

NO. 19/2012
U.S. Secretary of State Clinton visits Croatia
Croatia has huge potential and the United States is optimistic about its future, U.S.
State Secretary Hillary Clinton said during her first official visit to Zagreb
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton support for its neighbors' Euro-Atlantic
paid her first official visit to Croatia on aspirations."It is Croatia's interest that its
October 31, 2012 and in talks with Croatia‟s neighbors become a part of the European
top officials gave
Union," he was
strong support to
Croatia‟s EU accessaying.
sion on 1 July 2013.
depict ed
t he
Clinton arrived in
EU as a byCroatia after a tour
stabilit y. “You
neighboring counhave decided to
be part of the
them in their efforts
to join the Eurofr ee
E ur o pe
Atlantic communit y.
and transatlanThe talks in Zagreb
tic communit y.
focused on Croatia‟s
You serve as
role as a NATO
an anchor in
part ner,
Croat ia‟s
the region, a
EU accession and
the two countries‟
country which
economic relations. Secretary Clinton signs in the Golden Book before meeting with can
Upon arriving at Croatian Prime Minister Milanović in Zagreb ©Vlada RH
e xa mp le
Z a gr e b
Air po r t ,
others”, SecreClinton was taken to Banski dvori to meet tary Clinton said, adding that she would like
with Prime Minister Zoran Milanović. Zagreb to convey the lessons learned to its
“Croatia has a huge potential and we are neighbors.
optimistic about your future”, Clinton said
Speaking of the relations between the
during the meeting that was also attended United States and Croatia, Secretary Clinton
by Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić. said the two countries were tied by friendThe US Secretary of State congratulated the ship and being part of the same cultural
Croatian government on the steps taken to circle, as well as, by a strong partnership in
stabilize the budget and said there was great Afghanistan and the region. She added that
interest by U.S. companies in investing in the US had been supporting the Croatian
people on the road to Euro-Atlantic integraPM Milanović and Secretary Clinton also tion for 20 years now. PM Milanovic
discussed Croatia‟s forthcoming admission thanked the United States for the assistance
to the EU and the situation in the region. it has offered Croatia since it gained indeThe prime minister underlined Croatia‟s pendence.
Welcome Note
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the new edition of “Croatia
Monthly”! This has been an exciting period
in which we have reaffirmed the strong
partner-ship and close ties between Croatia
and the United States. Secretary of State
Clinton visited Zagreb for the first time in
October, confirming support to Croatia as it
makes its final steps towards the EU. Croatian Defense Minister Kotromanović’s visit
to Washington provided an opportunity to
further deepen already extensive bilateral
relations in the defense field. In November,
Croatia welcomed back home two acquitted
generals, while at the same time avowing to
provide justice to all victims of war. Three
more countries ratified Croatia’s EU
Accession Treaty, and our multilateral
efforts were recognized through Croatia’s
election to the United Nations Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC).
As always, we are pleased to bring you a
variety of news covering upcoming Croatian
cultural events in the U.S., short reports of
the Embassy’s work and plentiful of sights,
sounds and flavors of Croatia. I hope you
will find all these inviting enough to explore
Croatian culture and gastronomy on your
I wish you and your loved ones peaceful
and joyous holidays. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year 2013!
Joško Paro
Aft er her t a lks w it h P M M ila no vić, S ecret ar y C lint o n was r ece ive d
by P r es ide nt I vo Jo sipo vić. "T he Cr o at ian go ver nme nt is pr epar ing a
ser ie s o f mea sur es t o make it eas ier fo r inve st or s t o co me t o Cro at ia.
I am sur e t hat a lar ge nu mber o f US inve st or s wil l be int er est ed in
t hat , " P r eside nt Jo sipo vic sa id. He added t hat Cro at ia, as a fut ur e
me mber o f t he E U, wo uld wo r k o n t he fur t her st abi l izat io n o f t he
r eg io n, r eit er at ing t hat t he co nt inuat io n o f E U enlar ge me nt was a
vit a l Cr o at ia n int er est . "I n
t he E U t oo we wil l do o ur
be st so t hat o ur ne ig hbo r s ar e
ext end ed a ha nd o f suppo rt
and jo in us in t he U nio n
t o mo r r o w. " P r e s id e nt Jo s ipo vić t hanked Secr et ar y
President Josipović and Secretary Clinton at the press conference C lint o n fo r ever yt hing t he US
following their meeting
© Ured Predsjednika RH had do ne fo r Cro at ia.
Just as we ha ve do ne so
far , we will co nt inue suppo rt ing Cr o at ia 's pat h t o war ds E uro pe, S ecr et ar y
C lint o n sa id a ft er t he meet ing, descr ib i ng Cr o at ia as an a nc ho r in t he r eg io n
and a pr o sper o us co unt r y t hat can ser ve as a mo de l fo r it s ne ig hbo r s. “I a m
lo o k ing fo r war d t o Cro at ia ‟s ac ces s io n t o t he E U”, said C l int o n at a pr ess Foreign Minister Pusić and Secretary Clinton in
co nfer e nce. S he a lso enco ur aged Cro at ia t o co nt inue imp le me nt ing eco no mic Zagreb
r e fo r ms a nd impr o ve t he invest me nt c li mat e fo r Amer ica n a nd o t her invest o r s.
“Yo u ar e an exce l le nt co unt r y fo r inve st me nt s. Yo u have a gr eat geo gr aphica l po s it io n a nd an educat ed wor kfo r ce. But
we enco ur age yo u t o cut do wn r ed t ape, co nt inue w it h pr ivat iz at io n a nd fac i l it a t e t he st art ing up o f new co mpa nie s, ”
S ecr et ar y C l int o n sa id.
S ecr et ar y C l int o n fin is hed t he o ff ic ia l p ar t o f her vis it t o Zagr eb w it h a pr ivat e d inner w it h M in ist er P us ić.
Croatian Defense Minister Kotromanović visits the U.S.
During his official visit to Washington D.C., Croatian Defense Minister Ante Kotromanović met on October 17, 2012 with
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.
The two ministers discussed the U.S. - Croatian strategic to these countries on their path to Euro -Atlantic integration.
alliance in the field of security and defense, the development of
Minister Panetta praised the efforts of the Ministry of DeCroatia‟s defense capabilit ies, bilateral cooperation in South- fense in the modernization of Croatia‟s Armed Forces in the
east Europe and in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, namely midst of the financial crisis, as well as those of the Croatian
issues related to the post-2014 timeleadership in the process of Euro-Atlantic
integration of Southeast Europe, stressing
Both countries expressed their
that Croatia is now a mentor and a leader
satisfaction with respect to the agreein the promotion of regional initiatives.
ment regarding NATO‟s engagement
Bilateral defense cooperation has been
in Afghanistan after 2014, with the
exceptional, manifesting primarily through
focus of the mission shifting to traincooperation in NATO, where the two
ing, mentoring and financing of
countries jointly address global security
Afghan Security Forces, in order for
challenges, from the promotion of stabilit y
the Afghan government to gradually
in Southeast Europe to providing security
assume responsibility for security in
in Afghanistan. Both countries confirmed
the country.
at the meeting their interest of maintaining
Regarding Southeast Europe, the
and expanding this cooperation. For
ministers confirmed the strategic
Croatia, the United States is its main
interest of both Croatia and the Minister Kotromanović and Secretary Panetta before partner in the field of security and de© MORH
United States in sustaining the stabil- their meeting in Washington
fense, which was also reiterated at the
ity and security of the region. The
Croatian delegation stressed the importance of further U.S.
