the producers
the producers
THE PR ODUCERS This is the story of our Indigo Wild producers: the body-loving, karma-warming, happy-dancing, Every day, we go on an existential journey together. We have a passion for raw, natural ingredients movie-quoting, juju-loading toxic avengers. We give the curtain call to all things toxic, and a freakish love of Zum. We jujufy all-natural soaps, candles, lotions, body rubs, cleaning products, manufactured, harsh, chemical, and unnatural. Our leading mantra: Any more natural and you’d face products, lip balms, and more. Then we ride off into a be naked. And we’re all about setting the backdrop for your next nude scene. purple-hazed sunset...and everybody lives happily ever after. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 3 GO AHEAD, S P O I L E R A L E R T: You’re gonna have a happy ending. But before we get to that, let’s talk about the shower scene with your co-star Zum Bar. It will contain nudity and be rated R for remedy. You set the shower scene and the Zum Bar will do the rest, cleaning and moisturizing your body of work with a bubbly balance that climaxes in skin perfection. Credit goes to its M I L K M Y D AY. ZUM BAR SOAP / $5.85 / goat’s milk and 100% pure essential oils. It’s the goat’s milk that really hits the mark with a pH balance that’s a body double to your skin. So it moisturizes without stripping you of precious oils or making you feel dry and parched. So are you ready for your close-up? 3 OZ. BAR F R A N K I N C E N S E & M Y R R H / 21051 / See page 7. A. ALMOND / 21023 B. ANISE-LAVENDER / 21075 C. CEDAR / 21270 D. CITRUS-MINT / 21087 Time to nut up or shut When two stars collide, This vintage black & white Some like it hot with this up. Almond’s wardrobe it’s dial M for moisturize. never gets old. It awakens, beautiful balm-shell destined is hushed and neutral, Anise delivers its deep-seeded relaxes, and soothes in a to become a household name. but its scent can awaken trademark scent of black woodsy, camphoric scent It engenders a blending of sweet the sleepiest of zombies. licorice. Lavender rolls out and a denouement that orange, tangy grapefruit, and It’s naturally gifted with the purple carpet for a calming envelops you in a warm, perky spearmint. But the moral a sweet personality. premier of balmy and floral. tobacco finish. of the story is a clearing of congested skin and pores. A. B. C. D. My shower is a glass case of emotion. 38 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 5 T HE BAR AB IDES. ZUM BAR SOAP / $5.85 / I N G R E D I E N T S : Saponified 100% food-grade olive, coconut, palm and castor oils, in a goat’s milk base with herbs, pure essential oils, and mineral pigments. Frankincense products contain a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. 3 OZ. BAR CLOVE-MINT / 21088 COFFEE-ALMOND / 21104 CONFETTI / 21068 DRAGON’S BLOOD / EUCALYPTUS / 21429 FRANKINCENSE-LAVENDER / 21431 TOP SELLER! Seductive and sultry clove You’re wanted on the One of our most attractive 21102 Light and slightly sweet The deep woodsiness of FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH / 21051 plays the classic femme set for your shower bars, this is a découpage More than chiseled with accents of tangy, frankincense becomes Hearkening back to the golden fatale to ensnare any lather scene with this doe-eyed of earthy patchouli, good looks, the resin punchy herbal notes. entwined in soft and floral age, this is the pair that’s dark, lover. Spearmint’s crisp beauty. Warm and inviting, ambrosial lavender, and of the Dracaena tree Eucalyptus clears your lavender. Luscious, lovable, dreamy, deep, woodsy, and and pristine scent balances our vivacious café noir golden citrus. It’s an ode soothes the savage mind and fights fatigue. and epic, set off with a overflowing with body. clove’s overpowering allure. meets impassioned, to the craft of soap making. beast lurking in your sweet almond. swirl in the color purple. I sm ell s tin ky p eop le. dry, damaged skin. 6 FRANKINCENSE-PATCHOULI / 21415 GERANIUM / 21093 GRAPEFRUIT / 21410 HONEY-LAVENDER / 21271 LAVENDER / 21026 LAVENDER-LEMON LAVENDER-MINT / 21067 Here’s the premise: An outdoorsy Heeere’s Geranium! This king Go ahead, wake your day with We love you, honey bunny. Who are you wearing? & PATCHOULI / 21209 Opposites attract in a story duo teams up to stage a return to of clean is easy on the eyes and a bittersweet bite. Refreshing All right, everybody be cool, Whether you’re walking the This is the director’s cut of that combines lavender’s the simpler times of earthy, woodsy, nose, combining a montage grapefruit tightens and tones this is a disrobing! Honey carpet or cleaning it, make combined essential oils, sweet sense and sensibility and mysterious. The strong, silent design with a scent that’s crisp, skin while lifting your mood. acts as a humectant, meaning a scene in this soft, smooth, with a trio of factors that with beautiful spearmint. types, these two classics bring botanical, and floral. Plus, it it’s a protectant, locking in sweet, and buttery mainstay play off of each other to Together, they’re rich and a charisma that’s unmistakable helps bring a shining complexion moisture, vitamins, and of aromatherapy. Lavender create a complex bar of cool, brisk, climaxing in a euphoric, and unbelievable. to dull, aging, or damaged skin. nutrients. Lavender brings a is so gentle, we nominate it flowery, tangy, earthy, lather-making scene that shade of floral sweetness. for all skin types. and refreshing. will have you seeing five stars. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 7 THE BAR WHO LOVED ME. ZUM BAR SOAP / / $5.85 I N G R E D I E N T S : Saponified 100% food-grade olive, coconut, palm and castor oils, in a goat’s milk base with herbs, pure essential oils, and mineral pigments. 