Bulletin 28th Feb 16
Bulletin 28th Feb 16
Information / Care Card Church Office: 6424 3389 [email protected] Rev. Scott Jones 0428 137 576 We’re glad you’ve been part of our worship time today. We’d like to get to know you better, or offer any assistance you may require. NAME [ ] I am/we are visiting [ ] I/we recently moved into the area [ ] I am/we are looking for a church family [ ] I am/we are re-connecting with a church family [ ] I am/we are a part of this church family ADDRESS PHONE DATE I would like to know more about: [ ] Discovering God [ ] Discovering Devonport Baptist [ ] Baptism and/or church Membership. [ ] Following through on what God has said to me today. [ ] Other Take a few moments to send someone a word of encouragement today. Tear off this section and either give to the person, or place in the box provided in the foyer (make sure you include the person’s name) and it will be delivered to them. TO: DATE: Discover Jesus Become Like Jesus Communicate Jesus’ Love 28th February, 2016 Leader: Dale Jones Speaker: Scott Jones Tue 10.00am - 1.00pm 2.00pm - 5.00pm Thur 10-00am - 1.00pm Fri 10.00am - 1.00pm Our pastors’ hours Scott is available Tues—Thursday Roger has returned from leave & is available Wed and Thurs. Morning Tea: D’rene McNab Please update your directory with the following details: Soliman: Sam & Joliana * NEW Address 12 Sorell Street Devonport 7310 *Add phone 0430 565 604 (Joliana) Give your tithe or pay Rehoch Support via direct deposit. the Church’s account details are: BSB—Branch 704922 Account no. 100007388. We thank God for the way he has used the Love in a Cup Ministry to fund clean water projects around the world. Pray for all those communities who have received a well, that God’s love will be experienced as they drink this living water. Marie Beh has been in Mersey Hospital having tests. Pray for her as she waits results, that she is at peace with the process. Guide the doctors as they treat her. THOSE WHO NEED OUR ONGOING PRAYERS Geoff Polden Dorothy Billing Vera Wilson Molly Wells June Bones Bill & Marjorie Lehman Kath Davies Elaine Woods & Family Dianne Saunders Chris & Janet Wheeler Russell & Dorothy Viney Senior Pastor: Scott Jones [email protected] 0428 137 576 Sunday 9.30am Prayer before Worship—in the Prayer Room 10.00am Worship Service 6.00pm Conversation & Coffee at Alway’s Home Wednesday 7.00pm A.A.—in the Lounge 7.30pm Sing Australia—Green Room Thursday 10.00am Chat’n’Choose—all halls 10.30am Laurel House—The Lounge 4.30pm Girls’ Biz—halls Friday 4.00pm 6.30pm One Voice Choir in auditorium J-Walkers—@ Sam’s Saturday 9am-3.30pm Days for Girls—in the Green Room & Kitchen Sunday 10.00am Worship Service—auditorium 3.00pm LifeWay Prayer—the Cafe Associate Pastor: Pastoral Care Roger Quilliam [email protected] Student Pastor: Sam Jordan (Youth & Young Adults) 0459 508 051 Pastoral Leadership Team (P.L.T.) Senior Pastor: Scott Jones Associate Pastor—Pastoral Care: Roger Quilliam Council Chairman: Randell Stott Ted Nibbs Church Council Senior Pastor Scott Jones Assoc. Pastor—Pastoral Care Roger Quilliam Chairman Randell Stott Administrator Rodney Steven [email protected] Treasurer David Brown Dale Jones Geoff Polden Heather Reid Peter Mountney www.devonportbaptists.org.au SAVE THE DATE 2 retreats have booked at Eagles’ Rise this year. 1st-3rd April 14th-16th October Invitations will be available 4 weeks before each retreat, but you may like to mark the dates in your diary as you ponder your spiritual priorities for deepening your relationship with Jesus in the upcoming year. Filled 5c containers can be given to George Devereux. Empty containers can be found in the Walkway. This year the World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday 4th March, 1.30pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, East Devonport. Child-friendly Bible Study Mondays, 10.00am At various locations Contact Meg Magupa: 0416 305 604 Young Adults Bible Study Adrian & Kelly Beswick 0438 253 111 Tuesdays @ 7.00pm Converge—Young Adults Sam 0459 508 051 3 Fordham Drive, Devonport Every 2nd Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Supper Provided Sharing, Prayer and Bible Study Bill Magor (6423 2773) at the Karingal Activities Room, Tuesday 10:00am Home Group—Jenny Mountney (6427 2057) Monday 7:30pm Each Sunday 9.30am in the Prayer Room Sunday 28th February, 2016 Pastor’s Workshop The TBPA Pastors Workshop will be at Citywide Lenah Valley on March 7 and 8. Registrations are now overdue. Church Revitalization Workshops 7:30-9pm on March 8 (Citywide Lenah Valley) and March 9 (Ulverstone Baptist) there will be a Church Revitalization Workshop with Karl Faase. Contact Pastor Stephen Hendrick on 6425 6306 for further details and check out the video at https://www.dropbox.com/ s/80hp42t084td5tf/Church% 20Revitalisation%20Workshop% 20Promo.mp4?dl=0 Uni Semester 1 has started Please pray for students who have recently moved in order to study as they settle into a new environment and new routines. Pray also for returning students getting back into study mode. All our folding tables have been scrubbed clean and are looking great! Thanks to those who worked so hard. Now the task is to KEEP them that way. How? By wiping tables after use (even if you think they are clean, give them a wipe over) and if you are doing craft activities, make sure to cover the tables with a plastic table cloth. Pray