Mar 2015 - Wallingford


Mar 2015 - Wallingford
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ver the past few decades, advances in medicine and more generally in our living conditions have meant
that many of us are living much longer than was the case for our ancestors. This is very much something
to be celebrated, but like all achievements there are drawbacks: as more of us are older, illnesses
associated with older age become more frequent too.
I was recently sent a link to an on-line video, which really struck a chord with me. Like everyone, I have friends
who have been affected by dementia, and like many others I’ve struggled with how to react and what to say and
do. Watching the video really did help me to understand the condition better and to think much more about the
best way to help my friends and to keep my friendships going as things get tough. It made so much sense of a
difficult and complicated condition.
The video can be seen easily: google ‘dementia friends bookcase’ and you will see the link (other search engines
will do just as well!). Please do spend 5 minutes watching. I hope it will make as big an impact on you as it has
on me.
Lynda Atkins 839120
[email protected]
Wallingford & District Art Club
Henley Philatelic Society
allingford and District Art Club meets on
Tuesdays, 7.30-9.30 p m at Centre 70. On
17 March artist Max Hale will demonstrate
palette knife painting with acrylics and you are most
welcome to join us for what is always an entertaining
and interesting evening (visitors £5, members free).
And why not come along to a free taster session at
one of the untutored painting evenings we have on
all other Tuesdays? Just bring your own materials
and ideas. Or simply come to have a look round and
a friendly chat. Do ring or e-mail me if you would like
more information on this or on the other exciting
demonstrations we shall be having each month.
he Society will be holding its increasingly popular
Auction on Wednesday March 11 at 7.30pm at
the Bix Village Hall. You can see the Catalogue
on our website - where
you may also bid, or why not come to the Auction
Viewing at 6.30 p.m. on the day? There will be a
break for coffee during the auction. Non-members
are welcome.
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of
the month at Bix Village Hall at 7.45pm from September
to June inclusive. Visitors and new members are
welcome. Details 681739 or on our website.
Penny Black
Stephanie Toole
[email protected]
Wallingford U3A
ur March speaker, on 4th, will be Mrs. Jill
Carey, who will talk on "Three Birders in a
Bush". We know this will be really
entertaining, and we will welcome any visitors who
would like to come along. Our meetings are held in
Crowmarsh Village Hall on the first Wednesday of the
Month, at 2pm. The visit to Sonning Mill goes ahead
on February 28th. The 5 day holiday to the Peak
District is set for the end of June. Most of our interest
groups are flourishing but new faces and ideas are
always welcome to these too. The list of Speakers for
the year will be out in March. To find more
visit . Phone Hermione
on 01865 858 024 or Jill on 835994
Deirdre Wilson
Fresh Coffee/Tea and Homemade Cakes
Available 8.30am – 4.00pm
Freshly made Baguettes/Sandwiches & Rolls
Delicious Hot Dishes
Available Lunch Time Only
Ample Parking/Free ATM Machine
Come and try our Café Restaurant, located in
the Manor House of Howbery Park
overlooking our beautiful lawns and
new patio area
For any queries, please contact
01491 822305
The Incredible World
of the Honey Bee
Children and War - children's
experiences of WW II in Oxfordshire
t the March meeting of the Wallingford
Gardening Club, Steve Moll will give an
illustrated talk on The Incredible World of the
Honey Bee.
arch's talk to The
Wallingford Historical and
(TWHAS) will be by Liz Wooley. She
will present 'Children and War children's experiences of WW II in
Oxfordshire escaped major bombing during World War
II but the county’s inhabitants were, none-the-less,
heavily affected by the War. Preparations for possible
attack and invasion altered the familiar landscape and
everyday life in towns and villages was disrupted.
Thousands of evacuees found refuge here and became
part of residents’ homes and schools. Liz's talk looks at
how the lives of Oxfordshire children – both those
born in the county and those evacuated here – were
affected by World War II. It is likely to prompt older
listeners to recall and share their own wartime
experiences, whether from Oxfordshire or elsewhere.
The talk is presented in association with the Soldiers of
Oxfordshire Trust, whose major 2011-13 exhibition,
Children and War, examined war-time evacuation, boy
soldiers, war toys and commemoration, from the Boer
War to the present day.
This talk will be held on Friday 13th March, 7.45 for
8pm at the Town Hall. Visitors (£3) are most
Stu Darby
Through the eyes of a beekeeper we will follow the
activities of a bee colony through the calendar year;
looking at how the colony survives winter, their
sophisticated methods of communication, and why
they swarm. Many fascinating facts about this
incredible insect will be uncovered - did you know
that bees gather nectar from two million flowers to
produce a jar of honey! On a more sombre note we
will look at some of the pest and disease challenges
facing honeybee colonies throughout the world.
Steve Moll has always had strong links with the
countryside and agriculture, inspired by his
upbringing on a Suffolk farm. A biologist by training,
he spent his career working for multinational
companies specialising in crop protection products
and crop seed variety development. After moving
back to the UK, Steve and his wife Vivien started
beekeeping in 2006, first with a single hive in their
garden. Their love for the beekeeping craft has seen
hive numbers grow, to over seventy located at sites
across South Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
The talk will be held at Ridgeway Community Church,
Wallingford at 7.30pm on Thursday 12th March.
Visitors very welcome - £2.
Isabelle Darby
Dust off that bicycle …..
ave you thought about joining an organised
cycle ride, but felt worried that it would be
too far or too fast? If so, why not try one of
CTC Wallingford’s relaxed rides? We meet at 1.30pm
on the first Sunday of the month in Wallingford
Market Place and cycle a gentle 20 to 25 miles, with
a café stop for refreshments. We get back to
Wallingford by 5.00pm.
For more experienced cyclists, we offer a faster ride
(same time, same place) on the third Sunday of each
You don’t need to be a CTC member to join our rides:
come and try out up to three rides with us before you
join. For more information, contact Patrick Hardiman
([email protected] or 835939)
Alison Smart
Contract and Domestic Flooring Specialists
St. Martin’s Street
Oxon. OX10 0AJ
Tel. 01491 833701
Free estimates
Wallingford Town Council Update
uring January we had a full Council
meeting and meetings of the Tourism &
Publicity, Finance & Properties and Plans &
General Purposes committees. The Councillors
welcomed four participants to speak.
