brochure - Costa degli Etruschi
brochure - Costa degli Etruschi
COSTA DEGLI ETRUSCHI TOSCANA MEDITERRANEA foodandwinetrails w w w. co s ta d e g l i e t r u s c h i . i t Provincia di Livorno tourist Information office Via Pieroni, 18/20 57123 Livorno tel. and fax +39 0586 894236 [email protected] ITINERARIES: Filippo Magnani, Giovanni D’Agliano, Monica Felli, MAPS: Margherita Dalle Vacche PUBLISHING CO-ORDINATION: U.O. Informazione e Accoglienza, Diffusione della conoscenza dell'offerta turistica - Provincia di Livorno PHOTOS: Archivio fotografico APT Costa degli Etruschi Provincia di Livorno PRINTERS: Pacini Editore year 2014 Gourmet trails From one end of the Costa degli Etruschi to the other, there is the opportunity to follow culinary, wine and olive oil routes through the area. This is another way of discovering this generous land with its Tuscan and Mediterranean flavours. An essential stop is Livorno, both its inland and coastal areas, offering seafood and fish as well as game, wild boar and high quality meat. Cacciucco, the famous, flavoursome fish soup, red mullet alla Livornese, and risotto with cuttlefish ink are the specialities that characterise Livorno’s culinary traditions. Also worthy of note is torta or cecina, a kind of savoury pancake made from chick pea flour, and the legendary Livornese ponce (punch made with coffee and rum), to round off a full meal. On the coast, from Quercianella to Piombino, restaurants of the highest standards and specialised trattorias imaginatively offer the best in seafood dishes, thanks also to the freshness and quality of the ingredients used, such as orate (bream), dentice (dentex), shell fish, octopus and the excellent pesce azzurro (oily fish). Wild boar cooked in a thousand different ways, pappardelle alla lepre (fresh ribbon pasta with hare sauce), pasta stuffed with ricotta and spinach, vegetable soups, and bread baked in a wood oven, are all specialities of the inland areas, dressed with good olive oil and accompanied by fine wines. The wines from the Costa degli Etruschi, like Sassicaia and Ornellaia, to name the most famous, are known worldwide. Along the prestigious Wine Road, the top quality D.O.C. Bolgheri , Val di Cornia and Terratico di Bibbona are produced. The local olive oil, cheese, vegetables, sweets and organic produce all contribute to making the Costa degli Etruschi a real mine of flavours. Index COSTA DEGLI ETRUSCHI FOOD AND WINE TRAILS 1 LIVORNO, CITY OF CULINARY DELIGHTS 2 FOLLOWING THE FOOD AND WINE TRAIL: QUERCIANELLA, CASTIGLIONCELLO, ROSIGNANO, VADA AND CECINA 3 BIBBONA AND ITS MARINA: WHERE THE FRUITS OF THE EARTH MEET THE FRUITS OF THE SEA 4 BOLGHERI AND CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI: THE LAND OF WINE 5 THROUGH THE PARK OF RIMIGLIANO TO THE SEA AT SAN VINCENZO 6 CAMPIGLIA AND THE VAL DI CORNIA: HISTORY, FOOD AND SPAS 7 THE HISTORICAL VILLAGES OF SUVERETO AND SASSETTA 8 THE SEA OF THE ETRUSCANS: PIOMBINO AND POPULONIA • map/Principal food and wine events • Costa degli Etruschi Tourist information offices • Producing companies Livorno, city of culinary delights Livorno’s supreme dish is called Cacciucco. Do not be fooled by apparent similarities with soups and broths of various forms common to the culinary traditions of so many coastal areas. Cacciucco is a uniquely powerful dish with its own personality, destined to be either loved or hated. No-one is ever indifferent to Cacciucco. The preparation of the dish is quite complicated. Its particular, strong-tasting flavour is obtained by combining the aromas of fish and seafood with that of tomato and toasted bread rubbed with garlic. The result is a balanced but distinct combination which reflects the history of an intermingling of cultures and religions living in harmony since the origins of the city. But Livornese cuisine is not just about Cacciucco. Many traditional Italian dishes are termed “alla Livornese”, especially main dishes that include generous amounts of tomato sauce. Standing out among these is “triglie alla Livornese” (Livornese red mullet), a flavoursome dish made from red rock mullet and tomato, enjoyed by even the most difficult to please. With its wealth of attractive gastronomic highlights, Livorno is an obligatory stop for food enthusiasts, because of its original culinary propositions. A tour of the city should begin early in the day at the Mercato Centrale (central market), a monumental building designed by Badaloni, whose beauty is sometimes in danger of passing unobserved to visitors distracted by the colourful and chaotic exchanges between shoppers and vendors. Besides the vast array of fish, meat, spices, fruit, vegetables, bread and food and wine of every kind, the market also offers typically Jewish produce, due to the large Jewish community that, like many other religions, found in Livorno a chance to live, work, and grow without having to live in a ghetto. The morning aroma from the “frati” - sweet doughnuts similar only in shape to those found on sale in many Italian bars – is hard to resist. To be this good they have to be left to rise until they are as light as candy floss. From the market, walk towards the historical Venezia district distinguished by its system of navigable canals built by the Medici and locally known as the “Fossi” (boat trips are operated along these canals). On your way you will come across the colourful fruit and vegetable market and several places of worship belonging to the various faiths represented in the city. However, with Livorno being situated on the coast, a walk along its splendid seafront promenade is highly recommended. You might like to stop for a short while at the historical terrace called the Terrazza Mascagni. And if the physical exercise and sea air have given you an appetite, you can choose between a selection of seafood available from one of the many specialised 1 1 assimilabili ad una “boccata d’aria”. Dal Mercato Centrale si prosegue a eral places of worship belonging to the various faiths represented in the quartiere city. piedi verso lo storico “Venezia”, caratterizzato dalla presenza di However, with Livorno being situated on the coast,una sistema walk along its splendid di canali navigabili (anche mediante un battello ad uso turistiseafront promenade is highly recommended. You might like to stop for a co) di origine medicea, in città noti come “Fossi”; lungo il percorso si short while at the historical terrace called the Terrazza Mascagni. And if the incontrano dapprima il variopinto mercato della frutta e della verdura e physical exercise and sea air have given you an appetite, you can choose quindi numerosi luoghi di culto delle diverse confessioni presenti in città. between a selection of seafood available from one of the many specialised Livorno, city of culinary delights Ma Livorno cittàadichick mare ed allora è consigliabile una passeggiata sul sellers, and a “5 SELECTED e 5” (cinque e cinque), a tasty focaccia filledè with RESTAURANTS pea pancake, also2010 readily available fromAND anyWINE of bellissimo theGUIDES many small takeaway lungomare, magari oziando per un po’ alla storica terrazza FROM THE MAIN ITALIAN FOOD pizza outlets dotted around town. Mascagni. E se moto ed aria di mare avranno acceso la voglia di uno IN itCACIAIA LIVORNO If, instead, you feel in need of a full meal, goes without saying that there is una degustazione di frutti di mare in una delle spuntino, l’alternativa è tra Via deiof Bagni, 38 -appeal. tel. 0586 580403 a wide choice of restaurants offering menus certain tante rivendite specializzate o un “5 e 5”, gustosa focaccia farcita di torta Average price: € 30 CANTINA At dinner NARDI time, perhaps after an afternoon visitOsterie to di thececi, Fattori Museum or the anche questa di facile reperibilità in piccole pizzerie generalGuides: d’Italia Slow Food, Via Leonardo Cambini, 6/8 - tel. 0586 808006 Sanctuary at €Montenero, it is a good idea to head for one of the restaurants Ristoranti d’Italia Le vocate Guide deall’asporto l’Espresso e molto diffuse in città. Ovviamente, per chi ha mente Average price: 20 osterie un’ampia scelta di ristoranti capaci di proporre offering typicald’Italia Livornese dishes. There is a vast più selection of quality Guides: Osterie Slow Food, appetito, non manca IN restaurants PIAZZETTA capable of satisfying (more informal types of restaurant) and Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, menù di assoluto interesse. All’ora di cena, magari dopo un pomeriggio Ristoranti Guide de l’Espresso even thed’Italia most Le demanding customers. Piazza Bartolomei, 1 - tel. 0586 504201 dedicato Average price: € 35 alla visita del Museo Fattori o al Santuario di Montenero, è conAfter dinner the numerous bars in the Venezia and along the seafront Guides: district Osterie d’Italia Slow Food sigliabile dirigersi verso un locale capace di proporre i piatti tipici della CIGLIERI (especially popular in the summer) are the ideal place to spend the last few Via Ravizza, 43 - tel. 0586 508194 cucina livornese. L’offerta è vasta e di qualità, equamente suddivisa tra IN VERNICE hours of the evening and round off the day with the essential Livornese osterie e ristoranti, in grado comunque di soddisfare anche i più esigenti. Via Sproni, 32 - tel. 0586 ponce , the legendary punch made from coffee, rum and 219546 sassolino (an [email protected] Average price: € 35 Dopo cena la ricca offerta di locali del quartiere Venezia e del lungomaAverage price: € 70 aniseed liqueur). Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, stagione) consente di trascorrere le ultime ore nella buona Alberghi & Ristoranti IfGuides: you wish to enjoy someMichelin, cooler air, and perhaps re go(privilegiati horseriding walking, Le Guide de or l’Espresso Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia della giornata in attesa di chiudere con l’irrinunciabile “ponce alla livorjust a short way from Livorno in the Colline Livornesi park lies Collesalvetti. Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, nese”, mitica bevanda a LA BARCAROLA Here youd’Italia can stay in one the delightful rural agriturismi (farmhouses) andbase di caffè, rhum e sassolino. Ristoranti Le Guide de of l’Espresso Viale Carducci, 39 produce. E per godersi il fresco, fare una passeggiata a cavallo o un’escursione enjoy the local cooking based on natural, good quality tel. 0586 402367 fax 0586/402126 trekking, a due passi da Livorno, nel Parco delle colline livornesi, c’è DA CECCO PIZZERIA-TORTERIA - [email protected] Via Cavalletti, 2 - tel. 0586 881074 Collesalvetti, dove si può soggiornare presso deliziosi agriturismi in camAverage price: € 45 Average price: € 15 pagna e gustare una cucina di tradizione a base di prodotti tipici natuGuides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Club Italianorali e genuini. Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso DA GAGARIN PIZZERIA-TORTERIA Via del Cardinale, 24 - tel. 0586 884086 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso DA GALILEO Via della Campana, 20 - tel. 0586 889009 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano DOC PAROLE E CIBI Via Goldoni, 40-44 - tel. 0586 887583 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso FONTE DEL PENITENTE Via di Montenero, 345 - tel. 0586 579481 LA BARROCCIAIA Piazza Cavallotti, 13 - tel. 0586 882637 Average price: € 25 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso LA GASTRONOMICA (torteria) Via di Montenero, 28 - tel. 0586 501930 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso LE VOLTE Via Calafati, 4 - tel. 0586 896868 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso L’OSTRICAIO Viale Italia, 100 - tel. 0586 581345 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso OSCAR Livorno, city of culinary delights Livorno’s supreme dish is called Cacciucco. Do not be fooled by apparent restaurants selected similarities soups and broths food of various from thewith main 2014 italian andforms winecommon guides to the culinary traditions of so many coastal areas. Cacciucco is a uniquely powerful dish LIVORNO GENNARINO with its own personality, destined to be either loved or hated. No-one is ever Via S. tel. 0586 888093 of Fortunata, the dish11is– quite complicated. indifferent to Cacciucco. The preparation CANTINA NARDI [email protected] Its particular, strong-tasting flavour is obtained by combining the aromas of Via Leonardo Cambini, 6/8 – tel. 0586 808006 Average price: € 25-40 fish andprice: seafood toasted bread rubbed withTouring garlic. Average € 20 with that of tomato and Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Guides: Osterie Slow Food, Club Italiano which reflects the history The result is d’Italia a balanced but distinct combination Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, of an intermingling ofde cultures and religions Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide l’Espresso Granliving Ducain harmony since the origins of the city. Piazza G. Micheli 16 – tel . 0586 891024 CIGLIERI Cacciucco. Many traditional Italian But Livornese cuisine is not just about Via Ravizza, 43 – tel. 0586 508194 Average price: € 45 “alla Livornese” , especially main dishes that include gendishes are termed Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin erous amounts of tomato sauce. Standing out among these is “triglie alla [email protected] Average price:(Livornese € 70 GRAND HOTEL PALAZZO GARDEN red mullet), a flavoursome dish made ROOF from red rock Livornese” Guides: and Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Viale Italia, 195 – tel 0586 260836 mullet tomato, enjoyed by even the most difficult to please. Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de With its wealth of attractive gastronomicAverage highlights, is an obligatory l’Espresso price: €Livorno 45 Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, A tour stop for food enthusiasts, because of its Guides: original culinary propositions. DAthe CECCO Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Mercato Centrale (central of cityPIZZERIA-TORTERIA should begin early in the day at the Via Cavalletti, 2 – tel. 0586 881074 market), a monumental building designed by Badaloni, whose beauty is Average price: € 15 IN CACIAIA Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le of Guide de Via dei Bagni, 38 – tel. 0586 580403 by the sometimes in danger passing unobserved to visitors distracted l’Espresso and chaotic exchanges between Average price: € 30 colourful shoppers and vendors. Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food, Besides thePIZZERIA-TORTERIA vast array of fish, meat, spices, fruit, vegetables, bread and DA GAGARIN food wine 24 of –every kind, the market also offers typically Jewish produce, Via deland Cardinale, tel. 0586 884086 IN PIAZZETTA Guides: d’Italia Le Guide de 1 – tel. 0586 504201 due to Ristoranti the large Jewish community that,Piazza like Bartolomei, many other religions, found in l’Espresso Average price: € 35 Livorno a chance to live, work, and grow without having to live in a Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food ghetto. The morning aroma from the “frati” - sweet doughnuts similar only in shape DA GALILEO Viathose della Campana, 20 sale – tel. 0586 889009 IN VERNICE to found on in many Italian bars – is hard to resist. Average price: € 35 Via Sproni, 32 – tel. 0586 219546 To be this good they have to be left to rise until they are as light as candy Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Average price: € 35 floss. From the market, walk towards the historical Venezia Club Italiano Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow district Food, distinRistoranti d’Italia del Gambero guished by its system of navigable canals built by the MediciRosso, and locally FONTE DEL PENITENTE Ristorantialong d’Italia these Le Guide de l’Espresso “Fossi” (boat trips are operated canals). On your known as the Via di Montenero, 345 – Loc. Montenero way you579481 will come across the colourful fruit and vegetable market and sevtel. 0586 LA BARROCCIAIA Piazza Cavallotti, 13 – tel. 0586 882637 eral places of worship belonging to the various faiths represented in the city. Average price: € 38 price:a€ walk 25 along its splendid However, with Livorno being situated onAverage the coast, Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso seafront l’Espresso promenade is highly recommended. You might like to stop for a short while at the historical terrace called the Terrazza Mascagni. And if the physical exercise and sea air have given you an appetite, you can choose between a selection of seafood available from one of the many specialised 1 1 DOC DOC PAROLE PAROLE E E CIBI CIBI Via Via Goldoni, Goldoni, 40-44 40-44 -- tel. tel. 0586 0586 887583 887583 Guide: Guide: Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso Via Calafati, 4 - tel. 0586 896868 Guide: Guide: Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso L’OSTRICAIO L’OSTRICAIO Viale Viale Italia, Italia, 100 100 -- tel. tel. 0586 0586 581345 581345 Guide: Guide: Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso Livorno, city of culinary delights FONTE FONTE DEL DEL PENITENTE PENITENTE Via Via di di Montenero, Montenero, 345 345 -- tel. tel. 0586 0586 579481 579481 [email protected] [email protected] Prezzo Prezzo medio: medio: € € 38 38 Guide: Guide: Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso OSCAR OSCAR Via Via Oreste Oreste Franchini, Franchini, 78 78 -- tel. tel. 0586 0586 501258 501258 Prezzo medio: € 55 Prezzo medio: € 55 RESTAURANTS Guide: IL NUOVO CIGLIERISELECTED OSCAR Guide: Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso GENNARINO GENNARINO Alberghi & Ristoranti Via 43 –MAIN tel11 0586 508194 Oreste 78Michelin – tel. 0586 501258 Alberghi &Franchini, Ristoranti Michelin Via S. -- 2010 tel. 0586 888093 FROM THE ITALIAN AND WINE GUIDES ViaRavizza, S. Fortunata, Fortunata, 11 tel. 0586 888093 FOODVia Average price: € 35 [email protected] [email protected] Guides: Alberghi e 25-40 Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Average price: € 55 OSTERIA DEL MARE OSTERIA DEL MARE Prezzo IN CACIAIA Prezzo medio: medio: € € 25-40 LIVORNO Club Italiano Guides: Ristoranti del Gambero Borgo 5 tel. 0586 881027 Borgo Cappuccini, 5 -- 0586 tel. 0586 881027 Guide Via dei Cappuccini, Bagni, 38d’Italia - tel. 580403 Guide:: Alberghi Alberghi e e Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Touring Touring Rosso, Prezzo medio: €d’Italia 30 Le Guide de PrezzoRistoranti medio: Club Italiano Average price: € 30 Club Italiano CANTINA NARDI LA GASTRONOMICA (torteria) l’Espresso, Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin Guide: Guide: Osterie Osterie d’Italia Slow Food Osteried’Italia d’ItaliaSlow SlowFood Food, Via di Leonardo Cambini, 6/80586 - tel.501930 0586 808006 Guides: Via Montenero, 28 – tel. Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin GHINÉ CAMBRÍ Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso GHINÉ CAMBRÍ AverageRistoranti price: €d’Italia 20 Le Guide de Guides: OSTERIA DEL MARE Via 263 Località Castellaccio Via di di Quercianella, Quercianella, 263 --Slow Località Castellaccio Borgo Cappuccini, 5 – tel. 0586 881027 l’Espresso Guides: Osterie d’Italia Food, PICCOLA OSTERIA VYNO VYNO PICCOLA OSTERIA tel. IN PIAZZETTA tel. 0586 0586 579414 579414 Average price: € 30 Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Via 41 -- tel. Via P. P. Lilla, Lilla, 41 d’Italia tel.10586 0586 444249 Piazza Bartolomei, - tel.444249 0586 504201 LOCANDA GARZELLI Guides: Osterie Slow Food Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Prezzo € 30 Prezzo medio: medio: € 35 30 [email protected] Via G. Pascoli, 32 – Loc. Quercianella – tel. Alberghi &price: Ristoranti Michelin [email protected] Average € Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano Italiano Prezzo medio: 0586 491027 Prezzo medio: € € 30 30 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food CIGLIERI Guide: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food [email protected] PIZZERIA SARDA Guide: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food Via Ravizza, - tel. 0586 508194 PIZZERIA SARDA PIZZERIA SARDA34 – tel. 0586 889663 Average price:43€ 45 Piazza della Vittoria, IN VERNICE Piazza della Vittoria, 34 0586 Guides: del Gambero Rosso Guides: I Ristoranti d’Italia Guide de889663 Piazza della Vittoria, 34 --Letel. tel. 0586 889663 GRAND HOTEL PALAZZO ROOF GRANDRistoranti HOTEL d’Italia PALAZZO ROOF GARDEN GARDEN Via Sproni, 32 - tel. 0586 219546 [email protected] Guide: II Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso l’Espresso Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Viale Viale Italia, Italia, 195 195 -- tel tel 0586 0586 260836 260836 Average price: € 35 Average price: € 70 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Guides: Alberghi &45Ristoranti Michelin, SEGHIERI EMONELLI MONELLI PIZZA E TORTA TORTA SEGHIERI EE PIZZA E TORTA SEGHIERI MONELLI PIZZA E Prezzo Prezzo medio: medio: € € 45 Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Via E.E. Rossi, 1919 – tel. 0586 898205 Via E. Rossi, 19 tel. 0586 898205 Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Via Rossi, tel. 0586 898205 Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Guides: Ristorantid’Italia d’ItaliaLe Guide Guide: de l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Guide: II IRistoranti Ristoranti d’Italia LeLeGuide Guide dede l’Espresso LA BARCAROLA l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Viale Carducci, 39 tel. 0586 402367 fax 0586/402126 DA CECCO PIZZERIA-TORTERIA - [email protected] Via Cavalletti, 2 - tel. 0586 881074 Average price: € 45 Average price: € 15 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Club Italiano Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso DA GAGARIN PIZZERIA-TORTERIA Via del Cardinale, 24 - tel. 0586 884086 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso DA GALILEO Via della Campana, 20 - tel. 0586 889009 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano DOC PAROLE E CIBI Via Goldoni, 40-44 - tel. 0586 887583 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso FONTE DEL PENITENTE Via di Montenero, 345 - tel. 0586 579481 LA BARROCCIAIA Piazza Cavallotti, 13 - tel. 0586 882637 Average price: € 25 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso LA GASTRONOMICA (torteria) Via di Montenero, 28 - tel. 0586 501930 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso LE VOLTE Via Calafati, 4 - tel. 0586 896868 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso L’OSTRICAIO Viale Italia, 100 - tel. 0586 581345 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso OSCAR ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND PRODUCERS azienda agricola CA’ LO SPELLI Via di Cà Lo Spelli – 57010 Guasticce (LI) tel. 347 3758696 Fax: 0586-984458 PRODUTTORI E AGRITURISMO BIOLOGICI [email protected] I CINQUE LECCI AGRITURISMO Via di Quercianella, 168 – tel./fax 0586 578111 LIVORNO LIVORNO – [email protected] Direct sale of vegetables, olive oil and honey II CINQUE CINQUE LECCI LECCI AGRITURISMO AGRITURISMO Via Quercianella, ViaILdi diGINEPRO Quercianella, 168 168 Via del Valico a Pisa, tel./fax tel./fax 0586 0586 578111 578111 65 – 57014 Collesalvetti tel. 0586 966489 -- [email protected] [email protected] Direct diretta sale of ortaggi, vegetables andmiele olive oil Vendita olio, Vendita diretta ortaggi, olio, miele TENUTA SCACCIAVOLPE IL GINEPRO IL Via GINEPRO Berte e Scacciavolpe, 31 Via del a 65 Via57014 del Valico Valico a Pisa, Pisa, 65 Nugola – Collesalvetti 57014 Collesalvetti 57014 Collesalvetti Fax 0586 977088 cell. 380 4291603 tel. 0586 966489 0586 966489 [email protected] Vendita Vendita diretta diretta ortaggi, ortaggi, olio olio Following the food and wine trail: Quercianella, Castiglioncello, Rosignano, Vada and Cecina The Costa degli Etruschi is a narrow strip of Tuscan countryside running entirely along the coast for a distance of about a hundred kilometres. So while it might be surprising to discover that the areas just behind the coast boast a wealth of culinary traditions using ingredients from the earth and game, the array of dishes and recipes based on fish and seafood should come as no surprise at all. The suggested itinerary starts just to the south of Livorno. The stretch of road running along the coast as far as Quercianella overlooks cliffs of beautiful pink stone. From here you can descend to numerous coves and inlets where the sea is particularly clear. The seabed is well-known for hosting an abundance of Mediterranean flora and fauna, making it an ideal spot for sub aqua divers. Overlooking this magnificent landscape are the one-time coastal fortifications like the Torre di Calafuria (tower), the Castello del Boccale and the Castello del Romito (both castles). The fish supplied by local fishermen forms the basis for the area’s culinary delights which taste even better when savoured from the terrace of one of the restaurants in this glorious setting above the sea. By taking the Aurelia road we come to Castiglioncello, a prestigious international holiday resort known as the Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Castiglioncello has inspired artists, painters, writers and poets, and is still visited by them even now. Celebrated by the Macchiaioli, sought after by famous names from the world of culture and show business, the town is an important centre for artistic and scientific events. But with its Blue Flag awarded by the European Union, Castiglioncello is also the ideal place for all kinds of water sports, tennis, and walking. There is a wide choice of accommodation and numerous restaurants offering excellent cuisine thanks to the fresh fish supplied by the local fishing industry. Also of interest in the area is the renowned production of honey and related products (including a liqueur called idromele). 2 2 Following the food and wine trail: Quercianella, Castiglioncello, Rosignano, Vada and Cecina Continuing south you come Vadaè and Rosignano, whereattività a number of RESTAURANTS SELECTED Di un certo interesse nellatozona anche una rinomata di produgood quality restaurants have grown up. A visit to GUIDES the medieval of FROM THE MAIN ITALIAN FOOD AND WINE zione di miele e2010 dei suoi derivati (tra cui un liquore chiamatovillage idromele). Rosignano Marittimo is asud must. Proseguendo verso si incontrano Rosignano e Vada, località dove si L’ACQUAPAZZA CASTIGLIONCELLO An important tourist marina has recently been diestablished in Rosignano è sviluppato un circuito della ristorazione alta qualità. Via C. Ginori, 89 - Cecina MareUna visita al Solvay. The area’s great culinary and wine traditions haveAgiven rise toSolvay the tel. 0586 621219 borgo medievale di Rosignano Marittimo è d’obbligo. Rosignano L’ISOLA CHE NON C’E’ (Albergo Park) unusual partnership between sailing food, price: andporto a€yearly event known as Average 30 turistico. Via èF. Fellini, 19 tel. 0586 752229 stato di -recente realizzato unand importante La grande Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia “La Rotta del Vino” takes place in September, combining sailing, wineTouring and valenza enogastronomica della zona haItaliano suggerito un abbinamento parAverage € 50 food. 30price: crews take part in the regattaClub while chefs on board prepare their ticolare tra vela e cibo; qui Touring ogni anno a settembre, viene organizzata “La Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia dishes and serve them with the right Costa degli Etruschi wines. Club Italiano TRATTORIA Rotta del Vino”, manifestazione che combinaSENESE vela, vini e gastronomia Cecina is a well-known bathing resort,Via frequented by0586 regular visitors from Diaz, 23 - tel. 680335 con 30 equipaggi in regata insieme con gli chef che numbers cucinanoofa visibordo STAZIONE Italy and abroad. Unlike many seaside [email protected] places where large Via delle Aurelia,barche 634 - tel.e 0586 751117i loro piatti Average price: € Costa 45 abbinano ai vini della degli Etruschi. tors lead to a€decline in the quality of restaurants, in Cecina there are many Average price: 35 Guides: Alberghi &da Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin Cecina èand una nota balneare, frequentata affezionati ospiti itarestaurants trattorias of excellent These frequently combine Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia dellocalità Gambero Rosso standards. liani e stranieri. Contrariamente a quanto spesso accade in molte localiOLIMPIA the area’s gastronomic traditions with the most up-to-date cooking trends. It IN GARGOTTA Viale della Vittoria, 68 Cecina Mare tà marine ove la presenza di numerosissimi turisti ha portato ad un certo is not a coincidence that several of the restaurants here have received Via Fucini, 39 - tel. 0586 754357 tel. 0586 621193 decadimento della qualità della ristorazione, qui si possono trovare awards from the various restaurant guides. [email protected] [email protected] Average price: € 45 numerosi e trattorie di elevata qualità, che Besides fish ristoranti dishes, there are also many other delicious recipes abbinano based on la Average price: € 80 spesso Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin Guides: Alberghi &più Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, tradizionethat gastronomica alla vegetables. cucina innovativa e dithe teningredients include gamedella and zona seasonal In both cases Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, locali denza; nonand è un che proprio nell’area di Cecina, si trovino local aromas thecaso rich flavours blend with the spicy hints of the area’s CECINA Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso excellent hasdel recently premiatiwines. dalle The variearea Guide gusto. received recognition for the high BAGATELLE SCACCIAPENSIERI standards of alle its51wines, with the arrivalesistono of the new Terratico Bibbona DOC label. su ricette di pesce, molte altrediprelibatezze basate Via Accanto Carlo Ginori, Cecina Mare Via G. Verdi, 22 - tel. 0586 680900 tel. una 0586cucina 620089 di territorio che esalta la selvaggina e le verdure di stagione. Average price: € 65 - [email protected] Anche in questo caso, gli aromi locali edAlberghi il ricco& Ristoranti sapore d’Italia dei piatti cuciGuides: Michelin, Average price: € 70 Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero nati Alberghi si fondono cond’Italia le note speziate degli eccellenti vini Rosso della zona, Guides: & Ristoranti Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club recentemente rivalutata area di eccellenza per la produzione di vino, con Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de la nascita della nuova Doc “Terratico” di Bibbona. ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO l’Espresso DIVINO Viale della Vittoria, 3 - Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620595 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano EL FARO Viale della Vittoria, 70 - Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620164 - [email protected] Average price: € 60 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin GOLDEN V.le Trieste, 142 Rosignano Solvay tel. 0586 795252 [email protected] Average price: € 60 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso VADA IL DUCALE P.zza Garibaldi, 33 tel./fax 0586 788600 [email protected] ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND PRODUCERS obtained from the regional guide Gaia Toscana CECINA IL NAZARENO Via Gorizia, 56 - tel. 0586 66528 Direct sale of olive oil, jam and fruit ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO PODERE LE PINETE AGRITURISMO Loc. Le Pinete, 74 tel./fax 0586 744275 [email protected] Direct sale of eggs, fruit juice and fruit SAN MARCO AGRITURISMO Loc. San Marco, 100 tel./fax 0586 799380 [email protected] Direct sale of cereals, vegetables, olive oil, meat, honey and jam VADA AGRITURISMO LE BIRICOCCOLE Via Aurelia, 200 tel. 0586 788394 - fax 0586 786347 - [email protected] Direct sale of traditional fruit varieties, and cereals, jam and honey CONSERVE ETRURIA Via Aurelia, 54 - tel. 0586 788044 Production of peeled tomatoes, tomato pulp (polpa) and concentrate (passata) Following the food and wine trail: Quercianella, Castiglioncello, Rosignano, Vada and Cecina ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND PRODUCERS CECINA Agriturismo Campallegro Campilunghi, 4 – S. Pietro in Palazzi tel: 0586 622201 [email protected] IL NAZARENO Via Gorizia, 56 – tel. 393 9714007 Direct sale of olive oil, jam and fruit ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO Agriturismo Orzalesi Loc. Orzalesi, 30 – tel/fax: 0586 799672 PODERE LE PINETE AGRITURISMO Loc. Le Pinete, 74 – tel./fax 0586 744275 [email protected] Direct sale of eggs, fruit juice and fruit SAN MARCO AGRITURISMO Loc. San Marco, 100 – tel./fax 0586 799380 [email protected] Direct sale of cereals, vegetables, olive oil, meat, honey and jam VADA AGRITURISMO LE BIRICOCCOLE Via Aurelia, 200 tel. 0586 788394 – fax 0586 786347 – [email protected] Direct sale of traditional fruit varieties, and cereals, jam and honey CONSERVE ETRURIA Via Aurelia, 54 – tel. 0586 788044 Production of peeled tomatoes, tomato pulp (polpa) and concentrate (passata) FATTORIA IL PINO Via per Rosignano, 3 tel. 0586 788244 fax 0586 785998 [email protected] The Costa degli selected Etruschi is a narrow strip of Tuscan countryside running restaurants entirely along the coast for a distance about a hundred from the main 2014 italian food ofand wine guides kilometres. So while it might be surprising to discover that the areas just behind the coast boast a wealth of culinary traditions using ingredients from the earth and CASTIGLIONCELLO IL DORETTO Pisanaon Livornese, 32 –seafood tel. 0586 668363 game, the array of dishes and recipes Via based fish and should IN GARGOTTA [email protected] come as 39 no– surprise at all. Via Fucini, tel. 0586 754357 Average price: € 50 [email protected] The suggested itinerary starts just to the south of Livorno. stretch of Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia delThe Gambero Average price: € 45 Rosso, Alberghioverlooks & Ristoranti Michelin, road running along the coast as far as Quercianella cliffs of beauGuides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso, tiful pink stone. From here you can descend numerous coves and Alberghito e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Clubinlets Nonnathe Isola where sea is particularly clear. The seabed is well-known for hosting an Italiano Via Aurelia, 558 – tel. 0586 753800 abundance of Mediterranean flora and fauna, making it an ideal spot for sub TRATTORIA SENESE Averagedivers. price: € 45 aqua Overlooking this magnificent the one-time Via Diaz,landscape 23 – tel. 0586 are 680335 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia dellike Gambero Calafuria (tower), the Castello del coastal fortifications the Torre di [email protected] Rosso, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Average price: € 45 and the Castello del Romito (both castles). Boccale Club Italiano Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin The fish supplied by local fishermen forms the basis for the area’s culinary Scolapasta SCACCIAPENSIERI delights which taste even better when savoured from the terrace of one of Via Aurelia, 813 – Loc. Portovecchio Via G. Verdi, 22 – tel. 0586 680900 the restaurants in this glorious setting above the sea. tel. 0586 751291 Average price: € 65 By taking the Aurelia road we come to Guides: Castiglioncello, a prestigious Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin interAverage price: € 45 national holiday resort known as the Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Castiglioncello has inspired artists, painters, writersMARITTIMO and poets, and is still ROSIGNANO visited by them even now. Celebrated by the Macchiaioli, sought after by Martinelli CECINA names from the world of cultureLocanda famous and show business, the town is an P. zza Mazzini 11 – fraz. Nibbiaia important events. BAGATELLEcentre for artistic and scientific tel. 0586 740161But with its Blue Flag Via Carlo Ginori, 51– European Cecina Mare Union, Castiglioncello Average price: 35 the ideal place for awarded by the is€also tel. 0586 Guides: Ristoranti Gambero all kinds620089 of water sports, tennis, and walking. Thered’Italia is a del wide choice of – [email protected] Rosso, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring accommodation and numerous restaurants offering excellent cuisine thanks Average price: € 70 Club Italiano Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia le Guideby de the local fishing industry. Also of interest in the to the fresh fish supplied l’Espresso area is the renowned production of honey and related products (including a VADA liqueur EL FAROcalled idromele). Viale della Vittoria, 70 – Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620164 – [email protected] Average price: € 60 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano LIDO Via Lungomare di Vada, 7 – tel. 0586 788260 Average price: € 30 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, 2 2 Club Italiano [email protected] Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso [email protected] Prezzo medio: medio: € € 35 35 Prezzo medio: medio: € € 60 60 Prezzo Prezzo Guide: Alberghi ee Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Touring Touring EL FARO Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia del del Gambero Gambero Rosso, Rosso, Guide: Alberghi VADA Ristoranti d’Italia Guide: Club Italiano Italiano Viale della Vittoria, 70 - Cecina Mare Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Le Le Guide Guide de de l’Espresso l’Espresso Club Ristoranti tel. 0586 620164 IL DUCALE EL FARO FARO - [email protected] EL VADAGaribaldi, 33 P.zza VADA Viale della della Vittoria, 70 -- Cecina Cecina Mare Mare Prezzo medio: € 60 Viale Vittoria, 70 tel./fax 0586 788600 tel. 0586 0586 620164 Guide: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin IL tel. 620164 IL DUCALE DUCALE [email protected] -- [email protected] [email protected] P.zza Garibaldi, Garibaldi, 3360 Prezzo medio: €33 P.zza Prezzo medio: € € 60 60 IL DORETTO Prezzo medio: tel./fax 0586 0586 788600 788600 Guide: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin tel./fax Guide: Alberghi & Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin [email protected] Via Pisana Livornese, 32 - tel. d’Italia 0586 668363 Guide: Alberghi & Michelin [email protected] [email protected] SELECTED RESTAURANTS Prezzo medio: € 60 Prezzo medio: € 60 IL DORETTO DORETTO Prezzo medio: € 50 IL Guide: Alberghi & Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Michelin Michelin Guide: Alberghi & FROM THE MAIN 2010 ITALIAN FOOD AND WINE GUIDES Via Pisana Pisana Livornese, 32del tel. 0586 668363 668363 Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Gambero Rosso, Via Livornese, 32 -- tel. 0586 [email protected] Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, [email protected] L’ACQUAPAZZA Prezzo medio: medio: € le 50Guide de l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia CASTIGLIONCELLO Prezzo € 50 Via C. Ginori, 89 - Cecina Mare Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia del del Gambero Gambero Rosso, Rosso, Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia tel. 0586 621219 Alberghi & & Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, L’ISOLA CHE NON C’E’ (Albergo Park) Alberghi d’Italia Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide Guide de l’Espresso Average price: € 30 Via F. Fellini, 19 - le tel. 0586 de 752229 Ristoranti d’Italia l’Espresso Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Average price: € 50 Club Italiano Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano TRATTORIA SENESE Via Diaz, 23 - tel. 0586 680335 STAZIONE [email protected] Via Aurelia, 634 - tel. 0586 751117 Average price: € 45 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso OLIMPIA IN GARGOTTA Viale della Vittoria, 68 - Cecina Mare Via Fucini, 39 - tel. 0586 754357 tel. 0586 621193 [email protected] [email protected] Average price: € 45 Average price: € 80 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, CECINA Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso Via Aurelia, Aurelia, 54 54 -- tel. tel. 0586 0586 788044 788044 Via Produzione polpa polpa pomodoro, pomodoro, Produzione pomodori pelati pelati ee passata passata pomodori Following the food and wine trail: Quercianella, Castiglioncello, Rosignano, Vada and Cecina BAGATELLE Via Carlo Ginori, 51- Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620089 - [email protected] Average price: € 70 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso DIVINO Viale della Vittoria, 3 - Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620595 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano EL FARO Viale della Vittoria, 70 - Cecina Mare tel. 0586 620164 - [email protected] Average price: € 60 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin SCACCIAPENSIERI Via G. Verdi, 22 - tel. 0586 680900 Average price: € 65 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO GOLDEN V.le Trieste, 142 Rosignano Solvay tel. 0586 795252 [email protected] Average price: € 60 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso VADA IL DUCALE P.zza Garibaldi, 33 tel./fax 0586 788600 [email protected] ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND PRODUCERS obtained from the regional guide Gaia Toscana CECINA IL NAZARENO Via Gorizia, 56 - tel. 0586 66528 Direct sale of olive oil, jam and fruit ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO PODERE LE PINETE AGRITURISMO Loc. Le Pinete, 74 tel./fax 0586 744275 [email protected] Direct sale of eggs, fruit juice and fruit SAN MARCO AGRITURISMO Loc. San Marco, 100 tel./fax 0586 799380 [email protected] Direct sale of cereals, vegetables, olive oil, meat, honey and jam VADA AGRITURISMO LE BIRICOCCOLE Via Aurelia, 200 tel. 0586 788394 - fax 0586 786347 - [email protected] Direct sale of traditional fruit varieties, and cereals, jam and honey CONSERVE ETRURIA Via Aurelia, 54 - tel. 0586 788044 Production of peeled tomatoes, tomato pulp (polpa) and concentrate (passata) Bibbona and its marina: where the fruits of the earth meet the fruits of the sea This is where the Tuscan countryside and the sea of the Costa degli Etruschi come together to form a landscape of unrivalled appeal. From the little charming village of Bibbona you can reach the Parco della Magona, a true Biogenetic oasis (part of the park has been classified as a “Natural Biogenetic Reserve” by the National Research Council). Here visitors can enjoy and relax in spectacular surroundings, where tranquillity and harmony reign. There are many paths for walking, cycling or riding on horseback through the heavily scented, colourful Mediterranean vegetation made up of pines, Holm oaks, and cypresses, as well as the mushrooms, ferns and Mediterranean orchids which populate the woodland. Sightings of wildlife are not uncommon. The many views that open up along the paths afford some splendid and unexpected panoramas, the cobalt blue sea and the warm golden tints of the gentle sand-dunes forming a striking contrast with the lush green vegetation. The enticing sea breeze will soon make you want to head for the beach at Marina di Bibbona. At the end of a morning spent enjoying the sun and sea, a delicious lunch can be found at one of the typical restaurants that overlook the magnificent beach, offering tasty dishes of freshly fished palamita (a kind of tuna), anchovies and sardines. Later, as the sun sets triumphantly behind the sand-dunes, you can head for Bibbona along the road that runs past the vineyards of the DOC Terratico, a new frontier of wine production. A stop at one of the olive presses near the village of Bibbona to taste appetizing toasted bread and local oil is a must for olive oil enthusiasts. 