

1. Podrán participar en este 10º Desafío en Automatización UVM-FESTO, lo
estudiantes inscritos dentro de los programas académicos del área de
INGENIERÍAS que están ofertados en los diferentes Campus de UVM y que
preferentemente se encuentren cursando los semestre 5º a 9º dentro del
ciclo escolar 2-14
2. El participante sin ninguna excepción deberá traer consigo su credencial de
estudiante vigente y en buenas condiciones, la cual deberá ser insertada en el
porta gafete que será entregado en las áreas de registro, sin este requisito
3. Cada equipo deberá traer consigo el material, herramienta y equipo
necesarios para realizar su trabajo de competencia. FESTO ni el campus
sede (Zapopan) serán responsables de surtir a equipos de material,
herramienta y equipo que falte a los competidores.
4. El participante deberá asistir a la competencia vestido de la siguiente manera:
Pantalón de mezclilla color azul
- Día 1 (15 de Octubre): playera tipo cuello redondo o en V en color rojo
UVM con la imagen del evento, la cual podras descargar desde el portal
en formato de vectores (asi lo solicita el impresor para la serigrafia).
- Día 2 (16 de octubre): playera tipo cuello redondo o en V en color blanco
- Día 3 (17 de Octubre): el Comité Organizador otorgará la playera alusiva
al evento.
Calzado cómodo (tenis o zapatos)
Nota: Es importante señalar que la vestimenta será evaluada como parte del
porcentaje de la práctica profesional de cada etapa del concurso, el no llevarla
puede causar hasta la nula participación en el evento.
Será obligatorio que las playeras cumplan con el diseño del evento, el
cual podras descargar desde el portal web del evento.
Las playeras serán ROJA (Serigrafía frontal en Azul y trasera en Blanco) y BLANCA
(serigrafía en azul y trasera en rojo)
Ejemplo Especificaciones de la playera.
• Práctica Profesional
La práctica profesional será evaluada con un porcentaje de la evaluación de cada
uno de los ejercicios y consta de los siguientes puntos:
a. Limpieza en la forma en que lleva a cabo sus ejercicios dentro de su
área de trabajo.
b. La apariencia física que lleva dentro de la competencia, en este rubro
se califica que los participantes lleven puesta la combinación de ropa
que se les solicita.
c. Comportamiento del equipo en las áreas de competencia y durante los
días del evento.
(Logistics League Sponsored by Festo)
Competition Date: 15th , 16th , 17th October, 2014.
1. The 10th UVM-FESTO Desafío en Automatización, will accept students that belong
the Engineering area in UVM.
2. All the students must show the ID card, it must be in good conditions and the
participant must be studying in the current course. The participation will not
be allowed if there is a missing pre-requisite.
3. Every team needs to have all the material, tools and equipment according to
the event in which it is enrolled. FESTO and UVM campus Toluca are NOT
responsible of supplying the material, the equipment, the tools to the
4. The participants must be a maximum 22-years-old. Just in case, the winner team
will participate in an International contest. But, all the student could be in the
competition if they belong to the Engineering area, specified in point 1.
5. The participants will accomplish the dressing code stipulated by the committee of
the contest.
Will be defined by the organizing committee
Important: The wearing clothes must be evaluated as part of the contest. If the
participants are not wearing these clothes it could cause the null participation in the
The design of the t-shirts is shown in the figure 1.
Professional practice:
It will be evaluated as a percentage of the challenge; the points considered are the next
a. Cleanness inside the work area.
b. Following the dressing code for the competition
c. Behavior of the participants during the competition
Rules for the Mobile Robotics Category
The competition is based in the exercise that was developed in the past Robocup 2014
that took place in Joao Pessoa, Brazil. This competition will fit most of the characteristics
observed during this competition.
The teams will be conformed by two students and one consultant.
The focus of this competition takes its inspiration, actors and tasks from the world of
industrial production:
Autonomous mobile robots as autonomous guided vehicles (AGV) ensure smooth
logistic in a complex manufacturing process.
Competitors require using innovative ID and navigation methods. The use of an
odometer is recommended.
The selection of suitable programming systems and methods before the start is
perhaps the decisive challenge for the teams. And, the use of artificial intelligence
of the autonomous mobile robot systems.
In this document, are described some of the requirements to improve your robots
a.- 4 GB memory flashcard.
b.- The program will be downloaded to the Robotino® . It is not allowed to run the
program from the computer.
c.- During the competition the robots and the computer must be connected to a
central AP.
d.- The use of an odometer is recommended for the robot.
Note: In
this competition a set of changes will be introduced. For example, the use of
Robotino View is not allowed anymore, because in the international competition the
system called Referee Box and the semi-autonomous program that control the game, is
not based in this platform. Major changes are allowing any amount of computer power on
the robot or aside the field.
All participants have to design their competition Robotinos within the following
Any kind of sensors can be changed or added to the Robotino platform. However, it is not
possible to implement sensors that require modifications outside the Robotino area (e.g.
Northstar, indoor GPS). It is furthermore strictly forbidden to implement any kind of RFID
device into the Robotino. There must be no changes to the controller or mechanical
system. The pushing device is defined as a passive, non-mechanical load handling
attachment. The robots peripherals must not exceed the maximum total height of 0.7 m.
Additional hardware (sensors, computing equipment, etc.) must be within a diameter of
0.65m centered at the robot’s rotational center. Additional hardware may only occupy up to
25% of this additional 0.15 cm wide ring around the robot. The only additional actuator
allowed is one pushing device for pucks which can be the original or a modified one. It
however must not exceed the following outside dimensions (including possibly added
sensors): 0.25m x 0.15m x 0.05m (width x depth x height). The puck must be visible from
above while inside the pushing device. It is allowed to install additional computing power
on the Robotino. This may either be in form of a notebook/laptop device or any other
computing device that suits the size requirement of the Robotino competition system.
Furthermore, it is allowed to communicate with an additional computing device off-field.
This device may be used for team coordination and/or other purposes. However,
communication among the robots and the off-field device is not guaranteed during the
All teams are working with the same equipment:
Fig.1: Robotino® of Festo Didactic GmbH &Co.KG
Robots have to operate autonomously, that is, without any human interference during the
game. Communication among robots and to off-board computing units is allowed only
using wifi. Communication is not guaranteed and may be unavailable during parts of the
game. Interruptions must be expected and are no reason to pause or abort a game, even if
they endure for long periods of the game.
