Beta Data 1934
Beta Data 1934
BETA DATA .........a....-r..-...s.{a...s..n......d...EB.n..e..rfr..Krr.mxr.r[[email protected]|-!{r......r...r8...rr.........r.n..tqEr.x|[ Vol. I No. 2 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER %. asa4 Priceless CENTRAL RUSH SMOKER HUGE SUCCESS Nat Hyman, Beta Alumni House Party For Adviser, Marries Game The Dartrnouth ABOUT 13O ATTEND EIIE,NT ANNUAI The central rush smoker heid on Sept, 9, at the Hotel Penn was a huge success this year. Mor.e'than 75 brothers from 14 of the chapters, were present and also about 55 prospective pledges. Bob Brown, the Nat'l Secretary, presided and !.$9""+h! tct.btiilai-iti'.'' ?lie'mite'[fri? was graced by the presence of Su. q. . o, , t o l c h e s t l a w i l l b e h lr e d fo r ' lr r e ll. 1 e wa - s ve r y acti ve i n. both fra- preme Master Al Grossman. Milt H e Cash acted as registrar and Aity th e oc c as i o D a n d a l l i n a ll it will b e I te t' n ity a n d - ca mpus acti vi ti es. r vo n se ve r a l d ebati ng contests and Pick came in tosraral the end. a t t 'pic al A E P i I { o u s e P a r ty rraLel held e r o &lm almost o sL !v!r'y every fraternity office, nlakiDc ]a r ilu g Ii u Wally Zrvisohn, Ben Shebar, Paul start rI n h o u l c t sta atumni u m n i sshould ffe- al 1he oJ Master' u n - lin clu d in g ,th a t th e Wi l s o n , M i k e L a w r e n c e , a n d T e c l d y no$. arranlieme n t s gr ad u a t i o n , - h e h a s _ P e e n tr'Iandelbaum were the Beta Alu,mni Sinc e his grat d ergrids sh ou ld start c allint f or l-I Since pra.( of law in Pitts- present. Every Beta undergraduate lbusy in the pra.ctiee d a t es . rapid making a repula- in the metro.politan area was there. I ton and is rapidly for himself. Little informal talkr were held by Ition I o diln* iis c More Beta Boys The ealitor sure that all the one mem,ber from each o.f the chap'n h a ters represented. These talks gave the Frosh some idea of the life he ---':r ! !! ! IHAPPYREfIURIN,S! was about to enter. be Nat Hyman '29, Beta Alumni AdPlans are already under way for a gala house Party for the Cornell- visel and a member of the Supreme Daitmouth fo otb al] g am e' week - en' l' Board of Governors. marrietl Miss G er aldine M ar c u s o n A u g u s t 2 , 1 9 3 4 . November 1? . of new brotherslThe ceremony took place in WilkesThe initiation r';ill be held on this week-enalso that:barre'which is Gerry's home town' N&*q$$ad. :'ffe{r}, ,thc; Oorr!!, as many a l u n l n i a s aw Sc hool in 1 9 2 9 . Wh i l e a t C o r -*6ma rit*criiid-.* . ^ ' *,!.-*F Four more PassThe P"" l33i,%il"i.",]t Joilnon.,,n:i{i* "d'i&* m e n o f Be ta ca n I adrled to that lor.s and illustrio\s I tvrrnnn wE WER,E aND WIIAT list of AEPi's that have been ao- | trtrrEDID meD mitted to the bar. Four Ileta I -o. . andl took ttre test in JuDe. Hy AA,RON stayed at home in 'W',ilkesbarre and made hi,mself four tseta men passed. - | flongratu latio Ds a re in o_r der . lot lu"r y us ef ui in h i s f a t h e r , s p r o d u c e Artie Hab er, IJe n L o$ 'ens t eln' benlbus ines s . Foor" . , an d Mortv Wek s t ein. Eac hl' - - iiiib t s I NKo V v 'a s a c o u n s e l l o r o f tirertr h as siuce Droc ur eo . a c oo9 |at Canr p \ \ ' ins t o n , ] I o n t i