for David Roffe as he continues his interim ministry at CityWide, Hobart. Pray, too, for Joy as she supports David in this role. Pray for our country’s asylum seeker policies, that we might find a solution with a good balance of taking care of Australia’s security while recognising the rights of those who are seeking asylum and treating them as dignified human beings worthy of respect and in need of safety. This Week Sunday 28th February 6.00 –7.00pm At Gwyn & Ruth Alway’s home Would you like to help women around the world who do not have access to feminine hygiene products? The Days for Girls program works to create a better future for girls by providing advocacy, reproductive health education and sustainable feminine hygiene products. The Devonport Group meets in the Green Room at LifeWay, on the first Saturday of the month from 9.30am. If you can sew, you can help make items for the hygiene kits. If you don’t sew, you can help with cutting, ironing and assembling the kits. The next DFG is next Saturday 6th March. Join us for our regular time of prayer for our fellowship & community, Next Sunday 6th March, 3.30pm-5.00pm in the Café (Green Room Foyer). Bible Society 2016 Project Launch Ulverstone—5th March 4pm-5.30pm Ulverstone Gospel Hall (1a Amherst St, Ulv) Contact 1300 242 537 for more details or [email protected] If anyone is interested in making some cold finger food for a Youth Retreat on 12th March please talk to Sam Jordan on 0459 508 051 www.devonportbaptists.org.au click on Sermons. PRAY DAILY News & prayer points from our DBC mission families The Hallams: WEC, Sydney Jess is working 3 days a week during school hours. Ben has been working with volunteers to beautify the WEC property & grounds, managing the Centre and facilitating prayer. Pray for the first Board meetings for the year 9-11 March—Jess is involved with minute-taking and catering. Pray for good health and SLEEP!! 48 Woodside Avenue West Strathfield, NSW 2135 [email protected] [email protected] The Magupas: ONA Network, Tanzania Ona has received a donation of 900 surgical sets to the Cataract Centre! Praise and Thanks to God. Frank travels to Tanzania at the end of Feb to be involved in the inauguration of the albino eye care project. Pray for a safe and productive trip. Chris & Amy are focusing on settling in, learning the language, the culture and to thrive for the long haul. PO Box 3197 Pray for them and the other members of the launch Birkdale 4159 team who training alongside them. J & E have started Chris: 0475 791 878 playgroup, but are struggling with the differing cultural Amy: 0413 569 559 expectations of behaviour. Pray they will continue to adjust to their new routines in class and feel more at home. Pray especially that J will have a desire to join in with music, singing and dancing & have fun! A fun time for Girls Friday nights 6.30pm—8.30pm at Sam’s house (3 Fordham Drive) For young people (grade 5-12) Most nights we have a heap of games and a study where we look at relevant and important topics. We also have regular socials, events and camps. Each Thursday during school terms 4.30pm—6.00pm In the Green Room kinder to grade 7 Contact Clare Parry for details 0427 262 615 2nd Wednesday of the month - 7pm-9pm For Young Adults (grade 10 & older) at 3 Fordham Drive Supper is provided Contact: Sam Jordan 0459 508 051 It’s all about Discovering Jesus, Becoming like Jesus and learning to Communicate his love. February / March ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS (Guide pp.29-31) Mon 29 Zambia and Zimbabwe faith leaders to live by Kingdom values. MARCH—K PEOPLE OF THE SILK ROAD AREA (Guide p.13) Tue 1 K people in the Silk Road Area will have the opportunity to hear the message of Jesus in a way they can understand. Wed 2 Those who have a hunger to learn more about following Jesus will be able to hear God’s voice. Thur 3 Insight for National Staff, Craig and Janie, as they attend a conference to develop sustainable partnerships. (3-4 Mar) Fri 4 Trust to continue to be built with the local people who are often suspicious about the team’s presence in the villages. Sat 5 Favour for the Silk Road team as they begin a new season of ministry with Ben & Petra and David & Eliza joining them. Sun 6 Connections in the K community to deepen so that opportunities to share Jesus’ love will open. The latest news from Chris and Amy and the Hallams is available in the Walkway Those of us who heard Rachel Pitchford’s challenging testimony of what God has been doing in her life, in Zambia will know about the story of Marvin Kasomo, and the CD produced of his music. If you would like to purchase a CD, they are available in the Church Office ($20). Sales of the CD will support Marvin’s family. To find out more about Marvin, take a leaflet from the foyer, or contact the office. Pray for Rachel as she continues to follow God’s leading in her life. Don Chorale presents Sir John Stainer’s “Crucifixion” Thursday 24th March 7.30pm at St. John’s Anglican Church (Fenton Street, Devonport) This program is being presented as a free Easter offering to the Christian Churches of Devonport and surrounding areas. This is a beautiful work featuring choir and soloists centred around the Crucifixion of Jesus. A thought provoking time of reflection during the Easter season. *our own Michael Rush & Meredith Stronach are members of Don Chorale—let’s support them.