DDNA-based Embedded Systems - Nova
DDNA-based Embedded Systems - Nova
Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System By Haoxi Zhang MEng (Software Engineering) A Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Newcastle Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment School of Engineering Newcastle, Australia March 2013 STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for an award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. I give consent to this copy of my thesis, when deposited in the University Library**, to be made available for loan and photocopying subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. **Unless an Embargo has been approved for a determined period. (Signed):__________________________________ I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby certify that components of the work embodied in this thesis are from published papers of which I am a joint author. My contribution to these papers warrants inclusion of their parts in the body of my thesis. Signed (PhD Candidate):__________________________________ Endorsed (Supervisor):____________________________________ II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research could not have been possible without the help and support of some very important and special people. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge my supervisors: Professor Edward Szczerbicki and Dr Cesar Sanin for patiently taking me through this difficult task of research. Their expertise and knowledge improved my research skills and prepared me for future challenges. I am also very appreciative of the generous assistance, support, care and time that they provided and devoted to my studies during the past four years. Deepest gratitude to the University of Newcastle, School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, the Office Graduate Studies, and Australian Academy of Science for all their assistances and support provided in different ways throughout my studies. Thanks to the Vicomtech Institute in Spain, for allowing me to experience alternative ways of doing research, as well as to all of the members of Vicomtech for providing me a warm environment and pleasant experience. I am grateful for the friendship of those who brought their own unique talents and perspectives to my personal and professional life. Thanks to Dr Carlos Toro, Dr Luis Unzueta, and Dave Jones for their time, kindness, patience, and advice. Special thanks also to my fellow PhD students, Leonardo Mancilla Amaya and Peng Wang for their friendship, and fresh ideas. Thanks to all my other III friends and all the great people that became part of my life during the last few years. Finally, I want to express my love and gratitude to my family. Thanks to my parents, because without their unconditional support and love I could never achieve this. And I wish to thank my parents in law for their understanding and support. I must thank my wife, Lulu, for her continued support and motivation. She kept me sane during this effort and tolerated me using her as my sporadic but repeated debate partner. Thanks to my son and daughter for bringing me endless happiness and joy. I love you all. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..................................................................................................... I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ................................................................................................... II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................... III TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................... V LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ VIII LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................... X LIST OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................... XI LIST OF PUBLICATIONS DURING PHD CANDIDATURE .................................................XIV ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... XVII PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................XIX 1 INTRODUCTION: RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS ....................................................................... 23 1.1 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS............................................................................................................... 24 1.1.1 Application Areas of Embedded Systems................................................................. 24 1.1.2 State-of-the-art Embedded Systems.......................................................................... 27 1.2 KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................... 30 1.2.1 Knowledge Management .......................................................................................... 31 1.2.2 Smart Knowledge Management System, SOEKS, and DDNA ................................ 34 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 35 1.4 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 37 2 EXPERIENCE-ORIENTED SMART EMBEDDED SYSTEM ..................................................... 38 2.1 OVERVIEW OF EOSES ............................................................................................................. 41 2.2 MAIN FEATURES OF EOSES .................................................................................................... 43 2.3 CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE OF EOSES ............................................................................... 45 2.4 CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF EOSES .......................................................................................... 48 2.4.1 The Server-based Model ........................................................................................... 48 V 2.4.2 The Stand-alone Model ............................................................................................ 51 2.5 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 53 3 EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN EOSES .................................................. 54 3.1 DECISIONAL DNA: STANDARD KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION IN EOSES ............................ 55 3.2 EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN EOSES’S 4-LAYER ARCHITECTURE ............... 57 3.3 CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE OF EOSES IN DETAILS ............................................................. 59 3.3.1 Application Layer ..................................................................................................... 60 3.3.2 Interface Layer .......................................................................................................... 62 3.3.3 Management Layer ................................................................................................... 64 3.3.4 Knowledge Repository Layer ................................................................................... 66 3.4 INITIAL TESTS AND RESULTS ................................................................................................... 67 3.4.1 Experiment Goal and Design .................................................................................... 67 3.4.2 Experimental Results ................................................................................................ 69 3.5 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 71 4 A SERVER-BASED APPLICATION: EOSES APPLIED TO ROBOTICS .................................. 73 4.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ............................................................................................ 75 4.1.1 What is a robot and what is robotics? ....................................................................... 75 4.1.2 Experience-based Robot Learning ............................................................................ 76 4.2 EOSES APPLIED TO ROBOTICS ................................................................................................ 78 4.2.1 Application Description ............................................................................................ 78 4.2.2 Robot Hardware ........................................................................................................ 79 4.2.3 System Design and Implementation ......................................................................... 81 4.3 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS ................................................................................................... 84 4.3.1 Experiment Goal and Design .................................................................................... 85 4.3.2 Experimental Results ................................................................................................ 87 4.4 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 91 5 A STAND-ALONE APPLICATION: EOSES APPLIED TO DIGITAL TV ................................. 93 5.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ............................................................................................ 95 VI 5.1.1 Digital TV ................................................................................................................. 95 5.1.2 Interactive Television ............................................................................................... 98 5.2 EOSES APPLIED TO DIGITAL TV .......................................................................................... 100 5.3 DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 1.0 ................................................................................................ 103 5.3.1 Application Description .......................................................................................... 103 5.3.2 Simulation and Experiments ................................................................................... 105 5.4 DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 2.0 ................................................................................................ 109 5.4.1 Application Description .......................................................................................... 110 5.4.2 System Design ........................................................................................................ 111 5.4.3 Implementation and Experiments ........................................................................... 112 5.5 DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 3.0 ................................................................................................ 117 5.5.1 Fuzzy Logic ............................................................................................................ 118 5.5.2 Application Description .......................................................................................... 119 5.5.3 Implementation and Initial Tests ............................................................................ 120 5.6 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 122 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK .................................................................................... 125 6.1 EXPERIENCE-ORIENTED SMART EMBEDDED SYSTEM (EOSES) ............................................ 126 6.2 ACHIEVEMENTS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 127 6.3 FUTURE WORK ...................................................................................................................... 130 ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................................... 132 ANNEX 1. CLASS DIAGRAM FOR LINE FOLLOWER................................................................. 132 ANNEX 2. SOEKS CLASS DIAGRAM FOR LINE FOLLOWER ................................................. 133 ANNEX 3. A SAMPLE SOEKS FOR LINE FOLLOWER ............................................................ 134 ANNEX 4. CLASS DIAGRAM FOR DDNA DTV 2 .................................................................... 135 ANNEX 5. API CLASS DIAGRAM FOR DDNA DTV 2 ............................................................ 136 ANNEX 6. SOEKS CLASS DIAGRAM FOR DDNA DTV 2 ..................................................... 137 ANNEX 7. A SAMPLE SOEKS FOR DDNA DTV 2 ................................................................ 138 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 140 VII LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. OVERVIEW OF THE EXPERIENCE-ORIENTED SMART EMBEDDED SYSTEM ... 42 FIGURE 2. ARCHITECTURE OF THE EXPERIENCE-ORIENTED SMART EMBEDDED SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 46 FIGURE 3. CONCEPTUAL SERVER-BASED MODEL FOR EOSES .................................... 49 FIGURE 4. CONCEPTUAL STAND-ALONE MODEL FOR EOSES ..................................... 52 FIGURE 5. RELATION BETWEEN EOSES LAYERS AND KM CONCERNS ....................... 58 FIGURE 6. ARCHITECTURE OF EOSES IN DETAILS ...................................................... 60 FIGURE 7. THE TEST MAP ........................................................................................... 68 FIGURE 8. TIME CONSUMPTION OF THE TEST PROGRAM IN BEST CASES ..................... 70 FIGURE 9. TIME CONSUMPTION OF THE TEST PROGRAM IN WORST CASES ................. 71 FIGURE 10. SYSTEM COMPOSITION OF THE LINE FOLLOWER APPLICATION ................ 80 FIGURE 11. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OF THE LINE FOLLOWER APPLICATION .............. 82 FIGURE 12. SIMPLIFIED CLASS DIAGRAM FOR LINE FOLLOWER .................................. 83 FIGURE 13. EXPERIMENT MAPS FOR LINE FOLLOWER................................................. 86 FIGURE 14. TIME CONSUMPTION COMPARISON ON MAP 1 .......................................... 88 FIGURE 15. TIME CONSUMPTION OVERALL COMPARISON ON MAP 1 .......................... 88 FIGURE 16. TIME CONSUMPTION COMPARISON ON MAP 2 .......................................... 89 FIGURE 17. TIME CONSUMPTION OVERALL COMPARISON ON MAP 2 .......................... 89 FIGURE 18. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OF DDNA DTV............................................... 101 FIGURE 19. SIMPLIFIED CLASS DIAGRAM FOR DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 1.0 ............ 104 FIGURE 20. SCREENSHOT OF THE DEFAULT MOVIE SUGGESTION INTERFACE ........... 105 FIGURE 21. A SOEKS OF A WATCHED MOVIE .......................................................... 106 VIII FIGURE 22. A NEWLY GENERATED MOVIE RECOMMENDATION LIST FOR TOM ........ 109 FIGURE 23. SIMPLIFIED CLASS DIAGRAM FOR DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 2.0 ............ 112 FIGURE 24. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DDNA DTV PROTOTYPE 2 ........................... 113 FIGURE 25. THE NEXT-12-HOUR PROGRAMME GUIDE .............................................. 115 FIGURE 26. SCREENSHOT OF THE INTERFACE OF TVHGUIDE WITH A CHANNEL LIST LOADED ............................................................................................................ 116 FIGURE 27. A PROGRAMME NOTIFICATION SENT BY DDNA DTV WHILE LIVE TV IS PLAYING ........................................................................................................... 117 FIGURE 28. THE ARCHITECTURE OF A FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM ........................... 121 FIGURE 29. RESULTS OF THE FUZZIFICATION TESTS.................................................. 122 IX LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. RESPONSE TIME OF LINE FOLLOWER ........................................................... 91 TABLE 2. RESPONSE TIME COMPARISON ..................................................................... 91 TABLE 3. TOM’S MOVIE VIEWING RECORDS ............................................................. 107 X LIST OF ACRONYMS ABS Anti-Braking Systems AI Artificial Intelligence API Application Programming Interface ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Business ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DSL Digital Subscriber Line DSS Decision Support System DTT Digital Terrestrial Television DTV Digital television DVB Digital Video Broadcasting Project DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld EM Experience Management EOSES Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System ERPP Experience-based Randomized Path Planner ES Embedded System ETSI European Telecommunication Standard Institute FIS Fuzzy Inference System HDTV High-definition Television IC Integrated Circuit IPTV Internet Protocol TV XI ISDB Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Standards IT Information Technology JCTEA Japan Cable Television Engineering Association JVM Java Virtual Machine KBS Knowledge-based System KBES Knowledge-based Embedded System KE Knowledge Engineering KM Knowledge Management KMS Knowledge Management System KR Knowledge Representation MHP Multimedia Home Platform MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service OWL Web Ontology Language POS Point of Sale RPP Random Path Planner SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers SDTV Standard Definition Television SKMS Smart Knowledge Management System SoC System-on-Chip SOE Set of Experience SOEKS Set of Experience Knowledge Structure SOEKS-OWL Set of Experience Knowledge Structure OWL Configuration SOEKS-XML Set of Experience knowledge structure XML Configuration UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle W3C World Wide Web Consortium XII WWW World Wide Web XML Extensible Markup Language XSD XML Schema Definition XIII LIST OF PUBLICATIONS DURING PHD CANDIDATURE Journal Publications 1. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2013): Implementing Fuzzy Logic to Generate User Profile in Decisional DNA Television: The Concept and Initial Case, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 44:2-3, pp. 275-283. 2. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2012): Making Digital TV Smarter: Capturing and Reusing Experience in Digital TV, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 43:2, pp. 127-135. 3. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanin, & Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Gaining Knowledge Through Experience: Developing Decisional DNA Applications in Robotics, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 41:8, pp. 628-637. 4. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanin & Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Decisional DNAbased Embedded Systems: A New Perspective, Systems Science, Vol. 36, pp. 21-26. 5. Cesar Sanin, Carlos Toro, Haoxi Zhang, Eider Sanchez, Edward Szczerbicki, Eduardo Carrasco, Peng Wang, & Leonardo Mancilla-Amaya (2012): Decisional DNA: A Multi-technology Shareable Knowledge Structure for Decisional Experience, Neurocomputing, 88:0, pp. 42-53. 6. Cesar Sanin, Leonardo Mancilla-Amaya, Haoxi Zhang, and Edward Szczerbicki (2012): Decisional DNA: The Concept and Its Implementation XIV Platforms, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 43:2, pp. 6780. Book Chapters 7. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2012): Applying fuzzy logic to Decisional DNA digital TV. L. Borzemski et al. (Eds.): Information Systems Architecture and Technology, Part II, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, pp. 107-115. 8. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2011): Gaining Knowledge through Experience in Digital TV. L. Borzemski et al. (Eds.): Information Systems Architecture and Technology, Part II, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, pp. 95–104. 9. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Testing the Usability of Decisional DNA in Robotics. L. Borzemski et al. (Eds.): Information Systems Architecture and Technology, Part II, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, pp.177-187. 10. Cesar Sanín, Leonardo Mancilla-Amaya, Haoxi Zhang, and Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Towards a Software Platform for Experience Administration: Decisional DNA Manager. In Information Systems Architecture and Technology: IT Models In Management Process, Z. Wilimowska, L. Borzemski, A. Grzech and J. Swiatek (Eds.). Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, pp. 19-29. Conference Publications 11. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2012): The Development of Decisional DNA Digital TV, Proceedings of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 16th International Conference KES XV 2012, in Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: Manuel Grana, Carlos Toro, Jorge Posada, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), San Sebastian, Spain, September, 2012, pp. 1500-1508. 12. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2011): Decisional DNA applied to digital TV, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Proceedings of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 15th International Conference KES 2011, Robert J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), Germany, September, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI 6882, pp. 667-676. 13. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2011): Decisional DNA Digital TV: Concept and Initial Experiments, P. Jedrzejowicz at al. (Eds): LNCS 6922, Proceedings of ICCCI 2011 3rd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence - Technologies and Applications, 2123 September 2011, Gdynia, Poland, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg (2011) pp. 507-516. 14. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Decisional DNA applied to robotics, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Proceedings of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 14th International Conference KES 2010, Robert J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), UK, September 8-10, 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI6277, pp. 563-571. 15. Haoxi Zhang, Cesar Sanín, & Edward Szczerbicki (2010): Towards Decisional DNA-based Cognitive Embedded Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), April 16 - 18, 2010, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, pp. 277-281. XVI ABSTRACT Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970’s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited memories, limited processing power, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial intelligence area. However, things have changed as today the drive for innovation is stronger than ever. Thanks to the efforts of scientists over recent years, great progress has been made in both computer hardware and software, which enables us to have much more powerful computers in very small sizes and with many more functions. Consequently, new needs and expectations for Embedded Systems (ESs) have increased dramatically. The current market demands embedded systems to be built smart so that they can finish tasks automatically, and assist users to make decisions more efficiently and effectively. Thus, how to make embedded systems smart is becoming one of researchers’ new challenges. Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline that promotes a systematic approach to capturing, storing, distributing, and reusing information of an organization in order to make it available, actionable, and valuable to others. The prospects for applying KM technologies to embedded systems to meet these demands are very promising. The Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is proposed as a new XVII technological platform providing a common knowledge management approach that allows mass embedded systems for experiential knowledge capturing, storage, involving, and sharing. Knowledge in the EOSES is represented as SOEKS, and organized as Decisional DNA. The platform is mainly based on conceptual principles from Embedded Systems and Knowledge Management. The objective behind this research is to offer large-scale support for intelligent, autonomous, and coordinated KM on various embedded systems. Several conceptual elements of this research have been implemented in testing prototypes, and the experimental results that were obtained show that the EOSES platform can provide active knowledge management to different embedded systems, and it can also enable various systems to learn from their daily operations in many different fields to gather valuable knowledge, assist decision making, reduce human workers’ workload, and improve the system itself. Consequently, the EOSES has great potential for meeting today’s demands for embedded systems, and providing a universe knowledge management platform for mass autonomous mechanisms. XVIII PREFACE Computers and software are becoming an inescapable part of our daily life: we use them to write thesis (like this one), communicate through the Internet, search for information on the web, play PC games and store data. Aside from these most visible uses, the vast majority of computers and software in use, however, are much less visible. They control your microwave oven, dishwasher, and refrigerator. They run trains, ships, and aircrafts. They command traffic lights in a city, power generation in a power plant, and elevators in a building. They control the brakes, seatbelts, airbags, air conditioner and engine in your car. They run your digital camera, enabling you to take photos without any knowledge of photography. They run network switches, printers, and cashier machines. They administrate man-made satellites to handle hundreds of billions of voice, video, picture and data transmission tasks across all countries and continents. These less visible computers are called embedded systems, and the software they run is called embedded software. Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970’s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited memories, limited processing power, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial intelligence area. However, things have changed. Thanks to the efforts of scientists over recent years, great progress has been made in both computer hardware and software, which enables us to have much more powerful XIX computers in very small sizes and with many more functions. Thus, how to make embedded systems smart is becoming one of researchers’ new challenges as IT technology progresses. One approach for making embedded systems smart is based upon experiential knowledge management: by collecting and reusing experiences, this approach enables embedded systems to capture and/or store their experiential knowledge through day-to-day tasks, and allows them to index relevant pieces of knowledge and apply such knowledge to the concerned circumstance for further use, such as supporting decision making. To achieve experiential knowledge management in embedded systems requires new methodologies and tools to be developed. The work I am presenting here was carried out during my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Newcastle, and under the supervision of Professor Edward Szczerbicki and Doctor Cesar Sanin. My research was applied to the development of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES). In this thesis, I shall show (1) the need for building smart embedded systems; (2) a smart experiential knowledge administration platform for embedded systems; (3) what is Experience-Oriented, and why experienceoriented? ; (4) an effective implemented knowledge representation structure applicable for managing experiential knowledge for embedded systems; (4) a procedure for the integration, solving, and selection of a holistic knowledge representation structure; and (5) two case studies of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System. To this end, I divided the plan of this document into four parts, which structures a total of six chapters: XX The first part is a guided tour of relevant literature. Chapter 1 – Introduction: Research Foundations. This chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, I shall describe embedded systems. In the second part, I shall discuss knowledge, knowledge management and intelligent technologies. In the third part, I shall show the need for building smart embedded systems. The second part concentrates on the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES). It is presenting the design rationale of the whole EOSES, as well as a general perspective of its mechanisms in one chapter. It consists of two chapters. Chapter 2 – Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES). This chapter identifies the features, architecture and conceptual models of the EOSES. It also shows that its requirements can match with the established needs for smart embedded systems. I shall describe and justify the overall solution envisioned and the implementation choices by explaining every main stage. Chapter 3 – Experiential Knowledge Management in EOSES. This chapter presents EOSES’s conceptual architecture and knowledge management methodologies in details. It also introduces the knowledge representation used in EOSES – the SOEKS and Decisional DNA; and why I chose them for EOSES. The third part shows the case studies of EOSES. It consists of two chapters. Chapter 4 – A Server-based Application: EOSES Applied to Robotics. In this chapter, I apply EOSES to a robot. With the help of EOSES, this robot is capable of learning maps, and reusing its knowledge about these maps to make decisions. XXI Chapter 5 – A Stand-alone Application: EOSES Applied to Smart TV. In this chapter, I integrate smart TV with EOSES in order to allow the smart TV to capture and store its user’s watching habits, and re-use these habits in the user’s future watching. The fourth part outlines the lessons learned and the perspectives. It discusses the evaluation and return on experience of the EOSES, describing improvements and future work. Chapter 6 – Conclusions and Future Work. This chapter outlines the current research and implementation status of the EOSES. I shall present the result of my work, and discuss the work remaining to be done in the EOSES, some of them have already started to be implemented and tested, while others are shallow specifications of future work. I provide considerations on extensions that could be imagined to go towards a complete real-world solution and I give long-term perspectives that can be considered as my future research interests. Finally, I have to say that this document does not fully develop all the aspects of the platform. However, it establishes the theoretical concerns underpinning it. Additionally, due to the numerous topics involved in this research and the development of the platform, a general literature review was included in chapter one; nevertheless, more specific literature reviews and state-of-the-art advances in related areas are included in some chapters in order to offer a better understanding of the concepts discussed. Haoxi Zhang XXII 1 Introduction: Research Foundations Today the drive of innovation is stronger than ever. Novel technologies and applications are reaching into every corner of our lives. Consequently, new needs and expectations for Embedded Systems (ESs) have increased dramatically (Akhras 2000). The current market demands embedded systems to be built smart so that they can finish tasks automatically, and assist users to make decisions more efficiently and effectively. The booming market for “smart products” is the evidence for this like Smart TV, Smart phones, and even Smart House. However, these ‘smart 23 products’ are not really smart, or not smart enough. Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline that promotes a systematic approach to capturing, storing, distributing, and reusing information of an organization in order to make it available, actionable, and valuable to others (Davenport 1994; Duhon 1998). The prospects for applying KM technologies to embedded systems to meet these demands are very promising. This chapter introduces the general background for the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System, starting with the concept and state of the art advances in embedded systems. Then, the definition and theories of experience and knowledge are presented. Subsequently, some of the KM technologies are reviewed, and a novel knowledge management platform, the Smart Knowledge Management System, is introduced. Finally, research objectives and a brief summary on this chapter are presented. 1.1 Embedded Systems Embedded systems are computer systems created to implement one or a few specific functions (Steve 2002), such as the control system in an elevator, or the ABS (anti-lock braking systems) in a car. They are usually embedded as part of a complete system. Nowadays, any electronic product that includes a microprocessor (one or more) and software to carry out some constituent function within a larger entity can be regarded as an embedded system (Kleidermacher & Kleidermacher 2012). 1.1.1 Application Areas of Embedded Systems Embedded Systems are present in quite diverse areas: from household appliances like microwave ovens and washing machines, to industrial applications like 24 automatic production lines and network switches; from portable devices such as MP3 players to very big equipment like nuclear power plants. The following list outlines the main areas in which embedded systems are used (Marwedel 2010). • Consumer electronics: As a very important sector of the electronics industry, consumer electronics integrated with Information Technology (IT) is steadily growing. Better quality and new features are implemented using advanced digital techniques. Many game consoles, digital TV sets, digital cameras, and tablets have powerful high-performance processors and memory systems. • Telecommunication: Mobile phones have been a very fast growing as well as rapidly changing market in the recent years. Novel cyber technologies are having a remarkable effect on this market. Actually, on all forms of embedded systems. • Transport: Embedded systems are widely used in all kinds of transport systems. The Anti-Braking Systems (ABS) is a very common example of embedded systems used in small vehicles. While the flight control systems, pilot information systems, and anti-collision systems are embedded systems used on airplanes. Furthermore, there are similar systems for railway transport and sailing. • Security: Security is always critical for all kinds of systems. There are more and more embedded systems being developed and used in improving security. For example, with finger print sensors or face recognition systems, we can identify people much quicker and more precisely. 25 • Robotics: Robotics is a very typical application of embedded systems. Embedded processors, sensors, and other control units work together to run the robots. The improvement of embedded system technology directly affects robotics. • Health sector: It is very obvious that health is essential and vitally important for us. Healthcare products have drawn a lot attention from researchers because there is a huge potential for improving healthcare services by taking advantage of embedded systems and information technology. There are a number of techniques that can be applied to this area. • Military applications: Embedded systems have been used in military equipment for many years. They control the latest missiles, fly Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), and they run military radar systems. Today, the importance of embedded system technology for military purpose is increasing. • Smart buildings: Sensors, processors and computers have been used in some buildings to make the building ‘intelligent’. At the entrances, there are cameras, sensors and other equipment that work together to ensure safety and security of the building. Inside, there are many other embedded systems taking care of the comfort level of the building, and helping to reduce the energy consumption within these buildings. There is a trend towards integrating access control, lighting, air-conditioning, distribution of information and accounting into a single system. Sensors can easily detect empty rooms, and for those empty rooms, air conditioning subsystems can be either turned off or increased the tolerance levels, and the same applies to lighting systems. ‘Smart’ use of blinds 26 can also optimise air-conditioning and lighting in order to reduce energy consumption. 1.1.2 State-of-the-art Embedded Systems Embedded systems have been linked with poor capability and low functionality for a long time. However, recent advances in microelectronics, Integrated Circuit (IC), communications, computing, software and other information technologies are now forcing embedded systems to be composed of a large set of processing elements, and the trend is towards significant enhanced capability, complexity, and functionality. Also through wireless or wired networks more and more embedded systems are being connected together to create large-scale distributed embedded systems. Such embedded information processing and computing technology has become at the same time a transformer of organizations and markets as well as a cornerstone for future manufacturing enterprises (Pereira & Carro 2007). Hardware Microprocessors, memories and many other hardware components are becoming smaller and extremely powerful. According to the Moore’s law (Pereira & Carro 2007), the capacity of microprocessors doubles about every two years. Let’s take Apple’s iPhone for example: in 2010 customers could buy an iPhone 3GS with an ARM Cortex A8 600 MHz processor inside (Miller 2010), while in 2012 the processor in the new released iPhone 5 has been upgraded to 1.3GHz (Powell 2012). In fact, microprocessors with more than 1 GHz clock rates like the PowerPC G3 (1.1GHz) have been used in embedded systems for a few years (Perls 2009). Likewise, memory’s performance is progressing rapidly too. For instance, SanDisk 27 released its 32 GB SDHC Plus cards in January 2008, and four years later, the 128 GB SanDisk Extreme® SDXC™ UHS-I card is introduced in 2012 (SanDisk 2012). Apart from innovation of single hardware elements, another trend for embedded systems is to build all the constituents of a computer or other electronic system into a sole integrated circuit (microchip). This is called System-on-Chip (SoC) (Bergamaschi et al. 2001). A SoC allows engineers to contain analog, digital, mixedsignal, and often radio-frequency functions onto a microchip, and even building one or several different processors on a single SoC. For instance, the portable phone is a typical application of such technology (Reinaldo et al. 2001; Rajsuman 2000). In addition, reconfigurable hardware, as a novel evolution, provides another level of programmability that could significantly improve embedded systems’ performance. Moreover, the innovation of wireless networking enables seamless communication and Internet connection for embedded systems. Due to these improvements of hardware technology, embedded systems are growing into more complex, smaller, and powerful elements. Meanwhile, the power consumption and price of embedded systems are reducing. Software and Programming Language In comparison with embedded hardware technology, embedded software/firmware and middleware technologies are making notable progress too. As the core component, embedded operating systems are making big progresses on reliability, configurability, portability, adaptability, and robustness (Pereira & Carro 2007). For example, μC/OS II, as a classic embedded real-time operating system, has successfully been applied in multiple high level safety-critical devices, including 28 those certified for avionics (EUROCAE ED-12B and DO-178B Level A), medical devices (Pre-Market Approval – PMA, medical FDA pre-market notification 510(k)), and for nuclear systems and transportation (SIL 3/SiL4 IEC) (Micrium 2012). Embedded Linux is another example. Mobile devices running a Linux operating system are rapidly increasing these days. This is mainly because embedded Linux is an open source, free, robust and stable operating system supported by a large community of developers. Google Android (Android 2012) is one of the most successful embedded software in the history that benefits from the advantages of embedded Linux. Android is an open-source software stack that consists of a Linuxbased operating system, a set of key applications and middleware (Meier 2012). Moreover, the functionality of Android devices can be easily extended by installing applications ("apps"). There is a large community of developers writing applications for Android devices. Those applications are primarily written in a customized version of Java (Shankland 2007). Even though Android is initially designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, its features of being open and customizable enable Android to be used on many other electronics and to provide a consistent platform for application development across an increasingly wide range of devices (Petrovan 2012; Meier 2012). Programming languages for embedded software development is currently focused on the C and C++ according to the survey (VDC 2011). Due to the huge progress in both microprocessors and memories, it has become practical to apply more mature approaches onto embedded systems, like using a regular C or C++ compiler, which enables very fast adaption to any task, also it makes the deploying of new 29 applications an easier job (Pereira & Carro 2007). However, the Java programming language is rapidly gaining momentum in this field. Devices with embedded Java such as Smartphones, tablets, and other electronics have increased dramatically. Hugo Bara, Android's director of product management, said, “500 million devices activated globally, and over 1.3 million added every single day." (Shankland 2012). In fact, at first Java was created for embedded systems (Cadenhead & Lemay 2002). A key concept in Java is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which encapsulates all platform-specific services, such as system I/O, networking, etc. It enables Java byte codes to be run on any architecture for which a customized JVM is available. To sum up, recent advances in computer hardware, software, and microelectronics are enhancing embedded systems to be increasingly powerful, robust, smaller and functional. These advances not only enable embedded systems to comprise a large set of computing elements and run complex programs, but also allow embedded systems to be custom made to meet all kinds of demands from our daily life. 1.2 Knowledge and Experience The Oxford Dictionary (2010) defines Knowledge as “facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, or awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation”. While Drucker P. F. (2003) defines it as “information that changes something or somebody - either by becoming grounds for actions, or by making an individual (or an institution) capable of different or more effective action”. Knowledge is not knowledge until the information inside itself has 30 been taken and used by people (O'Dell & Hubert 2011). Experience, as a general concept, comprises previous knowledge or a skill obtained through daily life (Sun and Finnie 2003, Sun and Finnie 2004). Usually experience is understood as a type of knowledge that one has gained from practice rather than books (Sharma, Singh, and Goyal 2012). In this way, experience or experiential knowledge can be regarded as a specialization of knowledge that includes information and strategies obtained from performing previous tasks. In a business context, knowledge is what a company knows about its mistakes, successes, products, processes, customers, and competitors. The knowledge has thus been taken and recognized as a valuable asset (Schreiber et al. 1999). The globalisation of the economy has put tremendous pressure on companies for increasing efficiency and adaptability, improving products, innovation, and creating competitive advantages. The awareness of a company’s own knowledge and the management of this knowledge are becoming steadily important as they cope with these pressures (Myers 2012), and companies can greatly benefit from managing their knowledge (O'Dell & Hubert 2011). 