John Gordon from the LEADER programme gave
an update on previous grants and future
developments. Two recent beneficiaries were The
Corn Exchange receiving a 50% grant for the
projector and SODC received a 50% grant towards
the new moorings. Future bids are going to be
invited and the theme will be to encourage the
revival of the River Thames and the adjoining
communities. This topic was discussed in more
detail at the Tourism committee and it was felt
that it should be opened up to key users/
benefiters of the river such as the Rowing club and
various eateries.
Martin Gillett from Oxfordshire Play Association
discussed a proposed play event on the Kinecroft.
More details will be available at the next Parks,
Allotments and Open Spaces sub-committee.
Representatives from CABI and CALA homes gave an
update on the previous planning application that
has floundered because they were unable to obtain
backing for the care home. They are hoping that the
own Council will be able to support them with their
new application.
Magna Carta and the anniversary of the sealing 800
years ago will be celebrated at the Wallingford
Museum when it opens for the 2015 summer season
with a special exhibition “Magna Carta and all that”.
A SODC fire update was received and most of the
services are getting back to 100% operational. SODC
should feel very proud that their backup plans have
worked so well after such a devastating test. A letter
has been sent to the Chief Fire Officer to congratulate
them on their fantastic response.
The street names of Tumin Court, Smith Court, Imray
Place and Habitat Way have been accepted for the
new Hithercroft Road development.
At the Council meeting there was the presentation of
two certificates. The first to Julie Sharp who has been
a Personal Assistant to seven town clerks and
secretary to twenty eight Mayors during her forty
years of employment by Wallingford Town Council,
and the second to Rose Sutton to mark her hard work
and support to the annual Carnival for the last twenty
All meetings start at 6.30pm and are held at the Town
Offices unless otherwise specified. Agendas and past
copies of minutes are available from our website or from the Town Offices.
We always welcome any public participation and
invite the public to suggest any future agenda items
over matters that they find important.
Councillor Teresa Harrison
Gareth Lloyd-Jones spoke about the Beacon Youth
Project, a partnership between the Town Council
and the Ridgeway Church, that has been running
for the past two years. The current youth worker is
due to leave at the end of February but to make it
possible to employ a replacement asked if it would
be possible to terminate the current agreement and
start a new three year agreement.
The estimates for next year have been approved and
the Precept for 2015/2016 will be calculated on
September 2014's 2.3% RPI.
The attendance at the lantern parade was reduced
this year. It is felt that it is not the same as the
service round the tree and there was a suggestion
that maybe it could be combined with the
Christmas Festival.
Work is continuing on the Wallingford website.
A meeting has been arranged with a view to
establishing Pop Up shops. A project in Wantage has
proved successful with some of these shops taking
up leases.
Arrangements for the Civil War Re-enactment are
progressing, more details will be available via
Windows for Wallingford.
Didcot and Wallingford Ramblers
un 8th 13.30 SU526882 Moderate 7 miles.
Meet at East Hagbourne at Upper Cross, near
the church. This is a monthly village ramble that
varies from 5 to 9 miles at a quick pace. Contact Paul
Chambers on 01235 816365
Sun 15th 10:00 SU679841 Moderate 7.5 miles. Meet
at Stoke Row at the Maharajah's Well.
Walk via
Nuffield and Ipsden Heath. Registered Assistance
Dogs only. Contact Kate Hart 838689 / 07966
Tues 24th 10:30 SU458850 Moderate 6 miles. Meet
at East Hendred Down car park. This is a Downs
walk. Dogs allowed. Contact Sue White 834370 /
07814 165940
Tues 31st
10:00 SU696901 Moderate 6.5 miles.
Meet at Cookley Green, behind bus shelter. Walk
over Swyncombe Downs, Ewelme Downs and
Ewelme Park. Dogs on short leads please. Contact
Richard Birch 07719 692355
Sue White
e are busy arranging the
disposal of all the equipment
that the Branch has collected
over the years, but we are still holding our
monthly meetings.
At our March meeting we are having a visit relating
to Easter, but not anything to do with chocolate –
sorry – a more attractive theme. Hopefully, curiosity
will have the members attending. Warrant Officer Al
Hart kindly visited the Branch in February to have a
chat, as we were unable to arrange anything before
the last Window for Wallingford went out.
You can still contact us on the usual numbers.
Linda Shoebridge
Frank Hames
01865 858393
Sunday Services
8am St Leonard – Holy Communion
Thameside (Wallingford) U3A
10am St Mary-le-More – Parish
Communion with Children’s Church,
All Age Worship or Family Service
6.30pm St Leonard – Evensong
s usual we start the month with a coffee
morning on Friday 6th March in Centre 70.
Open for coffee between 10.30 and noon, you
can be assured of a warm welcome and the
friendship of other members.
For further information see
Team Rector: The Revd David Rice Tel: 01491 202188
If you were around in the 60's you are bound to
remember The Springfields, Tom, Dusty and, our
speaker this month, Mike Hurst, who joined the
group to replace Tim Fields in 1962. Do you
remember the song "Island of Dreams" - which
topped the charts around the globe? Mike's had a
varied career playing in groups, talent spotting, and
producing music, and his talk on the music of that era
will undoubtedly stir a few memories. The talk will
start at 2pm in the Baptist Church on Wednesday
18th March.
On the following Wednesday, 25th March, there will
be an outing to the Black Country Museum, which is
close to Dudley. Set in 26 acres, the canal side village
is the heart of the museum, and our trip includes a
talk, tour of the colliery, tram ride and lesson in the
Victorian School.
To find out more about the Thameside (Wallingford)
branch of the University of the 3rd Age then speak to
Milli Eaton on 835689, or click on our website
Jan Menzies
We roast
High Grown Coffees
and we stock Quality Teas
together with a range of
Herbal beverages and Spices
plus a wide variety of
Tea and Coffee accessories
Wallingford Tea & Coffee
Company Limited
6a St. Martin’s Street
Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 0AL
Telephone: 01491 836263
[email protected]
Wallingford's Royal Castle Revealed
What’s On at the Corn Exchange
enjoyed record numbers
in 2014 but is now
looking forward to its 2015
season, which will bring a
wonderful new special exhibition - 'Wallingford's
Royal Castle Revealed’. It will display for the first time
the fantastic results of fresh historical and
archaeological research into the life and importance
of one of the greatest royal strongholds of Medieval
England. This new research shows Wallingford
Castle's importance as the third great stronghold of
the Thames Valley - Tower of London, Windsor and
Wallingford - wonderful new details of the life of the
castle, its buildings, people and activities. It will bring
to life the amazing details discovered in these newly
translated documents, revealing the daily life and the
layout of the Castle. This exhibition will complement
a weekend of 'living history' on 27-28 June, when the
English Civil War Society and Town Council have
organised a 'Civil War re-enactment' on the Castle.
