2013 Annual Report - Centre Foundation


2013 Annual Report - Centre Foundation
A Year of Growth
2013 Annual Report
Sharing the wealth. Shaping the future.
From the Executive Director’s Desk
Dear Friends,
Here at Centre Foundation, we are truly “Building for the Future” and 2013 was a year that embodied that
vision. We welcomed growth and transformation in our staff, our funds, our board, and our community!
In December, I was honored to be named Executive Director upon the retirement of Al Jones. Earlier,
we welcomed a new staff member, Irene Miller, in August. Jodi Pringle ended her very successful twoyear term as board chair and has passed the gavel on to Amos Goodall. To see a complete list of our
current staff – including Carrie Ryan, our new Deputy Director that joined us in March of 2014 – and
board members, please see page 31.
Our assets grew 17.9% due to a dynamic combination of increased donations to existing funds, generous
estate gifts through our Campbell Society, an increase in new funds established, and very strong investment
returns. The full 2013 Financial Report and corresponding infographics can be found beginning on page 28.
The Foundation’s ongoing support of community organizations kept growing, totaling over $10.7 million!
A complete list of gifts to our funds starts on page 9, while a list of our lifetime grants to organizations
begins on page 21.
Centre Gives, our new granting program, completed its second year in May of 2013 and raised over
half a million dollars for the participating organizations. More details can be found on page 12.
We continue to engage and connect with the community through programs like Centre Gives, as well as
our through New Leaf Initiative. These programs and partnerships allow us to build our name recognition
and demonstrate our value in the community. At New Leaf, which received a significant grant from our
Foundation and was a featured presenter at our Annul Dinner in October (pg. 33), our staff can co-work
with the community in order to facilitate the flow of ideas in a more responsive manner.
As 2014 unfolds, it promises to be a year of expansion and excitement. In April, we realized a longterm dream of moving into our own building, generously donated by Donald Strickler. Spring will also
bring a new granting initiative, Centre Inspires, which will provide funding for large-scale projects
to enhance and improve our community. To keep up with these changes and learn more about all we
do, please visit our website at Centre-Foundation.org, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Thank you to our donors and supporters, who are the foundation of all the work we do. We are honored
that you have chosen to support Centre Foundation so that we can serve the community that we all love.
Many, many thanks,
Molly Kunkel, Executive Director
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Molly Kunkel
Executive Director
From the Executive Director’s Desk
Table of Contents
Purpose & Mission
Creating Your Fund & New Funds
Gifts by Fund
Memorial & Honorary Gifts
Grants by Organization
The Shoemaker Trust
Lifetime Grantees
The Anniversary Circle
The Campbell Society
2013 Financial Report
Board & Staff
Annual Dinner & Awards
National Standards Compliance
In 2012 Centre Foundation was reconfirmed
in compliance with the National Standards
for U.S. Community Foundations. The
Standards assist community foundations
in establishing legal, ethical and effective
operating practices that show a foundation’s
transparency and financial responsibility.
The 43 National Standards address six key
areas of community foundation operations:
• Mission, Structure, and Governanceincludes standards that define
board accountability, compensation,
independence, fiduciary responsibility
and representation of the community.
• Resource Development-includes
parameters for administration of funds,
disclosure to donors and commitment to
building long-term resources for varied
community issues and causes.
• Stewardship and Accountability-covers
prudent investment and management
of funds, transparent record-keeping,
use of funds for their intended purpose,
annual audits and public availability of
financial information.
• Grantmaking and Community
Leadership-includes standards related to
broad and open grantmaking programs,
due diligence and responsiveness to
changing community needs.
• Donor Relations-encompasses guidelines
for informing, educating and involving
donors in responding to community needs.
• Communications-includes openness
to public scrutiny and frequent
communication about activities
and finances.
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Our Purpose
Centre Foundation helps make a greater impact with your giving,
supports local non-profits, and inspires residents to engage and
connect with our community. We are experts in two things philanthropy and community. People enjoy working with our
team because of this expertise, as well as the excellent personal
service and deep understanding of the community that Centre
Foundation brings to the table.
We believe that everyone can be a philanthropist. When you
partner with us, we will help you become one - and make sure your
giving is effective and fulfilling. We offer a variety of tools to help
you achieve your charitable goals. Whether you want to create a
new fund or add to an existing one, we are here to make impactful
giving simple by accepting a variety of flexible gift options.
We believe in the non-profit organizations that are working to
create a better future for Centre County. We provide services to
them to build endowments, to create supportive community
engagement, to strengthen themselves internally through
training and research, and to convene funding partnerships
that lead to transformative projects.
Our Mission
To improve the quality of life in Centre County by
providing enduring support to community charities
from the invested gifts of visionary donors.
Find the Right
Fund for You
Donor-Advised Funds
Creating Your Own Fund
Centre Foundation is home to over 300 funds, each created by passionate donors.
Donors remain active by making
recommendations for grants.
Designated Funds
Donors choose the beneficiary
organization at the time that the
fund is established.
Organization Endowment Funds
Donors are charitable organizations
wishing to provide ongoing support
The establishment of each fund begins with a unique story. Passionate, visionary donors rely on the
professional expertise of Centre Foundation’s staff and investment committee to ensure that their
legacy of choice continues in perpetuity. We can help you create your own charitable fund, working
closely with you so we can understand your goals. You can choose how much and what kind of assets
work best for starting your fund, which non-profit organization(s) the fund will benefit, and what to
name your fund. Our staff is available to assist you, not only as you begin the fund, but throughout
your lifetime. Contact Centre Foundation to learn more and find the best fund for meeting your
philanthropic goals.
for specific programs or general
operational needs.
Discretionary Funds
In 2013, visionary donors established 21 new funds at Centre Foundation. We are honored to
recognize these funds:
Donors take advantage of
Foundation expertise to support
the most promising and important
efforts throughout the region.
Scholarship and School
District Funds
Donors support student scholarships
or awards, educational initiatives, or
specific programs.
Field-of-Interest Funds
Donors specify an area of special
Alfred Jones Jr. Fund
This fund was established to honor the work that Alfred has done on
Centre Foundation’s behalf, as Executive Director for 4 years and as
a board member for 5 years. Upon retiring, Alfred said that what he
will miss most about working at Centre Foundation is “knowing that
what I do every day makes the community a little better - that I help
make a difference.” As a Campbell Society member and through this
fund, Alfred’s dedication to our community will continue. interest to which the grant will be
applied rather than identifying a
specific organization.
Administrative “Heritage” Funds
Donors choose to benefit all other
funds by supporting the operations
of Centre Foundation.
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Sharon
McCarthy Award Fund
Long time Arts Fest volunteer and an artist herself, Sharon and her
husband, John, sponsored an Award of Merit in the Sidewalk Sale
and Exhibition. Following her long and brave fight against cancer,
this fund was created to honor Sharon’s dedication to the arts and
sponsor this award.
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Child Access Center Fund
Judge Thomas Kistler helped establish the Child Access Center in
2007 after a horrific event occurred during a child custody exchange.
In memory of his mother, Jean, Judge Kistler established this fund
to support the work of the Center, which provides a supervised and
safe place for children and their families during custody exchanges.
2013 Gifts
by level of giving
$50,000 & Above
Blake & Linda Gall
Estate of Annamae Labor
Estate of Barbara Mebane
Estate of Janet Williamson
Girl Scouts In The Heart
Of Pennsylvania
John S. & James L.
Dave and Hollie Woodle Aspiring Strength
Scholarship Fund
Created by friends of Dave & Hollie Woodle, this fund embraces
qualities dear to them: mentorship, initiative, academic achievement,
and service to others. As graduates of Clearfield Area High School,
the Woodles are excited this scholarship promotes these attributes at
their alma mater. Knight Foundation
Kathryn K. Shoemaker & Roy D.
Shoemaker Trust
Pieter & Lida Ouwehand
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church
$25,000 - $49,999
Estate of Naomi Fischer
$10,000 - $24,999
American Federation of Musicians
Denny R. Moore Memorial Award Fund
Denny Moore was a founding member of the Mid-State Mopars
Car Club, which chose to honor his memory through this fund.
The fund provides an award to Denny’s alma mater, State High, for
students participating in the Little Lions Auto Program and sharing
his aptitude and passion for mechanics.
- Local 660
Bob Perks Cancer Assistance Fund
David Maneval
Donna Litke
Estate of Della Durant
Estate of Herberta Lundegren
Estate of Philip Klein
Estate of Thomas & Jean Young
HFL Corporation
Mary Falk
Glenn W and Nancy S Gamble Fund
Glenn & Nancy Gamble each graduated with multiple degrees in
education from Penn State and enjoyed long careers in the education
field. A founding member, Nancy helped created the Community
Academy for Lifelong Learning, where Glenn actively participated.
Now known as The Osher Lifelong Institute, or “OLLI,” this fund
supports its programs.
Nancy Gamble
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
At Penn State
Spring Creek Chapter Trout
$5,000 - $9,999
Arthur Curtze
Centre County Law Enforcement
Camp Cadet, Inc.
Jack & Diane Heckendorn
Jeff Biddle
Herberta Lundegren Fund
John McCarthy
Dr. Herberta “Herbie” Lundegren taught at Penn State for 40 years and
always made time for the community, especially the Centre Community
Hospital and the Nittany Valley Symphony. This fund continues her
legacy by supporting the work of Centre Foundation, where she was
both a Campbell Society and Anniversary Circle member.
Nittany Valley Society
Mid State Mopars
Raymond & Pamela Marcon
Stephen & Judy Loy
$1,000 - $4,999
AAUW State College (PA) Branch
Altrusa International, Inc. of
Centre County
Ara & Heddy Kervandjian
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Barrett Lee & Carol Ann Zeiss
Benjamin Novak
Bruce & Susan Heim
Builders Association of
Central Pennsylvania
Carl Hill
Centre Concrete Company
Centre County Bar Association
Helen and Chet Behr Fund
The Helen and Chet Behr Fund was created by their son. As members of
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church of State College, the Behrs understood
the healing power of prayer. This fund will provide St. Andrew’s with
copies of the Book of Common Prayer.
Centre Foundation
Chris Turley
Cindy Shetler
Cyrus Klingsberg
Dan & Eleanor Armstrong
David & Chrissy Reid
David & Susan Werner Philanthropic
Fund of the Jewish Federation of
Greater Pittsburgh
Dennis & Joan Thomson
Diane Kerly
Dolores Taricani
Helen Sue Litke Forman Fund
Born in Philipsburg, Helen Sue Litke Forman attended Penn State
and the University of Pennsylvania before traveling to Asia as a
teacher. Married and living in Malaysia with her two boys, Helen
sadly lost her husband, Lawrence, at an early age. Established in
her memory by her sister, Donna Litke, this fund supports grieving
parents in financial need.
Douglas & Joanne Colkitt
Drew Terenzini
Edward & Theresa Ann Dare
Elizabeth Dupuis
Elliot & Bonnie Abrams
Estate of Emma A. Brown
Estate of Marion L Eagle
Fiore Fedeli Snyder Carothers, LLP
Glendon & Ruth Blume
Harold & Nancy O’Connor
Heidi Nicholas & Bruce Fleischer
Jack C. and Mary L. Falk Fund
Originally from Houtzdale, Jack Falk graduated from Penn State
and served in Korea before starting a family in State College. Deeply
engaged in the community, Jack served on Centre Foundation’s
board and joined the Foundation’s Campbell Society with his
wife, Mary. Jack and Mary’s fund will continue his support of the
community by stewarding the Foundation’s mission.
