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Photos of Senators Santorum and Collins' press conference appealing for
individual religious freedom and women's rights in Iraq.
Senator Santorum (R-PA) speaks at the press conference appealing for individual religious
freedom and women's rights in the Iraq constitution. With him in the picture are on the leftt, Sen.
Collins (R-ME), and on the right, Joseph Kassab (President, Iraqi Chaldean National Congress of
Michigan) and Zakia Ismail Hakki (former President of the Kurdish Women's Federation).
Center Director Nina Shea (center) speaks at the press conference.
Tamara Sarafa Quinn of the Women's Alliance for a Democratic Iraq speaks to the conference on
the importance of women's rights. Also pictured from left, Eden Naby (an Assyrian Christian
scholar at Harvard), Sen. Collins, Sen. Santorum, Joseph Kassab of the Chaldean National
Congress, Zakia Ismail Hakki.