October 2013 - St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church
October 2013 - St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church
36 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 GREECE METRO TOURS Next to Heaven There is only... By Peter Metropolis, Manager 978-535-4000 ext. 110 800-221-2810 Nationwide 978-535-8830 Fax [email protected] Www.metrotours.com Tremont Drug Co. 86 Tremont Street Peabody, MA 01960 Stephen S. Kalivas, R. Ph. 978 531 1853 Monthly Bulletin Advertising Reaches 1,200 Families Ads starting at $325.00 per year Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 NIKOLAOS K. KANALOUPITIS Chief Executive Officer Continental Business Systems Strategic and Financial Planning and Management P.O. Box 3216 Tel: 978-922-0133 Beverly, MA 01915 Fax: 978-921-0139 [email protected] C B S CONSULTING St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church 5 Paleologos Street Peabody, MA 01960-4496 A Publication of SAINT VASILIOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 5 Paleologos Street, Peabody, MA 01960-4496 . Tel: (978) 531-0777 . Fax: (978) 538-9522 Web: www.stvasilios.org . E-mail: [email protected] October/November 2013 Tremont Pharmacy PRESIDENT/CEO: NICK SARANTOPOULOS BRANCH MANAGER: NIKI CHARALAMBOUS 32 CENTRAL STREET - (978) 968-2222 www.myccu.org ORQODOJOS ZWH ● ORTHODOX LIFE Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 15 Peabody, MA 01960 , Return Service Requested Inside this Issue: Church Service Announcements Weekday Services Fr. Chris’ Message Notice of General Assembly Fr. Kerry’s Message Parish Council News– President’s Message Town Hall Meeting 2013 Stewardship Update Festival Help/ Souvenir Journal Call for Parish Council Members Fundraising Solicitation Policy 2013 Stewardship Update Speakers Forum /Dates to Remember The Ordination of Deacon Timothy Curren September/October Calendars Greek School News Church School & Religious Education Healthbeat St. Val’s Hoops Youth Service Team/GOYA Pie Sale Orthodoxy on Tap St. Vasilios Show of Talent Yiayia’s Attic Treasures—Part 2 St. Val’s Men’s Club New Year’s Party St. Val’s Men’s Club Memorial Service Christmas Information ST. Vasilios Resource Center & Bookstore Donations p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6-7 p. 8 p. 9 p. 6 p. 10 11 p. 12 p.13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16-17 p. 18-19 p. 20-21 p. 22-23 p. 24 p. 26-27 p. 28 p. 28 p. 29 p. 29 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 2 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Bulletin Advertising Space Available Baptisms The child of Altion & Meghan Liko With Godparent Victoria Steeves The child of Steve & Angeliki Polyhronakos With Godparent Chrysovalantis Christoforos The child of Vincent & Faye Cicci With Godparent Dionisios Prappas The children of Shane & Angelina Pelletier With Godparents Jim & Mina Rivers The child of Andrew & Maria Fenn With Godparent Peter Pappagianopoulos Weddings John Pantazelos & Donna Balaouras with sponsor Matthew Morris We would like to apologize for the misprints that were in our August/September bulletin. Altion Liko & Meghan Rose Steeves with sponsor Victoria Steeves Michael Drougas 2 yr Tisagion Andrew Allen Roy & Stamatia A. Kareklas with sponsors Darren, Eleni, & Alexia Palm 40– Day James Zouras Carol Katsarakes Katherine S. Grant Christopher E. Nolan & Amanda N. Lassell with sponsors Matthew Nolan & Alissa L. Kehoe 6– Month Nickolas Qirjazi Steven R. Fenty & Alexandra E. Olson with sponsor Erik Olson Funerals The child of Elias Andrinopoulos & Tasia Vasilou With Godparent George Andrinopoulos The following members of St. Vasilios have fallen asleep into the hands of our Lord over the past months. The child of Peter & Ana Vasiliou With Godparent Arthur Theophilopoulos Helen Saxon Monte Peter L. Vrettos Katherine Grant Angeliko (Andrinopoulos) Adamopoulos May their memory be eternal. We would like to apologize for the misprint The child of Stanley & Lia Koulalis With Godparents Joanne Waraika & Chrisoula Bezanson Memorials Death notice James G. Sampsonis fell asleep in the Lord on Saturday October 5, 2013. May his memory be eternal. 1-Year Elena Garabedian James Tournas Michael Tenedios Constance Zetes Urania Meniates Leonidas Tsionis Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 METRO CLEANERS 43 Foster Street, Peabody, MA HOUSE OF QUALITY 978-532-6337 VASILIOS SIMOU AND FAMILY Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 Trisagia 1 yr Areti Christ 1 yr Leonidas Tsionis 2 yr Doreen Karidis 5 yr Dorothy Maihos 5 yr Gayle Hart 5 yr Apostolos Meniates 5 yr Julia Maihos Hammond 11 yr James X. Meniates 11 yr Evgenia Tsionis 15 yr Chresoula Smallis 21 yr De/spoina Tsoubala// 21 yr Peter Tsouvals 26 yr Georgia Meniates Evanthia Bida NEW ENGLAND MEAT MARKET Charles Silva 62 Walnut Street, Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0846 Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 STEPHEN M. ZOLOTAS Attorney at Law 133 Washington Street Salem, MA 01970 Tel: (978) 744-5333 Fax: (978) 832-1177 [email protected] FOFO’S Stefana only $59 Christening Outfits 25% off Decorated Candles Religious Items Plenty of Matia, Matia, Matia 136 Main Street Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 977 9141 Tue-Fri 11-5 Sat 11-4 Bulletin Advertising Space Available Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 3– Year John M. Papanicholas Rev. Charles L. Mihos 5– Year Peter Katsarakes 35 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 MENIATES FAMILY IN MEMORY OF JAMES X. & RENA MENIATES Bulletin Advertising Space Available Bulletin Advertising Space Available Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 Please contact Irene at 978-531-0777 ORGETTAS FAMILY IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL & RENA ORGETTAS 34 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 3 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Donations 50 25 25 25 50 75 100 100 50 50 500 25 150 100 100 100 50 25 50 100 200 20 Mary Argeros in memory of Anthony,Nicholas,Bessie,Catherine George Mrs. Kiki Lekos in memory of Konstantinos