c e l l o , N . Y . . MY I'OURTEI]N TER}ff; AT COR. NELI/ AND STUF,X' LIKE THAT For this brief but effective title I am indebted to the editor. It is no secret that I am ot the school that prefers to express the ,period of incalceration in terms of years, but j ob anc i a l e l l o \ \ ' r a p i d l y o n th e r o a d I a u d m a d e a tr ip or tw o to Ii l raca in deference to the aforesaid pdito.r t o s uc c es s . I saive my convictions and express l d u r in g lh e su m mer. NAT E, LKI NS s t a y e d a t h o m e i n i it in terms of terms. But it might '38 Y-IITRIES I Hunt ingt on, L. I . , w b e r e h e c u t t h e l be expressed best of all in terms \III{I,) LANRE\CE I larvns, trimmed the hedges an4 I geological. Much has occurred durMike La wren ce '33 , m ar r ied llis s l worked in his father's sport goods I ing these seven years; but as I have Posie Greenberg, of Kew Gardens.l store. I it on good authority that history in flike graduated from tbe Vet Col-l travelled TED D,LKINS a bit, I our .day consist8 not of events . but f ggesn 19 1i snd , rnq nr lm ber onef t.r.i)-ld .,;ie-.a b;tlerir"-r',- Leiped tist of -TF ENilN, I srlaTl'cith-fi-ri6inisGlf m an in h i s c l a s s . I m m e d ia te ly a fte r tather in Wall Street, and ended his to the latter, which though they may graduat ic ,n , i 1 e w e D t t o r l' o r k to r o n e vacation n'ith a hunting trip to the not be too intelesting, are unqueso f Long I s t a n d ' s i e a d i n g ca t a n d d o g far off rvoods of Maine. tionably deep stuff. m o n th s, several After hos pit als . HOWIE FORMAN was a counselThe Passing of Elmlra,:. It is difp l a c e a n d f o r h im se lf ]1 ik e bou g h t a lor at Camp Berkshire, West Gosh- fi,cult to oyer-estimate the im,po,rty e r y o t b u sin e ss thriving now has a en, Conn. ance of the decline of this modern his on'n. JOE GOTIESMAN was an interne Babel. fime was when the initiaYo u (yes, interne) at the Elmira ReforY o u , -M ike ! G ood l i t c k , t o tion of the uninitiate -' inclu,ded at d e se r ve e ve r Y matory and then returned to and hard work ed leas,t one semi-pu,blic performance break y ou g e t . G o o d l u ck to b o th o f do some swell work for AEPi. within the sacred walls. As certain y ou! PAIIL GRO'SSINGER went to the affidayits concerning a certain blond Chicago Fair, did a lot of traveling, Adoni's will attest, a period of such sparred with Barney Ross and in his ritualistic perfo.rmances is long past. spare time helped with the manage- Some may rejoice in the .pa,ssing of APPRECIA.TION ment of The Grossinger ("famous this olservance, but there is a whole for food and hospitality"). The.Editor wishes to take this hearted simplicity and a fine symbolopportunity to express hls SAM HERMAN stayed in South ism in such primitive custom; that thanks to a,ll those who conFallsburgh all summer, sold thous- some of us regret. tributed artlcleg. . It ands of pairs of shoes to misguided (The Editor might adtt that the rras their help and coopera,tion vacationists .and occasionally took passing of Elmira is unquestionably I nrade (human that thls issue at a,ll "'o care of a alog or two and I due to the great amoUnt of amateur poesible. otherwise). lcompetition in Ithaca.) (Contlnued otr trourth Pa.go) (,Continued. on Pags Three) i \ -7 BET. { ' DATA r.ra'4"r""r""""t1"tm"t""""" ,-|I.