The Competition Environment:
A 4.48 m x 4.48 m competition area represents the production hall in this practice-oriented
manufacturing competition. The Unfinished Parts Store and Outgoing Goods are on
opposite sides of the competition area. It will be only one field, but two opposite robots
needs to be in the production process. The sections are in a mirror configuration, and the
machines are mixed. But each team has its own production system to produce goods.
Machine L
Machine R
Gate L
Gate R
n Area
Input Store
Input Store
n Area
Fig.2: Competition area
Each stage is 4.48 m x 2.24 m and will contain 3 production machines, an Unfinished
Parts Store and Outgoing Goods and are on opposite sides of the area. The specific
functions of the machines are unknown until the competition start.
The aim of the game:
The autonomous guided vehicles must attempt to manufacture and deliver the
maximum possible number of finished products. The challenges:
Teams, as a part of the task, have to discover the unknown functions of the 3
machines and store their locations in the production hall. The Robotino® must save
the information and then decide the way it will take to produce the goods.
2. In the production hall are going to be subassembly areas and one area for the final
product, they are defined to produce different goods. There is going to be one M1
(machine1) that produces an S1, one M2 (machine2) that produces an S2 and a
M3 (machine3) that produces the final product P.
3. S0, S1, S2 are defined as subassembly products and P as the final product. The
next table indicates the production portfolio to generate the products.
M1, M2, M3, DG
S1 or consumed
M2, M3, DG
S2 or consumed
M3, DG
Delivery Gate
Table 1. Products
The above table shows the production table concerning the main challenge, the three
staged production process. The main challenge can be repeated as long as enough pallet
carriers can be provided to complete the cycle.
4. In 15 minutes the Robotino® must produce the most possible assemblies to get
more points than the Robotino® in the other team.
5. There is a new challenge, the production areas are now mixed, it means that the
teams need to discover the production machines not only in their area; it means
that, at list one of the machines is in the other side. So the teams need to avoid a
possible collision with the opposite robot. So the configuration of the robot must
have the enough sensors to avoid and change its trajectory and consequently
retake its production sequence.
Each team consists of two competitors and one robot. Each robot has a fixed device to
push or hit a pallet. Mainly called "the kicker".
Fig.3: This figure shows the device to push a pallet and to hit the pallet with the sides.
The dimensions of the robots are bounded by a cylinder with radius 0.4 m and maximum
height of 0.7 m. One team – the logistic team - has the task to organize the logistic for
producing and the delivery of the products, the opponent team has the task to produce
more products.
1. Competition Field
The competition area consists of a field of 4.48m x 4.48m. The field is bounded by boards
having a height of 0.5 m which makes sure that cameras of the robots are not interfered by
objects outside of the area.
The factory consists of following components:
Input store area which is marked by the “blue” area on the field. It is of size 0.4 m x 1.0 m
The delivery zones which are marked by the “green” area on the field and are located at
the opposite side of the input store area. They has a size of 0.3m witdth. This final
machine consist of read-write RFID devices equipped with an integrated 3-coloured (red,
green, yellow) LED signal light. The RFID devices within these gates features a black
centered square of 0.1m x 0.1m called delivery slot, which resides exactly below the RFID
In the area there is the recycle area, where all the consumed products will be regenerated
and could be used again in the production process.
There are 3 production machines distributed on the interior of the competition field, now
the machines are mixed in all the competition area. The spaces of the machines are
bounded by squares of black lines of length = 0.50 m. These spaces are called the
machine spaces of the factory. These machines consist of read-write RFID devices
equipped with an integrated 3-coloured (red, green, yellow) LED signal light.
The whole area is shared among both teams on the field and any robot may travel
anywhere at any time (while not obstructing or pushing other robots or machines).
However, there are primary sides (split along the y-axis) for each team where a team’s
input storage area; robot insertion area, production machines, recycling machine, and
delivery zone are located. We will refer to the side with positive coordinates on the x-axis
as the (primary) half of team 1, and the side with negative coordinates on the x-axis as the
primary half of team 2.
The robot insertion areas are located along each corner of the left competition area, with a
separate mark-up line 0.4m apart from the competition boundary. Next to them towards
the mid, the input storage areas are located. Each input storage area has a size of 0.8m x
0.4 m, is painted blue on the wall, and contains a set of several pucks.
Environment Setup: The physical distribution and alignment of the production machines
is fixed. The machine type of each production machine will be randomized prior to each
match. The processing time of each machine type will be determined in the same way, so
the waiting time during a match will be static for each machine of all machine types. At the
beginning, each team has the responsibility to place up to the raw materials (pucks in S0
state) in their input storage, initially spread as shown in Figure 1 or in another fashion as
chosen by the team. The pucks may only be touched by the robot after the game has
started. In particular, they may not be re-positioned for better alignment if they have been
pushed or moved by a robot during the game.
The locations of the production machines are distributed as follows:
Machine L
Machine R
Gate L
Gate R
n Area
Input Store
Input Store
n Area
Fig.4: Competition field with marked areas
When the final product is in process, there is going to be a sequence that will show the
final production and it will indicate that it is already to deliver. This sequence will take
action when the S1, S2 are produced and the system is ready to generate the S3, or final
product, the time it takes will be a combination with the LED signal light and the sequence
of a specific process. As in other events if the signal light is a green light so it is ready to
be delivered. So take in account that in the route to the final gate, the other robot could be
in the trajectory and if you do not award this, you can loss the final product and if it
happens the product will not take in the score.
Interruptions and Robot Maintenance: During a match and while the robot is active on
the field no manual interference or manipulation of the robot in hardware, software,
configuration, instructions, or whatsoever, is allowed. Each team is allowed to maintain
each robot once per game. The team has to call upon the referee for robot maintenance.
The referee should judge the game situation carefully and should allow the robot to be
taken out for maintenance, if neither the calling team nor another robot would have any
advantage in the current game situation from the take-out. An advantage would be, for
instance, to take out a robot, if two robots are hindering each other. It is up to the
discretion of the referee when to allow the robot maintenance. After a robot has been
taken out for the first time, it is handed to the team. The team can perform any repairs to
the robot and/or the robot’s software. The repair time may take at most 120 seconds. If the
robot is not returned to the field in time, it is disqualified from the ongoing game. To return
the robot into the game, the team asks the referee to place back the robot onto the field.
After the referee accepts the motion, the robot is placed in the robot insertion area. The
team has 15 seconds quick setup time, which is limited to basic instructions like initial
localization or software start-up.