Kanellis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Drivas in memory of Konstantinos Kanellis Emily Pereira in memory of Anthony Koutzoukis Michael & Cynthia Gargas in memory of Peter L. Vrettos Mr. Charles Gargas in memory of Mary Tsouvalas, Ernest Adamopoulos and Helen Petrovitsis Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Andrinopoulos & family in memory of mother & grandmother Despina Horemioti Helen Delegianis in memory of parents Theodocia & John Kangos Dorothy Raczkowski in memory of beloved daughter Kathy Mayo & sister Connie Troubetaris-3rd Anniversary Donations for Anthony Koutzoukis listed in Aug/Sept bulletin -Handicap Access Fund Nikolaos & Maria Korkaris in memory of Ilial Hatzis Michael & Harriet Zolotas in memory of Katherine Grant William Kipouras in loving memory of wife Carol A. Kipouras Aphrodite Xerras in memory of Katherine Grant Mary Tenedios in memory of husband Michael Tenedios Mr. & Mrs. John Venios in memory of James G. Tournas Evangelia Siakallis in loving memory of parents Savas & Stavroula Siakallis Paul & Elaine Adamopoulos in memory of Jennie Andrian Priscilla Giftakis in memory of Virginia Pavlis Patricia & Angelo Gargas in memory of Katherine Grant Arthur & Mary Drivas in memory of Eleanor Graglia Mrs. Vassy Helas in loving memory of sister Elene Petrovitsis Mrs. Esther Koutzoukis in memory of husband Anthony Koutzoukis-- Bell Tower Mrs. Esther Koutzoukis in memory of sister in law Orania (Koutzouokis) Barry 5 10 50 50 100 50 50 50 100 50 100 50 100 25 In memory of Angie Adamopoulos Tomas Napoleon Maria Fazendeiro Mary Pinto Stanley & Judy Lignos Evangeline A. Leondires Pauline (Dover) Hyam & Linda (Dover) Bilissis Anna Tenedios Martwichuck Family Mary Tenedios Evangelia Siakallis Alex J. Tsouvalas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Grevelis & Harris Kim Lignos John & Virginia Tsouvalas Helen Pappis 100 Weekday Services Vesperal Liturgy for St. Iakovos Tuesday, October 22nd St. James 6 p.m. Demetrios the Myrr-Flowing Saturday, October 26th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Synaxis of the Archangels Friday, November 8 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am St. Chrysostom Wednesday, November 13 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Entrance of Theotokos Thursday, November 21 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am St. Andrew Saturday, November 30 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am St. Barbara Wednesday, December 4 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Vesperal Litturgy of St. Basil Tuesday, December 24 Divine Liturgy 6pm /Agioc Niko/laoc Paraskeuh/, 6h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Christmas Day Liturgy Wednesday, December25 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am \Agioc Spuri/dwn Pe/mpth 12h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Feast of St. VasiliosThe Great Wednesday, January 1 Orthros 9 am Liturgy 10 am \Agioc Dionh/sioc Tri/th, 17h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a KAQHMERINES IERES AKOLOUQIES Esperino/c Tri/th, 22h Oktwbri/ou 6 m.m. ‘Agioc Iakwboc Megaloma/rtuc Dhmh/trioc o Muroblu/thc Sabba/to, 26h Oktwbri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Paramonh/ Xristouge/nnwn Tri/th, 24h Dekembri/ou Qei/a Leitourgi/a stic 6:00 m.m. Ge/nnhsic tou Ihsou/ Xrhstou/ Teta/rth, 25h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Me/gac Basi/leioc Teta/rth 1h Ianouari/ou 2014 9:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 10:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Su/najic Tajiarxw/n Mixah/l kai Gabrih/l Paraskeuh/, 8h Noembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Iwa/nnhc Xruso/stomoc Teta/rth, 13h Noembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a St. Nicholas Friday, December 6 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Ei/sodoc thc Uperagi/ac Qeoto/kou Pe/mpth 21h Noembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a St. Spyridon Thursday, December 12 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Andre/ac o Prwto/klhtoc Sabba/to, 30h Noembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a St. Dionysios Tuesday, December 17 Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am /Agia Barba/ra Teta/rth 4h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a DONOR NEEDED We are looking for a donor to replate and refurbish one of the chalices that we use each Sunday and for every weekday Liturgy. The cost of restoring this chalice is $600. If you are interested please speak with Father Chris or call the Church Office at 978531-0777. 4 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 What is Your Ministry in the Church? Rev. Christopher P. Foustoukos Proistamenos Having just held our Parish Ministry Fair in which parishioners have an opportunity to view the many opportunities that they are afforded to become active in our parish, I felt somehow compelled to use my monthly message on the topic of our individual ministries in the Church. St. Paul taught that the mission of the presbyters was to empower the faithful to do specific ministries within the Church and not be the ones doing everything: And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11 -12) My mission for this coming year is to try to equip you for your ministry in the Church. The time has come for us to ask ourselves, what ministry do I want to develop and administer? This first thing in beginning any new breakthrough is to pray. Pray that God may reveal to you what it is that you should be doing in the Church. Secondly, you may want to meditate on the following versus from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans (12:1-8): I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. The following points might serve us well in finding one’s ministry in the Church. First, our lives are meant to be given in service to God as a living sacrifice. Our life does not belong to us; it belongs to our Lord. Secondly, we are not truly worshipping God unless we are offering our lives in service to Him. Next, the ideologies of the world are counter to the mission of the Church. The love