M s and Mackinaws


M s and Mackinaws
R ural M unicipality of
Ayr, No. 399.
Hoarding is one of the near words
of the war. It means storing ia ex-
The annates of the January 7th
meetiag were read by the Secretary
and the followiag resolutions were
submitted for action.
Applications are being taken for
Seed Oats. If enough are received
we will gqta car load in bulk .from
a reliable seed bouse. For futher
particulars see Secretary. .
, Willicott,—That the minutes of the
January 7th meeting be adopted.
Carried. ,
BHImeyer,— That the request of
the Lanigaa Hotel proprietor for a
great be denied. Carried. ;
Bill meyer,—That the draft resOlu . our Allies may be fed. There is a
tion received from the Minister ot world shortage of foods because, So
Municipal Affairs be pasted.' ‘Car.
far as we in Canada are concerned,
The above resolution'accepts from other people have bad to be with­
The Canada Saskatchewan Land Co. drawn froar farms to fight what is our
fifty per cent of the net arrears o< joint fight Our obvious duty is |o
tales (or the years 1912 to 1917 both aid them by, st least sending them las
inclusive, ia full sstdemenr 'of their much fo<>d as they used to get before
indebtedness to the ead of 1917. they took up our common task.
Best Boom at y o u r service
sod embodies the Company** liability
for taxes hereafter.
Weeks,—That the following weed
inspectors be appointed for 1918.
Division 1. W. Wiltse
2. E. Tyndall
5. W. Knaus
4. A. Rolling
6. D. McCulloch
6. M. Harder
Weeks.—That the following quan
titiat of gopher poison ba purchased
From W. F. Rea of Watson 360 pkgs
Rill Em Quick. From F. Schroedgr
600 pkgs. RlU-EmQufck. Carried.
WilUcott,—T hat the culverts and
tools ordtred by councillors at special
prices be accepted by this Council.
WUlioott,— That the appointment
of Mr. Calvert of Lanigaa as deputy
health itf f w be confirmed. Carried,
Q n iU
l a W | ftf l >
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer,
Weeks,—That the banking account
of the municipality be transferred to
the Union Bank at Jansen. Lost
BUImeyer,—That th t salary of J.
H. Shakespeare be 11200 per year,
this ao cover all duties of his ofBcs as
Caaketa and Robes of all sixes
carried in stock.
Phone calls promptly attended
And Draying in and out of town.
Reasonable Prices.
The public have an erroneous idea
as to what the quality of the Govern
ment Standard Flour will be."'
This Flour is not to he' Graham,
nor even Whole Wheat .Flour, It will
be Pure White Flour, being 100 per
cent of the flour that i* contained tb
good sound wheat. It will be dreeaed
and lifted, and put through silks as
before, but instead of several grad as
all the flour will be blended together,
and only one grade will be on the
This P our will not heve quite the
while color of Purity high patent, but
for all kinds of biking it will give
excellent resulta. Flavor texture, end
food vplue will not be affected Is any
- The principal aim of the KagaUtfas
is to standardise the quality of flour
ussd all over Canada, The following
suggestions will show how to handle
the m w flour successfully.
On account of containing the n o n
glutinous portions of th t wheat harry,
the flour may work in a slightly differ­
ent manner. Care will have to ba
exercised st first until you get ac­
quainted with the difference,
“MSlers to the pet9ptee”
> '%"dk-
V.« -
Watson Crain Growers'
Association, Ltd.
Governm ent S ta n d ard
P urity Flour, Good Flour,
Weeks,—That the rate of as atmmeat for municipal purpoaae for 1918
Make the dough (lightly firmer,
be 7 mills oe the valuation of the
using a little more flour to the earn*
land assessed. Carried.
amount of liquid.
BiUmeyer,—That F. Stockbreugger
Be careful to keep the dough fram
be given a contract to grade one mile getting too warm. An ovariia t tad
of roed south of Sec. 4-86-19 for dough from this flour will be mom
68000. Carried.
serious than in the case of n high
Kedrie,—That a by-law be drafted patsnt flour.
11 will not need to stand as long
to grant S260 to R. Tyndall, to meet
as was formerly necessary.
To insure the best results use a
little more yea*. If setting a sponge
over night, make it somewhat stifftr.
The system of setting a sponge
over night wifi probably give best
results with this dam of flour.
“The kitchen must help as well as
workshop and the trenches.**—Lloyd
We know the housewives of Can*
ado waB enough to know that it ia
ant necessary to ask them to Co­
operate with as in the matter, of using
Our M otto, EQ UITY.
Courteous Attention.
