the Padma BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE May 2015 Web Edition Inspired by Rev. Matsumoto's shotsuki talk on the impermanence of our beloved courtyard cherry tree, Shige Kajiwara took this photo of the last blossoms to appear on the tree. Although the tree is near it's end of life, it's delicate beauty will be long remembered and cherished. Hopefully cuttings from this tree will bring about new life and regeneration once again. Our Vision A Community Where Our Spiritual Life And True Self Can Be Realized Our Mission To Live A Life Of Joy In The Nembutsu And Share The Dharma With Others the Padma May 2015 BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE Sun 2121 Channing Way, Berkeley, California 94704 (510) 841-1356 Mon Tues Wed Thurs WEB EDITION Fri Sat 1 NOTE: 3 9:30 am 2 For temple matters, please contact Rev. Matsumoto at (510) 841-1356, or leave a message on the temple answering machine. Temple web: Temple e-mail: [email protected] 4 5 6 7 8 Dharma Family / Shotsuki Hoyo Service @ Jodo Shinshu Center 9 Manju Making 9:00 am Volunteers needed! Bazaar Construction No Dharma School Classes 10 9:30 am 11 Gotan-e / Parents’ Day Service 17 18 Padma Articles Due SATSUKI BAZAAR 12 – 7 pm 24 8:30 am 9:30 am Chanting Service Dharma Family Service 8:30 am 9:30 am Chanting Service Dharma Family Service 31 12 13 14 15 Temple Board Meeting 7:30 pm 25 HOLIDAY 16 Stage Construction SATSUKI BAZAAR 3-9 pm 19 Bazaar Clean-up starts @ 4 pm 26 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 Padma Newsletter 6:30 pm 27 Gagaku Practice 6 – 7:30 pm FUTURE DATES TO REMEMBER May 3 - Dharma Family & Shotsuki Hoyo services at the Jodo Shinshu Center (due to Bazaar construction) May 3 - Bazaar Construction Day; No DFS May 10 - Gotan-e/Parents’ Day service May 16 & 17 – 66th Annual Satsuki Bazaar; No DFS May 19 - Bazaar Clean-up June 7 - DFS & Shotsuki Hoyo June 14 - DFS & Dharma School Graduation service May 2015 Dharma School Schedule Sunday, May 3: No Dharma School classes (Bazaar construction) • • Sunday, May 10: Parents' Day; school-wide Dharma School activity • Sunday, May 17: No Dharma School classes (Satsuki Bazaar) • Sunday, May 24: Regular Dharma School classes • Sunday, May 31: Regular Dharma School classes The Nembutsu as Music The delicate, wondrous sounds of jewel-trees in the jewel-forests Are a naturally pure and harmonious music, Unexcelled in subtlety and elegance, So take refuge in Amida, the music of purity.1 MUSIC ECHOES FROM THE PURE LAND! That is what Shinran Shōnin teaches us in this beautiful hymn. Amida Buddha is none other than the “music of purity,” whose very Name is like art itself, the spontaneous self-expression of truth making itself known in our lives. Pure and harmonious, this music resonates within our hearts and minds, giving expression to our most deeply held hopes and wishes. We connect with the world around us through a variety of sensations—sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch. Often, unfortunately, those sensations serve as the objects of our desires; all too often they become the motivation for our self-centered attachments and craving. And yet, those same sensations can also serve as gateways to a world beyond the self. Here, with Shinran’s words as our guide, let us think about the importance of sound. It can be said that our connection to the world of sound is often direct, emotional and very moving. A simple melody can move us to tears. A leader’s words can sometimes move us to action. When we really hear a sound, music or a voice, something resonates within our hearts in a way that we cannot ignore and doubt. “I hear you.” When we really hear something we cannot help but take it in and let it take root within us. For that reason, Buddhism often talks about “hearing.” The way to enlightenment is described as the path of hearing the Dharma. Shinran, moreover, urges us to hear the Name of Amida Buddha, “Namu Amida Butsu,” for as we do so we are able to hear the origin and fulfillment of the Primal Vow and be without doubt. I take this to mean that just about anything within the world of sound—cries in the wilderness, the sounds of the city, or the voices and songs