and pursuit of wealth, prosperity, comfort and luxurious living will not allow us to know God’s will for us and, consequently, our ministry in the Church. For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs (1Timothy 6:10) Fourthly, pride is the next enemy that must be conquered before knowing our ministry. Competition within the “body of Christ” is against the Gospel. We know that to be greatest, one must become the servant of all, but a true servant thinks of him or herself last and everyone else first. This is the practice of humility. Finally, find your ministry! After prayer, fasting, and meditation on the words of Christ you need to act. St. Paul lists the following ministries: Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhorting, Contributing, Giving Aid and Acts of Mercy. Make an appointment with me or talk to a leader in a particular ministry that you feel called to serve. Talk to others about ideas and perceived needs and how you might be able to be part of the solution. Do something! We are told by St. Paul that the early Christians understood the gifts of the Spirit as given for the purpose of doing ministry within the Church. I pray that you may become as eager as the early Christians were to build up this community to serve Christ and by serving one another. So with yourselves; since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12). 33 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 ST. VASILIOS RESOURCE CENTER AND BOOKSTORE ORTHODOXY ON DISPLAY AT GORDON COLLEGE Gordon College, a premier Christian college in Wenham, recently extended an invitation to St. Vasilios Church to participate in their annual Student Religious Orientation program. Catherine Nicolakis, Dean Kostas and Phyllis Dragonas represented St. Vasilios Church. There were over forty-three churches from different denominations who had set up information booths. Gordon College students asked many questions regarding the Orthodox Church and surprisingly some had studied the history of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, Emperor Constantine the Great, and the Edict of Milan (February 313) The Edict of Milan, a proclamation that permanently established religious toleration for Christianity within the Roman Empire. It was a positive and learning experience and we thank Fr. Chris for giving us the opportunity to undertake this project. The OCF office, The Dept. of Religious Education, Internet Ministries, Hellenic Holy Cross College, and the St. Vasilios Resource Center Bookstore generously provided the material for the display. Catherine Nicolakis and Phyllis Dragonas Phyllis Dragonas, Gordon College Student, Dean Kostas St. Vasilios Church—Orthodoxy on Display 32 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 2013 Community Christmas Card For many years we have used our Community Christmas Card as a way to send greetings to our relatives and friends. As the expense of mailing individual cards has increased over the years, and as busy lives leave little time for addressing stacks of envelopes, our community Christmas card has become more popular. The proceeds of the card are used exclusively to strengthen the parish’s ministry of benevolence and help for the poor. In these difficult economic times, the exhausted resources of the Altar Fund need your generous response. We invite all who wish to make a free-will offering in whatever amount they consider appropriate. Please join us in sharing the blessings of the Christmas season. Fill in the following application and mail or bring it to the church office by the deadline of NOVEMBER 23, 2012. NO EXCEPTIONS! Once the card goes to the printer, names cannot be added! ) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name(s): _____________________________________________ Tel. No.: ___________________________ Donation Amount:_________________ As part of your Christmas Offering to St. Vasilios, reserve a Christmas Poinsettia to be placed in the church in memory of, or for the health of a loved one. Father Chris will commemorate the names at the Christmas Divine Liturgy The donation is $20 per plant payable to “St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church.” Detach and return this form to: St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church 5 Paleologos Street Peabody, MA 01960 Your Name: ________________________________ Your Tel: ________________________________ In Memory of: ________________________________ For the Health of: ________________________________ Number of Plants: __________ Amt Enclosed $ _______ Christmas Donations While Fall has just begun, we are beginning our planning for the decorating of our beautiful church and grounds for the Christmas Season. If you are interested in donating any of the following in memory of or for the health of a loved one, please contact Fr. Chris: 6 Christmas Wreathes - $100 each Christmas Tree - $100 Outdoor Arrangement - $100 Garland For Iconostasis - $25 per strand Lights for Tree - $50 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 5 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 6 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 “FRIENDSHIFTS” “We may shift our earthly friends at different points in our lives, but strong, active and deep faith-friendship with God is a non-shifting necessity.” James 2: 1-10 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Friends. Who needs them? Some argue that friends are the latest casualty of the lifestyle wars as we struggle to balance the full time demands of career and family. With spouse, mortgage, kids, schedules, work and travel, there doesn’t seem to be room for anything else. Something’s got to give. Friends seem expendable, so friends are the first to go. Like Jim Hoffman. About twice a year, when he can’t handle the guilt anymore, he sits down and answers neglected e-mails from half-a-dozen pals he hasn’t seen in ages: “Sorry I stink as a friend,” he begins. The New York Internet executive, says he’s too busy, and friends are a luxury he can no longer afford. With his wife, a young daughter and a busy job, “I’m already 120 percent, there really is