I \ . / r - Property File
I \ . / r - Property File
l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOLOG I CAL SUMMARY B~~_~IB~_~~ebgBeIIg~_eBg~~~I_=_§eb~g~_~~~~ LAT: 49 01'N.1 LONG: 117 23'W., MAPSHEET 82 F 3W. (Nelson Mining Division) for: GOLDEN EYE MINERALS LTD. 411 - 850 W. HASTINGS ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. 669-2449 by: Barry Price, M.Sc., F.G.A.C. Consulting Geologist Rapitan Resources Inc. 3447 W.7th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R lW2 733-6902' I .J I I 81 0 640 Feb 20, 1987 ~~. la~b~_QE_~Q~I~~I§ E:~g§ Summary I I I I I ,11 I I I I Introduction 3 Location & Access 3 Property Definition 4 History of the Red Bird Property 5 Regional Geology 6 Geology of the Red Bird Property 7 1985-86 Exploration Program 9 1986-87 Exploration Program 11 Exploration Potential 14 Mineralized Zones 14 Prospect Zone 15 Caviar Property 15 Mining Conditions 15 Conclusions and Recommendations 16 Suggested Exploration Budget 17 Bibliography 18 Appendix I Core Logs Appendix II Assay Sheets Appendix III Germanium Facts Appendix IV Adjacent Mineral Deposits Reeves MacDonald Mine Jersey Mine J I J HB Mine Salmo Area Mine Production Metalline Area Production ~!§I_QE_E!§UB~§~ I I I I I I ..I I I Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Claim Locations Figure 3 Regional Geology Figure 4 Red Bird Area Geology Figure 5 Composite Geological Plan Figure 6 Drill Hole Section Figure 7 Drill Hole Section 4,5 Figure 8 Drill Hole Section 6 Figure 9 Drill Hole Section 7 1~1A,2,3 Figure 10 Drill Hole Plan 2650 Level Figure 11 Drill Hole Plan 800 Level Figure 12 Drill Hole 86-5 Mineralized Section Figure 13 Longitudinal Section Figure 14 Kootenay Arc. Figure 15 Reeves MacDonald Geology Geology ~ Deposits [ 3 - ] GEOLOGICAL REPORT B~~~lB~_EBQ~~~I SALMO MINING CAMP - NELSON M.D. !~IBQ~Y~IIQ~~ A significant stratiform Zinc-Lead-Silver-Cadmium-Germanium discovery has been made by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. The prospect is adjacent to the abandoned Reeves Macdonald Mine, from which 7.2 million tons of ore containing approximately 540 million pounds of Zinc, 140 million pounds of Lead, 1.5 million ounces of Silver, and 3.0 million pounds of Cadmium were produced from 1949 to 1975. Geological data indicate that ore zones mined at the Reeves MacDonald Mine project onto the ground now held by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. This includes the high grade deposits of the Red Bird and Annex zones. This report summarizes the geological data and mining potential; recommendations for continued exploration of this significant discovery are included. The report relies heavily on work done by Gerald Klein~ P.Eng., who was employed as mine geologist at the Reeves Macdonald Mine from . 1970 until 1973~ Information gathered from Hecla Mining Company, Reeves Macdonald Mines Ltd., Cominco Ltd., Diem Mines Ltd., and government publications has been used in this report. bQ~aI!Q~_a~~_a~~~§§ The properties are situated 30 kilometres south-southwest of Salmo B.C. and 35 kilometers southeast of Trail, B.C. The claims cover an area roughly 4 km by 8 km, west and east of the Nelway border crossing /-~ ~t -~ '0 . Ie ~~ ~ ~ -VA~,:, i , .~ II ' '~- ( ,,' ,..' 11-' ,-"---_,"lfMPlfMAr :w H I lD.. m \,.cL: C' ~)~ : /' I --/-? ...... N Q- ct' -'9 I ~ ... ,...,,~l't -1c on, onull~ ' '.-I\.~ j I I J---~~ -' ~ .. Rn'r-rsidr ~ ~ ~ SI .. h .. kin" - S::</ I .~ F 0'- Hold .. n GOLDEN EYE MIN ERALS LT REO B\RC> PRoPER-r{ DIEM-NOR CLAIMS LOCATION MAP SCALE o 32 b=d 64 98 b=-d 128 160 Miles b==d MAY 1985 FIG. I ,. [ 4 ] to the U.S.A., and are bounded ,to the south by the International Border. The western portion of the property can be reached by crossing B.C. Hydro's Seven Mile Dam at Church Creek, and then by good. logging road. The northern part of the property is accessible by a.bridge crossing the Pend d'Oreille River on the Reeves Macdonald property. All supplies and services are available in Salmo or Trail; daily air service from Calgary and Vancouver is available at the Castlegar Airport, 45 km from the property. Power lines cross the Reeves Macdonald property nearby; water is available for drilling purposes from a number of creeks or the Pend D'Oreille River. A significant pool of experienced underground miners is available in Salmo, which has been a mining center for a long time. A partially filled tailings pond is situated on the Reeves Macdonald property. Idle mills are situated at the H.B. Mine site 12 miles to the north and at the Pend D'Oreille mine site at Metaline Falls in the U.S.A., 15 miles to the south. EBQE~BIY_~~EI~IIIQ~~ The property comprises several groups of claims acquired by staking, option to purchase and lease-purchase agreements. The Red Bird, Caviar and Grouse groups of Crown-granted mineral claims were acquired by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd from Diem Mines Ltd., of Nelson, B.C., a Canadian subsidiary wholly owned by Hecla Mining Company of Wallace, Idaho. Golden Eye Minerals can, through a series of cash payments and work committments, earn 100% interest in the property subject to a 20% Net Profits Interest payable to Diem Mines Ltd. - -- - - ...... - - - - - GOLDEN EYE MINERALS LTD. RED 81 RD PROJ ECT CLAIM LOCATION MAY 1985 FIG. 2 - - [ 5 ] The Nor 2 and 3 claims were acquired from Gerald Klein under an option agreement in 1985. These claims, which adjoin the Redbird property on the west, were partially evaluated by the 1985-86 drilling program and have now been returned to the vendor. The Blue and Tic claims were staked by Golden Eye Minerals and are owned outright. Claim data are listed in Appendix, I. The spatial arrangement of claims is displayed in Figure 3. tll§IQ8Y_QE_I~~_B~~_~IB~_~BQ~~BIY~ The Redbird property was originally owned by S.Coulter and A.J.Campbell of Ymir. In 1925 an option was acquired by Conrad Wolfe and associates of Spokane and in 1926 the property was held by the Red Bird Mining Company of Spokane. By 1927, 1000 feet of tunneling had been done on the property, which included 17 claims. In 1928, the adit was advanced to 1,200 feet and some diamond drilling was done. In 1929, the property was acquired by Boundary Basin Mines Ltd., who did further drilling (Walker, 1934). Little work was done on the property between 1929 and 1944, although a sampling plan exists dated 1942. In 1944, the property was purchased by Hecla Mining Company of Wallace, Idaho. mapping and surface work was done