Muhammad The Last Prophet Seerat english


Muhammad The Last Prophet Seerat english
(Peace and Blessings be upon him)
(A Short Biography)
Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi
Translated by
Dr. Shah Ebadur Rahman
Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed Academy
Dare Arafat, Takiya Kalan, Rae Bareli (UP)
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Copyright f Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed Academy
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or tramsmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Published by
Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed Academy
Dar-e-Arafat, Takiya Kalan, Raebareli, U.P. (India)
Contact No. 9918818558
E-Mail: [email protected]
Seerat Rasool-e-Akram (Original Version)
By Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi (1913-1999)
Muhammad – The Last Prophet (Translated Version)
By Shah Ebadur Rahman Neshat
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Introduction …………….7
Publisher’s Note...……. 11
The Prophet’s Birth……17
Babyhood Days………..18
Death of mother and
grandfather ...………….19
Participation in the Battle
of Fijaar and the Fuzool
Marriage with Hazrat
Renovation of K’aba and
Prevention of a
Divine Care and
Invested as Prophet……25
Preaching of Islam.........27
Call Toward Tawheed and
Opposition of
‘Otba’s Conversation with
the Prophet (pbuh)……..35
Conversation between
Chiefs of Quraysh and the
Prophet (pbuh)…………37
Quraysh Torture
Abu Bakr’s Sufferings at
Makkah…. …………….45
Emigration of Muslims to
Habsha (Abyssinia) and
Hazrat J’afar’s Speech in
the Court of Najjaashi…46
Hazrat Hamza Accepts
Hazrat ‘Umar Accepts
‘Uthman bin Maz’un’s
Quraysh Boycott Bani
End of Boycott………...55
Abu Bakr’s Alienation in
Death of Abu Talib and
Hazrat Khadija………...58
Journey to Taif………...59
Inviting Arab Tribes to
The First‘Oqba Pledge and
Spread of Islam………..67
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Second ‘Oqba
Permission for Emigration
to Madinah…………….75
The Prophet’s Emigration
to Madinah…………….77
The Battle Begins…….108
Famous Leaders of
Disbelievers Killed…...110
The Manifest
Suraqa’s Pursuit……….82
Kindness to
The Auspicious
Hazrat Abul ‘Aas Accepts
The Prophet’s Welcome at
‘Umayr bin Wahab accepts
Islam …………………117
Construction of Masjide
Marriage of Hazrat
First Friday at
Disbeliever’s Zeal for
Revenge for the Defeat in
Stay at the House of Abu
Ayyub Ansari………….89
Toward Uhud………...122
Construction of Masjide
Nabawi and Family
Beginning of the Battle of
Adoption of Adhan…….93
How Muslims Lost
Brotherhood Between
Muhajireen and Ansar…94
The Suffa Platform…….98
Battle of Badr………...100
March Toward the
Before the Battle
Companions’ Steadfastness
and Love for the Prophet
(pbuh) ………………..129
Stories of Martyrs’
Muslim Women’s
Participation in the
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Military Dispatch (Sariya)
of Hamra` Al-Asad…...140
The Ridwan Pledge
(Bay’ate Ridwan)…….169
‘Azl, Qara and Bi`r
Manu’a Encounters and
Fearlessness of Hazrat
Draft of the Peace
A Trial for Muslims….171
Victory in Disguise…..174
Exile of Banu
Preaching of Islam to
Battle of Trench (Ghazwae
Letter to Najjaashi, Ruler
of Habsha…………….179
Severity of Siege and
Steadfastness of
Letter to the King of
Bravery of Hazrat
Letter to the King of
Divine Help and End of
Letter to the Rulers of
Damishq (Damascus) and
Mother Encourages Son
for Jihad and
Letter to the King of
(Alexandria)…. ….......185
The Zatur Reqa`
Letter to Heraclius, King
of Qustuntuniya
The Banu Qurayza
The Najd Expedition and
Hazrat Thumama’s
Acceptance of Islam….163
The Hudaybiya Peace
Letter to Kisra, King of
Battle of Khaybar…….192
Battle of Moota………200
Conquest of
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Declaration of General
The Bani S’ad Hazeem
The Victor Enters Makkah
in Humility…………...209
The Bani Asad
The Day of Forgiveness
and Mercy, Not of
The Bahra`
The Hawlaan
Removal of Idols from AlHaram………………..211
The Makhaarib
Battle of Hunayn……..216
The Bani ‘Abas
Battle of Tabook……...227
The Daws Deputation...241
The Ghamid
The Thaqeef
The Bani Fazara
The ‘Abd Al-Qays
The Salaamaan
The Banu Haneefa
The Najran
The Tay Deputation…..250
The Azd Deputation….251
The Nakh’a
The Hamdaan
The Farewelll Hajj
(Hajjatul Wida’)……...273
The Najeeb
The Death…………….291
The Burial…………….300
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
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(Praise be to Allah and His blessings be on Prophet
Muhammad, his progeny and Companions)
The outstanding qualities of Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him, have been enunciated in the Qur’an
from different perspectives. At one place it is stated:
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“He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a
Messenger (Muhammad, pbuh) from among
themselves, reciting to them His Verses,
purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and
polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this
jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah,
legal ways, acts of worship of Prophet
Muhammad, pbuh). And verily they had been
before in manifest error”[Al-Jumu’a: 2].1
On another occasion it is mentioned:
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“And verily, you O Muhammad (pbuh) are on an
exalted (standard of) character” [Al-Qalam: 4].
And yet at another place it is urged:
For the English translation of the Qur’anic verses in this book,
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the English
Language, by Dr Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr
Muhammad Muhsin Khan (King Fahd Complex for the Printing of
the Holy Qur’an, Madinah, K.S.A) has been used.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
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“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad,
pbuh) you have a good example to follow for him
who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last
Day, and remembers Allah much” [Al-Ahzaab: 21].
All such statements clearly emphasize that Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) is the source of light from whom the
Muslims should take guidance. They should emulate his
exemplary character and take his moral life as ideal. This
is the way that ensures success to Muslims in both worlds
and this is the way the rightly guided Muslims adopt.
Whenever a Muslim deviates from it, he surely forsakes
the straight path.
If a Muslim wishes to bring his life close to the
Prophet’s model, he must have two qualities in him. First,
he should have a deep attachment with the Prophet (pbuh)
which would enable him to hold the Prophet (pbuh) dearer
to heart than all else in the world. He should have a
sincere love for the Prophet (pbuh) - the kind of love that
the Companions possessed. They gladly sacrificed their
lives for the love of the Prophet (pbuh). When a
Companion was asked if he liked to see that he was spared
from the death penalty and his Prophet (pbuh) was hanged
in his place, he replied that he would not even consider an
option that he was saved and, instead, his Prophet’s foot
was pricked with a thorn. Hassaan bin Thabit Ansari, a
Companion, wrote in one of his couplets:
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“The honor of my father, my grandfather, and mine is
all here to protect the honor of the Prophet (pbuh).”
Likewise, a Muslim woman inquired persons returning
from a battlefield about the Prophet’s welfare. One of
them informed her that her father was martyred in the
battle. She again inquired about the well-being of the
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Prophet (pbuh) and was informed about the martyrdom of
her husband. She asked the same question the third time
and was assured that the Prophet was safe. Upon hearing
it, she uttered the memorable words: “If the Prophet is
safe, all afflictions are bearable.” If a believer does not
have this kind of love for the Prophet (pbuh), his love
cannot be considered as true and sincere.
Second, one should try to emulate the Prophet’s model
as best as possible. He should try to learn about the
Prophet’s moral excellence - his sympathy with human
beings, his honesty in dealings, his desire to do good to
those who hurt him, his concern to seek Allah’s pleasure,
his being mindful of the hereafter, his desire to help
everybody as much as possible in all matters relating to this
life as well as the life hereafter - so that he could take
guidance from it in all walks of life. He should eagerly try
to gain knowledge about how the Prophet (pbuh) treated
human beings with love, his relatives with kindness, and all
others with sympathy. He should also investigate how the
Prophet (pbuh) made efforts to encourage people for moral
upliftment and for attaining Allah’s pleasure and persuaded
them to stay away from deeds displeasing to Him.
These two conditions - true love for the Prophet
(pbuh) and a sincere effort to learn about his way of life
in order to emulate his model - are required in order for a
believer to strengthen his faith and embellish his life.
Without fulfilling these conditions he may never attain
his objective. If one learns about the life of the Prophet
(pbuh) but does not emulate his life style, his claim of
love for the Prophet (pbuh) does not hold. Sometimes a
Muslim claims that he truly loves the Prophet (pbuh), but
he never tries to learn about the Prophet’s life and does
not make any effort to emulate him. How can his claim
of love be considered as true?
But it is not easy for a common person to find out
details about the Prophet’s life from books. Some books
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
are very scholarly and erudite and contain details that
require a great deal of time and expertise to benefit from
them. Muslims should benefit from the lectures of Islamic
scholars and books written for common people.
Hazrat Maulana Sayyid Abul Hasan Hasani Nadwi
wrote this book for the weekly gatherings of the Tablighi
Jama’at. This book, which contains details from the life of
the Prophet (pbuh) exhibiting his moral qualities and
underscoring his tireless efforts in preaching, was read in
the centers of the Tablighi Jama’at in their gatherings from
the hand-written manuscript in which form it was available
then. It benefited the audience very much as it contained
the narration of the practical events from the Prophet’s life.
Sayyid Bilal ‘Abdul Hai Hasani Nadwi, Hazrat Maulana
Abul Hasan’s grandson, found this manuscript in the papers
of Hazrat Maulana and prepared it for publication. Now
this book is ready to go to press. The book is of average
length, neither too voluminous nor too brief. It contains not
only an account of the Prophet’s virtues, miracles, and
historical events relating to his life, but also a focused
discussion of the aspects of spiritual discipline and moral
reform that he preached - underscoring the values of
seeking Allah’s favor, sympathy for human beings, and
serving mankind. This book, thus, can greatly help
Muslims in purifying their character.
It is the need of the time that this book is made
available at a large scale so that its benefits may spread far
and wide. I am writing this Introduction with the sole
intention of participating in this auspicious work with my
humble words. May Allah accept my intention and effort
and help Muslims benefit from this book!
Sayyid Muhammad Rabey Hasani Nadwi
Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow
11 Muharramul Haraam 1418 Hijri
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Publisher’s Note
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
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(Praise be to Allah, Sustainer of the worlds,
and His blessings be on Prophet Muhammad,
the Leader of the Messengers, his progeny and
I do not have words to express gratitude to Allah Who
blessed me with an opportunity to present to the Muslim
audience this book which was written about fifty years
ago by Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi, the Islamic
scholar internationally renowned for his piety and
knowledge. It was read in the gatherings of the Tablighi
Jama’at for a long time, but was not printed.
About ten years back when our religious and spiritual
mentor Hazrat Maulana Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi
was checking his family documents and important papers,
this manuscript came up. Hazrat Maulana told me that
when he used to reside in the mosque which was the
center of Da’wat and Tabligh at Lucknow, he had felt the
need of a biography of the Prophet (pbuh) which could be
read regularly in the gatherings of the Jama’at. For this
purpose he had selected such details from Seeratun Nabi2
For informaton used in this book, the author has benefitted from
Seeratun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
of Allama Shibli and Rahmatullil Alameen of Qazi
Sulaiman Mansoorpuri that could guide those who were
engaged in the work of Da’wah and also strengthen
Muslims’ commitment to Islam in general. At that time I
wished to submit to the Maulana that this book should be
published, but I could not dare to say so:
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“And the Command of Allah is a decree
determined”[Al-Ahzaab, 33: 38].
Since long Hazrat Maulana spends the month of
Ramadan at Daera Shah Alamullah Takiya Kalan, his home
village, where a good number of his associates gather to
spend the holy month with him in order to perform
devotional deeds in a congenial environment. As is the
tradition there, different religious books are read to the
guests at scheduled times for their moral reform and
discipline3. Two years back Maulana Sayyid Muhammad
Rabey Nadwi once mentioned that a biography of the
Prophet (pbuh) should be included among the books which
are read in Ramadan there. I then recalled this book which
was still in the manuscript form. Maulana ‘Abdullah
Hasani Nadwi, my elder brother, took a look at the
manuscript and on his recommendation the book was read
in Ramadan at Takiya that year. The audience liked the
book very much and requested that it should be published
for the benefit of the general audience. When Hazrat
Maulana was consulted, he gave his permission and
entrusted me with the responsibility of doing the editing.
While organizing the manuscript, I found that some
pages were missing. Especially, the event of the Prophet’s
Even after Maulana Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi, it is carried
under the patronage of his disciple Maulana Sayyid Muhammad
Rabey Hasani Nadwi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
death was not covered in it. Depending on Allah, I took up
the work of editing, in which I tried to provide the
references from Sahah Sitta (the Six Books of Ahadeeth
considered authentic in Islamic literature). Other missing
details were included from Seeratun Nabi of Allama
Shibli and Nabie Rahmat of Maulana Abul Hasan ‘Ali
Nadwi, the author of this book. The subheadings were also
provided for which help was taken from Nabie Rahmat.
Now, by the grace of Allah, the book is ready for the
readers. May Allah accept it and make it a source of
benefit and deliverance for us.
I wish to mention here that the present book is a short
and effective biography of the Prophet (pbuh) and can be
very profitably read to the general audience in the
mosques and other public gatherings. For the researchers
and those who wish to study the biography of the Prophet
(pbuh) in detail, Hazrat Maulana Nadwi has written a
comprehensive and detailed book in Arabic entitled as AsSeeratun Nabawiyah, which brings up some such aspects
of the Prophet’s life and mission which common writers
have missed. The ignorance which was wide spread at the
global level before the advent of the Prophet (pbuh) has
been presented and analyzed in that book on the authority
of Western sources. My father Maulana Sayyid
Muhammadul Hasani has translated that book in Urdu
which is available now by the title Nabie Rahmat and has
appeared in several editions. This book has also been
translated in some other languages, including English.
It is a matter of gratitude that the English translation of
the Seerat Rasool-e-Akram has been done by Dr. Shah
Ebadur Rahman Neshat. He had been the professor of
English at Ummul Qura University in Makkah Mukarramah.
His various books have been published in which he has
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
demostrated good command on the language. Also, he has
had good relations with the author of this book, Maulana
Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi. Maulana used to have his
trust in him and always became happy whenever he visited
him. He has translated some of his books, which have been
very popular, especially Islam – An Introduction whose
several editions have been published and received
popularity. I hope from Allah that this translation will
enlighten the readers profitably.
I appreciate the contributions of Muhammad Nafees
Khan Nadwi and Muhammad Makky Hasani Nadwi who
had worked hard to bring this book to this form. May
Allah make this book more and more useful and bestow
His blessings on those who have striven for it. Ameen!
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(Guidance comes only from Allah. On Him I
depend and to him I turn in repentance. He alone
deserves all praise and He alone is worthy of our
submission. May He shower His mercy and peace on
Prophet Muhammad, the best of His creation, and on
his progeny and Companions!)
Bilal ‘Abdul Hai Hasani Nadwi
Dare Arafat, Daera Shah Alamullah
Rae Bareli
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(Peace and Blessings be upon him)
(A Short Biography)
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)
The Prophet’s Birth
The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah shower His blessings
and peace upon him, was born in Makkah on Monday, the
9th of Rabi’ul Awwal4 in the spring season in the Year of
the Elephants (when Makkah Al-Mukarramah was
attacked with an army comprising elephants)5,
corresponding to 22 April 571 CE, between the dawn and
the sunrise. He was the only son of his parents.6 His father
had died before he was born.7
His grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib had himself
experienced the pang of orphanhood. When he heard the
news of the birth of his grandson, the orphan of his fortyfour year deceased son ‘Abdullah, he came home, took the
newborn to Al-Haram, prayed for him there and brought
him back.8 On the seventh day he sacrificed an animal and
invited the people of his tribe, the Quraysh, to a feast.
When the guests inquired of him the name of the child,
‘Abdul Muttalib mentioned that he had named his
Ibn Ishaque mentions 12 Rabiul Awwal as the Prophet’s date of
birth (Ibn Hisham, vol. 1, p. 171) In authentic Traditions Monday has
been specifically mentioned (Sahih Muslim, Kitabus Siyam).
Seerat Ibn Hisham, vol. 1, p. 171. See also Imam Tirmizi, Sunan,
Qazi Sulayman Mansurpuri, Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen.
Musannif ‘Abdur Razzaque, Vol. 5, p. 317. Mustadrak Haakim 2,
5, 6. Hakim stated it to be on the principles of Muslim, and Imam
Zahabi has affirmed it.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 160, Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 1: 103, Tahzeeb
Taareekhe Damishq, 1: 284.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
grandson Muhammad (the Praised One). His tribesmen
were surprised as this was quite an unusual name, not used
in the society of the time. ‘Abdul Muttalib explained that
he, in fact, wished his grandson to be known in the world
as a person deserving genuine appreciation and acclaim.9
Babyhood Days
His mother Amena fed him her milk first. After two,
three days Thuwayba, Abu Lahab’s maid, fed him her
milk.10 In those days the rich and the noble used to send
their newborn babies to nearby villages to be raised
among the bedouin so that the children could acquire
eloquence in the Arabic language and learn the traditional
Arab values from them. A few days after the birth of
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), some women from the
Hawazin tribe came to Makkah in search of such babies.
S’adiya Haleema was among them. By chance she could
not get any such child to rear. The mother of the Prophet
(pbuh) wanted her to take the Prophet (pbuh) and raise
him under her care in her village. S’adiya Haleema,
however, was not much interested at the beginning, as she
did not expect any lucrative reward for taking care of an
orphan. But at the same time she did not want to return
without a child. So, ultimately, she accepted the request of
Hazrat Amena and took Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with
her. After two years she brought him back to Makkah to
his mother. But as in those days an epidemic had spread in
Makkah, Hazrat Amena asked her to keep the baby (pbuh)
with her for some more time. Haleema did accordingly.11
Tahzeeb Taareekhe Damishq, 1: 282; Al-Bidaya wan-Nihaya, 2: 264.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabun Nikah.
Seeratun Nabi, Vol. 1, p. 172-73. The fosterage of Halimah
Sadiyah is famous. The prophet’s biographers have mentioned it.
The narrators of hadiths have also mentioned it like Hakim in
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved S’adiya Haleema
very much. When he was entrusted with prophethood, her
husband Harith bin ‘Abdul ‘Uzzah visited him in Makkah
and inquired him about his message. The Prophet (pbuh)
told him that the day would come soon when he would
show him that he told the truth. Harith accepted Islam.12
Death of mother and grandfather and security of
Abu Talib
When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was six years old, his
mother Amena took him to Madinah with her. She stayed
there in the Najjar family, who were related to Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) from his paternal side. Umm Ayman,
a maid and caretaker of the Prophet (pbuh), was with her.
Hazrat Amena stayed there for a month. While returning
to Makkah she breathed her last at a place called Abwa.
She was buried there. Umm Ayman brought Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) to Makkah13.
After the death of Prophet Muhammad’s mother, his
grandfather ‘Abdul Muttalib took him under his
guardianship. He always kept him close14. When he died
at the age of eighty-two, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was
eight years old15. When his bier was being carried to the
graveyard, the Prophet (pbuh) followed weeping out of
Mustadrak-2:216, Imam Ahmad in Musnad-4:184, Darmi in Sunan1:8, Tabrani in Mujam and Ibn Hibban in Mu’arid Azzam’an. The
incident of the opening of the prophet’s chest during childhood of the
prophet took place during his stay in Banu Sa’ad. Imam Muslim has
mentioned it in his Sahih. Kitabul Eiman babul Asra bi Rasoolillah.
Al-Asaaba, Ibn Hajar ‘Asqalaani, Vol. 1: 283.
Seerat Ibne Hisham, 1: 551. Tabq’at Ibne S’ad, 1: 116, Dalaelun
Nubuwa lil Bahiqi, 1: 188
Musannif Abdur Razzaque, 5:318
Dalaelun Nubuwah lil bahiqi, Vol. 2, p. 22. Asseeratun Nabawiyya
liz Zahabi, pp. 25
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
love for his dead guardian. At the time of his death,
‘Abdul Muttalib entrusted the responsibility of the
Prophet’s guardianship to his son Abu Talib. Abu Talib
loved the Prophet (pbuh) very dearly and preferred him
even to his children. He used to take him to sleep in his bed
with him and kept him in his company when he went out16.
When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was approximately
ten, he used to take a herd of goats out in the field to
graze17. This was, in fact, a prelude to his ultimate career
as a caretaker of the world. During the days of
prophethood he used to talk about his experience of this
simple and interesting engagement. Once when the
Prophet (pbuh) went to a forest with his Companions, they
started picking berries and eating them. The Prophet
instructed them to pick berries which were black in color
saying that they were more tasteful. He added that he had
learned it from his boyhood experience when he used to
bring his herd there for grazing18.
Abu Talib was a trader. The Quraysh used to go to
Syria once a year for trade. The Prophet (pbuh) was about
twelve when Abu Talib planned to travel to Syria on a
business trip. He did not wish to take Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) with him for the fear of the hardships of the
journey, or for some other reason. But when Abu Talib
was about to leave, the Prophet (pbuh) grabbed him and
held him tight out of love for him. Abu Talib did not like
to disappoint his nephew and decided to take him along19.
Seeratun Nabi, Vol.1, p. 177
Sahih Bukhari, Kitabul Ejara
Tabqaat Ibn S’ad, Vol. 1, p.80
Sunan Tirmizi, Bab Al-Manaqib, Bab Ma Ja’a Fi Bad’a AnNubuwwa
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Participation in the Battle of Fijaar and the Fuzool
In Arabia, until the advent of Islam, battles among the
tribes were a continuous and common phenomenon, in
which the Battle of Fijaar was the most famous for its
ferocity and consequences. It was fought between the
Quraysh and the Qays tribes. As the Quraysh were a party,
the Prophet (pbuh) also participated in it as a member of
the tribe, but he did not raise his hands on any person.20
The incessant chain of tribal battles had destroyed
hundreds of families. Killing and cruelty had become
traditions that tribes considered as their moral obligation
to keep up. This situation created a desire in some persons
for a reform. When people returned from the Battle of
Fijaar, Zubayr bin Muttalib, who was the Prophet’s uncle
and a leader of the family, raised this issue. As a result,
the families of Hashim, Zahra and Taym tribes gathered in
the house of ‘Abdullah bin Jad’an and came to an
agreement that they would support the oppressed and
oppose the oppressor, to the extent of forcing him to leave
Makkah, if necessary.21 The Prophet (pbuh) participated in
that agreement. He used to say after he was invested as
prophet that he would not go back on that agreement for a
material gain as priceless as a red camel. He also added
that he would readily respond if he were ever called in the
name of that agreement.22
The Prophet (pbuh) had joined his uncle Abu Talib
earlier in some of his business trips in which he had
gained necessary experience for conducting trade.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 195. Al-Rowzul Anaf Suhaili, 1: 120.
Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, Vol. 1, p. 82.
Mustadrak Haakim 2, pp. 219-220. Imam Zahabi has corrected this
narration. Imam Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad and Baihaqi in Sunan
have done the exegesis on this narration.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Besides, his righteousness in dealings had become well
known in the society. Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Abil Hamsa, a
Companion, related that once he had entered into a
business dealing with the Prophet (pbuh) before his
prophethood, which was not finalized yet. He promised
the Prophet (pbuh) that he would return after a short
while, but he forgot about it. When he came back to the
place of appointment after three days, he found the
Prophet (pbuh) waiting there for him. The Prophet (pbuh)
did not show any resentment for his failure to keep his
word. He simply told him that he caused him
inconvenience, for he kept on waiting for him there for all
those three days.23
Marriage with Hazrat Khadija
Khadija was a widow living in Makkah, who had a very
noble lineage. She was very rich and used to run her own
business. When she heard about the Prophet’s honesty,
trustworthiness, and good management, she offered him to
work for her and do a business for her that she would
finance. The Prophet (pbuh) traveled to Syria with her
merchandise on a business trip, which turned out to be
very profitable. A slave of Khadija, may Allah be pleased
with her, called Maysara was with the Prophet (pbuh) in
that journey. On his return he told her about the good
qualities and nobleness of the Prophet (pbuh) that he had
witnessed during the journey. Impressed by his qualities,
she herself proposed to the Prophet (pbuh) and entered
into marriage with him, although she had turned down the
proposal of renowned chiefs earlier.24
Sunan Abu Dawood, Kitabul Adab, Baab fil Wa’ad.
Haakim in Mustadrak has discussed this business trip to Syria (3:
182). He has also mentioned the incident of the Prophet’s marriage.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Renovation of K’aba and Prevention of a Trouble
By that time the righteousness and nobility of the Prophet
(pbuh) was so very well established in the society that
people called him by the titles Sadiq (the Truthful) and
Ameen (the Trustworthy), instead of his real name. The
Prophet (pbuh) was thirty-five when the Quraysh took up
the work of the renovation of K’aba, the walls of which
had suffered dilapidation due to flood.25 Although it was a
joint project shared by all tribes, the placing of Hajre
Aswad (the Black Stone) in the wall became a point of
dispute. Each tribe alone wanted to have the honor to put
it in its place. The dispute grew into a big brawl leading to
the fear of an armed confrontation. It was a tradition in
Arabia that if a person wished to take an oath to lay down
his life for a cause, he dipped his fingers in a bowl full of
blood. Some claimants followed this tradition on that
occasion. The dispute remained unresolved for four days.
On the fifth day Abu Umayya bin Mugheera, who was the
most honorable leader of the Quraysh, suggested that the
person who entered Al-Haram first the next morning
should be taken as arbitrator on that issue. All of them
accepted this proposal.
As was the divine will, the Prophet (pbuh) was the first
to enter Al-Haram the next day. When the people saw
him, they all happily acclaimed: “The Trustworthy is here.
We all are ready to accept his decision.” The Prophet
(pbuh) resolved the issue with intelligence and
understanding in such a way that all were pleased. He
spread a sheet of cloth and put the Black Stone on it by
Zarqani has provided a detailed account of it. Sahih Bukhari also has
a reference to it in the form of a prophetic narration.
Musannif ‘Abdur Razzaq, 5: 102. Imam Zahabi has considered its
sanad as authentic.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
himself. Then he asked the chiefs of all tribes to hold the
sheet and bring it close to the place where the Stone was
to be fixed. Then he picked up the Stone by himself and
placed it in the wall of the K’aba.26 Thus he saved the
situation and averted a bloody war. Otherwise, the Arabs
used to pick a fight on much pettier incidents, such as
letting their herd drink water first, competing with each
other in a horse race, and composing verses showing the
superiority of their tribes, which lasted very long,
sometimes for decades.
Divine Care and Training
The Prophet (pbuh) never practiced any act of Shirk
(Polytheism) even in the days when he was not yet
invested as prophet. Once the Quraysh invited him to
partake of a meal which was an offering to the idols: the
animal whose meat was served was slaughtered in the
name of an idol. The Prophet (pbuh) refused to eat that
food.27 He had started denouncing the practice of idol
worship before he was invested as prophet and forbade
those who trusted him from indulging in it28.
When the Prophet (pbuh) was born, Makkah was the hub
of idol worship. In the K’aba itself, 360 idols were installed.
An additional point of superiority that the family of the
Prophet (pbuh) enjoyed was that they were the caretakers
and key bearers of K’aba. Inspite of it, the Prophet (pbuh)
did not ever bow his head in front of an idol, nor did he ever
participate in any rite of ignorance. In order to uphold their
position of privilege, the Quraysh had made it a rule that
they did not go, like other pilgrims, to Arafat on the occasion
Musnad Ahmad, 3: 425; 1: 458. Mustadrak, Haakim 3: 458. Kutub Siyar.
Such events are related in Sahih Bukhari. Kitabul Manaqib,
Manaqib Zikr Zayd bin ‘Amr bin Nufail.
Mustadrik Hakim, 3: 216. M’ojam Kabeer Tabrani, 5: 88.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
of Hajj. They had also made a rule that the pilgrims coming
from outside should either adopt the dress of the Quraysh or
perform the Tawaaf (going round the K’aba seven times)
naked. That is why performing of Tawaaf naked had become
quite common. But the Prophet (pbuh) never supported his
family in such matters.29
In Arabia of the time, story telling was a popular
pastime. At night people used to gather at a place after
finishing their day’s work and listened to a professional’s
narration with great interest. In his boyhood days, the
Prophet (pbuh) had also once wanted to attend one such
gathering. While on the way, he stopped for a while to
watch a marriage celebration, where he was overcome by
sleep. When he woke up, it was morning already. One more
time the same incident happened. Twice only, during his
forty years of age, he tried to attend such a gathering, but
each time he was saved from participating in an
engagement like that which did not match his ultimate
mission:30 “Your position is above such engagements.”
Invested as Prophet
As the time of Hazrat Muhammad’s appointment as
Prophet came close, he (pbuh) developed an increasing
desire to stay in seclusion. He used to take water and Sattu
(flour to be used as food) and retire to a cave on Mount
Hira, which was an uninhabited place and was several
miles from Makkah. There he remained engaged in acts of
worship, which included Zikr (remembrance of Allah) and
reflection on the divine signs. He stayed in seclusion there
until his stock of water and food lasted. Now the Prophet
(pbuh) used to have dreams, which were so true that what
he saw in a dream at night appeared in reality in the day.
Al-Rouzul Anaf Suhaili, 1: 112.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
One day when the Prophet (pbuh) was in the Cave of
Hira, an angel appeared to him. He told him, “Read.” The
Prophet (pbuh) replied, “I am unlettered.” Upon it the angel
took him within the fold of his arms and embraced him so
hard that he felt exhausted. The angel left him then and said
again, “Read.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied again, “I am not
formally educated.” He took him again in his arms and held
him tight with a great force and then released. The third
time he asked him, “Read.” The Prophet (pbuh) gave him
the same reply. The angel then recited these verses (which
now form a part of a chapter in the Qur`an):
*( RP ( R P *( Q
c; '@ P D@ dK # B QCe K L K L <= M
; *( " (; '@P D@ w
y* / * B QC e * # (* T @(; * # <= NP -@ 7V (In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful)
“Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created
(all that exists).
He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick
coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.
Who has taught (the writing) by the pen.
He has taught man that which he knew not.”
[Al-‘Alaq: 1-5]
The Prophet (pbuh) returned home soon after this
incident, lay in his bed, and asked his wife Khadija® to
cover him with some cloth. When he overcame the feeling
of shock, he told his wife that he had witnessed things
threatening to his life. His wife offered consolation to him
by saying: “Why should you fear anything? I see that you
are kind to your relatives, speak truth, support widows,
orphans, and the helpless, host guests, and sympathize
with sufferers. Allah will never let an affliction befall
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
you.” But then Khadija® herself felt the need to be
assured that her husband was not in danger. So she took
the Prophet (pbuh) to her cousin, Warqa bin Nawfal, who
knew the Ibrani (Hebrew) language and was a scholar of
Tawrayt (the Torah) and Injeel (the Gospel).31 At the
behest of Khadija®, the Prophet (pbuh) narrated to Warqa
the event of the Angel Jibrail’s coming to him and his
conversation with him. Warqa immediately spoke out that
it was the same Angel which used to come down to Hazrat
Musa (Prophet Moses) to bring to him the divine message.
Warqa wished that he were alive when the Prophet (pbuh)
would be forced to leave his hometown. The Prophet
(pbuh) inquired in surprise if he would be forced out of
town. Warqa replied in the affirmative and explained that
whoever had called his people to a divine message was
met with enmity at the beginning. He said that he wished
to remain alive until the time of the Prophet’s emigration
(Hijrah) so that he could be of service to him.32
One day the Angel Jibrail led the Prophet (pbuh) to the
edge of the Cave where he made Wudhu (ablution
performed in the Islamic way) in front of him. The
Prophet (pbuh) also made Wudhu in the same way and
then both of them offered Salah (Prayers performed in the
Islamic way) together. The Angel Jibrail led the Salah.33
Preaching of Islam
The Prophet (pbuh) began to preach Islam now. Khadija®,
his wife, ‘Ali®, his cousin aged eight, Abu Bakr®, his
friend, and Zayd bin Haritha®, his slave, accepted Islam
According to Islamic traditions, Tawrayt and Injeel were divine books
revealed to Prophet Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus Christ), respectively, may
Allah’s blessings be on them, but they are no more available to the world.
Sahih Bukhari, Badaul Wahi, and Muslim, Kitabul Iman, Badaul Wahi.
It is also stated that the age of our Prophet (pbuh) was 40 at the time.
Al-Ansaab lil Balazari, 1: 111.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the very first day. Their acceptance of Islam was a very
strong proof of their trust in the Prophet’s truthfulness, as
they had been close witnesses of his private and public life
for forty years. Bilal®, ‘Amr bin ‘Abasa®, and Khalid bin
S’ad bin ‘Aas® also embraced Islam after a few days.
Abu Bakr® was a wealthy businessman and had a cloth
shop in Makkah. He had a wide circle of friends and
acquaintances. Upon his call ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan®,
Zubayr®, ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf®, Talha®, and S’ad
bin Abi Waqqas® came to the fold of Islam. After them
Abu ‘Obayda®, ‘Aamir bin ‘Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah®
(later known as Ameenul Ummah, the Trustee of the
Community), ‘Abdul Asad bin Bilal®, ‘Uthman bin
Maz’un®, ‘Aamir bin Fuhayra Azdi®, Abu Huzayfa bin
‘Utba®, Saaeb bin ‘Uthman bin Maz’un, and Arqam
entered into Islam. In women, after Ummul Mo`mineen
(Mother of the believers) Hazrat Khadija®, Ummul Fazl,
wife of the Prophet’s uncle ‘Abbas®, Asma bint
‘Umays®, Asma bint Abu Bakr®, and Fatma, sister of
‘Umar®, became Muslims.34
In those days Muslims used to say their Salah (Prayers)
in a valley. Once when the Prophet (pbuh) was saying his
Salah there with Hazrat ‘Ali®, Abu Talib, his uncle,
accidentally came upon them. Surprised at the new way of
saying prayers, he stopped there and watched them. When
they completed their prayers, he inquired of them what
religion that was. The Prophet (pbuh) replied that it was
the religion of their grandfather Prophet Ibraheem
(Abraham, Alayhisalaam). Abu Talib told them that
although he was not willing to embrace that religion, they
In the authentic narrations of Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Tirmizi,
Musannif ‘Abdur Razzaq, Mustadrak Haakim, and Musannif bin Abi
Sheba, there is a mention of the order in which these Companions
entered into Islam.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
had his full support to follow it. He also assured the
Prophet (pbuh) that nobody would dare to oppose him.35
The Prophet (pbuh) preached Islam in secret for three
years. But now the time for inviting people openly had
arrived, and so the Qur`anic message was revealed to him:
yP f % ;( g
“Herefore proclaim openly Allah’s message”
[Al Hijr: 94].
He also received the instruction:
;(P D@ 7V M
i# =C' w
“And warn your tribe (O Muhammad, pbuh) of
near kindred”
[Ash-Shu’ara: 214].
One day the Prophet (pbuh) asked Hazrat ‘Ali to
arrange for a feast. In fact, this was the first occasion for
him to convey the message of Islam openly. The whole
family of ‘Abdul Muttalib, including Hamza, Abu Talib,
and ‘Abbas, were invited. After they finished eating, the
Prophet (pbuh) stood up at his place and thus addressed
the guests: “I have brought such a thing which would
suffice for a person both in this world as well as in the
hereafter. Who will help me in shouldering this heavy
burden?” All present in the gathering remained silent.
Suddenly Hazrat ‘Ali stood up and said, “Although I am
suffering from pain in my eyes and my legs are thin, I will
help you.” It was an odd sight for the Quraysh to see that
two persons, one of whom was only thirteen years old,
were announcing their intention to change the world. They
could not control their laughter. But future developments
Seeratun Nabi, vol. 1, p. 206.
Seeratun Nabi, vol. 1, p. 210.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
proved that what the two said at that time turned out to be
a reality later.37
One day the Prophet (pbuh) ascended the Mount Safa
and called the people from there. When they gathered, he
asked them: “Do you consider me truthful or a liar?” The
audience replied in one voice, “We have never heard you
uttering a lie or saying an indecent thing. We know you
as Sadiq (the Truthful) and Ameen (the Trustworthy).”
The Prophet (pbuh) said thereupon, “Look! I am standing
now on top of the hill while you stand beneath. I am,
thus, able to see at both sides of the hill. If I tell you that
I am seeing a band of armed bandits the other side which
intends to attack Makkah, will you believe it?”
“Certainly!” they replied, “because we have no reason to
disbelieve a person of integrity like you, especially when
you are standing at a high place from where you could
see both sides.” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “This was an
example to make my point clear. Now know it that death
is close at hand and that you have to appear in front of
Allah. I am seeing the world-after-death as clearly as you
are seeing the present world.” The Prophet (pbuh) made
an attempt this way to show them the role of a Prophet
and to convince them by giving an example that it was
possible for a person to see the hereafter while thousands
of others were not able to see it.38
Seeratun Nabi, Vol. 1, 210. Tareekhe Tabri, Tafseere Tabri,
Allama Shibli clarified that this narration is not free from the tinge of
weakness. It is also stated by Imam Ahmad in Musnad, Ibn Katheer
in Tafseer, Ibn S’ad in Tabq’at and other narrators of Seerah, but
none of the narrations are free from weakness.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Call Toward Tawheed and Violent Opposition of
At that time the number of Muslims had grown to forty.
The Prophet (pbuh) went to Al-Haram and proclaimed
Tawheed (Oneness of God) there. This immediately raised
a stir among the disbelievers as they considered it a
serious insult to Al-Haram. They attacked the Prophet
(pbuh) from all sides. Learning about it, Harith bin Abi
Hala (son of Hazrat Khadija from her first husband) who
was at his home, rushed to Al-Haram and tried to shield
him. But the swords fell upon him from all sides and he
fell a martyr. This was the first instance when the earth
was colored with blood for the sake of Islam.39
Now the Prophet (pbuh) started preaching publicly.
He went to each and every fair as well as to narrow
streets, explained to the people the value of Tawheed,
and forbade them from worshipping idols, stones, and
trees. He preached that they should believe in God as
being free from all shortcomings and limitations, and
have firm faith that the earth and the skies, the moon and
the sun, and all small and big things are Allah’s creation
and are totally dependant on Him. It is He, he explained,
Who accepts a supplication, cures the sick, and grants a
wish. None can do anything without Allah’s permission;
even the angels and the Prophets are unable to do
anything against His will. In those days ‘Ukaaz, ‘Uyeena,
and Zil-Majaz were famous fairs in Arabia, which were
thickly attended by people from distant places. The
Prophet (pbuh) used to visit these fairs and preach Islam
and Tawheed to the people there.40
Al-Asaba, Ibn Hajar, Zikr Harith bin Abi Hala.
Imam Tirmizi in Sunan, Imam Haakim in Mustadrak, Imam
Ahmad in Musnad, and narrators of seerah in their books have
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When the Prophet (pbuh) started preaching Tawheed
and denouncing idol worship openly, some chiefs of the
Quraysh complained to Abu Talib about it. Abu Talib
consoled them but as the point of dispute remained and as
the Prophet (pbuh) did not stop preaching, a delegation
came to Abu Talib again. It comprised all important chiefs
of the Quraysh, such as ‘Otba bin Rabi’a, Shayba, Abu
Sufyan, ‘Aas bin Hisham, Abu Jahl, Waleed bin
Mugheera, and ‘Aas bin Wael. They complained that as
the Prophet (pbuh) denounced their deities and accused
their forefathers as misguided and foolish, Abu Talib
should either withdraw his support from him, or openly
side with him to fight against them so that the dispute is
decided forever. When Abu Talib realized the grimness of
the situation - seeing that the Quraysh were serious and
that he alone was not strong enough to face their united
strength - he expressed his helplessness to the Prophet
(pbuh) in a brief remark: “Dear to me as my life! Don’t
put on me a burden that I may not be able to bear.”
Apparently, the only support that the Prophet (pbuh)
had was from Abu Talib. When the Prophet (pbuh)
noticed that Abu Talib was wavering, he told him with
tearful eyes, “By Allah! If these people put the sun in my
one hand and the moon in the other, I will not forsake
preaching. Either Allah will bring this mission to
fulfillment, or I will sacrifice my life for it.” The sincere
resoluteness of the Prophet’s voice deeply touched the
heart of Abu Talib. He assured him of his support in these
words: “Go. None will be able to do any harm to you.”41
mentioned it. Imam Tirmizi and Imam Zahabi have did the Tasheeh
of this Hadith.
As-Seeratun Nabawiya lil Zahabi, 86-87, Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 577.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) continued to propagate Islam.
Although the Quraysh could not dare to make an attempt
on his life, they missed no opportunity to persecute him:
they strew thorns in his path, put filth on his body while
he was engaged in prayers, and cast aspersions on him.42
‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas relates as eye witness
that one day when the Prophet (pbuh) was offering Salah
in Al-Haram, ‘Oqba bin Abi Mo’eet came there. He rolled
his sheet in the form of a rope and when the Prophet
(pbuh) went in prostration (Sajda), he put the sheet around
his neck and started tightening it. Although the sheet had
started pressing his neck very badly, the Prophet (pbuh)
remained patient. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique pushed ‘Otba
away and recited the verse of the Qur`an:
y* A0 ; j2
)@(; * -0 [V kO D ; H !0T/ B' I3 O B !01T@ %'w
“Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord
is Allah, and he has come to you with clear signs
(proofs) from your Lord?” [Ghaafir, 40: 28].
Some rogues attacked Abu Bakr and seriously hit him. 43
On another occasion when the Prophet (pbuh) was
offering Salah in Al-Haram, some members of the
Quraysh assembled in an open area inside the K’aba. Abu
Jahl said that a camel was slaughtered that day, the
intestine of which was thrown out at a place. He suggested
that somebody should bring it from there and put it over
the Prophet (pbuh) when he was in prostration. ‘Oqba rose
from his place, brought the camel’s intestine, and put it
over the Prophet (pbuh) while he was engaged in prayers.
The Prophet (pbuh) remained fully engrossed in his
prayers. The Quraysh started laughing loudly, enjoying
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 221.
Sahih Bukhari, Bab Bunyanul Ka’aba, Bab Zikr ma Laqiyan Nabi
wa Ashabuhu min Quraish bi Makkah.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
their indecent joke and falling upon each other in
merriment. Ibn Mas’ud, a Companion of the Prophet
(pbuh), was watching it all, but he dared not intervene due
to the presence of a large number of disbelievers there.
Suddenly, Fatma Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet
(pbuh), came upon the scene. She removed the dirt from
the back of her father and scolded the rogues.44
Once, the opponents assembled to decide what they
should tell the persons coming to Makkah from outside
about the Prophet (pbuh) so that they were not influenced
by him. One of them suggested that they should tell them
that he was a soothsayer. Waleed bin Mugheera, an aged
person, opposed by saying that he had seen several
soothsayers and that the rattling of the soothsayers was no
match to the sayings of Muhammad (pbuh). He
underscored that they should not say anything that the
Arabs coming from other places to Makkah might reject
as untrue. Upon it another person suggested that they
should declare Muhammad (pbuh) as insane. Waleed
opposed it also by pointing out that insanity had nothing
to do with him. A third person proposed that the Prophet
(pbuh) should be projected as a willful poet. Waleed
retorted that the Arabs knew very well what poetry was
and would find out that the Prophet’s recitations were
never poetic compositions. Yet another suggestion came
to the floor that the Prophet (pbuh) should be accused of
being a magician. Waleed commented in disappointment
that the magicians were known for their weird appearance
and dirty habits, and that Prophet Muhammad’s lifestyle
was, in contrast, so clean and sophisticated. Thereupon,
the audience left the matter to Waleed and asked him to
come up with a suggestion. He said that he honestly
Sahih Bukhari, Bab Bunyanul Ka’aba, Bab Zikr ma Laqiyan Nabi
wa Ashabuhu min Quraish bi Makkah.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
believed that Muhammad’s words had an appeal and his
conversation was filled with sweetness. He suggested that
the only thing that could be said against him was that his
words were such which separated a son from his father, a
brother from his brother, and a husband from his wife, and
so people should stay away from him. All agreed to
Waleed’s proposal. After this consultation, they used to sit
by the pathways leading to Makkah and tell the incoming
people about the ill effects of listening to the words of the
Prophet (pbuh).45
‘Otba’s Conversation with the Prophet (pbuh)
When the disbelievers of Makkah noticed that the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was not ready to give up propagating
Islam, they decided to buy him with a lucrative offer, or
frighten him with a threat, hoping that one such tactic
would make him yield. ‘Otba, a famous chief of Makkah,
offered to meet him for this purpose. He visited him and
thus spoke: “My nephew Muhammad! If you intend to
collect wealth this way, we will ourselves amass for you
so much wealth that you will become very rich. If you
wish to achieve respect and prestige, we will take you as
our chief. If you, however, want to be a ruler, we will
appoint you the king of Arabia. We are ready to fulfill any
of your demands, but do give up this practice of yours. Or,
if you feel that you have developed a mental ailment, tell
us so that we arrange for your treatment.”
The Prophet (pbuh) patiently replied, “Whatever you
said about me is untrue. I don’t want to achieve wealth,
honor, or sovereignty, nor do I suffer from any mental
ailment. You will understand my position better with the
help of the following verses from the Qur`an:
As-Seeratun Nabawiya lil Zahabi, p. 89-90.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
*( RP ( R P *( Q
Nd ! T l;(P # mCV P D0 %/V a
^90 n 1- (*RP ( R P Eo /(.2 % *Rw
2;!0D0 !0D B! Q
/ 4 * + 9 * > P U-@ ' Z
P # p9 mP/=C mhi; B! /
yt ......r( C!# % ?q 2-' 89
“Ha-Mim [These letters are one of the miracles of
the Qur`an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows
their meanings].
A revelation from (Allah), the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful. A Book whereof the verses are
explained in detail - a Qur`an in Arabic for
people who know.
Giving glad tidings [of Paradise to one who
believes in the Oneness of Allah (i.e. Islamic
Monotheism) and fears Allah much (abstains from
all kinds of sins and evil deeds) and loves Allah
much (performing all kinds of good deeds which
he has ordained)], and warning (of punishment in
hell-fire to the one who disbelieves in the Oneness
of Allah), but most of them turn away, so they
hear not.
And they say: ‘Our hearts are under coverings
(screened) from that to which you invite us; and in
our ears is deafness, and between us and you is a
screen: so work you (on your way); verily, we are
working (on our way).’” [Ha-Mim Sajda: 1-5]
‘Otba was enraptured by listening to the verses of the
Qur`an. Reclining on his hands while his head was tilted
backward, he listened to the verses and at the end rose
silently and left the place. When he returned to his people,
he was a different person. The chiefs of the Quraysh noticed
the change from his facial expression and told one another,
“Look, ‘Otba looks different.” They, nevertheless, inquired
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
him as to what he saw, said, and heard. ‘Otba replied, “O
people of Quraysh! I heard from Muhammad such words
that are neither soothsaying, nor poetic composition, nor
words of charm. If you like, take my advice. Leave
Muhammad (pbuh) alone.” By hearing ‘Otba’s suggestion,
they commented in disappointment that the words of
Muhammad (pbuh) had influenced even ‘Otba.46
Conversation Between the Chiefs of the Quraysh and
the Prophet (pbuh)
When ‘Otba’s mission failed, the chiefs of the Quraysh
decided that they should call the Prophet (pbuh) and try to
make him see what problems his preaching had caused to
them. They, thus, sent word to him that they wanted to
talk to him about an important issue and were gathered in
the K’aba for that purpose. As the Prophet (pbuh) was
very eager to see that his tribesmen accepted Islam, he
happily went there. When he took a seat, they began the
talk this way:
“O Muhammad! We have called you here to talk to you.
By God, we don’t know if anyone else has created so
much difficulties for his community as you have done.
There is no trouble imaginable that you have not brought
upon us. Now we wish to know that if you want to earn
wealth through this new religion of yours, we will
accumulate wealth for you, so much of it that none among
us has that much. Or if you want to attain honor and
prestige, we will take you as our leader. Or if you wish to
become the ruler of a state, we will crown you as our king.
In case you feel that you see a Jinn which has possessed
you, we will spend money to get the help of professionals
so that you are cured, or we will understand that you are
helpless in this matter.”
As-Seerul Halabiya, 1, 486-487, Musannif Ibn Abi Shayba 14:
295, As-Seeratun Nabawiya lil Zahabi, 91-92.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) replied:
“Whatever you said has nothing to do with me. I do not
wish to attain wealth, or honor, or kingdom through the
message that I have brought to you. The fact is that Allah
has sent me to you as His messenger. He has revealed the
Book to me and has appointed me as a bearer of glad
tidings as well as of warning. I have conveyed my Lord’s
message to you and have explained it to you clearly. If you
accept my teachings, they will be a treasure for you for the
world as well as the hereafter. But if you refuse, I will wait
for His command and see what He ordains for you.”
The Quraysh commented:
“Well, Muhammad, if you do not accept our proposal, do
one thing then. You know it well how much hardships we
are facing in life: water is scarce and resources of
sustenance are limited. You pray to your God that He
removes the mountains away so that we have a wide space
around our city. Also, He should make such canals flow
for us that flow in Iraq and Shaam (Syria). He should also
bring to life our ancestors, including Qusay bin Kilaab, as
he was our leader and used to tell the truth. We will ask
him about you. If he testifies for you, and also you fulfill
our other demands, we will know that you have a position
before God and that your claim of prophethood is true.”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied:
“I have not been sent for these things. I have been
entrusted with messengership to convey God’s message,
which I have done. If you accept it, it will be a treasure
for you in the world and the hereafter. But if you turn it
down, I will wait for His command. Whatever He likes to
decide about you and me, He will decide.”
The Quraysh then added:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“If you do not do anything for us, you should ask your
God for yourself that He sends down an angel to
accompany you who testifies to your truthfulness and
forbids us from opposing you. You could also ask your
God that gardens grow and large castles are built for you,
and that wealth in the form of gold and silver is provided
to you, which you are actually in need of. At present you
go to the market to earn for your living. If these things
happen, we will acknowledge them as signs of your
honorable status in front of Allah.”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied to them:
“I will not do so. I will not ask God to grant me such
things. I have not been sent for such things. Allah has
appointed me a bearer of glad tidings and warner of
punishment. If you accept the message, it will be a
treasure for you in both worlds. Otherwise, I will observe
patience and wait for God’s decree.”
The Quraysh said:
“Well, then bring down upon us a part of the sky because
you claim that God could do so. Until you do so, we will
not believe in you.”
The Prophet (pbuh) commented:
“It is in the power of God. He could do so if He wishes.”
The Quraysh inquired:
“Muhammad! Did your God not inform you in advance
that we would call you and ask these questions and put
these demands? He did not teach you the answers to our
questions either, nor did he tell you what He plans to do in
the future. As He did not do these things, we think that it
is true that a person from Yamama bearing the name
Rahman teaches you such things. We will never bear faith
in Rahman. See, today we have clearly told you all about
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
our reservations. Now we are also telling you on oath that
we will in no condition permit you to preach your faith
until we all perish or you meet your death.”
The talk had come up to this point when one of them
blurted: “We worship angels who are the daughters of
God.” The other joined him by saying, “We will not
believe in your words until God and angels appear in front
of us.”
Hearing these words, the Prophet (pbuh) stood up.
With him also stood up ‘Abdullah bin Mugheera, son of
his paternal aunt ‘Aatika bint ‘Abdul Muttalib, and thus
spoke: “See Muhammad, your people asked you for
certain things, but you did not oblige them. Then they
asked you to demonstrate such signs that might attest to
your honorable [divine] status, which you did not do
either. At the end they asked you to bring on them some
divine punishment with which you used to threaten them,
but you did not acquiesce even in that. Now I will never
believe in you even if you climb the sky by a ladder and
come down in front of me. Even if four angels accompany
you from the sky and attest to your truthfulness, I will not
bear faith in you.”47
In spite of such a strong refutation, the Prophet (pbuh)
continued to preach Islam to the Quraysh and tell them
that his teachings included all good for them. The wise
persons who accepted Islam and followed the teachings of
the Prophet (pbuh) realized by witnessing later
developments that in fact the Quraysh were virtually given
all the facilities they had asked for only a few years later.
Quraysh Torture Muslims
Realizing that they could not persecute the Prophet (pbuh)
as much as they wished, the Quraysh started pouring their
As-Seeratul Halabiya, 1: 496
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
wrath upon the poor persons who had accepted Islam.
They used to catch them at noon and force them to the
burning sand. They put heavy rocks on their chest so that
they could not move. They put hot sand on their bodies,
burned their skin with red-hot iron, and forcibly dipped
their heads into water to let them feel choked. These
afflictions were common to all those who had accepted
Islam, but the ones who underwent much more severe
afflictions are as follows48:
Hazrat Khabbab bin Al-Arat®: He was from the
Tameem tribe, was taken slave before the advent of Islam,
and sold to Umme Anmar. He entered the fold of Islam
when the Prophet (pbuh) stayed at the house of Arqam. By
that time only six or seven persons had accepted Islam.
The Quraysh persecuted him in different ways. One day
they spread burning charcoal on the ground and forced
him down to it upon his back. A person put his foot on his
chest to make sure that he could not change sides. He was
forced to stay in that position till the burning charcoal
under him was extinguished.49 Once when he narrated this
incident to Hazrat ‘Umar® and showed him his back, it
was white as if struck by leukoderma (a form of leprosy).
Hazrat Khabbab® was a blacksmith. When he accepted
Islam, those who owed him money refused to pay him;
they used to say that until he renounced Islam, they would
not pay him a penny. He used to tell them back: “Even if
you die and come back to life, and do so again and again, I
wouldn’t renounce Islam.”50
Hazrat Bilal®: He is the same person who is so well
known as the Muadhdhin (one who called Adhan). He was
a black man from Habsha (Abyssinia) and was a slave of
Seeratun Nabi, Allama Shibli Nomani, 1: 228-231
Al-Kamil libnil Aseer, vol. 2, p. 67.
Sahih Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Umayya bin Khalaf. When the sun came to its zenith,
Umayya used to force him to the hot bed of sand and put a
heavy rock on his chest to restrict his movement. He then
told him to give up Islam or meet the death in that
miserable condition. But even in that situation Bilal
pronounced Ahad repeatedly, (meaning that God was
One). When he remained steadfast in face of this
persecution, Umayya tied a piece of rope by his neck and
handed him over to the urchins to drag him in the streets.
But while being dragged, he kept on proclaiming his faith
by uttering Ahad, Ahad (the One, the One).51
Hazrat ‘Ammar®: Hazrat ‘Ammar® was from Yemen.
His father Yasir® came to Makkah first and was married
to Sumayya, a maid of Abu Huzayfa Makhzumi.
‘Ammar® was born to them. Only three persons had
entered into Islam before him. The Quraysh used to force
him down to the hot bed of sand and beat him so
mercilessly that he fainted. His father and mother were
persecuted in the same way.52
Hazrat Sumayya®: She was the mother of Hazrat
‘Ammar®. Abu Jahl hit her with a lance for accepting
Islam, due to which she breathed her last.
Hazrat Yasir®: He was Hazrat Amaar’s father. He also
died under the crushing strain of the persecution inflicted
upon him by the disbelievers.53
Hazrat Suhayb Rumi®: When the Prophet (pbuh) started
preaching Islam, Hazrat Suhayb came to him with
‘Ammar bin Yasir®. The Prophet (pbuh) invited them to
Islam. They became Muslims. The Quraysh put Suhayb®
under so severe persecution that he at times lost his
Mustadrak Haakim, 3, 284, Musnad Ahmad, 1, 404.
Seerat Ibne Hisham, 1, 319.
Al-Kamil, 2: 67.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
senses. When he wanted to immigrate to Madinah, the
Quraysh allowed him to leave only if he forfeited all his
property and wealth at Makkah. He gladly agreed to it.
When Hazrat ‘Umar® was wounded in prayers in which
he breathed his last, he had appointed Hazrat Suhayb® as
Imam to lead the Muslims in prayers in his place.