no room for anyone else.” No big deal. Or….maybe it is! Recent research tells us what we’ve long suspected: friends are important. That’s why so many organizations use the word “friend” in their name: Friends of the Sea Otter, Friends of Libraries, Friends of Freedom, Friends of the Environment, Friends of the Earth, Friends of the Ocean. There are friends of gardens, parks, countries, cities, states. There’s even a group that calls itself Friends of Tobacco, headquartered in – surprise! – North Carolina! You need a friend? You can find one at Friend Finder (www.Friend.com). When the medical community chimes in, the value of friendship is dramatically underscored. Fewer friends lead to higher stress and a shorter life. In a study of 2,800 men and women over the age of 65, those with more friends had a lower risk of health problems, and they recovered faster when they did develop them. A Yale University study of 10,000 seniors showed that having friends reduced the risk of death by about 50 percent over a five-year period. Friends can help you reduce stress, improve the quality of your life, live longer, get a better job, expand your business, improve your marriage and revive more joy from life. So there you have it. There is value to having friends over the long term. No surprise. What is intriguing is the notion that our friends will come and go throughout life, and that is absolutely normal. Dr. Jan Yager, in her book, Friendshifts, argues that it is very rare for a person to have a friend for a lifetime. Instead, we tend to shift our friends as our own needs and circumstances themselves shift. Typically, adults today have one or two “best” friends; four to six “close” friends, and 10-20 “casual” friends. But let’s be honest. Even these numbers seem high. Healthy friendships take time to get going, up to three years according to some experts. Then they require nurturing and attentive planning. But just when the friendships are in place, they vanish, victims of some new component in the social equation: new job, new school, new baby, new spouse, whatever. The bottom line is that we not only don’t have as many friends as we used to, but we’re going to lose the ones we have. But that’s okay. We will pick up new friends in a cyclical pattern of friend shifting that will continue for the rest of our lives. In the Letter of St. James this discussion is taken to another level. We Orthodox Christians tend to exaggerate our claims of friendship. We’ve got the friendliest church in the world, but we’ll walk right by a stranger in the church narthex. We love one another, but we’re just as likely as the next guy to badmouth or scandalize a fellow parishioner during the Coffee Fellowship Hour on Sundays. St. James argues that it is not enough to assert love and friendship. There must be signs of this friendship or else both the friendship and the faith are dead. Partiality (see 2:2:3) is not a sign. Withholding forgiveness is not a sign (2:13). Refusing to feed and clothe the hungry and homeless is not a sign (2:15-16). Moreover, St. James makes it clear that we can’t be an enemy to our friends (neighbors) and still be a friend of God. To be a Faith Friend of God, we’ve got to keep faith with our friends. And therein lies an important lesson for all of us. We must keep faith with our friends. If we don’t, we On Sunday, November 10, 2013 the St. Val’s Men’s Club will be sponsoring a memorial service in the church at the end of the Divine Liturgy in memory of all of their departed members. After the Divine Liturgy all members of the community are invited to go outside and join the Honor Guard honoring the memories of the veterans that have served our country and have entered into eternal rest. This article is from the Greater Lynn Senior Services 31 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Men’s Club 30 7 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 have neither faith nor friends. St. James is adamant. There must be signs. Friendship–whether with our neighbor or with God – requires faithship which requires workship which results in worship. So who is our friend? Our friend is our neighbor. . If we must keep faith with our friends, we must also keep faith with God. This is one friendship that need not shift. If it does, it is not God who is doing the shifting. St. James describes our fidelity to God as a faith that is “active” (2:22). It was characteristic, he says, of Abraham the patriarch and Rahab the prostitute (2:23,25). They both, when push came to shove, kept faith with God. The result: Abraham was called a “friend of God” (2:23). God may be omnipotent, impassible and transcendent. “Wholly Other.” “Beyond Knowing.” The I AM THAT I AM. But God desires and values the friendship of his creatures. It’s what He wants in us. God wants – very much desires – friends who will keep faith with Him. No shifting allowed! I remain, with love in the Lord, +Father Kyriakos V. Saravelas Αγαπητοί μου Αδελφοί, Τώρα πού μπήκαμε καλά στό ρυθμό τού Χειμερινού Εκκλησιαστικού Έτους 2013-2014, σάς στέλνω μία προσωπική μου προσευχή γιά τό μέλλον καί τήν πρόοδον τής Κοινότητός μας. « Κύριε Ίησού Χριστέ, Ύιέ τού Θεού, ό ευλογημένος καρπός τής Παναγίας Μητρός σου, σύ πούκαταδέχθηκες νά γίνης άνθρωπος διά τήν σωτηρίαν τήν ιδικήν μας καί εμεγάλωσες ανεστραφής μέσα είς τήν οικογένειαν. Ελθέ Κύριε, νά κατοικήσης καί νά μείνης μαζί μας. Επιθυμούμεν, καί σέ παρακαλούμεν, νά γίνης σύ ό κιδεμών καί σύντροφός μας, ό καλός μας σύμβολος καί διδάσκαλος, ό παντοδύναμος προστάτης καί βοηθός καί ό ιατρός τών ασθενειών μας. Δώσε, Κύριε, νά βασιλεύση είς τόν οίκον μας τό Άγιον Θέλημά σου. Χάρισέ μας τήν ομόνοιαν, τήν ειρήνην, τήν αγάπην, τήν αμοιβαίαν ανοχήν καί μακροθυμίαν, τήν ενότητα, τήν υπομονήν καί πάσαν άλλην αρετήν. Χάριζέ μας τά αγαθά σου, τά πνευματικά καί τά υλικά. Καί αξίωσέ μας ημέραν καί νύκτα νά δοξάζωμεν καί νά ευλογούμεν μέ καρδιάν ευγνώμονα τό Άγιον Όνομά σου, καί τού Άνάρχου σου Πατρός καί τού Παναγίου καί Άγαθού σου Πνεύματος. Αμήν» Μετ’ αγάπης πολλής έν Κυρίω, +π. Κυριάκος Β. Σαραβέλας UPENQUMHSIS Sac upenqumi/zomen oti thn Kuriakh/, 27hn Oktwbri/ou, 2013 ei/nai h