
the Padma
March 2014
Web Edition
Our Vision
A Community Where Our Spiritual Life And True Self Can Be Realized
Our Mission
To Live A Life Of Joy In The Nembutsu And Share The Dharma With Others
the Padma
March 2014
2121 Channing Way, Berkeley, California 94704 (510) 841-1356
For temple matters, please contact Rev. Matsumoto at (510)841-1356, or leave a message
on the temple answering machine.
Temple web:
Temple e-mail: [email protected]
Gagaku Practice
11 am –1 pm
9:30 am Dharma Family &
Shotsuki Hoyo Service
Regular Dharma School Classes
Sangha Singers Practice
9:30 am Dharma Family &
Pet Memorial Service
Regular Dharma School Classes
Sangha Singers Practice
Crafts 10 am – 1 pm
Padma Articles Due
Temple Bd Mtg
7:30 pm
Social Hall & Old
9:30 am Spring Ohigan Service
& Potluck Luncheon
Padma Newsletter
6:30 pm
Social Hall & Old
Gagaku Practice
6 – 7:30 pm
Regular Dharma School Classes
Sangha Singers Sing
9:30 am Dharma Family Service
Crafts 10 am – 1 pm
Dharma School Activity in the
Social Hall
Bazaar Mtg.
Old Temple
7:00 pm
9:30 am Dharma Family Service
DS Hanamatsuri Practice
Sangha Singers Practice
March 2 - DFS & Shotsuki Hoyo
March 9 - DFS & Pet Memorial Service;
General Membership Meeting
March 16 - Spring Ohigan Service & Potluck
March 25 - Bazaar Meeting
April 6 - DFS & Shotsuki Hoyo
April 13 - Hanamatsuri & Hatsumairi Service
Seeking Memories from
Berkeley Buddhist Women’s Association Members
Please help us prepare for the Berkeley Buddhist Women’s Association’s upcoming 100th Anniversary on September 28, 2014. We would like to include any historical or personal memories you may have regarding BBWA members. They can be from your own experience as a BBWA member, something you remember about a BBWA event, a story about a relative’s experience, etc. It can be a fond or funny memory, or a sad or touching reminiscence. A picture to go with the story would be wonderful. We’d like to include your memories in our commemorative booklet. PLEASE KEEP IT FIFTY (50) WORDS AND UNDER. THE DEADLINE IS MAY 1. Send your comments and pictures to ATTN: BBWA Centennial Committee, Berkeley Buddhist Temple, 2121 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704 or e‐mail to Yukiko Otake at [email protected]. For more information please contact Caroline Fernandez or Yuki Otake at (510) 841‐1356.
Water: Our Precious, Humble Teacher
[Amida Buddha's] Vow of compassion .... is like the great waters, for it washes
away the scum of all blind passions. ... [It] dries up the ocean of ignorance and
causes beings to flow into the ocean of the Vow.1
WE OBSERVE OHIGAN twice a year—during the spring and fall equinox. Normally we
describe the days and nights as being equal in length and the weather as neither too hot nor too
cold. Thus Ohigan is usually a time when we can reflect on the ideal of harmony in nature, our
society and ourselves.
This year, however, I wonder if that will be the case. For unless we have a series of
monsoons very soon, it is certain that California will suffer its third straight year of drought.
Water rationing and conservation are sure to become necessary. We will all have to sacrifice, all
have to do with less. Yet, water politics are likely to get heated. Who's going to get enough
water? The farmers? The fisheries? The cities and factories? It's going to get heated. Things are
going to get messy. They may even get nasty. And what is so harmonious about that?
In times of drought, we must look upon water as a rare and precious resource. And, at times
like this, it is also very important that we look upon water as a valued teacher and guide. Let us
reflect upon these words of wisdom by the late Rev. Gyomay Kubose.2
In the sutras we find that the Buddha often uses the example of water. Water
changes its form according to the shape of the receptacle in which it is put, but it
never changes its essence or nature. ....
Water is very humble. It always seeks the lowest level. It never tries to be on top
or show off but goes to the bottom. .... Water is soft and meek, yet it has a very
dynamic power that can turn great dynamos and can break concrete walls and
dikes. .... Water does not pretend. When it gets hot enough, it becomes steam, and
what it gets cold enough, it freezes. ....
Water is the source of all life. Without it, there is no life. When things are wet, we
say "It is wet and messy" and we dislike it, but the very wetness is the important this
in life. So, in our life, many troubles and hardships are disliked things, but the very
troubles are life itself. It there is trouble, there is life.
The mind of Buddha is often said to be a great ocean-mind. Buddha's mind is large
enough to receive and accept all things and everything and purify them all, just as the
ocean receives all the dirty waters of rivers and purifies them all. If we have a great
ocean mind, we will take in all things and will not be upset by them. There is no
tension and no complex of any kind in the great ocean-mind. We can meditate much
on water, and, indeed, we can learn many things from it.
In the same sense, Shinran Shōnin likens Amida Buddha's Primal Vow to waters that can
wash away our greed, hatred and foolishness, and enable us to flow within the vast ocean of light
and life. May the coming drought become an opportunity for us to value and conserve water.
May we learn to protect and share that precious gift. And may we all be like water that, upon
entering the great ocean-mind, comes to realize true humility, harmony and joy.
Namu Amida Butsu
Rev. D. Matsumoto
March 2014
Shinran Shōnin, True Teaching, Practice and Realilzation, CWS, 100.
