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Directives and Executive Orders
Discussion Groups
Lists and Databases
Reports, Documents and Articles
Federal Agencies
Web Sites
Attack on America
❍ Archives
❍ Commemorations
❍ Documents
❍ Operation Noble Eagle
❍ Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
OEF Casualty Lists and
❍ Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Web Sites
OIF Casualty Lists and
❍ Detainee Operations
- NPS access only
- Army Knowledge Online
- Full text
- Navy Knowledge Online
- Password required
- Air Force Portal
The following links are provided for research and information purposes only to be used by students, faculty and
This subject guide contains links to Internet resources focusing on terrorism. The resource types are varied and
included bibliographies, government documents, discussion groups, databases, federal agencies and other
organizational sites. Topics covered are broadly representative of concerns related to dealing with and combating
terrorism, in particular in the post-September 11 era.
Air University Library
Afghanistan: A Selected Bibliography
Naval War College
Annotated Bibliography of Government Documents Related to the Threat of Terrorism & the Attacks of September
11, 2001
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
Bibliography on Terrorism, Bioterrorism, the Middle East, and 9-11 Related Issues
Complied by Camille Reynolds
Chemical-Biological Warfare
Naval War College
Ethical Dimensions of the Terror War
Naval War College
Homeland Defense and Domestic Terrorism: A Selected Bibliography
Naval War College
Homeland Security 2002
Naval War College
Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq
Air University Library
Insurgencies, Terrorist Groups and Indigenous Movements: An Annotated Bibliography
Foreign Military Studies Office
Remote Access
Islamic Activism
Air University Library
MIPT Terrorism Bibliography
Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
Osama Bin Laden
from: Terrorism and Political Violence: An International Bibliography
This site includes references to books, documents, reports, articles and the transcripts of some of his
Political Islam: An Updated Selected Bibliography
Naval War College
Posse Comitatus
Air University Library
Posse Comitatus
Naval War College
Roots of Terrorism
U.S. Embassy Helsinki, Finland
Army War College
Terrorism: A Bibliography of Selected Rand Publications 1980-2003
Terrorism and Counterterrorism : an Annotated Bibliography
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point by James JF Forest
Terrorism and Political Violence: An International Bibliography
Terrorism, Central Asia and Afghanistan, American Foreign Policy, the Middle East, and Islam
Politics & Prose
Terrorism Law and Policy
Terrorism Reading List
Terrorism the Threat and Post 9/11 Trends
Air University Library
Terrorism Today
Air University Library
Terrorist and Insurgent Organizations
Air University Library
Al-Qaida (The Base / Bin Laden)
War on Terrorism Resource Guides
East Carolina University
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Terrorism Central
Biographies of High Value Terrorist Detainees Transferred to the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay
Director of National Intelligence
Leaders & Members
MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
Most Wanted Terrorists
Osama bin Laden Biographies
Library of Congress
September 11 Hijackers
Terrorist Biographies
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Most are courtesy of the National Security Archives at George Washington University.
Managing Terrorist Incidents
NSDD 30 [National Security Decision Directive] April 30, 1982.
Combating Terrorism
NSDD 138 [National Security Decision Directive] [Extract] April 1984.
Task Force on Combatting Terrorism
NSDD 179 [National Security Decision Directive] July 19, 1985.
Civilian Aviation Anti-Terrorism Program
NSDD 180 [National Security Decision Directive] July 20, 1985.
Acting Against Libyan Support of International Terrorism
NSDD 205 [National Security Decision Directive] January 8, 1986.
Acting Against Libyan Support of International Terrorism
NSDD 205 Annex [National Security Decision Directive] January 8, 1986.
The National Program for Combatting Terrorism
NSDD 207 [National Security Decision Directive] January 20, 1986.
U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism
PDD 39 [Presidential Decision Directive] June 21, 1995
Addressing the Threat of Emerging Infectious Diseases
NTSC 7 [Presidential Decision Directive] factsheet, June 12, 1996
Combating Terrorism
PDD 62 [Presidential Decision Directive] factsheet, May 22, 1998
Critical Infrastructure Protection
PDD 63 [Presidential Decision Directive], May 22, 1998
Organization and Operation of the Homeland Security Council
HSPD 1 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], October 29, 2001
Combating Terrorism Through Immigration Policies
HSPD 2 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], October 30, 2001
Homeland Security Advisory System
HSPD 3 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], March 12, 2002
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction [unclassified version]
Federation of American Scientists
HSPD 4 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], December, 2002
Management of Domestic Incidents
HSPD 5 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], February 28, 2003
Integration and Use of Screening Information
HSPD 6 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], September 16, 2003
Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection
HSPD 7 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], December 17, 2003
National Preparedness
HSPD 8 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], December 17, 2003
Defense of United States Agriculture and Food
HSPD 9 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], January 30, 2004
Biodefense for the 21st Century (Federation of American Scientists)
HSPD 10 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], April 28, 2004
Comprehensive Terrorist-Related Screening Procedures
HSPD 11 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], August 27, 2004
Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors
HSPD 12 [Homeland Security Presidential Directive], August 27, 2004
Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support
Terrorism [EO 13224]
September 24, 2001
Presidential Task Force on Citizen Preparedness in War on Terrorism [EO 13234]
November 9, 2001
Establishing the Global War on Terrorism Medals [EO 13289]
March 12, 2003
Establishing the President's Board on Safeguarding Americans' Civil Liberties [EO 13353]
August 27, 2004
National Counterterrorism Center [EO 13354]
August 27, 2004
Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community [EO13355]
August 27, 2004
Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans [EO13356]
August 27, 2004
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Counter Terrorism-L Discussion group
Subscribe: send blank email to: [email protected]
Archives of Counterterrorism-L postings
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Centre for Defence and International Security Studies [CDISS]
Global Terrorism Database
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around
the world since 1970 (currently updated through 2004). Unlike many other event databases, the GTD includes
systematic data on international as well as domestic terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period
and now includes almost 80,000 cases. For each GTD incident, information is available on the date and location of
the incident, the weapons used and nature of the target, the number of casualties, and -- when identifiable -- the
identity of the perpetrator.
Harmony and Disharmony: Exploiting al-Qa'ida's Organizational Vulnerabilities : Documents from the Harmony
Combating Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy
The Hate Directory
Complied by Raymond A. Franklin, a list of Hate Groups on the Internet. The current edition is in PDF; the previous
edition is available in HTML.
Aviation Safety Network
This database contains short descriptions of attempted airliner hijackings since 1947.
International Terrorism and Political Violence Incidents (ITAPVI)
Covers 1998 forward and provides the date, country, perpetrator(s), acts(s), tactic(s) and casualties
International Terrorism - Attack Search
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
This database includes selected international terrorist and guerilla attacks for the years 1986 to the present.
MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
Analytical Tools
Base Links
A comprehensive databank of global terrorist incidents and organizations, the Terrorism Knowledge Base
integrates data from the RAND Terrorism Chronology 1968-1997; RAND®-MIPT Terrorism Incident
database (1998-Present); Terrorism Indictment database (University of Arkansas & University of Oklahoma);
and DFI International's research on terrorist organizations.
Monterey WMD Terrorism Database
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
.gov or .mil domains only
National Counterterrorism Center Worldwide Incidents Tracking Systems (WITS)
Analyze the NCTC's terrorist incidents data in relation to dozens of geographic, political, and infrastructural
characteristics using GIS-based mapping of incidents, custom terrorism analysis wizard, predefined statistical
reports and browsable incident data directory.