by Hecla in 1947. Geological In 1955, Fyles and Hewlett mapped the area (see accompanying figure), but the adits were caved at this time. In 1961, the property was leased to Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co., who advanced the Redbird heading in the oxide zone about 800 feet, and completed 4,126 feet of diamond drilling. The drilling showed "strong and apparently continuous oxidized zinc-lead mineralization of ore grade", but no sulfides were encountered and the lease was relinquished. r [ 6 III ] In 1973, under an agreement with Hecla, Reeves MacDonald Mines advanced the hsading of their 800 level in the Annex mine an .. additional 700 feet into the Red Bird property. From this heading, 15 diamond drill holes totalling 6200 feet were completed. From the face, 4 diamond drill holes encountered four separate bands of zinc-lead mineralization each 20 feet wide, averaging 4.18 X Zinc, 0.12 X Lead, 0.56 oz/ton silver and 0.04 X Cadmium, similar grade to .. ore being mined by Reeves MacDonald. The Reeves MacDonald Mine closed in 1975, and nothing further was accomplished on the Redbird property. The 16 crown-granted mineral claims comprising the Red Bird property are now owned by Diem Mines Ltd., of Nelson, B.C., a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company, of Coeur dlAlene, Idaho. The Nor claims were staked in 1981 by Gerry Klein, P.Eng., who had .... ... been mine geologist at Remac, and who recognized the potential for sulphide ore at depth on the Red Bird property • In 1985, Golden Eye Minerals secured a lease on the Red Bird, ... Grouse and Caviar properties property from Diem Mines Ltd., and an option on the Nor Claims from Klein. ... The Red Bird property is situated near the south end of the "Kootenay Arc", described by Fyles and Hewlett (1959) as a curving .... belt of limy sedimentary rocks of early Paleozoic (mainly Cambrian) age folded around the Cretaceous Nelson and Kuskanax Batholiths. The Kootenay arc is characterized by significant Zinc-lead-silver deposits - in Cambrian "Reeves" or IIBadshot" carbonates extending from the Lead Point area, near Northport, Washington to the numerous deposits north .. .. MAJOR STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE SALMO LEAD-ZINC AREA . Sea 'e o 2 4. i;;;;;;;;;;Z=~iiiiIOii~=~ M" es .... • .. .. .. " ::I: I- f" .... ,) l- a:: o /. Z ,.. " ~ 1 " ,. 1 ? L 1 ... , NTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY LEGEND ... Mesoloic volcanic rocks Cambrian sedi men tary rocks, (Quartz Ite Ranoe and Reno formations, Laib group) Ordovician (?) black argillite (Active(?) formation) Cambrian sedimentary rocks, (Quartzite Range, Reno and Nelway formations, and Laib <;lroup) Granitic rocks - Major thrust faults Transverse faults Lead- Zinc orebodies GOLDEN EYE MINERALS LTD. SA.L(\/\O ~RE:A .J REGIONAL GEOLOGY - -Aug 1985 FIG.3 r , r r f f Sheep Creek Anticline. South Side of South Salmo River Formation Member APproxi-1 mate Thickness (Feet) Top not exposed. Nelway. 500 (1) I I I ,- I I Reeves MacDonald Mine Area, Composite Section APproXi-1 mate Thickness (Feet) Lithology Lithology Grey dolomite containing distinctive black masses with small white spots. I Dark limestone Grey calcareous phyllite, grey brown and green phyllite; thin calcareous lenses. Top not exposed. IR~~~ 450 Brown-weathering grey siliceous argillite. Grey, poorlv banded limestone. 200-300 350 Trum--;;- 350 Green phyllite. Emerald. I Truman Hill-.Emerald Mine Area, Composite Section 3,000 Upper Laib. , APprOXi-1 mate Thickness (Feet) Lithology blue-grey fine-grained with thin argillaceous beds. Gradational contact. Laib. f 100 I Grey anb· brown micaceous quartzite; Top not minor green phyllite, black argillite, and exposed. limestone. Black calcareous argillite. I 500 Interbanded white grey and black crys- I 130 tall.ne limestone. Green and grey phyllite, grey and brown m;caceous quartz.te. minor limestone lenses. Black, crenulated calcareous phyllite. Banded grey and white limestone. Brown skarny calcareous argillite. Green and brown phyllite, white limestone. 60 Brown micaceous arg;llite. Grey-green and brown phyllite. with calcareous lenses most common near the base. Brown argillite with thin calcareous beds. 10-20 feet of white crystalline argillaceous I Reno. limestone. Conformable contact it \ . I Blocky grey quartzite, of which the upper 30 feet contains coarse calcareous quartzite; cross-bedded. 40-50 Up"", Reno. 60 Blocky grey quartzite with lenses of calcareous quartzite, micaceous quartzite, and minor limestone. S-tO Blocky grey quartzite. Lower Reno. 560 Grey micaceous quartzite and dark-greY to black phyllite. 500 Grey-brown to grey micaceous quartzite with grey blocky beds near t:le ba~e 230 Dark-grey micaceous quartzite Interbedded with dark-grey to black phyllite. Upper Navada. 250 White quartzite beds as much as 2 feet thick. 135 White quartzite, beds less than 1 foot thick. Lower Navada. 400 Thin-bedded I!reyish-wh:te quartzite and dark grey-brown micaceous quartiite, some greenish-grey phyllite. 100 Brown micaceous quartzite with greyishwhite beds. I Conformable contact Quartzite Range. 35 100 Thin-bedded white quartzite. White grey and brown quart7ite inter- bedded with grey and green phyll:te. ._----_. -------------------------- 65 Greenish quartzite. phyllite and grey-brown ------_. -------------------------20 Interbedded grey and white limestone and greyish-brown phyllite. -._---_. -------------------------100 NURget. ":.L.'-jLU.. l:. Base not exposed. Massive white quartzite. Base not exposed. Nugget (1) massive white quartzite. Base not exposed. Greyish-brown phyllite and quartzite. Massive white quartzite. Coltmnar sections of Canbrian rocks, Salno area (from Pyles and Hewlett, 1959). r-- LAtS FORMATION GEOLOGICAL MAP OF §§I UPPER THE SALMO LEAD-ZINC AREA WEST KOOTENAY DISTRICT BRITISH Scole 1000 0 1000 Contour LAIS UN DIVIDED: ph),ll i te. sc hisi. micaceous quartzite. and minor 3000 Interval 200 feet ~EM£RAlD MEMBER: block phyllite and crgillite a!:J REEVES MEMBER: grey limestone. minor dolomite :~ TRUMAN MEMBER: phyllite and argillite ..... ith lenses COLUMBIA ZOOO limestone 400{'l 5000 of limestone Feet ~ RENO FORMATION; grey blocky and grey micaceous quartzite OUARTZITE RANGE FORMATION Geology by J.T.Fyles and e.G. Hewlett 1952-1955 ~;:s_~ ~NAVADA -IP~® NUGGET MEMBER; white quartzih and brown micaceous MEMBER: white quartzite = GOLDEN EYE MI NERALS LTD. RED =f.-~_~ MAY 1985 BIRD PROJECT , FIG. 4 .. [ of Revelstoke. 