J. Randall Woolridge
Janet Noll Naumer
Jodi & Alec Pringle
John & Karen Conroy
John Sepp
Kelly Grimes & Felix Boake
Leadership Centre County
Linda Morrow
McQuaide Blasko, Attorneys at Law
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Patrick & Paula Bisbey
Jean and Kevin Morooney Girls Soccer Fund
Jean & Kevin Morooney have spent a combined 23 years as head
coach of the State High Girls Soccer team, where their daughter,
Meagan, is now assistant coach. This fund was started by former
players and their parents to honor the Morooney family and their
ongoing support for the State High Girls Soccer program. PEO Sisterhood Chapter S
Philip & Judith Roberts
Raymond & JoAnn Vautour
Richard & Elizabeth Held
Robert & Heather Fleck
Robert & Suzanne Nuss
Robert Flipse
Robert Ricketts
Ronald Filippelli & Sandra Stelts
Ruth Rishel
Jeremy Wise Football Scholarship Fund
Dan & Kathleen Wise created this fund in memory of their son
who played football at State High, earning a football scholarship to
Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh. He returned to State High
to help the team win the 2009 PIAA State Championship. This
fund will provide scholarships to SCASD senior football players.
Ryan Russell
S.C. Area School District
Music Boosters
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Schlow Centre Region Library
Kathy Palmer Outreach Fund
Shirley Reichard
Named for one of St. Andrew’s most active parishioners, the Kathy
Palmer Outreach Fund will continue the legacy of Kathy’s work at the
church by supporting programs like the Parishioners’ Ministry. Kathy
knew first-hand and from an early age the impact that the church can
have on those in need, so she always gave back by opening her home
to others in need and volunteering for numerous programs.
State College Area School District
Mimi Barash Coppersmith Fund for Girl Scouts in
the Heart of Pennsylvania
A longtime supporter of Girl Scouting, Mimi has chaired regional
capital campaigns and served on the board of directors of Girls Scouts of
the USA, helping to empower girls throughout the country. Honoring
her leadership, the Mimi Barash Coppersmith Fund supports camp
scholarships for girls throughout central and northeastern PA.
State College Area Jaycees
Stephen & Nancy Jusick
Suzanne Paterno
The Estate of Carolyn Petrus
The HR Office, Inc.
Theodore & Nancy Ziff
Thomas & Claudia Mincemoyer
William & Marie Lingle
Up to $999
A. Craig & Maxine Millar
Abdurrahman & Donalee Unal
Abigail Laman-Maharg
Adam Brockett
Aimee Aiello
Alan & Ginger Hawbaker
Albert & Sharon Matyasovsky
Alexander & Marion Mouklas
Alexander Smith
Alexandra DePalma
Alfred & Cindy Jones
Music at Penn’s Woods Fund
Allyson Libby
Music at Penn’s Woods is a unique summer music festival in central
Pennsylvania, showcasing the talents of outstanding community
musicians and Penn State faculty, alumni, and students. The fund
supports the festival’s events and will provide a solid foundation
for this classical music outreach program to continue. Amos & Casey Goodall
Amanda Grimshaw
Andrew & Jessica Confer
Andrew & Kathryn Gatto
Andrew & Lydia Myers
Andrew Dydynsky
Andrew Mog
Anna Peters
Arthur & Anne Anderson
Nittany Valley Renaissance Fund
B. K. & Robin Bastress
The Nittany Valley Society conserves our community’s authentic spirit
and character. This fund supports the Society’s cultural conservation
efforts, like the Nittany Valley Press, The Willow Gathering, and The
Legends Recitations.
Barbara Cowan
Bald Eagle Area School District
Barbara Jones
Barbara Sherlock
Barbara Shigley
Barry & Jeanne Belinda
Beau & Jennifer Lieb
Bellefonte Education
Foundation, Inc.
Bernard Cantorna
Bob & Anne Ayer
Bob & Dixie Steward
Bob Potter
Brandon & Angeline Richards
Brett & Amber Russell
Brian McDonald
Brice Toth
Bruce & Anne Rohrbach
Bruce & Judy Lingenfelter
Bruce & Marilyn Shobaken
Bruce Sherf & Joy Pate
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Bryan & Meredith Peachey
C. Lee Giles & Elizabeth Saxon-Giles
Calvin & Pamela Zimmerman
Calvin & Tracy Wagner
Camille Payne
Carl & Lois Wolgemuth
Carmine & Elaine Prestia
Carol & J. Stigale
Carol Guarracino
Carol Mansell & Richard Hobson
Novak Fellowship Fund
The Nittany Valley Society, a cultural conservancy, honors Ben
Novak’s local legacy through The Novak Fellowship – an annual
opportunity for student-fellows to enter into the Nittany Valley’s
storied and legendary past through research and learning while
forging friendships throughout the community for the future.
Carol Younkins
Cathie Ferrence
Cathy Stevens
Centre County Court of
Common Pleas
Chad & Leslie Stafford
Charles & Mary Jo Witmer
Charles & Peggy Zentner
Charles Russell
Olin Butt Music Scholarship Fund
A renowned music teacher, band leader, and owner of Music Mart,
Olin Butt’s memory is honored by many of his former students through
this fund. The scholarship supports five Olin Butt Music Achievement
Awards, one for each of the school districts in Centre County.
Charles S. & Susan Latimer
Charles Zendt & Anne Stover
Cheryl Pataky
Chris & Bobbie Muscarella
Chris Garguilo
Christopher & Meghan Daniel
Christopher Conner & Katherine
Holtzinger Conner
Circle K Club at Penn State
Clark & Maxine Depew
Ouwehand Family Fund
Taking advantage of the IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution
provision, the Ouwehands were able to establish their fund at
Centre Foundation. Passionate about the arts and human services,
their fund distributes grants to charitable organizations with
missions that align with their philanthropic goals.
Clifford & Sherri Cohen
Colonial Court Condominium
Congregation Brit Shalom
Connie Moore
Cori Kalupson
Craig & Diane Zabel
Craig Small
Dale Paffie
Dana Beckton
Danelle Del Corso
Rudy J. and Annamae Labor Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Rudy & Annamae Labor loved Philipsburg and believed in the
importance of education. Their fund provides scholarships to
attend South Hills School of Business and Technology, supporting
post-secondary education for local graduates who want to enhance
their careers in business or technology. Daniel & Jennifer Murray
Daniel Coughlin
Daryl & Judith Sinn
Dave & Joyce Lee
David & Betsey Eggler
David & Elaine Schuckers
David & Eleanor Anderson
David & Heather Hunter
David & Kathy Mikulsky
David & Kim Riley
David & Kimberly Bonner
David & Nancy Wise
Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Endowment Fund
Founded in 1973, this chapter has taken on several large projects
such as the restoration of Thompson Run, the removal of McCoy
Dam, and continued stream clean-up in order to conserve,
protect, and restore Spring Creek. This fund supports the ongoing
operations and educational programming of their chapter.
David & Sharon Howell
David Gilmour & Tami LevittGilmour
David Joseph & Aleah Jordan
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Gifts by Fund
Davis Shaver
Deb & Dave Lintal
Dennis & Anne Malachosky
In 2013, $3.4 million dollars were contributed for the benefit of the community.
Derek Canova
Dick & Carol Rostmeyer
Community-minded donations totaled $3,479,476 in 2013! Including new gifts and ongoing gifts from
current funds, that is over three million dollars for health and social services, for education and life-long
learning, for environmental conservation and awareness, and for the arts, culture, and community.
Our passionate donors understand the meaningful, long-term impact of supporting endowment
funds for the over 400 non-profit organizations that Centre Foundation serves. To learn more about
supporting one of these funds or to establish your own fund, please contact Centre Foundation or visit
Dirk & Michelle Wise
Don & Margaret Myers
Donald & Caroline Waddington
Donald & Margaret Hambrick
Donald & Renee Marks
Donna Abboud
Donna & David Charriere
Dorothy Hicks
Douglas & Anne Holmes
Douglas & Pat Macneal
Duane & Andrea Musser
4-H Clubs of Centre County Fund
AAUW State College (PA) Branch Scholarship Fund
Adam Harwell Sunbeam Endowment Fund
Administrative Fund
Alfred Jones Jr. Fund
Bald Eagle Area School District Memorial Scholarship Fund
Barry and Patti Fisher Fund
Blake and Linda Gall Fund
Township Fund
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Dr. Hugh J. Rogers Memorial Fund
Educational Initiatives Fund 200
Elizabeth C. West Memorial PEO Sisterhood Fund
Extracurricular Awards Fund
Food Bank of the State College Area Fund
Global Connections Fund
Gordon D. and Alice R. Kissinger Fund in Memory of
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Fund
Jack Kissinger
Harold and Nancy O’Connor Fund
Heberta Lundegren
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Sharon McCarthy
Award Fund5,000
Heckendorn Family Fund
Heidi Michelle Lingle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Centre County Association of REALTORS American Dream
Housing Fund4,575
Centre County Association of School Retirees Scholarship Fund
Centre County Medical Society Fund
Helen and Chet Behr Fund
Helen J. Small Memorial Endowment Fund
Helen Sue Litke Forman Fund
Herschel W. and Eileen Wirtshafter Leibowitz Family Fund
Centre County PAWS Fund
House of Care Fund
Centre County United Way Fund honoring Ellie Beaver
Houtz-Meyers-Rose American Legion Post 867
Centre County Women’s Resource Center Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Eugene and Lydia Herman Family Fund
Carolyn A. Petrus Memorial Seeing Eye Dog Fund
Donald W. Carruthers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Glenn W and Nancy S Gamble Fund
Boalsburg Heritage Museum Association of Harris
Centre County Federation of Public Libraries
Discretionary Grants Fund
Scholarship Fund
Centre Volunteers in Medicine Fund
Jean and Kevin Morooney Girls Soccer Fund
Chernega Family Fund
Jeremy Wise Football Scholarship Fund
Child Access Center Fund
Joe and Sue Paterno Family Fund
Choral Society Youth Chorale Festival Fund
John Glenn Kovalchik Memorial Scholarship Fund
John R. Miller, Jr. Memorial Fund
ClearWater Conservancy Fund
Julia and Ray C. Noll Memorial Scholarship Fund
Colonel Gerald F. Russell Scholarship Fund
Karen Bruno Ganter Memorial Fund
Counseling Service, Inc. Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Dave and Hollie Woodle Aspiring Strength Scholarship Fund
Kathy Palmer Outreach Fund
Delbert E. and Helen C. Myers Fund
Knight Foundation Fund
Denny R. Moore Memorial Award Fund
Kyle Russell Callahan Scholarship Fund
Discretionary Fund
Leadership Centre County Fund
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Edna Mebane
Edward & Cynthia Haines
Edward & Dorothy Buss
Edward & Dorothy Corbett
Edward & Katherine Russell
Edward & Michelle Russell
Edward Conklin
Edwin & Grace Strong
Eileen Leibowitz
Elinor Childs Lewis
Elizabeth & Javier Garza
Elizabeth Hanley & Patrick Kolivoski
Elizabeth Manlove
Elizabeth Pennock
Elizabeth Sweetow
Ella Williams
Ellen Grubb
Ellis & Lynn Abramson
Emily Filling
Emory & Beverly Brown
Eric & Caitlin Dare
Eden Terenzini
Eliezer & Gail Kamon
Jack C. and Mary L. Falk Fund
Class of 1954 Fund
Dulcy Bryan
Eric & Jennifer Nicholson
Estelle Frankl
Felix Lukezic
Francis & Judy Bogert
Francis Ganter
Frank & Kathi Downie
Frank & Mary Deutsch
Fred & Joelle Ferguson
Fred Kissinger
Frederick & Cathy Eisenhuth
Frederick & Nancy Leuschner
Frederick Hughes
Frost & Conn, Inc.