1.2.1 Knowledge Management Knowledge Management (KM) is a term and a concept that arose approximately twenty years ago. Davenport (1994) created the still widely cited definition at KM’s early development stage: “Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge”. A few years later, another frequently quoted definition of KM was built by the Gartner Group as “Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, 31 capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers” (Duhon 1998). Both definitions share a very similar idea, which is that KM is a systematic effort to capture, store, distribute and reuse the information of an organization to make it available, actionable, and valuable to others. The discipline of KM is about building up and administrating the processes to deliver the right information to the right people at the right time, and help people act on information and share this information in order to improve the performance of organizations (O'Dell & Hubert 2011). This information should be accessed from more than just documents and databases, but also the experiences of individuals and teams through their day-to-day work, collaboration and communication. Knowledge management infrastructure is a development of the digital nervous system within an organization, which integrates the organization at a deeper level. In order to accomplish this goal, the tools are required to be involved in every aspect of an organization, such as: • E-mail system • Intranet working / administration system • Database • Documents and resources 32 • Knowledge repositories • Expertise access tools • Meeting, discussion, and chat • Communications • Work flow, procedures Thus it is obvious that KM would involve many different organizational processes, and KM can take on various forms. A survey carried out by Liao (2003) found that there were generally seven categories of KM technologies and applications developed until 2002. In another study (Matayong & Mahmood 2012), after analysing 30 published articles between 2003 and 2010 from high quality journals, found nine core theories in the KM area. These KM technologies, applications, and theories enable enterprises to manage their knowledge from different perspectives. However, there are limitations to these technologies. Most of them are designed for one specific kind of product; they don’t have standard knowledge presentation; most systems lack the capability for information sharing and exchange and most of these systems only focus on supporting a particular stage of a product lifecycle (Li, Xie, & Xu 2011). Furthermore, due to the advances in IT and cyber technologies, our working and living environments have been greatly changed. For instance, tablets and smartphones are changing how we live, study, and work. People now are switching from desktops to these small computers. These small devices are reaching into every corner of our lives - even restaurants are getting rid of menus and are using tablets to 33 order dishes). Traditional KM technologies are not designed for this situation. For example, Expert Systems are too slow for these devices (Mazilescu 2011). Therefore, it is very urgent and necessary to develop new tools to cope with these issues in order to establish a knowledge-rich environment that makes seamless knowledge connection among individuals, organizational processes, and enterprises possible. 1.2.2 Smart Knowledge Management System, SOEKS, and DDNA Smart Knowledge Management System (SKMS), as a novel application of KM technology, is offering a new approach into AI field. Unlike other existing KBSs, SKMS is more focused on extracting and evolving explicit knowledge through experience, and reusing this knowledge to support decision-making (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2009). Instead of directly using human expertise, the SKMS defines a set of four macro processes and components required to capture, store, improve, reuse, and transmit experience through day-to-day tasks (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2008). The SKMS relies on the concepts of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). The Decisional DNA is a knowledge repository approach that stores, organizes and manages formal decision events stored in the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) (Sanin et al. 2009). SOEKS has been developed to acquire and store formal decision events in an explicit way (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2009). It is a model based upon available and existing knowledge, which must adapt to the decision event it is built from (i.e. it is a dynamic structure that depends on the information provided by a formal decision 34 event) (Sanin et al. 2009); besides, it can be represented in XML or OWL as an ontology in order to make it transportable and shareable (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2006; Sanin and Szczerbicki 2007). The SOEKS has been successfully applied to industrial applications, specifically for maintenance purposes, in the areas of energy and finances research (Sanin et al. 2009), and in conjunction with augmented reality techniques (Toro et al. 2007). As a promising approach for the next generation of manufacturing systems, KBS has continuously been expanding, both in depth of knowledge as well as in the area of applications (Zhou, Wang, & Lou 2010). Consequently, industry, organizations, and individuals will benefit a lot from smart solutions, improved productivity, intelligent management and more stable and increased product quality. The subject of this thesis is focused on applying such technology to ubiquitous embedded systems to help create a smart cyber environment for our society. 1.3 Research Objectives This chapter has briefly pointed out that embedded systems are reaching into every corner of our lives, as well as the importance of knowledge for individuals, organizations and industry. In order to adapt and react properly to today’s dynamic environment, new methodologies and tools are required. Consequently, the proposal presented in this thesis undertakes to systematically capture, create, reuse, and share decisional experience of work processes in embedded systems, helping the users of these embedded systems to perform more quickly and efficiently in our daily life, and supporting a path towards appropriate automation for frequently recurring tasks. 35 There is one overall goal for this research: Develop a Smart Platform for Embedded Systems that would support decisionmaking through gaining knowledge by experiencing from the day-to-day operation. The major significance of this research is highlighted as the creation of such a platform for different embedded systems to capture, evolve, and share the experience of every decision made. When this goal is reached, the platform will allow building up an intelligent cyber environment via the electronics surrounding us, and enable everyone to benefit from this smart platform. As the developing of the proposed platform, several significant and innovative sub-aims will be achieved. In particular, they are: • Develop a converter that is able to transform data of decision events within embedded systems to knowledge (i.e. SOEKS), • Design the protocols that allow standard knowledge exchange among diverse embedded systems (they may use different knowledge presentations), • Establish the application frame to support different embedded systems using the platform, and enable mass customization approaches through distribute deployment, • Implement DDNA and SOEKS in the integration of different intelligent and decision-making embedded systems, • Create automatic methods to select and analyse SOEKS according to the 36 priorities of the system, and suggest the best solution, • Implement techniques for capturing, generating, retrieval, and management of experienced decision events during the system operation. • Establish techniques for manipulation, administration and sharing the collected experiences among embedded systems. 1.4 Summary In summary, I propose in my thesis a multi-technology smart platform that is a combination of Embedded Systems, Knowledge Management Systems, Smart Knowledge Management Platform, Decisional DNA, Set of Experience Knowledge Structure, and other techniques. This proposed smart platform allows embedded systems to capture, store, evolve, reuse, and share experiential knowledge, and improves embedded systems’ performance in many ways, like reducing the analyzing time, quick start via learning from similar systems, always up-to-date through knowledge sharing, as well as decreasing energy consumption. 37 2 Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System As introduced in the previous chapter, the ability to learn from past experience and reuse such learned knowledge has become a critical factor for individuals’ and organizations’ success. Experience, as one kind of knowledge, comprises previous knowledge or skill obtained from practice, and it carries information of the tasks handled with the results of different handling strategies in the past. 38 Thanks to technological advances in computer processing, storage, and communication capabilities, together with improving manufacturing techniques, embedded systems have been made smaller, lower-cost, and more powerful; which allows the spread of an almost infinity of these embedded systems. The area of embedded systems and their interconnection is nowadays considered as fundamentally important (Almeida 2008). In fact, the world we are living in relies on these small cyber devices. From a Knowledge Management (KM) perspective, knowledge is useful only if it is accessible to all users, and can be used to solve problems and make decisions (Lao, Xiao, Wang, and Qin 2008). Additionally, the active KM is required to cover all organizational processes. The wide use of embedded systems has thus turned them into a physical basic for most of knowledge-related activities, because embedded systems are largely used in organizational processes. By learning from practical processes such as problem solving and decision-making, experiential knowledge can be obtained. Subsequently, through proper reusing of knowledge, related embedded systems can help or complete these processes more efficiently or even automatically. Hence, embedded systems can be built smart. Most importantly, the acquiring of knowledge is the creating of asset for such smart embedded systems’ domain; which allows the domain/organization to know about itself from a systematic view, and keep its asset (i.e. the knowledge) once employees retire or machines are replaced by newer models. Several approaches have been developed to support KM using different technologies such as expert systems, decision support systems, knowledge-based systems, and data mining (Matayong & Mahmood 2012; Liao 2003). However, there 39 are three common problems for applying current KM technology to embedded systems, i.e. 1) they are too specific, 2) they do not have standard knowledge representation, and 3) they lack information sharing and exchange capabilities. Therefore, improving KM by means of supporting mass customization autonomous mechanisms and the use of a domain-independent knowledge representation, still remains as a research area in need of exploration. The Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is proposed as a new technological platform based on knowledge management and is designed to provide a common knowledge management approach that allows mass embedded systems for experiential knowledge capturing, storage, involving, and sharing. Knowledge in the EOSES is represented as SOEKS, and organized as Decisional DNA. The platform is mainly based on conceptual principles from Embedded Systems and Knowledge Management. The objective behind such combination of elements is to offer support for intelligent, autonomous, and coordinated KM on a large scale. This chapter introduces the general elements proposed for the ExperienceOriented Smart Embedded System, starting with its overall view and main features. Then, the conceptual models and architecture are presented, describing the different layers and services that comprise the platform. Finally, summary and brief conclusions on this chapter are presented. The main goal of this chapter is to provide a general outline of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System. The details of the platform’s implementation and case studies of using two conceptual models will be unfolded in the following chapters. 40 2.1 Overview of EOSES Based upon the principle of KM, the KM infrastructure is a development of the digital nervous system within an organization, which integrates the organization at a deeper level (Frid 2000). In an organization, there are many processes with the purpose of fulfilling a collection of well-defined organizational aims. Due to the diversity of embedded systems, the hardware and software of digital devices involved in these processes could be various. Moreover, different companies could use different devices for similar processes. As a consequence, the ExperienceOriented Smart Embedded System is designed to handle these issues, providing the means for organizations and individuals to have a common systematic KM tool within diverse embedded systems. Figure 1 shows the overview of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System. The platform integrates different organizations and their devices as illustrated in three major levels: Device, Process, and Knowledge. 41 Figure 1. Overview of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System At the bottom level of the platform, devices representing different embedded systems in knowledge-related organizational processes capture knowledge for the activities they are involved in. Each embedded system at the bottom level may be different, and may be involved in different activities. A knowledge-related process may have one or more activities. By integrating knowledge captured from a process’s activities, experiential knowledge grows and evolves for that given organization process. Moreover, devices can interact with each other in order to share knowledge. At a higher level, there are processes within an organization. In a similar way, by collecting every process’s knowledge, the knowledge for that organization is formed and gathered. Also, processes at the middle level can interact with each other to share 42 knowledge. At the top, there is the knowledge level. Cutting-edge technologies, for example Cloud Computing, may be used to store and enable interaction and knowledge sharing among organizations. Organizations may create their own clouds for a specific purpose, like data security. In addition, a large-scale knowledge market could be formed, in which knowledge is treated as the main asset (Mancilla-Amaya 2010b). 2.2 Main Features of EOSES In order to enable different embedded systems to capture, reuse, evolve, and share knowledge in an easier and more standard way, the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System shall provide the following features: • Experience-Oriented: experience, as one kind of knowledge learned from practice, is the ideal source for improving performance of processes, in which a lot of practical activities involve. By reusing experiential knowledge, decision makers can make decisions faster, and more efficiently base their current decisions on experiences obtained from previous similar situations. The EOSES is designed to use such experiential knowledge in supporting individuals and organizations to make decisions better and more efficiently. • Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability: Since most embedded systems are special-purpose designed, the hardware and software for each of them could be distinctly different from others; thus, adaptability and cross-platform portability are critical issues for EOSES. For this reason, which causes the first problems of these three, i.e. they are too specific. In order to work with custom embedded 43 software, most knowledge-related tools are specifically designed only for given embedded systems or even for a particular stage of a product lifecycle. Adaptability and cross-platform portability are rarely considered during the design and development of these tools. For solving this problem, EOSES is designed to work with specific designed software (applications) without redesigning or re-building. Java is used during the development of EOSES. And even though Java may be a bit slower than some other programming languages like C or C++ (Jelovic 2009), its inherent cross-platform capability can make significant advantages on deployment and maintenance. Moreover, as processing power soars, the evolution of Java language, and optimizations of JVM (Georges, Buytaert, and Eeckhout 2007), is not a problem anymore for running Java applications on embedded systems (Mulchandani 1998). • Compactness and Efficiency: Another important element concerning the application of EOSES is that embedded systems are usually resource-limited, which means our applications have to be designed in a compact, efficient shape. As a flexible knowledge representation structure, Decisional DNA can be customized compactly according to certain system goals. Moreover, it has been shown in previous case studies (Sanin et al. 2009) that SOEKS is an efficient knowledge representation structure, which can indeed enhance knowledge retrieval and experience reusing applications. Thus, SOEKS is used in EOSES as an efficient compact knowledge representation. • Configurability: It is common for a system to run under different situations. For example, the same system may work under different power supply conditions: connected to a power line or by using batteries. If the system performs always in 44 the same way regardless of its power supply, it will soon run out of power and shut down when using batteries. Also, a system may work in different modes, for example it can be trained in training mode and work in an automatic selfcontrol mode. For developers, it may have debugging mode. Thus, configurability is very desirable as it allows systems to perform properly in various scenarios according to different settings. • Security and trust: it is clear that a secure environment is a key requirement for any distributed system these days, especially when the Internet is used as the primary communication channel. Also, knowledge, and knowledge sources, must be reliable to make the right decisions. Therefore, the concept of decisional trust presented by Sanin and Szczerbicki (2009b) is extended to include more features that reflect human-like behaviour. 2.3 Conceptual Architecture of EOSES For carrying these five main features introduced above, the conceptual four-layer architecture is designed for EOSES. These four layers are: Application Layer, Interface Layer, Management Layer, and Knowledge Repository Layer. The platform is conceptualized on the top of embedded systems, to extend the capabilities of the latter by using DDNA and SOEKS for knowledge representation and exchange. Figure 2 illustrates the conceptual architecture proposed for the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System. 45 Figure 2. Architecture of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System Each one of the layers in the conceptual architecture is engaged with a set of responsibilities and capabilities, as follows: • Application Layer: This layer offers the platform’s whole functionality access to the end-user. Mobile applications (APPs) may be used to help facilitate the interaction among employees or groups to solve problems, make decisions, and feed the system with information based on their daily activities. Additionally, customization and complementing technologies are fully supported in the application layer in order to fulfil different job requirements, which enable EOSES to capture experiential data from different sources. 