Loftahammar - Tjust skärgård
Loftahammar - Tjust skärgård
Tjust Archipelago 2014 Loftahammar Västervik Blankaholm gamleby valdemarsvik Tjust Archipelago TJUST SKÄRGÅRD A part of destination Västervik Björkö (page 8) Kayaking from Hasselö to Stora Grindö (see page 7) Boat from Loftahammar to Rågö M/S Freden from Västervik, via Gränsö slott and Lysingsbadet, to Hasselö Loftahammar tourist office Centrumhuset, 590 95 Loftahammar Ph. 0493-681 65 [email protected] Open during summer Västervik tourist information centre Rådhuset, Stora Torget Ph. 0490-875 20 Fax 0490-25 40 45 [email protected] Open all year Blankaholm Tourst service Gästhamnsreceptionen, 593 97 Blankaholm Ph. 0490-702 06, 070-388 86 88 This brochure is published in a joint project between all participating companies. The project is also supported by Loftahammars Intresseförening (, Blankaholms samhällsförening (, Mellanskärgårdens Intresseförening ( and Västerviks Turistbyrå ( Project leader: Lina Johansson (Ph. 070-4676352, [email protected]) Design: Kristina Franzén FranzénWiberg, Photo: J Franzén, M Hollenberg, J Rindmyr, N Lind, H Carlén, S Winsness, Kv Hauswolff, A Lithner, Ocean Discovery, Å Andersson Printed by: V-TAB Vimmerby Issue: 10 000 ex Web: M/S Sladö från Västervik, via Gränsö slott, Lysingsbadet and Horns udde, to Idö Flatholmen (page 17) Post and schoolboat from Gränsö kanal to the central archipalago On the small island of Flatholmen, cottages are available for rent and the island offers a conference facility and guided walks. M/S Blanka from Blankaholm Gärdsholmen (page 8) The small island of Gärdsholmen is situated in the inlet called Syrsan, and is a centre for traditional fishing and smoked fish. Customised fishing packages are available including boat, guide and equipment, as well as overnight cottages for rent. Hasselö & Sladö (page 10–11) Guest harbours MarinCenter Loftahammar N57°54'1'' E16°41'9'' Contact: 0493-613 15, Rågö Gästhamn N57°51'06'' E16°44'0'' Contact: 0493-610 55, Västerviks Gästhamn 57°45,7 N 16°38,9 E Contact: 08-506 121 68, Blankaholms Gästhamn N57°35'5'' E16°31'5'' Contact: 070-388 86 88, Gästhamn Hasselö Sand N57°49'83'' E16°43'92'' Contact: 0490-911 30, Hasselö is a vibrant island with a sandy beach, and the Sladö Nature Reserve. Facilities include a restaurant, grocery store, café, bike rentals, sea-kayaks, boats, bath-tubs, guest harbour and a youth hostelopen all year-round. Activities include marked hiking trails, guided tours and sightseeing rides with tractor and trailer. Idö (page 12–13) The island of Idö is situated at the outer edge of the archipelago and the former pilot station, now a restaurant, is beautifully situated on the hill. On the island there is a café, guest harbour and kayak rental. Rentals of bosun’s cottages. Eagle and seal safari. Rågö (page 9) Rågö is a nature reserve with a typical archipelago culture; a wooden boat collection, hiking trails, sunbath cliffs and a sandy beach. On the island there is also a restaurant, accomodation and a guest harbour. Stora Grindö (page 9) In the picturesque old fishing village of Stora Grindö there is a fish shop, a café, accommodation in a cottage and guest berths on a jetty for day visitors. Örö (page 17) In the south of the archipelago lies the island of Örö.Accommo dations are available on the island, as well as meals which needs to be booked in advance, and a sauna. Idö Gästhamn N57°42'25'' E16°46'08'' Contact: 0490-285 80, 070-566 77 38, Västervik Resort-Lysingsbadet N57°44'22'' E16°40'22'' Contact: 0490-25 80 00, 2 On Björkö, which has been called “Sweden’s most beautiful island”, cottages are available for rent and the island also offers hunting and fishing. The island is also the homeport to one of the boat taxi companiesin the archipelago. Guest berths are available on a jetty. Natural harbour Latrine waste Groceries Boat bottom wash Guestport Archipelago traffic Marine service station 3 Enter our archipelago competition and win fine prizes! To enter the competition, you must find two answers: 1 How many sea-bird figures have we hidden at various places in the brochure? the following: the number of 2 Calculate guest moorings at the Marine Centre in Loftahammar + the number of beds available on Rågö + the house number of the shop ‘hos magnus och eva’ - the penultimate number in Idö’s booking telephone number divided by the number of kilometres from Hasselö Sand to Restaurang Sjökanten. Write the two answers on a postcard and send it to Hasselö Skärgårdsupplevelse AB, Hasselö, 593 91 Västervik, or email the answers to [email protected]. 1st prize: 2nd prize: 3rd prize: 4th prize: Hooded jumper from Hasselö Photobook ‘I stiltje och storm’ Idö ceramic mug from Idös krukmakeri Kitchen towel showing positions Tjust archipelago Tjust archipelago is renowned for its beauty and its varied scenery. The lush islands of the inner archipelago contrast with the bare rock of those towards the outer edge. In ‘The Wonderful Adventures of Nils’, Selma Lagerlöf describes Tjust Parish as “being unable to decide whether it wanted to be land or sea. Bays ran in everywhere and cut the land up into islands and peninsulas and points and capes.” Tjust archipelago is relatively large, extending nearly 70 km from Valdemarsviken and the Gryt archipelago in the north to the boundary between Västervik and Oskarshamn in the south, at the start of the Misterhult archipelago. Scenery The archipelago is made up of ancient rocks, granites and hard quartzite. Traces of glaciation can be found everywhere, such as rock striations, giant kettle holes, cobblefields, and polished, rounded coastal rocks. Animal and plant life is rich and varied. In the archipelago, the rare Apollo butterfly has one its strongest footholds in the country, and the sea eagle, Europe’s largest bird of prey, has