3 3 Bibbona and its marina: where the fruits of the earth meet the fruits of the sea Visitors to the village will discover its historical and artistic beauty; the castle, the narrow alleyways and flights of steps mark the concentric layout of this fascinating medieval hamlet. Bibbona is also well-known for its wealth of varied cuisine. As you approach the village you can see evidence of the fruit and vegetables - grown using organic farming methods - which form the basis of many local recipes, full of Tuscan country flavour. “Chianina” beef, strictly controlled to high standards and known worldwide, is the prized feature of local cuisine. There are various culinary events which offer an opportunity to try local dishes and produce. The most important of these are La Fiera della Zootecnica (livestock fair) and Oliando (olive oil). RESTAURANTS SELECTED restaurants selected FROM THE MAIN 2010 italian ITALIAN from the main 2014 FOOD AND WINE GUIDES food and wine guides BIBBONA LA PINETA Via dei Cavalleggeri Nord, 27 Marina di Bibbona tel. 0586 600016 [email protected] Average price: € 70 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food, Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano TAVERNA LA CARABACCIA Via della Camminata, 15 tel./fax 0586 670370 [email protected] Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso e Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Bolgheri and Castagneto Carducci: the land of wine This is the land of the “Super Tuscans”, heaven for even the most demanding food and wine experts. The term Super Tuscans was coined by English speaking journalists to try to give a precise identity to the wines of excellence, particularly Sassicaia, produced in this area. Because there was no local DOC denomination, this title aimed to distinguish these wines from the more common ‘table wines’. The term is still widely used today, despite the fact that there is now a DOC Bolgheri. It is used to describe the ‘super’ quality and Tuscan origin of these wines. The wine trail, which can be followed by car (although the area can be more fully appreciated by bike), has to begin from the celebrated avenue at Bolgheri, made famous by the verses written by Giosuè Carducci in his poem “Davanti a San Guido”, “I cipressi che a Bolgheri alti e schietti van da San Guido in duplice filar….” (‘the cypresses of Bolgheri, tall and straight, stretch from San Guido in a double line’); the avenue is lined on both sides by century-old cypresses and is nearly six kilometres long. In a setting of extraordinary beauty it leads to the village, through the gateway of the ancient castle. In the village there are numerous osterie (generally a more informal kind of restaurant) and restaurants offering typical local cuisine; dishes such as soup made from farro (a kind of wheat), ribollita (a kind of thick soup made from vegetables and bread), cavolo nero (a dark, fleshy-leaved cabbage) soup, pappardelle (broad ribbon pasta) with wood pigeon, pecorino cheese (made from sheep’s milk) and locally produced salamis. And of course there are plenty of opportunities to buy the DOC Bolgheri wines. After a stroll around the village, you can return to the Strada del Vino (wine route) which winds along the SP16 Bolgherese provincial road and leads to the municipality of Castagneto Carducci. Here the visitor cannot fail to admire the full extent of the area’s splendour. The wine enthusiast will be struck by the orderliness of the vineyards, bordered by maritime pines and cypresses. The wines from the cellars that have brought worldwide recognition to this part of Tuscany, including Sassicaia, come from this terrain. The Ornellaia estate (producer of Masseto, the great Merlot, and Ornellaia) is the first one you come to. Right next to it is the Macchiole boutique cellar which produces Paleo, Scrio and Messorio. Along the road are the vineyards belonging to producers with prestigious names who believed and recently invested in this area. There are also the smaller and not so well-known producers, but for this no less dedicated to the production of excellent wines. 4 4 sicaia, come from this terrain. The Ornellaia estate (producerLungo of Masseto, Messorio). la strada si notano le vigne delle aziende di produtto the great Merlot, and Ornellaia) is the first one youricome to. Right next to itche hanno creduto ed investito in questa zona dai nomi prestigiosi is the Macchiole boutique cellar which produces Paleo, così Scrio comeand di Messorio. piccole aziende, meno note al grande pubblico, ma Along the road are the vineyards belonging to producers withdedite prestigious comunque a produzioni vinicole di elevatissima qualità. In lonta names who believed and recently invested in this nanza, area. There also the si intravede la cantina Ca’ Marcanda di Angelo quasiare nascosta, smaller and not so well-known producers, but for this dedicated to le vigne di Campo alla Sughera. Gajanoe,less proprio di fronte, the production of excellent wines. Bolgheri and Castagneto Carducci: the land of wine Più Gaja’s verso ilCa’ mare si può intravedere la più grande delle aziende del bol RESTAURANTS In the distance, SELECTED almost hidden, you can see Angelo Marcanda gherese, tenuta Guado al Tasso degli Antinori. Verso monte, sulle col estate right opposite, the vines Campolaalla Sughera. FROM and, THE MAIN 2010 ITALIAN FOODbelonging AND WINEto GUIDES linevineyards, che circondano le coltivazioni viticole, la coltura dell’olivo ha Closer to the sea appears one of the largest Bolgheri the Antinori LA TANA DEL PIRATA CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI sopravvento consentendo produzioni di oli di qualità elevatissima. Sono Guado al Tasso estate. Via Milano, 17 - Marina di Castagneto Coming away from the sea, on the hills that surround the vineyards, the olive presenti sulla744548 strada numerosi agriturismi ove il viaggiatore può decide tel. 0565 744143 - fax. 0565 DA UGO groves of the highest quality olive oil. [email protected] re di soggiornare per apprezzare in modo più completo questo angolo Via Pari, take 3/a over, allowing the production Average price:di€paradiso. 50 (accommodation in farmhouses) Along route fax there are many agriturismi tel. 0565the 763746 0565 766006 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, AGRITURISMO FARMS Averagethe price: € 30 can stay to fully appreciate where traveller this corner of paradise. Alla fine della Bolgherese si ORGANIC inizia a salire verso il borgo di Castagneto Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Guides: Osterie Slow Food road you begin AND PRODUCERS At the end of d’Italia the Bolgherese to climb towards the village of Italiano Carducci che domina la vallata e che merita anch’esso una visita sia pe obtained from the regional guide Gaia Toscana Castagneto Carducci deserves to paese be visit-che per la bellezza del l’incantevole panorama che è possibile CAMPASTRELLO SPORTwhich dominates the valley and BOLGHERI ed for the beauty viewsAnche that can Via Campastrello, 1 of the village itself and the stunning ammirare. qui be non mancano ristoranti, osterie ed enoteche ove è CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI tel. 0565 765128 osterie and admired from there. Here too there are plenty MAGONA of possibile restaurants, OSTERIA degustare o acquistare le specialità tipiche della cucina casta wine bars where you can taste or buy P.zza specialities of cuisine andvini thedella GRATTAMACCO Ugo, 2 -gnetana tel. local 0565ed 762173 i grandi zona. Le tradizioni culinarie in questo luogo [email protected] Average price: € 35 PODERE S. MARIA AGRITURISMO area’s excellent wines. The area’s culinary traditions are still alive, linked Average price: € 40 sono ancora Michelin, vive, legate soprattutto ad una cucina tesa ad utilizzare più Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Loc. Grattamacco, 130 especially to the use of products from the land and from hunting rather than Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero i prodotti dellaRosso, terra e della caccia non quelli del pur vicinissimo e tel. 0565che 763933 from the sea, despite its vicinity and itsAlberghi wealthe of fish. d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti pescoso mare; cucina che si sposa alla perfezione con i grandi rossi che I GINEPRI Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide Dishes from Castagneto are the perfect accompaniment to de thel’Espresso great red [email protected] in questo territorio sono prodotti. locali di vini bianchi Viale Italia, 13 Marina di Castagneto DirectProduzioni sale of fruit, vegetables and olive oil o rosa wines produced in the area. The production of white and rosé wines is also tel. 0565 744027 -744344 ENOTECA TOGNONI ti di qualità non mancano certamente in questo comprensorio (proprio common around Castagneto (rosé wasVia the area’s5best-known wine before Lauretta, BOLGHERI rosè era il vino nella zona prima dell’avvento del Caberne the introduction of Cabernet Sauvignon) and762001 the closeness of più the famoso sea [email protected] tel. 0565 Sauvignon) e la vicinanza mare consente di abbinarli a gustosi piat Average that price:these € 55 wines can be accompanied AGRICOLA means by the delicious locally fished al AZIENDA Average price:di€pesce 35 VINCENZO DI VAIRA Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso localmente pescato. seafood dishes. At Castagneto Carducci, every year in the spring the food Via Bolgherese 275/a Bolgheri Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso A Castagneto Carducci, gli331 anni in primavera, viene organizzata la and wine fair called “Castagneto a Tavola” takes place. Wines, themed din- tuttitel. 7914555 rassegna enogastronomica “Castagneto a Tavola” dove vengono propo ners in local restaurants, tasting workshops and guided tours of wine cellars [email protected] vini, cene a tema nei ristoranti, laboratori del gusto are some of the activities organised during the fair.ste Thedegustazioni dish chosen dei to repGuided and tasting tours visite guidate alleboar’s cantine. Il piatto simbolo della manifestazione è la (wild resent the event is “Testina di Cinghiale alla Castagnetana” LAGHETTO “Testina di Cinghiale alla Castagnetana”, ancora oggi un piatto ricco d head in the Castagneto style) a historic dish steeped in mystery and allure Via Bolgherese Loc. La Conca and requiring refined culinary skills. storia, mistero, fascino e raffinata arte culinaria. tel. 0565 775139 [email protected] Production and direct sale of extra virgin olive oil. Mail order also available DONORATICO GREPPO ALL’OLIVO AGRITURISMO Loc. Greppo all’olivo, 49 tel. 338 3313325 - fax 0565 775366 [email protected] RISTORANTI SELEZIONATI DALLE PRINCIPALI GUIDE GASTRONOMICHE ITALIANE 2012 Bolgheri and Castagneto Carducci: the land of wine ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND PRODUCERS CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI GRATTAMACCO PODERE S. MARIA AGRITURISMO Loc. Grattamacco, 130 tel. 0565 763933 [email protected] Direct sale of fruit, vegetables and olive oil MULINI DI SEGALARI Loc. Felciaino, 115° – tel. 0565 765202 330776058 [email protected] BOLGHERI LAGHETTO Via Bolgherese Loc. La Conca tel. 0565 775139 [email protected] Production and direct sale of extra virgin olive oil. Mail order also available DONORATICO GREPPO ALL’OLIVO AGRITURISMO Loc. Greppo all’olivo, 49 tel. 338 3313325 – fax 0565 775366 [email protected] Direct sale of olive oil PODERE GREPPI CUPI AZIENDA AGRICOLA Loc. Greppi Cupi, 212 – tel. 0565 775272 – [email protected] Olive oil and wine available for direct sale or by mail order Terre d’ Etruria Via del Casone Ugolino, 2 – tel. 0565 775488 – [email protected] 4 LA TANA DEL PIRATA Via Milano, 17 - Marina di Castagneto tel. 0565 744143 - fax. 0565 744548 DA UGO [email protected] Via Pari, 3/a Prezzo medio: € 50 tel. 0565 763746 fax 0565 766006 Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Prezzo medio: € 30 Tuscans”, heaven forGuide: restaurants This is the land ofselected the “Super even the most demandAlberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Guide: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food ing foodthe andmain wine experts. The term Super Tuscans was coined by English from 2014 italian food and wineItaliano guides CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI speaking journalists to try to give a precise identity to the wines of excelCAMPASTRELLO SPORT SANBOLGHERI MICHELE CASTAGNETO lence, particularly Sassicaia, in this area. Because there was no ViaCARDUCCI Campastrello, 1 produced OSTERIA Via Vecchia Aurelia,these 199 – Loc. Donoratico – tel. 0565 765128 local DOC denomination, this title aimed to distinguish wines from the OSTERIA MAGONA tel. 0565 774478 DA UGO more common ‘table wines’. The term is still widely used today, despite the P.zza Ugo, 2 tel. 0565 762173 Via Pari 3/A – tel 0565 763746 [email protected] € 35 qualAverage price:Prezzo € 40 medio: fact that there is now a DOC the ‘super’ [email protected] Prezzo medio: € 40 Bolgheri. It is used to describe Guide: Alberghi & Ristoranti Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero RossoMichelin, Average € 30 ity and price: Tuscan origin of these wines. Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring The wine trail, which can be followed byLA car (although the earea can d’Italia be more Ristoranti Touring Club Italiano TANA DELAlberghi PIRATA Club Italiano I GINEPRI Ristoranti Le Guide de fully appreciated by bike), has to begin from 17 the celebrated avenue at l’Espresso Via Milano, – Marina did’Italia Castagneto Viale Italia, 13 Marina di Castagneto tel. 0565 744143 – fax. 0565 744548 Bolgheri, made famous by the verses written by Giosuè Carducci in his I GINEPRI tel. 0565 744027 -744344 ENOTECA TOGNONI Viale Italia, 13 Marina di Castagneto “Davanti a San Guido”, “I [email protected] che a Bolgheri alti e schietti van da poem Lauretta, 5 Average price:Via € 65 tel. 0565 744027 -744344 of Bolgheri, tall Michelin and straight, San Guido [email protected] in duplice filar….” (‘the cypresses tel.&0565 762001 Guides: Alberghi Ristoranti medio: in € 55 stretch fromPrezzo San Guido a double line’); the avenue is lined on both sides [email protected] medio: € 35 Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Prezzo by century-old long. Average price: € 55cypresses and is nearly six kilometres Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso BOLGHERI In a setting ofeextraordinary to the village, through the gateGuides: Alberghi Ristoranti d’Italia beauty Touring it leads Club Italiano MAGONA way of the ancient castle. In the villageOSTERIA there are numerous osterie (generP.zzarestaurants Ugo, 2 – tel. 0565 762173 ally a more informal kind of restaurant) and offering typical local MIRAMARE Average price: € 35 farro (a kind of wheat), ribollita (a cuisine; dishes such as soup made from Via del Tirreno, 23 – Marina di Castagneto Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, tel. 0565 745992soup made from vegetables (a dark, kind of thick and bread), Ristoranti d’Italia delcavolo Gamberonero Rosso, [email protected] Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club (broad ribbon pasta) with wood fleshy-leaved cabbage) soup, pappardelle Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de pecorino pigeon, Average price: € 40 cheese (made from sheep’s milk) and locally produced l’Espresso salamis. And &ofRistoranti courseMichelin there are plenty of opportunities to buy the DOC Guides: Alberghi Bolgheri wines. After a stroll around the village, you can return to the Strada del Vino (wine route) which winds along the SP16 Bolgherese provincial road and leads to the municipality of Castagneto Carducci. Here the visitor cannot fail to admire the full extent of the area’s splendour. The wine enthusiast will be struck by the orderliness of the vineyards, bordered by maritime pines and cypresses. The wines from the cellars that have brought worldwide recognition to this part of Tuscany, including Sassicaia, come from this terrain. The Ornellaia estate (producer of Masseto, the great Merlot, and Ornellaia) is the first one you come to. Right next to it is the Macchiole boutique cellar which produces Paleo, Scrio and Messorio. Along the road are the vineyards belonging to producers with prestigious names who believed and recently invested in this area. There are also the smaller and not so well-known producers, but for this no less dedicated to the production of excellent wines. 