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
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American Bar Association Task Force on Terrorism and the Law Report and Recommendations on Military
January 4,2002
Antiterrorism Personal Protection Guide: A Self-Help Guide to Antiterrorism
CJCS Guide 5260, October 2002
The Basics: Combatting Terrorism
The Terrorism Research Center
Biodefense for the 21st Century
White House April 2004
Biosecurity Bulletin
Biosecurity: Limiting Terrorist Access to Deadly Pathogens
United States Institute of Peace
Campaign Against Terrorism: A Coalition Update
White House March 2002
A Chronology of Significant International Terrorism for 2004
National Counterterrorism Center
27 April 2005
Combating Terrorism
CQ Researcher, July 25, 1995
Congressional Research Service Reports
Most are courtesy of the Federation of American Scientists
Homeland Security Advisory System : Possible Issues for Congressional Oversight
January 11, 2005, Shawn Reese
Intelligence Issues for Congress
Updated February 1, 2005
Sudan: Humanitarian Crisis, Peace Talks, Terrorism, and U.S. Policy
by Ted Dagne updated September 27, 2004
Terrorism & Homeland Security
A Collection of CRS Reports on Terrorism & Homeland Security from the University of Maryland School of
Terrorism and the Law of War: Trying Terrorists as War Criminals before Military Commissions.
Updated December 11, 2001 Jennifer Elsea
Terrorism and the Military's Role in Domestic Crisis Management
April 19, 2001 Jeffery D.Brake
Terrorism: Automated Lookout Systems and Border Security Options and Issues
June 18, 2001 William J. Krouse and Raphael F. Perl
Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2002
February 13, 2002 Kenneth Katzman
Terrorism: Section by Section Analysis of the USA PATRIOT Act.
Updated December 10, 2001 Charles Doyle
Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy
Updated April 11, 2003 Raphael F. Perl
Terrorism, the Media, and the Government: Perspectives, Trends, and Options For Policymakers
October 22, 1997 by Raphael F. Perl.
Terrorism : the New Occupational Hazard
March 29,2002 by Edward Rappaport.
Terrorist Attacks and National Emergency Declarations
April 10,2002 by Harold C. Relyea.
Terrorists and Suicide Attacks
August 28, 2003 by Audrey Kurth Cronin
Weapons of Mass Destruction The Terrorist Threat
December 8, 1999 Steve Bowman and Helit Barel
CONPLAN: United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan
CONPLAN is designed to provide overall guidance to Federal, State and local agencies concerning how the Federal
government would respond to a potential or actual terrorist threat or incident that occurs in the United States,
particularly one involving WMD. Available from:
Federation of American Scientists
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Council on Foreign Relations : Terrorism Publications
Counter-Terrorism and the Use of Force in International Law
Marshall Center Paper #5 by Michael N. Schmitt, November 2002
Counterterrorism Intelligence Capabilities and Performance Prior to 9-11: A Report to the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and the Minority Leader
Copy from the Federation of American Scientists
Unclassified Executive Summary.
Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security, House Permanent Committee on Intelligence, July 2002
Country Reports on Terrorism
Previously called: Patterns of Global Terrorism through 2003 Annual Report. U.S. Department of State. For a
breakdown of groups and chronologies see also Terrorist Group Profiles (Dudley Knox Library)
Criminal Enforcement Against Terrorists
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Cyberterrorism: How Real Is the Threat?
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 119
DARPA Report to Congress Regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program
Copy from the Global
Executive Summary
Defeating Terrorism: Strategic Issue Analyses
Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) essays
Defending the American Homeland
Heritage Foundation Homeland Security Task Force
The Diplomacy of Counterterrorism Lessons Learned, Ignored, and Disputed
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 80
Disaster Planning Portal
Special Libraries Association
Documents Relating to the Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1267 (1999)
Concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and Associated Individuals and Entities
United Nations
Fact Sheet on Dirty Bombs
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Fact Sheet: Terrorism
Federal Emergency Management Agency Library
Federal Research Division Terrorism/Crime Studies
Library of Congress
Asian Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in Canada, 1999-2002
Bibliography of Future Trends in Terrorism
Global Overview of Narcotics-Funded Terrorist and Other Extremist Groups
Involvement of Russian Organized Crime Syndicates in the Russian Military, and Regional Terrorist Groups
in Narcotics Trafficking in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Chechnya
Media Interaction with the Public in Emergency Situations: Four Case Studies
Nations Hospitable to Organized Crime and Terrorism
NEXUS Among Terrorists, Narcotics Traffickers, Weapons Proliferators, and Organized Crime Networks in
Western Europe
Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in Mexico, 1999-2002
The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why?
Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America
Transnational Activities of Chinese Crime Organizations
Female Suicide Bombers
Strategic Studies Institute
Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism
UK Parliament, House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee (Foreign Affairs - Seventh Report) 29 July 2004
Global Terror Group Primer
American Forces Press Service
Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 111
Harmony and Disharmony: Exploiting al-Qa'ida's Organizational Vulnerabilities
Combating Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy, February 14, 2006
Homeland Defense
DTIC Review v. 5, no. 4 Summer 2001
How Terrorism Ends
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 48
Information Sharing Environment Implementation Plan
Director of National Intelligence, November 2006
International Contributions to the War on Terrorism
Dept. of Defense Office of Public Affairs
Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan, and the New Great Game
by M. Ehsan Ahrari. [2001] Army War College (U.S.)
Legislation Related to the Attack of September 11, 2001
Library of Congress
Major Multilateral Terrorism Conventions
Global Issues, USIA Electronic Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 1997
Major Terrorism Events and Their U.S. Outcomes (1988-2001)
Natural Hazards Research Working Paper #107, University of Colorado, March 2003
Medical Aspects of Terrorism : Resources for Libraries
Barbara Folb, University of Pittsburgh, April 9, 2002
Meeting with the Muj
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 42-51, January/February 2001
The Military Response to Terrorism
Naval War College Review, by Mark E. Kosnik, vol. 53, no. 2, (Spring 2000), pages 13-39.
National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of America
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, 2007
National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, 2005
National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 13 February 2006
National Strategy for Aviation Safety
(NSPD-47 / HSPD-16) March 26, 2007
Supporting Plans
Aviation Transportation System Security Plan
Aviation Operational Threat Response Plan
Aviation Transportation System Recovery Plan
Air Domain Surveillance and Intelligence Integration Plan
Domestic Outreach Plan
International Outreach Plan
National Strategy For Combating Terrorism
White House, February 2003
National Strategy For Homeland Security
Office of Homeland Security, July 2002
National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets
White House, February 2003
National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets
White House, February 2003 PDF version
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
White House, February 2003
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
White House, February 2003 PDF version
Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Preliminary Observations on Efforts to Improve Security at Nuclear Power Plants
U.S. Government Accountability Office, September 14, 2004
Patterns of Global Terrorism
Name changed to: Country Reports on Terrorism with 2004 Annual Report
Total International Terrorist Attacks, 1981-2001
U.S. Department of State. For a breakdown of groups and chronologies see also Terrorist Group Profiles
(Dudley Knox Library)
Planning & Readiness Checklist for Librarians
Barbara A. Epstein, Carrie Czyzewski, University of Pittsburgh, April 9, 2002
Progress Report on the Global War on Terrorism
White House
Radicalizing the West : The Homegrown Threat
New york Police Department
Rand Reports on Terrorism and Homeland Security
Rand Terrorism and Homeland Security Research Area
Rand Voices of Jihad Database
This online database is a compilation of speeches, interviews, statements, and publications of jihadist leaders, foot
soldiers, and sympathizers. Nearly all content is in English translation, and has been collected from publiclyaccessible websites. Original links are provided, along with excerpts and full-text content when available.
Report to Congress on Combating Terrorism
Office of Management and Budget, September 2003
Responding to Terrorism Across the Technological Spectrum
by Dr. Bruce Hoffman, [July 1994] Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College.