become common in recent years. On land the white, sticky catchfly is a characteristic plant species, while under the surface of the sea, forests of bladder wrack sway gently in the currents. Thanks to the archipelago’s many inlets, depths and channels, underwater species diversity is great. Enormous pikes lurk in the vegetation, waiting for tench and perch, but rarer species like the Grass Prawn, the straightnosed pipefish and the two-spotted goby are also found here. At the Naturum in Västervik you can learn more about the Baltic Sea and the special natural history of the archipelago (see page 21). Inhabited since the Stone Age The archipelago is a cultural landscape that has been inhabited since the Stone Age, initially just seasonally but more permanently since the Middle Ages. In a deed of gift dated 1429, it is stated that the entire archipelago between “Fliesesund and Idöösund, with all the associated fisheries, have always been in and under the control of Fougelvik”. Year-round population Around twenty of the archipelago’s 5 000 islands, cobs and skerries are now inhabited all year round. On many of the islands, only a few people live, while others have larger populations, such as Hasselö-Sladö where approximately 25 people live all year round. The total permanent population of the entire archipelago is approximately 130. Many of these are elderly, but there are also children who travel to school by boat every day. In the past, fishing and farming were the main occupations, and these still form the foundation of the archipelago’s economy, but today they are supplemented by sectors such as transport, carpentry and tourism. Many islanders also commute to jobs on the mainland. Interesting destinations in Tjust archipelago There are many interesting places to visit in the archipelago, in addition to the most popular islands. In the north, for example, is the old fishing village of Väderskär, originating from the Middle Ages and where there is a 17th-century wooden chapel. Like Idö, Stedsholmen is an old pilot station and, at the very edge of the archipelago, Storkläppen is the only lighthouse. Further south, Spårö Båk is a well-known beacon that has become a symbol for the whole of Västervik. Kungsgrundet was named after King Christopher of Bayern, King of Sweden, Denmark-Norway, ran aground here in 1446. Amazing evening outing Evening boat trips take you to dinner with wonderful tastes and views! 4 Dinner at Rågö Dinner at Hasselö Dinner at Idö Rågö Servering offers a menu filled with the finest produce the archipelago can offer. Throughout July there are scheduled departures to the island from Lofta hammar. Book a table in the restaurant and a seat on the afternoon departure (15.00), enjoy an early dinner, and take the boat back from Rågö at 18.00. Bookings: 0493-610 55, Situated among the boat sheds and fishing huts, Restaurang Sjökanten has carefullycomposed three-course evening menus. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening in July, you can book a dinner trip. The boat leaves Västervik at 16.00 and the return taxi boat departs at 20.45. Price: SEK 720/person (boat ticket and dinner). Bookings: 070-234 96 88, Scheduled evening boat trips depart daily from Västervik at 17.50 and 19.50. Enjoy the three-course dinner and the beautiful views of the outer archipelago at Idö Skärgårdskrog. The boat returns to Västervik at 20.30 and 22.00. Price: SEK 595/person (boat trip and dinner) Bookings: 0490-285 80 You can also book your own taxi boat to all islands (see page 30). 5 Stora Grindö Stora Grindö lies along the sea lane, on the outskirts of the archipelago east of Loftahammar, with its little fishing village huddled between the hillsides. Traditional fishing with stake nets and modern aquaculture with rainbow trout co-exist here. to October. Accommodations, boating, nature, culture and fishing experiences with good food in a genuine environment are some of the ingredients on the menu. If you want to stay overnight, simple accommodation is now available. Smokehouse, shop and refreshments Open Laxboa has freshly smoked and cured salmon for your dinner, or you can partake of refreshments ranging from a tasty archipelago buffet to an espresso. There are good berthing options for visiting boats. We can help dinner guests without a boat with sea transport. Please note! You must make reservations for all meal arrangements. Laxboa is open daily from 10 to 18, 14/6–17/8. Meals with reservations! Other dates: 15/5–30/9 for events and sales by appointment. Welcome to Stora Grindö and Laxboa – from your “Head Baiter” Jan Hartman and staff! Conferences and events We organize conferences and island tours for smaller groups during May–June and from August 070-867 06 75, 0493-614 32, [email protected] Rågö Rågö is a real pearl in the archipelago. For a few years, the island was only accessible to visitors who had their own boats or who took a taxi boat, but during July visitors can once again take a scheduled small ferry from Loftahammar. Restaurant, guest harbour and accommodation On Rågö there is a restaurant, three fine houses to rent with a total of 20 beds, and a woodenboat workshop. The restaurant serves coffee, cakes, sandwiches, salads, and hot meals. For pre-booked groups, a special Rågö Menu is offered, based on local fish specialities. Rågö has a free guest harbour, with nearly fifty moorings. Open: every day 10-18, 18/6-10/8 (open for group bookings evenings and other times of the year). 6 Rågö Day The summer’s greatest annual festival for the whole family is 19 July – a celebration of hemp, crude oil and wood tar! Day outing to Rågö 11.00 Scheduled boat from Loftahammar. 11.30 Arrival Rågö. 12.00 Archipelago lunch in the restaurant. Free time on the island. 