Gyomay M. Kubose, Everyday Suchness: Buddhist Essays on Everyday Living (Coarsegold: Dharma House Publications, 2008),
We begin this message by giving an overdue but heartfelt “Thanks” to the wonderful
crew that planned and worked on the 2014 New Year’s Day service and luncheon. It
takes many talented and dedicated members to once again guarantee its success.
Many thanks to Lena Yin for organizing and all the members and groups who helped
with activities. This includes but is not limited to the mochi crew led by Susan
Gabriel, Yuki Otake and Aki Nakao, who coordinated the preparation and making of
the mochi, to the Shinsakos and Takedas for the use of their mochi machines, and to
the great music crew led by Dii Lewis and the Sangha Singers. Also, thanks to those
who graciously donated raffle prizes. This was indeed a wonderful start to 2014.
The Dana Day Service, representing generosity or giving of oneself, was held
on February 16, followed by a delicious Bento lunch hosted by the BBWA. Thanks to
our guest speaker Rev. Dr. Daijaku Kinst for her wonderful dharma talks, and to the
BBWA for hosting such a successful event.
We also hope this edition arrives in time to promote the annual general
membership meeting scheduled as part of the Dharma Family Service on February
23. This is a forum to report on the general state of the BBT, 2013 accomplishments
and a look ahead. More importantly it provides an opportunity to hear membership
concerns and wish lists.
You will find in this month’s Padma specific details regarding BBT’s purchase
of the Oakland Chapel of the Chimes Community Urn Niche Site. Many thanks to
Gary Oda for shepherding this important issue thru to completion. You may also have
noticed that the window replacement project of the Old Temple is completed.
Hopefully, this adds to the aesthetics and provides for a more insulated building.
On the horizon are the annual BCA Ministers’ Association and National
Council Meetings to be held in Bellevue, WA, February 26 to March 1. BBT will
represent the Bay District with the Alameda, Enmanji, San Francisco, Oakland, San
Mateo, Palo Alto and SACBC Chapters. We will be reporting on significant issues
addressed in this conference.
It is not too early to mention that the 65th Annual Satsuki Bazaar is scheduled
for May 17-18, 2014. The major fundraising event for the Temple relies on the
generosity of the Berkeley Sangha and friends for its success. Committee members
are already hard at work planning for the event.
Takashi Nikaidoh and Ron Hiraga
BBT Co-Presidents 2014
March 2, 2014
9:30 am
Shotsuki Hoyo Service – March
2, 2014,
9:30 AM
Thomas Arima
Kimiyo S. Bloom
Satoru Fujikawa
Keiko I. Fukui
Masao Handa
James Hansen
Jinichi Hashizu
Kiyoshi Hataye
Toki Hataye
Tom T. Hataye
Shizuo Hiramoto
Sumi Irikin
Mitsue Ishizue
Thomas T. Kimura
James Kurata
Rev. Haruyoshi Kusada
Henry Kuwada
Chiyo Kuwai
Naoya Matoba
Frank T. Matsui
Shizuo Matoba
Yutaka Matoba
Glenn Matsunaga
Yoichiro Matsunaga
Seizo Mayeda
Aiko Miike
Yukito R. Nagahisa, Sr
Frank T. Nishikai
Denji Nakabayashi
Dean Muranishi
William Nakatani
Tokuo Nitta
Hayaji Oda
Kazuko Oda
Minoru Oki
Masami Oda
Misao H. Okano
Akira Okita
Chiyome Sakamoto
Etsu Sato
Judd M. Sato
Tokutaro Sato
Fusao Tagumi
Fujiye Takaha
Tametaro Takahashi
Wataru Takahashi
Akira Takemori
Haruko Takemori
Tsuneyo Tanaka
Hisayo Tasaki
Yukino Terazawa
Tomeko Tsuchihashi
Gregory Unno
Katsumi Unoki
Naoki Wakaye
Waki Wakaye
Kyo Waki
Kyujiro Waki
Mary Wakida
Tomo Watamura
Michizo Yokota
Bill Kiyoji Yokoyama
Hatsuyo Yokoyama
Takashi Yoshimura
Note: If there are any additions, corrections or deletions to the above list,
please notify the Berkeley Buddhist Temple at 510-841-1356.
Karma: On Reaping What You Sow
By Diane Ames
Karma is sometimes summed up with the phrase, “You reap what you sow.” Actually the results of karma,
whether the karma is good or bad, often seem like the results of sowing zucchini; you sow a few seeds
and you reap and reap and reap. And the results of bad karma can seem like the results of planting mint.
You put one little mint cutting in your herb garden, and the next thing you know, mint is not only taking
over that herb garden, it has magically jumped across the grass to pop up amid your petunias. As you
struggle to weed it out of the flowerbed, you find that it has taken another leap across the lawn to turn up,
in force, in your vegetable garden. It’s choking out the lettuce. It’s everywhere. It’s driving you to drinking
mint juleps. Too late, you wish you’d followed your friends’ advice to plant mint in a pot and put an armed
guard on it.
To give a more serious example: Suppose that developed and developing nations spew lots of
greenhouse gases into the air long after scientists warn that this will cause undesirable climate change.