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States, 11 September 2001
Executive Summary
10 Downing Street [04 October 2001]
Review of the Pre-Iraqi War Activities of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Inspector General United States Department of Defense, Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence, February
Assessing the Relationship Between Iraq and al Qaida
The declassified briefing slides used by Secretary Feith's office in its presentation to senior White House
Press Release: Levin Releases Newly Declassified Pentagon Inspector General Report on Intelligence
Assessment Activities of the Office of Under Secretary of Defense Doug Feith
RUSI / Jane’s Homeland Security and Intelligence Monitor
Social Network Analysis of the 9-11 Terrorist Network
Valdis E. Krebs, Connections, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 43-52
Stealing Al-Qa'ida's Playbook
Combating Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy, February 2006
Strange Victory: A critical appraisal of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Afghanistan war
Project on Defense Alternatives [30 January 2002]
The Taliban and Afghanistan: Implications for Regional Security and Options for International Action
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 39
Targeting Terrorism
Global Issues, an Electronic Journal of the USIA: 2(1) February 1997
Technology Against Terrorism: Structuring Security
Copy from Princeton University
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1992
Terrorism and Political Violence
The table of contents information for each issue of this scholarly publication going back to 1995; full-text only
available to subscribers but a good way to get references to articles.
Terrorism and Security Collection
26 recent publications from the National Academies about the science and policy issues surrounding terrorism and
security. Each publication is keyword searchable.
Terrorism in the Horn of Africa
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 113
Terrorism in the United States
Terrorism: National Security Policy and the Home Front
by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere, [May 1995] Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College.
Terrorism Prevention Handbook
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Terrorism Publications
Strategic Studies Institute
The Terrorism Threat and U.S. Government Responses: Operational and Organizational Factors
edited by James M. Smith and William C. Thomas. [2001] USAF Institute for National Security Studies.
Terrorism: Threat Assessment, Countermeasures and Policy
U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda, vol. 6, no. 3, November 2001
Terrorism Time Line
Time Line Series
Terrorist Network of 19 Hijackers
Valdis Krebs, 2001
Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland
National Intelligence Estimate, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, July 2007
War Against Terrorism
The following final rules were published in the Federal Register on July 1, 2003. These rules promulgate
policy, assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for the conduct of trials by a military commission
appointed pursuant to regulations on Procedures for Trials by Military Commission of Certain Non-United
States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, and Military Order of November 13, 2001, "Detention,
Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism".
Administrative procedures
Chief defense counsel, detailed defense counsel, and civilian defense counsel; responsibilities
Chief prosecutor, prosecutors, and assistant prosecutors; responsibilities
Civilian defense counsel; qualification
Crimes and elements of trials by military commission
Military commission instructions
Military commission personnel; reporting relationships
Trials by military commissions of certain non-United States citizens; procedures
War On Terrorism
FindLaw : How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet
United States Institute of Peace Special Report 116
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases
Chemical Agents
Radiation Emergencies
Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]
Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] The War on Terrorism
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Customs and Border Protection
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Justice
Terrorism and International Victims Services Division
Diplomatic Security Service, Antiterrorism Assistance Program
Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]
Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] Counter-Terrorism
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO), the Office of Emergency and Remedial
Response (OERR), the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), and the National Enforcement
Investigations Center (NEIC).
Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]
Most Wanted Terrorists
Terrorism in the United States
Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA]
Government Accountability Office [GAO] Reports
formerly: General Accounting Office
Special Collections: Airport Security
Special Collections: Homeland Security
Special Collections: Terrorism
The TSWG mission is to provide for the rapid research, development, and prototyping of new technology for
the National Research and Development Program for Combating Terrorism.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Countermeasures
Explosive Detection
Improvised Device Defeat
Infrastructure Protection Technology
Investigative Support and Forensics
Personnel Protection
Physical Security Technology
Surveillance, Collection and Operations Support
Tactical Operations Support
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Avoiding Armageddon
The Brookings Project on Terrorism and American Foreign Policy
"The project will present an ongoing series of briefings on various aspects of the crisis, analytical publications
ranging from short 2,000-word papers to full-length books, and a large and growing website containing background
resources, full texts of relevant government documents, and archived video, audio, and printed transcripts of
Brookings events."
Policy Briefs
Background Facts
Frequently Asked Questions
Notable Quotes
Anti-Defamation League Terrorism page
Among other things, this page has information on international terrorism, domestic terrorism and more.
Hate Crimes Page
Hate Symbols Database
Behind the Homefront
Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press
"A daily chronicle of news in homeland security and military operations affecting news gathering, access to
information and the public's right to know."
History of Biowarfare
Global Guide to Bioweapons
Resources on Bioterror
CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet) Web Service
This site contains information and source material on 'the Troubles' in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present.
There is also information on politics in the region and Northern Ireland society.
Center for Biosecurity
Reading List
Internet Resources
Center for Democracy and Technology Terrorism and Counter Terrorism page
Center Nonproliferation Studies : Terrorism
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Center for Terrorism Law
St. Mary's University School of Law
Center on Terrorism & Irregular Warfare (CTIF)
Reports and Publications
Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
An independent academic research institute in the United Kingdom dedicated to the study of terrorism and political
Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center's (CBIAC)
Key CBD Documents
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
CTC Publications
Counter Terrorism Gateway
Teaching Terror
Recommended Publications
Recommended Websites
Terrorism and Counterterrorism : an Annotated Bibliography
by James JF Forest
Conflict 21
Air National Guard
C21 Center for Terrorism Studies
Law, Doctrine & Policy
Theory & Research
News & Reference
Who Are They?
Federal Resources
Military Resources
State & Local
Homeland Security
CONOPS and Plans
Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams
First Response
Self and Force Protection
The Counter-Terrorism Blog
Multi-expert blog dedicated solely to counterterrorism issues, serving as a gateway to the community for
policymakers and serious researchers. Designed to provide realtime information about terrorism cases and policy
The Counter-Terrorism Page
This counter-terrorism page has links to various terrorism related topics.
Counter Terrorist Financing Network
Disaster and Emergency Management Information Network (DEMIN)
Texas A&M
Produced by the Public Policy Research Institute (PPRI) at Texas A&M University, DEMIN is a database of existing
domestic security and emergency management data and bibliographic information resources.
Emergency Response and Research Institute (ERRI)
Emergency Response and Research Institute (ERRI) Chemical/Biological Terrorist Attack
Military Operations
Counter-Terrorism Operations
A summary of world-wide terrorism events, groups, and terrorist strategies and tactics. Includes attack
statistics, regional chronologies articles, diagrams and more.
European Internet Network (EIN)
EIN in cooperation with the Internet Product Development Group (IPDG), has created a constantly updated World
Terrorism Report and Daily e-Mail Brief
EIN World Terrorism Report
Executive Session on Domestic Preparedness (ESDP)
Sponsored by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and the U.S. Department of Justice,
the ESDP brings together experts with operational experience in diverse professional fields related to domestic
preparedness – emergency management, law enforcement, fire protection, public health, emergency medicine,
national security and defense, and elected office.
Research & Publications
FACTNet: Todays Terrorist News
Federation of American Scientists [FAS]
al-Qa'ida (The Base) - Usama Ibn Ladin / Osama bin Laden
America's War on Terrorism
Arms Transfers
Information Security
Strategy and Weaponry
Terrorism and WMD
"War on Terrorism" Security Assistance Tables
Arms Sales Monitoring Project
Arms, Aid, and the War With Iraq
Liberation Movements, Terrorist Organizations, Substance Cartels, and Other Para-State Entities
Taleban ("the Seekers")
Terrorism: Background and Threat Assessments
Fighting Terror
Global Campaign Against Terrorism
U.S. Dept. of State
Global Terror Alert
Homeland Security Digital Library
The HSDL is a comprehensive collection of current and archived Homeland Security resources--all in digital format-from federal, state and local agencies, leading national and international organizations, think tanks, universities
and more. These resources are selected by the HSDL team of information professionals. The HSDL collection
includes U.S. policy documents, key federal publications, state and municipal documents, links to important sites,
professional journal articles, multimedia materials, theses, gray literature, Homeland Security related news, a list of
upcoming Homeland Security related conferences and events, and links to key agencies & organizations.
