fabricability and design considerations of heat resistant alloys
fabricability and design considerations of heat resistant alloys
FABRICABILITY AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OF HEAT RESISTANT ALLOYS James Skarda Rolled Alloys Inc. Temperance, Michigan, USA Abstract ing contamination, or to contain a generated atmosphere that is neutral to the work, or to develop enhanced properties of the work bei ng processed. Examples of this would be muffles, retorts and radiant tubes. The second application is conveyors which include fixtures, jigs, grids, trays or boxes that hold the work as it is carried throu p, h the fu rnace. Each has its own design criteria. Common to both is to use the least amount of material that is necessary to resist the opera ting stresses. The difference is the frequency and rate of heating and cooling. Muffles, retorts and radiant tubes general ly are not subject to the rapid fluctuations associated with conveying systems but are exposed to thermal aradients because of the temperature differences on the inside and outside surfaces. Other considerations are expan sion rates and awareness of the fuel and thermal efficiencies. A rather oovious statement is to use only the mass (thickness) that can support the applied stress. This will certainly reduce material costs. However, even if this were not a factor, there are other valid considerations. An aspect is the fuel efficiency as related to the heat required to raise the temperature to operating levels. It can be formulated by the equation: Q = SM (T2 - T 1). This indicates the amount of energy Q requi red to rai se the temperature. The temperature of a container can be calculated by multiplying the specific heat times the mass (M), or weight, times the difference (T 2 - T 1). The AT is dictated by the process requirements and variations possible are quite limited if not fixed. Since variation in specific heats is insignificant, the real variant occurs in metal thickness. The thicker the wall, the more energy is required to raise the temperatu re to the desi red level. Another consideration is heat transfer. The factors affecting environment resistance thermal fatigue, shock resistance and fabrica bility of heat resisting alloys as used in thermal processing equipment in heat treating equipment. A review of metal properties as related to design considerations and fuel efficiencies in muffles, retorts, fixtures and radiant tubes. The surface characteristics of oxidation, green rot and metal dusting as affected by envi ron ments, sigma formation, are reviewed with general guidelines for fabrication and welding techniques. FOR THE PU RPOSE of this paper, we will con centrate on the family of alloys, primarily nickel and chromium combinations, that serve industry in thermal processing equipment) in particular. To differentiate these alloys from the more exotic and special conditions of space and turbine blade materials, the general para meters are: Long - time use (10,000 hours) primari Iy single phase, fabricabi lity, avai labi Iity in a variety of product forms and reasonably priced for use in a temperature range of 12000F to 2300 oF. It should be noted that the tempera ture is related to metal temperatures, not processing or operating temperatures. There are several alloys that can perform satisfactorily in this temperature range and selection becomes a matter of detailing environments, cycles and heating rates. Weill touch on two areas; design and fabrication considera tions and alloys. FACTORS AFFECTING HEAT RESISTANT ALLOYS The two main applications as related to the heat treat industry are containers and con veyors. By an arbitrary definition a container is a method to contain an atmosphere prevent- Fou rier l slaw : 279 9-.= t KA (T 2 - T 1) [ indicates does occur. Metal dusting, sometimes known as metal erosion, will also form due to specific atmosphere or environmental conditions. It will usually occur in stagnant atmospheres that are reducing or carburizing to the metal in a temperature range of 800°F to 12000F. The corrosion product, when still found in place, is a black dust composed of graphite, metal, metal carbides and metal oxides. This dust mixture is usually magnetic. The tendency increases with the nickel content. Sections of anchor bolts are subject to these conditions. The surface appearance of an anchor bolt is shown in Figure 3. Sigma will cause the properties of some heat resistant alloys to change after a few hundred or thousand hours in service and become brittle losing their toughness and ductility. This usually happens with high chromium, low nickel grades such as 309 or 310 (Figure 4). The most common problem is the formation of a very brittle phase usually in the grain boundaries identified as sigma. Differentiating this from carbide precipitations, which occur in the same temperature range, there is minimal chromium depletion. Sigma forms in the 1100° to 1600 0F temperature range peaking at 1300 0F. It is a time temperature formation. The amount of sigma usually found in heat resistant alloys is not seriously detrimental to the alloy at high temperature. However, sigma can completely embrittle an alloy when it reaches room temperature and can be a source for failure during frequent thermal cycling. It can be eliminated by heating above 1600 0 F. the ability to transfer heat through metal and can also be related to thermal efficiency. This states that the rate of heat