-oadra.g.Iflff name of none! He has had so muc! Frateroitieg a fraternity. have wb'ftetw @utu**'l*-r'i:sn$li iil:fi+ +-{t'*q ;;!:-##,*'*# ItoNDAy. SEPIEMBEII, 1D,B4 '/4, park 216caecadila N.Y' rthaca, AN AE,Pi PUBLICATION ST AFF ' Therefore, I hereby publiely "r re- sides as well. Aalopt a business at- :hd **i:tr-*#i.qtjry:i":31{ k#*l"rt',nirhfl iilt itl f,",Ttli"r*li'i.,tx,{"}n,l};l'"*;;,loi"*1",iffi,,*",f;l':ll; i:"il",l# ;3*:i'"1""td :lT"l':ft#r3-",t1"f,"ili,J,frlT1ti . t hes et hings is al w a y s g r a t e f u l l y r e - 'g o 'f o r t h e w o r l d . B u t w h i l e y o u (if worthy) retained. I ceivetl ancl,"tJr:1ilJ,"rit' I are at A.E.rPi, loo,k around and, ask lthese things the vital interests inlhave indivittual suites, separate bedfor ilif e, when inst r u c t i n g t h e e r n b r y o j r o o m s , g o o d f o o d , a f i n e h a l l tt"t".tliJ EDrroR-IN-crHIEFi 3.:1tT..."::,ut1:X""' i$i#:"'#"Ji 13L,",J,f,;i"ilii3utur"l""T"l"" Weiner interests up, reeords of the I a college man, these \rital Mae when they come cor'{'rRlBuro'Rrs|il;' ,"1 r'*:"1"n*,fl""i;u.,l'# ili ,l?;#illli o#tlit"&,ltu,r"ltsuf,l pouserifgur 2. FIow to obtain ffrst you needn't.b_ea millionaire, or any- Morty weksteln Cy Rinzler - Maurey ' Ben Shebar Rokbach Leo v;ars. I class food antl lodging at not too th.tns remotely resembling one, How to estab-laffoia estab-1aff_o,rd it.-it. 3, _Hoy expense. 5. an L*p"tt.u. ii.""t lsreat ro - to lii 1f".,'il'11;" ,1""-T".1'?I tents of i B E N S H E I B A R '3 4 lm et hods of m e e t i n g r e Q u i r e n"""t"it;l^J".'l {-:-:-:-}!-}:-:-:-:-:-}:-r":-:-:-r:-:-:':-.f 1""Tr*J,li i31*"*t"t' IY#;T:i".".,,'.lilii"'.o.t.'i U."it:gi.,_ty_T_"".and wom-| fhis space was supposed *-lll:l:ll:l:::,sf'.I'L-i;: wrL""r,, ggjh "r.,:;:;".j.r"J:;"l .l t| *itn :i: (Yes' I said women') | contain an edltoriar but it was :i: i"tlKeep t hes e p o i n t s i n m i n d a s y o u l : a: i ,l' rr R, R II rr OI rlr Lr, T U or n""J"o"1n|'*""li",oj"Jji_lnnn ss6,1 o$",a"n* arrrrr'rn never wrnt!n by tho person take advantage of the sen-l {il*:9,',1,:.ll;" tinciatty, to it bv theeditor. assisned ililt;r?"t'rs"#;::"1;i',1:ij;f"ll::l ,iit",',Llt,#,fitffiit'J"":; i:tTj:S' shaneonvou,Ar! FootbauatLp*.pi. besinsas fl ll;*: ttlrjljilTLiLl the other,lsoon as somebody can find the pum,p one with "fif;3",i'"?:l o,i l: ix# ll 3f"3;l'-,,. *l" 1i0 i",l?','"Ti" 1"" r,o ll"*;; l 1Ti*"".t" " ""i ",1 Hark!o,yeFrosh! Iniw";" xrr*,il;#i,'""J1n";',1*ll,"l;lr"'*:;gt*:* ious fraternities (lle I Look over the living and sleeping ac-lset forth the general alarm. pump belfound in his room, where handlcap-lI lcommodations. See if you will r vu l u the !.r v w ge! rsomewhat uEE uruuruualrurrt' vq r r I UJ EEI I find myself " ^" "I UUU I ped in greetiug you by being physic-lrequired to sleep with thirty.