(performances start at 7.30pm
unless otherwise stated)
Alongside, to commemorate the 800th anniversary of
the signing of Magna Carta there will be an
additional display 'Magna Carta and All That!'
highlighting Wallingford's role in the events of 1215,
and why it is only one of four towns mentioned in
Magna Carta. King John was at Wallingford Castle on
several occasions during his falling out with the
barons, which led to Magna Carta.
There will be special events during this year including
guided History Walks (11 April), a Night at the
Museum (15 May), Family Archaeology Day (18 July),
a Medieval Day (15 Aug) and an Agatha Christie
weekend (18-20 Sept), culminating in a major history
conference about Wallingford Castle in October.
During the afternoon of Sunday 14 June, St Mary's
Church bells will ring a special peel as part of the
national commemoration of Magna Carta.
The Museum is open for its 2015 season from
Tuesday 3 March on Tuesdays - Fridays 2pm - 5pm,
Saturdays 10.30am - 5pm and Sundays (June August only) and Bank Holidays 2pm - 5pm
Stu Darby
21 St. Mary’s Street, Wallingford
Contact Gary on: 01491 825224
Sunday 1st, Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd: Kingsman –
The Secret Service (15)
Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th:
A Most Violent Year (15)
Friday 6th: Boyhood (15)
Sunday 8th, Monday 9th: Whiplash (15)
Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th: Inherent Vice (15)
Thursday 12th: NT Live. Behind the Beautiful
Forevers. David Hare’s new play starring
Meera Syal. 7pm
Friday 13th: Birdman (15)
Sunday 15th, Monday 16th: Selma (12A)
Tuesday 17th: Swan Lake, Live by satellite from the
Royal Opera House. 7.15pm
Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th: Wallingford
Children’s Film Festival
Friday 20th: Shaun the Sheep (U)
Sunday 22nd:
Sunday 22nd, Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th: Fifty
Shades of Grey (15)
Thursday 26th: NT Live recording of the Young Vic’s
stunning version of Arthur Miller’s A View from the
Bridge (12A) at 7pm
Friday 27th: The Second Best Exotic
Marigold Hotel (PG)
Saturday 28th: Shaun the Sheep (U) at 10.30am
Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th, Monday 30th, Tuesday
31st: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG)
REMINDER: Open auditions or a singing role in the
Corn Exchange-Crescendo’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
and Mary Poppins musical showcase will be held on
March 14th, 15th and 28th. For information, consult or
phone 839613/01296 662129.
Saturday, 7th at 7.45pm. ABBA As Good as New .
Tribute band Gimme ABBA promises to dazzle its
Wallingford audience with the Swedish supergroup’s
well-known songs from their golden age. A must for
all ABBA fans, young and old.
Saturday 21st: Pirates of Penzance. Opera Anywhere
will be making a welcome return to the Corn
Exchange with their very own innovative version of
Gilbert & Sullivan’s well-loved operetta. 7.45pm.
Bookings can be made in person or by telephoning
the box office, 825000 (10am-2pm Fridays and
Saturdays and evenings between 7 and 8pm) or
online at Listings may
be subject to change. Please check website for upto-date information and ticket prices.
Carol Evans
Town Information Centre Update
Can You Help the Day Centre?
pring is on the way and the daffodils, tulips and
other spring flowers are beginning to show their
faces and cheer us up after the winter months.
Now might be the time to take a walk exploring the
town’s pretty lanes and back streets or take a walk in
the country. If you are interested we have many
pamphlets and books of the local area.
allingford Day Centre is situated adjacent
to Westgate House in Millington Road. It
is run by Oxfordshire County Council and
was recently re-named Wallingford Health and Well
Being Centre.
Enclosed you will find your amended copy of the
Diary of Events for Wallingford for 2015 and we have
further supplies in the Town Information Office
should you require one.
The Abingdon Airshow takes place on Sunday 3 May
and we have Advance Tickets for sale in the Town
Information Office, prices are Children £4, Adult £12
and Seniors £8. If you are not sure where we are, we
are under the Town Hall, in the Market Place.
The next Sustainable Swap Shop is on the 18 April,
doors open at 9.15 for a 9.45 start, as usual at the
Regal Centre and the Museum opens on Monday
3rd March.
Also, on the 2 March we will revert to summer
opening times, 10am till 4pm ( closed from 1-1.30pm
for lunch) and Saturdays 10am to 2pm.
Lynne, Penny and Wendy
Wallingford Town Information Centre
[email protected]
The staff who run it, led by Kerry and Carol, are
dedicated and hard working and have a wonderfully
caring and sympathetic attitude towards their clients.
They work hard to create a homely but stimulating
atmosphere and are hugely successful in doing so.
However, they are desperate for new volunteers to
help them reach the high standards they set
themselves in their work. They are particularly keen
to hear from anyone who feels they could run a
Book Club at the centre. Anyone with any sort of
musical skills is particularly needed because it is
widely recognised that music can act as a stimulus
for clients with all sorts of problems. Do you have
a craft skill, which you could share with them?
Could you sit and chat and lend a sympathetic ear.
What about painting?
The Day Centre is now
open on a Saturday but there is no transport
provided. There are so many clients who would
love to go on a Saturday but have no one to take
them. Could you help?
All these skills would enrich the lives of those who
attend the centre some of whom live alone and for
whom the centre truly is a life line.
If you feel you could help in any way, please contact
Kerry on 836467. She would be delighted to hear
from you.
Eira E Hoare
Friends of Wallingford Day Centre
Chorus Sings for Sailors
allingford Branch of the RNLI will be
holding a Concert at the Masonic Hall, on
Saturday 14th March at 7.30pm to raise
much needed funds to save lives at sea.