And suppose that the most developed nations do little to change this state of affairs, figuring that although
poorer countries may suffer from climate change, they will be able to weather it. Then average global
temperatures go up. Greenland melts, and sea levels gradually rise. As the ice on the Arctic Ocean also
melts, said ocean turns darker in the summer and absorbs more heat, causing the Arctic to heat up faster
than temperate zones. One winter this causes a circle of winds called the polar vortex to stop keeping the
frigid air in the Arctic by blowing around and around that region. One loop of the polar vortex lurches
south, another loop lurches north, and each loop takes Arctic air with it. Alabama is buried under snow
while Alaska turns balmy. California goes into apocalyptic drought. Across the Atlantic, Britain drowns in
nonstop heavy rains. Large swathes of England are flooded. Storm surges pour seawater into coastal
areas, reminding us that local sea level doesn’t always rise bit by bit; it can rise overnight in a storm surge.
Indeed, the British government announces gloomily that parts of East Anglia are probably now ocean
floor. The environment minister adds that since it will not be possible to build coastal barriers everywhere,
they will have to decide what parts of England they want to keep. It all fits scientists’ predictions about the
early stages of climate change.
So we see that since the world is a very complicated place in which everything affects everything
else in very complicated ways (which is itself an important Buddhist point), the results of karma can be
more far reaching and complex than anyone would have expected. True, the results of good acts tend to
be good (even if the doer is not always rewarded; someone like Martin Luther King may do great good
and be martyred for it), and the results of doing things we clearly shouldn’t do tend to be undesirable, as
in the above case. Luckily Amida can save us from our spiritual bad karma, the load of guilt and general
egocentricity that makes us seem spiritually hopeless even to ourselves. But while we live in this
mundane world, we should at least try to remember that our actions have consequences for ourselves
and everybody else.
March 9, 2014
9:30 AM
Members are invited to bring photos of deceased pets to place at the onaijin.
MARCH 16, 2014
9:30 AM
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Seigen Yamaoka
BCA Minister Emeritus & Former BCA Bishop
Potluck luncheon following service
January and February toban months – Salads
March toban month – Onigiri or rice dishes
All other toban months should bring main dishes
Please check your 2014 Directory for your toban month.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
7 PM
In the Old Temple
April 6, 2014
9:30 am
Shotsuki Hoyo Service – April
6, 2014,
9:30 AM
The following persons will be remembered during the Shotsuki Hoyo (monthly memorial
service) for April.
Flora T. Adachi
Douglas I. Ariyoshi
Jack S. Ehara
Rose-Annette Gervais
Yoshio Hiramoto
Toyoye Ichiyasu
Kinoe Adachi
Yoshino Ariyoshi
Dirk S. Fujii
Toshiko T. Goodman
Hisako H. Hirose
Soka Ikemoto
Shigetaro Adachi
Nobuko Mae Asami
Juzaburo Furuzawa
Takekuni Hino
Hiroichi Hishida
Chiyo Ishikawa
Kanzo Iyama
Kikutaro Kimura
George Kako
Shunta Marubayashi
Kimiyo Matsui
Victoria Mizuhara
Takeo Katayama
Chiyomi Masuda
Tsutomu Matsumoto
Yemiko Masunaga
Hideaki Matsunaga
Toshio Morishita
James K. Nishimoto
Makitaro Sakaki
Masae Takeshita
Yoshimi Toyota
James Wakida
Katsuji Yokoyama
Hisayo Yoshimura
Arthur Nakamura
Joe Oishi
Shoichi Sawada
Hideo Taketa
Alice T.Tsukimura
David S. Watanabe
Yonosuke Yokoyama
Torao Tony Mizusaki
Virginia T. Nakaso
Riu Oishi
Matsutaro Takemori
Kenichi Tokuyoshi
Izumi Uyeda
Takeo Yamada
Hideichi J.Yoshida
Note: If there are any additions, corrections or deletions to the above list, please
notify the Berkeley Buddhist Temple at 510-841-1356.
TEL: (510) 841-1356
FAX: (510) 841-1435
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
2121 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
February 18, 2014
Dear Sangha Members,
We hope this letter finds you abiding peacefully and well within the Amida
Buddha’s Compassion-Wisdom Light.
In the month of March we will be observing the traditional celebration of Spring
O-Higan. At our temple we will have a special O-Higan service on Sunday, March 16,
2014 beginning at 9:30 AM. Our special guest speaker will be Reverend Dr. Seigen
Yamaoka, BCA minister emeritus and former BCA Bishop.
A potluck luncheon in the social hall will follow the service. Please check the
Padma for your assignment on what to bring. We hope you can attend and join us in
celebrating this auspicious occasion.
For this special observation an envelope has been enclosed for your thoughtful
donation. The Temple greatly appreciates your kind generosity.
In Gassho,
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
Sunday, April 13, 2014
We cordially invite you to bring your newborns and children up to one year of age to
participate in our annual Hatsumairi Ceremony, which is to take place during our
Hanamatsuri service on Sunday, April 13, 2014.
Hatsumairi literally means “first Buddhist service.” Often translated as “Infant
Presentation Service,” Hatsumairi represents the first opportunity for parents to bring
infants who were born during the previous year to our Temple. At the same time, it gives
our Temple the opportunity to give expression to the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha,
which embraces people of all ages, genders, races and social strata.
If you wish to participate, please complete the form below and return it to the temple by
Sunday, April 6. Please call the temple at (510) 841-1356 if you have any questions
regarding this ceremony. Thank you!
Please complete form and send to the temple by April 6, 2014.
Send to Rev. David Matsumoto
2121 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Name of child
Parents’ Names
Phone number
EMAIL address
Taige-kai (体解会)
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
Study Session
The Berkeley Buddhist Temple invites you to take part in a gathering to
learn and experience (体解 taige) the Path of the Buddha.
Who was Shinran? (part 2)
What we can learn from
the life of Shinran Shōnin
Sunday, March 30, 2014, at 9:30 am
All interested persons are welcome to attend. Please invite your friends!
