May 2016
May 2016
OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY WEEKLY NOTICES TO MARINERS BULLETIN WEEK: 19 NOTICES TO MARINERS (NtM) NUMBERS: 092 - 095 07 MAY 2016 BW 471 Fl.G.3s 315°-1 3 5° G YBY Fl.3s70m29M Siren Mo(N)60s Patlayıcı R 95 Wk MANYETİK VARYASYON 5°10'E 2010 (5'E) BRB . 52 Phone : (+90) 216 322 25 80 (4 Lines) Fax : (+90) 216 331 05 25 15 Üretim kuyusu Wk E-mail Web : [email protected] : (3 6 ) TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Notices to Mariners for Turkish Paper and Leisure Charts Notices and Amendments for Nautical Publications Coastal Warnings NAVAREA-III Warnings Special Warnings for Mariners Information EXPLANATIONS 1. WEEKLY NOTICES TO MARINERS COVERS THE PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS, NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONSAND NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS (NAVTEXAND NAVAREA) IN FORCE. 2. ELECTRONIC NAVIGATONAL CHARTS (ENCs) PRODUCED BY ONHO ARE THE OFFICIAL ENCs MEETING THE CHART CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR VESSELS UNDER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA (SOLAS) TO BE USED ON ELECTRONIC CHART DISPLAY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ECDIS). THOSE ENCs AND UPDATES ARE PUT UP FOR INTERNATIONAL SALE VIA VALUE ADDED RESELLERS OF INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR ENCs (IC-ENC)(SEE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION). 3. BEARINGS ARE MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM 000° (TRUE NORTH)- TO 359°. THE BEARINGS OF THE LIGHTSARE GIVEN FROM SEAWARD TO THE LIGHTS. 4. TEMPORARY NOTICE TO MARINERS AND PRELIMINARY NOTICES TO MARINERS ARE INDICATED WITH (T)AND (P) BEFORE THE PARAGRAPH . 5. MARINERS ARE REQUESTED TO INFORM SEYİR, HİDROGRAFİ VE OŞİNOGRAFİ DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI ÇUBUKLU- İSTANBUL WITH THE HYDROGRAPHIC MEMORANDUM AT THE END OF THIS BULLETIN (**) IN CASE OF ANY INFORMATION RELEVANT TO SAFE NAVIGATION. 6. THE PUBLICATIONS OF OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY ARE SOLD IN OUR SALES DEPARTMENTANDAUTHORIZED SALES OFFICES. (*) Temporary Notices to Mariners (T) and Preliminary Notices to Mariners (P) shall be marked on the charts in pencil. (**) The Hydrographic Memorandum is postage free according to the law numbered 1738 published in the Official Gazette dated June 07, 1973 and numbered 14557. Week: 19/2016 II PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 18-090-16 2 10-037-07 3 18-090-16 4 10 (INT 310) 25-221-15 27-239-15 10 A 17-079-16 10 B 11 (INT 3802) 05-019-16 12 (INT 3804) 27-239-15 13 (INT 3806) 17-079-16 -------------14 27-239-15 14 A 29-179-14 15 03-012-15 16 08-030-16 17 18 (INT 3800) 19-092-16 25-221-15 19 05-021-16 20 17-083-16 20 A 10-042-16 21 18-088-16 22 A 18-088-16 22 B 15-067-16 23 18-088-16 24 18-088-16 25 02-006-16 26 29 (INT 3708) 18-085-16 30 (INT 308) 48-342-15 38/39-293-15 31 32 (INT 3600) 49-348-15 33 (INT 3602) 18-089-16 19-095-16 34 38/39-295-15 35 11-088-15 36 11-088-15 37 38/39-288-15 111 27-239-15 112 11-045-16 113 15-138-15 121 38/39-287-15 122 04-014-16 123 14-060-16 131 44-247-14 132 51-296-14 133 16-072-16 141 16-072-16 142 04-013-16 143 22-199-15 144 36-226-13 145 01-004-15 151 14-059-16 152 32-261-15 154 32-261-15 161 03-012-15 162 17-080-16 171 23-208-15 172 05-019-16 181 33-265-15 193 05-020-16 211 212(INT 3750) 05-020-16 Week: 19/2016 Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date Latest New Edition Date Latest Reprint Date 09.04.1977 27.12.1975 29.05.1976 27.09.1965 03.08.1991 04.05.1991 04.05.1964 01.03.1965 10.03.1964 01.11.1965 01.11.1965 26.04.1965 03.05.1965 19.04.1965 27.07.1965 04.04.1966 04.06.1974 05.11.1994 07.06.1969 02.08.1986 13.09.1986 14.08.1971 25.03.1963 05.12.1975 11.12.1976 16.03.1968 05.03.1972 20.12.1971 26.09.1970 11.04.1970 23.10.1971 22.06.1976 07.02.1976 25.04.2009 24.02.1964 17.03.1964 01.04.1963 20.04.1964 09.03.1964 06.01.1964 20.12.1980 10.11.1979 05.12.1975 04.12.1971 06.10.1979 01.10.1977 20.12.1980 16.05.2009 27.09.1965 20.12.1965 30.05.1966 30.05.1965 21.02.1966 03.12.1966 04.10.1986 10.08.1964 11.04.1966 21.12.1985 07.09.1964 19.02.2005 08.04.2006 06.10.2007 24.12.2011 14.07.2001 16.02.2013 15.07.2000 20.12.1986 24.08.1985 11.04.2015 20.02.2010 11.02.2012 22.09.1990 28.01.2012 12.04.2003 12.10.1991 20.01.2001 --------------22.04.2000 15.07.2000 24.11.2012 20.01.2001 04.03.1995 24.06.2000 10.07.2004 22.09.2012 30.08.2003 25.05.2002 28.01.2012 17.11.2012 31.12.2011 19.10.1991 11.02.2012 --------------24.12.2011 04.03.2006 17.03.2015 24.11.2007 02.10.1999 14.03.1992 31.01.2004 ----------------------------12.05.2012 21.09.2013 26.10.2013 18.07.2009 --------------10.01.2009 17.03.2012 24.03.2012 --------------26.07.2008 06.01.1990 --------------01.02.2003 07.07.2012 14.01.2012 18.05.2013 10.05.2014 -------------10.05.2014 08.03.2014 31.01.2015 26.10.2013 31.01.2015 27.04.2013 06.06.2015 -------------27.10.2012 10.05.2014 27.10.2012 10.05.2014 20.06.2015 27.10.2012 08.03.2014 07.10.2013 05.10.2014 10.05.2015 03.05.2014 03.05.2014 09.01.2016 08.03.2014 03.10.2015 31.01.2015 06.06.2015 31.01.2015 07.12.2013 02.04.2016 07.12.2013 18.05.2013 12.09.2015 08.03.2014 19.09.2015 06.07.2013 14.03.2015 10.05.2014 23.09.2006 06.06.2015 14.02.2015 14.02.2015 25.05.2013 10.05.2014 --------------------------------------------------------03.01.2015 21.02.2015 15.06.2013 09.01.2016 --------------03.10.2015 22.11.2014 20.12.2014 09.11.2013 