7 J Metamorphic grade in the zone varies from chlorite assemblages to sillimanite zones • Deposits occur at several stratigraphic levels within the belt and vary from replacement III deposits to metamorphosed sedimentary exhalative deposits; these are well described by Muraro, .. (1966) and the major deposits are shown on the accompanying Figures. §~QbQ§Y_QE_I~~_8~Q_~18Q_EBQE~BIY~ The Red Bird deposit occurs at the southwest end of liThe Mine Belt .. ll , a broad zone of Proterozoic to Ordovician rocks bearing stratiform zinc-lead-silver deposits that have been folded and cut by transverse, normal and thrust faults. Stratigraphy in the Red Bird area, as shown in the accompanying .. .. stratigraphic column, includes the lower Cambrian Quartzite Range Formation, and the Reno and Laib Formations, in ascending order. To the south and west, the Ordovician Acti.ve Argillite is thrust over the Cambrian rocks. The Laib Formation is subdivided into the Emerald schist, Truman - Argillite, Prospect Dolomite, Reeves Limestone, and Upper Laib Member. Dolomitized portions of one band of the Reeves Limestone are the m~in hosts for the zinc-lead mineralization, although less important deposits are also known in the Prospect Dolomite and Nelway Formations. Deposits in the area, mined from this band of the Reeves Member include the Emerald and Jersey mines, (Placer Development Ltd.), the H.B. Mine (Cominco), the Reeves Macdonald Mine and the Red Bird Deposit, as shown on the accompanying generalized geological map. The mineralized zones in the Reeves Member are stratabound massive .. .. .. - [ 8 sulphides surrounded by dolomite. Origin of the sulphide zones is uncertain; some sections have characteristics of sedimentary exhalatives, but textures and alteration patterns indicative of replacement may also be present. The Reeves Ore Zone had a total mined and explored length of 6500 feet, with further plunge extensions likely. Other mineralized zones thought to have the same plunge are the Annex, Annex West, and Redbird Zones, all of which are thought to correlate with oxidized mineralized horizons present on the Reeves MacDonald claims (see Long Section). The mineralized zones occur in one particular band of the Reeves Member on the south limb of a regional anticline, the Salmo River anticline, mapped by Fyles and Hewlett. At least three other carbonate bands are correlated with the Reeves member, but only the Prospect Dolomite has significant mineralization. - ] The bands are thought to represent repetitions by folding and faulting. Dominant structural features east of the Red Bird property are transverse normal faults, which have the effect of displacing the - orebodies to a higher elevation, providing better conditions for mining than ~f the orebodies had continued unbroken. A transverse fault originally postulated to occur within the Redbird property has been disproven by Drillholes 86-2 and 3, and there is now a strong probability that all four mineralized zones, the Reeves, Annex, Annex West and Red Bird zones continue unbroken along the plunge extending throughout the property. At least two additional zones, the Beer Bottle zone and an un-named zone to the west, are thought to be faulted sections of the Red Bird zone. The relationship of these zones is shown in plan and section in the accompanying figures. ... [ 9 ] The entire Cambrian sequence is capped by the thick graphitic phyllite unit known as the Active argillite (Ordovician), separated . . ... from the older units by a low-angle thrust fault • In 1985, Golden Eye Minerals extended a logging road from Church Creek valley toward the Redbird property, and this road was extended to the Red Bird showing late in 1985 and early in 1986 by Teck Explorations Ltd. prior to their drilling program. Funds expended on road building and reclamation in 1985 and 1986 were $ 43,985.26. Core drilling at the property began Jan 6, 1986 and finished March 18, 1986. Six holes were drilled, but only three of these were completed to depth, .. (three were abandoned because of drilling problems). Drilling Data are as follows: DRILLHOLE ELEVATION LOCATION AZIMUTH INCL. DEPTH =============================================================== GE 86-1 3343.31 971.52N/ 983.25E 340 -60 384 FT GE 86-1A 3368.59 991.11N 1017.15E 340 -73.5 569 FT GE 86-2 3570.02 1361.84N 1057.14E 332 -80 2464 FT - GE 86-3 3570+/- 1361.8N 1057.1E ..... ·oJL ~'"":!",.., -67.5 2203 FT - GE 86-4 3520.27 1647.98N 2711.92 340 -80 755 FT. GE 86-5 3494.65 1909.12N 2572.96E 340 -81 2454 FT - - ================================================================== 6 HOLES TOTAL 8829 FT - [ 10 ] Q~i!!bQ!g§_!_~ng_!a~ on Nor 3 claim near West Russian Creek were drilled to intersect the down-dip projection of the Redbird oxide zone; both holes encountered bad ground and excessive water and had to be abandoned prematurely. (Betmanis, 1986). Q~i!!bQ!g§_~~ng_~ were drilled from the same location above the iIIII .. .. - .. - - - previous two holes. Prospect dolomite. Weak zinc mineralization was intersected in the Three separate bands of mineralization from 3.5 to 5 feet thick assayed from 1.24 to 4.20X zinc. in DDH BE 86-3. core logs in appendix). (see No mineralization was encountered in the Reeves member, but a strong strike-slip fault is postulated to have displaced the Red Bird zone easterly. QLi!lnQl~_~, about 500 meters to the east was drilled to test the revised interpretation but was .abandoned when drilling problems were encountered in the Argillite Fault. QLillnQl~_~, collared about 100 me~ers north (see drill Section), at a steeper angle, sucessfully passed the fault, and encountered a thick section of Reeves member, near the base of which an oxidized zone of mineralization from 2264 to 2312.8 feet (54.8 feet) assayed up to 7.20 X Lead and 8.95 % zinc, with up to 0.83 oz/ton silver, indicating oxidized massive ~ulphides. The 5 assay samples of oxidized mud with dolomite and sulphide fragments average about 10 % combined lead-zinc, but can not be considered representative, considering poor core recovery. The 5 foot section of dolomite with sulphides directly below the oxidized material assayed 5.64 X zinc, 0.38 X lead, 0.31 oz./ton silver and 0.06 X cadmium. The material is considered to be the oxidized Red Bird zone, perhaps faulted as well, representing a technical drilling success. I -, ,-------- I , ~--,~Z~- , \ \ \ \ '; ; -. \ \\ u f 'J \,,"'.