The popular Crowmarsh based a capella choir ‘Cat’s
Chorus’, under the direction of Elinor Carter, will be
singing their usual mix of jazz, pop, folk, show tunes
and film music which should prove to be a very
enjoyable evening’s entertainment.
Tickets at £8 (including light snacks at the interval)
from Jan 835145 or Betty 835781
Sue Dyke
Hustings 2015
The Messiah on Good Friday
y the time you read this, there will be just
over 60 days to the General Election. In
advance of this, Churches Together in the
Wallingford Area (CTWA) are organising a hustings
to meet the local political party candidates. It will
be held on Wednesday 15 April, at 7 for 7.30 pm at
Wallingford School
n Good Friday (April 3rd) Wallingford Parish
Church Choir will be singing Part II of The
Messiah, the Passiontide section. This will form a
powerful and moving Act of Worship for Good Friday and
will start at 7pm in St. Mary's Church, Wallingford. No
tickets are required but there will be a retiring collection.
At the time of writing, we have 5 candidates
Mr Ed Vaizey, Conservative, the current MP
Mr Stephen Webb, Labour
Dr Lee Upcraft, UKIP
Ms Kate Prendergast, Green Party
Mr Aled Meredith, Liberal Democrat
If you would like to question them about their
policies (both party and as individuals), please email
your question to: [email protected].
Questions will then be collated and the main topics
will be put to the candidates. We look forward to
hearing from you for what should be an engrossing
and stimulating evening.
Graham Atkins
Secretary CTWA
The choir will be conducted by Sue HuntingfordLedger and accompanied by Gaby Clements.
Sue Huntingford-Ledger
Wallingford Detachment
Oxfordshire (The Rifles) Army Cadet Force
A new year brought in a new start for Wallingford Army
Cadet Force that saw changes in staff. Commanding
Officer Colour Sergeant Louise Mcfarelane, former RAF
and currently with 10 years of Experience in the Army
Cadet Force took over. There was also a change to
Second in Command as Sergeant, James Hupe with 7
years of experience within the Cadet Force joined.
We now plan to open our doors to recruits though
out the year, from ages 12-18 with new, different and
amazing opportunities planned, including BTEC,
Duke of Edinburgh & CVAQ to mention a few. In
March we will start Clay Pigeon Shooting to find our
best shots to represent the County.
Why not pop in? We are open every Wednesday at
19.30 to 21.30 at the Old TA Centre Thames Street
For more information contact Sgt Hupe,
[email protected] or 07730475448
Sgt James Hupe
St Leonard’s Square
Thursdays 10-30-12.00
Call in for coffee and a chat
For details of other activities, including mid-week prayer & house
groups, please contact our minister, Rev. Katherine Pickering
Telephone: 01235 813242
Update from our PCSO
irstly I would like to thank the public who so
generously donated towards the Christmas
Hampers for the elderly in Waitrose in
December. We were able to distribute some lovely
hampers and it put a smile on everyone’s face who
received one. People were so generous with their
Unfortunately there have been a few incidents of
note over the past months. Firstly the incidents in
December in Bullcroft Park where two females were
grabbed. A male has been arrested for these
offences. There was also an incident in Kinecroft in
January where a female had a handbag grabbed.
However a kind member intervened and prevented
this from happening. Wallingford is a very safe place
to live, however these incidents bring to our
attention that we cannot be complacent. All these
incidents occurred in the dark, early evening which
highlights that however safe the area we live we
should be extra vigilant when in lonely parks in
purchased through much fundraising and the cabinet
for it to live in. The cabinet sits on the outside of the
building and the code to open it is given to ambulance
control room. Should someone need access to the
cabinet you would phone 999 and be given the code to
open the cabinet to release the defibrillator. What she
needs is an electrician to fit the cabinet onto the location
where the defibrillator will be located. If a qualified
electrician locally is willing to donate his time for free to
fit this cabinet could you please contact me on
[email protected].
It would be
fantastic to have this life saving piece of equipment in
the town centre. We will also be working with Susan
to raise more money for defibrillators. If you are able to
help with this or donate to this good cause please also
email me.
Sue Harris
PCSO 9825
Police Community Support Officer
Wallingford Neighbourhood
There were also the awful fires in Roke , SODC and
the funeral directors. I am sure you are all aware of
what happened, and that a male has been arrested
for these offences and is in custody. I thank you all
for your patience with road closures etc regarding
these events. I think it came as a shock to the whole
community that something of this scale has
happened here.
Myself and PC Nicky Beltran have recently visited Susan
Handy, owner of Mary Handy hairdressers in Wallingford
Town Centre. She has done a fantastic job fundraising
to buy a defibrillator and cabinet for the benefit of
Wallingford residents. After a cardiac arrest, every
minute without CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
and defibrillation reduces someone's chance of survival
by 10 per cent. Survival rate of cardiac increases
significantly with the use of defibrillator. It is thought
that chance of survival without a defibrillator is around
5%. If a defibrillator is got to the patient within two
minutes there is an 80% chance of survival.
figures are quite shocking and I hope will make you
realise the importance of having early access to
defibrillators. Susan has a defibrillator that she has
Reasons to be Proud of Wallingford
very big thank you to everyone who came to
our quiz on Saturday 7th February and helped us
£1131-50p to support the work of the R N L I.
Jan Roberts
on behalf of the RNLI Committee
At the Charity Film showing of Walk the Line on
Sunday 8th February, organised by the Inner Wheel
Club of Sinodun, £366 was raised for the Alzheimer's
Society. Many thanks to all those who attended.
Eira E Hoare
Inner Wheel Club of Sinodun
Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland(RIBI)
has for many years run a public speaking competition
for young people. Each year thousands of young
people take part in the event culminating in Zone,
Regional and National finals. The competition has
two age ranges, Intermediate 11 to 13 years and
Senior 14 to 17 years old.
The competition aims to offer young people
experience in speaking on a public platform as a
member of a team, on a topic of their choice within
time constraints and judged on their performance
Locally, the first round was organised by the
Wallingford, Sinodun and District Rotary Club at
Cranford House School in February. There were 4
entries in the Intermediate section and 2 entries in the
Senior Section. Each team consists of a Chairperson,
the Speaker and a Vote of Thanks. The presentations
were of a very high standard on varied and topical
Our adjudicators, Prof Helen King, Cllrs
Lynda Atkins and Bernard Stone were given a very
difficult task, but the Senior winning topic was:- “The
Con of TV Advertising” by Eleanor Bryers, Helena
Harpham & Lauren Giles from Wallingford School and
the Intermediate winning topic was:- “Happy Birthday
Barbie!” by Sophie Weldon, Stephanie Rapley & Mollie
Darwent from Cranford House School. All entrants
were presented with certificates by President Graham
Raynor and the winners were awarded book tokens.