Journal of Homeland Security
Homeland Security Newsletter
Reference Library
Web Resources
Institute for Counter-Terorrism
International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals [IACSP]
Resources on specific terrorist organizations and the causes, plus chronologies of terrorist incidents and overview
of Terrorism around the World.
Calendar of Events
Terror Information Bank
Journal of Couterterrorism & Homeland Security International
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
Provides information on terrorism, counter-terrorism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, including documents, a counter
terror attack database and terrorist organization profiles.
Search ICT Database for International Terrorist Attacks
Online Articles By ICT Staff
All Articles Sorted By Topic
Guest Articles
Osama bin Ladin and al-Qaida
Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process
International Rivals: Leaders and Strategic Cultures in Countries and Groups of Concern
USAF Counterproliferation Center
International Terrorism Studies
Academic Info
Interpol’s Involvement in the Fight Against International Terrorism
The Financing of Terrorism
Terrorism Terrorism Attacks
Interpol's Resolutions on Terrorism
Jamestown Foundation
Terrorism Monitor
Terrorism Focus
Spotlight on Terror
Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre
Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre is a gateway to the latest global terrorism related content including news,
exclusive features, comprehensive reference material and an interactive events database.
Jewish Virtual Library Terrorism Page
Jihad Watch
Medical NBC Online Information Server
U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General
National Center on the Psychology of Terrorism
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
First Responders
Conference Calendar
Lessons learned
Terrorism Incidents & Significant Dates
MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
Browse MIPT's Electronic Resources by Category
Fact Sheets
Image Gallery
National Security Archive
George Washington University
The September 11th Source Books
Volume I: Terrorism and U.S. Policy
Terrorism and Usama bin Ladin
Congressional Research Service Reports
Government Accountability Office Reports
formerly: General Accounting Office
DOD Directives & Directives
Presidential Directives and Executive Orders
Volume II: Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
The Soviet Experience in Afghanistan: Russian Documents and Memoirs
U.S. Analysis of the Soviet War in Afghanistan: Declassified
Essay - Afghanistan: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1973-1990
Volume III: Biowar: The Nixon Administration's Decision to End U.S. Biological Warfare Programs
Volume IV: The Once and Future King? From the Secret Files on King Zahir's Reign in Afghanistan,
Volume V: Anthrax at Sverdlovsk, 1979: U.S. Intelligence on the Deadliest Modern Outbreak
Volume VI: The Hunt for Bin Laden: Background on the Use of Special Operations Forces in U.S. Strategy
National Security Institutes Security Resource Net
Counter Terrorism Categories include: Terrorism Legislation and Executive Orders, Terrorism Facts, Commentary
on Terrorism and Terrorism Legislation, Terrorism Precautions, and Other Terrorism Related Sites.
Northeast Intelligence Network
Organized Crime and Terrorism Watch
Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
Para-States & Freelance Groups
from: Cornell Library Middle East & Islamic Studies Collection : Modern History of the Middle East - Current Political
POINTS Project on Insurgency, Terrorism and Security
A resource for terrorism, insurgency, violence and individual security, with over 300 links.
Regional Terrorism News
Responding First to Bioterrorism
Expert-selected Web resources for "First Responders" on bioterrorism and public safety, with a search engine of
more than 3,000 related Web pages.
Rongstad's Worldwide Military Links: Terrorism
Separatist, Para-military, Military, Intelligence, and Aid Organizations
An extensive page with both current and historic information and links for various groups, organized both by country
and group name and providing brief descriptions and links.
SITE Institute : The Search for International Terrorist Entities
Current Articles
Terrorist Website Links
STRATFOR Terrorism Brief
STRATFOR Terrorism Intelligence Report
Target America : America's first "war on terrorism"
Terror and Tehran
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Power Reporting
Terrorism : A Navy Department Library Research Guide
General Information, Bibliographies, Chronologies, U.S. Navy and Terrorism, Definition of Terrorism
Terrorism : Attacks and Responses
Vanderbilt University
Good resources on terrorism with a section on International Responses highlighting various governments
responses to terrorism.
Terrorism and Disarmament
United Nations
Terrorism and Security Collection
National Academy Press
26 recent publications from the National Academies about the science and policy issues surrounding terrorism and
Terrorism Central
Central Biographies
This has biographical information on various terrorists including the 9/11 hijackers
Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, Homeland Security
Project on Defense Alternatives
An Internet gateway to full-text articles, reports, and documents addressing terrorism and the efforts to combat it.
Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Web Links
United States Institute of Peace
The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan federal institution created by Congress to
promote the prevention, management, and peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The terrorism section
provides global and domestic research projects as well as useful links on terrorism.
Terrorism Index
Foreign Policy, September/October 2007
In the third Terrorism Index, more than 100 of America’s most respected foreign-policy experts see a world that is
growing more dangerous, a national security strategy in disrepair, and a war in Iraq that is alarmingly off course.
Terrorism Law and Policy
JURIST The Legal Education Network
Terrorism and Terrorists
Counterterrorism Policy
U.S. Anti-terrorism Laws
World Anti-terrorism Laws
Civil Liberties
Bioterrorism: Legal Issues
Terrorism Project
Center for Defense Information
Operation Enduring Freedom
Responding To Terrorism
Terrorist Network
Homeland Security
U.S. Weapons Systems
Foreign Policy/Security Strategy
News and Opinion
Links To Outside Resources
Terrorism Research Center (TRC)
The TRC is an independent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, information warfare and security, critical
infrastructure protection and other issues of low-intensity political violence and gray-area phenomena.
Significant Events
Terrrorist Attacks
Terrorist Group Profiles
Counterterrorism Group Profiles
Web Links
Terrorism Resources for the Health Care Community
University of Maryland
Terrorism : Selected Internet Resources
Library of Congress
The Terrorist Attack on America: Background
Foreign Affairs
Previously published articles from Foreign Affairs. Several of the essays analyze the nature of contemporary
terrorism and the capabilities of the United States to combat it. Other essays provide the Middle Eastern and radical
Islamic contexts for so much recent terrorism.
Terrorist Group Profiles
Dudley Knox Library
The individual profiles of various terrorism groups as defined by the US Dept. of State are taken from the Chapter 6
of their publication Country Reports on Terrorism and "Appendix B: Background Information on Terrorist Groups"
section of their publication Patterns of Global Terrorism
Timeline of Terrorism
U.S. Army
Tracking the Threat is database of open-source information about the Al Qaeda terrorist network.
Undermining Terrorism
Harvard University
Understanding Terrorism: Research Resources
California State University Northridge
Bibliography of Selected Resources on Terrorism and Related Topics
Understanding Bioterrorism: Selected Resources
United Nations Actions Against Terrorism
Provides reports and actions by the General Assembly, Security Council, Secretary General and more.
United Nations Treaty Actions -- Conventions on Terrorism
Dag Hammarskjold Library resource page on International Terrorism
USA PATRIOT Act: Preserving Life and Liberty
Department of Justice
U. S. Department of State
Current Publications
Country Reports on Terrorism
Foreign Terrorist Organizations Designations [compiled every 2 years]
Archive 1997 and 1999
Patterns of Global Terrorism
Political Violence Against Americans
formerly Significant Incidents of Political Violence Against Americans
International Information Programs
Response to Terrorism
With links to official text and commentary
Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Office of Counterterrorism
Coordinates all U.S. Government efforts to improve counterterrorism cooperation with foreign
Office of the Coordinator of Counterterrorism
A permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001, including Foreign
Terrorist Organizations Designations, Patterns of Global Terrorism and Significant Incidents of Political
Violence Against Americans
Overseas Security Advisory Council
Fosters the exchange of security related information between the U.S. Government and American private
sector operating abroad. Administered by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Daily Global News, by country
The War on Terrorism
The Atlantic Monthly
A collection of features from The Atlantic Monthly and Atlantic Unbound.