-fivelone can.find almost anything that's illy unable, on paper, to slap you_rlother fellows on double-rlecker bedslmissing.) In the ears of most tratindtvidual backs aual impart to eachlin one poolly ventilatetl and heatedlers, it so'unded llke a clarion bell a xale bit of lubricity or salacrityl1666, u'hen the thern_rometer hitslringing forth clear -and stlll over (dirty joXe, risque inueq{o, - orlS0, below. And see which ot thelSherwo_od-Forest, but ao+-Jo-t\4t.'ve!!ran, t-he__!9mo9sTb_e lastl houses ofrer intlividual suites. to you! ) smutiy story, lsrizzletl_oltl ^ tnvaluable lnl maneuver is almost 'Consider.the advantaces the fra-ltachecl Morton Nathaniel Wekstein, '!. B, functions.lA. 8,,-8,,5., L. To him it for soclal offers bail-fellow-well-lternity that establiShing met-contaci, that seems the essen-lThe facilities for dancing and thelsounded like the good old dinner tial atmosphere for all college rela--lfacilities for entertaining and -pro-lbell, and he forthwith bedecked himand easylviding living quarters forlself in .his rainmanls, washed his eut that free iionst andl vour parents, at no additlonal^ ex- [ears, (s_ince we never have rratermeans o,f establishing ;;rt eminating an aura of good fellow-lpense to yourself, when your folks melon during- O-ctober)., girded his you. These may lo.ins and dashed imerrily down the ship bein? denied me, allow me tol come to visit substttutJinstead the infinitely lesslseem to you such obvious lhi_nqs to stairs. -"What-hol" he.cried,, wlth emcjcious, but infinitely more Drac-l consider, that you may feel -I labor an indolent shrug of hls well-bred. tical (under tbese circumetances) lthe point in stres,sing them for con-, shoulders,.on -pe.rce,ivinghis sundry I A'.hrt:i:"J"niiri'"ileliii;"iil"";;-lli,Lir"tioo. r know,rro*"u"i, in"tli'"t".r-iiti."o in vartoussweater, you all (southern in-l it took yours truly two years-to dis-l shirt. combigations. and- ill _assorted with l".t "To the Wars, it greeting youltinguish these things as leally im-lev.enln_g-attire. merely fluence) by 'Wel-lportant,.anrl that many tr'rosh- de-iis!" He forth'wit! hied himself up wlth a..Hail"Fellow'Well-Met! come!" I cide to be fraternity or independent, I the- stadrs a-ntl 'bgclolhed him-qelf Dot very muchl or select one fraternity over anotherlwith more.suitable habiliments. He There, is really welrhty att-lbtindty,without a thousht t9,.tl:lLh9l_ l"T:-!1"-,*^Y'. T;{. poi"t-i"'flrtus seFious, fr_o'mhis beloved books, (Ed. interests." They think it He hae Just'"vital iice at a Fr&hmau. islP_ouser i"tiveA from. Missourl and must see undignifletl to be interested in- suchlNote: Joke)__and,gceq bim botlwhen cousiderin8lily down tortpper Alumhl' r{e has met so many worldly things ror-trimselt! Altel a fAw Dractice s!ssions, lt iritual clalml new-peoBte that he ,1nBETA Page Four trrrn.r.r...n...r.r..r...[rrr{[email protected] - -- /- DATA Monday, Sleptomber 24, 1934 8.....r.r.r...........n..u....r-...u...g.s.u.*r..-..c..|-|.F..|{.u, I Ilaving to ,gather material from the knew better. of the earth and ob' T. ELKI,NS should have joined I far corners being haurpored by overT. the Fokine ballet. His terpischorviously (Continuecl from Fir,st Page) I one being away for ttte summert ean ability would go far in this lot's let the imagina.tion run ra.rn. field. TII.AROLD JACOBS spent the sum-l parrt and describe: FIORMA,N should have edited an mer as a counsellor at CamP CodY' encyclopaedia.,, he'd be then Little Meadow, Pa. Ttrere be in- IVHAT X'R,ATERfI SIIOTILD able to answer b,ls owh