19.09.2015 08.03.2014 III PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 213 13-056-16 214 15-070-16 215 16-076-16 221 (INT 3784) 17-084-16 222 13-057-16 223 15-068-16 224 14-062-16 291 19-093-16 292 09-035-16 293 18-085-16 294 12-050-16 295 (INT 3752) 51-361-15 311 18-087-16 312 38/39-293-15 313 40-229-14 321 12-052-16 322 (INT 3651) 12-052-16 323 14-120-15 324 49-348-15 331 14-063-16 332 12-053-16 333 (INT 3656) 08-033-16 334 (INT 3660) 18-089-16 335 16-078-16 341 50-355-15 342 44-323-15 343 43-318-15 344 17-085-16 345 41-236-14 1111 27-239-15 1121 27-239-15 1131 ------1132 45-327-15 1221 37-280-15 1231 35-272-15 1311 (INT 3856) 31-188-14 1312 01-001-15 1321 02-010-14 1322 25-153-13 1331 51-296-14 1332 50-349-15 1402 22-199-15 1411 (INT 3860) 16-072-16 1412 24-143-14 1421 10-039-16 1431 17-158-15 1432 06-023-16 1501 25-222-15 1611 32-261-15 1722 31-259-15 1723 51-359-15 1811 (INT 3758) 05-019-16 1821 37-234-13 1822 17-081-16 1911 14-059-16 2111 18-086-16 2112 30-186-13 2121 01-002-16 2122 04-017-16 Week: 19/2016 Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date Latest New Edition Date Latest Reprint Date 18.02.1967 17.06.1967 19.06.1993 29.07.1967 19.08.1967 14.10.1967 18.11.1967 21.11.1966 21.01.1967 02.12.1963 20.12.1969 10.12.1966 18.04.1970 25.01.1969 10.08.1968 01.02.1969 15.03.1969 26.07.1969 27.11.1969 14.06.1965 18.10.1969 19.04.1969 02.03.1968 13.11.1971 19.04.1969 10.05.1969 12.07.1969 17.05.1969 04.10.1969 04.05.2013 29.07.1963 29.07.1963 26.09.2009 27.04.2013 14.05.1963 02.12.1963 22.10.2011 02.09.1974 07.02.2009 12.08.1963 28.07.1979 07.11.1970 01.03.1969 16.04.2011 24.12.1966 26.07.1980 22.10.2011 29.11.1965 21.08.1970 24.05.1969 02.12.1986 28.01.1963 18.02.1967 18.02.1989 26.07.1965 26.06.1971 29.08.2009 02.01.1993 27.03.2010 22.04.2000 22.03.2008 08.12.2012 16.02.2013 28.05.2005 22.08.2015 30.08.2003 13.08.2011 09.09.2000 04.07.1998 24.03.2012 11.02.2012 24.03.2012 09.05.2015 15.12.2001 18.03.2006 07.04.2007 10.01.1981 24.09.1977 05.07.2003 28.03.2009 31.12.2011 24.11.2012 --------------29.12.2007 13.12.2014 11.09.1999 28.04.2012 04.02.2012 --------------29.10.2005 30.01.2016 ----------------------------24.03.2012 22.01.2011 --------------25.06.2011 --------------23.02.2008 19.04.2008 09.05.2009 27.11.2010 --------------08.12.2012 27.10.2012 --------------05.07.2008 05.07.2008 09.06.2012 16.04.2005 23.06.2012 07.10.2006 22.09.2012 09.06.2012 04.09.2004 --------------17.04.2010 --------------- 31.01.2015 11.04.2015 06.06.2015 06.06.2015 14.02.2015 --------------17.05.2014 02.04.2016 22.02.2014 08.03.2014 09.01.2016 07.12.2013 03.05.2014 --------------27.10.2012 06.06.2015 14.02.2015 15.08.2015 11.05.2013 20.12.2014 --------------28.12.2013 19.09.2015 27.10.2012 27.10.2012 --------------03.05.2014 29.11.2014 --------------07.12.2013 29.08.2015 ------------------------------------------10.05.2014 15.06.2013 10.05.2014 07.12.2013 --------------------------------------------------------19.09.2015 25.05.2013 12.09.2015 01.06.2013 06.07.2013 --------------20.12.2014 19.04.2014 20.12.2014 07.12.2013 -------------10.05.2014 03.10.2015 31.01.2015 --------------09.01.2016 29.11.2014 IV PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 2123 2124 2131 2132 2133 2134 2136 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2150 2151 2211 2212 (INT 3785) 2213 2214 2215 2223 2224 2231 2233 2234 2235 2241 2245 2246 2247 2248 2911 2916 2919 2920 2921 (INT 3756) 2921 A 2921 B 2922 2923 (INT 3754) 2924 2925 2926 2927 2929 (INT 3757) 2931 2941 2942 2943 3110 3111 3112 3113 3121 3122 3123 3131 3211 Week: 19/2016 Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year 18-167-15 04-018-15 16-142-15 15-066-16 15-133-15 05-020-16 33-267-15 16-143-15 15-065-16 52-367-15 41-304-15 52-367-15 52-367-15 15-070-16 09-073-15 19-176-15 17-082-16 36-276-15 51-362-15 44-321-15 17-084-16 24-152-14 42-310-15 30-252-15 15-068-16 46-272-10 06-034-13 50-353-15 19-094-16 42-311-15 03-010-16 14-062-16 30-253-15 44-319-15 11-046-16 09-034-16 09-035-16 16-074-16 10-040-16 08-031(T)-16 01-001-16 12-051-16 06-024-16 42-307-15 01-001-16 16-074-16 11-048-16 17-155-15 12-050-16 07-027-16 16-146-15 17-157-15 18-087-16 38/39-292-15 18-087-16 31-258-15 07-059-15 02-012-13 05-035-15 10-042-16 New Chart Date Latest New Edition Date 20.03.2010 02.01.2010 18.06.1983 08.03.2008 13.02.2010 28.01.1984 18.12.1971 30.12.1972 04.08.1973 14.09.1996 06.11.1976 30.12.1972 18.09.1976 16.04.1977 25.06.2011 08.01.2011 08.12.2012 22.11.1975 18.07.1966 24.04.1976 07.02.1976 18.02.1989 14.04.1984 23.04.1988 01.04.1972 26.09.2009 10.01.2009 19.03.1988 11.01.1975 30.05.1981 21.07.1980 10.03.1990 26.05.1990 25.01.1975 15.10.2005 09.12.1989 20.03.1993 01.03.1965 03.10.1992 03.10.1992 20.12.1980 24.05.1965 10.06.1989 20.04.1996 23.02.2002 18.07.1990 05.08.2006 08.08.1981 06.05.1967 23.11.1996 27.12.2014 28.10.2000 27.03.1971 22.08.1992 16.05.1992 07.02.1970 28.10.2000 23.10.2010 20.02.1993 05.06.1971 --------------------------08.03.2008 --------------------------04.05.2013 28.10.2000 14.09.1996 15.01.1994 14.11.2006 04.04.2015 06.10.2007 07.04.2007 08.12.2012 24.11.2012 24.11.2012 -------------24.11.2012 24.11.2012 24.11.2012 01.12.2012 24.11.2012 07.01.2012 09.11.2013 27.11.2010 --------------------------02.01.2010 ----------------------------14.01.2012 28.04.2001 --------------06.08.2011 -------------29.09.2007 15.11.2008 13.10.2012 17.12.2011 19.05.2012 12.04.2014 09.09.2000 28.10.2000 29.12.2007 30.01.2016 18.02.2012 04.04.2015 