11/01/2006 15:31 8143556227 CERRO METAL PRODUCTS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 01 CERROSAFE 425Q..2 I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Emergency Phone No.: (S14) 355-8370 Company Name: CERRO METAL PRODUCTS CO. P. O. BOX 388 8ELLEFONTE, PA 16823 .' Ingredients in Alloy: BISMUTH, LEAD, TIN & CADMIUM Trade Name of Product: ALl.OY 4250-~ Form of Products: Chemical Family: LOW MELT AllOYS CAKES, P.ELLETS & WIRE .. 11.CHEMICAL COMPOSITION· CAS NUMBER RANGE-% Bismuth Cedmium 7440-69-9 42.50% Lead 7439-92~1 7440-31-5 ELEMENT 7440~3-9 Tin OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPO~URE LIMIT - 8 HOUR TWA 37.70% 11,30% ACGIH THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE - 8 HOUR TWA N/A 0.01 mg/m3 Total d~partlou'atf 0.002 mg/m1 Resplroble ftaction N1A. 0.005 rTJglrnll B.50'l6. . 0.05 mg/m3 0.15.-ng1m3 2 mglfn3 2 mgIm3 '. .' Ill. PHYSICAL DATA Physical $tate:(NOnnal Condition$) Appearance METALLIC SOLID Melting Point: 165deg F 60iling Point: Vapor Pressure: N,A. N.A. IV. FIRE AND REACTIVITY Flash Point; N.A. and Odor: GRAY ~ OOORlESS Flammable Limits: NA Density: .341Ib1ln3 DATA Reactivity: Alloys are stable non-hazardous sones at room temperature. Caution: NEVER use WATER AS A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA IN AREAS NEAR MOLTEN METAL. 11/01/2006 15:31 8143556227 CERRO METAL PRODUCTS PAGE 02 ,', v. HEALTH HAZARD DATA ,CertoSafe 4250-2' Overheating of alloy 00" produce metal fumes and oxides. Madllning o~lons suCh ~s grinding. sawing, and ' buffing can gerlel'trte airbome partlculate in the wor1c area. The exposun! levels indll::ated in Section 11are televant to these and other operatiQns. The fOlloWing is symptoms of overexposure to the various ingredients: Cadmium CANCER CAUSING AGENTS Dryness of throat headache, shortness of breath and vomiting may occur from overexposure to fumes or dust. lead Inhalation of fumes or dust can cause dryness of throat, nausea. vomiting and chills. POTENTJAL CANCER CAUSING AGENTS Tin Oust of tin oxide may cause pneumoconiosis. . . Under certain Circumstances, carcmogenlc or reproductlVefy toXiC matenels contamed to some alloys can be present in the fluids coming in contact with them and may be dangerous if ingested or released into the environment. FIRST AID: Bums from molten metal mould be treated as you would a bum from hot gre8Se_ Overheating of metal may generate fumes alllllor particulate. If overelCpOSUfe Is suspected, employee should be removed from area and 8 physiofan consulted. Ingestion of appreciable quantities of alloy is unlikely to OOOUf. VI. SPILL PROCEDURES No special precautions are reqUired for spills of bulk material. scrap alloy can be reclaimed for reuse. Follow Federal, State and local regulations for disposal. VII. SpeCIAL PROTECll0N INFORMAnoN Where dust and fume levels are In excess of levels in Section U NIOSH approved respiratory protection should be used. Heat resistant gloves should be worn when working with molten alloy. Eye proteotion should be wom during machining operations or melting. Villi. SPECIAL PRECAUnONS Wash hands thoroughly before eating, smOking or applying cosmetics. SARA TITLE III SECnoN 313 SUPPLIER NOTlFICA1l0N Fusible alloys contain chemicals SUbjectto the reporting requiffJments of Sedlon 313 of Title III of the Supetfund Amendments and Reauthorization Ad. of 1985 and 40 CFR Part 372. CompfetM by: JSMe!l A. Vaiana Title: El1Vironmental Engineer 08t8:01l02lO3 The infonnation In this MSDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the infonnation Is provided without and tepMSentation or W8lTSnty, express or implied regarolng the accuracy or correctness, The collditions or methods of handling, storage. use and disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or dispOSal of the products. " '