3 OZ. BAR LAVENDER-ROSEMARY / 21095 LEMONGRASS / 21065 LIME-BASIL / 21074 MINT / 21013 0ATMEAL-LAVENDER / 21073 TOP SELLER! PATCHOULI / 21025 PATCHOULI-MINT / 21412 Need a great escape? Take our “red” pill for mental Lime, basil, action. Give your morning Wake up from the big sleep Everyone’s favorite cult classic, Mellow meets dramatic when Tunnel out of the doldrums clarity in an herb that’s bright, Enter this emerald city the eternal sunshine with this classic couple. patchouli balances mind and these two smelebs pair up. and break free with a redemption tart, and eye-opening. and turn things around of the spotless mint. Ambrosial lavender body in a deeply earthy and Laid back, earthen patchouli gets that’s alluring and attractive, Plus, lemongrass restores with the wizard of aahhhs. Tenaciously herbaceous rejuvenates, soothes, and muscled musky scent with a a boost from cool, crisp spearmint. mellow yet energetic, and soft the natural balance of your Inspired by the Jo Malone spearmint is a favorite smooths, while oatmeal plays hint of sweetness. Invigorating and energizing yet yet camphoric. skin’s oils. perfume, this pair is for its soft yet the exfoliation lead. sharp, tangy, refreshing, refreshing aftertones. grounding and calming after a long, stressful day. and crisp. icken. hers up cking feat Sti e you a ch es not mak your butt do PATCHOULI-ORANGE / 21078 ROSEMARY / 21020 ROSEMARY-MINT / 21066 TOP SELLER! TOP SELLER! SEA SALT / 21098 TANGERINE-ORANGE / 21072 TEA TREE-CITRUS / 21076 Like clockwork, orange brings A classic thriller with a surprise Rosemary balanced with SANDALWOOD- Is your skin’s bounty running A pair that squeezes some Tea tree is a natural preservative. out the best in patchouli ending, rosemary is outspokenly a blush of positively fresh CITRUS / 21081 dry? Stage a mutiny with pulp friction, exfoliating There’s no doubt it can help keep in this artfully crafted bar. pungent and punchy with mint. They combine to natural sea salts to soothe, skin, enhancing circulation, your skin a timeless classic by Fresh, delicious, deep, gardeny, sweet undertones. naturally stimulate the exfoliate old skin, stimulate and balancing your skin to replenishing damaged skin and new cell growth, and lock perfection. banishing blemishes. and woodsy. body and mind, offering up a spine-tingling mingling of two of the most herbaceous names in the business. 8 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 Charming, rich, and warm sandalwood is a harmonizing oil that elevates citrus’ in moisture. sultry side. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 9 A BAR IS BORN. INGREDIENTS We start with excellent source material, casting only MAY OUR MANTRA BE WITH YOU. all-natural ingredients, handpicked for their natural and organic properties — they’re guaranteed to be the purest of the pure. Goat’s milk, natural plant extracts, food grade olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, and 100% pure essential oils. The good ingredients always win. MIXING We believe in the cold-process method. As the natural oils and lye react — no lard! — their chemistry creates the heat. The cold process method helps keep ingredients in their purest state, without compromising them. It naturally creates a cameo from glycerin, a marquee moisturizer. (Commercial soap companies remove glycerin and sell it to supervillains.) POURING AND SWIRLING This is where we get busy living — we add mineral pigments, colorful swirlies, organic herbs, sea salt, oatmeal, and other extras to our Zum Bar concoctions. But it’s not quiet on the set. Hey, all work and no play would make juju a dull boy. So we sing to it, we talk to it...say supportive, nurturing things to it. It’s a lot of dialogue. CUTTING The soap hardens, then we slice them into the famous hunks and chiseled wavy cuts. Then we package the Zum Bars and Bricks and send them out into the mad, mad, mad, mad world...where they’ll become your next leading lather. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 11 NATURAL BORN CLEANERS. ZUM CLEAN LAUNDRY SOAP / $21.00 / ZUM CLEAN LAUNDRY SOAP F. Tea Tree-Citrus / 36287 / $14.25 / 32 FL. OZ. G. Lavender / 36290 H. Wee Lullaby Lavender / 36270 I. Frankincense & Myrrh / 36220 64 FL. OZ. J. Sea Salt / 36230 Clean up your laundry’s grime scene with this all-natural spot-stain-stink cleaner. Zum Clean Laundry Soap isn’t the “D” word (detergent) or all the nasty chemicals that go F. G. H. J. I. with it. And just because it cleans your panties naturally, doesn’t mean it’s a pantywaist. We use coconut oil soap to clean and lift stains, baking soda to remove odors, and 100% pure essential oils for a scent that is the perfect ending. No parabens, phosphates, petrochemicals, cocamidopropyl betaine, or sulfates. Low-sudsing, highly concentrated, and perfect for high-efficiency machines. I N G R E D I E N T S : Saponified 100% coconut oil, baking soda, pure essential oils, and vegetable glycerin. Frankincense & Myrrh A. contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. B. C. A. Lavender / 35290 B. Sweet Orange / 35240 D. C. Frankincense & Myrrh / 35220 D. Eucalyptus-Citrus / 35200 E. Patchouli / 35245 Currently in the Zum Lab: See page 20. Cedar (32 oz.) / 36262 Lavender-Mint (32 oz.) / 36250 Rosemary-Mint (32 oz.) / 36215 There is ac tually a Ja maican bo bsledding team. E. 64 fl. oz. cleans 64 loads in high-efficiency machines and 32 loads in top-loading washing machines. 32 fl. oz. cleans 32 loads in high-efficiency machines and 16 loads in top-loading washing machines. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 13 THE SHINING. ZUM CLEAN COUNTER CLEANER / $11.75 / ZUM CLEAN SINK & SURFACE SCRUB / $9.75 / 7 OZ. G. G. Sink & Surface Scrub / 35800 Cast out tough spots and stains on sinks, tubs, and 16 FL. OZ. surfaces. Baking soda, washing soda, and pure essential oils are all-natural antagonists and give your Grease, gunk, smudge, fudge, ickies, stickies...even hickies from Kenickie. Use on counters, chores a little less bore. No VOCs, ammonia, bleach, in fridges, on walls, on tables. Wherever you spot a spot, this cleaner is ready and able. or artificial ingredients. As usual, they’re blacklisted. And no streaking, even on glass. Made with zero VOCs, ammonia, bleach, or artificial acids. Instead, credit goes to alcohol, pure essential oils, and saponified coconut oil, making this I N G R E D I E N T S : Baking soda, washing soda, feldspar, citric acid, saponified household cleaner safe for all audiences. 100% coconut oil, pure essential oils, and quartz. C. B. A. D. A. Lavender / 35837 E. B. Orange-Bergamot / 35835 F. C. NEW! Tea Tree-Citrus / 35838 D. NEW! Sea Salt / 35836 E. Frankincense & Myrrh / 35830 F. Eucalyptus-Citrus / 35833 I N G R E D I E N T S : Filtered water, denatured alcohol, pure essential oils, and saponified 100% coconut oil. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. NEW! ZUM CLEAN COUNTER CLEANER REFILLS $35.00 / 64 FL. OZ. H. Frankincense & Myrrh / 55830 I. Tea Tree-Citrus / 55838 J. Lavender / 55837 K. Eucalyptus-Citrus / 55833 M. L. Orange-Bergamot / 55835 M. Sea Salt / 55836 L. K. H. 14 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I. J. GIVE YOURSELF OVER TO I. NEW! Almond / 34113 ZUM BODY TUBES / $7.00 K. Frankincense & Myrrh / 34102 L. NEW! Sea Salt / 34115 M. Lavender-Lemon / 34107 M. L. / $16.50 / 2 FL. OZ. J. Sandalwood-Citrus / 34106 ABSOLUTE PLEASURE. ZUM BODY BOTTLES / 8 FL. OZ. J. I. K. NEW LOOK! Don’t give in to the horror of dry skin. Zum Body shows you a picture of pleasure that’s pleasing to the touch — deeply moisturizing and non-oily. Featuring shea butter and meadowfoam seed oil, with the character factors of botanical extracts like aloe vera, carrot, and hibiscus. Together, they can stimulate microcirculation in the skin, help regenerate cell growth, and fight free-radical damage. And absolutely no parabens, petroleum by-products, phthalates, or propylene glycol. Frankly, it’s one of the most premium body lotions on the market. A. B. C. D. E. A. Lavender-Lemon / 34007 F. B. Patchouli / 34004 G. H. C. Sea Salt / 34015 D. Frankincense & Myrrh / 34002 on that floating door. E. Rosemary-Mint / 34005 F. Bulgarian Lavender / 34009 G. Sandalwood-Citrus / 34006 H. Almond / 34013 There was totally room for Jack I N G R E D I E N T S : Dandelion and red clover infusion in water, shea butter derived from certified organic nuts, meadowfoam seed oil, aloe vera extract, emulsifying wax, vegetable glycerin, certified organic jojoba oil, certified organic sunflower oil, extracts of carrot, hibiscus flower, echinacea, elder flower, angelica, sweet almond, avocado, sea kelp, ginseng, aloe vera gel, basil, coltsfoot and calendula, extracts of rosemary, marshmallow, and chamomile, pure essential oils, hydrolyzed jojoba esters, potassium sorbate, passionflower oil, mango butter, oat bran extract, vitamin E, xanthan gum, and carbomer. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. L. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 17 ZUM WASH, ARE YOU TRYING A. Rosemary-Mint / 24530 I N G R E D I E N T S : Saponified oils of certified organic coconut, certified organic olive, castor, and certified organic jojoba, essential B. Patchouli / 24510 oils, and sodium borate. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace C. Eucalyptus / 24560 amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. D. Frankincense & Myrrh / 24500 TO SEDUCE ME? E. Grapefruit / 24550 F. Lemongrass / 24520 G. NEW! Sea Salt / 24590 ZUM WASH / $13.50 / 8 FL. OZ. Th er e NEW LOOK! Zum Wash is an instant classic. Dynamite on dry and dirty, while developing ar e a strong love interest for your skin. It’s a hybrid: part body wash and part hand wash that no go od leaves your skin soft, clean, and free of toxins. Its magical skills come from saponified go at oils of certified organic coconut, olive, castor, and jojoba. Plot twist: no detergents, triclosan, on G. sg parabens, sulfates, or phthalates. ew out. 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 found I N D I G O W I L D.C O M oa ts 18 dg A. t ba C. B. Jus D. g. E. ron F. L. EXCUSE US WHILE WE K. WHIP THIS OUT. K. Zum Lab Tattoo Ointment L. Zum Lab Tattoo Soap $5.50 / 35159 (.55 oz.) $5.85 / 35157 (3 oz.) Our tattoo ointment is the natural A mild, unscented goat’s milk soap way to moisturize your sensitive helps keep your canvas cleansed skin, while helping it heal and and soothed so your sensitive skin breathe, with certified organic can heal without irritation. shea butter and certified organic sunflower oil. ZUM LAB: We’re always generating new genres of Zum. But before Zum products get their big break, they pay their dues in the Zum Lab. These are the stars in the making and they’re F. Zum Lab Must Buster All-Purpose Cleaner yours for the taking. Then you visit and play the critic, giving us your views and $11.75 / 35822 (16 fl. oz.) suggestions to get the products ready for their shower scene. For full list of ingredients go to This is a must to bust must, dank, and stank. A character factor for the shower, tub, and sink — pretty much wherever water dampens NEW SIZE! $14.25 (32 fl. oz.) D. NEW! Zum Lab Clove-Orange Goat’s Milk Soap / $5.85 / 35076 (3 oz.) You don’t have to typecast your laundry soap. Try these indie Warm and spicy clove gives even more appeal projects and you’ll be pleasantly stupefied. Made with the same to the zesty scent of citrus. Zum Lab Laundry Soap natural ingredients as our Zum Clean Laundry Soaps but pushing the atmosphere. E. NEW! Zum Lab Clove-Orange Soy Candle A. ROSEMARY-MINT / 36215 $15.00 / 35856 (7 oz.) B. NEW! LAVENDER-MINT / 36250 Feel the heat of the night with this warm, tangy Tired of the drama? Find some inner peace with this feel-good essential oil in a warm, mellow, herbal scent. H. MUST BUSTER / 21897 blend of essential oils brings it back as your solution to indoor pollution. F. Vetiver brings the warmth, lavender brings the sweet. Together, they intermingle for an atmosphere that tingles. J. FRANKINCENSE-LAVENDER / 21829 Some essential oils just have perfect chemistry. These two blend burn time. B. G. CLARY SAGE-LAVENDER / 21820 Stale, musty air takes your breath away — in a bad way. This specialized ambient light. Soy wax base, lead-free wick, 30 hour A. $16.50 (4 fl. oz. / Comes with 10 diffuser reeds) I. NEW! VETIVER-LAVENDER / $26.00 / 21822 the envelope to envelop you and your clothes in fresh new scents. C. CEDAR / 36262 Zum Lab Diffuser Oil perfectly for a floral take on a woodsy, sultry, age-old aroma. C. G. H. I. J. D. E. 20 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 21 C. NEW! Zum Lab Charcoal Goat’s Milk Soap $6.25 / 35162 (3 oz.) Zum Lab Shampoo Bar P. Zum Lab Scent for Shampoo $13.00 / 35468 (.5 fl. oz.) $6.25 (3 oz.) Hoo-ahh! Turn the scent of a woman’s, or man’s, hair into pure Zum. Forget tall, dark, and handsome. This bar Your lovely Locklear locks and Simply add the scent of Frankincense & Myrrh to your shampoo. project. Blend any of our scents is a lather-y oxymoron made with natural curlicues could use a combination for your own twist on mist. charcoal that leaves you moisturized while bar of 100% coconut oil and pure drawing toxins out of the skin. essential oils. And once you put down A. Zum Lab Custom Mist A. $25.95 / 35030 (4 fl. oz.) B. Greenlight your own Zum Mist the bottle, you’ll put down harsh B. Zum Lab Custom Roll-On N. P. O. sulfates and surfactants. C. N. LAVENDER / 35039 $40.00 / 35040 (1.3 fl. oz.) O. FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH / 35161 These days, every star has their own perfume. Now it’s your turn. Script your own masterpiece with a combination of just about any year-round Zum Bar blend. Smile for the baaaaaaparazzi. See for scents. D. Zum Lab Mini Bum H. Zum Lab Tea Tree-Lavender Deodorant Spray K. Zum Lab Citrus-Mint Foot Scrub Q. Zum Lab Pimple Stick $3.00 / 35135 (.15 fl. oz.) $7.50 / 35055 (.33 fl. oz.) S. Zum Lab Hydrating Complexion Mist V. Zum Lab Under Eye Butter It’s like the Mini Me of post-flush $8.00 / 35029 (4 fl. oz.) $17.00 / 35525 (13 oz.) This stick does the trick on acne, clogged $11.00 / 35146 (2 fl. oz.) Toasted eyes? Spread some butter etiquette in a tiny, travel-size bottle. This all-natural deodorant spray keeps Made with fine sea salt, certified pores, back bumps, and facial fix-its. Now the spa goes where you go, with under them to revitalize and tone you fresh and clean without all of the organic jojoba, and pure essential oils of You’re left clear, clean, and