eorth/ twn Agi/wn Anargu/rwn Kosma/ kai Damianou eorta/zei kai h Filo/ptwxoc Adelfo/thc Aqhna/. Eic thn prw/thn leitourgi/an qa tele/sh artoklasi/a upe/r ugei/ac twn melw/n oloklh/ -rou thc koino/ thtoc, kai eic thn deute/ran leitourgi/an qa tele/sh mnhmo/suno upe/r mnh/mhc kai aiwni/ou anapau/sewc twn aeimnh/stwn melw/n thc, eic to opoi/o qa mnhmoneuqh/ h ka/qe makaristh/ adelfh/ kat =o/noma. O di/skoc qa prosferqh/ apo tic oikoge/neiec Kougianou kai Andrino/ poulou. REMINDER We would like to remind you that on Sunday, October 27th, we celebrate the feast of St. Cosmas and Damian, patrons of the Philoptochos. At the first liturgy that Sunday, the Philoptochos will sponsor a bread blessing service for the health of the members of our parish, At the second Liturgy it will sponsor a memorial service for its deceased members, at which all of the more than 350 members of blessed memory will be individually commemorated by name. The Koliva Tray will be sponsored by the Kougianos and Andrinopoulos Families. ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 8 Parish Council News PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Pamela Karamas Katsiris, President President’s Message September 2013 Change is good. I have always bristled when someone says, “Well, this is how we always do it”. Especially when they are asked why something is done a certain way or at a certain time. I realize that change can sometimes be jarring and can make people feel uncomfortable or awkward. Too much change, too quickly can be an absolute shock, but a little bit, at a slow pace, can be refreshing and enlivening. So here is the Parish Council’s attempt at small change: Subjects and matters that affect the entire Parish will be discussed and reviewed at Town Hall style information meetings prior to the General Assemblies. This will give the Parish the opportunity to review in greater depth specific topics that will then be open to more limited discussion and voting at the General Assembly, which, as a format, is more rigid. The Town Hall Meetings will take place evenings and during coffee hours, to ensure the greatest flexibility and availability for attendance. Documents to be discussed will be available in the Office or by email in advance of all meeting. If you have questions and are unable to attend any of the Town Halls, you are very welcome to submit them in writing either electronically or at the office, and we will do our best to answer you personally. So keep a look out in the bulletin and on all the calendars for upcoming Town Hall Meetings, the first scheduled for October 6th at 10:30 am to discuss the Scholarship Investment Policy and the second on November 21st at 7 pm to discuss the Updated Parish Bylaws. Other Town Halls will be scheduled throughout the coming months to discuss Building Condition and Maintenance updates and Accessibility Plans for the Church and other structures. A wise man said, “Our church mirrors Christ’s life, with the Priest representing Christ. We are his apostles and our job is to help him on every level; minister to sick, comfort those in pain, physical and spiritual, govern and maintain His Holy Church with wisdom and faith.” Let us know if someone is sick or in pain, share sorrows and joys, and come and help make decisions and policies that will ensure the continuity of this Church for many generations to come. Yours in Christ, Pamela Karamas Katsiris Parish President ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 29 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 28 9 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 TOWN HALL INFORMATION MEETING THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2013 7:00 PM IN THE PARLOR ROOM The Parish Council invites all Stewards to a Town Hall Style Meeting to review and discuss the updated St Vasilios Church Bylaws. The Parish Council Bylaws, Policy and Procedures Committee has prepared and submitted to the Parish Council for approval updated Parish Bylaws. These new Bylaws incorporate our previous Bylaws and are consistent with the format and language provided to us by the Archdiocese to conform with the UPR (Uniform Parish Regulations) that all Orthodox Churches must adopt and follow. These Bylaws were passed unanimously by the Parish Council at its meeting in September and have been submitted to the Metropolis for endorsement. They must then be presented to the General Assembly for final approval. We will take some time on November 21 st, to answer any questions pertaining to the Bylaws as a way to limit the time spent in discussion at the General Assembly meeting to be held at the end of November. The Bylaws will be available as a hard copy in the office by October 1 st and can also be sent electronically if requested. You may also submit questions in writing in advance of the Town Hall or General Assembly at the office or via email to [email protected] . Please contact Parish Council President, Pam Katsiris, at 978-531-0777 if you have any questions. Organizations & Ministries Contact Information Presiding Priest Rev. Christopher Foustoukos [email protected] Parish Council President Mrs. Pam Katsiris [email protected] Organizations Liaison Mrs. Bonnie Antoniou [email protected] Office Manager Mrs. Irene Stephanides [email protected] Stewardship Chairman Mr. Stephen S. Kalivas [email protected] Church School Mrs. Sophia Hennessey [email protected] Greek School Principal Mrs. Dina Kalaitzidis [email protected] Altar Boys Fr. Christopher Foustoukos [email protected] Myrofores Mrs. Jan Terzakis [email protected] St. Vals’s Hoops Mr. Steve Stephanides 978-744-8531 Philoptochos President Mrs. Tracey Franggos [email protected] PTA President Mrs. Constance Spack [email protected] St. Val’s Men’s Club President Mr. Chris Grevelis [email protected] St. Stephen’s Ministry Deacon Michael Fadel [email protected] Parish Nurse Mrs. Sophia Grevelis [email protected] Religious Resource Center Mrs. Kaye Nicolakis [email protected] Family choir Mr. Tony Vatousios [email protected] 10 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 HELP NEEDED FOR OUR NOVEMBER FESTIVAL We need every