like a tree or curls up in a rock hollow.” Heloise painted a double portrait representing Ruben and Corrado, two gardeners who work keeping Wendy Whiteley’s Secret Garden at Lavender Bay in good order. “When I met the “secret gardeners” I was struck by how down to earth they were,” she said. “ They supply the muscle that makes Wendy Whiteley’s vision a reality. By painting the garden, which is on government land which may be sold off for development, I hoped to highlight the fragility of the environment.” Specialisation Hospitality… After an outstanding morning tea for our 2015 opening mass catered for by the Year 12 specialisation hospitality class they have embarked on a journey to learn the art of desserts. Their first creation was a challenge. Over two lessons students individually created a croquembouche. Congratulations to the students in this class for their continued application to the art of commercial cookery. Michelle Chidzey Teacher Our student works are on exhibition at Hazelhurst Gallery Gymea until the 22 of March. Byron Husrst Capa Coordinator ISSUE 61 PAGE 5 information ... from the pdhpe department Congratulations.... To James Arnold who has been selected in the CCC Cricket team who will play in Tamworth from the 9th -13th of March To Shannon Keevers who has been selected in the CCC Softball team who will attend the PSG selection trials on March 10 in Blacktown To Nic Hamilton, Bailey Pengilly, Luke Chivers, Matt Powers, Kyle Flanagan and Nathan Anthony who have been selected in the SSCCC East team who will play the SSCCC West team on Wed 4th March. Teams Tennis… For the first time in many years DLS was able to field a girls Tennis team. Shannon Keevers, Charlotte Startari, Shannon Hathier and Lily Drury formed a great team, who with limited experience played well against Bosco. The girls drew 4 games all, but lost on a countback of games. The games were enjoyed by all, and I would like to thank the girls for their participation. The boys tennis team, comprising of Jeremy Hall, Brad Slee, James and Kai (DLS Caringbah) had success in their first round defeating Bosco 6 games to nil. They now advance to the second round where they will meet Aquinas. We wish the boys luck. Upcoming Closing Dates… A reminder that all individual sport entries are to be completed via online registrations. Entries must be made by the closing date and please remember to change your school on the online login to DLS Cronulla. CCC Hockey 12th March CCC AFL Boys 20th April CCC AFL Girls 23rd April CCC Volleyball 24th April CCC Netball 29th May CCC Rugby 7th May from the transition/vet coordinator TRANSITION AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION As the newly appointed Transition and VET Coordinator at our College, I have had a busy start to this term with all of our students. One area that we are expanding upon is in School Based Apprentices and Trainees (SBAT’s). SBAT’s are students who are on a dual program of study that involves starting an apprenticeship or traineeship with industry, whilst completing a HSC. This is combined with formal training at TAFE or school to achieve a Certificate II or Certificate III AQF Qualification. Our students enrolled in this program are working towards a qualification in Automotive, Beauty, Construction, Property Services and Hospitality. Together with the students, we are developing good relationships with industry and the students are gaining valuable qualifications. I would like to mention the following industries who are currently supporting this program: ABODE Property, Caringbah EIR Building & Maintenance Leo Royan Automotive Tamarind Spa & Beauty, Cronulla Rydges, Cronulla Peppertree Café, Gymea Zim Zala Café Last week, some of our Year 12 students completed their final work placements in Business Services, Hospitality and Construction. It was encouraging to visit these students and see their skills being applied in the workplace. Well done to all of you. We look forward to Year 11 VET students completing their work placements in weeks 8 & 9. The website is The SSCCC soccer trials will form part of the gala day on Thursday the 19th March at Woronora Fields The SSCCC swimming carnival will be held on the Friday the 20th March at Caringbah pool. Sarah Fox PDHPE Coordinator ISSUE 61 Yvette Kennedy Transition/VET Coordinator PAGE 6 information ... from the careers advisor Welcome to new Yr. 11 students… just to let you know our Careers Room is located in the Library. There are two Noticeboards and also a variety of Course Guides and various hard copy information for you to browse, e.g., about TAFE, Apprenticeships, new courses updates etc. I am available to discuss possible study/ career pathways with both students and also parents if they wish, most days. Reminder to all Yr. 12 students, the availability of Course Guides, etc., on the racks outside the Careers Room in the Library for you to look at. Updated as they arrive, these will give interested students a good idea of the variety of courses and the sort of expectations and options available and or, required so that you can begin your own post HSC Course/Career research. It’s never to early to begin, there are lots of very good options out there, start looking now, this is the time to begin your enquiries. Working out a possible post HSC pathway now can give ‘purpose’ to your 2015 studies and the effort they will require -- it all makes sense if you have a goal to aim for. Careers Interviews are underway for students, Yr.12 in particular. See me in the Library to make an appointment time to discuss possible Study and Career pathways for you. ACAP (Austr alian College of Applied Psychology) - Information Evening 18/3/15 6pm Sydney Design School (a pr ivate college) Infor mation Session, 26/3/15 6pm. St. Leonards ‘Meet the Business Leader’ - 20/5/15 hosted annually by Chartered Accountants Australia an opportunity for interested students to connect with both Universities and many top employers. More info email [email protected] New resources about SURVEYING Careers available at interested students can also register their interest in in work exp. in Land Surveying. ‘Get Ready for Study and Work: Workbook for students with disability’ - a free new resource containing help students with disability make a successful transition from school into tertiary study, work or post school programs. . Cheryl Brown Careers Advisor Important Changes to Tax File Number Application process:… From January 2015, the pr evious ATO School’s Program ceased and application for a TFN will no longer be available through the School. Students will now need to apply online through the ATO (follow instructions at the ATO website to the correct Form), then have a follow-up interview at a participating Post Office branch. NEWS JUST TO HAND ACU - New 2016 Cour se Guide has just ar r ived. I have one hard copy to hand so far, but this information will all be on the ACU website too. WEP Student Exchange - 2015 Information Session 17/3/15 - (a not-for-profit student exch. organisation registered with Department of Education.) ISSUE 61 PAGE 7 information ... Dear Parents/Carers Demand for places in our Catholic schools has never been greater, and it is not hard to see why. Our schools continue to provide outstanding opportunities for students in an environment where the gospel values are lived out each day. In order to meet this demand, the Catholic Education Office Sydney is growing existing schools and planning new ones; however, if it is going to be able to meet demand, more schools will need to be built in the years ahead, particularly in the inner-west and south-west regions of Sydney. To do this, we need the help of the State Government. With the NSW state election just around the corner, please keep in mind this critical issue. We are seeking a clear statement from all political parties about what support they are prepared to provide to help meet the capital cost of building new schools. I will provide more information about this issue in the coming weeks. Dr Dan White Executive Director of Catholic Schools ISSUE 61 PAGE 8 ISSUE 61 PAGE 9 information ... ISSUE 61 PAGE 10
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