War On Terrorism
Web Sites
Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Back to Top
9-11 Commission [National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States]
Bremer Commission [National Commission on Terrorism : Countering the Changing Threat of International
August 2, 2000
Gilmore Commission [Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons
of Mass Destruction]
The Advisory Panel assessed the capabilities for responding to terrorist incidents in the U.S. involving weapons of
mass destruction. Response capabilities at the Federal, State, and local levels were examined, with a particular
emphasis on the latter two.
Hart-Rudman [U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century]
Silberman – Robb Commission [Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding
Weapons of Mass Destruction]
Back to Top
9-11-2001 News and Legal Resources, Information and Related Services
9/11 Events and Aftermath
New York Times
9/11 Report
New York Times
Alternative Resources on the U.S. “War Against Terrorism
From the International Responsibilities Task Force of the American Library Association's Social Responsibilities
Round Table
America's War Against Terrorism: World Trade Center/Pentagon Terrorism and the Aftermath
University of Michigan Library Documents Center
America's War on Terrorism
Federation of American Scientists
Attack on America
Global Security Organization
This site includes satellite photos, news reports, information on Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Justice, Operation
Noble Eagle [including the order of battle], and links to coverage from other sites.
Attack on America: Taking Care of Our Own
Attack on America : Tuesday 11 September 2001
Michael Sauers
Defend America
Diplomacy and the Global Campaign Against Terrorism
U.S. State Department
Government Agencies Perform After September 11, 2001
How The World Changed
How Should the War on Terrorism Be Prosecuted?
CATO Institute Webcast
Inside 9/11
National Geographic
Maps Relating to September 11, 2001 and Later Events
Perry-Casteñeda Library
Response to Terrorism Fact Sheets
U.S. Dept. of State
Sept. 11, 2001: Attack on the USA
Rongstad's Worldwide Military Links
September 11 & Beyond
Librarian's Index to the Internet
September 11: Chronology of terror
September 11 Information
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
September 11 : One Nation, One Year Later
Profiles, recollections, photographs, videos and coverage of that day.
September 11 Tragedy: News and Information Sources
University of Washington
Terrorism and American Foreign Policy: Where Are We Now?
Brookings Institution Webcast
Terrorism: Attacks and responses
Vanderbilt University Jean and Alexander Heard Library
Terrorism and September 11th
Chinese Military Power
Terrorism and the Laws of War: September 11 and its Aftermath
Crimes of War Project
War on Terrorism
Special Report from Global Newsbank
Terrorism Studies - September 11, 2001
Academic Info
Voices of September 11th
War Against Terror
Front Lines
America at Home
Nations With Biological & Chemical Weapons
September 11
Bin Laden
Maps and Interactives Index
Global War on Terrorism
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Selected sections
Follow the Money
Psychology and Ethics of Terrorism
Making a Terrorist
Guidance, Laws, and Treaties
Back to Top
The Memory Hole
After September 11 Archive
Social Science Research Council
After September 11 : Images From Ground Zero
U.S. State Dept.
America Responds
America Under Attack: September 11, 2001
See more than 120 national and international newspaper front pages from Sept. 12, 2001, the day after the terrorist
attacks in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Documenting the Tragedy
New York State Historical Records Advisory Board
Hot Topics: Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. September 11, 2001
Evergreen State College Daniel J. Evans Library
A Nation Challenged
New York Times
Screenshot Archive of Online News Sites, September 11, 2001
Interactive Publishing
Sept. 11, 2001: Attack on America
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
Contains full-text Presidential and Congressional Documents: Executive Orders, Proclamations, Determinations
and Public Laws,remarks by President Bush, press briefings, remarks by senators and cabinet officials, Senate
resolutions, testimony before congressional committees, etc.
September 11, 2001 Documentary Project
Library of Congress
September 11 : Bearing Witness to History
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
September 11 Digital Archive
The September 11 Digital Archive uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of the
September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania and the public responses to them.
September 11
September 2001 Timeline
Attack Images & Graphics
September 11 Records
New York Times
Includes more than 12,000 pages of oral histories rendered in the voices of 503 firefighters, paramedics, and
emergency medical technicians.
September 11 Web Archive
"Our aim in creating this collection of Web materials is to preserve the Web expressions of individual people,
groups, the press and institutions from around the world, in the aftermath of the attacks in the U.S. on September
11, 2001."
Back to Top
Remembering the Victims of September 11, 2001
New York Times
September 11, 2001 Victims
September 11 : A Memorial
Sept. 11 Remembered
Trade Center Memorial Foundation
Back to Top
11 September 2001: the response
UK House of Commons
This extensive research report from the UK House of Commons looks at the reaction within the US, the UK and the
wider international community. If provides background information on Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda network,
Afghanistan, Pakistan and the wider region. It also details the available military options and the relevant
international law issues.
The Campaign against International Terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban
UK House of Commons
This paper provides an update on the campaign against international terrorism following the fall of the Taliban
regime in Afghanistan. It examines the main developments since the end of October 2001, including the ongoing
military campaign, the Bonn agreement on a new interim administration for the country, and the humanitarian
situation. The paper then looks at the state of al-Qaeda three months after the attacks of 11 September and
discusses possible options for the next phase in the broader campaign against international terrorism.
Department of the Army Inspector General Inspection Report on Detainee Operations
Drastically Underfunded, Dangerously Unprepared : Report of the Independent Task Force on Emergency
Council on Foreign Relations
"Nearly Two Years After 9/11, the United States is Still Dangerously Unprepared and Under funded for a
Catastrophic Terrorist Attack, Warns New Council Task Force."
Final Report of the Independent Panel to Review DOD Detention Operations [Schlesinger Report]
August 2004
Global War on Terrorism: The First 100 Days
White House
PDF version
Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001
Joint report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on
Multinational Response to September 11
Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
9-11 Commission
About the Commission
The 9/11 Commission Report or alternate url or searchable version
Executive Summary
Public Statement by the Chair and Vice Chair Regarding the Report
Contents, List of Illustrations and Tables, Members, and Staff
Chapter 1: "We Have Some Planes"
Chapter 2: The Foundation of the New Terrorism
Chapter 3: Counterterrorism Evolves
Chapter 4: Responses to al Qaeda's Initial Assaults
Chapter 5: Al Qaeda Aims at the American Homeland
Chapter 6: From Threat to Threat
Chapter 7: The Attack Looms
Chapter 8: "The System Was Blinking Red"
Chapter 9: Heroism and Horror
Chapter 10: Wartime
Chapter 11: Foresight--and Hindsight
Chapter 12: What to do? A Global Strategy
Chapter 13: How to do it? A Different Way of Organizing the Government
1st Public hearing
(9-11 Commission. March 31 - April 1, 2003)
2nd Public hearing
(9-11 Commission. May 22 - 23, 2003)
3rd Public hearing: Terrorism, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim World
(July 9, 2003)
4th Public hearing: Intelligence and the War on Terrorism
(October 14, 2003)
5th Public hearing: Emergency Preparedness
(November 19, 2003)
6th Public hearing: Security and Liberty
(December 8, 2003)
7th Public hearing: Borders, Transportation, and Managing Risk
(January 26-27, 2004)
8th Public hearing: Counterterrorism Policy
(March 23-24, 2004)
9th Public hearing
(April 8, 2004)
10th Public hearing: Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community
(April 13-14, 2004)
11th Public hearing: Emergency Response
(May 18-19, 2004)
12th Public hearing: National Crisis Management
(June 16-17, 2004)
Staff Statements
Staff Statements Staff Statement No. 1: Entry of the 9/11 Hijackers into the United States
Staff Statement No. 2: Three 9/11 Hijackers: Identification, Watchlisting, and Tracking
Staff Statement No. 3: The Aviation Security System and the 9/11 Attacks
Staff Statement No. 4: The Four Flights
Staff Statement No. 5: Diplomacy
Staff Statement No. 6: The Military
Staff Statement No. 7: Intelligence Policy
Staff Statement No. 8: National Policy Coordination
Staff Statement No. 9: Law Enforcement, Counterterrorism, and Intelligence Collection in the United
States Prior to 9/11
Staff Statement No. 10: Threats and Responses in 2001
Staff Statement No. 11: The Performance of the Intelligence Community
Staff Statement No. 12: Reforming Law Enforcement, Counterterrorism, and Intelligence Collection in the
United States
Staff Statement No. 13: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Staff Statement No. 14: Crisis Management
Staff Statement No. 15: Overview of the Enemy
Staff Statement No. 16: Outline of the 9/11 Plot
Staff Statement No. 17: Improvising a Homeland Defense
First Interim Report
(July 8, 2003)
Second Interim Report
(September 23, 2003)
Press Releases
9-11 Commission Photo Gallery
9/11 Public Discourse Project
The ten members of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (known as the 9-11
Commission) have formed a 501(c)(3) organization - the 9-11 Public Discourse Project - aimed at fulfilling the 9-11
Commission's original mandate of guarding against future terrorist attacks, while adhering strictly to the same
bipartisan and independent principles that have guided it over the last twenty months. This new organization,
intended to remain in effect for one year, consists of the same leadership of the 9-11 Commission, including its
commissioners, who now serve as the Board of Directors of the 9-11 Public Discourse Project.