As part of his visit to Washington, Defense Minister Kotroengagement, while confirming Croatia‟s strong support for a manović laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at
Euro-Atlantic perspective for all the countries of the region. the Arlington Military Memorial Cemetery.
Croatia remains committed to providing support and assistance
at the
The Hague Tribunal Acquits two Croatian Generals
The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on November 16, 2012
acquitted Croatian generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac and ordered their immediate release
The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia, composed of Judges Theodor Meron, presiding, Carmel
Agius, Patrick Robinson, Mehmet Guney, and Fausto Pocar, on November
16, 2012 reversed by majority Ante Gotovina‟s and Mladen Markac‟s convictions for crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of
war during and after a Croatian Army offensive known as Operation Storm in
the summer of 1995 and entered verdicts of acquittal. Generals Gotovina and
Markac arrived in Zagreb on the same day and were welcomed on the main
square by thousands of citizens.
“I am very pleased with the Hague tribunal's ruling, which means that our
generals are innocent, but I emphasize the further responsibility of the Croatian state to investigate what happened and to prosecute crimes that were
committed," Croatian President Josipovic said in a statement following the
announcement of the court's final ruling. "General Gotovina and General
Markac have spent eight years in prison innocent, and this fact is not easy for
them or for their families. But they have done it for Croatia and I, in my
Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Josip Leko and Prime capacity as Commander in Chief of the Croatian Armed Forces, wish to thank
Minister Zoran Milanovic welcome Generals Gotovina and them for the sacrifice they have made for their country," the President said.
Markac upon their return to Zagreb
© Pixsell
Josipovic said that the Appeals Chamber's "legal and just ruling has confirmed what we in Croatia have believed all along - that generals Gotovina
and Markac are innocent, that the Croatian leadership and armed forces did not act as a joint criminal enterprise with the ai m of
expelling civilians, our fellow citizens of Serb ethnicity, that Croatia
did not commit ethnic cleansing, and that our struggle for freedom
was just and honorable. It remains our responsibilit y to take care of
all victims of the war and to prosecute all individual crimes that were
committed in the war. The Croatian state is not responsible for crimes
committed by individuals, but is responsible for bringing every
and Markac
perpetrator to justice, regardless of who they are," Josipovic said.
at the Office
Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said that by acquitting
of the
Croatian generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac, the ICTY
confirmed that Croatia was fighting a just war of defense and liberation in which it respected all international laws and customs of war.
© Ured
Commenting on the decision by the Appeals Chamber, Croatian
Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said he felt relieved. PM Milanovic
recalled that it was a process that had lasted 17 years and that today's
acquittal was important for the generals and their families, as well as
for Croatia. "Croatia will redress those who were done wrong, and our thanks go to Markac and Gotovina for holding out so
long," the Prime Minister said.
Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Ministry Vesna Pusic commented that "respect for international institutions and
institutions in general is the only right way. Generals Gotovina and Markac are free and innocent people under the ruling of the
court." The Hague tribunal's judgment establishes beyond doubt that generals Markac and Gotovina are innocent, the minister
said, adding that the ruling did not mean amnesty for those sentenced for war crimes or that Croatia will abandon plans to pr osecute war crimes suspects.
Croatia elected member of the UN ECOSOC
On 8 November 2012 Croatia was elected as a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
for the 2013-2015 period at a General Assembly session in New York
Alo ng w it h t he S ecur it y Co unc i l a nd
t he Gener a l Ass e mbl y, E COS OC is o ne o f
t he ma in UN bo d ie s, in c har ge o f coo r dinat ing UN act ivit ies r egar d ing int er nat io na l eco no mic a nd so c ia l is sues, as w e l l
as t he is sue s o f cu lt ur e, educat io n,
hea lt h, hu ma n r ig ht s a nd fu nda me nt a l
fr eedo ms.
E COS OC co mpr is es 54 UN me mber
co unt r ies a nd o per at es t hr o ugh fu nct io na l, r eg io na l a nd st and ing co mm is s io ns
and co mm it t ees, spec ia l ag e nc ies, pr o gra ms a nd fu nd s, as
we ll as ad ho c wo r king gr o ups and ot her exper t bo die s.
Cr o at ia wa s a lr ead y a me mber o f t he bo d y in 2000 -
2002, cha ir ing it in 2002. T he new
me mber s hip is a n ack no w le dge me nt o f
Cr o at ia 's int er nat io na l po s it io n a nd
r eput at io n, as we ll as a n o ppo rt unit y t o
co nt r ibut e t o t he pro mo t io n and imp leme nt at io n o f eco no mic a nd so cia l po lic ie s impo r t ant t o t he UN.
Cr o at ia was e lect ed alo ng s ide Albania, Be nin, Bo livia, Ca nada, Co lo mbia,
Ha it i, Kuwa it , Kyr g yz st an, Maur it iu s,
Nepa l, t he Net her la nd s, S an Mar ino ,
S udan, T unis ia, T ur k me nist a n a nd t he Unit ed S t at es.
Cr o at ia 's t er m beg ins o n 1 Januar y 201 3 and ends o n 31
Dece mber 2015.
Croatia donates one million kuna
worth of equipment to Afghan police
Spain, Sweden and Greece
ratify Croatia‟s EU Treaty
The donation worth one million kunas is part of the development
assistance Croatia is offering to Afghan authorities
Latest ratifications bring the total number to 19
The Republic of Croatia donated to the Kabul
Police Department uniforms and other equipment to
be used in the training of Afghan police. The official
handover was organized 29 November in Kabul by
the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs as the coordinator of international
development cooperation policy, together with the Ministry of Defense and the
Ministry of the Interior.
The donation worth one million kunas (approximately $200,000) is part of the
development assistance Croatia is offering Afghan authorities in ensuring political
and economic stability, alongside assistance for the education of women and girls,
the protection of reproductive health and stimulating women‟s entrepreneurship.
Afghanistan represents for Croatia a security and development priority, as well
as a partner country in development cooperation.
The Spanish, Swedish and Greek parliaments ratified Croatia‟s EU Treaty in the last period.
