Trelleborg Industrial Wheels
Trelleborg Industrial Wheels
TRELLEBORG I N D U S T R I A L W H E E L S TOTAL SOLUTIONS WHEEL SYSTEMS CONTENTS TRELLEBORG 4 RANGE 5 TECHNICAL FEATURES AND DIMENSIONS 6 GENERAL AND SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS 7 SPLIT WHEELS 8-9 LOCK RING WHEELS 10 - 11 TRELLEBORG 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS (8 TO 15 INCH) 12 - 13 TRELLEBORG 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS (20 & 24 INCH) 14 TRELLEBORG 3-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS 15 TRELLEBORG EARTHMOVING WHEELS - TRELLEBORG SKID-STEER WHEELS 16 TRELLEBORG INDUSTRIAL TUBELESS WHEELS 17 TRELLEBORG POS WHEELS 18 SPECIAL ORDER FORM 19 TRELLEBORG FROM US ... TO YOU ... result of long term expertise, day-by-day commitment and market knowledge. We offer robust products, compliant with international standards and with even more tough OEM specific requirements, and easy-mounting solutions. PARTNERSHIP: YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS By working closely together with our customers from the stage of product development up to finished product, we are able to tailor our product portfolio to meet customer demands and needs. SPECIAL PRODUCTS Trelleborg® is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high quality wheel systems for industrial applications, such as material handling equipment, trailers, personnel carriers, ground support equipment, aerial lifts, construction equipment and much more. A Trelleborg wheel system is an assembly of tire and wheel designed, engineered and manufactured to perfectly work together, solving all the issues otherwise coming when matching different supplier components. Our PRIORITY is to supply the appropriate wheel for each Trelleborg Tire in order to offer a complete service to our customers. The top-quality level of our offer is the This catalogue presents our standard industrial wheel range, but if you cannot find the item you are looking for we also offer tailor-made solutions. We are able to produce on order products according to any specific requirements: optional offset, number of holes and even the colour!! CONSULTING CENTER If you want to know which wheel suits to your equipment, contact our customer service for consultancy and help. Thanks to our complete application database you will receive the information you need. 4 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG RANGE Trelleborg® provides a wide range of industrial wheels that can be fitted with Resilient, Pneumatic and Press-on Solid tires. All Trelleborg wheels are manufactured in accordance with E.T.R.T.O. (European Tire and Rim Technical Organization) standards and by virtue of their quality fulfill all customer’s requirements concerning safety and performance. The steel used to manufacture our wheels is of the highest quality, with perfect combination of workability and strenght. OUR RANGE INCLUDES: In our range you can find a wheel for each Trelleborg tire. • TUBELESS WHEELS SPLIT LOCK RING 4-PCE LOCK RING 3-PCE EARTHMOVER POS • SPLIT WHEELS • LOCK RING WHEELS • 4-PCE: 8”-15”/20” & 24” • 3-PCE: 20” • EARTHMOVER WHEELS • POS WHEELS • SKID STEER WHEELS SKID STEER TUBELESS ������������������ ����� ����� ������ ���� ��������� ��������� ������ ������ ����� ����� ��� ��������� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ��� ���������� ������������� ����������������� 5 5 ��� ���������� ���������� ��������� ������ ������ ������ ������ TRELLEBORG TECHNICAL FEATURES AND DIMENSIONS A wheel is usually composed of a RIM with one or more RINGS and a DISC. The RIM provides the seat to the tire and its shape can vary in order to optimize the assembly performance and mounting operations. The RIM can have a flat or tapered surface or a drop. The latter are not suitable for solids. The DISC is the interface between the rim and the axle’s hub of our equipment; normally the wheel is bolted to the hub with a number of bolts varying according to specific design of equipment manufacturer. The RINGS are designed to block the tire in its position on the wheel; the number of