G. Elaine Morgan
Galen & Nancy Dreibelbis
Gary & Rebecca Ream
Gary & Sharon Johnson
Gary Gray & Kathleen O’Toole
George & Ann Moellenbrock
George & Debra Trudeau
George & Donna Dickerson
George & Susan Keister
George Olson
Gerald & Kelly Pifer
Gerald & Merida Gruhn
Gloria Butler
Gordon & Cheryl Handte
Greg & Madeline Johnson
Gretchen Heim
Gretchen Leathers
Leslie Savino Memorial Fund
H. Alan & Marjorie Weisel
Maneval Family Fund VII
H. Bryce & Barbara Jordan
Marcon Family Fund
H. Louis & Mary Jane Moore
Margaret (Marge) Brouse Antes Thespian Fund
Robert W. Potter Fund
Martha W. Fleming Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ron Pavlechko-Gwen Washington Heart of a Lion Fund
Hans Rinke
Heather Hammerstedt
Heather Rinke
Helen Manfull
Helen Warren
Henry & Linda Margusity
Meals On Wheels Fund
Memorial Fund
Mimi Barash Coppersmith Fund for Girl Scouts in the Heart
Retired Faculty Educational Initiative Fund
Richard A. Queeney Fund for Educational Opportunity
Robert Perks Memorial Fund for Cancer Support
Rose Cologne Memorial Educational Scholarship Fund for
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Centre County
Rudy J. and Annamae Labor Memorial Scholarship Fund
of Pennsylvania64,308
Ruth E. Rishel Charitable Fund
Henry & Seda Sahakian
Mimi Fund
Herbert & Trudy Lipowsky
Morrow Family Fund
Herbert Reininger
Mount Nittany Conservancy Fund
Holly Walker
Music at Penn’s Woods Festival Fund
SCASD LifeLink Fund
Hugh & Janyce Mose
Music Umbrella Fund
Scholarship Fund
Izabel Scott
Naomi A. and Floyd B. Fischer LifeLink Fund
J. Greg & Tammy Myers
Jack & Karen Infield
James & Barbara Johnson
James & Camille Payne
James & Gloria Leous
Navy League of the United States Central Pennsylvania
Council Fund
Nittany Valley Renaissance Fund
Novak Fellowship Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
Samuel H. and Trudy Foner Levine Fund
Shetler Family Athletic Fund
Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited Endowment Fund
State College Choral Society Fund
James & Lesta Martin
Operating Fund
State Theatre Endowment Fund
James & Louise Tarman
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State Fund
Stump Family Music Fund
James & Sheri Kollman
Ouwehand Family Fund
James & Suzanne Powers
Park Forest Day Nursery Fund
James & Terri Sherman
Patrick Y. Wang Technology Innovation Fund
James Beamesderfer
Paul and K.C. Sheeler Family Fund
Janice & Rob Lindsay
James & Jacqueline Zanghi
Jane Zimmerman
Sherm Reichard Memorial Fund
State College Community Land Trust Fund
Jane Serkland
Scott Michael Long Memorial Scholarship Fund
James Scaltz & Gloria Plosky Scaltz
SCASD Community Education Endowment Fund
Olin Butt Music Scholarship Fund
James Ellsworth
Suzanne Lyons and J. Robert Nuss Jr. Fund
Tom and Barbara Mebane Fund
William E and Lois C McTurk Fund
William G and Karen K Mastin Family Scholarship Fund
Penns Valley Area School District Awards Fund
William J. and Helen L. Schwartz Medical Care Fund
Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society Endowment Fund
William Keno Beezer Scholarship Fund
PEO Scholarship Fund
William W. and Helen S. Litke Memorial Fund
Philipsburg Area Fund
Zion Lutheran Church of Boalsburg Fund
Jason & Desiree Fralick
R Fund
Jay Claster & Grace Remick
Randall C. Miller Fund
Jayne Miller
REMAX Centre Realty Fund
Grand Total
Jean Brenchley
Jean Hancock
Jean Hawthorne
Jean Shaffer
Jean Udine
Jeff & Patty Krauss
Learn more at www.Centre-Foundation.org/Funds
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Memorial & Honorary Gifts
Jeffrey & Barbara Sowash
Jeffrey & Jacqueline Cooke
Jeffrey & Jennifer Trannell
These gifts were made to recognize spirits of dedication and labors of love.
Many of our neighbors have graciously chosen Centre Foundation as a means to remember a loved
one who has passed or honor the work of a dedicated friend upon their retirement, birthday, or
other milestone. We are proud to recognize these gifts, which will continue a life’s work or spread the
opportunities that have held such a special place in loved ones’ hearts.
Jeffrey & Patricia Senior
Jeffrey Kahn & Susan Lessack
Jeffrey Nealon
Jenna Senior
Jennifer & Christopher Shuey
Jennifer Deardorff
Jerry & Jane Wettstone
Jerry Richter
Jim & Ellen Campbell
In Memory of
Christian Amos Goodall
Susan Smith and Thomas Meteyer
Denny R. Moore
William and Carolyn Fishburn
Leslie Schultz MacMullen
Ronald and Mary Grace Grosso
Leslie Shultz MacMullan
Ed and Grace Strong
Glenn Gamble
Nancy Gamble
Harry B. West
Ralph and Joan Beck
Michael and Carol Lynch
Virgil and Mary Laing
Jerry G. Richter
Holly Walker
Jean Shaffer
Jean Udine
Kathy Harford
Mary Eagleton
John Moore
Mark Milliron
Leo E. Harter
Amos and Casey Goodall
Robert H. Bogert
Francis and Judy Bogert
Barbara Mebane
David Maneval
Edward and Dorothy Buss
Edward Mueller and Cynthia Haine
Jeffrey Kahn and Susan Lessack
Peter M. Grollman
Richard S. Adams
Cathie Ferrence
Danelle Del Corso
George and Linda Mitchell
Lynn Petnick
Ruth East and Caroline Perron
Stephanie Hogarth
Susan C. Ferrence
St. Charles Consulting Group
Della Durant
Clark and Maxine Depew
Herberta M. Lundegren
Robert and Pat Griffith
Irene Cardell
Joseph M. Jubinsky
Jana Vicere
Katherine Crowley
Jean Kistler
Bruce and Judy Lingenfelter
Colonial Court Condominium Association
John and Debbie Carder
Jean D. Hawthorne
Alfred and Cindy Jones
Amos and Casey Goodall
Clark and Maxine Depew
David and Joyce Lee
H. Louis and Mary Jane Moore
Henry and Seda Sahakian
Jack and Mary Falk
James and Louise Tarman
James and Suzanne Powers
John and Joan Chernega
Joshua and Laura Edelson
John and JoAnn Lew
Mark and Laura Bailey
Merle and Sandra Ammerman
Philip and Judith Sieg
Raymond and Pamela Marcon
Robert and Judy Andronici
Robert and Vivian Levy
William and Joyce Sipple
William and Carol Thomas
David and Kim Riley
Thomas and Kristen Coombs
Barry Simpson
Christopher Conner and Mrs. Katherine
Holtzinger Conner
Fred Kissinger
Kenneth J. Horoho Jr.
Ralph Hoffman
Raymond T. Fortunato
Rod Fletcher
Carolyn Smith
Cathy D. Stevens
Kathy Suhey
Lillian Raycroft
Lisa Byers
Lorie Gawreluk and Brad Mackenn
Maxine Ishler
Melanie Lee
P. Jean Oerkfitz
Jim Cronin
JoAnn Carruthers
JoAnn Lew
Joann McCormick
Joanna & Jesse Francis
John & Anne McQueary
John & Barbara Coyle
John & Bonnie Miller
John & Debbie Carder
John & Denise Scully
John & Elaine Russell
John & Joan Chernega
John & Joan Kovalchik
John & Joan Long
John & Karen Wolanski
John & Kathleen Golden
John & Mae Saylor
John & Marleen Kovalchik
John & Michelle Mason
Judy Meade
Donald and Renee Marks
Tevola Spayd
Amos and Casey Goodall
John Boswell & Marolyn
Morford Boswell
John Callahan
John Groenveld
John Hargleroad
John Holahan
In Honor of
Bobbie Muscarella
Kathy Harford
Alfred Jones
Ara and Heddy Kervandjian
Dave and Joyce Lee
Jack and Karen Infield
Jeff and Patty Krauss
Joseph and Susan Fedeli
Jane Zimmerman
Tom and Sara Songer
HR Office
Kelly Grimes and Felix Boake
Dolores A. Taricani
Heidi Nicholas and Bruce Fleischer
Amos and Casey Goodall
Mick and Cheryl Trombley
John Lloyd Hanson
John Smith
John Trzeciak
Jon Bitler
Jonathan Dexter
Jonathan Ganter
Joni Spearly
Joseph & Carolyn Meyer
Joseph & Cindy Hallahan
Joseph & Elizabeth Carroll
Joseph & Gloria Humphreys
Joseph & Julia Rokita
Joseph & Linda Lee
Joseph & Lucy Loomis
Joseph & Marie Wagner
Joseph & Robin Wright
Joseph & Susan Fedeli
Joseph Jacobs
Joseph Jubinsky
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Joshua & Laura Edelson
Jude Spak
Judi Sittler
Judith Kneen
Judith Kocher
Julie Gittings
June Miller
Justin & Kimberly Callahan
Ed and Grace Strong
Robert and Janice Lindsay
Nancy Funk
William and Ruth Lingle
James and Terri Sherman
Bruce Fleischer
Centre County Bar Association
Charles C. Herlocher
Alfred and Cindy Jones
Elizabeth L. Meek
Tom and Christine Templeton
Tom Schwartz
Molly Schwartz and Edward Olsen
Mimi Barash Coppersmith
Laurie A. Walker
Ruth Lingle
William and Marie Lingle
Teddi Corl
Lynn Harbison
K. Edward & Margaret Lay
Kae Spoerl
Karen Wheeler
Katherine Blansett
Katherine Crowley
Kathy Ritchey
Kathy Suhey
Kay Weaver
Keith Thompson & Christy Zabrodski
Kelly & Daniel Wright
Kenneth & Carol Boland
Kenneth & Dorothy Lutz
Centre Gives
In 2013, Centre Gives raised over half a million dollars.
Kenneth & Kathleen Williams
Kenneth Horoho
Kent & Cindy Baker
Kerry & Meg Small
Kevin & Calie Dang
Kevin Harwell
Kevin Ho
Kristen Holzwarth
Kristen Kleckner
Kristi Swartz
Since embarking on a new granting program in 2012 called “Centre Gives,” this event has raised just
under $1 million dollars in two years for over 80 local non-profit organizations. Reimagined from
a granting program that served less than half of these organizations, Centre Gives now serves as
the Foundation’s largest community engagement and granting program. For 36 hours beginning
at 12:00 am on May 6th, qualified organizations will once again compete for $100,000 in matching
funds and $25,000 in prizes provided by Centre Foundation. This event occurs online and with live
updates at CentreGives.org.
Kyle & Lauren Markell
Larry Walker
Laurie Walker
Lawrence Maso & Nancy
Stanley Maso
Lee Dilliard
Leonard & Denise Kowalski
Liberty Homes Custom Builders
Lillian Raycroft
Linda & George Mitchell, Jr.
Linda & Joe Westrick
Linda Arble
Linda Higginson
Lisa & Stephen Wulderk
Lisa Byers
Lisa Peters
Lois Summers
Loretta Bauer
Lorie & Brad Mackenn
Dollars Raised
Lucille Magnusson
Prize Totals
Lynn Petnick
Lynn Sidehamer Brown
Maralyn Mazza
continued on page 20
Learn more at www.CentreGives.org
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Grants by Organization
In 2013, Centre Foundation dispersed $1,666,663 in grants.
Throughout the year, Centre Foundation disperses grants to all corners of our community, both
geographically and by services provided. The Foundation serves over 155,000 Centre County residents
by supporting over 400 non-profit organizations, distributing over 175 scholarships, and administering
the Centre Gives granting program. Together, that means more high school seniors continuing their
educational pursuits, more healthcare options for our underserved neighbors, more natural beauty
preserved for everyone to enjoy, more artistic productions to feed our souls, and more opportunities
for a continual improvement of our community.