The referee can interrupt the game at any point in time, but should do so rarely as not to
interfere with the overall game flow. If a robot needs to be taken out for the second time,
either on request or as decided by the referee, it is disqualified from the current game. It
may no longer communicate with the still active robots and must be taken out of the
competition area.
1.2 Product Definition: Pallet Carrier, Puck
A pallet will be represented by a puck, see fig.5. Each pallet carries one component. Each
component is represented by a RFID mobile data carrier with a well defined part number.
Fig.5: Pallet (The tournament puck)
The un-machined subassemblies S0 will be provided in the Input Store area. The product
and the other subassemblies must be produced in the factory. See table 1.
Technical data of the data carrier:
Ø 20 mm, height: 2.5 mm
Data transfer:
inductance coupling
Working frequency:
13.56 MHz
Memory read/write
Memory type:
Memory size:
128 Byte
Freely usable memory:
112 Byte
Number of read operations unlimited
Number of write operations: 105
Typical read time:
2 ms/byte
Typical write time:
3 ms/byte
Radio communication and protocol standards ISO 15693
1.3 Machine Definition
• The default operating mode of all machines implies that only the green LED is
turned on. This signals the machine being ready for input. The reading and writing
process generally is a delicate process. To avoid corruption of the data carrier, it
should not leave the working range of the RFID device once the processing or
consuming is started.
• To enable the production process it is necessary to transport the pallet carrier
accurately to the RFID device. A consumed pallet carrier has to stay within the
machine space until the production cycle of that very machine has been
completed. Production resulting from violating this requirement is considered junk
and will not be rewarded. The machine always processes the required pallet
carrier delivered last, all prior components will be consumed. All machines will
start processing the data carrier as soon as they enter the diameter named below
and change their operating mode according to the tables provided.
• In the production hall there are three kinds of machines: M1 (machine1) that
produces an S1, M2 (machine2) that produces an S2 and M3 (machine3) that
produces the final product P. See table 2.
Optical feedback
Operating mode
All LEDs turned off
The machine is physically offline, caused by a real error which
should not happen during the competition.
Red LED turned on
The machine is out of order
Green LED turned on
The machine is idle and ready
Green and yellow LED turned The machine is processing or consuming the current data
Yellow LED flasing (at 2 Hz)
The machine detects wrong material. This can be caused by
data carriers that are already consumed, subassemblies that do
not fit to this machine type's work order or corrupted data
After processing the current data carrier:
Yellow LED turned on
The machine has finished processing the current data carrier
and is waiting for the next subassembly.
Green LED turned on
The machine has finished the work order and is ready to
receive the next batch of carriers.
Table 2 Machine operation
• In order to complete the machines’ work order the input materials have to be
delivered one-by-one into the RFID device’s action range. Multiple data carriers in
range of the device will result in erroneous behavior of the device.
• Consumption of materials, like S0 used in the production of S2, will take 2 seconds.
Unloading the machine can be done immediately after the operating mode
changes away from processing. As long as the machines are used properly, they
will not produce any junk.
• The time for producing the corresponding subassembly products are mentioned in
the next table, table 3:
(Final) processing time (seg)
S0 (Raw material)
WT1 = 2 seg
S0; S1
S2, one consumed
WT2 = 2 seg
S0; S1, S2
P, product; 2 consumed
WT3 = 5 seg
Table 3. Time machine table
• The final machine M4 checks the product type on the pallet. The information will
be done as follows, table 4 an table 5:
Optical feedback
Stored Data on the data carrier
Green LED turned on
The station is ready to read the next data carrier.
All LEDs turned off
Consumed pallet carrier
Yellow LED turned on
Raw material (S0)
Red and yellow LEDs turned on Subassembly 1 (S1)
Red LED turned on
Subassembly 2 (S2)
All LEDs turned on
The final product (P)
Table 4. Final machine information
Optical Feedback
Stored data on the data carrier
Red LED turned on
This delivery gate is inactive.
Red and green LED turned on
This gate is active, namely the designated
Table 5. Final machine status.
As soon as a pallet carrier is successfully delivered to the active gate, it will show the state
of the data carrier as described above. This state will only long for some seconds and only
for scoring reasons. There will be only one active gate at a time.
Important: The type of a production machine is not fixed and will be changed before
start of a game.
There is a random generator to cause a downtime of machines. Downtime will be
at least 30 seconds but no longer than 90 seconds.
Downtime of machines: maximum of 3 machines of different type at the same time
During a game period a machine will have at most two downtimes. After a
downtime the machine will be at least 5 minutes in running mode.
1.4 Technical Data of the Machines
Fig 6. RFID device with signal light
• Height of machines: 280 mm
• Width of machines: 160 mm
• Depth of machines: 100 mm
Technical data of the read/write head:
Housing rectangular:
Housing diameter:
40 mm
Housing height:
65 mm
Housing material Plastic: PBT-GF30-V0, black
Material active face Plastic: PA6-GF30, yellow
Operating voltage 10...30 VDC
DC rated operational current: ≤ 80 mA
Operating voltage DC
Data transfer inductance coupling
Working frequency: 13.56 MHz
Radio communication and protocol standards ISO 15693
Read/write distance: max. 115 mm
Output function 4-wire, read/write
Electrical connection Connectors, M12 x 1
Vibration resistance 55 Hz (1 mm)
Shock resistance 30 g (11 ms)
Protection class IP67
Operating voltage display LED green
1.5 Machine Processing
If the robot moves a pallet to one the machines such that the data carrier on the
pallet is in the reading area of corresponding RFID head then reading of the data
carrier will be immediately started.
After reading, the machine displays immediately its operating mode.
Writing process starts after 3 seconds in order to make sure that the robot has
finished moving.
Afterwards the robot has to wait until the machine displays: Processing step is
If the robot is moving away the pallet before showing this change of operating
mode then the new status might be not written to the data carrier on the pallet.
2 Rules for the Production Process
2.1 General Strategy
Main goal of the game:
Deliver finished products P as much as possible in Outgoing Goods area. Winner of
a match is the team with most delivered finished products.
At the beginning of a game the physical location of the machines are fixed, but not
the type of the machine and its orientation. Therefore the first challenge of the
logistic team is to identify the locations of the different machine types of the factory.
A strategy could be to deliver a S0 to all machines as fast as possible and then to
find out which machine finishes the production, that is the machine M1. And then to
find the other 2 machines to produce S2 or the finished product P. Here the
challenge is to develop a strategy how to find out the information.