of persons we meet in life—can sing to us, like music, of life’s wish to become itself and give itself to us so that we might live. Or, as Shinran states in a note to the hymn above, “things that work and move…all, without exception, produce the sound of dharma.”2 In particular, music can often reveal something to us of our own lives. At times, the lyrics and melody of a song can make us think longingly of those who have gone before. An ancient chant can reveal something of ourselves that we had not known before. A sonata can inspire us to venture out onto a path long-avoided. Or, a lullaby can remind us of love that endures and supports us always. Within music, we are often able to encounter the timeless wish of life and realize the infinite potential of our own lives. In this sense, we can appreciate Shinran Shōnin’s declaration that music echoes from the Pure Land. The wisdom and compassion of Amida Buddha is at play within our lives. It takes the form of Name, of sound and music. The music of the Pure Land resounds within our hearts and minds. We hear the nembutsu as music and, as we do, our lives also become works of art, singing songs in praise of Amida, the music of purity. Namu Amida Butsu Rev. D. Matsumoto May 2015 1 2 Hymns of the Pure Land, 39, CWS, 334. Ibid. PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE It is almost May and time for the Bazaar! Our Bazaar Committee has been hard at work preparing and coordinating in advance of this great undertaking. They have put a lot in place to make the jobs we all need to perform that much easier. Please check your work schedule so that we are adequately staffed. Come join all of us in making this a wonderful event (and don’t forget to invite your friends!). Working together, we will make this year’s Bazaar another success! Some important dates to remember are Sunday, May 3, Bazaar Construction Day; Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17, the days of the Bazaar; and Tuesday, May 19, Bazaar Clean-Up. Through our participation we can convey our gratitude to the Temple and those who have gone before us for all they have provided. Despite the metaphoric descriptions of the athletic stylings of Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson, the rains, in the form of actual water, we had been expecting all winter did not arrive. Our Governor has declared a state of emergency and issued an executive order requiring water agencies, and therefore us, the consumers, to use less water. We, as a Sangha, are exploring ways to reduce our water usage by reducing the water we use in our landscaping by converting some of our remaining sprinklers to drip systems and reducing the amount of time our sprinklers operate each day. The renovation of the barbeque pits has been continuing with a lot of progress over the past month. The project should be just about complete prior to the Bazaar with its completion to occur over the summer. Let us all take a moment to thank Dii Lewis and his work crew for the job they are doing to help beautify and improve the functionality of our limited space. In continuing with our Outreach, we have scheduled another event working at the Alameda County Community Food Bank. We will be going down on June 13 in the afternoon. Please come join other members of our Sangha as we get the opportunity to help others in our community and get to know each other better! Having done this before, I must say that the work is more “sweet” than “sweat.” Details are included in this edition of the Padma. We look forward to seeing you all at the Bazaar and, of course, thank you for your support. Go Warriors! Gassho, Takashi Nikaidoh and Ron Hiraga BBT Co-Presidents, 2015 COMBINED DHARMA FAMILY SERVICE & SHŌTSUKI MEMORIAL SERVICE JODO SHINSHU CENTER 2140 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704 May 3, 2015 9:30 am PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION! (Parking available at the JSC) The following persons will be remembered during the Shōtsuki Hōyō (monthly memorial service) for May. Hideyo Adachi Bill Goleta Terry Hiramoto Douglas B. Davis Junji Hamai Kiriye Hiraoka Sansuke Fujinaga Florence N. Hiramoto Yonezo Hirose Edward A. Imazumi