14.30 Boat departs from Rågö. 15.00 Arrival Loftahammar. Price for boat trip: SEK 90/adult and SEK 50/child (4–12 years). 0493-610 55, 070-584 30 02 Suggestion! Kayaking from Hasselö, via Rågö, to Stora Grindö Stage I Hasselö–Rågö–Grindö: Stage 2 Grindö–Horsö–Väderskär–Grindö: Stage 3 Grindö–Hasselö: Rent a sea kayak at Hasselö Sand, which you reach for example by taking the archipe lago boat from Västervik. Set off from Hasselö Sand and have a break for lunch on Rågö. Dinner and accommodation on arrival at Grindö. Breakfast. Kayaking in the northern part of the archipelago, via Horsö and Väderskär with its 17th-century chapel. At Skärsmaren on Stora Askö and at Väderskär, you can buy smoked fish for lunch. Return to Grindö for dinner and accommodation. Breakfast. Kayaking back to Hasselö. If the weather is good, an alternative route is recommended to Stedsholmen and Storkläppen, and then through the Sladö Canal back to Hasselö Sand. Rental of kayak for two days: SEK 750/person. Accommodation, dinner, and breakfast for two days (NB. lunch is not included in the price): SEK 1085/person (for at least two people) 7 Stay overnight and experience more Wonderful daytours Rent a bike and explore the island on fine cycle tracks. Hasselö Hostel Large day trip Boat trip with M/S Freden, transport by tractor and cart (or cycle under your own steam) to Restaurang Sjökanten, where a fine archipelago buffet awaits you! Cosy accommodation is available in Hasselö’s fine youth hostel and in cabins. Tailor-made conference and group events, birthday parties and wedding receptions can also be arranged all year round, with meals in collaboration with the restaurant. Conference in the archipelago Price: SEK 470/adult, SEK 210/child. Accommodation, conference premises, lunch, refreshments, breakfast, tour with tractor and cart, and three-course dinner. Price: SEK 1 350/person. Programme: 10.00 Boat from Västervik 11.00 Arrival Hasselö – Transport from jetty to Restaurang Sjökanten (or collect cycle at Handelsboa) 11.30 Archipelago Buffet 13.15 Transport from restaurant/cycle back 15.00 Departure Hasselö Family Days on Hasselö Accommodation, bicycle, breakfast, lunch and three-course dinner. Price: SEK 1 195/ adult, SEK 450/child Events on Hasselö 12/7 Pub evening with Lilla Lux, Hasselö Sand 16/7 Rowing event at Hasselö Sand 18/7 Mission Auction 19/7 Pub evening with Mats Molin, Hasselö Sand Midsummer on Hasselö Traditional celebration at the youth hostel. Dance around the May Pole; chocolate wheel, fish pond, games and refreshments, from 14.00. Midsummer package with boat trip, Midsummer Buffet, and tour. Guided tours of the island Interesting and instructive tour with a local Guide, who takes you round the island on a quad bike and cart, and tells you about the archipelago today and in the past. The tour is about 1,5 h long. Departure: 11.00 every Thursday and Saturday. Price: SEK 120/person. 8 Hasselö 16.00 Arrival Västervik Hasselö is a vibrant paradise, with activities and experiences for the whole family all year round. Come for a day, or stay overnight. Enjoy good food at the restaurant and café, and explore the beautiful countryside by bike, on foot, or even by tractor and cart. Hasselö Sand – village shop, bicycles, guest harbour and café M/S Freden lands at Hasselö Sand, the beautiful child-friendly sandy beach. Nearby there is a guest harbour, a village shop and archipelago café. Sea kayaks and bicycles can be rented for more excursions on the island, and a hot tub can be rented. Restaurang Sjökanten The island’s delightful restaurant is situated amongst the boathouses and fishing huts 2.5 km south of Hasselö Sand. Enjoy the highly recommended archipelago buffet during the day or the exquisite three-course menus in the evening. Every Sunday, brunch is served. NB. Table reservation required, even during the day: 070-234 96 88. Opening times Open daily 14/6-24/8 (Sjökanten is closed on 17/8), group bookings available at other times of the year. Saturdays 24/5, 31/5, 7/6, 30/8 and 6/9. The hostel is open all year round. Small day trip Boat trip and Archipelago Plate with smoked fish and home-made potato salad at Kafé Hasselö Sand. Price: SEK 325/adult and SEK 160/child. Programme: 12.00 Departure M/S Freden from Västervik 13.00 Arrival Hasselö Sand – Archipelago lunch at the café 15.00 Departure Hasselö 16.00 Arrival Västervik Make your reservation at 0490-911 30, 9 Idö Idö, on the outskirts of the archipelago outside Västervik, is the right place for anyone looking for exotic experiences in an unspoilt wilderness, combined with culinary sensations and a comfortable bed. Adventures on Idö… Eagle and seal safari Join the Idö activity-guide on a boat trip to the islands, each of which is an undisturbed wilderness. We guarantee a thrill when we meet grey seals or when we see the majestic sea eagle! Tour departs Thursdays (14/6–17/8), Saturdays and Sundays (3/5–26/10) from Lysingsbadet guest harbour jetty 10.00, via Horns Udde 10.15. Other times by arrangement. The boat trip takes approximately 2 hours. Book the tour, with or without lunch at Idö Skärgårdskrog (14/6-17/8). Prices: Adult SEK 400 (incl. lunch SEK 500). Youths 13–17, SEK 300 (incl. lunch SEK 400). Children up to 12, SEK 200 (incl. lunch SEK 250). Bookings: Idö tel: 070-285 80 04 [email protected],, Idö Skärgårdskrog Café and shop Guest harbour Enjoy a well composed archipelago influenced menu at Idö Skärgårdskrog, with a magnificent view of the open sea, fascinating in all weathers and at all seasons. During the summer, travel to Idö from Västervik with the regular archipealgo traffic. The boat trip takes about 45 minutes, and 5 minutes from Horns udde, the last stop before Idö. At other times, you can book a boat taxi, Idö Skärgårdstaxi (tel 070-566 77 38), from Horns Udde to Idö (price SEK 50/person) or from Västervik (SEK 1250/trip). Open daily 14/6-17/8. Relax on the patio next to the shore and enjoy views of the harbor and Norra Bockholmen. The Cafe serves coffee, homemade baked goods, ice cream and sandwiches. You will also find a small range of food items and fine gifts and furnishings in marine style. Beside the fairway outside Västervik lies Idö Guest Harbour, with space for 40 boats. Facilities include fresh water, electricity, shower and toilet. There is also a delivery point for groceries ordered online from ICA Maxi Västervik. Order before 23.00, for delivery to Idö Guest Harbour next day. Harbour intendant: Lars Nilsson, tel: 070-566 77 38. Conference Here, conferences can be held in a pilot/ archipelago environment. Adjacent to Idö Gästhamn are newly renovated conference rooms with place for up to 20 people. 