Abu Fukayha®: He was a slave of Safwan bin Umayya
and accepted Islam with Hazrat Bilal®. When Umayya
learned about it, he tied a piece of rope in his leg and
asked his men to drag him and force him to lie on the hot
bed of sand. Once Safwan saw a black beetle crawling on
the ground and addressed Abu Fukayha® in derision: “Is
this not your god?” Upon it he replied, “Yours and mine is
the same One True God.” Hearing it, Umayya throttled
him so severely that people considered him dead. Once
Umayya put such a heavy rock on his chest that his tongue
came out.54
Hazrat Lubayna®: She was a slave girl. When Hazrat
‘Umar® used to get tired of beating her continuously for
long and stopped for a while, he said: “I have stopped not
out of mercy for you, but because I have become tired.”
She used to reply in constancy, “If you do not accept
Islam, God will take revenge from you.”55
Hazrat Zinnira®: She was a slave in the family of Hazrat
‘Umar®. He (before accepting Islam) persecuted her very
severely. Abu Jahl beat her so much that she lost her
Hazrat Nahdiya® and Umme ‘Obays®: These two were
also slaves and were severely punished for having
accepted Islam.
Al-Kamil 2: 69
Al-Kamil, 2: 69.
Al-Kamil, 2: 69.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
This is a glorious chapter in the chronicle of Hazrat
Abu Bakr’s virtues that he rescued most of these
oppressed souls. He bought Hazrat Bilal®, ‘Aamir bin
Fuhayra®, Lubayna®, Zinnira®, Nahdiya®, and Umme
‘Obays® by paying very high prices for them to their
masters and freed them.57
These were the persons whom the Quraysh punished as
severely as they liked. The other Muslims on whom they
had less control were persecuted in other ways.
Hazrat ‘Uthman®: He was aged and was highly respected
in the Makkan society. When he embraced Islam, none else
but his uncle tied him with rope and beat him.
Hazrat Abu Zarr®: He was the seventh person to accept
Islam. When he declared his faith, the Quraysh beat him
so brutally that he fell down to the ground.58
Hazrat Zubayr bin Al-’Awwam®: He was the fifth
person to accept Islam. When his uncle came to know
about it, he wrapped him in a mat and forced him to inhale
smoke though his nose.59
Hazrat Sa’eed bin Zayd®: He was Hazrat ‘Umar’s cousin
from paternal side. When he accepted Islam, Hazrat ‘Umar
® tied him with rope by way of punishment.60
Hazrat S’ad bin Abi Waqqas®: He is well known as the
conqueror of Iran. Although very respectable in his tribe,
he could not escape persecution at the hands of
disbelievers. Banu Asad, his tribesmen, did not miss a
chance to hurt him in whatever way it was possible.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 284. The incident of Hazrat Bilail’s
freedom is also mentioned in Sahih Bukhari.
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Seeratun Nabi by Allama Shibli.
Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Up until then nobody dared to recite the Qur`an aloud in
the K’aba. When ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud accepted Islam, he
decided to do it, which he considered a mandatory duty.
People tried to dissuade him, but he remained determined.
He went to Al-Haram and started reciting Surah AlRahman (a chapter in the Qur`an). The Quraysh rushed to
him and began to slap him in the face. Although he
completed the Chapter up to the place he wished to recite,
he returned home with scars of serious injuries in his face.61
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s Sufferings at Makkah
Although Hazrat Abu Bakr® was highly respected in the
Makkan society, he was not spared from persecution and
insult of the Quraysh. One day he was pushed down to the
ground and was trampled and beaten blue and black. ‘Otba
bin Rabi’a hit him with two such shoes which had rough
patches, as a result of which his face got swollen beyond
recognition. He was so seriously injured that his people
wrapped him in a sheet to move him to his home. It was
feared that he would not survive his injuries. In the evening
when he was able to speak, his first question was, “Is the
Prophet of Allah (pbuh) safe?” His family members scolded
him that he was still worried for the Prophet (pbuh).
When the people who had gathered around him
ultimately left, Abu Bakr asked his mother again about the
Prophet’s welfare. As she did not have any information
about him, Abu Bakr® asked her to find it out from
Umme Jameel. Umme Jameel came to Abu Bakr’s house
and, seeing the pitiable condition of Abu Bakr, remarked
remorsefully, “Those who have injured you so brutally are
truly transgressors and disbelievers. I hope that Allah will
take revenge from them.” Abu Bakr inquired her about
the Prophet’s welfare. She informed him that the Prophet
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 314, Asadulghaba, 3: 282.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(pbuh) was safe and was at Arqam’s house. Abu Bakr
refused to eat or drink unless he first saw the Prophet
(pbuh). Late at night when the streets were unfrequented,
Abu Bakr’s mother and Umme Jameel helped him walk to
Arqam’s house where he attained the joy of meeting the
Prophet (pbuh) in person.62
Emigration of Muslims to Habsha (Abyssinia) and
Hazrat J’afar’s Speech in the Court of Najjaashi:
When the sufferings of Muslims crossed all limits, the
Prophet (pbuh) allowed them to immigrate to Abyssinia
(Habsha) for the safeguard of their lives and faith. Thus,
eleven men and four women formed a small group and set
out to Abyssinia from the seaport of Sho’ayba in the dead
of night.63 The leader of this group was Hazrat ‘Uthman
bin ‘Affan®. His wife Sayyida Ruqayya®, daughter of the
Prophet (pbuh), accompanied him. The Prophet (pbuh)
commented, “After Prophet Ibraheem (Alaihisalam) this is
the first couple which has migrated in the path of Allah.”64
After them, eighty-three men and eighteen women also
immigrated to Abyssinia, which included the Prophet’s
cousin J’afar Tayyaar®. The Quraysh went after them, but
the Muslims had already sailed in boats before the arrival
of the disbelievers at the seaport.65
The ruler of Abyssinia was a Christian. The
disbelievers of Makkah presented themselves to his court
with gifts and requested him to hand over to them the
runaways from Makkah who had taken refuge in his
country. The king called the Muslims to the court and
inquired about the situation. Hazrat J’afar® explained the
Muslims’ position in these words:
Al-Asaba, 1: 42.
Fathul Barilibnil Hajar, 7:188-89.
Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, 1: 203.
Fathul Bari, 7:189
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“O King! We lived a life of ignorance, worshipped idols,
ate dead animals, and used filthy language. We had no
regard for human values, no respect for neighbors, and no
rules to live by. In such a circumstance Allah blessed us
with a pious person whose noble lineage, honesty,
trustworthiness, piety, and refinement of character were
well known to us. He invited us to worship One God
(Tawheed) and not take any other deity except Him. He
forbade us from worshipping stones and asked us to speak
the truth, fulfill promises, stay away from sins, and abstain
from the forbiddin. He also commanded us to offer Salah
(prayers), give alms and keep fast. Our community has
taken an offense at it. As far as they could, they
persecuted us so that we give up worshipping One God
Who has no partner, and start worshipping again the idols
made of wood and stone. They persecuted us so much that
we were forced to take refuge in your country.”
The king listened to Hazrat J’afar’s speech intently and
asked him to recite some Qur`an to him. Hazrat J’afar
recited Surah Maryam to him. He was so deeply touched
by hearing the Qur`an that he broke into tears and said:
“Muhammad (pbuh) is the same Prophet whose advent
was prophesied by Jesus Christ. I am grateful to God that I
found the time of that Prophet.” He then expelled the
Makkan disbelievers from his court.
Next day ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas® managed to appear
before the king again and requested him to find out what
the Muslims believed about Jesus (Alayhissalaam).
Najjaashi, the king, called the Muslims to the court again
to answer the question. Muslims became worried that if
they refused to accept Jesus (Alayhissalaam) as Son of
God, Najjaashi would be enraged, as he was a Christian.
But Hazrat J’afar® remained resolute and said that they
should speak the truth.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When they appeared in the court, Najjaashi asked them
what their belief was about Jesus, son of Maryam
(Alaihisalaam). Hazrat J’afar® spoke for the Muslims,
“Our Prophet (pbuh) has told us that ‘Isa (Jesus) was a
bondsman of God, His messenger, and His word.”
Najjaashi picked up a straw from the ground and said, “By
God, Jesus (Alayhissalaam) is no more than what you said
even to the extent of this straw.” The Christian priests
present in the court were enraged at his comment and
snorted out aloud to express their resentment. But
Najjaashi did not pay any attention to their displeasure,
and the emissaries of the Quraysh returned disappointed.66
Hazrat Hamza Accepts Islam
Hazrat Hamza was the Prophet’s paternal uncle and loved
the Prophet (pbuh) very dearly. He was older than the
Prophet (pbuh) by two to three years and was also his
childhood playmate. Both of them were also brothers by
the bond of milk, as Thuwayba, a slave maid, had fed both
of them her milk. He had not accepted Islam yet, but he
appreciated the character of the Prophet (pbuh) very
much. By disposition, he was given to sportsmanship and
hunting. It was his daily routine to leave early in the
morning with his bow and arrows and spend his whole
day in hunting. When he returned in the evening, he first
went to Al-Haram and performed Tawaaf. Those days the
chiefs of the Quraysh used to hold their separate
gatherings in small groups in Al-Haram. Hazrat Hamza®
greeted them and sometimes took a seat with a group.
Thus he was on good terms with everybody, and they also
held him in respect.
The mercilessness with which the opponents treated
the Prophet (pbuh) was too much even for those who were
Seerat Ibn Hisham 1: 335-36. Musnad Ahmad, 1: 202, 5: 290.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
not related to him by any bond. One day Abu Jahl insulted
the Prophet (pbuh) in his face very rudely. A slave maid
saw it all and narrated the whole incident to Hazrat Hamza
when he returned from hunting. Hazrat Hamza® was
deeply hurt. In rage, he walked with bow and arrows to
Abu Jahl while he was still sitting in Al-Haram and paid
him back in these words, “I have become a Muslim.”67
Hazrat ‘Umar Accepts Islam
Hazrat ‘Umar® was twenty-seven when the Prophet
(pbuh) was blessed with messengership. Due to Zayd®,
the message of Tawheed (Oneness of God) was already
introduced in Hazrat ‘Umar’s family. Zayd’s son Sa’eed,
had accepted Islam and was married to Hazrat ‘Umar’s
sister Fatma, due to which she had also entered into Islam.
Nu’aym bin ‘Abdullah, a respectable member of the same
family, had also accepted Islam. Hazrat ‘Umar® was still
out of the fold of Islam. When he heard about the message
of Islam, he became very hostile against those of his
tribesmen who had converted to Islam. Lubayna was a
slave maid in his family. He kept on beating her until he
was exhausted. He punished all those persons physically
whom he could. But instead of severest persecution that
he inflicted on helpless Muslims, he did not succeed in
forcing even one single Muslim to renounce Islam.
Finding no way out, he decided to (God-forbid)
assassinate the Prophet (pbuh).
Accordingly, one day he wore arms and headed for the
Prophet (pbuh). In the way he accidentally met Nu’aym bin
‘Abdullah, who inquired of him his intention due to his
looks. Hazrat ‘Umar® told him that he was on the way to
settle the problem raised by the Prophet (pbuh) forever by
Al-Seerah Al-Nabawiya lil-Zahabi, 101, Mustadrak Haakim,
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
putting him to death. Nu’aym told him that he should set
right his own house first, as his sister and brother-in-law
had already accepted Islam. Immediately, Hazrat ‘Umar®
turned back and reached the house of his sister. She was
reciting the Qur`an at that time. Hearing his footsteps, she
became silent and hid the leaves of the Qur`an.
But Hazrat ‘Umar had heard the words and inquired of
her what she was reciting. She tried to explain it away as
nothing significant, but he challenged her by saying that
he already knew the fact that she and her husband had
renounced their previous faith. Saying this he grabbed his
brother-in-law and entered into a scuffle with him. When
his sister intervened, he hit her too, to the extent that she
started bleeding. Hazrat ‘Umar’s violence, however,
increased her love for Islam. She said resolutely, “‘Umar!
Do whatever you can, but the love of Islam will not leave
our hearts now.” These words touched Hazrat ‘Umar’s
heart. He looked at his sister lovingly. She was bleeding,
which created a sense of remorse in his heart. He asked
his sister to show him what she was reading: “Bring it to
me. I will see what Muhammad’s message is.”
Fatma, his sister expressed her concern that ‘Umar®
might treat the Book with disrespect. He assured her on
oath in the name of his gods that he would return it to her
after reading. His sister became somewhat hopeful that
the time for his guidance might have arrived. She told
him that she couldn’t let him touch the leaves of the
Qur`an as he was a polytheist (Mushrik) and unclean and
that the Book of Allah could be touched only by a clean
person. ‘Umar® took a bath. Fatma then gave her the
leaves of the Qur`an. When he opened it, the Surah Taha
was in front of him. As soon as he finished the beginning
part of it, he could not resist saying: “What a sublime and
honorable word!”
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Hazrat Khabbab®, who had been hiding all this while,
came out and said, “O ‘Umar! It seems that Allah has
accepted the supplication of His Prophet (pbuh). I heard
him last night praying, ‘O Allah! Strengthen Islam with
Hakam bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) or ‘Umar bin Khattab.’
‘Umar! Appreciate this blessing.” ‘Umar® asked
Khabbab® to tell him where the Prophet (pbuh) was at
that time so that he could go to him and accept Islam.
Khabbab® gave him the address. Those days the Prophet
(pbuh) had taken residence at the house of Arqam, which
was located at the foot of the Safa Mount. Reaching the
house, Hazrat ‘Umar® knocked at the door. As he was
armed, the Companions became apprehensive, but Hazrat
Hamza® told the Companions: “Let him in. If he has
come with good intention, he is welcome. Otherwise I will
behead him with his own sword.” When Hazrat ‘Umar®
stepped in, the Prophet (pbuh) advanced, and by holding
the front part of his upper wear asked him, “Why, ‘Umar!
With what intention have you come?” ‘Umar® was awed
by the confident tone of the Prophet (pbuh) and replied in
a voice charged with sincerity, “To embrace Islam.”
Overjoyed, the Prophet (pbuh) chanted the Islamic slogan
Allahu Akbar (Allah is greatest) loudly. The Companions
also chanted the slogan Allahu Akbar so loudly that the
surrounding hills resounded with the echo.68
Hazrat ‘Umar’s conversion proved to be a new phase
in the history of Islam. Although forty to fifty persons had
accepted Islam by that time, including Hazrat Hamza®
who was well known for his chivalry, Muslims did not
dare to practice the injunctions of Islam openly. Offering
prayers (Salah) in K’aba was out of question. With
‘Umar’s conversion, the situation suddenly changed. He
As-Seerah An-Nabawiya liz-Zahabi, 102-03, Sahih Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
publicly announced his acceptance of Islam. He was
opposed by the disbelievers tooth and nail in the
beginning, but he faced the situation and remained
steadfast. He then went to Al-Haram with other Muslims
and offered Salah there openly.69
About eighty-three Muslims had emigrated to
Abyssinia (Habsha). They were living their comfortably
when a rumor spread there that the disbelievers of Makkah
had accepted Islam, by hearing which most of them
decided to return to Makkah. When they reached near the
city, they learned that the news was untrue. Some of them
returned to Abyssinia, while most of them entered
Makkah stealthily.70
‘Uthman bin Maz’un’s Sufferings
‘Uthman® bin Maz’un was among those who had
returned from Habsha (Abyssinia) at the wrong
information mentioned above. In accordance with the
Arab tradition, he obtained the protection (Jawaar) of
Waleed bin Mugheera to enter Makkah. When he noticed
that the Muslims who were unable to obtain protection of
a chief of Quraysh were being persecuted in Makkah
while he was able to move freely under Waleed’s
protection, he felt guilty. He considered it a moral
weakness that he was leading a free and fearless life under
the protection of a polytheist and was not able to share the
afflictions of his co-religionists. He, therefore, went to
Waleed, thanked him for his kindness, and expressed his
desire to return his term of formal protection (Jawaar)
Waleed kindly asked him if any member of his tribe had
offended him. Hazrat ‘Uthman® replied in the negative
and said that he now wanted to stay under the protection
Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, 3: 370.
As-Seerah An-Nabawiya liz-Zahabi, p. 113.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
of Allah and none else. Waleed then asked him to declare
it publicly in Al-Haram that he was returning Waleed’s
Jawaar (protection) and that Waleed was no more
responsible for his security in the future. Both of them
went to Al-Haram where Waleed announced that ‘Uthman
® was returning his term of protection to him at his will.
Hazrat ‘Uthman® confirmed it, attesting that he found
Waleed an honorable person and had no complaint against
his Jawaar, but that he wished to entrust himself fully to
the care of Allah.
From there Hazrat ‘Uthman® came upon a gathering
of the Quraysh in which Labeed, a famous Arab poet, was
reciting his poetic composition. The first line (Misra’) of a
couplet was:
"E0 x; IL []u Ev w0 4"
(Every thing is valueless except Allah).
Hazrat ‘Uthman® commented, “This is true.” Labeed
recited another line of his couplet:
"E0 {z ? 4 *C Ev -0 "
(And all comfort will come to an end one day).
Hazrat ‘Uthman® contradicted it by saying that the comfort
of heaven will last forever. In the Arab culture a poet was
not used to such refutations. Labeed thus complained to the
audience: “O Chiefs of the Quraysh! This was not the way
your gatherings were held. Since when such people have
emerged who contradict the poet in his face?” A person
from the audience replied, “Recently a group of renegades
have emerged among us. Just ignore them.” Hazrat
‘Uthman® said something in return to that person. Thus a
dispute ensued in which a person slapped Hazrat ‘Uthman
in the face so hard that he lost an eye. Waleed was there
and watched the incident. He told ‘Uthman® endearingly,
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“Dear to me! You lost your eye for no good reason. Had
you been under my Jawaar (protection), this would not
have happened.” Hazrat ‘Uthman® replied, “My healthy
eye envies my injured eye and wishes to be sacrificed the
same way (in the path of Allah).” Waleed invited him to
return to his Jawaar (protection) again, but Hazrat
‘Uthman® declined.71
Quraysh boycott Bani Hashim
The Quraysh realized that Islam was spreading in spite of
opposition, that persons like ‘Umar® and Hamza® had
accepted Islam, and that Najjaashi, the King of Abyssinia,
had granted asylum to the Muslims and turned down their
emissaries. They then thought of a plan that the Prophet’s
family should be forced to a confinement and left there to
perish. Consequently, all the tribes prepared a document
mentioning in it that none of them would keep any
relation with the people of the Bani Hashim tribe, nor
trade with them, nor socialize with them, nor let any
edible items reach them, until they surrendered
Muhammad (pbuh) to them to kill him. This document
was posted at the door of the K’aba.72
Helplessly, Abu Talib took refuge in She’ab Abi Talib,
a valley, with other members of Banu Hashim and passed
three long years in confinement. This period was filled
with great hardships; sometimes they had nothing to eat,
but the leaves of Talah (the banana tree). Hazrat S’ad bin
Waqqas® narrates that in those days of suffering and
deprivation he once found a piece of dry leather which he
washed well, roasted on the fire, and ate with water in
order to satisfy his hunger. Ibn S’ad relates that the
wailing cries of the babies and children could be heard
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1:370.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 29.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
outside the valley. The Quraysh listened to it joyfully,
although some good-hearted persons felt pity for the
sufferers.73 One day Hakeem bin Hezam, who was Hazrat
Khadija’s nephew, tried to send a small amount of wheat
to her by his slave. Abu Jahl saw it and tried to seize the
grain. By chance Abul Buhtari came upon the scene.
Although a disbeliever, he felt sympathetic to Hakeem and
thus scolded Abu Jahl: “If a person sends something to his
aunt to eat, why do you stop him?”74
End of Boycott
The Prophet (pbuh) and his clan Bani Hashim underwent
the hardships of boycott and forced confinement for three
years. Ultimately, some disbelievers took pity on them
and started taking initiatives to terminate the boycott.
Hisham Makhzumi was a close relative of the Bani
Hashim family and a distinguished person in his own
tribe. He used to send grains and the like stealthily to
Banu Hashim. One day he went to Zubayr, the grandson
of ‘Abdul Muttalib, and said, “Zubayr! Do you like that
you eat, drink and enjoy other comforts while your
maternal relatives do not have even the bare minimum to
survive on?” Sadly, Zubayr replied: “What can I do to
change the situation, for I am alone. If I had even one
person to support me, I would tear off the cruel document
of boycott and throw it away.” Hisham assured Zubayr
that he could count on him. Both of them then went to
Mut’im bin ‘Adi and persuaded him to rise against the
injustice. Buhtari ibn Hisham and Zam’a bin Al-Aswad
also promised to support them.
Next day they went to Al-Haram together. Zubayr
addressed to all present there and said, “O people of
Al-Rawzul Anaf, 1: 220
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 345.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Makkah! Is it justified that we live in comfort and the
people of Bani Hashim do not have the bare minimum to
eat? By God! Unless the cruel document is torn off, I
would not rest at peace.” Abu Jahl immediately spoke out:
“Never, nobody could touch the document.” Zam’a
retorted to him, “You are a liar. We did not agree to it
even when it was written down.”
Also, the Prophet (pbuh) had told Abu Talib that the
termite had eaten up the document of the boycott. When
people checked, it was actually so: only the words
Bismika Allahumma (In your name, O Allah!) were
Abu Bakr’s Alienation in Makkah
The tyranny of the Quraysh was now not limited only to
the weak and the helpless. Hazrat Abu Bakr’s clan was
respectable and strong and he did not lack in helpers and
friends. Yet, he could not take the tyranny of the
disbelievers any more and decided to emigrate to a safe
place. One day he left Makkah, his hometown, for this
purpose and reached Barkulghemad, a place at the
distance of five days’ walk from Makkah toward Yemen.
There he met Ibnuddughunna, a chief of the Qaara tribe,
who inquired Abu Bakr® about his destination. Hazrat
Abu Bakr® replied, “My people do not let me live
peacefully with them. I want to emigrate to some other
place where I could worship Allah.” Ibnuddughunna told
him, “It is not right at all that a person like you is forced to
leave Makkah. I take you under my protection (Jawaar).”
Thus Hazrat Abu Bakr® returned to Makkah with him.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 30, it is also mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, Kitabul
Manasik bab Dukhulun Nabi Makkah, bab Bunyanul Ka’aba, bab
Taqasumul Mushrikeen Alan Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Ibnuddughunna met all the chiefs of the Quraysh and
told them: “You turn out such a person who extends
hospitality to guests, takes care of the poor, supports
relatives, and helps the needy?” The Quraysh put a
condition that Hazrat Abu Bakr® should recite whatever
he wanted in his Salah inaudibly, for when he recited the
Qur`an aloud, their children and women were influenced
by it.” Hazrat Abu Bakr® observed this restriction for a
few days, but after that he built a mosque for himself near
his home where he started praying and reciting the Qur`an
aloud. As he was very tenderhearted, he cried bitterly
while reciting the Qur`an. Women and children who
watched him from a distance were influenced by it. The
Quraysh complained to Ibnuddughunna about it. He told
Hazrat Abu Bakr® that he could not take the
responsibility of protecting him in that condition. Hazrat
Abu Bakr® relieved him of his responsibility by saying,
“Allah alone is sufficient for my protection.”76
One day when the Prophet (pbuh) entered Al-Haram,
Abu Jahl commented derisively by addressing the
polytheist chiefs sitting there, “O people of ‘Abde Manaaf
tribe! See, your prophet is here.” ‘Oqba bin Rabi’a added,
“What objection do we have if anyone claims to be a
prophet, or an angel.” Hearing their comments, the
Prophet (pbuh) returned to them and said, “‘Oqba! You
never came forward to extend support to Allah and His
prophet (pbuh) and insisted on following your way. And
you Abu Jahl! The time is very near for you when you
will laugh a little and cry a lot.” Then he turned to other
chiefs of the Quraysh and said, “The time is approaching
when you will enter the religion that you are now
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Fazael, Bab Hijratun Nabi wa As-haba
ilal Madinah 552.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
rejecting.” The readers will find in the following pages
that these words came out to be true to the letter.77
Death of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadija
In the tenth year of the prophethood, Abu Talib, the
Prophet’s uncle and father of Hazrat ‘Ali, breathed his
last.78 He had taken care of the Prophet (pbuh) from his
early boyhood days and had extended all support during
his missionary period. The Prophet (pbuh) was very sad at
his death.79
With the difference of three days the Prophet’s dear
wife Hazrat Khadija® passed away.80 This noble lady had
spent all her wealth to help her husband for Allah’s
pleasure. She was the first to enter into Islam and the
angel Jibrael had conveyed greetings from Allah to her.
The Prophet (pbuh) was very much aggrieved at her
Now the Quraysh felt bold to oppress the Prophet
(pbuh). Once a mischief-monger threw mud on his head.
When he entered his house in that condition, his daughter
washed his head and cried to see her father’s suffering.
The Prophet (pbuh) consoled her by saying, “Dear
daughter, why do you cry? Allah Himself will protect
your father.”82
Although Abu Talib’s support was lost, and a wife like
Hazrat khadija®, a true source of consolation to him in
suffering, had passed away, the Prophet (pbuh) now started
preaching his message with greater vigor and enthusiasm.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 65, reference, Tarikhe Tabri.
Fathul Bari, 7: 194.
Fathul Bari, 7: 224.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, kitabul Manaqibil Ansaar, bab tazawajun Nabi
Khadija wa Fazlaha. Musnad Ahmad, 6: 118.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 416.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Journey to Taif
After some time, the Prophet (pbuh) went to Taif to
preach his message. Zayd® bin Haritha accompanied him
in this journey. He reached Taif by visiting different tribes
residing between Makkah and Taif and conveying to them
the message of Tawheed. He walked on foot all the way.
The tribe of Banu Thaqeef resided in Taif. The greenery
and the cold climate of Taif, which were rare in Arabia,
had made them very proud. ‘Abdyalayl, Mas’ud, and
Habeeb, the chiefs of the city, were brothers among
themselves. The Prophet (pbuh) met them first and
conveyed the message of Islam to them. One of them said
curtly, “I will shave my beard in front of K’aba if you
were appointed a messenger by Allah.” The other blurted
out, “Didn’t God find anyone better than you, who do not
have even a humble animal to ride, to take as His
messenger? If He had to appoint a messenger, He should
have selected a ruler or a chief.” The third added, “I don’t
want to talk to you, because if you are a messenger of
God, as you claim, it is dangerous to reject your message.
But in case you are telling a lie, it doesn’t befit me to talk
to a liar.” The Prophet (pbuh) told them at the end, “Now
all I want from you is that you keep your views up to you
so that others are not misguided by them.”
The Prophet (pbuh) then started preaching his faith to
the public. These three chiefs, however, instigated their
slaves and city urchins to go after him. When he started
delivering a sermon, they pelted him with stones, causing
him severe injuries; blood trickled down to his shoes and
clotted there, making it difficult for him to take out his
shoes for ablution (Wudu).
During that journey once the mischievous gang called the
Prophet (pbuh) names, clapped, and shouted at him so much
that he was forced to take refuge inside the boundary of a
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
house. That place belonged to ‘Otba and Shayba, sons of
Rabi’a. They saw his miserable condition and, out of pity,
sent some grapes in a plate to him by their slave ‘Addaas. He
put the plate in front of the Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet
(pbuh) said Bismillah (In the name of Allah) and began to
eat. ‘Addaas was surprised at the words he heard and
commented: “People here do not use these words.” The
Prophet (pbuh) inquired him about his native country and
religion. ‘Addaas replied that he was a Christian and was
originally from Naynawa. Hearing the name of the city, the
Prophet (pbuh) eagerly asked, “Are you from the city of the
pious person Yunus bin Matta?” ‘Addaas asked in surprise,
“How do you know about Yunus bin Matta?” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “He is my brother. He was a prophet and I
am a prophet, too.” Hearing it, ‘Addaas leaned toward him
in eagerness and kissed his head, hands, and feet. ‘Otba and
Shayba, who were watching them from a distance,
commented: “See, it seems that we lost this slave.” When
‘Addaas returned to them, they scolded him, “Stupid. What
happened to you that you started kissing that person’s hands,
feet, and head?” ‘Addaas told them, “Masters! Today
nobody is better than him on the face of the earth. He told
me something that only a prophet could have known.” They
rebuked ‘Addaas and warned him not to forsake his religion
which was, as they told him, better than the new religion.”
Once when the Prophet (pbuh) was preaching in Taif, he
received so serious injuries that he fell unconscious. Zayd,
his companion, carried him on his back out of the city where
he sprinkled water on his face and helped him regain
consciousness. Although not a single person accepted Islam
in Taif in spite of so much of suffering, the Prophet’s heart
remained charged with faith in Allah’s grandeur and His
love. He supplicated to his Lord in the following words:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
* R ' / }
( 2 # 8(C!> 81R ? D 8%!D0 |
!0Au ' M
r *+ ; $r €0 A% $
r ~ aC' 5F1Q aC' 5
8;0' I9 `‚ 8 # A0 / * B@ r( <(P ' 1A@ # $r ' 8(2 +
DP u' <= M
+( O ( !2;( W0 !#' 8 ƒ " ' 8> M19# A
E † ' M
)‚ ~ H…/ B' SPLX Cc P ' # „
0Jv M
;( 4r S !D0 4 H ! R 4 GP% 1R ‰1 M
‡ˆ" 8 #
“O Allah! I complain to You of the feebleness of my
strength, of the littleness of my resource, and of my
indignity. You are the most Merciful of all showing
mercy. You are the protector of the oppressed and
the helpless, and indeed You are my protector too.
Whom do you entrust me to? To a stern stranger?
Or to an enemy whom you have given control over
my affairs? If thus Your wrath may spare me, I mind
not how I am placed, except that Your grant of well
being would be immense to me. I seek refuge in the
effulgence of Your Divine Being that dispels all
darkness and sets right everything Here and in the
Hereafter, so that I may never incur Your wrath or
earn Your displeasure. I shall plead with you till
You be pleased. And I receive only from Your power
to do good and stay away from evil.”
The Prophet (pbuh) also said that he would never curse the
people of Taif, for if they did not accept Allah’s oneness, he
hoped that their progeny would bear faith in Him.83
Inviting Arab Tribes to Islam
Now the Prophet (pbuh) started visiting different tribes by
going to their areas. He also went outside Makkah and
Sahih Bukhari. Also see Imam Zahabi’s As-Seeratun Nabawiya,
Ibn Hisham’s As-Seeratun Nabawiya, Imam Hathami’s Majma’uz
Zawaed, and Imam Tabrani.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
waited for a traveler whom he could invite to Islam and to
the virtue of fearing Allah.84
Those days he went to the Banu Kinda tribe whose
chief was Maleeh. He also visited the Banu ‘Abdullah
tribe. He told them that as the name of their father was
‘Abdullah, which meant “a slave of Allah,” they should
also become the true slaves of Allah. He also visited Banu
Haneefa tribe at the place of their residence, but they
rejected his message in the worst way possible, against the
tradition of the Arabs. He also went to the people of Banu
‘Aamir Sa’sa’a whose chief was Buhayra bin Firas.
Buhayra asked the Prophet (pbuh) that if he accepted his
message and helped him overcome his opponents, would
the Prophet (pbuh) promise that the religious leadership
would be transferred to him after the Prophet’s demise.
The Prophet (pbuh) replied that it was in Allah’s control
and He would appoint whomsoever He liked to succeed
him. Buhayra retorted, “Very good! At this time we face
the Arab’s opposition against you. But when you succeed,
others enjoy the benefit. Go away, we don’t have anything
to do with you.” Hazrat Abu Bakr® was the Prophet’s
companion and guide in this journey.85
Those days the Prophet (pbuh) once met Suwayd bin
Samit who was known by the title Kamil in his tribe. The
Prophet (pbuh) invited him to Islam. Kamil commented
that perhaps the Prophet (pbuh) had what he himself had.
The Prophet (pbuh) inquired of him what he had. He
replied that he had the ‘Wisdom of Luqman’ (Hikmate
Luqman). The Prophet (pbuh) asked him to present it.
Suwayd recited some good verses. The Prophet (pbuh)
expressed his appreciation for the verses and told him:
Amta’ul Asma’ lil Muqrizi, 1: 30.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 426-27.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“But I have the Qur`an, which is better and is guidance
and light.” Then the Prophet (pbuh) recited some Qur`an
to him. Suwayd immediately accepted Islam. When he
returned to Madinah, the people of the Khazraj tribe
killed him.86
In those days Abul Hasaysar Anas bin Rafey came to
Makkah with some youths of the ‘Abdul Ash-hal tribe,
including Ayaas bin Mu’az. These persons had come to
make a deal with the Quraysh on behalf of their tribe
Khazraj. The Prophet (pbuh) went to them and asked, “I
have a thing which guarantees the well-being of you all.
Do you have a desire to know about it?” They inquired as
to what it was. The Prophet (pbuh) told them: “I am a
Messenger of Allah and have been sent to His creatures. I
call people to worship Allah alone and not ascribe any
partner to Him. My God has also revealed the Book (the
Qur`an) to me.” Then he explained the tenets of Islam to
them. Ayaas bin Mu’az was still young and spoke up
immediately, “O my people! By God, this is better than
what you have come here for.” Anas bin Rafey threw a
handful of pebbles at his face and said, “Keep quiet. We
have not come here for this purpose.” Thereupon the
Prophet (pbuh) left the place. This incident occurred
before the Battle of Bo’aath, which was fought between
the Aws and Khazraj tribes. Ayaas died a few days after
returning, but in his last hour he was uttering Tasbeeh
(SubhanAllah), Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), Tahleel (La
ilaha illAllah), and Takbeer (Allahu Akbar). The seeds of
Islam implanted in his heart by the words of the Prophet
(pbuh) had ultimately blossomed at the time of his death.87
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 426-27.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 427-28, Musnad Ahmad, 5: 427. Ibn Hajar
testifies to the sanad of this narration.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
During this period Zemad Azdi came to Makkah. He
was from Yemen and was a famous magician (Saahir) of
Arabia. Hearing that the Prophet (pbuh) was under the
spell of the spirits, he offered to treat him by his magical
charms. He came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “Come
Muhammad and let me recite charms to you.” The Prophet
(pbuh) told him to listen to his recitation first and then
recited the following words:
I9 @ 
/ E I9 6 Y+ / 2 1Q
C Y C Š @
m B@ ' + u ' M
/P( u 4 Y R Œ 4 4 B@ ' + u ' <
: ; ' , 0! " Y ) #
“All praise befits Allah alone. We thank Him for
His blessings and seek help from Him alone.
Whomsoever He guides, none could lead him
astray, and whomsoever He leaves astray, none
could guide him. I bear witness that none deserves
to be worshipped except Allah, the One and Only
deity, Who has no partner. I also bear witness that
Muhammad (pbuh) is Allah’s bondman and
messenger. After this, I wish to inform you….”
The Prophet (pbuh) had said this much when Zemad
restlessly spoke out, “Repeat these words again.” He
listened to the above words two or three times and said, “I
have met many soothsayers (Kaahin) and magicians
(Saahir) and listened to many poets, but I have never
heard such words before. These words are a fathomless
ocean. Muhammad (pbuh)! Give me your hand please so
that I accept Islam.”88
During this period Tufayl bin ‘Amr came to Makkah.
He was a chief of the Daws tribe, which ruled in the
neighboring Yemen. He was a poet and wise person. The
Sahih Muslim.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
people of Makkah went out of the city to accord a
welcome to him and treated him as a dignitary. Tufayl
himself narrates his story in these words:
“The people of Makkah told me that there was a person
(the Prophet) among them whom I should avoid. They
said: ‘He knows magic (Sehr) and causes separation
between father and son, wife and husband, brother and
brother. He has disturbed our unity and disturbed our
affairs. We do not want your community to fall into the
same afflictions. We, therefore urge you not to go to him,
or listen to him, or talk to him.’
“They convinced me so effectively that whenever I
wanted to go to the K’aba, I put cotton plugs in my ears so
that no words of Muhammad (pbuh) might enter them.
One day when I went to the K’aba early in the morning,
the Prophet (pbuh) was offering Salah there. Because
Allah willed it so, I happened to hear him reciting strange
words in it. At that time I started scolding myself why I
shouldn’t hear what he said when I was myself a poet and
educated person, and was able to judge between good and
bad. If what he said was good, I would accept; otherwise I
would reject. Deciding so, I waited and followed him
when he left for home. I met him at his house and narrated
the whole story of my coming to Makkah, people
misguiding me, my blocking my ears with cotton plugs,
and accidentally hearing his recitation that day. I then
requested him to tell me what his message was. The
Prophet (pbuh) recited the Qur`an to me. By God, I had
never heard such pure and refined words urging people to
do good and observe justice.”
Tufayl accepted Islam on the spot. When the Quraysh
heard that the person whom they considered their hero and
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
master had chosen to be a humble follower of Muhammad
(pbuh), they felt greatly displeased and disappointed.89
Abu Zarr® was in his hometown Madinah (also known
as Yathrib) when he heard about the Prophet (pbuh). He
sent his brother to Makkah to find out more about him.
Unays, his brother who was a famous poet and had a good
command of language, visited Makkah for this purpose
and reported back to him that Muhammad (pbuh) invited
people to perform virtues and to stay away from evils. As
Abu Zarr was not satisfied with this incomplete
information, he himself traveled to Makkah on foot. As he
had no acquaintance in Makkah and did not think it safe to
talk about his mission to a stranger, he helped himself
with the Zamzam water and decided to pass the night in
Al-Haram. Considering him a traveler, Hazrat ‘Ali® took
him to his house. He spent the night there. Neither ‘Ali®
asked him anything, nor Abu Zarr® told him anything on
his own. Abu Zarr® went to Al-Haram in the morning. He
wanted to meet the Prophet (pbuh), but thought it unsafe
to ask anybody about him. Thinking that he could not find
his place, Hazrat ‘Ali® took him home the second day
also and asked him who he was and what he was there for.
On Hazrat Ali’s promise to keep secrecy, Abu Zarr® told
him that he had come to meet the person who had claimed
to be a messenger of Allah. He also told him about having
sent his brother first for that purpose and about his
inability to gather satisfactory information about him.
Hazrat ‘Ali® appreciated his mission and told him that
it was good that he met him first. He informed Abu Zarr
that he was going to meet the Prophet (pbuh) and that he
could come with him. He also told him that he would go
inside first and check if it was safe for Abu Zarr to meet
Sahih Al-Bukhari. Also see Tafseer Ibn S’ad, 1: 353 and Sharhul
Mawahib, 4: 37.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the Prophet (pbuh) at that time. If not, he told Abu Zarr®,
he would stand by the wall pretending that he was fixing
his shoes. Abu Zarr® thus appeared before the Prophet
(pbuh) and asked him what the message of Islam was. The
Prophet (pbuh) told him about the tenets of Islam. Abu
Zarr® accepted Islam immediately.
The Prophet (pbuh) instructed him to keep his
acceptance of Islam a secret for the time-being, return
home and come back to him when the situation changed in
favor of Islam. But Hazrat Abu Zarr® said enthusiastically,
“By God, I will proclaim my faith in front of the
disbelievers before I leave.” He then went to Al-Haram
where the Quraysh were sitting at a place. In front of them
all, he recited aloud Kalimah Shahadat (“There is none
worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is
His Prophet”). In fury, the Quraysh rushed to him shouting,
“Beat up this renegade,” and assaulted him with an
intention to kill him. ‘Abbas reached there and scolded the
assailants, “You reckless fellows! He belongs to the Ghefar
tribe where you go for trade and buy dates for yourselves.”
Thereupon, the people spared him. The second day Abu
Zarr® again proclaimed his faith in Islam openly in front of
all disbelievers present in Al-Haram. He was hit again.
‘Abbas rescued him that day too. Then he returned home.90
The First ‘Oqba Pledge and Spread of Islam
In the eleventh year of prophethood, in the Hajj season, the
Prophet (pbuh) heard some people talking in the darkness
of night at ‘Oqba, which was at the distance of a few miles
from Makkah. The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) went to them.
They were six persons who had come from Madinah. The
Prophet (pbuh) talked to them about the sublimity and
grandeur of Allah, aroused their love for Him, tried to
Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
generate hatred in them for idol worship, enunciated values
of virtue and refinement, denounced evils and sins, and
enlightened their hearts with the recitation of the Qur`an.
Although they were idolaters, they had often heard the Jews
of Madinah mentioning that a prophet was about to appear
soon. That led them to believe in the message of the
Prophet (pbuh), and consequently they accepted Islam.
When they returned to Madinah, they became the ardent
preachers of the true faith there.91
They told everybody in Madinah that the Prophet
(pbuh) the world was awaiting had appeared, whose words
their ears had heard, and whose countenance their eyes
had seen. They told people that he had helped them
establish a relationship with the living God due to which
the worldly life and death had become valueless for
them.92 The news generated a stir in Madinah and soon it
became the talk of the people in each house of the town.
Next year, in the twelfth year of the prophethood, the
people of Madinah came to Makkah and stealthily
accepted Islam. The clauses on which they took the pledge
at the hands of the Prophet (pbuh) were as follows:
1. They will worship the One and the Only God and
will not associate any partner with Him.
2. They will not steal and will not indulge in
3. They will not kill their children (daughters).
4. They will not cast false aspersions on anyone, nor
will they backbite against anyone.
5. They will follow the instructions of the Prophet
(pbuh) in all good things.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 428-29.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 428-29.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When they wanted to return, the Prophet (pbuh) sent
Mus’ab bin ‘Umayr® with them to teach them Islam.
Mus’ab bin ‘Umayr® came from a very wealthy family
and had lived a very luxurious life before accepting Islam.
When he used to ride a horse, slaves walked along. He
never wore a dress of less than two hundred rupees. But
after accepting Islam he gave up all means of physical
pleasure for the spiritual bliss. Those days when he used
to preach Islam in Madinah, he had just a small piece of
blanket with which he covered his shoulder. He pinned up
the piece of blanket with thorns.93
Hazrat Mus’ab® had stayed at the house of As’ad bin
Zurara in Madinah. The people of Madinah used to call
him Al-Muqri (the Teacher). One day Mus’ab®, As’ad,
and some other Muslims gathered at the Marq Well (Bi`r
Marq) to plan how to invite the Bani ‘Abd Al-Ash-hal and
Bani Zafar tribes to Islam. S’ad bin Mu’az and Osayd bin
Huzayr were the chiefs of those tribes and had not
accepted Islam yet. They came to know about the
gathering of Muslims there. S’ad bin Mu’az told Osayd
bin Huzayr, “What makes you so heedless of the
situation? These two persons have now come to our areas
and are trying to misguide the credulous from our people.
Go and scold them and tell them not to come to our areas
ever again. I could have done that myself, but as As’ad is
my maternal aunt’s son, I am keeping quiet.”
Usayd bin Huzayr wore his arms and left for the place
where the Muslims had gathered. Seeing him coming,
As’ad® told Mus’ab®: “The chief of his tribe is coming.
May he, by the will of Allah, accept your invitation!”
Mus’ab® said that if Usayd took a seat with him, he
would surely talk to him about Islam. By that time Usayd
Asadulghaba, 4: 406.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
reached there and started calling them names. He also
accused them that they had come to misguide the
simpletons from his people.
Addressing him politely, Mus’ab® asked Usayd to take
a seat, listen to what he had to say and then accept if he
liked it, or reject if he did not consider it worthwhile.
Usayd did not see any harm in it and sat down with them.
Mus’ab® explained Islam to him and also read some
Qur`an. Usayd listened to him and said at the end, “If
someone wants to accept your religion, what does he do?”
Mus’ab® replied that they asked him to take a bath, wear
clean clothes, recite Kalima Shahadah (There is none
worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is
the Messenger of Allah), and offer two Rak’ats of Salah.
Usayd rose from his place, washed his clothes clean,
recited Kalima Shahadat, and offered Salah. He then said,
“There is a person behind me. If he enters into your
religion, none will be there to oppose you. I will go back
and send him to you.”
He then returned to S’ad bin Mu’az who was waiting for
him. Looking at his face, S’ad remarked, “Look, this is not
the face of Usayd with which he had gone to meet them.”
He then asked Usayd about his talk with the Muslims.
Usayd told him that he had asked them to behave properly
and that they had promised to abide by his instructions.
“But,” Usayd® added, “something unexpected happened
there. The people of Banu Haritha, (who are your enemies)
suddenly reached there and were trying to kill As’ad bin
Zurara simply because he was your cousin.” Hearing this,
S’ad bin Mu’az flew in rage. Complaining that Usayd had
done nothing to help the situation, he quickly gathered his
arms and rushed to make sure that his cousin was not hurt.
When he reached the spot, he found Mus’ab® and As’ad®
sitting comfortably there.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
He immediately understood that Usayd had tricked him
into the situation to let him listen to the message of the
Muslims. He burst into abusive utterances against them
and, addressing As’ad®, said, “Had you not been a
relative, you could not have entered my locality.”
Patiently, As’ad® told Mus’ab® that S’ad bin Mu’az was
an honorable chief of his tribe, and that if Mus’ab® could
convince him (of the truth of Islam), few persons will be
left to oppose him.” Mus’ab® told S’ad, “Have a seat
please, and let us talk. If you like what I say, you may
accept it. If not, you are free to reject it.” S’ad put his
arms aside and sat down with them. Hazrat Mus’ab®
explained the message of Islam to him and also recited
some Qur`an. S’ad asked the same question that Usayd
had asked, “How does a person enter into Islam?” He also
took a bath, professed Islam, offered Nafl Salah, and
returned to his gathering. Upon reaching there, he called
his people aloud, “O people of ‘Abd Al- Ash-hal! What
opinion do you have about me?” His tribesmen replied,
“You are our chief and your opinion and judgment are
always better than ours.” As’ad then called out again,
“Then listen! I consider it Haraam (forbidden) for myself
to talk to any person among you, man or woman, who
does not bear faith in Allah and His Prophet (pbuh).” The
effect of S’ad’s announcement was so tremendous that by
the evening none in his tribe remained a non-Muslim. The
whole tribe entered into Islam in one day.94
The Second ‘Oqba Pledge
Thus due to the efforts of Mus’ab® Islam spread among
the tribes of the Ansar. Consequently, the next year, in the
thirteenth year of prophethood, seventy-three men and two
women came to Makkah with the caravan of Madinah to
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 435-37.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
invite the Prophet (pbuh) to emigrate to Madinah and take
permanent residence there. They were supposed to obtain
the Prophet’s consent for it.
This group arrived at the same place in the dark of the
night where the people of Madinah used to meet the
Prophet (pbuh) for the last two years. The Prophet (pbuh)
went to meet them there with his uncle Hazrat ‘Abbas,
who had not embraced Islam yet. At that time Hazrat
‘Abbas said an important thing to the people of Madinah:
“Do you understand that the Quraysh of Makkah are arch
enemies of Muhammad (pbuh). When you pledge
allegiance to him, bear in mind that it could be extremely
difficult and demanding to keep it. To enter into a pact
with Muhammad (pbuh) is to invite red and black wars.
Whatever you decide to do, think well beforehand about
the consequences. Otherwise, leave the situation as it is.”
The sincere members of the Madinah delegation did
not say anything in reply to Hazrat ‘Abbas’ suggestion,
but submitted to the Prophet (pbuh) to grace them with his
words. The Prophet (pbuh) recited some Qur`an to them
which filled their hearts with the effulgence of faith. They
put forth their request before him to emigrate to Madinah
so that they might fully avail themselves of the blessings
of his company. The Prophet (pbuh) asked them:
1. Will you support me to your best in the propagation
of the true religion?
2. If I immigrate to your city, will you support me and
my companions as you support your family members?
The faithful Muslims from Madinah asked the Prophet
(pbuh) what their reward would be if they fulfilled their
obligations. The Prophet (pbuh) answered: “Paradise.”
The members of the delegation submitted, “O Prophet of
Allah! Tell us for our satisfaction that you would not ever
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
leave us.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “No, my life and
death will be with you.” Hearing these words, they
flocked around the Prophet (pbuh) with exultation and
enthusiasm and pledged their faith in Islam. Baraa` bin
M’aroor was the first fortunate person who offered the
pledge that night. A Devil (Shaytan) watched it all from
the top of a mountain and raised an alarming call for the
Makkans announcing, “Come and see. Muhammad (pbuh)
and his people are planning to wage a war against you.”
The Prophet (pbuh) asked them to ignore that voice.
‘Abbas bin ‘Ubada told the Prophet (pbuh), “If you
permit, we could show the excellence of our
swordsmanship to the Makkans as early as tomorrow.”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “No, I do not have permission
(from Allah) to enter into a battle yet.” Then the Prophet
(pbuh) selected twelve of them calling them Naqeeb, and
said, “As ‘Isa ibn Maryam (Alaihisalam) had chosen
twelve disciples for him, I also appoint twelve of you to
go to the people of Madinah and preach Islam to them. In
Makkah I will do this work myself.” Their names were:
Nine persons from the Khazraj tribe: As’ad bin
Zurara, Rafey bin Maalik, ‘Ubada bin Saamit, (these three
were also present at the time of the First ‘Oqba Pledge),
S’ad bin Rabi’, Munzir bin ‘Amr, ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha,
Baraa` bin M’aroor, ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Haraam,
S’ad bin ‘Ubada.
Three persons from the Aws tribe: Usayd bin
Huzayr, S’ad bin Khaythama, Abul Haytham bin
Musnad Ahmad, 3: 339. Mustadrak Haakim, 2: 624-25. Imam
Zahabi has considered Haakim’s narration as authentic. See for details
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 438-448, 467. Also Fathul Bari 7: 219-223.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
At the daybreak the Quraysh somehow got an inkling
of the incident. They came out in search of the people of
Madinah, but their caravan had set out from Makkah early
in the morning. They, nevertheless, found S’ad bin ‘Ubada
and Munzir bin ‘Amr, two members of the Madinah
delegation, there. Hazrat Munzir® escaped, but they
caught hold of S’ad bin ‘Ubada®. They tied him with a
piece of rope and brought him to Makkah. They beat him
and pulled his locks. Hazrat S’ad bin ‘Ubada® was one of
the twelve persons appointed as Naqeeb by the Prophet
(pbuh). He himself narrates that when the Quraysh were
beating him up, a good-looking person with white-reddish
countenance approached them. S’ad thought that if anyone
from those could ever be a source of good for him, it
might be that person. When he reached close, he slapped
S’ad strongly in the face, which convinced him that there
was none around who could do any good to him.
Then there came a person who took pity on him and
asked, “Don’t you have any right of neighborhood, or
know anyone with whom you have a tie of mutual
support?” S’ad bin ‘Ubada replied in the affirmative and
mentioned that Jubayr bin Mut’am and Harith bin Harb,
the grandsons of ‘Abde Manaaf, used to come to Madinah
for trade and that he had accorded to them protection
several times. He suggested that S’ad should call out their
names and announce his relationship with them. S’ad did
the same. The same person then went to the two persons
and informed them that a man from the Khazraj tribe was
being beaten, and that he was calling out their names to
seek protection. The two persons came to the scene,
recognized S’ad, and acknowledged that he had done
favors to them. They secured his release and thus S’ad bin
‘Ubada was able to return to Madinah.96
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 449-450, Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 81.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Permission for Emigration to Madinah
After the Second ‘Oqba Pledge, the Prophet (pbuh) allowed
those Muslims to emigrate to Madinah who were
undergoing so severe persecution at Makkah that living
there had become impossible. They did not have any
sorrow for leaving behind their homes, relatives, and
family, but were excited with the prospect of being able to
worship the One True God freely in Madinah.97 Those who
tried to emigrate had again to undergo great sufferings due
to the opposition of the Quraysh of Makkah.
When Hazrat Suhayb Rumi® was about to emigrate,
the disbelievers surrounded him and said, “Suhayb! When
you had come to Makkah, you were a pauper. You earned
a lot by working in this city. Now you want to move out
with all your wealth? We will not let you do that.” Hazrat
Suhayb® asked them, “Will you allow me to go if I leave
behind all my possessions?” Finding them ready to accept
this condition, he gave them all he had and set out to
Makkah empty-handed. When the Prophet (pbuh) heard
about the incident, he commented: “Suhayb earned a
profit in this deal.”98
Hazrat Umme Salma® says that when her husband
Abu Salma® wanted to emigrate to Madinah, he helped
her ride the camel and sit there with her son Salma in her
lap. When they started, the people of Bani Mugheera, the
tribe of the lady, stopped them and said, “You could go,
but you cannot take our girl with you.” Now the people of
the tribe of Abu Salma, Banu ‘Abdul Asad, also arrived
there. They claimed that Abu Salma could not take the
boy Salma with him as he belonged to their tribe. They
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 49, Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 82.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 477, Dalael An-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 2,
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
made the camel sit, and the people of Banu ‘Abdul Asad
snatched the boy Salma from her mother, while the people
of Banu Mugheera took the lady with them. Abu Salma,
who considered making Hijrah (Emigration) for the sake
of safeguarding his religion a mandatory duty, set out to
Madinah alone. Umme Salma® used to come to the place
where she was separated from her husband and son and
cry in helplessness. One full year passed this way.
Ultimately, her cousin, the son of her paternal uncle,
convinced the people of both tribes to let her go to her
husband. The child was also given back to her. She rode a
camel and alone set out to Madinah. Every Muslim who
wanted to emigrate faced such tribulations.99
Hazrat ‘Umar Farooq® narrates that Hazrat ‘Ayaash
bin Rabi’a® and Hazrat Hisham Sahabi® also wanted to
accompany him in his emigration to Madinah. Hazrat
‘Ayaash reached the appointed place, but the disbelievers
learned about the plan of Hisham bin ‘Aas and arrested
him. After the arrival of Hazrat ‘Ayaash® at Madinah,
Abu Jahl also reached there with his brother Harith.
‘Ayaash® was his cousin from paternal side and the
mother of all three of them was one. They told Hazrat
‘Ayaash that his mother was extremely sad at his sudden
separation and had declared on oath that she would not
comb her hair nor would sit under a shade until she saw
him. They requested him to accompany them to Makkah
to console his mother and return to Madinah after a while.
Hazrat ‘Umar® warned Hazrat ‘Ayaash that he
doubted the story and said, “When your mother will be
vexed with lice, she will herself comb her hair, and when
the scorching sun of Makkah will trouble her, she will
herself try to find a shelter. I advise you not to go back to
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 467-68.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Makkah.” But ‘Ayaash told him that he would return to
Madinah as soon as the condition of his mother’s oath was
fulfilled. Thereupon Hazrat ‘Umar® gave him his camel
and said, “It is very fast. If you ever suspect in the way
that they are up to a mischief, this camel will help you run
out of their reach easily.”
Hazrat ‘Ayaash took the camel and the three departed.
One day when they were close to Makkah, Abu Jahl
requested Hazrat ‘Ayaash® to let him ride with him as
his camel was exhausted. When ‘Ayaash® made his
camel sit for the purpose, they caught him and tied him
with rope and brought him to Makkah. They took a great
pride in that expedition and boasted that the foolish
persons were punished that way. Now ‘Ayaash® was
confined with Hisham bin ‘Aas. After the emigration of
the Prophet (pbuh) to Madinah, Waleed bin Mugheera
came to Makkah one day on the secret mission of freeing
them from captivity and took them to Madinah in the
dark of the night.100
The Prophet’s Emigration to Madinah
When the Quraysh noticed that the Muslims were gaining
strength in Madinah and that Islam was on the rise, they
called an open meeting in Darul Nadwa, which was the
center for consultation, to discuss the matter. The chiefs of
all tribes attended the meeting. They came up with
different proposals. A chief suggested, “We should chain
Muhammad (pbuh) and confine him to a house.” The
other proposed, “Expelling him from Makkah would be
sufficient.” Abu Jahl gave a suggestion, “Let us take one
person from each tribe and the selected persons should
assault Muhammad (pbuh) together and kill him. Thus the
responsibility of killing Muhammad (pbuh) will fall on all
Mustadrak Haakim, 2: 435.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
tribes and Banu Hashim alone will not be able to face the
joint strength of all the tribes involved in his murder.”
People agreed to this proposal and, accordingly, the
persons selected to carry out the mission surrounded the
Prophet’s house at night. The Arabs considered it immoral
to enter a family house at night and therefore they waited
outside for the Prophet (pbuh) to come out in the morning
when they could assassinate him.101
Although the Quraysh hated the Prophet (pbuh) for his
message, they trusted him to the extent that when one of
them wanted to keep his valuables at a safe place, he put
them as trust (Amaanat) with him. At that time also, the
valuables of many persons were in the Prophet’s keeping.