We hope to see you at the Taige-kai!
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
2121 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 841-1356
Berkeley Buddhist Temple expresses condolences and deep sympathy
To the Family of
Mr. William Mamoru Yamasaki
Shaku Shu Raku
February 3, 1925 - January 20, 2014
To the Family of
Evelyn Nakano Glenn
for the loss of her mother,
Mrs. Haruye Lillian Nakano
January 3, 1916 - January 23, 2014
Namu Amida Butsu
Namu Amida Butsu
Namu Amida Butsu
The following is a list of special service years. If you have a departed relative who has
passed away in any of the listed years, and would like to make arrangements for a
memorial service, please contact Rev. Matsumoto at (510) 841-1356.
1st Year
3rd Year
7th Year
13th Year
17th Year
25th Year
33rd Year
50th Year
100th Year
Chapel of the Chimes Urn Niche Site Approved
By Berkeley Buddhist Temple Board
Forty Temple members attended the Tour and Concept Presentation for the Berkeley
Buddhist Temple Oakland Chapel of the Chimes Urn Niche Site on January 26, 2014.
After seeing the whole facility and the BBT Urn Niche Site in person, many of those
attending felt it was very informative and impressive. BBT will have a DVD recording of
the site visitation and concept presentation available for viewing for anyone who missed
the visitation. Also, Ian Ho at Chapel of the Chimes can arrange for a personal site tour.
Ian can be contacted at (510) 304-5203 or at [email protected].
On February 11, 2014 the BBT Board approved purchasing the Oakland Chapel of
the Chimes Urn Niche Site that will hold 280 urns. The first 100 urn placement rights are
included in the initial purchase for this site and will be offered for $1,170 each (about 1/2
of the current market rate of $2,200) until May 31, 2014.
After May 31, 2014, the Temples’ remaining unsold 100 urn placement rights will be
sold at the market rate with a 10% discount. The remaining 180 urn placement rights will
be sold by Chapel of the Chimes at the market rate at time of sale. The whole Site is
owned by BBT and only BBT members or those with Temple affiliation who are approved
by BBT can place urns at the Site. This applies to all 280 urn placements.
Those 33 temple members who have turned in response forms indicating interest in
purchasing 52 urn placement rights should send a check to BBT for $1,170 per urn
placement rights purchased. Checks should be made payable to “Berkeley Buddhist
Temple” with a notation in the memo line “for urn placement rights” and sent to BBT Urn
Niche Committee, 2121 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704. The BBT Urn Niche
Committee will send an acknowledgement when BBT receives the check.
Others who are interested in purchasing urn placement rights should send in their
checks in the manner described above, along with a completed response form. Response
forms can be picked up at BBT or printed from the BBT Temple Web Site.
The general membership letter that describes the Site and the response form can be
viewed on the Berkeley Buddhist Temple website Click the
word “Forms” located at the bottom of the home page.
Anyone requiring additional information about the Site can contact Gary Oda at BBT
Email: [email protected].
MAY 2014
Help us create the best Silent Auction ever! You would
like to help, but don’t know what to donate? May we make
a few suggestions? Brand-new or like-new, preferably in
its box:
Artwork: Japanese artwork, house-ware, ceramics, paintings, photographs…
Electronics: iPhone, iPod, iTunes, Wii, cell phone, MP3 player, digital camera….
Entertainment: civic light opera tickets, movie passes, Lawrence Hall of
Gift Certificates to your favorite restaurant, fun centers, spa treatment, massage...
Kitchen appliances: perhaps an unopened wedding gift?
Services or lessons: yard-work, construction, swimming, SAT, math, reading,
Sporting event tickets to: As, Giants, Raiders, 49ers, Sharks, Bears, Cardinal,
tee-times at golf courses, auto-racing……….
Travel: spare frequent flyer mileage…..
Weekend Get-Away: donate your condo for a weekend in Tahoe, Reno, Hawaii,
wine country, Monterey bay…..
Contact Silent Auction Co-Chairs: Grant Din or Miki Adachi (650-573-9373)
SHOP AT SAFEWAY TO EARN MONEY FOR THE TEMPLE Renew or sign up with your Safeway Club Card today! Sign Up Your participation can mean hundreds of dollars for the Temple. • Go to • Click on “1‐Sign up” • Enter your Club Card number • Group ID#155954856 Renew Today* If you participated last year, renew so the Temple continues to earn contributions. • Go to • Click on “YES RENEW!” • Enter either your phone number, email or Club Card number *For uninterrupted contributions, you must renew annually by November 1. After November 1, you can still renew to begin earning again! Remember Effective Nov. 1, 2013, in order for your Safeway purchases to generate contributions for the Temple, you must pay using one of the following methods: • Debit Card or Safeway Gift Card • Check or SmartCheck • Cash 2015 WORLD BUDDHIST WOMEN’S CONVENTION “Embraced by the Oneness of Life” Saturday, May 30 & Sunday, May 31, 2015 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Hosted by the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Women’s Federation (JSBTCWF) Keynote Speakers: Rev. Patricia Kanaya Usuki head minister, San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Rev. Nana Yanase, Kyo On Ji Temple, Nara Prefecture Panel and Other Guest Speakers: To Be Announced Over 2,000 delegates are expected to attend from Canada, Brazil, Japan, and the US. Registration is open
only to BWA members and their families until May 30, 2014; then it will be opened to the general public.
The World Buddhist Women’s Convention will be held at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre.