parishioner to volunteer some time (even ONE HOUR) to make our Festival another great success! Below is the list of volunteer opportunities. Please contact the appropriate person to GET INVOLVED! Set-up / Clean-up Baking Kitchen Prep Kafeneio / Pastry Shop Bessie Silva Ruthie Morfis Steve Stephanides 978-771-2119 978-531-8655 978-744-8531 FOOD DONATIONS If you would like to donate food for the festival, please contact Jim Limberakis at 617-694-5022 or 978-535-0351 Steve Stephanides at 978-744-8531 for a complete list of items needed. BOOTH RENTALS If you’re interested in showcasing your own items for sale at the Festival, please contact Tina Manolakos at 978-7417547 or Bessie Silva at 978-771-2119 on renting a table. COUNTRY STORE The Country Store is seeking donations of baked items and other goods to be sold at the Festival. For more mation, please contact Persephone Santos at 798-531-2121. infor- SOUVENIR JOURNAL The Souvenir Journal is a great way to advertise your business or send a greeting in honor or memory of a loved one. For more information on placing an ad in the journal, please contact Meni Frangias at [email protected] or 978 -532-5782 (Please see following page). SKEWERING We will be skewering for the Festival on Wednesday, November 6th at 6.00p in the Educational Center. To volunteer, please call Steve Stephanides at 978-744-8531. FESTIVAL PLANNING MEETINGS The following meetings are open to all parishioners to help with our November festival, Tuesday August 13th 6pm parlor room Wednesday Sept 11th 6pm parlor room Wednesday Oct 9th 6pm parlor room Wednesday Oct 23rd 6pm parlor room Any questions call Bessie Silva 978-771-2119 or email [email protected] NOTICE Please be reminded that there will be one liturgy during the Festival weekend Sunday, November 10, 2013 9 am Orthros 10 am Divine Liturgy. Parakalw/ shmeiw/ste o/ti thn Kuriakh/, 10h Noembri/ou qa e/xoume mo/no mi/a Qei/a Leitourgi/a Orqroc stic 9 pm kai Qei/a Leitourgi/a stic 10 pm. ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 27 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 St. Val’s Hoops 2013-2014 Season 26 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 11 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 12 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 PTA News 25 24 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Fundraising/Solicitation Policy HEALTHBEAT The following policy was drafted and recommended by the Bylaws and Policies Committee of the Parish Council and passed unanimously by The Parish Council in June 2013. FLU VACCINE Sunday, October 20, 2013 During Coffee Hour 10:30 am to 11:30 a,m Age 65 and Older: Medicare will cover the cost. Please BRING YOUR INSURANCE CARDS. Age 9 to 64 insurance will cover the cost this year so BRING YOUR INSURANCE CARDS. MassHealth excluded. If not insurance there will be a $25.00 charge. A parent needs to be with a minor child to sign consent forms. Do not receive the vaccine if you are allergic to eggs. 13 14 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 2013 Saint Vasilios’ Stewardship STEWARDSHIP, A RICH MAN: “A rich man is not who has much but one who gives much. For that remains his forever,” wrote St John Chrysostom. You are invited to be a “Rich Man,” as defined by Chrysostom and give personally to Saint Vasilios by your 2013 Stewardship commitment, for the portion you give “remains yours forever.” May God bless your generosity. As of October 8, 2013 we have 843 stewards pledged for Saint Vasilios. If you have not sent in your PLEDGE for 2013, please do so today. Under our true stewardship system, every member is asked to offer a gift to the church in an amount of his or her own choosing and one that honestly reflects their personal circumstances and ability. Please be mindful that approximately 1000 stewards are asked to sustain our parish budget of $600,000 annually. Thank you for your anticipated response. Below is a listing of the parishioners who have pledged from 8/1/13 through 10/8/13 Mr. John Alexandrou Mr. George Andrinopoulos Mr. Elias Andrinopoulos Mrs. Irene Antonio Mr. Peter G. Apostolides Mr James Apostolides Dr. Anthony Bakopolus Mrs. Anna Beos Mrs. Jean Brothers Mrs. Christiana Carideo Mrs. Chrystal Condakes Mrs. Kristen E. DeSimone Mrs. Catherine Decoulos Mrs. Frances Diamantopoulos Mr. Demosthenes Drougas Mrs. Barbara Falardeau Mr. Peter Frangules Mr. Strates Frangules Mr. & Mrs. John Galaris Mrs. Mary Galli Mr. Charles Gargas Mr. Louis Glynos Mr. Petros Gouvousis Mrs. Laurie Grant Mrs. Margo Hanlon Mr. George Hasiotis Mrs. Janet Hufnagle Mr. Paul Kassis Mr. Demetrios Kavallieratos Mr. Dimitrios Kerastaris Mrs. Callie Kiley Ms. Polymnia Loris Mrs. Jayna Lowe Mr. Emmanuel Lucas Ms. Paula Macdonald Mrs. Leslie Maher Mrs. Bessie Marashi Mr. William Moutsoulas Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nako Mrs. Alice Noble Mr. Matthew Nolan Mr. Erik Olson Mrs. Eleni Palm www.stvasilios.org Mrs. Susan Palma Ms. Frances Panos Mrs. Catherine Papacostas Mr. & Mrs. John Papanastasiou Mr. George Partaledis Mr. John Pnevmatikos Mrs. Frances Ridge Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Saranteas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Sideris Mr. & Mrs. Konstandino Simou Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Sofronas Mrs. Melina Tansey Mr. C. W. Dean Tsapatsaris Mr. Andy Tsouvalas Ms. Eugenia Tsouvalas Mr. George Tsouvalas Mr. Louis M. Tsouvalas Mr. Christos Zamakis Mr. John Zgonis 23 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 St. Vasilios Church School Highlights: “getting to know the staff” Director: Sophia Hennessey – My proudest accomplishment is being mom to my three children, Athene, Joey and George Hennessey, all of whom have been educated in religious education at St. Vasilios Church through the 12th grade. My husband and I live in Lynnfield, MA. I’ve been a member of St. Vasilios for my entire life, and attended church school here as a child (interesting fact: Father Chris was in my church school class!). I taught church school while attending Salem State College until I had my first child, from 1978 – 1987. When my