46 • Knowledge Repository Layer: Experiential knowledge, as the most valuable source, is stored and managed at this layer. In EOSES, a single decision event is captured and represented as a SOE, and a set of SOE is organized as DDNA carrying the decisional fingerprint of the decision maker. This layer provides functionality of access, storage, and administration of knowledge. • Management Layer: This layer is the control central of EOSES. In order to achieve knowledge capturing, reusing, evolving, storage, and sharing, a range of functionality and capability are attached to this layer, such as inference, analysis, knowledge extraction, knowledge retrieval, knowledge exchange, dynamic process management, inter and intra-system interactions, global policies, and cooperation amongst other mechanisms. • Interface Layer: Interface is the component that connects the platform with its outer environment; which provides a range of interaction, communication, and knowledge-related services. These services provided by this layer are: system configuration, input/output, application programming interface (API) service, query service, knowledge sharing service, and updating service. • Embedded system hardware and operating system: None of these two sections is a part of EOSES. However, they comprise the fundamental base for EOSES. On the top, there is the embedded operating system which manages the embedded system and runs EOSES and applications. And at the bottom, there is embedded hardware underlying, which is comprised of memory, computing elements, and peripherals. 47 All the layers in the conceptual architecture make extensive use of experienceoriented knowledge management to provide appropriate autonomous capabilities to embedded systems. More detailed discussion about the conceptual architecture will be presented in Chapter 3. 2.4 Conceptual Models of EOSES According to knowledge-related activities, different embedded systems may be involved. For some activities, a single device would be enough to finish the job, while for some other activities, having a number of devices working together is very necessary, for example, smart buildings. In order to suit these requirements, make the EOSES adaptable, and easy-to-apply to different situations, two major conceptual models are designed for the EOSES. These two models are: the Server-based Model and the Stand-alone Model. 2.4.1 The Server-based Model This conceptual server-based model is designed for those systems that have more than one embedded system working together to acquire information and experience to perform as one single knowledge-based intelligent system, such as a robot. In this conceptual mode, involved devices can be divided into three categories: sensors, terminals, and clients. EOSES integrates data, information, and knowledge from each of these involved sensors, terminals, and clients. Figure 3 illustrates the conceptual server-based model. In this conceptual model, a server is introduced to integrate all the data, information, and knowledge transmitted from different embedded systems participating in a knowledge related process, and 48 extracting experiential knowledge from integrated information and finally, storing the knowledge in the server for future reusing. Figure 3. Conceptual Server-based Model for EOSES • Sensors: are the simplest input elements in this conceptual model. They have no capability to run any EOSES applications so that the only action the sensors perform is to transmit proper signal/data to the server. For example, transmitting current temperature is the only mission a temperature sensor accomplishes. In many cases, sensors are used to measure the environment, and by collecting measurement data from these sensors, the server can relate a decision event with the environmental situation while the decision is being taken. 49 • Terminals: are sub-embedded systems having input and output capabilities and can be perceived as sensors-actuators. For example, a garage door controller receives inputs (i.e. ‘open’ or ‘close’ command) and executes the input as its outputs. • Clients: are sub-embedded systems that can run EOSES client applications and have human-machine interfaces. Users can finish sub-tasks through these clients, and can have interactions with the server through these clients. For example, in a smart building, the user may turn on/off a room’s lights outside this building through an APP running on an iPad (i.e. the client). Also, the server may inform the user with various forms of information like sending a message to the user’s smartphone saying ‘Running out of eggs!’ As sub-embedded systems, there may be sub-knowledge repositories on them. In addition to processing local information, clients may communicate with each other via wire and/or wireless connections. • Server: is the brain for this conceptual model. It is running EOSES server applications aiming at integrating all the involved embedded systems into an organic single system. Knowledge-related services provided by the server are similar to those from the stand-alone application, but the server may run on a PC rather than on embedded systems, and the algorithms in server-based models could be more complicated than those in stand-alone models. A more detailed case study of the conceptual server-based model will be given in Chapter 4. 50 2.4.2 The Stand-alone Model This conceptual stand-alone model is designed for embedded systems that have capability to finish tasks alone, like tablets. The difference between a stand-alone model and a server-based model is: there could be many different embedded systems involved in one single task in a server-based model, for example, smart building. In other words, in a server-based model, there must be server software to control the whole system. Also, knowledge for a given task is captured, and stored by the server in server-based models. Thus, powerful devices such as computers are recommended to run the server. However, computers may not available in some special cases, for instance, robots. While in stand-alone model, there is always only one embedded system that accomplishes the given tasks. In recent years, mobile devices like tablets and smartphones have been built increasingly powerful. They have fast processing units, large memory, and network capability. Due to their capability, together with Web 2.0 technology and mobile apps, these embedded systems have been largely used in knowledge-related activities. For example, a real estate agent might use an iPad to evaluate the state of a property: The agent checks the apartment, and uses the iPad to fill out forms for property inspection, and makes decisions on items in need of maintenance, repair, or replacement. Therefore, tools that can enable active KM on these embedded systems are demanded. Figure 4 depicts the conceptual stand-alone model for EOSES. 51 Figure 4. Conceptual Stand-alone Model for EOSES In this conceptual model, user interacts with apps running on embedded systems to fulfil the tasks. EOSES service runs behind the apps, and supports the apps to cooperate with knowledge-related activities and remember users’ behaviour. Every time when the user makes a decision through the app, EOSES catches it, extracts it, and transmits it into experiential knowledge, and stores it as a SOE. After learning from the user, this system is able to participate in decision-making processes, and give suggestions. Moreover, based on decisions the user made, EOSES can create the user’s decisional fingerprint and the user’s profile, which can be used further in activities such as knowledge sharing. For this model, a detailed case study is given in Chapter 5. 52 2.5 Summary In this chapter, the concept of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System is introduced at the beginning. The EOSES is a conceptual platform designed towards smart knowledge management on embedded systems. The EOSES is based upon the principles of different computing technologies, namely: knowledge management, embedded systems, and Cloud computing. Then, five major features of this platform are presented in the second section of this chapter as the main concern in the work presented in this thesis followed by the conceptual architecture of the EOSES. At the end, two conceptual models of EOSES and their difference are addressed. And more detailed case studies for these two models will be presented in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. 53 3 Experiential Knowledge Management in EOSES As mentioned in previous chapters, the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is built to have five main features in order to solve three common problems for current knowledge-based embedded systems, i.e. 1) too specific, 2) does not have standard knowledge representation, and 3) lacking of information sharing and exchange capabilities. These five built-in main features of EOSES are: 54 Experience-Oriented, Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability, Compactness and Efficiency, Configurability, and Security and Trust. Moreover, the conceptual fourlayer architecture is designed for EOSES based on these five main features. Each of the layers in the conceptual architecture copes with some of the three problems to provide appropriate autonomous capabilities to embedded systems. This chapter first introduces the novel knowledge representation approach – Decisional DNA. Then it illustrates relation between layers of the EOSES conceptual architecture and four main KM concerns, followed by details of the EOSES conceptual architecture and how it solves these three problems of current knowledgebased systems. At the end of this chapter, initial tests and a brief summary on this chapter are presented. The main goal of this chapter is to provide a detailed discussion on how the proposed EOSES solves these three problems mentioned above, and how it handles data, information, and experiential knowledge, in embedded systems. Two case studies of the platform’s implementation using different models will be unfolded in the following chapters. 3.1 Decisional DNA: Standard Knowledge Representation in EOSES As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, there are three common problems remaining for KM tools. In order to solve these three problems and apply KM to embedded systems, a standard knowledge representation is essential. The Decisional DNA as a standard, flexible, and domain-independent, experiential knowledge representation solution, that allows for knowledge to be acquired, reused, evolved, 55 and shared easily. The Decisional DNA is a knowledge repository that organizes and manages formal decision events stored in the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) (Sanin et al. 2009). The SOEKS has been developed to acquire and store formal decision events in an explicit way (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2009a). It is a model based upon available and existing knowledge, which must adapt to the decision event it is built from (i.e. it is a dynamic structure that depends on the information provided by a formal decision event) (Sanin et al. 2009); besides, it can be represented in XML or OWL as an ontology in order to make it transportable and shareable (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2006; Sanin and Szczerbicki 2007). SOEKS is composed of variables, functions, constraints, and rules associated in a DNA shape, permitting the integration of the Decisional DNA of an organization (Sanin et al. 2009). Variables normally implicate representing knowledge using an attribute-value language (i.e. by a vector of variables and values) (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2009a), and they are the centre root of the structure and the starting point for the SOEKS. Functions represent relationships between a set of input variables and a dependent variable; moreover, functions can be applied for reasoning optimal states. Constraints are another way of association among the variables. They are restrictions of feasible solutions, limitations of possibilities in a decision event, and factors that restrict the performance of a system. Finally, rules are relationships between a consequence and a condition linked by the statements IF-THEN-ELSE. They are conditional relationships that control the universe of variables (Sanin et al. 2009). 56 Additionally, SOEKS is designed similarly to DNA in some important features. First, the combination of the four components of the SOE gives uniqueness, just as the combination of four nucleotides of DNA does. Secondly, the elements of SOEKS are connected with each other in order to imitate a gene, and each SOE can be classified, and acts like a gene in DNA (Sanin et al. 2009). As the gene produces phenotypes, the SOE brings values of decisions according to the combined elements. Then a decisional chromosome storing decisional “strategies” for a category is formed by a group of SOE of the same category. Finally, a diverse group of SOE chromosomes comprise what is called the Decisional DNA (Sanin et al. 2009). In short, Decisional DNA and SOEKS provide an ideal approach which not only can be very easily applied to various embedded systems (domain-independent), but also enable standard knowledge communication and sharing among these embedded systems. 3.2 Experiential Knowledge Management in EOSES’s 4-layer Architecture As mentioned before, based on the principle of KM, there are four main concerns for KM tools: capturing, storage, distribution and reusing knowledge. In the EOSES, the conceptual four-layer architecture is designed to solve these concerns. These four layers are: Application Layer, Interface Layer, Management Layer and Knowledge Repository Layer. The relation between EOSES’s four layers and these four main KM concerns are as follows (see Figure 5): 57 Figure 5. Relation between EOSES Layers and KM Concerns • Capturing: Knowledge capturing is the central core of the EOSES. It basically involves three layers: Application Layer, Interface Layer, and Management Layer. First, when the user uses an APP to make a decision, a decision event is triggered from Application Layer. Data and information of this decision event are then sent to Interface Layer to be collected and sorted. Finally, in Management Layer, experiential knowledge of this decision event is captured. • Storage: In order to save captured experiential knowledge, the EOSES relies on the theory of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). As introduced in section 1.2.2, the Decisional DNA is a knowledge repository approach that stores, organizes, and manages formal decision events stored in the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS). 58 SOEKS has been developed to acquire and store formal decision events in an explicit way. SOEKS can be represented in XML or OWL as ontology in order to make it transportable and shareable. Also, by saving decision events in SOEKS, experiential knowledge inside these events becomes readable and actionable. In EOSES conceptual architecture, the Knowledge Repository Layer stores experiential knowledge represented as SOEKS. • Distribution: Knowledge sharing and distribution are key elements for making knowledge available to others. In EOSES, XML format is chosen for saving experiential knowledge represented in SOEKS. By using SOEKS and DDNA, the EOSES provides standard knowledge sharing and distribution. In addition, the OWL is also supported by SOEKS and DDNA. This involves Interface Layer and Knowledge Repository Layer in EOSES conceptual architecture. • Reusing: Only through knowledge reusing, the information inside knowledge itself will be taken and used by people. Hence, knowledge becomes valuable. In EOSES conceptual architecture, the Management Layer and Application Layer are in charge of reusing knowledge. When the user needs to make a decision, EOSES searches its knowledge repository, and compares current situations with previous situations saved in SOEKS, then gives a suggestion or makes a decision for the user based upon its experience gained through previous similar situations. 3.3 Conceptual Architecture of EOSES in Details As proposed in section 2.3, the conceptual 4-layer architecture is designed for EOSES. These four layers are: Application Layer, Interface Layer, Management 59 Layer, and Knowledge Repository Layer. Each one of these layers in the conceptual architecture is engaged with a set of responsibilities and capabilities. This section discusses the implementation and technique details of this proposed 4-layer architecture (see Figure 6). Figure 6. Architecture of EOSES in Details 3.3.1 Application Layer The Application Layer offers EOSES’s whole functionality access to the end-user. Also, this layer provides the Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability of EOSES. 60 At this layer, there are applications developed to fulfil different tasks. Instead of generic applications, custom applications are largely used in embedded systems due to the diversity of embedded systems’ hardware and software, which causes the first problems of these three mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, i.e. too specific – in order to work with custom applications, most knowledge-based tools are specifically designed only for given embedded systems or even for a particular stage of a product lifecycle. Adaptability and cross-platform portability thus are rarely considered during the design and development of these tools. For solving this problem, EOSES is designed to be capable of working with a range of differentdesigned applications running in various environments without re-designing or redeveloping them. In general, there are three kinds of applications at the Application Layer: 1) Applications that use EOSES as a third-party software component By calling EOSES APIs provided at the Interface Layer, any custom application is able to easily accept knowledge-related services from EOSES which saves a lot of time and money for companies and allows developers to have ‘knowledge’ and ‘knowledge management’ inside their various applications. A case study using EOSES as a third-party component in a Smart TV application will be introduced in Chapter 5. 2) EOSES Applications Even though applications can access EOSES services via APIs, it is better to mix EOSES code with applications’ code in some cases. For example, some applications may have complicated logic, and need to access the EOSES services very frequently; 61 or applications may have restricted limitations, like small memory size. In these situations, to design and build applications with EOSES code from very beginning of development may be more efficient and valid. These applications that have been integrated with EOSES code can be considered as EOSES applications. A case study of EOSES applications will be presented in Chapter 4. 3) Applications that access EOSES service via Internet. Apart from calling local APIs, applications can also access EOSES through a set of Cloud services providing easy-to-use APIs of knowledge capturing, storage, sharing, and reusing. Developers can easily apply EOSES technology to their own mobile apps, websites, and products. Also, by using Cloud-computing technology, applications benefit from the expansion of data processing capability, storage, and security. In short, the Application Layer makes accessing EOSES easy and flexible, which enables various applications (event specifically designed) to have EOSES services without re-design and re-developing. This layer also brings the Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability of EOSES. 3.3.2 Interface Layer The Interface Layer is composed of User Interface, EOSES API, System I/O, and Integrator. These four components work together to form the interface of EOSES connecting the platform with its outer environment. This layer not only provides EOSES APIs of knowledge capturing, storage, sharing, and reusing to applications, it also offers a range of interaction and communication functionalities. These functions 62 offered by Interface Layer are: system configuration, input/output, query, and system updating. • User Interface: The User Interface is developed to enable the interaction between EOSES and the user. In particular, the user can control, set and configure the system enabling the Configurability of EOSES, select EOSES services, give feedback, and interact with the platform by using the User Interface. • EOSES API: The EOSES API is designed to allow EOSES to be accessed as a third-party software component or a Cloud server providing services of knowledge capturing, storage, sharing, and reusing. Through EOSES API, knowledge-related services provided by EOSES can be easily applied to mobile apps, websites, and products. Furthermore, the EOSES API is the key element to allow the Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability of EOSES provided at the Application Layer. • System I/O: The System I/O allows EOSES to communicate with its domain of operation (i.e. where it is running on). Similar to a PC I/O system, the EOSES System I/O is designed to enable system input and output to its domain of operation. Interruptions and memory reading and writing are engaged with System I/O. • Integrator: The Integrator works as a data-hub that gathers and organizes data at the Interface Layer, and then transmits data to the Management Layer for further processing. There are two kinds of data flowing in the Integrator: 63 (i) Scenario Data. This kind of data is used for capturing experiential knowledge. In this case, we link each experience with a certain scenario describing the circumstances under which experience is acquired. Normally, a scenario comprises values such as the system time, name of a selected service, ID of the undertaken process/task, user input, outcome, feedback, and other service information. When a decisional event happens, the Integrator gathers and organizes the scenario data, and then sends them to the Prognoser for further processing; (ii) Messages. Messages are used for communication purposes. When the user configures the system, the application requests knowledge-related services, the EOSES responses to the application, the user gives feedback, and all other inner and outer EOSES interactions are processed as messages. Additionally, the message may contain scenario data, for example, the Integrator sends scenario data through messages. 