Final Report on 9/11 Commission Recommendations
The 9/11 Commission Report: The Unfinished Agenda
Somalia and al-Qaeda: Implications for the War on Terrorism
Heritage Foundation
Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 : A Compilation of Data
from: Crime in the United States - 2001
Back to Top
Operation Noble Eagle
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard
Back to Top
Afghanistan [Bibliography]
Air University
September 2003
Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) Federation of American Scientists
International Contributions to the War on Terrorism
Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
Air University
[Bibliography] April 2005
Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan
Global Security
Operation Enduring Freedom Imagery
Operation Enduring Freedom Maps
Dudley Knox Library
Operation Enduring Freedom - Marine Corps Stories
Back to Top
Casualties in Afghanistan & Iraq
Unknown News
Casualty Reports
Enduring Freedom Casualties
Fallen Heroes of Operation Enduring Freedom
Fallen Heroes Memorial
Honor the Fallen
In Remembrance
Baltimore Sun
Iraq : Summary of U.S. Casualties
Congressional Research Service
Operation Enduring Freedom U.S. Casualty Status
Operation Enduring Freedom U.S. Fatalities
U.S. Military Casualties - OIF & OEF
DoD Statistical Information Analysis Division (SIAD)
Back to Top
Maps of Iraq
Dudley Knox Library
in English
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
U.S. & Coalition Casualties
Fox News
Google News Search on Iraq
Iraq 2003: Sources of News
University of Windsor
Iraq in Transition
Iraq Reconstruction Update (Iraq Project and Contracting Office)
Iraqi Press Monitor
Institute for War & Peace Reporting
Los Angeles Times
National Public Radio
New York Times
Today in Iraq
Washington Post
Washington Times
Yahoo! News
Back to Top
Alternative Resources on the U.S.- Iraq Conflict
Assistance for Iraq
Grants and contracts
Transcripts, Testimony and speeches
Calendar of US Military Dead during Iraqi War
Center For Security Policy
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Coalition Provisional Authority
Official Documents
Budget and Finance
Democracy in Iraq (Is Here!)
Digital Video Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS)
Image Gallery
Video Stories
Eye On Iraq
Government Views of Iraq
City College of New York
Humanitarian Information Centre for Iraq
The ICRC In Iraq
International Committee of the Red Cross
CIA World Factbook
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, UK
U.S. Dept. of State
Iraq After the War
Iraq Briefing Book
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Iraq Coverage Resources
Poynter Online
Iraq Crisis
Federation of American Scientists
Iraq Crisis Iraq Special Weapons: Nuclear, Biological Chemical and Missile Proliferation News
Arms, Aid, and the War with Iraq
Iraq Crisis Archive
Middle East Review of International Affairs
Iraq Index : Tracking Reconstruction and Security in Post-Saddam Iraq
Brookings Institution
The index is designed to quantify the rebuilding efforts and offer an objective set of criteria for benchmarking
performance. This resource will provide updated information on various criteria, including crime, telephone and
water service, troop fatalities, unemployment, Iraqi security forces, oil production, and coalition troop strength.
Iraq Information Portal
Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
Iraq On The Record Database : The Bush Administration's Public Statements On Iraq
Rep. Henry A. Waxman
The Iraq on the Record database identifies 237 specific misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq
made by these five officials in 125 public appearances in the time leading up to and after the commencement of
hostilities in Iraq. The search options on the left can be used to find statements by any combination of speaker,
subject, keyword, or date.
Iraq Policy Information Project
The Iraq Question
California Institute of Technology
Iraq Reconstruction
Yahoo! Directory
Iraq Reconstruction Task Force
US Dept of Commerce
Business Climate
Iraq Research
Iraq Revenue Watch
Open Society Institute
Frequently Asked Questions
Iraq Update
U.S. Dept. of State
Iraq War Debate - 2002/2003
University of Michigan Documents Center
Iraqi Freedom
Defend America
The Mission
World Views
U.S. Defense Views
Iraq: Facing the Threat
Iraq: Time Line
The Man Who Knew
“The Man Who Knew,” chronicles John O'Neill's story -- a story that embraces the clash of personalities, politics and
intelligence, offering important insights into both the successes and failures of America's fight against terrorism.
Military Action In Iraq : 1990-2003
Center for Defense Information
Military Fact Files
Information on military forces of the U.K., U.S., and Iraq, and the missile defenses of Israel.
Multi-National Corps - Iraq / Multi-Nation Force - Iraq
New Iraq
PBS Online NewsHour
Key Players
Key maps
Operation Iraqi Freedom
U.S. Army
Operation Iraqi Freedom
U.S. Air Force
Operation Iraqi Freedom
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Operation Iraqi Freedom Documents
U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office
Operation Telic
UK Ministry of Defence
Opinion Polls in Iraq
Portals to the World: Iraq
Library of Congress
Protecting Iraq's Ancient Heritage
Archaeological Institute of America
Renewal In Iraq
White House
Reconstructing Iraq
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Saddam Hussein's Defiance of United Nations Resolutions
White House
Saddam's Iron Grip : Intelligence Reports on Saddam Hussein's Reign
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 167
Special Collection On Iraq : Biological Weapons
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
Audit Reports
Reports to Congress
Other Reports
Target Iraq
Iraq Reconstruction
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom - Imagery
Operation Iraqi Freedom - Lessons Learned
Iraq Military Guide
Leadership Facilities
Intelligence Agencies
Ground Forces
Ground Forces Facilities
Air Force
Navy Bases
Special Weapons
Military Industry
Major Cities
US Forces Order of Battle
Forces in Southwest Asia
US Forces En Route or Alerted
Carrier Locations
Military Options
U.S. Weapons Systems
U.S. Central Command Facilities
Iraqi Leadership - House of Cards
U.S. Government Iraq Reconstruction Contracts
U.S. State Dept.