\ \ \ \\ \ \. \\ \ \ V'l ~ ~~ Jl t£ ~ W~ Jl W '> 1:. ~ ...l o T. ~ 0 I.v ~{!1~ .:0- c 3&~ '3o (J ~u-)oJ \ \ 8 .q-" :- \ In w :.J... ,-\ :.D ex:: ::J ~ \!J ~ co ~ ()) I~ ~ f( (~::=< N'2 AIPt ~AD J.. /.!l4_~ BEe: R. .v' .:z L , .... \ H" 4 %.0,..G: l. .." .. I APM'" ~DNA ,. i "" ! L I .t:- , ,~X' /'"'0 ~ ____ I ~ ~ I ' B6 . "" / I \, ,' ~<> \ , I \ \~~ " I ./ ;;,<:>! \ -<. '" \" "" '\' . .. , :I \ \J \ 1- _ - ~ "> '" _ __ '\ J \ .• \ 1- __ ' \ \:J \. ... ..J " '......... I I A/' C> -"<. .3 2-397 OD \ I1 • _~, 86-IA - \, oJ" .::-~ I ' .-;i - : -,, __ _, .y- '~t" .... , \ '.:-_ I" , • \\ 1 - •/ IJ. '" " A . -- ----- '// ,,' » H ' ' ,, rI...-r f '- 87 -.., \ LARCH \ L .3 FR.. '5804 -~ ':;" " \ "'~, J \ DO \ FR.. c .: :- 1 ',":.-, .... \ " \ " ,,'\ ....<>- \ " • ... ~~ ,~,~", ,~,",~"'<> '\ ,"? ' . .' \ . ". ............ ...r' " <Y ......'--..... ..' . \." FtG s-A ',- -- ' ~ Ge:""'7 =- \\ " GOLDEN EYE MINERALS LTD. . . . '1\ ... , IB\ . / , '' r,\ " v, .... ,o;:..s ,,/ - " .'". . -~" -----;-------- --,' ---;;,- / 5 " 7 s> 0 -..:-- \.'~' \, I L ",~'"l>'~: \ H GE 86-4 B .::-, '\,~ ". ~ ' , ' ;" ": '. '\\~ \ \ I , , ' '\ \ -- , , ' \\ (.,-:::':'- L. / 5 7 ' 2. ,(:J \ ' .\ -, CAv,AR 4 ,'\... ' \j- .,. '\.'\ " _ 11&_-=:1'-,' --::::---. \' '\ \\ \ \"' ' j \ '\ ' I i ""\ , V'" -' \ '?---_ ' 4f "· \.-..H -~, '\. .--.::::==----._-_ ..... ~'',' ,I ---~-"';., S'e~oo. ,", 1I ,'~CD~< Ro~J..-s ." . . , n \ \ GEa6-~ ~\ '\ I, II 3 c:;. 86 _ 2 -DDI-l's- Gr""' _ DOH "\ II I \ ~,~ -r---:.:;;_::" ....0.., \ I '\--:-o~., " , -__;;:__ . . . -0... "":l." .. • \ Drill I/o/e SecTion ~ ' S - 4 7 . 3 "" ,I .. ..< I _ \ ''\ /S-0.31 \ \ / ' I / ..... ,.5"& ~:$r","Qt"~d . h"~'- C;;;E'E I ' L r. D;,-r Road - /ocor;en .:::::: ~~ ~ rro,.,s~· b'y c:....hQi,., ,\ F";t:l." . , ROYJlL. ~- ----<) J I .. \\ ~'. ~. 'i' \\ ;::~. ~<. '1\ \ \ , I \ , '- I '" :t ... .slJrv~'yed I\\ , ,--- " \ L --... , , ;VVT -- a"c! .:::-- ... " ' - - ''\ . . .:::= .oirr Rocd - \\. I C'IQ;rn Bou"c/ary :- " II c.loi'," surv~y.r and n7ar>&. --. ,~, I I -e \ " CIa;," Cor,,~ (i.p) - 'plo-tr~d .,4-0"".., o - I , \, \ C/Q;," Cor,,~r (/.R) - rid by SIJ"v~ Workings. 1"0 /98b 6A:'o,.1::. o-d R~cI E;rr:::I port-Qt. L I '3-"'<65> L ' 0. , , TO<JG~ DD.. · S EJ L. /40&11 -",~- I ROYAL Su,-~O'<=e. ~~. d;A"ATRuDG Und~rg"ou"d WorkJ'!!ls. ( I -:..~,--" I, "0- \ ~c. /..!l.4<:S DO" / ') I . L ... - ", ~" \ ~ 1)0""-4 ' PO"'- ---~~" -"2. )..,-;:-.;,-" --·~~f"~''''' <II( A B 6 - 2. , ~::,,-_. "" , .. ~ I ,I, ••••-:: - " - --0-"" \ t " ~ L.£".AD ' ,_.... J - \ I I!. I. ',' ,.9-"'72. fII( 1" II ,/ // /..9..ti17/ ~,.,./ --' T POW Oic;:".,..,o"d DriJllloJ~ -YLrt"icol,P"Dj'chcv, ''t:) \ \ J ,;,' , , '/ A"UV'E:" • I _~~-- \ , .. - iI - ......... I, rr A \ J , .... BO'TTl-l;. / ) I " __ -:1> ""- NO,", oS \y ",-' ~ ,~ I U,.. ~&:i--.... R£O BIRI) AI> I 1. ---:-•• II ,#, ~ " ... ,I I ,~'•• -.;I LEGEND \ \ ~- 'Aorr.... ~' ,-----:........ ,~ --~ . . ~ --- dUl ......... .." ..OJ ~~~ ,,~. , N·... , ......... J\. I C:LJP A ' "", ; , - -.;:===-=-:.;:.-;-" • \ <:. '" • '>'\: RED. BIRD PROJECT DRILL HOLE LOCATIONS PEND D'OREILLE RIVER a ~ a SCALE 100 i'i i ' 200 NELSON M.D.~8.C. i i ' 500 I: 4800 F~-3 /0 , .. 1000 Feet DRAWN BY : G. K. CHONG 3QC)Melres /987 r r I , f f , , , I r r 4000 -","" 3500 ,J~ ,J"" 1/ !OOO / 2.500 / ~/ / / GJ Ac..iILJE" ARb\LL\TC II &l EM EfZ,ALD SCl-\\5i ~ R.EE:VES lI~£SmNE' [1J IRuMA N "5GH' ~\ ~ 1(e:t-.\ 0 a>LJA.~ 'TE' 2.000 GE-S"" 3 _\~OC ReDB\R..p PROJ"B:T D. D. H. 5ecTlo~ LOOKlN6 A2.. 2..47" \000 ,". 500 I FIGURE 6 , r f f f I f I , f , r 4000 e~-4 RED BIRD CR.. 3 A ~GIl-l-I'~ .;0/ _.;V."..,J.-/.~- J "." ~ ~ ,;V~dL~f!\'( F AV\-'"r ~ '_.~ 1t., ~ ~; 1, • 5 f{4}/ / ~lf I~~J 1000 / I . -< \. ~~ . . ~t /" EMER.ALD SCH\ST REND QUARTZITE . . x.' . ~ ~o ,j ( q;~/ ~ [§J :3 tt' / ~t / , 0· ACTIVE AR61Ll...ITE rn / +: . ~ [[J REEVES LI MEST()N~ [!] '-RUM AN SC.I-\IST 1\ / ')1<) ~llJ ~ &, {Jt:J (/ f (Sulpl..a,de~. 1 (0 '1-/ ;./1 ~ I ,y t /il fJ':J~,j: RedBird ~ AdH?<; ..,. oXidIzed >874 ~1 A r/ !. 5/ 2000 \500 ..... I /1 if·~1 ~500 4 I ReoBu~J:) 4o-lf>oFr O)(tDIZ~D 5lJLPJ/IP£5 "fie£? B/RP ZoN~ '1. PRo:ra::r \....oC>t<INC.., A z. ~~ I":: f'{odl~,ec\ .bv~ B ..pClce. 1'l~7. eS-6 DDH SE'CTIOJ-.t 240· SOO ' \\~A R '2.'?; lAC... Go· K LE" IN. t-IBURE 7 .... - - .. [ 11 ] Overall cost of the initial drill program was in the order of $400,000 (funded by Teck Explorations Ltd.>, of which $343,919.65 was filed for assessment purposes in 1986. 12§~=12§Z_~XebQBeI!Q~_eBQ§Be~~ With funding provided by Knights Mineral Partnership Ltd. and a Provincial Government IIFAME" grant, a drill program of two holes commenced November 15, 1986 and was completed February 12, 1987. - Drillhole 86-6 was spotted at 3300 feet elevation, 260 feet west of the southeast corner of the Royal Fraction Claim (Lot 14155>. The hole was started at azimuth 330 degrees and inclination -80 degreees; at total depth 3313, Sperry Sun instrument readings indicate azimuth 337 degrees and inclination -57 degrees. The drillhole cored the expected sequence; Active Argillite to 899 feet, an unnamed Limestone unit 899 feet to 921 feet, a major fault from 921-929 feet, Emerald schist from 929-951 feet, Truman Limestone and schist from 951-1186, Prospect Dolomite from 1186 to 1684 feet, Faults and argillite from 1684 to 1765, The IIArgillite Fault", Emerald Schist from 1765 to 2667, argillite from 2667-2677, Truman Limestone from 2677-2687, Reeves Member (Limestone and Dolomite) from - 2687-3204, and Truman Limestone and Schist from 3204 to the end of the hole at 3313. Drillhole 86-6~ intended to test the Redbird mineralized zone below the oxidized intercept in DDH 86-5 evidently was steeper than anticipated, and passed below the plunge of the mineralization by a distance estimated by Klein to be 400 to 600 feet. Scattered mineralization was present in the Prospect Dolomite, and a narrow section of up to 20% pyrite with minor sphalerite and galena from 3187 - /. r ~/' ./ ,// " Diarno.nd Drill ,",ole,. F au I t I major' G e o /o 5 icq( Co~-rqc.t / Ell / / ~/ / / [Id / / I - \ / - / fie / \ / I I / EI~ /'1 (I (" /' I / / - / Elr / E.l r GE 8<0-~ Qrdov\ciqn Ac.t"i"(Z, A~i Cg~b ....;on Uo,te.. (Lao,b Foe-motion) €ld Prospect Dol 0"",°, teo. £.tc;zu (;;\e. Uppe.... Ef'T\e.rald ChQ.rt~ ph:tn·,t-~ Ern'Z.r-ald Ph~ H,t~. A.r.9·,llit~ £.It. Trurc'\Qf"\ LOa",) ArS \ I[ i te, L\rnC'"tor'\~ E:\ ..... ~e""4!:~ L'fT1~sTon~ ~clo lo",",te:.