Both teams will go to the Zone Final of the
Competition in Reading, where all other winners of
their initial round from Oxon, Bucks, and Berkshire
will take part.
Our teams gave a great performance. It was a
wonderful to witness the youth of this area doing
great credit to themselves and their schools and I am
sure the competition has given them a great deal of
confidence. We are proud to have such great talent
of youth in our area
Brian Sanders
Wallingford, Sinodun and District Rotary Club
Science Exchange Wallingford
The Beauty of Networks
rom interacting with our friends on Facebook to
getting stuck (again) at Birmingham New Street
Station, networks pervade our lives. They have
fascinating structural properties that affect how we
experience them, how rumours and diseases
propagate on them, and more. To study networks is
to study how things are connected and the
ramifications of connectivity. Professor Mason Porter
from University of Oxford will give an introduction to
the mathematics that underlie networks.
About the speaker: Mason Porter is Professor of
Nonlinear and Complex Systems at University of
Oxford. He holds a faculty appointment in the
Mathematical Institute and is a Tutorial Fellow of
Somerville College.
Science Exchange Wallingford is at 7.30pm on
Tuesday 17th March in Wallingford School Library –
doors open from 7pm. Light refreshments are
available and each event is free to attend. We are
Scientifique. @SciExWallingfd
Amanda Holland
Science Exchange Wallingford
Jumble Sale
Jumble Sale will be held at the Methodist
Church on Saturday 21st March 2 –4 pm.
As well as clothes for adults and children there will be
household items and other bargains to be had as
well. Refreshments will be served throughout the
afternoon – tea/coffee and cakes. Good disabled
access and baby changing facilities so no-one has an
excuse not to come!
See you there.
Anne Baudry
07862 721698
01491 260784
[email protected]
Councillors Needed
n last month’s edition of this magazine I asked you
to consider becoming a Town Councillor at the
elections in May. It is important that councils have
Councillors who not only reflect and represent the
communities they serve, but also have a broad range of
skills and life experience. If we have a good balance of
experience in our Council it will make us more effective.
Do you have any of the following? If so you could make
a valuable contribution to your Community.
Communication skills: These include listening and
interpersonal skills, public speaking skills, the ability to
consider alternative points of view and to negotiate,
mediate and resolve conflict.
Problem solving and analytical skills: This includes
being able to get to the bottom of an issue and to think
of different ways to resolve it, including considering the
advantages and disadvantages of each option.
Team working: Being able to work with others in
meetings and on committees and being able to
complete any tasks that you agree to do on time.
Art and Photographic Exhibition on
25/26 April
alling all local artists and photographers, it’s
time to get your entries in for Wallingford’s fifth
Spring exhibition at the Methodist Church
Centre. 29 March is the closing date for receiving
entry forms for the two day Art and Photographic
Exhibition which this year starts on Friday 25 April.
Entry forms from [email protected]
Exhibitors at the event will receive a free ticket and
refreshments and not only have the chance to sell
their work, but also for it to be voted most popular in
the show by the many visitors. We will be running in
conjunction with this our Schools Art Competition.
Proceeds from the event will go towards the
Methodist Church Centre Fund and the Uganda
Clean Water Project.
Anne Baudry
Ability to engage with your local community: You
may have to make yourself available through
meetings, the media, the internet, public forums,
debates and on the telephone.
Skills and knowledge through professional, personal or
community experience:
These could include
knowledge of the needs of specific groups such as
children and young people or older people; property
management and maintenance, managing personnel
and HR, working with businesses, event management,
town planning and infrastructure, horticulture, parks &
gardens, conservation of historic sites and buildings
If you want to know more about becoming
a Councillor, there is more information about
website vices-andadvice/local-democracy/elections/elections2015/information-candidates-and-election-age You can
also get further information by contacting any member
of the Town Council, or the Town Office on 835373.
Councillor Jane Titchener
Mayor of Wallingford
18 Winterbrook, Wallingford
Tel. 01491 833922/0118 9668845
Fax. 01491 836166/0118 9351862
Petanque Wallingford
014 was an important year for the town's
newest sports club, Petanque Wallingford.
With the new purpose designed playing pitch
at Wallingford Sports Park successfully completed last
March the club was able to expand its membership
and activities. The membership is now 50 strong. The
club runs four regular playing sessions every week
and organises special events. Local organisations
have played on the new pitch, and the club has held
a number of competitions, some involving players
from other petanque clubs in the Thames Valley.
There has been a lot of activity!
Key to the growth of membership was a three evening
sessions initial Training Course in April. People with no
prior knowledge learned how to play petanque under
qualified coaching, rapidly gaining an understanding
of the basic skills and tactics that make the game so
enjoyable and interesting. Many of the newcomers
joined the club and have become regular players.
The club is planning to start a new beginners course
in early April this year.
Petanque originated in Southern France about 100
years ago and is now played all over the world. It is
a competitive team sport and a healthy outdoor
social activity enjoyed by people of all ages and all
levels of agility. Equipment is very simple – just three
steel 'boules', which can last a lifetime! Getting
started is relatively easy, and the scope for
development and improvement is limitless.
More information about petanque, the club and the
Spring Training Course in April can be found on the
club website
Loren Butt
Telephone / Fax: 01491 834383
Email: [email protected]
We offer friendly informed assistance and an excellent
range of books, audios and fine art stationery.
Many titles not stocked can be obtained
within 24 hours
Struggling with Debt?
Help is at hand!
n January 23rd, Ed Vaizey officially opened
the new Wallingford CAP Debt Centre,
making national charity Christians Against
Poverty’s award winning debt counselling service
available to the people of South Oxfordshire. Ed
said he was delighted to help launch the Wallingford
area Christians Against Poverty (or CAP) Debt Centre
service, which will provide families struggling with
debt problems with a free advice and support
service, which they can access in their own homes,
with just a single call to a Freephone number. CAP
is an award winning charity, with a proven track
record and well respected within the credit industry,
and as it helps and supports clients until they are
debt-free, it really does provide a long-term solution
when it’s so badly needed.