Shigenori Iyama Chika Kawamoto Michio Kono Kazuhiro Ishida Toshio Jimbo Stella Kimura Kane Maida Priscilla S. Mayeda Tamayo Ishida Shigeru Jio Teruko Komure Torayoshi Maida Alma T. Hirose Miller Ayako M. Miyasaki Roy S. Matsushino Naokichi Mitsuyasu Kimiyo Miyaji Fusako Morita Yuta Morimoto Miyoko Nakagawa Larry Takeo Sato Mary Bonzo Suzuki Miyoshi Nakano Chizuko Shimada Lucille Takano Robert Nagahisa Edwin S. Oki Ginzo Suto Kikuye A. Tokuyoshi Wataru Tsuchihashi Kiyomi Uehisa Ninosuke Yoshida Toshiko Tsujimoto Kawayo Yamasaki Toshio Yoshida Toshiko Tsurumoto Satoshi J. Yamasaki Takehiko Yoshimura Note: If there are any additions, corrections or deletions to the above list, please notify the Berkeley Buddhist Temple at 510-841-1356. Disaster Is Here By Diane Ames The State Water Resources Control Board filed in for their press conference wearing long black robes and intoning, “Woe! Woe unto California! The rains have failed again!” Then their chairman recited a dirge as the others strummed softly on lyres: Lovely was the Sierra snowpack, Whiter than an angel’s robe. From her drifts dripped sparkling water Into pure and bubbling streams. Now the slopes stand bare of snowflakes; Nothing flows from barren stones. Where the ski lifts groaned with tourists Only owners’ sobs are heard. Where there once flowed rushing trout streams Insects swarm on stinking mud. Woe, woe unto Gilroy When her garlic has no water but the farmers’ tears! There is wailing in the Central Valley, Fresno weeping for her nut trees And will not be comforted because they are no more. The board then exited crying, “Woe! Woe! Woe!” “My God!” said a reporter. “They’ve finally snapped!” “Can you blame them?” I asked. “Doing their job, you too might lose your mind.” “Whatever their mental state may be,” said another reporter, “it seems we’re really up a dry creek. So what are we supposed to do about it?” “It’s water war time,” snorted yet another. “That will get us nowhere,” said one journalist wiser than the rest. “You know, the Buddha once convinced two kings that fighting a war over water made no sense. He wanted them to work out other solutions together, with compassion on all concerned.” “That raises a question,” I remarked. “How? BAZAAR CONSTRUCTION DAY May 3, 2015 9:00 AM Please come out to help set up for our annual fundraiser. Everyone's help is needed and appreciated. Refreshments provided. GOTAN-YE & PARENTS' DAY SERVICE May 10, 2015 9:30 AM Coffee social following service BAZAAR CLEAN-UP Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Come anytime from 4 PM Help is needed for bazaar clean-up. The more the merrier and the sooner the completion of task. Dinner will be served. TEL: (510) 841-1356 FAX: (510) 841-1435 Berkeley Buddhist Temple 2121 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94707 April 21, 2015 Dear Members and Friends of the Temple, On May 10, 2015 the Berkeley Buddhist Temple will observe Gotan-e, a gathering to commemorate the birth of Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. At the same time, we will celebrate our annual Parents’ Day Service, which will feature presentations by our high school senior students. Rev. David Matsumoto will deliver the Dharma talk for the adults. We hope you will attend the Gotan-e and Parents’ Day family service. There will be a coffee social following the service. The Temple would appreciate your special donation for Gotan-e. An envelope is attached for your convenience. In Gassho, Berkeley Buddhist Temple Berkeley Buddhist Temple expresses condolences and deep sympathy To the family of Elaine Emiko Sato Shaku En Cho March 6, 1922 - February 17, 2015 To the family of Mary Fumiko Haraguchi Shaku Nan Toku December 31, 1923 - March 14, 2015 To the family of Willy Osamu Ide Shaku Ken Ju May 17, 1940 - March 23, 2015 Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu *********************************************************************** The following is a list of special service years. If you have a departed relative who has passed away in any of the listed years, and would like to make arrangements for a memorial service, please contact Rev. Matsumoto at (510) 