daughter entered 3rd grade I began teaching again and have stayed involved in the program ever since. Outside of St. Vasilios, I work as a sixth grade Special Education teacher at the Belmonte Middle School in Saugus, MA. – a profession that I love and find very rewarding. My home life, career and family keep me very busy, but I’m thankful that I’ve been able to stay involved in St. Vasilios and the church school program. I am honored to work with such dedicated, loving teachers and clergy and look forward to many more years of service in one form or another at St. Vasilios! Ass’t Director: Marietta Brooks--I am presently retired from Bostik (inventory control specialist) and the Lowe Mart Liquors (owner). I have 4 adult married children-Jennifer, Amy, Connie and Kristi and 3 grandsons--Alex, Ethan and Lucas and a new granddaughter expected any day. Time with my family is my greatest joy. I taught church school for about 20 years, was Junior and Senior GOYA advisor for about 10 years and still sing in the choir. Working out at the YMCA/Peabody and day trips with my husband David are my usual fun activities. I enjoy seeing former church school students and GOYAn’s that are now grown with families of their own. If you see me first, please say “HI !” JOY, JR & SR GOYA MEETING DATES 22 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Church School & Religious Education CHURCH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Church School has begun, but it is not too late to join. We invite your children to participate in Church School each Sunday. All families are encouraged to come learn, grow and worship with us. Our curriculum promotes spiritual growth through age appropriate lessons and activities that stimulate each child’s curiosity in their faith. Grade One’s curriculum includes lessons on the many wonderful gifts we receive from God. One of the greatest gifts, God’s Love. Beginning this year, first graders painted a rock with the name of God or Jesus and then uniquely decorated that rock. Each rock is dated. These rocks will be a reminder that the Lord Jesus, our God, is our rock and our strength, and that His Love for us never changes. The rocks stay in the classroom and each week the students find their rock and place it on the table next to them. Each year this ‘basket of rocks’ will follow them from class to class. Once they graduate from the Church School Program, it is our hope that they will take this symbol of God’s Love and Strength with them to college, or to a new job, or to a new home, or wherever they may go. Hopefully, it will bring back fond memories of time spent at St. Vasilios Church School and how very young they were when they painted their, ‘Rock of God’s Love.’ This fall’s Doxa Conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th. It will be hosted by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Cranston, R.I. This year’s presenter is Phyllis Onest who will speak on the topic of “Energizing Your Teachers.’ Mrs. Onest is the Director of Religious Education for the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Pittsburgh. Phyllis has many resources for both parents and teachers on her website: www.phyllisonest.com. All interested adults are invited to attend. Please visit the Country Store, at this year’s Church Festival which is the work of our Grade 2 teachers, Persephone, Anastasia, and Christina Santos. You’ll find many unique gifts! The Church School children will once again present a Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 15th, in the church at the conclusion of the first Divine Liturgy. Any students from grade 1 and up may participate. Soon flyers regarding the pageant will be given to students. Also look for information regarding the mission work of grades 7 & 8 as they again dedicate the Giving Tree to Operation Troop Support. Our St. Vasilios Church School teachers and staff are dedicated volunteers from a variety of backgrounds; some public and private teachers, professionals, mothers and fathers, and former students. Please check out the ‘Getting to Know the Staff’ section of each monthly bulletin. Through our religious education program we hope our children will not only make new, long lasting friendships, but will fundamentally build a moral compass that will guide them in later years to what is right and what is true. We, the teachers, are extremely blessed that you share your children with us every Sunday morning. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas Season!!! For the most updated information, check out www.stvasilios.org 15 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 2013 Dates to Remember St. Vasilios PTA Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Saturday, October 19 St. Vasilios Church Speaker’s Forum Thursday, October 24 2013 Greek Festival November 8, 9, 10 St. Vasilios Show of Talent Sunday, November 10 @ 1pm Annual PTA Family Christmas Party Friday, December 6 @ 6:30 Christmas Concert Friday, December 13 @ 6:30 Philoptochos Christmas Lunch Saturday, December 14 St Val’s Men’s Club Christmas/New Year’s Party December 31, 2013 NOTICE Please be reminded that there will be one liturgy during the Festival weekend Sunday, November 10, 2013 9 am Orthros 10 am Divine Liturgy. Parakalw/ shmeiw/ste o/ti thn Kuriakh/, 10h Noembri/ou qa e/ xoume mo/no mi/a Qei/a Leitourgi/ a Orqroc stic 9 pm kai Qei/a Leitourgi/a stic 10 pm. ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 The Ordination of Timothy Curren to the Holy Diaconate at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Dracut, MA 16 21 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Greek School OUR STAFF Heather Kerastaris is our Introductory Class teacher. Heather has been a volunteer at the Greek School for the past 2 years. Ana Simou is our Prek & Kindergarten teacher, she holds a degree in Elementary Education and this is her 4 th year with us at the Greek School. Georgia Christoforos is our 1st grade teacher has completed coursework in Education and this is her 6th year with us. Alexandra Dimitriadis is our 2nd grade teacher. Alexandra holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a Masters in School Counseling as well as a certification in Guidance. This is her 3 rd year at the Greek School. Mirsini Vaggelakis Tesetsakos is our 3 & 4th teacher. Mirsini lived in Greece for 15 years and taught English as a second language for 14 years. She holds a diploma of Foreign Language from the Greek Ministry of Education, 2 certificates of proficiency in English and a certification to teach English as a Second Language from the Teaching Center of Athens branch of the British Consulate. This is Mirsini’s 2 nd year at the Greek School. Dina Kalaitzidis is the principal and 5th & 6th grade teacher, she holds an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education and a Masters in Special Education. In addition to working at the Greek School, Dina is employed by the Peabody Public School System and is a 6th grade Special Education teacher at the Higgins Middle School. This is her 11th year at the Greek School. ADULT GREEK LANGUAGE COURSE AT ST. VASILIOS We are excited to offer a language course in Greek conversation for adults. The course will meet 1 day a week for 2 hours on Saturday mornings from 9am-11am. The course will run for 12- weeks and the course is titled Introduction to Modern Greek Conversation 1. The tuition will be $240 ($20 per class) plus $37 for the book. We are anticipating for the course to start on Saturday, October 5 th. There is a minimum of 5 adults required for the course to begin and a maximum of 10. Please visit the Church Office Monday-Friday from 9-5 to sign up. If you have any questions please contact Dina Kalaitzidis at [email protected] Remember to check out our Greek School website for news and pictures http:// stvasiliosgreekschool.shutterfly.com/ ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 20 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 Greek School news Greek School is back! The 1 st day of Greek School was held on September 11th. An Agiasmo was held on September 18th to mark the start of the school year. Students have begun their lessons and are eager to learn this coming year! It is never too late to sign up, if your child is interested in joining us! On September 8th our very talented students performed at the International Festival in Peabody Square. A special thanks to former students Katie DiFruscia and Alexia Rivers for participating with us! NEW INTRODUCTORY CLASS This year we have added an introductory class for 4 year olds! We are off to a great start. Students will be learning Greek through songs and games. The class meets on Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact us. NEW ADDITION TO OUR CURRICULUM This year we have added a half an hour block to each class to focus strictly on conversation. Our staff has created a conversational curriculum based on themes adapted to all grade levels. Introductions is the theme for our conversation curriculum for September and October. NOTICE Please be reminded that there will be one liturgy on Sunday, November 3, 2013 8:30 am Orthros 10 am Divine Liturgy. Parakalw/ shmeiw/ste o/ti thn Kuriakh/, 3h Noembri/ou qa e/xoume mo/no mi/a Qei/a Leitourgi/a Orqroc stic 8:30 pm kai Qei/a Leitourgi/a stic 10 pm. 17 18 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 November 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 19 ORTHODOX LIFE - October/November 2013 December 2013 Fri 1 Sun Sat 2 Clergy Retreat 1 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy Mon 2 Tue 3 Youth Open Gym 7-9 pm Wed 4 Thu 5 4 5 6 7 Taxiarche Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am 1st Stewardship Sunday 8:30 am Orthros 10 am Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Methodios visits for Ordinatuion Bell Tower Committee 7 pm 10No Sunday School 11 One Liturgy Building Committee 7 pm 12 No Greek School 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy Men’s Club Memorial & Veterans Breakfast Office Closed Bylaws Committee 7pm Festival Greek School Performance 12 noon 17 18 19 Festival Prep Festival Prep No Greek School 13 14 15 St. Chrystostom Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am 24 20 Bell Tower Committee 7 pm By laws Committee 7 pm Investment Committee 7 pm 25 26 27 3rd Stewardship Sunday 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy Lynnfield Thanksgiving Service 7pm General Assembly 7 pm Festival 9 Festival No Greek School 8 9 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy Youth Open Gym 7-9 pm Greek School Performance 6:30 pm Parish Elections 16 15 Functions Committee 6pm Parish Council 7-9 pm 2nd Stewardship Sunday 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy 8 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy 7 PTA Christmas Party Pinning Ceremony 3 6 Sat St. Nicholas Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am St. Barbara Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am No Sunday School Fri 10 Building Committee 7 pm 16 Youth Open Gym 7-9 pm 17 St. Dionysios Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Bylaws Committee 7pm 11 Functions Committee 6 pm 12 St. Spyridon Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am 13 14 Joy, Junior & Senior GOYA Meeting 7-9 pm Philoptochos Christmas Luncheon @ noon 20 21 Parish Council 7 –9 pm 18 19 Greek School Christmas Program 3:30 pm No Greek School Christmas Pageant 21 22 Entrance of Theotokos Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Joy, Junior & Senior GOYA Laser Tag 7-9 pm 23 Community Town Hall 7 pm 28 Office Closed Thanksgiving 29 Metropolis Vespers 7pm 30 St. Andrew Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am 22 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy 23 No Greek School Christmas Community Breakfast Youth Open Gym 7-9 pm 29 30 8 am Orthros 9 am 1st Liturgy 10:30 am 2nd Liturgy No Sunday School Youth Open Gym 7-9 pm No Greek School 24 25 26 Office closes at noon Christmas Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am Office Closed Vesperal Litturgy of St. Basil 6pm 31 St Val’s Men’s Club Christmas & New Years Eve Party 27 Joy, Junior & Senior GOYA Ice skating 7-9 pm 28
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