The Prophet (pbuh) had come to know about the plan of
the Quraysh. He, therefore, called Hazrat ‘Ali and told
him, “I have been instructed to emigrate (Hijrah) and so I
will leave for Madinah tonight.”102 He asked him to sleep
in his bed covering himself with his sheet, and return the
valuables of people kept with him as trust the following
morning. Hazrat ‘Ali comfortably slept in the bed of the
Prophet (pbuh) all night. The Prophet (pbuh) left his house
at night under Allah’s protection reciting the Surah Yasin
and passed by the disbelievers who were there to keep a
watch for him. None saw him leaving his house.103 This
incident occurred on the 27 Safar of the thirteenth year of
prophethood on Thursday (12 September 621 A. D.)104
Two or three days before the Hijrah (Emigration) the
Prophet (pbuh) went to Abu Bakr’s house in the afternoon
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 480.
The command for Hijrah was given to him from Allah, as the
narration in Bukhari shows. See Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Hijratun Nabi
wa Sahaba ilal Madinah.
Musnad Ahmad, 348, Musannif ‘Abdur Razzaque, 5: 389.
Seeratun Nabi, 1:270, Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1:85.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
and knocked at his door. Abu Bakr® was at home and
welcomed him in. He asked Abu Bakr® to let all others
leave the place as he had to consult him in privacy about
an important matter. After making sure that none except
Hazrat Aisha®, who had already entered into marriage
with him, was there, the Prophet (pbuh) informed Hazrat
Abu Bakr of his plan of Hijrah (emigration). Hazrat Abu
Bakr asked him restlessly, “May my father be a ransom
for you, shall I have the honor of accompanying you?”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Abu
Bakr® had prepared two camels for the journey for the
past four months by feeding them the green leaves of the
Babul (acacia) tree. He offered the Prophet (pbuh) the
option to accept one of them for the journey. The Prophet
(pbuh) agreed to take one camel for himself, but insisted
on paying its price, which Hazrat Abu Bakr® accepted
under pressure. Hazrat ‘Aisha’s elder sister Hazrat Asma,
mother of Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Zubayr®, packed food for
two, three days for them and tied it with Nitaaq (which
women tie around the waist). Due to it, she won the title
of Zatun Nitaaqayn.105
While leaving Makkah, the Prophet (pbuh) looked back
at the city and said, “Makkah! You are dearest to me of all
places in the world, but your people do not let me live
here.”106 In the dark of the night the two honorable
persons started their journey. There is a mountain range
called the Thowr Mountain at the distance of four to five
miles from Makkah. They decided to pass through it. The
pathways leading to it were irregular, uneven, and very
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Manaqibul Ansar, Bab Hijratun Nabi wa
As-hab ilal Madinah.
Imam Tirmizi, Imam Darimi, and Imam Ibn Maja have mentioned
the words: “aOPL Ž2 aOPL ]C 4 ! ] Z h ŽC ”. Imam
Tirmizi has rated this Tradition as Hasan Gharib Sahih.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
difficult to walk. The pointed stones injured the feet of the
Prophet (pbuh) and caused him great pain in walking. Abu
Bakr® lifted him on his back. Thus they reached a cave.
Abu Bakr® asked the Prophet (pbuh) to wait outside
while he entered the cave to clean it. He tore some pieces
from the dress he was wearing and with them blocked the
holes in the cave to make sure that no harmful insect
would come out of them and sting the Prophet (pbuh). He
then invited him to enter.107
In Makkah Hazrat ‘Ali woke up in the morning. The
Quraysh recognized him and inquired him about the
Prophet (pbuh). He replied, “I don’t know. Was I
supposed to keep guard? You let him escape and so he
did.” In fury and desperation, the Quraysh hit him and
brought him to K’aba, but after keeping him in captivity
for sometime, they released him.108
Asma` bint Abu Bakr Siddique® narrates that her
father had taken with him all the money he had, which
was about five to six thousand rupees. Her grandfather
Abu Quhafa was worried for Abu Bakr’s family and
commented that Abu Bakr® had put his children in twofold trouble as he had left them alone and had also taken
all the money with him. With an intention to defend her
father, Hazrat Asma` told her grandfather that Abu Bakr®
had left a lot of money behind for them. She took stone
pebbles, wrapped them in a piece of cloth, kept it where
Abu Bakr® used to keep his money, and led her old and
blind grandfather there to touch it and feel that there was
enough money there. Abu Quhafa was satisfied to know
that the children had enough to support themselves. Hazrat
Asma` says that she did that just to console her old
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 6. Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 2: 477, Seeratun
Nabawiya lil Zahabi, p. 221, Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 85.
Tareekhe Tabri, 1: 568.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
grandfather. Otherwise, Hazrat Abu Bakr had taken all he
had to support the Prophet (pbuh).
Hazrat Abu Bakr® and the Prophet (pbuh) stayed in
that cave for three days. Hazrat Abu Bakr’s son
‘Abdullah®, a young man, used to spend the night with
them in the cave and returned early morning to Makkah to
mix with the people and find out what the plans of the
Quraysh were. Whatever he learned this way, he reported
to the Prophet (pbuh) at night. A slave of Hazrat Abu Bakr
used to bring the goats near the cave after grazing them
around. The Prophet (pbuh) and Hazrat Abu Bakr® thus
got some milk, which was the only provision they had for
three days.109
Once the Quraysh, who were constantly on the look of
the Prophet (pbuh), reached the mouth of that cave.
Hearing their footsteps, Hazrat Abu Bakr® became
worried and submitted to the Prophet (pbuh) that the
enemies were so close to them that they could easily see
them if they just stooped down a little. But the Prophet
(pbuh) remained composed and assured him by saying:
y2 V B B@ . % 4w
“Be not sad (or afraid); surely Allah is with us”
[Al-Taubah, 9: 40)].”110
The fourth day the Prophet (pbuh) came out of the cave
and resumed his journey. ‘Abdullah bin Orayqit, a
disbeliever who was trustworthy, was hired as guide. They
walked for a whole day continuously - day and night. Next
day at noon when the sun became very hot, Abu Bakr®
wanted the Prophet (pbuh) to rest for a while. He located
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Manaqibul Ansar, Bab Hijratun Nabi.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, kitab Fazael As’haabun Nabi, bab Manaqibul
Muhajireen wa Fazluhum, Sahih Muslim, Fazaelus Sahaba, Fazael
Abu Bakr Siddique®.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
some shade under a large rock, got down from the camel,
cleaned the place, and spread his sheet for the Prophet
(pbuh) to rest there. He then went out to see if he could
find something to eat. Not too far from there, he saw a
herdsman grazing goats. He asked him to wash a goat’s
udders and his hands, and then milk the goat. He covered
the milk pot with a piece of cloth so that dust might not
fall into it. He mixed some water with the milk and
offered it to the Prophet (pbuh). He drank some milk and
asked, “Isn’t it time to leave now.” The sun was about to
set, and they set out to their destination again.111
Suraqa’s Pursuit
The Quraysh had announced that whoever arrests Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) or Abu Bakr would be rewarded with
one hundred camels. When Suraqa heard about it, he came
out in the hope of winning the prize. At one point he
located the Prophet’s caravan and sped up his horse to
capture them. But when he reached close to them, his
horse stumbled and he was thrown off to the ground. He
took arrows from his quiver to draw lots whether he
should pursue them or not. The answer was in the
negative. But the temptation of one hundred camels made
him ride his horse again and follow the Prophet (pbuh).
The Prophet (pbuh) was walking ahead patiently, with
verses of the Qur`an on his lips and remembrance of Allah
at heart. This time the feet of Suraqa’s horse sank in the
ground up to the knee. He checked the omen again. The
answer again was in the negative. Disheartened by his
experience of two times, he realized that the signs
beckoned something beyond his understanding and
decided to give up the pursuit. He walked to the Prophet
Saaheeh Al-Bukhari, kitabul Manaqib, Bab fi Hadithil Hijra,
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Zuhd wa Riqaq, bab fi Hadithil Hijra.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(pbuh) and told him the whole story. He then presented to
the Prophet (pbuh) his belongings. The Prophet (pbuh)
declined to accept them, but he asked him not to disclose
any information about his whereabouts to his enemies.
Suraqa then requested him to write a decree of amnesty
for him, which ‘Aamir bin Fuhayra, Hazrat Abu Bakr’s
slave, wrote for him on a piece of leather.112
The Auspicious Traveler
The very first day after leaving his cave, the auspicious
caravan of the Prophet (pbuh) came upon the tent of Umme
M’abad who belonged to the Khuza’a` tribe. She was
famous for her hospitality to the travelers. She used to
provide drinking water to the passers-by; the travelers also
took short recess during their journey at her place. The
Prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakr® asked the old lady if she
had anything to eat. She replied in the negative and added
that had there been anything to eat, she would have offered
it to them herself. The Prophet (pbuh) saw a goat in a
corner of the tent and inquired why the goat was there (as it
was the time for grazing the animals). The lady replied that
the goat was very weak and was unable to move with the
herd. The Prophet (pbuh) sought her permission to milk it.
She said that he could do so if he felt that there was any
milk in her udders. The Prophet (pbuh) said the words
Bismillah (In the name of Allah) and started milking the
goat. The pot was overfilled with milk; some milk even
spilled out. The Prophet (pbuh) and his companions drank
that milk. The second time the goat was milked again and
again the pot was filled with milk. The companions of the
Prophet (pbuh) drank that milk too. The third time the pot
was filled with milk once more. They left that milk for
Umme M’abad and resumed their journey.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Hijratun Nabi, Seerat
Ibn Hisham, 1: 489-90.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When Umme M’abad’s husband returned home and
saw a bucket full of milk there, he was surprised and
inquired where it came from. The lady told him that an
auspicious person had visited their home and that the milk
there was a blessing of his visit. Her husband remarked
that that person must be the Qurayshite he was looking for
and asked his wife to describe him. Umme M’abad said:
“I saw a gentleman whose neatness was evident,
countenance was bright, and physique was proportionate.
He was pious in looks and pleasant in manners: neither fat
nor too thin, neither pot-bellied nor bald. His countenance
commanded respect, with healthy physique, proper height,
black and large eyes, black pupils, sclera shining white,
eyelashes thick and long. He was graceful and dignified
and maintained pleasant quietness. His talk was sweet and
clear, neither too long nor too short. His words likened to
the pearls pierced together. He was like a fresh branch
between two soft and delicate branches, which was
pleasing to the eyes. His associates surrounded him.
Whatever he said, they carefully listened to, and whatever
he commanded, they rushed to perform. He was a person
who was served and obeyed and was neither too brief in
talk nor given to futile talk.”
Hearing the words of Umme M’abad, her husband said
that the description fit the identity of the gentleman from
the Qyraysh he had heard of and that he would surely try
his best to find him and meet him.113
While the Prophet (pbuh) was on the way to Madinah,
Burayda Aslami, who was the chief of his tribe, met him.
Actually he had come out in search of the Prophet (pbuh)
to win the reward of 100 camels by arresting him, but
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 9-10. Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, 1:230, Zadul
Ma’ad, 3: 56.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
when he talked to him for a while, he accepted Islam with
seventy of his associates. Full of enthusiasm, he took off
his turban, tied it over his spear, and raised it as a flag. He
then proceeded with that white flag held high, announcing
that the king of peace, champion of reconciliation, and
proponent of justice and fairness was coming.114 Zubayr
bin Al-‘Awwam also met the Prophet (pbuh) in the way.
He was returning from Syria with a group of Muslim
traders. He presented pieces of white cloth to him and to
Abu Bakr®.115
The Prophet’s Welcome at Madinah
The news of the Prophet’s arrival had already reached
Madinah and the whole city was eagerly awaiting him.
Young children enthusiastically told one another that the
Prophet (pbuh) was arriving there soon. People used to
come out of the city to welcome him and returned at noon
(when the sun became very hot). One day when they had
returned after waiting for him, a Jew saw the Prophet
(pbuh) and, recognizing him by signs, called aloud: “O
Arabs! He for whom you have been waiting has arrived.”
The whole city then resounded with the loud call of Allahu
Akbar (Allah is greatest). The Ansar (the Muslims of
Madinah) quickly adorned themselves with arms and
eagerly rushed out to welcome the Prophet (pbuh). Most of
them had not yet seen the Prophet (pbuh) and could not
distinguish between Abu Bakr® and the Prophet (pbuh).
Abu Bakr® realized it and stood beside the Prophet (pbuh)
by providing shade over his head. There is a place at the
distance of three miles from Madinah called ‘Aaliya and
Quba where many families of Ansar resided. ‘Amr bin
‘Awf’s clan was the most respectable among them and
As-Seeratun Naabawiya lil Zahabi, p. 228.
Sahih Al- Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Hijratun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Kulthoom bin Al-Hadam was their chief. When the Prophet
(pbuh) reached there, the whole clan chanted the slogan
Allahu Akbar loudly. The Prophet (pbuh) accepted their
request to be their guest. The Ansar came from all sides and
greeted the Prophet (pbuh) with love and enthusiasm.116
Construction of Masjide Quba
The first thing that the Prophet (pbuh) did there was to
construct a Masjid (mosque). There was an open piece of
land belonging to Kulthoom where dates were dried. The
Prophet (pbuh) laid the foundation of the Masjid with his
own hands there. This is the Masjid about which it is
mentioned in the Qur`an:
Ho O( 9 9 N !0T% B@ ' cKR ' Nd ! / H( ' !T@ 1 # 
"'0 n 
y /(P
+‡ @ c`/ P+‡ 1/ B@ ' B !c)/
“Verily, the mosque whose foundation was laid
from the first day on piety is more worthy that you
stand therein (to pray). In it are men who love to
clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves
those who make themselves clean and pure [i.e.
who clean their private parts with dust (which has
the properties of soap) and water from urine and
stools, after answering the call of nature]
[Al-Taubah: 108].
The Prophet (pbuh) participated in the construction of
the Masjid with the laborers. When he lifted a heavy
stone, his body bent under the weight of it. The loving
followers used to request him, “May our parents be
ransom for you! Leave it. We will lift it.” The Prophet
(pbuh) used to leave that stone at their request, but then he
lifted another stone of almost the same weight.117 Hazrat
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib Al-Ansar, Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, 1: 233.
Wafa`ul Wafa, reference Tabrani Kabeer, 1: 180.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Abdullah bin Rawaha® was a poet and was working with
the group. As is customary for the laborers to sing in order
to entertain themselves, he also started to sing the
following couplet on that occasion:
m #D m {D B P T0 @ '0P T@ /
O( Q
@ ‘
/ „
9@ '
m D 2 # E a
)(/ 4
He is successful who sets the Masjid in order,
Recites the Qur`an standing and sitting,
And observes vigil at night.
The Prophet (pbuh) also sang with him, repeating the last
words of the lines with him.118
First Friday at Madinah
The 12th Rabi’ul Awwal of the first Hijri was a Friday.
The Prophet (pbuh) rode from Quba to the houses of Bani
Salim and offered the Friday Prayer there with one
hundred Muslims. That was the first Friday Prayer offered
in Islam.119 The Prophet (pbuh) delivered a sermon on that
occasion, in which he said:
“Praise and eulogy befits Allah alone. I praise Him,
seek help, forgiveness, and guidance from Him, and
repose trust in Him. I do not disobey Him and hate
those who disobey Him. I bear testimony that none
is worthy of worship except Allah, the One Who has
no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and
prophet. It is Allah Who sent Muhammad with
guidance, light, and advice (nasihat) at a time when
the world had not received a Prophet for long, and
consequently, knowledge had decreased and
misguidance had increased. He has been sent when
Wafa`ul Wafa, 1:181, reference Ibn Abi Shayba.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 2: 500, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 59.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the Last Hour and the time of death is near. Those
who obey Allah and His Prophet will find the
straight path, but the ones who choose to disobey go
astray, go down in status, and fall into severe
“O Muslims I advise you to adopt Taqwa (piety,
fear of Allah). The best advice that a Muslim could
give to another Muslim is to become mindful of the
Hereafter and adopt Taqwa. O people! Stay away
from things that Allah has forbidden for you. No
advice is better than this and no Zikr (remembrance
of Allah) is better than this. Remember, Taqwa is
most helpful for the person who performs deeds for
the Hereafter with the fear of Allah. When a person
sets right his relation with God in all internal as well
as external matters and does so with sincere
intention, his deeds will be a source of his
remembrance (Zikr) in the world and a treasure after
death (when man will realize the value of good
deeds). But if a person does not do so, then (as
mentioned in the verse quoted), he will wish that his
deeds were better kept away from him. Allah asks
you to fear Him and He, in fact, is most kind to His
slaves. The person who takes Allah’s commands to
be true and fulfills his obligations, Allah gives him
His assurance (of acceptance by reminding him) that
His word does not undergo a change, nor does He
exercise any tyranny over His helpless bondsmen.
“O Muslims! Remain mindful of Taqwa of Allah
in your present and future, internal and external
affairs, because the transgression of the people of
Taqwa is ignored and their reward is increased.
Verily, the people of Taqwa are the ones who will
attain very high status. It is Taqwa that shuns Allah’s
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
displeasure, punishment, and wrath. It is Taqwa
alone that makes the countenance bright, pleases
Allah, and raises a person in rank. O Muslims! Enjoy
yourselves but do not be negligent of Allah’s rights
on you. Allah has taught you His Book and shown
you His way for this very reason that He
distinguishes the truthful from the liars. O people!
God has treated you nicely, so you should treat
others nicely too. Consider the enemies of Allah as
your enemies. Strive with courage and care in the
path of Allah. He has raised you in respect and
called you Muslims so that the one who is destroyed
is destroyed in face of clear evidence, while the one
who receives life does so in face of clear evidence.
The strength for performing virtuous deeds is
granted by Allah alone. O people! Do the Zikr
(remembrance) of Allah and perform deeds for the
Hereafter, because the person who sets right his
affairs with Allah sets right his affairs with the
people. Yes, Allah gives command to His bondsmen,
but none can give any command to Him. Allah is the
Master of His bondsmen, but the bondsmen have no
power over Him. Allah is greatest, and we get
strength to do good from that very Magnificent
Stay at the House of Abu Ayyub Ansari
When the people of Madinah came to know about the
arrival of the Prophet (pbuh), they rushed to welcome
him. The loving followers stood in two rows by both
sides of the road from Quba to Madinah. In the way, the
people of each tribe came forward and submitted, “This
is the house, this is the property, and here are our lives.”
The Prophet (pbuh) expressed gratitude, supplicated for
them, and said, “Leave the way for my camel. It is under
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the command of God.” Likewise, the chiefs of five large
tribes of Madinah presented themselves to the Prophet
(pbuh) and submitted, “This is the house, this is the
property, and here are our lives.” The Prophet (pbuh)
replied to each of them, “Leave the way for my camel. It
will go wherever Allah directs it.”120
When the city of Madinah was close, the little girls
came to the roofs of the houses out of enthusiasm and
began to sing:
( ‹! @ j2(’ 2 # ) ƒ x
( ‹ # ‹ 2 # P Aci `
O The Moon has come out from the valley of the Wada`
Mount. We owe thanks to Allah until the
supplicants supplicate.
The little girls of the Najjar tribe were playing Daff
(tambourine) in joy and singing the following couplet:
d O =)R / ( 2 8(2; d !O C
We are the daughters of Bani Najjar
How good a neighbor Muhammad is!
The Prophet (pbuh) affectionately asked the little girls,
‘Do you love me?” They replied in the affirmative. The
Prophet (pbuh) thereupon told them, “I love you too.”121
The house of Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari® was adjacent
to the place where Masjide Nabawi stands now. The
camel stopped there by itself. Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari’s
house was double-storied. He offered the upper floor to
the Prophet (pbuh), but the prophet (pbuh) chose the
ground floor for the convenience of the visitors.122
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 2:503-04.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 2: 508, Fathul Bari, 7: 261.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 460, Imam Zahabi has considered this
Hadith as Sahih. Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 498.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Hazrat Abu Ayyub used to send meals to the Prophet
(pbuh) both times. Whatever he left from the food, Hazrat
Abu Ayyub and his wife used to partake. Abu Ayyub®
used to begin to eat from the place where he found the
sign of the Prophet’s fingers for auspiciousness.123
One day a water pot broke on the upper floor where
Abu Ayyub® lived. Fearing that the water might seep
down to the Prophet’s floor and cause inconvenience to
him, he immediately put the only quilt he had over it to
soak the water.124
Construction of Masjide Nabawi and Family Quarters
After settling down in Madinah, the first thing the Prophet
(pbuh) did was to construct a Masjid. Until then he used to
pray in the area where domestic animals were kept. There
was a piece of land close to his residence belonging to
Bani Najjar, which had some graves in it and some date
trees. The Prophet (pbuh) wanted to buy it for
constructing a Masjid there. The people of Bani Najjar
said that they would take the price not from him, but from
Allah. As that piece of land belonged to two orphan boys,
the Prophet (pbuh) called them and expressed his desire to
buy their land. They also wished to gift it to him, but he
did not accept. Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari® paid the price
to the boys, after which the graves were leveled, and the
construction of the Masjid began. The Prophet (pbuh)
again joined his Companions as a laborer participating in
the construction work. The Companions used to fetch
stones to the site and sing:
Y P O( + @ ^C7V *R9
Y P LX P L 4r( P L 4 *+ O Allah! Success in the Hereafter is the only success
O Allah! Show mercy to the Ansar and the Muhajireen.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 499.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 460.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
This Masjid was free from all extravagance and
reflected Islam’s simplicity. It was constructed of unfired
bricks, and had a roof of date-tree leaves and pillars of
date tree. Its Qibla (the direction the devotees faced in
prayers) was toward Baitul Maqdis.125 But when the Qibla
was changed toward K’aba, a new door was opened
toward the north. The floor was unpaved which used to
get muddy during rain. Once when the Companions®
came for offering prayers, they brought gravel with them
and spread it at the place where they prayed. The Prophet
(pbuh) liked it and thus all the floor of the mosque was
graveled. In a corner of the Masjid there was a roofed
platform, which was called Suffa. This was the home of
the new Muslims who did not have a place to live.
When the construction of the Masjid was completed,
the Prophet (pbuh) got family quarters for his wives
constructed adjacent to it. By that time Hazrat Sawda®
and Hazrat Aisha® had entered into marriage with the
Prophet (pbuh), and so two such houses were constructed.
When the Prophet (pbuh) took other wives, new houses
were constructed for them. These houses were made of
unfired bricks, and five of them were thatched with the
branches of date trees. The other houses, which were also
made of unfired bricks, had rooms inside them, which
were thatched with the branches of date trees. These
houses were in the following order: the houses of Umme
Salma®, Umme Habiba®, Zaynab®, Juwayriya®,
Maymuna®, Zaynab bint Jahash® were toward the Shami
side, while the houses of Hazrat Aisha®, Safiya®, and
Sawda® were on the opposite side. These houses were so
close to the Masjid that when the Prophet (pbuh) retired to
the Masjid for E’tekaaf (seclusion in Ramadan), he used
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 63.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
to stretch his head outside which the holy wives washed.
These homes were six to seven hands wide and ten hands
long. The roof was so low that a person could easily touch
it while standing. The door curtain was made of
Lamps were not lit at night in the houses. Among the
Ansar neighbors of the Prophet (pbuh), S’ad bin ‘Ubada®,
S’ad bin Mu’az®, ‘Umara bin Al-Haram®, and Abu
Ayyub® were rich. They sent milk to the Prophet (pbuh),
which was his only provision. S’ad bin ‘Ubada® used to
send at night a large bowl of curry, or milk, or ghee
(refined butter oil). Umme Anas®, the mother of Hazrat
Anas®, had also gifted her property to the Prophet (pbuh),
which he accepted but then gave it away to his slavewoman Umme Ayman and preferred a life of indigence
for himself.127
Adoption of Adhan
Islam emphasizes unity and congregation. Until then there
were no fixed times for congregational prayers. The
devotees came to the Masjid at their convenience and
offered prayers individually. The Prophet (pbuh) was not
happy with this situation. He wished that some persons
should be made responsible to call the Muslims at the
scheduled times for congregational prayers. But there was
inconvenience in it. He (pbuh) consulted the Companions,
in which different proposals came up. One of his
Companions suggested that a flag should be unfurled on
top of the Masjid at the time of each prayer to announce
the time of Salah, but the Prophet (pbuh) did not like this
idea. The ways prevalent in the Christian and Jewish
communities to call people for prayers also came up
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 281-82.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hiba.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
during the discussion, but the Prophet (pbuh) ultimately
approved of the proposal of Hazrat ‘Umar® and asked
Hazrat Bilal® to call Adhan (prayer call) accordingly.128
This way the Muslims came to know about the time of the
Salah (prayer), and also the basic tenets of Islam were
announced five times a day.
Brotherhood Between Muhajireen and Ansar
The Muhajireen (the Immigrant Muslims from Makkah)
had come to Madinah without any preparation. There were
some rich persons also among them, but they had
immigrated in unfavorable circumstances and had not
been able to bring anything with them. Although the
Ansar (the Muslims in Madinah) eagerly extended all help
to them, there was the need of a permanent arrangement
for them. The Muhajireen did not like to live on charity;
they were used to earn their livelihood themselves. But
because they were badly short of means, the Prophet
(pbuh) decided to establish the bond of brotherhood
among them (on the basis of Islam). When the
construction of the Masjid was complete, he (pbuh) called
the Ansar. They gathered at the house of Hazrat Anas bin
Maalik®, who was ten years of age at that time. The
Muhajireen were forty-five in number. Pointing to the
Muhajireen, the Prophet (pbuh) told the Ansar, “These are
your brothers.” Then he called one from the Muhajireen
and one from the Ansar and said, “You two are brothers.”
And thus all the Muhajireen and the same number of
Ansar were tied into a new bond of brotherhood. The
Ansar fulfilled the obligation of this relationship in the
best way possible. Each Ansari took his Muhajir brother
home, showed him his property, and gave him half of it.
S’ad bin Al-Rabi’ had two wives. Wishing to help his
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Adhan, Sahih Muslim.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muhajir brother ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf® settle in life,
he offered to divorce one of them for ‘Abdur Rahman ®
to marry her. But ‘Abdur Rahman® refused the proposal
with gratitude.129
The Ansar were mainly the owners of date gardens.
They requested the Prophet (pbuh) to distribute those
gardens equally between them and their Muhajir brothers.
As the Muhajireen were traders by profession and did not
know cultivation, the Prophet (pbuh) turned down this
proposal on their behalf. Then the Ansar offered to take
full responsibility of looking after the cultivation work
and offered to give half of the produce to their Muhajir
brothers. The Muhajireen accepted it.130 This relationship
was observed so sincerely that if an Ansari died, his
Muhajir brother used to inherit his property; whereas his
relatives did not receive any share in it. This practice was
in accordance with the command of Allah in the Qur`an:
/= E( ()" 89 * +( Q
F0 C' * +( ! p;( > O PO > !2 V /= Br(w
d ; [6 ' * + 
; M
“0' P^
“Verily, those who believed, and emigrated and
strove hard and fought with their property and
lives in the Cause of Allah as well as those who
gave (them) asylum and help, - these are (all)
allies to one another” [Al-Anfal: 72].131
When the Muhajireen did not need financial support
after the Battle of Badr, Allah revealed the new command
in the following verse:
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Akha`un Nabi (pbuh).
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Tafseer.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
d );( ' * + 
; N( R 7V !00' w
“But kindred by blood are nearer to one another
(regarding inheritance) in the decree ordained by
God” [Al-Anfal: 75]
The world will surely admire the spirit of sacrifice
exhibited by the Ansar, but look, how gracefully the
Muhajireen responded to the situation! When S’ad bin AlRabi’® presented half of the share in his property to
‘Abdur Rahman®, he told S’ad®: “May Allah make all
this a source of felicity for you! I request you to show me
the way to the market.” S’ad® took him to the Qaynaqa’
market. ‘Abdur Rahman® purchased some ghee (refined
butter oil) and cheese and then sold it in the market until
the evening. In a few days only he saved so much money
that he was able to take a lady into marriage.132 His
business gradually picked up so well that, according to
him, if he put his hand on the clay, it, symbolically
speaking, turned into gold. His merchandise came on as
many as seven hundred camels; when it arrived Madinah,
it caused quite a stir.133 Some Companions opened their
shops. Hazrat Abu Bakr® had a factory at a place called
Sukh where he traded in clothes. Hazrat ‘Uthman® used to
buy and sell dates in the market of Qaynaqa’. Hazrat
‘Umar® also ran a business which, perhaps, extended up
to Iran.134 Other Companions also established their
business, small and large. It is narrated in Saheeh AlBukhari that when some persons questioned the
authenticity of Hazrat Abu Hurayra’s narrations due to
their being in a large number (as other Comapanions did
not narrate so many Ahadeeth), he told them, “What is my
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Akha`un Nabi.
Asadulghaba, 3: 314-15.
Musnad Ahmad.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
fault in it? When they [the Companions] remained
engaged in trading in the market, I stayed in the Prophet’s
company day and night.”135
When Khaybar was conquered, the Mahajireen
returned the date gardens to the Ansar. As mentioned in
Saheeh Muslim in “Bab Al-Jihad,” when the Prophet
(pbuh) returned from the Battle of Khaybar to Madinah,
the Muhajireen returned the date gardens to the Ansar that
the Ansar had earlier given them as gift. For residential
purposes the Ansar gave the Muhajireen open pieces of
land lying around their houses; some gave out their houses
to them.136 The hospitality and kindness that the Ansar
showed to the Mahajireen stands unparalleled in the world
history. When Bahrain fell to the Muslims, the Prophet
(pbuh) wanted to distribute the land thereof among the
Ansar. But they submitted to the Prophet (pbuh), “First
give the same portion of land to our Muhajir brothers.
Only then we will accept the land in Bahrain.137
Once a person, who had been starving, came to the
Prophet (pbuh) and complained of hunger. The Prophet
(pbuh) first inquired at his house if there was anything
there to eat. The answer was, “nothing but water.” He
(pbuh) then asked the Companions present on the scene if
anyone of them was willing to host that person that day.
Abu Talha® offered to host him. He took him home, but
there also was shortage of food there. His wife informed
him that there was food just enough for the children. Abu
Talha® instructed his wife to somehow put off the light
and put the food of the children in front of the guest. All
the three sat together, but the wife and the husband just
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul ‘Ilm.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar.
Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Manaqibul Ansar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
pretended in the dark that they were also eating, whereas
they actually did not touch the food, thus leaving all that
they had for the guest to eat. The following verse revealed
in the Qur`an refers to the same incident:
y?o ^L * +( ;( B - ! * +( Q
F0 C' # B P’f/ w
“And give them (emigrants) preference over
themselves even though they were in need of that”
[Al-Hashr, 59: 9].
The Suffa Platform
It was a roofed structure erected adjacent to the Masjid in
a corner of it. Most of the Companions had also to attend,
along with their religious duties, to their trade and
cultivation needs, but some of them devoted all of their
time to seeking knowledge, performing devotional deeds
and disciplining themselves under the care of the Prophet
(pbuh). They did not have any family. When they got
married, they moved out of that circle. A group of them
used to go to the forest in the day to collect firewood and
arrange for food for the entire group by selling it. They
kept the company of the Prophet (pbuh) in the day,
listened to the Traditions (Ahadeeth), and slept on that
platform at night.138
Hazrat Abu Hurayra® was one of them. None of them
ever had two sheets of cloth with which they could cover
the upper and the lower parts of his body. They used to
tie a sheet around their neck in such a way that it covered
the lower part of their body up to the thigh.139 Sometimes
an Ansar brought a branch of the date tree containing
dates that he hung up by the roof. When the ripe dates
dropped, the residents of Suffa picked them up and ate
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Imara, Bab Thubootul Jannah lil Shaheed.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, 1: 114.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
them. At times they did not find anything to eat
continuously for two days. Very often they fell down to
the ground due to the weakness and exhaustion caused by
starvation while praying in congregation behind the
Prophet (pbuh). The outsiders considered them sick and
thought that they were suffering from some kind of
mental disturbance.140 If some food came to the Prophet
(pbuh) as Sadaqa (food given out for the poor), he sent it
all to them. But if there was some food sent to him for
his use, he called them to join. In that case the Prophet
(pbuh) ate with them. Many a time the Prophet (pbuh)
distributed them over the Muhajireen and Ansar so that
each of them took one or two of the Suffa residents with
him and fed them.141 Hazrat S’ad bin ‘Ubada® was rich
and generous and at times he entertained as many as
eighty persons from the group.
The Prophet (pbuh) cared so much for them that once
he turned down the request of his daughter Hazrat Fatma®
for a maid slave to help her do the household chores and
told her, “It is not possible that I give you while the Suffa
people remain hungry.”142 They used to remain engaged in
devotional services and recitation of the Qur`an at night.
There was a teacher appointed for them from whom they
used to take lessons. That is why most of them were called
Qaari. If Muslims had to be sent out for preaching Islam,
they were taken from that group. In the Battle of Ma’una
seventy persons sent for preaching Islam were from this
very group.143
Sunan Tirmizi, Abwabuz Zuhd.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Mawaqeet.
Sunan Bayhaqui, 9: 304. Musnad Ahmad, 1: 79, 106.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Imara, BabThubootul Jannah lish Shaheed,
Sahih Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Battle of Badr
The Quraysh, who had begun to prepare to attack
Madinah after the prophet’s emigration there, wrote to
‘Abdullah bin Ubay that he should assassinate the Prophet
(pbuh), or face the retributive action against him and his
people.144 The small troops of the Quraysh wandered
around Madinah (in search of an opportunity to hurt
Muslims in person and property). Kurz Fahri once
attacked a place as close to Madinah as its pastures. In
order to arrange for the expenses of the war against the
Muslims, the people of Makkah gave all their wealth to a
trade caravan going to Syria: even women, who usually
did not participate in business, actively took part in it. The
trade caravan had not yet left Syria when the incident of
the accidental death of Hazrami took place, which added
fuel to the fire. In the meantime, a rumor spread in
Makkah that the caravan returning from Syria was under
the threat of attack by the Muslims from Madinah. The
wrath of the Quraysh now spread throughout Arabia.145
When the Prophet (pbuh) came to know about the
situation, he called his Companions and consulted them on
the issue.146 Hazrat Abu Bakr® and other Muhajireen
Sunan Abi Dawood, 2: 67.
Seeratun Nabi, vol. 1: 315. Kurz Fahri’s incident is mentioned in
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad 2: 9, and that of Khazrami in Sunan Bayhaqui, 9: 11.
It should be kept in mind that this incident occurred after the
Prophet’s coming out of Madinah. The Prophet (pbuh) had come out
of Madinah to chase the caravan of Abu Sufyan when he learned that
a large army of the disbelievers had already reached close to protect
the caravan. He consulted his Companions on the issue. This should
also be borne in mind that the Prophet (pbuh) had come out of
Madinah to chase away the caravan of Abu Sufyan in the face of the
danger of the attack on Madinah that he was apprehending. It is
clearly mentioned in history that the Quraysh had sent this caravan
for trade mainly for the purpose of financing the war with its profit.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
spoke enthusiastically to show their fidelity to Islam, but
the Prophet (pbuh) was looking toward the Ansar. The
Ansar had committed at the time of offering allegiance to
the Prophet (pbuh) that they would defend him when his
enemies attacked Madinah. When the Prophet (pbuh)
asked the gathering for their opinion the second and the
third time, the Ansar realized that he wanted to know their
opinion. S’ad bin Mu’az® came forward and spoke,
“Perhaps the Prophet (pbuh) understands that we, the
Ansar, do not consider it their obligation to come out of
our city to defend him. Here I speak for the Ansar that we
stand by the Prophet (pbuh) without any reservation. Enter
into a treaty with any party or reject any such offer, and
take whatever you like from our property and give us from
our property whatever you like, for whatever you take
from our property will be more pleasing to us than what
you leave for us. We will obey whatever you command. If
you proceed up to the Ghemaad Spring, we will be with
you, and if you command us to enter into the sea, we will
jump into it.”147 Hazrat Miqdad®, another Ansar, added,
“We are not the ones who would say like the people of
Bani Israel:
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‘So go you and your God and fight you two, we
are sitting right here [Al-Maidah, 6: 24).’
We are ready to fight for you from your right and from
your left, from the front and from the back.” The
countenance of the Prophet (pbuh) brightened by hearing
the words of the Ansar.148
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 625, Fathul Bari, 7: 287-88, Sahih Muslim,
Al-Jihad was Siyar, Bab Ghazwae Badr.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
March Toward the Battlefield
The Prophet (pbuh) came out of the city on the 12th of
Ramadan in the second Hijri with about 300 hundred
Companions. He made a stopover after covering a mile
and looked at his army. The underage boys were asked to
return. When ‘Umayr bin Waqqas®, a young boy, was
asked to return on this ground, he burst into tears and was
ultimately allowed by the Prophet (pbuh) to join. His own
brother S’ad bin Waqqas® helped him wear the sword
around his neck. Now the total number of the Muslim
soldiers was 313, sixty Muhajir and the rest Ansar.149
There were only two horses in the army: one belonged to
Hazrat Zubayr® and the other to Miqdad® bin Al-Aswad.
There were seventy camels, on each of which two to three
persons rode by turn. The Prophet (pbuh) himself shared a
camel the same way with Hazrat ‘Ali® and Marthad
Ghanwi and rode it only when his turn came.
The Quraysh had advanced from Makkah with great
preparation. They were 1,000 and were divided into ten
battalions, each consisting of 100 soldiers. All the chiefs
of the Quraysh were with the army. Abu Lahab who was
unable to come due to some excuse had sent a person in
his place. The arrangement of supply was done this way
that the chiefs of the Quraysh - ‘Abbas, ‘Utba bin Rabi’a,
Harth bin ‘Aamir, Nasr bin Al-Harith, Abu Jahl, and
Umayya - each used to slaughter ten camels a day by turn
to feed the soldiers. ‘Utba bin Rabi’a, who was the most
respectable chief of the Quraysh, was in command.150
When the Quraysh learned after reaching close to Badr
that Abu Sufyan’s caravan (which was coming from
Details are recorded in Ibn S’ad and the event of Hazrat ‘Umayr
® is mentioned in Asadulghaba.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 3: 360, Musnad Ahmad, 2: 193.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Syria) had escaped unhurt, the chiefs of the Zahra and
‘Adi tribes declared that there was then no need to fight
the Muslims, but as Abu Jahl did not agree to it, these two
tribes returned from there and the rest of the Quraysh
army proceeded forward.151
As the Quraysh had reached Badr earlier, they had
taken positions at strategically advantageous places.
Where the Muslims encamped, there was no spring or
well to provide water for the army, and also the land was
so sandy that the feet of the camels sank in it (thus
restricting their movement). Hubab bin Munzir® asked
the Prophet (pbuh) if he had chosen the site for pitching
his camps according to a divine revelation (Wahi), or on
the basis of his personal opinion. When the Prophet
(pbuh) replied that it was not done in the light of a divine
revelation, he suggested to the Prophet (pbuh) to take the
water spring in control and make the water wells in the
area unusable. The Prophet (pbuh) approved of the
proposal and asked his Companions to take necessary
actions in this regard. By way of Allah’s favor, it rained
and so the sand settled down. Also, the Muslims collected
water by making provisional small water tanks. The
Qur`an also mentions this rainfall as His favor:
y(; * w0 P +‡ [• [ Q * A0 # H0 .2/w
“And He caused water (rain) to descend on you
from the sky, to clean you thereby” [Al-Anfal: 11].
Although the Muslims captured the water spring, the
Prophet (pbuh) kindly allowed the enemies to take water
from there.152
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 426, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 619.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 620, Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 3:
35, Imam Haakim has mentioned Hubab’s ® proposal in Mustadrak,
3: 326, but Imam Zahabi has called it Munkar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
At night the Companions put down their arms and lay
for rest. But only one person - the Prophet (pbuh) - stayed
awake all night and remained engaged in supplicating to
his Lord up until daybreak. In the morning he called the
Muslims for Salah and after Salah gave a sermon on
Before the Battle Began
Although the Quraysh were so eager to begin the battle,
there were some good-hearted persons among them who
sincerely detested bloodshed. Hakeem bin Hezam was one
such person (who later embraced Islam). He went to
‘Utba, the commander of the army, and said, “If you wish,
this day may commemorate your name as savior forever.”
Upon ‘Utba’s inquiry, he told him, “The only claim of the
Quraysh against the Muslims is for Hazrami’s blood. He
was your ally. If you pay blood money for him, the
dispute will be over.” ‘Utba was a good-hearted person
and readily accepted the proposal. But as Abu Jahl’s
consent was necessary, Hakeem went to him. Abu Jahl
was arranging his arrows. As soon as Hakeem conveyed
‘Utba’s message to him, he commented, “So ‘Utba has
lost heart.” ‘Utba’s son Huzayfa® had accepted Islam and
was accompanying the Prophet (pbuh) in this battle. On
this ground Abu Jahl accused ‘Utba of trying to evade the
battle so that his son might be saved from being hurt.
Abu Jahl called Hazrami’s brother ‘Aamir and told him
that he was about to lose his claim of revenge for the
death of his brother. ‘Aamir tore his dress and, according
to the Arab tradition, started chanting calls of lamentation,
Wa ‘Amarah, wa ‘Amarah. The soldiers of the Quraysh
flew into a fury at this sentimental appeal.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 179, Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 3: 39, As
Sunanul Kubra lin Nasai, Kitabus Salah.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When ‘Utba learned about Abu Jahl’s accusation
against him, he said in rage, “The battlefield will show
who takes upon himself the disgrace of cowardice.” He
then asked for a helmet to wear. As his head was quite
large and a helmet to fit his size was not available, he
covered his head with a piece of cloth and wore arms.154
As the Prophet (pbuh) abhorred to shed blood by his
own hands, the Companions had erected a shade for him
aside in the field to stay there during the battle. S’ad bin
Mu’az® guarded the door.155
Although Allah had promised victory and the angels
were accompanying to help, the Prophet (pbuh) arranged
his army strategically to fulfill the condition of adopting
all necessary means to meet a challenge. He set up three
separate battalions of the Mahajireen, Aws, and Khazraj
tribes, and gave the flag of the Muhajireen to Mus’ab bin
‘Umayr®, that of Khazraj to Hubab bin Munzir®, and that
of Aws to S’ad bin Mu’az®.
Early in the morning he started arranging soldiers in
rows. He had an arrow in his hand with the help of which
he straightened the lines to ensure that everybody kept his
position properly. Raising hue and cry is common in a
battle, but the Prophet (pbuh) instructed Muslims to
observe complete quiet.156
At this time when the Muslims were seriously
outnumbered and the addition of even one soldier to their
side was so welcome, the Prophet (pbuh) fully observed the
Islamic principle of honoring a promise. Abu Huzayfa bin
Al-Yamaan and Abu Husayl, two Companions, who were
coming from Makkah, were detained by the disbelievers on
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 622-23, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 779.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 620.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 320.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the charge that they were on the way to help the Prophet
(pbuh). They declined the charge and were allowed to
continue their journey only when they gave their word not
to participate in the battle from the Prophet’s side. Right
before the battle they presented themselves to the Prophet
(pbuh) and told him about the incident. The Prophet (pbuh)
commented, “We will keep the promise in all
circumstances. We depend only on Allah’s help.”157
Now the two armies stood face to face. It was a fight
between truth and falsehood, enlightenment and
ignorance, Islam and unbelief:
ySo P 9- PL '0 E( ()" 89 E0 %T% ?o “9 1T 1@ ( 1“9 89 ?o / * A0 B - D w
“There has already been a sign for you (O Jews)
in the two armies that met (in combat i.e. the
Battle of Badr). One was fighting in the Cause of
Allah, and as for the other, (they) were
disbelievers” [Aale-‘Imran, 3: 13].
It was a strange sight to see. In this wide world, the
prospect of Tawheed (Oneness of God) depended on the
fate of only a few believers. It is related in Saheeh Muslim
that the Prophet (pbuh) was greatly moved on the occasion
and supplicated to His Lord in these words: “O God!
Fulfill the promise You have made to me.” He was so
absorbed in saying his supplication that he did not even
notice when the sheet he was covering himself with
slipped off his shoulder. Restlessly, he fell in prostration
and said, “Lord! If this small group of believers is
annihilated, there will remain none on the face of the earth
to worship You.”
The Prophet’s restlessness touched the heart of his
associates who were around. Hazrat Abu Bakr® consoled
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Babul Wafa` bil ‘Ahd.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
him with these words, “Allah will fulfill His promise.”
Then the Qur`anic verse,
yP ;c B !v! / ƒ 
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“Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will
show their backs”. [Al-Qamar: 5]
promising victory to Muslims, was revealed. Thereafter
contentment spread over the Prophet’s countenance and he
recited this verse with gratitude.158
Now the army of the Quraysh reached quite close. The
Prophet (pbuh) forbade the Muslims from advancing and
instructed them to shoot the enemies with arrows when
they came within the range. He (pbuh) also spoke about
the virtue of steadfastness, the divine help accorded to the
steadfast, victory, and reward in the Hereafter. He said
that those who were killed in the path of Allah would
surely enter paradise. Hearing his word, ‘Umayr bin AlHumam® asked, “The paradise whose vastness equals the
size of the earth and the sky, O Prophet of Allah?” The
Prophet (pbuh) replied in the affirmative and asked him,
“Why do you ask this question?” He replied, “Never for
the sake of questioning, but due to eagerness that I might
be blessed with it.” The Prophet (pbuh) told him, “You
will be blessed with it.” ‘Umayr took out dates from his
quiver and started eating. Then he said, “If I wait till I
finish eating, it will take a long time.” Uttering these
words, he threw the dates to the ground, advanced and,
fighting with the disbelievers, fell a martyr.159
This battle was a unique test for Muslims. When the
two armies faced each other, the fighters saw that their
beloved ones were within the striking range of their
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul I Marah, Bab Thubootul Jannah lil Shaheed.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
swords. When Hazrat Abu Bakr’s son, who was not yet a
Muslim, appeared, Hazrat Abu Bakr drew his sword and
advanced to fight against him.160 When ‘Utba stepped
forward, his son Huzayfa® came forward to challenge
him. Hazrat ‘Umar® faced his own maternal uncle in the
battlefield and struck him to death.161
The Battle Begins
At the beginning of the battle ‘Aamir Hazrami, the claimant
for the revenge of his brother’s death, advanced first and
called for a duel. Hazrat ‘Umar’s slave Mahj’a came out to
challenge him and got killed. ‘Utba, the commander of the
army who was accused by Abu Jahl for trying to avoid
fighting for the sake of his son and was enraged at the
accusation, stepped into the battlefield with his brother and
son and challenged the Muslims for a duel. He was wearing
the feathers of ostrich on his chest to distinguish himself as
a chief according to the tradition of the Arab culture.
Hazrat Awf®, Hazrat Mu’az®, and Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin
Rawaha stepped forward to challenge them. ‘Utba asked
them their names and lineage. Learning that all the three
were Ansar, he retorted,
“I have nothing to do with you.” Then he called out the
Prophet (pbuh) and said, “Muhammad, they are not our
equal.” The Prophet (pbuh) called the Ansar back and
asked Hazrat Hamza®, Hazrat ‘Ali®, and Hazrat Abu
‘Ubayda® to come forward to face the Quraysh chiefs. As
they were covering their faces, ‘Utba inquired of them
their identity. Upon learning who they were, ‘Utba
consented to fight by saying: “Yes, you are our equal.”
‘Utba challenged Hazrat Hamza® and Waleed
challenged Hazrat ‘Ali. ‘Utba and Waleed were killed.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 238.
Seeratun Nabi, Allama Shibli No`mani, 1: 322.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Utba’s brother Shayba, however, injured Hazrat Abu
‘Ubayda®. Hazrat ‘Ali killed Shayba and brought Abu
‘Ubayda on his shoulder to the Prophet (pbuh). Hazrat
Abu ‘Ubayda® asked the Prophet (pbuh), “Did I remain
deprived of the blessings of martyrdom?” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “No, you received martyrdom.” Abu
‘Ubayda® then spoke, “Had Abu Talib been alive today,
he would have agreed that I qualified for what he had
mentioned in his verse:
E( {
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“We will surrender Muhammad (pbuh) to the
enemies only when we fall dead around him.We
forget our sons and wives for him.”162
Sa’eed bin Al-’Aas’s son ‘Ubayda stepped out of his
row fully covered with iron dress and called out for a
match with the challenging words: “I am Abu Kirsh.”
Hazrat Zubayr® accepted his challenge and stepped
forward. As only the eyes of ‘Ubayda were visible under
his iron dress, Hazrat Zubayr® hit him in his eyes with his
lance. ‘Ubayda fell to the ground and died. Hazrat
Zubayr® pulled out his lance with difficulty whose points
got bent. This lance was kept as souvenir of the Battle of
Badr. The Prophet (pbuh) asked Hazrat Zubayr® to give
that lance to him. After him (pbuh), it passed down to the
four Caliphs.163 Then it reached Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin
Zubayr®. Hazrat Zubayr had received several serious
injuries in this battle. The wound that he had received at
his shoulder was so deep that a finger could be dipped into
Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabul Jihad, Babul Mubarza min Hadith
‘Ali, Musnad Ahmad, 1: 117.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab B’adal Shuhood AlMalaeka Badran.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
its scar. His little son ‘Urwa used to play with the scars of
those wounds in his childhood.
The sword that Hazrat Zubayr® had used in that battle
had fallen from his hands while he was fighting. When
‘Abdullah bin Zubayr® was martyred, ‘Abdul Malik, the
Caliph, asked ‘Urwa if he could recognize that sword.
‘Abdullah answered in the affirmative and explained that
in the Battle of Badr the sword had received blunt marks
at its edge. ‘Abdul Malik confirmed it and by way of
appreciation recited a line of a couplet:
( {1A @ g
( PD Ho !090 +( ;(
“There are small dents in their swords due to
fierce fighting between armies”.164
‘Abdul Malik gave the sword back to ‘Urwa. Its price was
estimated to be three thousand. Its handle was treated with
Now the all-out battle began. The Makkan polytheists
were fighting on the strength of their resources, whereas
the Prophet (pbuh) had put down his head in prostration
before Allah and was beseeching His help.166
Famous Leaders of Disbelievers Killed
Abu Jahl was known as the severest opponent of Islam.
That is why Mu’awwiz and Mu’az, two brothers from the
Ansar who were quite young, had planned to find him in
the battlefield and kill him, even if they had to risk their
lives for it. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman® narrates that in the
battlefield he saw two youths, one of whom asked him in
a low voice in his ears, “Where is Abu Jahl?” Surprised at
the question, ‘Abdur Rahman asked him, “What do you
This is the first line of a couplet by Babgha Zubyani.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, B’ad Bab Qatl Abi Jahl.
Seearatun Nabi, 1: 324.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
have to do with Abu Jahl, my nephew?” He replied, “I
have made a covenant with Allah that wherever I find
him, I will kill him or get killed in order to carry out my
mission.” ‘Abdur Rahman® says that before he could
reply the question of the young boy, the other one asked
him the same question in a low voice in his ears. ‘Abdur
Rahman® showed Abu Jahl to them in the battlefield. The
next moment they rushed toward Abu Jahl, attacked him
fiercely and killed him. These youths were the sons of
‘Afra`.167 Abu Jahl’s son ‘Ikrama attacked Mu’az from
behind and hit him in the shoulder, cutting his arm so
seriously that it just hung loosely by his shoulder. Mu’az
chased ‘Ikrama, but he escaped. Mu’az kept fighting. His
injured hand hanging loosely was causing him
inconvenience. He put it beneath his foot and pulled it off
from his body, thus relieving himself from this
cumbersome situation to be able to fight freely.168
The Prophet (pbuh) had said earlier that some persons
fighting from the side of the disbelievers were, in fact,
forced to join the battle against their will. He had
mentioned their names, which included the name of Abul
Buhtari. When Mujazzar Ansari® came upon Abul
Buhtari in the battlefield, he told him that he was sparing
him as the Prophet (pbuh) had forbidden Muslims to kill
him. Abul Buhtari had an associate with him and inquired
Mujazzar® if his associate would also be spared. Finding
that the answer was in the negative, Abul Buhtari said, “I
do not want to take the accusation of the Arab women that
Abul Buhtari deserted his associate to save his life.”
Saying this he attacked Mujazzar reciting the following
war couplet:
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 635, Musnad Ahmad, 1: 444.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
()" P/ ' j
!/ —1R
z S —PR ; –P1/ “A gentleman does not desert his associate until
he meets death or is about to die.”169
He got killed in the fight. The death of ‘Utba and Abu Jahl
disheartened the army of the Quraysh.
Umayya bin Khalaf, the archenemy of the Prophet
(pbuh), was also participating in the Battle of Badr. Hazrat
‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf® had at one time in the past
given him his word that he would provide him protection if
he came to Madinah. There was a good opportunity for the
Muslims in the Battle of Badr to punish Umayya bin
Khalaf for his enmity to the Prophet (pbuh). But, as
keeping of a promise is mandatory in Islam, Hazrat ‘Abdur
Rahman® tried to save Umayya’s life by helping him
escape and escorted him to the mountain. By chance Hazrat
Bilal® saw them and informed the Ansar about Umayya’s
escape. They fell upon him. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman put
forward Umayya’s son whom the Ansar killed and then
came after Umayya. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman® asked
Umayya to lie down on the ground and then he himself lay
down on him to cover his body to protect him. The angry
Ansar killed Umayya, nevertheless. Hazrat ‘Abdur
Rahman® also got injured in his effort to save the life of
Umayya; the scar of that wound remained visible on him
for a long time.170 Disheartened by the death of their
leaders ‘Utba and Abu Jahl, the Makkan army declared
surrender and the Muslims started arresting them. Among
the captives were Hazrat ‘Abbas, ‘Aqeel (brother of Hazrat
‘Ali), Nawfal, Aswad bin ‘Aamir, ‘Abd bin Zam’a and
many other dignitaries.
Asadulghaba, 4: 288, Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya, 3: 285.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Wakala.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) ordered his Companions to find out
about the ultimate fate of Abu Jahl. ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud®
found him lying injured in the battlefield breathing his last.
He asked him, “Are you Abu Jahl?” He curtly replied, “If a
person got killed by his people, what is in it for them to be
proud of.” ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud chopped off his head and
brought it to the Prophet (pbuh).171
The Manifest Victory
In the battle only fourteen Muslims received martyrdom,
six Muhajir and eight Ansar. But the Quraysh received an
irreparable setback. The chiefs of the Quraysh and famous
leaders of the tribe - ‘Utba, Shayba, Abu Jahl, Abul
Buhtari, Zam’a bin Al-Aswad, ‘Aas bin Hisham, Umayya
bin Khalaf, and Munabba bin Al-Hajjaj - were all killed.
About seventy persons from the Quraysh died and the
same number of people were taken prisoners. From the
captives ‘Oqba and Nazar bin Harith were freed. The
others, including Hazrat ‘Abbas, Aqeel (Hazrat ‘Ali’s,
brother), and Abul ‘Aas (son-in-law of the Prophet
(pbuh)), were brought to Madinah172
It was the practice of the Prophet (pbuh) in the battle
that wherever he found a dead body, he got it buried at
that very place. But as the number of the dead was quite
large in the Battle of Badr and as it was practically
difficult to bury each of them separately, he ordered that
all the dead bodies should be put into a wide well that was
nearby.173 But the dead body of Umayyah had swollen and
begun to rot, and so, he was buried at that very place.174
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Qatl Abi Jahl.
Tareekhe Tabri, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Badr.
Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 37.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Kindness to Prisoners
The prisoners of war were distributed among the
Companions in small numbers, two to four, to a family to
take care of. There were clear instructions that the
prisoners should be provided with all necessary facilities
to ensure comfort to them. The Companions treated them
very kindly: they fed them regular food while they
themselves lived on dates. Abu ‘Azeez, brother of Mus’ab
bin ‘Umayr who was one of the prisoners, narrates that
when the Ansar family to whom he was entrusted as a
captive prepared to eat in the morning or evening, they put
bread in front of him and picked up dates for themselves.
Abu ‘Azeez says that he felt ashamed at the sacrifice of
their captors and gave the bread back to them. But they
always returned it to him and did not touch it. This was
only because of the teaching of the Prophet (pbuh) that the
prisoners should always be treated well.175
Suhayl bin ‘Amr, a prisoner, was a powerful orator and
used to speak against the Prophet (pbuh) in gatherings.