3.3.3 Management Layer The Management layer is designed as the control central of the EOSES. It is designed to analyse and route data, manage experiential knowledge, cooperate with other mechanisms, and administrate the EOSES platform. This layer comprises EOSES Manager, Configuration Manager, Plug-In Manager, Protocol Manager, and Prognoser. • EOSES Manager: It is designed to deal with four main tasks, namely Data Analysis, Knowledge Exchange Management, Cooperation Management, and EOSES Platform Management. 64 (i) Data Analysis. It works as a switch that analyses, sorts and routes data. It transmits data to where data are meant to be according to the type of data (i.e. Scenario data or Messages), data content, process ID, and system settings. (ii) Knowledge Exchange Management. It is in charge of knowledge exchange among different EOSES applications. Cutting-edge technologies, like Cloud computing, enable different applications to share experiential knowledge. (iii) Cooperation Management. In order to allow for cooperation among threads and applications, the cooperation management is designed. For example, in some knowledge-related activities, there might be more than one thread or one application involving. The cooperation management is designed to handle this situation, and enable proper cooperation among threads and applications. (iv) EOSES Platform Management. It is designed to manage the EOSES platform including inter and intra-system interaction management, and dynamic process management. It makes all aspects of EOSES work together. • Configuration Manager: It is designed to read and write configurations of the EOSES platform. By working with the User Interface, the Configurability of EOSES is provided. • Plug-In Manager: In order to support various applications to use EOSES services, and expand EOSES functionality, plug-in technology is allowed by Plug-In Manager, which manages the plug-ins and selects proper plug-ins for applications. • Prognoser: The Prognoser is in charge of analysis, inference, knowledge 65 extraction, knowledge creating, knowledge retrieval, and knowledge reusing. For knowledge capturing, Prognoser captures the decisional event when a decisional event has occurred, then inferences and extracts the experiential knowledge in this decisional event, finally creates knowledge and sends the knowledge to the Knowledge Repository Layer for storage. While in supporting decision-making by reusing the knowledge, there are three situations that must be addressed to applications: a) The Prognoser gets the same scenario in the knowledge repository, and then it will reuse the decision made previously for its current circumstance; b) The Prognoser does not get the same scenario, but it gets similar ones. For this situation, the Prognoser will perform some analyses and then derive a solution to the current circumstance, apply it and save it as an experience into the knowledge repository; and c) The Prognoser does not get the same nor similar scenario from the knowledge repository. It can then ask other similar systems for help if a connection is available, otherwise, it will return a default result. 3.3.4 Knowledge Repository Layer Knowledge as the most valuable source is stored and managed at this layer. The SOEKS and Decisional DNA technology is used to store and organize knowledge of EOSES. This layer provides functionality of access, storage, and administration of experiential knowledge of EOSES; also the SOEKS and Decisional DNA technology offer the features of Compactness and Efficiency, and Security and Trust of EOSES. There are Repository Manager, Decisional DNA Repository, and Convertor at this layer: 66 • Repository Manager: The Repository Manager manages the Decisional DNA Repository, including reading, saving, searching, removing, editing, and moving experiential knowledge in Decisional DNA Repository. Moreover, it provides access interface responding queries from the Management Layer. • Decisional DNA Repository: The Decisional DNA Repository is designed to store user’s experiential knowledge. It is composed of numerous Decisional Chromosomes. The Decisional Chromosome is developed to gather and store Decisional DNA genes within each category, capturing the user’s decisional “strategies”. A Decisional DNA gene carries a single decisional event (i.e. a SOE) and can be represented by a set of XML tags introduced by Maldonado Sanin (2007) to store Decisional DNA in XML files. • Convertor: In EOSES, as mentioned, experiential knowledge is stored as SOEKS in XML files. The Convertor is designed to translate knowledge stored in XML files into SOEKS knowledge statements in knowledge retrieval activities. 3.4 Initial Tests and Results This section presents the initial experimental prototype of EOSES and the results obtained in this first set of experiments. 3.4.1 Experiment Goal and Design The goal of the initial experiments is to validate the three of five main features of the EOSES, i.e. 1) Adaptability, 2) Compactness and Efficiency, and 3) 67 Configurability. A test application was developed using the Server-based Model, and implemented on a LEGO® Mind-storms® NXT 2.0 robot (LEGO 2012), equipped with a 48 MHz ARM7 microcontroller, a 256KBytes FLASH, a 64KBytes RAM (McNally et al. 2007), and colour sensor. Since the Decisional DNA is defined in Java (Maldonado Sanin 2007), LeJOS is burnt into NXT 2.0 as the firmware. The LeJOS is a Java programming environment for NXT® robots (LEJOS 2012). In this experiment, the assumption is that there is a map with three lines drawn in different colours, namely green, blue, and black, and each line ends at a terminal spot drawn in different colours - yellow, red, yellow respectively (see Figure 7). The robot should to gain its own experiential knowledge about these three lines after following these three lines one by one, and save the knowledge gained in SOEKS. Figure 7. The Test Map 68 To test the idea, a compact tailor version of SOEKS is designed to store the experience, which shows that the EOSES can be easily customized in order to adapt to different applications. In comparison with normal SOEKS, there are only three Variables inside, and no Functions, Constrains, and Rules. These three Variables store each line’s information of: 1) line colour, 2) time consumption to finish the line, and 3) colour of the terminal spot. For these experiments, two questions are designed to test the Compactness and Efficiency: 1) what is the file size of each SOEKS, which is related to Compactness; 2) how much time it takes to query the experience, which is related to Efficiency. While for Configurability, which is going to be tested by switching between two modes by user configuration: First, the robot is set on Training Mode to learn the lines one by one: It follows every line and gathers information of these lines. After training, by configuring the robot through a human interface, the user can switch the robot’s operation mode to Testing Mode, in which a test program runs automatically, and prints out Query Time on the screen of the robot. 3.4.2 Experimental Results As presented, the Adaptability and the Configurability were tested through tailor version SOEKS and two different configurable running modes respectively. The test results of Compactness and Efficiency are as following: • Compactness: Each compact version SOEKS takes 1,082 bytes of memory space, which is less than a simple full version of SOEKS (3,425 bytes). In the full version of SOEKS, there are only 2 Variables, 2 Functions, 2 Constraints, and 1 Rule. 69 • Efficiency: To test the efficiency of EOSES, the test program queries the SOEKSs looking for the experience storing information about the red terminal spot. Due to the memory limitation of the robot, a maximum of ten SOEKSs are stored in the robot. In the best case, the first SOEKS is the one that the test program is looking for, while in the worst case it is the last SOEKS. Figure 8, shows the time consumption in best cases, including loading and parsing XML files. The test program ran 10 times in best cases, and got the average time consumption for best cases of 270.6 milliseconds. Figure 8. Time Consumption of the Test Program in Best Cases Figure 9, shows the time consumption in worst cases, including loading and parsing XML files. The test program was also run 10 times with the result for the worst cases of 2693.5 milliseconds on average. This was nearly 10 times the best case, because in the worst cases, the test program loads, parses, and compares all 10 SOEKS to find the meant experience. 70 Figure 9. Time Consumption of the Test Program in Worst Cases 3.5 Summary In this chapter, a detailed introduction of the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System conceptual architecture with initial experiments is presented. Starting with the knowledge representation solution – Decisional DNA, then the relation between EOSES conceptual architecture layers and knowledge-related services of knowledge capturing, storage, distribution, and reusing is presented at the beginning. Followed by a discussions of EOSES conceptual architecture in this section, a system design diagram for EOSES 4-layer architecture illustrates the implementation and technique details of EOSES, and explains how each of the EOSES four layers carry five proposed main features of EOSES, and how EOSES solves three current problems for knowledge-based systems. At the end of this chapter, a set of initial experiments and results are presented, in which three of the five main features of the EOSES are examined. These three EOSES’s features are: 1) Adaptability, 2) Compactness and Efficiency, and 3) 71 Configurability. By using the standard, flexible, easy-to-share, and domainindependent experiential knowledge representation solution – Decisional DNA, the EOSES is adaptable to any embedded systems, which also solves the three common problems current knowledge-based embedded systems are facing. And through a customized version of SOEKS, the compactness and efficiency of EOSES is tested. The results are acceptable, especially considering its test platform: a 48 MHz ARM7 microcontroller, a 256KBytes FLASH, plus a 64KBytes RAM. Also, the configurability was tested through switching the robot’s operation between modes by user configuration. 72 4 A Server-based Application: EOSES Applied to Robotics As mentioned in section 2.4 of chapter 2, the Server-based Model is one of the two conceptual models designed to handle different situations in the ExperienceOriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES). The conceptual Server-based Model is designed for enabling smart experiential knowledge management on systems that have more than one embedded system/peripheral/sensor working together, 73 functioning as one single system, such as smart buildings and robots. In this conceptual mode, a server is required as the core part that controls the whole system. Apart from managing the system, the server extracts and captures experiential knowledge from all kinds of data, information, and knowledge transmitted from different peripherals, sensors, and sub embedded systems participated in the knowledge related processes in the system. Also, the server is in charge of saving, sharing, and reusing knowledge. Robots are playing a more and more important role in today's industry. They are designed to assist, or replace human beings in the execution of tasks, in regards to both physical activities and decision-making. One of the long-standing goals of research in robotics is to build a robot that captures experience through day-to-day tasks, and reuses this experience to improve the robot’s task performance ability in performing similar tasks (Berenson et al. 2012). The EOSES is designed to enable its’ domain to capture, store, evolve, reuse, and share experience through daily tasks. Also, the Robots are built with embedded computer systems, numerous actuators and sensors, which are perfect potential platforms for the EOSES Server-based Model. Therefore, this application of EOSES applied to robotics is proposed. This chapter presents the case study of applying EOSES to robotics with Serverbased Model. Firstly, a theoretical background on robotics is presented, along with some practical robotic applications in the fields of healthcare, autonomous control, and manufacturing. Secondly, the application of EOSES applied to robotics is discussed, in which the details of the application’s design and implementation are illustrated. At the end of this chapter, experimental tests and brief summary are drawn. 74 4.1 Background and Motivation Nowadays, robots have been widely used in many different fields, such as manufacturing, space exploration, military, and healthcare, just to mention a few. Robots are not only capable of performing numerous different operations and tasks; also they can work under special, risky, rough, and dangerous conditions. As robots are reaching into new aspects of our life by providing close physical assistance to humans, a strong demand for building autonomous robots arises. The successful development of autonomous robots apparently requires capabilities of making decisions and acting properly by the robot itself. The ability for robots to learn task knowledge from previous task experience is expected (Medina et al. 2011). 4.1.1 What is a robot and what is robotics? Yet there is no single common-accepted definition of robots, different countries may define the concept of robot differently. In general, a robot is an electromechanical machine, which is designed and meant to be controlled by a computer running some type of programs or a similar device. In American standards, a robot must be a device that can be easily reprogrammable (Niku 2010; Wikipedia Robot 2012). Therefore, by simply changing the program, a robot should be able to perform many different tasks and operations without having to be redesigned. The robots can be classified into two different types based on a robot’s fundamental feature, i.e. mechanical structure: robot manipulators for those with a fixed base, and mobile robots for those with a mobile base (Siciliano et al. 2011). Robotics, in different forms, has been on human minds for a long period (Mason 2012; Garcia et al. 2007). Robotics is considered as the research of those machines 75 that can replace human beings in both the operation of physical activities, and decision-making. In other words, robotics can be recognised as an interdisciplinary subject concerning the cultural areas of computers, electronics, mechanics, and control. It is the science of studying the intelligent connection between action and perception (Siciliano et al. 2011). Robotic systems involve not only robots, but also other systems and devices cooperated with the robots. “Robotics is the art, knowledge base, and the know-how of designing, applying, and using robots in human endeavours” (Niku 2010). 4.1.2 Experience-based Robot Learning A long-standing goal of research in robotics is to build a robot that captures experience through day-to-day tasks, and reuses this experience to improve the robot’s task performance ability in performing similar tasks. In recent years, more and more efforts have been made by researchers to make learning-by-doing robots. Several experience-based researches and theories in robotics can be found in literature. Berenson, Abbeel, and Goldberg (2012) proposed a framework that is able to learn and improve with experience, called Lightning. This framework is designed for planning paths in applications ranging from domestic assistance to robot-assisted surgery, with the aim of reducing computation time. There are two modules in this framework running in parallel: The Planning-from-Scratch module, and the Retrieveand-Repair module. The key part of the Lightning framework is the Retrieve-andRepair module, which retrieves and repairs paths stored in a path library. After a path is generated for a new query, a library manager decides whether to store the path 76 based on the generated path’s similarity to the retrieved path and computation time. Two heuristics that exploit two key aspects of retrieving an appropriate path from the library are used in their framework: (i) A correlation between the amount a path violates constraints and the amount of time needed to repair that path, and (ii) the implicit division of constraints into those that vary across environments in which the robot operates and those that do not. After evaluation and tests, Berenson et al. found that the module reusing previous experience (i.e. the Retrieve-and-Repair module) was faster than the other module not reusing experience in path planning. Nemec, Vuga, and Ude (2011) presented an approach expanding and refining the database of sensorimotor knowledge by exploiting previous experience. There are three stages in their approach: At the first stage, an initial control policy suitable for a new situation is realized from generalization of previous trained movements. This first approximation can be improved at the second stage by using learning on the manifold defined by the previously acquired training data. This enables for reinforcement learning in a state space of reduced dimensionality. Finally, at the third stage, the desired control policy is accomplished by exploring the solutions outside of this training manifold in the full state space. Their proposed approach was evaluated in simulation as well as with a real robot in a ball throwing experiment. The experimental results showed that their approach could result in faster learning rates. Pastor et al. (2011) proposed a general framework that uses sensor experience form previous successful trials to achieve very contact-reactive motions for autonomous robotic grasping and manipulation. By reusing previous experience, their approach is able to systematically compensate for unforeseen perturbations in future trials, which significantly increases the region of successful grasps. It also allows for creating very compliant behaviours for contact interaction with the 77 environment. Median et al. (2011) proposed a cognition-enabled control framework that enables a robotic assistant to enrich its own experience by acquisition of human task knowledge during joint manipulation. Their framework was implemented on a full- scale robot and evaluated in a classic-car restoration scenario where a human carried a car’s bumper multiple times from a starting position to a final position in three semantically different ways. The results showed great promise for the applicability of their approach to a wider selection of more complex tasks. For more examples of reusing experience in robotics, please refer to works from Sheh, Hengst, and Sammut (2011), Nicolescu and Mataric (2001), Goel et al. (1993), Beetz et al. (2004), and Stulp et al. (2009). 4.2 EOSES Applied to Robotics This section presents the application of EOSES applied to robotics. It comprises three parts: 1) Application description, 2) Robot hardware, 3) System design and implementation. 4.2.1 Application Description As mentioned above, the EOSES Server-based Model is designed for enabling smart experiential knowledge management on systems that have more than one embedded system/peripheral/sensor working together functioning as one single system. Robots are usually composed of embedded computer systems, controllers, processors, numerous actuators and sensors. For mobile robots, they can have wheels and legs. They are ideal platforms for applying EOSES Server-based Model. In order to test the usability of EOSES, the EOSES Server-based Model is applied to robotics. 78 In this application, an initial map learning and path planning EOSES application, called Line Follower, is designed based on the test prototype introduced in section 3.4: the EOSES applied robot is capable of gaining experiential knowledge about maps through integrated and organized sensor data, and then reuses its knowledge for path choosing in the future. The Line Follower application is designed as the EOSES ‘Server’, and it can run the robot in two different modes: • Training Mode: The robot follows every path on a map one by one in order to learn and gain experience of these paths under the supervision of human beings. After training, the robot will have experiential knowledge about the map’s paths. • Testing Mode: In this mode, the robot’s knowledge about the map is tested. An assumption destination will be given to the robot, and the robot should pick the right path to follow down to its destination by reusing previous knowledge learned through the Training Mode. 4.2.2 Robot Hardware As the hardware platform, the LEGO® Mind-storms® NXT 2.0 robot is chosen as the platform for implementation of the Line Follower application. The robot comprises one LEGO Brick, two Servo Motors, one Ultrasonic Sensor, and one Colour Sensor (LEGO 2012) (see Figure 10). 