So far, 19 of the 27 European Union member states
have ratified the document.
Croatia is scheduled to join the EU on July 1, 2013.
An Agreement on Trade and Investment Signed Between Croatia and
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
economy in the world -- via proffering
between the Illinois Department of Comopportunities to present trade and investment
merce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)
potentials to large American companies. It
and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic
facilitates joint participation in trade and
of Croatia came into force on 11 November
investments projects, trade missions, fairs and
2012 when it was signed by Illinois DCEO
other formats of specialized business gatherDirector Mr. Adam Pollet. On behalf of
Croatia, the MoU had been signed previously
The initiative for this MoU was born out
in Zagreb by Assistant Minister of Economy,
of the spring 2011 visit by the President of the
Mr. Darko Lorencin. Besides the resident
Republic of Croatia Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović,
Croatian Consul General Dr. Polić, several
the first visit ever by a Croatian President to
businessmen involved in trade with Croatia
Chicago and Illinois. It was completed
attended the signing ceremony in Chicago.
through the joint efforts of the Consulate
The signing ceremony in Chicago
© Embassy
This agreement offers a strong framework
General of the Republic of Croatia in Chicago,
for longer term strategic cooperation between Croatia and State of Illinois the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Ministry of Economy
-- the fifth largest economy in the United States and the eighteenth largest of the Republic of Croatia.
Croatian Cultural Events in the U.S.
Zvonimir Mihanović Exhibition, The Forbes Galleries, New York, NY
Zvonimir Mihanovic solo exhibition will be on display for over two months in the galleries of Forbes Magazines‟
headquarters at 62 Fifth Ave, NY from Dec 12, 2012 through Feb 16, 2013. This prestigious show, titled “Serenity in
Croatia”, reaches back 31 years, giving the viewer a full profile of Mihanovic's work. Ten available oil paintings, a
few appealing new watercolors and some of his most prestigious originals from private collections will be on display.
Mihanovic's distinctive style of painting, recognized by art critics as a particular expression of contemporary hyperrealism, places him among the most sought after and in-demand artists in the world today.
More information available at:
Ana Vidović Concert, the International Conservatory of Music, Chevy Chase, MD, January 26, 2013, 8pm
Ana Vidovic comes from the small town of Karlovac near Zagreb, Croatia, and started playing guitar at the age of 5, and by 7 had
given her first public performance. At the age of 11 she was performing internationally, and at 13 became the youngest student to
attend the prestigious National Musical Academy in Zagreb where she studied with Professor Istvan Romer. Ana's reputation in
Europe led to an invitation to study with Manuel Barrueco at the Peabody Conservatory where she graduated in 2005. Her international performance career includes recitals in New York, London, Paris, Vienna, Salzburg, Rome, Budapest, Warsaw, Tel Aviv,
Oslo, Copenhagen, Toronto, Baltimore, San Francisco, Houston, Austin, Dallas, St. Louis and beyond.
More information available at:
Klapa Cambi "Sound of Dalmatia" 2013 Tour
Klapa Cambi, winner of the World Choir Championship in St. Petersburg, will showcase their unique vocal talent
during their 2013 U.S. and Canada tour. For 25 years the group has stayed true to its core Croatian heritage and culture
while bringing the authentic music of Dalmatia to an international spotlight. Their performance will take you through
ancient Dalmatian cities and bring you closer to the beautiful Adriatic. Although unique and original, the repertoire of
Klapa Cambi will be further enriched through performances alongside renowned American artists, creating a musical
fusion between the two countries.
The dates: New York Jan 18, Pittsburgh Jan 20, Cleveland Jan 21, Mississauga Jan 23, Chicago Jan 26.
More information available at:
Reception honoring the co
co--chairs of the Croatian Congressional Caucus and the former president of the NFCA
Cr o at ia n Amba ssado r Jo ško P aro ho st ed an e ve nt ho no r ing t he
o ut go ing co - cha ir s o f t he Cr o at ia n Co ng r ess io na l Caucu s dur ing t he
112t h Co ngr es, t he Ho no r able E lt o n Ga l leg l y a nd De nnis Kuc in ic h
and t he fo r mer pr es ide nt o f t he Nat iona l Feder at io n o f Cr o at ia n
Amer ica ns ( NFC A) E dwar d Andr us.
On t hat o ccas io n, Amba ss ado r P aro conve yed t o t hese t wo lo ng
la st ing fr ie nd s a nd suppo r t er s o f t he R epubl ic o f Cr o at ia w ho ar e
lea ving fr o m t he US Ho use o f Repr e se nt at ives, a me ss age fr o m
Cr o at ia n P r es ide nt Jo s ipo vić in w hic h he expr es sed his appr ec iat io n
t o t he Co ngr ess me n fo r t he ir ded ic at ed ser vice and t he ir r o le as a
vo ice fo r Cr o at ia o n Cap it o l H i l l.
Amba ssado r P ar o a lso pr esent ed Mr . E dwar d Andr us w it h t he
meda l „S t jepa n Rad ić ‟, awar ded t o him by P r es id e nt Jo sipo vić fo r
his fo r ser vices a nd co nt r ibut io n t o t he nat io na l a nd so c ia l r ig ht s o f
t he Cr o at ia n peo p le.
Croatian Ambassador Paro with with Mr. Andrus and Congressmen Gallegly and Kuchinic accompanied by their wives
© Embassy
VIP Reception for the Capital City Ball
A benefit to fight human trafficking and modern-day slavery
The Embassy hosted a VIP reception for the Capital
City Ball. The concept for the Capital City Ball was
created in September 2007 by a group of DC area
professionals who saw an opportunity to create an
annual black tie event with the aim of raising donations to help fight human trafficking, acknowledging
that it is unacceptable that this phenomenon exists anywhere, as
well as the fact that it presents a significant
problem in Washington, DC. The organizations
benefiting from the proceeds of the Gala - Courtney‟s House, Bridge to Freedom Foundation,
Global Centurion, Urban Light and HIPS &
WEAVE, serve on the front line when combating
human trafficking and modern-day slavery.
Miljenko “Mike” Grgich honored at Winemakers‟ Dinner
Mike Grgich’s success in America grew from his deep family winemaking roots in his native Croatia
On 19 No ve mber 2012 M il je nko “M ik e” Gr g ic h a lo ng w it h se ver a l
ot her Amer ica n w ine maker s wa s ho no r ed at t he Wine maker s ‟ D inner at
t he Nat io na l Mu seu m o f Amer ica n H ist or y fo r his co nt r ibut io ns t o Amer ican w ine mak ing. M ike Gr g ic h he lped p io neer Amer ic a n w ine mak ing
t hr o ugh mak ing s ig nif ic a nt br eakt hr oughs in Ca l ifo r nia w ine mak ing
t echnique s, inc lud ing t he use o f co ld st er iliz at io n and ma lo lact ic fer me nt at io n and t he use o f o ak bar r els fo r pr o per aging. H is mo st ce le br at ed
achie ve me nt came in 1976 whe n t he Char do nna y he cr a ft ed fo r Chat eau
Mo nt e le na beat t he ver y be st w ines in Fr a nce in t he no w fa mo us bl ind
t ast ing in P ar is.