841-1356. *********************************************************************** 2015 MEMORIAL SERVICE SCHEDULE YEAR 2014 2013 2009 2003 1999 1991 1983 1966 1916 SERVICE 1st Year 3rd Year 7th Year 13th Year 17th Year 25th Year 33rd Year 50th Year 100th Year ANNUAL BAZAAR CONSTRUCTION DAY SUNDAY MAY 3 9 AM BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE ALL TEMPLE & DHARMA SCHOOL MEMBERS & FRIENDS INVITED PREPARE & SET UP FOR THE BAZAAR ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: ASSEMBLING BAZAAR BOOTHS & OTHER STRUCTURES PRIMPING LANDSCAPING – CLEANING AND TIDYING HANGING SIGNS –LAYING CARDBOARD ON KITCHEN FLOORS BUILDING HANDICAPPED ACCESS RAMPS – ETC., ETC. GOOD THINGS TO BRING: 1/2” WRENCH SCREWGUNS AND OTHER WOODWORKING TOOLS GARDENING TOOLS, GLOVES, UTILITY KNIVES COFFEE & REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED QUESTIONS? Craig Griffin 510.841.1356 [email protected] REMINDERS: SILENT AUCTION IS LOOKING FOR DONATIONS – Contact Miki BAKERY IS LOOKING FOR BAKED GOODS – Contact Naomi BAZAAR WORK SCHEDULE QUESTIONS – Contact Karen 66 6 6TTH H A NNUA L MAY 16–17, 2015: SAT, 3-9 PM /SUN, 12-7 PM Berkeley Buddhist Temple - 2121 Channing Way at Shattuck Ave, Berkeley FREE PERFORMANCES O N SUNDAY! Top clockwise: Akira Tana, Akiko, Annie Sellick, George Yoshida’s J-Town Ensemble, Cal Raijin Taiko, Josef Anolin, Jiten Daiko SPECI AL GUESTS: Akira Tana and the Secret Agent Band featuring Akiko and Annie Sellick • George Yoshida’s J-Town Jazz Ensemble • Performances by Cal Raijin Taiko and Jiten Daiko Local comedian Josef Anolin returns to emcee! ilent Auction • Art • Buddhist Literatu s&C G: S Kids re • r o r f a fts • Games u rr y Rice • : Udon • Su C D e O s e O n F shi • pa US S p a m Mu s u b i • J a DELICIO Mushroom Bu oco Moc N F E AT U R I o• rgers llo d•L • Ch tobe Sala n S i t e i e k n b u r g e r s • Por a k a • e k e c y s i c i e I h C r • Sang Q Te Sha ve ha D • BB gs • o o M o D g c & t s h • o K al u a P ork H u i & enjoy! • • Co anj ome ok i e : M C BAKE S ~ T s • Cupcakes RY T R E A Ham P A R K I N G : Brower Center – at Kittridge, between Oxford/Shattuck Ave and UC Berkeley – at Bancroft/Fulton/Durant Ave (hourly rates) R I D E B A R T : Temple is 5 blocks south of Downtown Berkeley station For more information: 510.841.1356 | A portion of the proceeds from the Satsuki Bazaar to benefit Asian American Donor Program (AADP). To request sign language interpreter, call 510.841.1356 at least 5 days prior to event. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO BRING IN YOUR DONATIONS. Our fantastic Silent Auction is the result of your generous gifts. We accept new or almost new items, preferably in their boxes. Here are some suggestions. Artwork: Japanese artwork, house-ware, ceramics, paintings, photographs… Electronics: iPhone, iPod, iTunes, Wii, cell phone, MP3 player, digital camera…. Entertainment: civic light opera tickets, movie passes, Lawrence Hall of Science… Gift Certificates to your favorite restaurant, fun centers, spa treatment, massage... Kitchen appliances: perhaps an unopened wedding gift? Services or lessons: yard-work, construction, swimming, SAT, math, reading, music……… Sporting event tickets to: As, Giants, Raiders, 49ers, Sharks, Bears, Cardinal, tee-times at golf courses, auto-racing………. Travel: spare frequent flyer mileage….. Weekend Get-Away: donate your condo for a weekend in Tahoe, Reno, Hawaii, wine country, Monterey bay, Europe….. Contact Silent Auction Co-Chairs: Grant Din or Miki Adachi (510-841-1356) CARDBOARD FOR BAZAAR Costco shopping trip? New appliance in your future? The 2015 Satsuki Bazaar needs cardboard to cover the kitchen, Old Temple and booth floors. If you could collect some large pieces of cardboard and bring them to the back of the Social Hall in the next few weeks before the Bazaar, it would be greatly appreciated.A good source for the large pieces of cardboard is the liners between items on the pallets at Costco (they allow you to collect them as you shop). Another good source is the box from that large appliance or big screen tv. Thanks for your help, Bazaar Construction Committee Jr. YBA News By Skye Nikaidoh On March 21, the Berkeley Sangha Jr. YBA chapter attended