transfer is inversely proportional to the thickness and proportional to the surface and temperature difference. The Q /t is the heat energy per unit of time, K = thermal conductivity coefficient, T 2 - T 1 = temperature differences between the outside and inside surfaces, similar to applications of muffles or radiant tubes, A = su rface area, L = mass (wall thickness). As the thickness increases, the rate of heat transfer will decrease. To illustrate the effect of mass on thermal gradients, generally it's more of a problem in conveyor systems, an example is round bars used in a heat treat basket (Figure 1). Making the bar "stronger" by increasing the cross section does not necessarily make it better because it can increase the thermal gradients between the core and outside surfaces. In this particu lar illustration, replacing a 3/8" diameter with a 1/2" diameter round bar increased the cross section by 78%. The larger cross section increased the thermal gradients that occurred whenever the basket was quenched. I twas unable to absorb the increased and repeated stresses and developed a maze of intergranular fatigue cracks. The bar then fails, not by load, but by thermal gradients. A better way to make the bar stronger is to change the alloy content. Oxidation resistance is another property important in performance levels in thermal equipment. Basically RA alloys have oxidation resistance to 20000F. The relative oxidation resistance of various alloys can vary up or down, depending upon the load and the rate and frequency of heating and coo Ii ng. Whi Ie we do think, along with several other testers, a 20 hour cycle test more closely approaches the conditions normally associated with the heat treating industry. Figure 2 illustrates the cyclic scale resistance of various alloys at 20000F for 500 hours. Two other surface conditions can occur to alloy at elevated temperatures - green rot and metal dusting. While not typical sources of failures, both conditions are possible and could be of interest. Because of its appearance, green rot is sometimes taken for a sulphurous deposit, and when observed becomes a mystery when neither feed stock or the envi ronment contai ns sulphur. I t is considered to be the selective reduction of nickel and i ron under conditions that do not reduce the more stable chromium oxide. The selective reduction forms voids leaving a greenish appearing chromium oxide. Upon initjal inspection it looks like rotted wood that is yellow-green in appearance. It appears that the propensity to form is rela ted to the nickel content; the more the nickel the more likely to occur. Because of the nar;ow parameters required by the environment to produce green rot it will only occasionally be observed, but should be recognized when it FABRICATION AND DESIGN Selection of an alloy for a specific application may involve two considerations : what composition should be used, and should it be wrought or cast form. Although the latter might be considered a design function, it is included here because, (1) the basic principles of design discussed under that subject are applicable to structures in general, whether cast, or w rought, and, (2) the procedure followed in selecting the composition would apply to either cast or wrought form. The Advantages of Cast Are: 280 1. Initial cost - Since the casting is essentially a finished product as - cast, its cost per pound may be less than a fabricated item. 2. Strength - Simi lar compositions are inherently stronger at elevated temperature in cast form than in wrought; this is attributable to the very coarse grained as - cast structure and the fact that most equivalent cast compositions are modified with hic-her carbon content to improve castabllity. 3. Shapes - Certain shapes can be produced as a casting are not made as a mill form, or that cannot be fabricated economically from the wrought forms available. 4. Compositions - Some compositions are available in castings that lack sufficient ductility to be worked into wrought forms. These fissures can also affect the ability to take forming. Use as large a bending radius as possible . The A IS I's recommendation for austenitic steels is forming to an inside radius twice the thickness of the material, and on more highly alloyed metal it could be four times the thickness. In the real world, this is usually much too generous for most fabrications and we often see metal bent to much smaller radi i. If the inside radius has to be sharp, it is good practice to dress the edges to reduce the amount of fissures that can be generated through shearing or punching . The method for best edge conditioning is saw cutting and grinding. Welding heat resisting alloys requires specific techniques easily acqui red through experience, but does not requi re sophi sticated techniques. The Advantages of Wrought Are: 1. Section Size - There is practically no limit to the section sizes available in wrought iron. Thinner sections often permit a weight reduction of 50% or more, making the initial cost of fabrication no more than, and perhaps less than, a casting; decreased tare weight results in substantial reduction in operati ng costs in many instances. 2. Thermal Fatigue - Thinner sections that reduce thermal stresses, and the inherently greater ductility of wrought materials, usually promote better resistance to thermal fatigue, especially under cyclic conditions. 3. 4. 5. 