M ik e Gr g ic h‟s succ ess in Amer ica gr e w fr o m his deep fa mi l y w inemak ing r oot s in his nat ive Cr o at ia. T he Gr g ic h fa m i l y o wned a s ma l l
w iner y a nd vine yar d in so ut her n Cr o at ia, w her e e ver y ye ar his fat her ,
gr and fat her and gr eat - gr and fat her made w ine. Fo llo w ing his st ud ie s at
Ambassador Joško Paro and DCM Vice Skračić with Violet
t he Univer s it y o f Zagr e b he dec ided t o t r ave l t o t he Unit ed St at es and
Grgich at the exhibition © Embassy
ar r ived in t he Napa V a lle y in 1958 w it h his educat io n a nd a s ma l l su it case. He t hr ived in se ver a l w iner ies a nd in 1977, fo llo w ing his su cce ss in
P ar is, achie ved his l ife lo ng dr ea m o f owning his o wn vine yar d. He t hen jo ine d fo r ces
w it h Aust in H il ls a nd cr eat ed t he Gr gic h H ills Ce l lar at Rut her fo r d.
I n 2006 his w iner y sw it c hed t o so lar po wer and in 2007 t he vine yar d beca me co mp let e ly e st at e gro wn and c ha ng ed it s na me t o Gr gic h H i l ls E st at e. Mik e Gr g ich, a lo ng
w it h his daug ht er Vio let and nep hew I vo Jer a mez, co nt inue t o inno vat e but st a y s ma l l a nd
fo cus ed o n ever impr o ving t he qua l it y o f t he vine yar d s and w ine s co ming fr o m t he E st at e. T he exhib it io n o n Amer ic a n w ine maker s ca n be fo und o n t he gr o und flo o r o f t he
S mit hso nia n Mu seu m o f Amer ic a n H ist o r y in Was hingt o n DC, r ig ht ne xt t o Museu m‟ s
exhib it o n T r ans fo r ming t he Amer ica n T able 1950 - 2000 and Ju l ia C hi ld ‟s ho me kit c he n.
Interview: Jeanne Oliver, author of the first edition of Lonely
Planet's Croatia guidebook
Seeing Croatia struggle to its feet after independence, put together an infrastructure and a tourist industry,
then march confidently towards membership in the EU has been the most rewarding experience of my professional life.
Q : Wh en an d w h y d i d you
decide to write about
C ro at i a ?
Q : Wh at d o y ou t h i n k can fu rt h e r i mp rov e i n t h e
t ou ri st i n d u st ry i n C roat i a ?
I t wasn't me t hat decided !
I n t o p - end fo ur and five - st ar ho t els I 've fo u nd t he st a ff
Whe n
w as
invar ia bl y fr ie nd ly a nd ent hu s iast ic but
hir ed t o wr it e
lack ing in a cer t ain po lis h t hat yo u wo uld
fo r Lo ne l y P la net in 1996, t he y a ske d me
f ind in mo r e mat ur e dest inat io ns. O f
wher e I wo u ld l ike t o go. I cho se . . .
co ur se t he pr ice s ar e n't t he sa me e it he r !
Gr eece, r emar k ing t hat I liked s ea a nd isAs pr ice s cr eep up ho wever , hig h e nd
la nd s and co ast line. T he y t o ld me t hat
vis it o r s who ar e used t o be ing co dd led in
Gr eece was a lr ead y as s ig ned but suggest ed
ot her dest inat io ns w il l de ma nd t he sa m e
Cr o at ia. At t he t ime, e ver yt hing I hear d
in Cr o at ia.
abo ut Cro at ia w as war , war , war and t hen
peace but I was game. It see med lik e a gr and
Q : H ow d o y ou rat e i n t e rn et p ro m ot i o n
adve nt ur e and I was eager t o see fo r mys e lf
of t o u ri s m i n C roat i a ?
t he co unt r y I had hear d so muc h a bo ut . Also
T he nat io na l, r egio na l a nd lo ca l t o ur ist
m y fr ie nds wer e so impr es sed w it h my
bo ar ds ha ve hig hl y de ve lo ped w e bs it es
"br a ver y"! "No , no . T he war ended in 1995",
t hat ar e part icu lar ly go o d at keeping
I kept r eassur ing e ver yo ne. I updat ed t he
vis it o r s info r med o f lo ca l e ve nt s and
Cr o at ia c hapt er o f Med it er r anea n E ur o pe o n
fest iva ls w hic h is impo rt ant as t his info r a S ho est r ing in 1996 and r et ur ned in 1998 t o
Jeanne Oliver was born mat io n is not gener a ll y a va i la ble e ls er esear c h a nd wr it e t he fir st ed it io n o f L o ne ly in New Jersey and moved wher e. H ist o r y, impo rt ant s ig ht s, cu linar y
P la net 's Cr o at ia gu ide bo o k fo llo wed by t he
to New York City where spec ia lt ies a nd act ivit ies ar e a lso we l l t hr ee succeed ing ed it io ns. Whe n I dec id ed t o
co ver ed. I t hink it wo uld be use fu l f or
lau nc h a webs it e in 2005, it see med na t ur al she worked as an attorney. t o ur ist bo ar ds at all le ve ls t o be mo re
love of travel
t o choo se Cro at ia a s I alr e ad y had so muc h Her
pr o act ive in r eac hing o ut t o t ho se who,
exper ie nc e co ver ing t he co unt r y.
prompted her to move to l ike me, ar e co ver ing Cr o at ia o n t he
Q : Wh at we re yo u r fi rst i mp re s si o n s o f
t h e co u n t ry?
Goo d and bad. On t he o ne ha nd, t her e
wer e st il l vis ib le r e m inder s o f t he war . T he
E sp la nad e Hot el in Z agr e b had peacek e eper s
and o ff ic ia ls co ming a nd go ing. Zadar st il l
had s a nd bags ar o und t he bu ild ing s a nd Dubr o vnik had yet t o r epa ir a ll it s r oo fs.