Three local churches – St Mary’s Cholsey, Ridgeway
Community Church and Wallingford Baptist Church –
have joined together to partner with Christians
Against Poverty (CAP) to set up the local centre.
Offering a free debt counselling service to anyone
struggling with debt, the Wallingford CAP Debt
Centre joins 270 centres across the country
successfully supporting people through their journey
out of debt. Recent research from CAP has shown
that people often struggle for years with personal
debt following income changes caused by events
such as losing a job or a relationship breakdown.
Four in ten people believe that no one can help them
with their debts, and it can feel like you’ve hit a brick
wall. However, we see ‘impossible’ situations turned
around and people get their debts cleared. There are
people to help and it can get sorted, however
complicated or dire it seems.
Anyone seeking help can phone CAP on 0800 328
0006 where trained staff will explain the services and
book them in for a home visit from the Wallingford
Centre. I will visit with a centre volunteer to spend
time learning what has happened and work out a
way forward out of debt. We will send all your
outstanding bills and letters from creditors to CAP’s
head office in Bradford. The charity negotiates with
each creditor on your behalf and draws up a budget
to begin to repay what is owed. Anyone having
sleepless nights, unable to afford the basics or
worried about meeting their rent or mortgage should
call us, or one of the other good free debt agencies,
and see how we can help.
Call CAP on 0800 328 0006 or visit
Sue Bright
Centre Manager
07741 472182
Classic Cars Will Be Back
and classic, to take you out for a drive in the local
he Wallingford Vehicle Rally and Parade returns
on Sunday May 10th. This relaxed, friendly and
very informal event is organised by a small
group of volunteers who have made this show one of
the "must see" events on the Wallingford calendar and
have been raising money and awareness for local
charities for the past 11 years.
We have several car clubs booked already including
the Porsche Cars GB Owners Club, TR Register, CSMA
to name but a few. Wallingford Emergency Services
will be putting on their display and we are currently
booking other organisations to put on displays
throughout the day. Pre-registration is in full flow
and will no doubt be full very soon (120 registrations
in the first week alone!!). However even if we are
full, you can still take place in the parade on the day
and afterwards you will be directed to our overflow
car park on St George’s Road. Drop us a line if you
would like to take part, or simply turn up at the
Sports Park on Hithercroft Road, at 9am on
the morning itself. More details on the car rally
website, or drop us
an email at [email protected].
The event will kick off at 11am with a parade of 250
vehicles through Wallingford, snaking around the
streets, through the Market Place and culminating in
a static show at the Kinecroft. Throughout the day
there are displays and side stalls hosted by local
suppliers and charities, helping raise funds for their
worthy causes. Local food traders will also be there
throughout the day so you can sample the tasty
delights from local suppliers.
The principal charity will once again be Footsteps,
who are based just up the road in Dorchester and
provide much needed intensive rehabilitation
programmes for children and young adults with
neurological disorders. Children and their families
travel from all over the country to the centre and their
work has been providing child
friendly intensive therapy there for over a decade. You
can find more information on their website at
Neal Reed
Deputy Chairman
The parade itself is quite some spectacle as a convoy
of vehicles is surrounded by cheering spectators
throughout the town, including some wonderful live
music from the Wallingford School Bigg Band and
Cholsey Silver Band as the parade arrives in the
Kinecroft. The vehicles themselves aren't limited in
anyway, so you can see a sixties scooter alongside a
modern supercar, a standard Model T ford parked up
next to an American muscle car from the 1970's. All
cars, bikes, trucks and scooters are welcome, the
weirder the better, and prices will be given out on the
day to the furthest travelled, the Mayor’s choices and
the Vehicle of The Show.
Alongside viewing the parade, you can also make a
donation and take a trip out in a supercar. The
Sporting Bears organization will be back once more
with their amazing collection of cars, both modern
Lofty Ladders
Loft ladders supplied and installed. Retractable aluminium
and wooden ladders complete with new loft door.
Loft floor boarding if required
Contact Peter Whittington
Tel. 01235 848681
Mob. 07780 600818
Member of Guild of
Master Craftsmen
South Oxfordshire Music Centre
Spring Fair at Paddocks
OMC is a friendly, fun morning of music-making for
beginners to grade 5+. We run small ensembles,
choirs and orchestras of varying standards, playing
a wide range of genres from Bach to the Beatles and
Folk music to Film themes! Groups run on term-time
Saturdays, from 9.30am – 12pm at Wallingford School.
addocks Pre-School is holding a ‘Spring into
Easter’ Fair on Saturday 21st March 2015. We
invite everyone to join us from 2 - 4pm, at the preschool in Paddocks Road, near the maternity entrance to
the community hospital. Do pop along for a cuppa and
a bit of cake. There will be lots of stalls including a sweet
shop and tombola, a bouncy castle and Easter cards and
crafts to make. Paddocks will also be celebrating its 50th
year in the Wallingford community this year (date TBC).
Look out for further details in future editions of the
Window for Wallingford. In the meantime, we invite all
members of the community who used to attend
Paddocks to get in touch if they would like to help or
attend our 50th event.
Contact Oxfordshire County Music Service for more
information on 01865 740000, Email Lorna Waters at
[email protected] or come along to
our free concert in Wallingford School Hall at 11am
on Saturday 14th March.
Lorna Waters
Top level girls football comes to
arch sees Wallingford Town Football Club
host the prestigious Berks and Bucks FA
premier cup competition in girls’ football at
Wallingford Sports Park. On Saturday 14th March it
will be the U14s final between Ascot Diamonds and
Reading FC kicking off at 10.30am. The U16s final
between Aylesbury Utd Ladies and Reading FC kicks
off immediately afterwards at 12.30pm.
Admission is free to both standing and covered
seating spectator areas, and there will be hot and
cold refreshments available throughout the day at the
ground. There will also be plenty of people on hand
from Wallingford Town FC to chat to potential
players, interested parents and possible helpers about
our plans for girls and ladies football starting at the
Hithercroft in the very near future.
The U18s final will be held on the following Saturday,
21st March, with the kick off being at 10.30am.
Didcot Casuals Youth or Moretonville Juniors will play
either Maidenhead Utd Ladies or Twyford Comets.