Hazrat ‘Umar® suggested to the Prophet (pbuh) that
Suhayl’s two lower teeth should be pulled out so that he
could not speak clearly in the future. The Prophet (pbuh)
replied, “If I disfigure him, Allah will disfigure me in
retaliation, although I am a prophet.”176 The prisoners did
not have proper clothes; the Prophet (pbuh) arranged
clothes for them. Hazrat ‘Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle, was
tall and no shirt (Kurta) fit him. ‘Abdullah bin Ubay,
leader of the hypocrites (Raeesul Munafiqeen), who also
was tall, gave his shirt to ‘Abbas. It is related in Saheeh
Al-Bukhari that his own shirt (Kurta) that the Prophet
(pbuh) later gave to enshroud ‘Abdullah bin Ubay’s dead
Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 39, Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 14.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 330. reference Tareekhe Tabri.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
body (kafan) was meant to repay him for his courtesy that
he had once shown to Hazrat ‘Abbas.177
Each prisoner was asked to pay four thousand dirhams
for his release. Those of the prisoners who were unable to
pay were released without ransom. The prisoners who
knew to write were asked to teach writing to ten Muslim
children in order to obtain freedom.178 Hazrat Zayd®
learned to write this way.179
The Ansar submitted to the Prophet (pbuh) that as
Hazrat ‘Abbas was their nephew, son of a lady from their
tribe, they would like to excuse him from paying ransom
(Fidya), but the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to treat all prisoners
equally, and, therefore, ‘Abbas had to pay money to secure
release. The amount charged from an average prisoner was
four thousand dirhams, and from the rich more. More than
four thousand dirhams was charged from ‘Abbas also. He
complained, but he missed to realize that the equality that
Islam had established among human beings surpassed all
discriminations between the close and the distant, the
relative and the unrelated, the commoner and the
distinguished. But, in spite of the Prophet’s insistence on
equality for all, his love for Hazrat ‘Abbas was so genuine
that when he heard the groans of Hazrat ‘Abbas in captivity
under the duress of knots he was tied with, he remained
restless until ‘Abbas’ knots were eased.180
Hazrat Abul ‘Aas Accepts Islam
Abul ‘Aas®, son-in-law of the Prophet (pbuh), was also
taken prisoner in the Battle of Badr. He did not have
money to pay ransom (Fidya). Hazrat Zaynab®, the
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jihad.
Musnad bin Hanbal, 1: 247.
Seeratun Nabi, reference Taabaqat Ibn S’ad.
Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya, 2: 300.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Prophet’s daughter who was his wife and was in Makkah
at that time, was informed that she should send Fidya
money for his release. When she was married, Hazrat
Khadija®, the Prophet’s first wife and mother of Hazrat
Zaynab®, had given her an expensive necklace. Hazrat
Zaynab® sent that very necklace to secure her husband’s
release. When the Prophet (pbuh) saw that necklace, the
sweet memory of Hazrat Khadija flashed his mind and
touched his heart so deeply that he could not control his
tears. He asked his Companions, “If you wish, the article
(the necklace) bearing the memory of the dead mother
may be returned to the daughter.” All agreed at once and
the necklace was returned to Hazrat Zaynab®.
When Abul ‘Aas was released and returned to Makkah,
he sent Hazrat Zaynab® to Madinah. He was a very
successful businessman. After a few years, he took a
business trip to Syria with a large amount of merchandise.
While he was returning, a troop of Muslims arrested him
and captured his property. His business merchandise was
distributed among the soldiers, but he escaped to Madinah
and managed to reach Hazrat Zaynab®. She gave him
asylum. The Prophet (pbuh) said to the Muslims, “If you
agree, return the merchandise to Abul ‘Aas.” The Muslims
immediately complied and all the articles of Abul ‘Aas
were returned, even a piece of thread, so to say. This
touched the heart of Abul ‘Aas. He returned to Makkah,
cleared accounts with his business partners, and professed
Islam. He said later that he had returned to Makkah to
clear accounts with his business partners so that they did
not accuse him later of accepting Islam for the fear of
returning money to them.181
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 1: 657, Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 3:
154-157, Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 43-44.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Umayr bin Wahab Accepts Islam
‘Umayr bin Wahab was a staunch opponent of Islam
among the Quraysh. He and Safwan bin Umayya once got
together at Hajr and mourned the dead in the Battle of
Badr. Safwan said, “By God! There is no charm in life
now.” ‘Umayr replied, “You said the truth. Had I not been
under a debt and worried about the future of my children,
I would have gone to Madinah and slain Muhammad
(pbuh). My son is still a prisoner there.” Safwan took
guarantee for the payment of ‘Umayr’s debt and for
looking after his children. Thus assured, ‘Umayr came
home, poisoned his sword, and reached Madinah. Hazrat
‘Umar® got suspicious about him and, holding him by his
neck, brought him to the Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet
(pbuh) asked Hazrat ‘Umar® to release ‘Umayr and
addressed ‘Umayr: “’Umayr, come close to me. With
what intention have you come to Madinah?” ‘Umayr
replied that he had come to obtain his son’s release. The
Prophet (pbuh) questioned him, “Then why are you armed
with a sword?” ‘Umayr cunningly evaded the question by
saying, “Did the sword do any good to us in Badr?” The
Prophet (pbuh) told him, “Didn’t you and Safwan plan at
Hajr to assassinate me?” ‘Umayr was thunderstruck to
hear these words and said, “Muhammad (pbuh), verily
you are a Prophet of God, for none except Safwan and I
knew about our plan.” He then proclaimed faith in Islam
on the spot. The Quraysh who were waiting to hear the
news of the Prophet’s assassination heard with sad heart
the news of ‘Umayr’s acceptance of Islam.
The Prophet (pbuh) told the Companions about
‘Umayr, “Teach your brother the religion, help him in
memorizing the Qur`an, and set his son free.” ‘Umayr
requested the Prophet (pbuh) to permit him to go back to
Makkah and preach Islam there. He said that as he used to
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
vex the Muslims before, he now wished to challenge the
disbelievers. After the departure of ‘Umayr to Madinah on
the evil mission of slaying the Prophet (pbuh), Safwan
told the people, “Wait for a few days. You will hear the
news which will make you forget the sufferings of Badr.”
When he heard about ‘Umayr’s conversion of Islam, he
was greatly pained and took an oath that he would never
talk to him in life, nor would he ever let any good reach
him. ‘Umayr returned to Makkah and started preaching
Islam to people there. Many persons accepted Islam at his
Marriage of Hazrat Fatma®
Hazrat Fatma®, the youngest daughter of the Prophet
(pbuh), had now become eighteen and persons desirous of
marriage with her had started sending proposal to the
Prophet (pbuh). When Hazrat ‘Ali® proposed, the Prophet
(pbuh) asked Hazrat Fatma® for her consent. Out of
modesty, she kept quiet, which was taken as her consent.
The Prophet (pbuh) then asked Hazrat ‘Ali® what he had
to offer to the bride as Mahr (marriage gift). He replied
that he had nothing worthwhile to offer her. The Prophet
(pbuh) inquired, “What happened to that armor (Zerah) of
Hutay`a that you had got in Badr?” Hazrat ‘Ali® replied
that he had it. The Prophet (pbuh) told him that that would
do as Mahr. That armor was worth no more than 125
rupees. Besides it, all that the groom owned at that time
was a lambskin and an old Yamani sheet of cloth. Hazrat
‘Ali® presented all this to Hazrat Fatma®.
Until then Hazrat ‘Ali® used to live with the Prophet
(pbuh). Now the newly-wed couple needed a separate
house. Haritha bin N’oman Ansari® owned several houses
Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 3: 147-49, Seerat Ibn Hisham,
11: 661.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
in Madinah, out of which he had already presented some to
the Prophet (pbuh). When Hazrat Fatma® expressed her
desire to the Prophet (pbuh) to ask Haritha® to give her a
house, he (pbuh) declined as he had already asked him to
do so in the past several times. When Haritha® heard about
it, he came running to the Prophet (pbuh) and submitted,
“O Prophet of Allah, whatever I have is, in fact, yours.
When you accept a house from me, it becomes dearer to me
than the house that is left in my possession.” He eagerly
vacated one of his houses and Hazrat Fatma® moved to it.
The things that the Prophet (pbuh) gave to his daughter
in dowry consisted of a cot (charpai) made of rope (baan),
a leather cushion filled with date leaves, a leather water
container (Chaagal), a leather bag for carrying water
(Mushk), two grindstone sets (Chakki), and two earthen
water pots.
When Hazrat Fatma® moved to the new house, the
Prophet (pbuh) went to her and, standing at the door,
sought permission to enter. After entering, he asked for
some water in a pot. He put his both hands in the pot and
sprinkled water over the chest and shoulders of Hazrat
‘Ali®. He then called Hazrat Fatma®. Shyly, she came to
him by taking short steps. He sprinkled water over her
also and said, “I have given you in marriage to the best
person in my family.”183
Disbelievers’ Zeal for Revenge for Defeat in Badr
As the Arab tradition held it, the killing of even one
person initiated a war which continued for hundreds of
years. Taking revenge was a solemn obligation that an
offended tribe had to fulfill in order to uphold its
respectful image. In keeping with this tradition, the
Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabun Nikah, Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil
Bayhaqui, 3: 160, Seeratun Nabi, 1: 366.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Quraysh were restless to avenge the death of the seventy
persons from their tribe (most of whom were the leaders)
who were killed in the Battle of Badr. Revenge was their
obsession in those days.184
It was agreed that the profit earned by the trade caravan
that had gone to Syria for business would be used to
finance the war against the Muslims. Accordingly, the
capital was returned to the investors, but the propfit was
put in safekeeping. Some leaders of the Quraysh,
including Abu Jahl’s son ‘Ikrama, whose relatives were
killed in the Battle of Badr, went to Abu Sufyan and said:
“Muhammad (pbuh) has destroyed our community. The
time of revenge has arrived. We want that the profit
earned from the business trip to Syria should be reserved
for financing an expedition against the Muslims.” This
request was readily accepted. As the disbelievers had
already learned a lesson from the Battle of Badr, they had
to face Muslims with better preparations. They wanted to
popularize their cause by raising the sentiments of the
people and decided to use the services of the poets who
were the most successful agents for arousing the sentiment
of the public. There were two famous poets in the
Quraysh: ‘Amr Jumhi and Masaafe’. ‘Amr was taken
prisoner in the Battle of Badr, but the Prophet (pbuh) had
freed him as a gesture of kindness. At the request of the
Quraysh, the two poets started touring the area and
reciting their poetic compositions in large gatherings. Due
to the sentimental appeal of their recitations the tribes of
the Quraysh flew into a fury.
In those days a very effective factor to uphold soldiers’
steadfastness was the presence of the ladies in the
battlefield. If women accompanied the army, the warriors
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 369.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
fought to their death, thinking that if they lost, their
women would be disgraced. There were many women in
Makkah who had lost their relatives in the Battle of Badr
and their hearts were burning with the rage of
revengefulness. They had pledged to themselves that they
would avenge the death of their dear ones by drinking the
blood of those who had killed them. When the army
readied to proceed, many ladies from esteemed families of
Makkah joined it.185
Hazrat Hamza® had killed Hind’s father ‘Utba and
Jubayr bin Mut’am’s uncle in Badr. Hind, Abu Sufyan’s
wife, persuaded Jubayr’s slave Habshi, who was an expert
in using a deadly weapon from a distance, to assassinate
Hazrat Hamza®, promising that he would be freed if he
could do the job.186
Although Hazrat ‘Abbas® had accepted Islam, he was still
staying in Makkah. He wrote a letter about the plan of the
Quraysh to attack Madinah, and sent it through a messenger
instructing him to reach Madinah in not more than three days.
Receiving the news, the Prophet (pbuh) dispatched two spies,
Anas and Munis, to find out details, on the 5th of Shawwal in
the third Hijri. They brought the news that the army of the
Quraysh had reached so close to Madinah that their horses
were grazing in the pasture of ‘Araydh, where the people of
Madinah used to graze their cattle.187
The Prophet (pbuh) sent Hubab bin Munzir to bring
news about the number of the soldiers in the Makkan
army. He returned and gave a correct assessment of the
strength of the army. As there was a threat of attack on
Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 58-59, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 60-61.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Qatl Hamza bin ‘Abdul
Seerat Halbiya, 2: 490.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Madinah, guards were posted at strategic points. Hazrat
S’ad bin ‘Ubada and Sa’d bin Mu’az kept guard at the
entrance of Masjide Nabawi.188
In the morning the Prophet (pbuh) called his
Companions for consultation. Most of the Muhajireen and
the leaders of the Ansar suggested that women should be
moved to forts outside Madinah for security and that the
remaining Muslims of Madinah should confine
themselves to the city to defend themselves. ‘Abdullah bin
Ubay bin Salul, who was not included in any consultation
before, also gave the same suggestion. But the young
Companions who had not participated in the Battle of
Badr, insisted on challenging the Quraysh in the open
outside Madinah. The Prophet (pbuh) went home and
came out after a while dressed in armor (Zerah). The
youthful Companions realized then that they had forced
the Prophet (pbuh) to challenge the Quraysh outside the
city. They felt sorry and submitted to him that they took
back their proposal. He, however, replied, “It does not
befit a Prophet to wear arms and then put them off.”189
Toward Uhud
The Quraysh reached near Madinah on Wednesday and
camped on the Mount Uhud. The Prophet (pbuh) came out
of the city on Friday after the Friday Prayer (Salatul
Jum’a) with 1,000 Companions. ‘Abdullah bin Ubay had
joined him with 300 soldiers, but he backed out with his
men on the pretext that his proposal for fighting by
staying in Madinah was not accepted. Now there remained
only 700 Companions with the Prophet (pbuh),190 out of
Seerat Halbiya, 2: 490.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul E’tesaam, Musnad Ahmad, 1: 351,
Sunan Darmi, 2: 129.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 194, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 64.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
which 100 were armor-clad. After coming out of the city,
the Prophet (pbuh) took a look at the army. Those who
were too young to participate in a battle were asked to
return. Hazrat Zayd bin Thabit®, Baraa` bin ‘Aazib®,
Abu Sa’eed Khudri®, ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar®, and ‘Uraba
Owaysi® were among them. But their zeal for fighting for
Islam was so intense that one of them, Raaf’e bin Khadeej
stood on his toes to look tall. He was taken in. Samura®, a
boy of Raaf’e’s age, then pleaded that he was stronger
than Raaf’e, and so if Raaf’e was taken in, he should also
be permitted to join the army. The two boys had a duel in
which Samura® defeated Raaf’e® and thus he obtained
the permission to fight for the protection of Islam.191
The Prophet (pbuh) arranged the lines of the
Companions in such a way that the Mount Uhud was at
their back. Mus’ab bin ‘Umayr® was given the flag.
Zubayr bin Al-’Awwam® was appointed as the
commander. Hazrat Hamza® was given the command of
the soldiers who were not armor-clad.192 A troop of fifty
archers was deputed to guard the army against any attack
from behind. They were instructed not to leave their post
even if Muslims won the battle. ‘Abdullah bin Jubayr was
their commander.193
Remembering their setback in Badr, the Quraysh
carefully set up their rows. Khalid bin Waleed was given
the charge of the right wing of the army, while ‘Ikrama
was appointed the commander of the left wing. The
cavalry was given under the command of Safwan bin
Umayya, a famous dignitary of the Quraysh. ‘Abdullah
bin Rabi’a was appointed the commander of the troops of
Tareekhe Tabri, 3:61, Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3:30, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2:66.
Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 61-62.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the archers. Talha was the flag bearer. He had purchased
200 horses for emergency in the battle.194 Before the war
drum was beaten, the women of the Quraysh appeared
reciting war songs on the beatings of Daff (tambourine) in
which there was a mention of those who were killed in
Badr and an urge for revenge for their blood. Hind, Abu
Sufyan’s wife, was in the lead, with fourteen women
following her. They were singing:
( 2 # 8iC ˜
( x j
2; C
( FC P;( % ' K(CC !0)(T@ % B@ r(
“We are the daughters of the stars in the sky,
We are those who walk on carpets,
If you advance to fight, we will embrace you,
But if you step back, we will separate from
Beginning of the Battle of Uhud
At the beginning of the battle Abu ‘Aamir, who was at
one time a very popular person in Madinah, stepped
forward with 150 soldiers. Before the advent of Islam, the
people of Madinah held him in respect due to his piety. He
thought that the Ansar would desert the Prophet (pbuh)
when they saw him. He, therefore, called the Ansar aloud,
“Do you recognize me? I am Abu ‘Aamir.” The Ansar
called back, “Yes, we do, O evil-monger! May Allah
never grant you the fulfillment of your wish.”196
Talha, the flag bearer of the Quraysh, then stepped ahead
of his line and challenged the Muslims, “Is there anyone
among you, O Muslims, who may quickly send me to hell,
Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 62-63.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 31, Seerat Ibn Hisham, p. 27-28. Haakim
has mentioned these verses in Mustadrak and Imam Zahabi has
considered this Hadith as Sahih, 3: 256.
Musnad Ahmad, 4: 46, Mustadrak Haakim, 2: 107-08.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
or enter paradise at my hands?” ‘Ali® responded, “Here I
am.” He then attacked Talha with a sword and the next
moment Talha fell dead to the ground.197 Talha’s son
‘Uthman took the flag in his hands and singing war verses
attacked the Muslims. He was reciting:
ŠD 2 % ' S ^ `
ˆ/ B@ ' ŠTR [ !Š E( > ' # ŠBr
“It is the duty of the lancer that he colors his
weapon with blood, or it gets broken in the
Hazrat Hamza® came forward to face him. He hit
‘Uthman with a sword at his shoulder so strongly that it
pierced down to the waist. He then uttered loudly, “I am
son of the provider of water to the pilgrims.”
Now an all-out battle began.198 Hazrat Hamza®,
Hazrat ‘Ali®, and Hazrat Abu Dujana® attacked the
enemies and killed many soldiers.199 Abu Dujana® was a
famous wrestler of Arabia. Before the battle, the Prophet
(pbuh) had raised his sword high and asked, “Who will
prove worthy of this sword?” Many Companions
stretched their hands, but the Prophet (pbuh) gave it to
Hazrat Abu Dujana®. This unexpected honor created a
sense of pride in him. He wrapped a piece of red cloth
over his head and proceeded to the battlefield, walking
with proud steps. The Prophet (pbuh) commented, “Allah
dislikes one’s walking proudly this way, but today it
pleases Him.” Abu Dujana® kept advancing, killing his
opponents one after another, till he came upon Hind, the
wife of Abu Sufyan. Putting his sword over her head, he
Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 63.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 34, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 74.
Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 64.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
spared her and said, “It is not befitting that a woman is
killed by the Prophet’s sword.”200
Hazrat Hamza® was a great warrior and was superbly
skilled in fencing. Whichever direction he headed, he
killed his enemies in a large number. In this way, he came
upon Neba’ Ghabshani and challenged him. Neba’ got
killed. Habshi, the slave of Jubayr bin Mut’am who was
promised freedom for assassinating Hazrat Hamza®, was
waylaying. He was an Abyssinian and was expert in using
a weapon called Hirba, which was like a small lance. He
had poisoned it to make it deadly. He hit Hamza® from a
distance by throwing it upon him. It pierced into his navel
and passed through.201 Hazrat Hamza tried to attack him,
but as the weapon was extremely poisonous, he fell down
and breathed his life.202
How Muslims Lost Ground
Several flag bearers of the Quraysh fell dead one after
another, but each time a valiant person from their rank
picked it up and raised it high. When a person from the
Quraysh called Sawaab took the flag in his hands, he was
attacked in such a way that he lost both hands. But he
could not bear to see the flag falling; he threw himself
down to the ground and supported the flag by his chest.
These were his last words: “I have fulfilled my duty.” The
flag lay fallen this way for a while. Seeing it, a brave
woman from the Quraysh, ‘Amra bint ‘Alqama, advanced
and raised it high. The Quraysh assembled again and
decided to remain steadfast in the battle.203
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 256, Mustadrak has affirmed it. Tareekhe
Tabri, 3: 63, Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 30-31. Some parts are also
mentioned by Imam Muslim and Imam Ahmad.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Qatl Hamza bin ‘Abdul Muttalib.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 34.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 43, Tabri, 3: 65, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 78.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Abu ‘Aamir was fighting from the side of the
disbelievers, but his son Hazrat Hanzala® had accepted
Islam and was a soldier in the Muslim army. Hanzala®
asked the Prophet (pbuh) for permission to challenge his
father in the battlefield, but the merciful Prophet (pbuh)
did not allow a son to raise his sword against his father.
Hazrat Hanzala® then attacked Abu Sufyan, the
commander of the Quraysh, and was about to put him to
death when Shaddad bin Al-Aswad suddenly appeared
from the side, took Hazrat Hanzala’s sword on his shield,
and killed him. In general, the Muslims were prevailing.204
The Qurayshi women who were singing war songs to
encourage their soldiers stepped back in confusion and the
disheartened soldiers of the Quraysh started retreating.
But then the Muslims began to collect the booty. The
archers posted to guard the Muslim army from behind also
ran down to join in collecting the booty. Although
‘Abdullah bin Jubayr®, the leader of the archers, tried to
stop them from leaving the post, they did not listen to
him.205 Finding that the Muslim army was unprotected
from behind, Khalid attacked from that side. ‘Abdullah
bin Jubayr and a few of his soldiers who had stayed with
him, fought valiantly, but all of them lost their lives. As
there was no hurdle now for Khalid and his soldiers, he
and his horsemen launched a fierce attack on the Muslims.
The Muslims were engaged in collecting the booty while
the cavalry of the Quraysh fell upon them from behind. In
confusion, the Muslims were struck with the swords of the
Muslims.206 Ibn Qam`iya killed Mus’ab bin ‘Umayr® who
resembled the Prophet (pbuh) very much.207 The thrust of
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 225, Tabri, 3: 69.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Tabri 3: 63, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 78.
Tabri, 3: 66, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 73.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the disbelievers was so strong that most of the
Companions were forced to leave their positions. The
disbelievers surrounded the Prophet (pbuh) and injured
him. He received injuries in the face: two pointed pieces
of his helmet (Mighfar) pierced in his face and his tooth
from the bottom row was broken208. He was attacked from
all sides. He fell into a ditch. Hazrat ‘Ali® held him by
hand and Hazrat Talha® picked him up in his lap.209
In this state of confusion the rumor spread that the
Prophet (pbuh) was martyred. The news stunned the
Muslims, and they stood in shock wherever they were.210
Hazrat Anas® saw a group of Muslims who had laid their
arms aside and were sitting aside in sadness. He asked
them what they were doing there. They replied that the
Prophet (pbuh) was martyred. Hazrat Anas® told them,
“Then what will you do by staying alive? Rise and lay
your lives for the mission for which the Prophet (pbuh)
has sacrificed his life.” Then, pointing at them, he prayed,
“O Allah! I detach myself from this act of theirs, and
dissociate myself from the deeds of the polytheists.” He
then advanced toward the battlefield. On the way he met
S’ad bin Mu’az® and told him, “S’ad! I smell the
fragrance of paradise from the other side of the Mount
Uhud.” Saying this, he attacked the disbelievers fiercely
and was martyred. He had received more than eighty
wounds at his body due to which it was difficult to
identify him. His sister identified him with the help of a
mark on his finger.211 During the battle a Muhajir passed
by an Ansari who was lying injured on the ground
drenched in blood. The Muhajir told him that the Prophet
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 197, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 80.
Tabri, 3: 68.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Badr.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(pbuh) was martyred. Hearing it, the Ansari responded, “If
he met martyrdom, he reached his goal. You should also
lay your life for your religion.”212
Companions’ Steadfastness and Love for the Prophet
The distinguished Companions did not yield. They kept on
fighting, but their eyes were searching the Prophet (pbuh)
in the battlefield. First of all Ka’ab bin Maalik® saw the
Prophet (pbuh). As the Prophet (pbuh) was wearing an
iron helmet (Mighfar) due to which his face was covered,
Ka’ab® recognized him by his eyes. He immediately
called out aloud, “O Muslims! The Prophet (pbuh) is
here.” Hearing it, the Companions rushed in that
direction.213 The disbelievers also concentrated in that area
and tried to reach the Prophet (pbuh), marching toward
him in groups, one after another. Hazrat Talha® fought
with them single-handed and pushed them back. The
enemies shot volleys of arrows. Hazrat Abu Dujana®
shielded the Prophet (pbuh) with his body. Arrows were
piercing into his back, but he took them patiently to
protect the Prophet (pbuh) from injury.214
At one point the disbelievers launched a very serious
attack on the Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) asked
aloud, “Who will push them back and win paradise?”
There were seven Ansar around him at that time.
Valiantly, they faced the advancing enemies and laid their
lives, one after another, but they did not let any
disbeliever come close to the Prophet (pbuh).215 Hazrat
Talha® shielded the Prophet (pbuh) with his hand and
took the arrows shot at the Prophet (pbuh) on his hand,
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 61.
Tabri, 3: 67, Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 68.
Tabri, 3: 66.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
due to which his hand became numb.
While the
disbelievers were shooting arrows at the Prophet (pbuh),
he was uttering these memorable words:
"B ! / 4 * + C™(9 8!T P F@‚ "
“O Lord! Forgive my people, for they don’t realize
(what they are doing).”217
Hazrat Talha kept on fighting till he succumbed to
injuries and fell down. When the Companions returned to
the Prophet (pbuh), he asked them to look for Talha® who
was in serious condition. The Companions found that he
had received ten injuries, or more. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman
bin ‘Awf® had also received more than twenty wounds in
the battle.218 Hazrat Abu Talha® who was a famous archer
had shot arrows in such a large number that two or three
bows had broken down in his hands. He had covered the
face of the Prophet (pbuh) with his shield. Whenever the
Prophet (pbuh) looked out at the enemies from behind the
shield, he told him, “Don’t raise your head. An arrow may
hit you. My chest is here to receive arrows at it for
you.”219 S’ad bin Waqqas® was also a famous archer. The
Prophet (pbuh) gave him his quiver and said, “May my
parents be a sacrifice for you! Keep on shooting
arrows.”220 At another critical juncture when the enemies
posed a serious threat to the Prophet (pbuh), he asked,
“Who is ready to sacrifice his life for me?” Zeyad bin
Sakan® advanced with five men from Ansar, each of
whom sacrificed his life to protect him. Hazrat Zeyad®
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 348, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 83.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Gazwae Uhud, Sahih
Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Ghazwatun Nisa` ma’a Rijaal.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
was picked up and brought to the Prophet (pbuh) in the
last moments of his life. He put his head on the feet of the
Prophet (pbuh) and breathed his last.221
A Muslim was eating dates to satisfy his hunger while
the battle was going on. He asked the Prophet (pbuh), “If I
am killed, where shall I be, O Prophet of Allah (pbuh)?”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “In paradise.” Full of
enthusiasm, he charged the disbelievers and laid his life
fighting with them.222 In the midst of action, when at one
point only a few Companions were with the Prophet
(pbuh), Umme ‘Omara, a lady, came forward and shielded
the Prophet (pbuh) from the front. She defended the
Prophet (pbuh) from the enemies with her sword and
arrows. When Ibn Qami`a reached close to the Prophet
(pbuh), she stepped forward to stop him. He struck her
with a sword, which injured her in the shoulder and left a
deep scar there. She also hit him with a sword, but as he
was wearing two armors, he remained unhurt.223
Fully covered with armor, Ubay bin Khalaf advanced
toward the Prophet (pbuh). He was saying that he was
doomed if the Prophet (pbuh) was not put to death in the
battle. In Makkah he had pledged that he would kill the
Prophet (pbuh). As only his collarbone was exposed under
the armor he was wearing, the Prophet (pbuh) struck him
with a lance at it. He fell off the horse and started yelling
in pain like an ox. His associates picked him up and
consoled him by saying that the wound he had received
was a mere scratch. But he kept on wailing and replied
that in Makkah the Prophet (pbuh) had told him that he
would kill him. He complained that his wound was giving
Tabri, 3: 65-66, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2 81.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 67, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 81-82.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
him so much pain that if it were distributed over the
people of the village of Zulmajaaz, all of them would get
killed due to its intensity. Ubay bin Khalaf died at Rabegh
while he was on the way to Makkah.224
The Companions gathered around the Prophet (pbuh)
from all sides. A pointed edge of the iron head cover that
he was wearing had pierced in his face. Hazrat Abu
Bakr® says that he wanted to pull it out, but Abu
‘Ubayda® requested him on oath that he be given the
chance to do the job. He started pulling it out slowly with
his teeth so that it did not hurt the Prophet (pbuh). The
sharp edge of the iron head cover came out, but with it
also came out the tooth of Abu ‘Ubayda®. Abu Bakr®
then came forward to pull out the second edge of the
chain, but Abu ‘Ubayda® held him back on oath again
and he pulled out the second pointed edge from the face of
the Prophet (pbuh) the same way, in which effort he lost
another tooth.225 Maalik bin Sanaan Ansari® sucked the
blood from the face of the Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet
(pbuh) asked him to spit it out, but he refused. When they
proceeded from that place, the Prophet (pbuh)
commented, “If anybody wishes to see a resident of
paradise, he may see him.”226
The rumor of the Prophet’s death had reached
Madinah. The loving people of the city became restless
and rushed toward the battlefield. When Hazrat Fatma
Zahra®, the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh), saw him, his
face was still bleeding. Hazrat ‘Ali® brought some water
and Hazrat Fatma® washed the wound, but the bleeding
did not stop. She then burned a piece of mat and put the
Tabri, 3: 67, Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 69, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 84.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 29, Kitabul Maghazi as Siyar.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 65, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 80.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
ashes over the wound. The bleeding stopped
immediately.227 He wanted to climb over a rock, but he
could not due to weakness. Hazrat Talha® sat down and
offered his body as stepping stone for him to climb the
rock.228 When the time of Salah approached, the Prophet
(pbuh) offered prayers in sitting posture.229
In this very battle (in which the Prophet, pbuh, had
himself received several injuries), the Companions
requested him to pray for the destruction of the
polytheists. But the Prophet (pbuh) replied,
"B ! / 4 * + —C™9 8!D > *+ ?3 R m#‹ a
U@ ; Cr( mC :
@ ; '0 * 8
“I have not been sent to curse people. I have
been sent to call them toward Allah and be a
source of blessings for them. ‘O Allah! Bless
my people with guidance, for they don’t know
The Prophet (pbuh) climbed a hill with his
Companions to avoid the enemies. Abu Sufyan saw them
and tried to go after them. But as Hazrat ‘Umar® and
some other Companions threw stones on Abu Sufyan and
his soldiers, they gave up the chase.231 Abu Sufyan
climbed another adjacent hill and called out if the Prophet
(pbuh) was around and listening. The Prophet (pbuh)
forbade his Companions to reply. Abu Sufyan then called
out the names of Hazrat Abu Bakr® and ‘Umar®. When
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab ma Asaban Nabi minal
Jarah Yaumul Uhud. Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab
Ghazwae Uhud.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 28, Kitabul Maghazi was Siyar.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 197, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 7: 86-87.
Rahmatullil-‘Aalameen, 1: 111, reference Ash-Shifa` by Qazi
‘Ayaaz, p. 47.
Seeart Ibn Katheer, 3: 45.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
none of them replied, he commented, “So all of them are
killed.” Hazrat ‘Umar® could not resist replying, “O
enemy of Allah! We all are alive.”
Abu Sufyan shouted,
"E@ )> E0 # '0"
“May Hebal remain exalted!”
The Companions called back,
"Ev O ' # ' "
“Allah is exalted and great!”
Abu Sufyan shouted,
"* A0 .# 4 . @ 2 " “We have ‘Uzza to support us while
you do not have one like ‘Uzza!”
The Companions called back,
"* A0 ! 4 C4! " “Allah is our Lord and you don’t have
a lord!”
Abu Sufyan said, “Today is the day of revenge for Badr.
Our soldiers have mutilated the dead on your side by
chopping off their nose and ears. I had not commanded
them to do so, but when I learned about it, I did not feel
sorry about it either.”232
Stories of Martyrs’ Sincerity
Hazrat Zayd bin Thabit® says that the Prophet (pbuh) sent
him to look for S’ad Al-Rabi’ and instructed him that if he
found S’ad®, he should convey the Prophet’s greetings to
him and ask in which state he found himself. Zayd® says
that he found S’ad lying injured on the ground. He was
about to breathe his last. Zayd® conveyed the Prophet’s
greetings to him and asked him from the side of the
Prophet (pbuh) in which state he found himself. S’ad®
replied, “Tell the Prophet (pbuh) that I am smelling
paradise. Also tell my people, the Ansar, that if the enemy
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Uhud.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
approaches the Prophet (pbuh) while even an eye among
them twinkles with life, they would not be able to defend
themselves in front of Allah.” Saying these words he
departed from this world.233
Among the injured was ‘Amr bin Thabit. He was from
the Bani ‘Abdul Ash-hal and was known as Osayram. He
always rejected Islam, but on the day of the Battle of
Uhud he felt a strong urge in his heart to accept it. The
Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions had already
proceeded to Uhud. He professed Islam, took a sword in
his hand, and joined the battle. None happened to know
about his conversion. When Bani ‘Abdul Ash-hal went to
the battlefield to collect the dead bodies of their men, they
found Osayram lying injured in the battlefield. He was in
a critical condition. Recognizing him, they wondered why
he was there as he had been rejecting Islam so far. They
asked him if he had joined the battle in the love of his
tribesmen or in the love of Islam. He replied that he had
accepted Islam and had participated with the Prophet
(pbuh) in Jihad and was in his present condition for Islam.
Saying this he breathed his last. When the Companions
informed the Prophet (pbuh) about it, he commented, “He
is a resident of paradise.” Hazrat Abu Hurayra® says that
Osayram did not offer any Salah as he was martyred soon
after professing Islam.234
Among these martyrs was Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr,
the father of Hazrat Jabir. Before the Battle of Uhud, he
had a dream in which he saw Hazrat Mubashshir bin
‘Abdul Munzir, who was martyred in Badr. Mabashshir®
told ‘Abdullah that he was soon to join him. When
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 221, Kitab M’arifatus Sahaba, Zikr
Manaqib S’ad bin Rabi’.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 30, Musnad Ahmad, 5: 428.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Abdullah asked him where he was, he replied, “In
paradise. Here we stroll around freely.” ‘Abdullah
inquired of him, “Were you not martyred in the Battle of
Badr?” Mubashshir® replied, “Yes, but I was brought to
life again.” Hazrat ‘Abdullah says that he mentioned his
dream to the Prophet (pbuh) upon which he commented,
“It foretells your martyrdom.”235 Hazrat Jabir® reports
that when his father’s dead body was brought to the
Prophet (pbuh), he tried to uncover the face of his father,
but people forbade him from doing so as his father’s dead
body was mutilated by the disbelievers. The Prophet
(pbuh) said, “The angels have been continuously
providing shade over the dead body.”236
Hazrat Khaythama® was also a martyr in the Battle of
Uhud. His son had laid his life in the Battle of Badr. He
submitted to the Prophet (pbuh) on the occasion of the
Battle of Uhud that in spite of his eagerness he had not
been able to participate in the Battle of Badr as the name
of his son had come out in the lot and he was blessed with
martyrdom. He added that he had a dream the previous
night in which he saw his son in the best appearance
walking happily in the midst of a fruit orchard beside
lakes. His son invited him to join him and live with him
and said, “Whatever promises my Lord had made to me, I
found them true.” Khaythama® told the Prophet, “By
God, O Prophet of Allah! I am so eager now to join my
son in paradise. I am quite old and fragile now. Now I
sincerely desire to meet my Lord. Please pray for me that I
am blessed with paradise.” The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for
him. He laid his life in the Battle of Uhud.237
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 225.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab min Qatl minal Muslimeen.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 208.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Abdur Rahman bin Jahash® was yet another fortunate
person to receive martyrdom in the Battle of Uhud. Before
the battle, his supplication was: “O Allah! I ask of You on
oath that tomorrow when I face the enemies, they slay me
and then cut my stomach open and chop off my nose and
ears. Then You ask me why my body was dismembered
this way, upon which I reply, “For Your sake, O Lord!” 238
‘Amr bin Al-Jamooh® was also one of the martyrs of
Uhud. He was lame and could not walk freely. He had four
young sons who always accompanied the Prophet (pbuh) in
Jihad. On the occasion of Uhud he also wished to join. His
sons reminded him that he was excused from the
responsibility of participating in Jihad due to his physical
disability and should stay at home. He complained about the
situation to the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “O Prophet of
Allah! My sons dissuade me from participating in Jihad, but
I wish that I am blessed with martyrdom and walk in
paradise with my lame foot.” The Prophet (pbuh) consoled
him by saying that Allah had excused him from participating
in Jihad, but he (pbuh) told his sons at the same time to let
him join the Muslim army: “Let him go. What is the harm?
Maybe, Allah grants him martyrdom.”239
Mus’ab bin ‘Umayr® was also martyred in the battle.
He used to wear a dress worth not less than 200 rupees
before accepting Islam, but when he died, he had only a
blanket with which he covered his body. That blanket was
so small that when it was pulled up to cover his head at the
time of his burial, his feet remained uncovered, and when
his feet were covered with it, his head remained bare. The
Prophet (pbuh) instructed the Companions to cover his
head with the blanket and put some grass over his feet.240
Asadulghaba, 3: 1, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 208.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 226, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 90.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwaae Uhud.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
In this very battle, the Prophet’s uncle Hazrat Hamza®
was also slain. The enemies dismembered his body in the
rage of revenge. Hind, Abu Sufyan’s wife, made a garland
of the chopped limbs of his body and wore it in her neck.
Driven by the spirit of revengefulness, she opened the
chest of Hazrat Hamza, took out the liver and tried to
chew it and swallow, but she could not do so and threw it
out.241 Hearing the news of the defeat, Hazrat Safiya®,
sister of Hazrat Hamza®, came from Madinah. The
Prophet (pbuh) instructed her son Hazrat Zubayr® to
forbid her from seeing the dead body of Hazrat Hamza®,
as it was badly mutilated. When Zubayr® conveyed the
Prophet’s message to her, she said, “I have heard what has
been done to my brother’s dead body. This is, however,
not a big sacrifice in the path of Allah.” With the
Prophet’s permission, she went close to her brother’s dead
body and took a look at his dismembered limbs scattered
around. Although deeply moved from inside, she recited,
"B !O( r( Cr( Cr("
(We come from Allah and to Him we return)
and prayed for his forgiveness.242
Muslim Women’s Participation in the Battle
Many Muslim women also participated in the Battle of
Uhud. Hazrat Aisha® and Hazrat Sulaym®, mother of
Hazrat Anas®, served the soldiers in the battle as water
porters. It is related in Saheeh Al-Bukhari on the authority
of Hazrat Anas® that he saw Hazrat Aisha® and Umme
Sulaym® that they had pulled their pajamas a little up to
be able to walk freely and were bringing water in the
Mushk (leather water container) to the injured in the battle
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 74, Ibn Hisham, 2: 91.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 318, Tareekhe Tabri, 3: 72.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
to drink. When the Mushk became empty, they returned to
fill it up again.243 It is related in a narration that Umme
Sulayt®, mother of Hazrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri®, also
rendered this service.244
In the Battle of Uhud a lady from Ansar lost her father,
brother, and husband. She received information about the
martyrdom of her dearest ones one after another, but every
time she restlessly inquired, “How is the Prophet (pbuh)?”
People informed her that he (pbuh) was safe. Seeing him
safe personally, she said these memorable words:
"Eo O – ; ?q )^ ,E-0 "
“All afflictions are bearable if you are safe.”245
Seventy Muslims lost their lives in the battle, most of
whom were Ansar. But the indigence of Muslims was so
serious that they could not bury their dead in proper burial
shroud. The martyrs were buried in twos in their
bloodstained dress. Those who had learned the Qur`an
more were given preference.246 Eight years after this battle
(one or two years before his death), the Prophet (pbuh)
was once passing by the graveyard of the martyrs of
Uhud. With tearful eyes, he said such sad words
addressing to the dead there as a living person would say
to the dead at the time of bidding them farewelll. He then
turned to his Companions and gave a sermon to them: “O
Muslims! I do not fear that you will adopt polytheism
again. But I do have a fear that you may be entrapped by
the (charms of) the world.”247
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwaae Uhud.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Zikr Umme Sulayt.
Seerat ibn Hishaam, 2: 99, Sirah Ibn Katheer, 3: 93, Tabri, 3: 74
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab min Qatl minal
Muslimeen Yawma Uhud.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Military Dispatch (Sariya) of Hamra` Al-Asad
Although the injured and exhausted Muslims needed rest
after the battle of Uhud, they faced a genuine
apprehension that, encouraged by the initial defeat of the
Muslims, Abu Sufyan might return to deal a decisive blow
to them. The Prophet (pbuh), therefore, asked the
Muslims, “Who is ready to go after the enemies?”
Immediately seventy Companions, including Hazrat Abu
Bakr® and Hazrat Zubayr®, got ready for the
When Abu Sufyan returned from Uhud and reached
Rowha, he also felt that the mission of his expedition had
remained incomplete and, so he wanted to return and
launch a second and final attack on Muslims. The Prophet
(pbuh) had realized it beforehand. Next day he made an
announcement that none of his Companions should return
home. With them he went in pursuit of Abu Sufyan up to
Hamra` Al-Asad, a place some eight miles from Madinah.
The Khuza’a tribe had not entered into Islam yet but was
secretly an ally of Muslims. Its chief Ma’bad Khuza’i
came to meet the Prophet (pbuh) and at his behest went to
Abu Sufyan. Abu Sufyan shared with him his plan to
launch a fresh attack on Muslims. Ma’bad told him that
the Prophet (pbuh) was advancing with such preparations
and might that it was impossible to face him. This
disheartened Abu Sufyan and he returned to Makkah.249
When the Prophet (pbuh) returned to Madinah, the city
was under the grip of grief at the loss of those who had died
in the battle. Wherever he passed through, he heard the
bewailing relatives mourning the death of their dear ones.
He felt that the people of Madinah were mourning for their
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Musnad Ahmad, 2: 84, Ibn Hisham, 2: 100-04.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
dead, but that there was none to mourn the death of Hazrat
Hamza®. In grief, he uttered words to this effect.
" 8 -!; I9 S . R '"
“But that there was none to mourn the death of Hazrat
Hamza®.” Hearing his words, the Ansar became very sad
and asked their women to go to the house of the Prophet
(pbuh) and mourn the death of Hazrat Hamza®. Soon the
Prophet (pbuh) found the women of the Ansar assembled
at his door who were mourning loudly for Hazrat
Hamza®. The Prophet (pbuh) thanked the ladies for
sharing his sorrow, but added, “It is not lawful to mourn
aloud over the dead.”250
‘Azl, Qara and Bi`r Manu’a Encounters and
Fearlessness of Hazrat Khubayb
After the Battle of Uhud, the enemies of Islam tried to
hurt Muslims in new ways. Thus, in the fourth Hijri, the
Quraysh persuaded seven persons from the tribes of ‘Azl
and Qara to go to Madinah and request the Prophet (pbuh)
to send his Companions who could teach them Islam, on
the pretext that their tribesmen were ready to accept
Islam.251 The Prophet (pbuh) sent ten pious Companions
with them under the leadership of ‘Aasim bin Thabit®.
When they reached the area of these tribes, 200-armed
men proceeded to arrest them. Their archers surrounded
them and asked them to surrender, promising protection of
life, if they complied. Hazrat ‘Aasim® turned down the
offer and said, “We do not wish to avail ourselves of the
protection of the disbelievers.” Saying this, he prayed to
Allah, “O Allah! Inform Your Prophet (pbuh) about our
situation.” He, alongwith seven of his associates, fought
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 215. Ibn Hisham, 2: 99.
Tabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 50.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
valiantly and all of them received martyrdom.
Quraysh sent some persons to chop off a portion of
‘Aasim’s body and bring it to them so as to make his dead
body unrecognizable. The Divine Will did not allow these
persons to do this dishonor to him. The honeybees
covered his dead body and the Quraysh found it
impossible to go near him. They, therefore, returned
But two Muslims from the group, Khubayb® and
Zayd®, trusted the promise of the disbelievers and
surrendered. Sufyan Hazli took them to Makkah and sold
them to the Quraysh. The Quraysh kept them confined in
the house of Harith bin ‘Aamir without food and water.
One day by chance the little son of Harith came close to
Khubayb®. Khubayb picked up the child and endearingly
placed him on his thigh. At that time he had a razor in his
hand. When the mother of the child saw the child in the
control of their captive, who held a razor in his hand and
whom they had abused in all possible ways and denied
food and water for several days, she shrieked in alarm and
distress. Hazrat Khubayb® understood the cause of the
mother’s concern and commented, “She thinks that I will
hurt the child. She does not know that Muslims are not
permitted to cause terror by doing a mischief like this.”
Gently, he let the child go.
After a few days the captors took Hazrat Khubayb® to
a cross and, placing him under it, they said, “If you
renounce Islam, your life will be spared.” Both
Companions replied patiently, “If there is no Islam, what
will be the use of life?” The Quraysh then asked Khubayb
what his last wish was. He told them that he wanted to
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatur Rajee’.
Seerat Ibn Hisham 2: 171.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
offer two Rak’ats of Salah. When permission was given,
he offered Salah and said at its end, “I would have taken
some more time in offering Salah, but I was afraid that
you would accuse me of buying time for fear of death.”
The disbelievers hanged him on the cross and the lancers
were instructed to pierce his body with lance.254 Allahu
Akbar (Allah is greatest)! What a level of steadfastness!
What a conviction in the value of the everlasting
deliverance! And what an eagerness to earn Allah’s
pleasure! He bore the pain of such injuries, but did not
utter a word to complain against the situation. A hardhearted disbeliever pierced Khubayb’s heart with his lance
and asked him, “Don’t you wish now that Muhammad
(pbuh) were here in your place while you were released?”
Khubayb® replied confidently, “I wouldn’t like to win my
release even on the condition that a thorn pricked the foot
of the Prophet.”255
This brave person has said some verses extempore
standing under the cross, which is fully reflective of his
sincerity and love of Islam. They may be translated as
“People have assembled around me in multitude and
have called large groups to witness the event. They are
out to give a vent to their grudge against me, and are so
eager to show revengefulness against me. I am tied in
this place of destruction. The tribes have gathered their
women and children and have brought me close to a
tall and strong wooden pole. They have told me that I
can win freedom by returning to unbelief. But
compared to life of unbelief, dying in Islam is so much
easier. My eyes are continuously shedding tears, but
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 245.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
my heart knows no impatience. I shall not humiliate
myself before my enemies, nor shall I bewail of my
condition. I know I am returning to Allah. I am not
afraid that death will terminate my life. I, in fact, fear
the Engulfing Fire that would burn the blood of (its
victim) to the last drop. The Master of the Grand
Throne (Arsh) has decided to take a service from me
and have commanded me to remain patient. Now they
have minced my flesh by piercing my body (with their
lances), and I have lost all hope. I submit my
complaint to Allah for my miserable condition,
homelessness, and helplessness, and against what my
enemies intend (to do with me after my death). By
Allah! When I am laying my life for Islam, I don’t
mind to which side of my body I fall and how I breathe
my last. I have all hope that Allah, by His kindness,
would bless every part of my severed limbs.”256
At the end, he supplicated to his Lord:
"2;( ƒ 2^
/ S š @ š ,)9 M
!" ? "( 2š ; D C *+ "
“O Allah! We have conveyed the message of Your
Prophet (pbuh) to these people. Now, inform the
Prophet (pbuh) about our condition and their
Sa’eed bin ‘Aamir® (one of the officials of Hazrat
‘Umar®) sometimes fainted for no obvious reason. When
Hazrat ‘Umar® once inquired of him the cause of his
ailment, he replied, “I have no ailment, nor a complaint of
any other kind. When Khubayb® was hanged on the
cross, I was present on the scene. When I remember his
words, I shiver and lose consciousness.”258
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 245, Ibn Hisham, 2: 176.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 173.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 173.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Abu Bara` ‘Aamir played the same deceitful tactic
against the Muslims. He came to the Prophet (pbuh) and
requested him to send some preachers with him to teach
Islam to the people of Najd. His nephew was the chief of
Najd and so ‘Aamir assured the Prophet (pbuh) that full
protection would be provided to the Muslims there. The
Prophet (pbuh) sent seventy preachers, who were
distinguished in learning and piety, under the leadership of
Munzir bin ‘Amr Ansari®. When they reached near the
Ma’una Well, which fell in the jurisdiction of the Bani
‘Aamir tribe, they sent Haraam bin Malhaan to Tufayl
Haakim with the letter of the Prophet (pbuh). Tufayl put the
messenger to death. Jabbar bin Salma was the person who
hit him in the back with his spear which passed through his
chest. Haraam fell with these words on his lips,
"?) A @ j
. 90 "
“By the Lord of the K’aba, I met with success.”
The assassin was so impressed by these words that he later
went to the Prophet (pbuh) and embraced Islam. Haakim
got all other Muslims killed. Ka’ab bin Zayd®, who
survived by feigning as dead, later informed the Prophet
(pbuh) of the incident.259
Exile of Banu Nazeer
Bani Israil (the Jews) were godly people at the beginning
of their career, but later they moved away from the right
path and incurred Allah’s wrath. Prophet Jesus, blessings
and peace be on him, a kind-hearted Prophet, had called
them snakes and the offspring of snakes and had
prophesied that God’s kingdom would be transferred from
them to another people who would bear good fruit. When
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Rajee’, Ibn
Hisham, 2: 184.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy came and
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) began to preach the pure
message, the Jews opposed him tooth and nail and wanted
to persecute him in the same way that they had persecuted
Prophet Jesus (Alayhisalaam).260
Although the Jews had entered into a peace treaty with
the Prophet (pbuh) in the very first year of Hijrah, they did
not observe the terms and conditions of the treaty for long,
and as early as about a year and a half after the pact they
engaged themselves in mischief against the Muslims.
When the Prophet (pbuh) had gone to Badr, a Muslim
woman one day went to the area of Banu Qaynaqa’, a
Jewish tribe, to sell milk. Some Jews teased her and
stripped her naked. When the lady started calling for help,
a Muslim rushed to the place. Enraged at what he saw on
the scene, he attacked the Jew and killed him. Upon it the
Jews assembled and killed that Muslim and created a big
disturbance. After his return from Badr, the Prophet
(pbuh) called the Jews to inquire about the event, but they
sent back to the Prophet (pbuh) the document of the treaty
and got ready for armed confrontation with the
Muslims.261 This act meant insurgence. They, therefore,
were punished by exile from Madinah.262
Earlier the Quraysh of Makkah had written to the Jews
of Madinah to rise against the Muslims, but the Prophet’s
wise handling of the situation on time had made their
move ineffective. Now, after the defeat in Badr, they
wrote again to the Jews, the owners of property and forts,
to fight against the Prophet (pbuh), threatening that if they
did not do so, they would be severely punished and their
Rahmatullil-‘Aalameen 1: 129-30.
Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya, 4: 403, ‘Uyunul Athar, 1: 295.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hadith Bani Al-Nazeer.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
women would be disgraced and stripped off their
ornaments from their feet. After receiving this letter, the
Jews decided to disregard the peace treaty with the
Muslims and hurt them deceitfully.263
In the fourth Hijri once the Prophet (pbuh) went to the
area of Banu An-Nazeer to call for donation for a
community project. The Jews made the Prophet (pbuh) sit
beside a wall and deputed Ibn Jahash, one of their men, to
throw a heavy stone over him from the top of the wall and
thus assassinate him. The Prophet (pbuh) was informed by
a divine revelation (Wahi) of the plan of the Jews, and he
left the place safely and returned.264
At last the Banu An-Nazeer were asked to move to
Khaybar and settle there. They loaded 600 camels with
their belongings, came out with a show of defiance,
playing musical instruments, and went to Khaybar.265
Battle of the Trench (Ghazwae Khandaq)
After settling down in Khaybar, the Jews planned an all-out
war against the Muslims. Their leaders, Salaam bin Abil
Huqayq, Hayyay bin Akhtab, Kanana bin Al-Rabi’, and
some others went to Makkah and invited the Quraysh to join
hands with them to annihilate Muslims. The Quraysh were
too eager to accept such a proposal. After having a word of
support from them, the Jewish deputation went to the
Ghatfan tribe and won their alliance on the promise of
giving them half of the produce of Khaybar permanently.
Banu Asad, a tribe already in alliance with the Jews, were
also invited to join them. The people of the Banu Sulaym
tribe were relatives of the Quraysh, and so they agreed to
support them too. The Banu S’ad tribe was an ally of the
Sunan Abi Dawood, Bab fi Khaybar Bani An-Nazeer.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 190.
Musannif ‘Abdur Razzaqque, 5: 358, Ibn Hisham, 2: 191-92.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Jews. The Jews also persuaded them to support them. Thus a
huge military alliance was formed, and an army of more
than 10,000 soldiers advanced toward Madinah.266
Hearing the news, the Prophet (pbuh) called his
Companions for consultation. Hazrat Salman Farsi® was
from Persia and was acquainted with the device of digging
a trench around a town to fight a war from the safe
precincts. He argued that under the present circumstances
it was unsafe to meet the attacking army in the open field
and suggested that the Muslims should gather all their
military might at a safe place and dig a trench around it.
All the people liked this suggestion and so preparations
for digging a trench around Madinah started.
There were houses and date groves (Nakhlistan) on the
three sides of Madinah which provided natural protection
to the city. Only one side, the Shami side, was open and
exposed. The Prophet (pbuh) decided to dig a trench there
with the help of 3,000 Companions and started the work
on the 8th Zulqa’da of the fifth Hijri. He himself marked
the land and gave to each group of ten persons a piece of
ten yards to work on. The trench was to be five yards
deep. The work was completed in six days.267
When the Masjide Nabawi was being constructed, the
Prophet (pbuh) had worked as a laborer. Now, again, he
was digging a trench with his Companions. Those were
the nights of winter and they had been starving for three
days. But the Muhajireen and the Ansar lifted buckets of
soil on their back and sang in enthusiasm:
3;' 2T; NI"e # 3
!/; /= C
We have pledged a solemn covenant at the hands of
Muhammad, To remain steadfast in Islam forever.
Fathul Bari, 7: 393, Ibn Hisham, 2: 214.
Fathul Bari, 7: 393-94, Ibn Hisham 2: 216-17.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) was also lifting the soil with his
Companions. Dust had settled down on his belly, and the
following verses were on his lips:
4 2@DV^
% 4 2/ 1> 4 ! 2D 4 B@ r ND@ 7 a
)’ 2# 3?2A" (.Cp9
2;' 3?21 9 ‹' W(r 2 # !š ; D $7 Br(
(By Allah! Had it not been for His favor, we would not
have received guidance,
And we would neither be paying Zakah, nor offering Salah;
O Allah! Bless us with peace of heart,
And in the encounter help us remain steadfast;
The armies have rallied against us,
If they bring trials upon us, we will oppose them.)
When the Prophet (pbuh) said the word "2 ;'"abayna, his
voice rose higher and he repeated the word twice. He also
prayed for the Ansar at this point. He also said these
SPO( +0 ( ^C7 › – ( )9
SPLX P L 4r( P L 4 Cr *+ (O Allah! There is no good except the good of the
Hereafter, Be blessed the Ansar and the
While the trench was being dug, a hard rock came in
the way. The Companions tried to break it down and
remove it, but in vain. The Prophet (pbuh) came to the
place. Although he was exhausted with the starvation of
three days, he hit the rock with his axe and the rock was
broken into pieces.269
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Khandaque.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Khandaque.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When the lines were formed, the mount of Sila’ was
taken at the back. The women were sent to the safe forts.
Salma bin Aslam was deputed with 200 Muslims to guard
so that Banu Qurayza might not attack from that side.270
The Banu Qurayza tribe of the Jews was still aloof, but
Banu Nazeer tried to influence them to side with them.
Hayyay bin Akhtab, the leader of Banu Nazeer and father
of Ummul Mo`mineen Hazrat Safiya®, himself went to
Ka’ab bin Asad, the chief of Banu Qurayza. Ka’ab
declined to meet Hayyay bin Akhtab. But Hayyay sent
him the word that he had brought with him a very large
army, consisting of men from the Quraysh, in fact, from
the whole Arabia, who was bent upon annihilating
Muhammad (pbuh). He added that such an opportunity
was not to be missed, as Islam was surely going to be
wiped out from the country forever. Ka’ab was not ready
yet and said, “I have always found Muhammad true to his
word, and to dishonor a treaty with him is not
gentlemanly.” But Hayyay somehow convinced him to
join the military alliance against the Muslims.