rings can vary according to the type of wheel (2-piece, 3-piece or 4-piece wheels). Use always rings from the same manufacturer. Not all Industrial Wheels require rings to perform tire fitment. Flange Bead seat ring Side ring Side ring RW Seat Lock ring Lock ring 5° Bead seat ring RD Disc GLOSSARY SEAT: part of the rim profile that secures the radial fixation of the tire BEAD SEAT RING: removable ring with the same function as the SEAT FLANGE: part of the rim profile that secures the axial fixation of the tire SIDE RING: removable ring with the same function as the FLANGE LOCK RING: removable ring that secures the good position of the rings PITCH CIRCLE: fictive diameter on which the centers of the stud holes are located CENTRAL BORE: or CENTRE HOLE, diameter in the disc (can also be used as centering system for the wheel on the axle hub) CHAMFER or COUNTERSINK: centres the wheel on the hub OFFSET: the distance from the attachment face of the central disc to the center line of the rim, it can be positive or negative: • • Positive: when both the rim center line and the hub are inwards with respect to the attachment face Negative: when the attachment face is positioned between the rim center line and the hub Attention! The material thickness is not specified. The standards recommend to consult manufacturer with regard to the appropriate material strenght for the inteded use. The rim must have sufficient strenght, not only to carry the load but also to withstand sudden impacts when hitting curbs, steel rails or when driving on uneven floors. 6 TRELLEBORG GENERAL AND SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Wheels are a highly stressed component of the vehicle; for this reason it is necessary to read and follow the information and safety instructions contained in this catalogue. Wheels are a vital safety part of your vehicle, therefore always ensure there is proper treatment and maintenance. MOUNTING • The correspondence between wheel and ring is necessary for safety, so, preliminary to mounting, always check rim and tire size carefully: verify if the wheel suits to the selected tire. • You always need to use rings and wheels of the same manufacturer. • Always use the correct components to fasten the wheel on the axle. • Always use the right dimension and type of stud holes. • Check that nuts are torqued to the correct setting. • If using tubeless tires, the rim has to be perfectly clean to provide airtightness. • The mounting and removal of split and multi-piece wheels should only be managed by trained personnel. • It’s better to cross fix the wheel studs and nuts when fitting the wheel to the axle hub, to ensure a better alignment. • Never use force to place or remove components. • The correct fitment and positioning of the components of multi pieces wheels has to be checked prior to inflation or deflation; in case of incorrect fitment, demount all the components and restart the mounting procedure. • The tire must be fully deflated before removing the wheel. USE AND MAINTENANCE • References to load carrying capacities and maximum speed limits are to be strictly respected! Tire and wheel load carrying capacity are not the same value, the indication of the tire size mentioned on the catalogues relates only to the possibility to mount the rim on the tire. The wheel load capacity that has to be taken into consideration is the one indicated directly by Trelleborg in accordance with E.T.R.T.O. standards. • Overstress in use, as well as wrong inflation pressure of pneumatics may results in negative effects on tires and wheels and may lead to the breaking of wheel disc, rim or side ring. • Choose only neutral and non aggressive mounting pastes to lubrificate the tire bead. • Check periodically the rim area near to the valve hole and the disc area: replace the wheel if there are straining cracks or corrosion marks. • Clean and paint any paint scratch or oxidation area. • Always replace damaged wheels. Deformed or damaged wheels should be scrapped! Don’t mount any deformed ring. Assembly of wornout, rusty or warped rims and wheels with ovalized stud