Wo r se, fr o m I st r ia a ll do wn t he co ast , peo ple
wer e mo r o se and demo r a lized. T he disr upt io ns pr o vo ked by t he war wer e st il l fr e sh i n
peo ple 's mind s. On t he ot her hand, t he sheer
phys ic a l beaut y o f t he co unt r y was st agger ing. And t her e wer e no ot her vis it o r s! We l l,
o ne. I n Zadar , t he che ss p la yer Gar y Ka spar o v sho wed his s uppo rt by o r ganiz ing and
p la ying in a lo ca l c he ss t o ur na me nt . It was
c le ar t hat a lo t o f wo r k needed t o be done t o
r epa ir t he t o ur is m in fr ast r uct ur e, especia l l y
t he ho t els, but it was equa l l y c lear t hat o nce
it was r epa ir ed, Cr o at ia was go ing t o be a
ma ss ive dest inat io n.
Q : Wh at d i d you fi n d t o b e t h e mo st
u n i q u e asp e ct o f C roat i an t ou ri s m?
France in 1992 where she
worked in the tourist
She began working as a
travel writer in 1995,
authoring guidebooks for
Frommers and Lonely
Planet. She covered Paris,
the Cote d'Azur, Normandy, Greece, Germany,
Slovenia and of course
Croatia. She wrote the first
guidebook in English to
Croatia for Lonely Planet
in 1999, followed by the
next three editions. She's
currently based in Nice,
France where she operates
Croatia Traveller has
been online since 2005.
Constantly updated, Croatia Traveller contains 1600
pages of travel information
including itineraries,
sights, transport, ferry
schedules, accommodation,
and travel news.
T he pr e va le nce a nd qua lit y o f pr iva t e
acco mmo dat io n is unpar a l le led in t he Med it err anea n. It o ffer s t he o ppo rt unit y t o int er act wit h lo ca l l i fe in a wa y t hat ho t els can't .
Mo st fa m i lie s who ha ve co nst r uct ed and
r ent ed o ut apart me nt s see m hig hl y inv est ed
mat er ia l l y a nd e mo t io na ll y in mak ing t he ir
guest s co mfo r t able a nd int r o ducing t he m t o Cro at ia n
cu lt ur e. I 've st a yed in a lo t o f pr ivat e acco mmo dat io n
o ver t he year s w hic h has gr eat ly e nha nc ed my e xper ie nc e
o f t he co unt r y.
int er net fu l l- t ime. I sco ur my ne ws
so ur ces da il y t o st ay up - t o - dat e but I can
o nly wr it e a bo ut what I find. I f I knew
mo r e I co uld co ver mo r e. I 'd like t o be on
t he r ece iving e nd o f mo r e anno unce me nt s,
pr ess r e lea se s and new s feed s. Lo ca l
t o ur ist bo ar ds co uld a lso be mo r e act ive
o n so c ia l med ia, o pening T w it t er acco unt s and F ace bo o k pages I co uld fo llo w.
Q : Wh at a re you r fa vo ri t e d est i n at i o n s
i n C roat i a ?
T her e ar e t oo ma ny t o co unt ! One o f
t he be st t r ips I t oo k t ho ugh, was an is la nd
cr u ise t hat co ver ed t he no rt her n Adr iat ic
and t he Ko r nat i I s la nds. E ve n a ft er a
do zen pr evio u s t r ip s t o Cro at ia, t he
beaut y a nd p leasur e o f s a il ing t ho se
is la nds was a r eve lat io n.
Q : H ow o ft en d o you t rave l t o C roat i a
t od ay?
E ver y year . S ee ing Cr o at ia st r ugg le t o
it s fe et aft er indepe nde nc e, put t oget her
an infr a st r uct ur e and a t o ur ist indu st ry
t hen mar c h co nfide nt ly t o war ds me mbe r ship in t he E U has be e n t he mo st r ewarding e xper ie nce o f m y pr o fes s io na l l i fe.
Q : Do you sp ea k C ro at i an ?
I 'm so so rr y t hat I do n't . I can mut t er
so me nic et ies but t o r ea ll y speak t he
la nguag e I wo uld ha ve t o im mer se m yse l f in it . Ma ybe I
sho u ld mo ve t o Cro at ia ?
Klapa singing inscribed on UNESCO Lists of Intangible Cultural
Croatia has 12 elements inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Klapa singing, a form of traditional Croatian a cappella singing, was inscribed on the Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage, established by UNESCO,
at the 7th meeting of the intergovernmental committee for intangible cultural
heritage which was held in Paris from December 3 to 7, 2012.
Klapa singing is a multipart singing tradition of the southern Croatian
region of Dalmatia. Multipart singing, a cappella homophonic singing, oral
tradition and simple music making are its main features. The leader of each
singing group is the first tenor, followed by several tenor, baritone and bass
voices. During performances, the singers stand in a tight semicircle. The first
tenor starts the singing and is followed by the others. The main aim is to
achieve the best possible blend of voices. Technically, klapa singers express
their mood by means of open guttural, nasal sotto voce and falsetto singing,
usually in high-pitched tessitura. Another feature is the ability to sing freely,
without the help of notation.
Topics of klapa songs usually deal with love, life situations, and the environment in which they live. Bearers and practitioners are skilled amateurs who inherit the tradition from their predecessors. Their
ages vary with many younger people singing with older singers. In „traditional klapa‟, knowledge is transferred orally. „Fest ival
klapa‟ is more formally organized with a focus on performance and presentation. In „modern klapa‟, young singers gain experie nce
by attending performances and listening to recordings. Local communit ies see klapa singing as a central marker of their music al
identity, incorporating respect for diversity, creativity and communication.
Presenting the Croatian Oscar Candidate: 'Vegetarian Cannibal'
“Vegetarian Cannibal”, a film directed by Branko Schmidt and produced by Telefilm, will
represent Croatian cinema in the selection process of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the Oscar award in the Best Foreign Film category. On October 8,
2012 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the final list of eligible
submissions, with a record number of 71 films. The final nominees for this prestigious American film award will be announced on 15 January 2013. This year‟s 85th Oscar ceremony takes
place in Hollywood on 24 February 2013.
“Vegetarian Cannibal” is a contemporary story about a successful, but immoral and corrupt
gynecologist (Rene Bitorajac), who accomplishes his ambitions with the help of the Zagreb
Actor Rene Bitorajac plays a leading role
The film is based on the novel by Ivo Balenović, with whom Schmidt also collaborated
in the movie
on his previous film Metastases.
At this year‟s Pula Film Festival the film won five Golden Arenas, including those for best director and best actor (Rene Bit orajac).
It also took part in the official selection of the renowned Moscow International Film Festival.
Ultra Music Festival announces five
five--year residency in Croatia
Starting next summer, Ultra Music Festival will touch down in Croatia from July 12-14th, where it will remain for the next
five years. The festival is expected to attract over 60,000 visitors yearly. The lineup features DJ superstars Avicii, Carl Cox
and Armin Van Buuren.