0490-285 80 Visit Lotsutkiken Visit the island's white landmark, go up the pilot look-out tower along the narrow stair to the roof, enjoy a fabulous view over land and sea! The pilot's look-out was shut down in 1986 but is one of the few along the coast that is still intact. Sea-kayaking Enjoy a waterfront nature experience. Rent a kayak: half day 195 SEK, full day 295 SEK and 24 hr period 350 SEK. Eagle and seal safari on Idö. 10 11 Food and drink in the archipelago Loftahammar The small island community of Loftahammar is a real summer paradise, attracting thousands of visitors from near and far. During wintertime barely 800 people live in the area but during summertime the population is multiplying and the area is full of life and movement. Sandbyhov Restaurang & Pizzeria In the centre of Loftahammar, by the DinX filling station, lies the restaurant offering the best pizzas in Småland, popular lunches with daily specials, and that little extra, outstanding service. Fully licensed. In the summer we also arrange troubadour evenings several times a week. Contact: 0493-615 90, Stures Bageri Cafe & Restaurang, Charlottenlund B&B Experience Loftahammar Loftahammar has lots to offer visitors, whether you are doing a day trip or stay overnight in the area. Stroll around in the marina, eat well at any of the restaurants and have a coffee break. A visit to Loftahammars cultural heritage museum is also a nice outing. Do not forget swimwear – in Loftahammar there are several really nice beaches and nice cliffs by the ocean, to take a dip from! Activities Loftahammar has one of the finest golf courses in the area, and you can also rent bicycles, boats and kayaks. Water sports and sailing courses are also arranged and, in the summer, there is also a fun and charity run around Vivassen. Don’t miss the challenging event, LED Loftahammar, where you can swim and run from island to island in the beautiful Tjust archipelago. Shopping In Loftahammar there is an ICA store with a good assortment, just a few hundred meters from the harbour. There is also a cosy gift shop and the marina have shops selling boating equipment. Loftahammar Tourist office The tourist info center is open May through September and is located in the Centrumhuset in Loftahammar. We can help you with advice and information. Welcome! Loftahammar’s cosy bakery is over a century old, offering bread and pies, as well as biscuits and tasty pastries. In the café and restaurant, breakfast and lunch are served every day during the high season. On the floor above, there are light and pleasant rooms that can be booked for overnight stays; these can also be booked in conjunction with greenfees on the golf course. Contact: 0493-610 72, 070-350 13 49, Sjökrogen restaurang & bar 0493-619 10, 070-480 62 42, Café Glassfyren 0493-610 01, Tättö Havskrog 0493-681 65, 0493-610 10, www.tättö 13 Activities and excursions in Loftahammar Loftahammar Boat Society (Båtsällskap) Our club house lies at Sandbyhovsbryggan, where we arrange sailing schools and customised activities all year round. How about, for example, a pentathlon on water with kayaking, wind surfing and sailing when you want to challenge your friends or when you are having a party? In winter, sailing comprises ice hunting and skate sailing. In spring, autumn and winter you can rent accommodation 50 m from the water. Contact: 076-769 95 05 Stay overnight in Loftahammar Båtrenoveringar in Loftahammar Hallmare Havsbad Camping Charlottenlunds B&B Welcome to our full service center with workshop and sales of new and secondhand boats and motors. Authorized service for Yamaha, Nanni, Yanmar och Perkins. Winter storage – both indoor and outdoor space, and rental of berths. Welcome to Hallmare Havsbad Camping, a family campsite with its own wonderful shallow beach and fine camping pitches, all with sea views! Our shop has freshlybaked bread every morning, and we have a simple restaurant. SWEEDS Contact: 0493-616 50, 070-973 33 90 Open: 1 May–30 Sept. Cabin Rentals Watersports Contact: 0493-613 62 0493-611 10, Sweeds offers complete holiday housing in Loftahammar. We offer high quality housing for up to 14 people, which is perfect for young families and friends to spend their holiday in, filled with relaxation and activities. Sweeds offers exciting activities; such as fishing, waterskiing, wakeboarding and fun- tube – fun activities to get started with and to get the adrenaline flowing. SWEEDS stuguthyrning Boat Rentals Inside the Centrumhuset you can visit our store, where you can buy local crafts, souvenirs and gifts. Welcome! 0493-610 72, 070-350 13 49 Hallmare Havsbad Camping 0493-613 62, Hula Gård i Loftahammar 0493-617 59, 070-508 28 58, STF Vandrarhemmet Trillin 0493-610 01, Tättö Havsbad & Camping 0493-613 30, BirgittaBoden Exhibition Rent a motorboat from Sweeds and discover the archipelago! Discover an island or find calm water for swimming, diving or grilling. Loftahammar’s cosy gift shop with antiques, new items and curiosities. You will find anything from furniture to jewelry, the perfect gift, and old-fashioned sweets. Experience the nostalgia and modern; old and new – all in a lovely mix! Open from May to September (from mid-June to mid-August: Tuesday–Saturday, other times: weekends). 