When the Prophet (pbuh) received the news that Banu
Qurayza had disregarded the treaty with the Muslims, he
sent S’ad bin Mu’az® and S’ad bin ‘Ubada® to verify it.
He also instructed the two Companions that if the news of
Banu Qurayza’s uprising was true, they should report him
in code words so that others did not follow and were not
disheartened. When the two Companions visited Banu
Qurayza and reminded them of the treaty, they replied,
“We do not know who Muhammad is and what treaty you
are talking about.”271
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 422.
Seerat Ibn Hisham 2: 220, 224.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The addition of the soldiers of Banu Qurayza further
increased the strength of the allied army of the
disbelievers. The army, 10,000-strong consisting of the
Quraysh, the Jews, and the Arab tribes, moved from three
sides to Madinah. The attack was so severe and massive
that the land of Madinah trembled272. This situation has
been described by the Qur`an in a picturesque way in the
following verse:
!0T0 @ aš ; ^;7V a‚z W@ r( * A0 2 E F " ' * A0 D!9 * -0 6[O W@ r(w
ym/u 43 .@ z( !0.( @z B !2f @ 8 1; M
2> C!2Jv (; B !c2J0 % P O( 2
“When they came upon you from above you and
from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and
the hearts reached to the throats, and you were
harboring doubts about Allah.
There, the
believers were tried and shaken with a mighty
shaking” [Al-Ahzab, 33: 10-11].273
There were a number of hypocrites among the Muslims
who apparently professed faith in Islam, but when faced
with the severity of season, dearth of provision,
continuous starvation for days, vigil at night, and fear of a
large enemy of the enemies, they decided to desert the
Muslims. They went to the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him
for permission to return to the city as their homes were
unsafe274. It is recorded in the Qur`an:
ymP9 4(r B /(P/ B@ r( Sq ! ;( 8 > So ! # 2%!; Br( B !0!0T/w
“And a band of them ask for permission of the
Prophet (pbuh) saying: ‘Truly, our homes lie
Seeratun Nabi, Allama Shibli Nomani, 1:423, the number of soldiers
mentioned in books of Seerah and Fathul Bari is ten thousand.
It is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that these verses were revealed about
the Battle of the Trench. Kitabul Maghazi Bab Ghazwatul Khandaque.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3:272, Seerah Ibn Hisham, 2: 222.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
open (to the enemy).’ And they lay not open. They
but wished to flee” [Al-Ahzaab, 33: 13].
But the sincerity of the Companions shone brighter in
the face of the severity of the situation275. The Qur`an
0!" C # => !0D .R 7V B !2f @ ' w
ymQ% mCœr( 4(r * > ‹ z 0!" “And when the believers saw Al-Ahzaab (the
Confederates), they said: “This is what Allah and
His Messenger (Muhammad, (pbuh)) had
promised us; and Allah and His Messenger
(Muhammad, (pbuh)) had spoken the truth. And it
only added to their Faith and their submissiveness
(to Allah)” [Al-Ahzaab, 33: 22].
Severity of Siege and Steadfastness of Muslims
The siege continued for a month, a long period full of
hardships in which the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions
suffered the pangs of starvation sometimes for three
consecutive days. Once the starving Companions bared their
bellies in restlessness to show to the Prophet (pbuh) how
they had tied a stone there to support themselves. The
Prophet (pbuh) thereupon showed them his belly where he
had tied two stones.276 The siege turned out to be long and
dangerous. At one point the Prophet (pbuh) asked his
Companions, “Who would bring to him the news of the
enemies.” He asked this question thrice and thrice came the
reply from Hazrat Zubayr® only. On this occasion the
Prophet (pbuh) gave him the title of Hawaari.277
Tafseer Qurtubi, 14: 157
Shimaele Tirmizi, Bab Ma ja` fi Ayshun Nabi.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Khandaque.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The disbelievers were not able to cross the trench and
so they contented themselves with shooting arrows and
throwing stones at the Muslims from the other side. The
Prophet (pbuh) had deputed the troops of soldiers at
different points around the trench to fight back the
enemies. One of the troops was under his command.278
In view of the severity of the siege, the Prophet
(pbuh) became worried about the endurance of the
Ansar and wanted to form a treaty with the Ghatfan
tribe to win their support for one-third of the produce of
Madinah. S’ad bin ‘Ubada® and S’ad bin Mu’az® were
called for consultation. Both of them submitted to the
Prophet (pbuh) that if this move was directed by Allah’s
command, they would surely obey it, but if it was a
personal opinion of the Prophet (pbuh), they wished to
submit that no tribe ever dared to ask them to pay this
kind of forced tax even in the days of ignorance, and
now when they were blessed with Islam, they would not
seek anybody’s help on such insulting terms. The
Prophet (pbuh) was greatly relieved to see the
steadfastness of the Ansar. S’ad® took the document of
the proposal and erased its content. He then said, “Let
them do what they can.”279
Now the enemies devised a strategy that a day was
specified for each leader of the Quraysh - Abu Sufyan,
Khalid bin Waleed, ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas, Zerar bin AlKhattab, and Hubayra - to attack Madinah with his
soldiers. As the trench was not very wide, they attacked
the Muslims from the other side with arrows and stones.280
But as this strategy did not prove fruitful, they finally
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 425.
Kashaful Astaar lil Bazaz, 1: 332, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 223.
Seerat Halabiya, 2, 636.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
decided to gather the whole army and attack Madinah
simultaneously. All the leaders were in the forefront. The
trench was less wide at a place, and so the invaders chose
it to cross over from there. The famous warriors of Arabia,
Zerar, Hubayra, Nawfal, and ‘Amr bin ‘Abdewud jumped
to the Muslim side on horseback. Out of the three, ‘Amr
bin ‘Abdewood was most famous for his valor and was
considered equal to 1,000 soldiers in the battlefield. He
was injured in the Battle of Badr and had taken an oath
that he would not put oil in his hair until he took revenge.
He was ninety years of age. He advanced and called out
according to the Arab tradition: “Who would accept my
challenge for a duel?” Hazrat ‘Ali® accepted his
challenge, but the Prophet (pbuh) warned him by saying:
“He is ‘Abdewud.” Hazrat ‘Ali sat down. He challenged
the Muslims again, and Hazrat ‘Ali® rose again to face
him in the duel. The Prophet (pbuh) said the same words
to Hazrat ‘Ali®. He sat down again, but none else stepped
forward to meet ‘Abdewud’s challenge. When he
challenged the Muslims the third time and the Prophet
(pbuh) again said to Hazrat ‘Ali, “He is ‘Amr,” he replied
that he knew it and got ready to step into the arena by
accepting his challenge. The Prophet (pbuh) permitted
him, gave him the sword, and tied the turban at his head
by his own hands.
‘Amr had announced earlier that if a person ever asked
him for three things, he would accept at least one. Hazrat
‘Ali® asked him if it was really his word, and then talked
to him as follows:
Hazrat ‘Ali®:I request you to accept Islam.
‘Amr: It is not possible.
Hazrat ‘Ali®: Abstain from fighting and return.
‘Amr: I cannot take the accusation of the Arab women.
Hazrat ‘Ali®: Fight a duel with me.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Amr laughed and said, “I never expected that anybody
under the sky would make this request to me.” Hazrat
‘Ali® was on foot, while ‘Amr was riding a horse.
Responding to his sense of valor, he came down his horse,
injured his horse’s legs, and asked ‘Ali® who he was.
Hazrat ‘Ali® told him his name. ‘Amr told him that he did
not want to fight him, but Hazrat ‘Ali® replied that he
wanted to. Highly enraged, he attacked Hazrat ’Ali®. He
took ‘Amr’s sword on his shield, but the sword cut
through it and hit him in the forehead. Although it was not
serious, the scar remained there forever. It is mentioned in
Qamoos that Hazrat ‘Ali® was called Zulqarnayn because
he had two scars on his forehead: one was of the cut of
‘Amr’s sword and the other was of the wound inflicted by
Ibn Maljam. Then Hazrat ‘Ali® attacked ‘Amr and his
sword pierced into ‘Amr’s shoulder and went very deep
into it. Hazrat “Ali® chanted the slogan Allahu Akbar and
the duel ended in victory for him.281 After ‘Amr, Zerar and
Hubayra attacked him, but they yielded under the pressure
of his assault. Hazrat ‘Umar® chased Zerar. He turned
around and wanted to hit Hazrat ‘Umar® with lance, but
withheld the weapon and said, “‘Umar! Remember this
favor of mine.” 282
Nawfal ran for life but he fell in the trench. The
Muslims started shooting arrows at him. Hazrat ‘Ali®
jumped into the trench and killed him with a sword.283
This was a very hard day for the Muslims. The battle
continued for the whole day in which the invaders shot
arrows and threw stones at the Muslims so incessantly that
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 34, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 224-25, Dalaele
Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 3: 436, 439, Seeratun Nabi, 1: 427-28.
Seearat Halabiya, 2: 644.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 3: 438; Seerat Halabiya, 2: 637.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the Muslims could not move from their positions even for
a moment. As mentioned in the Ahadeeth, this was the
day when the Prophet (pbuh) missed Salah of four
consecutive times due to the reason mentioned above.284
Bravery of Hazrat Safiya
The fort in which Muslim women were placed for safety
was adjacent to the area of Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe.
Seeing that the Muslim men were fighting on the front, the
Jews decided to attack the fort. One of them reached close
to the entrance of the fort and was looking for a suitable
place from where to attack the fort. Hazrat Safiya®
spotted him and asked Hazrat Hassaan®, the famous poet
who was deputed there to guard the fort, to kill him, so
that he did not pass any information about the fort to the
Hazrat Hassaan had developed an illness due to which
he could not face bloodshed at all. He, therefore,
expressed his inability to do so, saying that if he could
fight, he would not have been in the fort. Hazrat Safiya®
then took a wooden pole of the tent and hit the Jew in the
head which led him to bleed to death. She then instructed
Hazrat Hassaan® to go down and collect the arms and the
clothes of the dead man. Hazrat Hassaan® replied that he
did not need those things. Hazrat Safiya® then asked him
to throw his chopped-off head outside the fort toward the
Jews so that they got intimidated. Upon his reluctance, she
did this job herself. The Jews deduced (from the murder of
one of their soldiers this way) that there must be a
contingent of army inside the fort. This disheartened them
and they did not dare to attack the fort.
Sunan Nasai, Kitabus Salah.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Divine Help and End of Siege
The prolonged siege disheartened the Quraysh as well, as
it proved highly inconvenient for them to arrange for the
provision of the 10,000-strong army. Then one day an
unusually strong storm struck the invaders. As it was the
winter season, such a fierce storm was most unexpected.
The wind blew so hard that the tents were uprooted and
cooking pots of the Quraysh army were thrown off the
stove. This storm proved more damaging for the Quraysh
than the Muslim army they were fighting with. The
Qur`an also mentions this incident in the following words:
2@ " p9 ‹n !2O * A0 %[V O W@ r( * A0 # ? C( P-0 W@ !2 V /= +c/' /w
ymh^; B !0 % ;( B - > P % * m‹!2O m†( * +( #
“O you who believe! Remember Allah’s Favor to
you, when there came against you hosts, and We
sent against them a wind and forces that you saw
not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of AlAhzaab (the Confederates). And Allah is Ever AllSeer of what you do” [Al-Ahzaab, 33: 9].
Nu’aym bin Mas’ud Thaqafi was a chief of the Ghatfan
tribe and was respected equally by the Quraysh and the
Jews. He had already entered into Islam, but the disbelievers
had no knowledge about it. He met the Quraysh and the
Jews separately and talked with each of them in such a way
that they became suspicious of each other.285 This created a
rift between the Quraysh and the Jews.
The severity of the season, the long and tiring duration
of the siege, the rage of the storm, the dearth of provision,
and the desertion of the Jews started telling upon the
patience and steadfastness of the Quraysh. In face of these
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 129.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
predicaments, Abu Sufyan thought it wise to end the siege
and ordered his soldiers to beat the trumpet to announce
the retreat.286 The Ghatfan tribe also returned with them.
Banu Qurayza also lifted the siege and went back to their
forts. Thus peace returned in and around Madinah after
the turbulence of twenty to twenty-two days:
yH 1T@ 5
2(f @ F- Pm L !02/ * * +( Jš ;( PF - /= ‹ w
“And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in
their rage: they gained no advantage (booty).
Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by
sending against the disbelievers a severe wind
and troops of angels)” [Al- Ahzaab, 33: 25].
In this encounter the Muslims did not suffer much in
terms of life, but the Ansar lost their best soldier, Hazrat
S’ad bin Mu’az®, the chief of the Aws tribe. He was
injured in the battle and succumbed to his injuries. His is a
very touching story.
Mother Encourages Her Son for Jihad and Martyrdon
Hazrat Aisha® and the mother of S’ad bin Mu’az® were
placed in the same fort at the time of the battle. Hazrat
Aisha® narrates that she was walking outside the fort when
she heard footsteps behind. When she turned around, she
saw Hazrat S’ad® proceeding hurriedly toward the
battlefield while he was also reciting the verse aloud:
H@ . C j
! W(r j! @; }
@ ;( 4
E@ O  + @ –( / I
3 D :
@ )
(Wait for a little while and let one more soldier join
the battle, When the time has approached, why to
fear death?)
Upon hearing the voice of S’ad, his mother invoked him,
“Move faster, son, you are late.” S’ad’s armor was small
for his size and thus his hands remained uncovered.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 232.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Hazrat Aisha® told S’ad’s mother, “I wish S’ad’s armor
were fit for his size to cover his body fully.” By chance
Ibnul ‘Araqa shot an arrow at his exposed hand which cut
one of the main veins.287 When the battle was over, the
Prophet (pbuh) pitched a tent for him in the Masjide
Nabawi and his treatment began. Rufayda, a lady
participating in the battle, used to keep medicines with her
with which she treated the injured. This tent was hers and
she supervised the treatment of Hazrat S’ad®. The
Prophet (pbuh) himself treated Hazrat S’ad’s wound in a
traditional way, but the wound swelled again. The Prophet
(pbuh) repeated the treatment, but it did not help. After a
few days, the wound opened again and S’ad® died.288
The Zatur Reqa’ Encounter
After the Battle of the Trench, the Prophet (pbuh)
advanced toward Najd with 400 Companions to launch an
attack on the Ghatfan tribe. In this journey the feet of the
Companions were injured so badly that they had to tie
pieces of cloth over their feet to be able to walk. That is
why this expedition is called the Battle of Zatur
Riqa’.289After this encounter, an incident occurred which
has occupied a prominent place in Islamic history. Two
Companions, ‘Abbad bin Bishr® and ‘Ammaar bin
Yasir®, were deputed to guard a post. Hazrat ‘Ammaar®
was taking rest, while Hazrat ‘Abbad® was offering
Salah. An enemy shot an arrow at ‘abbad and hit him. He
pulled out the arrow from his body and continued his
Salah. He was hit with three arrows one after another, but
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 226-27, Dalaelun
Nabuwwah, 3: 440-41.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Fathul Bari, 7: 412.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Ghazwae Zatur Riqa’.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
he did not discontinue his Salah and woke up Hazrat
‘Ammaar only when he completed it. When Hazrat
‘Ammaar expressed his surprise at the incident and asked
him why he did not wake him up earlier, Hazrat ‘Abbad®
replied, “I was reciting a Surah (chapter) from the Qur`an
in Salah and did not want to leave it incomplete.”290
The Banu Qurayza Encounter
At the beginning of his stay at Madinah, the Prophet
(pbuh) had entered into a treaty with the Jews, according
to which they were granted protection of life, property,
and religion. But, under the threat of the Quraysh, they
turned rebellious against the Muslims. The Prophet (pbuh)
tried to renew the treaty with the Jews, but Banu Nazeer, a
Jewish tribe, refused and was exiled. Banu Qurayza,
another Jewish tribe, entered into a treaty with the Prophet
(pbuh) again and was granted peace on the same terms. A
tradition is recorded in Saheeh Muslim:
‫ ﷺ‬H !" !; R ? J /P D0 h
( 2 8(2; ‹ !+/ B' P # ( ; ( # "
"* +( # ? J /P D0 PD ' h
( 2 8(2; *" # H0 !" O p9
“It is related on the authority of Hazrat ‘Abdullah
bin ‘Umar® that the people of Banu Nazeer and
Banu Qurayza fought against the Prophet (pbuh),
after which the Banu Nazeer tribe was exiled
while the Banu Qurayza tribe was allowed to stay
and was treated kindly.”291
After the exile, the chiefs of Banu Nazeer, Huyyay bin
Akhtab, Abu Rafe’, and Salaam bin Abil Huqayq had
settled down in Khaybar and had established a state there.
The Battle of Ahzab was a result of their mischievous
Musnad Ahmad, 3: 344, Sunan Abu Dawood, Kitabut Tahara,
Babul Wudhu minaddam.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
efforts. They made a tour all over the country, raised the
Arab tribes against the Muslims and attacked Madinah
with the Quraysh. The Banu Qurayza tribe honored the
treaty until then. But Huyyay bin Akhtab influenced them
to change sides and gave them his word that if the
Quraysh backed out in the fight against the Muslims, he
would move from Khaybar and live for the rest of life
with Banu Qurayza. He kept his word. After the defeat in
the Battle of Ahzab, Banu Qurayza retreated with Huyyay
bin Akhtab, who was the bitterest enemy of Islam.
Now it became necessary for the Prophet (pbuh) to
address to the danger of Banu Qurayza’s insurgence. He
moved to Banu Qurayza as soon as the Battle of Ahzab
was over. Had the people of Banu Qurayza showed an
inclination toward peace, a new treaty could have been
formed. But they turned rebellious and when Hazrat ‘Ali
reached close to their forts, they started hurling abuses on
the Prophet (pbuh) and calling him names. The Muslims
laid siege of their forts which continued for a month. Then
Banu Qurayza wished to take S’ad bin Mu’az® as
arbitrator and declared that they would honor his decision,
whatsoever. Hazrat S’ad bin Mu’az’s tribe Aws was an
ally of the Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza. Such a tribal
alliance was considered more respectful than even the
bond of blood. The Prophet (pbuh) accepted S’ad as the
arbitrator between the Jews and the Muslims.292
The Prophet (pbuh) used to follow the commandments
of the Torah, if an instruction about a particular situation
was not revealed in the Qur`an until then. The matters
relating to the Qibla, Salah, Stoning of the sinful (Rajam),
and retribution (Qasaas) are such examples in which the
instructions of the Torah were followed until
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
commandments were revealed in the Qur`an relating to
these matters. In the arbitration mentioned above, S’ad bin
Mu’az® also followed the commandment of the Jewish
book, the Torah, that the fighters be killed, children be
taken as captives, and property be confiscated.293
It is related in Ahadeeth (Traditions) that when Hazrat
S’ad bin Mu’az announced his decision, the Prophet
(pbuh) said, “You made a decision in keeping with the
divine commandments,” which referred to the same
commandment in the Torah. The comments that the Jews
made after hearing Hazrat S’ad’s decision also show that
in their opinion that decision was based on a divine
command in their religious book.
When Huyyay bin Akhtab was about to be put to death,
he looked toward the Prophet (pbuh) and said,
"H( =0 ˆ
/ H( =0 ˆ
/ 2A M%# 89 8QF@ C a
0 '"
“By God! I am not sorry that I nurtured hatred
for you, but, as it goes, God forsakes the person
who forsakes God.”
Then he turned toward the people around and said,
"E {P" r 8(2; # +)1- ?o @ n D n 1- P( p;( }
p@; 4 Cr }2 +c/'"
“O people! There is nothing wrong in obeying the
commandments of God, but this was a divine
decree ordained, a punishment that the Bani
Israil was destined to bear.”294
This has to be remembered that Huyyay bin Akhtab had
promised on oath in the name of God at the time of his exile
to Khaybar that he would not extend any help to an enemy of
the Prophet (pbuh), but he disregarded that oath and promise.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad, Bab Jawazul Qital fi Naqdh Al-Ahd. For
reference to the Torah, see Seeratun Nabi by Shibli N’omani, vol 1, p. 435.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 241.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Najd Expedition and Hazrat Thumama’s
Acceptance of Islam
The Prophet (pbuh) had dispatched a group of soldiers
toward Najd, who, while returning, arrested Thumama bin
Athaal and brought him to Madinah. They tied him to a
pole in Masjide Nabawi. When the Prophet (pbuh) came
there, he inquired, “Thumama! How are you?” He replied,
“I am well. If you give orders for me to be put to death, it
will be a (just) decree for a murderer. But if you show
mercy to me, you will find me grateful. If, however, you
want money, tell me how much it is.” The second day also
the Prophet (pbuh) asked Thumama the same question. He
replied, “I have told you that if you show mercy, you will
find me grateful.” The Prophet (pbuh) asked the same
question to him the third day and he gave him the same
reply. The Prophet (pbuh) ordered the Muslims to release
him. Thumama went to a nearby date orchard, took a bath
there, returned to Masjide Nabawi and professed Islam.
After it he said, “O Prophet of Allah! By God, I hated you
most in the world, but now you look dearest to me. By
God, I hated your city most in the world, but now it is
dearest to me. By God, I hated your religion most, but now
it is dearest to me.” He also added, “I was going to Makkah
for ‘Umrah, but I was arrested in the way. Now what
should I do about my ‘Umrah? The Prophet (pbuh)
congratulated him for entering into Islam and gave him
permission to continue his journey and perform ‘Umrah.
When Hazrat Thumama® reached Makkah, a person
asked him, “Did you become a Sabi? He replied, “No, I
have professed faith in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and
have accepted Islam. Now, bear in mind that not a grain of
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
wheat will reach you from Yamama without the consent
of the Prophet (pbuh).”295
When Hazrat Thumama® went back to his country
Yamama, he stopped the supply of grains from there to
Makkah. This was a severe blow to Makkans and they
found no other way to restore the supply of grains but to
request the Prophet (pbuh) to intervene. Upon their
request, the Prophet (pbuh) wrote to Thumama® to lift the
blockade and let the grains come to Makkah as before.296
Those days the people of Makkah were the deadliest
enemies of the Prophet (pbuh). This event shows that
when he forgave Thumama who considered himself liable
to the punishment of death due to a past sin, it came to the
fore how kind the Prophet (pbuh) actually was.
Thumama® who hated the Prophet (pbuh) and everything
associated with him, accepted Islam on his own in just
three days. Also, the Prophet (pbuh) saw to it that the
blockade to the supply of grains to the Makkans was
lifted, although they had left no stone unturned in
opposing Islam and had fought fierce battles to destroy the
Prophet (pbuh) and his followers.
The Hudaybiya Peace Treaty
In the year sixth Hijri the Prophet (pbuh) told the Muslims
about a dream in which he had seen that he was
performing Tawaaf (circumambulation of the K’aba) in
Makkah with his Companions. Hearing it, the eagerness to
perform ‘Umrah was aroused in the hearts of the Muslims
and made them restless. They persuaded the Prophet
(pbuh) to perform ‘Umrah that very year.297
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar. Sahih Al-Bukhari also
records this incident in a short form.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 4: 80.
Seerah Halabiya, 2: 688.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
As the Muhajireen in general and most of the Ansar
were eager to perform ‘Umrah, 1,400 persons became
ready to accompany the Prophet (pbuh). They performed
the rituals for the commencement of the ‘Umrah at Zul
Hulayfa. The camels, which were taken along for
sacrifice, were earmarked by putting the iron ring in their
necks.298 For security reasons, a new Muslim from the
Khuza’a tribe, whose acceptance of Islam was not yet
known to the Quraysh, was sent ahead to find out about
the reaction of the Quraysh (to the Muslims’ plan to visit
Makkah). When the Prophet (pbuh) reached close to
‘Usfaan, the informant brought news that the Quraysh had
gathered all the tribes around and declared that they would
in no condition allow the Muslims to enter Makkah.299
The Quraysh started making preparations on a large
scale to fight against the Muslims. They called different
tribes to join them with as large an army as they could
arrange. The armies assembled outside Makkah at a place
called Baldah. Khalid bin Waleed, who had not accepted
Islam yet, advanced with 200 soldiers as a front unit of
the army and reached Ghumaym, which fell between
Rabegh and Juhfa. ‘Ikrama, son of Abu Jahl, was also
with him.300 The Prophet (pbuh) evaded a direct
confrontation with Khalid bin Waleed and changed his
route, moving forward by taking a path on the right and
reached Ghumaym. Khalid knew about it only after the
prophet’s arrival there and informed the Quraysh about
the situation as quickly as possible.
The Prophet (pbuh) kept on advancing and reached
Hudaybiya. There they faced shortage of water. There was
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatul Hudaybiya.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatul Hudaybiya.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 449.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
only one well there, which dried as soon as the Muslims
started drawing water from it. But due to the blessings of
the Prophet (pbuh) the well was filled with sufficient
water again.301
The people of the Khuza’a tribe had not accepted Islam
yet, but they were an ally of Muslims and used to inform
the Prophet (pbuh) about the plans of the Quraysh and
other disbelievers against him. When the chief of the tribe
Budayl bin Warqa` (who accepted Islam at the time of the
conquest of Makkah) came to know about the Prophet’s
arrival at Hudaybiya, he came to meet him with a few
trusted men and informed him that a huge army of the
Quraysh was determined to stop the Muslims from
entering Makkah. The Prophet (pbuh) told him to go to the
Quraysh and tell them that he had come to perform
‘Umrah, not to fight against them. He added, “The
Quraysh are badly shattered due to the battles and have
suffered serious loss. It is better for them to enter into a
peace treaty with the Muslims for a fixed period of time
and leave me in the hands of the Arabs to deal with me.
But if they do not agree, I will, by God Who controls my
life, fight against them until my throat is slit, and then
whatever God wishes to occur takes place.”
Budayl went to the Quraysh and said: “I have brought a
message from Muhammad (pbuh) and wish to convey it to
you, if you permit.” Some troublemakers replied, “We do
not have to listen to his message.” But the sane persons
from them allowed Budayl to speak. He conveyed the
conditions of the Prophet (pbuh). ‘Urwa bin Mas’ud
Thaqafi rose from his seat and thus addressed the
Quraysh, “Am I not a father figure for you, and are you
not like my children?” All of them replied in the
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatul Hudaybiya.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
affirmative. ‘Urwa asked them again, “Do you have any
doubt about my integrity?” All of them replied in the
negative. He then told them, “Then allow me to go to
Muhammad (pbuh) and settle the dispute with him. He has
offered sensible terms and conditions.” ‘Urwa thus went
to the Prophet (pbuh), presented himself as a
representative of the Quraysh, and said, “Muhammad!
Suppose you vanquished the Quraysh, but then has there
ever been any other person who thus destroyed his own
people? But if the battle goes against you, the crowd that
is around you will disappear like dust.” Abu Bakr was so
much enraged at the later part of ‘Urea’s remark that he
used an abusive word against ‘Urwa and said, “Shall we
desert the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?” ‘Urwa inquired
about the identity of the person who cursed him so rudely.
Learning from the Prophet (pbuh) that he was Hazrat Abu
Bakr, ‘Urwa commented, “I would have paid him back for
his harsh word, but I owe him a favor that I have not been
able to repay yet.”302
As is customary in the Arab culture, ‘Urwa was
frequently touching the beard of the Prophet (pbuh) to
express his intimacy to him. Mugheera bin Sho’ba®,
who was standing behind the Prophet (pbuh), considered
‘Urwa’s frankness an immodesty and rebuked him
harshly, “Move your hand, or you will never be able to
take it back.” ‘Urwa recognized Mugheera and said, “O
the deceitful! Am I still not helping you for a
mischievous deed of yours.” This referred to an incident
in which Mugheera had killed a few persons before
accepting Islam for whom ‘Urwa was paying the blood
money to the claimants.303
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The instances of the Companions’ excessive love for
the Prophet (pbuh) that ‘Urwa witnessed impressed him
very much. After returning, he told the Quraysh, “I have
seen the courts of Qaysar, the ruler of the Roman Empire,
Kisra, the ruler of the Persian Empire, and Najjaashi, the
ruler of Habsha (Abyssinia), but I have not seen anywhere
such love and devotion that I witnessed in Muhammad’s
companions with which they lavish him. When
Muhammad (pbuh) speaks, all around him keep quiet.
None dares to look at him with full gaze. When he makes
Wudhu (ablution), his followers rush to take the used
water in their hands. When he spits, they take it in their
hands and rub it over their faces and hands.”304
As the talk had remained inconclusive, the Prophet
(pbuh) sent Khiraash bin Umayya to the Quraysh to
pursue it further. But the Quraysh killed Khiraash’s camel,
which belonged to the Prophet (pbuh), and were about to
make an assault on his life, but the allies of his tribe
intervened and protected him. He somehow managed to
return safely.305
Now the Quraysh sent a troop of soldiers to attack the
Muslims, but all the soldiers were taken prisoners. Although
it was a serious offence, the Prophet (pbuh) treated them
with magnanimity and freed them all.306 This incident has a
reference in the following verse of the Qur`an:
y* +( # * -0 P F @ ' B@ ' ; ? A ( ‡@ );( * + 2# * A0 //' * A0 2# * + //' |- <= ! > w
“And He it is Who has withheld their hands from
you and your hands from them in the midst of
Makkah, after He had made you victorious over
them” [Al-Fath, 48: 24].
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Musnad Ahmad, 4: 324, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 314-15.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Ridwan Pledge (Bay’ate Ridwan)
The Prophet (pbuh) wished to continue the peace talk. He
selected Hazrat ‘Umar® as emissary, but ‘Umar® wished
to be excused, as the Quraysh were his bitter enemies and
there was not a single person from his tribe in Makkah
who could protect him. The Prophet (pbuh) sent Hazrat
‘Uthman® to the Quraysh. He went to Makkah under the
formal protection of Abaan bin Sa’eed, a relative, and
conveyed the Prophet’s message to the Quraysh. They
captured him and confined him to a place. But a rumor
spread that he was slain307. When the Prophet (pbuh)
heard about it, he was deeply hurt and announced in
resoluteness, “Now it is incumbent upon us to avenge the
murder of ‘Uthman.” Saying this, he took a seat under a
Babool (acacia) tree and called the Companions to take an
oath of allegiance to fight until death. They took the oath
at his hands with exemplary enthusiasm, both men and
women. This pledge, known as Bay’ate Ridwan, is of
great importance in the history of Islam. This incident and
the concerned tree are mentioned in the Qur`an in the
following verse:
* +( ;(!0D0 89 * 9 SPi a
% M
C!/()/ W@ r( 52f ( # 8 G T w
y3)/(PD 319 * + ;’' * +( # ? 2AQ H . Cp9
“Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when
they gave the Bai’ah (pledge) to you (O Muhammad)
under the tree: He knew what was in their hearts,
and He sent down As-Sakinah (calmness and
tranquility) upon them, and He rewarded them with
a near victory” [Al-Fath, 48: 18].
It was learned later that the news about the death of
Hazrat ‘Uthman® was not true.308
Musnad Ahmad, 4: 324, Seerah Ibn Hisham, 2: 314-315
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 315-16.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Draft of the Peace Treaty
The Quraysh sent Suhayl bin ‘Amr as their emissary to the
Prophet (pbuh). He was a great orator and had won the
title of Khateebe Quraysh309 (Orator of the Quraysh). The
Quraysh gave him the guideline that a peace talk was
possible only if the Prophet (pbuh) returned to Makkah
that year without insisting on performing the ‘Umrah.
Suhayl met the Prophet (pbuh) and discussed the terms
and conditions of the Peace Traety for quite a long time.
At last, both parties reached an agreement on some points.
The Prophet (pbuh) asked Hazrat ‘Ali® to write down the
draft of the treaty. He wrote at the beginning of the draft
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
"*( RP ( R P *( Q
(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful).
As the Arabs used to write on such occasions
Bismika Allahumma
"*+ Mž ;"
not the words that Hazrat ‘Ali had written, Suhayl said
that the words used traditionally should be written. The
Prophet (pbuh) agreed. The next sentence was, “This is a
treaty that Muhammad, the Prophet (pbuh) of Allah,
approved.” Suhayl objected to the words “the Prophet
(pbuh) of Allah” and said, “If we had accepted you as
Prophet of Allah, what was the point of disagreement?
Only yours and your father’s name should be written
here.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Although you deny,
by God I am His prophet.” He then asked Hazrat ‘Ali® to
write only his name in the draft. Who could have been
more obedient to the Prophet (pbuh) than ‘Ali®? But out
of respect for the Prophet (pbuh) and conviction of the
truthfulness of his mission, he declined to erase the words,
Zarqani, 2: 223
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“the Prophet (pbuh) of Allah” from the draft. The Prophet
(pbuh) asked him to show the place where the words in
question were written and he himself erased them.
The terms of the Treaty were as follows:
1. The Muslims will go back that year.
2. They will come to Makkah to perform ‘Umrah next
year and return after three days of stay.
3. When they come next year, they will not be wearing
arms. They could bring only their swords, which
should be properly sheathed, and even a sheathed
sword should be in a Jalbaan (a sack or the like).
4. They will not take with them any Muslim living in
Makkah, and will not oppose if a Muslim who
comes with them wants to stay in Makkah.
5. If a disbeliever or a Muslim escapes to Madinah, he
will be returned to the disbelievers. But if a Muslim
runs away to Makkah, he will not be returned to the
6. The Arab tribes will be free to enter into a treaty
with any of the two parties they like.310
A Trial for Muslims
Apparently, these conditions were against the Muslims.
Also, it so happened that when the draft was being
written, Suhayl’s son Abu Jundal, who had accepted Islam
and was undergoing persecution in Makkah, escaped from
his confinement and arrived on the scene in chains.
Exhausted, he fell down in front of the Muslims. Suhayl
told the Prophet (pbuh), “Muhammad (pbuh)! This is the
first step for you to comply with the terms of the treaty.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad,
Sahih Muslims, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Sulh Hudaybiya.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Return him (Abu Jundal) to me.” The Prophet (pbuh)
replied, “But the draft of the treaty is not yet written.”
Suhayl said, “Then the peace treaty is not acceptable to
us.” The Prophet (pbuh) then requested Suhayl to leave
Abu Jundal there (instead of taking him to Makkah), but
he did not agree. The Prophet (pbuh) put this request to
him several times, but Suhayl refused. At last the Prophet
(pbuh) agreed to let Suhayl take Abu Jundal with him.
Abu Jundal was beaten severely in Makkah for accepting
Islam. He showed the wounds to the Muslims and said, “O
brothers in Islam! Do you want to send me back to the
same situation? I have accepted Islam. Do you want to
hand me over to the disbelievers again?”
His words and his miserable condition made the
Muslims restless. Hazrat ‘Umar® could not control
himself and, presenting himself to the Prophet (pbuh),
said. “O Prophet Of Allah! Are you not the true
Messenger?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied in the
affirmative. ‘Umar® asked him again, “Do we not hold
the truth?” The Prophet (pbuh) again replied in the
affirmative. ‘Umar® asked again, “Then why should we
accept this disgrace?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied to him,
“I am a Messenger of Allah and cannot disobey His
command. Allah will help me.” Hazrat ‘Umar asked
again, “Did you not say that we will perform the Tawaaf
of K’aba?” He replied, “Yes, but did I say that we will do
it this very year?” Hazrat ‘Umar® then went to Hazrat
Abu Bakr® and repeated the same questions to him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr® told him, “He is the Prophet of Allah
and in all his deeds that he does, he follows the
commandments of Allah.”
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Hazrat ‘Umar® regretted all his life that out of
impatience he had posed such questions to the Prophet
(pbuh). In penitence he offered Salah, observed fast, gave
alms, and set slaves free. Although in Saheeh Al-Bukhari
this event is mentioned in a condensed form, Ibn Ishaque
has narrated the details.311
To accept this treaty (which had terms and conditions
apparently humiliating to the Muslims) at its face value
was quite a test for the faithful Companions. Abu Jundal
was standing in chains and asking for help from Muslims
who were 1,400-strong, all charged with emotion and
ready to fight for Abu Jundal if only the Prophet (pbuh)
gave a nod. But, on the other hand, the terms of the peace
treaty were agreed upon and the principle of keeping the
word had to be adhered to. The Prophet (pbuh) looked at
Abu Jundal and said,
M Eo #O V B™(9 `
1R P )(
Hd 2 O ;' /"
"*Ÿ šC 4 Cr( m C T # D Cr( mOP ˆ
mOP 9 5
“O Abu Jundal! Keep patience and observe
restraint. Allah shall create for you and other
oppressed Muslims a way out. Now the peace
treaty is finalized and we cannot go against it.”312
The Prophet (pbuh) asked the Companions to slaughter
the sacrificial animals at Hudaybiya itself. But as they
were so disappointed (at not being able to go to Makkah),
none rose to offer the sacrifice. It is related in Saheeh AlBukhari that the Prophet (pbuh) asked the Companions
thrice, but yet none complied.313 Disappointed, the
Sahih aAl-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa AlHudaybiya, wa Kitabush Shuroot fil Jihad, Ibn Hisham, 2: 317.
Musnad Ahmad, 4: 325, Ibn Hisham, 2: 318.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghawa Al-Hudaybiya.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Prophet (pbuh) went inside his tent and complained to
Ummul Mo`mineen Hazrat Umme Salma®, his wife,
about the situation. She advised him: “Do not ask them to
do anything. Simply go out and slaughter the animals, and
get your hair shaved to come out of Ihram.” The Prophet
(pbuh) did accordingly. When the Companions were
convinced that the decision of the Prophet (pbuh) to return
from there was final, they all slaughtered their animals
and put off Ihram.314
Victory in Disguise
The Prophet (pbuh) returned to Makkah after three days.
In the way this verse was revealed to him:
ym2() m1 9 M
19 Cr(w
“Verily, We have given you (O Muhammad,
(pbuh)) a manifest victory” [Al-Fath, 48:1].
The incident that had disheartened the Muslims as defeat
was thus referred to as victory by Allah. When the Prophet
(pbuh) told Hazrat ‘Umar® about this revelation, he asked
in surprise, “Is this victory?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
“Yes.” It is related in Saheeh Muslim that Hazrat ‘Umar®
then felt consoled and satisfied.315 Later developments
revealed that it was actually so.
Until then the Muslims and the disbelievers did not
mix with each other. Now the peace treaty facilitated
social interaction among them. The disbelievers now came
to Madinah for trade and stayed there for months and dealt
with Muslims, which helped them know about Islamic
values. In addition, every Muslim was a living example of
sincerity, virtue, piety, and moral refinement. The
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Sulh Hudaybiya,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabut Tafseer, Tafseer Surah Al-Fath.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muslims who went to Makkah exhibited a high level of
refinement and excellence. This naturally attracted the
hearts of the disbelievers toward Islam.316 Historians relate
that during the Hudaybiya Peace Treaty and the Conquest
of Makkah such a large number of people accepted Islam
as was never known before.317 Hazrat Khalid® (conqueror
of Syria) and ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas® (conqueror of Egypt)
accepted Islam during this very period.318
The clause that stipulated that a Muslim escaping from
Makkah to Madinah would be returned was applicable
only to men; it did not apply to women. The following
verse was revealed later regarding such women:
* # ' > !21 9 j
q PO( + j
2f @ * -0 [V O Wr( !2 V /= +c/' /w
* + E R > 4 ( FA0 @ r( > !O( P % I9 j
q 2f > !1 # B@ ™(9 +( C(œ™(;(
Wr( > !A2% B@ ' * A0 # ¡
2O 4 !0TF C ' * > !%V + B !v/ * > 4
yP( 9!A @ *( ^
(; !0AQ
% 4 > !O'0 > !1 %V
“O you who believe! When believing women come
to you as emigrants, examine them; Allah knows
best as to their Faith, then send them not back to
the disbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) for
the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful
(husbands) for them. But give them (the
disbelievers) that (amount of money) which they
have spent [as their Mahr] to them. And there will
be no sin on you to marry them if you have paid
their Mahr to them” [Al-Mumtahanah: 10].
The Muslims who were still in Makkah and were
undergoing persecution there escaped to Madinah to come
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 309.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 4: 160.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 459.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
to freedom. First of all, ‘Utba bin Usayd (Abu Busayr®)
fled to Madinah. The Prophet (pbuh) asked him to return
to Makkah. ‘Utba® said, “Are you sending me back to the
disbelievers who force me to unbelief?” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “Allah shall devise a way out for you.”
Unwillingly, ‘Utba® returned to Makkah in the keeping of
two disbelievers, but at a place called Zul Hulayfa, he, in a
bid to secure his release, killed one of his captors while
the other escaped to Madinah and informed the Prophet
(pbuh) about the incident. Abu Busayr® also reached
there after him and submitted to the Prophet (pbuh), “You
sent me back according to the treaty. Now you do not owe
any responsibility to them (about me).” Saying these
words, he left Madinah and took refuge at a place by the
bank of the sea called ‘Ays, which is close to Zomra.
When the Muslims at Makkah came to know about this
place of refuge, they escaped from there and joined Abu
Busayr® at ‘Ays. This way they increased in number to
the extent that they started attacking the trade caravans of
the Makkans going to Syria. Whatever they took from
these caravans was the source of their sustenance.
The Quraysh were thus forced to write to the Prophet
(pbuh) that they willingly cancelled from their side the
clause of the treaty according to which the Makkan
Muslims migrating to Madinah had to be given back to the
Quraysh. Thereupon the Prophet (pbuh) wrote to Abu
Busayr® and his associates to come to Madinah.
Accordingly, they went to Madinah and settled there. Thus
the business route of the Makkans became safe again.319
Among the women, Umme Kulthoom®, who was the
daughter of ‘Oqba bin Mu’eet, a chief of Makkah, and had
accepted Islam, came to Madinah. Her brothers ‘Omara
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
and Waleed also came after her and requested the Prophet
(pbuh) to send her back with them. As this was not
mentioned in the treaty, he refused.320 The wives of some
Companions had stayed back in Makkah and refused to
accept Islam; the Companions divorced them.321
Allah called the Hudaybiya peace treaty a victory,
which turned out to be a victory of heart, not the
oppression of body. It provided for Islam a peaceful
environment to exhibit its excellence. Even the enemies
considered this treaty as victory. Khalid bin Waleed was a
distinguished leader of the unbelievers: he was the
commander of the army in the period of ignorance, savior
of the cause of the Quraysh in the Battle of Uhud, and
commander of the front battalion in Hudaybiya. But when
the peace prevailed, he, too, could not resist the call of
heart and entered into Islam.322
After the peace treaty of Hudaybiya, Hazrat Khalid®
set out to Madinah. Hazrat ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas met him in
the way and asked about his destination. Khalid replied,
“To accept Islam. How long (can I deny the call of
truth)?” ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas told him that he too was on his
way to Madinah for the same purpose. Both of them
appeared before the Prophet (pbuh) together and professed
Islam.323 Henceforth the excellence and valor that was
misused in the service of unbelief was used in the love of
Islam. When Khalid® was passing by as commander of
one of the battalions on the eve of the conquest of
Makkah, the Prophet (pbuh) inquired about his identity.
On being told that he was Khalid, he commented, “Khalid
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Hudaybiya.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabush Shuroot, Bab Al-Shuroot fil Jihad.
Seeratun Nabi, 1:473.
Al-Asaba, 1: 418
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
is the sword of Allah.” In the Battle of Moota, in which
three Muslim commanders lost their lives one after
another, he took the Muslim army out of danger. During
the caliphate, Hazrat Khalid snatched Syria from the
Romans and ‘Amr bin Al-’Aas conquered Egypt.325
Preaching Islam to Rulers
It was the 1st of Muharram in the seventh Hijri when the
Prophet (pbuh) sent letters to the rulers and kings of the time
inviting them to Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) made it sure that
the messenger sent to a country knew the language of the
land so as to be able to convey the message efficiently.326
Until then there was no personal stamp of the name of the
Prophet (pbuh). When letters were written to the kings
outside Arabia, a stamp was made. It was of silver, which
had three words – Allah, Rasool, Muhammad - written in
Arabic consecutively in three lines:327
A close look at the letters shows that the following
verse appeared in all letters sent to the Christian kings:
4 4(r ) C 4' * A0 2 ; 22 ; [¢ !" ?q - r( !% ( 1A@ E > ' / E@ D0 w
y B‹ m;; ' m ; 2
; = ˆ1/ 4 3“ u (; – P( i
“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O people of the Scripture
(Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just
between us and you, that we worship none but
Allah (Alone), and that we associate no partners
with Him, and that none of us shall take others as
lords besides Allah” [Aale-‘Imran, 3: 64].
Sunan Tirmizi, Abwabul Manaqib.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 474.
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 23.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Libas.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
A brief description of the deputations is presented
Letter to Najjaashi, Ruler of Habsha (Abyssinia)
As-ham bin Abjar, known as Najjaashi, the ruler of
Habsha, was a Christian. ‘Amr bin Umayya Al-Zamari was
sent to him as the Prophet’s messenger.328 A translation of
the Prophet’s letter, as it is recorded in Tareekhe Tabri, is
given below:
“In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.
This letter is from Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to
Najjaashi As-ham, King of Habsha. May you be blessed
with peace! First, I praise Allah Who is Al-Malik (the
Sovereign), Al-Quddoos (the Holy), Al-Salaam (the
Author of safety), Al-Mo`min (the Dispenser of peace),
and Al-Muhaymin (the Protector). I declare that ‘Isa bin
Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary, peace be on them), is
Allah’s creature and His word, who was sent to the pious
and chaste lady Maryam, and thus she conceived ‘Isa.
Allah created ‘Isa by His Spirit (Rooh) and Blow
(Nafakh) as He had created Adam by His Spirit (Rooh)
and Blow (Nafakh). Now I invite you to believe in Allah,
the One and the Unparallel, to spend your life in His
obedience, and to follow me and bear faith sincerely in
my teaching, as I am Allah’s messenger. I have earlier
sent my cousin Ja’far to your country. Let him live in
peace there. Najjaashi! Give up pride because I invite
you and your courtiers to Allah. I have conveyed Allah’s
message to you and have explained it to you fully. It is
proper that you accept my invitation. Blessed is he who
follows the right path.”329
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 689.
Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 131: 132, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 689.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Najjaashi accepted Islam at the invitation and wrote
back to the Prophet (pbuh) a letter which is as follows:
“In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.
To Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah
From Najjaashi As-ham bin Abjar.
O Prophet of Allah! May you be blessed with
peace, mercy and blessings of Allah -the One
beside Whom there is no deity, Who deserves
worship and Who has guided me to Islam. Now I
wish to submit that I received your letter.
Whatever you have written about ‘Isa
(Alayhisalaam), by the God of the earth and the
sky, he is no more than that in any way. We have
learned your teachings well. Your cousin is
comfortable here. I bear testimony that you are a
Prophet of Allah, one who is truthful and supports
and manifests the truth of the righteous. I offer an
oath of allegiance to you. I have taken an oath for
the obedience of Allah at the hands of your cousin
and am sending my son Arha to meet you. And I
am responsible for myself only. If you call me, I
will surely come to meet you because I believe
that whatever you say is true. O Prophet of Allah,
on you be peace!”
Letter to the King of Bahrain
Munzir bin Saawi, the king of Bahrain, enjoyed the
political patronage of the ruler of Persia for paying him
the state tax (Kharaaj). ‘Ala bin Al-Hazrami was sent to
him as messenger. Munzir accepted Islam and a large
number of the residents of Bahrain also accepted Islam.
He wrote back to the Prophet (pbuh) that some of his
subjects had expressed great appreciation for Islam, some
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
others had shown dislike, while some had opposed. He
further wrote that in his country there lived the Jews and
the Magain (Majoosis) in a large number and that he
would like to be advised what to do about them. The
Prophet (pbuh) wrote him,
"? /. 
( @ 9 ?q "!  ' ?q /‹! +/ # N D ' Q
F@ 29 „
2 / "
“Those who accept the invitation (to Islam) do so
for themselves, while the others who decide to
continue in the Jewish or the Magain (Majoosi)
faith should give Jizya.”330
Letter to the King of Oman
The Prophet (pbuh) sent a letter of invitation to Islam to
Jayfar and ‘Abd, sons of Julandi, the rulers of Oman by
‘Amr bin Al-’Aas®. ‘Amr related that when he reached
Amman, he first met ‘Abd who was a chief and was more
courteous and pleasant in comparison to his brother. ‘Amr
told him that he was a messenger of the Prophet (pbuh)
sent to him and his brother. ‘Abd replied, “My brother is
older than me and is the ruler of the country. I will take
you to him, but tell me what you invite to.” ‘Amr said,
“To Allah who has no partner, with this attestation that
Muhammad (pbuh) is His bondman and prophet.” ‘Abd
asked, “‘Amr! You are son of a chief. Tell me what your
father did about it so that we follow his example.” ‘Amr
replied, “He died. He had not professed faith in the
Prophet (pbuh). I wish he had accepted Islam and affirmed
the truth of the message of the Prophet (pbuh). I also
followed my father until Allah guided me to Islam.”
Since when have you become a follower of
Muhammad (pbuh)?
‘Amr: Recently.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 693, ‘Uyunul Athar, 2: 266.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Abd: Where?
‘Amr: In the court of Najjaashi. He has also entered into
‘Abd: How did the general public react to Najjaashi’s
‘Amr: They let him continue as ruler. They also accepted
‘Abd: (in surprise) Even the Christian Bishops?
‘Amr: Yes.
‘Abd: ‘Amr, watch your words. There is nothing more
disgraceful for a person than telling a lie.
‘Amr: I did not tell a lie. Besides, it is not permissible in
Islam to tell a lie.
‘Abd: What did Heraclius (the ruler of Persia) do? Does
he know about Najjaashi’s acceptance of Islam?
‘Amr: Yes.
‘Abd: How can you say that?
‘Amr: Najjaashi used to pay subjugation tax (Kharaaj) to
Heraclius. After accepting Islam he told him that he would
not pay him even a dirham in future. His brother
complained to him that Najjaashi, an ordinary tax-paying
ruler of a state, had refused to pay tax to him and also
renounced his religion. Heraclius retorted, “So what? He
liked for himself a religion and accepted it. What should I
do? By God! If my kingship were not at stake, I would
also have done what Najjaashi did.
‘Abd: ‘Amr, what are you saying?
‘Amr: By God, I am telling you the truth.
‘Abd: Tell me what he (the Prophet, (pbuh)) commands
to do and what he forbids from.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘Amr: He commands people to obey Allah and forbids
from disobedience to Him. He forbids people from
adultery, drinking, worshipping stones, idols, and the cross.
‘Abd: How good these commandments are! I wish my
brother takes my advice and we both accept Islam by
presenting ourselves to Muhammad (pbuh). I think that if
my brother rejects this message and pursues worldly gains
only, he will do harm to his country as well.
‘Amr: If he accepts Islam, the Prophet (pbuh) will let
him rule this country. All that the Prophet (pbuh) will do
is that he will collect Sadaqa from the rich here and will
distribute it in this very country among the poor.
‘Abd: It is a good thing, but what is Sadaqa?
‘Amr bin Al-’Aas explained to him the details of Zakah.
When he mentioned that Zakah has to be paid for camels
as well, ‘Abd asked, “Is there Zakah on our animals, too?
They live on the leaves of the trees and find water
themselves to drink.” When ‘Amr confirmed that it was
so, ‘Abd commented, “I am not sure if my tribesmen who
are large in number and are scattered far and wide will
accept this tenet of Islam.”
‘Amr stayed there for a few days. ‘Abd used to report
daily to his brother about his talk with ‘Amr. One day the
king called ‘Amr. The guards disarmed him and presented
him to the king by holding him by his arms. The king
ordered his men to leave him free. He tried to take a seat,
whereupon the guards cautioned him again. The king
asked him about the purpose of his visit. ‘Amr bin ‘Aas®
presented the Prophet’s letter to him which was properly
sealed. The king read the letter, and then gave it to his
brother who also read it. ‘Amr® noticed that the brother
of the king was more kind-hearted. The king asked
‘Amr®, “How are the people of the Quraysh?” ‘Amr®
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
replied, “All have surrendered to the Prophet (pbuh),
willingly or unwillingly.” The king inquired, “Who are the
people who have joined him?” ‘Amr® replied, “They are
those who have willingly accepted Islam, have joined him
by sacrificing everything, and have accepted his message
with full understanding and judiciousness and in the light
of experience.” The king dismissed him by saying: “See
me tomorrow.” ‘Amr® saw the king’s brother the next
day. He told ‘Amr, “If his kingship is not at stake, the king
will accept Islam.”
‘Amr bin Al-’Aas® met the king again. The King
said, “I thought about the matter. If I submit to a person
whose army has not yet reached my country, I will be
considered a coward. But if, however, his army enters
this country, I will fight against him with such ferocity
that you may never have experienced before.” ‘Amr
replied to the king, “As you wish. I will then return
tomorrow.” Nevertheless, the king asked him to stay till
the next day. The following day the king sent for ‘Amr
and both the king and his brother accepted Islam. Most of
his subjects also became Muslims.331
Letter to the Rulers of Damishq (Damascus) and
Munzir bin Harith bin Abu Shimr was the ruler of
Damishq (Damascus) and governor of Shaam (Syria).
Shuja’ bin Wahab Al-Asadi was sent as messenger to him.
He was highly infuriated to read the Prophet’s letter and
said that he would himself launch an attack on Madinah.
He, however, respectfully bade farewelll to the messenger,
but he did not accept Islam.332
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 693-96, ‘Uyunul Athar, 2: 267-69.
Zaadul Ma’ad, 3: 697.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Similarly, Hawza bin ‘Ali was the ruler of Yamama
and was a follower of Christianity. Saleet bin ‘Amr® took
the letter of the Prophet (pbuh) to him. He told the
messenger that if his right (to rule) on half of Islam
(Islamic state) was duly recognized, he would become a
Muslim. He died after a few days.333
Letter to the King of Askandriya (Alexandria)
Jareeh bin Matta, popularly known as Maquqas, ruler of
Askandriya and Misr (Alexandria and Egypt), was a
Christian by faith. Haatib bin Abi Balta’a went to him as
the Prophet’s messenger. The Prophet (pbuh) had written
down in his letter that if Jareer did not accept Islam, the
sin of the unbelief of his subjects would fall on his head.
After delivering the letter, the messenger added these
words: “O King! Before you a person ruled this country
who had claimed to be the biggest god of the people (Ana
Rabbakumul A’ala). Allah heaped upon him the disgrace
of both worlds. When Allah was enraged, neither the
country of that ruler survived, nor did anything else. You
should look at such instances and take a lesson from them.
It should not be the case that others take a lesson from
your follies.”
The king replied, “We have a religion and will not
renounce it unless we find a better religion.” Hazrat
Haatib® explained to him the message of Islam in these
words: “I call you toward a religion which would suffice
you and relieve you of the need of any other religion. The
Prophet (pbuh) has invited everybody to Islam. The
Quraysh opposed his message and the Jews showed
enmity, while the Christians have remained most amicable
and appreciative. By God, as Hazrat Musa (Prophet
Moses) had foretold the arrival of Hazrat ‘Isa (Prophet
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 696, ‘Uyunul Athar, 2: 269.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Jesus), Hazrat ‘Isa had also foretold about the descent of
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). We invite you toward the
Qur`an in the same way that you invite the People of
Torah to Injeel (the New Testament). The people to whom
a Prophet is sent is considered the Ummah (followers) of
that Prophet. It is, therefore, incumbent upon you to
follow the Prophet (pbuh) in whose time you are living.
You should think that we are inviting you to the religion
of Hazrat ‘Isa Maseeh.”
Maquqas, the king, told him: “I thought about this
Prophet, but I did not find any inclination toward him,
although he does not forbid people from anything that is
pleasing in life. I know that he is neither a magician
(Sahir) who hurts, nor a soothsayer (Kahin) who tells lies.
In fact, there are signs of prophethood in him. Anyway, I
will give this matter some more thought.” He put the letter
of the Prophet (pbuh) in an ivory box, sealed it properly,
and kept it in the treasury. To the Prophet (pbuh) he sent
presents and wrote that he knew that the time of the
descent of a prophet was near, but he was of the opinion
that that prophet would be born in Shaam (Syria). It was
he who had sent the famous mule Duldul to the Prophet
(pbuh) as present.334
Letter to Heraclius, King of Qustuntuniya (Constantinople)
Heraclius, the king of Qustuntuniya (Constantinople) or
the eastern part of the Roman Empire, was a Christian.