4 anche per corrispondenza [email protected] Produzione olio extravergine DONORATICO di oliva, vendita diretta anche per ALL’OLIVO corrispondenza GREPPO Bolgheri and Castagneto Carducci: the land of wine RESTAURANTS SELECTED FROM THE MAIN 2010 ITALIAN FOOD AND WINE GUIDES CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI DA UGO Via Pari, 3/a tel. 0565 763746 fax 0565 766006 Average price: € 30 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food CAMPASTRELLO SPORT Via Campastrello, 1 tel. 0565 765128 [email protected] Average price: € 40 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso I GINEPRI Viale Italia, 13 Marina di Castagneto tel. 0565 744027 -744344 [email protected] Average price: € 55 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso LA TANA DEL PIRATA Via Milano, 17 - Marina di Castagneto tel. 0565 744143 - fax. 0565 744548 [email protected] Average price: € 50 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano AGRITURISMO DONORATICO Loc. Greppo all’olivo, 49 tel. 338 3313325 - fax 0565 775366 GREPPO ALL’OLIVO AGRITURISMO [email protected] Loc. Greppo 49 Vendita direttaall’olivo, olio tel. 338 3313325 - fax 0565 775366 Consorzio “Strada del Vino e dell’Olio costa degli etruschi” PODERE GREPPI [email protected] Loc. San Guido, 45 CUPI AZIENDA AGRICOLA Vendita diretta olio212 57022Greppi Bolgheri Loc. Cupi, tel. /0565 fax 0565 749705 773272 PODERE GREPPI- [email protected] [email protected] CUPI AZIENDA AGRICOLA Vendita diretta e per corrispondenza Loc.eGreppi olio vino Cupi, 212 tel. 0565 773272 - [email protected] ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS Vendita diretta e per corrispondenza AND PRODUCERS olio e vino obtained from the regional guide Gaia Toscana BOLGHERI OSTERIA MAGONA P.zza Ugo, 2 - tel. 0565 762173 Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso ENOTECA TOGNONI Via Lauretta, 5 tel. 0565 762001 Average price: € 35 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI GRATTAMACCO PODERE S. MARIA AGRITURISMO Loc. Grattamacco, 130 tel. 0565 763933 [email protected] Direct sale of fruit, vegetables and olive oil BOLGHERI AZIENDA AGRICOLA VINCENZO DI VAIRA Via Bolgherese 275/a Bolgheri tel. 331 7914555 [email protected] Guided and tasting tours LAGHETTO Via Bolgherese Loc. La Conca tel. 0565 775139 [email protected] Production and direct sale of extra virgin olive oil. Mail order also available DONORATICO GREPPO ALL’OLIVO AGRITURISMO Loc. Greppo all’olivo, 49 tel. 338 3313325 - fax 0565 775366 [email protected] Through the Park of Rimigliano to the sea at San Vincenzo Starting from Piombino, just a short distance from the medieval villages of Suvereto, Campiglia and Sassetta, head north along the provincial Principessa road leaving the Etruscan remains of the Baratti gulf behind you. For a number of kilometres the road skirts one of the most picturesque parks on the coastline. It is a genuine oasis of flora and fauna extending over an area of about 120 hectares, covered for the most part by dense Mediterranean vegetation consisting of Holm oaks, cork oaks, juniper, myrtle and a handsome pinewood which reaches right down to the stretch of magnificent deserted beach known as the Torraccia. Walking or cycling along one of the many paths that lead into the park, shaded by the dense vegetation, you might be lucky enough to catch sight of a wild rabbit, a pheasant, a weasel or a fox, all of which inhabit the wood undisturbed. This unspoilt, protected area is an ideal spot for an outdoor snack which might consist of one of the delicious local organic products like honey, or jam made from the fruit of the strawberry tree. From Torraccia you can get to San Vincenzo, either by walking or riding along the coast, or via the provincial road surrounded by its majestic Scotch pines. San Vincenzo is dominated by its 14th-century Pisan tower and by the old look-out towers scattered along the splendid beach of golden sand. The small but modern and dynamic town is an important centre for summer visitors. The lively centre is worth visiting for its shopping opportunities, and the new marina is also of interest. Once an important stopping point for commerce and fishing, the marina at San Vincenzo is large and well-equipped, capable of holding hundreds of leisure craft. Along the marina are some excellent and internationally known restaurants offering a very high standard of cuisine. San Vincenzo is situated at the centre of an area that offers some of the best food and wine in Tuscany. It offers traditional produce and is currently undergoing a phase of important growth in terms of quality, achieving recognition from experts and tasters alike. In terms of cuisine, San Vincenzo stands out in particular for its use of oily fish (pesce azzurro) and a symbol of this is the event dedicated to the palamita. This fish is similar in appearance to the tuna and mackerel family, with a long tapered body, slightly flattened along its sides and very slim around the caudal fin. It is a predator which feeds on anchovies, sardines, and grey mullet, and is commonly found in the waters off the Costa degli Etruschi from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. 5 5 Through the Park of Rimigliano to the sea at San Vincenzo In fact, it is here in San Vincenzo that the annual festival celebrating this fish takes place in May. It forms the main ingredient of many recipes such as palamita with olive oil, palamita fishcakes, palamita carpaccio (raw and thinly sliced) and palamita stew. The town is the ideal starting place for various types of nature and history trail. Do not miss the opportunity to visit, for example, San Carlo, of Palaeolithic origins and a site of important mining deposits, situated within the green hills at the foot of Monte Calvi. This is also a place where many restaurants are found, offering both excellent culinary specialities and wonderful views. restaurants RESTAURANTS selected SELECTED from FROM the THE main MAIN 2014 2010 italian ITALIAN food FOOD and AND wine WINE guides GUIDES SAN SANVINCENZO VINCENZO Il LASale BITTA Via Bartolo 100 Loc. ViaSan Vittorio Veneto, 119San Carlo tel. tel.0565 0565798032 704080 Average price: € 45 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin [email protected] Average price: € 50 IL BUCANIERE Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Viale ClubMarconi, Italiano, 22 Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring LA PRINCIPESSA Club Italiano Via della Principessa, 87 tel. 0565 703736 Average price: € 75 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso MARIVA La Perla del Mare Viadella dellaMeloria Principessa, 120702113 Via 9 tel. 0565 tel. 0565 719777 Average price: € 60 AverageAlberghi price: € 75 Guides: e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Club Italiano, Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia Guide de l’Espresso, RIVA DEGLI ETRUSCHI Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso Via della Principessa, 120 tel. 0565 702604 [email protected] Average price: € 40 Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano AGRITURISMO FARMS FARMS AND ORGANIC AGRITURISMO AND PRODUCERS PRODUCERS obtained from the regional guide Gaia Toscana SAN VINCENZO SAN VINCENZO CONTESSA BEATRICE AGRITURISMO CONTESSA BEATRICE Via della Caduta, 5 AGRITURISMO tel./fax 0565 704404 Via della Caduta, 5 [email protected] tel./fax 0565 704404 Direct sale of olive oil, fruit, vegetables, jam and [email protected] preserves Direct sale of olive oil, fruit, vegetables, jam and preserves Podere l’Agave Via San Bartolo, 19 POGGIO AI SANTI tel: 0565 703171 AGRITURISMO Via San Bartolo, 100 tel. 0565 798032 - fax 0565 798090 Podere SS. Annunziata Via del Castelluccio, 142 [email protected] tel: 0565 702144 Direct sale of olive oil, fruit, vegetables, honey and cosmetics Campiglia and the Val di Cornia: history, food and spas This land of hills and lowland is where flavoursome vegetables such as spinach and the violet artichoke are grown (both classified in the list of food products traditional to the region of Tuscany). In addition, there is the Val di Cornia cardoon, dark-green ellipsoid watermelons, and yellow-green eggshaped melons. Much of the hilly area is covered by a considerable extent of vineyards and olive groves on terrain taken from the Mediterranean vegetation which dominates the region, its perfumes permeating even those areas that have been cultivated by man. Our itinerary begins in Campiglia Marittima, a historical village perched on the hill around the Gherardesca Castle which dominates the valley. Its medieval charm mingles harmoniously with the beauty of the natural surroundings. In the heart of the old town there are a number of noble buildings from the Medici era in which some excellent restaurants have been opened. In particular, in Palazzo Pretorio, there is the Enoteca Pubblica (‘public Wine Merchant) where all the area’s most important wines can be found. The Val di Cornia DOC and DOCG wine has now reached standards that can be compared to the other labels produced in the Livorno area, representing fair competition for the prestigious wines associated with this part of Tuscany. Besides the most common red grape varieties such as Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah, visitors to the many wine producers close to the village can also taste some white wines, produced in smaller quantities, based on Vermentino, Clairette, Ansonica and Trebbiano grapes. When it comes to dining, an alternative to the many traditional restaurants and osterie (a more informal kind of restaurant) widely found throughout the area is the agriturismo (accommodation in farmhouses). 6 6 Campiglia and the Val di Cornia: history, food and spas This is a way of gaining direct contact with the area’s farms, many of which offer their guests the chance to enjoy a meal based on natural produce such as fruit, honey, grappa, salamis and cheese, as well as dishes like stuffed rabbit, roast cockerel, and Etruscan-style guinea fowl. Close to Campiglia is the Parco Archeo-Minerario di San Silvestro, a splendid open-air museum extending over an area of 45 sq km. A network of guided trails leads the visitor on a discovery of archaeological evidence regarding the history of the metallurgical industry and the mining of minerals and marble which have characterised this area since ancient times. These trails allow visitors to appreciate the historical and scenic value of the area. Surrounded by reminders of the past, why not take a break to taste the well-known Schiaccia Campigliese, a sweet of ancient origins which boasts the D.O.P. mark (Denominazione Origine Protetta – a product of protected origin). The Schiaccia is a crisp light yellow sweet, round in shape. The best way to eat it is accompanied by the Val di Cornia aleatico, a strong, sweet wine with intense flavour and an unforgettable perfume, produced in limited quantities. In August the old town centre of Campiglia opens its doors for the “Apriti Borgo” event, a festival of street arts and gastronomic delights, including a ‘medieval dinner’ in a splendid period setting. You could end your day at Venturina where the spa waters offer both physical and psychological benefits. The properties of these waters, rich in sulphur, alkalines and earths, were already known in Roman and Etruscan times. They flow at a temperature of 36°C, allowing visitors to relax and recharge their batteries before retiring for the night, ready for another day exploring the many resources of the Costa degli Etruschi. restaurants SELECTED selected RESTAURANTS from THE the MAIN main 2010 2014 ITALIAN italian FROM food AND and WINE wine GUIDES guides FOOD CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA OTELLO Via Indipendenza, 1/5 Venturina OTELLO tel. 0565 8512121/5 faxVenturina 0565 858556 Via Indipendenza, [email protected] tel. 0565 851212 fax 0565 858556 Average price: € 26-41 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin [email protected] Average price: € 35 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin The historical villages of Suvereto and Sassetta The municipality of Suvereto, awarded the orange flag by the Italian Touring Club (a guarantee of quality tourism), is deservedly part of the most important national and international food and wine associations. This small village, whose origins date from the year 1000, has achieved recognition as a Città del vino, Città dell’olio and Città Slow Food (‘wine town’, ‘oil town’ and ‘Slow Food town’ respectively). The area is strewn with a huge number of farms, olive presses and wine cellars, some of which are internationally known. They offer a chance to taste typical produce and dishes belonging to the local food and wine tradition. This is one of the most beautiful old towns on the Costa degli Etruschi, surrounded by the gentle hills that dominate the sea and the coast itself. It has a wealth of history and art and is surrounded by centuriesold woods of cork oaks (from which it takes its name – sughero is the Italian name for cork oak), chestnuts, oaks and the sweet-smelling variegated Mediterranean vegetation. The small rural community offers visitors the quality of its agricultural produce, the countryside with its wealth of vineyards and secular olive trees, and the beauty of its historic village. It is a precious architectural gem where the old walls, the imposing Rocca (fort), the paved alleyways, the historic town hall, the church of San Giusto and the cloister of San Francesco all blend together in perfect harmony. The stone houses contain many small restaurants offering local cuisine: wild boar is served as soppressata (a kind of salami) and sausage, or with olives or pappardelle (wide ribbonlike pasta). Menus also feature game and other dishes based on local seasonal vegetables. Suvereto came to the forefront of the wine scene in the 1990s. In 2000 it received official recognition of a specific “Suvereto” sub-zone dedicated to a high quality red wine within the Val di Cornia DOC wines. Alongside the historically and widely established Sangiovese grape, other varieties such as Cabernet and Merlot were planted, thus expressing both tradition and innovation. Suvereto is also olive oil country, where expert olive growers and oil producers have combined tradition and modern technology to guarantee a high quality local product. The hills around Suvereto are frequently dominated by the silver colour of the olive groves which grow vigorously thanks to the particularly favourable terrain and climate. If you are an olive oil fan and the period is right, then this is the place for you. When the new oils are produced there are countless opportunities to learn about them at various meetings, and to taste the product itself. And if you can come to the area in December or July, do not miss the magnificent village festivals, rich in ancient traditions, like the Sagra del Cinghiale (wild boar festival) and the FestUnta (dedicated to new olive oil). 