Tatiion* Children’s
M s and Mackinaws
We have a few Ladies' and Children's Coata
- left over and we are going to clear at
Also Men's Goth Overcoats,
Fur Collared Coats, and Fur Coats.
We have a big range of Mackinaw Coata which
we desire to dear previous to stock-taking. Anybody
wanting Genuine Bargains will be sure to get them
and be satisfied. Cali in and look diem over.
Highest Quality.
Lowest Prices.
Sohwinghsnw. fc Felix.
• tiffe d Q
^ -d k A
a § § ? r>
l& xppn A r.
waa Mood
Heroic Mannar In "
Train flobbt”*.
MAMI9 N LOW 0 U . LI’/t
“Tow are. no' a:re d *
"Not a particle, Ne*ts»
t bat This I* no* uiy Art-
duty ham you know "
"Tan, but at rl*M. uny) u
naif! I tho'ild (bluk you <*< •
with h tw o M 'n M i"
With jronr «l<*
Paul to think o f Why. t ir it k :■
Imagin'! It— ha may be a (>*•»*.
on tba very-train I rood op- - Ur.r:
the city at midnight "
■ fiber Msmilnp inount—l Iho r
ladder leading to the track tew<
h alf a mile from tba nearest hon­
or a amaJI acattarod cattlemen'.
liar father bad bean d ls'H 'rh-' :
Towar M for 11flees years, and a*ri that la other employ meat with u
Central Northers. Ha waa aotnati.l'
o f ap laralld, aad la non month won
ha dan far heaarmhla rotlromeat fro
the aarrtea aad a peaatae. If aotM
to spoil hie record. Dor:.
Iha padt year. whtU aot toachl:
hit helpful daughter, EnUi.
■ eat track*. A atart.'ad err aeaapad
her lips Tee white d ear alcnal waa
not visible It had boaa rhtaped to
the rod atop slcnal. Bather epraag
to the semaphore levers.
"Tba wiraa are cat?** afeo gasped,
white aad traaibllap and alwaat o v er
Tower 10 c o o n u M
the wlrvv
west thirty mllaa to hymn Janetlot
and aaat past tba dangerous curr<
track laspeellon patrol reported fron
that branch shortly after dark. Thar
. • 9770
• -9 9 7 0
r . a s . FORD, OUT.
H. JL Green, Dealer, W atson
Up daahed tba Night flyer, father
waa down from the tower, rifle la
hand. a figure heroic aa tba train
atam to a atop and ita crew surround,
ad bar. In an Inatant an armad party
waa made up. proceeding to too east
semaphore to Invaetlgato the gttuatloe
i t that point.
The baffled bandits bad Had. bat
preparation* ware discovered to bold
of the
•I ,
up the train In true wild we*tern
fashion— the train which carried la
Ita express car over half a million In
The leader of tba Investigating
group waa a young man from the west
By virtue of a n Pa Writ of Buecu*
— leather's lover. When the Night lion, Issued oat of the District Court,
f lf a r resumed Its run, Paul Reynolds Judicial District of j l a a M f t , at tba
cams back to the tower lo great the salts of
bravo girl soon to beoomo bis wife. ■
The railroad company did soma
thing more than pension old Mr. Maa
of York tea, Bask.
nlng. They seat Mather a subetas'la
tedding present I t g reward tor hat
heroic efforts la laving tba Mgh 1
• otharwlw kaowa a* W a . W llhala,
•fleprrtghi, liU, by W. a Cb»u»a»,l
of N. W. S>j8-i»-a, Wstaoa, 8 aak.
. It tti District Cnit .
Jidiciil District of HonloMt.
•he Had Shot Out the Whit* Ugh
the ■ cbi'duluu. Bbn had only the Nlpi
fly e r to .ta in cere of, due at 11 :r
That wick iraln of the toad usual'
wont through clean as n whistle A
Rathnr Bad lo look out for waa crot
orders from either and of the lias
fallmr u s that the west gam
jihoro waa aot for rlnar track a lla
"Truth,” usk! tl.a rosdy-mada pblloa mils dlalunt whore Iha big curt
ropher, • It r.tranger than Autlo 1/
heron «■ • 1he oaal semaphore. Rh
"Tea,” replied Ihn ryo 0, “but It m lwiled lb,11 vhc go 11head whim 11*1
(rrs under Hie illt *tl*.n»a.:« ut seldom
fem e ncraalonal inmsgg.
being tut well eipre.iied.”
*"»« «v< r
e wires, bill mi call (0
low er |n 11,rough t h.- ensuing hoot.