holes is dangerous and should be omitted. • Cracked rims or discs must NEVER be re-welded in any circumstances. • Replace nuts or screws with oxidation traces or that cannot be screwed. Never try to grease them! 7 TRELLEBORG SPLIT WHEELS A split wheel is constructed in such a way that its two parts, when securely bolted together, combine to form a rim having two fixed flanges and an attachment disc. Rim diameter Flange height SPLIT WHEELS DESIGNATION Rim width A split wheel is characterized by three elements: Example: 5.00F –10 5.00: rim width (inch) F: flange contour 10: rim diameter (inch) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CENTRAL DISC A = centre bore diameter B = pitch circle diameter of hub holes D = hub hole diameter E = chamfer diameter of hub hole The chamfer can be Conical (C type) or Spherical (R type) No Chamfer Attention! When fitted with pneumatic tires, the tire has to be deflated before unfastening the wheel assemby bolts. 8 Conical Chamfer Spherical Chamfer TRELLEBORG 8 TO 12 INCH TRELLEBORG SPLIT WHEELS THE EASY FITTING COST SAVING SOLUTION • RANGE: 8” UP TO 12” • CONSISTING OF 2 PARTS BOLTED TOGETHER • SUITABLE FOR RESILIENT (NOT LOC/PLUS VERSIONS) AND TUBE TYPE PNEUMATIC TIRES • EASY MOUNTING AND ASSEMBLYING • SPECIAL BOLTS FOR ENHANCED SECURITY • COST EFFECTIVE AND RELIABLE SOLUTION • SUITABLE FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL TRAILERS AND FORKLIFT TRUCKS, GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, BAGAGGE CARTS, ETC. Rim Size Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B Number Ø Hole D Ø Chamfer E Chamfer type Trelleborg Partnumber 3.00 - 8 80 94 100 110 115 140 125 148 5 5 6 6 14,5 18,5 16,0 14,5 19,0 24,0 19,0 17,5 C60 R14 C60 C60 IW11114021 IW11114723 IW11110121 IW11110221 3.75I - 8 85,7 114,3 5 14,5 17,5 C60 IW11140623 4.33R - 8 94 140 5 18,5 24,0 R14 IW11162021 (mm) 8“ (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 9“ 4.00 - 9 130 140 142 150 160 170 170 180 8 6 8 6 16,0 16,0 17,5 17,5 20,0 21,0 20,8 21,0 C60 C60 C60 C60 IW11230121 IW11230921 IW11230221 IW11232021 10 “ 5.00 - 10 130 140 142 150 160 170 170 180 8 6 8 6 16,0 16,0 17,5 17,5 20,0 20,0 20,8 21,0 C60 C60 C60 C60 IW11320121 IW11320821 IW11320221 IW11320321 12 “ 5.00 - 12 144 150 170 170 175 190 200 220 220 220 8 6 6 6 5 27,0 27,0 27,0 32,0 27,0 32,0 31,5 31,5 37,0 31,5 C80 C60 C60 R22 C60 IW11450121 IW11450221 IW11450321 IW11450421 IW11450521 *BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS INCLUDED 9 TRELLEBORG LOCK RING WHEELS A lock ring wheel features removable circular type locking elements.The wheel is composed of two parts: • The rim with or without locking elements (bead seat ring, side ring and lock ring) • The central disc THE LOCKING RINGS To secure the tire on the rim, various locking systems are in use 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEEL RIM + BEAD SEAT RING + LOCK RING + SIDE RING Rim Disc Lock ring Side ring Bead seat ring Wheel 3-PIECE LOCK RING WHEEL RIM + LOCK RING + COMBI RING (not recommended for resilient tires) Combi ring Side ring Wheel RESILIENT LOC TIRE The special design of the base makes the locking rings redundant: the tire base is constructed to fit in the gutter of the wheel and assure the axial positioning of it. Trelleborg LOC/PLUS resilient tires fit on the RIM of a 4-piece lock ring wheel without rings. 10 10 TRELLEBORG CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CENTRAL DISC A = centre bore diameter B = pitch circle diameter of hub holes D = hub hole diameter E = chamfer diameter of hub hole The chamfer can be Conical (C type) or Spherical (R type) No Chamfer LOCK RING WHEELS DESIGNATION A lock ring wheel is characterised by three elements: Conical Chamfer Spherical Chamfer For resilient tyres, only following contours are appropriate: 5° BEAD SEAT RIM FLAT BASE RIM (4.33R-8) Example: 5.00 S-12 5.00: rim width (inch) S: flange contour 12: rim diameter (inch) DUAL MOUNTED TIRES Some items of Trelleborg 4-piece and 3-piece lock ring wheels can be used in a dual configuration. 