questions. T[TI' trigued the Midgets with his fasciH$.VB'DONE N. ELKINIS should have go,ne to nating stories of Cornell Night Life. California. that's where him nicknamed His admiring Publie SHAR,FSTT'E]IINshould have been Barth went, "rCurly." at th ,Cornell Law SOCOLOF should have Been the ben librarian ROY LEHRETR staYed at home in Libe. show "New ;Faces", the Wilcts of Flatbush. MOREY POUSER should have GO'TTEISMAN should have gone to AL I/EVINE was ,a counsellor at a reformatory. he w,ould come to W'HITE ROE. There he Camp Kee-Iilah-We, Wingdale' N. Y.. have .driven.the inma,tes Crazy Wltb dltln't. where he was the chief "zetzer". BEN POU,S,ERshould have passed laugh. 'l'his probably explains ,ElBM,E LDVINSON dial a lot of his quick he did. return home. Incidental- the bar. his commuting between Newburgh and Iy, he met one of our fraters there .L/ELNSON should have visited Port Jervis. (in the psyco,pathicward). Maybe Benderly. then everything . B'EN POIISETR Passed the bar and one of the other chaPters had a mu' would have been ducky. Binghamton a for working is now ITEHRIER ,should TAFMAN and sician like :Rinzler. lawyer. W'EnIER should have been a state have ,been formally ,pledged during he that wished MOREY POUFER Hls Phaeton (Ed' note: the summer. trooper. was already in his brother's boots Buick) and his .observant eye for E{DDLMAN should Dot have been his in but he made himself useful the end. . . but he the mlnutest details would go far ln left for father's auto accesgory store. line. w48....,. ,CY RINZ'LER spent several weeks this gone to W,ILSON should have at Gross'inger's (and paid for them' Massachusettes. 'There he surely TURMOIIJ too), travellecl around quite a bit c ould hav e go t t e n a d a t e o n h i s o w n or with Wisch and wrote a song or two ability. ITHE SAGA OF TITE ATIIITEIf,I just for fu.n. (Continuetl from Thlrtl Page) have visiteal should BINKOV LEO RO'KflAiCH took a bit of a Schutzer s,t Ithaca. It has its objust back coming trip to California vious advantages. By dht of furious Alumni field. in time to sPend the Labor DaY 'GROSSING'ERshould have stayed racing around the bases, aqd break(WhY Roe. week-enal at White let hi'm There hotel. his PlaY at should I give Grossinger all the free Mohammed and let the mountai[ neck sliding, that Bpeetl demon advertis,ing? ) made second bage. He was heartt o him . c om e IRV SHA:RFSTEIN spent the sumROKEACH should have gone to in a law office and California. There, with Tolleris and ily congratulated by his team-m&tes, mer working waiting for Tolleris to write to him Schorr the Beta bull sessions would who were sure that he would be out from California. hdve been kePt going from coast to at first. The baseball outfit was a BEN SHEBAR, as far as I could coast,. hard-slugging team, but the pitching find out, spent a lot of time at the LEVINE should have sPread ProP' staff was a little weak, to say nothHe has that b!aches and got himself enga.gealto aganda on inflation. we made slxi'ng of the fielding-if Congrats. Edna Kaye. natural rise in everything he does or .team made the runs, other teen in says. stayed MURRAY SOCOLOF greatest have travelled The extwenty. slugging should WnSCTH Brooklyn and helPed his