4-H Clubs of Centre County
4-H Clubs of Centre County Fund
Allegheny Lutheran Social Svs.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Alpha Fire Company
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
American Cancer Society
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Central PA Chapter
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
American Heart Association Centre County Heart Walk
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
American Lung Association of Central PA
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
American Philatelic Society
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Ling-Wen Hu Fund
American Red Cross, Centre Communities Chapter
American Red Cross Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Lt. Col. Robert and Lois Barraclough Humanitarian Fund
Maude Freeby Fund for the American Red Cross
American Red Cross, Office of the General Counsel
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Arc of Centre County
Gordon D. and Alice R. Kissinger Fund in Memory of Jack Kissinger
Patricia and Stephen Benkovic Fund
Art Alliance Of Central Penna
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Bald Eagle Area School District
Bald Eagle Area School District Memorial Scholarship
Bob and Donna Vallimont Scholarship Fund
Richard J. (Dick) Rhoades Bald Eagle Area School District Wrestling Fund
Bellefonte Education Foundation, Inc.
Bellefonte Lions Club Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Hugh J. Rogers Memorial Fund
Heidi Michelle Lingle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Houtz-Meyers-Rose American Legion Post 867 Scholarship Fund
Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Martha W. Fleming Memorial Scholarship Fund
Boalsburg Heritage Museum Association
Boalsburg Heritage Museum Association of Harris Township Fund
Bob Perks Cancer Assistance Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Boy Scouts Of America Juniata Valley Council
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Maneval Family Fund I
Maneval Family Fund IV
Maneval Family Fund V
Ralph McCook Fund for the Juniata Valley Council of Boy Scouts
Bridge Of Hope, Inc. - Bridge of Hope Centre County
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
California University of Pennsylvania
William Keno Beezer Scholarship Fund
Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Catholic Charities, Inc. of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown
Counseling Service, Inc. Fund
Cen Clear Child Services, Inc.
Counseling Service, Inc. Fund
Central Pennsylvania Community Action, Inc.
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Central Pennsylvania Diesel Institute
Michael Davis Mattil Memorial Scholarship Fund
Central Pennsylvania Festival Of The Arts, Inc.
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Fund
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Visual Arts Awards Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology
Michael Davis Mattil Memorial Scholarship Fund
Central Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association
Patricia Farrell Music Fund
Centre Foundation
XYZ Fund
Centre County Farmland Trust
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre County Historical Society
Centre County Historical Society Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre County Law Enforcement Camp Cadet, Inc.
Barry and Patti Fisher Fund
Centre County Library and Historical Museum
Centre County Library and Historical Museum Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Lt. Col. Robert and Lois Barraclough Humanitarian Fund
Centre County PAWS
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Centre County PAWS Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre County Senior Center Coalition
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre County United Way
Centre County United Way Fund honoring Ellie Beaver
Centre Gives Fund
Delbert E. and Helen C. Myers Fund for the Benefit of United Way
Discretionary Grants Fund
Leon R. and Elizabeth M. Kneebone Fund
William H. and Sandra K. Rockey Fund
Centre County Womens Resource Center
Centre County Women’s Resource Center Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Nancy Coffman Addison Memorial Fund
Susan G. Peters Fund for Centre County Women’s Resource Center
Centre County Youth Service Bureau
Big Brothers Big Sisters Program Fund
Centre County Youth Service Bureau Endowment Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
XYZ Fund
Centre HomeCare, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Centre Lifelink Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Centre Lifelink EMS Endowment Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
XYZ Fund
Centre Regional Recreation Authority
Fred and Anita Coombs Fund for Millbrook Marsh
Martin and Margaret Wyand Music Fund
Millbrook Marsh Nature Center Fund
Robert and Marjorie Manning Fund
Centre Volunteers In Medicine
Centre Gives Fund
Centre Volunteers in Medicine Dental Fund
Centre Volunteers in Medicine Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Harold M. and Florence I. Biddle Fund
Joe and Sue Paterno Family Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Richard H. Lear Fund
Robison Family Dental Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
XYZ Fund
Centre Wildlife Care
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Mattil Family Fund
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Child Development Council Of Centre County
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
Childrens Dyslexia Centers, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Community Help Centre
Centre Gives Fund
Community Help Centre Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
Congregation Brit Shalom
Martha Rabinowitz Memorial Fund for Congregation Brit Shalom
Cornell University
Thomas G. Haugh Memorial Scholarship Fund
County of Centre Office of Aging
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Discovery Space Of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discovery Space Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Richard and Sally Kalin Fund
Easter Seals Central Pennsylvania
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
Friends of the Library of Philipsburg
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Friends of the Pennsylvania Military Museum
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Friends of the Schlow Centre Region Library
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Girl Scouts In The Heart Of Pennsylvania
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Edinboro University
Jerome Tanner Memorial Scholarship Fund
William Keno Beezer Scholarship Fund
Global Connections
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Mary Jane and Paul A. Rishel Fund
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Duane O. and Martha J. Callahan Fund
Ethel Beaver Children’s Fund
Robert and Marjorie Manning Fund
FaithCentre Food Bank
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Fillmore United Methodist Church
Sherm Lutz Fillmore Methodist Church Fund
Food Bank of State College Area
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Food Bank of the State College Area Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
Foxdale Village
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Grace Lutheran Church
John R. Miller, Jr. Memorial Fund
Gregg Township
Ruth E. Rishel Charitable Fund
Habitat For Humanity Of Greater Centre County, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
Hands on Therapeutic Riding Program
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Historic Bellefonte, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus
Michael Davis Mattil Memorial Scholarship Fund
March of Dimes
Kathryn S. Weaver Fund
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Sahakian Family Fund
Hope for Kids
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Hope for Kids, Inc. Fund
House Of Care, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
XYZ Fund
Housing Transitions, Inc.
Centre County Association of REALTORS American Dream Housing Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Counseling Service, Inc. Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
Howard Fire Company
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Interfaith Human Services, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Interfaith Human Services, Inc. Fund
J. Alvin and Vera E. Knepper Hawbaker Memorial Fund
Richard and Sally Kalin Fund
XYZ Fund
John A. Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence at Penn State
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Krislund Camp and Conference Center
Maneval Family Fund III
Maneval Family Fund VI
Leadership Centre County
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Little League Baseball, Inc. Pleasant Gap LLC
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Messiah College
William Keno Beezer Scholarship Fund
MidPenn Legal Services, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Mid-State Literacy Council, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
Milesburg United Methodist Church
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Mount Nittany Conservancy
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Mount Nittany Conservancy Fund
XYZ Fund
Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
New Leaf Initiative
Knight Foundation Fund
Nittany Greyhounds
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
George and Barbara Apaliski Family Fund
Nittany Highland Pipe Band
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Nittany Valley Childrens Choir, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Nittany Valley Symphony, Inc.
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Dorothy and Paul Rigby Fund
Inez Snookie Williams Memorial Cello Chair Fund
L. Peter Gold Memorial Music Fund
Martin and Margaret Wyand Music Fund
Nittany Valley Symphony Endowment Fund
Patricia Farrell Music Fund
Wolfgang and Ann Meyer Nittany Valley Symphony Fund
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
North Central Sight Services, Inc.
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
North Shore Animal League
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, Inc.
Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society Endowment Fund
Pennsylvania State University/Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center
Directors Fund for Shavers Creek
Orphaned Kitten Program
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
People Centre D On Diabetes, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute At Penn State
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State Fund
Pets Come First, Inc.
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Park Forest Village Day Nursery
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
James and Jeanne Swistock Fund
Park Forest Day Nursery Fund
Richard H. Lear Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
XYZ Fund
Philipsburg-Osceola Area School Distrct
Scott Michael Long Memorial Scholarship Fund
Patton Township
Hubert H. and Helen M. Haugh Fund
Penn College of Technology
Michael Davis Mattil Memorial Scholarship Fund
Penn State Figure Skating Club
Abby Yeagley Memorial Figure Skating Fund
Penns Valley Area Historical Museum Association
Penns Valley Area Historical Museum Association Fund
Penns Valley Area School District
Penns Valley Area School District Awards Fund
Penns Valley Area School District Scholarship Fund
Penns Valley Conservation Assoc
Centre County Medical Society Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Penns Valley Hope Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Pennsylvania Association For Sustainable Agriculture
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Pennsylvania Centre Chamber Orchestra Society
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Herschel W. and Eileen Wirtshafter Leibowitz Family Fund
Pennsylvania Certified Organic
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Pleasant Gap Fire Company #1
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Pleasant Gap United Methodist Church
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Carl and Josephine Gettig Memorial Fund
Rhoneymeade, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Rhoneymeade Fund
Rock Hill School at Linden Hall
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Nancy Coffman Addison Memorial Fund
Stump Family Music Fund
Salvation Army Legal Department
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Schlow Centre Region Library
Helen G. Oldham Schlow Memorial Library Fund
Ralph and Elizabeth Yeager - Schlow Centre Region Library Fund
Richard H. Lear Fund
Schlow Library Endowment Fund
Sylvia Stein Memorial/Schlow Library Endowment Fund
Sight Loss Support Group of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Sight Loss Support Fund
Skills Foundation, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Skills of Central Pennsylvania Fund
Smart Start Centre County, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Louis E. and Patricia H. Silvi Fund
South Hills School of Business and Technology
Elizabeth C. West Memorial PEO Sisterhood Fund
PEO Scholarship Fund
Rudy J. and Annamae Labor Memorial Scholarship Fund
Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Spring Creek Presbyterian Church
Sherm Lutz Spring Creek Presbyterian Church Fund
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
Nelle Flack Fund
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Endowment Fund for St. John’s Episcopal Church
John E. Wilkinson Fund for St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. Johns Lutheran Church
John R. Miller, Jr. Memorial Fund
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Esther and Edward Strause Fund
State College Area Meals on Wheels
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
Louise W. Hamilton Fund
Meals On Wheels Fund
Roy Buck Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
XYZ Fund
State College Area School District
Adam Harwell Sunbeam Endowment Fund
Ann L. Infield Memorial Fund for Track and Field
Annalee Henderson Faculty Award Fund
Boalsburg Fire Company Memorial Scholarship Fund
Brenda Jo Van Tries Memorial Scholarship Fund
Builders Association of Central PA Fund
C. Morris Lutz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Centre Lifelink EMS Sara Dunlap Scholarship Fund
Class of 1954 Fund
Crescendo Fund
Denny R. Moore Memorial Award Fund
Dianne Maser Memorial Scholarship Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Donald J. Willower Memorial Fund
Donald W. Carruthers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Educational Initiatives Fund
Eugene R. Brooks Memorial Fund
Extracurricular Awards Fund
Gerald B. M. and Sylvia Stein Fund
Harris Township Lions Scholarship Fund
Helen J. Small Memorial Endowment Fund
Jeremy T. Sente Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joan Virginia Almquist Fund
John and Betty Baker Memorial Fund
John Bolash Triple A Award Fund
John Glenn Kovalchik Memorial Scholarship Fund
Karen Bruno Ganter Memorial Fund
Kyle Russell Callahan Scholarship Fund
Laura S. Jones Memorial Award Fund
Leslie Savino Memorial Fund
Library Memorial Endowment
Life Long Readers Fund
Marc D. Shapiro Charitable and Educational Scholarship Fund
Margaret (Marge) Brouse Antes Thespian Fund
Melissa K. and Robert A. Heydenreich Fund
Mincemoyer Family Award for Leadership in Social and Personal Decision-making
Mincemoyer Family Baseball Fund
Mincemoyer Family Engaged Citizen Award
Mincemoyer Family Orchestra Fund
Music Umbrella Fund
Naomi A. and Floyd B. Fischer LifeLink Fund
Patricia Best Superintendent’s Fund for Instructional Innovation
Patrick Y. Wang Technology Innovation Fund
Queeney Family Fund
Radio Park Elementary School Educational Initiatives Fund
Ralph L. Montresor Baseball Award Fund
Raymond Shibley Fund
Recognition Awards Fund
Retired Faculty Educational Initiative Fund
Richard A. Queeney Fund for Educational Opportunity
Robert Michael Marciniak Memorial Scholarship Fund
SCAHS Alumni Association Fund
SCASD LifeLink Fund
SCASD Student Activities Support Fund
Scholarship Fund Master
Sherm Reichard Memorial Fund
Shetler Family Athletic Fund
Shiri Berg First Flute Memorial Awards Fund
Skip Coleman Memorial Basketball Scholarship Fund
Stefan H. Umberger Memorial Award Fund
William and Dorothy Floyd Babcock Fund
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
State College Choral Society
Carl and Janet Hill Family Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Choral Society Youth Chorale Festival Fund
DeJong Oratorio Performance Endowment Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Martin and Margaret Wyand Music Fund
State College Choral Society Fund
State College Community Land Trust
State College Community Land Trust Fund
State College Community Theatre, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
State College Jazz Festival d/b/a JazzPA
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
State College Presbyterian Church
Maneval Family Fund II
State Theatre, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Sidney and Helen Friedman State Theatre Fund
State Theatre Endowment Fund
Strawberry Fields, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Eugene and Lydia Herman Family Fund
Sahakian Family Fund
Tapestry Family Planning and Health Services
XYZ Fund
The Clearwater Conservancy Of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
ClearWater Conservancy Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund
ClearWater Conservancy Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
The Foundation For Mount Nittany Medical Center
Centre Children’s Fund
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
J. Alvin and Vera E. Knepper Hawbaker Memorial Fund
Philip and Virginia Walker Family Fund
William J. and Helen L. Schwartz Medical Care Fund
The Hundred Cat Foundation, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
The Pennsylvania Chamber Chorale
Martin and Margaret Wyand Music Fund
The Pennsylvania State University
AAUW State College (PA) Branch Scholarship Fund
Dave and Hollie Woodle Aspiring Strength Scholarship Fund
E. F. Pat and Jane Houser Family Scholarship Fund
Hogan and Grace Markle Fund
Julia and Ray C. Noll Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kathryn K. and Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust Fund
William Keno Beezer Scholarship Fund
The Salvation Army
Harold M. and Florence I. Biddle Fund
Heckendorn Family Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Tides, Inc.