4-piece lock ring wheel 3-piece lock ring wheel 11 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS 8 TO 15 INCH THE STRONGEST WHEEL ON EARTH Our industrial wheels are heavy duty and high air pressure wheels, that can work under the most severe applications. • RANGE: 8” UP TO 15” • SUITABLE FOR RESILIENT AND TUBE PNEUMATIC TIRES • RECOMMENDED FOR LOC AND PLUS VERSIONS OF SOLID TIRES FOR FASTER ASSEMBLY • SECURE TIRE POSITIONING, LOCKED BY RINGSET • DUAL MOUNTING SOLUTIONS • SUITABLE FOR HEAVY DUTY APPLICATION SUCH AS COUNTERBALANCED FORKLIFTS, TRAILERS ETC. Rim Size 8” 3.00D-8 4.33R-8 9” 4.00E-9 6.00E-9 10” 5.00F-10 6.50F-10 Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B N°of holes Ø Hole D 100 100 101 110 110 110 110 110 110 80 85 90 100 100 100 101 101 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 125,5 125 125 135 145 145 145 145 145 148 120 130 130 125 135 135 135 140 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 148 154 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 10 16 16 14 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 14,5 16 18,5 17,5 16 17,5 17 14 20 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 14 19 19 20 24 24 24 24 24 18 20 24 20,8 19,8 20,8 21 20 28 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 80 110 110 123,5 123,9 130 140 150 100,1 102,5 110 110 110 110 123,5 130 140 150 115 139 160 156 165,1 160 170 180 140 142 145 150 160 160 156 160 170 180 4 6 5 6 5 8 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 8 6 6 18,5 13,5 18,5 18,5 16 16 18 17,5 18 28 18,5 20 18,5 18,5 18,5 17,5 17,5 17 24 94 100 101 110 127 130 140 144 150 163 85 93 110 110 110 110 110 135 139 145 150 161 140 150 139,7 160 165,1 172 170 178 180 195 130 140 145 145 145 145 160 170 170 178 180 195 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 10 6 11 6 10 5 5 5 7 6 6 10 10 8 10 18,5 21,5 18,5 18,5 15,5 21,5 18 18,5 17,5 17,5 18,5 15 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 21,5 21,5 18,5 18,5 17,5 18,5 (mm) (mm) (mm) 12 Ø Chamfer E Chamfer Type (mm) Offset (mm) Trelleborg Partnumber C60 C60 R12 R14 R14 2R14 R14 R14 C60 C60 R14 C60 C60 C60 C60 R12 R16 2R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 2R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 R14 -4,5 0 -6 -25,4 -5 -2 0 35 -4,5 20 -17 11 -19 0 41 -7 -5 -35 -28 -7 0 14 25 30 40 0 40 48 -2 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 21 21 29 03 03 04 03 03 34 43 27 21 37 22 23 44 32 04 03 03 03 03 04 03 03 29 29 30 40 141 241 141 541 231 141 441 341 141 151 241 241 141 141 141 141 131 541 341 841 431 141 241 541 741 131 341 131 141 R14 0 -4,5 -6 0 -11,5 -5 -4,5 -5 0 12 4 64 24 74 -28 -16 -24 -22 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 30 34 28 21 24 29 25 29 24 03 32 23 23 26 25 31 35 141 141 141 131 241 141 141 141 141 141 131 141 241 141 131 121 141 141 0 34 -11 0 -5 0 -5 -36,5 -6 -4,5 -10 37 -25 7,5 25 -5 54 4 4 10 -17,5 -5 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW63 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 31 37 22 29 26 32 25 33 21 36 28 30 04 03 03 29 05 38 27 31 36 21 141 141 144 141 141 141 141 131 220 141 144 245 141 541 441 131 141 141 241 131 121 141 24 24 22 20 21 20,8 23 32 24 24 24 24 24 20,8 21 21 R14 R14 C90 C60 C60 C60 C80 C80 R14 C60 2R14 2R14 R14 C60 C60 C60 24 27 24 24 22,2 27 21 24 20,8 20,8 24 R14 2R16 R14 R14 C90 R16 C60 R14 C60 C60 R14 24 24 24 24 27 27 24 24 20,8 24 2R14 R14 R14 R14 R16 R16 R14 R14 C60 R14 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS Rim Size 12” 5.00S-12 8.00G-12 15” 5.5-15 6.0-15 6.5-15 7.0-15 7.5-15 8.0-15 9.75-15 11.0-15 Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Ø Hole D 144 150 152 161 161 161 165,7 170 221 93 110 140 140 144 145 161 161 161 161 165,7 170 171 190 200 204 205 205 205 218 220 250 140 160 170 185 190 178 205 205 205 205 218 218 220 8 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 5 10 6 8 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 27 27 26 21,5 21,5 21,5 32,5 32,5 19 15 21,5 18,5 16 27 18,5 21,5 21,5 21,5 21,5 32,5 16 32 152,4 202 161 176 192 161 161 176 176 176 200 202 221 221 221 230 230 240 240 161 161 164 165,7 165,7 170 