After identification of the machines types the main challenging task is to create a
scheduling of the logistic to increase the output of finished products P.
To finish a production process the logistic team must take care that at least one of
pallets is at the position of the RFID read-write device and the other ones in the
machine space.
Additionally, your scheduling may be disturbed by :
There is random generator to cause a downtime of machines.
The final challenge is to carry the pallet with the finished product P into the
Outgoing Goods area. The final product must be in the 60mx60m area, if there is
one product outside this area it does not be a valid one.
2.2 Start of the Game
The regular playing time of a competition match is 15 minutes. Before the game
start each team has 5 minutes to setup the robot. The playing time will be stopped
at the end of the 15 minutes or because of an irregularity pointed out by the
referee. The playing time will be continued if the referee restarts the game. There is
a 10 minutes period free. Each team has a 30 minutes match in total.
The matches will be defined before the game stars.
At the start of a game the member of the logistic team must be on the storage line
of the input store area and the member of the opponent team must be on the
storage line of the storage line too, but in its respective area.
The input store area is filled up with at least 10 pallets with un-machines
subassemblies S0. All pallets are behind the storage line.
The game will be started only if no robot is moving. If the referee blows the whistle
playing time will be started and all robots of the logistic team may immediately
move. For the start it is allowed that teams may press one button for the robot.
A robot is at a valid position if following conditions are satisfied:
No part of the robot touches the machines space or the boundary line of the
machine space of any station.
No part of the robot touches the safety zone of the input area or the safety line.
If the referee interrupts the game the robots have to stop their movement. For
this interruption it is also allowed to stop the robot movement by pressing one
No team member is allowed to enter the competition area prior to or during a match. The
robot can be set up within the robot insertion area as long as they are outside the factory
area and have not been elevated into their autonomous state. During a match the
manipulation is limited to adjustments on sensors, checking cable connections and the
boot or shut down procedure. A team can ask the referee to shut down the robot. If this
motion has been forwarded within the first 15 seconds of the very robots movement and
without this robot scoring points, the referee will move it to a point of insertion of the team’s
choice, once. Otherwise or on second occasion the robot will be removed from the
competition area. Resetting or removing a robot will not cause an interruption of the game.
The referee will only interrupt the game if there is no other way to reset the robot without
interfering with the other ongoing processes. Once removed from the competition area the
robot cannot be reinserted during the same match. A team can also decide to remove their
robot from the competition area at any time of the match.
2.3 Product Delivery
A pallet will be counted as a delivered product if and only if following conditions are
The pallet has completely crossed the storage line and is inside the “green”
Outgoing Goods area.
The referee will take out the pallet and will check if the product ID corresponds to
the ID of a finished product P.
The process will be not interrupted after delivery of a pallet.
2.4 Loading of Machines
The main task of the logistic team is to load the machines on time with the correct
The loading of a machine has to be done in the machine space.
Any pallet on the competition field might be used for loading a production machine.
Not correct material type will be indicated by flashing yellow light.
Loading can be only started if the machine is ready to receive new material
(machine must be in the operating mode ready) or it has finished a setup process
and is waiting on a next subassembly.
Processing of subassembly S2 or final product P can only be started if all required
components are detected by the machine and corresponding pallets are inside of
the machine space, i.e. no one of them is completely outside.
Processing of S2 and P requires the supply of additional material. This process will
be called the setup process. In general, a work order consists of following steps:
Work order = setup process + production process
Start of the work order: Green LED light and yellow LED light are switched on.
Work order is finished: Yellow light will be switched off and only the green light is
Compare section 1.3 for the specification of the different operating modes of a
production machine.
All the other ones were immediately changed to empty pallets during the setup
2.5 Unloading of Machines
Unloading of a machine can be immediately started if the machine indicates “ready for
next processing cycle”, see above specifications (2.4).
Pallets with subassemblies S1 or S2 can be moved to the machine spaces of next free
machines which can process these products or must be stored in the safety zone of the
input area.
Empty pallets have to be removed to the “Recycle Area” and can be then used for further
2.6 Task fulfillment
The following table provides the itemized clearance of all task related processes. See table
Scoring [Points]
Produce S1
Process raw-material S0
into subassembly 1
(Can produce just two
products for each final
Produce S2
Consume raw-material and
process S1 into S2
Produce P
Consume raw-material and
S1 to process S2 into the
final product
Deliver the final product to
the designated loading zone
Clean up a polluted machine
(M1, M2 or M3) by recycling
all of the 3 consumed
loading carriers. Partial
recycling will not be
+10 M1
Total points a team will
receive for a produced and
correctly delivered final
product with its consumed
loading carrier recycled.
+10 M2
+10 M3
Table 6. Scoring
2.6 Teams and Players
A match is played by two teams, each consisting of one Robotino® . A match may
not be started if a team has no players.
Each player is a mobile robot system of type Robotino®, see figure 1, with the
same device to hold and to hit the pallet.
The robots are working autonomously and just monitored by a PC. If the production
is running no participant is allowed to do any changes of the PC program. The
referee is the only authority deciding to start, to stop or to interrupt the process.
Then the participants have to stop their mobile robot systems by remote
If the process will be started or restarted, then the participants have the possibility
to start their program(s) by one (!!) click on a PC key button.
2.7 Pushing Rules
With multiple teams on the field at the same time, robots must implement ways for collision
avoidance. At the same time, they shall not interfere with the goods of the other team. The
case where a robot of one team bumps into or moves a robot or puck of another team we
call “pushing”. The following rules shall be obeyed by the robots and provide the guidelines
for referees to call for improper behavior of a robot due to pushing.Pushing occurs
between robots of different teams.
1. Robots must drive such that they try to avoid physical contact with robots from the
opposing team. However, physical contact per se does not represent an offense.
2. All robots should be equipped to detect situations of physical contact with other
robots (direct pushing situations).
3. If physical contact with other robots cannot be avoided, it must be soft, i.e. at slow
speed and with as small physical impact as possible, in order to avoid damage to
itself and other robots. Robots moving at high speed must significantly decelerate
before a collision occurs with another robot.
4. If a destruction collision is immediate and the robots don’t react, the referee should
pause the game. Every team has to react to the paused command by immediately
stopping their robots.
5. Whenever a robot produces direct physical contact with another robot while
moving, it must stop movement immediately in that direction (and choose a new
direction for movement).