bump-free. pure essential oils, rose hydrosol, and in ultra-moisturizing shea butter, nasty carcinogens or toxic chemicals. peppermint and orange. Smoothes out peppermint hydrosol. Just spritz your macadamia nut oil, evening primrose Spritz daily or as needed. Allow to dry. callouses, refreshes, and moisturizes. visage when it’s feeling a little dull. oil, and essential oils of clary sage Zum Lab Solid Perfume Zum Lab Solid Deodorant L. Zum Lab Magic Stick $9.50 (.15 oz.) $9.50 / 35029 (4 fl. oz.) Not all perfumes are drunk with $12.50 / 35010 (.5 oz.) and carrot seed oil. A little goes Zum Lab Facial Scrub (5 oz.) a long way. Gently rub into skin $6.00 / 61000 (.55 oz.) R. Zum Lab Sea Buckthorn Facial Serum T. NEW! COFFEE / $13.00 / 35064 underneath eyes…avoid eye contact. Don’t smell like rotten tomatoes or Make a little off-screen magic with $22.00 / 35475 (.5 fl. oz.) Wake your skin up with this caffeine- alcohol. These purse perfections give aluminum chloride. KO the BO with the stick that sticks it to cracked The oil of the sea buckthorn is firmly powered scrub that’s ultra-moisturizing, you that come-hither hubris with a little fractionated coconut that’s naturally elbows, puffy eyes, dry heels, split atop the A-list. It promotes skin naturally reduces skin redness, and W. Zum Lab Cuticle Butter dab on your neck and wrists. Go for a antibacterial, arrowroot powder to cuticles, and even frizzy hair. That’s regeneration, slows aging of the skin, stimulates blood flow in your skin $9.00 / 35012 (2 oz.) layered aura by mixing scents. absorb moisture, and baking soda quite the disappearing act. and its anti-inflammatory agents reduce giving you a glowing visage. You don’t have to be a hand E. PATCHOULI / 35152 to neutralize odors. Zero aluminum blemishes, scarring, and swelling. U. HONEY-LAVENDER / $12.00 / 35043 model to have cute cuticles. F. SEA SALT / 35156 chloride, propylene glycol, Give your face a daily lift with the This butter buttresses your G. FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH / 35153 phthalates, or synthetics. gentle exfoliation of organic cane nails’ epidermal membranes, sugar, glycerin, and the sweet treat moisturizing and strengthening of honey and lavender. from fingers to toes. M. Zum Lab Shave Soap S. $6.25 / 35077 (3 oz.) I. TEA TREE-LAVENDER / 35026 Going natural doesn’t mean going J. NEW! SWEET ORANGE / 35027 neanderthal. Ladies and gentlemen, R. stay clean shaven from legs to pits to H. face to lips — all in soothing goat’s milk, rhassoul clay, and pure essential oils. I. Q. T. L. J. V. K. D. E-G. M. U. W. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 23 G. Frosty Zum Gift T H E BI G CHILL. $15.00 / 21988 It’s a nifty, nippy gift set that puts a smile on any recipient. Comes with Frosty Zum Bar and 4 oz. Frosty Zum Wash. H. Zum Jolly Gift FROSTY ZUM: It’s time for a winter break from weathered skin. The NEW all-natural Frosty Zum $21.00 / 61402 line is made with punchy peppermint and pristine pine. We’ve got everything you need to check Be a jolly good gift giver and give the gift of moisturizing whiff. Comes with off your gift list: goat’s milk soap, soy candle, laundry soap, liquid soap, aromatherapy room and body spray. And like all of our products they’re made without sulfates, parabens, phthalates, a Zum Jolly Bow Bar, Rub, and Kiss. H. G. detergents, petroleum by-products, mineral oil, synthetic dyes or fragrance. A. NEW! Frosty Zum Bar in a Box B. NEW! Frosty Zum Wash C. NEW! Frosty Zum Mini Bar D. NEW! Frosty Zum Laundry Soap E. NEW! Frosty Zum Mist F. NEW! Frosty Zum Glow $13.50 / 24400 (8 fl. oz.) $3.00 / 24392 (1.5 oz.) $14.25 / 24396 (32 fl. oz.) $7.00 / 24398 (2 fl. oz.) $16.50 / 24394 (7 oz.) $6.50 / 24390 (3 oz.) Winter break from weathered skin. Half the size, all the frosties. The natural way to go sub zero on dirt, There’s a winter storm warning in There’s nothing like a warm glow Chill in the warmth of your shower. Lather up in the shower or sink-side Perfect for hostess gifts, stocking stains and stinks. It removes perma frosty effect. Just shake up and wake up on a cold night. Frosty Zum Glow The Frosty Zum Bar is several degrees for a wintergreen clean that relieves stuffers, or add to a bow on gift stains, while keeping your whites as pure to outspoken, fresh peppermint breaks your cold spell with the above pleasing for tempting dips in your day’s high pressure and leaves wrap to take it to the next level. as the driven snow. Because it doesn’t combined with a warm welcome cool smell of pristine pine and soothing goat’s milk, glycerin, and your skin feeling unseasonably smooth. contain harsh stripping chemicals your of pristine pine. Together, they perky peppermint. The 100% pure 100% pure essential oils of minty-pine. With 100% pure essential oils of fabrics stay soft, so you can give dryer bring a wintry mix that precipitates essential oils effuse a refuge from the peppermint and pine, plus saponified sheets the cold shoulder. a reviving vortex on your home wintery wonderland. Soy wax burns and body. cool, clean, and extra long. No lead oils of certified organic coconut, D. olive, and jojoba. Your climate is now officially cool, calm, and corrected. wicks. No paraffins. No soot stains. 30 hour burn time. * Frosty Zum Laundry Soap contains no parabens, phosphates, petrochemicals, or sulfates. Low-sudsing, highly concentrated, and great for high-efficiency machines. This morning I arose and wriggled out from the embrace of my strong yet delicate Swedish milkman Sven, who was still adorably snoring and mumbling about spaceships and banana hammocks. I stepped onto the balcony stark naked and glowing like a hoofed Adonis (I won’t pretend to be humble about my Rubenesque bod), and peered out over our newly landscaped property featuring a zen rock garden and inflatable kiddie pool for Sven, and I contemplated la vie naturelle and what it truly means to embrace all-natural fresh-picked ingredients as we do here so obsessively at Chez Zum. Ah, and what a life it is. There’s nothing I love more than a steamy dreamy shower with Zum Bar and my naughty Nordic paramour. Perhaps it could only be improved by the addition of a fine charcuterie board, but it would be a tragedy for prosciutto and Camembert to get soggy, wouldn’t it? Nice, nice baby. B. E. F. A. C. 24 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 25 IT’S A WONDERFUL LINE. ALMONDS ARE FOREVER. FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH: They’re all wonderful lines actually, but Frankincense & Myrrh is ZUM JOLLY: Unwrap the Christmas presence of sweet almond, warm clove, and fresh fir needle. It’s quite the wintertime blahbuster and best-seller. Sweet, deep, powdery, and woodsy, it’s the elfin’ awesome and will have you dancing