29/8–31/8 2014. Loftahammar Bicycle rentals Contact: 0493-640 48; 070-798 66 88 14 offers a large exhibition which takes place the last weekend in August every year. Several different types of exhibitors will showcase and sell everything from handicrafts to delicacies and jewelry. On Saturday an organized motorcade will go through the community and offer many various performances. Welcome to visit guests and exhibitors! Loftahammar’s Golf Club Local crafts and souvenirs If you're looking for something fun to do, you can rent bikes or MTB at Sweeds. Experience the beautiful nature up-close and enjoy a rewarding day on the bike saddle. Loftahammars cultural heritage museum in Aleglo Café Glassfyren At the café Glassfyren inside Centrumhuset, you can enjoy a cup of cappuccino or espresso, refreshing ice-cream, waffles and delicious cookies! Our ice-cream menu have many different flavors to choose between. We offer unlimited free internet for all our customers. Loftahammar’s highly-rated 9-hole course is located "in the middle of Village" within walking distance to shops, marina and restaurants. It is challenging with its length – throughout 6380 m from the white tees. The course is beautifully situated in hilly forest and park terrain. Greenfee may be used, as well as 9 18 holes. Greenfee kan lösas för såväl 9 som 18 hål. Contact: 0493-689 22, 0493-610 01 Contact: 0493-620 62 (open on request, voluntary entrance fee) 15 ICA Nära Kusten, Loftahammar Get more time for island life – stock up and make your errands in Loftahammar! In Marin Centers’ harbour you can refuel, eat well and stay overnight, and enjoy the walking distance to our fine local ICA store. Well-stocked shop with ATM The shop is well-stocked with produce and delicacies, a fresh fruit and vegetable department, fine fresh and cured meat products, and a new fish counter in collaboration with Kårö Fisk. New for this year is that the shop has become an agent for the state-run gaming operator Svenska Spel, Schenker, DHL, the state-run off-licence Systembolaget, the chemist Apoteket, and the Post Office Posten. Auction on Hasselö 18 July Archipelago Day Händelöp On Friday 18 July, from 11.30, an auction will be held to support the renovation of the Mission House on Hasselö. The aim is to use it as the community centre on the island. Lottery, hot dogs, and refreshments, etc. Take a day trip there on the archipelago boat, and then it is just a short walk from the jetty. On Friday 30 May, the Mission House will be reopened after the major roof renovation. Exhibition of old photographs, handicrafts, refreshments, etc. Saturday July 12 at 10–15, you are wel come to Archipelago Day at Händelöp’s village. Exhibitors and artisans, smoked fish and refreshments. Car parking is available but feel free to ride your bike or boat! Contact: Hasselö Mission House and Cultural Heritage Association, 070-313 04 91 Örö Welcome to Örö, the nature reserve in south. Enjoy floral splendor, eat well, a steamy sauna and sleep comfortably in Grandfather's house. Contact: 0490-270 17, 073-628 90 78 Contact: Händelöps damklubb, tfn 073-907 58 84, [email protected] Flatholmen Angling Experience the stunning scenery around Flatholmen. Cottages, single bed dormitory or overnight in an old tugboat. Rent a small boat with outboard motor and visit Åkes newly built motor museum! Björkö Gård, 0493-615 35, 073-326 83 70 Gärdsholmen, 0493-401 69, 070-962 28 50 Hasselö, 0490-911 30, Rågö, 0493-610 55, Smågö, 0490-911 40, Opening hours 16/6-31/8: all days, 08-21. Rest of the year: Monday-Saturday, 09-19 and Sunday 10-16. Like us on Facebook ( icakusten) and receive information about currentoffers, extra opening, etc. Contact: 073-641 81 12 0493-610 05, MarinCenter MarinCenter is one of the East Coast’s most complete marinas with 400 berths (of which 50 seats) equipped with electricity, water and lighting. We offer full service and winterizing both outside and inside. In our service building there is an accessories store and marine service station, and next door is also Sjökrogen (0493-619 10). Contact MarinCenter: 0493-613 15, 16 Join the archipelago associations Mellanskärgårdens Intresseförening is a nonprofit organization working for a healthy environment and a healthy development of the archipelago, through improved communications and increased opportunities for residents and business. Membership fee: 150 SEK to bg 5015-4798. Contact: Lina Johansson, tel 070-467 63 52, Smålandskustens skärgårdsförening is a nonprofit association that works along the entire coast of Småland to promote the archipelago's businesses, improve their inhabitants living conditions and to protect and nurture the archipelago environment. Membership fee: 150 SEK to pg 83 34 09-6. Contact: Åsa Nilsson, tel 073-641 81 12, 17 photo: Adam Lithner The schooner Vega Sailing with Vega is an adventure! Onboard you become involved in a vibrant maritime history. The feeling and atmosphere, rig and details – everything is unique. Below deck there are comfortable cabins and a large salon. Our Chef cooks exquisite meals and you can buy beer and wine onboard. Vega is sailing with businesses, groups and individuals. Sailing trips 2014 for individuals: Day trips in Norrköping 1–4 June Norrköping – Stockholm 5–7 June Stockholm – Västervik 9–11 June Day trips in Tjust Archipelago 14–17 June Västervik – Öland – Kalmar 20–21 June Västervik – Stockholm 25–27 August Garpedansberget In addition to a large collection of rock carvings and northern Europe’s only triangular square, Gamleby also has