All Thai Matured
"Now for n eomfnttalde routln
apoll,” raflai 'oil H:«iln<r, bn the rae<
Ing apoll merged Into a reading, an
then Hilo a thinking spell || wa
ploaaanl lo teallte that *h« waa dalm
bar dmr and helping her father; |i
wpa tllll more ao to anflelpsls Up
home ennilng of Paul Reynold* Hi
bad written a glowing nretmnl of bl>
aacrosa aa a gold miner, hinting at r
comfortable neat egg, and telllm
Wither lo keep her aye* upon for »
adat lltll# cottaga. big entrorh, though
to ihaltor "fhtbor" aa wall aa than
Mather roaaad from her day drean.
Very suddenly the
■ oor waa s it e s a g
tram a bum' s K r a g 1
■ad to me directed against tka Land at
Wot, I.. Wllhalat, I hare aotaad odd
takan loto Kmcotloo Iha lataroat of
tka abort tamed dtloodoot io tba
toUowiog laod, a a a ^ y t
The North W «t quarter of S«c*
lion throo (8), In Townahtp Thirtytight (88), In Rung* Eighteen (18)
Wcit of the Second Meridian, In
the Province of Saskatchewan;
which lata teat 1 shlTf aapaaa tor tala
00 Saturday, tba Twesty third day at
March, 1*1*, at tka Hotel, ta the Towa
—a *a « - « - - ^ .
— a— « - t . --------------- _ »
W8180111 rrUTiDCf^ OIroMIKIiCOtwIl,
tka boat at Mat (4) o’clock lo the attar*'
O v N e w w o r a d T d k t f i H o w w ifc ] £ !
o p p ic e ,
Get a
Great W ar M ap
s h b r ip p ?
9 .0 0
W ith the F a m ily
firm s, watsor. sasiatcuw as .
W a d d in g Bella.
Mr. T. Woich it on a business trip
to Winnipeg.
Mr. ). Steinke and family moved
oat to the farm.
Hilliard Bros, of Humboldt bought
0 n Massey-Harris implement buti-
Four c a n of cattle were shipped
from Wataoo this week.
Mr. J. Ketchen took a car to
Toronto, the stock belonging to him
islf and Us brother,
Mr. Mike Fouhae took, a car of
Mock from his bam farm to Winnipeg.
Mr. J. H. Ashmen aud Mr. R.
Dickson took a car aack to Winnipeg
for the Grain Growers.
Bogend School District donated
£35.00 to the Red Grom mid *25 00
to the Patriotic Fund.
The local Red Croat also acknow­
ledges the receipt of $18.00 from
Iron Spring and $14.25 from Early
A large crowd gathered at Iron
Spring school bonne on Monday
evening. They enjoyed the evening
nod added $72 60 to the Red ' Cross
fpnds. Mr. Arne Halverson woo the
And Records
Are recognised u the leading
line among Dice or Plata
Machtnea. . I
We are Agenta for this
famous Talking Machine, and
will be pleased to have anyone
come in and hear new record*
at we get them, from time to
lira. Margaret Francis announcaa
the marriage at her daughter, E lm
Marcia, and Mr. Howard Dumin.
The wedding was a very quite one
and took plack at thh residence of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allen at this city
at one o'clock on Monday, February
11. Rev. K. Hodsou performed the
ceremony in the presence of relatives
only. The bride was given in mar
riage by her brother, Mr. N. R. Fran­
cis and wsa attended by Mist Lome
Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Durnin left on
the afternoon train for their new
home in Vancouver, B. C.
of the German language in die public
■hhonls of Saskatchewan.
German papers are urging all Ger­
man school boards to send delegates.
All Trustees and the Secretary of
each dmtrict can attend as delegates,
—that is (oar from each rural school
Last year German speaking trus­
tees had n majority at the conven­
tion and voted down a resolution
favorable to the English language.
Not a single delegate from this vici­
nity was there to support the English
language, but the German school
boards were well represented. What
are you doing this year 1 Will you
wake up aud have an English speak­
ing majority at the convention ?
In high schools where each teacher j
has only two or three grades to
attend to, they can easily spare time'
to take np other languages. But in
the common schools with from five to
eight grades the teacher is already
overworked and-there is no time for
There it t vast difference between
the men who went away and ibiwe
now returning.
Looking to the future, it la a ssri
oui blunder to keep German raaddra
in the school! at this time,—unleae
the Raiser is going to anne Canada.
But this is exactly what the German
papers are^now doing, and it is up to
the English-speaking Trustees to lake
a hand in the game. Appoint iuie or
more Trustees and your Secretary as
Delegates, and send their nim rs to
J. McCarthy, Secretary Trustees
Assodotion, Regina. Each Delegate
attending the convention must bring
a certificate signed by the Secretary
and stamped with the seal of the
school district. The school board
appointing delegatea should vote to
pay their expenses out of the school
With Best Qualities of Merchandise
F->r your spring requirements, at
Lowest Possible Prices.