176 176 176 176 178 190 200 221 221 161 165 176 202 202 161 164,4 176 176 194 200 221 221 230 161 161 164,4 165,3 165,7 170 176 176 221 221 221 221 221 230 176 221 230 203,2 245 205 225 270 205 205 225 225 225 260 245 275 275 275 283 283 290 290 205 205 222,25 218 218 220 225 225 225 225 210 270 250 275 275 205 222,5 225 245 245 205 222 225 225 250 260 275 275 283 205 205 222,25 222,2 218 220 225 225 275 275 275 275 275 283 225 275 283 8 6 6 10 8 6 6 10 10 10 6 6 8 8 8 12 12 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 14 8 8 8 8 6 6 10 6 6 6 8 10 10 6 6 8 8 12 8 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 12 10 8 10 16 26 21,5 27 32,2 21,5 21,5 27 27 27 32,5 26 27 27 27 27 27 32,5 32,5 21,5 21,5 32,5 32,5 32,5 32,5 27 27 27 27 16 27 27 19 21,5 21,5 32,5 27 26 26 21,5 32,5 27 27 32,5 32,5 27 27 27 21,5 21,5 32,5 32,2 32,2 32 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 (mm) (mm) 13 Ø Chamfer E Chamfer Offset (mm) (mm) Type 32 31,5 C80 C60 27 27 27 39,5 39,5 25 R16 R16 R16 R22 R22 2R16 27 24 R16 R16 32 24 27 27 27 27 37 22 37 C80 R14 R16 R16 R16 R16 R22 C90 C60 22 C90 27 32 37 27 27 32 32 32 37 2R16 2R18 2R22 R16 R16 R18 R18 2R18 R22 32 32 32 32 32 37 37 27 27 37 37 37 37 32 32 32 32 2R18 2R18 2R18 R18 R18 2R22 2R22 2R16 2R16 R22 R22 R22 R22 R18 R18 R18 2R18 31,5 35 25 27 27 37 32 C80 C60 2R16 2R16 2R16 2R22 2R22 27 37,5 32 32 37,5 37,5 32 32 32 27 27 37 37 37 37 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 R16 2R22 R18 2R18 R22 R22 2R18 R18 R18 2R16 R16 R22 R22 R22 C60 R18 2R18 2R18 2R18 R18 R18 R18 R18 R18 2R18 R18 -6 -6 -8 0 30 102 -6 -6 -14 30 40 10 0 -41 -5 -15 0 30 54 -45 -80 -40 -10 111 112 111 117 0 124 70 124 124 64 125 -26 36 124 38 129 124 134 22,5 120 40 -75 -7 -6 -15 20 55 75 68 78,5 -13 -28,5 116 120 65 142 -26 15 0 58 -216 95 19,5 56,5 -40 55 63 -70 0 17,5 6 -45 -35 0 20 -33 -13 12 40 75 63 0 34 58 8 TO 15 INCH /2 dual spacing Trelleborg Partnumber 1 (mm) 110 122 124 122 126 135 135 135 136 135 140 135 144 131 128 131 155 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 21 25 31 06 06 07 27 24 28 22 05 34 36 29 24 06 06 06 06 33 25 36 121 121 121 221 311 121 121 121 131 141 121 141 121 321 221 321 121 421 241 141 141 141 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW63 IW65 IW62 IW62 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 22 23 07 09 22 06 06 08 08 09 29 34 13 13 24 22 22 36 28 07 07 21 27 27 25 08 08 08 08 29 37 23 32 11 07 22 09 21 21 06 24 08 09 22 23 13 12 14 41 47 33 45 42 48 08 09 13 13 12 12 12 14 08 13 14 121 111 125 113 111 121 121 111 311 111 111 111 713 813 113 221 111 111 111 313 213 110 111 211 121 321 621 111 421 121 151 131 113 121 113 121 131 221 121 121 121 421 321 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 241 143 421 913 221 521 321 221 151 123 121 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG 4-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS 20 & 24 INCH THE STRONGEST WHEEL ON EARTH Our industrial wheels are heavy duty and high air pressure wheels, that can work under the most severe applications. • SUITABLE FOR RESILIENT AND TUBE PNEUMATIC TIRES • SUITABLE FOR HEAVY DUTY APPLICATION SUCH AS COUNTERBALANCED FORKLIFTS, TRAILERS. • WITHOUT RINGS FOR LOC/PLUS RESILIENT TIRES • ITEMS SUITABLE FOR DUAL MOUNTED ASSEMBLIES Rim Size 20” 6.5-20 7.0-20 7.5-20 8.0-20 8.5-20 10.0-20 16.0-20 24” 8.5-24 10.0-24 11.25-24 Central Bore A (mm) Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Ø Hole D (mm) 221,6 161 281 281 281 176 281 281 281 281 281 281 325 343 176 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 325 221 230 281 281 281 281 281 284 361 285,6 205 335 335 335 225 335 335 335 335 335 335 381 400 225 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 381 275 283 335 335 335 335 335 335 400 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 8 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 32,2 21,5 27 26,5 26 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 27,0 27,0 26,0 20,0 26 25,4 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 27 27 24 26 26 27 27 26 27 281 281 281 370,9 371 371 371 371 371 281 