an enchanting lookout, where nearly a hundred sculptures line the path that leads to the top. At the very top of the mountain, there is a folly, tables and benches. From here, the view over Gamlebyviken is spellbinding to say the least. In the summer, popular story walks are arranged for children, led by the troll mother Grimhild. Tickets can be bought at the campsite reception, and picnic baskets can also be booked. Businesses Gamleby has a large range of restaurants, cafés and shops. In addition to food shops there is a Systembolaget off-licence, an Apotek chemist and several specialist shops, such as an electrical shop, a hardware shop, and a fabrics shop. Gamleby is particularly wellendowed with second-hand shops, antique shops and bric-a-brac shops. Active collaboration between the entrepreneurs in Gamleby has resulted in New Gamleby, which has a positive spirit of enterprise and collaboration. 18 Bookings: 0708-78 64 92, Our other vessel, the schooner Linnéa, is now up on the ramp at the boatyard at Casimirsborg. For visits call Egil to book a viewing, tel 076-631 42 63. Gamleby Gamleby was an important trading site already in Viking times, and before 1433, this was actually the site of the town of Västervik. Today, Gamleby is a vibrant village with shops and restaurants and a modern four-star campsite beside the calm water of Gamlebyviken. Within easy reach is the boatyard at Casimirsborg. KustCamp Gamleby at Hammarsbadet Gamlebys four-star campsite is the closest seaside campsite for people visiting Astrid Lindgren’s World. It has a fine location by Gamlebyviken and the campsite offers a large range of activities, fresh service buildings, fine cabins, and caravan pitches with sea views. Gamlebyviken is one of Sweden’s best waters for pike, and naturally you can rent both rowing boats and motorboats with steering console at the campsite. The campsite also has the newly-opened popular restaurant Bad1, which offers a varied menu with popular pizzas and other dishes, and an outdoor seating area with a fantastic view over Gamlebyviken (tel 0493-105 74, 0493-102 21, 19 Sleep well in a hotel with the pulse of the town outside the door, in a cabin near the sea, or on a modern campsite in the north or south. In the Västervik area, you can choose from many types of accommodation. Read more at Blankaholm Västervik Blankaholms naturcamping 072-730 42 91, BEST WESTERN PLUS Västerviks Stadshotell Blankaholms Havsstugor 0490-82 000, 0490-702 06, Centralhotellet Sweden Hotels Gamleby 0490-895 50, Gamleby Bed & Breakfast 0493-100 07, 070-864 97 94 KustCamp Gamleby 0493-102 21, Loftahammar Hotell Park Västervik Cosy, snug and almost like home. At Hotell Park you can choose a room that is just right for you – small, large, with kitchen, at the top of the building, or with your own door to the garden. Enjoy your breakfast in our cosy courtyard. The hotel is situated opposite the travel centre, and just a stone’s throw from and shops and restaurants. We also rent out bicycles and kayaks. Contact: 0490-108 06, Charlottenlunds B&B 0490-824 30, Hotell Fängelset 076-136 89 66, Hotell Park 0490-108 06, Västervik Resort- Lysingsbadet 0490-25 80 00, Tobo B&B Hallmare Havsbad Camping 070-496 15 48, 0493-613 62, The Archipelago 0493-617 59, 070-508 28 58, STF Vandrarhemmet Trillin 0493-611 10, SWEEDS stuguthyrning 070-572 02 22, Tättö Havsbad & Camping 0493-613 30, RISEBO Risebo Fritid 0493-330 46, 070-293 30 46 Västrum Tofvehult Glasskafé, konferens & boende 0490-263 51, 070-722 01 64, Överum STF Överums Vandrarhem 0493-303 02, 20 Gränsö slott 0493-610 72, Hula Gård i Loftahammar photo: Ocean Discovery Accommodation Björkö Gård 0493-615 35, 073-326 83 70 Gärdsholmen 0493-401 69, 070-962 28 50 Flatholmen 073-641 81 12, Hasselö Vandrarhem och stugor Kulbacken In the idyllic environment at Kulbacken, lie Västervik Museum and Naturum Västervik, where nature and culture meet. The lookout tower, hens and the old buildings make this is a perfect destination for both children and adults. Västervik – the archipelago town in Småland In the beautiful old core of Västervik, you can always catch glimpses of the sea, and you are close to the archipelago. From the archipelago terminal in the centre, there are scheduled departures of M/S Freden and M/S Sladö. Just five kilometres in one direction is the Gränsö Nature Reserve with its lush environments of old oaks and flower meadows, smooth bathing cliffs, and sandy beaches. Four kilometres in the other direction lies Västervik Resort-Lysingsbadet, a major facility with a new adventure pool, sandy beach and the mini-archipelago, Korpaholmarna. The town has much to offer, both for visitors who are looking for culture and history and those who just want to stroll around the streets and squares, enjoying the bustle. Västervik offers good shopping with many small, charming shops and several large chains. Naturally, there are also many fine restaurants to choose from, offering fine food and drink. 