One of the world's leading organizers of
electronic music festivals, Ultra Worldwide of
the United States, has chosen Croatia among
16 European countries for its first European
The Ultra Europe festival was announced
in the presence of Tourism Minister Veljko
Ostojic at a press conference in Zagreb in late
November when the festival organizers, Ultra
Worldwide and Croatia's Adria MM, signed a
five-year cooperation agreement. Ostojic said
that his ministry unequivocally supported such
major events because they would help change
the stereotyped image of Croatia and its
tourism into "tourism of experience and
The festival will take place specifically at
Split‟s Poljud Stadium for the first two days, before moving over to the
Hotel Amfora Grand Beach Resort on the island of Hvar for the final
day. The lineup features DJ superstars Avicii, Carl Cox and Armin Van
Buuren. Ultra Worldwide already anticipates 60,000 attendees and plans
to stream the three days through UMF TV and
UMF Radio.
“Electronic music is one of the most popular
and fastest growing genres in the world, and the
Ultra Music Festival has been recognized as one
of the leading festivals of that genre,” Russell
Faibisch, the Founder, Executive Producer and
CEO of Ultra Music Festival and Ultra Worldwide writes. “Taking into consideration the
highly developed music scene in Croatia and the
excellent reputation of Split and Hvar as top
tourist destinations, the decision to bring Ultra
Music Festival and the incredible experience it
has to offer to Croatia – in the form of Ultra
Europe – was an easy one to make. We strongly
believe that electronic music fans are acutely
aware of what Ultra Music Festival represents
and will come in great numbers to share this amazing experience in both
Split and Hvar this July”.
Early bird tickets for the first two days, priced at £40, go on sale
December 5th exclusively at Ultra
Croatian Football Federation centennial
FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter attended the festivities to mark the 100th anniversary of the Croatian Football Federation
in Zagreb
FI F A P r es ide nt Jo seph B lat t ho se who have he lped bu i ld it s
t er at t ended t he fe st ivit ie s t o
hist o r y, deve lo p me nt and success ”.
mar k t he 100t h anniver sar y o f
He a lso t ha nked Cr o at ia n fo ot ba ll
t he Cr o at ia n Fo ot ba ll Feder a“fo r what it has br o ught t o t he
t io n in Zagr e b o n Dece mber 4,
deve lo p me nt o f t he ga me int er na2012.
t io na l l y a nd w is hed it t he ver y best
He ld in t he Cr o at ia n Nafo r t he year s t o co me. "
t io na l T he at r e, t he cer e mo ny
T he Cr o at ia n Fo ot ba ll Feder awas a lso at t ended by Cr o at ia n
t io n has bee n c ha ir ed by fo r mer
P r ime M in ist er Zo r an M i la no st ar st r iker Davo r Š uker since Ju l y
vić, t he UE F A P r es ide nt and
2012. Š uker was capped 68 t imes
FI FA V ic e - P r e sid e nt Mic he l
w it h t he Cr o at ia n nat io na l t ea m,
P lat ini a nd t he P r es ide nt o f t he
sco r ing 45 go als.
Cr o at ia n Fo o t ba l l F ed er at io n
Cr o at ia ar e cur r ent ly s eco nd in
Davo r Š uker . Befo r e t he Cen- FIFA President Joseph Blatter with President of the Croatian t he ir qua li f ying gr o up fo r t he FI F A
t e nn ia l c e r e mo n y, t he F I F A Football Federation Davor Šuker © FIFA
Wo r ld Cup Br az il 2014. Cr o at ia
P r es ide nt was r ece ived by t he
par t ic ipat ed in t hr ee FI F A Wo r ld
P r es ide nt o f t he Republ ic o f Cr o at ia, I vo Jo sipo vic.
Cups t o dat e ( 1998, 2002 and 2006). It reco r ded it s biggest
I n his speec h at t he cer e mo ny, P r es id ent Blat t er co n- succe ss in 1998 in Fr a nce w it h a n i mpr es s ive br o nze
gr at ulat ed “a hist o r ic d a y fo r Cr o at ia n fo ot ba ll” t o “a l l meda l.
Croatia received Travel Agents Choice Award as an Upcoming
Holiday Destination
Travel Agents Choice Awards is awarded by Company BMI Publishing Limited, publisher of the leading British travel magazine Selling Long Haul, and is the only tourism award for which only tourism professionals get to vote
At a press conference, which was organized on the first day of one of the most important tourism fairs, the
World Travel Market in London (November 5-8, 2012), the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia,
Veljko Ostojic and director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Meri Matesic, were presented with the
Travel's Agents' Choice Award for 2012 in the category "Up and Coming Short Haul Destinations".
The award for best upcoming short haul destination is another great recognition of Croatia's most successful
season to date, but also a confirmation of an upturn in popularity of Croatia as a desirable tourist destination in
the UK market, which this year showed a rise in the number of guests by 20% year after year. This rise is likely
to continue next year by 5% to 10%, based on the announcements of tour operators and airline companies.
British Airways will begin operating the London-Zagreb flight as of 9 December and continue offering it
throughout the year. Also, the British Association of Travel Agents - ABTA, which brings together about 6,000 members, chose Croatia to host its
annual conference in 2013. The conference will be held in October next year in Dubrovnik and will gather as many as 700 top experts from the
tourism sector of Great Britain and influential representatives of travel agencies.
“Croatia – New Star of the Mediterranean”, “Discovery of the Mediterranean”, “Continental
Hit-Destination in Europe”, are just some of the titles gracing the covers of catalogues of some of
the largest tour operators in the world (Mega Agencies such as TUI, Neckermann and Thomas
Cook) as Croatia is increasingly positioned ahead of all other Mediterranean destinations.
Flights into Croatia from all over Europe have also been beefed up in anticipation of the expected increase in arrivals next summer. Recently air companies such as British Airways, EasyJet, RyanAir, Monarch and Finnair all announced increased services into Croatia.
Zlatni Rat beach on the Island of Brač
„Ode to Joy‟ wins Grand Prix
Where is Croatia? In Yahoo
Top 10 searches for 2012
„Ode to Joy‟, the multi award winning film by the Croatian
National Tourist Board, was named best promotional tourist film
at the Grand Prix CIFFT (Comité International des
Festivals du Film Touristique) in Vienna. The film is
part of a promotional campaign by the Croatian National Tourist Board, under the slogan “Croatia - the
new tourism star of the European Union.”
The video is available here.
Yaho o anno unced it mo st po pular sear ch e ng ine r equest s fo r 2012 w it h a sur pr is ing e nt r y
co ming in at nu mber 7 o n t he “Wher e is… ?
l ist .
Cr o at ia was t he 7t h mo st sear c hed fo r it e m
w it h t he pr e fix “Wher e is” o n t he int er net
g ia nt sear ch e ng ine s fo r 2012.