14.09.1996 12.07.2008 04.07.2009 --------------18.02.2012 12.10.1991 22.08.1992 29.06.2002 25.06.2011 31.12.2011 -------------17.12.2005 17.12.2005 V Latest Reprint Date 10.05.2014 06.06.2015 04.04.2015 -------------03.05.2014 03.05.2014 18.10.2014 14.02.2015 04.06.2011 ----------------------------14.02.2015 11.05.2013 07.12.2013 --------------06.06.2015 10.05.2014 07.12.2013 03.10.2015 07.12.2013 ------------19.04.2014 03.05.2014 --------------24.11.2012 --------------06.07.2013 14.02.2015 19.04.2014 10.05.2014 09.04.2016 03.10.2015 20.04.2013 02.04.2016 -------------01.11.2014 03.10.2015 03.10.2015 02.04.2016 09.01.2016 -------------02.04.2016 10.05.2014 ----------------------------19.09.2015 --------------26.10.2013 27.12.2014 11.05.2013 03.01.2015 07.12.2013 20.04.2013 18.05.2013 20.04.2013 11.05.2013 18.05.2013 18.05.2013 18.05.2013 16.02.2013 PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date Latest New Latest Reprint Edition Date Date 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 3212 3221 (INT 3653) 3222 (INT 3652) 3223 3310 3331 (INT 3657) 3341 3342 (INT 3661) 3343 (INT 3794) 3344 3361 3401 3402 3403 8005 8006 8007 06-025-16 30-254-15 16-145-15 12-052-16 14-063-16 08-033-16 40-301-15 11-049-16 50-355-15 14-064-16 41-200-11 07-047-14 17-085-16 52-369-15 31-194-10 31-194-10 -------- 28.10.2000 02.07.1986 14.06.1980 24.03.2007 21.02.2009 20.12.1969 01.04.1963 25.03.1963 14.07.2007 08.01.1994 10.09.1980 24.01.1970 08.08.1970 26.04.2003 20.12.1975 04.05.1985 23.01.2016 10.12.2011 10.12.2011 15.07.2006 --------------10.06.2006 21.01.2012 01.12.2012 09.05.2015 -------03.12.2005 13.07.2013 20.07.2013 ----------------------------- No. TR Chart No. Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date Latest New Latest Reprint Edition Date Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2002_1 2002_2 2002_3 2002_4 2002_5 2002_6 2002_7 2002_8 2002_9 2002_10 2002_11 2002_12 2002_13 2002_14 2002_15 15-067-16 25-156-13 01-002-16 05-020-16 13-056-16 32-262-15 32-263-15 52-367-15 15-070-16 18-162-15 19-179-15 25-156-13 50-237-11 52-367-15 01-005-15 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 09.05.2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16.02.2013 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 2003_1 2003_2 2003_3 2003_4 2003_5 2003_6 2003_7 2003_8 2003_9 2003_10 2003_11 2003_12 2003_13 2003_14 2003_15 2003_16 17-084-16 15-070-16 10-065-14 13-057-16 01-004-14 01-004-12 36-276-15 17-084-16 51-362-15 24-127-11 17-084-16 33-199-14 17-084-16 01-002-14 46-220-11 13-057-16 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 21.03.2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 Week: 19/2016 VI 03.05.2014 31.01.2015 25.05.2013 18.05.2013 25.05.2013 18.05.2013 06.04.2013 10.05.2014 -------18.05.2013 18.05.2013 07.12.2013 14.02.2015 18.05.2013 31.07.2010 31.07.2010 -------- PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 2004_1 2004_2 2004_3 2004_4 2004_5 2004_6 2004_7 2004_8 2004_9 2004_10 2004_11 2004_12 2004_13 2004_14 09-036-16 15-068-16 04-018-16 46-332-15 09-058-14 52-368-15 42-311-15 45-328-15 18-169-15 14-062-16 26-163-14 40-230-12 30-253-15 30-253-15 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 26.05.2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 2901_1 2901_2 2901_3 2901_4 2901_5 2901_6 2901_7 2901_8 2901_9 2901_10 2901_11 2901_12 2901_13 2901_14 2901_15 2901_16 2901_17 2901_18 2901_19 2901_20 2901_21 2901_22 05-019-16 11-047-16 09-034-16 06-024-16 49-346-15 09-035-16 41-303-15 03-008-16 02-004-16 51-289-14 38/39-289-15 11-040-16 37-281-15 08-031(T)-16 37-282-15 09-034-16 33-266-15 31-195-13 15-084-10 48-299-13 51-289-14 42-307-15 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 01.03.2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 2902_1 2902_2 2902_3 2902_4 2902_5 2902_6 2902_7 2902_8 2902_9 2902_10 2902_11 2902_12 2902_13 2902_14 2902_15 2902_16 2902_17 40-227-14 18-085-16 12-050-16 07-027-16 51-361-15 06-046-15 14-119-15 18-167-15 52-366-15 22-132-14 52-366-15 42-308-15 07-027-16 07-027-16 24-129-11 32-162-11 42-266-13 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 21.06.2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 13.04.2013 Week: 19/2016 Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date VII Latest New Edition Date Latest Reprint Date PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS No. TR Chart No. Last Update WeekNtM No.-Year New Chart Date Latest New Edition Date Latest Reprint Date 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 3001_1 3001_2 3001_3 3001_4 3001_5 3001_6 3001_7 3001_8 3001_9 3001_10 3001_11 38/39-293-15 36-278-15 18-087-16 31-257-15 18-087-16 19-117-14 18-087-16 26-138-11 18-087-16 52-325-13 42-240-14 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 23.02.2013 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 3002_1 3002_2 3002_3 3002_4 3002_5 3002_6 3002_7 3002_8 3002_9 3002_10 20-186-15 07-059-15 30-188-13 10-043-16 37-209(P)-12 03-019-14 07-059-15 20-108-11 43-316-15 06-025-16 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 27.05.2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 06.04.2013 Week: 19/2016 VIII NOTICES TO MARINERS FOR TURKISH PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW CHARTS: Chart No: Edition Date: ---------------- -------------------- Withdrawn Charts: -------------------------- NEW EDITIONS : Chart No: Edition Date: Withdrawn Charts: ---------------- -------------------- -------------------------- REPRINT