Hazrat Dehya bin Khalifa Al-Kalbi® had carried the
letter of the Prophet (pbuh) to him. He met the king at
Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem). The King held a special and
elegant court for the messenger and asked many
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 691, Nasbur Rayah, 4: 421-22, ‘Uyunul Athar, 2:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
questions about the Prophet (pbuh). He then also
considered it necessary to investigate the matter further.
For that purpose he asked his officials to present before
him an Arab who was present in his country at that time.
By chance Abu Sufyan was in Syria at that time with a
group of traders. He was taken to Baitul Maqdis and
presented before the king. Qaysar (Caesar) told the
associates of Abu Sufyan that he would ask some
questions to Abu Sufyan and that if he answered any
question wrongly, they should tell him so. Those days
Abu Sufyan was a very bitter enemy of the Prophet
(pbuh). He himself narrated later that if he had not feared
that his associates would expose him, he would have told
lies, but under circumstances he had to speak the truth.
The dialogue that went on between the two is recorded in
history as follows:
Qaysar: How is the lineage of Muhammad (pbuh)?
Abu Sufyan: Honorable and well reputed.
Qaysar commented, “It is true that a prophet comes from a
noble family so that people do not shy away from
following him.”
Qaysar: Did any one else claim to be a prophet before
him in Arabia?
Abu Sufyan: No.
Qaysar commented again: “If it were so, I would have
thought that he was simply imitating him.”
Qaysar: Did he tell lies before? Was he ever accused of
telling a lie?
Abu Sufyan: No.
Qaysar commented: “It is not possible that a person who
did not ever tell a lie about the people, tells a lie about
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Qaysar: Had there been any ruler in his family?
Abu Sufyan: No.
Qaysar commented: “Had this been the case, I would have
thought that by claiming prophethood he intends to
acquire the lost glory of his forefathers.”
Qaysar: Are there more of the poor and the humble
among his followers or the chiefs and the strong?
Abu Sufyan: The poor and the humble.
Qaysar commented: “The initial followers of a prophet are
usually the poor and the resourceless persons.”
Qaysar: Are his followers increasing in number or
Abu Sufyan: They are on the increase.
Qaysar commented: “This is a sign of the true Faith
(Iman) that it grows slowly and ultimately reaches its
Qaysar: Did any of his followers renege his religion?
Abu Sufyan: No.
Qaysar commented: “This is the effect of the sweetness of
Faith (Iman) that when it occupies one’s heart and
permeates one’s soul, it does not leave him.”
Qaysar: Does he sometimes dishonor his covenant?
Abu Sufyan: No. This year we have entered into a treaty
with him and we have yet to see how it fares.
Abu Sufyan said later that here only he was about to add a
sentence from his side. But Qaysar did not pay attention to
it and commented, “Indeed a Prophet does not violate a
covenant. This is the practice of worldly people. The
Prophets are not the seekers of the world.”
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Qaysar: Did you fight a battle with him?
Abu Sufyan: Yes.
Qaysar: What was the result?
Abu Sufyan: Sometimes he won (in Badr) and sometimes
we did (in Uhud).
Qaysar commented, “This is what happens to God’s
prophets, but at the end God’s help and victory come to
Qaysar: What does he teach?
Abu Sufyan: To worship one God, to renounce
worshipping idols that our forefathers practiced, to
perform Salah, to observe fast, to adopt truthfulness and
piety, and to treat relatives with kindness.”
Qaysar commented: “These are the signs mentioned to us
of the Prophet (pbuh) who was to come. I felt that the time
was near for his arrival, but I did not think that he would
be born in Arabia.” He then told Abu Sufyan, “If you have
spoken the truth, then one day he will surely be the ruler
of the land where I am sitting now (Shaam and Baitul
Maqdis). I wish I would have been able to meet him and
serve him as a submissive follower.”
After this, the letter was read aloud in the court. The
courtiers made noise at it to express their resentment. Abu
Sufyan and his associates were then turned out of the
court. Abu Sufyan said later that since that day he
developed a feeling of disgrace for himself and a
conviction of the honorable future of the Prophet
Sahih aAl-Bukhari, Kitab Bada`al Wahi, Sahih Muslim, Kitabul
Jihad was Siyar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Letter to Kisra, King of Iran
Khusroe Parviz Kisra was the ruler of Iran, which
constituted half of the eastern part of the world. He was a
Zoroastrian by faith. ‘Abdullah bin Huzafa was the
Prophet’s messenger to him. The letter read as follows:
"*( RP ( R P *( Q
 £0 ƒ )% # Nn I" }( 9 *( J# P Q
- H( ! " q "
Y )# m B' M
/P( u 4 Y R V 4 4 B@ ' +( u ! " ;( B - =2 ?3 9- }
( 2 H0 ! " C' 8¤C(9 ?/# ;( – ! # ‹ ' 0! " "}
( ! 
@ * ’@ M
9 a
;' B@ 9 * Q
% * " ' , /P( 9A @ # H0 ! T @ K/ lR
“In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most
From Muhammad, the Prophet (pbuh) of Allah, to
Kisra, the chief of Faaras (Iran).
Peace on him who follows the right path, bears
faith in Allah and His Prophet, and testifies that
there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah,
and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
I invite you to the message of Allah. I am Allah’s
Prophet and have been sent to mankind to warn
all those who are still living of His
punishment, so that the ones who deny the God’s
word may not claim later that they were not
informed. Accept Islam. You will remain safe.
Otherwise, the burden of the sin of unbelief of
your Magain (Majoosi) subjects will be on you.”
Khusroe was highly enraged by reading the letter and
said in arrogance, “An ordinary subject of mine writes me
a letter and puts his name in it before mine!” He
commanded Khusroe Baazaan, his viceroy in Yemen who
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
controlled the whole Arab world, to arrest the Prophet
(pbuh) and send him to Persia. Baazaan sent a troop of
soldiers in the command of Khurr Khusra, along with a
local military officer named Baabawayh, to Madinah. He
instructed Baabawayh to try to gather full information
about the Prophet (pbuh) and take him to Khusroe. He
further instructed Baabawayh that if the Prophet (pbuh)
refused to go with him, he should return and report to him.
When these officers visited the Prophet (pbuh) in
Madinah, he asked them to see him the following day. The
next day when they appeared before the Prophet (pbuh),
he told them, “Last night Allah killed your king. Go back
and verify it.” They returned to Yemen where the news
had already reached that Khusroe’s son Sherwiya had
killed him and had ascended the throne. This made
Baazaan inquire more about the Prophet (pbuh) - his
habits, moral character, and teaching - after which he
accepted Islam and a large part of the residents of the
country also professed Islam. The Prophet’s messenger to
the court of Kisra had earlier reported that when he had
told the Prophet (pbuh) after returning from there that
Kisra had torn his letter into pieces, he had immediately
uttered the words: “He has torn asunder the document
authorizing his nation to rule the country.”336
The readers have to stop here for a while and ponder
on the situation. Is any relic of the great nation, which had
ruled the country for the last four, five thousand years,
found in the world now? This was a superpower that had
defeated the great Romans on several occasions. The
answer is, without any fear of refutation, in the negative.
Sahih Al-Bukhari records the incident of Kisra’s tearing off the
letter of the Prophet and his foretelling the end of Kisra’s rule:
Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Kitabun Nabi ila Kisra wa Qaysar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Battle of Khaybar
Khaybar was at the distance of three stopovers from
Madinah toward Syria (Shaam). It was a stronghold of the
Jews and was surrounded by strong forts.337 A short while
after his return from Hudaybiya (less than a month), the
Prophet (pbuh) received information that the Jews were
planning to launch an attack on Madinah again. They had
taken 4,000 fighters from the Banu Ghatfan tribe with
them on the promise that Banu Ghatfan would get half of
the produce of Madinah permanenetly, if it was
conquered.338 The Prophet (pbuh) raised an army and
included in it only those Companions who were with him
at Hudaybiya and were blessed with the promise of
Allah’s pleasure, as revealed in the Qur`an:
y* +( ;(!0D0 89 * 9 SP
i a
% M
C!/()/ W@ r( 5
2(f @ ( # 8 G T w
“Indeed Allah was pleased with the believers
when they gave the Bai’ah (pledge) to you (O
Muhammad, (pbuh)) under the tree: He knew
what was in their hearts” [Al-Fath, 48: 18].
And who received the glad-tidings of
y+ C0=L % SP Uw * C(š * w0 # w
Allah has promised you abundant spoils that you
will capture, and He has hastened for you this.
[Al-Fath, 48: 20]
This army consisted of 1,600 soldiers in which 200 were
The Muslim army reached near Khaybar at night and
camped in the field. It was a practice of the Prophet
Seerah Halabiya, 2: 726.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 478, reference Tareekh Al- Khamees.
Seerah Halabiya, 2: 726.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(pbuh) that he did not start a battle at night nor did he ever
launch a night attack on the enemy.340 This field fell in
between the people of Khaybar and their ally Banu
Ghatfan. So when Banu Ghatfan wanted to march toward
Khaybar to join the Jews, they found the Muslim army in
the way and preferred to return.
The Prophet (pbuh) conquered the forts of Khaybar one
after another. One of the forts was under the rule of the
famous Jewish fighter Marhab, which fell to Hazrat ‘Ali.
The details of this encounter recorded in history are as
The Muslims found this fort very difficult to conquer.
Hazrat ‘Ali’s eyes were aching those days due to some
ailment. The Prophet (pbuh) announced that next day:
"/ / # 6 „
1F@ / 0! " 6 c)/ I
3 O m ‚ ? /P ‡# 76 "
“The flag of the army would be given to a person
whom Allah and His Prophet love and who would
conquer it.”
This glad tiding was so exciting that all the brave men in
the army developed a desire to be blessed with this honor.
In the morning the Prophet (pbuh) called Hazrat ‘Ali® and
was informed that his eyes had developed some ailment.
When Hazrat ‘Ali appeared before the Prophet (pbuh), he
applied some saliva from his mouth over Hazrat ‘Ali’s
aching eyes. Hazrat ‘Ali’s eyes recovered immediately:
neither the redness of eyes remained nor the pain. The
Prophet (pbuh) then instructed him in these words, “‘Ali!
Go and fight in the path of Allah. Invite the enemies to
Islam first, and fight only when they refuse. ‘Ali! If even
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Khaybar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
one person accepts Islam at your hands, it would be better
than collecting heavy booty in the battle.”341
Hazrat ‘Ali® attacked the Fort Naa’em first. The
famous chief guarding the fort called Marhab, who used to
announce himself as equal to 1,000 fighters, came out for
a duel. He was reciting the war verses:
Eo ‡ ; ¡
( I¤Q
R P 8—C' P ) L a
# D "
—+ % a
)D@ ' ! 0 T0 @ Wr
“Khaybar knows that I am Marhab who loves to
adorn himself with arms and is known for valor
and expertise. When others lose courage, I exhibit
Hazrat ‘Aamir® bin Al-Akwa’ stepped forward to meet
his challenge. He was also reciting war verses:
P š Eo ‡ ; ¡
( I
Q -u
P # C' P ) L a
# D
“Khaybar knows that in using arms I am expert,
and as fighter, I am tough and fierce. I am
Marhab attacked him with his sword which ‘Aamir® took at
his shield and tried to hit at the lower part of Marhab’s body.
But as his sword was relatively short in size, he missed
Marhab and hit his own knee. He lost his life in the battle.
Then Hazrat ‘Ali® himself proceeded to the
battleground. He was reciting the following war verses:
Y P J 2 /(P- j
q ;‚ : -
Y R '0 ¥1" = C'
Y 2 Q E - g
( ^(; * +( 9 '0
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Khaybar,
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad, Bab Ghazwae Khaybar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“I am the one who was given the title of the
Fierce Lion by my mother. I am like the lion of the
forest and am exceedingly dreadful. I will give
away in large measure according to the measure
of my generosity.”
He attacked Marhab and killed him in one stroke. This
brought victory to the Muslims.342
When the Jews of Khaybar were making preparations
to fight against the Muslims, a black slave who was a
shepherd in the service of a Jew there, inquired the Jews
of their intent. Learning from them that they were out to
fight the person who had claimed prophethood, he
developed a desire to meet the Prophet (pbuh) and went to
see him. He asked the Prophet (pbuh) what his message
was. The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “I call people to Islam
and invite them to repose faith in the fact that there is no
deity worthy of worship except Allah and that I am a
Prophet of Allah and that you should worship none but
Allah.” The black slave inquired, “If I profess this faith
and bear faith in Allah, what shall I get?” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “If you die on this faith, you will be
rewarded with paradise.” The shepherd accepted Islam.
He then asked the Prophet (pbuh) what he should do with
the herd of goats which was in his keeping at that time and
was a trust with him. The Prophet (pbuh) advised him to
put the goats on the track and goad them toward home,
promising that he would thus be relieved of the
responsibility of trust. He did accordingly and the goats
returned to their master’s home. The owner of the herd
had no difficulty in understanding that his slave had
turned a Muslim. Then the Prophet (pbuh) gave a sermon
encouraging his Companions for Jihad. When the
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muslims and the disbelievers engaged each other in the
battle, the shepherd also fell martyr. The Muslims took his
dead body to the tent. The Prophet (pbuh) saw him and
remarked, “Allah showed great favor to this slave and
blessed him with magnificent guidance. I saw two Hoor
(female heavenly creatures) at his head side, although he
had not offered prostration even once.”343
Similarly, a person came to the Prophet (pbuh) on the
eve of the battle and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I am black
in complexion, very humble in facial features, and possess
a natural bad odor. If I fight against the Jews and am
killed, shall I go to paradise?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied
him in the affirmative. He advanced, fought, and got
killed. The Prophet (pbuh) went near his dead body and
said, “Allah made you handsome in countenance, fragrant
in odor, and rich with abundant wealth.” He then added, “I
saw that he had two wives from the Hoor.344
Before the commencement of the Battle of Khaybar, a
bedouin came to the Prophet (pbuh), accepted Islam, and
kept his company. The Prophet (pbuh) entrusted him to a
Companion to teach him Islam. After the battle, the
Prophet (pbuh) also gave him a share in the booty. At that
time he was out to graze the camels of his associates.
Upon his return, the Companions gave him his share of
booty. He appeared to the Prophet (pbuh) and inquired
what that share was for. When he was told that it was his
share in the war booty, he told the Prophet (pbuh), “I
followed you not for the booty. I did it so that an arrow
may pierce here (he pointed at his neck) and take me to
paradise.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “If you are sincere
in your intention, Allah shall make it happen to you.” The
Dalaele Nabuwwah, 4: 219, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 323.
Dalaele Nabuwwah, 4: 221, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 324.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Bedouin fell martyr in the battle of Khaybar. When his
dead body was brought to the Prophet (pbuh), he asked,
“Is he the same person?” The Companions replied in the
affirmative. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “He was sincere in
his intention and Allah blessed him with what he wished
for.” The Prophet (pbuh) enshrouded him in his long dress
for burial, kept his dead body in front of him while
offering the burial prayer (Salatul Janaza), and prayed, “O
Allah! This slave of Yours had come out in Hijrah for you
and died as martyr, and I am his witness.”345
After the conquest of Khaybar the Muslims took the
agricultural land into control. But the Jews requested that
the land be given back to them on the condition that they
would give half of the produce to the Muslims. The
Prophet (pbuh) agreed.346 At the time of the distribution of
the produce, Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha®, the
Prophet’s representative for the purpose, used to divide
the produce in two parts and give the Jews the option to
take any of the two. The Jews were surprised at this just
treatment accorded to them and remarked, “The earth and
the sky are held intact by this very kind of justice.”347 The
land of Khaybar was distributed among the Mujahideen
who participated in the battle.348
On the eve of the Battle of Khaybar, Hazrat J’afar® bin
Abi Talib, arrived from Abyssinia (Habsha) with his
associates, including Ash’ari of Yemen, who were about
fifty in all. They were riding a boat which sailed to the
coast of Yemen where they met Hazrat J’afar® and his
Sunan Nasai, 4: 60, Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 495, Dalaele
Nabuwwah, 4: 221.
Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabul Khurooj wal Imara.
Fotuhul Baldaan Balazari, p. 34.
Abu Dawood, Kitabul Khurooj wal Imara.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
associates. J’afar® told them that he was sent there by the
Prophet (pbuh) and was asked to stay there. He invited
them to stay with him. They stayed in Abyssinia with
J’afar® and traveled to Khaybar with him. When the
Prophet (pbuh) heard Hazrat J’afar’s voice, he was
overjoyed and advanced to meet him. He kissed Hazrat
J’afar’s forehead and said, “By God! I am not sure
whether Khaybar’s conquest is more pleasing to me or the
arrival of J’afar.” The Prophet (pbuh) gave shares in booty
to the new comers, too.349
On the eve of this very battle, a Jewish woman
poisoned the Prophet (pbuh). Zaynab, wife of Sallam bin
Mushkam, asked the Companions which part of the goat’s
meat the Prophet (pbuh) liked most. They told her that he
liked most the meat of the foreleg of a goat. She brought
to him a fried goat and mixed a lot of poison in the
foreleg. When he took a bite from it, Allah revealed to
him through that part of the meat itself that it contained
poison. The Prophet (pbuh) asked the Jews about it; they
accepted. They submitted that they wanted to test that if
his claim of prophethood was untrue, he would die of
poison, but that if he was a true prophet, he would not be
hurt. The woman was also brought to him who confessed
that she, in fact, intended to kill him. The Prophet (pbuh)
commented, “Allah would not have let you do so.” The
Companions sought his permission to kill the woman in
revenge, but he forbade them from it and let her go free.350
According to the Hudaybiya Treaty, the Prophet (pbuh)
was permitted to go to Makkah for ‘Umrah that year. He
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwate Khaybar,
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Fazael.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
made an announcement that all those who were with him in
the ‘Umrah trip last year should accompany him. Excepting
those who had died, all others joined him and performed
‘Umrah with him.351 One of the clauses of the treaty
required that the Muslims should not carry arms with them.
The Prophet (pbuh) honored it and left all arms at Batan or
Juj, about eight miles before Makkah. He deputed 200
soldiers to guard the arms.352 On entering Makkah, the
Prophet (pbuh) proceeded toward Al-Haram, reciting
Labbayk. ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha was holding the reins of
the Prophet’s camel and reciting the Rajz (war verses):
/(.2 % # * A0 ;P( 
C N ! @
()" # ( FA0 @ 8 2(; !vL
L # E ˆ@ E0 >@=/
T # N +@ E0 /(./ m;P G
“Disbelievers! Move out of way. If you dare to
stop us from descending, we will deal with you
with a sword and strike in such a way which will
separate the head from the bedroom and blow all
friendship to the wind.”
The Companions accompanied the Prophet (pbuh) in a
very large number. They were performing the rituals of
Hajj with enthusiasm. The people of Makkah had thought
that the hot climate of Madinah must have weakened the
Makkan emigrants there. So the Prophet (pbuh) ordered
his Companions to walk with firm steps exhibiting
strength and energy in the first three rounds of the
Tawaaf.353 This practice is called Ramal in Arabic. This
Sunnah (prophetic practice) is still observed by Muslims.
Although the Quraysh had permitted the Muslims to
come to Makkah, their presence in the city was a sight too
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab ‘Umratul Qaza`.
Seerat Ibn Katheer, 3: 429.
Sunan Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab ‘Umratul Qaza`
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
painful for the Quraysh to bear. Most of them had moved
out of the city and gone to the mountains. They came to
Hazrat ‘Ali® after three days and reminded him that,
according to the terms and conditions of the treaty, the
Prophet (pbuh) should vacate the city. As soon as Hazrat
‘Ali® told the Prophet (pbuh) about it, he set out from
Makkah the very moment.354 When he was about to leave,
Umama, the little daughter of Hazrat Hamza®, who was
still living in Makkah, came running to him and calling
him by the loving word, “Uncle.” Hazrat ‘Ali picked her
up in his arms and sought the Prophet’s permission to
raise her in his family. Hazrat J’afar® and Hazrat Zayd
bin Haritha® also put their claims for the custody of the
child. Hazrat J’afar® claimed that she was his uncle’s
daughter. Zayd claimed that she was his niece as Hamza®
was his brother in religion. Hazrat ‘Ali® claimed that she
was his cousin and had come to his lap first. The Prophet
(pbuh) gave the child to the care of Asma`® who was her
aunt and said, “The aunt is like the mother.”355
Battle of Moota
Among the letters that the Prophet (pbuh) had sent earlier
to the rulers and kings, one was sent to Shurahbeel bin
‘Amr who was the king of Basra (Hooran) and a
subordinate of Qaysar (Caesar). This Arab family had
been following Christianity for long and ruled the border
areas of Syria (Shaam). Harith bin ‘Umayr had taken the
Prophet’s letter to him. Shrurahbeel killed him. The
Prophet (pbuh) decided to avenge his murder and sent a
military dispatch consisting of 3,000 soldiers to Syria.356
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab ‘Umratul Qaza`.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab ‘Umratul Qaza`.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 381.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Zayd bin Al-Haritha, the Prophet’s slave, was in
command. The Prophet (pbuh) instructed the Muslim
army that if Zayd® was martyred, J’afar Tayyaar® should
take over, and if he was martyred too, ‘Abdullah bin
Rawaha® should be taken as the commander.357
Although this expedition was basically organized to
avenge the murder of Harith bin ‘Umayr®, the Prophet’s
messenger, but the true spirit of Islam was observed on
that occasion, too. The Prophet (pbuh) instructed the
commander to extend the message of Islam to the enemies
first, at the acceptance of which there was no need of a
battle. The Prophet (pbuh) also instructed the Muslims to
visit the site where Harith bin ‘Umayr had laid his life for
the cause of Islam. He walked with the army up to
Thanniyatul Wida’ to bid them farewelll. The
Companions supplicated loudly to Allah to bring them
back safe and successful.358
Shurahbeel got ready to fight against the Muslims with
a 100,000-strong army. Heracleus, the ruler of Rome, also
collected a large army of the Arab tribes to support
Shurahbeel and camped at a place called Ma-aab, which
was in the districts of Balqa`. Finding the army of the
enemy so large as compared to the Muslims, Hazrat
Zayd® wanted to inform the Prophet (pbuh) first and wait
for his instructions. But ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha was of the
opinion that their main objective was not victory, but
martyrdom, which could be achieved even in adverse
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maaghazi, Bab Ghazwae Moota.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 506.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 375.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Thus, this small army advanced and fell upon the
enemies as large as 100,000-strong. Hazrat Zayd®
succumbed to the injuries and received martyrdom. After
him Hazrat J’afar® took the flag in his hands. He first got
off the horse and hit the legs of his own horse with a
sword so as to deny himself a chance of leaving the
battlefield under pressure, and then fought very valiantly
until he was severely wounded. He also received
martyrdom.360 Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar® reports that
he saw the dead body of Hazrat J’afar® and found that he
had received ninety wounds of sword and spear on his
body, all of which were on the front side of his body.361
After Hazrat J’afar®, ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha took the flag
and he also fell martyr fighting valiantly. Then Hazrat
Khalid® took the command and fought with the enemies
with exceptional bravery. It is reported in Saheeh AlBukhari that eight swords broke down in his hand during
this battle.362 But this battle was between 3,000 Muslims
and 100,000 disbelievers and there was no chance for the
Muslims to win. Hazrat Khalid took the Muslim army
safely out of the battlefield.
The Prophet (pbuh) was greatly hurt at the outcome of
the battle. He loved J’afar® very much and his death was
a great bereavement to him. He went to the mosque and
sat there in sadness. A person came to him and informed
that the women of Hazrat J’afar’s family were loudly
mourning his death and were crying. The Prophet (pbuh)
asked him to tell the women not to mourn for Hazrat
J’afar loudly. The person returned and said that the
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 378.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Moota.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Moota. All
details are recorded in Ibn Hisham, 2, pp. 379-380.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
women concerned did not listen to him. The Prophet
(pbuh) asked him to go to the women again and ask them
to stop mourning aloud. The messenger returned in
helplessness and complained that he was unable to stop
them from mourning aloud. Thereupon the Prophet (pbuh)
said, “Put the dust in their mouth.” This event has been
reported by Hazrat ‘Aisha® in Saheeh Bukhari. In Saheeh
Bukhari it is also related that Hazrat ‘Aisha® told the
messenger, “By God! If you do not do so, the Prophet
(pbuh) will not get rest.”363
Conquest of Makkah
One of the clauses of the Hudaybiya Treaty ensured that
the Quraysh and the Muslims would observe full restraint
against fighting with each other for ten years, during
which the independent tribes would be free to form an
alliance with either of the parties as would suit their
interest. Accordingly, the Bani Khuza’a tribe had sided
with the Prophet (pbuh) and the Banu Bakr tribe had
formed an alliance with the Quraysh. The Quraysh
violated this clause of the treaty. It had not been even two
years from the time the treaty was signed that Banu Bakr,
the ally of the Quraysh, launched an attack on Bani
Khuza’a, the ally of the Prophet (pbuh), in which the
Quraysh helped them with the supply of arms. ‘Ikrama bin
Abu Jahl, Suhayl bin ‘Amr (who had signed the peace
treaty), Safwan bin Umayya, who were the chiefs of the
Quraysh, had also participated under cover in that attack
on Bani Khuza’a. The people of Bani Khuza’a appealed
for peace and even tried to seek shelter in the K’aba, but
they were put to death wherever they were found. When
the frightened people of Bani Khuza’a appealed to Banu
Bakr for mercy by saying,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwae Moota.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
+ M
+ "
“In the name of your God”,
the merciless invaders retorted in the words,
"N ! @ 4"
“There is no God today”364
After the incident forty members of Bani Khuza’a who
had somehow survived approached the Prophet (pbuh) and
narrated the details of their destruction. ‘Amr bin Saalim
Khuza’ai, a poet among the survivors, related the sad
details of their story in verses that have been preserved in
the books of history, some of which are translated below:
-! @ M
D U !T C #! @ – !0F L ' mi/P D0 Br
R ' !#‹ ' a
B@ ' !# z [V - 89 8 !0 O m> P( %!@(; C!1; * >
‹ # Ev D ' Hv W ' * > " m- C!01D “The Quraysh have violated the treaty with you,
They discarded the solemn terms of the Treaty;
They massacred people at Kadaa`a
They think that none would come to help us;
They are mean and are small in number,
They fell upon us in slumber and massacred us in
kneeling and prostration.”
The terms of the treaty with the Bani Khuza’a, the need
to redress the suffering of the oppressed, and the
importance of regaining the confidence of the allies
obliged the Prophet (pbuh) to take action. He proceeded to
Makkah with 10,000 Companions.365 He had covered the
distance of two stopovers when he saw Abu Sufyan bin
Al-Harith bin ‘Abdul Muttalib and ‘Abdullah bin Abu
Umayya coming toward them. These were the people who
had opposed the Prophet (pbuh) most bitterly and had left
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 390, Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 153.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghatul Fath fi Ramadan.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
no stone unturned to annihilate Islam. When the Prophet
(pbuh) saw them, he turned his face from them. Umme
Salma, the Prophet’s wife, submitted to him, “O Prophet
of Allah! Abu Sufyan is the son of your own paternal
uncle and ‘Abdullah is the son of your own paternal aunt
‘Aatika. Relatives so close should not be deprived of your
kindness.”Hazrat ‘Ali also suggested to them that they
should seek forgiveness from the Prophet (pbuh) in the
words in which the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf
(Alayhisalaam) had sought forgiveness from him. He
hoped that by his natural kindness the Prophet (pbuh)
would forgive them.
Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith and ‘Abdullah bin Abu
Umayya appeared before the Prophet (pbuh) and recited
the following Qur`anic verse that contained Hazrat
Yusuf’s brothers’ appeal for forgiveness:
“xˆ 2-0 B@ r( 2 # – P ’V T %w
“By Allah! Indeed Allah has preferred you above
us, and we certainly have been sinners.”
[Yusuf, 12: 91].
In reply the Prophet (pbuh) recited the following Qur`anic
verse which contained the grant of forgiveness from
Hazrat Yusuf to his brothers, signifying that the Prophet
(pbuh) was ready to forgive them:
RP * R ' ! > * A0 P Fš/ N ! @ * A0 # `
/(PU@ % 4w
“No reproach on you this day; may Allah forgive
you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who
show mercy” [Yusuf, 12: 92].
This show of magnanimity impressed Abu Sufyan very
much and in exultation he recited the following verses:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Eَ L jI E0 L `
š1 ?3 / E0 R' N ! / 8
Cr – P <
1> ' > '0 R 8 C(' =+ 9
0 * @ ' BP @ ‘
( @A
‹P‡ E-0 j
‹ Px ƒ 8 2(C 8 Q
F@ C P ‚ ‹> 8 C(>
“By my oath! When I used to raise the banner,
So that the army of Laat (an idol) might prevail
upon the army of Muhammad (pbuh);
I was like a hedgehog that stumbles around in the
dark night.
Now the time has come that I take guidance and
follow the straight path,
Providence, not my self, has shown me guidance,
The person who has shown me the path to God is
he whom we had discarded and deserted.”
The Prophet (pbuh) said in response, “Yes, You had
always deserted me.”366
The Prophet (pbuh) had wished that the Makkans should
not have any idea about his arrival at Makkah. That is how
it turned out to be. The Prophet (pbuh) camped outside
Makkah and asked the Muslims to burn the campfire. At
that time Sufyan bin Harb was on a round around Makkah.
He saw the large army in the light of the campfire and
confessed that he was seeing such a magnificent army and
such a huge campfire for the first time in life. Hazrat
‘Abbas® bin ‘Abdul Muttalib who had earlier immigrated
to Madinah and was in the army, recognized Abu Sufyan
by his voice. He informed Abu Sufyan that the Prophet
(pbuh) was camping there with his Companions. He added
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 401, Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 46.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
that the following day was going to be a horrible day for
the Quraysh. Then fearing that Muslims might see Abu
Sufyan and kill him, he covered him behind his dagger and
escorted him to the Prophet (pbuh).
When the Prophet (pbuh) saw Abu Sufyan, his
archenemy, he said, “Abu Sufyan! May good come to
you….Has the time not yet come when you profess that
there is no deity other than Allah?” Abu Sufyan replied,
“How humble and how merciful you are! And how much
you incline to show consideration to those in relation! By
God! I understand that if there were any deity other than
Allah, he would have helped me now.” The Prophet
(pbuh) then said, “Abu Sufyan! May you be guided by
wisdom! Has the time not yet come when you profess that
I am Allah’s Prophet?” Abu Sufyan replied, “May my
parents be a sacrifice for you! How humble, merciful, and
considerate to people in relation you are! I am still in
doubt about it.” Hazrat ‘Abbas® warned Abu Sufyan in
distress, “O you, before you are beheaded, accept Islam
and proclaim that there is no deity except Allah and that
Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah.” Hearing
these words, Abu Sufyan proclaimed faith in Islam and
became a Muslim.367
Declaration of General Amnesty
The day of the Prophet’s entrance to Makkah turned out to
be an event of such generosity and magnanimity that
everybody was forgiven, except the few who, in their own
way, insisted on refusing his mercy. He announced that all
those would be granted full protection who took refuge in
Abu Sufyan’s house, or kept the doors of their houses
closed, or took shelter in Al-Haram. He instructed the
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 402-03, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 398, 401-02.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muslim army to fight only those who opposed them. He also
instructed the Muslim army to observe full restraint in regard
to the property of the Makkans and commit no excesses.368
The Prophet (pbuh) instructed Hazrat ‘Abbas® to take
Abu Sufyan to a place from where he could have a full
view of the entrance of the Islamic army to Makkah.
(Hazrat ‘Abbas® took him to a high hill). The battalions
of the victorious Islamic army looked like the graceful and
majestic waves of a wide ocean. Different tribes were on
the move under their flags. When a tribe came close, Abu
Sufyan inquired Hazrat ‘Abbas about its identity, and, on
being informed about its name, he commented, “What do I
have to do with this tribe?”369 This went on this way till
the Prophet (pbuh) himself appeared in a battalion. This
was the battalion of the Muhajireen and the Ansar who
were so fully covered in armor that only their eyes were
exposed. It looked green. Looking at this battalion Abu
Sufyan asked in awe: “By Allah, the Author of grander!
Who are these people, ‘Abbas?” Hazrat ‘Abbas® replied,
“This is the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) with the Muhajireen
and the Ansar.” Abu Sufyan confessed, “None had ever
attained this strength and grandeur before. By God, O
Abul Fazl! How magnificent is the grandeur of your
brother’s son today!” ‘Abbas® replied, “This is the
magnificence of prophethood.”
Then Abu Sufyan announced loudly, “O people of
Quraysh! This is Muhammad (pbuh) who has come to you
with such might that you have never known before. Now,
whoever will take refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan will be
granted peace.” People retorted to him, “May Allah deal
with you! How much space is there in your house that we all
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 403.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
could take refuge in it?” Abu Sufyan then announced, “And
those who will close the doors of their houses will also be
granted peace, and those who seek refuge in Al-Haram will
be granted peace as well.” People scattered and took refuge
in their homes or in Al-Haram.370
The Victor Enters Makkah in Humility
When the Prophet (pbuh) entered Makkah on the day of
its conquest, his head was bowed down in humility so low
that it was about to touch the saddle of his camel.371 He
was reciting Surah Al-Fath of the Qur`an at that time.372
On that occasion (when the city which was considered as
the spiritual and political center of the Arab peninsula had
fallen to him), he displayed all signs of magnanimity,
humility, and servitude to Allah to the maximum. He let
Usama®, the son of his freed slave Hazrat Zayd®, ride
behind him on his camel. Although the nobles of Bani
Hashim and the Quraysh were around, none was given
this honor.373 That day when a person talked with him, he
was awed to the extent that he trembled. The Prophet
(pbuh) noticed it and assured him, “Don’t be afraid.
Relax. I am not a king. I am son of a woman from the
Quraysh who used to eat pieces of dry meat.”374
The Day of Forgiveness and Mercy, Not of Bloodshed
When S’ad bin ‘Ubada®, the commander of the battalion
of the Ansar, passed by Abu Sufyan, he said,
m / P D0 6 HW ' N ! ?0 ) A @ Ev 1Q
% N ! @ ?
@ @ N ! / N ! @ "
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 404-05, Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was
Siyar, Bab Fath Makkah.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 405, Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 50.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 50.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“Today is the day of fierceness and massacre.
Today all will be permissible in the K’aba. Today
Allah has dishonored the Quraysh.”
When the Prophet (pbuh) passed by Abu Sufyan after a
little while, Abu Sufyan complained, “O Prophet of Allah,
did you hear what S’ad said a while ago?” Upon inquiry
from the Prophet (pbuh), he related the whole incident.
The Prophet (pbuh) disliked S’ad’s words and said,
"? ) A @ 6 * ,J / mi/P D0 9 Š c./ N ! @ ?R P @ N ! / N ! @
“Today is the day of forgiveness and mercy.
Today Allah will grant honor to the Quraysh and
will increase the honor of the K’aba.”
Then the Prophet (pbuh) called S’ad, took the flag from
him, and gave it to his son Qays®.375 Granting the flag to
S’ad’s son, as the Prophet (pbuh) thought, was equal to
letting S’ad keep it. By changing the word Malhama
(massacre) with the word Marhama (mercy), and
changing Hazrat S’ad® as flag-bearer with Hazrat Qays®,
his son, the Prophet (pbuh) relieved the heart of Abu
Sufyan without hurting the feelings of Hazrat S’ad bin
‘Ubada® whose services to Islam were very precious. A
better way to maintain a balance between the two parties
could not be conceived.
On this occasion the soldiers of Khalid bin Waleed®
entered into skirmishes with the associates of Safwan bin
Umayya, ‘Ikrama bin Abu Jahl, and Suhayl bin ‘Amr, in
which about twelve disbelievers were killed. After that
they surrendered.376
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwatul Fath, Fathul
Bari, 8-9.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 408.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Removal of Idols from Al-Haram
When the Makkans settled down comfortably after the
conquest of the city, the Prophet (pbuh) went to Al-Haram
and performed Tawaaf. He had a bow in his hand. There
were 360 idols in the K’aba. He pushed the idols with the
bow one after another and recited the Qur`anic verse:
y3D!>z B - E x)@ Br( E0 x)@ K > z cK
@ [V Ow
“Truth (the Islamic Monotheism or this Qur`an or
Jihad against polytheists) has come and Baatil
(falsehood, i.e. Satan or polytheism) has
vanished. Surely, Baatil is ever bound to vanish”
[Al-Isra`, 17: 81].
The idols fell off their pedestals facedown. There were
some statues and figures inside the K’aba, which were
also destroyed by the order of the Prophet (pbuh).
After completing the Tawaaf, the Prophet (pbuh) called
‘Uthman bin Talha, the key bearer of the K’aba, took the
key from him, opened the door, and entered there. Before
his emigration to Madinah, the Prophet (pbuh) had once
asked ‘Uthman for the key of the K’aba. He had refused to
give him the key rather harshly. The Prophet (pbuh) had
maintained restraint and composure, but he had told him,
“‘Uthman! One day you will see this key in my hand and I
will give it to whomsoever I like.” ‘Uthman had retorted
then, “If it happens, that will be a day of real disgrace and
destruction for the Quraysh.” The Prophet (pbuh) had
said, “No, they will be raised in honor and prosperity that
day.” ‘Uthman bin Talha had remembered these words of
the Prophet (pbuh) and had felt at heart that what the
Prophet (pbuh) had professed would turn out to be true.377
Zadul Ma’ad, 1: 425, Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
When the Prophet (pbuh) stepped out of K’aba, the key
was in his hand. Hazrat ‘Ali quickly stood up and said,
“Blessings and peace be on you. As you granted us
Suqaya (service of supplying water), give us the charge of
Hijaba (keeping the gate of Baytullah) as well.” The
Prophet (pbuh) said,
"[ 9! @ P)(@ N ! / N ! @"
“Today is the day of showing consideration and
kindness in the best form.”
Then he called ‘Uthman, gave the key back to him, and
said, “If anyone will ever forcibly take the key from you,
he will be a tyrant.”378
It was a tradition in the Arab culture that the murder of a
person had to be avenged by the family of the victim at all
costs. If the murderer could not be killed in retaliation for
some reason, the name of the victim was recorded in the
family register and the revenge was taken even after
hundreds of years. If the offender died, the family of the
victim killed a person from the offender’s family or tribe.
Similarly, claiming the blood money was also a long-held
tradition in Arabia. Avenging the murder of a person was a
matter of honor for the aggrieved family. Many other such
values had become essential norms of the tribal life in
Arabia. Islam had come to eradicate all such wrong notions
and malpractices. That is why the Prophet (pbuh) made a
strong proclamation in regard to all such false values and
practices in his famous sermon that he delivered on the
occasion of his Last Hajj in these words: “I have trampled
down all such traditions under my feet.”379
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 412.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 412, Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabud Dayaat.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
In Arabia, as well as in the other parts of the world,
discrimination on the basis of lineage, family, and
nationality was widely practiced in the society. This was
done in India also among the followers of Hinduism:
human beings were divided into four castes, the lowest,
who were called the Shudr, were degraded to the status of
animals and were denied all rights to compete with others
in life. Islam’s greatest contribution to the cause of
humanitarianism is the equality that it introduced and
established among human beings, irrespective of one’s
nationality (whether he was an Arab or a non-Arab),
family descent, or social status. Islam granted equal rights
and opportunities to all to rise to the highest level of
prosperity and recognition. That is why the Prophet (pbuh)
recited a verse of the Qur`an in his Last Hajj and made the
historic proclamation: “All of you are the progeny of
Adam, and Adam was created from dust.”380
After his Hajj sermon when the Prophet (pbuh) looked
around, the vanquished chiefs of the Quraysh were
standing in front of him. These included the ones who had
done all within their means to destroy Islam, and the ones
who had competed with others in cursing the Prophet
(pbuh) and abusing him, and the ones who had strewn
thorns in his path, and the ones who had pelted him with
stones to the extent that blood streamed down to his heels,
and the ones whose revengefulness could not be satiated
but with the blood of the Prophet (pbuh), and the ones
who had launched attacks on the city of Madinah, and also
the ones who used to force the Muslims to the burning
sand and put heavy rocks on their chest to make it
impossible for them even to change sides.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 2: 412, Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabud Dayaat.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) looked at them and asked them in
an awe-inspiring tone: “Do you have any idea what am I
going to do with you?” They, who knew the magnanimity
of the Prophet (pbuh) so well, replied,
"*d /P( w ¦
d ' ;r( *n /P( w ¦
n '"
“You are a kind brother and son of a kind
The Prophet (pbuh) announced,
"[6 T ‡v * 1Cp9 ! )> W@ r N ! @ * A0 # `
/(PU@ % 4"
“Today there is no charge against you. Go. All of
you are free.”
The disbelievers of Makkah had occupied the homes of
the Mahajireen who had immigrated to Madinah. Now the
owners of the houses were back, and were surely in a
position to rightfully claim their property - their homes
that everybody loves so dearly. But the Prophet (pbuh)
asked all of them to forego their claim to their houses.
When the time of Salah approached, Hazrat Bilal®
climbed the roof of the K’aba and called Adhan. The
people of the Quraysh, although subjugated, noticed this
change wistfully. ‘Attaab bin Usayd commented: “God
protected my father’s honor that he died before hearing
this call.” Another chief of the Quraysh said: “There is no
point in living now.”381
The Prophet (pbuh) took a seat at a high place at Safa.
Those who wished to accept Islam offered Bai’ah (oath of
allegiance) at his hands. When the turn of men was over,
women stepped forward to offer Bai’ah. The Prophet
(pbuh) took a pledge from the women to follow the tenets
of Islam and observe the code of morality. He then dipped
Ibn Hisham, 2: 412.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
his hand in a bowl of water. When he took out his hand,
the women put their hands in it, and this way the pledge
was sanctified.382
There were ten persons from the Quraysh who were
their top leaders. One of them, Safwan bin Umayya, fled
to Jeddah. ‘Umayr bin Wahab came to the Prophet (pbuh)
and told him about Safwan that he, a chief of the Arabs,
was fleeing and thus leaving Makkah forever. The Prophet
(pbuh) gave his turban to ‘Umayr as a token of his
forgiveness for Safwan. ‘Umayr went to Jeddah and
brought him back to Makkah. He did not accept Islam
until the Battle of Hunayn.383
‘Abdullah bin Zub’ira, an Arab poet who used to
denounce the Prophet (pbuh) in his compositions and
criticize the Qur`an, fled to Najran. But after hearing
about the magnanimity of the Prophet (pbuh), he returned
and embraced Islam.384
Harith bin Hisham’s daughter Umme Hakeem was
‘Ikrama bin Abu Jahl’s wife. She embraced Islam on the
day of the conquest of Makkah, but her husband ‘Ikrama
escaped to Yemen. Umme Hakeem got the word of
forgiveness for him from the Prophet (pbuh) and went after
him to Yemen. There she invited him to Islam that he
accepted and returned to Makkah. On seeing him, the
Prophet (pbuh) rose from his seat happily and rushed
toward him in such excitement that he did not care to cover
his body with an additional sheet of cloth that he used to do
on such occasions. He then accepted ‘Ikrama’s Bai’ah.385
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 120-21.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 417-18.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 418-19, Dalaele Nabuwwah: 99.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 5: 95.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Wahshi was also granted forgiveness. He had killed
Ameer Hamza (the Prophet’s beloved uncle) deceitfully
and desecrated his dead body.386
The following day from the conquest of Makkah when
the Prophet (pbuh) was making Tawaaf, Fuzala bin ‘Umayr
was around. Considering the situation favorable, he thought
of putting the Prophet (pbuh) to death. When he approached
near, the Prophet (pbuh) asked, “Is it Fuzala?” He replied in
the affirmative. The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned, “What were
you planning in your heart right now?” He replied,
“Nothing. I was remembering Allah.” The Prophet (pbuh)
laughed and told him, “Alright. Seek forgiveness for
yourself from your God.” Saying this, he put his hand on
Fuzala’s chest. Fuzala narrated later that the touch of the
Prophet’s hand soothed his troubled heart then and there and
the next moment the love of the Prophet (pbuh) increased in
his heart to such extent that none remained dearer to him
than the Prophet (pbuh).” When he left for home, the woman
whom he loved and whose company he used to enjoy, met
him in the way and invited him to share a moment with her.
But he turned down her invitation and said, “No. Allah and
Islam forbid from such things.”387
Battle of Hunayn
After the conquest of Makkah, the tribes came to the
Prophet (pbuh) and started accepting Islam on their
own.388 But the Hawazin and Thaqeef tribes remained
firm in their opposition to Islam. These tribes were great
fighters and very distinguished in using war techniques.
Their restlessness increased with the progress of Islam, for
they feared the loss of their land and status. That is why
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 122.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 417.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
before the conquest of Makkah the people of the Hawazin
tribe had widely toured the expanse of Arabia and tried to
raise people against Islam. They continued to work this
way for one whole year. Consequently, all the tribes of
Arabia, which were still out of the fold of Islam, agreed
that they should launch a joint attack against the Muslims.
When Makkah fell to the Muslims, they all realized that if
some effective measure was not taken soon to stop the
growing power of the Muslims, Islam would become too
strong to be controlled.389
When the Prophet (pbuh) proceeded to Makkah, the
tribes of Hawazin and Thaqeef thought that they were the
targets. They, therefore, did not even wait to confirm the
Prophet’s intention and advanced with all the might they
could muster to attack the Muslims. In enthusiasm, they
took with them their women and children so that they
either achieved victory in the battle or fought until death
for the honor of their ladies and children.390 All the family
offshoots of the Hawazin and Thaqeef tribes joined the
alliance, but Ka’ab and Kilaab remained aloof.
Maalik bin Awf and Durayd bin Al-Simma were given
the command. Maalik was the chief (Raeese Aazam) of
Hawazin while Durayd was a famous poet of Arabia and
the chief of the Jasham tribe. Durayd’s poetic excellence
and valor are still remembered in the Arab history. He was
100 years old and quite frail then, but as he had a glorious
reputation as military commander and as the Arab world
trusted his expertise in war maneuvers, Maalik bin Awf
himself requested him to participate and brought him to
the battlefield on a cot. Reaching there, he inquired what
place that was. They informed him that it was Awtaas. He
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 530-31.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 51, Seeratun Nabi, 1: 531.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
showed his approval by saying, “Yes, this place is suitable
for the battlefield. The land here is neither very rough, nor
so soft that the legs of the warriors would sink into it.”
Then he inquired, “Why is there the voice of the children
around?” They replied that the children and women had
been brought to the battlefield to make sure that the
soldiers did not yield. He commented: “When the soldiers
are uprooted, nothing like this could make them hold their
positions and remain firm. In the battlefield it is only the
sword that a soldier could depend upon. If misfortune
brings defeat, the disgrace is multiplied due to the
presence of women.”
Durayd then questioned if the Ka’ab and Kilaab tribes
were participating in the battle. When he was told that not
a single person from those two tribes was present in the
battlefield, he commented, “Had this been the day of
honor and pride, they would not have been absent.” He
suggested that the leaders should collect their soldiers at a
safe place and fight a battle from there. But Maalik bin
Awf, who was a young man of thirty, rejected Durayd’s
proposal in the fit of enthusiasm and retorted with scorn:
“Your senses have failed and your mind has lost
When the Prophet (pbuh) came to know about the
military maneuvers of Hawazin and Thaqeef, he sent
‘Abdullah bin Abi Hadrad as spy to find out about the
situation. ‘Abdullah went to Hunayn and gathered
information.392 Compelled by the situation, the Prophet
(pbuh) started making necessary preparations for the
defense. There was then the immediate need for financing
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 466, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 338-39.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 51, Ibn Hisham, 2: 440.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the expedition. The Prophet (pbuh) took a loan of 30,000
dirhams from ‘Abdullah bin Rab’a who was a very rich
person.393 He then approached Safwan bin Umayya, who
had a reputation for hospitality, and requested him to lend
arms to Muslims. He lent to the Prophet (pbuh) 100
armors (Zerah) along with their accessories.394
In Shawwal of the eighth Hijri, corresponding to
January or February of A. D. 630, when 12,000-strong
Islamic army advanced toward Hunayn, the strength of the
Islamic army was quite impressive. Some of the
Companions even spoke out, “Who can defeat us today!”
But reposing faith in the number of soldiers was not what
was expected of them. Allah admonished them in the
following verse:
* A0 # a
D G 3“ u * A0 2 # ( š % * 9 * A0 %P U@ - * A0 1 )
# ' W@ r( d 2R N ! / w
# !" # 12A" H . C' *’0 /(P;( * 1 *’0 a
)R ;( Z
7V y /(P9A@ [6 .O M
W PF - /= =# > P % * m‹!2O H . C' 5
2(f @
“Truly Allah has given you victory on many
battlefields, and on the day of Hunayn (battle)
when you rejoiced at your great number, but it
availed you naught and the earth, vast as it is,
was straitened for you, then you turned back in
flight. Then Allah did send down His Sakinah
(calmness, tranquility and reassurance) on the
Messenger (Muhammad, (pbuh)) and on the
believers, and sent down forces (angels) which
you saw not, and punished the disbelievers. Such
is the recompense of the disbelievers”
[At-Taubah: 25-26].
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 533.
Sunan Bayhaqui, 6: 89, Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabul Buyu’.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
At the beginning the Muslims prevailed, and, certain of
their victory, they fell on collecting the booty. This gave a
chance to the disbelievers to strike the Muslim soldiers
with volleys of arrows, which broke the Muslim lines,
created disorder among them, and hurt them very
seriously. Hazrat Abu Qatada, a participant in the battle,
relates that he saw a disbeliever who had forced a Muslim
to the ground and had sat on his chest. Hazrat Abu Qatada
hit the disbeliever at his shoulder with his sword, which
cut through his armor and pierced into his body. The
disbeliever, however, held him so tight that he was almost
chocked to death. But then he succumbed to his injury and
fell dead. In the meantime Abu Qatada® saw Hazrat
‘Umar® and asked him about the condition of Muslims.
He replied to him, “This was the will of Allah.”395
Different factors could be ascribed to the apparent
defeat of the Muslims. The front line of the Muslim army
(Maqaddamatul Jaysh) consisted mostly of the new
converts to Islam who were young and enthusiastic and
were not equipped even with necessary arms. Also, there
were 2,000 such soldiers in the Islamic army who had not
accepted Islam yet. In addition, Hawazin were the best
archers in Arabia and they had a reputation that not a
single arrow of theirs went amiss in the battlefield. They
had reached the battlefield earlier and had placed their
archers at strategic positions.396 All this put the Islamic
soldiers into a disadvantageous position.
The thick volleys of arrows rained at the Muslims
which uprooted the 12,000 - strong army, but there was
one soldier of Islam - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - who
stayed in the battlefield with steadfastness: he alone was
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi,, Bab Ghazwae Hunayn.
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 52.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
like an army, a nation, a country, a world, nay, the essence
of the universe at that time.397 He looked at his right and
called out, “O the people of Ansar!” The Ansar responded
immediately, “We are here.” Then he turned to his left and
gave out the same call, which met with the same reply.
The Prophet (pbuh) then got down from his ride and, with
the conviction of a prophet, said in a loud voice, “I am a
slave of Allah and His prophet.”398 In another narration
recorded in Saheeh Bukhari it is related that at that time
the Prophet (pbuh) was reciting this couplet:
`‡0 )# ; C'
=- 4 c§2 C'
I am a Prophet, it is not untrue,
I am son of ‘Abdul Muttalib.399
Hazrat ‘Abbas® had a loud voice. At the command of
the Prophet (pbuh) he called out very loudly:
!YP Q ' / !^C7V P i
“O people of Ansar! O people who had offered
the pledge of Ridwan!”
The Muslims heard this call and immediately rushed to
that direction. Those who could not turn their horses
toward the place from where the call was raised due to the
fierceness of the fighting, jumped down from their horses,
threw off their armor, and rushed to that direction.
Suddenly, the scene of the battlefield changed.400 The
disbelievers fled the field, and those who stayed were
soon in chains. Banu Maalik, a branch of the Thaqeef
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 535, 538. Imam Nawawi has mentioned some
of these reasons as factors responsible for the defeat of the Muslims.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Taif.
Saaheeh Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Ghazwae Hunayn.
Sahih Al-Muslim, Kitabul Jihad was Siyar, Bab Ghazwaae
Hunayn, Mussanif ‘Abdur Razzaque, 5: 380-81.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
tribe, fought steadfastly, but the loss of seventy soldiers on
their side and the death of their leader ‘Uthman bin
‘Abdullah unnerved them, as a result of which they also
left the battlefield.401
The defeated army of the disbelievers was divided: a
part of it gathered in Awtaas, while the other part went to
Taif. Maalik bin Awf, the commander, was with the
soldiers in Taif.402 Durayd bin Al-Simma came to Awtaas
with several thousand soldiers. The Prophet (pbuh) sent a
small troop in the command of Abu ‘Aamir Ash’ari to
drive Durayd out of Awtaas. Abu ‘Aamir was killed by
the son of Durayd who captured the Islamic flag. Seeing
it, Abu Musa Ash’ari attacked, killed the enemy, and took
back the flag from him.403
The prisoners were more than a thousand. Hazrat
Sheema, the Prophet’s sister by the bond of milk (Rezai
sister), was also among them. When the Muslims arrested
her, she told them, “I am your Prophet’s sister.” The
Muslims brought her to the Prophet (pbuh) for
confirmation. She showed him her back where he had bit
her once in childhood. There was still a scar there. The
Prophet’s eyes splashed with tears. He spread his own
sheet on the ground for her to sit and spoke to her kindly.
He gave her some camels and goats and gave her the
option to live with him or go home to her family. She
preferred the second option and was allowed to return
home in honor and convenience.404
The remaining part of the defeated army of the
disbelievers gathered in Taif and began to prepare for
Ibn Hisham, 2: 449-450.
Ibn Hisham, 3: 354.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 454, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Bab Ghazwa Awtaas.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 458, Tabri, 2: 171.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
another battle with the Muslims. Taif was a safe place. In
fact, it was called Taif for the fact that it was surrounded
by strong walls. The Thaqeef tribe that lived there was
known for bravery and was a very distinguished tribe. It
was held in high esteem and was on a par with the
Quraysh. ‘Urwa bin Mas’ud, the chief of Thaqeef, was
married to the daughter of Abu Sufyan. The disbelievers
of Makkah used to say that if the Qur`an had to be
revealed, it would have been sent to a chief of Makkah or
Taif. They also excelled others in in war skills.405 Tabri
and Ibn Is-Haque have related that ‘Urwa bin Mas’ud and
Ghaylan bin Salma had gone to Jarsh (a district of Yemen)
and taken training in making and operating large weapons
like Dabbaba, Samboor, and Minjineeq, which were used
for breaking the walls of the forts.406 There was a safe fort
in Taif. The residents of the city and the soldiers of the
defeated army repaired it, collected rations for a year,
fixed at appropriate places heavy machines to throw
stones at the enemies, and became ready to face the
Islamic army.407
The Prophet (pbuh) left the booty and the captives of
the Battle of Hunayn under the care of his men at Je’irrana
and advanced toward Taif. Hazrat Khalid® was sent in
advance with a troop of soldiers. The fort of Taif was
taken under siege. This was the first occasion when the
heavy machines like Dabbaba and Minjineeq were used in
the history of Islamic wars. The soldiers within the fort
shot hot pieces of iron at the Muslims so heavily that they
had to retreat. There was heavy casualty on the side of
Muslims. The siege continued for twenty days, but the
Seeratun Nabi, 1: 451, Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 171.
Ibn Hisham2: 478.
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 158.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muslims could not conquer the fort. The Prophet (pbuh)
consulted Nowfal bin Mu’awiya who submitted to him:
“The fox has hid into its hole. If pursued, it could be
captured. But if left, it would not prove harmful.” As the
Prophet (pbuh) had taken the action in self-defense, he
ordered the siege to be lifted. The Companions requested
him to curse the people of Taif. He prayed for them
instead in these words:
"* +( ;( a
{@ 3F T’ > *+ ©"
“O Allah! Bless the people of Thaqeef with
guidance so that they come to me.”409
After lifting the siege, the Prophet (pbuh) went to a place
called Je’irrana where the booty of the Battle of Hunayn was
kept. It consisted of 6,000 prisoners, 24,000 camels, 40,000
goats, and silver worth 4,000 Oqiya. Regarding the war
prisoners, the Prophet (pbuh) waited for their relatives for
several days to come and talk to him about the terms of their
release, but nobody showed up. The articles of the booty
were divided into five parts: four parts were distributed
among the soldiers, while the fifth part was kept for the
Baitul Maal (Public Treasury) and the poor Muslims.