6. If pushing occurs between a moving and a standing robot, the moving robot causes
the pushing situation and is responsible for resolving it. If it is not able to do this, a
pushing foul will be called.
If pushing occurs between two moving robots, both robots are responsible for
resolving the pushing situation. If one robot continues pushing by moving in its
initial direction, while the other robot is recognizably reacting and trying to take
another direction, the foul will be called on the pushing robot.
8. If two robots encounter physical contact and cannot resolve the situation because
they get entangled, the referee may issue a pushing foul on both robots.
9. If, in the opinion of the referee, physical contact between two robots is not soft, or if
one or both of the robots do not change direction after encountering physical
contact, a pushing foul will be called.
10. When a pushing foul is detected the responsible team has to use up their restart for
the stuck robot to start at the insertion zone again. The other team can decide
within 10 seconds to restart their involved robot in the insertion zone without it
counting as a penalty restart.
11. Moving a puck of the opposing team within a fenced area (machine or input area)
by at least one puck diameter is a pushing foul. The referee will move the puck
back to its original position.
12. If a robot loses his puck during collision avoidance or in case of a collision, the
puck will not be replaced.
13. The referee reserves its right to disqualify clearly malicious teams.
2.7 Programming
Programming can be done in C, C++, C#, Java, Labview, Matlab, see
Each team is responsible for the compiler of corresponding programming language.
2.8 W-LAN Communication
In order to provide the optimal possible solution for wireless communication during the
event, all teams are required to use the 5 GHz Wi-Fi equipment. They are furthermore
required to connect their Robotinos ® Wi-Fi unit to the access point provided. All teams can
also relay on Wi-Fi clients supplied by Festo but are not required to.
All PC’s or Laptops have to switch off their local W-LAN interface and will be
connected to the access point by LAN cable via a switch.
Fig 7. Network conection configuration
All robots will get a fixed IP address 172.26.1.x where x runs between 1 and 50
3. Competition
3.1 Competition Scheduled
On Wednesday will be start the competition, all the teams that wish to calibrate its
Robotino could do that. Since 9:00 am, you are being allowed to use the competition area.
On Tuesday, there is going to be a scheduled in which all the teams will have a turn of 30
minutes to develop its proof. During all day the teams will be having some turns, and
earning points. The four teams that have more points will win the right to participate in the
On Friday, the semifinals, the match for third and fourth place and the final will be
developed to decide who is the first, second and third place.
4 The Mobile Robot System
The mobile robot system Robotino® is a platform with an open mechanical interface for
the integration of additional mechanical devices and an open electrical interface to
integrate easily additional sensors or motors of devices. Power is supplied via two 12 [V]
lead gel batteries which permit a running time of up to two hours. The scope of delivery
likewise includes a charging device.
Robotino® is driven by 3 independent, omnidirectional drive units. They are mounted
at an angle of 120° to each other. The three omnidirectional drive units of Robotino® ,
defines the robot as being holonomic, meaning that the controllable degrees of freedom
equals the total degrees of freedom of the robot. The drive units are integrated in a sturdy,
laser welded steel chassis. The chassis is protected by a rubber bumper with integrated
switching sensor.
Robot dimensions:
Diameter: 370 mm
Height including housing: 210 mm
Overall weight: approx. 11 kg
Maximal payload of about 6 kg
4.1 Drive Unit
Each of the 3 drive units consists of the following components, fig 8:
DC Dunker motor with nominal speed of 3600 rpm and nominal torque of 3.8 Ncm.
Integrated planetary gear unit with a gear ratio of 4:1.
Omnidirectional wheels of diameter of 80 mm.
Toothed belt with gear wheels providing a transmission ratio of 4:1.
Altogether this provides a gear transmission ratio of 16:1.
Incremental encoder with a resolution of 2048 increments per motor rotation.
Fig. 8. Drive unit with motor (1), encoder (2), omnidirectional wheel (3),
planetary gear (4), toothed belt (5)
• The motor speed will be controlled via a PID controller implemented on a Atmel
microprocessor of the controller board of Robotino®.
4.2 Sensors
Robotino® is equipped with 9 infrared distance measuring sensors which are mounted in
the chassis at an angle of 40° to one another. Robotino® can scrutinise all surrounding
areas for objects with these sensors. Each of the sensors can be queried individually via
the controller board. Obstacles can thus be avoided, clearances can be maintained and
bearings can be taken on a selected target.
The sensors are capable of accurate or relative distance measurements to objects at
distances of 4 to 30 cm. Sensor connection is especially simple including just one
analogue output signal and supply power. The sensors’ evaluation electronics determines
distance and read it out as an analogue signal.
The anti-collision sensor is comprised of a switching strip which is secured around the
entire circumference of the chassis.
A reliably recognizable signal is thus transmitted to the controller unit. Collisions with
objects at any point on the housing are detected and, for example, Robotino® is brought to
a standstill.
The inductive proximity sensor is supplied as an additional component. It serves to detect
metallic objects on the floor and is used for continuous-path control, e.g. it might be used
to detect the blue lines (metallic stripes) on hockey field. It reads out signals of varying
strength depending upon whether it is located in the middle or at the edge of the metal
strip. Path tracking can thus be controlled in a differentiated fashion.
The inductive proximity sensor must be attached to the mounting furnished for this
purpose, and must be connected to the I/O interface. The output voltage is 0 to 10 [V]. The
sensing range is 0 to 6 mm.
Path tracking can also be implemented with the two included diffuse sensors. Flexible
fiber-optic cables are connected to a fiber-optics unit which works with visible red light.
Reflected light is detected. Different surfaces and colors produce different degrees of
reflection. However, gradual differences in reflected light cannot be detected. The sensors
must be attached to the mountings furnished for this purpose, and must be connected to
the I/O interface.
Rooting® is equipped with a color webcam. The webcam is equipped with a USB interface
and provides an integrated jpeg compression. It supports a color depth of 24 bit true color
and a VGA resolution with 15fps. The reason for jpeg compression is that image
processing can be done on an external PC via WLAN connection.
Also, there will be integrated a digital Gyroscope providing a high accuracy of the
odometer in the virtual factory.
4.3 Controller Board
The controller housing is connected to the wiring in the chassis via one plug-in. Thus you
can easily take off the controller housing and you have direct access to the mechanical
system. The controller system of Rooting® is divided into two parts – an embedded PC
and a microcontroller interface card, fig 9:
Fig. 9 Controller of Robotino® consists of an embedded PC and a microcontroller interface board.