CHARTS: Chart No: Reprint Date: Latest Correction(Ntm No:) ---------------- -------------------- -------------------------- 2. NOTICES TO MARINERS NtM No: Paper and Leisure Charts Affected: 092 18 (INT 3800) 093 291 094 2241 095 34 Week: 19/2016 1.1 PART 1 NOTICES TO MARINERS FOR TURKISH PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS 092 PART 1 BLACK SEA - Bulgaria - Nos. Kaliyakra - Beacon SOURCE: BA.NtM No.: 13-1616/2016 Chart 18 (INT 3800) (Previous NtM No: 019/2016) [ED50 DATUM] DELETE 093 43°25'.7N, 28°31'.4E Bn (52) SEA OF MARMARA - Bay of Tuzla - Tuzla - Marina SOURCE: Viaport Marina Chart 291 (Previous NtM No: 008/2016) [WGS84 DATUM] INSERT 40°48'.83N, 29°19'.28E (Explanation: in Magenta) 094 AEGEAN SEA - Greece - Ormos Kos - Nisos Kos - Wreck SOURCE: BA.NtM No.: 02-1260/2016 Chart 2241 (Nisos Kos, Limin Kos, Plan B) (Previous NtM No: 245/2015) [ED50 DATUM] INSERT 36°53'.94N, 27°17'.54E MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - Bay of Gazimağusa 095 Bay of Güzelyurt - Kırpaşa Peninsula - Gazimağusa - Girne - Kumyalı - Anchorage Area SOURCE: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chart 34 (Previous NtM No: 348/2015) [WGS84 DATUM] INSERT 35°24'.0N, 32°55'.3E (Shore) 35°24'.0N, 32°46'.0E (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°10'.0N, 32°46'.0E (Shore) and 35°20'.0N, 33°26'.0E (Shore) 35°23'.0N, 33°26'.0E 35°23'.0N, 33°21'.0E 35°20'.1N, 33°21'.0E (Shore) Week: 19/2016 1.2 NOTICES TO MARINERS FOR TURKISH PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS 095 Continued. and 35°35'.4N, 34°18'.8E (Shore) 35°38'.0N, 34°16'.4E 35°37'.0N, 34°11'.0E 35°33'.7N, 34°11'.0E (Shore) and 35°19'.8N, 34°04'.0E (Shore) 35°18'.0N, 34°06'.0E 35°23'.5N, 34°12'.0E 35°26'.0N, 34°09'.8E (Shore) and 35°08'.0N, 33°56'.2E (Shore) 35°08'.0N, 33°58'.0E 35°13'.0N, 33°56'.0E 35°17'.0N, 33°58'.2E 35°17'.9N, 33°56'.5E (Shore) 34°21'.50N, 34°42'.50E (Centred on) Given Block Note Correction in Page 1.4 No 1 (Not'a bak) (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°18'.6N, 32°51'.5E (Centred on) No 2 (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°21'.9N, 33°23'.2E (Centred on) No 3 (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°36'.3N, 34°13'.8E (Centred on) No 4 (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°23'.0N, 34°09'.0E (Centred on) No 5 (Explanation: in Magenta) 35°13'.0N, 33°55'.2E (Centred on) Week: 19/2016 1.3 PART 1 NOTICES TO MARINERS FOR TURKISH PAPER AND LEISURE CHARTS PART 1 Weekly NtM No.: 095/16 DENİZALTI KABLOLARI SUBMARINE CABLE Denizaltı kablolarının 500 metre yakınında demirleme, tarama veya trol Mariners should avoid to anchor, dredge or trawl within 500 meters vicinity EĞİTİM VE ATIŞ SAHASI EXERCISE AND FIRING AREA Eğitim ve Atış Sahaları için Denizcilere İlanlar Yıllığı 5. Bölüme bakınız. For the Exercise and Firing Areas, see Annual Notices to Mariners Chapter 5. DEMİRLEME SAHASI (35°18'.6N, 32°51'.5E) ANCHORAGE AREA (35°18'.6N, 32°51'.5E) Seyir duyurusu ile bildirilen askeri eğitim/atışlar süresince demirleme yapılmayacaktır. Anchorage is prohibited during military/firing exercise which is announced by navigational warnings. Relevant Chart : TR 34 Week: 19/2016 1.4 NOTICES AND AMENDMENTS FOR NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS : Nautical Publication Name : ---------------- Reprint Date : Withdrawn Nautical Publication: -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- NEW EDITIONS Nautical Publication Name : : ---------------- Edition Date: Withdrawn Nautical Publication: -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 2. NOTICES TO MARINERS NtM No: Nautical Publications Affected: ------------- -------------------------------------------------- Week: 19/2016 2.1 PART 2 NAVTEX WARNINGS PART 3 The warnings below include the NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS promulgated by ONHO with a NAVTEX number by 03 May 2016, 0700Z. 2013 SERIES 440. STRAIT OF İSTANBUL Construction operations until further notice within 500 meters of Fil Point (41°12' 00''N, 029°07' 06''E) and Çalı Point (41°12' 24''N, 029°06' 21''E). 2014 SERIES 535. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Turkish Units participating operation Mediterranean Shield in the Eastern Mediterranean are conducting maritime security operations to provide for the safe and secure movement of vessels at sea and to deter terrorism. If contacted by Turkish Units your cooperation and assistance in answering questions would be very much appreciated. Please report any suspicious activity or information to Turkish warships or to the Turkish Naval Forces Command Operation Center 00 90 312 4032222 / 00 90 312 4176260 or email to [email protected]. Help us to help you. Thank you. Caution advised. 616. SEA OF MARMARA Construction works in progress until further notice in areas bounded by; 40°44'.07N-029°30'.57E 40°44'.53N-029°31'.12E 40°45'.98N-029°31'.35E 40°46'.03N-029°30'.78E 40°44'.60N-029°30'.55E 1065. 40°41'.77N-029°33'.45E 40°41'.45N-029°33'.13E 40°41'.92N-029°32'.70E 40°42'.08N-029°33'.07E SEA OF MARMARA Underwater operation, by Çetin Oktay from 26 December 2014, until further notice, along the lines joined by. Wide berth requested. 41°04'.64N, 028°14'.25E 41°03'.57N, 028°13'.95E 41°03'.42N, 028°20'.98E 41°02'.47N, 028°20'.75E 41°03'.58N, 028°05'.88E 41°02'.69N, 028°06'.03E 2015 SERIES 587. STRAIT OF İSTANBUL AtoN (lights) on Boğaziçi and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridges unlit. 