79 Figure 10. System Composition of the Line Follower Application • LEGO Brick: The LEGO NXT Intelligent Brick is the computing central of the robot working as the ‘brain’. This is also where the EOSES ‘Server’ (i.e. the Line Follower application) is running. Inside the Brick, there is a powerful 32bit 48 MHz ARM7 microcontroller, a 256KBytes FLASH, and a 64KBytes RAM (McNally et al. 2007). The Brick supports Bluetooth wireless communication, which brings the possibility of knowledge sharing among similar robots. Outside the Brick, there is one USB 2.0 port, four input ports, three output ports, and a human interface comprising of four function buttons, and one LCD display. In addition, the Brick is powered by 6 AA (1.5v) batteries. • Servo Motor: The Servo Motor has a built-in rotation sensor that measures distance and speed, and communicates with the NXT Intelligent Brick. It allows for precise steps and total motor control within one degree of accuracy. In this application, two Servo Motors are used to drive the robot’s movements. • Ultrasonic Sensor: The ultrasonic sensor helps the robot judge distances and 80 "sees" where objects are. It is able to detect an object and measure its proximity in inches or centimetres. In this application, the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the border of the map in experiments. • Colour Sensor: The colour sensor enables the robot to distinguish a range of bright and pastel colours. In order to mark every path and spot to look different to the robot, five unique colours are used to draw the paths and spots on the maps. With the help of the colour sensor, the robot is capable of reading and distinguishing paths and spots drawn on the maps. Also, the colour sensor is used to detect, and follow the path. 4.2.3 System Design and Implementation As introduced above in section 4.2.2, the LEGO NXT Robot has a limited computing resource. In order to reduce resource consumption, and optimize application performance, direct EOSES access is used rather than calling EOSES APIs. In other words, the EOSES is customised and integrated with other codes of the Line Follower application. This means the Line Follower application is designed as the second of these three EOSES application types, i.e. the EOSES Application. In addition, the SOEKS API was used in order to manipulate the SOEKS structures. The SOEKS API is a Java library developed by the Knowledge Engineering Research Team of The University of Newcastle, Australia (KERT 2012). Since EOSES is developed in Java, the Line Follower application is implemented using Java 6 (Oracle 2012). In order to support running Java applications (i.e. the Line Follower application), the LeJOS, a Java programming environment for the NXT® robot, is burnt into NXT 2.0 as the firmware (LEJOS 2012). The system 81 architecture of Line Follower application is illustrated in Figure 11. Figure 11. System Architecture of the Line Follower Application First, through the Human Interface (i.e. four buttons and one LCD on the Brick) the user can configure the application, set running mode, and read feedbacks. Then, the application will function according to the user’s settings. By using data gathered from sensors, the application captures operation experience in training mode, and reuses this experience in testing mode. There are four main classes in Line Follower application, namely Line Follower, Follower, FinderUsingSOEKS, and Finder. Figure 12 presents a simplified class diagram for the application. The diagram shows the details for the four classes. 82 Figure 12. Simplified Class Diagram for Line Follower • LineFollower class: It is the main class that manages the whole application. It communicates with its operation environment, and deals with the user input sent from Human Interface. The LineFollwer class can be considered as an implementation combining Application Layer and Interface Layer according to the conceptual architecture of EOSES. Through LineFollower class, the user can set system date, set map, choose operation mode, and test the application. Also, it is the communication centre of the application, and where the application starts execution. 83 • Follower class: This class is in charge of running the robot in Training Mode. It guides the robot to find a path and follow that path until it ends. Then it records the information of the path just followed, and translates the information into SOEKS for storage. This includes some of the work from the Management Layer in the EOSES conceptual architecture. • FinderUsingSOEKS class: When the robot has been trained, the user can switch the Line Follower from Training Mode to Testing Mode. In Testing Mode, there are two execution manners: using experience or not using. The FinderUsingSOEKS is developed to test whether the robot can pick the right path and follow by using previous experience stored as SOEKS in the memory. It also performs some functionality of the Management Layer, plus some functionality of the Knowledge Repository Layer in the EOSES conceptual architecture. • Finder class: The Finder class is developed to test how long it takes for the robot to reach the destination (i.e. the red spot on maps) without using previous experience. It basically guides the robot in scanning the map, until the red spot is detected. To avoid the robot running off map, walls along the borders of the map are built. By using an ultrasonic sensor, the robot can measure the distance to wall so that it detects the border of the map. 4.3 Experiments and Results The Line Follower application is developed based on the initial experimental prototype introduced in section 3.4. In previous experiments, three of the five main 84 features of the EOSES (i.e. Adaptability, Compactness and Efficiency, and Configurability) were first examined. However, the initial prototype was not fully developed, as it only printed out experience query time on LCD, but did not reuse this experience in action. This section presents a set of experiments implemented on the fully developed Line Follower application to test the usability and performance of the EOSES to robotics. 4.3.1 Experiment Goal and Design The goal of the initial experiments is to validate the usability of the EOSES to robotics. Also, the performance of using EOSES services in self-learning and selfcontrol are tested. Two 70cm×100cm maps are made for the experiments, namely Map 1, and Map 2 (see Figure 13). There are three paths drawn in different colours (green, blue, and black) on each map, and every path finishes at a terminal spot. In the experiments, the assumption is that the robot starts at position A, with spot B as the potential destination for the robot in Testing Mode. To distinguish different terminal spots, spot B is drawn in red (the destination), while the other two spots are drawn in yellow (the normal terminal spots). 85 Figure 13. Experiment Maps for Line Follower By following the first tests, this experiment is designed to mainly focus on two questions: 1) Whether the EOSES application can help the robot make decisions based on previous experience; and 2) What is the performance of reusing previous experience. For answering the second question, the performance between using previous experience and not using previous experience in the same application (i.e. the Line Follower application) was compared. Also, another performance comparison between the Line Follower and two similar systems on response time is illustrated as a reference at the end of this section. To compare the performance between using previous experience and not using previous experience: First, the robot is set on Training Mode to learn the paths the map one by one. After training, the robot is set on Test Mode, in which two options are set for choosing - using previous experience or not using previous experience: i) Using previous experience. When using previous experience, the robot will query its Decisional DNA Repository first before taking any action. Then the robot finds out which path reaches the destination from querying its 86 experience. Finally, it detects the paths’ colour in order to choose the right one and once the robot finds the right path, it will follow that path and reach the destination. ii) Not using experience. This option is designed to test the robot’s performance when not using experience. With test results from previous option and this option, the comparison of the difference between using and not using experience can be made. A comprehensive map-scanning program was developed for supporting this option. When the robot does not use experience or there is no proper experience available, the robot will scan the map until it finds the red spot (i.e. the destination). 4.3.2 Experimental Results A) Results of using previous experience and not using previous experience: A set of experiments testing the Line Follower’s performance of using experience and not using experience were run 30 times on both map 1 and map 2. Figure 14 and Figure 15 illustrate the details of time consumption for the tests on map 1. As we can see, the time consumption is much less and more stable when using previous experience in comparison with not using previous experience. 87 Using Experience Not Using Experience 450000 Time Consumption (milliseconds) 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Figure 14. Time Consumption Comparison on Map 1 450000 Time Consumption (milliseconds) 400000 350000 300000 250000 Using Experience 200000 Not Using Experience 150000 100000 50000 0 Min Time Avg.Time Max Time Figure 15. Time Consumption Overall Comparison on Map 1 Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the tests result on map 2. By using previous experience the robot could reach its destination much quicker than when not using previous experience. Also, the robots’ performance was more stable in finding its destination when previous experience was used. 88 Using Experience Not Using Experience Time Consumption (milliseconds) 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Figure 16. Time Consumption Comparison on Map 2 Time Consumption (milliseconds) 300000 250000 200000 Using Experience 150000 Not Using Experience 100000 50000 0 Min Time Avg.Time Max Time Figure 17. Time Consumption Overall Comparison on Map 2 B) Results of comparison with a similar system on response time Response time is always one of the most important issues when referring to experience-based applications. In order to evaluate the performance of the EOSES 89 applications, the comparison on response time was made between the Line Follower and two similar systems. The Random Path Planner (RPP) developed by Barraquand and Latombe (1991) creates a potential function based on the destination configuration and particular running environment. This function is then used for searching a path in the configuration space. Caselli and Reggiani (2000) use RPP in their new approach, the Experience-based Randomized Path Planner (ERPP) is used for faster path planning. This new approach stores and reuses the best paths found so far by RPP in previous planning tasks. In this study (Caselli and Reggiani, 2000), the performance of ERPP and RPP are compared on an 8 processor Silicon Graphics Onyx2 Infinite-Reality, a CC-NUMA machine with 650 MB/sec memory bandwidth and 711MB/sec interprocessor communication bandwidth. Each Onyx2 processor is a 195 MHz MIPS R10000 with 4 MB cache coupled in processor pair with 1 GB of memory. For Line Follower application, the response time was measured from the beginning of a query to the end of the query: First, a timer was set to count time when a query starts and then the timer stopped counting time when the query was processed and returned with query result. In this way, the response time was tested and measured in two different application settings and in two different cases respectively. The two application settings are: Query the First, and Query the Best. When the application is set for ‘Query the First’, it returns the result immediately once it finds the first similar experience can solve the current problem. While for ‘Query the Best’ it explores all experience stored, and comes up with the most suitable experience for solving the current problem. Moreover, for both settings, there are best cases and worst cases – in best cases, the first experience explored is 90 the one needed, and in worst cases, it is the last experience. The tests were undertaken in both settings and in both cases, 10 times each. Finally, the response times for Line Follower application was taken as 2087.75 milliseconds, which is the average time consumption from these two different settings (see Table 1). Table 1. Response Time of Line Follower Query the First Query the best Response Time Best Case 264 ms 2682 ms 1473 ms Worst Case 2705 ms 2705 ms 2705 ms Average 1482 ms 2693.5 ms 2087.75 ms For another two similar systems, the response times are testing results reported in the study (Caselli and Reggiani, 2000). However, due to task complexity difference and platform difference, this comparison is used for reference only (see Table 2). Table 2. Response Time Comparison Approach RPP ERPP Line Follower Average Response Time 12.39 sec 4.68 sec 2.09 sec Processor 195 MHz R10000 x7 195 MHz R10000 x7 48 MHz ARM7 x1 4.4 Summary In this chapter, the case study of applying EOSES to robotics is presented. According to the features of robotics, an EOSES application, called Line Follower, is 91 designed and developed under the EOSES Server-based Model, and the performance of Line Follower robot is tested. Firstly, a theoretical background on robotics is presented at the beginning of this chapter, along with some practical robotic applications in the fields of healthcare, autonomous, and manufacturing. Secondly, the case study of EOSES applied robot, the Line Follower, is introduced in detail: starting with the application description, followed by the robot hardware composition, and finally, the application design and implementation are discussed. At the end of this chapter, a set of experimental tests and results are outlined in figures and tables. In the experiments, two questions about the case study, the EOSES applied robot, are examined and answered. These two questions are: 1) Whether the EOSES application can help the robot make decisions based on previous experience; and 2) What is the performance of reusing previous experience. Through a set of well-designed experiments the test results are gained, which shows that the EOSES does help the robot make decisions by capturing and reusing experience through its operation. Also, the test results show that by reusing previous experience, the Line Follower can perform much quicker and more stable than when it does not reuse previous experience. In addition, another comparison on response time is illustrated in tables between the Line Follower and two similar systems as a reference for the Line Follower’s performance. 92 5 A Stand-alone Application: EOSES Applied to Digital TV As mentioned in section 2.4 of chapter 2, the Stand-alone Model is another model of the two conceptual models designed to handle different situations in the Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES). Unlike the conceptual Server-based Model, in which one single task is accomplished based on cooperation of several different embedded systems, the conceptual Stand-alone Model is 93 designed for situations that given tasks are finished in a single embedded system, for example, watching a movie on a TV set. In recent years, digital devices have been built increasingly powerful. They have fast processing units, large memory, and network capability. Due to their capability, together with Web 2.0 technology and mobile apps, these embedded systems are widely used in our lives. Through collecting and processing data from activities when using these devices, valuable information and knowledge can be obtained. By reusing this knowledge, organizations and individuals can learn from past activities so that to improve their performance in future similar situations. Moreover, devices also can reuse this knowledge to assist its user to make better decisions, and quickly adapt to new situations. Thus, developing new tools for enabling knowledge management among these devices becomes an interesting and exciting research opportunity. This chapter presents the case study of applying EOSES to digital TV with Standalone Model. At the beginning of this chapter, a theoretical background on digital TV and Interactive TV is introduced, along with some platforms and approaches aiming for TV services enhancement. Then, the application of EOSES applied to digital TV is explained with its system architecture. Following in section 2, there are three sections illustrating three experimental prototypes and test results for improving movie-viewing service, live TV viewing service, and the use of fuzzy logic to generate TV user profiles for better user experience, respectively. At the end of this chapter, brief summaries are drawn. 94 5.1 Background and Motivation As the progress of digitalization and computerization affects our daily life, the digital TV is becoming intelligent and interactive, and even becoming a computer. Many companies and organizations have involved into the development and implementation of intelligent and interactive TV, like Sun Microsystems, the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB), Google, and Apple, just to mention a few. In the meantime, several technologies, such as Java TV (Morris 2002), Google TV (Google 2012), and Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) (Vrba, Cvrk, & Sykora 2006), have been provided. Thanks to these existing platforms and solutions, developers can add functions enabling enhanced digital TV services and better user experience. By capturing the user’s TV viewing habits and preferences, the TV content provider can offer the user customized programme suggestions, and tailored advertisements. 5.1.1 Digital TV Digital television (DTV) is the television broadcasting system that uses digital signals to transmit program contents. DTV not only delivers distortion-free audio and video signals; more importantly, it offers much higher radio spectrum efficiency than analog television does. DTV can also seamlessly integrate with other digital media, computer networks, and communication systems, enabling multimedia interactive services and data transmission (Wu et al. 2006). A) Formats and Bandwidth Digital television supports a range of different picture formats defined by the 95 combination of interlacing, size, and aspect ratio (width to height ratio). With digital terrestrial television broadcasting to the world, the range of formats can be broadly divided into two categories: Standard Definition Television (SDTV) and Highdefinition Television (HDTV). These terms by themselves are not very precise, and many subtle intermediate cases exist (Wikipedia - Digital Television 2012). SDTV, by comparison, may use one of several different formats taking the form of various aspect ratios depending on the technology used in the country of broadcast. For 4:3 aspect-ratio broadcasts, the 640 × 480 format is used in NTSC countries, while 720 × 576 is used in PAL countries. For 16:9 broadcasts, the 704 × 480 format is used in NTSC countries, while 720 × 576 is used in PAL countries. However, broadcasters may choose to reduce these resolutions to save bandwidth (e.g., many DVB-T channels in the United Kingdom use a horizontal resolution of 544 or 704 pixels per line) (Latest snapshots - Freeview/DTT bitrates 2012). HDTV, one of several different formats that can be transmitted over DTV, uses different formats, amongst which: 1280 × 720 pixels in progressive scan mode (abbreviated 720p) or 1920 × 1080 pixels in interlace mode (1080i). Each of these utilizes a 16:9 aspect ratio. (Some televisions are capable of receiving an HD resolution of 1920 × 1080 at a 60 Hz progressive scan frame rate — known as 1080p.) HDTV cannot be transmitted over current analog channels. B) Standards Currently, there are three main DTV standard groups (Wu et al. 2006): 1) The Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB), a European based standards 96 organization, which developed the DVB series of DTV standards, standardized by the European Telecommunication Standard Institute (ETSI) (DVB 2012). 2) The Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), a North American based DTV standards organization, which developed the ATSC terrestrial DTV series of standards. In addition, the North American digital cable TV standards now in use were developed separately, based on work done by Cable Television Laboratories (Cable Labs) and largely codified by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) (ATSC 2012). 