Cravat Day celebrated in Croatia
At the suggestion of the Academia Cravatica, the Cravat Day was declared by the
Croatian Parliament in 2008, and has been celebrated since in Croatia and
abroad on 18 October
For the fifth year in a row, Academia Cravatica and the Zagreb Tourist Board have
organized a ceremony with the performance of the Cravat -regiment on St. Mark‟s
Square in Zagreb.
© Pixsell
Treat Yourself with Advent in Zagreb
Apart from the excellent outdoor program on the main city square, Zagreb’s citizens and their guests who traditionally spend
the Advent season in Zagreb will be able to enjoy numerous concerts, theater performances, exhibitions and various other
kinds of festive happenings and events tied to the merriment of the most joyous month of the year.
Advent in the Heart of Zagreb is a
series of holiday events held on the city‟s
squares, bringing the spirit of Advent and
Christmas to guests and citizens of
Zagreb through a rich musical and artistic
program. Interested citizens, guests and passersby can enjoy various
programs by numerous
cultural societ ies, child r e n‟ s c ho ir s , d r a ma
ensembles, dance groups
and music bands, or shop
at fairs tailored for the
occasion. Over the last few
years, t he concept of
Advent in Zagreb has
surpassed the holiday season, making
entire winters in the Croatian capital
livelier and warmer than ever before,
with entertainment found literally on
every corner of most streets and squares
across the city centre.
Advent in Zagreb begins on 1 December, with the traditional lighting of the
first Advent candle in the central city square of Ban Josip Jelacic.
As of that date, numerous Christmas events will take place
throughout the city, culminating with a big New Year‟s party.
Apart from many diverse programs, which will take place on
the squares and streets across the city, the Christmas atmosphere
will be complemented by a museum and theatre program, as well
as concerts in Zagreb‟s churches, the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert
Hall and entertainment programs at Arena Zagreb, while young-
sters will enjoy riding a merry Christmas
Restaurateurs are as well prepared for
the holiday season as ever. This year,
however, the holiday staples will be
complimented by some very popular
original delicacies, including
the famous štrukle (cheese
filled pastry). There will also
be presentations and tastings of
various other kinds of authentic
Croatian foods, for example the
renowned Dalmatian prosciutto
and Slavonian kulen (a spicy
dry-cured sausage). All of the
presentations will be accompanied by cultural events and
p e r fo r m a n c e s b y fo l k l o r e
groups from all over Croatia.
More information regarding the advent events in Zagreb can
be found online at
Opatija's Chocolate Festival
And Croatia is…
There is no sweeter holiday than this!
...the land of truffles
For several years now, at the beginning of December, Opatija is traditionally dedicated to the sweet
scent of chocolate which is celebrated every year
during the Chocolate Festival. Chocolate isn't only a
delicacy that everyone enjoys…. It is also a healthy
and healing nutriment that reduces stress, helps in
the prevention of heart diseases, strengthens the
immune system, acts as an antidepressant, but is also
used as an aphrodisiac. The festival is part of the
“Winter in Opatija“ project and this year‟s edition
took place from the 7th to the 9th of December, with
many promotions and events extending through the
entire month.
Chocolate lovers will once again have the opportunity to sample a wide range of their favorite specialties or enjoy a variety of chocolate-based beauty
treatments during the sixth edition of the festival.
Every year, the festival has some special surprise to
offer, but the taste that remains is always the same
and delicious – sweet chocolate fragrance, spiced up
with some special enjoyment and aromas.
During the festival, which takes place in numerous Opatija hotels, cafés and wellness centers,
“chococolics” had the chance to treat all the senses
at various tastings, competitions, exhibitions, film
screenings and other attractive events related to
chocolate. As always, the festival also included the
making of the biggest
chocolate cake. For those
interested in some special
experience, there were a
series of sweet wellness
packages such as exclusive
chocolate body treatments, aroma hydro massage
baths, facial treatments with chocolate-based products, and much more. Special entertainment programs for children have been organized and together
with the Catering school Opatija educational programs will include workshops in preparing and
making chocolate confectionery and delicacies. All
hoteliers and restaurateurs from Opatija will be
included in the event with their programs.
If you are a fan of chocolate, be sure not to miss
the chance to visit Opatija in December. In addition
to a variety of chocolate products, the town's extensive gastronomic offer will include some special
surprises, like classical specialties enriched with
chocolate or imaginative combinations of various
Culinary chefs agree upon one thing only: the truffle should be placed
at the very top of the gastronomic delicacies list. The truffle is a supreme
delicacy that had been enjoyed by Mesopotamian rulers 4000 years ago,
and it is still one of the most prestigious foodstuffs in world gastronomy.
This intense flavor royal mushroom was known to the ancient Greeks and
Roman emperors, and was also served at the French court and among the
Austro-Hungarian aristocracy.
The truffle is a mysterious, unique and expensive tuber, completely
concealed underground. It does not dispose of a plant suspended above
the ground and therefore, no human being is able to spot it, except for a
well-trained dog tracing it by smell. It is very rare and it grows only in
several locations in Europe - in some parts of France and Italy and in the
Istrian peninsula of Croatia.
So, if you are looking for truffles, Istria is the place to go! The land
of our heart-shaped peninsula consists of two types of soil texture; the
intensely red one in the coastal area and the grey, clayish one in its
central part. The truffle grows exactly in this grey soil, inside the Istrian
truffle 'Bermuda' triangle between Pazin, Buje and Buzet, with its epicenter being in the damp Motovun forest constantly moistened by the
Mirna river flowing through its woods. To be even more precise, it is
mainly spotted in the County District of Oprtalj, by the townlet of
Livade, and in the Buzet area, where Buzet has already been renowned as
the “Truffle Place”. Now you know!
The white Istrian truffle is one of the most
highly appraised truffle species in the world. In
order to promote its origins and delicacy,
“Truffle days in Istria” are organized every
year. October is the top season of the white
truffle, which is also the most expensive and
the most valuable truffle. At that time, numerous events are held every weekend to celebrate
this indisputable king of mushrooms in Livade,
a well-known truffles centre near Motovun.
But, even before and after this period, throughout most of the autumn, Istria lives in the
rhythm of truffles with an abundance of festivities dedicated to this noble mushroom.
Guests who come from the whole region are
presented with typical truffle dishes: fuži,
pljukanci, gnocchi, fritada and various meat
combinations. There are also many exhibitions
In October 1999 Mr. and fairs, with plenty of excellent opportunities
Z i g a n t e to meet the world of this magic, aromatic tuber
found, near Buje, the
world‟s largest truffle known for its aphrodisiac features.
So, in case you have not already done so,
(1,31 kg) discovered so
far, which has been we invite you to get pass looking at truffle as
included in the Guin- an odd potato-like bulb with a highly unpleasness book of world ant smell. Once you do, you get used to it and
its culinary uniqueness, becoming for once and
for all its true and eternal admirer. One may even say you tend to get
addicted to it as one does to any other worldly vice.