848. AEGEAN SEA Light buoy in position 38°26'.15N, 026°44'.27E half sunken and unlit. Caution advised. 872. BLACK SEA Underwater operations, until 31 AUG 16, along the line joining the positions below. 41°44'.64N, 032°22'.46E 41°45'.25N, 032°21'.98E Caution advised. Week: 19/2016 3.1 NAVTEX WARNINGS 1058. PART 3 MEDITERRANEAN SEA Dredging operations, between 17 NOV 15 – 01 JUN 16 in area bounded by; 36°47'.23N, 034°37'.61E 36°48'.22N, 034°38'.64E 36°45'.53N, 034°40'.64E 36°44'.92N, 034°39'.39E Caution advised. 1087. SEA OF MARMARA Light buoys 40°56'.30N, 028°49'.00E and 40°56'.90N, 028°48'.95E off station. Caution advised. 1088. AEGEAN SEA Light buoy 38°24'.07N, 027°04'.39E off station. Caution advised. 1089. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Light buoy 36°46'.50N, 028°15'.00E off station. Caution advised. 1182. AEGEAN SEA Firing exercise between 01 JAN-31 DEC 16 from 0500Z to 1600Z daily (excluding weekends) in area bounded by; 40°35'.00N, 024°58'.00E 40°11'.00N, 024°33'.00E 40°09'.00N, 024°45'.00E 40°20'.00N, 024°56'.00E 40°07'.00N, 025°33'.00E 40°16'.50N, 025°39'.00E 40°18'.00N, 025°30'.00E Caution advised. 1183. AEGEAN SEA Firing exercise between 01 JAN–31 DEC 16 from 0500Z to 1600Z daily (excluding weekends) in area bounded by; 37°27'.00N, 026°17'.00E 37°24'.00N, 026°04'.00E 37°24'.00N, 026°00'.00E 37°05'.00N, 026°09'.00E 37°08'.50N, 026°27'.50E Caution advised. 1184. AEGEAN SEA Firing exercise between 01JAN–31 DEC 16 from 0500Z to 1600Z daily (excluding weekends) in area bounded by; 39°00'.00N,025°10'.00E 39°20'.00N,024°58'.00E 39°14'.00N,024°40'.00E 38°54'.00N,024°52'.00E Caution advised. 2016 SERIES 089. SEA OF MARMARA Light buoys established at following positions. 40°57'.10N, 028°49'.79E 40°56'.97N, 028°49'.05E Caution advised. Week: 19/2016 3.2 NAVTEX WARNINGS 159. PART 3 BLACK SEA Kurucaşile north breakwater light, 41°50'.87N, 032°43'.58E unlit. Caution advised. 160. STRAIT OF İSTANBUL Altınkum light buoy, 41°11'.18N, 029°04'.88E unlit. Caution advised. 161. AEGEAN SEA Alaçatı light buoy, 38°13'.09N, 026°21'.49E unlit. Caution advised. 256. BAY OF IZMIT Bay of Izmit crossing bridge project light buoys positions changed temporarily. 40°45'.40N, 029°30'.60E 40°45'.40N, 029°31'.30E 40°45'.02N, 029°30'.40E 40°45'.10N, 029°31'.23E Caution advised. 278. SEA OF MARMARA Seismic survey, BY BARBAROS HAYREDDIN PASA, M/V BRAVO SUPPORTER and M/V KOFSO in Sea of Marmara. vessel traffic will be controlled under the supervision of TSVTS. Vessels navigating in the area should obey the warnings of TSVTS. Caution advised. 285. SEA OF MARMARA Due to sismic survey operations on Marmara Sea by M/V BARBAROS HAYRETTİN PASA it is strongly recommended by the vessels navigating in the area to use the temporary two-way route bounded by following geographical positions and obey the warnings of TSVTS between straits of Istanbul and Canakkale . 40°40'.30N, 028°30'.00E 40°40'.30N, 027°55'.00E 40°43'.70N, 027°42'.40E 40°43'.85N, 027°38'.25E 40°42'.35N, 027°30'.00E 40°39'.50N, 027°30'.00E 40°41'.20N, 027°37'.50E 40°41'.00N, 027°40'.25E 40°37'.40N, 027°53'.25E 40°37'.40N, 028°30'.00E Caution advised. 288. SEA OF MARMARA Underwater operations, until 20 OCT 17, in area bounded by: 40°57'.87N, 027°44'.40E 40°57'.93N, 027°44'.75E 41°00'.65N, 027°43'.53E 41°00'.70N, 027°43'.90E Caution advised. Week: 19/2016 3.3 NAVTEX WARNINGS 300. PART 3 BLACK SEA Seismic survey, by R/V K.PİRİ REİS, between 20 APR – 31 MAY 16, in area bounded by: 41°40'.70N, 030°29'.42E 41°28'.47N, 030°35'.27E 41°21'.32N, 030°53'.37E 41°24'.68N, 031°05'.98E 41°36'.03N, 031°20'.47E 41°55'.28N, 031°11'.28E 1 NM berth requested. 308. SEA OF MARMARA Seismic survey, by BARBAROS HAYREDDİN PAŞA, M/V BRAVO SUPPORTER and M/V KOFSO, between 22 APR – 21 MAY 16, in area bounded by: 41°03'.35N, 028°09'.17E 41°01'.58N, 028°25'.93E 41°00'.10N, 028°29'.17E 40°42'.17N, 028°26'.10E 40°41'.80N, 028°04'.08E 3 NM berth requested. Caution advised. 321. AEGEAN SEA Search and rescue exercises on 04 and 05 MAY 16 from 0001Z to 1700Z in areas bounded by: AREA-1 39°03'.93N, 025°14'.50E 39°04'.00N, 025°43'.00E 38°44'.00N, 025°43'.00E 38°44'.00N, 024°55'.00E AREA-2 38°55'.00N, 026°00'.00E 38°51'.00N, 026°20'.00E 38°43'.00N, 026°12'.00E 38°44'.00N, 025°53'.00E Caution advised. 329. AEGEAN SEA Gunnery exercise, A) On 09 - 12, 18, 23-26, 30, 31 MAY 16 from 0500Z to 1200Z, B) On 01, 02, 13, 15, 16, 20-23, 27-30 JUN 16 from 0500Z to 1200Z, C) On 14 JUN 16 from 1000Z to 1200Z in area bounded by: 38°45'.00N, 025°21'.00E 38°45'.00N, 024°52'.00E 38°18'.00N, 024°52'.00E 38°18'.00N, 025°21'.00E Caution advised. 330. AEGEAN SEA Gunnery exercise, on 04 MAY 16 from 0900Z to 1300Z in area bounded by: 40°36'.00N, 026°20'.00E 40°22'.00N, 026°20'.00E 40°34'.70N, 026°52'.50E 40°40'.00N, 026°48'.50E Caution advised. 331. SEA OF MARMARA Firing exercise, between 03 - 05 MAY 16 from 1100Z to 1300Z in area LT-D5. Caution advised. Week: 19/2016 3.4 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS PART 4 Part 4 includes the NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS currently in force submitted to NAVAREA III Area Coordinator by 03 May 2016, 0600Z. Coastal Warnings submitted to NAVAREA III Area coordinator are not included in this section in order to avoid dublication. They have been promulgated in Part 3 with a National NAVTEX number. 