The Makkan chiefs who had recently entered into
Islam and had yet to attain a strong faith in religion (called
Mo’allafatul Quloob in the Qur`an) received quite a
generous share in the booty from the Prophet (pbuh), (as
the Qur`an specifically mentions such people as rightful
recipients of booty).410 When the Ansar, the Muslims of
Madinah, noticed that the recipients of such a generous
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 482-83, Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 158.
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 159, Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 488.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 5: 171, Ibn Hisham, 2: 489, Seeratun Nabi,
1: 542-43.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
share in the booty were mostly the new Muslims from
Makkah, they felt aggrieved. Some of them said, “The
Prophet (pbuh) gave to the Quraysh and withheld from us,
although blood is still dripping from our swords.” Some
others commented, “In difficulty we are called, while the
booty is given to others.” When the Prophet (pbuh) heard
about it, he called the Ansar and asked them to assemble
in a leather tent. He then inquired if they had said so. They
replied that none of the responsible persons from the
Ansar had uttered such things, but that some young
persons had said so. Hazrat Anas® narrates that upon
inquiry from the Prophet (pbuh), the Ansar, who did not
tell a lie, admitted that what he had heard was true.411
The Prophet (pbuh) gave a sermon on that occasion,
which was superb from the point of view of the richness
of oratory. Turning to the Ansar, he thus spoke, “Is it not
true that you were misguided and Allah guided you
through me? You were divided and Allah united you
through me? You were indigent, and Allah made you rich
through me?” At each sentence of the Prophet (pbuh), the
Ansar kept repeating, “The favor of Allah and the Prophet
(pbuh) is indeed most valuable.”
The Prophet (pbuh) said thereafter, “No, you can say in
reply, ‘O Muhammad! When the people accused you of
falsehood, we testified for you. When the people deserted
you, we gave you shelter. When you came to us
resourceless, we extended support to you.” Then he added,
“You keep on saying these things and I will keep on
repeating that you were telling the truth. But, O Ansar!
Don’t you like that they take with them the camels and
goats and you take Muhammad (pbuh) with you to your
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Taif.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
home?” The Ansar burst into tears and sobs and said in
grief: “We value the company of Muhammad (pbuh)
most.” Their beards became wet with tears. Then the
Prophet (pbuh) explained to them that the extra share that
he gave to the new Muslims of Makkah was not due to
their right, but just to win their hearts to Islam.412
The prisoners of Hunayn were kept at Je’irrana. A
deputation of the respectable persons from the side of the
disbelievers came to the Prophet (pbuh) and requested
him to release the prisoners. The foster mother of the
Prophet (pbuh) Hazrat Haleema who had fed him her
milk and had raised him when he was a child, was from
this very tribe. The chief of the tribe spoke to the Prophet
(pbuh) in a touching way: “There are your paternal and
maternal aunts (by the bond of milk) among the captives.
By God! If a king of Arabia had sucked the milk of one
of our women, we would certainly have expected great
favors from him. And we hope much more from you.”
The Prophet (pbuh) replied to him: “The captives who
come to the share of the ‘Abdul Muttalib clan are all
yours. But for a general amnesty you should submit your
request in front of all Muslims when they are together
after the Zuhr Salah.” The deputation put their
submission to the general Muslims accordingly. The
Prophet (pbuh) told the Muslims: “I can speak only for
my family, but I appeal to all Muslims for the release of
the captives.” Upon his words the Muhajireen and the
Ansar immediately spoke out, “We also free those
prisoners who may have come to us as our share.” Thus
all 6,000 prisoners were freed then and there.413
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Ghazwa Al-Taif, wa
Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Manaqibul Ansar.
Tareekhe Tabri, 2: 173, Ibn Hisham, 2: 488-89.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Battle of Tabook
A caravan arriving from Syria reported to the Prophet
(pbuh) that Qaysar (Caesar), the ruler of Rome, was
preparing to attack Madinah and that the Christian tribes
of Arabia had also joined him.414 The Prophet (pbuh)
decided to challenge the Roman army outside the Arab
territory so that the internal peace of the country was not
disturbed. This battle was with the superpower which was
ruling half of the world at that time and had defeated the
great Persian Empire in the recent past.415
As the Muslims were short of means, they were not
prepared to enter into a battle of that magnitude. Also, the
distance that they had to cover to meet the advancing
army was long, the summer season was at its peak, the
fruits in the orchards of Madinah were ripe and ready, and
it was time to take care of the harvest and enjoy the sweet
and gratifying result of their toil.416 The Prophet (pbuh)
appealed to the Muslims for financial support. Hazrat
‘Uthman® contributed 300 camels, 50 horses, and 1,000
dinars to support the expedition. By way of appreciation
he was given the title of
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“One who helps raises an army at a time of
Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf® gave 40,000 dirhams.418
Hazrat ‘Umar Farooq® gave half of whatever he had in his
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, 2: 165.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 136.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 516.
Sunan Tirmizi, Abwabul Manaqib, Bab ‘Uthman bin ‘‘Affan,
Musnad Ahmad, 5: 63.
Tafseer Tabri mentions that it was 20,000 dirhams, 10, 191.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
house, which was worth several thousand rupees. Whatever
Hazrat Abu Bakr® brought to present to the Prophet (pbuh)
was not very substantial, but that was all he had: he did not
leave a straw at home except the love of Allah and His
Prophet, so to say.419 Abu ‘Aqeel Ansari® brought two
seers of dates and submitted, “I worked all night and got
four seer dates in wage. I left two seers for the family and
brought the same amount of dates here to support the cause
of Allah.” The Prophet (pbuh) appreciated his contribution
and asked his men to put the dates over all the valuable
articles that were donated.420
Thus all companions contributed as much as they
could. About eighty-two hypocrites (Munaafiq) stayed at
home on one excuse or another.421 ‘Abdullah bin Abi
Salool, the well-known hypocrite, had convinced them
that the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions would never
return from that expedition as they would surely be taken
prisoners by Qaysar (Caesar) and exiled to different
The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) left for Tabook with
30,000-strong army423 He appointed Seba’ bin Ghurfuta as
his deputy in Madinah and gave the responsibility of
taking care of his household to Hazrat ‘Ali®.424
There was an acute shortage of the animals to ride one camel for eighteen persons. For lack of provision, the
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 136.
Tafseer Tabri, 10: 197.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 529, Ibn S’ad, 2: 165.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 136.
Taabaqat Ibn S’ad, Part Maghazi, p. 119.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 519.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Mujahideen had often to live on the leaves of the trees,
due to which their lips were blistered. At places there was
no water: they had to obtain drinking water from the
entrails of the camels, and thus they had to slaughter the
camels, which were already short in number.425 But they
endured the hardships and reached Tabook.
While the Prophet (pbuh) was still in the way, Hazrat
‘Ali reached there. After the departure of the Prophet
(pbuh), the hypocrites started teasing him that he was left
behind because he was considered unworthy of
participating in a battle; some of them said that this was
done as a show of mercy to him. Hazrat ‘Ali’s sense of
self-respect was hurt so much that he left Madinah and, in
order to catch up with the Islamic army, sped up by
covering two, three stopovers without rest, and reached
the Prophet (pbuh). Due to the scorching heat and the long
distance he had covered in speed, his feet were badly
swollen. The Prophet (pbuh) told him, “‘Ali! Aren't you
happy that you are to me what Haroon was to Musa,
although there is no prophet after me?” Thus reassured,
Hazrat ‘Ali® returned to Madinah in happiness.426
The Prophet (pbuh) stayed in Tabook for a month. The
people of Syria were awed by this bold move of the
Prophet (pbuh) and gave up their plan to attack Muslims.
The suitable time for a battle between the two was
destined to come after the death of the Prophet (pbuh).427
In Tabook the Prophet (pbuh) delivered a short but
comprehensive sermon after a Prayer (Salah), it is being
stated with the translation:
Madaarijun Nabuwwah, 2: 577, 580.
Ibn Hisham, 2: 519-29, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Mahjaazi,
Ghazwae Tabook.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 137.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
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“After duly praising and glorifying Allah, he said:
Of all the books, the Qur`an contains the truth in
the most reliable form. The most dependable word
is the word of Taqwa (piety). The best of all Millat
(Community) is the Millat (people who follow) of
Ibraheem (Alayhisalaam). The best of all ways is
the way of Muhammad, the Prophet (pbuh). The
remembrance of Allah (Zikr) is the most
honorable of all things. The most refined, sublime
and pure of all narrations is the Qur`an. The best
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
deeds are the deeds of courage and ambition,
while the worst among the deeds is a matter that
has been invented afterward. The ways of the
Prophet (pbuh) are the best. The death of a
martyr is the best of all forms of death. The worst
form of blindness is going astray after guidance
to the truth. A deed is better in comparison to
other deeds on the basis of its usefulness. The best
way is the way that can be followed by people.
The worst blindness is that of heart. The upper
hand (that gives) is better than the lower hand
(that receives). A short but sufficient amount of
wealth is better than a large amount of wealth
that makes a person forgetful. The worst
penitence is that which is offered at the time of
death. The worst remorse is that which a person
will feel on the Day of Judgment. Some people
come for Prayer, but their hearts remain engaged
in the affairs behind. Among them are such
persons also who do the Zikr of Allah, but seldom.
The greatest in sin is the tongue that tells a lie.
The best affluence is the affluence of heart. The
best form of provision is the provision of Taqwa
(piety). Wisdom means that fear of Allah should
be in the heart. The best thing to cherish in heart
is Faith (Yaqeen). To foster doubt is (a form) of
apostasy. To mourn loudly is a practice of
ignorance. Dishonesty in trust will be dealt with
punishment in Hell. Wealth and property is the
scar of the Fire of Hell. Composing a verse is the
musical organ of the Iblees (the Devil). Drinking
is the source of all evils. The most abominable
provision is to devour the orphan’s property.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Blessed are those who take lessons from others.
The real unfortunate is the one who is born
unfortunate from the womb of his mother. The
essence of a good deed is its good end. The worst
word is that which is untrue. The matter which is
sure to take place is very close. It is a sin to call
names to a Muslim. It is an act of Kufr (unbelief)
to kill a Muslim. To backbite a Muslim is declared
by Allah as transgression. To take the property of
a Muslim unlawfully is forbidden for a Muslim in
the same way as is a Muslim’s blood forbidden
for another Muslim. One who assumes
independence in front of Allah is exposed as
untruthful. Allah covers the shortcomings of those
who cover up the shortcomings of others. He who
forgives is forgiven. Allah rewards him who
controls his wrath. If a person informs others
about a secret that somebody confided to him
(Chughli), Allah spreads his disgrace among the
people. Allah raises him high who observes
patience. He who disobeys Him is punished.”428
The Prophet (pbuh) then said Istighfaar (seeking
forgiveness of Allah from any unintentional failing) three
times and ended his sermon.
It was during the stay at Tabook that Zulbejadayn®
expired. The incident of his death shows how much the
Prophet (pbuh) loved a Companion, even if he was poor.
His name was ‘Abdullah, who had lost his father while
still a child. His uncle raised him. When he attained
adulthood, his uncle supported him by giving him camels,
goats, and slaves, which made his financially quite strong.
Dalailun Nub’uwa lil Bahiqi, 5:241-242
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
He heard about Islam and became interested in the
message of Tawheed, but he was afraid of his uncle and,
so, could not proclaim Islam. When the Prophet (pbuh)
returned to Madinah after the conquest of Makkah,
‘Abdullah went to his uncle and said, “My dear uncle! I
have been waiting for years so that you show an
inclination toward Islam and become a Muslim, but there
is no change in you. Since I cannot trust my life any
longer, I seek your permission to embrace Islam.”
His uncle threatened him in fury that if he became a
Muslim, he would snatch everything from him, even the
bare sheets of clothes that were needed for covering the
body. ‘Abdullah replied, “Uncle! I will surely become a
Muslim and adopt the ways of Muhammad (pbuh). I have
become tired of living in polytheism and idolatry. You do
as you wish and take care of whatever money and property
I have, for I know that ultimately I will have to leave all
these things behind in this world. For these things, I cannot
reject the true religion.” Saying this, he put off the clothes
he was wearing and went to see his mother.
Surprised, his mother inquired why he was in that state.
He told her that he had become a Muslim and believer in
one God. He then requested her to give him something
with which to cover his body. She gave him a blanket.
Tearing it into two pieces, he used one to cover the lower
part of his body and with the other he covered his shoulder
and the upper part and left for Madinah. He reached there
quite early in the morning and waited in the Masjid for the
Prophet (pbuh). When the Prophet (pbuh) came to the
Masjid for Morning Prayer (Salatul Fajr), he saw him
there and inquired about him. He told the Prophet (pbuh),
“My name is ‘Abdul ‘Uzza. I am a poor traveler and have
come to you as one who loves your countenance and seeks
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
guidance.” The Prophet (pbuh) told him, “Your name is
‘Abdullah and your title is Zulbejadayn. You stay close to
me and live in the Masjid.”
Hazrat ‘Abdullah joined the group of the People of
Suffa. He used to learn Qur`an from the Prophet (pbuh)
and kept reciting it with extraordinary enthusiasm and
exultation. Once Hazrat ‘Umar® noticed that ‘Abdullah
was engrossed in reciting the Qur`an aloud while others
were offering Salah, which was causing inconvenience to
them, and wanted to stop him from doing that. The
Prophet (pbuh) told him, “`Umar! Don’t say anything to
him. He has come here by leaving behind everything for
the sake of Allah and His Prophet.”
When preparations for the Battle of Tabook were in
progress, ‘Abdullah came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said,
“O Prophet of Allah! Pray that I am also blessed with
martyrdom.” The Prophet (pbuh) asked him to bring some
bark of a tree. When he brought it, the Prophet (pbuh) tied
it on his arm and prayed, “Lord! I make his blood Haraam
(forbidden) for the disbelievers.” ‘Abdullah said, “O
Prophet of Allah! But I requested you to pray for my
martyrdom.” The Prophet (pbuh) told him, “When you
step out to fight for Islam and develop a fever and die of
it, you will be a martyr.” When he reached Tabook, he
developed fever and died of it.
Bilal bin Harith Muzni narrates that he saw the burial
of ‘Abdullah: “It was nighttime. Hazrat Bilal was holding
a light and Abu Bakr® and ‘Umar® were laying down
‘Abdullah’s body in the grave. The Prophet (pbuh), who
had descended into the grave, was telling them,
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‘Bring your brother close to me.’
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
He himself put bricks in the grave and prayed for ‘Abdullah
in these words, “O Allah! I am pleased with him. You also
bless him with Your pleasure.” Ibn Mas’ud®, a
distinguished Companion, says that he wished so earnestly
at that time that he were the person being buried in that
Returning from Tabook when the Prophet (pbuh)
reached near Madinah, the Muslims came out to greet him
in great exultation; even the ladies who usually stayed at
home rushed out of their houses in eagerness. The
hypocrites (Munaafiqeen) who had stayed back under the
assumption that the destruction of the Muslims at the
hands of Qaysar (Caesar) was certain, found themselves
then in an awkward situation. They, however, came to
meet the Prophet (pbuh) and offered false excuses for their
failure to accompany him. The Prophet (pbuh) accepted
their apologies and forgave them all, except three sincere
Companions. They failed to accompany the Prophet
(pbuh) to the battlefield for minor reasons, but since they
were sincere Muslims, they had to undergo a test, which
was quite hard, but befitting the high level of their faith.
One of them was Ka’ab bin Maalik Ansari®. He was
among the seventy-three persons who had offered the
Bai’ah at ‘Oqba, known as the Second ‘Oqba Pledge
(Bay’ate ‘Oqba Thaaniya), and was also one of the
esteemed poets.430 He narrates his story in these words:
“My failure to join the Muslim army in the Tabook
expedition proved to be a great trial for me. I had neither
an intention to do so, nor had I any excuse. I had already
made preparations for the journey. I had good she-camels.
Madaarijun Nabuwwah, Mutarjim, 2: 90-91, Ibn Hisham, 2: 527-28.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 142.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Financially, I had never been so well off. I had also
bought two strong he-camels for the journey, although I
never had two he-camels before. Others were arranging
for things for the journey, but I was not worried at all
about such preparations. I had thought that when the army
would leave, I would comfortably join it. The day that the
Islamic army set out, I had some work and decided to
postpone my journey for the next day. Two, three days
passed in just laziness and reluctance. Then I realized that
the army had covered a distance so long that I would not
be able to catch up. I was very aggrieved at what had
“One day when I came out from home, I did not see
anybody in the streets of madinah except the hypocrites,
who were known for putting off things on one excuse or
another, or the disabled. I became extremely sad at the
situation. My days passed in that state and the Prophet
(pbuh) returned from the expedition. Now I was at a loss
to decide what to do, and what to say, and how to escape
the anger of the Prophet (pbuh). People suggested to me
that I should come up with some excuse, but I felt strongly
that only by telling the truth I could find deliverance. I
then appeared before the Prophet (pbuh). He looked at me
and smiled, which hid his anger. I felt very nervous.
“The Prophet (pbuh) asked me: ‘Ka’ab! What made
you stay behind? Didn’t you have provision to undertake
the journey?’ I submitted, ‘O Prophet of Allah! I had
everything, but my self (Nafs) made me forgetful, laziness
prevailed upon me, and the Devil preyed on me and led
me to misery and loss.’ The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Stay at
home and wait for the decree of Allah.’
“Some persons told me that if I had come up with an
excuse, I would not have faced this difficulty. I replied,
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
‘The divine revelation (Wahi) would have exposed my lie
and I would have been doomed forever. I am dealing not
with a worldly person, but with the Prophet of Allah
(pbuh).’ After that I inquired of them if the Prophet (pbuh)
had given anyone else an instruction to stay at home like
me. They replied that Hilal bin Umayya and Marara bin
Rabee’ had also been given the same instruction. I was a
bit consoled that two other good Muslims were facing the
same situation like me.”
“Then the Prophet (pbuh) ordered that no Muslim
should talk to us or give us company. Now living in the
world became a burden for us. Those days, Hilal and
Marara did not come out of their houses at all, but I was
young and bold and used to come out, go to the Masjid,
and sit in a corner after the prayers. The Prophet (pbuh)
used to glance at me lovingly and observed my anguish,
but when I looked toward him, he turned his gaze.”
“From Muslims none talked to me, nor did anyone
respond to my greetings. One day when I went out of
Madinah in great grief, I found Qatada supervising the
construction of a building in his garden. He was my
cousin and we loved each other very much. I went to him
and greeted, but he did not reply and turned his face to the
other side. I told him, “Abu Qatada, you know well that I
love Allah and His Prophet (pbuh), and that hypocrisy and
polytheism have no place in my heart. Then why don’t
you talk to me?” Abu Qatada kept quiet. When I repeated
the same question three times, he said in reply, “Allah and
His Prophet (pbuh) know best.”
“I felt miserable and cried bitterly. Upon returning to
the city, I met a Christian fellow who was looking for me.
He handed over a letter of the King of Ghassaan to me.
The letter read as follows: ‘We have heard that your
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Master is angry with you and has turned you out of his
presence. Also, as we have learned, others are treating you
unkindly and disrespectfully. We are well aware of your
worth and status and know that You are not a person to be
neglected and mistreated this way. Now, as soon as you
read this letter, come to me and see how willing I am to
raise you in honor.”
“As I read that letter, I felt it was another predicament
that had befallen me. I told myself: ‘What could be a
greater predicament than a situation in which a Christian
hoped to deprive me of my faith and invite me to
unbelief?’ Ingrief, I threw the letter in the fire in front of
the messenger and told him, ‘Go and tell your king that
displeasure of my Master is so much more pleasant to me
than his favors and kindness.”
“When I reached home, there was a messenger from the
Prophet (pbuh) waiting for me at home. He informed me
that I was to stay away from my wife. I inquired if I was
to divorce my wife. The messenger replied in the negative
and clarified that I was simply asked to stay away from
her. I sent my wife to her parents. I was informed that
Bilal and Marara were also asked to do the same. Bilal’s
wife, however, went to the Prophet (pbuh) and submitted
that since Bilal was weak and aged and since there was no
attendant to look after him, she might be permitted to take
care of him. The Prophet (pbuh) gave her permission on
the condition that she did not share bed with him. She
explained that Bilal was so sorrow-stricken that anything
like that would not even occur to his mind these days.”
“Some persons suggested to me that I should also seek
the Prophet’s permission to let my wife help me by doing
household chores for me. But I told them: ‘I cannot dare
to ask the Prophet (pbuh) for such a concession. Maybe,
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
he does not accept my request. I am young and can do my
work myself. I do not need help.”
“Thus passed fifty days in grief. One night when I was
lying on the roof of my house and was aggrieved at my
suffering, I heard Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique® announcing
aloud from the height of the Mount Sla’, which was close
to my house: ‘Congratulations to Ka’ab that his
repentance has been accepted.’ Hearing it, my friends and
relatives came running to me and congratulated by saying:
‘The repentance of the sincere is accepted.’ I put my
forehead to the ground to make the prostration of
thankfulness to Allah. Then I ran to the Prophet (pbuh)
and appeared before him.
“The Prophet (pbuh) was sitting with the Mahajireen
and Ansar. Seeing me, the Muhajireen congratulated me,
but the Ansar kept quiet. I advanced and greeted the
Prophet (pbuh). At that time his face was glowing like the
full moon of the fourteenth, as his countenance used to
shine when he was happy. He told me, ‘Ka’ab!
Congratulations for this day, which is the best day for you.
Since you were born, no day in your life was more
blessed. Allah has accepted your repentance.’
“I submitted, ‘O Prophet of Allah! In thankfulness for
the acceptance of my repentance I give away all my
property for the sake of Allah.’ The Prophet (pbuh) did
not accept it. I then said, ‘Half of it.’ The Prophet (pbuh)
refused again. I then submitted, ‘One-third.’ The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, ‘One-third is okay, although even onethird is a lot.”431
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hadith Ka’ab bin
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“The hypocrites were always on the look for an
opportunity to create a division among Muslims. They
were planning for a long time to construct another Masjid
beside the Masjid of Quba on the pretext that the weak
and the aged who found it difficult to walk up to the Quba
Masjid might conveniently offer Salah in the new Masjid.
(As a matter of fact, they needed a center under cover for
their anti-Islamic activities.) Abu ‘Aamir, who had
stealthily reverted to Christianity, had suggested to the
hypocrites to create a favorable situation there while he
himself wanted to go to Qaysar (Caesar) and invite him to
send an army to destroy Islam in Arabia.
When the Prophet (pbuh) was going on the Tabook
expedition, the hypocrites approached him and requested
that they had constructed a Masjid for the weak and the
aged and that if the Prophet (pbuh) kindly led a
congregational prayer there, the Masjid would be blessed
with Allah’s acceptance. The Prophet (pbuh) put it off on
the excuse that he was going for a journey and that he
would see to it when he returned. When he came back
from Tabook, he deputed Hazrat Maalik and Hazrat
Ma’an bin ‘Adi to go to the Masjid constructed by the
hypocrites and set it on fire. The following verse was
revealed in this very context:
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“And as for those who put up a mosque by way of
harm and disbelief and to disunite the believers
and as an outpost for those who warred against
Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad, (pbuh))
aforetime, they will indeed swear that their
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
intention is nothing but good. Allah bears witness
that they are certainly liars. Never stand you
therein. Verily, the mosque whose foundation was
laid from the first day on piety is more worthy
that you stand therein (to pray). In it are men who
love to clean and purify themselves. And Allah
loves those who make themselves clean and pure
[i. e. who clean their private parts with dust
(which has the property of soap) and water from
urine and stools, after answering the call of
nature]” [At-Taubah, 9: 107-08].
The Daws Deputation
The event of Hazrat Tufayl Dawsri’s acceptance of Islam
has been discussed earlier. When he was returning home
after accepting Islam, he requested the Prophet (pbuh) to
pray so that his tribesmen accepted Islam at his invitation.
The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for him in these words: “Lord!
Establish Tufayl as a sign.” After reaching home, he met
his old father and told him: “Father, now neither I am
yours, nor are you mine.” Upon his father’s inquiry, he
explained to him that he had accepted the religion of
Muhammad (pbuh) and became a Muslim. His father said,
“Whatever is your religion, that is mine, too.” Happily,
Tufayl asked him to take a bath and wear clean clothes. He
then helped him profess Islam. Then his wife came to meet
him. He told her the same thing and she also accepted
Islam. After that he started preaching Islam to his people in
general, but they did not respond favorably.432
Hazrat Tufayl® went to the Prophet (pbuh) again and
complained that as the sinful practice of adultery was
quite common among his people, they were not accepting
Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for his people:
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 625.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
"3" ‹ > *+ "
“O Allah! Guide the people of Daws to the straight
He then instructed Tufayl, “Go, call the people to the
religion of Allah and treat them with softness and love.”
This time Tufayl’s preaching was met with a better
response. In the fifth Hijri he came to Madinah with
seventy to eighty persons who had accepted Islam at his
invitation. But as the Prophet (pbuh) was in Khaybar, he
went there and met the Prophet (pbuh). All his
companions met the Prophet (pbuh) there for the first
time.434 Hazrat J’afar®, the Prophet’s cousin, also came to
Taif with new Muslims from Habash (Abyssinia) and met
him there. The arrival of Hazrat J’afar® from Habash and
of Hazrat Tufayl bin ‘Amr from Yemen was a divine sign
to the Jews of Khaybar that when the Prophet’s message
was spreading in such far-off lands, their opposition to
Islam on the strength of forts and such material resources
was futile.435
The Thaqeef Deputation
The first person from the Thaqeef tribe who had come to
the Prophet (pbuh) to learn about Islam was Hazrat ‘Urwa
bin Mas’ud Thaqafi®. He was the chief of his tribe and
had represented the Makkans on the eve of the Peace
Treaty of Hudaybiya. After the battle with the Hawazin
and Thaqeef tribes, he, by virtue of Allah’s guidance,
traveled to Madinah and accepted Islam. He had ten
wives. The Prophet (pbuh) instructed him to keep four of
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Qissa Daws.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 625-26.
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 163.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
them and divorce the rest. He did accordingly.436 This
incident bears evidence that Islam does not promote
polygamy. It has, in fact, restricted it.
After learning about Islam well, Hazrat ‘Urwa® asked
the Prophet’s permission to return to his people and
preach Islam to them. The Prophet (pbuh) warned him that
his people would kill him. He told the Prophet (pbuh) that
he was truly the beloved of his people and had nothing to
fear. He returned to his tribe and started preaching Islam
among them. One day when he was engaged in Salah on
the roof of his house, somebody shot an arrow at him, due
to which he breathed his last.437
Although Hazrat ‘Urwa did not live to preach, his
message that he had introduced to his people did not miss
to touch their hearts. Shortly after his death, his tribe sent
a deputation of selected persons to the Prophet (pbuh) to
gather full information about Islam. This deputation came
to the Prophet (pbuh) in the ninth Hijri. The leader of the
deputation was ‘Abdyalayl, the same person whom the
Prophet (pbuh) had met in Taif in the tenth year of his
prophethood. He had not only rejected the message, but
also ridiculed the Prophet (pbuh) and instigated the street
urchins to hoot him and pelt him with stones and mud.
The Prophet (pbuh) had said at that time that he would not
pray for their destruction, for if they did not accept Islam,
their children would. Now the same people, urged by their
heart and soul to accept the truth, presented themselves to
the Prophet (pbuh).
Hazrat Mugheera bin Sh’oba® submitted to the Prophet
(pbuh) that as the people of Thaqeef were from his tribe, he
Dalaele Nabuwwah, 5: 299, Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 498.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 713.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
would like them to stay in his area so that he could extend
hospitality to them. The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
! D N P( A@ % B@ ' M
2 ' 4"
“I do not forbid you from extending courtesy to
your tribesmen, but let them stay at a place where
they may hear Qur`an.”
Therefore, tents were pitched for them in the Masjid
where they listened to the Qur`an and also saw people
offering Salah. This had a positive effect on them and
convinced them about the truthfulness of Islam. They
decided to accept Islam, but before it, they requested the
Prophet (pbuh) that they should be excused from the duty
of offering Salah. The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
n ! -0 9 
d /‹ › P L 4"
“There is no good in a religion if it does not have
Salah in it.”
Then they said, “Well, then we should be exempted from
serving in Jihad and paying Zakah (Poor-due).” The
Prophet (pbuh) accepted these terms and assured the
Companions that after entering into Islam Banu Thaqeef
would themselves follow those injunctions, too.438
Kananata ibn ‘Abdyalayl, the leader of Thaqeef, asked
the following questions to the Prophet (pbuh) on different
occasions in this journey:
1. “O Prophet of Allah! What do you say about
adultery? People from our tribe often live away
from home and there is no way out except
adultery.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Adultery is
forbidden and Allah has commanded about it:
Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitabul Kharaaj, Bab Majaa` fi Khabar AlTaif.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
3 )(" [V " ?3 i
R9 B w Cr ]C
. !;P T@ % 4w
“Come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a
Faahishah (i. e. anything that transgresses its limits:
a great sin), and an evil way that leads one to Hell
unless Allah forgives him)” [Al-Isra`, 17: 32].
2. “O Prophet of Allah! What do you say about
usury? It is, in fact, our property.” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “Take back just the amount that is
principal. Allah has said,
P 8 T; W Š ! T0 % ! 2 /= +c/' /w
“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up
what remains (due to you) from Riba (usury) (from
now onward)” [Al- Baqarah, 2: 278].
3. “O Prophet of Allah! What do you say about wine?
It is a local product and we cannot live without it.”
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Allah has declared wine
as unlawful. He says in the Qur`an:
E( # 
n O ( N 4z7V ^C7V P Q
@ P ˆ
@ Cr( !2 V /= +c/' /w
yB !@F% * A0 Y !)2(1O 9 B‡ i
“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of
alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab
and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or
decision) are an abomination of Shaitan’s (Satan)
handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that
(abomination) in order that you may be successful”
[Al-Maaidah, 5: 90].
Next day he came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “We
accept what you told us yesterday. But what about Rabba?
Rabba is the feminine gender of Rabb and referred to the
goddess that they worshipped. The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“Demolish it.” He said nervously, “Oh, if the Rabba
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
learns that you intend to demolish it, it will surely bring
destruction upon us.” Hazrat ‘Umar® thereupon spoke to
him, “So sad, O Ibn ‘Abdyalayl! Do you not understand
this much that Rabba is just stone?” Unable to answer, Ibn
‘Abdyalayl retorted, “‘Umar! We are not here to talk to
you.” Then he turned to the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “
You take the responsibility of demolishing it, for we will
never do it.” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “I will send
someone to do the job.” A member of the deputation
added, “Send that person after us, not with us.” All the
members of the deputation accepted Islam and requested
the Prophet (pbuh) at the time of departure that he should
appoint an Imam for them. A member of the deputation,
‘Uthman bin Abul ‘Aas, had utilized his time in Madinah
to learn the Qur`an and the injunctions of Islam from the
Prophet (pbuh) or from Abu Bakr®. The Prophet (pbuh)
appointed him the Imam.
While in the way, the members of the deputation
consulted one another and decided to conceal their Islam
from their people for some time. Upon their return, when
the people of their tribe inquired about the outcome of the
deputation, they said, “We encountered there a person
who was harsh-natured and sharp-tongued and who asked
us to do things, such as breaking down Laat and ‘Uzza,
giving up dealing in usury, and treating drinking and
adultery as unlawful, which we firmly refused. The
members of the deputation then told their tribesmen to
prepare their arms, get ready for fighting, and repair the
fort. For two days they kept quiet. The third day the
tribesmen started talking among them that when the whole
Arabia was surrendering to Muhammad (pbuh), how it
would be possible for them alone to oppose him. They
asked the members of the deputation to go back to the
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Prophet (pbuh) and accept peace on whatever terms he
offered it.
The members of the deputation then told their people:
“Now we tell you the truth. We found Muhammad (pbuh)
perfect in piety, observance of promise, mercy, and
truthfulness. We all, you included, received great
blessings from this journey.” The tribesmen complained,
“Why did you hide it from us and thus put us under such
stress?” The members of the deputation replied, “Just to
make sure that you discard your arrogance.” Then they
accepted Islam.
After a few days the team sent by the Prophet (pbuh) to
demolish the idols reached Taif under the leadership of
Hazrat Khalid®. When they got ready to demolish the idol
of Laat, men and women and the children of Thaqeef
assembled out of curiously to watch. When Hadhr
Tamgheera bin Sh’oba launched the first strike on the
idol, he by chance slipped and fell down. The people of
Thaqeef, still weak in faith in Islam, shouted and said,
“God pushed down Mugheera, and Rabba killed him.”
They also said, “No matter what you do, you cannot
demolish it.”
Hazrat Mugheera bin Sh’oba told the people, “O
people of Thaqeef! How foolish you are! What can this
piece of stone do? Take refuge in the security provided by
Allah and worship Him alone.” Then he closed the door of
the temple and broke down the idol. After that he climbed
the walls and started dismantling them. The other Muslims
also joined him in dismantling the walls. Soon the place of
worship of the idol Laat was down to earth. The priest of
the idol said, “The foundation of the temple will surely
destroy the Muslims.” Hazrat Mugheera heard it and he
dug up the foundation, too. This incident helped in the
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
strengthening of the Islamic faith in the hearts of the
people of Taif.439
The ‘Abd Al-Qays Deputation
When the ‘Abd Al-Qays deputation came to Madinah, the
Prophet (pbuh) asked which tribe they were from. They
mentioned that they were from the Rabi’a tribe. The
Prophet (pbuh) welcomed them. They mentioned that as
the hostile tribe of Mudhar resided in between, they could
come to Madinah only in the months in which hostility
(fighting among the tribes) was forbidden. They requested
that the Prophet (pbuh) should teach them necessary
injunctions of Islam so that they as well as other members
of their tribe could act upon them. The Prophet (pbuh)
instructed them to act upon four things and abstain from
four things. The things that he commanded them to do
were as follows:
1. To believe in One God, which obliged them to
testify that “there’s no deity worthy of worship
except Allah and that Muhammad (pbuh) is His
2. To offer Salah.
3. To Pay Zakah.
4. To fast in Ramadan, and to give away the fifth part
of the war booty (Khums).
The other four things that the Prophet (pbuh) forbade them
from were as follows:
1. Dubba
2. Hantum
3. Naqeer
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 596-599, Dalaele Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqui, 5:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
4. Muzaffat.440
He asked them to remember these things and tell the
others about them.
They inquired the Prophet (pbuh) if he was familiar with
Naqeer. He replied, “Yes, I am. You dig into the date tree a
hole, put dates in it, then fill it in with water, and let it
ferment. When its fermentation settles down, you drink it.
It is intoxicating and it is possible that a person under its
influence kills a relative as close as a cousin.” (Surprisingly
enough, there was a person in that deputation who had
killed his cousin under the influence of Naqeer.)
They then inquired of the Prophet (pbuh) what kind of
container they should use for drinking water. The Prophet
(pbuh) told them to use Mushk (the leather container).
They said that as their area abounded with rats, such
leather water containers were usually damaged. The
Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Even if they were damaged.”441
There was a person named Jarud bin Mu’alla in the
deputation, who was a Christian. He asked the Prophet
(pbuh), “O Prophet of Allah! I follow a religion at this
time. If I give it up to accept your religion, do you stand
surety?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Yes, I do, because
the religion I am inviting you to is better than the religion
you are following.” Hearing this, Jarud and other
Christians also embraced Islam.442
“Dubba” was made of dried skin of goat. “Hantum” was a kind
of green colored pitcher. “Naqeer” was a container carved out of the
root of a tree. “Muzaffat” was a pot painted with tar. Since, all these
kinds of containers were used for keeping wine the Prophet (pbuh)
disallowed their use.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 5: 366.
Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 5: 328, Ibn Hisham, 2: 575.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Banu Haneefa Deputation
The Banu Haneefa deputation came to Madinah to meet
the Prophet (pbuh). It was due to the efforts of Hazrat
Thumama bin Uthaal® that the message of Islam was
introduced in that area. The members of this deputation
accepted Islam after coming to Madinah. Musaylama the
Liar (Musaylama Kazzaab) was also in the deputation. He
started telling the people of Madinah that if he was
nominated as the Prophet’s deputy to take over after him,
he would accept Islam. When the Prophet (pbuh) heard
about it, he pointed at an ordinary stick of date tree he was
holding and said: “I would not accept Bai’ah from him
even for this stick. If he will not accept Islam, Allah will
destroy him. I have been informed of his ultimate end. I
had a dream in which I saw that I had two bracelets of
gold in my hands that looked unpleasant to me. In the
dream itself I was guided by a Revelation (Wahi) that I
should blow them away. I blew upon them and they
disappeared. I understand that the two bracelets represent
Musaylama of Yamama and ‘Anasi of San’a.”443
The Tay Deputation
The deputation of the Banu Tay tribe came to Madinah
and met the Prophet (pbuh). Its leader was Zaydul Khayl.
The Prophet (pbuh) said about him, “Whoever from
Arabia was praised in front of me, on meeting I found him
less than that, except Zaydul Khayl.” The Prophet (pbuh)
then changed his name to “Zaydul Khayr.” After obtaining
necessary information, all the members of the deputation
embraced Islam.444
The deputation of the Al-Ash’ariya tribe also came
from Yemen. Upon their arrival, the Prophet (pbuh) said:
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Wafd Bani Haneefa.
Ibn Hisham, 2:577.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“The people of Yemen have come whose hearts are very
soft and tender. Iman (The Islamic Faith) is of the people
of Yemen and wisdom is of the people of Yemen.
Humility is a quality of those who herd the goats, while
pride and arrogance are found in those who herd camels
and live in the East.”445 When this deputation entered
Madinah, its members were reciting the following verse:
;. R m
)RV7 T @ C m‚
“Tomorrow we will meet our friends, Muhammad
(pbuh) and his Companions.”446
The Azd deputation
This deputation consisted of seven members. When the
Prophet (pbuh) saw them, he showed a liking for their
appearance and asked, “Who are you people?” They
replied, “We are Mo`min (true believers).” The Prophet
(pbuh) said, “A claim has a reality behind it. What is the
reality of your word and Iman (Faith)?” They replied,
“We possess fifteen qualities. Five are those which we
heard from your messengers, the other five are such which
you commanded to put into practice, and the rest five are
those which we had been practicing from before.” Then
they explained these things in this way:
“The five things that your preachers asked us to
testify are these: Faith in Allah, angels, Allah’s books,
Allah’s prophets, and life after death.
“The five things we were instructed to follow are these:
To say:
6 4 4"
(There’s no deity worthy of worship, but Allah);
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Musnad Ahmad, 3:105-155
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
to establish Salah five times a day; to pay Zakah (poordue); to fast in the month of Ramadan; and to perform
Hajj, if one has necessary resources.
“The five things that we already knew are these: To
thank Allah when we are blessed with sufficient means, to
remain patient when faced with an affliction, to remain
content with the divine will, to remain steadfast when
faced with a trial, and not to use abusive words even for
the enemy.”
The Prophet (pbuh) commented, “Those who taught
these things were wise and learned. Their wisdom reflects
that they were perhaps the Prophets. Now I will teach you
five more things so that the number comes to twenty.
1. Don’t accumulate such things that you may not eat.
2. Don’t construct a house in which you may not live.
3. Don’t compete with others in things that you will
have to leave tomorrow.
4. Fear Allah, to Whom you have to return and
present yourself.
5. Develop eagerness for things that may benefit you
in the hereafter, where you will live forever.
These people remained firm on these teachings of the
Prophet (pbuh).447
Farwa bin ‘Amr was the governor of the northern part
of Arabia which was under the control of Qustuntuniya
(Constantinople). The capital of his state was Ma’aan. The
adjacent area of Palestine (Falastine) was also in his
jurisdiction. The Prophet (pbuh) sent him a letter inviting
him to Islam. He accepted Islam. He also sent a messenger
to the Prophet (pbuh) and sent with him an expensive
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 672-73, Al-Asaba, 3: 151.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
mule, which was white. When the king of Qustuntuniya
(Constantinople) learned about it, he called him back and
tried to persuade him to renounce Islam. When Farwa
refused, the king imprisoned him and later hanged him in
Palestine near the ‘Afraa` Pond. Before being hanged, he
recited the following verse:
8 T 8 0J# ' 8 ;P *n @ "
8 2(Cp;( 5
Q @ S P" °@ ,;
(Convey my message to the Muslim soldiers,
That my head and bones are ready for sacrifice
before the Lord.)
The Hamdaan Deputation
The Hamdan tribe resided in Yemen. Hazrat Khalid bin
Waleed® was sent to them to convey the message of
Islam. He stayed among them for quite some time, but
they did not accept Islam. Then the Prophet (pbuh) sent
Hazrat ‘Ali Murtuza® to preach Islam to them. At his
invitation, as Allah willed, the whole tribe embraced
Islam in one day. When the Prophet (pbuh) received a
letter from Hazrat ‘Ali® containing this information, he
fell in prostration to thank Allah and prayed for the tribe
in these words:
"B > # N IQ"
“May the people of Hamdaan live in peace.”448
These were the same people who had accepted Islam at
the hands of Hazrat ‘Ali and had come to Madinah to meet
the Prophet (pbuh).
Tariq bin ‘Abdullah narrated that once when he was
standing in the Al-Majaaz Marketof Makkah, he noticed a
person who was proclaiming:
"! F@ % 6 4 4 ! 0! D0 }
2 + c/' /"
Sunan Bayhaqui, 2: 369, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“O people! Say la ilaha illallah (There is no deity
worthy of worship except Allah); you will be
There then appeared another person right behind him who
was calling aloud,
n =- C9 Y ! D0 ^
% 4 }
2 +c/' /"
“O People! Do not consider him truthful; he is a
Upon enquiry, Tariq was told that the first person was a
member of the Bani Hashim tribe who thought that he was
a Prophet, and the other one was his own uncle ‘Abdul
‘Uzza (Abu Lahab). Tariq said that once he went to
Madinah with some persons from his tribe to buy dates
from there. When they reached near the city, they stopped
to change the dress. In the meantime a person approached
them and after greeting them inquired about them. He had
two old sheets over him. They told him that they were
from Rabdha and had come to Madinah to buy dates. They
had a red camel, which was reined. That person asked
Tariq’s associates if they wanted to sell it. They told him
that they would sell it for a certain amount of dates that
they mentioned. The person did not bargain. He simply
took the camel by its reins and walked away to the city.
“After he left, Tariq’s tribesmen realized that they had
made a mistake to let a stranger take away their camel
while they had not made any arrangement for collecting
money from him. There was a lady with them, a relative
of the chief of the tribe. She spoke to them confidently
that she had seen the countenance of the person which
shone like the full moon and that a person of such a
countenance would never cheat. She promised the
tribesmen that if that person did not appear, she would pay
them the price of the camel. While they were still
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
discussing the matter, there came a person from the city
and told them that he was sent by the Prophet (pbuh) to
pay them the price of the camel and an additional amount
of dates to host them. They ate well and found the dates
for the price of the camel full in measure. When they
entered the city, they saw that the same person was
delivering a sermon from the pulpit of the Masjid. Tariq
said that he heard the following words from him:
– ;' M
'0 F@ cQ @ Pn L @ @ @ * A0 Pn L ? D ^ B™(9 ! D0 ^
"– C‹ ' – C‹ ' – L' M
1L '0
“O people! Give charity, for giving charity is
better for you. The hand that gives is superior to
the hand that receives. Give to your mother,
father, sister, brother, then the close relatives,
and then other relatives.”449
The Najeeb Deputation
Thirteen persons from the Najeeb tribe came to Madinah to
bring to the Prophet (pbuh) the Zakah on the property and
animals of their people. The Prophet (pbuh) asked them to
take back the Zakah and distribute it among the poor of
their tribe. They said, “O Prophet of Allah! We have
brought to you whatever was left after giving the needy in
our tribe.” Hazrat Abu Bakr® commented, “O Prophet of
Allah! No deputation better than this has come here yet.”
The Prophet (pbuh) said upon it: “Guidance is in the hands
of Allah the Magnificent. When Allah wants to do a favor
to a person, He opens his heart for Iman.” They asked the
Prophet (pbuh) some questions; the Prophet (pbuh) dictated
answers for them in writing. They were very eager to learn
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 646-47. Imam Hakim has mentioned this
narration in Mustadrik, Imam Zahabi has corrected it.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the Qur`an and Sunnah (Prophetic Traditions), and, so, the
Prophet (pbuh) specially deputed Hazrat Bilal® to stay
with them and help.
The people of this deputation showed much
restlessness for returning home. When they were asked
about it, they said that they wished to reach their people as
soon as possible so that they could inform them about the
effulgence they had received from the sight of the Prophet
(pbuh), the blessings of his words, and the other benefits
they had received there. The Prophet (pbuh) gave them
gifts and bade them farewelll. At the time of departure, the
Prophet (pbuh) asked them if anyone from them was left
behind. They replied in the affirmative and said that they
had left behind a young man from their tribe to guard their
belongings. The Prophet (pbuh) asked them to send him to
the Prophet (pbuh). Upon arrival, the young man told the
Prophet (pbuh) that as his tribesmen were generously
treated by the Prophet (pbuh), he too wished to be obliged.
The Prophet (pbuh) asked him what he wanted. He said,
“My submission is different from that of my tribesmen,
although I acknowledge that they have come here in the
love of Islam and have also brought Zakah.” The Prophet
(pbuh) wished to know what he wanted. He submitted, “I
came from my home only with a desire to request you to
pray for me that Allah forgives me, shows mercy to me,
and blesses my heart with contentment.”
The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for him accordingly. In the
tenth Hijri when the Prophet (pbuh) went for Hajj, the
people of that tribe met him again. The Prophet (pbuh)
inquired of them the welfare of that young man. They
informed him, “O Prophet of Allah! We have not seen a
person like him before and we have not heard of a
contented person like him before. Even if the wealth of the
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
whole world is being distributed in front of him, he would
not throw a glance at it.”450
The Bani S’ad Hazeem Deputation
When this deputation arrived, the Prophet (pbuh) was
offering Salatul Janaza (The Burial Prayer) for a dead
person. They did not join, thinking that they should not do
anything before seeing the Prophet (pbuh). They,
therefore, waited aside. After the Salah was over, the
Prophet (pbuh) called them and asked, “Are you not
Muslims? Why did you not join the prayer for your dead
brother?” They replied, “We thought that we were not
entitled to do anything in Islam before offering Bai’ah
(Pledge) to you.” The Prophet (pbuh) explained to them,
“You had become Muslims since you had declared your
faith in Islam.” At that time the Muslim youth whom they
had deputed to guard their animals of ride also came there.
They remarked about him,
"* + ‹L N( ! T0 @ P š '"
“O Prophet of Allah! He is younger to us and is our
attendant.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “A person
younger in age is indeed an attendant to his elders. May
Allah bless him.” This prayer was accepted in his favor in
this way that he became the Imam of his people and the
one most learned in the Qur`an. When this deputation
returned to its people, the whole tribe embraced Islam.451
The Bani Asad Deputation
This deputation comprised ten persons. Waabesa bin
Ma’bad and Khuwaylad were with them. They came to the
Prophet (pbuh) while he was present in the Masjid with his
Companions, and one of them said, “O Prophet of Allah!
We testify that God is one, without a partner, and that you
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 650-51, Ibn S’ad, 1: 323.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 652, Ibn S’ad, 1: 329.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
are His bondsman and Prophet. See O Prophet of Allah! We
came to you ourselves. You did not send anyone to us.”
Upon it the following verse of the Qur`an was revealed:
* A0 # c / E( ; * A0 I"r( 8 # !c2 % 4 E@ D0 ! " ' B@ ' M
# B !c2 /w
D‹ * 12 -0 B@ r( Bœ±
* -0 > B@ '
“They regard as favor to you (O Muhammad,
(pbuh)) that they have embraced Islam. Say:
‘Count not your Islam as a favor to me. Nay, but
Allah has conferred a favor upon you that He has
guided you to the Faith if you indeed are true”
[Al-Hujurat, 49: 17].
Then those people inquired how it was to take an omen
from the animal calls or such other things. The Prophet
(pbuh) forbade them from such things. Then they inquired
about the practice of drawing lines and its validity. The
Prophet (pbuh) told them, “A Prophet had taught it to his
people. If someone has authentic information about it (i.e.
what that Prophet had taught about it), it is, indeed, true
knowledge. 452
The Bahra’ Deputation
When this deputation reached Madinah, it stopped in front
of the house of Hazrat Miqdad® and got down from their
camels there. Hazrat Miqdad® asked his family to prepare
food for them, then went to the guests to welcome them,
and brought them home. The family served the guests the
food called Hays which is prepared with Sattu and dates
cooked in ghee; sometimes fat is also added. From the
same dish he sent some amount of food to the Prophet
(pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) ate a little from it and returned
the bowl. Hazrat Miqdad® put the same bowl with the
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 654, Ibn S’ad, 1: 292.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
food left in it in front of the guests both times, lunch and
dinner, for several days. They ate to their satisfaction from
it, but the amount of food did not decrease. One day the
guests inquired Hazrat Miqdad how he could afford to
serve them such good and delicious dish both times every
day, whereupon he explained to them: “This is all due to
the blessings of the Prophet (pbuh). This food has been
touched by his fingers.” Hearing it, all of them said in
faith, “Truly, he is the Prophet (pbuh) of Allah.” They
stayed in Madinah for some more time, learned the Qur`an
and the tenets of Islam, and then returned home.453
The Howlaan Deputation
They were ten people who came to meet the Prophet
(pbuh) in the tenth Hijri. They told the Prophet (pbuh) that
they also represented their tribesmen whom they had left
behind. They said, “We bear faith in God and His Prophet
and have come to you covering such a long distance and
profess that we feel that Allah and His Prophet have this
way shown kindness and favor to us. We have come here
just to meet you.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
"? T@ N ! / <( ! O( 8 9 B - ?2/ @;( 8 C( z "
“He who came to meet me at Madinah will be my
neighbor on the Day of Judgment.”
He then inquired of them about ‘Amm Anas, an idol which
that tribe used to worship. The members of the deputation
replied, “By the grace of Allah, your teaching has been
adopted in place of the worship of that idol. There are only a
few old men and women who still worship it. Now we will
demolish it as soon as we return from here. We lived under
misguidance and evil for long.”
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 655-56, Ibn S’ad, 1: 331.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Prophet (pbuh) asked them, “Tell me about any
incident that took place there.” They narrated, “O Prophet
of Allah! Once we gathered a hundred bulls and
slaughtered them the same day in the name of ‘Amm Anas
and then left them there for the wild animals to eat,
although we ourselves were very much in need of animals
and their meat.” They also added, “We used to specify the
share of ‘Amm Anas in our cattle and harvest. When a
person gathered his agricultural produce, he specified its
middle part for ‘Amm Anas, while one side of it was
specified for God. If the harvest was hit by bad weather,
we gave the share of God to ‘Amm Anas, but we did not
ever give ‘Amm Anas’s share to God.”
The Prophet (pbuh) taught them necessary tenets of
Islam and instructed them specifically in the following:
1. To honor a promise;
2. To pay back the trust;
3. To treat the neighbor well;
4. Not to oppress anyone. He also told them: “Tyranny
will turn into darkness on the Day of Judgment.”454
The Makhaarib Deputation
These were ten persons who came as representatives of
their tribe. Hazrat Bilal® was deputed to host them and he
brought food to them both times. One day the Prophet
(pbuh) allowed them to stay in his company between the
Zuhr Salah and ‘Asr Salah. He looked at a person intently
and said, “I have seen you before.” He replied, “Sure, O
Prophet of Allah! It was in the market of ‘Ukkaaz where
you used to call people to Islam in the early days of your
preaching. You had seen me there and had spoken to me. I
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 662, Ibn S’ad 1: 324.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
had responded very harshly and refused your invitation
very indecently.” The Prophet (pbuh) remembered the
incident. He then added, “O Prophet of Allah! That day
none among my associates was severer in opposing you
and farther from Islam than me. All my associates died on
their traditional faith, but Allah kept me alive and, thanks
to Him, He guided me to bear faith in you.” The Prophet
(pbuh) commented, “The hearts of people are in the hands
of Allah the Magnificent.” He requested the Prophet
(pbuh) to seek Allah’s forgiveness for his life before
Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) told him: “Islam obliterates all
transgressions that a person has committed in the state of
unbelief (Kufr).”455
The Bani ‘Abas Deputation
This deputation came to the Prophet (pbuh) four months
before his death. They were the people of Najran and had
already embraced Islam. They submitted to the Prophet
(pbuh): “We have heard from the preachers of Islam that
you teach that
" S P 
> 4 N I" 4"
“His Islam is not trustworthy who did not make
Hijrah (Migration) for it.”
We are the owners of money, property, and cattle, which
are the sources of our sustenance. But if our Islam is not
acceptable without Hijrah, how will our money and
property help us and what will be the use of the cattle? It
is better then that we sell everything off and present
ourselves to you.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
"“3 u * A0 # ' * A0 1/ 9 * 12 -0 :
0 R V ! T0 %"
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 663, Ibn S’ad, 1: 299.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“Stay wherever you live and adopt Taqwa (fear of
Allah and piety). Your deeds will not fetch lesser
rewards in any way.”456
The Ghamid Deputation
This deputation consisting of ten persons came to the
Prophet (pbuh) in the tenth Hijri. They stopped outside
Madinah, left a boy there to guard their belongings, and
came to the Prophet (pbuh). As soon as the Prophet (pbuh)
saw them, he asked them whom they had left behind to
guard their luggage. They replied that it was a boy. The
Prophet (pbuh) told them: “After you left the place, the
boy fell asleep, and availing of the opportunity, a thief
stole a watch from the luggage.” One member of the
deputation spoke out, “O Prophet of Allah! That watch
was mine.” The Prophet (pbuh) told him: “Don’t worry.
The boy woke up soon after, ran after the thief, and caught
hold of him. The stolen goods were recovered from him.”
When the deputation returned to the place where they had
left their things, the boy on guard narrated the story of
theft with exactly the same details. All the members of the
deputation accepted Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) deputed
Hazrat Ubay bin Ka’ab® to teach them the Qur`an and the
tenets of Islam. When they got ready to leave, they were
given the tenets of Islam in writing.457
The Bani Fazara Deputation
When the Prophet (pbuh) returned from the Tabook
expedition, a deputation of Bani Fazara came to meet him.
There were fifteen persons in it. They professed Islam.
They had come riding weak camels. When the Prophet
(pbuh) inquired them about the condition of their villages,
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 670, Ibn S’ad, 1: 295.
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 671, Ibn S’ad, 1: 345.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
they thus spoke, “O Prophet of Allah! The villages have
been hit by famine, the cattle have died, the gardens have
dried up, and the children are starving. Pray that Allah
may answer our prayers. You intercede with Allah for us
and Allah intercedes with you on our behalf.” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied indignantly, “Allah is above such
assumptions, may you be disgraced!” I will intercede for
you with Allah, but with whom will Allah intercede? He is
the Lord, and there is none worthy of worship except Him.
He is the greatest of all and He alone rules over the skies
and the earth.”
The Prophet (pbuh) then prayed for rain for them. In
the following words:
*+ a
@ – ; ( R ' M
1 R P i
{+; – ‹ )# K( " *+ "
²G P ‚ m9C Ed O( P ‚ I
3 O( # m " 3T)x m/P( 3“/P( 3U š 3U ‚ 2T"
*+ ,Kd 4 ˜
d P ‚ 4 Nd > 4 d=# T@ " 4 ?q R T@ " *+ "[ # 7V # CP ^
C :
š 2T" “O Allah! Send down rain so that Your bondsmen
and animals are satiated. Extend Your mercy.
Bring the dead villages to life. Lord! We turn to
You as ones in dire need. Send the rain that
relieves, comforts, and reaches soon and is not
delayed, benefits and does not harm, and satiates
us to the full. O Allah! Bless us with rain by Your
mercy, and strike us not with punishment,
destruction, deluge, or annihilation. Lord! Bless
us with sufficient rain and help us overcome our
Zadul Ma’ad, 3:653-654; Ibn Sa’ad, 1:297; the words of dua is
also present in Sunan Abi Da’ud, Mustadrak Hakim and Sunan
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The Salaamaan Deputation
In this deputation there were seventeen people who
accepted Islam after appearing before the Prophet (pbuh).