371 371 371 371 371 371 335 335 335 422,3 425 425 425 425 425 335 425 425 425 425 425 425 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 24 24 10 12 12 12 12 24 12 26 26 27 32,5 26 26 26 26 26 25,4 26 26 26 27 26 26 14 Ø Chamfer E Chamfer Offset (mm) (mm) Type 37 27,5 R18 R22 R16 32 31,5 2C80 32 32 2R18 2R18 34,4 R18 28 C90 28 C90 32 2R18 32 32 R18 2R18 32 32 2R18 2R18 32 R18 32 37,5 34,4 32 2R18 R22,2 R18 R18 140 90 127 152 169 125 35 149 167 174 86 191 174 -20 0 -11 158 158 162 169 172 173 174 190 173 174 4 62 -37 145 163 165 199 216 0 158 182 172 10 60 173 175 154 172 -64 175 207 210 207 207 200 /2 dual spacing Trelleborg Partnumber 1 (mm) 152 150 165 182 140 162 180 187 203 187 172 172 176 182 187 188 189 205 188 189 159 178 180 214 229 176 196 187 187 190 172 190 190 222 225 225 225 215 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 79 32 07 22 16 22 21 16 16 16 16 17 17 61 25 25 22 16 16 16 22 16 17 16 16 24 23 12 14 30 16 16 17 17 21 21 131 131 131 231 131 151 731 131 431 231 221 191 231 181 131 151 151 141 431 251 751 151 651 351 251 251 221 251 141 341 251 151 251 131 181 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 IW62 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 16 16 17 21 18 18 18 18 22 28 18 18 18 19 21 18 281 251 251 151 341 141 151 281 181 161 151 251 351 281 261 171 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG 3-PIECE LOCK RING WHEELS 20 & 24 INCH THE CHEAPER SOLUTION FOR ORDINARY APPLICATIONS • 20” SOLUTIONS (8.5-24 ON REQUEST) • SUITABLE FOR PNEUMATIC TIRES (TUBE TYPE) ONLY • COST-SAVING SOLUTION • SUITABLE FOR MEDIUM DUTY APPLICATIONS LIKE TRAILERS • ITEMS SUITABLE FOR DUAL MOUNTED ASSEMBLIES Rim Size 20” 6.0-20 6.5-20 7.0-20 7.5-20 8.0-20 8.5-20 24” 8.5-24 Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Ø Hole D 221 161 161 221 221 281 281 221 281 221 281 281 281 326 281 281 275 205 205 275 275 335 335 275 335 275 335 335 335 380 335 335 8 6 6 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 21 21 25 25 27 26 27 26 25,4 27 26,0 26,0 27,0 26 26 (mm) (mm) on request 15 Ø Chamfer E Chamfer Offset (mm) (mm) Type 32 2R18 32 2R18 31,5 32 31,5 R18 R18 C80 32 R18 32 2R18 162 85 162 85 90 134 149 156 149 -7,5 152 161 174 -161 0 175 /2 dual spacing Trelleborg Partnumber 1 (mm) 174 174 146 162 167 162 165 174 187 -161 188 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 IW65 71 72 72 72 72 72 73 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 21 30 31 21 21 17 16 13 16 24 28 22 16 26 16 17 121 125 125 125 325 121 131 218 131 121 131 133 231 198 541 231 TRELLEBORG 25 TO 33 INCH TRELLEBORG EARTHMOVING WHEELS LOCKING SYSTEM TO PREVENT SLIPPAGE IN HIGH TRACTION APPLICATION • MADE OF 3 OR 5 PCS. • FOR EARTHMOVER (TUBELESS) TIRES ONLY • RELIABLE AND ROBUST SOLUTION • SUITABLE FOR EARTHMOVING AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 25" Rim Size Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Ø Hole D 11.25-25/2.0 335 335 425 425 10 10 12 12 26 26 27 27 400 16 27 425 500 24 24 26 26 17.00-25/2.0 19.50-25/2.5 22.00-25/3.0 25.00-25/3.5 281 281 365 371 Clampfitting 350 Clampfitting 371 449 Clampfitting On request On request On request On request 13.00-33/2.5 On request 13.00-25/2.5 15.00-25/3.0 33" (mm) Ø Chamfer E (mm) (mm) Chamfer Type Offset (mm) 40 145 5 90 32 R18 Trelleborg Partnumber IW61 IW61 IW61 IW61 IW61 87 87 87 87 87 21 21 22 23 00 151 251 181 181 101 2 55 90 12 TO 19.5 INCH TRELLEBORG SKID-STEER WHEELS TOP PERFORMANCE IN HEAVY DUTY APPLICATION • 1 PIECE WHEEL • ROBUST DESIGN • INTERNAL SURFACE WELL FINISHED TO PREVENT TUBE DAMAGING • SUITABLE FOR SKID STEER MACHINES, ROUGH TERRAIN TELEHANDLERS, MOBILE OFF-ROAD PLATFORMS, ETC. Rim Size Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Hole Type Ø Hole D Ø Chamfer E (mm) Chamfer Type Offset 205 152,4 203,2 205 203,2 203,2 203,2 6 6 8 6 8 8 8 A2 9.75x16.5 161 117,8 152,4 161 152,4 152,4 152,4 A2 21,5 15 17,5 21,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 27 20 22 27 22 22 22 R16 C90 C90 R16 C90 C90 C90 0 27 18 0 33 -22 45 17.5" 10.5x17.5 161 205 6 A2 21,5 27 R16 0 IW68 77 06 121 19.5" 11.75x19.5 161 