the biannual Coast District Conference. We attended workshops that each focused on a different Buddhist concept from Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. For example, an ongoing theme was the impermanence that Alice experienced throughout the movie. We all participated in discussions and learned more about communicating with others and understanding ourselves. A big thank you to Coast District for organizing and inviting us to this fun event! Buddhist Churches of America Center for Buddhist Education presents GŌ TAN E 降 誕 会 A Commemoration & Concert in Celebration of Shinran Shonin’s Birthday May 21, 2015 6 pm Refreshments, 6:30 pm Service and Program At the Jodo Shinshu Center, 2140 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704 Featuring a musical presentation on the biwa by Molly Miyako Kimura Program is free and open to the public BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE Board of Directors Meeting March 10, 2015 Attendance: Ron Hiraga, Takashi Nikaido, Patty Fujiwara, Rev. Matsumoto, Judy Fujimoto, Lucy Hamai, Don Hamasaki, Emiko Katsumoto, Kiyoshi Katsumoto, Dii Lewis, Millie Nikaido, Gary Oda, Karen Sugiyama, David Ushijima, Russell Ware, Yuki Otake, Caroline Fernandez. Proxies: Judy Kono, Denise Lapidus, Emi Nakao, Art Nishimura, Wayne Sugihara, Lena Yin. Co-president Ron Hiraga called the meeting to order at 7:30PM with opening gassho led by Rev. Matsumoto. FEBRUARY MINUTES were accepted as written. MSC J. Fujimoto/K. Katsumoto MINISTER'S REPORT: Rev. Matsumoto presented a written report for the period February 10, 2015 to March 10, 2015, which included the following: 4 meetings, 3 consultations, 1 visitation, 4 BBT services, 4 chanting services, 5 BBT family memorial services, 1 Makuragyo, 1 Study Session with San Fernando Buddhist Temple members, BCAMA Meetings - San Diego, CBE/IBS Symposium - San Diego, BCA National Council Meeting - San Diego, set up for BD Jr. YBA Meeting opening service. One memorial: Mrs. Elaine Sato TREASURER'S REPORT: Satoshi Steimetz issued a written income/expense report for 2/1/1 to 2/28/15. CORRESPONDENCE: Custodial account statement for the month of January. Thank you cards from DII Lewis, Kato family, San Fernando Hongwanji Buddhist Temple and Rev. Usuki. The refreshment sign up list was circulated. REPORTS BY AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS BBWA: As requested at the last board meeting, Caroline Fernandez submitted a list of BBWA activities. She also submitted a draft organizational chart that outlined how the BBWA activities could be continued under the board’s direction. The question of whether the board wants to support having a women’s component (BBWA type organization) at the temple was discussed. This group would maintain ties to the Bay District and FBWA. A committee (Karen Sugiyama, Joyce Oishi, DII Lewis, Takashi Nikaido, and Millie NIkaido) was formed to look into this reorganization and to make a proposal to the board at the next meeting. J-SEI: Flavors of Spring on April 17. Donation was made at the Momoji level. DHARMA SCHOOL: No report JR. YBA: VP Noel McGuire issued a written report for February 2015. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS RELIGIOUS COMMITTEE: Art Nishimura provided an updated 2015 service calendar report. PLEDGE/MEMBERSHIP: No report BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Down spouts and gutter were cleaned on February 28. Gutter at the SW corner of the lower roof by the driveway needs fixing. MIlrand will repair the flashing above Social Hall kitchen. They will also seal the walls in back and the front wall of the temple. GARDEN MAINTENANCE: Gary will contact the gardener to look into installing a drip system so the sprinklers won’t spray on the front walls of the temple. The trees in the front were trimmed and are healthy. Gary will ask the gardener about possible replacements for the cherry tree in the courtyard. APARTMENTS: Ron Hiraga reported that the Channing Way and Fulton St. apartments are fully occupied; reimbursement for February received from K&S OTHER REPORTS BAZAAR: All committee chairs are working hard. The steak and raffle packages will be handed out on Sunday, 