- ~Vb\RD ~O:rEc...T v·D. H BtO-Go LooK \NC..., A z. 2.40 \"-::. SOD' FIGURE 8 Dian-w()"J Dri H ,",ole - F cu., (t , major G eo {o5 icq ( eo",-t-ac..t ... / / - / / - eld / / / / - fld / / / 87-1 Qrdov\clQn Ac.ti'le. Arsi 6DLDE N E..YE \'1\1 NER:ALS L-;:D U·,te.. Co r'T'\br',on (La'\b For-mat ion) Prosp~ct Dolon"i Uppe.r ErT\e.rcdd Chca,t~ Ph,y,,',t"e.. (;:\e. ElT\(Z.r-o' d Ph~ It, tc=., ArS ',11, t~ £\t Tru",Q" Lh'T\~ ArS E:\r ?~CT ~DH 67-) LcD r<~ \ ·"l0', A Z- 2.40 0 K@ 'E \12.D te.. €ld £tczu \1, i te, L\rnc.cfone. ~e"e:!. L,rn~s-ton~ -i<:1olo,,''lI reo ~A\L-=,~Mt...E I \II=SCO FIGURE 9 ... ... - - .... .... .... - [ 12 ] to 3191.7 returned sub-economic values. This narrow zone may represent the Redbird mineralization beyond the ore-shoot • Q~i!!nQ!g_§Z=l~ was collared Jan 15, 1987 and completed Feb 4, 1987 at a total depth of 3250 feet. This hole, roughly 1600 feet east of hole 86-6 was selected to intercept the IlAnnex mineralized zone about ll 500 feet down plunge from known mineralization in the most westerly heading of the Reeves Macdonald IlAnnex ll mine. was 330 degrees and inclination -73 degrees. Azimuth at the collar At depth 3030 feet the final Sperry-Sun test indicated azimuth 338 degrees and inclination. The section cored was comparable in stratigraphy with the previous hole; with the following sequence: 0-1077 1077-1153 1153-1205 1205-1731.5 1731.5-2205 2205-2278 2278-2843 2843-3250 Active Argillite; Limestone, dolomite, schist Emerald schist Truman Limestone and schist Prospect Dolomite Argillite Emerald phyllite Reeves Member The hole encountered significant zinc mineralization in the Prospect Dolomite, with the following mineralized intervals: Intercept Pb % Zn 'X. Ag (oz / t ) Cd % Ge ppm -----------------------------------------------------------------1733.3-1766.8 0.03 2.26 0.02 N.A. 15.5 (33.5 ft) 0.03 1767-1789 0.03 1.73 N.A. 19.0 (22 ft) 0.05 1.95 1827.5-1828.5 0.07 N.A. 10 11.21 0.07 1852-5-1857.5 0.11 N.A. 15 3.60 0.06 1862.4-1863.6 0.08 N.A. 4 1893.4-1901 0.02 2.07 0.02 8.3 N.A. 1915-1916.5 0.02 1.88 0.06 7 N.A. 2098-2102.2 4.26 0.09 2 0.15 N.A. 2125.5-2128.9 0.04 2.06 0.01 N.A. 1 2 2154-2157.5 0.09 1.58 0.03 N.A. 0.06 0.01 N.A. 1 2169-2171 2.12 1 2173-2176.6 0.69 0.01 N.A. 0.02 ================================================================ [ 13 ] - - 2205 feet (Total thickness 473.5 feet). The unit consists of light to dark grey dolomite with a thick cherty layer in the middle. Minor solution cavities are present and a "Tweedy' texture is common. Bands of massive sphalerite and pyrite are present and a total of 86.2 feet of the Formation is mineralized in many separate bands. The wide section at the top of the unit, from 1733.3 to 1789 feet - - - (54.5 feet thick) averages 2.06 percent zinc, with very minor lead, silver and germanium values. The best section, a 5 foot zone from 1852.5 to 1857.5 feet averages 11.21 % zinc. This is the only section that appears to be of ore-grade, but persistence of the mineralization suggests proximity to an important economic zone which must be further tested, perhaps by wedging from existing drillholes. of the hole at 3250 feet ()393 feet thick) has an upper section (21.5 feet) of limestone, and the balance is massive to blocky dolomite with IITweedy" texture., host to an important, thick mineralized zone. The zone, from 3080.9 feet to 3134.7 feet (53.8 feet) assays as follows: Ag (oz/t) Cd % Be ppm Intercept Pb % Zn 'Y. ================================================================== 0.87 7.97 1.64 22.7 3080.9-3134.7 0.085 (53.8 ft) including: 29.25 1.64 10.0 2.21 .10 3099-3125 (26 ft) =================================================================== r 1-_ h 'ACTIVE ARGILLITE 7_ - 3000FT SCALE o 1--=:1 1000 led 2000 3000 FEET 1 ! /IQ9~~ Zn /11.5' '" ~"'. -- /BEER BOTTLE-2,2%Pb,IB.5%Zn/3/.2' • ~---- PHASE IT 2000 . '"B~k . • .90- 2 1 / REDBIRD 6.5%Pb,IB.5%Zn 600'x 20' "-,..."" "- r11 1000 N rt'l a: 0a: 0 Z Z I 0 ? , LEGEND / QQ/ ANNEX / REEvES REDBIRD • ~ "- / / REOBIRO / / / ..-' I.'">. . ,, ANNEX :::1:: :r a: EXISTING DRILL HOLES PROPOSED DRILL HOLES Red LONGITUDiNAL B~rd ProjecT SECTION, Lookln'} NorTh HGUHE lS - o ~ Z o ..... I I 1 iQ 1 r:7 ~ -;'0 T p-... . '~,r - c::.rtl r-tJ1 01 ; ~ ~ ~- ~ - 0 ~ Q) ~In, . \J r ) f'D----' I r: . r 'r . r; :r:. () ~ Ul ' A. : -1 ..... rn ..... :;0 u: c: ....'T . . \ \ \ . '\', \.\ ! .1 r: r r -- ---r ~: l 2 r \ \ L_J j r------ . .--- --~ ... ... .... .rE ... - 1<ED \3\K.D -pgO:rEc...T D·D.H. G~BG-S VI I '" ~ A. L 1"'Z..El:> 1=bR\\ 0 N "2. '2. SO' 2 3 2c ' \ It -; \0 ~t' +0 LOCK\~6 Az.. Z.4rQD FIGURE 12 [ 14 ] EXPLORATION POTENTIAL: Combination of previous exploration data and information from .. .. .. recent diamond drilling by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. enables projection of at least four potentially productive mineralized zones on to the Red Bird claims. Arbitrarily a 2000 foot plunge dimension (rake> is chosen for calculating potential. Tonnage potential and Gross Metal Value for each of the four zones is shown on the following table, with the following metal prices assumed: Lead-$0.345 lIb; Zinc - - $0.505/lb/; Cadmium - $1.25/lb.; Silver - $7.35/0z. Germanium - .. ====================================================================== .. $1060 U.S./kg • MINERA~IZED ZONES - RED BIRD/NOR CLAIMS RED BIRD ANNEX : ANNEX WEST : K-ZONE ====================================================================== ... GRADE LEAD 6.5 1.0 3.5 1.5 GRADE ZINC 18.5 8.0 3.5 4.5 ... GRADE CADMIUM .10? 0.09 0.02 0.02 GRADE SILVER 2.0? 2.5 1.0 0.30 GRADE GERMANIUM 50 22 ? WIDTH 20 45 - 20 ? 20 TONS/VERT.FT 1,200 2,700? TOTAL TONS 2.4 M 2.7 M 1.4 M 1.8 M G.M.V $/TON $235 $109 $67 $68 GROSS VALUE $560 M $94 M $122 M $294M 700 900 ====================================================================== TOTAL GROSS METAL VALUES ALL ZONES: 1,070,000,OOO.in 8.3 Million Tons. [ .... 