all the way to Santa’s twerkshop. And contrary to popular oldest gift on earth that never gets old. belief, there is dancing at the North Pole. A. Eau de Zum B. F&M Zum Glow in a Glass C. Big F&M Zum Wood Ball G. Zum Jolly Bow Bar H. Zum Jolly Mini Bar I. Zum Jolly Whiff Sticks $20.00 / 32000 (1.3 fl. oz.) $16.50 / 24291 (7 oz.) $6.50 / 24292 (2.25” ball) $6.50 / 24280 (3 oz.) $3.00 / 24282 (1.5 oz.) $16.50 / 24286 (4 fl. oz.) Roll on the age-old scent of Framed in a black glass votive, You gotta have big balls if you wanna We all gotta take off our Santa suits Elf-sized and infused with These Whiff Sticks fill your home Frankincense & Myrrh based in moody goes woodsy and sweet have small funk. Hang F&M-infused eventually. And when we do, the scent of elf-magic. Just kidding! It’s infused or office with all the holiday cheer. certified organic jojoba oil. Unlike in a soy wax base. Lead-free wick. balls on your tree or scent your closets, almond, clove, and fir needle will be there. with moisturizing magic. Includes 10 reeds. commercial perfumes and colognes 30 hour burn time. drawers, and bathroom. E. F&M Mini Zum Bar F. F&M Zum Bow Bar J. Zum Jolly Kiss K. NEW! Zum Jolly Mist L. Zum Jolly Glow in a Box $3.00 / 41051 (1.5 oz.) $6.50 / 21053 (3 oz.) $3.95 / 24290 (.15 oz.) $10.95 / 24402 (4 fl. oz.) $7.00 / 24288 (2 oz.) Tiny-sized but still holistic enough Would you expect Frank to be Kisses full of almond, clove, and fir needle. Renew the atmosphere of bed, bath, Set in a slim-lined votive and filled $7.00 / 24298 (2 oz.) for bathroom, travel, or a friendly anything but deep? You can Certified organic shea butter provides or closet. Pure essential oils of sweet with the mingling warmth of almond, This sleek and slender votive is a soy neighborhood gift. throw in some sweetness with moisture. Grapeseed oil and beeswax almond, warm clove, and a dash of clove, and fir needle, it burns cool, Myrrh and that ready-to-give bow. provide protection and natural antioxidants. refreshing fir needle. clean, and long with a lead-free wick. that can cause headaches, this contains no alcohol or phthalates. D. F&M Zum Glow in a Box candle wax that stands above the rest. Its flame burns cool and clean in the 15 hour burn time. sweetest of tones. 15 hour burn time. M. Zum Jolly Rub $10.00 / 24284 (2.5 oz.) I. Zum Jolly Rub moisturizes all of your C. parts in the scent of almond, clove, and fir needle, but it’s truly gifted in renewing chapped, cracked, and winterized skin. D. A. K. L. B. G. F. M. E. H. J. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 27 S PR UCE ALMIGH TY! E. F. E. Zum Bar F. Mini 3 Bar Box Top-Sellers Duo $9.50 - 24299 (3 - 1.5 oz.) $12.00 - 21985 (2 - 3 oz.) A trio of elf-sized Frankincense & Myrrh and Zum Bars — Frankincense Sea Salt are the top two & Myrrh, Jingle Zum, and marquee names in Zum Bars, Zum Jolly — team up to JINGLE ZUM: Trade the ho-ho-hum for the unexpected joys of Jingle Zum. It brings a forest framed in a box for the best make your holidays bright and of warm sprigs of spruce for some coniferous northern exposure to your home, bathroom, bar status. your gift-giving easy. washroom, and body. A. Jingle Zum Bow Bar B. Jingle Zum Wash C. Jingle Zum Mist ZUM MINT: We’re not gonna candy coat’re dirty and dry and perhaps feeling as sweet $6.50 / 21496 (3 oz.) $13.50 / 24580 (8 fl. oz.) $10.95 / 24194 (4 fl. oz.) as Ebenezer. It’s time to unwrap yourself and candy coat yourself in spearmint, peppermint, and Ever showered in a pine forest? It’s a squeaky clean liquid soap that The jingle means it’s working. This bar fills your morning with a tall jingles all the way to kitchen sink, Spritz Jingle Zum Mist grove of spruce, and it’s bowed for all bathroom sink, even behind the everywhere and anywhere to the givers out there. shower curtain. This Wash should spruce up your home during make every wish list. the holidays. * Limited quantities. D. Jingle Zum Mini Bar $3.00 / 41501 (1.5 oz.) Go halfsies...because everyone on your list should good holiday vibes. Candy is dandy! G. Zum Mint Bow Bar H. Zum Mint Mist I. Zum Mint Glass Glow $6.50 / 24279 (3 oz.) $10.95 / 24196 (4 fl. oz.) $16.50 / 21564 (7 oz.) Peppermint and spearmint are Freshen the breadth of your air This red light special is a minty wrapped and ready with a beautiful in 100% pure essential oils of sensation of spearmint and bow. Together, they empower peppermint and spearmint. It’s an peppermint that livens up your shower in the hubris of two instant way to awaken the mood or your mood and leaves your pugnacious herbs. awaken yourself. room renewed. have these. Just as jingly as our full-size bar but J. Zum Mint Double Kiss cutie-sized. $6.50 / 21720 (.13 oz.) Whether chapped, cracked, or just B. C. plain dry, you can balm your flaming H. lips on both ends with double the mint — peppermint on one end and spearmint on the other. I ha I. ve th is th eo J. G. ry tha A. t if I cut o ff my beard, I’d look like a British m D. an. 28 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 29 I’L L BE B ATH . Zum Chakra salts take your bath to the next level mental, emotional, and spiritual. / $15.00 / / $7.00 / 2.5 OZ. is infused with vibrational energy and essential oils to open and defuse imbalance of the physical, ZUM SCRUB ZUM CHAKRA TUBES — the level of your seven chakras. Each salt tube Dip in to open knowledge, aspirations, and a peace of mind. 13 OZ. Terminate dry, damaged skin through natural exfoliation. Moisture-saturated sea salt and pure essential oils naturally slough off the old, improving circulation and helping regenerate new I. J. G. H. E. F. D. Lavender/Crown Chakra / 43114 E. Rosemary/Third-Eye Chakra / 43101 D. An outer-body experience of self-realization, intuition, and release. F. Eucalyptus/Throat Chakra / 43111 An act that balances relationships, expression, and belief. G. Peppermint/Heart Chakra / 43172 cells. Unveiling a fresh new you and softer, healthier, glowing skin. Now your body has more The warm fuzzies of love, forgiveness, compassion, and self-acceptance. body. No toxins or harsh chemicals. H. Frankincense & Myrrh/Solar-Plexus Chakra / 43105 The key to unlocking intellect, humor, and self-confidence. A. Almond-Orange / 36415 C. Frankincense & Myrrh / 36400 B. Sea Salt / 36405 INGREDIENTS: I. Sandalwood/Sacral Chakra / 43104 Tantric antics of sensuality, intimacy, emotion, and sexuality. Fine sea salt, certified organic sunflower oil, pure essential INGREDIENTS: Fine sea salt, certified organic sunflower oil, pure essential oils, fragrance oil, vitamin E, and poppy seeds. J. Dragon’s Blood/Root Chakra / 43170 Calm down to earth with security, self-preservation, and positive energy. oils, and vitamin E. I eat all the popcorn during the previews. C. B. A. K. Eucalyptus / 21932 Z U M T U B B A T H S A LT S / $10.00 / 12 OZ. L. Sandalwood-Citrus / 21934 M. Lavender-Mint / 21939 Zum Tub is perfect for relieving stress and leaving you N. Rosemary-Mint & Citrus / 21938 blessed with all-natural sea salt crystals infused in shea O. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21930 butter, meadowfoam seed oil, rosemary extract, and P. Grapefruit / 21936 pure essential oils. Shake a small handful into your tub. Then dip in for a steamy, aromatherapeutic bath. Q. Dragon’s Blood / 21912 (see p. 45) And slip out feeling refreshed and restored. I N G R E D I E N T S : Natural sea salt crystals, dendritic salt, pure essential oils, shea butter and meadowfoam seed oil extract, and rosemary extract. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. K. 30 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 L. M. P. N. O. PUT YOUR LIPS TOGETHER ZUM BUM / $9.50 / 4 FL. OZ. / 35035 T O M O R R O W ’ S A N O T H E R B I D E T. A N D B L O W. Some things should be, umh, gone with the wind. With Zum Bum, nicknamed “Bidet in a Bottle,” you don’t have to wait ‘til tomorrow to feel fresh after taking care of the business. Just spritz this witch hazel wonder down there, ZUMBO KISS / ZUM KISS $3.95 / $7.50 and you’ll know why we give it two bums up. / .5 OZ. / .15 OZ. Carpe B.M. Spray the day, boys. Make your butt extraordinary. D. C. J. I. B. H. A. G. E. A. Almond-Orange / 21716 B. Anise / 21714 F. C. Lemon-Lime / 21717 D. Rosemary-Mint / 21712 E. Tangerine / 21700 F. Lemon-Ginger / 21710 G. Vanilla / 21705 H. Peppermint / 21702 I. Tea Tree-Lavender / 21703 J. Grapefruit / 21704 ZUMBO KISS: Three times the size of our regular Zum Kiss for long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. ZUM KISS: To have soft, sexy, luscious lips...or to have not. Zum Kiss seals in the moisture, protecting your beautiful lips’ look, ’til your beautiful lips lock. We put only the best ingredients together: certified organic shea butter, certified organic sunflower oil, and certified organic beeswax. Never any petroleum by-products, mineral oils, synthetic preservatives, or beaver butt. Now you just put your lips together. I N G R E D I E N T S : Certified organic sunflower oil, certified organic beeswax, certified organic shea butter, pure essential oils, candelilla wax, vitamin E, and certified organic honey. 32 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 33 YOU HAD ME AT GLOW. ZUM GLOW IN A TIN / $15.00 / FEEL THE NEED, THE NEED FOR REEDS. ZUM WHIFF STICKS 7 OZ. Zum Glow brightens your night while it / $26.50 / 4 O Z . O I L , R E U S A B L E VA S E & 1 0 R E E D S Aren’t you the maverick? Zum Whiff Sticks lift the altitude of any room’s atmosphere, F. enlightens your mood, developing your air’s changing the attitude from subdued to renewed. They smell as good as they look, character along the way. Unlike paraffin perfect for displaying and diffusing with whiffs of pure essential oils. candles, it’s made with a soy wax base. So it burns cool, clean, and long...30 hours to be exact. And the aromatherapeutic vibes P. G. O. C. transform mood, from living room to Q. N. bathroom to bedroom and kitchen. 30 hour burn time. H. A. Sandalwood-Citrus / 21505 D. B. Sea Salt / 21522 C. Rosemary-Mint / 21517 D. Almond / 21511 E. Frankincense-Lavender / 21513 I. A. F. Lavender / 21503 N. Lemongrass / 21807 E. G. Patchouli / 21510 O. Patchouli-Orange / 21808 H. Lavender-Mint / 21509 P. Sea Salt / 21806 I. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21506 B. INGREDIENTS: *Frankincense products contain a trace of Soy wax and pure essential oils. phthalate-free fragrance oil. ZUM GLOW IN A GLASS $22.00 / 7 OZ. J. K. Q. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21805 I N G R E D I E N T S : SDA 40B alcohol and pure essential oils. Lemongrass / 21827 Sea Salt / 21826 Patchouli-Orange / 21828 Frankincense & Myrrh / 21825 ZUM WOOD BALLS J. Sandalwood-Citrus / 21558 L. Lavender / 21556 K. Lavender-Mint / 21557 M. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21555 L. WHIFF STICK REFILLS $15.50 / 4 FL. OZ. M. / $13.50 / 5 C T. I CAN’T QUIT YOU. This 5-piece set of balls brings its well-rounded nature to your drawers, bathrooms, closets, and car. Soaked in pure essential oils, they’re spheres that aromatherapize any atmosphere. You can even spritz your balls with Zum Mist to bring them back to life. (Giggle, giggle.) R. Frankincense & Myrrh / 23500 S. Patchouli-Cedar / 23502 R. S. 34 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 NO ONE PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER. BETSY: These lavender-lemon lovelies are based on a true story. The Betsy line is named in honor of our own Betsy Medina, who Van Dammed G. cancer more than 14 years ago. Today, we give WEE: Sure, you’re having the time of your A. Wee Mist / $10.95 / 21031 (4 fl. oz.) life. Babies are awesome. They’re also B. Wee Rub / $10.00 / 21030 (2.5 oz.) dirty. Based in Bulgarian lavender, the C. Wee Laundry Soap / $14.25 / 36270 (32 fl. oz.) Wee line mothers your baby, refreshing air, D. Wee Bar / $6.25 / 21029 (3 oz.) clearing rashes, cleaning, soothing, and E. Wee Body / 16.50 / 34008 (8 fl. oz.) part of the Betsy proceeds to breast cancer organizations. G. Betsy Body / $16.50 / 34020 (8 fl. oz.) We donate 25% of sales to Back in the Swing, smoothing. Great for expecting moms! H. supporting healthy and proactive living after breast cancer. C. H. Betsy Bar / $5.85 / 21464 (3 oz.) We donate $1 for every bar sold to Turning Point: The Center for Hope and Healing. E. A. I’LL WET YOU MY PRETTY, AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO. D. Y.U.M.: Having a dog day afternoon? Pure essential oils of lavender, lemon, patchouli, citronella, and cedarwood buddy up to keep coats clean, soft, and sniffable. For each bar sold, we donate $1 to Kansas City Sheltie Rescue. You can help at J. I. Y.U.M. Wash / $13.50 / 24540 (8 fl. oz.) J. Y.U.M. Mist / $10.95 / 21027 (4 fl. oz.) B. I. K. Y.U.M. Bar / $5.85 / 21024 (3 oz.) L. Y.U.M. Glow / $15.00 / 21028 (7 oz.) 30 hour burn time M. Y.U.M. Gift Pack / $25.00 / 24311 / see page 47 ZUM YOGA: When you’re crouching tiger, there’s no hiding your mat’s funky dragon. Clear the air in 100% coconut oil and subtle tea tree. Also helps on gym bags, shoes, and K. F. L. workout equipment. F. Zum Yoga Mat Spray / $4.95 / 34530 (4 fl. oz.) You can’t handle the hoof! 36 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 38 FRISKY BUSINESS. ZUM OIL: This is a real scene stealer. No skin flick is complete without a little oil to grease the wheels of wanton self-indulgence. Reach for Zum Oil for a warming massage, a moisturizing bath, or an evening facial. Features the feel-good ingredients of meadowfoam seed oil and shea butter, plus the sweet oils of almond, sunflower, avocado, and hemp. ZUM OIL / $13.50 / 4 FL. OZ. I N G R E D I E N T S : Sweet almond oil, shea butter and meadowfoam seed oil extract, certified organic sunflower oil, avocado, fractionated coconut and hemp oils, essential oils, vitamin E, and rosemary extract. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. ZUM RUB / $10.00 / 2.5 OZ. ZUM RUB: Zum Rub soothes on location. In fact, it soothes on multiple locations: head, shoulders, knees, toes, heels, cuticles, lips, and wherever skin is chapped, cracked, ZUM OIL parched, sunburnt, blistered, or even tattooed. That is some serious range — thanks to the A. Lavender-Lemon / 32130 naturally gifted talents of certified organic shea butter, goat’s milk, grapeseed oil, sunflower B. Grapefruit / 32110 C. Rosemary-Mint / 32122 oil, and supporting cast. A. I N G R E D I E N T S : Certified organic sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, beeswax (natural, not refined or D. Frankincense & Myrrh / 32100 bleached), carnauba wax, shea butter, goat’s milk, pure essential oils, and vitamin E. Frankincense & Myrrh contains a trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. ZUM RUB B. E. Tea Tree-Citrus / 21605 F. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21601 G. Lemongrass / 21625 C. H. Lavender-Mint / 21608 I. Lavender / 21602 D. J. Muscle Rub / 21640 K. Rosemary-Mint / 21604 L. Almond / 21600 E. F. K. L. J. I. H. G. Well, everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is...maybe he didn’t. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 39 HELLO, GORGEOUS. ZUM FACE: You’re one of the beautiful people. Go on, take a selfie. Sure, maybe you wanna D. Nourishing Facial Oil E. Gentle Facial Toner make up with your face a little bit. Stress-ravaged, sun-damaged, child-rearing, or old-age- $18.00 / 35540 (2 fl. oz.) $9.50 / 35020 (4.5 fl. oz.) nearing. Whatever it is, Zum Face says hello with a natural lift and a new look. But not a trace of mineral oils, parabens, phthalates, petroleum by-products, or any chemicals for that matter. Ready for your close-up? This oil trains and maintains Say hello to a beautiful you in high-definition. your skin in the art of soft, supple elasticity. Make amends Our Gentle Facial Toner is the spinoff to our Facial Cleanser. with broken capillaries, and bring your facade back to life It refreshes, protects and — duh — tones with aloe vera with reconditioning shea butter, meadowfoam seed oil, extract, witch hazel, and extracts of chamomile, rosemary, rosehip seed oil, and natural retinol. lemon, and more. Use it nightly after your cleansing. A. Gentle Facial Cleansing Bar Exfoliating Sugar Facial Scrubs F. Argan Oil Facial Serum G. Gentle Facial Cleanser $9.50 / 35070 (3 oz.) Simply book a daily and/or weekly exfoliating date for a $24.00 / 35011 (.5 fl. oz.) $10.00 / 35075 (4 fl. oz.) Rated G for gentle, this cleansing bar is specially renewed you. Organic cane sugar and lemongrass offer Bring on the papparazzi. Argan Oil Facial Serum is potent Before you go into hibernation, cleanse away the day’s crafted to remove impurities and clear up pores tough love on the daily. If you’re going weekly, organic enough to cover a 30-mile T-zone. Light, non-greasy, make-up, oil, and dirt. Your face will thank you for the without stripping your skin. Mild goat’s milk, aloe cane sugar gets a bigger blast from walnut powder and and rich in face-friendly proteins and nutrients for more gentle hydration and daily detox. Gentle and non-toxic, vera, and jasmine oil make it gentle enough for all rosemary-mint. healthy skin. Natural antioxidants fight free radicals. it’s perfect for any skin type. skin types. B. Lemongrass Daily / $12.00 / 35500 (5 oz.) C. Rosemary-Mint Weekly / $12.00 / 35510 (5 oz.) Vitamins C and E boost collagen production. Carrot seed oil naturally tones and firms skin, while rose oil sparks cell rebirth. A. B. E. D. G. F. I drink your m ilkshake. C. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 41 SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIENDS. LET’S TAKE THE TRAIN TO POUND TOWN. 1 LB. Bag $17.25 / 21033 (16 oz.) Looking for Zum Samplers on boxed set? These ensemble casts put on a performance worthy This is the blockbuster deal on goat’s milk soap, bar none. of any entourage. Well, actually bar’s the equivalent of five Zum Bars in one bag. That’s $30 worth of Zum Bar pieces and ample samples A. Assorted Zum Bag C. Zum Clean Laundry Soap 3-Pack $16.50 / 21560 $6.00 / 35231 B. Frankincense & Myrrh Zum Bag This is the love triangle to hate on dirt, stains, and stinks. $16.50 / 21585 Pack your bag, you’re going to tingle town. Zum Bags come packed with mini samples of Zum Bars, Oil, Mist, Kiss lip balm (in Assorted Zum Bag only), Tub bath salts, Rub, and Body lotion samples. And they’re all Get a load of our three favorite Zum Clean Laundry Soap scents: Eucalyptus-Citrus, Frankincense & Myrrh, and Sweet Orange. They offer a clean break, with coconut oil, baking soda, and pure essential oils. No synthetics, parabens, phosphates, petrochemicals, or sulfates. airport-friendly at less than 3 oz. each. A. for you to try. This is the BEST DEAL on Zum! C. D. Zum Sachet E. Zum Bundle Box $3.85 / 21035 (5 oz.) $9.20 / 24249 (9 oz.) A preview of things to Zum, this sachet is filled with It’s the technicolor dreamgoat, a box filled with air-freshening Zum Bar shavings. Get a sneak whiff assorted Zum Bar slivers, equivalent to three Zum Bars, from car to drawers to cubicle to restroom. in the coolest box this side of the fourth wall. Put slices out for overnight guests, try some variety, or pack them in your travel bag. D. F. Zum Sampler Box $6.00 / 37100 This is the rad pack, crooning over with a plethora of trial-size versions of Zum products and a card for a free Zum Bar with your next purchase. B. F. E. 42 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 43 LOVE MEANS NEVER B. B. Pucker Pack $21.50 / 21469 Show off your chiseled six-pack of Zum Kisses, filled with Grapefruit, D. Lemon-Ginger, Peppermint, Tangerine, Tea Tree-Lavender, and Vanilla. RUNNING OUT OF ZUM. C. C. NEW! Holy @&#%! Tat Pack $11.50 / 24325 Celebrate your illustrated man or woman’s most recent ink-quisition with a get swell card of Tattoo Ointment and Tattoo Soap, complete with our GIFT GIVING...THAT’S A WRAP. Zum Gifts are naturally gifted for giving and receiving. Pretty much any occasion, or no occasion at all, is the perfect time to say, “I Zum you.” Just pick the gift and the giftee. And the award for BFF goes to... own temp tattoo. D. Zum Bar Duo $12.00 / 21402 Lavender-Mint and Patchouli Zum Bars team up to make an easy gift for just about any occasion. A. Sweet 15 Includes: $81.90 / 24266 (15 bars) Almond Lemongrass The ultimate mojo montage, featuring 