0490-911 30, Idö 0490-285 80, Rågö 0493-610 55, Smågö 0490-911 40, Stora Grindö 070-867 06 75, Örö 0490-270 17, 073-628 90 78 Welcome to 16th-century marine history! In 1564, the Mars Makalös ship sank during a raging battle off Öland. The largest vessel of the time disappeared under the waves... but not out of history. In 2011, the wreck was discovered and now the work of the marine archaeologists and divers can be seen in a unique exhibition at Västervik Museum. You can see photos, a film, and objects salvaged from the site of the wreck. Contact: tel 0490-211 77 Naturum Västervik Looking for something to do? Naturum Västervik is a destination for the whole family, with focus on the sea and the archipelago. You are met by a nature guide who helps arrange activities such as Baltic Sea Fun, film showings, nature walks, honey centrifuge, and much more. The naturum also has temporary and permanent exhibitions. Take the chance to swim in the magical underwater world of the Baltic Sea on our Snorkel Trail. Read more on our home page. Contact: tel 0490-211 77 21 Restaurang Havsterrassen Enjoy home-cooked food with a sea view. Open daily June – 15/8 (also weekends from May and 15/8–31/8). Contact: 070-872 79 21, 072-327 73 03, Blankaholm Village Shop Open: weeks 26–32, all days 9–19, rest of the year Mon–Sat (ring for opening times). Agent for the Apotek chemist and Systembolaget off-licence. Contact: 0490700 12, Blankaholm’s Nature Campsite Welcome to our peaceful and family-friendly tent and caravan camping site, beautifully situated by the sea! Child-friendly bathing, with trampoline, and close to the shop. Recently-renovated service building with showers and toilets. We also have five cabins with 2–4 beds. Contact: 072-730 42 91, Handicrafts Market, 2 August Traditional market with Swedish handicrafts, traditional boat rowers, etc. 22 Blankaholm In ‘the little friendly village in the south’, there is much to discover. Stay overnight and explore the scenery and archipelago in a rented boat, or take a trip on the archipelago boat M/S Blanka. Eat well at one of the restaurants or buy a grill package in the village shop. Go walking, play disc golf, minigolf, tennis or go fishing. In the winter, you can book a round trip on a hovercraft for up to 6 people. Blankaholm Guest Harbour The welcoming and sheltered guest harbour is open all year round. There are barbeques and you can even pick your own herbs. You can rent canoes, motorboats, the hot tub and the floating sauna. Contact: 070-388 86 88 Sea cabins, stables, ice cream bar, and garden Sleep 5 metres from the sea in a simple cabin with its own jetty for swimming. Enjoy delicious scoop ice cream, surrounded by flowers and vegetables, and simply enjoy the sea. Contact: 0490-702 06, KustCamp Ekön In the very north, Tjust archipelago adjoins another beautiful archipelago, Gryts archipelago. This is where you find Eköns four-star campsite with the “best position on the east coast”, as far out to sea you can reach without travelling by boat, and only 20 minutes from the E22 motorway. pitches with a reinforced surface. The campsite’s popular restaurant is run by the well-known restaurant couple, Hellsing, who have won, for example, Östergötland Chef of the Year three times. The couple also run Gryts Varv. Nature Reserve Eköns Camping lies deep in the archipelago environment in the Ekön Nature Reserve, with smooth bathing rocks, the sea, and a real sense of freedom outside the caravan door. The aim is to be the best campsite on the east coast. It is already well on the way to achieving the goal, with the new high-standard service building and a spacious guest kitchen with restaurant-style dishwashers and panorama windows looking out over the water. In addition to 19 cabins and approximately 220 caravan pitches, there are chalets and motorhome 24 The campsite lies in the middle of the Ekön Nature Reserve, perfect for active outdoor activities, with fantastic bathing rocks, a cobblestone beach, and a popular children’s bathing spot. Nearby is the small archipelago village of Gryt, and just a kilometre or so away is Fyrudden, which is the old pilot station and a service centre for boats. Today, Fyrudden is one of several hubs of the Östergötland archipelago traffic, including trips to the wellknown fishing hamlet of Harstena. 0123-402 83, Ostkusten kajak At Ostkusten kajak, adjacent to the campsite, you can rent sea kayaks and everything you need for your adventure in the archipelago. Also, rental of bicycles. Packages available. Contact: 073-041 03 88 Gryts Varv (boatyard) Just along the coast road lies Gryts Varv boatyard, which can lift pleasure boats of up to 480 tons. It has both a hotel and a conference facility, and a first-class restaurant on the site. Reserve a table and enjoy a really fine dinner! Contact: 0123-128 06, Västervik’s home furnishings and home maintenance shop, garden and recycling hos magnus & eva A shop that breathes quality Rådhusgatan 40 i Västervik Welcome! 0490-314 15 mood Stay in the We are building year-round houses on hasselö. interested? Ring us at 0490-25 72 50. P h o n e + 4 6 ( 0 ) 4 9 0 - 2 5 8 0 0 0 l y s i n g s b a d e t @ v a s t e r v i k . s e w w w. l y s i n g s b a d e t . s e 27 Welcome to your full-service center | Barlastgatan 3 PamPas marina västervik sPare Parts and accessories Marinshopen has northern Europe’s most complete range of spare parts for boat engines. We have most parts in stock and can therefore offer our customers quick delivery. Welcome to your local fishmonger! Our skilled staff will ensure that you find what you need for your engine. We have spare parts for the following brands (among others) in stock: Mercury, Mariner, Volvo Penta, Mercruiser, Johnson, Evinrude, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha ris and Yanmar. Mässp 429.900:- Welcome! Marinshopen Älvsjö Grossistvägen 1-5 Tel: 08-642 00 350 MPI Glastron GTL 22993MerCruiser 300 hk, Kapell (481 500:-) äsnspris Mfrå 229.900:- Fuel, Freshwater, oil, lPG, kiosk and kayak rental tFn 072-500 45 45 VÄSTERVIK Barlastgatan 3 Pampas Marina Barlastkajen Welcome to wellstocked boat halls! tel 0123-511 20 Anders: 070-773 27 74 Fiskvagnen: 072-215 92 90 Your fishing tackle shop in central Västervik, with everything for angling and professional fishing: nets, trawling equipment, Grundén rainwear, etc. Strömsgatan 21, tfn 0490-151 00 Marinshopen Västervik Barlastgatan 3 Tel: 070-414 34 82 Glastron GT 185 MerCruiser 3,0 135 hk, Hamnkapell (257 000:-) VästerVik Barlastgatan 3 Pampas Marina Barlastkajen Passion för båtliv! VALDEMARSVIK VÄSTERVIK VALDEMARSVIK Sandviks Varv Väg 212 mot