3/15. Russell and Kiyoshi are pulling permits. BBQ PITS DEMOLITION: DII Lewis thanked all the volunteers who helped with trenching. Demolition will be on March 12. TAIKO: Bradley Menda submitted annual Taiko Budget. There are plans to make 4 drums this year with the help of Rev. Abiko. BBT to assume the cost of making 4 drums. MSC: R. Hiraga/K. Katsumoto. NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING: Ron Hiraga reported that the budget passed. Assessment raised from $107.25 to $109.39. BCA owes $4,000,000 debt to the endowment foundation. There is a campaign to help pay off the debt: 1,000 people pledge $1,000 a year for 4 years. Five by-laws passed. Las Vegas Sangha Center has just opened; services are held once a month. Dharmathon: newest ministers in each district gave a dharma talk for 10 minutes. Ecosangha workshop was very informative. Meeting went smoothly and was well organized. NEW BUSINESS Lucy Hamai and Emi Nakao were thanked for the delicious refreshments. Next Month: Judy Fujimoto and Yuki Otake. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18PM with closing gassho led by Rev. Matsumoto. Respectfully submitted, Patty Fujiwara, recording secretary (Please contact a Board member is further clarification of these minutes is required.) Pledged members through March 23, 2015 The following members have pledged in amounts ranging from $150 to $1500. Amounts are not intended to correspond to the alphabetical listing below. Pledges sent in after this date may not have been processed by the Padma deadline and will be published in subsequent issues. The temple gratefully acknowledges your generous contributions and thanks you for your dana and understanding. Please advise us of any omissions. Gene & Vicki Chin Dii Lewis & Joyce Oishi Gary Oda William & Judy Fujimoto David Lyon & Christina Iwasaki Ralph & Barbara Reid James Furuichi Rev William & Kiyo Masuda Sandra Takeda Alan & Ashi Hirahara Andy & Lisa Mayeda Grace Ueda Willy & Ritsuko Ide Fumiye Mayeda Yae Yedlosky Kimberly Leo Kimiye Nakao Please welcome our newest members: Ritsuko Ide Ralph & Barbara Reid Thank you to all temple members for your generous and continued support! For any questions, please call Mimi Kagehiro (510-841-1356) or email [email protected] Come Join Us Helping at the Alameda County Community Food Bank! Date: Saturday, June 13 Time: 1PM-4PM We have space for 15-20 volunteers to help sort, screen and box food for distribution. The only limitation is that volunteers must be at least 10 years of age. The work does not involve heavy lifting or any prior experience in the food / agriculture industries, only a willingness to help others! If you are interested, please contact Takashi Nikaidoh at [email protected]. When sending the email, please use the term “Food Bank” in the subject line. Please let me know if you can drive, can drive others, or if you need a lift. I will try my best to make sure that everyone can get there. SIGN UP FOR eSCRIP TO EARN MONEY FOR THE TEMPLE Shop at Safeway: Your participation can mean hundreds of dollars for the Temple. • Go to • Click on “1-Sign up” • Enter your Club Card number • Group ID#155954856 Online Shopping: Do your shopping online at stores such as Target, J. Crew, Nordstrom, Amazon, REI, Crate & Barrel and many more. • Sign up with eScrip, enter your credit cards you would use at these stores. • Go to the Online Mall at and start shopping. The Temple can earn up to 12% from your purchases. Dining Out: You can earn contributions to the Temple by eating out at restaurants such as Pican or Ozumo (in Oakland), La Note Restaurant or Troy Greek Cuisine (in Berkeley). These and other establishments will donate up to 3% of your bill to the Temple. • Sign up with and enter your credit cards you would use at these restaurants. Please contact Maya Murashima Yonemura at (510) 841-1356 or email [email protected] with any questions. Kuri Manju Volunteers Needed May 9! An opportunity to learn to make one of our bazaar specialties takes place on Saturday, May 9 at 9 am at the temple when we make everyone’s favorite kuri manju. We will need lots of help because we will be making a lot of manju to try to meet the demand