Speaking of Facts: Croatia‟s National Parks
Croatia is one of the ecologically best preserved parts of Europe, boasting with as many as eight national parks in so small an area! Places of exceptional beauty offer
tranquility at the nature’s best that has been preserved over centuries and for generations to come. These are the crown jewels of Croatia:
Plitvice Lakes - This is Croatia‟s best known national park and the one that is listed on the UNESCO List of
World Heritage sites. The main attractions of this park, unique in the world, are the 16 small lakes joined by waterfalls
created by the sedimentation of travertine, a special type of limestone. Plitivice national park encompasses the source
of the river Korana, located in the area surrounded by dense forests of beech, fir and spruce. There are also several
caves in the park, as well as springs and flowering meadows. The brown bear stands out as one of many protected
animal species. The popularity of this park is also boosted by the special means of transport used to ferry visitors
around: the panoramic electric trains and the noiseless electro-powered boats. It is impossible to say whether the park
is more beautiful in the spring, when the flowers in its meadows are in full bloom and when the trees have turned
green again, or when the riot of autumn colors is reflected in the waters of the lakes, or indeed during the winter calm,
when ice petrifies the waterfalls and when the surrounding trees are heavily laden with snow. By a network of paths,
visitors can get around and access the numerous waterfalls and the rocky lake shores easily.
Kornati Archipelago - The Kornati archipelago consists of 140 uninhabited islands, islets and reefs
comprising an area of only 70 km2. They are famous for the peculiar shapes of reefs and crags but
particularly for their high cliffs. There are those who claim that the number of the smaller islands is even
greater, since an old saying says: “As is the number of days in a year, so is the number of the Kornati
islands”. The main island Kornat is accounted for the largest part of the park and the whole island group
is named after it. Due to the dangers involved in sailing through this maze of stone and sea, there are
many old lighthouses on Kornati islands, which today are destinations for Robinson-Crusoes-want-to-be.
The biggest admirers of Kornati are yachtsmen, who find in this area, that which they seek most: a sun
soaked warren of sea and islands set in unspoiled nature.
Brijuni Archipelago - Brijuni, a
group of islands comprising of two large and twelve smaller isles, are strung along Istria‟s south western
coast not far from Pula. Their surface area is barely seven km2, but together with the surrounding sea the
total area of the park is 34 km2. Brijuni are renowned for its indented nature and the unspoiled Mediterranean vegetation, but the islands also boast an invaluable cultural heritage dating from the Roman and
Byzantine times, which alongside with the outstanding natural beauty, has made them a popular holiday
destination among the world statesmen and the aristocracy. Although not inhabited, because of the
numerous tourists who are ferried over from the mainland by boat, there are people on the islands all year
round. Veliki Brijun offers accommodation in three small hotels, enabling their guests to savour an
atmosphere of peace while being surrounded by beautiful nature and having the tourist flurry of Pula
within easy reach. The site of the first golf course in Croatia is on Brijuni. Despite the numerous visitors,
the landscape has been well preserved, as proved by a large number of birds which winter on the islands.
Island of Mljet - Situated on the island of the same name, Mljet National Park is the most important
protected area of the Dalmatian south. The park covers the western part of the island, which many regard as
the most alluring in the Adriatic, full of lush and varied Mediterranean vegetation. The park includes two deep
bays which, due to their extremely narrow links with the sea, are regarded as and indeed named lakes: the
Great Lake and the Small Lake. Mljet is also very rich in cultural heritage, the most prominent example being
the complex of the 12th century Benedictine monastery. The monastery is located on a small island in the
middle of the Great Lake and is set in a lush park. Over the course of centuries, numerous chronicles, dissertations and other literary works have been written here. Located within the monastery is the church of St Mary.
Paklenica - The greatest natural jewel of the Zadar area
is Paklenica National Park, which covers the most attractive parts of the southern Velebit. Its most striking features are
two forbidding gorges - Velika and Mala Paklenica. The park abounds with peculiar karstic forms, caves and other
natural features, while due to its climate conditions, lush variety of flora and fauna has been preserved. Despite its wild
nature, Paklenica is easily accessible due to its proximity to the Adriatic highway and the motorway. The vistas of
Velebit rising above the resort of Starigrad-Paklenica, which are at once intimidating and alluring, beckon those
seeking light-hearted adventure. Through the wild ruggedness of Velika Paklenica, where highland women once
carried salt on their backs from the coast and brought wheat from the fertile hinterland of Lika, today runs a comfortable hiking trail.
Risnjak - This mountain massif was named after the lynx, in Croatian ris, its most popular inhabitant. Being located where
the Alps meet the Dinaric Range and where the Mediterranean gradually gives way to the Pannonia Plain, it combines
almost all the forest types of the areas and contains numerous plant and animal species. Nature lovers come to Risnjak for
the beauty of the mountains, forests, waters and karst. The most frequent visitors are mountaineers, who find the highest
peak of the massif the most rewarding challenge. In addition to lynx, the symbol of the mountain, there are also brown
bears, martens and dormice. Risnjak is also famous for its fantastic views of the islands in the Kvarner Bay
Krka waterfalls - The largest part of this amazing river‟s
course is the national park, which in addition to its natural phenomena abounds with cultural and historical
monuments. The most outstanding of these is the Franciscan monastery on the tiny island of Visovac, set in the
middle of the lake widening in the river like a precious stone. Within the monastery there is a picture gallery and a
church, origins of which are traced back to the 14th century. However, the main attraction of Krka National Park
lies in its seven waterfalls. The widest of these is Roški slap, although Skradinski buk is the biggest and most well
Northern Velebit - Located in the peak area of the northernmost part of the mountain and extending over 109
km2, the national park is rich in exceptional features: the cone like karstic formations known as Hajdučki kukovi and
Rožanski kukovi, the botanical garden set in a natural environment, and the pothole Lukina jama (Luka‟s pothole).
That is why Croatian mountaineers regard this area as the most precious jewel among all of the Croatia‟s mountains.
Photo of the Month
Each month we will publish a
photo of Croatia taken by one of
the millions of foreign tourist that
discover “The Mediterranean as it
once was” every year.
For more of these, check out the
official Facebook page of Croatia
“Love Croatia” or visit
This month‟s photo comes from
Hrvatsko Zagorje, where the mild
hills have welcomed the first snow
of the year. Courtesy of Dunja Habek. Enjoy!
Visit Croatia!
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© The Croatia Monthly is a free electronic newsletter published monthly by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the
United States of America, 2343 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008-2803. Tel:+(202) 588 5899; Fax:+(202)
588 8937. Executive Editor: Ambassador Joško Paro. Deputy Executive Editor: Vice Skračić, Deputy Chief of Mission.
Executive Director: Dino Mihanović, Second Secretary. All rights reserved. It is forbidden to reproduce this newsletter, use it to
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