The convention is an opportunity for Jodo Shinshu followers to gather together on an international level;
meet new people, learn together, share experiences and spread the circle of Dharma followers today and
for generations to come. Originally, the convention was held for women only, however, things have
changed over the years and the convention now encompasses both men and women in the
Jodo Shinshu Sangha or spiritual community.
Convention Registration Fee $325 (Canadian) per person Includes Commemorative Program, Meals, and Convention Operating Costs. DEADLINE: MAY 30, 2014 THE $325 CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEE PORTION IS NON­REFUNDABLE. HOTEL: Double occupancy (per person) Single Occupancy Third person* A Rank Hotel $415 (Canadian) $725 (Canadian) $245 (Canadian) B Rank Hotel $369 (Canadian) $625 (Canadian) $213 (Canadian) C Rank Hotel $339 (Canadian) $565 (Canadian) $193 (Canadian) *Third person rate is for the third person only. ** Please also note that when there is a third person, the housing bureau will endeavor to ensure that there will be two beds in the room. The third person will have to share a bed with another person. Optional Tours: Post Tours East – Toronto, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal Express West Coast Option – Calgary, Banff, Canadian Rockies, Jasper, Vancouver, Victoria Express Niagara Option – Calgary, Banff, Canadian, Banff Calgary, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Montreal Express – East Coast Option – Calgary, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec City For registration questions or tour details please contact Yuki Otake (510) 841‐1356 or [email protected] BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE Board of Directors Meeting January 14, 2014 Attendance: Rev. David Matsumoto, Ron Hiraga, Takashi Nikaidoh, Judy Fujimoto, Patty Fujiwara, Lucy Hamai, Don Hamasaki, Emiko Katsumoto, Kiyoshi Katsumoto, Dii Lewis, Miri Nikaidoh, Emi Nakao, Art Nishimura, Gary Oda, Yuki Otake, David Ushijima. Proxies: Judy Kono, Wayne Sugihara, Russell Ware, Lena Yin. Co‐president Ron Hiraga called the meeting to order at 7:35PM with opening gassho led by Rev. Matsumoto. Co‐president Takashi Nikaidoh then presided. DECEMBER MINUTES were accepted as written. MSC K. Katsumoto/Hamasaki MINISTER'S REPORT: Rev. Matsumoto presented a written report for the period 12/10/2013 to 1/14/14, which included the following: 5 meetings; 4 consultations; 1 Family Memorial Service with related Makuragyo and preparation; 4 visitations; temple cleanup; 4 BBT services; guest speaker at Palo Alto Hoonko service 1/12. Two temple members passed away: Mr. Minoru Nojima (private service) and Mrs. Hisako Masunaga (funeral at BBT 1/18, 11 am. He provided a list of upcoming activities and guest speakers for 2014. ). Matthew Hamasaki is writing his thesis and will leave for Japan sometime in March. TREASURER'S REPORT: Satoshi Steimetz issued a written report for 12/1/13 to 12/31/13 as well as income/expense accounting for 2013. Kiyoshi provided a report for the reserve funds + cash comparing the status of February 28, 2013 and where we stand now. We are now also investing in the BCA Endowment Fund. The major change is going from cash to a mix of equities and bonds plus cash. Takashi clarified that the previous practice of providing a proposed annual budget is of limited usefulness. CORRESPONDENCE: Co‐president Ron Hiraga circulated the correspondence binder which included several holiday cards, thank you notes, and year‐end donation. REPORTS BY AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS BBWA: Yuki Otake reported that 20 year‐end gifts (fruits and Japanese treats) were delivered to our elderly temple members who are confined, including 17 who are over 90 years old. Year‐end donations were given to the Wheel of Dharma, JSC, CBE, Sakura Kai, North Berkeley Nikkei Center, Dharma School, Reverends Matsumoto, Yamashita, and Kuwahara, and Ministers Assistants Matthew rd
Hamasaki, Edythe Vassall, and Tara Umemoto. The BCA Federation of BWA’s 43 conference will be held October 10‐12, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Irvine. BBWA is conducting a fundraiser for its Centennial: Raffle Mania with tickets at $5 or five tickets for $20. J‐SEI – Yuki Otake also reported the details of J‐SEI’s annual crab feed and raffle drawing fundraiser on Sunday, February 9 at the El Cerrito Community Center. The temple will donate $25 to J‐SEI towards the raffle drawing. MSC – Hamai/Fujimoto J‐SEI is planning a new signature event Friday, April 11 entitled Flavors of Spring. DHARMA SCHOOL: Rev. Matsumoto reported that the high school class will plan the January 26 service. JR. YBA: VP Noel McGuire issued a written report for December 2013. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS RELIGIOUS COMMITTEE: Art Nishimura provided an updated 2014 service calendar. He is looking to fill in several Sundays when Rev. Matsumoto will be absent due to IBS commitments and is seeking some guest lay speakers or possible workshops. Rev. Matsumoto will provide those dates when he cannot officiate our Sunday services. PLEDGE/MEMBERSHIP: Mimi Kagehiro reported that for 2013 there were 262 individual pledge members and 178 family units. For 2014 we have 3 families and 6 individual members thus far. New members: Ian Ho and Michael Green and his children, Dylan (1st) and Juliette (K). BUILDING MAINTENANCE: The two rear windows in the Hondo were replaced January 7 by UC Glass at a cost of $1477.40. The replacement windows for the Old Temple have been ordered and are expected to be installed by the end of January. Our temple announcement board in the front was again vandalized