The main controller is the embedded PC 104 plus controller with the 800 MHz processor
AMD LX800. The PC has a SDRAM of 128 MB and is provided with a 4 GB flash card.
There are numerous communication interfaces on board:
1 x Ethernet
2 x USB
1 x RS232
Parallel port and VGA port
Wireless LAN Access Point following the standards 802.11.g and 802.11.b. The
access point can be switched into a client mode. As an option you may use WPA2coding.
There is a Ubuntu Linux operating system with real time kernel running on the embedded
PC 104. The main part of the controller is the Robotino® server, a real time Linux
application. It controls the drive units and provides interfaces to communicate with
external PC applications via W-LAN. There is an API with libraries which allow you to
create applications for Robotino® in numerous programming languages:
C++ und C
.net and JAVA
MatLab and Simulink
You may find a lot of examples concerning using the different API’s in the public
4.4.1 Robotino View
Not allowed anymore
4.5 Image Procesing
Depending on the Robotino® version it might happen that the standard web camera only
provides image data by jpeg compression. This is very useful if you run your image
processing on the PC and exchange the data via W-LAN. However, if you would like to
run your image processing algorithms on the Robotino® controller then the processor is
not powerful enough in order to pack and to unpack the image data in a reasonable time.
Thus we recommend for running image processing algorithms on the Robotino®
controller to use a camera without jpeg compression, e.g. use the low cost Logitech web
camera C250:
Fig10. Logitech
Líder experto: Raúl de la Cruz Ibarra.
[email protected]
Comité organizador:
[email protected]
El objetivo principal de esta competencia es conocer las habilidades y destrezas físicas de
los equipos participantes, así como el desarrollar programas de control y comprensión de
diagramas mecánico-eléctricos para la pronta solución de mecanismos de producción.
Se desarrollan varios proyectos completos de origen mecatrónico, así como la integración
de los mismos con tecnologías de vanguardia con la que se encontrarán en el campo
El campo de la Mecatrónica está en plantas de producción principalmente, como la
industria automotrices, la industria farmacéutica, entre otras; también se encuentra en el
campo del servicio como son los estacionamientos, casas habitación, sistemas de
seguridad, etc.
Los elementos de la mecatrónica se encuentran trabajando de manera conjunta dentro de
un mismo sistema y están directamente involucrados con equipos de naturaleza
mecánica, hidráulica, neumática y electrónica.
Se entiende como la habilidad de interpretar y construir sistemas mecánicos, incluyendo
los sistemas hidráulicos y neumáticos, de acuerdo a normas.
Se entiende como la operación y maniobrabilidad del PLC,
Se entiende como la capacidad de escribir programas para el control de máquinas y
visualizar el proceso durante la operación utilizando un software.
Se entiende como la habilidad de los participantes de dominar técnicas para la solución
de problemas de origen mecánico, eléctrico y programación.
Los competidores deben ser capaces de:
Resolver problemas lógicos.
Interpretar documentación técnica normalizada (diagrama eléctrico, mecánico,
neumático e hidráulico).
Realizar el ensamble de una estación de trabajo (MPS) de acuerdo a diagramas
normalizados (mecánico, eléctrico, neumático e hidráulico).
Diseñar sistemas eléctricos, neumáticos e hidráulicos de manera manual y/o
utilizando un software comercial.
Crear el programa de control de las estaciones de trabajo (MPS).
Conectar la estación de trabajo (MPS) a su sistema de control.
Realizar la puesta en marcha de la estación de trabajo (MPS) cumpliendo con el
“check list” propuesta por los expertos.
Este comprende las áreas donde se involucra el diseño, ensamble y conexiones, práctica
profesional, puesta en marcha, mantenimiento y solución de fallas.
El diseño a realizar deberá ser hecho utilizando componentes industriales de acuerdo a
las especificaciones propias del concurso designadas por los jueces responsables de la
El ejercicio deberá ser ensamblado mecánicamente y conectado (eléctrica, neumática e
hidráulicamente) de acuerdo con la documentación proporcionada por los jueces
responsables de la competencia.
El tiempo de ensamble y funcionamiento correcto de la estación de trabajo será factor
importante en la evaluación del ejercicio. Otro factor de importancia será la calidad del
ensamble y conexiones (práctica profesional), la cual deberá reflejar los estándares
manejados en la industria y en competencias internacionales.
La documentación proporcionada para el ensamble y conexiones, muestran
específicamente como se debe realizar las mismas y asegurar un funcionamiento correcto
del equipo (estación de trabajo o MPS). Cualquier criterio realizado de forma personal por
el equipo que no cumpla con los diagramas mostrados o con el funcionamiento en la
documentación o con el check list provocará una baja de puntos en su evaluación.
Esto es referido a la calidad con que se realiza el ensamblado, es decir, evitar: cables o
tubos (mangueras) sueltos, cinchos muy separados o mal cortados, cables mostrando el
cobre, entre otros son vistos como mala práctica profesional. La mala práctica profesional
restará puntos.
Durante la presentación de las reglas del evento se mencionarán con detalle lo que es
mala práctica profesional.
La estación de trabajo debe funcionar de acuerdo a las instrucciones mostradas en la
documentación entregada al inicio del ejercicio, principalmente siguiendo el “Check List”.
Este ejercicio se entiende como dar mantenimiento preventivo o correctivo a un elemento
de trabajo, quitando la pieza en “mal estado” y cambiarla. El tiempo es importante en este
desafío y dependerá de las habilidades de los competidores.
Otro desafío es la localización de fallas dentro del sistema. Para esto los competidores
deberán tener amplios conocimientos de sistemas neumáticos, hidráulicos y eléctricos. El
tiempo en este evento también es factor importante e igualmente dependerá de las
habilidades de los competidores.
Cada equipo deberá traer consigo las estaciones de trabajo (MPS) con las que se va
a competir. FESTO ni el campus sede (Zapopan) serán responsables de surtir a
equipos (competidores) de material, herramienta y accesorios que falte a los
competidores. El préstamo de algún elemento o materi
al de un equipo competidor a otro estará sujeto a decisión de los jueces.
Las estaciones de trabajo a utilizar son:
• Distributing (Distribución).
• Testing (Verificación).
Fig. 1M.- Estación de Distribución (Distributing).
Fig.2M.- Estación de Verificación (Testing).