15 ] EBQ§E~~I_IQ~~!. Some potential for mineable ore exists in the Prospect Dolomite, .. since the discovery in DDH GE 87-1 of wide sections of near ore grade - ~e~leB_EBgE~BIY!. - material. The 16 crown-granted claims comprising the Caviar prospect are owned by Diem Mines Ltd., wholly-owned <since 1981) Canadian subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company., and are included in the lease to Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. .. - Surface zinc mineralization is exposed for a length of 150 feet and widths up to 20 feet. Four holes were drilled, the best intersection being 20 feet assaying 6.5% zinc. This zone is open to the west and down plunge. Little is known of this zone, or its relationship to the other - mineralization in the area. Exploration is warranted. ~I~I~§_~Q~~IIIQ~§: The orebodies at the Reeves Macdonald mine lent themselves, because of their steep dip, good width, and favorable ground conditions, to low cost sub-level benching and blast-hole mining methods. Direct operating costs, inclusive of mining, milling, development etc. in June 1973, were $10.62 per ton on a throughput of approximately 18,000 tons. The orebodies were capable of being mined at the rate of one vertical foot per day and milling averaged 1200 tons per day. Present mining costs have not been calculated, but modern bulk mining methods could be used. adjacent property. A tailings pond area is present on the ( 16 ] ~Q~~bY§!Q~§_a~~_B~~Q~~~~QaI!Q~§~ The writer concludes that the Redbird property presents an exceptional opportunity to develop economically mineable reserves in an area where logistics are favorable and mining conditions are .. excellent • The property may contain the nearest zinc-rich reserves to the zinc smelter at Trail. It is recommended that at least six more deep drillholes be .. .. .. completed to test plunge extensions of all four mineralized zones. these drillholes are successful~ If calculation of probable reserves and a mini-feasibility study could indicate that underground development and exploration and environmental studies should begin~ with a view to economic production of zinc-Iead-silver-cadmium-germanium from an underground mine. The possibility that near surface oxide material may be treated should not be completely ruled out, as large reserves ... of oxide material are certainly present • It is likely that an early start on environmental work would be worthwhile. Additional geological mapping should be done during the next summer season, and initial metta~urigical testing of mineralized material would be useful. It is recommended that orthophoto basemaps be prepared and additional surveys be done to tie in roads, drillholes and claim posts with as much accuracy as possible and to aid in surface geological mapping and preparation of reserve estimates. ... ... ... [ 17 ] The preferred targets for exploration are the massive sulphide zones of the Red Bird and Annex areas. Proposed exploration is by surface diamond drilling, construction of an exploration/haulage heading, and underground diamond drilling. ... Initially, at least 5 surface diamond drill-holes are necessary to determine continuity of all of the mineralized zones. Estimated costs of the next two stages of exploration are as follows. ... - STAGE I Road Building Geological work Diamond Drilling 18,000 ft @ $35 Assaying, Met~a~urgical Misc. Costs Consulting and Supervision $ 30,000 15,000 630,000 10,000 25,000 ~~~QQQ Contingency 207.. TOTAL .755,000 145,000 $900,000 STAGE II: Combined exploration/haulage drift (6000 feet @ $300/ft.) $1,800,000 Diamond drilling 25,000 ft @$20 500,000 Associated costs Hydro, overhead, Camp and equipment. 1,000,000 TOTAL $3,300,000 STAGE I I I : Feasibility Study Permits, Bonds, Environmntal etc. STAGE IV: Mill Construction etc. 1,000,000 Costs not estimated Respectfully submitted: ~I~I~~~~ __ - - - - - - - - ~~Price M.Sc •• FGAC. Consul ti ng Geolo . )~e( tti ;.. , , Feb 25 1987. L~~'O~,' - 'v " U~ '1' .\,. "\ -,---~. I.!) S... J n"~~';tl ~I o ~.~~i, ·""I"'4..v~ .. ..J ',", -.\' • '~ . %~:p F[LLO'~~ . .. .. [ 18 ] Betmanis, A.I., P.Eng., (1986); Report on Diamond Drilling, Redbird Group, Nelson Mining Division., Pend D'Oreille River. Assessment Report for Teck Exploration Ltd. dated May 27, 1986 • Canadian Mines Handbooks, Misc. Issues to 1985. Dings, McClelland G., and Whitebread,Donald H.,(1965); Geology and Ore Deposits of the Metalline Zinc-Lead District, Pend Oreille County, Washington. U.S.G.S. Prof. Paper 489. Elson, M., 1986. .. .. (1986); Redbird Project, Private Memorandum, Sept 17, Fyles, James T., and Hewlett, C.G., (1959); Stratigraphy and Structure of the Salmo Lead-Zinc Area. B.C.Department of ~ines Bulletin No. 41 • Green, L.H., (1953), Wall-rock alteration at certain Lead-Zinc Replacement Deposits in Limestone, Salmo Map-Area, B.C., G.S.C.Bull 29, Guinet, V., (1986); Golden Eye Minerals Ltd., Company Review., (Private), September 18, 1986. Hecla Mining Co. .. ... ... Unpublished Company Documents, 1956-1977 Hecla Mining Co., (1977); Report on the Redbird Zinc Lead Property, Remac, Nelson Mining District. B.C. Internal Private Report. Klein, G.H., P.Eng., (1986); Redbird Project - Exploration Proposal and Summary of Geology. Private Report to Golden Eye Minerals Ltd • May 24, 1985. Klein, G.H., P.Eng., (1986); Redbird Project - Summary of 1985-86 Winter Program and Recommendations for Further Work. Private Report, April 1986. Klein, G.H., P.Eng., Sections. (1987); Redbird Project - Core Logs and Drill Little, H.W. (1960) Nelson Map Area, West Half, British Columbia, Geol. Surv. Canada Memoir 308, 205 pp. ... Monger, J.W.H and Preto, V.A. (1972); Geology of the Southern Cordillera, Excursions A03 - C03, XXIV International Geological Congress, pp.36-38. Muraro, T.W., (1966); Metamorphism of Zinc-Lead deposits in Southeastern British Columbia. CIM Special Volume #8, pp 239-247. Walker, J.F.,(1934); Geology and Mineral Deposits of Salmo Map Area GSC Memoir 172 .. ACME ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LTD. _852 E.HASTINGS ST.VANCOUVER B.C. V6A 1R6 PHONE 253-3158 DATA LINE: 251-1011 ASSAV - DATE RECEIVED: FEB 11 1987 DATE REPORT MAILEDf'...:M 7/0 !7jd.l .. CERTIFICATE SAMPLE TYPE: CORES ASSAYER: .A~.D~AN TOYE. CERTIFIED B.C. ASSAYER. GOLDEN EYE MINERALS SAMF'LE# FILE # 87-0306 Pb Zn Ag Cd 'l.. 'l.. aZ/T I. .04 .09 .06 .02 .19 2.06 1.58 2. 12 .69 4.98 .01 .03 .01 .01 .. .010 .010 .010 .010 .030 .-, c:' .L~ 4.6.2 .01 .02 .01 .01 .09 1.09 .54 .44 .45 .01 .04 .01 .01 .030 .010 .010 .010 .010 · 110 110 GE GE GE GE GE 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 GE GE GE GE GE 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 GE GE GE GE GE 1036 1037 1038 103 1040 .09 10.03 9.67 .31 1.06 4.87 9.01 1.80 11.35 1.35 .77 .09 2.00 2.50 GE GE GE GE GE 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 .29 10.71 .07 9.56 .07 9.67 .06 4.79 10 6.00 2.39 1 . ::;.<) 3.01 .47 3.41 91 GE 1046 • . 18 . .02 C"""'I _'-'...:.:a ~,., _.~ .11 .,. Ge PPM 1 """'I ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,., L 1 40 ·.010 · 100 · 110 · 100 110 · 110 ·.050 17 16 22 30 .070 16 .010 9 """'I"":"' .:.. ....:. 39 35 20 PAGE 1 ACME ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LTD. 852 E.HASTINGS ST.VANCOUVER B.C. V6A lR6 PHONE 253-3158 DATA LINE: 251-1011 lilt . . - ASSAV ~~LE ASSAYER: • •1..