3) The Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting standards (ISDB), a series of DTV standards developed and standardized by the Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) and by the Japan Cable Television Engineering Association (JCTEA) (ARIB 2012). C) Reception There are various ways to receive digital television. One of the oldest means of receiving DTV (and TV in general) is using an antenna. This way is known as Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) (Wikipedia - Digital Terrestrial Television 2012). With DTT, viewers are limited to whatever channels the antenna picks up. Signal quality will also vary. Other ways have been devised to receive digital television. Among the most familiar to people are digital cable and digital satellite. In some countries where transmissions of TV signals are normally achieved by microwaves, digital Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS) (IEEE 2012) is used. Other 97 standards, such as Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) (World DMB 2012) and Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld (DVB-H) (Reimers, U. H. 2006), have been devised to allow handheld devices such as mobile phones to receive TV signals. Another way is Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) (Yarali & Cherry 2005), which is receiving TV via Internet Protocol, relying on Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or optical cable line. 5.1.2 Interactive Television Interactive television (generally known as iTV) describes a number of techniques that allow viewers to interact with television content and services; it is an evolutionary integration of the Internet and DTV (Schwalb 2004). The most exciting aspect of an interactive TV is the ability to run applications that have been downloaded as part of the broadcast stream: this is the major difference between a basic digital TV box and an interactive TV system. In order to support and enable interactive applications, the receiver is required to support not only the implementation of APIs needed to run the applications, but also the infrastructure needed to inform the receiver which applications are available and how to run them. Interactive TV has drawn attention from many researchers, organizations, and companies, and there have been a few efforts and solutions offered by them. Java TV and Multimedia Home Platform are the two most popular and vibrant techniques in this field (Morris 2002; Vrba, Cvrk, & Sykora 2006). A) Java TV The Java TV is a Java-based software framework designed for supporting digital 98 TV platforms from Sun Microsystems. It brings together a number of the common elements that are needed in a digital TV platform. These include the core application model and lifecycle, access to broadcast services (either via Java TV itself or via the Java Media Framework) and access to service information (Morris 2002). Most importantly, Java TV is not bound to a specific set of standards for digital TV. Java TV is explicit, pure, and independent. Because of this, it works equally well with many solutions for digital TV, such as ATSC solutions, OpenCable solutions, and DVB-based systems. It gives Java TV a very strong advantage in that applications written to use Java TV APIs will work on any platform that supports it, rather than being tied to a specific broadcast system (Morris 2002). B) Multimedia Home Platform Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) is an open standard middleware system designed by the DVB Project for enhanced and interactive digital television (Vrba, Cvrk, & Sykora 2006). The MHP enables the reception and execution of interactive, Java-based applications on a TV-set. Interactive TV applications can be delivered over the broadcast channel, together with video and audio streams. These applications can be, for instance, games, e-mail, information services, interactive voting, shopping or SMS. MHP defines a generic interface between interactive digital applications and the terminals, on which those applications execute. This interface decouples different applications of a provider from specific hardware and software details of different 99 MHP terminal implementations. It enables digital content providers to address all types of terminals ranging from low-end to high-end set top boxes, integrated digital TV sets, and multimedia PCs. The MHP extends the existing DVB open standards for broadcast and interactive services in various broadcasting networks, like satellite, cable, or terrestrial. 5.2 EOSES Applied to Digital TV Nowadays, digital TV is rolling on in full force. Thanks to its capability of transmitting digital data along with the audiovisual contents, the TV program providers can interact with their viewers by offering customized applications, which run at their viewers’ set-top boxes or inside the TV. In order to capture, reuse, and share viewers’ TV-viewing experience, and improve digital TV products’ user experience, the EOSES is applied to digital TV, called the Decisional DNA Digital TV (DDNA DTV). This also examines and demonstrates the five main features of the EOSES. In addition, this application is designed and developed based on the EOSES conceptual 4-layer architecture, using Stand-alone Model. The DDNA DTV is designed as an experiential knowledge-based framework that allows digital TV sets, set-top boxes, and Smart TV systems to capture, reuse, and share users’ TV viewing experiences. Generally, the DDNA DTV deals with two kinds of content on TV: movies, and programmes. It uses the SOEKS and Decisional DNA to store the users’ viewing experience. The DDNA DTV consists of the User Interface, the System I/O (input/output), the Integrator, the Prognoser, the Convertor and the Decisional DNA Repository (see Figure 18). 100 Figure 18. System Architecture of DDNA DTV • User Interface: User Interface is developed to interact with the user. In particular, the user can control, set and configure the system, select services, give feedback, and interact with the service providers by using User Interface. • System I/O: System I/O allows DDNA TV to communicate with its domain of operation (i.e. a TV player or a Smart TV). The System Input tells DDNA TV which service is selected, for example, what movie is playing, what feedback was given, etc, while the System Output sends information to its domain, like 101 programme suggestions based upon the user’s viewing experience. • Integrator: Integrator is the place where the scenario data is gathered and organized. In our case, we link each experience with a certain scenario describing the circumstances under which experience is acquired, such as the system time, name of a selected service, user input, and other service information. Integrator gathers and organizes the scenario data, and then sends them to the Prognoser for further processing. • Prognoser: Prognoser is in charge of sorting, analysing, organizing, creating and reusing experience. It sorts data received from the Integrator, and then analyses and organizes the data. Finally, it interacts with the Decisional DNA Repository and the Convertor in order to store or reuse experience according to different tasks. • Convertor: Convertor translates organized information into SOEKS knowledge statements. Also, Convertor retrieves knowledge from SOEKS, and sends retrieved knowledge to Prognoser for reusing. • Decisional DNA Repository: Decisional DNA Repository is the core software component that stores and manages user’s experiences. It is composed of a Repository Manager and numerous Chromosomes: a) Repository Manager: Repository Manager is the interface of the Decisional DNA Repository. It answers operational commands sent by Prognoser and manages Chromosomes. b) Chromosomes: Chromosome gathers and stores Decisional DNA genes within 102 each category, capturing the user’s decisional “strategies”. A Decisional DNA gene carries a single decisional event (i.e. a SOE) and can be represented by a set of XML tags introduced by Maldonado Sanin (2007) to store Decisional DNA in XML files. 5.3 DDNA DTV Prototype 1.0 This section presents the initial version of the prototype for the DDNA DTV (DDNA DTV 1.0), which captures and reuses the user’s movie-viewing experience to provide smart movie recommendations. Also, the results obtained in the first set of experiments are illustrated at the end of this section. 5.3.1 Application Description In DDNA DTV 1.0, the EOSES is applied to Java TV in order to capture, and reuse the TV user’s movie-viewing experience. As introduced in section 5.1.2, Java TV, as a Java-based software framework, is designed for supporting digital TV platforms from Sun Microsystems. A number of common elements that are needed in a digital TV platform are combined into Java TV. Most importantly, Java TV is not bound with specific digital TV standards - it is explicit, pure, and independent, which enables Java TV to work equally well with a number of different solutions for digital TV. As a result, Java TV is thus been chosen as the platform for this prototype. As the initial prototype version, the DDNA DTV 1.0 was developed using the Java TV SDK working with NetBeans 6.8 on a DELL Latitude ES400 laptop. In addition, the SOEKS API was used in order to manipulate the SOEKS structures. As presented in Chapter 2, the EOSES defines four basic layers: Application Layer, 103 Interface Layer, Management Layer, and the Knowledge Repository Layer. The initial version of the application includes basic features and functionality for the EOSES. Figure 19 shows the initial class structure for this application. Figure 19. Simplified Class Diagram for DDNA DTV Prototype 1.0 The UserInterface provides the user with the movie recommendation interface that shows movie suggestions, and allows the user to choose movies to watch. As the user keeps selecting and watching movies, Integrator starts to collect the user’s movie 104 choices, and sends this information to Prognoser. The Prognoser then abstracts and captures the user’s movie-viewing experience. Once this system has more than a certain amount (which is configurable) of the user’s movie-viewing experience, it reorganises the movie recommendation interface to suggest movies according to the previous gained experience. 5.3.2 Simulation and Experiments At this very initial stage, the prototype is designed to capture the viewer’s watching preference for movie type only, and reuse captured experience for movie suggestions. To test this prototype, a set of experiments was made in a simulation environment in Java TV SDK. The assumption is that there are five types of movies, namely action, adventure, animation, comedy, and crime. Each movie is recognised by its type and an ID number, for example Action1, Comedy2 and there are 20 movies for each type. At the beginning, the system recommends movies by movie type equally: two movies for each movie type (see Figure 20). Figure 20. Screenshot of the Default Movie Suggestion Interface 105 Figure 21. A SOEKS of a Watched Movie As the viewer watches movies, the system captures the viewer’s movie-viewing experience which is carried by seven variables: Movie Name, Director, Watch Date, Watch Time, Ranking, Type, and Viewer. Movie Name and Director are used to indicate which movie the viewer watched. Watch Day and Watch Time store date and time when the movie is watched. Ranking shows how the viewer liked the movie. 106 Type illustrates what kind of movie it is. Viewer saves the name of user. These seven variables are gathered and organized by the Integrator and then sent to the Prognoser; and finally, they are stored as a SOEKS in XML format (see Figure 21). Once the system has more than ten SOEKSs (this number is configurable), it begins to analyse the viewer’s movie-viewing preference, and gives the viewer better recommendations according to analysed settings. In the experiments, a viewer is set as: Tom who likes to watch action movies every Saturday night as shown in Table 3. Table 3. Tom’s Movie Viewing Records Movie Name Watch Day Watch Time Ranking Type Action1 Saturday 19:35 7 Action Action2 Saturday 20:02 9 Action Action3 Saturday 20:13 8.5 Action Action4 Saturday 19:42 8.7 Action Action5 Saturday 21:07 8.6 Action When the Prognoser recommends new movies to Tom, it retrieves Tom’s previous movie-viewing experience from the Decisional DNA Repository, and analyses the experience according to system settings. In this experiment, the system is set to recommend a movie based on the preference order of movie types, and what day in a week the viewer usually watches them. As mentioned above, every time, the system recommends 10 movies to Tom. After learning from Tom’s movie-viewing experience, the system starts to reallocate the quota of each type of movie for the new 10-movie recommendation list: it adds 107 more movies in from Tom’s preferred movie types, while reducing the amount of movies from those types that Tom does not like. Equation (1) demonstrates how the system allocates the quota for each movie type in the new movie recommendation list. N = ( T × 100 / D + 5 ) / 10 (1) N represents how many movies should be recommended from a certain movie type; T represents how many movies have been watched from a certain movie type on a specific weekday; D represents the total amount of watched movies on that weekday. For example, Tom watched 11 movies in total on Saturdays, and 5 of these movies were action movies. Therefore, there should be five action movies in the next recommendation list: (5 × 100 / 11 + 5) / 10 = 5. As assumed, during a few weeks of capturing experience, the system learns and knows that Tom watched 5 action movies, 2 adventure movies, 1 animation movie, 2 comedy movies, and 1 crime movie on Saturdays. As a result, the system will recommend 5 action movies, 2 adventure movies, 1 animation movie, 2 comedy movies, and 1 crime movie to him for the coming Saturdays. Figure 22 shows a screenshot of this newly generated movie recommendation list for Tom. As the experiment results show, the DDNA DTV prototype 1.0 is capable of capturing and reusing its viewer’s movie-viewing experiences. Most importantly, the prototype shows that the EOSES can be applied to digital TV, and enable better user experience of watching TV, as well as potential enhanced TV services. 108 Figure 22. A Newly Generated Movie Recommendation List for Tom Since the concept of EOSES research is at its early stage, and the main concern of developing this prototype is to test and demonstrate EOSES’s five main features. Therefore, this application is very initial, and only examined in a simulation environment. In the next version, the EOSES is applied to live TV, which makes the prototype more practical. 5.4 DDNA DTV Prototype 2.0 Based on the initial experimental prototype introduced in section 5.3, the DDNA DTV prototype 2.0 was developed. In previous experiments, the five main features of the EOSES were first examined. However, the initial prototype was not fully developed, which only supported very basic movie-viewing experience management, and did not apply to live TV viewing. This section presents the further developed version of the prototype called DDNA DTV 2.0 along with its implementation and 109 experiments. 5.4.1 Application Description In this version of the prototype, EOSES is applied to live TV viewing, which provides live TV viewers smart assistance while watching TV. It can suggest interesting channels to the viewer according to the viewer’s past TV viewing experience; also it reminds the viewer to watch upcoming programmes/shows that the viewer usually watches. This research extension explores the possibilities and the practical implementations for applying EOSES to digital live TV on Android based embedded systems (Android 2012). Android is a software stack that consists of a Linux-based operating system, a set of key applications, and middleware (Android 2012). While Android is primarily designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, its nature of open and customizable architecture allows Android to be used on many other electronics systems and products (Android Authority 2012). Smart TV is a very good example of the above usage (Steve 2012). Since Google launched its smart TV product – Google TV (Google 2012), increasingly more TV manufacturers have entered this field with their products: Samsung (2012), LG (2012), and Panasonic (2012), just to mention a few. However, none of these smart TV products applies intelligent techniques to support viewer’s decision-making process, and most of them even do not assist live TV playback. Actually they are more like larger-sized Android tablets rather than TV sets. To change the above perception the DDNA DTV 2.0 is thus designed and developed, which represents the first step in an attempt of adding “intelligence” into 110 this field. 5.4.2 System Design Following the previous prototype, the second version was mainly developed on functionality for smart management of users’ TV-viewing experiences. In order to make the DDNA DTV compatible with various TV systems, two new classes were designed and introduced into the DDNA DTV; these two classes are DDNATVServer class and DDNATVClient class. With these two classes, the prototype 2.0 can work as an open API that enables developers to apply DDNA DTV technology to their TV products, offering knowledge management services to their users. Moreover, the DDNARManager class was defined and implemented in this version of the prototype. Figure 23 presents a simplified class diagram that contains new functionality for the new experimental prototype. The features for smart experiential knowledge management were implemented in the EOSES’s four layers defined in Chapter 2. The DDNATVClient class is the interface for accessing DDNA DTV services. By importing DDNATVClient class and creating an instance of it, third-party software is ready to use the services provided by the DDNA DTV. For reminding the user to watch preferred programmes/shows, the third-party software can also create an instance of the DDNATVServer class, which will send a programme suggestion notification to the user’s device when an upcoming programme was often previously watched. 111 Figure 23. Simplified Class Diagram for DDNA DTV Prototype 2.0 Through DDNATVClient and DDNATVServer classes, the third-party software is able to access DDNA DTV’s experiential knowledge management services. As a consequence, the third-party software can capture its users’ TV-viewing experience, and reuse this experience for smart programme suggestions. 5.4.3 Implementation and Experiments The second prototype was developed using Java 6 with Android NDK (Native Development Kit) in Eclipse, and implemented on a Toshiba Shriving Android tablet (PCWorld 2012). Currently, there are some technique difficulties for receiving and playing live TV directly on Android devices (Sven 2012). Some complex API is essential for using DTV tuners, but API is not standardized for Android devices; also, there are no DTV features included in Android Java API (Vidakovic et al. 112 2012). Thus, instead of plugging a DTV receiver directly in an Android device, we use a laptop to work with the DTV receiver. By running DTV streaming server software, the received TV stream is processed and broadcasted to a local network. Finally, the DTV streaming client running on the Android tablet receives and plays the TV stream through the WIFI (see Figure 24). Figure 24. Implementation of the DDNA DTV Prototype 2 In this implementation, a Hauppauge Nova-T USB TV stick (Hauppauge 2012) is used to receive the digital TV signal. It works with TVHeadend (2012) DTV streaming server on a laptop. The TVHeadend streams the received digital TV content to the local network. At the Android side, we use the DDNA DTV-combined TVHGuide (2012) to receive and play DTV streams on the Toshiba Shriving tablet running the Android 3.2 operating system. The TVHGuide is a client for the DTV streaming server – TVHeadend. It is an open-source Android application developed in Java language. Because both DDNA DTV and TVHGuide are developed in Java language, it is not hard to make them work together: by importing the DDNA DTV into TVHGuide project, and instantiating the objects of DDNATVClient class and DDNATVServer class of DDNA DTV in TVHGuide, the TVHGuide is ready to communicate with the DDNA DTV. 113 It took several weeks to capture the viewer’s TV watching experience during the experiment, and more than 60 SOEKSs were initially captured. The DDNA DTV captured the viewer’s TV watching experience by storing each single TV watching event. A single TV watching event was taken as the viewer watched a channel for more than ten minutes. And there were nine variables recorded for each single TV watching event: Channel ID, Channel Name, Programme, Watch Day, Start Time, End Time, Type, Description, and Viewer. Channel ID and Channel Name indicates which channel was watched. Programme stored the name/title of the program. Watch Day recorded the day of week the channel was watched. Start Time and End Time stored the start and stop time of the program. Type illustrated the type of program. Description stored the introduction of the program. Viewer saved the name of the user. Once a single TV watching event was taken, those variables were gathered and sent to the Prognoser by the Client from TVHGuide; then, Prognoser generated SOEKS statements, and sent the SOEKS statements to the DDNA Repository Manager; eventually, this TV watching event was stored as a SOEKS in XML format similar to the SOEKS introduced in section 5.3. When there is SOEKS in the repository, the DDNA DTV begins to analyse the viewer’s watching habits, and suggests programs that the viewer usually watches. In particular, Prognoser retrieves those stored watching experiences from the Decisional DNA Repository according to Watch Day and it collects all the SOEKS with the same Watch Day value. Then, it analyses and sorts those experiences by Start Time. After that, it calculates the similarities of the Start Time between each SOEKS, and finds out the most watched program for a certain time period. The similarity is a 114 value used to illustrate how similar two Variables are; if the value is closer to zero, the two Variables are more similar (Sanin & Szczerbicki 2009a). At the end, according to current time, the Prognoser generates a next-12-hour programme guide consisting of five most watched programs to the viewer (see Figure 25). Figure 25. The Next-12-hour Programme Guide This guide only appears when DDNA DTV is starting up. In the meantime, the TVHGuide is loading a channel list from local network; hence the background is black. When the channel list is loaded, the viewer is capable of choosing any channel he/she wants to watch. Figure 26 shows a screenshot of the interface of TVHGuide with a channel list loaded. 