2016 SERİSİ 012. STRAIT OF KERCH Anchorage prohibited within 500 metres either side of line. 44°58'.38N, 036°54'.72E 44°56'.41N, 036°50'.60E 44°52'.70N, 036°41'.60E 44°50'.83N, 036°36'.02E 44°50'.25N, 036°34'.12E 44°49'.02N, 036°30'.52E 44°48'.55N, 036°28'.26E 44°47.09N, 036°21'.94E 44°46'.11N, 036°18'.62E 44°43'.84N, 036°12'.03E 44°43'.14N, 036°10'.54E 067. BLACK SEA 1. Insert traffic separation scheme to Midia port: A) Separation line has the following limits: 44°17'.904N, 028°42'.578E 44°16'.580N, 028°43'.559E 44°15'.517N, 028°45'.038E B) Outside boundry of NW joining the following positions: 44°15'.727N, 028°45'.330E 44°16'.759N, 028°43'.894E 44°18'.043N, 028°42'.943E General direction of traffic to NW is 315 and alter course to 332. C) Outside boundry of SE joining the following positions: 44°17'.765N, 028°42'.213E 44°16'.401N, 028°43'.223E 44°15'.307N, 028°44'.746E General direction of traffic to SE is 152 and alter course to 1352. D) Length a traffic lane 3.0 miles. E) Width a traffic lane 0.3 miles. 2. Insert pilot boarding place in 44°18'.00N 028°42'.50E 3. Insert recommended track to enter/go out to/from Midia port through traffic separation scheme 315 - 135 to enter/to go out, changing the course from/ to position 44°11'.328N 028°50'.862E. 4. Insert dredging area with minimum depth 10m between positions: 44°19'.57N, 028°41'.30E 44°19'.60N, 028°41'.37E 44°18'.85N, 028°41'.92E 44°18'.83N, 028°41'.85E 069. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Sinking ship reported at 35°43'.78N, 000°40'.38W. Week: 19/2016 4.1 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS 104. PART 4 MEDITERRANEAN SEA Seismic acquisition campaign by M/V POLAR MARQUIS, till 15 MAY 16 in the followings positions: 36°23'.38N, 010°41'.33E 36°25'.55N, 010°51'.07E 36°15'.90N, 010°50'.98E 36°15'.90N, 010°56'.38E 36°09'.90N, 010°56'.40E 36°07'.01N, 010°43'.55E 36°23'.38N, 010°41'.33E 1000 metres berth requested. 121. STRAIT OF KERCH Underwater cables laying operations by JIAN JI 3001, till 01 JUN 16, in area bounded by: 45°25'.85N, 036°46'.53E 45°26'.10N, 036°46'.77E 45°24'.43N, 036°36'.66E 45°24'.63N, 036°36'.52E 165. MEDITERRANEAN SEA SIDI ABED lighthouse in position 35°15'.70N, 003°55'.70W, unlit. 168. AEGEAN SEA NATO activities/support to assist with the refugee and migrant crisis are taken place. Vessels sailing in the above mentioned area are kindly requseted to keep clear from NATO units for safety reasons. 179. BLACK SEA Navigation prohibited 31 MAR 16 thru 31 DEC 16, in area bounded by: 44°29'.9N, 033°29'.5E 44°30'.3N, 033°30'.4E 44°29'.0N, 033°30'.4E 44°29'.0N, 033°28'.1E 180. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Seismic survey operations till 06 MAY 16, by, ATLANTIC EXPLORER towing cable of 12.500 lenght metres, in area bounded by: 31°39'.0N, 025°15'.0E 33°22'.0N, 026°29'.0E 30°53'.0N, 028°59'.0E 33°24'.0N, 029°01'.0E 183. MEDITERRANEAN SEA ILE ZEMBRETTA lighthouse in position 36°06'.30N, 010°52'.40E unlit. 188. STRAIT OF KERCH Anchor mine located in 45°17'.57N 036°32'.57E Week: 19/2016 4.2 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS 193. PART 4 STRAIT OF KERCH Vessels stopping and anchoring near-bottom fishing underwater demolition works and dredging operations navigation with veerd cable prohibited in area bounded by: 45°23'.94N, 036°44'.86E 45°23'.07N, 036°38'.81E 45°26'.43N, 036°34'.77E 45°26'.78N, 036°35'.94E 45°28'.29N, 036°46'.46E 45°26'.82N, 036°49'.55E And coastline. 194. STRAIT OF KERCH Underwater cables laid in area bounded by: 45°24'.42N, 036°36'.66E 45°24'.64N, 036°36'.52E 45°26'.10N, 036°46'.77E 45°25'.85N, 036°46'.53E 195. BLACK SEA Navigation temporarily dangerous in area within 1NM of 45°21'.3N, 030°54'.3E 205. BLACK SEA Navigation temporarily dangerous, within 1NM of the following positions: 45°41'.20N, 031°43'.10E 45°42'.40N, 031°52'.60E 45°42'.70N, 031°54'.50E 45°42'.20N, 031°51'.60E 45°40'.40N, 031°41'.10E 45°15'.50N, 031°40'.50E 45°15'.00N, 031°42'.90E 45°20'.70N, 031°51'.90E 45°20'.20N, 031°53'.10E and within 0,5NM of the following positions 45°40'.20N, 031°39'.60E. 210. MEDITERRANEAN SEA KLEBIA, Tunisian NAVTEX station off air. 211. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Underwater operations in progress by IEVOLI IVORY, until 11 MAY 16, a submarine vehicle (ROV) will be used during this operation, in circular area, 3NM radius centred on 33°57'.32N, 014°28'.62E 214. MEDITERRANEAN SEA LA GARDE, NAVTEX station off air. 216. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Underwater cables operations by C/S RAYMOND CROZE until further notice, a submarine vehicle (ROV) will be used during this operation, in vicinity of line joining following positions: 37°55'.00N, 011°16'.90E 37°55'.10N, 011°16'.70E 37°55'.70N, 011°15'.70E 37°56'.00N, 011°15'.10E 37°56'.30N, 011°14'.10E 37°56'.40N, 011°13'.30E 37°56'.40N, 011°12'.90E And a cable repair operations centred on 37°52'.30N, 011°23'.10E Wide berth requested. Week: 19/2016 4.3 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS 217. PART 4 STRAIT OF KERCH Explosive objects located. 1. Shells 45°11'.83N, 036°33'.88E 45°11'.70N, 036°33'.80E 45°11'.90N, 036°32'.70E 45°11'.62N, 036°26'.03E 45°11'.87N, 036°26'.87E 45°11'.40N, 036°24'.53E 2. Bombs 45°11'.87N, 036°32'.60E 45°11'.67N, 036°34'.18E 45°11'.87N, 036°26'.88E 45°11'.82N, 036°26'.90E 45°11'.63N, 036°34'.30E 45°11'.82N, 036°35'.65E 45°11'.97N, 036°27'.37E 3. Mines 45°11'.53N, 036°32'.73E 45°12'.67N, 036°29'.82E 45°12'.07N, 036°34'.57E Navigation dangerous within 500 metres of mentioned positions. 225. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Military operation in area bounded by Libyan coast line 34-00N. The ships in area or near borderline should proceed with extreme caution, and for its own safety to get into contact with nearest Coastal Station, to receive safe tracline. The ships will be send Position, Course, Speed ETA at destination Port, Cargo and Name of Ship' Agent. This informations should be forwarded 72 hours before in bounded area and must be repeated daily, at noon. Pease report to MARITIME TRANSPORTAUTHORITY. Name : Omar A. D.PFSO, Phone: +21825542024, Fax: +218087627623539, E-mail: [email protected] Or Name: Mohamed F. Abdulaaty Maritime Department, Phone: +218922292612, Fax: +218087627623539, Email: [email protected]. 228. STRAIT OF KERCH Shells located 1. In 45°12'.07N, 036°30'.84E 2. In 45°12'.07N, 036°28'.72E 3. In 45°12'.11N, 036°28'.67E Navigation dangerous within 500 metres of mentioned positions. 237. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Underwater operations by CS TELIRI until further notice, in vicinity of line joining following positions: 36°23'.90N, 018°17'.60E 36°13'.70N, 018°50'.20E 36°00'.00N, 020°10'.90E 35°57'.60N, 020°35'.00E 35°56'.00N, 020°52'.10E 35°40'.10N, 021°17'.50E 35°26'.50N, 021°43'.10E 34°57'.50N, 022°33'.60E 34°38'.10N, 023°48'.00E 34°14'.90N, 024°32'.70E 34°03'.90N, 025°21'.00E 1NM berth requested. Week: 19/2016 4.4 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS 241. PART 4 STRAIT OF KERCH Shells located in positions: 1. 45°11'.07N, 036°24'.60E 2. 45°11'.49N, 036°26'.29E 3. 45°11'.51N, 036°26'.30E Navigation prohibited within 500 metres of mentioned positions. 248. STRAIT OF KERCH Navigation prohibited for vessels not engaged in cargo operations, in N°2 area of sea Port KAVKAZ, water area centred on 45°09'N, 036°34'E. 249. STRAIT OF KERCH Explosive objects located: 45°11'.397N, 036°24'.540E 45°11'.978N, 036°28'. 635E 45°12'.268N, 036°29'.795E 45°12'.330N, 036°30'.088E 45°11'.788N, 036°34'.438E 45°11'.465N, 036°34'.690E Navigation dangerous within 500 metres of mentioned positions. 251. BLACK SEA Drilling ship GLOBETROTTER 2 on 02 MAY 16 will be established in 43° 04'.13N, 029° 28'.58E. 3NM berth requested. 252. BLACK SEA Gunnery firing exercises, 01 thru 31 MAY 16 from 0500 UTC to 1700 UTC. Navigation temporarily prohibited in area bounded by: 44°29'.70N, 032°19'.60E 44°38'.20N, 032°53'.00E 44°27'.80N, 033°06'.60E 44°05'.40N, 032°48'.40E 253. BLACK SEA Missile and gunnery firing exercises, 01 thru 31 MAY 16 from 0500 UTC to 1700 UTC. Navigation temporarily prohibited in area bounded by: 44°40'.00N, 032°10'.00E 44°48'.00N, 032°05'.00E 45°03'.00N, 032°17'.00E 44°58'.10N, 032°31'.40E 44°43'.80N, 032°49'.60E 44°36'.00N, 032°36'.00E 254. BLACK SEA Missile and gunnery firing exercises, 01 thru 31 MAY 16 from 0500 UTC to 2100 UTC. Navigation temporarily prohibited in area bounded by: 45°03'.50N, 036°17'.00E 44°57'.50N, 036°23'.00E 44°45'.00N, 036°24'.00E 44°45'.00N, 035°50'.00E 45°00'.00N, 035°50'.00E And coast line. Week: 19/2016 4.5 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS PART 4 Drilling rigs (to the NtM 255/2016) AREA/Rig Name : Latitude Longitude Mediterranean Sea (South/Southeast) Maridive 520 Unknown Unknown Sneferu P. Fouad Scarabeo 6 Atwood Aurora Karous Key Manhattan Mari - B Merseak Gardein JP Bussel Temsah SE-1 Senefru Rosetta-1 Ocean Lexington El Qaher-1 Key Singapore Adryatic 4 Unknown Maersk Discoverer Discoverer Americas Atwood Beacon Saipem 10000 Pride North America Estruc. Didon Pride Sea Explorer Sea Explorer 7 November Isis Scarabeo 4 Zagreb 1 GSF RIG 135 Petrosaudi Discover 31°24'.00N 31°24'.10N 31°24'.50N 31°26'.20N 31°30'.90N 31°36'.00N 31°36'.30N 31°37'.80N 31°39'.50N 31°44'.90N 31°46'.00N 31°46'.10N 31°48'.40N 31°48'.90N 31°50'.80N 31°53'.20N 31°54'.30N 31°55'.20N 31°55'.50N 31°56'.70N 32°03'.30N 32°15'.50N 32°53'.80N 33°00'.03N 33°00'.30N 33°47'.90N 34°17'.60N 34°22'.50N 34°23'.00N 34°34'.10N 34°39'.00N 34°47'.30N 35°47'.90N 36°00'.68N 30°12'.30E 30°02'.00E 30°04'.20E 32°58'.00E 32°31'.60E 30°00'.10E 30°04'.70E 32°14'.10E 32°40'.70E 34°18'.30E 30°34'.50E 31°20'.60E 31°18'.40E 30°56'.10E 30°31'.20E 31°53'.40E 31°54'.00E 31°51'.20E 32°31'.30E 31°09'.20E 32°18'.70E 28°38'.70E 35°01'.10E 32°21'.06E (NAV III 247/2016) 33°43'.30E 11°53'.50E 11°48'.40E 11°32'.00E 12°15'.00E 12°31'.60E, 33°06'.00E 14°31'.60E 14°28'.70E 11°59'.88E Adriatic Sea - lonian Sea Unknown Bonaccia Steward Morena I Annabella Ika - A Ida-B Armida 1 Unknown Irina Ana Ivana B Vesna Ivana E Izabela South Ocean King Izabela North Week: 19/2016 40°50'.00N 43°36'.00N 44°12'.80N 44°13'.60N 44°13'.70N 44°21'.50N 44°26'.80N 44°28'.50N 44°30'.00N 44°31'.70N 44°41'.00N 44°41'.20N 44°41'.20N 44°44'.70N 44°57'.50N 44°58'.50N 44°58'.80N 18°17'.00E 14°21'.20E 12°46'.60E 12°29'.00E 13°04'.40E 13°29'.30E 13°28'.80E 12°27'.20E 13°00'.00E 13°22'.80E 13°16'.10E 13°13'.10E 13°19'.10E 13°14'.80E 13°09'.10E 13°08'.00E 13°07'.80E 4.6 NAVAREA-III WARNINGS PART 4 Black Sea - Sea of Azov Globetrotter Deepwater Champion Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Tavrida Sivash B-312 Ukraine (B-319) 11 Number 10 Number Geolog-1 Week: 19/2016 43°04'.10K 43°52'.10N 44°03'.40N 44°31'.60N 44°32'.70N 45°15'.50N 45°21'.40N 45°33'.70N 45°34'.20N 45°35'.40N 45°40'.50N 45°42'.70N 46°31'.80N 29°28'.60D 30°45'.60E 30°09'.30E 29°32'.90E 29°26'.80E 31°49'.20E 30°54'.20E (NAV III 32°46'.50E (NAV III 32°47'.30E (NAV III 32°42'.80E (NAV III 31°41'.10E 31°51'.50E 37°01'.10E 4.7 220/2016) 220/2016) 220/2016) 220/2016) SPECIAL WARNINGS FOR MARINERS PART 5 SPECIAL