7 77 Per storici: The borghi historical villages da Suvereto a Sassetta of Suvereto and Sassetta Entrambe rappresentano importanti appuntamenti enogastronomici, che Both of are important events on and calendar, attracting Both of these these areanno important events on the the wine wine and food food calendar, attracting accolgono ogni migliaia di visitatori. La Sagra dedicata al Cinghiale thousands of visitors each year. The festival dedicated to the wild boar is thousands of visitors each year. The festival dedicated to the wild boar is held held si tiene nel centro storico la prima decade di dicembre: folklore, mostre, in the old town centre in the first decade of December: itit features folklore, in the old town centre in the first decade of December: features folklore, convegni, vendita di prodotti tipici, corteo storico in costume del ‘200, con exhibitions, conventions, the of produce, procession in exhibitions, conventions, the sale sale of typical typical produce, a a historical historical procession in la tradizionale giostra degli arcieri e by la rievocazione storica della conces13th-century costumes costumes accompanied accompanied by the traditional traditional archers’ archers’ joust joust and and the the 13th-century the sione della Carta Libertatis. La FestUnta, è una due-giorni di mostre, historical historical re-enactment re-enactment of of the the concession concession of of the the Carta Carta Libertatis. Libertatis. The The FestUnta FestUnta assaggi, approfondimenti e vendita di olioinformative extravergine perand presentare is a two-day event which includes tastings, talks, is a two-day event which includes tastings, informative talks, and sales sales of of l'olio nuovoolive e promuovere produzioni locali dell'intera di producCornia. extra virgin virgin oil in in order order to tolepresent present the new new oil and and promoteVal local extra olive oil the oil promote local producProseguendo per la provinciale (verso Sassetta)along tra boschi e selve di tion tion within within the the entire entire Val Val di di Cornia Cornia area. area. Proceeding Proceeding along the the provincial provincial road road castagni si scoprono itinerari da percorrere piedi o there in bicicletta verso (towards through chestnut woods are (towards Sassetta) Sassetta) through chestnut woods and anda forests, forests, there are numerous numerous Monte Calvi, le coltivazioni farroCalvi. e gli allevamenti di maiafootpaths and cycle towards Monte footpaths andcosteggiando cycle paths paths leading leading towards di Monte Calvi. liSkirting di cinta senese, si raggiunge, sulla sommità di collina, il piccolo e Skirting the fields of farro (a variety of wheat) and the farms breeding the the fields of farro (a variety of wheat) and theuna farms breeding the high high delizioso borgo storico diyou Sassetta. cuiwhere origini fanno risaquality Cinta Senese pigs, come the top the litquality Cinta Senese pigs, you come to toNel thepaese, top of of a alehill hill where thesidelightful delightful little of In whose origins to lirehistoric intornovillage all’anno 1000, silies. conservano alcune testimonianze del suo tle historic village of Sassetta Sassetta lies. In the the village, village, whose origins are are thought thought to th th century, date approximately to the XI there are a number of historical remains passato quali l’antico castello medievale ed una fonte battesimale romadate approximately to the XI century, there are a number of historical remains such the and Romanesque christening font. small nica. as Curiosa la visitacastle al piccolo del bosco, suggestivo percorso such as the medieval medieval castle and a aMuseo Romanesque christening font. The The small woodland museum is visiting, its trail and tematico, in cui viene rappresentata la vita quotidiana thematic e mestieri woodland museum is worth worth visiting, with with its picturesque picturesque thematic trailcome and exhibits regarding daily and such of chestnut gatherer quello dei raccoglitori castagne e quello, un that tempo tipico, dei carbonai. exhibits regarding dailydilife life and trades, trades, such as as that of the the chestnut gatherer and the once merchant. This village in and thequesto once typical typical coal merchant. Thisfama village islafamous famous for its cuisine, in Anche borgocoal vanta una buona peris tavolafor edits in cuisine, particolaparticular its specialities based on game, mushrooms and polenta cooked particular its specialities based on game, and polenta re per le specialità gastronomiche a basemushrooms di cacciagione, funghi -ecooked polenon grill over a coal and dishes on the grill or oralla overgriglia a wood wood orlegna coal fire fire and other other oflavoursome flavoursome dishes such such as ta, the cucinate o aor e a-- carbone, altri piatti gustosi comeas il the well-known cinghiale sassetana boar in the style). We the well-known cinghiale alla sassetanaA (wild (wild boar vi in consigliamo the Sassetta Sassetta di style). We rinomato “cinghiale alla alla sassetana”. Sassetta assagalso tortelli kind pasta) with and also recommend recommend tortelli e(a (averdura, kind of of stuffed stuffed pasta) with ricotta ricotta and vegetables, vegetables, giare i tortelli di ricotta le zuppe di funghi e di cipolle, i fichi sotmushroom and onion soups, figs preserved in oil, chestnut jam, and cherries mushroom and onion soups, figs preserved in oil, chestnut jam, t’olio, la marmellata di castagne e le ciliege con il vinsanto,and oltrecherries al forin Vinsanto (a dessert wine), as as cheese (made in Vinsanto (a sweet sweet as well wellspesso as pecorino pecorino cheese (made with with maggio pecorino eddessert il miele,wine), provenienti da colture biologiche. sheep’s sheep’s milk) milk) and and honey, honey, often often from from organic organic farming. farming. SUVERETO ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS PRODUTTORI E AGRITURISMO BIOLOGICI AZIENDA AGRICOLA GIOVANI ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS AND AND PRODUCERS ORGANIC AGRITURISMO FARMS ANDViaPRODUCERS PRODUCERS San Lorenzo, 18 – tel. 0565 845135 obtained obtained from from the the regional regional guide guide Gaia Gaia Toscana Toscana [email protected] – SASSETTA SASSETTA SASSETTA PODERE LA CERRETA AGRITURISMO SASSETTA Via Campagna Sud, 143 - tel. 0565 794352 PODERE LA CERRETA AGRITURISMO PODERE LA - [email protected] Via Campagna Sud, 143 - AGRITURISMO tel. 0565 794352 PODERE LA CERRETA CERRETA AGRITURISMO Via Campagna Sud, 143 -- tel. Direct sale of eggs, - fruit, [email protected] Via Campagna Sud, 143vegetables, tel. 0565 0565 794352 794352 -- [email protected] jam, honey, olive uova, oil, wine, Cinta Senese Vendita diretta frutta, ortaggi, [email protected] Direct sale eggs, fruit, vegetables, pork products and chestnuts confetture, miele, olio, vino, Direct sale of of eggs, fruit, vegetables, jam, honey, oil, wine, Senese trasformati cinta castagne jam, honey,diolive olive oil,senese, wine, Cinta Cinta Senese pork pork products products and and chestnuts chestnuts SUVERETO BULICHELLA SUVERETO SUVERETO Loc. Bulichella, 113 – tel. 0565AGRITURISMO 827828 BOSCHI DI MONTECALVI [email protected] – BOSCHI DI MONTECALVI AGRITURISMO Loc. Foreste delle Casette, 99 BOSCHI DI MONTECALVI AGRITURISMO Loc. Foreste delle LA CORTEVILLA tel./fax 0565 854151 Loc. Foreste delle Casette, Casette, 99 99 tel./fax 0565 Loc. Pietrasca, 44 – tel. 0565 829209 tel./fax 0565 854151 854151 [email protected] [email protected] Vendita diretta olio, miele,Econfetture, [email protected] PASQUINI PIERPAOLO RIDULFO conserve SANTA Direct sale of preserves Direct sale of oil, oil, honey, honey, jam and preserves Loc. San Giovanni, 54 – tel.jam 335and 8362973 [email protected] RISTORANTI SELEZIONATI RESTAURANTS SELECTED restaurants selected RESTAURANTS SELECTED DALLE PRINCIPALI GUIDE FROM THE MAIN 2010 ITALIAN FOOD from the main italian FROM THE MAIN 2010 ITALIAN FOOD GASTRONOMICHE2014 ITALIANE 2012 AND foodWINE and GUIDES wine guides AND WINE GUIDES SUVERETO SUVERETO SUVERETO SUVERETO ENO-OLITECA OMBRONE LE NUVOLE ENO-OLITECA OMBRONE Piazza dei Giudici, 1 ENO-OLITECA OMBRONE Via Palestro, 2 – tel. 0565 829092 Piazza dei Giudici, 1 tel. 0565 Piazza dei829336 Giudici, 1 tel. 0565 tel. 0565 829336 829336 [email protected] [email protected] Average price: € 45 [email protected] Prezzo medio: € 50 [email protected] Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Average price: € 50 Guide: Alberghi d’Italia Michelin, Average price: & € Ristoranti 50 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti Michelin, Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Touring Club Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, San Lorenzo da Ghigo Alberghi e d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Italiano, Alberghi e Ristoranti Ristoranti Touring Italiano, Località San Lorenzo,d’Italia 73 – tel. 0565Club 845153 Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso Average price: € 30 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food LE LE NUVOLE NUVOLE Via Palestro, I’ CIOCCIO Via Palestro, 2 2 tel. 0565 Piazza dei 829092 Giudici, 1 – tel. 0565 829947 tel. 0565 829092 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Averagemedio: price: Average price: €3540 40 Prezzo Average price:€€ Osterie d’Italia Slow Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Rosso, Guide: Ristoranti d’Italia del Gambero Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia delFood GamberoRosso, Rosso, Alberghi Alberghi e e Ristoranti Ristoranti d’Italia d’Italia Touring Touring Club Club GUALDO DEL RE Italiano Italiano Località Notri, 77 – tel 0565 829888 LA PERGOLA DA DA GHIGO GHIGO LA PERGOLA [email protected] Via Belvedere, Via Belvedere, 7 7 Average € 35 tel. 0565 829590 tel. 0565price: 829590 Guides: medio: Alberghi Ristoranti Michelin Average price: Prezzo Average price: €& 30 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Food Guide: Guides:Osterie Osterie d’Italia d’Italia Slow Slow Food Food The Il mare seadegli of theEtruschi: Etruscans: Piombino and e Populonia Populonia Piombino, the ancient port che of Falesia, is situated the coast opposite the Incastonata lungo la costa fronteggia le isoleon dell’Arcipelago Toscano, islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. a town of many faces, and surPiombino, antico porto di Falesia, Itè is una cittadina poliedrica che the include rounding area includes sites of great interest. The heart of the nel suo territorio localitàplaces e siti diand notevole interesse. Già il cuore dell’antica old town conserva itself preserves the particularly attractive terrace,terrazza Piazza cittadina due scorci di particolare fascino,natural la splendida Bovio, overlooking and a panorama of una rare vista beauty. naturale affacciatathe sulsea mare di offering Piazza Bovio che offre panoramiThen there is the picturesque old harbour with its lively daily fish market run ca di rara bellezza ed il pittoresco, vecchio porticciolo animato ogni giorby local fishermen. Thedei paved streetslocali. that ascend from lastricate the sea toche the risalcenno dall’asta del pesce pescatori Sulle strade tre aredal lined with typicalsirestaurants, wine bars and osterie (more ed informal gono mare al centro concentrano tipici ristorantini, enoteche ostetype of restaurant) serving traditional fish dishes and the area’s wines. rie dove potrete degustare la vera cucina marinara a base di pesce poveThere are many traditional dishes on offer: salt cod with potatoes, the local ro abbinato agli strutturati vini della zona. fish stew called cacciucco, octopus, squid, mussels, the latter preferably Sono molteplici i piatti tradizionali da provare: dal baccalà con le patate al cooked al guazzetto (lightly stewed) or stuffed with a variety of local herbs cacciucco, al polpo, alle seppie, alle cozze preparate preferibilmente al and flavours. guazzetto o ripiene con tutti per leElisa vie A stroll through the streets of gli thisaromi “littlelocali. Paris”,Una as itpasseggiata was called after della “Piccola Parigi”, come fu denominata a seguito del governo di Elisa Bonaparte’s rule, will gradually reveal the ancient origins of the town. In the Bonaparte, vi town rivelerà poco a poco le antiche origini questatocittadina. oldest part of many well-preserved buildings beardiwitness the hisSono infatti ancora ben conservati, nella parte più antica, numerosi edifici torical importance of Piombino in the Middle Ages and during the che testimoniano l’importanza storica di Piombino nel (tower), nel the Medioevo Rivellino (a etrianRenaissance. Of particular note is the Torrione Rinascimento. gular defence structure), the numerous churches situated within the town Da segnalare il Torrione, numerose chiese all’interNuovoil,Rivellino, and the le 16th-century castle custodite built by order of walls, the Palazzo no delleBorgia mura,toil defend Palazzothe Nuovo, come food il cinquecentesco Cesare town. così An annual and wine eventcastello called fatto costruire da Cesare Borgia a difesaduring della città. ogni and annolocal in estaAgosto con gusto takes place in August whichQui folklore cuisine are combined with the best Valgusto”, di Cornia wines. manifestazione te viene organizzata “Agosto con unaDOC importante For lovers of the environment, and or anyoneaiinterestenogastronomica ove folclore history e cucina di archaeology, territorio si abbinano migliori ed in learning about thedella origins the town, the museum in the fortified vini della pregiata DOC Val of di Cornia. citadel the l’ambiente, ideal place la to storia see the many testimonies and curioso findingsdi from Per chi isama e l’archeologia o è solo farepreun historic, Etruscan and Roman times brought to light in the area. From tuffo nel passato per conoscere le origini del luogo, il Museo della CittaPiombino a number nature trailsper for ammirare walkers orle cyclists wind along the della e della Città è ilofluogo ideale numerose testimoniancoast lush Mediterranean vegetation. ze ed through i reperti the di epoca preistorica, etrusca e romana, ritrovati sul territorio. They take the new around which therenaturalistici are a number of Dalla città,in lungo la marina costa, at si Salivoli snodano alcuni itinerari nella family-run wine cellars open to the public for tours and tasting. Following this rigogliosa vegetazione della macchia mediterranea, percorribili in bicicletwe recommend a delicious meal of seafood and grilled fish in the enchantta e a piedi che costeggiano il nuovo e attrezzato porto turistico di Salivoli, ing Calamoresca bay. nelle cui vicinanze sono localizzate piccole cantine a gestione familiare, From Piombino you come to the celebrated medieval village of Populonia. aperte per visite e degustazioni. After visiting the 15th-century fortress and the museum with its Etruscan and A seguire vi consigliamo una sosta golosa base di crostacei pesce Roman exhibits you can proceed down the hilla to the gulf of Baratti,ethe site alla griglia nell’incantevole Baia di Calamoresca. of the Baratti-Populonia archaeological park. 8 8 The sea of the Etruscans: Piombino and Populonia Spread over an area of about 80 hectares in a highly picturesque natural and historical setting, the park contains the only Etruscan necropolis to be built on the coast and archaeological remains which visitors can observe by following the marked paths. Having admired the remains of the Etruscan civilisation, it must be time for a snack in the magnificent Baratti gulf, the ancient Etruscan and Roman