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
XYZ Fund
UNA-USA Centre County
UNA-USA Centre County Endowment Fund
Voices of Central Pennsylvania
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
Young Mens Christian Association Of Centre County
Centre Gives Fund
Discretionary Grants Fund
M. W. and Margaret S. Schreffler Fund
Philip and Virginia Walker Family Fund
Philipsburg Area Fund
R Fund
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Harold M. and Florence I. Biddle Fund
Grand Total
Learn more at www.Centre-Foundation.org/Our_Grants
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
continued from page 12
Marc & Gina Lintal
Margaret Moses
Margaret Seland
Marjorie Seward
Mark & Danette Didonato
Mark & Laura Bailey
Mark & Paula Bigatel
Mark & Theresa Lafer
Mark King
Mark Milliron
Marlin & Margaret Wolfe
Marly Dukes Thomas
Martha Adams
Martha Norbury
Mary & Bob Burger
Mary Anne Crafts
Mary Dupuis
Kathryn K. & Roy D. Shoemaker
Charitable Trust
A legacy of generosity for the community.
Kathryn and Roy Shoemaker were life-long residents of Centre County, both passing away in 2005 after
long and happy lives in the State College area. Roy was a businessman and farmer in the Centre region.
Their love of the area inspired them to share their resources with the community. They distributed a
substantial portion of their estate to the Kathryn K. & Roy D. Shoemaker Charitable Trust. Merrill Lynch
Trust Company was named as Trustee and Centre Foundation as the organization responsible for
distribution to the beneficiaries. The Trustee is in possession of the funds and manages the investment
of the funds while following the investment policy of Centre Foundation. Disbursements from the
trust come to the Foundation and are distributed to the twelve charitable organizations named as
beneficiaries, all of whom serve Centre County residents.
Mary Eagleton
Mary Grace & Ronald Grosso
Mary Heflin
Mary Lou & Dan Grgurich
In 2013 the beneficiaries received the following distributions:
Mary Lou Swan
Matthew Cover
Alpha Fire Company
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross, Centre Communities Chapter
Centre HomeCare, Inc.
Centre Lifelink EMS
Merle & Sandra Ammerman
Easter Seals Central Pennsylvania
Michael & Anita Ridge
North Central Sight Services, Inc.
Michael & April Fullington
Salvation Army of State College
Michael & Beth Ann Etling
Sight-Loss Support Group of Central PA
Michael & Carol Lynch
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Michael & Cheryl Trombley
State College Area Meals on Wheels
Michael & Cynthia Flanagan
The Pennsylvania State University- 2 Scholarships $26,622
Matthew Lintal & Jacqueline
Melady Kehm
Melanie Lee
Melvin & Jan Rockey
Michael & Debbie Tanitsky
Michael & Ethel Hicks
Michael & Jacqueline Long
Michael & Janice Shapiro
for State College Area High School students
Total 2013
Michael & Susan Drenning
Michael & Virginia Catalano
Michael Burns
Michelle Swope
As of December 31, 2013, the Kathryn and Roy D. Shoemaker fund had $7,113,887.44 in assets. Due to the structure of
the Trust, they are not included as assets of the Foundation.
Middle Township Volunteer Fire
Company No. 1
Milford & Nancy Buchanan
Mimi Barash Coppersmith
Miranda Corl
Molly & Hal Kunkel
Molly Schwartz & Edward Olsen
Molly Steinacker
Nancy Funk
Nancy Neff
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Lifetime Grantees
Nancy Noll
Nate Pozniak
Norman & Jeanne Gibson
Since 1981, Centre Foundation has awarded over $10.7 million in grants to over
400 organizations and administered over 175 scholarships.
Ocean Scitti
Oppenheimer Funds - Matching
Gifts Program
Oscar Johnston
Charitable Organizations
Central PA Community Action, Inc.
4-H Clubs of Centre County
Central Pennsylvania Community Action, Inc.
Central Pennsylvania Festival Of The Arts, Inc.
AAUW State College (PA) Branch
AFP Allegheny Mountains Chapter
Allegheny Lutheran Social Svs.
Alpha Fire Company
American Cancer Society
Central Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association
Centre Abuse Response Team, Inc.
Centre Community Church of Christ
Centre Community Skate Park
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Central PA Chapter
Central Pennsylvania July 4th, Inc.
Centre County Auxiliary of ALSM
American Heart Association Centre County Heart Walk
Centre County CARE Partnership - CTC
American Lung Association of Central PA
Centre County Christian Academy
American Philatelic Society
Centre County Council of Human Services
American Red Cross, Centre Communities Chapter
Centre County Farmland Trust
American Red Cross, Office of the General Counsel
Arc of Centre County
Art Alliance Of Central Penna
AT&T Center for Service Leadership
Centre County Federation Of Public Libraries
Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair
Centre County Historical Society
Centre County Housing and Land Trust
Augusta Children’s Chorale
Centre County Law Enforcement Camp Cadet, Inc.
Bald Eagle Area School District
Centre County Library and Historical Museum
Ballet Theatre of Central Pennsylvania
Centre County Partnership for Community Health
Centre County PAWS
Bellefonte Area High School
Centre County Reads
Bellefonte Area School District
Centre County Senior Center Coalition
Bellefonte Area School District - Middle School
Centre County United Way
Bellefonte Community Band
Centre County Womens Resource Center
Barker Foundation Adoption Agency
Bellefonte Education Foundation, Inc.
Centre County Youth Service Bureau
Bellefonte Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Centre Crest Nursing Home
Bellefonte Family Resource Center
Bellefonte Family YMCA
Bellefonte Historical And Cultural Association
Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society
Centre Foundation
Centre Hall Area Branch Library Association, Inc.
Centre Hall Borough
Centre Hall Senior Center
Bellefonte Museum
Centre Hall/Potter Twp. Food & Fuel Bank
Bellefonte Senior Center
Centre HomeCare, Inc.
Bellefonte Teener League
Centre Lifelink Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Blanchard Baseball Corp
Centre Region Council of Governments
Boalsburg Heritage Museum Association
Centre Regional Recreation Authority
Boalsburg Village Conservancy
Centre Soccer Association
Bob Perks Cancer Assistance Fund
Centre Volunteers In Medicine
Centre Wildlife Care
CentrePeace, Inc.
Child Development Council Of Centre County
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Childbirth Education Association Of State College Pa, Inc.
C Barton McCann School of Art
Childrens Aid Society Of Clearfield County
Calvary Baptist Church
Childrens Dyslexia Centers, Inc.
Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
Clare Fund, Inc.orporated
Clearfield Hospital
Borough of State College
Boy Scouts Of America Juniata Valley Council
Bridge Of Hope, Inc. - Bridge of Hope Centre County
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities, Inc. of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown
Cen Clear Child Services, Inc.
Center for Alternatives in Community Justice
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Cold Stream Recreation Foundation
Collaboration of Arts, Social Services and Education
P. Jean Oerkfitz
Pamela Ambrose & Gary Pattinson
Pamela Ruest
Pamela Russell
Patrick & Caroline Terenzini
Paul & Dotty Rigby
Paul & Lisa Raymond
Paula Droege & Jonathan Brockopp
Pennsylvania Bar Association
Pennsylvania Builders Association
Peter & Carol Schempf
Peter & Lee Libby
Peter & Mary Lou Bennett
Peter Gallagher
Peter Grollman
Philip & Leann Mohr
Philip Keeney
Philip Klaus & Donna
Philip Sieg
Phyllis Wagner
Precision Physics Services LLC
R. Patrick & Elizabeth Vernon
R. Riggs & Gloria Griffith
R. Thomas Berner
Ralph & Joan Beck
Ralph Hoffman
Randolph Scott & Carrie Ryan
Randy & Sandi Cooper
Ray & Judy Caravan
Raymond & Debbie Funk
Raymond Fortunato
Rebeccah Holmes
Reynold & Deborah Scheidts
Richard Adams
Richard & Andrea Shepanski
Richard & Barbara Vance
Richard & Carol Robie
Richard & Ginger Swanger
Richard Cautilli
Rick & Denice Wardrop
Rick Smith
Robert & Ann Hoffman
Robert & Carola Rohrbaugh
Robert & Christina Orndorff
Robert & Jacki Hunt
Robert & Jerah Griggs
Robert & Judy Andronici
Robert & Lisa Campbell
Robert & Marilyn Kurtz
Committee For A Moshannon Valley Veterans Memorial
Robert & Mary Elizabeth Reese
Community Help Centre
Robert & Nancy Scott
Congregation Brit Shalom
Robert & Patricia Griffith
Cooperative Playschool
Junior Museum of Central Pennsylvania
Robert & Peggy Schlegel
Council On Foundations
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Robert & Vivian Levy
County of Centre
Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25 of Centre Region
Robert Eberhart
County of Centre Office of Aging
Kicks For Kids Charity Soccer Tournaments, Inc.
Robert Passow
Creative Oasis, Inc.
Rodney & Casey Fletcher
Cure Autism Now
Ronald & Lisa Vanderlinden
Disabled American Veterans
Roy & Fiona Adams
Discovery Space Of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Russell & Cheri Graham
Downtown State College Rotary Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ruth East & Caroline Perron
Easter Seals Central Pennsylvania
Ruth Maharg
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Ryan & Danielle Callahan
Jewish Community Center Nursery School
John A. Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing
Excellence at Penn State
KidTech, Inc.
Krislund Camp and Conference Center
La Leche League of St. College
Leadership Centre County
Lemont Village Association
Lewistown Hospital
Little League Baseball, Inc. Pleasant Gap LLC
Ethel Beaver Children’s Fund
Loaves and Fish Traveling Repertory Company
Sabino & Linda Ranaudo
Faith United Church of Christ
Local Help and Transient Fund
Sally Goas
Faith United Methodist Church
Logan Fire Company #1
Samuel & Jan Graci
FaithCentre Food Bank
Samuel Levine & Trudy Foner Levine
Family Connection
Sandra Adams
Fillmore United Methodist Church
Sara Bechdel
First Book of Central Pennsylvania
March of Dimes
Scott & Rachelle Knisely
First Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Scott Gest & Julia Masterson-Gest
First Unity Church of Centre County
Scott Walker
Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
Scott’s Landscaping, Inc.