El controlador lógico programable (PLC) será proporcionado por cada uno de los equipos
participantes, así como el software y cables de interface. El tipo de PLC es libre.
Sobre las herramientas a utilizar, el equipo participante deberá traer la propia y a su
Cualquier conjunto de herramientas comerciales puede ser utilizado, la cual estará sujeta
a la aprobación de los expertos y los sistemas de seguridad.
Importante: no se permitirá usar herramientas para un uso que no sea el propio. (p. ej.
utilizar pinzas como martillo o destornillador), así como herramientas eléctricas (p. ej.
El tiempo de competencia será designado por los jueces, ya que es diferente para cada
El área destinada para que el equipo desarrolle sus actividades de competencia serán lo
suficientemente amplias. A dichos espacios se les proporcionará de fuentes de
alimentación (aire y electricidad). Es importante que el equipo tenga consigo un
El layout de la competencia estará diseñado para acceso al público como observadores,
visitantes y acompañantes en cada uno de los puntos de la competencia, estos últimos
estarán separados por una cinta que sólo les permita el acceso visual al área de
En cada área de los equipos competidores se podrá colocar el ordenador, herramientas y
demás equipo necesario para el desarrollo de las actividades.
La ropa de trabajo de los integrantes de cada equipo participante será pantalón de
mezclilla azul, y las camisa son las especificadas en el inicio de las bases.
El comité organizador tendrá un espacio para el almacenamiento de sus equipos y
herramientas, así como tener la función para la realización junta de jueces y toma de
decisiones. Las dimensiones serán de 5 x 5m como mínimo.
La evaluación será realizada por los jueces responsables de la categoría y su
determinación será inapelable.
Los resultados de cada evento serán mostrados pública y oportunamente por medio de un
ordenador con monitor de parte de los organizadores.
Los puntos a considerar son:
Cumplimiento del Check List.
Práctica profesional.
Conexión de entradas y salidas en el lugar especificado.
Velocidad de ensamblado y programado de acuerdo a lo especificado.
Velocidad de localización de fallas.
Velocidad de cambio de piezas (mantenimiento).
Los jueces serán personas expertas en competencias a nivel institucional, nacional e
internacional, así como personal de FESTO PNEUMATIC S.A. siendo estos un total de 5
jueces para esta categoría.
Los jueces manejarán evaluaciones y técnicas de organización de nivel internacional
manejando estándares de las competencias “WorldSkills International” con la finalidad
de estar preparados para cualquier evento fuera del país.
Los jueces no podrán dar asesorías para la solución del reto a los equipos participantes
antes, durante y después de la competencia, esto para no dar ventajas a equipos no
preparados. Únicamente podrán resolver dudas del entendimiento del reto.
Durante el desarrollo de las actividades, los participantes no podrán tener en sus espacios
privados de trabajo cualquier medio de comunicación (radios, celulares, cámaras
fotográficas, etc.), o cualquier elemento que sea distractor para los demás participantes
que ponga en duda la realización legal del ejercicio.
Se recomienda a los equipos participantes una extrema puntualidad en el inicio de cada
actividad, ya que una vez empezada una actividad no se recompensará el tiempo de
retraso del equipo competidor.
Si al inicio de una actividad no se encuentra un miembro del equipo, el participante
presente tendrá que empezar solo y al llegar su compañero se tendrá que incorporar
inmediatamente con autorización previa de los jueces.
Una vez comenzada la actividad o desafío los participantes no tendrán ningún tipo de
comunicación con su asesor, observadores, amigos, etc. únicamente con los jueces.
De igual manera, comenzada la actividad los participantes no podrán salir de su área de
trabajo a menos que sea al baño con la autorización de un juez (para lo cual se
recomienda ir antes del inicio de la actividad porque es tiempo que no se puede
recuperar). Si el participante necesita salir por herramienta u otra razón importante será
sólo con consentimiento de los jueces.
El desarrollo de las actividades, así como la logística del evento estará a cargo de los
jueces y organizadores del evento.
Juez líder de la categoría:
M. en C. Raúl de la Cruz Ibarra.
[email protected]
¡¡¡¡¡¡MUCHA SUERTE!!!!!!
El entrenamiento teórico y práctico de los expertos en Neumática y Electro neumática
está involucrado con equipo mecánico, neumático, eléctrico y electrónico que se emplean
en las en plantas de ensamble o manufactura.
Los competidores debe ser capaces de:
⇒ Resolver problemas lógicos,
⇒ Llevar a cabo el diseño de un sistema de automatización
⇒ Realizar el ensamble de una máquina de acuerdo a la documentación
⇒ Diseñar el programa para el control automático de la maquina o proceso.
⇒ Conectar la maquina o proceso a su sistema de
⇒ Realizar la puesta en marcha de la máquina y resolver la serie de
problemas instalados en cada una de las maquinas o procesos por parte
de los expertos
⇒ Interpretación de documentación técnica (diagramas eléctricos, diagramas
espacio-fase, etc.)
⇒ Diseñar sistemas eléctricos y neumáticos de manera manual o utilizando
software de FESTO disponible.
• Diseño
El proyecto debe ser diseñado utilizando componentes del equipamiento de FESTO
DIDACTIC, de acuerdo a las especificaciones de estos. El proceso de optimización
también debe ser incluido en el proceso.
• Ensamble y conexión
El proyecto debe ser ensamblado utilizando componentes del equipamiento de FESTO
DIDACTIC (Kit de Electro neumática TP-201 y 202), de acuerdo con las instrucciones y la
documentación o diseño propio.
La velocidad de ensamble de los sistemas será un criterio de evaluación. La valoración de
los proyectos se realizara sobre los criterios de verificación y evaluación que se menciona
en éste apartado.
Las conexiones se deben realizar de acuerdo a las instrucciones previas y a la
documentación para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de la máquina. Cualquier
diagrama que se considere necesario para realizar el ensamble de manera exitosa debe
ser incluido.
• Puesta en marcha
La máquina debe funcionar de acuerdo a las instrucciones, documentación, y prácticas
profesionales. No se introducirán fallas deliberadas.
• Solución de problemas
Podrá existir una sección dentro de la competencia cuyo objetivo principal será la solución
de fallas. Para realizar lo anterior el conjunto de fallas que se introducirán se seleccionara
de manera aleatoria en cada caso.
• Tecnología de información
Se deben incluir tareas para verificar la habilidad de los competidores al llevar a cabo la
programación del sistema. La documentación generada por los competidores también
debe ser incluida en caso de ser necesario.