15 of our Anise-Lavender Oatmeal-Lavender best-selling Zum Bars for the price of 14. Clove-Mint Patchouli Comes gift wrapped. Eucalyptus Patchouli-Orange Frankincense & Myrrh Rosemary-Mint Grapefruit Sandalwood-Citrus Lavender-Mint Sea Salt DRAGON’S BLOOD Give the mother of dragon’s blood collections to your mother of dragons. It’s a long trip to Lavender-Rosemary the iron throne. Ease the journey with Dragon’s Blood Zum Rub, Bar, Bath Salts and Oil, infused with the healing powers of the dracaena tree. lic k m y lo ve pu m p. A. E. Dragon’s Blood Duo H. Dragon’s Blood Zum Rub J. Dragon’s Blood Gift Set $16.50 / 24612 $10.75 / 21612 (2.5 oz.) $40.00 / 24273 Includes Dragon’s Blood Double down on the dracaena lle d tree with a pair of gifts for yourself I. Dragon’s Blood Zum Oil ca or others. Dragon’s Blood Zum $13.50 / 32140 (4 fl. oz.) ie ce is Rub and Zum Bar keep skin soft Zum Bar, Zum Tub, Zum Rub, and Zum Oil. Comes gift wrapped as shown. hi sp and supple should a sex scene W el l, t break out. J. F. Dragon’s Blood Zum Bar $5.85 / 21102 (3 oz.) G. Dragon’s Blood Zum Tub $10.00 / 21912 (12 oz.) I. G. E. F. H. 44 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 FRANKLY MY DEAR, I DO GIVE A DAMN. D. NEW! Full Frontal / $25.00 / 24335 E. NEW! Woo Stock / $16.95 / 24329 Send the bodyguards of Almond-Orange Zum Scrub and Sublime springtime meets Summer of Love with Lemongrass Zum Rub, and your giftee will always love you. Lavender-Lemon & Patchouli Zum Bar, Zum Mist, and Indigo Wild coaster. Ready for gifting with bag and bow. Love ‘em up with blockbuster Zum gifts as thoughtful C. B. as they are easy. For a special occasion or just D. E. A. because, you’ll earn rave reviews for your ingenious generosity. We know you’re sweet, so share an all-natural treat. Disclaimer: you may be chased by adoring fans. E. A NEW! Royal Whiff $16.95 / 24327 These wise guys are a hit, man. Bagged and bowed with Frankincense & Myrrh Zum Bar, Zum Mist, and Indigo Wild coaster. B. NEW! Buttkiss Bundle $17.00 / 24337 The sincerest form of flattery from lumps to lips, with Zum Bum and Almond-Orange Zumbo Kiss. C. NEW! Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go / $19.00 / 24323 Sign up a friend for this breakfast club with Coffee-Almond Zum Bar and Zum Lab Coffee Facial Scrub. F. Zum Wise Gift Set G. NEW! Sweet & Power Sauce H. Y.U.M. Gift Set I. Wee Trio J. Zum Face Travel Kit $24.00 / 24211 $31.00 / 24338 $25.00 / 24311 $28.00 / 24313 $30.00 / 35545 Ever since I could remember, I wanted to give a wise gift. Give the sweet spearmint 1-2-3 punch of Lavender-Mint Call dibs as your giftee’s second best Know someone who’s among the Need gorgeous on the go? Well, now you can with Frankincense & Myrrh Zum Bar, Zum Bar, Zum Tub, and Zum Glow, all packed and stacked friend. Give new dog people a gift for little people now? Send this gift Give or keep these mini-facial Zum Mist, and Zum Body tube. in purple. their Lassie. Includes Y.U.M. Wash of triplets for sleep-deprived new miracles. Includes travel-size and Mist. moms and dads. Includes Wee versions of Zum Face Gentle Bar, Rub, and Mist in a lovely Facial Cleanser, Nourishing Facial bundle of joy. Oil, Gentle Facial Toner, Gentle F. G. I. Cleansing Bar, and Lemongrass Sugar Facial Scrub. H. J. 46 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 I’ L L HAVE WH AT SH E’S H AV I N G. B. You Pick 4 C. You Pick 3 $38.00 / 24213 $17.75 / 24221 Make your own A-list with a foursome of our best-selling products — Zum Bar, Try the Zum Bar trilogy of your Zum Mist, Zum Wash, and Zum Body Tube — in whatever scent you want. choosing, boxed up and ready to gift. Give ‘em a lather they can’t refuse. You’ll be the head honcho of hospitality when you give these criminally captivating goodies to your Zum-amore. Capisce? Leave the gift, take the patchouli. B. A. NEW! Tingle-gasm Twins $30.00 / 24339 E. Well, aren’t you the thoughtful shiver giver. Includes Sea Salt Zum Body and Grapefruit C. Zum Wash, wrapped and ready. A. D. Lather Lover’s Gift Pack NEW! Double Clean Pack E. FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH G. Zum Clean Housewarming Gift H. The Scentsational Essentials $27.00 / 24469 $28.00 / 24314 I. NEW! Two for the Sink, One for the Stink J. NEW! Loyal Lavender Gift Pack Everybody loves a good lather $26.00 / 24331 $24.00 / 35839 It’s Lavender-Mint Zum Bar meets $29.00 / 24321 36.00 / 24333 story. Naturally, your giftee will fall F. SEA SALT / $26.00 / 24332 Home sweet gift. The thoughtful Sandalwood-Citrus Zum Body Whatever company is coming, A lavish Zum Bar set of our Lavender head over heels for Zum Bars of Warm up house or apartment gift for new homeowners to meets Sea Salt Zum Mist meets your giftee will be ready sextet: Lavender, Honey-Lavender, Frankincense-Lavender, Eucalyptus, with Zum Clean Counter Cleaner keep things clean, from rear Zum Sachet. And all you need to with Lemongrass Zum Bar, Lavender-Mint, Oatmeal-Lavender, and Tangerine-Orange, a Zum and 32 oz. Laundry Soap. window to the room with a view. do is sign off. Lemongrass Zum Wash, and Lavender-Lemon & Patchouli, and Sachet, plus samples of Zum Clean French maid outfit optional. Includes Zum Clean Counter Zum Bum in a presentable Lavender-Rosemary. Cleaner, Sink & Surface Scrub, purple box. and Zum Wash. and Laundry Soap samples. D. E. - F. G. J. I. H. I. J. 48 I N D I G O W I L D.C O M 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 P L AY M I S T Y ZUM MIST: Is your aura being stalked by bad juju? Give your atmosphere a hint when you play Zum Mist. It’s a healthy aromatherapy obsession, sprayable on your body, on your clothes, on your bed, in your dresser, through your closet, in your bathroom, casting couch, and even in your car. Zum Mist delivers a surprising performance out of thin air thanks to its 100% pure essential oils. Even use it in retaliation at the mall’s perfume counter when they’re trying to FOR ME. drown you in alcohol. A. Lemongrass / 24170 H. Lavender-Lemon & Patchouli / 24191 B. Lavender-Mint / 24100 I. Lavender-Lemon / 21010 C. Sandalwood-Citrus / 21016 J. Patchouli / 21015 D. Patchouli-Orange / 24188 K. Lavender / 24160 E. NEW! Tea Tree-Citrus / 24193 L. Lemon-Geranium / 24184 vegetable glycerin. Frankincense products contain a F. Frankincense & Myrrh / 21055 M. Eucalyptus / 24150 trace amount of phthalate-free fragrance oil. G. Sea Salt / 24187 N. Frankincense-Lavender / 24182 ZUM MIST / $10.95 / 4 FL. OZ. I N G R E D I E N T S : Filtered water, pure essential oils, and 0. Rosemary-Mint / 21014 H. G. F. A. 50 B. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M C. 1.8 0 0.361. 5 6 8 6 D. E. I. J. K. L. M. I N D I G O W I L D.C O M N. O. 1.8 0 0. 3 61. 5 6 8 6 51
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