-. • TYPE: CORES DATE REPORT MAILED: AUI 10 GRAM REGULAR ASSAY TOYE. CERTIFIED B.C. ASSAYER. GOLDEN EYE MINERALS FILE # 87-0190 Pb Zn Ag 'I. 'I. aZ/T Ge PPM .03 .03 .01 .06 .01 13 7 15 16 19 1.88 1.44 .01 .02 .02 .02 .03 15 17 20 24 16 .04- 21 15 17 10 15 GE GE GE GE GE 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 .01 .08 .01 .05 .03 .52 3.04 GE GE GE GE GE 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 .01 .02 .01 .02 .02 .67 2.26 GE GE GE GE GE 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 .01 1.56 .08 1.61 .03 2.87 .05 1.95 . 11 11.21 .04 .04 .07 . 11 GE GE GE GE GE 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 .08 .01 .08 .02 . 15 .06 .01 . 10 .06 .09 ~ JAN 29 1987 CERTIFICATE .q. DEAN SAMPLE# DATE RECE I VED: . .:..-",-::- 2.78 2.84 ~ ~,., ~I . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60 1.06 6.31 1.88 4.26 Au* PF'B 2 1 11 4 6 18 7 r't ..::. 2 PAGE 1 I rl-\GE_ I Gc::>l_:r;:JtE:N £"yE ;V1/Ne:~ LTD 'REV KIRD PROJECT PROPERTY STARTED COMPLETED LOGGED BY Atrs B2F/3W 1~136 1~8b NDV 15 /3-55 6'5:- ~o 90-/32- r:'tl~/nc SUN :::'0 re. -/-0 II 0 9 72 I-4ST~£. J ~ Th~1"L-N.Q· ELEVATION AS5UMe:D 3'3Cofe<c-T-ASL SAMPLE LENGTH NO. Aet/tA!! I ' ACt:.. core. tt;ef7 , a 1/"* !J /~b / 1;''Ie~n5 OC~ 'Pc.,., pq ".t/f7d c. '/~ I I , tOe.... con-t;,,,.r, Xf..5 c.j'}(~r-r~ a~ d.bov.e, 70· ~ ' 4 , ' C"pn I Ls , 70 c ~,a.. e "., 70 () A-t::,-rwe. - Inc 0 ~tt:,c.. C/'~"t4, sec...r f~ -hGJ ~C;d.6dV~ - 5"S" -~s\ , n odu /t:l,r ./n Id c;. d roltl!o,-fj "",nor II BoO hove q D}4 "" 70 secT Ls -6 /<J~4, See.",7 c.hert...,. ~~c,.-tc:.. To .2 f , Ik D-, y~ Inche's C2 c; 4 "..,~d- c:i I<. Q , q ¥'tLph, c.., '// fic) Wa vv I , '" IQ b,v~., 6/oc"kv , - I C. t:l • sects) occ- mInd, ey kad z .2 %' / ' drss ern Pt. ~s 9~(7 &Joe.o.. Q~G mcoae brtfJKf'n zane "..,,/)Of" Atv/-r 30 oc.t::f,. @ /73 2~-Z3~.~ ~~ 8b -6 HOLE NO. O COORDINATES 2bO feeT @ /lz. Z8J from S ~ Corne,r ,pIn K8YlzlL ~IC' L I41S5 IIr~L/llte-,-- -rY',ccnu~c:LI}fc~".~ ACTI (/£" IJl2hlLL Irc m~d qe.." CI"'dLllutfr., baod' Q1 IBq-22~ G"t: 0 BoO. DEPTH In I. q , /47-/8' - DESCRIPTION L~ 132-147 'SpE"reev DEc. ~ G KL-£/"1. DEPTH 0-/3 A Z 3'30 BEARING INCLINATION 8 vr __ / -5 IJ-etfrecl .0 o· ~' ~~rzfdr t5 e c:r~, J 202. -22..8 ,:::-AuI-, 2 oN'£. , rn uc h 4''-:~cdr (1e I rncrn"" ~1'J1 'Sc.Jy.f4C~~ c;en 4S c..Q..,, . Q : Y"D rt't!n kl?7d eLL, Ice , I t/ el'7lnq. , - 2/ se-c..-r - : rnfno'" qf2 Ce:lrb I I _. -r- -----\- I I ~ ~=,3. s- \ 1 I 30f 1 IIc,7ltJ~ IfR6 I LL.ITGj / ! f ~ 279. 262., 2..~Z- : -z-on~5 ~tJS--332~ /1 ~ I 4 qen .=io· I I nc/m -' - I - I -- ~-b -- r:L. -- -- r- z.t.n~s /' -f'c v IT 5A~t:I'" mrt1ol1' C.Q.. ~ ZZ, (@ t -fIt- / 0 ,2'/ CirZ. t./t!!,ln ~ AocJtCii) 42.CJ.S. , Jk a b(}cJ~, ~o rn~ I77lno,' -fcrlJs. SI/Ie 54-2 ~cc IIm7 l-I . . V._ 40 _60° c. Cl. c ornp~f-en7": 4, r--d12h,tlC. cr.env/a rd AGrIJlF., . se eTc, neG 6/~ b eJtz i DeC p~ , , -s1A.. 3~ r. L s q~t7 ~ ~o.., C.a. bClrUalfl'"U. , ,p...,, -th"tJcJ~haJ , 4SS-21 D 5"10 - £ 4dUc,~~ zone 4 btJt/e. ~~J}~rt; 332- 4~ 1 I" ~ ~ tned '1}~1 80 o c.q. q~n L5 "00 r -r'll t!) I r- as I a I q~n 70 0 c.a. sevts to t:l ie KJ loc6e5 18' - SOb ~ -f-z- 4ohvlf~(,;» t/eln (n~, To 2" 6ck/t!!. , Ls ,Q~n 7S""°-eoo : I Ls 3-5% .p~. , c.~. $/ hc.l?ovs ~~(7-542 sC!.c"tt; I 54-2- cI~ k~l C 15 (4) 4S'°c.~. : Acffvi'!.. ,. r': ner1-4 s e G f51, Joe. cDnforf: L~ Cien 70°, ra 40° C.Q. @ end. 4", rz t/~inlnt:4, -, .1-tl'rna 54'. ~I I 5~- S'b~ / I I o , : al()ll~I ~Y41/I,re • FAoL7- 5k2-52?S -r-on-e.5 ,t:;a(/~~ , Qr"2- i/e./nlna ,4'1 , 50rn(!' 4crltl~, 585- '3ZS" qT"7~ ':11.5- ·~B2. ' I 4 ~ 4' 2 ~ f)r}To,...r. Velo 6 ~(/'l! • ' to /' I / C1 , ", ~ -- Ilea fecl.b)( Zon~. - f I ~n C S- C!'. t%. tJ _._ cc. .. .- dec ~:rfz ,I s~ct~ / , rn/I')or ' ~u I 6e2- 688 : rAVL-r rn Il7tJ'" .- - 20 ·-30° c· ~.' ~I @ I vi!! I n L~ Qen To 3 If. e, h-e ytr.., Gt::J°c·a. / fa rnpd\£~e . £: Q f-- fz.., V~/175, h,tJ Un ~ ~i:;. (Iii re. "138 - '9S:~: .J..ttmp d~i:e. , ,4~~en fj nqe, ~,s-: 3 -7551 /lent/&: d It &1 fA 1a J,/4e,K~ ~ I Ilc 5;ec T>. 1"1. I v~ r or J,,,()Ken .,t;, ~ / I 1 ;:;; ~(j ,e; ~ • Ls ~en 7t:J~ I I ------_. bltflclc..L, 2C>ne 7/7- 7/~. ------ -- ' , I - L.oi" L.. I _ I I I L- L...., ' - V ~_ L- _ I_ I" I I I I""'; L- L- I I__t"Ir"\--L..... I .. ... 1_ = -1--'pc------/._~_~~I II ~I ~ 1ss-- 772 I Ifc,t., vE, h Ia.c-k . 1~'5S 5 (I,C thqr! a blJ(./~ . I--:~;~~ t~' t/eln. ; II ~oc.lqpca;; 7'4. h IDGkv 2Dflt:. r 7' ~ -772. L g (.)~rv ~1Ll_ c;-en 7S-O C. q . . I , I .772 - Sf" ; , I elk AcT/Vi!),-- I 75° e?en -r Cf4. , ,-T--- S ara.. .2 I L If C_· 787- 80 Z , ' .c. 0' -, o~c;e I J L~ Dec.. i ver", brOKen f S~cT: Th,s Cft-z. ale In. I , OCG- U~r.., 5//,e c:. ct. 6/od< ,V See.--r. t:'t40Lr- Sec.:fs 8/C!)- 824 J hUl.r~ 20° C.4.· J' I 8U- 8l:lJ.5'1 /IIAJl:;f< ~IkJLr .... 10 t:1!""i2,~oo ~.a. £' G h~Q secTc;,. , I"~ 9 862) : @ to .J... 4o o I _ bedd.tno. hr~k~fl " led bX ~t1~S) cYVs he./ zon.e " ~_a;'~L_ ,clh}{.../ q ' OUqe ~~---I I -t~ k~ q-tz. t/~/n5 S IIIC. vi " p,ot!q rs c.a. 13'9.S- Se?.! Ac-rlt/I:. II'r"eq 6~t1c1,nc" A e./ corn/Jert'!n-t: 8B7 - 8~~ 1 I -Acr/~r;,r;,~I/t~ >-c:1Kg ~ . _ _ 3 %-pc, ) -. , . , ' 1-' ~ ~d ""'e,q. () /0. rtfjl , r beddffu: rho t""e eC;>4-g~~:1 I e22- 90~! C. I I I I I I I f- I I 1-1 i =~ I 1-.-- t4rr7D duk~. mec!4,/-een--'4J /oLwe~f{,~,~ r -, -- -- --,- - , • • .--------------, scc..+S //".M.r V a- ' rtIIJ ,lit re. @ 8~4-.- S. b0 -.--_.-- DC. a. _ b.qa.J~J) /l?Ds0~--r- d,stt2 r teJ i /ellched,. thlq s~ki£ eLy ke. lIme staat; I fl7~cI Cf yi mqny 7 utrhlffc ct: '2rt')- '2/ ,_ O.a J yo fi '1t::; ~ • 6tJ 0 C. FAU------;;-' ZON£ _ _ _ _ _-.:...i --=...,.LJt?~U~qc:.lsc.,.h(5-r t l----r, , , _ _ _ _ _~ CAler""" @ '-----1 1- . , I upper- " _92,1- 929 ' I C1 • LIMESToNE} -tf.."a QV. occ-tllln wl1lTe band, 60 o c.a. i I. I I I I I I r-- I I I I I I I I I I I ~--; ,_._- I I I I I I 1-- Q.. • s~c;-ts dy!<e (let tnp) , - r I bxA !f mt:s-r(J!1![L_ i--'--:~,...se ~Z2. 4 1 L.C. @ ,z£. E ItfFR,q.,t.....D ??? c ~el7(') I~ f-ed ca (C~ r"'t!~US 'Ph.., I/,Tt!. - 5'o;"~.sf 60 0 c. a . A,c lotAle, to zet'CA ~51- ,~.s- -r'I!Uu#-!/ JIm~s-ttJf7e 1"Yle.J f hIve -q'1, 22"- 251 i I J - I -- --- , I I "4SO-6a o c.a.. 972 12e[)v('"$ Ftf>ottf tlAJ fr) f,/KJ ~nRF. I lJt r L?t~l_~lt"' I I.H i I I 1 l-r --ri:.UMIIN 3 ,e:;" V4t! 9813.5.. 100B·,; I 3' I i I sc"h, SI 10'/. 'TRUMAN ~ II I q I . '~ec-r hfqhl4 , 4c.. , " uppe,.. c I r 5~c-r t":JCC 60° r. a.. c.ue/I hal7deJ -:::;c-/, 15. 1: med '!> t!! rf ~, foe (J~Q ~ 'S"e c.,f~ I C·o. . I m .5" rtz I 1/05"- /137 I 177 eel Q£. - 11m t!!