• Diseño Mecánico
Se entiende como la habilidad de entender y diseñar sistemas mecánicos. Esto debe
incluir conocimiento sobre sistemas hidráulicos, neumáticos, los estándares y la
documentación necesaria.
• Diseño eléctrico
Se entiende como la capacidad de entender y diseñar circuitos eléctricos en sistemas
maquina / controlador.
• Controladores industriales
Un entendimiento en la configuración y programación de los controladores industriales y
como el programa está relacionado con la operación de la máquina.
• Software de programación
La capacidad de escribir programas para control de máquinas y visualizar el proceso
durante operación utilizando software de programación de un autómata (FST para PLC
FC34 u otro en caso de ser necesario).
• Técnicas analíticas
Los participantes deben dominar técnicas de neumática, electronuemática, configuración
y programación de PLC, etc., para la solución de problemas.
Cada equipo debe traer sus propias herramientas, componentes, accesorios, etc., así
como las conexiones o interfaces de comunicación, necesarias para realizar el enlace de
sus equipos con los proyectos a realizaren en la competencia.
Los concursantes tendrán el día de competencia 15 minutos para la acomodar, verificar y
probar sus componentes dentro del área asignada, ya que será su responsabilidad el
buen funcionamiento y estado de los mismo. No se considerará bonificación de tiempo si
se presenta alguna falla en los componentes o equipos.
• Material
Cada equipo participante deberá contar a la hora de iniciar la competencia (Equipamiento
⇒ PLC, (Control Lógico Programable), FEC EduTrainer Compact FST/MTW
con Interface Ethernet (FEC 34), con zócalos de seguridad de 4 mm
(12E/8S), con software instalado en equipo de cómputo que se utilizará en
la competencia e interface de programación RS232 o Ethernet. (No. de
artículo 167132)
⇒ Equipo TP-201 Nivel básico (Formación básica en electroneumática No. de
artículo 540712)
⇒ Equipo TP-202 Nivel avanzado (Formación de alto nivel en
electroneumática No. de artículo 570713)
⇒ Cable universal con clavijas de seguridad de 4 mm. de color rojo y azul
(No. de artículo 167091), 2 jgos.
⇒ Regulador de flujo unidireccional 4 pzas., (del TP-101 y 102 Nivel básico y
avanzado de Neumática)
⇒ Válvula de escape rápido (del TP-101 Nivel básico de Formación básica en
⇒ Sensor de proximidad electrónico con fijación para cilindro 2 Pzas. (No.
artículo 540695)
⇒ Fuente de alimentación sobre mesa , para tensión de entrada 230/115 V
CA a 24 V, 4.5 A de salida con cable de conexión
⇒ Equipo de computo con software a utilizar FST (cualquier versión)
⇒ Tapón ciego QSC-4H
⇒ Tapón ciego QSC-6H
⇒ Racor rápido QSMT-4H
⇒ Placa perfil de aluminio
⇒ Manguera de 4 mm (5 mts)
⇒ Manguera de 6 mm (2 mts)
⇒ Extensión eléctrica con multicontacto.
Nota: En caso de no contar con PLC que se indica( FEC 34 EduTrainer) se podrá llevar
otro tipo de PLC con al menos 12 entradas y 8 salidas, con sus respectivas conectores
para clavijas de seguridad de 4 mm, con la finalidad de realizar las conexiones
adecuadas, así como los accesorios y software del PLC.
• Herramientas de mano para los competidores
Cualquier conjunto de herramientas manuales, estará sujeta a la aprobación de los
expertos y los sistemas de seguridad de la competencia para poder ser utilizadas.
• Ropa de trabajo
La ropa de trabajo de cada uno de los participantes debe ser de acuerdo con los
estándares establecidos, en la convocatoria del evento, al menos deberá de llevar el logo
de la Institución a la que representan y el nombre del participante.
• Instalaciones de la competencia
El área de competencia será asignada el día del evento, siendo suficientemente amplia
para el trabajo de los equipos, y se proporcionarán los elementos necesarios como
conexión eléctrica y suministro y toma de aire.
El layout del sistema debe estará diseñado para acceso del publico a cada uno de los
puntos de competencia de los equipos participantes. El área de competencia debe estar al
menos a 1.5 m de la barrera para los visitantes.
El área de competencia para cada equipo debe ser de un mínimo de 2 m X 2. m. En cada
área de competencia se deberá colocar la placa perfilada de aluminio y equipo de
cómputo y kit de equipamiento.
• Para la administración del evento
El Campus sede se encargará de todo los relacionado al este apartado
• Para el Almacén de equipo de trabajo y componentes
El área para almacén de equipos y herramientas que se emplean para desarrollar los
proyectos de trabajo, lo asignara el campus sede.
• Tiempo total de competencia
El tiempo total de la competencia será la que se indique en la convocatoria.
• Proyecto
Cada una de los proyectos tendrá:
⇒ Reglas generales
⇒ Número de proyecto
⇒ Ponderación de puntos
⇒ Tiempo máximo
⇒ Tiempo adicional
⇒ Descripción de la tarea:
Condiciones iníciales
Circuito (De ser necesario se proporciona o no se proporcionará)
Diagrama Espacio-Fase (De ser necesario se proporciona o no se
Calificación total (Puntos por tiempo y funcionamiento)
• Verificación del proyecto y evaluación
La escala calificación de cada uno de los proyectos a realizar será propuesta por los
expertos de Neumática, Electroneumática y PLC’s, que participen como jurado en la
competencia. Por tanto se requiere acuerdo de la mayoría (50% + 1) de los jueces para
aceptar la escala de cada uno de los proyectos de la competencia.
Todas las actividades tendrán un limite de tiempo el cual estará definido por los jueces de
la competencia y se indicaran en cada uno de los proyectos a realizar.
o Si existe una no-conformidad (falla en la tarea)
o Agotar las oportunidades de evaluación
o Comunicación entre competidores y su asesor
o No cumplir con los estándares de presentación del proyecto y área de
Nota: Para cada proyecto se tendrá una asignación de puntos por penalización
• Jueces del evento
FESTO PNEUMATIC S.A y UVM definirán el número de jueces los cuales serán expertos
en el área. Se tiene considerado que parte de los jueces tengan experiencia en
competencias de este tipo para que el evento se maneje sobre tipo de estándares de
WorldSkills International.
Cualquier duda contáctanos: [email protected]