U.S. Government's Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program
War and Peace : Resources Related to the Current Iraq Crisis
Librarians' Index to the Internet
War on Terrorism: Saddam Hussein and Iraq
East Carolina University Joyner Library
War Report
Project on Defense Alternatives
Back to Top
Casualties in Afghanistan & Iraq
Unknown News
Casualties in Iraq
Casualties of the Conflict in Iraq Since 2003
Casualty Reports
Faces of the Fallen : U.S. Fatalities in Iraq
Washington Post
Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Fallen Heroes Memorial
Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Honor the Fallen
Honoring the Fallen
In Remembrance
Baltimore Sun
Iraq Body Count
Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Iraq : Summary of U.S. Casualties
Congressional Research Service
Iraq War Coalition Fatalities
An interactive animated chart of US and coalition military fatalities that have occurred in the war in Iraq.
Military Casualty Information
Statistical Information Analysis Division
Military Death Toll While Enforcing the Occupation of Iraq
Dissident Voice
A Data Sheet of US-UK Military Fatalities Post-May 1, 2003
Operation Iraqi Freedom U.S. Casualty Status
U.S. & Coalition Casualties
U.S. Casualties in Iraq
U.S. Military Casualties - OIF & OEF
DoD Statistical Information Analysis Division (SIAD)
War Casualties
Los Angeles Times
Database of Iraq war coalition casualties searchable by name, home state or region, service, cause of incident and
incident location.
Back to Top
The 9/11 Commission Report or [alternate url] or [searchable version]
Executive Summary
Public Statement by the Chair and Vice Chair Regarding the Report
Contents, List of Illustrations and Tables, Members, and Staff
Chapter 1: "We Have Some Planes"
Chapter 2: The Foundation of the New Terrorism
Chapter 3: Counterterrorism Evolves
Chapter 4: Responses to al Qaeda's Initial Assaults
Chapter 5: Al Qaeda Aims at the American Homeland
Chapter 6: From Threat to Threat
Chapter 7: The Attack Looms
Chapter 8: "The System Was Blinking Red"
Chapter 9: Heroism and Horror
Chapter 10: Wartime
Chapter 11: Foresight--and Hindsight
Chapter 12: What to do? A Global Strategy
Chapter 13: How to do it? A Different Way of Organizing the Government
After Victory : Toward a New Military Posture in the Persian Gulf
CATO Institute
America's Role in Nation-Building: From Germany to Iraq
An Analysis of the U.S. Military's Ability to Sustain an Occupation of Iraq
Congressional Budget Office
Apparatus of Lies: Saddam’s Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003
White House
Bounding the Global War on Terrorism
Army War College
CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing - 26 March 2003
Gulf Investigations
CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing - 10 April 2003
Gulf Investigations
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's WMD With Addendums
Duelfer Report
Alternate Site
30 September 2004, Rev. March 2005
Key Findings
Volume 1
Charles Duelfer's Transmittal Message
Scope Note
Regime Strategic Intent
Regime Finance and Procurement
Volume 2
Delivery Systems
Volume 3
Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program
Biological Warfare
Glossary and Acronyms
Conflict in Iraq
UK House of Commons
Conflict Termination in the Iraqi War 2003
Air University Library
Congressional Research Service Reports on Iraq
The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) : Origin, Characteristics, and Institutional Authorities
Updated June 6, 2005
The Cost of Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Enhanced Security
Updated March 14, 2005
Iraq : A Compilation of Legislation Enacted and Resolutions Adopted by Congress, 1990-2003
Iraq : Divergent Views on Military Action
Iraq : Elections and New Government
Updated June 24, 2005
Iraq : Frequently Asked Questions About Contracting
Updated March 18, 2005
Iraq : Map Sources
Iraq : Oil-For-Food Program, International Sanctions, and Illicit Trade
Updated April 6,2005
Iraq Oil : Reserves, Production, and Potential Revenues
Updated April 13, 2005
Iraq : Paris Club Debt Relief
Updated January 19, 2005
Iraq : Post-Saddam National Elections
Updated March 11, 2005
Iraq : Potential U.S. Military Operations
Iraq : Recent Developments in Reconstruction Assistance
Updated May 12, 2005
Iraq : Summary of U.S. Casualties
Updated June 6, 2005
Iraq : Summary of U.S. Forces
Updated May 23, 2005
Iraq : United Nations and Humanitarian Aid Organizations
Updated June 27, 2005
Iraq : U.N. Inspections for Weapons of Mass Destruction
Iraq : U.S. Military Operations
Updated May 18, 2005
Iraq : U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance
Updated July 5, 2005
Iraq : War: Background and Issues Overview
Iraq War? Current Situation and Issues for Congress
Iraq : Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Capable Missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Iraq : Weapons Programs, U.N. Requirements, and U.S. Policy
Iraq : Weapons Threat, Compliance, Sanctions, and U.S. Policy
Iraq’s New Security Forces: The Challenge of Sectarian and Ethnic Influences
March 25, 2005
The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq
March 14, 2005
Military Construction in Support of Afghanistan and Iraq -- Memorandum
April 11, 2005
Post-War Iraq : Foreign Contributions to Training, Peacekeeping, and Reconstruction
Updated June 6, 2005
Syria : Political Conditions and Relations with the United States After the Iraq War
January 10, 2005
U.S. Embassy in Iraq
Updated April 11, 2005
U.S. Military and Iraqi Casualty Statistics : Additional Numbers and Explanations
April 26, 2005
U.S. Treatment of Prisoners in Iraq : Selected Legal Issues
January 14, 2005
Women in Iraq : Background and Issues for U.S. Policy
Updated June 23, 2005
Continuing Collateral Damage: The Health and Environmental Costs of War on Iraq
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.
Cost Analyses of Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Congressional Budget Office's studies of the long-term implications of current defense plans also contain
estimates of the costs of military operations and other activities associated with the global war on terrorism.
Counterinsurgency Operations
Army Field Manual FMI 3-07.22
The Day After: The Army in a Post-Conflict Iraq
A 2002 research report from the Centre for Strategic Leadership at the U.S. Army War College.
Disappearing the Dead : Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Idea of a "New Warfare"
Project on Defense Alternatives
Executive Summary
From Victory to Success : Afterwar Policy in Iraq
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace with Foreign Policy
PDF version
Guiding Principles For U.S. Post-Conflict Policy In Iraq
A report from the Council on Foreign Relations.
Halliburton's Questioned and Unsupported Cost in Iraq Exceed $1.4 Billion
Prepared jointly by the minority staff of the House Government Reform Committee and the staff of the Senate
Democratic Policy Committee
Hot Documents : Target Iraq
Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq
Air University Library
In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities. Report of an Independent Task Force
Council on Foreign Relations
Initial Benchmark Assessment Report
July 12, 2007
Intelligence on Iraq
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
An Inventory of Iraqi Resistance Groups : "Who Kills Hostages in Iraq?"
Global Security
By Samir Haddad and Mazin Ghazi, Al Zawra (Baghdad), September 19,2004
Iraq : 1991-March 17, 2003
Air University Library
Iraq : Allaying Turkey's Fears Over Kurdish Ambitions
International Crisis Group
Iraq Backgrounder: What Lies Beneath?
ICG Middle East Report
Iraq Country Analysis Brief and Other Analyses
Energy Information Administration
Iraq in Transition: Vortex or Catalyst?