father. Rinzler so as to be :better aB- hibition was put on wheo Howie AL srElRN was a 'bell hop at the with preciated by the other fraters. Forman, pinch-hitting for the man Grosginger (,more free advertising). S'IIEBAR should have spent a worked for quiet summer at home where every- who had just battod, etarted a ralWA[,TE,R TAPMAN hie father for a very muniffcent sum thing would have been O. KaYe. ly which let all ten of ue bat of money. ( They ' r e eng a g e d , b Y t h e w a y . ) around. MAJC WEINE'R helped hi8 Parent! ,STERNTshould have been a bell The tennis team should hav! {roa in the management of WHtrTE ROE' h.op to builal hlmself up tor the mas("Sooner or later your favorite re' ter's job. But is he living right' all their ,matches, but somehow or other Al lStern and "Slssy" 'Wilson sortl" ) Lit? have sold shoes. got HERMAN on the team, and what could a counsellor 'should PAUL WILSON was but not in the same class you expect? at Cam'P Te-Ho-Ne, Great Barrington, Mass., antl kePt the roads hot as his candy. Your author subm,its that fratern. shoul d have P assed wEKsr E[N between there and Springfielct. ity sports are great stufi, You get He di d. bar. th e witl'r travelled RITCHIE. TVISC'H JACOB' S shoul d have 'been a com- as bruised, battered about, tramped Rinzler, spent a lot of his father's m u n ist so a s to be abl e to make soap upon, and as tlred as you woultl good for work money and did some box speechesabou.t the Bronx. playing Varsity AIE'Pi. All of sporis. AARON should have helped Jake. for a IIe was our public speaker. So sor- which proves that the man who rSID ED,E,LMAN worked lawver in Newburgh and then sPent r y , M ac . cup iB the the sorority's swlpes a wlek at WHITE ROE (now we're SCHUTZE'R shoultl hate gone to greatest athlete of them all, evetr, Paul). Ithica to keeP uP the good work (Ed. Note: Brother Xavler Pousback to Weiner began. (Weiner 'does not CY SCHUTZ'E'R went . All er says that tf any one objeets to the one. , summer school and kept the tele- understand this questions mus't be referred to Rinz- omlssion of his name from this phone operators busY. r^ u column') vr u u r g '/ the darn wrote wruLs he uv | MORY WE'I(S,[EIN Passed to bar l-er. resume of the aport season, he wiu shoul d have j oi ned al RI,NZ L ER verynlucraa secured now has antl personally answer hlm.) ,boys bandt in the but the band. tive job. WIIERE lYE \TTERE AND $'IIAT lvn DrD 7/! h----.:::---_.%- ---'-!*- Ifonday, September ?/L, 19, 4 'D A I I A BNNA Pago Three was decidecl by the Board of Strate- | 1lfy FOUFTEEN yEAR,S AI OOR. There wa,s at one time a faculty of gv Lurs bd L ! ! d r this same uu st. D r' M.J(-._J' rY r ' 4- ' _r ' P-"-tt-l t"- i1- l 6 r that NEr,Ir N!} LL aND S' AND sTUFrr'' l " U l l '- ti 'LII{rrrr(E U TtraT T IIAT the the hous headed by by that that house, e, headed lidancing,in danc i ng,i n pase) pase) (cootioued rro,m rro,m First First rcootinued ."r* dance dance *;j'-j'.*,::t-:""t:*l man,known man, known ll:.-Tl1' l;";"i.""* centaur. 