December 23. Kiyoshi was thanked for replacing it with a polycarbonate cover, which is a more durable material but may fade in 4‐5 years. The magnetic board will also need to be replaced eventually due to the attack. GARDEN MAINTENANCE: Scott Takeda provided a duty list for our gardening needs. Ron will meet with JD Landscaping (referred by Jim Furuichi) and follow up with Wayne Ito. We need a board member to act as a contact/coordinator for the new gardener we will employ. APARTMENTS: Ron Hiraga provided detailed reports showing annual profits of our apartments since 2006 and also a total income record for 2013. The Channing St. apartments have full occupancy, but the renovated Fulton St. apartment is still vacant. We received a January 6, 2014 Notice of Sewer Lateral violation due to a cracked pipe. K&S was notified and will get bids for resolution in 60 days. OTHER REPORTS NEW YEAR'S SERVICE & PARTY: Sensei’s digitally recorded dharma talk went very well. Emiko reported that the mochi tsuki and party were enjoyed by many, and the obentos from Musashi were very delicious. Lena was asked to lead a subcommittee to study the issue of door prizes. (Susan Gabriel was presented with a gift of appreciation from the temple for her dedication and hard work.) CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES NICHES: Gary Oda reported that 29 people have expressed interest in purchasing 36 niches. He proposed that the board vote on his Draft Motion to purchase the Site and jointly administer the site with Chapel of the Chimes. However, after much discussion it was decided to delay voting until after the January 26, 2014 site visitation and concept presentation. He will request Chapel of the Chimes to hold the site and guarantee the proposal they initially offered to BBT on August 13, 2013. Sensei expressed that purchasing these niches would provide a great service to those connected to our temple to have this option for burials. BAZAAR: Russell Ware reported in absentia that the first bazaar planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28 at 7 pm. BD COUNCIL MEETING: Lucy Hamai reported that BBT will host the next BD Council meeting on January 23 at 6:30 pm. Judy Fujimoto and Emi Nakao will prepare the dinner. All interested are encouraged to attend. NEW BUSINESS TAIKO CLASS: Lucy Hamai and her Ad Hoc Committee will soon meet to explore organizing a BBT taiko class. Joining Lucy on this committee are Dii Lewis, Patty Fujiwara, and Wayne Sugihara. Rev. Matsumoto will be an advisor. FLOWER ARRANGEMENT CLASS: Lucy reported that Yufuko Kurioka will teach a two‐session ikebana class on Saturdays, February 8 and 15. Gary Oda and David Ushijima were thanked for the delicious refreshments. Next month: Lucy Hamai and Emi Nakao. The meeting was adjourned at 9:46PM with closing gassho led by Art Nishimura. Respectfully submitted by Emiko Katsumoto * * * * * * * * * * * (Please contact a Board member is further clarification of these minutes is required.) BERKELEY BUDDHIST WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION
Cabinet Meeting on December 8, 2013
PRESENT: Caroline Fernandez (Co-President), Yuki Otake (Co-President), Denise Gervais, (Corresponding Secretary),
Diane Ames (First Vice President), Judy Nakaso (Recording Secretary), Fumi Matsubara (Membership)
PROXY: Marrie Yamashita (Advisor), Maya Murashima-Yonemura (Treasurer); VISITOR: Sadako Delcollo, 2014 corresponding
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Co-President Yuki Otake opened the meeting with gassho at 11:30 a m.
PRIOR MONTH’S MINUTES: November minutes were approved with corrections: Quilt Raffle is on April 6, 2014 which is
Hanamatsuri not Dana Day. (MSC: Diane Ames/Denise Gervais).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Maya Murashima Yonemura
1. Yuki submitted Maya’s preliminary written financial report for November 2013, and a final report for October 2013,
which were approved. (MSC: Diane Ames/Fumi Matsubara). We will ask Maya to please list the Masako Oishi scholarship funds
in the Bank of America account so we can plan fundraiser(s) to replenish the fund, as necessary.
2. Checks written for Delegate’s meeting; Colma Carpool drivers: Yuki Otake, Caroline Fernandez, Denise Gervais and Marrie
Yamashita; Bay District Buddhist Women’s League registration fee; Caroline Fernandez for graduation, Interfaith, Ohigan, JSEI
Fundraiser, and Centennial Expense; Haruka Beppu (speaker at Eshinni Kakushinni), Maya Murashima for Eshinni lunch.
3. Receipts: Donations received from Eshinni Kakushinni from Maya Murashima, Emiko and Kiyoshi Katumoto, Fumi and Don
Matsubara, and Emi Matsunaga; Emi Matsunaga donated to the Masako Oishi Scholarship Fund, Eshinni Kakushinni Osaisen, Interfaith
Osaisen, Hoonko Craft sale, BBWA member renewal (Madge Takemori).
Membership stands at 90 members, paid members about 56 as of 2012.
Renewed member: Madge Takemori.
We will put in a renewal notice for 2014 BBWA membership at the bottom of the Dana Day obento RSVP form.
1. Incoming correspondence received: Alameda County Community Food Bank and Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing;
Thank you card received from Ms. Haruka Beppu for orei given to her as the speaker at the Eshinni and Kakushinni
Memorial Service.
1. Raffle Mania: Tickets have been $5 per ticket, $20 for book of 5 tickets. We forgot to put do not need to be present.
2. September 28, 2014 - Centennial Celebration: “Buddhist Women, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
Committees Booklet, Food, Decorations, Set-up Clean up, Alan Hirahara will make the food for the Centennial and needs food
preparation helpers. We would like to have an “In Memorium” section of the book.