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Iraq - its infrastructure of concealment, deception and intimidation
PDF version
Iraq: One Year After
Report of an Independent Task Force on Post-Conflict Iraq. Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. March
Iraq - U.S. Policy Documents
Military Education Research Network
White House
Department of Defense
Department of State
Department of Homeland Security
Central Intelligence Agency
Iraq Post-Conflict Reconstruction : A Field Review and Recommendations
Iraq Reconstruction Assessment Mission
Iraq : Selected Online Resources
Air University Library
Iraq Study Group
Official Report
Iraq : The Day After
Council on Foreign Relations
Report on the challenges of reconstruction and governance in a post-Saddam transition
The Iraqi Insurgency Movement
By SGT Christopher Alexander, CPT Charles Kyle, MAJ William S. McCallister [An unpublished paper]
Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants
Iraqi Perspectives Project: A View of Operation Iraqi Freedom from Saddam's Senior Leadership
Joint Center for Operational Analysis
Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction : Intelligence and Assessments
Federation of American Scientists
Intelligence and Security Committee, Parliament, September 2003 "This report does not judge whether the decision
to invade Iraq was correct. Its purpose is to examine whether the available intelligence, which informed the decision
to invade Iraq, was adequate and properly assessed and whether it was accurately reflected in Government
Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction
Federation of American Scientists
Excerpts from an October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate
Iraq's Interim Constitution Iraq Index
Iraq's Evolving Insurgency
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Anthony H. Cordesman with the assistance of Patrick Baetjer
Iraq's Interim Constitution : Summary
Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction - The assessment of the British Government
10 Downing Street
Air University Library
Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi
The Library of Congress and the U.S. Department of State Mission to Baghdad
Library of Congress
Key Documents : Attack on Iraq
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Leaked Iraq War Documents
London Times
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq -- Quarterly Report to Congress
U.S. Department of Defense
Media Coverage of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland
Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War
This report from the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) reviews the accuracy and quality of reporting by
various news media.
National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
National Security Council, November 2005
On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom
U.S. Army
Operation IRAQI FREEDOM - By The Numbers
Operation Iraqi Freedom : Three Year Aniversary - Progress Factsheet
Paying for Iraq's Reconstruction
Congressional Budget Office
June 24, 2004
A Failed "Transition": The Mounting Costs of the Iraq War
Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy In Focus
Political Reconstruction in Iraq: A Reality Check
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Presidential Address 3/17/03
White House
Progress or Peril: Measuring Iraq's Reconstruction
Center for Strategic and International Studies, The Post-conflict Reconstruction Project, September 2004
Prospects for Iraq's Stability : A Challenging Road Ahead
National Intelligence Estimate, Director of National Intelligence
January 2007
Quarterly Reports on Iraq
Quarterly Reports on Iraq DoD news briefing discussing the report
Reconstructing Iraq
International Crisis Group, 2 September 2004
Report of The Independent Panel on the Safety and Security of UN Personnel in Iraq
United Nations
October 20, 2003
Report of the Inquiry into Australian Intelligence Agencies (Flood Report)
Australian Government
Phillip Flood, July 2004
Report on the Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq
Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate, 7 July 2004
Conclusions [excerpted from the report] Holes in America's Defense by Sen. Dick Durbin
Additional Views of Senator Richard Durbin
Additional Views of Vice Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV, Seantor Carl Levin and Senator Richard Durbin
Report on the Prewar Intelligence Assessments About Postwar Iraq Together With Additional Views
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 2007
Report to Congress Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
July 21, 2005
Report to Congress : Submitted pursuant to U.S. Policy in Iraq Act, Section 1227 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (PL 109-163)
Department of State
April 6, 2006
Reports From the Future of Iraq Project
The Memory Hole
Starting in October 2001, about a year and a half before the US and its allies invaded Iraq, the State Department
spearheaded an effort called the Future of Iraq Project. Dozens of Iraqi exiles and international experts were brought
together to figure out how to create a new Iraq should Saddam Hussein somehow be taken out of power. Within the
project, seventeen working groups covered such areas as the justice system, local government, agriculture, media,
education, and oil. The various working groups began meeting in July 2002 and continued through March/April
2003. Twelve of the groups released reports.
Results in Iraq : 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom
White House
Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction, report of a committee of Privy Councilors (Butler Report)
House of Commons
Chairman: The Rt Hon The Lord Butler of Brockwell KG BCB CVO, 14 July 2004
Review of Pre-Iraqi War Activities of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy : Executive Summary
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General
February 9, 2007
The Saddam Hussein Sourcebook : Declassified Secrets from the U.S.-Iraq Relationship
National Security Archive
Searching for a Post-Saddam Regional Security Architecture
Article by James Russell, Visiting OSD fellow at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security, and Economic
General Accountability Office, September 2007
Stand up and Be Counted : The Continuing Challenge of Building the Iraqi Security Force.
House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations
State Department experts warned CENTCOM before Iraq war about lack of plans for post-war Iraq security
National Security Archive
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 163, August 17, 2005
Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces : Lessons from Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kristin F. Lynch, John G. Drew, Robert Tripp and Charles Robert Roll, RAND, 2005
Toward an American Way of War
Antulio J. Echeverria II, Strategic Studies Institute, March 2004
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) on Iraq
United Nations/World Bank Joint Iraq Needs Assessment
UN Security Council Resolutions Relating To Iraq
Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM)
United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) United Nations Documents Relating to the UN Special
Commission (UNSCOM)
Unmaking Iraq : A Constitutional Process Gone Awry
International Crisis Group
Vicious Circle: The Dynamics of Occupation and Resistance in Iraq
Project on Defense Alternatives
Vicious Circle: The Dynamics of Occupation and Resistance in Iraq Executive Summary
War in Iraq: Managing Humanitarian Relief
ICG Middle East Report
War in Iraq: Political challenges After the Conflict
ICG Middle East Report
War With Iraq : Costs, Consequences, and Alternatives
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Wages of War: Iraqi Compatant and Noncompatant Fatalities in the 2003 Conflict
Wiser Peace : an Action Strategy for a Post-Conflict Iraq
Center for Strategic International Studies
Supplement I : Background Information on Iraq's Financial Obligations
Supplement II : An overview of the Oil-for-Food Program
Women in Combat: Iraqi Freedom
Air University Library
A Year in Iraq
U.S. Agency for International Development
May 2004
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Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse
Abu Ghraib Supplementary Documents
Center for Public Integrity
Contains analysis and links to documents included as part of Major General Anthony Taguba's investigation.
Abu Ghurayb Prisoner Abuse
Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners
Academic Info
Assessment of Detainee Medical Operations for OEF, GTMO, and OIF
U.S. Army Medical Dept.
Detainee Operations
U.S. Army Public Affairs
Detainee Related Documents
Office for the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants (OARDEC) document
Other Detainee Related Documents
Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) and Administrative Review Board (ARB) documents
List of Detainees who went through the complete Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) process
Detainees Investigations
Church Report Executive Summary
Guantanamo Bay
The Handling of Detainees by UK Intelligence Personnel in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay and Iraq
Intelligence and Security Committee, Parliament, 1 March 2005
Investigation into FBI Allegations of Detainee Abuse at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Detention Facility [Schmidt-Furlow
Investigation of Intelligence Activities at Abu Ghraib
Prisoner Abuse: Patterns From the Past
National Security Archive
CIA, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation, July 1963
Part 1 (pp. 1-60)
Part 2 (pp. 61-112)
Part 3 (pp. 113-128)
CIA, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1983
Part 1 (pp.1-67)
Part 2 (pp. 68-124)
DOD, Improper Material in Spanish-Language Intelligence Manuals, SECRET, 10 March 1992
DOD, USSOUTHCOM CI Training-Supplemental Information, CONFIDENTIAL, 31 July, 1991
Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics and National
June 2005
The September 11 Detainees: A Review of the Treatment of Aliens Held on Immigration Charges in Connection with
the Investigation of the September 11 Attacks.
Press Release
Situation of detainees at Guantanamo Bay
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
15 February 2006
"Taguba Report" on Treatment of Abu Ghraib Prisoners in Iraq
Torture and the Future
Middle East Report Online
Torture FOIA Request
"The request seeks records concerning the treatment and interrogation of detainees in United States custody, the
deaths of detainees in United States custody, and the “rendition” of detainees to countries known to use torture."
U.S. Torture and Abuse of Detainees
Human Rights Watch
War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity
What is Torture? A Primer on American Interrogation
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