6. Welding Guidelines Are : Soundness - Wrought materials are normal ly free of internal and external defects such as shrinks, porosity, cold shuts, etc. Surface Finish - The smooth surface of wrought materials is often beneficial in avoiding focal points of concentrated or accelerated corrosion or carbon attack. Availability - Wrought heat resisting alloys are available from stock in numerous forms, permitting immediate procurement, and mini mizing the need for excessive inventory or maintenance supplies. 1. Correct joint preparation - use beveled joints. This is particularly important in heavy plate. 2. Correct power setti ng - in general, use as low heat input as possible. 3. Use stringer beads rather than weavi ng. 4. Keep interpass temperatures low. 5. Maintain a reinforced, or convex, bead contour. 6. Do not preheat, or postheat. Implied in the suggested guidelines is an attempt to get all the weld metal to solidify at the same instant. However, because of the low thermal conductivity of alloys, the base metal does not dissipate the heat as rapidly and reduces the cooling rate of the weld deposit. Because of the sharp thermal gradients that might exist in such a condition, there is a tendency for bead cracks. If bead cracks do occu r, it is good practice to reduce the dwell time, or use multipass welding, laying down less metal per pass. Perhaps the most common cause of the weld failures in service is lack of adequate penetration. I f penetration is not complete so that a cavity remains within the joint, the repeated expansion and contraction of the metal around the cavity initiates fracture from within. This is aggravated by the fact that the absence of metal in the cavity prevents normal distribution of stresses, creating stress concentration. These sharp and irregular contours frequently existing within the void fur ther contribute a notch or stress riser effect. (Figures 5, 6a and 6b). To achieve complete penetration, chamfering or gapping of the joint is necessary. Smoother weld contours with freedom from craters are roost desirable, especially for service No pattern cost. In fabrication, the heat resi sting alloys work differently than mild steel. Whether bending, forming shearing, machining, or wel ding, there are some differences that should be considered based on the realization of the alloy's properties. The most important thing to keep in mind when shearing an alloy for high temperature application is to avoid cracks and rough edges. Torn metal is the focal point for stresses which can lead to failure and a shorter service life. The yield strengths are a little higher in alloy in the hot rolled, annealed condition and the tensile strengths are a lot higher compared to mild steel. Shearing capacity has to be apprOXimately 50% greater. Good shearing practice is to cut 20% of the metal and the remaining 80% is fractured. A larger percent of the frac ture ratio can result in tearing and develop small edge fissures which become notches when used at high temperatures due to expansion of the metal. Punching is a more critical opera tion and more susceptible to tearing. If economically feasible, drill rather than punch holes and on thick plates, saw cut rather than shear. 281 resulted in an exothermic reaction raising the temperature above the melting point. It should be noted that any deposit on a container wi II prevent heat dissipation and wi II cause hot spots . The point here is that nickel chromium alloys do not melt at 1800° or 2000oF. If there is evidence of molten metal, the temperatu re at that point probably was in the vicinity of 2400oF. Outstanding performance has often been observed. Illustrated is a muffle used in a continuous hardening operation (Figure 7). The muffle has been removed for straightening and put back into service. The picture shows the condition of the muffle after 10 years, operating at 1550 to 161 OOF, two shifts per day, five days per week, idle at 1400oF, endothermic atmosphere. Admittedly, this is exceptional life, probably a record, but it does indicate the capability of a fabricated muffle, with the best combination of alloy and fabricating techniques compatible to the envi ronment. in carburizing atmospheres. Butt welding is preferable to lap type of welding and wi II be discussed later. Heat resisting alloys are not free machining. They require sharp and heavy tools. Machina bility rating is roughly 40% that of mild steel machine stock. Relatively low speeds with cuts deep enough to get under the skin are recommended. The rake of the tool should be such that it does not rub on the material which would work harden it, causing havoc with the tool life. Basic guidelines for design is to maintain minimum cross section, uniform cross section and allow for thermal expansion. Attempts should be made to eliminate fixed positions or rigidity. This is really not a reflection on the welding characteristics but a recognition of thermal expansion . An attempt at this is an articulated design which allows for freedom of metal movement. Often, applied stresses for a conveying system do not permit this, but when permissable it is quite effective. Uniform cross section is also an important consideration. Again, we relate to thermal gradients developed by differences of metal temperature. As indi cated previously, butt welding is the preferred method of joining because it maintains uniform cross section. If a joi nt is lap welded, the cross section will generally be doubled. Due to the low thermal