3l;#il: ,$;f'r"f'"f;,"1:',3.3"X",11 Now. for various reasons. l;,;"i ""a ""u Mr. Pouser d,id'not relish this ,po:l lfro'm coast to coast-, Louie Schor. Fourth Team. sition, for on the Fourth Team, he hel The Doeline of the Political Pa,r.'The result result was that with the excenexcenwas Coach, 'Captain, Trainel In the primitive era 1925-, tion of Giilitz everyone in the house ,Qua,r-lties: there Lucr s r rhe were wvr E rin u's hou,se took pride in his dancing,anrr with two, rwu :";"-X'j *tP,3*o?:u""J,1; Xl,"J:*:lrozs, ,be l' "' "' he co uld the te a m only 'uu's e r on ' f i rst parties, the IlNTEiI"LEtCagAaa;the IlItflIEiI"I"E,Ct'g4aa, exception of Gitlitz and Block centaur. He was,prevailed was ,nrevailed upon,lgreat unon.lgreat parties, centaur. howevet, nowever, but his hrs soul ever remarn-land remain-land the VUTLGA,R,IANS. VU|LGA,R,IANS. The strifeleveryone danced well. The boys tr'ourth Tpe.m. Afterl After | was ed with the x'ourth -.^^ open but cunning, and eac[ freelstill dance weu; the difference is T9t1and. m uc hl, ^. s e veral ,stren uo us ga mes ^^^ -th" or rrew man fought over lthat during the reign of the dancing around the end ptays'-iy ;;;;;llance I am told the f^was as orces of heaven I masters we went to dances in orde.r Nat Elkin,s, the sallant team wen.tI down bef o r e t h e A l l ' S ta r s, a cn - n - l a n d h e ll fig h t o ver each new l y ri sen to dance. gl o m erat ion o f a l l t h e _ su 1 s th ,e lso u l. Bu t in r ecent years the IN - j very mi nor - in Ii.i;f havebecome;;;i-lr;; ;;;; ?Jtf;"*,i:9",tr:|"-"1lror,r,pcru,arrs tunately,"::J,",?.' two great fre.shmen starslSar and the B ut today danci ng i s a consi derati on at dances. nu.,t,,o thedecrine or VUIIGARIANS so tn- lthe d.ancing masters antl partly 1e;- yfJ",1f:"Tf;:"q,,'"i;Y31.'"""Jii'*i:"-i.":::.i1"'i1:11T:-?: rheRisouror!!e .-'r&rn #rI! rpvevs: e+s ryvpJrl' ancl Jake the "I"unatic.i',_gg*f!*Jg[_anV i.ssues, **d the eil6re l::":Tl bod'Lvrrvur -.-] ra:ueiiid^Biri"o''ro"==tji p cr r tscl 4 *'n"J"., u-,rr. u r L v' co m e t hat t lie s e t l v o g u y s l1*"qm b a ck 1 ' " Ii ;:if,i zati on "",1 ::"y; rvas 1."fiJ-t"::," i t i:i$" go a di S graC e to - weiguingressrhan 260 lbs. avoir-l Tho r-fluenceof rhe state The.:lffJr_t,.?.r %:rJ"rl:i.rT?rr**lJl; dupois' net' I atro: In that great but distant era sirn.ply to add one to the common S,traightaway after the football I before 1929 one went to the theatre store; then he could with good conseason was over, snel!]ta]]science,. tlt{- himself with one or "' ; , "be entertained. ". ""' "*'" " : . but s don' t l; ' . - . - to " *: to " " enter"""": S peedball, if aily o f yo use guy1el-i";ioot more other H. p. Qr. Thus we had The bare walls of the olcl an efficient and retatively frrictionknol,, is a pleasant little game nlay- jtain' ed o.n a field, a mere thlee milesiSTRAND showed the mark of many less clearing house. But our boys long, and the general object, at least,l a ripe tomato or over-ripe egg today adopt their babes by tne eve"riso it seems to your author,, i,;wnicrr missed iTF, tqg week, the,month; and quite its mark. rnen ca-e '. . *'" ' s tart at o ne e nd , ru n down t o t he _- - - __: ; _' * the year, and have ghown an ,;: . '*- : : " **" i o f t e n the STAftE with lts splendid tran-ia6-i.jff" other, kick the goalie there vigor-1 iC"A.".v toward "o*u"u"ously, and then run back again. As j ninss, and the remodeled STRAjND. ing fidelity antl jealous