Food Bank of State College Area
Seth & Kimberly Cavanaugh
Forum for Pennsylvania’s Heartland
Milesburg Museum and Historical Society
Sherry Farrall
Foundation Fighting Blindness
Milesburg United Methodist Church
Shirley Allan
Foundation For Free Enterprise Education
Shirley Sacks
Foxdale Village
Skytop Surgical LLC
Friends of the Library of Philipsburg
St. Charles Consulting Group
Friends of the Pennsylvania Military Museum
Stanley & Patricia Mayers
Friends of the Schlow Centre Region Library
Stephanie Ayanian
Front And Centre Productions, Inc.
Stephanie Bond
Louis E. Silvi Charitable Foundation
Make A Wish Foundation Of Greater Pennsylvania &
Southern West Virginia
Mentors for Change of Centre Co.
MidPenn Legal Services, Inc.
Mid-State Literacy Council, Inc.
Millheim Borough Council
Millheim Outreach Center
Moshannon Valley Citizens, Inc.
Moshannon Valley Emergency Medical Services
Moshannon Valley YMCA
Mount Nittany Conservancy
Galaxy, the Arts in Education Program of CIU 10
Mountain Top Fire Company
Stephanie Hogarth
Girl Scouts In The Heart Of Pennsylvania
Mountaintop Area Medical Center
Stephen Garguilo
Global Connections
Mountaintop Swimming Pool
Steve & Kathy Jones
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Mountaintop Swimming Pool Assoc.
Steve & Lisa Schroeder
Grace Lutheran Church
Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church
Steven & Dawn Jones
Gregg Township
Music Academy
Steven & Elenore Armstrong
Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Mutual Understanding and Support Team (MUST)
Steven & Jackie Russell
Habitat For Humanity Of Greater Centre County, Inc.
Steven Corbato
Hands on Therapeutic Riding Program
National Parkinson Foundation
Steven Heppelmann &
Headwaters Charitable Trust
New Leaf Initiative
Nittany Greyhounds
Patricia Steider
Healthy Communities Partnership
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
Sue Haug
Hearing Loss Association of America, Central PA Chapter
Nittany Highland Pipe Band
Sue Schwartz-Wolski
Historic Bellefonte, Inc.
Nittany Leathernecks Detachment #302, Incorporated
Sue Tumlinson
Holt Memorial Library
Susan Ferrence
Home Nursing Agency Foundation
Susan Hartman
Hope Fire Company No. 2
Susan Russell
Hope for Kids
Susan Smith & Thomas Meteyer
House Of Care, Inc.
Susan Youtz
Houserville Lemont PTO
Tara Wimmer
Housing Transitions, Inc.
Teresa Smith
Howard Fire Company
Terrell & Carla Jones
Howard Food Bank
Terry Hale
Infant Evaluation Program, Inc.
Thaddeus Will
Interfaith Human Services, Inc.
Nittany Valley Childrens Choir, Inc.
Nittany Valley Symphony, Inc.
North Central Sight Services, Inc.
North Shore Animal League
NVS-Junior Baroque Music Festival
Orphaned Kitten Program
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute At Penn State
Our Children’s Center
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
Palmer Museum of Art
Park Forest Village Day Nursery
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Runville United Methodist Church
Partnerships in Education
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Thomas & Carolyn Schwartz
Salvation Army
Thomas & Carolyn Smith
Patton Township
Penn State - Center for Sustainability
Salvation Army Legal Department
Penn State College of Communications
Salvation Army Service Extension Department
Thomas & Jeanne Sallade
Penn State Development & Corporate Sponsorships
SCAHS African American Support Group
Thomas & Kristen Coombs
Penn State Disability Recreation Program
SCASD Community Education Adult Education Center (AEC)
The Sheeler Family Foundation
Thomas & Marie Carroll
Penn State Figure Skating Club
SCASD Delta Program
Penn State Office of Sponsored Programs
SCASD Middle Schools
Thomas Shakely
Penn State Opera Theatre, College of Arts & Architecture
SCASD Student Services
Tim & Ann Sissler
Penn State University Public Broadcasting (WPSU-TV)
Schlow Centre Region Library
Penna Federation of Museums and Historical Organizations
SCORE Central Penna Chapter #618
Thomas & Gloria Leifer
Tim Pavlechko
Timothy & Nancy Weil
Penns Valley Area Historical Museum Association
Sight Loss Support Group of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Penns Valley Area School District
Silent Praise Ministries
Penns Valley Conservation Assoc
Skills Foundation, Inc.
Tom & Sara Songer
Smart Start Centre County, Inc.
Tony Cebzanov
Penns Valley Emergency Medical Services
Thomas Cali
Tom & Christine Templeton
Penns Valley Hope Fund
Snow Shoe Rails to Trails Association
Penns Valley Senior Center
Snow Shoe Senior Center
Pennsylvania Association For Sustainable Agriculture
Snow Shoe United Methodist Parish
Veterans Gold Stripe Club
Pennsylvania Association Of Nonprofit Organizations
Snow Shoe/Mountaintop Food Bank
Victor Campbell
Special Olympics Pennsylvania, Inc.
Pennsylvania Centre Chamber Orchestra Society
Todd & Marjorie Costello
Vaughn & Kathryn Shirk
Victoria DeStefano
Pennsylvania Centre Stage
Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited
Pennsylvania Certified Organic
Spring Creek Presbyterian Church
Vincent & Janet Nelson
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
Virgil & Mary Laing
Virginia Ricker
Pennsylvania Council on Economic Education
Township of Harris
d/b/a Economics Pennsylvania
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Pennsylvania Dance Theatre, Inc.
St. Johns Lutheran Church
Pennsylvania Elks Major Projects, Inc.
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Wade & Nancy VanLandingham
Walter & Davies Bahr
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, Inc.
St. Paul’s AME Church
Pennsylvania State Grange Of Patrons Of Husbandry
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Pennsylvania State University Office of Development
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Wayne & Kathryn Detwiler
Stand Together
Wayne Kursh & Barbara Brown
Pennsylvania State University/Shaver’s Creek
Environmental Center
People Centre D On Diabetes, Inc.
Vilma Shu
Ward & Helen Diethorn
Warren & Nickie Askov
State College Area Family YMCA
State College Area Meals on Wheels
State College Area School District
Pets Come First, Inc.
Philipsburg Borough
State College Baseball, Inc.
Philipsburg Community Action Food Pantry
State College Bird Club
Philipsburg Elementary School
Walter & Michelle Oxenford
West Branch Susquehanna
Builders Association
William & Ann Gray
William & Carol Thomas
William & Carolyn Fishburn
State College Choral Society
William & Emily Schmalstieg
William & Joyce Sipple
Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation
State College Community Land Trust
Philipsburg Senior Citizen Ctr.
State College Community Theatre, Inc.
William & Mary Ann Staudenmayer
State College Friends School
William & Nancy Stone
State College Jazz Festival d/b/a JazzPA
William Decker
Philipsburg-Osceola Area School Distrct
Pine Grove Mills Cemetery Assoc.
Pine Grove Mills Community in Action Foundation, Inc.
State College Little League
William Garguilo
State College Presbyterian Church
William Masters
Pleasant Gap Fire Company #1
State College Stand for Children
Pleasant Gap United Methodist Church
State College Talent Educ. Prog.
Port Matilda Fire Company, Inc.
State Theatre, Inc.
Pregnancy Resource Clinic
Strawberry Fields, Inc.
Presbyterian Homes -MSO
Sun Home Health Services
Private Industry Council of Centre County
Tapestry Family Planning and Health Services
PSU Center for Locomotion Studies
The Aids Project
Reliance Fire Company
The Clearwater Conservancy Of Central Pennsylvania, Inc. $200,208
Religion And Society Center, Inc.
Rhoneymeade, Inc.
Rock Hill School at Linden Hall
Rotary Charity Trust Fund
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
The Compassionate Friends, Nittany Valley Chapter
The Faith United Church of Christ
(Friendship Tutoring Program)
The Foundation For Mount Nittany Medical Center
William Pennington
Zachary Zimbler
Zion Lutheran Church of Boalsburg
Zoe Boniface & Eric Feigelson
The Hundred Cat Foundation, Inc.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Central Pennsylvania Chapter
The Next Stage, Inc.
Dartmouth College
Davidson College
Delaware Valley College
The Pennsylvania Chamber Chorale
Drexel University
The Rowland Theatre
Duke University
Duquesne University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Wyoming College
The Salvation Army
The Second Mile
The Seeing Eye, Inc.
Ticked Off & Fed Up, Inc.
Tides, Inc.
Edinboro University
Elizabethtown College
Township of Miles
Franklin and Marshall College
Trinity United Methodist Church
George Mason University
Trips for Kids-Central PA, Inc.
Georgetown University
Ulster Project of Central Pennsylvania
Gettysburg College
UNA-USA Centre County
Goshen College
Grove City College
Union Grange #325, Inc.
Harvard University
Unionville Borough
Haverford College
Undine Fire Company
United Nations Association Of The USA, Inc.
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
Voices of Central Pennsylvania
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Volunteer Center of Centre Co.
Ithaca College
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Johnson & Wales University of Rhode Island
Windy Hill Village: a Presbyterian Senior Living Community
Juniata College
Women Healing Women Institute
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Lancaster Institute for Health Education
Young Mens Christian Association Of Centre County
Lehigh University
Liberty University
Young People Who Care, Inc.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Grand Total
Lock Haven University
Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus
Lycoming College
Antonelli Institute
Appalachian State University
Barnard College
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Brooks Institute of Photography
Brown University
Bucknell University
Bucks County Community College
California Institute of Technology
California University of Pennsylvania
Canterbury School
Carleton College
Mansfield University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mercyhurst College
Messiah College
Miami University of Ohio
Mount Aloysius
New York University
Northwestern University
Penn College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona
Pennsylvania State University - Hazleton
Pensacola Christian College
Carnegie Mellon University
Philadelphia College of the Bible
Central Pennsylvania College
Point Park University
Central Pennsylvania Diesel Institute
Presbyterian College
Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology
Princeton University
Central Pennsylvania School of Massage Therapy
Quinnipiac University
Clare College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Roger Williams University
Clearfield County Career and Technology Center
Saint Francis University
College of Wooster
Seton Hall University
Colorado State University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Community College of Allegheny County
Slippery Rock University
Conemaugh Health System
Smith College
Connecticut Culinary Institute
South Hills School of Business and Technology
Cornell University
St. Francis University
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
St. Joseph’s University
University of Rochester
Stanford University
University of Southern California
University of the Arts
University of Vermont
Susquehanna University
The King’s College
The University of Virginia
University of Washington
Toccoa Falls College
Valley Forge Christian College
Triangle Tech, Inc. - DuBois School
Verbeck Motors School
University of Akron
Virginia Tech
University of California Davis
Washington & Jefferson
University of Cincinnati College, Conservatory of Music
West Chester University of PA
University of Connecticut
West Liberty State College
University of Delaware
West Virginia University
University of Hartford
Westminster Choir College of Rider University
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Westminster College
University of North Carolina
Wheaton College
University of Pennsylvania
Wilson College
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Grand Total
Learn more at www.Centre-Foundation.org/Our_Grants
Anniversary Circle
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed
it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
If you have ever wanted to award a $10,000 grant to a local
project, then you should join Centre Foundation’s Anniversary Circle!
This giving circle was established in 2006 to commemorate the
Foundation’s 25th anniversary and to make impactful, project-based
grants in our community. Each year, members meet to decide which
local non-profit organization’s project will receive the $10,000 grant.
In 2013, members elected to fund a new roof for the House of
Care, which had not been replaced since 1974. Previous years’
grants were awarded to Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania,
Housing Transitions, Strawberry Fields, Park Forest Day Nursery,
Interfaith Mission, and Community Help Centre.
To learn more about or join the Anniversary Circle, please contact
Centre Foundation.