WARNING-1 158 TURKISH COAST GUARD Report Line should be reached via the number +90 312 158 00 00, in order to avoid drifting of the GSM calls especially made in Aegean Sea and high seas towards other countries call centers. SPECIAL WARNING-2 The establishment of “151 FREE EMERGENCY LINE FOR COASTAL SAFETY” for the aim of announcing the failures of aids to the navigations (lights, buoys) in Turkish Coasts to serve the aids to the navigation in the responsibility of the General Directorate of the Coastal Safety (Ministry of Transport) Department of Aids to the Navigation is announced to the mariners and all the institutions related. SPECIAL WARNING-3 Following explanations for some of the confusing terms for the users in all levels and law enforcement bodies: Publication Date : It is the date of the material first published in order to meet navigational requirements in a subject . New Edition Date: Such changes and amendments to the content occured that the previous editions are cancelled. New edition date is the date of the publication including those changes and/or amendments and new technical information. (It abolishes the previous prints of the publication) Reprint Date : It is the date of new print of the current edition made because of the stock shortages and piling of changes/amendments or aging. It incorporates no serious amendments of navigational significance other than those previously promulgated in Notices to Mariners (if any). (The cover design may be renewed) (*) (*) The renewal in the cover design does not mean any renewal in the content and previous printings remain in force. SPECIAL WARNING-4 Current navigational warnings promulgated by NAVTEX and TRT radio can be reached via the link “Navigational Warnings” in ONHO web site Week: 19/2016 5.1 INFORMATION PART 6 (1) ONHO WEB SITE Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletin can be viewed in Acrobat Reader on ONHO web-site In any disagreement or incompatibility, Turkish text is valid. (2) ONHO NOTICES TO MARINERS CUMULATIVE LIST “CUMULATIVE LIST” showing the list of Notices to Mariners affecting Turkish Charts since 2000 is available in our web site. (3) NAVTEX BROADCASTS Directorate General of the Coastal Safety makes NAVTEX broadcasting in order to conform the marine communication service to GDMSS on frequencies of 490 Khz and 4209.5 Khz in Turkish and 518 Khz in English in below periods. For 490 Khz. ; . SAMSUN İSTANBUL İZMİR ANTALYA BROADCAST CODE BROADCAST TIME (UTC) A B C D 00.00 00.10 00.20 00.30 04.00 04.10 04.20 04.30 08.00 08.10 08.20 08.30 12.00 12.10 12.20 12.30 16.00 16.10 16.20 16.30 20.00 20.10 20.20 20.30 M 02.00 06.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 D E F I 00.30 00.40 00.50 01.20 04.30 04.40 04.50 05.20 08.30 08.40 08.50 09.20 12.30 12.40 12.50 13.20 16.30 16.40 16.50 17.20 20.30 20.40 20.50 21.20 For 4209.5 KHz. ; İSTANBUL For 518 KHz. ; İSTANBUL SAMSUN ANTALYA İZMİR (4) DGPS BROADCASTS The data related to DGPS Stations established in the Straits of İstanbul and Çanakkale in the scope of Turkish Straits Vessel Traffic Service (TSVTS) and started broadcasting are presented below. STATION INFORMATION (A) Station Name (B) Transmitter ID No. (C) Reference ID No. (Ç) Station Position (D) Range (E) Type (F) Frequency (G) Datum Week: 19/2016 THE STRAIT OF İSTANBUL : Rumeli Feneri : 373 : 545 / 546 : 41°14'.19N, 29°06'.46E : 160 Miles : RTCM : 301 KHZ : WGS - 84 THE STRAIT OF ÇANAKKALE Kumkale 374 547 / 548 39°59'.37N, 26°10'.84E 160 Miles RTCM 307.5 KHZ WGS - 84 6.1 HYDROGRAPHIC MEMORANDUM 1. The following issues affecting safety at sea and navigation should be notified to the Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography according to the Navigation and Hydrography Services law numbered 1738 published in the Official Gazette dated June 07, 1973 and numbered 14557.All mariners are requested to cooperate in this activity for the safety of life and property. a. Changes, additions and discrepancies between published items and the conditions actually observed. ( For example new wharf, pier, mole, sea filling, wreck, outfall and intake, new lighthouse, buoy establishment, sweeping, fisherman shelter, marina, pool, pontoon, harbour launch, dolphin, marine farm etc.) b. Changes of depth determined / reported within the limits of the harbour. c. Differences between the coast view in approaches to the port and the charts and guide books. d. Shape and colour discrepancies between the actual beacon and mooring buoys and the ones in the charts and nautical publications. 2. above. e. Discrepancies between the beacon buoys, lights and fog signals and the charts and nautical publications f. Dangerous floating objects. g. Other issues necessary to be reported. The largest scale chart should be used and a sketch (if possible) should be forwarded while reporting the issues 3. The brand mark and model of the echo sounder equipment used while fixing the changes of depths need to be indicated and the sounding paper need to be forwarded. 4. The datum of the coordinate (ED50, WGS84, PULKOVO 1942 etc) need to be indicated when notifying the coordinates of the discrepancies for the precision. TN-ONHO General location of the data constituting the basis for the memorandum : Type of information : Coordinates and DATUM : ...............................N........................................E. DATUM (WGS84, ED50 etc) Turkish Charts Affected : Explanations :
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