3. 1/12/14 – New Year’s Day Party - Installation of 2014 BBWA Cabinet; 2014 members should give their food choices
4. 2/16/14 – Dana Day - Free obentos provided 2013 BBWA cabinet, Rev. Matsumoto and family, Rev. Kuwahara and family, Rev.
Yamashita, speaker, IBS students (9); Jr. YBA does not want to participate with us on Canned Food Drive – January and
February – to be donated to the Alameda County Food Bank. Entertainment – not decided. Please submit suggestions.
Hat and scarves for poor. We have donations of yarn. A BBWA member is making 8 scarves, Diane Ames will be the
5. BBWA Election results – 2014 Slate has been elected.
1. New Year’s party – Installation of BBWA cabinet lunches to be paid by BBWA.
2. BBWA election results – Co-Presidents, Caroline Fernandez and Yukiko Otake, Vice President, Diane Ames, Treasurer: Maya
Murashima Yonemura, Recording Secretary: Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Corresponding Secretary: Sadako Delcollo, Membership:
Fumi Matsubara
3. Year End Gifts will be given to: Wheel of Dharma, CBE, Dharma School, Sakura Kai, North Berkeley Nikkei Center, IBS, Jodo
Shinshu Center.
NEXT MEETING: January 4, 2014
MEETING ADJOURNED: Caroline Fernandez adjourned the meeting by leading gassho at 12:32 p m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Nakaso, Recording Secretary
Cabinet Meeting on January 19, 2014
PRESENT: Caroline Fernandez (Co-President), Yuki Otake (Co-President), Sadako Delcollo, (Corresponding Secretary),
Diane Ames (First Vice President), Judy Nakaso (Temp Recording Secretary), Fumi Matsubara (Membership);
PROXY: Marrie Yamashita (Advisor), Maya Murashima-Yonemura (Treasurer), Evelyn Nakano Glenn (Recording Secretary);
VISITOR: Denise Gervais.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Co-President Caroline Fernandez opened the meeting with gassho at 11:30 a m.
PRIOR MONTH’S MINUTES: December minutes stand as written (Caroline Fernandez).
One new member: Junko Hamimura, Renewal from Madge Takemori
1. Incoming correspondence received: (a) Thank you correspondence from Sakura Kai, Berkeley Buddhist Temple for Dharma
School, and Institute for Buddhist Studies for year end orei; (b) Holiday greetings from BCA and Draperies by Susan.
2. Outgoing correspondence: Invitations to “save the date” for BBWA Centennial sent to special guests by Denise Gervais.
1. BBWA Centennial - (a) Quilt Raffle Mania: We will send letter to all chapters about the raffle; will sell tickets at the Bay
District meeting in February; tickets were sold at World BWA Convention meeting. Raffle will be held on April 6th.
(b) We will ask Emiko Katsumoto and Mimi Kagehiro if they can coordinate producing the published BBWA Centennial
Program. (c) Need to set up subcommittees; (d) Looking for graphic artist to help with program layout/artwork;
(e) Looking for photos for the program with commentaries (50 words or less); (f) Program Timeline: Give brochure to
printer by June 2014; (g) Estimated attendance of 200 people, including BWA presidents and their spouses;
(h) Food – Alan Hirahara will spearhead the food preparation, we will recruit workers to support Alan. Menu will be
Alaska wild salmon, tri-tip beef, tossed salad and dessert. Lunch will be buffet style; the Jr. YBA will be invited to help
serve the Senior Temple members and Senior BBWA members.
2. 2/16/14 – Dana Day – (a) Diane Ames has generously offered to chair this program; (b) our speaker will be Rev. Dr. Daijaku
Kinst, (c) special invitations to 2013 BBWA cabinet, BBT 2013 co-presidents, Rev. Matsumoto and his family, Rev. Kuwahara
and his family, Rev. Dr. Daijaku Kinst, IBS students, Minister assistants (Tara, Edythe and Matthew), Alan Hirahara and his
fiancé, Diane Yasuda of Berkeley Bowl, Caroline Hayashida of J-Sei Quilters and her spouse;
(d) Entertainment will be coordinated by Dii Lewis and Emiko Katsumoto (5-10 minutes); (e) Food Drive and Osaisen –
Last year we donated osaisen (offeratory) and food to the Alameda County Food Bank. (f) Donations: We will purchase
men’s and women’s socks to donate to the Berkeley Women’s Shelter and the Berkeley Women’s Drop-In Center.
We will again collect canned foods for the Alameda County Food Bank. (g) Bento Lunch We will order obentos from
Musashi ($10 adults and $7 children); the bento boxes will be delivered that morning. Estimate: 80 lunches (regular, vegan and
children’s portion).
3. Year End Gifts will be given to homebound elderly – Judy Nakaso to get the gifts and Yuki Otake will deliver the gifts.
We are fortunate to have 19 members over 90 years old.
1. 11/16/14 Interfaith Panel: Topic: Continuing Economic Problems is a suggested topic. Please give Diane Ames other
suggested titles.