Among them was one named Habeeb bin ‘Amr. He asked
the Prophet (pbuh) which deed was the best? The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “To offer Salah on time.” They submitted,
“The rain has not come down in our area yet. Pray for us.”
The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for them in these words: “O
Allah! Bless their area with rain.” Habeeb requested him,
“O Prophet of Allah! Lift your auspicious hands and then
supplicate.” The Prophet (pbuh) smiled and then prayed
for them by lifting his hands. When the deputation
returned from Madinah, they were told that rain had
poured down there the same day that the Prophet (pbuh)
had prayed for them.459
The Najran Deputations460
As narrations recorded in the books of Ahadeeth suggest, the
deputations of the Christians of Najran seem to have come to
the Prophet (pbuh) two times. The details are as follows:
The First Narration: It is mentioned in the narration
of Abu ‘Abdullah Haakim that the Prophet (pbuh) wrote a
letter to the people of Najran to invite them to Islam.
When Usquf (the Bishop) read it, he started shivering. He
immediately called Sharjeel bin Wada’a who was from the
Hamdaan tribe and was so powerful that the ruler, or his
advisor, or the clergy did not take a decision without
consulting him. The Bishop gave him the letter and after
letting him read it, he asked him, “Abu Maryam! Tell me
what do you think (of this letter)? Sharjeel replied, “As
you know, God had promised to Prophet Ibraheem
Rahmatullil ‘Aalameen, 1: 183, reference Zadul Ma’ad.
This whole incident is recorded in Zadul Ma’ad and Dalaele Nabuwwah.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
(Alayhisalaam) that the children of Ismail (Alayhisalaam)
will also be blessed with prophethood. This may be the
person (who has been blessed with prophethood). But
since this is a matter relating to prophethood, what can I
suggest! Had it been a worldly matter, I could have given
my suggestions.” The Bishop then asked him to take a
seat. After it he called another person called ‘Abdullah bin
Sharjeel who was from the Hemyar tribe, and sought his
opinion after showing him the letter of the Prophet (pbuh).
He also gave the same reply. The Bishop then called the
third person, Jabbar bin Qays, who was from Banu AlHarith bin Ka’ab tribe. He showed him the Prophet’s letter
and sought his opinion, too. He, too, gave the same reply.
Seeing that none was able to help, the Bishop ordered
to ring the church bells and to hang curtains of sackcloth
over the church, which was a way to announce that an
emergent situation had befallen, if it was daytime. At
night the bells were rung and fire was ignited at a hill.
Seventy-three villages were under this church, which
contained more than 100,000 men who were adept
warriors. The expanse of the upper side and the lower side
of the valley was as wide as a horse rider could cover in a
day. When the people of the area, who were Christians,
gathered there, the Bishop read to them the letter of the
Prophet (pbuh) and asked them what to do about it. It was
decided after consultation that Sharjeel, or ‘Abdullah, or
Jabbar should be sent to Madinah to meet the Prophet
(pbuh) and find out necessary details.
They reached Madinah and stayed in the company of
the Prophet (pbuh) for a few days. They asked the Prophet
(pbuh) about Hazrat ‘Isa (Alayhisalaam). Upon it were
revealed the following verses of the Qur`an:
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
B0 !0A9 -0 H D *’0 d P% T L N ‹ V E( U - 2 # Q# E U Br(w
– [V O ; 9 M
OR 9 /(P1 @ A0 % 9 M
; cK
* A0 Q
F0 C' 2Q
F0 C' * -0 [V QC( C[V QC( * -0 [V 2;' C[V 2;' g
C !% E@ T0 9 *( @ @
;(WA@ # ? 2 E@ 
29 E@ +( 1) C *’0
“Verily, the likeness of ‘Isa (Jesus) before Allah is
the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust,
then (He) said to him: ‘Be!’ – and he was./ This is
the truth from your Lord, so be not of those who
doubt. /Then whoever disputed with you
concerning him [‘Isa (Jesus)] after (all this)
knowledge that has come to you [i. e. ‘Isa (Jesus)
being a slave of Allah, and having no share in
Divinity], say: (O Muhammad, (pbuh)) ‘Come, let
us call our sons and your sons, our women and
your women, ourselves and yourselves – then we
pray and invoke (sincerely) the Curse of Allah
upon those who lie’” [Aale ‘Imraan, 3: 59-61].
On the revelation of these verses, the Prophet (pbuh) called
Hazrat Hasan® and Hazrat Husain®, his grandsons, for
Mubahila referred to in the above Qur`anic verse. Sayyida
Fatma® also came and stood behind the Prophet (pbuh).
The Christians stepped aside for consultation. Sharjeel
suggested, “It is not easy to form an opinion about
Muhammad. In fact, we are representing here the people
of the whole valley. I think that if Muhammad (pbuh) is a
king, even then it is not proper to enter into a Mubahila
with him, because then of all the Arab tribes we alone will
become the thorn of his eyes. But if he is a prophet in line
with the previous prophets, then after his invoking a curse
in Mubahila we will surely be doomed forever. In my
opinion the best for us is to surrender to him and agree to
pay Jizya to him, because, as I understand, he is not a
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
harsh person.” The two companions agreed with Sharjeel,
and accordingly they informed the Prophet (pbuh) that
instead of entering into Mubahila, they would like the
Prophet (pbuh) to fix an amount of Jizya for them.
Next day an amount of Jizya was fixed for them and a
document of agreement was prepared according to which the
Prophet (pbuh) gave them very generous concessions. This
document was written by Hazrat Mugheera®, a Companion,
and had the names of Abu Sufyan bin Harb, Ghaylaan bin
‘Amr, Maalik bin ‘Awf, and Aqra’ bin Haabis as witnesses.
This document was given to the Christians.
The deputation then returned to Najran. The Bishop
and other dignitaries came out to the distance of a
stopover to welcome them. The deputation gave the
document of agreement to the Bishop. While walking, he
started reading it. His cousin Bishr bin Mu’awiya,
popularly known as Abu ‘Alqama, was also looking at the
document. He became so engrossed in reading it that he
lost balance and fell off his camel. In rage, he said, “Woe
to the person who has put us in such distress.” He referred
to the Prophet (pbuh). The Bishop quickly warned him,
“Watch your words! By God, he is a Prophet in line with
the previous Prophets (Nabiye Mursal).”
Bishr was shocked to hear the words of the Bishop and
suddenly declared, “By God, I will now unsaddle my camel
only after meeting him.” Saying this, he turned his camel
toward Madinah and set out to meet the Prophet (pbuh).
The Bishop came after him and tried to stop him by saying,
“Listen to me and try to understand my intention. I said this
(that Muhammad (pbuh) was a true Prophet) to cover up so
that the tribes under our influence do not blame us for
accepting the terms set by Muhammad (pbuh), although the
other tribes, which are lesser than us in strength and honor,
have not surrendered to him yet. But Bishr continued his
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
journey and replied to the Bishop, “No, I will not stop now.
You could never say such a thing unless you know it at
heart that it is true.” He reached Madinah and after
accepting Islam, stayed there in the Prophet’s company
until he met his death as a martyr.
When the deputation reached Najran, a monk (Raahib)
who had taken a life of seclusion and lived in the upper
part of the church for years, came to know about the
Prophet (pbuh) from someone. He started calling people
aloud to take him down immediately and threatened to
jump down from the upper storey where he used to live, if
they delayed. Coming down, he also set out to meet the
Prophet (pbuh) with presents. When he reached Madinah,
he presented to the Prophet (pbuh) a bowl, a stick, and a
sheet of cloth. That sheet was preserved up to the days of
the ‘Abbasid Caliphs. He stayed in Madinah for some
time, learned the teachings of Islam, and then went to
Najran with the permission of the Prophet (pbuh). He also
promised to return.
The Second Narration: After some time the Bishop
Abul Harith, the head of the church, came to meet the
Prophet (pbuh) with a deputation. He was held in high
esteem even by the Roman emperor of Qustuntuniya
(Constantinople) and was considered a godly person of
distinguished spiritual power. He was believed to have
performed miracles on occasions, and was considered
qualified enough to function as Renovator (Mujtahid) in
religion. With him was a person named Ayham, who was
a judge and ruler of an area. He was also called Sayyid.
Also, with him was ‘Abdul Maseeh, popularly called
‘Aaqib, the chief and governor of the whole area. There
were twenty-four chiefs in this deputation and the total
number of members of the deputation was sixty, all of
whom were mounted. They reached the Masjide Nabawi
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
at the time of ‘Asr Salah (Afternoon Prayer), when it was
the time of their prayer too (perhaps it was a Sunday). The
Prophet (pbuh)) granted them permission to offer their
prayers in the Masjid, where they said their prayers facing
east. Some Muslims wanted to stop them from praying in
Masjid in the Christian way, but the Prophet (pbuh)
forbade the Muslims from doing so.
The Jews of Madinah also came to see them and
sometimes exchanged views with them. Once, when the
Prophet (pbuh) was present on the scene, the Jews said
that Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhisalaam) was a Jew, while
the Christians said that he was a Christian. Upon it the
following verse was revealed in the Qur`an:
4(r E0 (Ce S0 ! 1 a.( C'0 * >P;r( 89 B !cO% * ( 1A@ E > ' / E@ D0w
B !cO% * 9 *n @ # (; * A0 9 * 1
O R [ 4f> * 1C' > B !0T% I9' Y; 4 l/‹!+/ * >P;r( B - B ! % 4 * 1C' * / *n @ # (; * A0 
( 2 ' Br( 5
@ B - mQ 3F(2R B - A lC(P^
2(f @ c8 !2 V /= c8)(2 => Y !)% /= * >P;™(;(
“O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)!
Why do you dispute about Ibraheem (Abraham),
while the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)
were not revealed till after him? Have you then no
“Verily, you are those who have disputed about
that of which you have knowledge. Why do you
then dispute concerning that of which you have no
knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, and you know
not./ Ibraheem (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor
a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Haneefa
(Islamic Monotheism - to worship none but Allah
alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikun.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“Verily, among mankind who have the best claim
to Ibraheem (Abraham) are those who followed
him, and this Prophet (Muhammad, bpuh) and
those who have believed (Muslims). And Allah is
the Wali (Protector and Helper) of the believers”
[Aale ‘Imraan, 3: 65-68].
On another occasion the Jews asked the Prophet (pbuh)
(with an intention to criticize both the Muslims and the
Christians): “O Muhammad! Do you want us to worship
you as the Christians worship ‘Isa (Alaihisalaam)?” A
Christian also added, “Yes, is this your ultimate aim and
do you call people toward this faith?” The Prophet (pbuh)
replied, “I seek refuge in Allah that I worship anybody
other than Him or call anybody to worship anyone other
than Him. Allah has not sent me with this message. Upon
it the following verse was revealed in the Qur`an:
! C! -0 }
( 2 H ! T0 / *’0 S !)c2 * A@ @ 1A@ %f/ B@ ' Pd i
) B - w
;( 1A@ B ! , % * 12 -0 ;( 5
C(; ! C!0- A B‹ 8 m‹)#
* -0 P p@ /' m;; ' 5
)(2 ? A {I@ =0 ˆ1% B@ ' * -0 P p@ / B ! " % * 12 -0
yB !Q * 1C' W@ r( ; P( F@ A0 @(;
“It is not (possible) for any human being to whom
Allah has given the Book and Al-Hukm (the
knowledge and understanding of the laws of
religion) and prophethood to say to the people:
‘Be my worshippers rather than Allah’s.’ On the
contrary (he would say): ‘Be you Rabbaniyyun
(learned men of religion who practice what they
know and also preach others), because you are
teaching the Book, and you are studying it.’/ Nor
would he order you to take angels and prophets
for lords (gods). Would he order you to disbelieve
after you have submitted to Allah’s Will?’”
[Aale ‘Imraan, 3: 79-80].
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Muhammad bin Suhayl related that the first eight verses
of the Chapter ‘Aale ‘Imraan were revealed to the Prophet
(pbuh) during the presence of this deputation in Madinah.
When they got ready to depart, they again obtained from the
Prophet (pbuh) a document of agreement that had additional
clarifications about the status of the church and the priests.461
They further requested that an honest person should be sent
with them who could collect Jizya from them. The Prophet
(pbuh) sent Hazrat Abu ‘Ubayda bin Jarrah and told them,
“This person is the Ameen (Trustworthy) in my Ummah.”462
Due to the presence of Hazrat Abu ‘Ubayda® in that area,
Islam spread there.
The Nakh’a Deputation
This deputation came to Madinah in the middle of the
Muharram of the eleventh Hijri. No deputation came after
it. They were 200 persons who had accepted Islam at the
hands of Hazrat Mu’az bin Jabal®. They stayed in Darul
Zeyafa (guesthouse). One of them was called Zurara bin
‘Amr. He told the Prophet (pbuh) that he had strange
dreams while on way to Madinah. The Prophet (pbuh)
asked him to narrate his dreams. He said that he had
dreamed that a she-goat delivered a baby-goat, which had
white and black colors on it. The Prophet (pbuh) asked
him, “Was your wife expecting?” When he replied in the
affirmative, the Prophet (pbuh) said, “She has delivered a
son who is your child.” When he inquired what the white
and black patches meant, the Prophet (pbuh) called him to
come close and then said in a low voice: “Do you have
patches of leukoderma (a kind of leprosy) on your body
that you had been hiding from others.” Zurara said, “By
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 629-637, Dalaelun Nabuwwah, 5: 382-393, Ibn
Hisham, 1: 573- 584, Ibn S’ad, 1: 357.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Allah Who has designated you as His prophet! None ever
knew about it.” the Prophet (pbuh) told him that the child
had inherited it.
Zurara then narrated his second dream in which he had
seen N’oman bin Munzir wearing earrings, arm bands,
and Khalkhaal (a ring of gold or silver with bells attached
to it, worn round the ankle).” The Prophet (pbuh) replied,
“This symbolizes the Arab country which is attaining
prosperity and adornment.”
Zurara then said that he had dreamed of an old woman
whose hairs were white and black and who had come out
of the earth. The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “This is the
world, whatever still remains of it.”
Zurara then said that he had dreamed that a fire came
out of the earth and lodged itself between him and his son
‘Amr. That fire was saying, ‘Burn, burn, sighted or blind.
O People, give me your food, family, and property to
devour.’ The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “This is a
predicament that will appear by the end of the world.”
Zurara asked, “What will be the nature of this
predicament?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “People will
kill their Imam (religious leader). There will be dissension
among them and they will engage one another in fight in
the way in which the fingers of the two hands get
entangled. In those days the evildoers will consider
themselves virtuous. The blood of the faithful (Mo`min)
will be treated as more desirable than water. If your son
dies, you will witness this trial, but if you die, your son
will witness it.”
Zurara requested the Prophet (pbuh) to pray for him
that he was saved from facing that trial. The prophet
(pbuh) prayed for him, “Lord! Spare him from facing that
trial.” Zurara died. His son survived and found the time of
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Sayyidina ‘Uthman®. He had broken the Bai’ah with
Hazrat ‘Uthman®.463
The Farewell Hajj (Hajjatul Wida’)
9 mO!9@ ' ( /‹ 89 B !0L / }
2 a
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1 F @ P ^
C [V O Wr(w
ym;!% B - Cr( Y P Fš1" M
; ;(
(In the name of Allah
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)
“When there come the help of Allah (to you, O
Muhammad (pbuh) against your enemies) and the
conquest (of Makkah).And you see that the people
enter Allah’s religion (Islam) in crowds. So
glorify the praises of your Lord, and ask His
forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts
the repentance and Who forgive.”[An-Nasr: 1-3]
The reader of this verse may wonder why there is an
instruction for glorifying Allah and offering repentance
after the mention of the divine support and victory, when
apparently thankfulness would have been more suitable
for the context. That is why once Hazrat ‘Umar® inquired
the Companions about it. The persons present put forth
different meanings. Hazrat ‘Umar® looked at Hazrat
‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas® who was quite young at that time
and hesitated in speaking on such occasions. At the
encouragement of Hazrat ‘Umar®, he said, “This verse
has a reference to the Prophet’s death, as seeking
forgiveness is related closely to death.”464
After the revelation of this verse, the Prophet (pbuh)
had sensed that the time of his final departure from this
world was near. Now it was time when the fundamental
teachings of Islam, including its moral code, had to be
Zadul Ma’ad, 3: 686-87, Ibn S’ad, 1: 346.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabut Tafseer.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
established manifestly. This had to be done on the eve of
the Hajj. The Prophet (pbuh) had not performed Hajj after
Hijrah.465 In the beginning the Quraysh created
hindrances. After the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiya, there
was a chance to perform Hajj, but owing to other
important considerations, it was delayed. In the month of
Zul Q’ada, therefore, the Prophet (pbuh) announced his
intention to perform Hajj that year. The news spread
quickly and the whole Arabia eagerly came forward to
join him in his Hajj journey.466 On Saturday, the 26th of
Zul Qa’da, the Prophet (pbuh) took a bath and wore two
sheets of clothes (one to cover his lower part and the other
to cover his upper part of the body) and stepped out of
Madinah after the Zuhr Salah.467 He asked all of his holy
wives to accompany him to perform this auspicious
religious duty.468 He made a stopover at Zul Hulayfa,
which is at the distance of six miles from Madinah, and
spent the night there.469
Next day he took a bath again and offered two Rak’ats
of Salah. He then rode his camel Qaswa, wore Ihram, and
called aloud these words:
) *+ M
) M
/P( u 4 M
/P( u 4 M
@ @ M
? 2 @ Br(
(Here we are, O Allah, here we are.
O You Who has no partner! Here we are.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Zadul Ma’ad, 2: 102.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
All praise befits you alone and You alone are the
source of all blessings. There is none to share
Your kingdom).
Hazrat Jabir® who has reported this incident, says that
when he looked around, front and back, right and left, he
saw a multitude of people everywhere. When he chanted
the above words, the Companions repeated them from all
sides and the desert and the mountains around resounded
with the echo.470
For the sake of blessings, people had constructed
Masjid at all the places where the Prophet (pbuh) had
offered Salah on the eve of the conquest of Makkah. He
offered prayers in all those mosques that fell in his way.
On reaching a place called Sarif, he took a bath again. He
entered Makkah the other day, on Sunday, the 4th of Zul
Hijjah, by morning. The journey to Makkah from
Madinah took nine days.471 The young boys of the Banu
Hashim tribe came out in enthusiasm to greet him. He was
very happy to see them and let some of them ride his
camel behind him or in front of him.472 When he caught
the glimpse of the K’aba, he prayed, “O Allah! Increase
further the respect and honor of this House.”473 He then
performed the Tawaaf (taking seven rounds around K’aba
in the prescribed way). After completing the Tawaaf, he
came to the place in Al-Haram known as Maqaame
Ibraheem and offered two Rak’ats of Salah there. He then
recited the following verse of the Qur`an:
Sahih Al-Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi wa Bab AlTalbiya.
Seeratun Nabi, 2: 252.
Sunan Nasai, Kitabul Manasik, Bab Istiqbalul Hajj.
Sunan Bayhaqui, 5: 73.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
* >P;r( N( T 0=ˆ%w
“And take you (people) the Maqaam (place) of
Ibrahim (Abraham) [or the stone on which
Ibrahim (Abraham, alayhissalaam) stood while he
was building the Ka’bah] as a place of prayer
(for some of your prayers, e.g. two Rak’at after
the Tawaaf of the Ka’bah at Makkah)”
[Al-Baqarah: 125].
When he reached Safa, he recited the following verse:
y P( {u S P @ F^ Br(w
“Verily, As-Safa and Al-Marwah (two mountains
in Makkah) are of the symbols of Allah”
[Al-Baqarah, 1: 158].
On seeing the K’aba, he said the following
/ 8/ @ M@ @ M
/(Pu 4 Y R 4(r r( 4 "
N . > Y ) # P ^
C Y # . 
C' Y R 4r( r( 4 Pn /D [¢ 8 u ,E-0 # ! > "Y R .R 7V “There is no deity worthy of worship except
Allah. He has no partner. He is the Master of the
kingdom and state and He alone deserves praise.
He puts to death and he grants life, and He can
do whatever He wishes. There is no god but He
alone. He fulfilled His promise and supported His
servant, and alone defeated all (opposing)
He then came down from Safa to Marwa and prayed to
Allah there. The Arabs believed that ‘Umrah was not
allowed in the days of Hajj. But the Prophet (pbuh)
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
ordered those who had not brought the animals of sacrifice
with them to put off Ihram after performing the Safa and
Marwa rituals.475 Under the influence of the old traditions,
some Companions excused themselves from following
this commandment. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “If the
camels specified for sacrifice were not with me, I would
have done the same.”476 Hazrat ‘Ali®, who was sent to
Yemen some time before the Farewelll Hajj, came to
Makkah with the pilgrims from Yemen to perform Hajj
with the Prophet (pbuh). As they had brought animals of
sacrifice with them, they did not put off Ihram. The
Prophet (pbuh) stayed in Mina with all Muslims on
Thursday, the 8th of Zul Hijjah. Next day, on Friday, the
9th of Zul Hijjah, he left for ‘Arafat after Salatul Fajr (the
Morning Prayer).477
The Quraysh used to stay in Muzdalifa, instead of
going to ‘Arafat, in Hajj, thinking that they were superior
to others and did not need to go out of Al-Haram area to
perform the Hajj rituals like the commoners. But Islam,
which denied superiority to anyone on the basis of cast or
tribe, put all Muslims on the same level, and thus the
Qur`an commanded:
2 Z
9' :
0 R !9' *’0 w
“Then depart from the place whence all the
people depart” [Al-Baqarah, 2: 199].
Accordingly, the Prophet (pbuh) went to ‘Arafat with
common Muslims and proclaimed:
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’, Sahih Muslim,
Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatul Wida’ and Bab Beyaan Wujuhul Ihraam.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manasik.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
"* A0 (;' ´ ´
q # * A0 C9 * -0 P( #i
# ! F0 D"
“Stay at your holy places, for you are the
inheritors of (the tradition) of your Father
They were reminded that the stay of the pilgrims in
‘Arafat was in keeping with the tradition of Hazrat
Ibraheem (Alayhisalaam) who had stayed there for that
purpose. In ‘Arafat the Prophet (pbuh) stayed at a place
called Namera in a blanket tent. When the sun started
coming down, he rode his camel called Qaswa and came
to an open space where he delivered his historic Farewelll
Sermon while still mounted.479 This was the first day
when Islam had appeared in its full glory, but instead of
taking pride in the victory, the Prophet (pbuh) projected in
his message the Islamic values that safeguarded the cause
of humanity and destroyed evil traditions of ignorance. He
n !G! 8 D a
% ?—>@ P( ' [¢ 8 u Ev -0 4 '"
“All the traditions of the period of ignorance are
under my feet.”480
The greatest hurdle in achieving complete
emancipation of mankind was the brutal practice of
discrimination that was prevalent at that time in different
forms in all nations, all religions, and all countries. The
kings were considered as “God’s shadows on earth,” in
front of whom none could dare to say a word. None had a
right to question a priest about a matter of religion, the
noble were superior to the commoners, and the slaves
could never rise to the level of the masters. On that day of
Sunan Tirmizi, Kitabul Hajj.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
true emancipation, all such differences, discriminations
and barriers were declared null and void by the religious
decree of Islam. The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) announced:
* A0 v-0 8;(P @ # Eo 
9 —8
@ 4 8
@ # Eo 
9 8;(P @ 
d P % N ‹ N ‹ [6 2;'
“Arabs are not superior to non-Arabs, nor are
non-Arabs superior to Arabs. You all are the
children of Adam (Alayhisalaam) and he was
made of clay.”481
In the Arabia of the pre-Islamic period, avenging the
murder of a person was considered a solemn duty of the
aggrieved family who did not forego their claim even after
the lapse of hundreds of years. That is why family feuds
led to incessant killings, which always kept the land of
Arabia tainted with fresh blood. This senseless chain of
killings, in which the Arab tribes took so much pride, was
terminated that day, and the Prophet of peace (pbuh) was
the first to forego the claim of his family in a case of
revenge killing:
"´(@ ( ; ? (; N ‹ G
' Nd ‹ H0 ' ?o # !G! ?>@ [6 ‹"
“The blood claims of the period of ignorance
(killing in revenge) is declared illegal today, and
first of all I declare as illegal the revenge killing
for the murder of Rabi’a bin Harith who was from
my family.”482
The system of usury (Riba) was practiced all over the
country, which had hit the poor hardest and made them
virtually the slaves of the rich. That was the day when
Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of justice (pbuh),
Al-Aqdul Fareed, 2: 149.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
declared it inhuman, unjust, and illegal, and sacrificed,
first of all, the claim of usury entitled to his own family:
( ‡ @ )# ( ; }
( )# ;( ƒ G
' m;( H0 ' g
n !G! ?>@ ;( "
“All the usury claims of the period of ignorance
are obliterated today and, first of all, I dismiss the
claim of usury entitled to ‘Abbas bin Muttalib (the
Prophet’s uncle).”483
Until then, women were treated as objects of
inheritance, who were won and lost in gambling. This
large section of mankind, naturally blessed with a superb
delicacy and excellence, lived in utter misery under severe
oppression. This was the day that they were granted a
status of honor and appreciation:
"[ Q
2 89 V !0T%9"
“Fear Allah in regard to women.”484
In the Arabia of the day, there was no security of life
and property. A person killed somebody unscrupulously
or snatched money from whomsoever he could. Today the
Prophet (pbuh) gave the message of peace to all:
89 => * -0 P( + u 89 => * A0 !/ ?P - Nn PR * A0 # * A0 ! ' * -0 [V ‹ Br("
"* A0 ; B ! T @ % N( ! / r( => * -0 ;
“Indeed, your blood and your property are
forbidden for one another until the Doomsday, in
the same way as this day, this month, and this city
are (the times and site for reticence, in which you
are forbidden from doing any injustice).485
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’. Sahih
Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Great religions came to the world before Islam, but
their foundation did not rest strong on the written
teachings of their proponents. Their egotistic followers
soon tampered with the divine message that those
Prophets had received from God. Here was the Prophet
(pbuh) giving to the world an eternal and everlasting
message, who taught in his life what the world should
follow after his death:
" 1- (; * 1 ^
1# B(r Y ; !v% * * A0 9 a
-@ P % D Cr( "
“I am leaving behind a thing among you. If you
hold fast to it, you will not go astray. And that is
the Book of Allah (the Qur`an).”
Saying this, he asked the audience,
"B !0{D * 1C' 9 8
2# B !0f Q
* 1C'"
“You will be asked about me by Allah. What will
you say then?”
The Companions submitted, “We will testify that you
conveyed the message of Allah to us and fulfilled your
mission.” Upon it he pointed his finger toward the sky and
" + u *+ "
“O Allah! Be a witness (of what they are saying).”486
While he was delivering the sermon, the following
verse was revealed to him:
ym2/‹ N I"™(@ * A0 a
G 81 C( * A0 # a
%' * A0 2/‹ * A0 a
@ -@ ' N ! @w
“This day I have perfected your religion for you,
completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion”
[Al-Maa`idah, 5: 3].487
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
This was a miraculous sight to see that when the Prophet
(pbuh) was proclaiming the words of Allah in front of such a
large number of his followers, he was riding a camel whose
saddle and saddle cover cost not more than a rupee. What a
contrast to the throne of the rulers of the time!488
After completing his sermon, the Prophet (pbuh) asked
Hazrat Bilal® to call Adhan and offered the Zuhr and ‘Asr
Salah jointly. Then he rode his camel and went to a place
known as the Mawqaf, where he stood and remained
engaged in supplication facing the K’aba for a long
time.489 Close to the sunset time, he prepared to leave
from there. He took Osama bin Zayd® on his camel
behind him.490 The Prophet (pbuh) was pulling the reigns
of the camel so hard that the head of the camel touched
the saddle.491 There was some commotion among the
people who were following him. He signaled them by
hand, and according to the report of Bukhari by a whip
(used for driving a camel), and said,
2 +c/' ? 2AQ" "}
2 +c/' ? 2AQ"
“Patiently, O people! Patiently, O people!”492
In the way he stopped at a place to relieve himself of
call of nature. Hazrat Osama® submitted, “O Prophet of
Allah! The time of Salah is about to end.” The Prophet
(pbuh) replied, “The time of Salah will come after a
while.” After some time, he reached Muzdalifa with the
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida`.
Seeratun Nabi, 2: 154-59.
Zadul Ma’ad, 2: 234.
Sahih Al Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Zadul Ma’ad, 2: 246.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi, Sahih AlBukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
caravan. Here he first offered the Maghrib Salah (the
Evening Prayer). Then the pilgrims went to the place of
their stay and started unloading their luggage. They had
not unfolded their baggage yet that the Takbeer (the final
call for Salah in congregation) of the ‘Isha Salah (the
Night Prayer) was called.493 After performing Salah, the
Prophet (pbuh) rested until the daybreak. That night,
against his daily practice, he did not wake up for postnight prayers (Tahajjud). The Muhadditheen (experts in
the science of Prophetic Traditions) have reported that this
was the only night when the Prophet (pbuh) did not offer
Tahajjud. Early in the morning he offered the Fajr Salah
(the Dawn Prayer).494 The Makkan disbelievers used to
depart from Muzdalifa after the sun had risen and the
sunrays shone on the surrounding hills. They used to say
aloud on that occasion, “The Mount Thabeer! Shine with
the rays of the sun.” To discredit this unauthentic
tradition, the Prophet (pbuh) left Muzdalifa before the
sunrise.495 This was Saturday, the 10th of Zul Hijjah.
Hazrat Fazl bin ‘Abbas®, the Prophet’s cousin, rode
with him. The Companions who were walking beside him,
left and right, were asking him questions about the rituals
of Hajj, and he was answering their questions. He was
also teaching in a loud voice the rituals of Hajj to the
people. He came to the Jamarat (the Devils) through the
Muhassar valley (Waadie Muhassar) and asked Ibn
‘Abbas®, who was young at that time, to pick up pebbles
for him for stoning the Jamaraat (the Devils). He then
performed the ritual of stoning and said to the people,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Seeratun Nabi, 2: 160.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
"( /
› c!0 š * A) D B - M
>' —C™9 ( /
› !0 š * -/r"
“Abstain from overdoing a thing in religion,
because the nations were destroyed due to it before
He also said,
"Y=> 1R ; c‘R ' 4 , 
( ‹ ' 4 C™(9 * A0 A "2 =0 L p@ 1 "
“Learn the rituals of Hajj from me. I don’t know
if I shall get a chance to perform the second
Then the Prophet (pbuh) came to the field of Mina.
There were around 100,000 pilgrims around him: the
Ansar were on the right, the Muhajireen on the left and the
other Muslims in the middle. The Prophet (pbuh) was
riding his camel. Hazrat Bilal® was holding the reins of
the camel. Hazrat Osama® was sitting behind him on the
camel and was providing him shade with a piece of cloth.
The Prophet (pbuh) looked at the massive throng of
believers. They were there as a result of the twenty-three
years of his missionary work. The land on which these
believers were walking at that time was testifying that the
truth had triumphed, the missionary work of the Prophets
was completed with the final message, and the world was
blessed with the grant of the religion that was best suited
to the nature of mankind. Now that the beginning of a new
Shari’ah, a new order, nay, a nay universe was being
witnessed, the Prophet - its proponent - proclaimed:
Sunan Nasai, Kitabul Manasik.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
7V j!Q K L N ! / 1“ + - 1" D B . Br( "
“The Time has come back to the point where it
was when the earth and the skies were created
As violence was strictly prohibited in the month of
Hajj even in the days of ignorance, the tribes sometimes
used to increase or decrease the duration of this month to
suit their plan to fight. This practice was stopped forever
as the Prophet (pbuh) announced:
0W S T @ 0W j
n !1 ?o ’I
’ Nn P R ?o ; ' +2 mP+ u P i
# 2’@ ?0 2Q "
"B ) u ‹O ; = P 
@ ?@
“In the twelve months of the year, four are
honorable, three of which are the consecutive
months of Zul Q’ada, Zul Hijjah and Muharram,
and the fourth is the month of Rajab Mudhir
which falls between Jamadiyuth Thaani and
There are only three things, around which the interest
of the people centers: life, property, and honor. Although
the Prophet (pbuh) had spoken about them in his sermon a
day before, he felt the need to underscore it again and, so,
he spoke about them with such eloquence which is rare in
the history of oratory. He said: “Do you know what day is
it?” The people replied, ‘Allah and His Prophet know
best.’ He kept quiet for a while upon which people
thought that he would perhaps give another name to the
day. After a long pause, he said, ‘Is it not the Day of the
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’, Sahih
Muslim, Kitabul Qasama.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Sacrifice?’ People replied, ‘Indeed, it is.’ Then he asked,
‘What month is it?’ The Companions replied in the same
way. He made a pause for a long while and said, ‘Is it not
the month of Zul Hijjah?’ The Companions replied, ‘Yes,
it is.’ He again made a long pause and then asked, ‘Is it
not the Honorable City (in which sinful acts are
forbidden)?’ The Companions replied, ‘Indeed, it is.’
When it was instilled in the hearts of the people that the
day, the month, and the city in which they were living
were honorable in the sense that in them fighting and
shedding blood were not permissible, he announced,
9 => * A0 !/ ?P - Nn PR * A0 # * A0 G
P # ' * A0 ! ' * -0 [V ‹ B™(9"
"= > * -0 ; 9 => * -0 P( + u
“Likewise your blood, your property, and your
honor are forbidden for one another (until the
Day of Judgment) as they are forbidden in this
day, this month, and this city.”500
Nations are destroyed due to wars and bloodshed. The
Prophet (pbuh) instructed his followers in this regard in
these words:
* A0 ; B ! T @ 1" ”
d ; D( * A0 
; P( 
/ 43 IG
<; !O( P % 4 !4'"
"* A0 # ' # * A0 0pQ
“See! Do not go astray after me and do not start
killing one another. You will have to appear
before Allah and He will question you about your
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Hajjatul Wida’.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
It was a tradition those days that if a person committed
a crime, his whole tribe was considered guilty in the eyes
of the law and, in case the criminal absconded, the ruler
punished anyone he deemed fit from the tribe of the
offender. The son was hanged for the crime of the father,
and the father was punished for the crime of the son. This
was a cruel law indeed, but it had existed for a very long
time. The Qur`an had already discredited it forever by
giving a general law in these words:
yPL '0 z ( So z( .( % 4w
“No one laden with burdens can bear another’s
burden” [Al-Isra: 15].
But when the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) was laying down
the foundation of a just legal system, he did not forget to
clarify Islam’s position on this issue. He clearly said,
"Y # ‹n !0! 4 Y # n (2
/ 4 QF@ C # 4r( Bq O (2
/ 4 4 '"
“Indeed a criminal is responsible for his crime. A
son is not responsible for his father’s crime, nor is
the father responsible for the crime of his son.”502
One important reason for the lawlessness in Arabia lay
in the fact that each individual considered himself
independent and thought that submitting to a person of
authority was a disgrace to him. The Prophet (pbuh)
taught Muslims a lesson in this regard as well:
"!x' ! " 9 % ( 1A; * -‹! T0 / ‹ ! " ' g
n 
n )# * A# P0' Br"
“If a black person (Habshi) with chopped ears is
your leader (Ameer) and he leads you according
to the Book of Allah (the Qur`an), listen to him
and obey him.”503
Sunan Tirmizi, Kitabul Fitan, Sunan Ibn Maaja, Kitabul
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
By that time the whole Arabia had received the light of
Islam, the House of Allah at Makkah had again become
the center of the message of Prophet Ibraheem (A.S.), and
the powers opposing Islam were subdued. The Prophet
(pbuh), therefore, said on that occasion:
B0 !0A" A 3;' Y=> * -0 ‹I;( › ) / B@ ' 
/(' D B ‡ i Br( 4 '"
"+(; GP Q
9V * A0 # ' B PT1
% ”
( ; › ?o # x
“Yes, of course, the Satan has lost hope that he
will ever be worshipped in this city. But you will
still follow him in small things, in which he will
derive pleasure.”504
At the end he reminded the Companions of the
fundamental duties in Islam:
* A0 %P W !x' *-0 P + u !! *A0 Q
L !v * A0 ; )# "
" * A0 ; ? 2O ! 0 L %
“Worship your Lord, offer Salah five times, fast in
the month of Ramadan, and follow my
instructions. You will enter paradise of your
By saying these words, he pointed toward the crowd of his
followers and asked,
“Did I convey the Message to you?”
š ; E@ > 4'"
All answered, “Yes, You did.” He said upon it,
“O Allah! Be a witness.”
" + u *+ Š"
Then he addressed the audience again and said,
{š@ >i °0 ,)@ 9 "
“Those who are present should take this message
to the ones who are not present here now.”
Tirmizi, Kitabul Fitan.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
He greeted the Muslims with the words of farewelll at the
end of the sermon.
After it, the Prophet (pbuh) proceeded toward the
slaughterhouse and said, “Mina is not specified for
sacrificing the animal. It could be done in any of the
streets of Mina and Makkah.” There were 100 sacrificial
camels with the Prophet (pbuh), some of which he himself
slaughtered and gave the rest to Hazrat ‘Ali to
slaughter.505 He instructed that everything - the meat as
well as the skin of the camels - should be given to the
poor. Even the wages of the butcher (one who slaughters
and skins the animal for a wage), he instructed, should not
be given from the meat or the skins of the sacrificed
camels. It should be paid from another source, he said.506
After sacrificing animals, the Prophet (pbuh) called
Mu’ammar bin ‘Abdullah and got his head shaved.507 Out
of love, he himself gave some of his hair to Abu Talha
Ansari, his wife Umme Sulaym, and some others who
were sitting around. Then Abu Talha distributed the rest
of the Prophet’s hair among all Muslims, giving each a
hair or two.508 After that the Prophet (pbuh) went to
Makkah and performed the Tawaaf of K’aba. He then
went to the Zamzam Well. As traditionally the ‘Abdul
Muttalib family used to serve water to the pilgrims, the
members of that family were engaged at that time in
pulling water out of the well for the pilgrims. The Prophet
(pbuh) told them, “O the family of ‘Abdul Muttalib! I
would have drunk water by pulling it from the well
Zadul Ma’ad, 2: 59.
Sahih Al Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Musnad Ahmad, 6: 100.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Wudhu, Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
myself, had I not feared that others would follow me and
snatch the buckets from your hands to take out water from
the well by themselves.”509 Hazrat ‘Abbas® pulled water
from the well for him. He faced the Qibla (the K’aba) and
drank Zamzam standing.510
Then he returned to Mina and prayed the Zuhr Salah
there.511 He stayed in Mina for the rest of the Days of
Tashreeq (until the 12th Zul Hijjah). Every day he used to
go to perform the ritual of stoning the Jamaraat (the
Satans) and then returned to the place of his residence in
Mina.512 On the 13th of Zul Hijja, the Tuesday, after the
zenith, he came out of Mina and reached Waadi Muhassab
and rested at night there.513 He woke up in the last part of
the night and went to Makkah Mu’azzama. He performed
the last Tawaaf of K’aba and said his Fajr Salah there.514
After that the groups of the pilgrims departed to their
destinations and the Prophet (pbuh) returned to Madinah
with the Muhajireen and Ansar. Before Madinah, he made
a stopover at Zul Hulayfa and spent a night there. Next
day at the daybreak he entered Madinah Munawwara. On
seeing Madinah, he uttered the following words:515
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;P BO( " B;(# B!){% B!){ nP/D [¢ 8 u ,E-0 #
"Y R .R 7V N . > Y ) # P ^
C Y # 6 ˜
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjatun Nabi, Sahih AlBukhari, Kitabus Saqaya.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Shurb, Bab Al-Shurb Qaa`man.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Hajj.
Zadul Ma’ad, 2: 290, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Bab Rami Jamaratul ‘Oqba.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj, Bab Tawaaf Wida’.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj, Babul Hajj.
Summary from Seeratun Nabi, 2: 159-169.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
“Allah is greatest. There is no deity except Him.
He has no partner. His is the kingdom and for
Him alone is all praise. He is All-powerful. We
are returning: repenting, submitting, prostrating,
and engaged in praising our Lord. Allah fulfilled
His promise, helped His servant, and defeated the
opposing tribes all alone.”516
The Death
yB !1
* + Cr( a
n M
“Verily you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily
they (too) will die.” [Az-Zumar, 39: 30]
The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) was to stay in this world till the
Islamic Shari’ah was completed and the code of moral
purification was established in the society in the most perfect
form. This aim was achieved at the time of the Prophet’s
Farewelll Hajj (Hajjatul Wida’). After the Shari’ah was fully
implemented in the lives of the Muslims, it was announced
in ‘Arafat on the occasion of Hajj:
y81 C( * A0 # a
%' * A0 2/‹ * A0 a
@ -@ 'w
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you
and completed My favor upon you”
[Al-Ma`idah: 3].
For some Companions specially gifted with prudence,
the revelation of the Qur`anic Chapter Al-Nasr was a hint
that the hour of the Prophet’s departure from the world
was near. Also, in accordance with the Qur`anic
yY P Fš1" M
; ;( „
9 w
(“So glorify the praises of your Lord, and ask His
forgiveness” [An-Nasr: 3])
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Hajj.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The increasing inclination of the Prophet (pbuh) toward
spending more time in the remembrance of Allah (Zikr)
pointed to it. In the past years the Prophet (pbuh) used to
observe seclusion in the Masjid (E’tekaaf) in Ramadan for
ten days, but in the tenth Hijri, he did it for twenty days.
In the past years he used to hear the Angel Jibrail recite
the Qur`an to him in Ramadan once, but in the last
Ramadan of his life he did it twice.517 He had also
announced in his last Hajj that he did not hope to be with
his Companions in the next Hajj (in other narrations he is
reported to have said that he did not hope to perform a
second Hajj).
On the occasion of Hajj, he bade farewelll to his
Companions with a heavy heart. He also visited the
Martyrs of Uhud, who were already glorified with the
Qur`anic words,
y[Œ R ' * > E@ ;w
“Nay, they are living” [Al-Baqarah: 154],
after eight years. He went to their graves and prayed for
them and bade them farewelll in the moving way in which
a person near his death bids farewell to his relatives. He
then delivered a sermon in which he said: “I am going to
the Pond of Kawthar before you, the expanse of which
would cover the distance between Abla and Jahfa. I have
been given the key to the treasures of the whole world. I
do not apprehend that you will adopt Shirk (polytheism)
after me, but I fear that you might fall a prey to the world
and start killing each other for it. For if you do so, you
will also be destroyed as were the nations before you.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Fazael Al-Qur`an.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
The narrator says that this was the last sermon that he
heard from the Prophet (pbuh).518
As mentioned earlier, Hazrat Zayd bin Haritha was
unjustly killed by the Arabs residing at the border of
Shaam (Syria). The Prophet (pbuh) wanted to take
revenge (Qasaas) of Zayd’s murder. One day before he
fell ill, he deputed Osama, Zayd’s son, for the mission and
gave an army in his command to avenge the death of Zayd
from the evildoers.519
The Prophet (pbuh) visited Jannatul Baqee’, the
graveyard for the general Muslims of Madinah, and felt
somewhat unwell there.520 That day it was his turn to stay
at the house of his wife Ummul Mo`mineen Hazrat
Maymoona® (he used to spend one day by turn with each
wife in order to give each of them equal time and
attention). During the five days of illness, he observed the
usual practice of spending a day with each wife. On
Monday when his illness increased, he took permission of
his wives to stay at the house of Hazrat Aisha®. Out of
courtesy, he did not even clearly mention it to his wives.
He simply asked, “Where shall I stay tomorrow?” His
holy wives said, “Wherever it pleases you.” He was too
weak to be able to walk independently. Hazrat ‘Ali® and
Hazrat ‘Abbas® held him by arms and led him to the
house of Hazrat ‘Aisha®.521
As long as he could, he kept on going to the Masjid to
lead all five prayers. The last Salah that he led was the
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Janaaez, Bab Al-Salah ‘alashShaheed, Sahih Muslim. Kitabul Fazael.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 57.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Maghrib Salah (Evening Prayer). He was suffering from a
headache and so, had tied a handkerchief around his head.
In that Salah he recited the Qur`anic Chapter Mursalaat.522
When the time of the ‘Isha Salah approached, he inquired,
“Has the Salah been performed (in the Masjid)?” The
persons around him said, “People are waiting for you.”
Upon it, he asked for water, which was brought in a large
metallic container. He took a bath from that water. He then
wanted to stand up, but he fainted. As soon as he recovered
his senses, he asked again, “Has the Salah been
performed?” Those attending upon him replied in the
negative. He then took a bath the second time, but when he
tried to stand up, he fainted again. Upon recovering, he
took a bath again, but when trying to stand up, he again
became unconscious. After regaining senses this time, he
said, “Let Abu Bakr lead the congregational prayer.”
Hazrat ‘Aisha® commented, “O Prophet of Allah! Abu
Bakr® is tender-hearted and will not be able to stand in
your place.” The Prophet (pbuh) asked again for Abu
Bakr® to lead the prayer. Accordingly, Hazrat Abu Bakr®
led the prayers for several days.
The fourth day before his death, the Prophet (pbuh)
became a bit cheerful around the time of the Zuhr Salah.
He asked for seven Mushk (leather water container) of
water to be poured over him. Thus taking a bath, he came
to the Masjid with the support of Hazrat ‘Ali® and Hazrat
‘Abbas®. The Salah had started and the believers were
standing in congregation behind Hazrat Abu Bakr®.
Realizing the presence of the Prophet (pbuh) there, Hazrat
Abu Bakr® wanted to move behind. The Prophet (pbuh)
signaled him to continue, sat down beside him, and joined
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
the prayer. Hazrat Abu Bakr® followed the Prophet
(pbuh) in Salah, and the others performed the rituals of
Salah by looking at Hazrat Abu Bakr®.523
After Salah, the Prophet (pbuh) delivered a sermon,
which was the last sermon in his life, in which he said:
“Allah granted a bondman of His an option to choose
between His favors of this world and His blessings of the
Hereafter. His bondsman chose the blessings that are with
His Lord.” Hearing it, Hazrat Abu Bakr® burst into tears.
People looked at him in surprise and wondered why a
person should cry when the Prophet (pbuh) was simply
narrating an event. But Hazrat Abu Bakr had realized that
the Prophet (pbuh) was, in fact, talking about himself in
disguise. Thereafter the Prophet (pbuh) added, “Of all, I
am obliged to Abu Bakr most. If it were possible for me to
take a friend from my followers in this world, I would
have chosen Abu Bakr. But the relationship of Islam
encompasses friendship. All the windows that open
toward the Masjid should be closed except the window of
Abu Bakr.524 The people before you turned the graves of
their prophets and pious persons into places of worship.
Beware! You do not do so.”525
During the period of the Prophet’s illness, the
aggrieved Ansar used to cry remembering his kindness to
them. Once Hazrat Abu Bakr® and Hazrat ‘Abbas® came
upon a group of the Ansar who were sitting in grief and
inquired of them the cause of their sadness. They said,
“We remember the gatherings of the Prophet (pbuh).” One
of them reported the matter to the Prophet (pbuh). That
Sahih Muslim, Kitabus Salah, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul
Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa Wafaatuhu.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
day when he was feeling better and was speaking to his
Companions, he said about Ansar: “O People! I instruct
you in regard to Ansar. Other Muslims will increase while
the Ansar will decrease in number like the salt in the flour.
They fulfilled their obligation; now you have to do your
part. If I am a body, they are like the digestive system. He
who is responsible for your benefits and harms (i.e., the
Khalifa) should accept those from them who are virtuous,
and forgive those who err.”526
As discussed earlier, the Prophet (pbuh) had appointed
Osama bin Zayd® as the commander of the army which
was being sent toward the Romans. Some persons
complained that a young man was given the command in
the presence of the elders and the experienced. (Ibn S’ad
has clarified that they were the hypocrites). The Prophet
(pbuh) referred to it also in his sermon and said: “If you
are critical of the appointment of Osama as commander,
you were also critical of the appointment of his father
Zayd as commander. By Allah! He deserved that position
and was dearest to me, as he (Osama) is dearest to me
after him.”527
In contrast to other religions, Islam emphasizes that
religious commandments actually come from Allah and
that a Prophet simply conveys them to the people in words
and deeds. As other religions had erred seriously in taking
their prophets as lawgivers, they had elevated them to the
level of divinity, which led them to Kufr (unbelief) and
Shirk (polytheism). The Prophet (pbuh) clarified this point
as emphatically as possible: “Do not relate the
commandments of the permissible (Halaal) and the
prohibited (Haraam) to me. I have made permissible only
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Manaqibul Ansar.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
those things which Allah has declared permissible in His
Book, and have made prohibited only those things which
Allah has declared prohibited.”
The reward or punishment, according to Islam,
depends on the deeds of a person. Thus the Prophet (pbuh)
told his closest relatives: “O Fatma, daughter of the
Prophet of Allah (pbuh), and Safiya, aunt of the Prophet
of Allah (pbuh)! Prepare for the Hereafter, for I cannot
save you from Allah (His questioning).”
After delivering the sermon, he came to Hazrat Aisha’s
house. He loved Hazrat Fatma Zahra®, his daughter, very
dearly. He sent for her. When she came, he said something
in her ears, by listening to which she started crying. He
then called her close again and said something to her ears,
by listening to which she laughed tenderly. When Hazrat
Aisha® inquired about it from her later, she said that the
first time the Prophet (pbuh) had told her that he was
going to die in that illness, which made her cry, and the
second time he told her that she (Hazrat Fatma®) would
be the first in his family to join him in the Hereafter,
which made her laugh in happiness.528
The exaggerated love with which the Jews and the
Christians had treated the graves and relics of their
Prophets had come close to idol worship. Islam aimed at
controlling such excesses, and the thing that occupied the
mind of the Prophet (pbuh) most during his illness was this
very concern. By chance, some of his holy wives, who had
traveled to Habsha (Abyssinia), mentioned the deities of
the Christians and their statues and figures. The Prophet
(pbuh) explained that when a pious person from them died,
they took his grave as a place of worship and installed his
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
statue there. They would be, he added, the worst people on
the Day of Judgment in the sight of Allah.529
In restlessness, the Prophet (pbuh) sometimes covered
his face with a sheet of cloth and then after a while put it
aside when he felt warm. Hazrat Aisha® heard him
" O( Q * +( {)(C' !)D0 0=ˆ
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“May Allah’s curse fall on the Jews and the
Christians. They made the graves of their
Prophets places of worship.”
In this very state of restlessness, he remembered that he
had put some Asharfis (gold coins) with Hazrat Aisha®.
He inquired about them from her and told her: “Shall
Muhammad meet his Lord as one in doubt (that He may
bless him with resources whenever He likes)? Go and give
them away in the path of Allah.”530
The Prophet’s illness had ups and downs. On Monday
when he departed from this world, he felt better. His little
house was adjacent to the Masjide Nabawi. Early morning
he lifted the curtain and saw Muslims engaged in the Fajr
Salah. The sight pleased him so much that he laughed in
happiness. The devotees thought that he intended to join
the congregation, which created some commotion among
them. Hazrat Abu Bakr® tried to move back from the
place of the Imam. The Prophet (pbuh) signaled him not to
do so and dropped the curtain.531
This was the last time when the Companions had the
pleasure of catching a glimpse of the Prophet (pbuh). Hazrat
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Masaajid.
Musnad Ahmad, 6: 49.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa Wafaatuhu.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
Anas bin Maalik narrates that his countenance looked like a
page of the Book of Allah:532 it had turned white.
As the day advanced, he started lapsing into
unconsciousness, from which he recovered. Hazrat
Fatma® noticed it and commented in pain, “Oh, the
suffering of my father!” The Prophet (pbuh) told her,
“Your father will not undergo any suffering after this
day.” Hazrat Aisha® narrates that when the Prophet
(pbuh) was healthy, he used to say that a prophet is given
the right to accept death or continue to live. But in the
days of his terminal illness, he used to utter the words:
y* +( # * C' /= ƒ w
With the people to whom Allah showed his favor.
He also sometimes said the words of supplication:
"# 7V K( 9P 89 *+ "
Allah is the best Friend.
Hazrat Aisha® understood from his utterances that the
Prophet (pbuh) was greatly eager to meet his Lord.533
A little while before the Prophet’s death, Hazrat
‘Abdur Rahman®, son of Hazrat Abu Bakr®, came to see
him. The Prophet (pbuh) was lying in bed while his head
rested against the chest of Hazrat ‘Aisha®. Hazrat ‘Abdur
Rahman had a Miswak (a toothbrush of a fresh twig). The
Prophet (pbuh) looked at it eagerly. Hazrat ‘Aisha®
understood that he wanted to brush his teeth. She took the
Miswak from the hands of her brother, chewed it to make
it soft, and gave it to the Prophet (pbuh). He brushed his
teeth like a healthy person.534 The time of his departure to
Sahih Muslim, Kitabus Salah.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa Wafaatuhu.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
his eternal abode was approaching close. This was the
afternoon time.535 There was a sound in his chest caused
by heavy breathing. Then his lips moved and the persons
around heard him feebly uttering these words:
* A0 C/' a
A S0 I^"
“Salah and slaves.”536
Close to him was a water vessel. The Prophet (pbuh)
put his hand in it and rubbed the wet hand on his face. He
covered his face with a sheet and then removed it. Then he
lifted his hand up and said,
"# 7V K( 9P 89 *+ "
Allah is the best Friend
With these words on his lips, he breathed his last.537
"3PU- 3PU- S3 I (;
' # # ,E
*+ V"
(O Allah! Shower Your blessings in abundance on
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his progeny, and
The Burial
It was really difficult for the Companions to accept that
the Prophet (pbuh) was no more. Hazrat ‘Umar® became
so restless that he took out his sword and announced that
if anyone said that the Prophet (pbuh) had departed from
the world forever, he would behead him.538
Ibn Is-haque writes that the Prophet (pbuh) breathed his last at
noon. But Hazrat Anas bin Maalik and Bukhari narrate that he died
by the end of the day. Hafiz Ibn Hajar has tried to combine the two
narrations by saying that the noon had started setting down.
Mustadrak Haakim, 3: 59.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Bab Marazun Nabi wa Wafaatuhu.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 655.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
But Hazrat Abu Bakr® came and gave a sermon
(Khutba) to the Companions reminding them that the
departure of the Prophet (pbuh) from this mundane world
was incumbent and that the inevitable event had taken
place. He read a passage of the Qur`an to them in which it
was emphasized that the Prophet (pbuh) had to meet his
ultimate end as a human being. The verse of the Qur`an
helped the Companions to accept the shocking reality of
their Prophet’s demise.539 The burial rites were performed
on Tuesday by his relatives and close Companions. Hazrat
Fadl bin ‘Abbas® and Hazrat Osama bin Zayd® held the
curtain to provide a cover. Hazrat ‘Ali® gave him the
funeral bath. Hazrat ‘Abbas® was also present on the
After the Prophet’s body was bathed and enshrouded,
the question about the place of his burial came up. Hazrat
Abu Bakr® said that a Prophet was buried at the same
place where he breathed his last. Accordingly, the grave
was dug up in the little house of Hazrat ‘Aisha®.541
Hazrat ‘Aisha® narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) was not
buried in an open place because, as he apprehended until
the last moment, the common people might have taken his
grave as a site of worship. It would have been difficult to
control it at an open place.542 Hazrat Abu Talha® dug up
the grave, which was, in keeping with the tradition of
Madinah, Baghli Luhadi (a form of grave).543
When the bier was ready, Muslims rushed to offer
Salatul Janaza (the Burial Prayer) for the Prophet (pbuh).
As the place was small, people entered it in small groups,
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 662.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 662.
Sunan Ibn Maaja, Kitabul Janaaez, Bab Wafaatun Nabi.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitabul Janaaez, Bab Wafaatun Nabi.
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 663.
Muhammad – The Last Prophet
offered Salah and left to accommodate others. First, men
offered Salah, then the women, and at the last the children.
They offered Salah individually, in which there was no
Imam.544 Hazrat ‘Ali®, Hazrat Fadl bin’Abbas®, Hazrat
Osama bin Zayd®, and Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman® laid
down the body of the Prophet (pbuh) in the grave.545
# ( /
N( !/ 5
( z( I1 ( {‹ 3I" S3 I # % 6 "
O ' ()
May Allah’s blessings, peace, and mercy descend
incessantly until the Last Day on the Prophet of
Allah, Muhammad, and his Progeny and
Companions! Ameen!
Seerat Ibn Hisham, 2: 664.
Abu Dawood, Kitabul Janaaez.