conductivity of heat resis ting alloys, this can result in a significant difference of temperature between the cross section area. The importance of this is also illustrated by a typical cast alloy grid used in continuous pusher furnaces. The inner sections of the crossing member are cored. This results in a hole at each intersection which not only saves material but accomodates uniform cross section at each intersection. The above should not be considered intimi dating. The suggestions are not really due to the difficulties of fabricating the alloys, but rather a reflection of the way it is used. The harsher the service the more critical it is to develop good fabricating and welding techniques. A NEW ALLOY A recent alloy development is the addition of small amounts of rare earths added during pouring of a heat to result in micro- alloying (MA) that greatly enhances the high tempera tures properties of chromium- nickel austenitic alloys. RA 253MA is the first commercially available grade to use micro-alloy to extend the useful range of a lean nickel - chromium alloy base (21Cr- 11Ni - 1. 7Si - 0.04Ce). It has had extensive testing, including over 2.6 million hours of creep rupture testing through 20000F and has received ASME approval to 1650 o F. The improvement in the oxidation is indicated in Figure 8. The yield strength and the tensile strength of RA 253MA do not drop off rapidly with increasing temperature. At room temperature the yield point is over 40% higher than T 309. At 1500 0 F the yield strength is over 60% higher. It also has at least 4 times the creep strength of T 309 at 1600 o F. Figure 9- 10 illustrate comparative creep and stress rupture data . A practical test illustrates the higher strength levels. Figure 11 shows 1 mm (.039") thick sheetmetal rings made of different materials. The rings were fastened to a steel plate and annealed in a car type fu rnace at 1830 0 F (1000 0 C) . After 35 hours the rinQs of T321 and 310 were heavily deformed due to creep. The RA 253MA was fully intact with no measurably deformation equaling the creep strength of the N i alloy. APPLICAT IONS Fabricated r adiant tubes are used exten sively in thermal processing equipment with proven cost- effective service life. On occasion, a tube will fail prematurely, not related to the engineering properties of the metal. Illustrated is an example of a tube which obviously shows melting of the base metal (Figure 6). Records indicated that the operating temperature never got beyond 1850 oF, which is probably true, and the past performance had been excellent. In this particular case , soot formation had accumulated on the surface of the tube, causing two problems . It became carburized , which can lower the melting point by perhaps 100°F. The burning of the soot d ue to oxi dizing cond itions p robably 282 FIG. 1 Effects of Thermal Gradients I\) CD W ABOUT 7X ETCHANT MIXED ACIDS Similar fatigue cracks in 112" and %1" dia. bars from the same basket, illustrating the effect of cross section on thermal gradients and resultant stresses. In quenching service even small cross sections often fall ultimately in this manner. FIG. 2 Cyclic Oxidation Test 20000F 20· Hour Cycles in Air 50 I N <XI ~ - § 40 I I II N E (,) C ') .sc 30 I I II I ·co - CJ ~ C') ~ 20 I .,1 10 I 100 200 'J Note: Actual weight loss figures are valid A:»)::C I only for the specific conditions of the test. Neither this nor other laboratory oxidation data should be used to quantitatively predict metal wastage in actual service. 300 400 500 Exposure Time, Hours Failure of Furnace Anchor Bolts Made of RA 330 at White Motor Company I\) (X) 0'1 Photograph of the pitted area of anchor bolt. FIG. 3 TTY-Diagram for Sigma Phase Precipitation FIG. 4 Aging Temperature, °C (OF) 1000 (1800) e=253MA 0 =3105(1) ~___- - 0 -3105 X =310 (1700) I\) (J) m 900 X-310 e-253MA (1500) 800 (1400) e 700 100 200 ( 1) Si = 1. 83 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Aging Time, Hours c o ..1& ic l. -a j- 287 288 Weld Penetration FIG.6A FIG. 68 CORRECT INCORRECT This fully welded joint can resist both thermal and mechanical fatigue. The unfused void in this fillet weld acts as a stress riser and may cause premature failure. I\) ex> <D 290 FIG. 8 Cyclic Oxidation Test 2000°F 20-Hour Cycles in Air 10 , _ 8 I\) ~ N E u 0) 6 E c 'i "~ 4 0) :i 3: 2 100 200 300 Exposure Time, Hours 400 500 FIG. 9 Minimum CreeD Rate 0.0001 Percent Per Hour 20,000 10,000 ~"""'Iiii::li ......... ---. - ., .......... '-~-............ I'.... " ..."'" -" "" "'-, ' ....... '" ~ ~ ,,~, 5,000 ~,~ 'ec..n N <0 N " til ! ~, 2,000 U; Cii "' ~ 1,000 500 '" " ",-KADI ~" ~ ~ .., ~ ~. """ ~-, , '" , RA:M ~. " " ' ... " ...: " -vvT ~330' '"'\ " ' ... ~A446 200 1300 53MA ~ ....... ~ I'- '\. 100 1200 ......."". "- 1400 '" 1500 ", ,~ ,, ,, 1600 Temperature OF. 1700 1800 Stress to Rupture FIG. 10 10,000 Hours 20,000 10,000 ~ .. - """""", ',"",," ~ ....~ ~ '"' """" X ""1IIIii ~, '~', 5,000 ,~ I\) CD W 'in Q. 2,000 en U) -e en 1,000 '" ~ , ~ 25311A '" RA 333 ...... -. '~' RA "" '310'" ~, , .... '" '~ ....RA 446 """""" ~ "' ~ ' ...." ~ 1'."""""""- "'" -'-. """"" ""'- ~ 500 ' .... ~ 200 100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Temperature of '" " '~ rw;;;:: ... ~ ~ 1700 1800 In. FIG. 11 Relative Creep Strength 1 mm (.0393") thick rings after annealing 1832 FO for 35 hours. F\) <0 ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. RA 235MA Ni base alloy (60 0/0 Ni) AISI 321 AISI 310 ::JA .