FDL Humane Society Wish List
FDL Humane Society Wish List
Thank you to the Heritage Circle for hosting Fellowship Hour today. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT COVENANT! Scouts popcorn and wreath sale in narthex Sun., October 13 Mon., October 14 9:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Choir Practice—Choir Room 9-10:45 am Kindermusik 4:30 pm Tops—FH 6:00 pm Friends of Taylor Park—Parlor 7:00 pm Endowment Committee—Choir Room Tues. October 15 Wed., October 16 Ark Deadline 5-6:45 pm Kindermusik 7:00 pm Scout—FH 9:30 am Small Group Study—Choir Room 6:30 pm Small Group Study—Choir Room Thurs., October 17 No events scheduled Fri., October 18 No events scheduled Sat., October 19 No events scheduled Sun., October20 Popcorn and Wreath Sales in narthex 9:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Choir Practice—Choir Room Sunday Traditional Service: 8:30 am Transistor Hearing Assist for worship--ask usher Fellowship Hour: After the service for refreshments in Fellowship Hall Rides: Free transportation to and from all Covenant Events. We wish no one to be left out… Covenant will give you a lift. So please call one day in advance to arrange a ride with Quality Cab 929-8888. Charge the ride to Covenant. FOR THE CHILDREN! We offer Sunday School September-May. Godsongs during the service. Christian Education : Grades Pre K-5 and Youth Education: Grades 6-12 Nursery is available during 8:30 am worship and education times for children 0-4 years old. It is located on the lower level of the education building. Nursery Staff: AnnaRose Austin and Karen Jewson Ushers: Head Usher: Bill Kelley; Marilyn Stillings and Chuck Kilmer Attendence: 140 2113 Budget—$303,124.00 Designated: $407.33 Undesignated: $10,019.00 Mission—World Communion: $260.15 Our Mission is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. PRAYER CONCERNS Sue Grahl, Dave Olson, Ann Seibel, Phyllis Weider, Kevin Stillings, Gus Gustavus, Evelyn Smith, Maura Daniels (daughter—Bob O’Hagan’s), Kris & Scott (children of Sandy Thern), Feonia Lynch (Donna Depies), Vida Kiersten, Carol Martin, Jeff Gustavus, Yolanda Mason, Barb Abitz, Karla Kahlhammer, Altine Lawrence, Taisha Schmitz, Sandy Petermann, Grandson (Dick Welch), Red LaPlante, Aaron Sampson (Grandson of Nancy Miller), Bev Beekman, Elisabeth (Granddaughter—Darci Moore), Donna Handley, Shirley Seresse, Donna Born, Dean Oulton, Patricia Berry (Sister—Gary Miller), Earl Averbeck, and Larry Born, Ethel Gustavus, Linda (Cousin—Nancy Miller), Leroy (Brother—Nancy Miller), Miriam Olmsted, Kathy Rabe (daughter—Donna Handley), Dave Krueger, Jack Krueger (Brother—Dave Krueger), Margaret Erickson—St. Francis Home. October 13, 2013 All our unspoken prayer concerns… Requesting a Pastoral Visit If you are seeking a pastoral visit, or if you know someone in need of a pastoral visit, please contact the church office. Perhaps you are shut-in or know someone who is hospitalized. A call is all it takes to make Michael aware of your needs. PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS Doug Wolf Nicholas King Isaac Jewson Jeremy Kim Alex Schaefer FDL Humane Society Wish List #1 - Homes for Animals Dog, cat, or kitten related items —new/ used Sturdy Dog Toys (Kong) Peanut Butter Kitty Litter (non-clumping/regular) Cheese Whiz Purina Cat and Kitten Chow Plain Yogurt Chicken or Turkey Baby Food (human) Dog Treats Toys and Cat Trees Easy-Walk Harnesses Kitten Milk Replacer Durable Leashes Pellet Rabbit Food Kuranda Dog Beds Timothy Hay Bedding and Litter (no pine or cedar) Bleach, Q-tips, Band-aids, First Aid Supplies, Rubbing Alcohol, Laundry Detergent, Garbage Bags (20 gal. or larger), Dawn Dish Soap, Heavy Duty Mop Heads, Paper Towels, Sandwich Bags (ziplock or fold top), Small Paper plates and Paper Cups, Copy Paper, and Stamps Welcome to our services! Please take a moment to sign the attendance pad at the end of the pew. We certainly hope you will find our worship service to be an uplifting and pleasurable experience and that you will worship with us again soon! Guests be sure to stop at the information desk in the Narthex and receive a coffee cup and a newsletter. You are invited for coffee after the service! STAFF—Pastor: Rev. Michael Morning Music Ministries, Helen Gilsdorf Choir Director, Jennifer Jensen Administrative Assistant : Linda Sperbeck; Custodian: Barb King The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost October 13, 2013 Ringing the Bell and Lighting the Candles Welcome and