For further information please email me at:
[email protected]
Lou Parkinson
Fundraiser for Paddocks Pre-School
Wallingford Guiding
rownies are busy working on their Musicians
and Entertainers badges and will be performing
their programme later in the Spring. 2nd Wall:
Brownies are having their first Pack Holiday at Snells
Hall E.Hendred with some of 4th's older Brownies.
Wallingford Guides are producing a pantomime called
'Rats' based on the Pied Piper of Hamblin and will
perform it for Brownies and Guide parents.
Wallingford and Cholsey Guides will be having a
meeting on Wittenham Clumps in the Spring and the
Rangers and Senior Section are planning a 'Dark Walk'
badger spotting. Trefoil Guild members are having a
make over with 'House if Colour', hopefully to improve
our colour coordination and improve ourselves!
For any further information about this event,or girls
and ladies football at Wallingford Town FC please
contact [email protected]
We welcome any one who would like to meet with
the Guild at our monthly meetings or on our
excursions. Trefoil help, where and when they can,
with Guides, Brownies and Rainbows and at
Oxfordshire events. We are all ages young to, as my
daughters say, Wrinkly Guides!
Richard Prunier
Wallingford Town FC
Ann Goddard
Div Pres
Come along and support the girls, have a great day
out and enjoy some excellent football.
News from our MP
subject which I know is close to the hearts of
many of my constituents is Community Pubs.
Since the Localism act brought in the right to
bid, people across the country have nominated
around 600 pubs which have then been listed as
Assets of Community Value. These are assets – land
and buildings –that are important to the community
and have traditionally been used by the community.
Once submitted if the asset comes up for sale a
special window is opened to give the community the
chance to buy the asset before it goes on the open
market. Pubs have proved to be the most listed type
of asset! By the end of March the Government is
planning to bring forward more legislation so that in
future when a pub is listed as an Asset of Community
Value a planning application will be needed for a
change of use or demolition. Any planning
application will be considered in the light of national
policy as well as Neighbourhood Plans. Hopefully this
will lead to 1000’s more of our most valuable pubs
becoming Assets of Community Value and retain
them at the heart of our communities.
who are affected by mitochondrial disease.
As ever please feel free to contact me on any matter
at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, 020 7219
6350 or [email protected]. Email is the quickest
and most reliable way to get in touch, as I keep a very
close eye on my emails and can reply very quickly. I
also send out occasional general interest emails about
developments in the Wantage and Didcot
Constituency. If you would like to be added to the
distribution list, please do email me at
[email protected]
at Surgery details can be found at
Ed Vaizey MP
St George’s Day Celebration, 25th
April 2015
he Wallingford Partnership will be organising
the St. George’s Day celebration again this year
on the 25th April between 11am and 3pm.
Screening films is also another fantastic way to get
communities and people from all walks of life
together. A new project has been designed by the
British Film institute and funded by the National
Lottery to support groups launching and running
their own Community Cinema. It aims to bring the
cinema experience to more people across the UK
particularly those who are unable to enjoy regular
screenings because of social and economic reasons or
simply because they live too far from the cinema. This
project includes advice on how to actually start up a
cinema, funding, licencing and how and where to
book films.
Details can be found at it is well worth
looking at if this is an idea which interests you and
your friends and neighbours.
If local charities would like to take part and have a
stall to raise money for their good causes, please
contact me on 839415, and I will book a space for
you. As usual, charities will have to provide their
own table/stall.
My mailbag this month has been dominated by the
issue of mitochondrial donation, widely reported in
the press under the headline “three-parent babies”.
As you may know, the House of Commons voted to
approve a new scientific technique that will help
prevent mothers from passing on serious
mitochondrial diseases to their children. Whilst I am
very aware of the concerns that a number of
constituents have raised with me in emails and
letters, I think it is very important to note that
thorough, scientific reviews have found no evidence
that these techniques are at all unsafe. The scientific
community has been clear in its support for the
introduction of these regulations. Estimates show
that 1 in 6,500 children born in the UK each year
suffer from a serious mitochondrial DNA disorder.
Parliament’s intention in approving these regulations
is to ensure that mothers who carry damaged
mitochondria can have children with the confidence
that they will be born without the devastating and
often deadly conditions that can be caused by serious
mitochondrial disease. The approval of these
regulations will be life-changing for those families
allingford’s Annual Litter Pick will take place
on Saturday morning the 21st March,
meeting at the Town Council Offices at 9am.
We would appeal to as many people as possible to
help out. If it is raining or snowing, the pick will be
postponed. Hygienic gloves, bags and picks are
provided, but please make sure sturdy footwear is
worn, along with suitable warm clothing. You may
prefer to bring your own pick if you have one. For
several years Wallingford School, the Air Training
Cadets and Girl Guides have supported this event
and we thank them for their time. Once again we are
grateful to the Comrades club who will be offering
free hot soup to all participants, as well as supplying
their own team of helpers. March is the ideal time for
this event after the winter debris and before the
tourist season starts – vegetation is still relatively
sparse. If you know of any area where litter is a
problem, please let us know. If you would like to help
make our town tidier then please telephone the Town
Council on 835373 and leave your contact details.
The roads in the Market Place will be closed to traffic
from 10am to allow set up and will re open at 4pm to
give time to clear up after the event finishes at 3pm.
Derrick Hoare
Annual Litter Pick
Theresa Jordan
Crucifixion Tradition
n Wallingford there is a long tradition of listening
to/singing Stainer’s Crucifixion on the evening of
the Tuesday of Holy Week. This year that occurs
on March 31st at 7:30pm in the Wallingford
Methodist Church. We are calling upon all those
who enjoy singing or listening to choral music to
come and join us in keeping this tradition alive.
Beethoven’s Blockbuster from
Benson Choral Society!
For those singers without copies of the music,
scores are provided. All 4 voice parts are needed:
Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses. But without an
audience we would be lost. So please, if you don’t
wish to sing, do come and listen – it takes only 1
hour and 10 minutes. Either way as a singer or a
listener, you are assured of a warm welcome with
refreshments afterwards.
n spite of Beethoven’s enduring popularity, you don’t
often get a performance of his Missa Solemnis on the
choral circuit, even though he and others regarded it
as his greatest work. The reason is that this towering
masterpiece has a huge amount of challenging choral
singing, needing massive preparation and
commitment. BCS has now built a tradition of
responding to such challenges in its spring concerts – in
recent years Walton’s Belshazzar’s feast and Vaughan
Williams’ Sea Symphony fall into this category. So on
this occasion we’ve been rehearsing since the autumn,
taking in a workshop with professional soloists on the
way, one of whom remarked afterwards, ‘Your choir
sounded great and it’s great to have the luxury of six
weeks to get even better!’ So we confidently predict a
memorable performance.