Gryt 2 km full-service facility for your Boat 0123-511 20 ValdeMarsVik sandviks Varv Väg 212 2 km towards Gryt Fresh and smoked fish from Västervik’s archipelago can be bought at the Fish Caravan at Willys in Västervik. Wednesday-Saturday we open at 10.00 guest harBour | summer moorings | WorkshoP | insurance cases | marine filling station tfn 0490-56 67 09 29 Boat trip to the archipelago A high-speed adventure in RIB boat, a calm cruise on an archipelago boat, or your own taxi boat – regardless of whether you want a fast transport or a slower, longer round trip, there are many different ways to reach the islands in the archipelago. Molander’s boat transport Book your private boat trip to the archipelago! Anna-Pia welcome you aboard the nice taxi boat Vilda, which is stationed at Björkö. If you would like a tour or a quick transport to your destination, we are here for you. We carry up to 12 passengers. Contact: 0493-618 08, 070-671 39 14 Experience the sea Experience the Småländ archipelago close up with a high-speed adventure in a RIB boat. Glide slowly across calm water or fly through the waves at breakneck speed. Book a fast trip between Kalmar, Öland and Västervik, or a trip with landings on your own rock or at one of the archipelago restaurants for a fine meal. You can customise your own trip! Kråkelund dyk- och sjöentreprenad also offers boat taxis for a maximum 12 passengers, fishing and diving tours, jetty-building, etc. Contact: 070-444 57 08 [email protected] 30 Boat trips all year Away from the summer season, you can travel on scheduled services in the central archipelago (for example Södra Malmö, Norra Malmö, Hasselö, Smågö, Rågö and Björkö) with the post and school boat to/from Gränsö Canal outside Västervik. NB. All journeys must be booked no later than the day before, and departure times and possible departure jetties may vary. Ring for information! Timetable Monday Fr Gränsö kanal: kl 7.40, 11.00, 12.00, 13.15 Fr the archipelago: kl 7.20, 10.20, 11.30, 12.55 Tuesday Fr Gränsö kanal: Fr the archipelago: kl 7.40, 13.15, 14.00 kl 7.20, 8.30, 12.55 Wednesday Fr Gränsö kanal: kl 7.40, 11.00, 12.00, 14.15 Fr the archipelago: kl 7.20, kl 10.20, 11.30, 13.55 Thursday Taxi boat Molanders Båttransporter (max 12 pers) 070-671 39 14, Solidö Skärgårdstaxi (max 20 pers) 0490-910 19, Fr Gränsö kanal: kl 7.40, 14.00 Fr the archipelago: kl 7.20, kl 8.30 Friday Fr Gränsö kanal: Fr the archipelago: kl 7.40, 11.00, kl 7.20, 10.20, 12.00, 13.15, 17.00 11.30, 12.55, 16.30 Sunday Smågö Service (max 12 pers) 073-055 11 40, Fr Gränsö kanal: kl 16.30 Fr Hasselö: kl 16.00 Marqua, Hasselö (max 12 pers) 070-444 6000, Book your tour Idö Skärgårdstaxi (max 12 pers) 070-566 77 38, Kråkelund dyk- och sjöentreprenad (max 12 p) 070-444 57 08, Blue tours: Molanders Båttransporter (tfn 070-671 39 14). Red tours: Solidö Skärgårdstaxi (tfn 0490-910 19). Green tours: Hasselö (tfn 070-467 63 52). Västervik archipelago traffic Travel with the regular coastal boat traffic from Västervik to Hasselö and Idö. From Skärgårdsterminalen in downtown departs frequent tours via Gränsö castle and Lysingsbadet, all summer. Jump onboard and enjoy a lovely boat trip before stepping off into Sweden's most beautiful archipelago! M/S Freden and M/S Sladö M/S Freden departs for Hasselö and has capacity for 150 passengers, including 60 seated in the auditorium, and 60 on the sun deck above. Onboard there is café and it is fully licensed. M/S Sladö depart for Idö and has room for 92–120 passengers. There is the option to sit inside or outside. Shrimp cruise Join the M/S Freden for a shrimp cruise with a meal of unlimited shrimps on board. Departures at 19.30 on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 4 July–10 August. Returns at 22.00. Price: 295 kr/person. Chartered tours During spring and autumn, you can book M/S Freden and M/S Sladö for an archipelago tour with the your company, club or private party. Take a tour of the archipelago or even a whole day excursion by boat cruise, meals and activities on any of the islands. 070-265 09 01, 070-217 68 52, Take the boat to the centre New for this year is a circle line between the three jetties (Västervik, Gränsö Castle and Lysings badet), which makes it simple to travel by boat in the town. An all-day ticket costs SEK 50 for adults. This allows you to travel as much as you want between the three jetties. Tickets are sold on board. 31 Archipelago traffic Take the boat to Sweden's most beautiful archipelago. Jump onboard in the center of Västervik, at Gränsö Slott, Lysingsbadet or Horns Udde. You can take a boat from Rågö to Loftahammar, and take a round trip from Blankaholm. Tickets Buy your ticket in the hut by the Skärgårdsterminalen or online at Price: single trip cost 100 SEK, and roundtrip 200 SEK (half price children 4-12 years, free under 4 years). 070-265 09 01, 070-217 68 52 Taxi boat to Idö from Horns Udde Evening trip from Hasselö M/S Blanka (Blankaholm) If you want to travel to Idö on other dates or times than the scheduled departures, you can book a taxi boat from Horns Udde for SEK 50/person, single journey, or your own taxi boat from Västervik for SEK 1250/ single journey. Bookings: 070-566 77 38, 070-285 80 04 On Tuesdays and Thursdays in July you can pre-book a place on an evening trip from Hasselö to Gränsö kanal outside Västervik. This departs at 20.45, in conjunction with a dinner booking at Restaurang Sjökanten. Price:SEK 150/single journey. Bookings: 070-234 96 88 During the summer, boat tours depart with M/S Blanka from Longest bridge (Längsta bryggan) at 14:00 every Tuesday, Thurs day and Sunday. Enjoy coffee or order at the restaurant next door. Price: 120kr/adults, 60 SEK/children (under 15 years). Book your ticket: 070-388 86 88,
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