watchfuly ou lun ba ck, you so rt of r un t helW e wer e ov er a w e d b y t h e o o a " o u - i n o s s . samut as the cavugariilff3:%ffll jtomed ,splendor, anrl became cuiet j Tho dectine of the He-Man: Time it. Ben ,Shebar, Nat managementi was when the ,men were fresh, 'lhe Levin,son, \vere to be the bulwarkl and attentive. o f the t eam, bu t tha t o ld s uper an- t t r ied t o s t im ulate o u r a r d o r b y p r e - 's t r o n g , a n d e a g e r a t t h e e n c l o f s e v - uated veteran,st. Moritz, wai. cal-lsentinsincreasinsly vauaeviu"ift:l rlr-, baa H:"1,;"%" tf'1,,?i;',.:J'Jjliii#iili,,1Ltr:":iil"*1 but at in vain. During thenrsti'""",i'ai*r?i*i r" tltll"?,i;*fTi; "*iuu, or thennst Let me make a pl ea for a i ngly ac c e p l e d , a n c l r n o r e r e lu - cta n l- ye a r o f th e ST ATE there w ere no'w eek. Go i nto l y relinqu i s h e d Fi n-l ti ttl e pep and endurance. f o r a n o ' cca sio n a l d e a th s a n d b u t li ttl e'mayhem. trai ni ng i f need be, but spell at a h a l f - b a c k p o st, sin ce th e s1 ly d isco u r a g e d , Lhe ma.nage-""t' l ]-9,9.9us , tr'ullbackonlv lras (circare30) au vaudevure l:?tf Jrol#;:.t'Y""#r"|1"';,:r:.'irlff actes, where the halfb .';Jji, "l*,ubori.u"d the modern era began. ":? square miles. rne teJ-*-w"ir;;.;;;'and ltnat tittte sermon I end my f,i*tonl. t" tn,itSrr*t; sood' but lost tun oLDEST rNHABrrANr. The Efiect of the New rrouse: I llr?, Champs, w'hen Brother on the ball. anil .was kicked so:With one great step we went froml --rorndly ,hy- both sides,. th&t-h!r--bal-l the theatrieal notion of colleEe llfel and all, $'ent through the goal for to the movie notion of collese iife. I HOLTSE OF'FICER,S t he t ouchd ou 'u, or fie ld goal, or it wa' s f a s h i o n a b l e t o b e d e - Il I n 1929 w hatever I h e]. ca ll i,'io " il. , u- if i") 1, lapit at ed; in 193 0 i t b e c a m e f a s h i o n - [ g ame. Whe n the Ra sket ball "ea"ot r able to be fashionable. The num-r Btarted ancl Mac. "T. 8." Weiner was still among the mi.ssin-g,.. .. AI Sterr loD" .roo. subway signs, traffic signs, andl Ma^ster bv tap-l il;.:"5i;"l"Xli.:li":t;r:"ift.t'"1llT; toler sisns,wererepraced sterling pla-_ver. The team reached estries, banners, and engravings. . L. M. . the serni-finals, or someth,ing, only There came into. use an institutio,ni to lose to those most amazing all- 1or-*t1" unheard of, the ash tray, , E xchequer stars' 'and it was generally noised aboutl .In the 'Spring, we play- ba.seball that the carpets were not always the Scribe . ro, theashes. Rutesl bestprace iiSlii;"'",liiro?ili,i"Tlutni,ffl'? very were promulgated as to horr one Steward Mac .... Weiner IreoR okeach Ted Elkins Sam Ilerm^an new puns about our sturdy duck, Philadelphia, (Ask'Weiner-for ex- might anal ho$'one might not abuse planation concerning Joe Gottesrrran name.) the furniture. These changes .no, House ilfgr. th* The peak of the baseball.season was doubt co.ntributed to the decline ofi s'hen Mur|ay rSocolof Underclass Rep. .. . . .Ritchie Wisch (discussed. parties ,-hit-annal,s !l:,-lo"i; of itiJ--Boritical -'---''. est hit recorded in the uU"oo"i. I (Contlnueal on X'ourth Pago) llho Paseing of Lou Schor et al: Upperclass Rep. . . . . . . Milt Binkov I