for more manju. Both experienced help and those who just want to learn are welcome. Call Yuki Otake or Amy Shinsako or leave a message on the temple phone (510) 841-1356 if you can help or need more information. Share your talent with the Bazaar Craft Booth! The Craft Booth Chairs are seeking crafts from our talented temple community. We are looking for Asian inspired ceramics, framed photography, children’s toys, and home goods (dish towels, pot holders, etc.). We also seek jewelry and accessories for men and women. Please contact Gayle Nishikawa at 510-841-1356 or [email protected], if you have items that you need us to pick up. Donated items can also be dropped off at the temple. Remember to label the donation with "CRAFT BOOTH". TELEPHONE COORDINATORS: SUSAN GABRIEL & LENA YIN MAY TOBAN: Chmn: Cochairs: Emiko Katsumoto Russell Ware, Kathleen Yee Bruce Buchholz & Doreen Sakamoto, Kiyo & Yasuko Harano*, Nora Hataye*, Kuniko Imazumi*, Arthur & Betsy Ishida*, Florence Jeong, Richard & Nancy Kakigi, Dean & Denise Kaneshiro, Kiyoshi & Emiko Katsumoto, Michiko Kubota*, Aiko Kurokawa, Mary Kurokawa*, Mike & Pat, Art Nishimura, Russell & Amy Ware, Aster & Arthur Yamagata*, Dennis & Kathleen Yee, Ken Yoshii, Helen Yoshimura* *Denotes disabled and/or elderly – Toban duties optional. JUNE TOBAN: Chmn: Cochairs: Lena Yin Miri Nikaidoh, Hiroko Okano, Yuki Otake Kim & Vera Leo, Eric & Mary Lindquist, Jeff & Robin McGuire, Takashi & Miri Nikaidoh, Nobuko Nishikado*, Gordon Oishi, Sachiko Okano, (Steve & Hiroko Okano), Gary Otake & Lisa Cougar, Gene & Yuki Otake, Marie Shiromoto*, Satoshi & Elaine Steimetz, Toshio & Elaine Tsuda, Grade Ueda*, George & Lena Yin *Denotes disabled and/or elderly – Toban duties optional. * * * * * * * * * PADMA STAFF: Rev. Matsumoto, Gene Chin, Pauline Fong, Susan & Al Gabriel, Lucy Hamai, Yo Hiraoka, Norman Hirose, Ellen Jorgensen, Keiko Kawakami, Emi Matsunaga, Yuki Otake, Mae Takeda, Scott Takeda, Edythe Vassall, and Yae Yedlosky. Services And Information Berkeley Buddhist Temple Services Visitor Information Our regular Sunday program begins with a Family Service at 9:30am. A Dharma talk is available after the Family Service while Dharma School classes are convened for students. Please feel free to ask any of our greeters for information. We are here to assist you with whatever level of participation you may be seeking. Special Services January 1 February March April May July September November December December 31 Shusho-e Nehan-e Ohigan Hanamatsuri Gotan-e Kangi-e Ohigan Hoonko Jodo-e Joya-e New Year's Day Service Nirvana Day Spring Equinox Flower Festival Birthday of Shinran Obon Autumn Equinox Shinran Shonin Memorial Bodhi Day Year End Service A Shotsuki Hoyo (Monthly Memorial) Service is held the first Sunday of each month. Whether you are here to satisfy a slight interest or to make a more personal connection, we wish you well and hope that you will be visiting us again soon. Membership Information Membership is open to all who view our Temple as their religious home and seek the Buddha-Dharma. To join, complete a membership form, have your name entered on the membership roll and support the Temple through a pledge and participation. To inquire about becoming a member, please speak with our Membership Chair or Minister. Dharma School Our Dharma School (Sunday School) has classes from preschool through high school. Our teachers are happy to discuss the appropriate level of spiritual enrichment for your child. Monthly Discussions In our discussions, we strive to experience the BuddhaDharma with our entire selves – with our bodies (quiet sitting and other forms of meditation), voices (chanting and other liturgy) and minds (study and discussion). Our sessions focus on ways in which Buddhist teaching and practice can impact our everyday lives. Each session will take up a different topic and so you are welcome to attend any or all sessions. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Berkeley Buddhist Temple 2121 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Office Hours Monday – Friday 10:00am – 1:00pm Phone: 510-841-1356 email: [email protected] web:
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