Our soloists are tenor Jim Cook (Dorchester Abbey
Choir) and bass Roger Morgan (Wallingford St
Mary’s Church Choir and Benson Choral) ably
supported by organist James Garnett.
If you don’t know this piece, Beethoven worked on it
for 5 years from 1818-23, and it’s very much a
personal testament to his faith. He digests older
traditions of the mass but puts his own unique stamp
on it. It’s powerful and direct and will blow you away!
For singers especially those new to the work,
there is an optional choral practice in the
Methodist Church on Sunday 29th Match from
3.15pm to 4pm.
Distinguished soloists Elizabeth Roberts, Susan Legg,
Mark Chaundy and Christopher Foster join the Elgar
Orchestra guided by the expert baton of Musical
Director Chris Walker. Rehearsed as ever in St Mary’s
Wallingford, we will be performing in Dorchester
Abbey on Saturday 28 March with a 7.30pm start.
Tickets are £18 and £15 (reserved) and £12
(unreserved). You can order on line from
[email protected] or call Stephanie
(evenings) on 01865 407395.
There will be a retiring collection as is our custom,
often on behalf of two charities, one local and one
overseas. If further information is needed, please call
Ann Watts on 835074
Ann Watts
Early booking is recommended – we do expect to sell out.
Roger Morgan
Sponsored 106 Mile Kayak
he Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association needs to
replace its minibus. During the Easter holidays a
group of our older members will be kayaking for
106 miles along the River Severn. Any assistance in
sponsorship would be hugely appreciated, If you can
help, please contact me on 652602 or at
[email protected]
Nev Keating
Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12
First Monday The Music Club for children with disabilities
and additional needs call Sophia Nicholls 07768 298 297
or Julie Hinton 01189 722322
Every Monday
Optimists over 50 Badminton, Regal
Centre 2.15 – 4
Every Monday Table Tennis at the Regal Centre, 7.15 - 10.00pm
Every Tuesday Lunches at Methodist Church Centre
12.30 pm
Every Tuesday Wallingford and District Art Club, Centre
70 at 7.30
Every Tuesday, 2 – 4 Age UK Games Afternoon at
Millington House
Second Tuesday PiP’s Carers’ Support Group, St
Mary’s Church, 2pm
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, Young at Heart Club 2 - 4
at the Masonic Centre.
Every 2nd Wednesday NCT Sling Library at St Mary's
church, Wallingford 10-11am
2nd/4th Wednesdays Henley Philatelic Society Bix Village
Hall at 7.45 (not July/August)
Every Wednesday 6pm at The Methodist Church - Boys'
Brigade ages 5 to 18
Every Thursday Coffee Morning, Methodist Church
Centre 10.30 to 12
Every Thursday Wallingford Photographic Club 7.45
Crowmarsh Pavilion (not July/August)
Every Friday Wallingford Country Market 8.30 – 11.15 in
the Regal Centre.
Every Friday and Saturday, Coffee at the Corn Exchange,
10 – 2 with soup from 11am
Every Friday and Saturday Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12
Every Friday - Charter Market in the Market Place
Every Saturday WAGS Store open at Centre 70, 10-12
Most Saturdays Local Producers’ Market, Regal Centre 10 – 1
Every Sunday Wallingford Runners meet for a run. Contact
number is now 07720 204783 or 07919 692532
1st Sunday, 1.30, Market Place, cyclists relaxed road
ride, all welcome
Second Sunday Wallingford Model Club meet at the Fire
Station 10 till 5. All welcome. Tel George Clark 200841
3rd Sunday, 1.30, Market Place, cyclists longer road
ride, experienced riders.
MARCH 2015
Town Council Plans and General Purposes
Committee meeting
Wallingford Museum re-opens with ‘Magna
Carta and all That’
Friendship Group The Work of a Mental Health
Nurse tel 835074
Wallingford U3A: Three Birders in a Bush
Toy Library for Children with Special Needs and
their families. Contact Pamela on 07717280995
Deadline for copy for the Window
for Wallingford
Town Meeting in the Town Hall, 7.30pm
Gardening Club talk on the Honey Bee
TWHAS talk: Children and War
South Oxfordshire Music Centre free concert
Boys Brigade Spring Craft Fair 10-4 at the
Methodist Church
RNLI Concert
Town Council Plans and General Purposes
Committee meeting
Farmers’ Market
Friendship Group The Works of Johnny Mercer
tel 835074
Science Exchange Wallingford: The Beauty of
Thameside (Wallingford) U3A: The Springfields
Annual Litter Pick
Paddocks Spring Fair
Jumble Sale at the Methodist Church
Town Council Finance & Properties Committee
Collection and Distribution day for The
Window for Wallingford
RBL Branch Meeting with an Easter theme,
7pm at the Masonic Centre
Town Council Plans and General Purposes
Committee meeting
Stainer’s Crucifixion at the Methodist Church
INDOW FOR WALLINGFORD is published on a
non-profit making basis and is compiled and
distributed entirely by volunteers.
Editor: Lynda Atkins
39 Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JX
Telephone: 01491 839120
[email protected]
All material published is copyright and may not be
copied, stored, reproduced or transmitted in whole
or in part by any means whatsoever without the
written consent of the Editor.
Distribution Manager: Andrew Blackwell,
7 Chalmore Gardens, Wallingford, OX10 9EP
Telephone: 01491 - 825991
The opinions expressed in this magazine are not
necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor is
pleased to receive material for publication, but
reserves the right to amend or reject it at her
For adverts/inserts, contact Albry Printing Co. Ltd.
Telephone: 01491 - 836282
Publication Date: 1st of the month
Wallingford Tyres
& Exhausts
PHONE: (01491) 824145 FOR A QUOTE
or call in at: AYRES YARD, STATION ROAD,
Mon.-Fri. 8.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Sat. 8.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
(Just past the Esso Garage on the way to Didcot)