Announcements (Please sign the attendance pads.) • Hymn #2272 (in supplement): “Holy Ground” We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around: let us praise Jesus now; we are standing in his presence on holy ground. • Call to Worship Psalm 66:8-12 Jenna Roth L: Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of God’s praise be heard, who has kept us among the living, and has not let our feet slip. P: For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. L: You brought us into the net; you laid affliction on our loins; P: you let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us forth to a spacious place. Hymn #152: “I Sing the Almighty Power of God” Godsongs Shelli Dekker A Time for Prayer O let the Son of God enfold you with his Spirit and his love. Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let him have the things that hold you and His spirit like a dove will descend upon your life and make you whole. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. (CCLI#1592322) Hymn of Preparation #140: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Scripture Lesson Jeremiah 31:27-34 “Faithful One” Selah A Moment for Mission The Offering Shelby & Jennifer Jensen Helen Gilsdorf “El-Shaddai” Jenna Roth Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Recessional Hymn: #381 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” Benediction (arr. J. Schrader) Marge Miller & Helen Gilsdorf Tuesday, October 15 10:30 am-7:00 pm Immanuel-Trinity 20 Wisconsin American Dr., FDL $12 (11-adult) $6 (ages 5-10) 4 and under free This event includes crafts & baked goods for sale and a theme basket raffle. Proceeds help local and worldwide ministries. Behold, I Stand At The Door and Knock Walking through Doors of Opportunity World Community Day 2013 Friday, November 1 1:30 pm Church Of Our Savior Sponsored by Church Women United “A Closing Prayer” The time has come, O Lord, for us to leave this place; guide us and protect us and lead us in thy grace. Wherever life may take us as we go our sep’rate ways, help us share with others the things we’ve shared today. May the peace of God the Father, and the love of Christ, His Son, guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us, each one. May the blessings of the spirit fill us from within; God bless us and return us to this fellowship once again. (Shawnee Press, Inc.©1978,onelicense.net#A-714020) Postlude “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” arr. Bober Helen Gilsdorf Jenna Roth (Today’s loose offering is for the ministry of the UMCOR-Syria. Remember, a little goes a long way.) Offertory FALL FESTIVAL Offertory Prayer: We are thankful to be your people, O God. May these gifts and the way we live become an open invitation for all whom we meet. Bless and expand our sharing through these offerings, even as we pray by saying: Closing Hymn Hymn #347 “Spirit Song” verse 1 Sermon Meditation • Doxology #95 • L: The Lord be with you. P: And also with you. L: Lift up your hearts. P: We lift them up to the Lord. L: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. P: It is right to give thanks and praise. The flowers adorning the altar today are in memory of Carlton & Fern Roessler and Emerson & Evelyn Schley. Given by Marilynn & Rich Roessler. Thank you! There will be a new Kindermusik Village class starting on October 28th at Covenant. The new unit is called: “Do-Si-Do” and is for babies ages 0-18 mo. and their parent(s). Learn how to work on your baby’s total development! “Do-Si-Do” stimulates a wonderfully unique experience of rhythm and movement. Movement highlights include a Virginia Reel, a combination Tango/Cha-Cha and a move-to-it poem. This units’ set of At Home Materials includes: Baby’s Literature Book, Home CD, Art Banner, and a scarf and egg shaker. Kindermusik classes are offered internationally, and here, in FDL, at a very reasonable price. All FDL Kindermusik classes are held at Covenant United Methodist Church in the Covenant Kids room. All active members of Covenant U.M.C. receive a discount. Class size is limited…so register soon. Give your child the gift that lasts a lifetime…the gift of music! For more details or to find out when you and your child could come and visit a class for free, call Debra Potratz at 923-1554 (e-mail: debpotratz@ msn.com).
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church office. Perhaps you are shutin or know someone who is hospitalized. A call is all it takes to make
Michael aware of your needs.