We specialize in Footwear with
all the bv>t known brands
’ Newest in style.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Money Cheerfully Refunded.
Prices right.
Satisfaction assured.
W O L C H ’S
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until March 16ih for
painting, etc. at Iron Spring School
512 sq ft to be sized and pain­
ted white, tw o coats.
836 sq. f t cleaning and oiling
wood work.
707 sq. ft. flooring to be washed
and scrubbed thoroughly and oiled.
Also desks and seats varnished,
windows washed, stove and pipe
Jas. Hamilton. Sec. Treas.
W atson.
W a tk in s
P ro d u c ts
The recruiting figures show the
effects of language.
Are all High Qualify.
In every mixed community you
can see that a man’s attitude towards
Every customer wdll pleased
the English language fairly represents
A full line carried iq stock
bis attitude towards the British em
pire in the present war. Count your
at the
acquaintances who volunteered. They
were not all of British origin, but
they were English speaking.
So many dtiaens of the United
States enlisted in Canada that two
battalions became known as Ameri
can battalions.
O n the VAest sid*- of Vrain S t
Of all foreign born people the
Opposite the Post Office.
Scandinavians are most anxious to
iaarn English. Tbs songs of their
native laud are learned at home, but
(bey never yet waited any other than
the English language in tha common
schools of 8 ask Stchewsn. And we
•H hoard of two Scandinavian bat­
mi- a call.
talions raised In western Canada.
Vary few French in the province
of Quebec enlisted, but it would be
very different tl they had been taugbt
English in m s schools. In the- W at
Confectionery Shop
You are now face to face with the facts that sooner
or later you'll have to build- a new house or barn or
majo- extensive repair* on the old one.
If itla- repairs, R IG H T N O W is the time to
makt them most economically. If it's a new building,
it will certainly cost no less later on— while the chances
are, it will cost more
And we want to make' it as strong as possible that
it will be dollars in vour pocket to buy Lumber and
Building Materials here.
It’s all very well to think of your dollars when
buying Lumber and Building Mafertal. but -it is also
mighty good judgment to consider the quality in
relation to the price.
V\ hen we sell you I.umber and Building Material, $
we first look to Q uality—th< n to Price—-ana finally to &
John Compton, M an ag er,
Lunch Counter
French origin, so it can be said that
tha French in thie vicinity volunteer­
ed fairly well. Those who enlisted
•poire English better than French.
a isw
f -... voiumrcrs
tisJumhawsMi oi
i ners msom
wsrs ft
................................................................................................................................... .....
Prices for Machines and
Record* exactly .the same
H E R E aa in the city.
Anything you want in the Print­
ing line, from a Galling Card to a
B ile Potter, printed in good style a t
fH E
111 i i
ii ii
M in i
i in
11 i i i i i
l i n n in
d c n tM U m q u ir e i t
WVoMBN apead maw mee” ay M b m b , aad M y
la the boM , Ml
A Ready I Atari* nee
A little hoy of five w.o united ta
• children'* party. The next d y lie
waa glvtar ne account of tbe fun. r :d
■ aid that each a/ the Utile '.i»Ut>r» l ad
caatrlhutad either a «osg. a ferUr.tio-i,
or music for the p i e r r e of t' •
“Oh, poor little J a eV “ arid the
mother. "How very unfortunate yod
coaid do nothing'"
"Toe, I cnuld. mother” rer.l'M the
young hopeful. "I itood up end uaid
■ y prayer*:"
Not Nor Him, Though
• f 'V.
Stout Oentlsman: "Which la tha
nearest way to aaa tha tame, boy V
Jscky Jinks (unfeelingly): "Through
to Rather
"Dot boy of mine ta golag to make
a toed btaaeee m u .’ aeld Mr. Becketeta. "Yesterday I ta li him 1 i
M a c ta taare all my hroberty ta him
t «b 1 died, and ro t you e-poad ha day
to d o t r
"I don't know. Mr. Bachateia."
"Tall, ha aaya he win throw off fire
par caat. far prompt cosh.”
Is i Itatsr GoUs Thu
ag ::
Publicity hoe revoluttoataed
bualneaa It haa larreeced
tiuatimu hoaaety, has advaseml tmaineae ethics aad haa
* ceded alipahod method*.
To gala the advantage of
those chanted cxadW aae yoa
munt have'knowledge ToB
iim**t knew valBea Ton c m
team them only by etudytog
atlrertlalug. lo Be other way
<«n yea learn what to beet
end what the Mat ta worth.
I'M 1 1 I I I I I