205 6 A2 21,5 27 R16 0 IW68 79 06 121 12" 7.00x12 16.5" 8.25x16.5 Central Bore A (mm) (mm) (mm) Trelleborg Partnumber On request 16 IW68 IW68 IW68 IW68 IW68 IW68 IW68 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 06 21 22 06 21 21 21 121 121 121 121 141 221 321 TRELLEBORG TRELLEBORG INDUSTRIAL TUBELESS WHEELS 22.5 INCH HIGH PERFORMANCE IN HARD CONDITIONS • 1 PIECE WHEEL • ROBUST DESIGN • INCREASED RIM THICKNESS • SUITABLE FOR TUBELESS TIRES ONLY • SUITABLE FOR RO-RO TRUCKS AND INDUSTRIAL TRAILERS Rim Size 22.5” 7.50x22.5 8.25x22.5 9.00x22.5 11.75x22.5 Central Bore A (mm) On On On On Pitch circle Ø B (mm) N°of holes Hole Type Ø Hole D (mm) Ø Chamfer E (mm) Chamfer Type Offset (mm) Trelleborg Partnumber request request request request DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES The wheel diameter for inch-sizes = Nominal Rim Diameter + 0.005 inch - 0.000 inch for metric sizes = h6 according to ISO286-2 To facilitate mounting, the wheel must have a bevelling on at least one side. The width of bevelling is minimum: 3 mm for tire section widths up to 105 mm 5 mm for tire section widths over 105 mm The angle of the bevel to the axle is 30°. Attention: No welding or flame cutting on the wheel or central disc is allowed while the tire is mounted: the heat generated would destroy the rubber-metal adhesion. 17 TRELLEBORG UP TO 40 INCH TRELLEBORG POS WHEELS FROM SMALLER TO BIGGER SIZES • RANGE: UP TO 40” • FOR CASTED OR WELDED WHEELS • STRICT TOLERANCES TO ENSURE CORRECT MOUNTING • FOR HEAVY LOAD APPLICATIONS AND COUNTERBALANCED FORKLIFT AND TRAILERS Trelleborg Partnumber IW67 14 IW67 31 IW67 32 IW67 32 IW67 34 IW67 36 IW67 45 IW67 45 IW67 46 IW67 57 IW67 67 IW67 67 IW67 79 IW67 79 IW67 79 B157,5 IW67 79 IW67 99 22 21 21 22 21 30 21 24 23 21 21 22 13 13 30 inch D mm 141 151 151 141 157 145 141 211 111 111 181 157 253 353 183 8 111/? 111/? 10 101/? 101/? 1211/8 22 203,2 286 286 254 267 267 308 305 308 381 406 406 558,8 600 558,8 31 181 23 181 22 30 558,8 762 121/8 15 16 16 22 B Central Bore A Pitch circle Ø B N° 105 99 115 186 110 93 108 Bearing 110 103 160 145 221 221 151 140 135 145 216 145 140 136 5 5 4 5 5 5 8 15 13 18 12 21,5 14 14,5 12 100 148 127 127 152 178 140 130 152 203 217 203 355,6 320 304,8 145 142 205 180 275 275 203,2 5 6 6 14 8 8 8 15 20 21,5 16 27,0 27,0 21,5 12 16 304,8 406,4 270 361 305 400 12 16 18,0 inch 5 5 6 7 6 8 8 14 mm (mm) D= RIM DIAMETER B= RIM WIDTH (mm) Ø Hole D Ø Chamfer E Chamber (mm) (mm) type 23 19 C90 C90 15 27 18 18,8 C60 16 C90 C60 23 2xC60 27 C90 R16 32,0 32,0 23,5 2R18 2R18 C90 Offset (mm) B47 B80 B60 A40 B69 A45 B101 B59 B106 B93 B109 B174 B185 B140 A144 B265 OFFSET: A= DISTANCE FROM FRONT TO DISC B= DISTANCE FROM DISC TO BACK TRELLEBORG WHEEL SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS We want to meet our customer requirements and special needs, whatever they may be; therefore we also offer a flexible and tailored production. Our workshop, located in Belgium, is equipped with state–of-the-art machine tools and can produce a large range of wheels, from 8” up to 40”, both for heavy industrial and material handling application. CONSULTING CENTER Trelleborg offers a consulting service that helps our customers to know which wheels suit to their industrial equipment. 18 TRELLEBORG SPECIAL ORDER FORM WHEEL SPECIFICATIONS Company: ___________________________________ Wheel size (WxØD): ____________________________________________________________________ ❏ with rings _________________________________________ ❏ without rings Wheel: Manufacturer: ____________________________________________________________ Partn°: _______________________________ Tire size: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ solid tire __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vehicle: Brand: ______________________________________________________ Model: Thickness of the disc T: ______________________________________________ Centre bore diameter ø d: Position of the disc B: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ pneumatic tire ________________________________________________________ mm mm mm (or Offset: ± ________ mm) Pitch Circle Diameter : P: __________________________ mm or F: __________________________ mm Stud holes: Number of stud holes: __________________________ Stud hole diameter G: __________________________ mm ❏ With counter sink: Counter sink diameter H: __________________________ mm Conical a: ________________ ° Spherical R : ________________ mm ❏ one side ❏ two sides REMARKS : ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 EUROPEAN SALES OFFICES AMERICAN SALES OFFICES OTHERS SALES OFFICES FACTORIES AND DISTRIBUTION BELGIUM OHIO AUSTRALIA USA TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS BELGIUM NV HEAD QUARTERS BUSINESS UNIT EUROPE BRUGSESTEENWEG 7 9940 EVERGEM TEL: 0032 - 92572211 FAX: 0032 - 92572230 EMAIL: [email protected] 61 STATE ROUTE 43 NORTH HARTVILLE OH 44632 TEL: 001-330-8771211 FAX: 001-330-8772346 TRELLEBORG QUEENSLAND RUBBER CO PTY LTD 515 ZILLMERE ROAD ZILLMERE QLD 4034 TEL: 0061- 738667444 FAX: 0061-738667471 TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS AMERICAS INC. 61 STATE ROUTE 43 NORTH HARTVILLE, OH 44632-0430 TEL: 001-3308771211 FAX: 001-3308772346 BRAZIL SRI LANKA TRELLEBORG DO BRASIL LTDA. RUA CORONEL J. A. MARTINS, 2794 LAGO DE PRATA - CX POSTAL 434 LENCOIS PAULISTA - SP BR-CEP 18682-050 TEL: 0055-142643609 FAX: 0055-142633713 TRELLEBORG LANKA LTD. SAPUGASKANDE MAKOLA TEL: 0094 - 1521803 FAX: 0094 - 1549541 GERMANY TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS GMBH KLEBERSTRASSE 2 D-40822 METTMANN POB 10 01 52 . D-40805 METTMANN TEL: 0049 - 2104217282 FAX: 0049 - 2104217291 ESPANA TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS ESPANA, S.A. VALENCIA, 333, 3°1° 08009 BARCELONA TEL: 0034 - 9320814 80 FAX: 0034 - 9345884 74 GREAT BRITAIN TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS RESOLUTION ROAD FLAGSTAFF 42 ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH LEICERSTERSHIRE LE67 1AA TEL: 0044 - 1530565656 FAX: 0044 - 1530565600 SWEDEN TRELLEBORG INDUSTRI AB THOMAS HOLMBERG HENRY DUNKERS GATA 2 SE-231 81 TRELLEBORG TEL: 0046 -8815234430 FAX: 0046 - 152344 31 MOBILE: 0046 - 709164816 EMAIL: [email protected] FRANCE TRELLEBORG ROUES INDUSTRIELLES 11-15 AV. PAUL ADAM 75017 PARIS TEL: 0033 - 01442900 00 FAX: 0033 - 0144290004 RUSSIA TRELLEBORG INDUSTRI O.O.O. (LTD) ROSCHINSKIY PROEZD 8.2-oy RU-117 419 MOSCOW TEL: 007 - 952325579 FAX: 007 - 952322264 CZECH REPUBLIC TRELLEBORG CZ S.R.O. CHLUMCANSKÉHA 10 CZ-180 00 PRAHA 8 TEL: 0042 - 0283842600 FAX: 0042 – 0283841699 POLAND TRELLEBORG POLSKA SO Z.O.O. 6-8 SZAPARAGOWA STR PL 91-211 LODZ TEL: 0048 - 426506868 FAX: 0048 - 426525181 EMAIL: [email protected] 04-07 GEORGIA 105 FOREST PARKWAY, SUITE 100 FOREST PARK, GA 30297 TEL: 001-404-3617060 FAX: 001-404-3611977 CALIFORNIA 2438 PECK ROAD CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 90601 TEL: 001-562-6955686 FAX: 001-562-6959040 NEW YORK 89 LEUNING AVENUE SOUTH HACKENSACK, NJ 07606 TEL: 001-201-4882215 FAX: 001-201-4880577 TEXAS 9239 KING ARTHUR DRIVE DALLAS, TX 75247 TEL: 001-214-6301530 FAX: 001-214-6301557 CHINA TRELLEBORG WHEEL SYSTEMS CHINA ROOM 201, ASTRONAUTICAL HOTEL 222 CAOXI ROAD CN-SHANGAI, 200235 TEL: 0086-2164824305 FAX: 0086-2164826375 INDONESIA PT TRELLEBORG INDONESIA WISMA KORINDO, 4TH FLOOR JALAN MT HARYONO KAV. 62 JAKARTA 12780 TEL: 0062 - 217976211 FAX: 0062 - 217976213 MALAYSIA TRELLEBORG MALAYSIA SDN BHD NO 22 JALAN 30B/146 TAMAN DESA TASIK, SUNGAI BESI MY-57000 KUALA LUMPUR TEL: 0060 - 390596388 FAX: 0060 – 390593169 EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected] THAILAND TRELLEBORG THAILAND LTD 3539 NEW RAMA 9 ROAD (SOI 53) SAUNLANG TH-102 50 BANGKOK TEL: 0066 - 27322861 FAX: 0066 - 27322864 E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected] SINGAPORE TRELLEBORG S.E. ASIA PTE LTD 4 JALAN PESAWAT SINGAPORE 619362 TEL: 0065 - 62622112 FAX: 0065 - 62622002 EMAIL: [email protected] SOUTH AFRICA TRELLEBORG SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD NEDERVEEN HIGHWAY / PHILIPS ROAD ROODEKOP 1401 TEL: 0027 - 118653110 FAX: 0027 - 118652965
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