port. While you savour the traditionally made Tuscan produce, enjoy the splendid scenery that lies before you; scenery that is bound to leave you with a desire to return. . restaurants SELECTED selected RESTAURANTS from the italian FOOD FROM THE main MAIN 2014 2010 ITALIAN foodWINE and GUIDES wine guides AND PIOMBINO PIOMBINO IL GARIBALDI INNAMORATO Via Garibaldi, 5 Al Baccanale tel. 0565 49410 Via XX Settembre Average price: €20 35 tel. 0565Osterie 222039d’Italia Slow Food, Guides: Average price: € 40del Gambero Rosso Ristoranti d’Italia Guides: Alberghi e Ristoranti d’Italia Touring Club Italiano, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso IL TARLO P.zza del Popolo, 17/18 IL GARIBALDI INNAMORATO tel. 0565 21058 Via Garibaldi, 5 tel. 0565 49410 [email protected] Average price: Average price:€€3545 Guides: Osterie d’Italia Slow Ristoranti d’Italia Ristoranti d’Italia del Food, Gambero Rosso, del Gambero Rosso Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso LO SCOGLIETTO LA ROCCHETTA Via Carlo Pisacane, Piazza Bovio, 6 118 tel. 0565 0565/30594 tel 879265 Average price: € 45 Guides: Alberghi Ristoranti Michelin Average price: €& 40 Guides: Ristoranti d’Italia le Guide de l’Espresso TAVERNA DEI BONCOMPAGNI Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 38 LO SCOGLIETTO tel. 0565 Via Carlo222176 Pisacane, 118 tel. 0565/30594 Average price: Average price:€€3520-50 Guides: Ristoranti del Gambero Rosso Guides: Alberghi &d’Italia Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin POPULONIA IL LUCUMONE Al Castello - Via San Giovanni Di Sotto, 14 tel. 0565 29471 Average price: € 55 Guides: Alberghi & Ristoranti d’Italia Michelin, Ristoranti d’Italia Le Guide de l’Espresso Costa degli Etruschi MAIN FOOD MAIN FOOD AND WINE AND EVENTS WINE EVENTS MARCH MARCH Rosignano Marittimo > Verde Oro Rosignano Marittimo Verde Oro APRIL APRIL Bibbona > Oliando Castagneto Carducci Bibbona Oliando Castagneto a tavola Castagneto Carducci Castagneto a tavola MAY MAY San Vincenzo > La Palamita Sassetta > La via del carbone Sassetta La via del carbone JUNE JUNE Rosignano Marittimo Castiglioncello Castiglioncello (Caletta) (Caletta) Festa del pesce Festa del pesce Rosignano Marittimo Vada sull’aia Rosignano Marittimo > Vada sull’aia Suvereto > Estate suveretana JULY SuveretoJULY Estate suveretana Suvereto > Serate Medioevali AUGUST AUGUST Livorno Livorno Effetto Venezia > Effetto Venezia BibbonaBibbona Fiera della> zootecnia Convivia Bibbona > Fiera zootecnia Campiglia Marittima Apritidella Borgo Campiglia Marittima > Calici di stelle Campiglia, Castagneto, Suvereto Calici Borgo di stelle Campiglia Marittima > Apriti Piombino > Agosto con Gusto SEPTEMBER Suvereto > Calici di stelle Collesalvetti Settembre di...vino SEPTEMBER Rosignano Marittimo OCTOBER La rotta del vino Sassetta Festa d’ottobre OCTOBER Sassetta > Festa d’ottobre NOVEMBER Collesalvetti (Parrana S. Martino) NOVEMBER Pane e Olio Collesalvetti (Parrana S. Martino) Pane e Olio DECEMBER SuveretoDECEMBER Sagra di Suvereto Suvereto > Sagra di Suvereto Tourist information offices COSTA DEGLI ETRUSCHI LIVORNO LIVORNO Agenzia per il Turismo Costa degli Etruschi * Provincia di Livorno Tourist Office Piazza Cavour, 6 - tel. 0586Information 204611 - fax 0586 896173 Via Pieroni, 18/20 - tel./fax 0586 894236 - [email protected] - [email protected] Piazza del Municipio * - tel. 0586 204611 CASTIGLIONCELLO [email protected] Via Aurelia, 632 - tel. 0586 753241 [email protected] CASTIGLIONCELLO * Via Aurelia, 632 - tel./fax 0586 754890 QUERCIANELLA [email protected] Via del Littorale, angolo via Aurelia - tel. 0586 491507 [email protected] ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO * Via Gramsci, 19 - tel./fax 0586 792973 ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO [email protected] Via Gramsci, 19 - tel./fax 0586 792973 [email protected] ROSIGNANO SOLVAY Via BerlinguerSOLVAY - tel./fax 0586 767215 ROSIGNANO [email protected] Via Berlinguer - tel./fax 0586 767215 [email protected] VADA Vada Centro * Cala de’ Medici Piazza 93 de’ - tel. 0586Viale 788373 - fax 0586 785030 c/o portoGaribaldi, turistico Cala Medici Trieste [email protected] Rosignano Solvay - tel. 0586 760818 [email protected] Località La Mazzanta Via Valle D’Aosta, 78 - tel. e fax 0586 770391 VADA Piazza Garibaldi, 93 - tel. 0586 788373 - fax 0586 785030 [email protected] [email protected] CECINA MARE La Mazzanta Piazza S. Andrea, 6 - tel./fax 0586 620678 Via Valle D’Aosta, 78 - tel./ fax 0586 770391 [email protected] [email protected] BIBBONA * CECINA MARE Via Aurelia Nord, 33 - loc. La California - tel./fax 0586 677581 Piazza S. Andrea, 6 - tel./fax 0586 620678 [email protected] [email protected] MARINA DI BIBBONA BIBBONA Via dei Cavalleggeri Nord - tel. 0586 600699 Via Aurelia Nord, 6 - loc. La California - tel./fax 0586 677581 [email protected] [email protected] CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI MARINA DI BIBBONA Via V. Emanuele, 21 - tel./fax 0565 765042 Via dei Cavalleggeri Nord - tel. 0586 600699 [email protected] [email protected] CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI MARINA DI CASTAGNETO c/odella Museo Archivio Via Marina, 8 G. Carducci, Palazzo Comunale Via0565 Carducci, 1 - tel. tel. 744276 fax0565 0565765032 746012- fax 0565 763845 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SAN VINCENZO * MARINA DI CASTAGNETO Via della Torre Via0565 della 701533 Marina, 8fax 0565 706914 tel. tel. 0565 744276 fax 0565 746012 [email protected] [email protected] SUVERETO * SAN GUIDO Via Matteotti Località Guido - Bolgheri tel. 0565 San 829304 tel. 0565 749768 [email protected] [email protected] PIOMBINO SAN VINCENZO Piombino Centro Via della Stazione Via Ferruccio tel. 0565 701533 - fax 0565 706914 tel. 0565 225639 [email protected] [email protected] SUVERETO Piombino Porto Via Matteotti Via Marittima tel.Stazione 0565 829304 tel. 0565 226627 [email protected] [email protected] PIOMBINO CAMPIGLIA Via Ferruccio MARITTIMA - tel. 0565 225639 Via Buozzi 11/a [email protected] tel./fax 0565 837201 [email protected] Baratti Loc. Villini SASSETTA Baratti - Populonia Via di Castagneto [email protected] tel. 0565 794521 [email protected] CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA c/o Centro Civico Mannelli *Open all year round Via Buozzi 11/a tel./fax 0565 837201 [email protected] [email protected] ACCOMMODATION BOOKING SASSETTA CENTRO PRENOTAZIONI COSTA DEGLI ETRUSCHI Via di Castagneto - tel. 0565 794521 [email protected] [email protected] Companies adhering to the Wine and Olive Oil Road of the Etruscan Coast they offer direct sale of DOC, DOCG, IGT wines, olive oil, conserves, honey and the opportunity to visit the cellars Please call in advance for visits and purchases WINE AND AGRICOLA OLIVE OIL FELCIATELLO AZIENDA Via della Camminata Ovest, 26 AGRILANDIA Loc. Mannaione, La California - Bibbona Strada Vicinale Delle Spianate - 57016 Castiglioncello tel. 0586 671742 Tel 0586/759007 - Fax 0586/759921 [email protected] - [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA TENUTA SAN GUIDO MASSIMO CIARCIA Via della Camminata, - 57020 Bibbona Loc. Capanne, 27 - 5702216 Bolgheri tel.0565/762003 0586 671953 Tel - Fax 0565/762017 [email protected] - [email protected] - Visits: every day by prior arrangement CASTELLO DI BOLGHERI LEOPOLDO DI TOSCANA Via Lauretta, 7 -I 57022 Bolgheri Tel 762110 - Fax- 57020 0565 762116 Via0565 Poggiali, 48/b Bibbona [email protected] tel./fax 0586 677140 - [email protected] - CAMPO AL NOCE Loc. Campo Al Noce,DI 151 - 57022 Bolgheri TENUTA CAMPO SASSO Tel e FaxGramsci, 0565/749638 Piazza 9 - 57020 Bibbona [email protected] tel. 0586 671099 --fax 0586 671826 [email protected] - CASA DI TERRA Loc. Le Ferrugini, 162 - 57022 Bolgheri AZIENDA AGRICOLA CAMPO ALLA SUGHERA Tel 0565/749810 - Fax 0565 749728 della Knauf interni di Baldwin Kanuf s.a.s. [email protected] - Loc. Caccia al Piano, 280 - 57022 Bolgheri tel. 0565 766911 - fax 0565 766938 TERRE DEL MARCHESATO [email protected] Loc. Sant’uberto, 164 - 57022 -Bolgheri Tel 0565/749752 - Fax 0565/749619 AZIENDA AGRICOLA GIOVANNI CHIAPPINI [email protected] - Loc. Felciaino, 189/B - 57022 Bolgheri tel./fax 0565E 765201 ORNELLAIA MASSETO [email protected] Loc. Ornellaia -Via Bolgherese,- 191 - 57022 Bolgheri Tel 0565/71811 - Fax 0565/718230 Farm visits (English and Spanish available) [email protected] - by prior arrangement. Contact Dr. Martina Chiappini CHIAPPINI AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE MACCHIOLE Via - Loc. Felciaino, 189/B - 57022 Bolgheri ViaBolgherese Bolgherese, 189/A - 57022 Bolgheri Tel - Fax 0565/749665 tel.0565/765201 0565 766092 - fax 0565 763240 [email protected] - [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement GUADO AL TASSO - ANTINORI Loc. Scalabrone, 267 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci AZIENDA AGRICOLA VINCENZO DI VAIRA Tel 0565/749735 - Fax 0565/749707 Via Bolgherese, 275/b - 57022 Bolgheri [email protected] tel./fax 0565 763581 [email protected] - EUCALIPTUS Visits by prior -arrangement Loc. Magazzino 57022 Bolgheri - Tel e Fax 0565/763511 [email protected] - FATTORIA TERRE DEL MARCHESATO DI VAIRA DI MAGONA CASTELLO Viadi Bolgherese, 57022 Campiglia Bolgheri Via Venturina,275/B 27 - -57021 Marittima Tel 0565 e Fax 851253 0565/763581 tel. - fax 0565 855127 [email protected] - [email protected] - CAMPO ALLA SUGHERA AZIENDA AGRICOLA CIPRIANA SRL Loc. Caccia Al Piano, 280 - 57022 Bolgheri Podere Campastrello - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Tel 0565/766936 - Fax 0565/766938 tel. 0565 775568 - fax 0565- 773391 [email protected] [email protected] - Visits by prior arrangement SAPAIO Loc. Lo Scopaio, 212 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci AZIENDA AGRICOLA GRATTAMACCO - COLLEMASSARI Tel 0565/765187 - Fax 0565/765945 Loc. Grattamacco, 129 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] - tel. 0565 765069 - fax 0565 763217 [email protected] PODERE GIOVANNI Visits for groups only,182 by- prior Loc. Fonte Di Foiano, 57022arrangement Castagneto Carducci Tel E Fax 0565/763738 AZIENDA AGRICOLA- [email protected] LA CERRETELLA DI BIANCHI MICHELA Loc. Cerretella, 219 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci GRATTAMACCO - COLLEMASSARI cell. 9729890129 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Loc.338 Lungagnano, [email protected] Tel 0565/765069 - Fax 0565/763217 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE FORNACELLE TENUTA SANT’AGATA Loc. Fornacelle, 232/A - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Loc. Sant’agata, - 57022 tel. 0565 775575160 - fax 0565Castagneto 775877 Carducci Tel 335/217801 - Fax 0373/257083 [email protected] [email protected] - Visits for groups by prior arrangement IL CASTELLACCIO AZIENDA AGRICOLA PODERE GUADO AL MELO Loc.Segalari, 102 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Via per Lamentano Tel 0565/763458 - Fax- 0565/776806 Loc. Mulino del Gelli 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] - tel./fax 0565 763238 [email protected] - ARUNDINETO Visits by arrangement in English and German. Loc. Casone 57022 Donoratico Phone: 0565 Ugolino, 76323817 or-349-3256779 or [email protected] Tel 0565 773192 - Fax 0565 776869 [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA SERNI Loc. Le Lame - 57022 Castagneto Carducci MICHELETTI tel./fax 0565 763585 - cell. 348 3901995 Loc. Marcaccio, 58 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] Tel 380/3041647 - Fax 0565/763516 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA TRINGALI CASANUOVA ANTONINO Loc. Casalpiano ARGENTIERA Via delle Pievi, 68 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Via Aurelia, 410 - 57022 Donoratico tel./fax 0565 774101 Tel 0565/774581 - Fax 0565/773250 [email protected] - [email protected] - Visits: Saturdays and Sundays from April to October by prior arrangement. Sale of produce at Il Casino Visite su prenotazione AZIENDA AGRICOLA VINCENZO DI VAIRA Via Bolgherese, 275/b - 57022 Bolgheri tel./fax 0565 763581 [email protected] - Visite su prenotazione Loc. Le Lame - 57022 Castagneto Carducci tel./fax 0565 763585 - cell. 348 3901995 [email protected] AZIENDAof AGRICOLA TRINGALI CASANUOVA Companies adhering to the Wine and Olive Oil Road the Etruscan Coast ANTONINO Loc. Casalpiano Via delle 68 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci they offer direct sale of DOC, DOCG, IGT wines, olive oil, conserves, honey andPievi, the opportunity to visit the cellars tel./fax 0565 774101 [email protected] - FATTORIA TERRE DEL MARCHESATO Visite: sabato e domenica da Aprile ad Ottobre Loc. S. Uberto, 164 - 57022 Bolgheri su prenotazione LA CERRETA DONNA OLIMPIA AZIENDA AGRICOLA AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL FALCONE tel. 0565ANTINORI 749752 - fax 0565 749619 prodotti inSuvereto località il Casino Via Campagna Sud, 143 - 57020 Sassetta Loc.Falcone, Migliarini,Vendita 142 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Loc. 186/187 - 57028 Sale of products: [email protected] Tel e fax 0565/794352 Tel 329 5491613 Fax 0565/749717 tel. 0565 829331/829294 - fax 0565 827097 Bottega di Guado al Tasso Strada Aurelia Km. 267 [email protected] - [email protected] -CASA FATTORIA DI TERRA [email protected] Loc. Scalabrone, 4 -su 57022 Donoratico Visite prenotazione in italiano e inglese Loc. Le Ferrugini, 162/A - 57022 Castagneto Visits: high season: 10am-12pm / 4pm-7pm; low season: Carducci tel. 0565 749735 LE QUERCE CACCIA AL PIANO tel./fax 0565 749690 3-5pm; Saturdays: 10am-12pm [email protected] ORNELLAIA S.p.A. Loc.Campalto -TENUTA 57021 Campiglia Marittima Via Bolgherese, 279 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] - Booking required for large groups. Via Bolgherese, 191 - 57022 Bolgheri Tel e Fax 0565/701473 Tel 030/984381 Visite su prenotazione telefonando PODERE GREPPI CUPI71811 DI ROSA tel. 0565 - faxGASSER 0565 718230 [email protected] - [email protected] al n° 0565 749690 oppure 328 0717396 AZIENDA AGRICOLA INCONTRI Loc. Greppi Cupi, 212 - 57022- Donoratico [email protected] Fossoni, 38 - 57028 Suvereto Visite su prenotazione: ufficio ospitalità 0565 718242 Loc. tel./fax RUSSO0565 775272 BATZELLA PODERE SAPAIO Carducci tel./fax 0565227 829401 [email protected] Via Dei Forni, 71 - 57028 Suvereto Loc. Badia, - 57022 Castagneto Loc. Lo 0565/775776 Scopaio, 212 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA BANTI JACOPO Tel e Fax 0565/845105 Tel 339/3975888 - Fax Visits by prior arrangement 0565 765239 Visits by prior tel. arrangement from 5pm-8pm [email protected]. - [email protected] - Citerna, 24 - 57021 Campiglia Marittima Visite e degustazioni solo su appuntamento. contattare tel./fax 0565 838802 TENUTA ARGENTIERA SusannaLE Drei tel.