2. 2013-2014 BBWA meetings: February 23, March 23, April 20, May 25, June 8, July 6, August 3. (BBT schedule handout)
3. Women’s World Convention in Calgary – Memorial Day Weekend, May 29-31, 2015. Rev. Patti Usuki will be the keynote
speaker and men and other non-members are invited to attend. For more information, contact Yuki Otake. (handout)
4. 3/12/14 - Palo Alto Buddhist Temple, Buddhist Women’s Association is planning a field trip to Fresno, California to hear
“My Stroke of Insight” author Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. There will be a side trip meeting with Rev. Koyo Kubose, a Shin Buddhist
Minister and founder, director of Bright Dawn Center in Coarsegold, California (an hour’s drive from Fresno). Deadline: 2/12/14,
for more information: (650) 949-4216 or (650) 856-0123. $70 includes lecture, lunch and discussion. (flyer)
5. 10/10 to 10/12/14 – Federation of Buddhist Women’s Association 43rd Conference, at Hotel Irvine Jamboree Center,
the topic is “Sharing Our Life Stories As Buddhists.”
NEXT MEETING: February 23, 2014
MEETING ADJOURNED: Caroline Fernandez adjourned the meeting by leading gassho at 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Nakaso, Recording Secretary
2140 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 510.809.1460
Guest Speaker:
Prof. Nobuhiro
Dept. of Shin Buddhist Studies, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan
Resident Minister, Sainen-ji Temple, Yamaguchi Prefecture
“Issues in Jodo Shinshu
Propagational Studies”
Wed. & Thurs., March 19 & 20, 2014
6 pm - 9 pm
Jodo Shinshu Center - Berkeley, CA
Free and Open to the Public
For IBS course offerings & news, please visit:
The Benefits of a Life of Shinjin
Guest Speaker: Prof. Nobuhiro
Fukagawa Saturday, March 22, 2014
9 am - 4 pm
Gardena Buddhist Church 1517 West 166th Street, Gardena, CA
Seminar sessions in Japanese and English. The registration fee of $30 includes lunch, and is due by March 8.
Online registration and other details can be found online at (click on CBE).
For general information, call CBE at (510) 809-1460 or email: [email protected]. This seminar is graciously hosted by the Southern
District Ministers Association and Buddhist Education Committee.
Friday, July 4 - Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sea of Suffering, Ocean of Compassion
at the Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley, CA
Keynote Speakers: Rev. Tetsuo Unno & Prof. Mark Unno
Honored Guests: Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno & Mrs. Alice Unno
More information coming soon at
Center for Buddhist Education
Spring Japanese Seminar
Saturday, April 19, 2014
From 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Rev. Ikuo Nishimura
Rev. Hoshu Matsubayashi
Jodo Shinshu Center
2140 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-809-1450
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
A Sutter Health Affiliate
J-Sei Board of Directors
by Nakamura D esign
Property Investment Services
Advantage Electric Supply
Peter M. Fukumae, CPA
Fukumae & Saman, LLC
Karlsson & Lane, an Accountancy Corp.
Kokoro Assisted Living
Dr. Roger Ota, DDS
Friday, April 11, 2014
6 to 9 pm
Berkeley City Club
2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley
Supervisor Keith Carson
Stephen & Dorine Tanaka
California Rose Catering
Gundlach Bundschu
JC Cellars
Kinder’s BBQ
Musashi Restaurant
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Postino Restaurant
Rosenblum Cellars
Smokehouse 10
Join us for an evening of delightful tastes
and sips from Bay Area restaurants,
caterers, wineries and microbreweries.
Silent auction and live music throughout
the Julia Morgan designed Berkeley City
Club will provide the perfect ambiance for
a grown-up Friday night.
*Sponsors, restaurants, and wineries as of January 27, 2014 with more to come.
Please detach and return to “J-Sei, 2126 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704”
Yes! I will attend Flavors of Spring.
# of Tickets ($75 each):
Check enclosed (payable to J-Sei) $
I am unable to attend. Please accept my contribution of $
21 and older only. A portion will be tax deductible. Admission tickets and a confirmation letter will be mailed to you.
For sponsor or additional information: 510-848-3560 or
Services And Information
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
Visitor Information
Our regular Sunday program begins with a Family
Service at 9:30am. A Dharma talk is available after the
Family Service while Dharma School classes are
convened for students.
Please feel free to ask any of our greeters for
information. We are here to assist you with whatever
level of participation you may be seeking.
Special Services
January 1
February 9
March 16
April 13
May 11
July 13
September 21
November 16
December 7
December 31
New Year's Day Service
Nirvana Day
Spring Equinox
Flower Festival
Birthday of Shinran
Autumn Equinox
Shinran Shonin Memorial
Bodhi Day
Year End Service
A Shotsuki Hoyo (Monthly Memorial) Service is held the
first Sunday of each month.
Whether you are here to satisfy a slight interest or to
make a more personal connection, we wish you well and
hope that you will be visiting us again soon.
Membership Information
Membership is open to all who view our Temple as their
religious home and seek the Buddha-Dharma.
To join, complete a membership form, have your name
entered on the membership roll and support the Temple
through a pledge and participation.
To inquire about becoming a member, please speak with
our Membership Chair or Minister.
Dharma School
Our Dharma School (Sunday School) has classes from
preschool through high school. Our teachers are happy
to discuss the appropriate level of spiritual enrichment
for your child.
Monthly Discussions
In our discussions, we strive to experience the BuddhaDharma with our entire selves – with our bodies (quiet
sitting and other forms of meditation), voices (chanting
and other liturgy) and minds (study and discussion).
Our sessions focus on ways in which Buddhist teaching
and practice can impact our everyday lives. Each session
will take up a different topic and so you are welcome to
attend any or all sessions.
All interested persons are welcome to attend. Please
invite your friends! We hope to see you!
Berkeley Buddhist Temple
2121 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
10:00am – 1:00pm
Phone: 510-841-1356
email: [email protected]