115 Figure 26. Screenshot of the Interface of TVHGuide with a Channel List Loaded 116 Furthermore, the DDNA DTV 2.0 also enables TVHGuide to remind the viewer to watch the suggested upcoming programmes. Figure 27 shows a notification sent by the DDNA DTV to remind the viewer that there will be a preferred programme on another channel while live TV is playing. Figure 27. A Programme Notification Sent by DDNA DTV While Live TV Is Playing 5.5 DDNA DTV Prototype 3.0 In the latest version of the prototype, the DDNA DTV is combined with the TVHGuide, and implemented on a Toshiba Shriving Android tablet. This prototype enables TVHGuide to capture the user’s live TV viewing experience, and reuse such experience to suggest programmes to the user. Based on the prototype 2.0, in the third version of the prototype for the DDNA DTV (DDNA DTV 3.0), functionality 117 of uncertainty modelling and human reasoning is developed. Fuzzy logic deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than exact and fixed. By applying fuzzy logic technology to DDNA DTV, human reasoning can be introduced to DDNA DTV’s knowledge-related processes enabling uncertainty modelling and providing better inference results. This section presents the DDNA DTV 3.0 along with its initial implementation that generates the television user’s profile utilising of fuzzy logic. A user profile refers to the user’s basic information, such as gender, age principles, and profession. By using the generated user profile, DDNA DTV services can be improved in many ways, like customized and adaptable programme suggestions, classified experience sharing, and tailored advertising. 5.5.1 Fuzzy Logic The concept of fuzzy logic began with the 1965 proposal of fuzzy sets by Zadeh (1965). Rather than exact and fixed values used in traditional logic theory, where binary sets have only two values (i.e. true and false), fuzzy logic may have many values in a range between 0 and 1. Therefore, fuzzy logic is most suitable for modelling the uncertainty in human reasoning, e.g. warm, small. There are three fundamental concepts in fuzzy logic theory, namely fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, and possibility distributions (Du & Swamy 2006). Let U be a collection of values between 0 and 1, which could be discrete or continuous. U is called the universe of discourse, or simply the universe, and u represents the generic element of U. Fuzzy Set: a fuzzy set F in a universe U is determined by its membership function (MF) μF where μF (x) ∈ [0, 1]. 118 F = � �u, µF (u)�� u ∈ U } (2) A fuzzy set can also be represented by F=� ∑ni=0 ∫U µF (ui ) ui µF(u) u , , if U is discrete (3) if U is continuous Linguistic Variable: a linguistic variable is a variable whose value can be defined quantitatively using an MF and qualitatively using a linguistic term (Du & Swamy 2006). For example, the speed of a car is a linguistic variable, whose value can be slow, moderate, and fast. Possibility Distribution: a possibility distribution is the elastic constraint on the possible values of the variable imposed when a linguistic variable is assigned to a fuzzy set. Fuzzy logic is an effective tool for modelling the uncertainty in human reasoning. In fuzzy logic, the knowledge of human beings is codified by means of linguistic IFTHEN rules that build up the fuzzy inference systems (FISs). FISs can be used in many areas such as in data analysis, control and signal processing. 5.5.2 Application Description Based on the previous version, two new concepts, i.e. User Profile and User Group Classification, are introduced to the DDNA DTV 3.0 in order to enable knowledge sharing among users with similar viewing interests, and assist users to adapt to new DTV systems (such as when users move from one place/country to another). As already discussed, the user profile refers to the user’s basic information, 119 such as gender, age, and profession. As Comstock et al. (1978) claimed that users with a similar profile tend to have similar viewing interests and behaviours. Reversing this logic, the DDNA DTV creates the user’s profile from their viewing patterns. For example, if a user who watches TV usually on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., this user can be determined to be a househusband/housewife, because it looks like this user doesn’t need to work outside the house. Thus, the user group classification can be generated. Once the users have been classified, their viewing patterns can be compared with other users with similar profiles, and viewing suggestions can be made. For instance, if User A is classified as a housewife, User A will contribute her TV viewing experience to the Housewife group; additionally, User A will get TV programme suggestions from the Housewife group. Furthermore, the User Profile and the User Group Classification can help new users quickly adapt to a TV network through group experience sharing. Aside from these, there is also potential for tailored advertising. 5.5.3 Implementation and Initial Tests To apply fuzzy logic technology to the DDNA DTV 3.0, the fuzzy inference system (FIS) is introduced. The FIS is a systematic framework that uses fuzzy rules to map between inputs and outputs, in which the data flow usually goes through three procedures, namely Fuzzification, Fuzzy Inference, and Defuzzification (see Figure 28) (Du & Swamy 2006). 120 Figure 28. The Architecture of a Fuzzy Inference System First, the input data is converted into suitable linguistic values or fuzzy sets in Fuzzification. Then, the Fuzzy Inference process performs simulation of human reasoning based on its Rule Base and Data Base. The Rule Base defines the mapping relationship between inputs and an output using linguistic terms; also, it describes reasoning policy by a set of linguistic IF-THEN logic. While in the Data Base, necessary definitions of linguistic control rules and fuzzy data manipulation are addressed (Du & Swamy 2006; Zadeh 1965). Finally, the Defuzzification produces a crisp output for further use. The core task of fuzzification is constructing an accurate membership function (Du & Swamy 2006). In the DDNA DTV 3.0, TV audience related studies (Comstock et al. 1978) are used to make the first attempt. By measuring when, what, and how long per week a user usually watches TV, the users can be divided into four groups: Children, Teenagers, Men, and Women. In the implementation of the DDNA DTV 3.0, the jFuzzyLogic (2012), a fuzzy logic tool that allows for intuitive use of fuzzy logic in Java based projects is used as the FIS. After setting up the membership function according to studies carried out by Comstock et al. (1978), the DDNA DTV 3.0 is capable of generating the fuzzy User 121 Profile and creating the User Group Classification for its user. In the initial tests, an assumed user, Jerry, mimics how a child watches TV. After capturing Jerry’s TV viewing experience for several weeks, the DDNA DTV generates a fuzzy User Profile for Jerry. Figure 29 shows one of the results of the fuzzification tests. As the charts illustrates, according to Jerry’s viewing patterns, the DDNA DTV ascribes Jerry to the ‘Children’ category. And Jerry’s User Profile could be like: Children = 20.26; Teenagers = 9.71; men = 3.99; women = 3.99. Figure 29. Results of the Fuzzification Tests 5.6 Summary In this chapter, the case study of applying EOSES to digital TV is presented. According to the features of digital TV, an EOSES application, called Decisional DNA DTV, is designed and developed under the EOSES Stand-alone Model, and based on the EOSES conceptual 4-layer architecture. Three prototypes are introduced 122 during the development of the DDNA DTV, and for each prototype, there are implementation and experiments details outlined. Firstly, a theoretical background on digital TV and Interactive TV is introduced at the beginning of this chapter, along with some platforms and approaches aiming for TV services enhancement. Secondly, the application of EOSES applied to digital TV is explained with its system architecture. Then, by following section 2, three sections illustrating three experimental prototypes and test results for DDNA DTV are presented: In the prototype one, the DDNA DTV is initially implemented and simulated with Java TV, called DDNA DTV 1.0. This prototype captures and reuses the user’s movie-viewing experience to provide smart movie recommendations. In prototype two, the DDNA DTV is developed to be more practical: it is able to work with third-party TV products, and provide them with TV programme suggestion capability by capturing and reusing users’ live TV viewing experience. This prototype is implemented and tested on a Toshiba Shriving tablet with the thirdparty software TVHGuide in live TV playing environment. In the prototype three, fuzzy logic technology is introduced to enable human reasoning and uncertainty modelling for DDNA DTV. In the experiential implementation, two new concepts, i.e. User Profile and User Group Classification, are added to the DDNA DTV 3.0 in order to enable fast user adaptability and grouporiented knowledge sharing: by using fuzzy logic methods, this prototype can generate user profile and group the user according to its profile. On the other hand, by using user profile, the user can adapt to new TV systems quickly by getting TV 123 programme suggestions from users with similar user profiles. In short, this chapter presents the case study of the EOSES Stand-alone Model, and illustrates the EOSES’s features of Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability, and Configurability through different prototype implementations. 124 6 Conclusions and Future Work Knowledge as a valuable asset is becoming steadily important for organizations and individuals. It helps organizations and individuals adapt rapidly and react properly to today’s dynamic environment. Knowledge Management (KM) is the discipline to enable organizations, and individuals more collectively and systematically capture, store, apply and share their knowledge, to achieve their goals. In recent years, embedded systems have been built increasingly powerful, and have become widely involved in knowledge-related activities. Through collecting 125 and processing data from activities while we use these devices, valuable information and knowledge can be obtained. By reusing this knowledge, organizations and individuals can learn from past activities to improve their performance in future similar situations. Moreover, these devices also can reuse knowledge to assist its user in making more accurate and effective decisions, by adapting quickly to new situations. However, as mentioned in chapter 1 and chapter 2, there are three common problems for applying previous proposed KM technologies to embedded systems, i.e. 1) they are too specific, 2) they do not have standard knowledge representation, and 3) they lack information sharing and exchange capabilities. Therefore, a new solution is required to improve existing solutions and support mass customized autonomous mechanisms on embedded systems. In this document, I propose the ExperienceOriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) as a technology capable of achieving this purpose. 6.1 Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) The Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is proposed as a new alternative to support knowledge management for daily operations, especially on embedded systems. This is achieved by incorporating with the Smart Knowledge Management System (SKMS) proposed by Sanin and Szczerbicki (2008a). The EOSES is designed as a new KM technology platform that allows its domain of operation to capture experiential knowledge from day-to-day operations, and then reuse the knowledge to improve the domain’s performance in similar situations. 126 Knowledge in the EOSES is stored as SOEKS, and organized as Decisional DNA. This experience-oriented platform is mainly based on principles of Embedded Systems, IT, and Knowledge Management. The objective behind this research is to offer large-scale support for intelligent, autonomous, and coordinated KM on various embedded systems. As introduced in chapter 2 and chapter 3, the EOSES is engaged with five main features in order to archive KM on different embedded systems. These five main features are Experience-Oriented, Adaptability and Cross-platform Portability, Compactness and Efficiency, Configurability, and Security and trust. All these features are carried by a conceptual four-layer architecture of EOSES, which is composed of Application Layer, Interface Layer, Management Layer, and Knowledge Repository Layer. Through these four layers in the conceptual architecture, the EOSES is able to integrate different organizational processes and various devices as an organic system, and make extensive use of experience-oriented knowledge management to provide appropriate autonomous capabilities to embedded systems. 6.2 Achievements Overview In order to bring ‘intelligence’ to embedded systems, and make a contribution to the fields of KM and IT, a series of objectives are proposed in chapter 1 of this thesis. The main goal of the EOSES is to develop a smart platform that would support decision-making activities for embedded systems through gaining knowledge by experiencing day-to-day operations. The major contribution of this research is highlighted as the creation of such a 127 platform for different embedded systems to capture, evolve, and share the experience of every decision made, as well as proposing an approach which can solve the previous mentioned three common problems encountered by applying previous existing KM solutions to embedded systems: 1) EOSES is not bound to a specific kind of embedded system, it supports KM on various embedded systems; 2) EOSES uses standard knowledge representation, i.e. SOEKS and Decisional DNA proposed by Maldonado Sanin (2007); and 3) EOSES supports knowledge sharing and knowledge exchange among similar or different embedded systems. A key difference with traditional approaches is that ‘knowledge’ inside the EOSES is based upon the idea of Formal Decision Events presented by Sanin & Szczerbicki (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2008a), which is extracted from capturing the constant interaction between users and the software applications they use on a daily basis. In other words, ‘knowledge’ in the EOSES is obtained from embedded systems’ own experiences rather than from experts or from documents. That is why it is called ‘experience-oriented’. The feature of learning-by-itself from own experience also allows EOSES to be built independent, general, and applicable for most embedded systems because most embedded systems have their own processes from which knowledge can be extracted. But, how does the EOSES support embedded systems for capturing, storing, and evolving experience? This experience-oriented approach follows the macroprocesses defined by the SKMS (Sanin and Szczerbicki 2008a) to extract experiential knowledge from a variety of embedded and mobile applications based on daily 128 operations, and integrates it into the system. All the experiences are stored in the respective knowledge bases, as shown by the experimental prototypes outlined in chapter 4 and chapter 5. Moreover, thanks to the domain independence and flexibility provided by the SOEKS (Sanin, Mancilla-Amaya, Szczerbicki, and CayfordHowell 2009), the SOEKS could be tailored so that mass customization becomes possible in the EOSES. As presented in chapter 4 and chapter 5, EOSES is applied to two totally different embedded systems that have different design, different hardware, and different software, pursuing different goals. Another achievement of the research presented in this thesis is the proposal of two conceptual models of EOSES. Based on the variety of embedded systems, the EOSES has two conceptual models, i.e. server-based model and stand-alone model; which allow the EOSES to be applied to different embedded systems, and meet with different system requirements. In chapter 4, a case study of applying EOSES to robotics is given. By using the server-based model, the EOSES can work with a set of embedded systems and integrate information sent by these embedded systems to the server for further processing. While in chapter 5, the stand-alone model is presented, which deals with applications running on single embedded systems. By using these two conceptual models, the EOSES is applicable for most embedded systems in most situations. In addition, the introduction of fuzzy logic technology brings to EOSES the capability of human reasoning and uncertainty modelling. This can potentially improve the inference performance of the EOSES. In section 5.5 of chapter 5, an 129 initial experimental prototype is presented, in which fuzzy logic is used to stereotype and classify the user so that a series of services is enabled. 6.3 Future Work Throughout this section, the guidelines for future work have been sketched by analysing the platform’s initial goal and the platform’s current achievements. As a result, a series of future research, improvements, and extensions can be completed. The first step towards the improvement of the EOSES is development of the remaining elements for the EOSES: as proposed in chapter 3, there should be four Managers in the Management Layer, i.e. Configuration Manager, Plug-In Manager, Protocol Manager, and EOSES Manager. However, in the initial stage of development of the EOSES, these four elements are yet to be created. Continuous development will allow for a complete deployment of such platform on a large-scale, which can bring mass autonomous functionality to various embedded systems without significant modification of embedded software. Also, the development of these four elements will allow for mass customization and flexibility of applying the EOSES technology to other platforms and other technologies. With the help of these four managers, developers can define their own protocols, create new plug-ins, expand the functionality of the EOSES, and configure the EOSES more easily and flexibly. Additionally, given the prospect of advancement of mobile devices, wireless networking, and Cloud Computing, another idea for future work is the connection and integration of the EOSES applications using wireless networking and Cloud 130 Computing technologies. This will improve the platform by facilitating knowledge gathering and sharing among every possible source, and will allow users to access the platform’s functionality anywhere and anytime. For example, a normal user nowadays could have many devices that provide multimedia services: the user could watch online videos through smartphones, watch TV show episodes on tablets, and watch live TV programmes on TV sets. By using Cloud Computing technology, the knowledge about the user’s TV viewing preference on different devices could be shared among each other so that more precise and sufficient knowledge about the user’s TV viewing preference can be gathered. Also, this knowledge then could be very easily used on the user’s newly bought devices. Furthermore, as knowledge is one kind of valuable asset, therefore, a market that trades knowledge as goods could form in the future. Work on this topic of knowledge sharing is currently being developed at the University of Newcastle (Mancilla-Amaya, Sanin, & Szczerbicki, 2010a), and the integration of such approach with the EOSES will make a greater contribution for the development of decision-support systems. Finally, as the EOSES is a technology approach that involves multiple technological aspects, the previously presented ideas are just a guideline for the future development of the EOSES, and are not intended to restrict the development of the platform. Hopefully, other researchers will find more opportunities and challenges for future work other than the ones exposed in this thesis. 131 ANNEXES Annex 1. Class Diagram for Line Follower 132 Annex 2. SOEKS Class Diagram for Line Follower 133 Annex 3. A Sample SOEKS for Line Follower 134 Annex 4. Class Diagram for DDNA DTV 2 135 Annex 5. API Class Diagram for DDNA DTV 2 136 Annex 6. SOEKS Class Diagram for DDNA DTV 2 137 Annex 7. 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