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Elliot and Bonnie Abrams
Martha A. Adams
Warren H. and Nickie N. Askov
Janet Atwood
Mimi Barash Coppersmith
Thomas P. Bem, MD
Mary Lou and Peter Bennett
Inga and Ned Book
Langhorne Virginia Brickwedde
Ralph and Joan Brower
Carol Cohick and Steven Cohick
Judy and Jon Dranov
Ron Filippelli and Sandra Stelts
Robert S. Friedman
Ron and Susan Friedman
Blake and Linda Gall
Edward R. Galus
Lamartine and Emeline Hood
Honey and Bill Jaffe
Margaret P. Kendall
Fred Kissinger
Edward and Deborah Klevans
Harry B. Kropp and Edward J. Legutko
Eileen and Herschel* Leibowitz
Samuel H. and Trudy Foner Levine
Herberta M. Lundegren*
Lassie MacDonald
Susan and Reed McCormick
H. William Morgan* and Alyce R. Morgan
Hugh and Janyce Mose
Dr. Joel N. Myers
Heidi Nicholas and Bruce Fleischer
Nancy and Harold O’Connor
Barbara Palmer
Alec and Jodi Pringle
Judy and Phil Roberts
Mary Ann Sabolsice
Shirley Sacks
Philip and Judy* Sieg
Paul and Nancy Silvis
James B. Smith and Anna Lee Smith
Tom and Sara Songer II
Esther and Edward Strause
D. Michael and Susan C. Taylor
Dennis and Joan Thomson
Joy Hartsock Wallace
Nancy and Steven Weinreb
H. Alan and Marjorie H. Weisel
David and Susan Werner
Star E. White
David C. Whiteman and Connie Kossan
Katherine Young*
Nancy and Ted Ziff
Frost and Conn, Inc.
G. M. McCrossin, Inc.
Geisinger Medical Groups – Centre County
Jersey Shore State Bank
King Coal Sales, Inc.
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
State of the Art, Inc.
Taricani Associates LLP
University Park Plaza Corporation
Deceased members are marked with a *.
The Campbell Society
“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect
to sit.” – Nelson Henderson
Judge R. Paul & Ora Campbell
Over 490 generous people have made a lasting impact on our community by joining Centre
Foundation’s Campbell Society. Named for our founder, Judge R. Paul Campbell, society members
have included Centre Foundation in their estate plans. Members enjoy the financial benefits of these
planned gifts and the security of knowing that their commitment to the Centre region will continue
for years to come.
Campbell Society members meet annually, providing us with the opportunity to honor and thank
them during their lifetimes, as well as update them on new Foundation projects.
We are pleased to recognize our current Campbell Society members:
Gary and Lydia Abdullah
Fred Abramson
Martha A. Adams
Mary and Kent Addis
Caran S. Aikens
James B. and Nancy T. Anderson
William and Joan Andrews
Linda Arble
Dan C. and Eleanor D. Armstrong
Warren H. and Eunice N. “Nickie” Askov
Janet Atwood
Robert H. and Anne S. Ayer
William E. and Dorothy Floyd Babcock
Mimi U. Barash Coppersmith
Richard C. and Kathy J. Barrickman
John E* and M. Henrietta Hauck Baylor
Ellie and John Beaver
David and Janell* Becker
Patsy A. Beeman
Patricia and Stephen Benkovic
Mary Lou and Peter Bennett
Kerry A. Benninghoff
Sarah Benton
Wayne and Edna Bicehouse
Lawrence C. Bickford and
Dr. Susan J. Bickford
Kevin C. and Diane D. Birmingham
Patrick and Paula Bisbey
Harold Black* and Barbara Sherlock
Glendon W. Blume
Jeffrey M. Bower, Esq.
Pieter C. Brandse and Susan S. Brandse
Jean E. Brenchley
W. Patrick Brewer
Langhorne Virginia Brickwedde
Bernard and Bobbi Bronstein
Alexandra P. Brovey and Edward G. Capps
Lyn Sidehammer Brown and
John L. Brown, Jr.*
Thomas F. Brown
Geoffrey M. and Barbara N. Brugler
Richard W. Bryant
N. Ellen Burris
Bret and Marie Buterbaugh
James and Ellen Campbell
Richard L. and Cheryl* Campbell
Robert P. Campbell
Raymond J. and Judith A. Caravan, Jr.
John and Deborah Carder
Gerald F. and Susan W. Clair
Kate R. Clark
Donna K. Coble
Patricia A. Coble
Karl Colyer
John P. and Karen F. Conroy
Stephanie L. Cooper, Esq.
Roger D. and Corinne S. Coplan
Margretta and R. Scott Culbertson
Charles and Jill Curley
Edward and Terri Dare
Janet Fowler Dargitz
Kathleen E. Davies
Alvin F. de Levie
Clark B. and L. Maxine Depew
Mary Jo Depp-Nestlerode
Richard and Margaret Derabasse
J. Mark and Jean H. Doyle
Mary E. Dunkel
Elizabeth A. Dupuis
Della Durant*
Walter and Michele Ebaugh
Harry E. Eby
Scott C. and Ann M. Etter
Mary and Jack* Falk
Fred Farber
Sherry L. Farrall
Joseph E. and Barbara A. Faulkner
Susan and Joseph Fedeli
Barry Weston Fisher and Patti Witt Fisher
Robert E. and Janis A. Fleck
Robert H.* and Heather F. Fleck
Rodney L. and Casey C. Fletcher
Stephen and Carolyn Foust
Robert A. Frederick
Andrew and Diana Friberg
Ed and Charlene Friedman
Renee* and Robert Friedman
Blake and Linda Gall
Glenn W.* and Nancy S. Gamble
Steven D. and CarolAnn M. Gentry
Bertha M. Goerder
Dona and Stan Goldman
R. Riggs Griffith
Barbara and Innocenzio Grignano
James and Carolyn Grove
David A. and Ann K. Guss
Henry B. Haitz III and Tina M. Kelley
Terry L. Hale
Donald W. Hamer
G. Marie Hamilton
William E. and Janet A. Haner
Geoff and Kathy Harford
Daniel M. Harrington
Joseph D.* and Jean D. Harrington
Gerald C.* and Joan M. Hartman
Marshall L. Hartman
Patricia A. and Frank T. Hartranft
John T. Harwood and Kathryn M. Grossman
Dr. Carla A. Hass and Dr. Stephen Blair Hedges
Ernest M. Hawk
Marianne E. Hazel
Jack and Diane Heckendorn
Susan and Bruce Heim
Bob Heisse
W. David Hellyer
Roger M. Herman and Nicoletta A. Herman
Larry and Susan Hofer
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
Lamartine F. and Emeline H. Hood
Chris and Linda Hosterman
Frederick A. Hughes
James and Cheryl Isola
William A. and Honora F. Jaffe
Darren and Lannette Johnston
O. J. Johnston
Cynthia J. Jones and Alfred Jones, Jr.
Robert H. Jones* and Francine T. Jones
Dave and Carolyn Joyner
Richard L. and Sarah G. W. Kalin
William D. and Janet M. Karch
James J. Karchner
Nancy W. Kaufman
Norma L. Keller
Laura and Robert Kilareski
Rodney P. and Michele S. Kirsch
Frederick J. Kissinger
Robert K.* and Jean* Kistler
Nan and Bill Klaban
Edward and Deborah Klevans
Ellen Kline
Leon R. and Elizabeth M.* Kneebone
Janos and Cheryl Koltay
Charles E. and Ashley H. Kranich
Jeffrey C. Kuhns and Rebecca M. Mills
Joanne Kundrat
Mark and Sandy Kunkle
Michael and Sue LaBrecque
Scott R. Lamb
Norm and Kathy Lathbury
David B. and Joyce W. Lee
Muchen Lee
Herschel W.* and Eileen Wirtshafter
Fred and Louise Leoniak
Samuel H. and Trudy Foner Levine
Robert N. and Vivian Levy
M. John Lew III and JoAnn R. Lew
Mary C.* and Philip B.* Lovett
Douglas C. and Kelly W. Loviscky
Stephen and Judy Loy
Herberta M. Lundegren*
Lassie MacDonald
John P. and Joan M. Mandryk
David R. Maneval
Ray and Pam Marcon
Fayle L. Maring
Brian K. and Amy Milgrub Marshall
William H. and Amy Sue Martin
Denny and Fran Mason
Edward L. and Alice Schwartz* Mattil
Don and Jane McCandless
Robert and Priscilla McCarty
Ryan J. and Denise A. McCombie
The Reed McCormick Family
John C. and Carol A. McKeever
Rogers and Paulette McLane
Violet S. McLane
Rana McMurray Arnold
Bob and Marggie McNichol, Jr.
Barbara* and Tom* Mebane
Jim and Janet Meister
Jacqueline J. Melander and E. R. Melander
Richard H. and Marjorie Leibowitz Milgrub
Craig and Maxine Millar
Joan Miller
Bonnie Miller and John R. Miller III
Mark Milliron
Ann and George Moellenbrock
Daniel Moerdyk
Dr. Marla L. Moon
Richard S. Morgan
H. William Morgan* and Alyce R. Morgan
Hugh A. and Janyce K. Mose
William and Patricia Moyer
Dr. Joel Myers
Michael Negra and Wanda L. White
Daniel J. Nestlerode
Brian and Celeste Newcomb
Heidi Nicholas and Bruce Fleischer
Bill and Maxine* Noyes
Dorothy B. O’Connor
Harold and Nancy O’Connor
Pieter W. and Lida Ouwehand
Shirley Bowen Palermo
Barbara R. Palmer
David M. Panko
D. Brent and Cynthia Pasquinelli
David B. Peterson, Sr.
R. Jack Petrovich
Dean and Jill Plafcan
Robert E. Poole, Jr.
Jeanne and Richard Porter
Robert W. Potter
Suzanne C. and James W. Powers, Sr.
Adrian Pratt
Alec and Jodi Pringle
Richard * and Donna Queeney
Patricia Hawbaker Quinlivan
William Rabinowitz
Carl and Lana Raup
James M. and Judith A. Rayback
Jane and Herman Richey
Robert D. Ricketts
Paul and Dorothy Rigby
Anne Riley
Ruth E. Rishel
Joseph and Susan Rogacs
Charles W. and Annette Rohrbeck
Colonel Gerald F. Russell*
Mary Ann Sabolsice
William* and Shirley Sacks
Carolyn E. Schwartz
Thomas E. Schwartz
Thomazine Weinstein Shanahan
Robert E. and Karen P. Shute
Paul and Nancy Silvis
Richard and Jeane Singer
Nancy C. and Gerald W. Slagle
Kerry and Meg Small
James B. and Anna Lee M. Smith
J. Lawrence and Molly P. Snavely
Robert J. and Wendy R. Snetsinger
Thomas F. and Sara H. Songer
Dean T. and Linda A. Spanos
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
James L. and Martha L. Starling
Linda and John Stevens
Frances H. Stevenson
Mark J. Stevenson
Dr. Robert E. and Helen Dix Steward, Jr.
Ralph W. and Lynne R. Stewart
Karl and Lorie* Stoedefalke
George and Vivian Stover
Esther and Edward Strause
Edwin T. Jr. and Grace Antes Strong
Henry W. Strong
Fred A. Strouse
Eloise Stuhr
Jean and Derald Stump
James W. and Jeanne Swistock
Walter M. Swoope, Jr.
Dolores A. Taricani
D. Michael and Susan C. Taylor
Mark and Jennifer Theiss
David and Linda Thiel
James* and Eulene* Toothman
Richard E.* and Sue F.* Tressler
William and Stella Updegraff
Nancy and Wade VanLandingham
Larry and Karen Walker
Philip* and Virginia Walker
Mark and Morgan Wasikonis
Frank * and Stella J.* Wawrynovic
H. Alan and Marjorie H. Weisel
Bill Welch* and Nadine Kofman
Jerry and Jane Clarke Wettstone
David C. Whiteman
P. Gary Wienken
Bob and Pam Wild
Kathleen A. and Kenneth A. Williams
Philip and Marion Winsor
Reuben and Katherine Wolfe
Martin and Margie* Wyand
Scott L. and Glenda C. Yocum
Katherine H. Young*
Dorothy J. Krecker Yukish
Andrew and Catherine Zangrilli
Bob* and Jane Zimmerman
Cal and Pam Zimmerman
Dennis and Karen Zwigart
Deceased members are marked with a *.