+39 0565 765187 [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA PIANACCE PETRICCI DEL CAMPO AL PERO [email protected] - Via Aurelia,E410 - PIANTA 57022 Donoratico è prevista la Suvereto vendita di prodotti in azienda Loc. San 773176 Lorenzo, - 57028 Via Del CasoneNon Ugolino, 12 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Loc. Le Pianacce, 198 - 57028 Visite in italiano e inglese su prenotazione tel. 0565 -20fax 0565 Suvereto 773250 Tel e Fax 0565/845140 Tel0565 0565/774329 tel. 828027 -- Fax fax 0461/220208 0565 827069 al numero 0565 838831 [email protected] - AGRICOLA CAMPO AL SOLE [email protected] - [email protected] - Visits by prior AZIENDA arrangement from 3pm-7pm Visits and tasting sessions available Loc. Le Corti, 50 - 57014 Castell’Anselmo AZIENDA AGRICOLA GIOMI ZANNONI WINE GUADO AL MELO tel. 0586PETRA 969007 AZIENDA AGRICOLA Via Aurelia Nord, 63 - 57021 Campiglia Marittima TENUTA SCACCIAVOLPE Loc.San Murrotto 130/A - 57022 Carducci Loc. Lorenzo Alto, 131 Castagneto - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 846416 fax 0565 846416 Cell 393 7040514 Via Berte aIRIS Scacciavolpe, 31 - 57014 Nugola FERRARI Tel e fax 0565/763238 AZIENDA AGRICOLA tel. 0565 845308 - fax 0565 845728 AGRIHOTEL ELISABETTA [email protected] fax 977088 - cell.Cecina 380 4291603 Via0586 Pasubio, 87 - 57023 - Tel e fax 0586/677543 [email protected] - Via -Tronto, 10/14 - Loc. Collemezzano - 57023 Cecina [email protected] [email protected] - [email protected] - tel. 0586 661096 o 0586 662308 - fax 0586 661392 Visits in Italian and English by prior AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE VOLPAIOLE POGGIO ALLE QUERCE [email protected] - arrangement: +39 0565 122 845308 or [email protected] Via Fortecorboli, 13 - 57021 Campiglia Marittima VILLA CAPRARECCIA Loc. Poggio Alle Querce, 57022 Castagneto Carducci AZIENDA AGRICOLA SANT’AGNESE Visite da marzo a ottobre su prenotazione tel./fax 0565 843194 Via Bolgherese, 5 57020 Bibbona Tel 0565/222089 Fax 0565/222125 Loc. Campo alle fave, 1 - 57025 Piombino Visite e degustazioni su prenotazione AZIENDA AGRICOLA- PETRICCI E DEL PIANTA Tel 0565 e fax 0586/671942 [email protected] tel. 277069 - fax 0565 277656 AZIENDA AGRICOLA FERRARI IRIS E FIGLI Loc. San Lorenzo, 20 - 57028 Suvereto [email protected] - [email protected] 87 -212 57023 Cecina AZIENDA AGRICOLA RIGOLI tel. 0565 845140 -Pasubio, fax 0565 845140 GREPPI CUPIVia Loc. Greppi Cupi, - 57022 Donoratico Visits in Italian Via anddegli English by4prior arrangement tel./fax 677543 - [email protected] - Ulivi, - Loc. Cafaggio - 57021 Campiglia Marittima [email protected] - DI BISERNO Tel 0565/775272 - Fax0586 0565/775218 Visite: escluso orario 8-12 / 14,30-18,30. 0565Gardini 843079 Visits: weekdays, high season: mercoledì 10am-1pme/ festivi, 5pm-8pm; holidays Piazza Gramsci,tel./fax 9 - Palazzo - 57020 Bibbona [email protected] - PODERE ETRUSCO Per gruppi su prenotazione [email protected] Tel 0586/671099 - Fax 0586/671826- and days before bank holidays: 4pm-8pm Loc. Baratti, 2 -- 57025 Piombino [email protected] low season: 10am-12.30pm / 4pm-7pm; tel./fax 0565 29641 holidays and days before bank holidays: 10am-12.30pm Please call in advance for visits and purchases PODERE SAN GIUSTO Loc. Salivoli, 16 - 57025 Piombino tel./fax 0565 41198 [email protected] Guided tours of the cellars by prior arrangement AZIENDA AGRICOLA RENICCI DI STEFANO CIALLI Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 94 - 57028 Suvereto tel./fax 0565 827045 [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement PODERE SAN LUIGI Sale of products: Enoteca Campo all’Olmo, 15 - 57025 Piombino tel./fax 0565 30380 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA RUSSO Loc. Matocchina, 71 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845105 - fax 0565 845105 [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement Companies adhering to the Wine and Olive Oil Road of the Etruscan Coast they offer direct sale of DOC, DOCG, IGT wines, olive oil, conserves, honey and the opportunity to visit the cellars Please call in advance for visits and purchases SERNI FULVIO LUIGI AZIENDA AGRICOLA FELCIATELLO Loc. Le Lame,237 - 57022 Castagneto Via della Camminata Ovest, 26 Carducci Tel e fax 0565/763585 Loc. Mannaione, La California - Bibbona [email protected] tel. 0586 671742 - [email protected] - GIORGIO MELETTI CAVALLARI Via Casone Ugolino,12 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci AZIENDA AGRICOLA MASSIMO CIARCIA Tel e fax 0565/775620 Via della Camminata, 16 - 57020 Bibbona [email protected] - tel. 0586 671953 [email protected] - MULINI DI SEGALARI Visits: every day prior arrangement Loc. Felciaino, 115 Aby - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Tel e fax 0565/765202 LEOPOLDO I DI TOSCANA [email protected] - Via Poggiali, 48/b - 57020 Bibbona 0586 677140 Itel./fax LUOGHI [email protected] - Loc.Campo Al Capriolo, 201 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Tel e fax 0565 777379 [email protected] - TENUTA CAMPO DI SASSO Piazza Gramsci, 9 - 57020 Bibbona FORNACELLE tel. 0586 671099 - fax 0586 671826 Strada Delle Fornacelle, 232/A - 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] - Tel 0565/775575 - Fax 0565/775877 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA CAMPO ALLA SUGHERA della Knauf interni di Baldwin Kanuf s.a.s. LA CIPRIANA Loc. Caccia al Piano, 280 - 57022 Bolgheri Loc. Campastrello Castagneto Carducci tel. 0565 766911- 57022 - fax 0565 766938 Tel 0565/775568 - Fax 0565/773391 [email protected] - [email protected] - IAZIENDA GREPPI AGRICOLA GIOVANNI CHIAPPINI Loc. Felciaino, 189/B - 57022 Carducci Bolgheri Loc.Sondraie - 57022 Castagneto tel./fax 0565 765201 Tel 055/854210 - Fax 055/8544866 [email protected] - [email protected] - Farm visits (English and Spanish available) by prior arrangement. Contact Dr. Martina Chiappini AIA VECCHIA Via Del Casone Ugolino, 7 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE MACCHIOLE Tel 0586/677147 - Fax 0586/677137 Via Bolgherese, 189/A 57022 Bolgheri [email protected] tel. 0565 766092 - fax 0565 763240 MICHELE SATTA [email protected] Loc.Vigna Cavaliere, 61 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Visits by Al prior arrangement Tel 0565/773041 - Fax 0565/773349 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA VINCENZO DI VAIRA Via Bolgherese, 275/b - 57022 Bolgheri LA FRALLUCA tel./fax 0565 763581 Loc. Barbiconi, 153 - 57028- Suvereto [email protected] Tel 0565/829076 Visits by prior arrangement [email protected] - FATTORIA TERRE DEL MARCHESATO BULICHELLA CASTELLO DI MAGONA Loc. 131 Suvereto Via diBulichella, Venturina, 27- 57028 - 57021 Campiglia Marittima Tel 0565/829892 tel. 0565 851253- -Fax fax0565/829553 0565 855127 [email protected] [email protected] - LA BATISTINA AZIENDA AGRICOLA CIPRIANA SRL Loc.Ventoluccia,157 - 57028 Suvereto Podere Campastrello - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Tel e fax 0565/829180 tel. 0565 775568 - fax 0565 773391 [email protected] [email protected] - Visits by prior arrangement BANTI JACOPO Loc. Citerna, 24 - 57021GRATTAMACCO Campiglia Marittima- COLLEMASSARI AZIENDA AGRICOLA Tel e fax 0565/838802 Loc. Grattamacco, 129 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci [email protected] - tel. 0565 765069 - fax 0565 763217 [email protected] RIGOLI Visits for groups only, by prior arrangement Via Degli Ulivi,8 Loc. Cafaggio - 57021 Campiglia Marittima Tel 348/6002441 - Fax 0565/843079 AZIENDA AGRICOLA [email protected] - LA CERRETELLA DI BIANCHI MICHELA Loc. Cerretella, 219 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci PETRA cell. Loc.338 San 9729890 Lorenzo Alto, 131 - 57028 Suvereto [email protected] Tel 0565/845308 - Fax 0565/845728 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE FORNACELLE Loc. Fornacelle, GIOMI ZANNONI232/A - 57022 Castagneto Carducci tel. 0565Campiglia 775877Marittima Via0565 Aurelia775575 Nord, 63- fax - 57029 [email protected] Tel e fax 0565/846416 Visits for groups by prior arrangement [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA PODERE GUADO AL MELO POGGIO ROSSO Via perPoggio Lamentano Loc. Rosso,1 - Populonia - 57025 Piombino Loc. Mulino del Gelli 57022 Castagneto Carducci Tel 0565/276464 - Fax -0565/276474 tel./fax 0565 763238 [email protected] - [email protected] - SANT’AGNESE Visits by arrangement in English and German. Loc. Campo Fave, or 1 - 349-3256779 57025 Piombino Phone: 0565Alle 763238 or [email protected] Tel 0565/277069 - Fax 0565/277656 [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA SERNI Loc. Le Lame - 57022 Castagneto Carducci TUTTISANTI tel./fax 0565 763585 - cell. 348 3901995 Loc. Asca Di Fiorentina - 57025 Piombino [email protected] Tel 339/1115469 - Fax 0565/35226 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA TRINGALI CASANUOVA ANTONINO Loc. Casalpiano FERONIA Via delle Pievi, 68 - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Via Di Casalappi, 62 - 57021 Campiglia Marittima tel./fax 0565 774101 Tel 320/6162555 - [email protected] [email protected] Visits: Saturdays and Sundays -from April to October by prior arrangement. Sale of produce at Il Casino tel./fax 0565 41198 [email protected] Visite guidate alla cantina su prenotazione Visite su prenotazione AZIENDA AGRICOLA RUSSO Loc. Matocchina, 71 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845105 - fax 0565 845105 [email protected] Visite su prenotazione Companies adhering to the Wine and Olive Oil Road of the Etruscan Coast PODERE SAN LUIGI Vendita prodotti c/o enoteca aziendale Campo all’Olmo, 15 - 57025 Piombino tel./fax 0565 30380 Please call in advance for visits and purchases [email protected] - they offer direct sale of DOC, DOCG, IGT wines, olive oil, conserves, honey and the opportunity to visit the cellars S. GIUSTOTUTTISANTI PODERE AZIENDA AGRICOLA ANTINORI Loc. of Salivoli, - 57025 Piombino Loc. Asca di16Fiorentina - 57025 Piombino Sale products: Tel 0565/41198 Fax 0565/41198 tel./fax 0565 35226al Tasso Strada Aurelia Km. 267 Bottega di Guado [email protected] [email protected] Loc. Scalabrone, 4 - 57022 -Donoratico Visite su prenotazione tel. 0565 749735 MONTEPELOSO [email protected] Loc. Montepeloso, 82 - 57028 Suvereto AZIENDA AGRICOLA BRANCATELLI Tel 0565/828180 - Fax 0565/827056 Loc. Casa Rossa, 2 Riotorto - 57025 Piombino PODERE GREPPI CUPI DI ROSA GASSER [email protected] - tel./fax 0565 Cupi, 20655212 - 57022 Donoratico Loc. Greppi [email protected] - tel./fax OLIVE 0565 OIL 775272 [email protected] TENUTA DI VIGNALE IL CASONE Visits by prior arrangement Loc. Vignale, - Riotorto - 57025 Via Aurelia Sud,548 - 57016 Vada - TelPiombino 0586/786162 tel./fax 0565 20846 [email protected] - TENUTA ARGENTIERA [email protected] - Via Aurelia, 410 - 57022 Donoratico ANTICO TOSCANO tel. 0565 FRANTOIO 773176 - fax 0565 773250 FATTORIA DI PALTRATICO Via Bolgherese, 3 - 57020 Bibbona [email protected] Loc. Paltratico, 60 - Castelnuovo Tel 0586/670087 - Fax 0586/686628 della Misericordia Visits and tasting sessions available 57016 Rosignano Marittimo [email protected] - tel./fax 0586 745010 TENUTA PODERESCACCIAVOLPE CONCA - [email protected] Via a Scacciavolpe, 31 - 57014Carducci Nugola ViaBerte Bolgherese, 196 - 57022 Castagneto fax 977088 - cell.AMBROSINI 380 4291603LORELLA Tel 0586 339/6842078 AZIENDA AGRICOLA [email protected] - [email protected] - Loc. Tabarò, 96 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 829301 - fax 0565 829301 - cell. 347 8290068 LAGHETTO AZIENDA AGRICOLA SANT’AGNESE [email protected] Loc. La Conca, 196/A - 57022 Castagneto Carducci Loc. Campo fave, 1 visite - 57025 Piombino La cantina è alle aperta per e degustazioni Tel e fax 0565 775139 tel. 277069 - faxe0565 277656 solo0565 su prenotazione a numero limitato [email protected] - [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA BULICHELLA Visits in Italian and English by prior arrangement CACCIA AL PIANO Loc. 131- -57022 57028 Suvereto Loc. Bulichella, Caccia Al Piano Bolgheri tel. 829892 - fax 0565 829553 PODERE ETRUSCO Tel e0565 fax 0565/763203 [email protected] - Loc. Baratti, 2 - 57025 Piombino [email protected] - Visite su prenotazione tel./fax 0565 29641 FONTE DI FOIANO AZIENDA AGRICOLA DEL RE Carducci Loc. FonteSAN Di Foiano, 148GUALDO - 57022 Castagneto PODERE GIUSTO Loc. Notri, 7716 - 57028 Suvereto Tel 0565/766043 -- Fax 0565/765826 Loc. Salivoli, 57025 Piombino tel. 0565 829888 - fax 0565 827328 [email protected] - tel./fax 0565 41198 [email protected] - [email protected] TERRE DELL’ETRURIA Per prenotazioni: 0565 829888 oppure 339 3329699 Guided tours of the cellars by prior arrangement Via Del Casone Ugolino,2 - 57022 Donoratico Tel 0565/775488 - Fax 0565/776066 PODERE SAN LUIGI [email protected] - Sale of products: Enoteca Campo all’Olmo, 15 - 57025 Piombino tel./fax 0565 30380 [email protected] - AZIENDA AGRICOLA VALDAMONE Loc. Valdamone,119 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845165 - fax 0565 845165 GIOVANNI FERRINI AZIENDA AGRICOLA IL FALCONE [email protected] - Loc.Felciaio, - 57022 Castagneto Carducci - tel. 347/1112325 Loc. Falcone,174 186/187 - 57028 Suvereto Visite: orario alta stagione: feriali 10.00-13.00 [email protected] tel. 0565 829331/829294 - fax 0565 827097 / 17.00-20.00; festivi e prefestivi 16.00-20.00 [email protected] orario bassa stagione: feriali 10.00-13.00 / 17.00-20.00; GREPPO ALL’OLIVO Visits: high season: 10am-12pm / 4pm-7pm; low season: festivi eSaturdays: prefestivi 10.00-13.00 Loc. Greppo All’olivo, 49 - 57022 Donoratico - tel. 0565/775366 3-5pm; 10am-12pm [email protected] - Booking required for large groups. AZIENDA AGRICOLA GRAZIANI GIOVANNI HONEY AND CONSERVES Loc. Casalappi, 62 - 57021 Venturina AZIENDA AGRICOLA INCONTRI tel. 0565 843043 fax 0565 843043 Loc. Fossoni, 38 -- 57028 Suvereto DR. PESCIA Visite: sempre in alta stagione, tel./fax 0565 829401 Via Di Serragrande, 124 57016 Rosignano Marittimo su prenotazione in bassa stagione [email protected] Tel e Fax 0586/793060 Visits by prior arrangement -from 5pm-8pm [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA LE PIANACCE MEDITERRANEA BELFIORE Via Guerrazzi - Loc. 198 Cinquantina Cecina Loc. Le Pianacce, - 57028- 57023 Suvereto Tel0565 0586/620555 tel. 828027 -- Fax fax 0586/622363 0565 827069 [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement- from 3pm-7pm AZIENDA AGRICOLA PETRA Loc. San Lorenzo Alto, 131 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845308 - fax 0565 845728 [email protected] - Visits in Italian and English by prior arrangement: +39 0565 845308 or [email protected] AZIENDA AGRICOLA PETRICCI E DEL PIANTA Loc. San Lorenzo, 20 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845140 - fax 0565 845140 [email protected] - Visits: weekdays, high season: 10am-1pm / 5pm-8pm; holidays and days before bank holidays: 4pm-8pm low season: 10am-12.30pm / 4pm-7pm; holidays and days before bank holidays: 10am-12.30pm AZIENDA AGRICOLA RENICCI DI STEFANO CIALLI Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 94 - 57028 Suvereto tel./fax 0565 827045 [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement AZIENDA AGRICOLA RUSSO Loc. Matocchina, 71 - 57028 Suvereto tel. 0565 845105 - fax 0565 845105 [email protected] Visits by prior arrangement foodandwinetrails COSTA DEGLI ETRUSCHI LIVORNO COLLESALVETTI QUERCIANELLA CASTIGLIONCELLO ROSIGNANO VADA CECINA BIBBONA BOLGHERI DONORATICO CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI SASSETTA S.VINCENZO SUVERETO CAMPIGLIA M.MA VENTURINA BARATTI POPULONIA PIOMBINO I.P. provincia di livorno
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