Plan Your Future Gift,
Join the Campbell Society
Planned gifts are of immeasurable importance to the future
of our region. Please contact Centre Foundation to learn more
about these gifts:
•Charitable Gift Annuity
•Charitable Lead Trust
•Charitable Remainder Unitrust
•Life Insurance
•Real Estate
•Remainder of a Charitable Trust
•Retirement Assets
•Revocable Living Trust
Financial Report
Centre Foundation manages over $29 million in assets.
For over 30 years the Centre Foundation has been the steward of a precious community resource, Centre County’s charitable endowment,
composed of gifts from generous individuals, organizations, and corporations. In managing this endowment the Centre Foundation seeks
to provide sufficient funds to make current grants, while preserving the purchasing power of these charitable gifts forever. The region has
benefited from the power of this endowment which has grown, generating ever-increasing grant funds for all of Centre County.
At the end of 2013, the Foundation’s total assets were $30,187,000.
This represents a 17.9% increase from December 31, 2012 to
December 31, 2013.
In 2013, the increase in total assets resulted from both investment
performance and contributions exceeding distributions and expenses.
Our investments increased about 18% for the year. The Foundation
furthered its mission and received gifts of approximately $3,272,000
during 2013. Meanwhile, our grant and program payments for 2013
were approximately $1,841,000.
The finances of the Foundation are administered by the Board of
Directors which has ultimate responsibility for all decisions. The
Board works through its Executive Committee and various other
committees who oversee different aspects of operations.
By Board policy the Foundation annually:
•Distributes a set percentage of the average asset value
from each fund annually for charitable needs. In 2013
the distribution rate was 4.5%, but may be changed from
time to time to reflect market returns and our fiduciary
responsibility to preserve the value of our funds. For this
calculation the average of the fund value over previous
twenty quarters is used.
•Draws a percentage from each fund for operations: 1.39%
in 2013. This is based on a variety of factors including the
asset base and operating budget.
•Pays approximately .2% for active investment management.
This spending policy is consistent with most other community
foundations, and is designed to provide steady and growing
distributions back to the community.
The foundation is fortunate to have a group of very talented
individuals volunteer their time and expertise as members of this
Investment Committee. The Investment Committee recommends
specific investment policy and is responsible for guiding, monitoring
and implementing the policy and reporting performance results.
Presently the Foundation has working arrangements for financial
management with First National Bank, M&T Investment Group,
Nestlerode & Loy, Merrill Lynch, Weinken & Associates, and
Smith Barney. Additional funds are invested by the Investment
Committee through Vanguard and The Investment Fund for
Foundations (TIFF). In 2011 the Foundation began to invest in
private equity and venture capital with The Commonfund.
The assets of the Foundation are deployed in a variety of investments
in accordance with the investment policy. It seeks to hold 40% to
80% of its assets in global securities, 20% to 60% in fixed-income
instruments such as long-term bonds, debt-based mutual funds and
temporary cash investments, and up to 30% in alternative assets in
an effort to obtain higher yields. This so-called discretionary class of
assets allows managers to move slightly outside the basic policy and
acquire positions in high-yield bonds, emerging markets, particular
market sectors or real estate, commodities, etc. Overall, the portfolio is
invested for capital appreciation. At a minimum, the Foundation’s goal
is to generate long-term investment results sufficient to pay its grants,
operating, and investment expenses, while keeping pace with inflation.
The fixed-income portfolio is diversified and consists primarily
of investment grade bonds, benchmarked against the Barclay
Aggregate Index.
Employing broad diversification as to investment style and
other major component weighting, the global equity portfolio is
benchmarked against the MSCI All Country World Index, which
includes broad categories of U.S. equities, non-U.S. developed
market equities and emerging market equities.
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
The foundation is exempt from federal income taxes under Section
501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as a publicly supported
organization described in Section 501(c)(3). It is also exempt
from state taxes and is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau
of Charitable Organizations. All gifts are accepted subject to the
Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and policies.
The following are preliminary (unaudited) results. Copies of
the annual audit report and IRS Form 990 are available at the
Foundation office and/ or on our website.
The Foundation’s assets as of December 31, 2013 and the changes in its net assets during the year, determined on the cash basis, were as follows:
Net assets at Market Value, January 1, 2013
$25,607,000 Additions:
Contributions 3,272,000
Interest and Dividends
Total Additions
Grants, awards and program expenses
Administrative and other expenses
Investment management and custodial fees
Total Expenses
Realized and unrealized capital gains, net
Increase in net assets
Net assets at Market Value, December 31, 2013
$30,187,000 Assets:
Target Range
Investments at December 31, 2013
Global Equity
Discretionary 4,473,000 15%
Total Investments
Total cash and investments, at Market Value
Property and Equipment, net
Cash Surrender value of life insurance policies
Total Assets 30,269,000
Liabilities - primarily charitable gift annuities
Net Assets, December 31, 2013
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
2013 Quick Facts
Since 1981...
Increase in Donors
Increase in Grants
175+ Scholarships
155,171 People Served
400+ Non-Profits Served
33 Townships & Boroughs Served
39% are
repeat donors
1996 2000 2004 2008 2012
1996 2000 2004 2008 2012
2013 Grants by Program
8,400 Total Donors
Health and Social Services $948,132
Arts, Culture, and Community $357,964
25% have given
3 times or more
Market Value of Assets Held by the
Foundation on December 31
Education and Life Long
Learning $219,994
Environmental Conservation
and Awareness $140,573
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
2013 Board of Directors
Patrick Bisbey
Retired, Investment Manager
Jack Infield
Regional Manager, AmeriServ Financial
Carmine Prestia
Judge, Centre County Magisterial District
John Conroy
Partner, Frost & Conn, Inc.
Oscar “OJ” Johnston
Retired, Program Manager at Raytheon
Jodi Pringle
CPA & Shareholder, SF & Company
Desiree Fralick
Attorney and shareholder, The Mazza Law
Group, PC
Terrell Jones
Vice Provost, Educational Equity
Bob Ricketts
Senior Lecturer, The Pennsylvania State
University, College of Health and Human
Bill Keough
Retired, Quality management
Blake Gall
Retired, Investment Manager
Heddy Kervandjian
Community Volunteer, Centre County
Todd Sloan
Director of Development, Smeal College of
Kay Kustanbauter
Retired, Nittany Lion Club
Chuck Witmer
Controller, Centre County
Amos Goodall
Attorney and Partner, Goodall & Yurchak,
Attorneys at Law
Dave Lee
Retired, Banking
Ted Ziff
Emergency Department Chair, Mount
Nittany Medical Center
Riggs Griffith
Retired, Investment Manager
Heidi Nicholas
Partner, Nicholas Enterprises
Kelly Grimes
Retired, Business Owner
David Ostrich
Rabbi, Congregation Brit Shalom
Tammy Gentzel
Ex Officio member, Centre County
United Way
Fredrick Farber
Patricia Farrell
Gino P. Fornicola
William Frank
Thomas E. Frantz
Edward A. Friedman
G. David Gearhart
Stanley L. Goldman
Richard E. Grubb
Donald W. Hamer
Harriet W. Harry
Christopher M. Harte
Gerald C. Hartman
Daniel Hawbaker
Bruce K. Heim
Lou Heldman
Al Horvath
William A. Jaffe
Alfred Jones, Jr.
Richard L. Kalin
William D. Karch
Shaun Keister
Rodney Kirsch
Jeffrey Krauss
Eugene W. Lederer
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
Lowell D. Lee
Eileen W. Leibowitz
Robert N. Levy
Mary Lisko
John P. Mandryk
Joseph J. Mansfield
William H. Martin
Frances E. Mason
Reed McCormick
Robert McNichol
John R. Miller, III
Rebecca Mills
George Moellenbrock
Marla Moon
Harold O’Connor
Nicholas Pelick
R. Jack Petrovich
Margaret Petrovich
Robert W. Potter
Adrian Pratt
Donald G. Raup
James M. Rayback
Lillian G. Raycroft
John Reidell
Kate Reiter
- Amos Goodall, Board Chair
Jane Zimmerman
Community Volunteer, Centre County
Thank you to our former board members!
Lydia Abdullah
Ellie Beaver
Thomas Beaver
Robert W. Behrer
Milton J. Bergstein
Laura Bordas
Jeffrey M. Bower
Charles C. Brown, Jr.
Pamela J. Browning
James Byron
Robert P. Campbell
R. Paul Campbell
Richard L. Campbell
Ann Graybill Cook
Stephanie L. Cooper
Mimi Barash Coppersmith
Esker W. Cullen
Charles J. Curley
James G. Dalzell
Albert D’Ambrosia
Robert L. DeArment
James T. DeVoss
Jonathan Dranov
Mary E. Dunkel
Jack Falk
“Our board
members are
engaged in
stewarding Centre
mission in the
Together, we are
building a better
future for Centre
Charles W. Rohrbeck
William Rumberger
Henry D. Sahakian
John T. Saylor
Thomas E. Schwartz
Karen P. Shute
W. Philip Sieg
Paul Silvis
Thomas F. Songer, II
Virginia Southard
Martha Starling
Robert E. Steward, Jr.
Helen Dix Steward
Eloise Dunn Stuhr
James W. Swistock
Dolores A. Taricani
Mary N. Tressler
Grey W. Tressler
Peter B. Weiler
Richard E. Wion
Andrew A. Zangrilli
Ed Zeiders
Harold Zipser
2014 Staff
Molly Kunkel
Executive Director
Carrie Ryan
Deputy Director
Sarah Sciabica
Grant & Scholarship
Irene Miller
Development & Events
Annual Dinner
Celebrating our year of growth together.
It was a night of thanks as Centre Foundation gathered nearly 150 dedicated supporters, partners from
over 15 local non-profit organizations, and several community leaders for its Annual Dinner at the
Nittany Lion Inn on October 17th.
What does “Centre County” mean to you?
By texting answers via cell phones, guests provided insight about our community and their giving
preferences in real time during this event. Rarely are cell phones encouraged at an event, but the
exception brought much discussion and excitement to the crowd. During the program, staff members
announced some of the results: 48% of respondents were ages 41-60, 43% used a newspaper as their
main source of community news, 42% donated most often to the Health & Human Services sector,
and 47% said they checked Facebook daily.
2013 Annual Report - A Year of Growth
New Leaf Initiative
New Leaf Initiative, a $75,000 grant recipient of Centre Foundation’s donor-advised Knight Foundation
fund, was introduced by Co-Directors Serena Fulton and Eric Sauder. This collaborative, co-working
initiative links the ideas coming off campus with the business community.
“We don’t want
Penn State
graduates thinking
that they will
have to move
somewhere else to
start their company.
One of our goals
is connecting
their ideas and
enthusiasm with the
right networks and
support system in
the Centre County
- Serena Fulton
Award Recipients
For for his years of service and commitment to
Founded within a year of each other,
A tireless fundraiser for many organizations
the mission of Centre Foundation, Jeff Bower
Centre Foundation has maintained a close
in Centre County, Celeste Newcomb
was presented with the Oak Tree Award.
working relationship for over thirty years
was recognized with the Future of the
with ClearWater Conservancy, recipient
Foundation Award.
of the 2013 Kathryn S. Weaver Award for
commendable service to the people of
Centre County.
Centre Foundation - www.Centre-Foundation.org
1377 Ridge Master Drive
State College, PA 16803
P: 814.237.6229
F: 814.237.2624
E: [email protected]
Sharing the wealth. Shaping the future.