(;.-f~f7~., 'ib/MA-N I banded. ~s-c' ~ I ! I : f?a"'''''1 no I I i3x f:J q '4 , 1 ~ , b Iv~ I.t;. - I ,. / -rrA ns /t./c ~11-rq~, 4{;O s . : DCt::. I i 1: r,..on? : L_"i do/t"Jml s-rr ~"'r~ c::; 'Pc., 129t:J-/2lJ 3. 4Soc.a. i /30/- 130 z... '~he~ It:'. J -z.-o"e tel It /0% mInor 1'53/.0 - f- F I loe:.. '. -tw~~c:AJ II t:l4 I' ,.,.ra. '''5 ZnS If?6 " > h/nckv ~ore . /t::Jt:. Pc, ' tJcc (tfJ ~ -- /2_~7·S. fl7lndr , 170 r ...20 ~ ~y t$l 12..31) I I / q~n / ( Set;, 51r 2n.s d:i) minor 2n S. /25S- 1450 I/ 'P~~Pet::,( res. Tn' ·-Ie.w ,q,.~ II1J 217 5 c. a.. I i P'1 I' ~ h~a led -fY"a c fvYtts. I I / .DoLc~/rE' F' /~ch'I')Q. t - //2Z Lc;.. L'fJW ca.. (c /22.1=1, hIve. well more ~c!Jlifase I , .bloc.i<.. v. /096 . corn /j/~fe,J~ /,.pa_lt!!.d wlf/' , "'PJeOc;Pr:c,r ; I Cii) 50.-45 0 Z.one I calc..., Te I -. . c:I~ l~ r.:i) 2' lama I / d q ric e r I r , rn -e; oCt=.. rn,nnr ~~6i e:freen t 5n schlei: .(1. 1137- /IPJ3 . //83 -//8" I. f· /ncJr' Seyts Cfe., Ls ~en bOG /073 f:.- 1074-. ("CiU I I I I - -b I,... t. @ I /25~ I I ' tE;ec..;f ~q , ~'frk lamp ole., J.e. /0/ /atliT /f- LtNulHI /0/7 -FI'~ G;~ on #t I "5'~"', ~J t~ I /1& - , -- . 50/"51: . v n, .,t'~,..rn /. ~ /()I Z sorl-t z,l'Jne ~ m, noy /CAC hi/) lObS.. //05"' I sec.-7C@ II /71~.s7b17~, 7/eUM"IN I I /fm~5f()n~ Wen -fh'f"I'"t!c1 I()/g._~. /06S I f I s1a rT., bO 0 c. a . (;;J I( S"~rlt:.,T~ 6Ifrl1-C;'" , - ........ 11l)1'\J £-' I 2~ z/?s~ f I~a. ch~cI s~o1: /~"3g. S ..,.- Bxd f- LJtr'IH \ i 1 ! I<J to" I II JN I J) t ~ ( ~ I 1 1-' ,•• '.' .. - LE NGTH I .. -. ~(')n ltJ".ma 61e m-ed. 52)d C.a. I I I I cl.u. ke- P7 3oc% j I 1572- /'134 ~ S I Gue:;e'n). , t/.e"Co../ II] .6 5 /62.2- \leQ,che.d slUr ,;;'L.e. @ / 3 .L.c. ~ . I L~ Q"n 40·c.a.. t 7 :3 etl< G~ ., Ilceou~ I 2tJ-~o~ su .,' q, J band +a b./ 9tz.. cg rb V(l 10 I.e f s (§) /GOI. I J,4ndS Pc.. t)~c ,Pv I Yt!-ln,n4. , I ~(; tI~~~ s , . l"!a yb 20 14btE) - /4b I ~b 7- - I 0/11/ Tt?, J) (') L , f'J r /Jc~ /eac;J1t~d ~po-t 1t:lrr1p , minor /eoc h~J C:;~{j-t-. aCL:: C4rh yeln/t! t5 QI'2 ; hard. ! dol sllle q"", I I 'len 5o/et'!iheo; QCe; mInor 'i?rtT//e 40°, rZ. <:-orC. . /bSb- IbB2. ; ! FAULT ZoNE I n ~ / 11c- do Io lnt -re . . 173' ~ raj If/it!.. i /,me5T(Jn~ M4nL/ shlnv I ! t::t"'O~JII f/c c:./If?S 40 -20 c.ct... % /Qrnt.> j I , Ib84-- I I cI....,. k~ /7t~; te , b/aok, 5 /1 P S I II Oc.c I FAUL T ZON£: I $tJrn~ V~ ~ J ttl~ q ",""I P /, t I br"() I / JP'I- /7'2 £/11 G7CAt.-D ,4/ht.4ll, te I : -fee/ts I 111B6.! I, ~a/c4~~dcJ5 ,Parl/n~ 5 .,• I i I I /7/8 €) arq/llt I / O 0 /~8~- 2 ()5'4 , , ;- , ~h~rr-D~ ~fn~'" I/~ ~I/(C /4tt<J- 1S-72 I /7bS- I _ -b _ /1 tau 1C a 13<jj-) "''1 !qmf' c:J.,Ke /4/8-/423 -Ie (.,J q,.4In'5 2n 5 /ets-t.foat. /450- /4'0 /757- I /6'r"lr - P~S- 14SZJ /73'-17~7 I '*1 lOt:) k~1) r I a sInn" b/a.Gk:. 1 .. I I ~ -tz ca"..b - So dC • to(. I Cf)"t!' t C;(Jue;el ' , Z 1'-- I --_.. 1ct!~" IQmp -bie b/a-ck. lot:: '51 It c, , ms=Ptl I s'~75 ~S~en , 4()·-4~ i tiMG7tA£D . "S I I () e r'f / I I , t:J~ ,,1if}~ ~ UJ a..tJ(~ I c6nfor'm Sc.!Jf 51. J~~ dr-et4, -flJldr;. nce bnnd,na I c; "" I I ' le:tmJtJ , L'5 C;p r? , 55° Ca / 9CA • ' I ~ke dO/4 - o2o/PJ rb S,o"'-; , -_. LJtr'lH 1 ! I ,I :Jo5~-:lIlO \ ; I~t)( ~l~II()N ' I ~1tIr:e1fl D ) ~ EM~f) a c; , Icrmocklce l I • .oele Q 80°- 3'0· c· a.J' ~T'Z.- ~a,...hL/e'1'J5 lcL..Jc~ con-lorm 2110- :J.17~ ~""," .... IFNGTHI ~ I 6' b(h,,~ L!> va rtI " _. I I" I O<!J - , f "I I • '" pn SSo _ 2./0'-:21(J7.S- e::Lv 4_c;-CJc.a . ~J2I"~ J/p,nln~ , e;tz. , / t/~/nJnr; ~ lamp cLc.. Ae :2/22.- 2/30 2/?J'-2.lifA , QrZ ' , I I 2/'S- 2/75. ;:::OLD AXIS ;1/75-22oS' ! : I &:>.- ba fZ cJ In£) • {} u I 2-~-22~11 ~M~f) I ' ! -z.."Z-~'2... I 2'2~- 23C}O. .f, 2'3~O- 23CJS:S! Z 32>:S- - 2SJb~ ,nt'J;'" _ man~ CDn-r()rrlfJN)" on I '2 ~ 2..+. I s-rrs. occ.. n1lnI'J y' r ., /s bInd 2319- r-e , ' / t;:"M ~5:D_{,OO C. a. , / cJ"Ilel Cdn~~rn. La.m&> IslIP S ~c 171 <.,. t: 0 2~07 - 2~ ~7 _ L.5qe.n , -zS":G- 2"~1 'o-2 o -7D-6t:J- no qeedr.e,.,-r 30-45"- reu~sa /. / I ~f-z veIns to .7' 22/2- / I Ls- I i • ~eUe,...tl t;:M€1r.,1H.J) . rn c",,.-e.f, !feci. 30 0 OG_ 0° _0" - / /~" eli L5 cr~c;.tttO 2./B2..-22OO. /n cort!- L.s - dR~a/~rrl ret/~rsq/ /n 7 60 C7U~D cc mt no y c.~- /1 Is ha.nJ. 6~J1I'h(t;. 6l!.deJfnc; .idJ 25"07- 25"/5: I ~~e.a. -se-ill s i. 60 11 - ' s-cJ c·a, -, I Dec:. _- I Ir-._ / , mIQO",- COaf4rm 1T-z i/~(rz __ .. ; con/oem 19 mp s4ke 2S78-Zs-BlSI / 3 I , / i • CD/1-1arm/~mpol4l<e~ 2~4-B . Ub7-2I.77 I I . ~ 1 sll(ce.oc.l~ mvcL In bo)( t:t~ofll(Tt!... Dec PGt I ' · /64- IS I S/l"k 60.".6S"~.a. Tt!!.rulr ~t ch4n~tnq • , h,f- ..fa. (len Ins It/&! fce C €1eJ. f ~fo 77-21,&7. -r-eolt1AN /lrne5tone -few WI5P5 >chl.51t . I , f h rt:JUJnt ~ h. ----------------------------f-----1f----i----l---II---+---+---~---1----· - _. I.' -- 1-'- I- I-:1"&101' JCJ3b l--- - - - b« ndp-d, c-r t/ppt!'- e:;"4Z'n bOD. con !tJr-m I U,S: ' rP • Xcu-rfln I I t ; I :Z~.3'.S'- ~4lf61 2240 -29SS-i '2.~SS--"30371 ~o 10'71 3031- ?ert I 1 ~40,1- 3obf: 2. /. tit , 7z.e -272".7- ~. ;;l. 7 13 - elk q. 4, L. S. ' - 5 U6tQ,,-r.., I I / /rc%rt!:d -'- 1-- I .. - • -- I I I '/ -- -- I~ -- -10. I P. 7 -- _. -- -- - L5 U~.8- (Ci) lamp ~ke. SO~ez",e, - Z. 7c:J 7. ... - -('fit n , fa rnp dvK.<!! ;l. 771 - -!-or I' bra ke n whIle. ~7- 25 (z... 284/01' 2E34b It:tmp ~ ... I<p XCV-ttlfl4 L- 5ec/f$ 27 3B,, N () ,,_... !- / ~ m~S,,-one 7Za:::ves I~ ,,,,, l--- Ze5~- Z8~/.3 l)~/()ml fe. , Ilm'-f, '5ecn 00~ e·a . 12~e-r; I. s ..... mind!' c:Io/ seds 55° e.a . -rh,n hAnd~cI a<:'.l'?bdhllJ, L4 ' me ely ke) C& ' 12ERJ&-s /. S.,, rz ttJrrna 00o~.a.- " hIe, c...f-c; s« I, c.e~uc;, h::J 0 , Se 1-1, 3::%1- 3084. S' AY'4///' tel I" q h I~ 'SIIIe '5een ~'4 pili fic~ ; c:::.-t~nc:; -IQ vir ZDf7e ~b 3- ~o84-, c;; l,ps e;e,n !t;"ma f,/e I I , LoV I I ~ , / 2~-r;oo+D I care. • , ~ app,.-oX t:(>C/S. 4/ Lie. I ! rIll'S 3aA4.S'-3aaC1 3JoPJC;.7" ~O~. S- 3~2.S'-3184. I s~C'r· J..t:trrJv elu K~ /:-1!J1t !-t!JI'rn. , , I 1?t:"'C'VE:S L. S. m eel q v, S I II C. $" e~IS . ",/ " R~ 1.<:>, -th,(J banded. t:,o~~~· ~/B-f- 32tJ4' I I ,?>Z04 - 3 2S'~ I I I I r---- _ f-- I ., Py I I ~ : rnlno("~~uf< ~/, , \ e 3/32. DlSsem I : I" !O~ r7c" tf:i) " ·/.PJ'dark lamp~ke _ /o}D- '312$.B-3Jztzg 3!2b. .4 I t:~", I&r:n fa r71£/ c:l., k€ (D 3 / 6~. 5 12€EV~ do/tJmt fe . S~v1$ ,c-rweeJ"," a 187.0 - '3/88·0 - 20"0 f?~ './ ~ /OJ()·" - '31'11,7 - ~ '.1.J M 1+ f..l '* 2~~ h \ S -r: minor Ph 5~ ZI')~. 1/ p~ . I77IIU);' f Pbs t Z1') ~ . 6~ IOO! '.0 ~E IO() Z. 0·8· ' Ict to- f. c;. band.s I '5~I"...- h; 'i""~en·~ hr{J~"'" 'oh",U,te. 6~c.a.~ 1 'Sc. ct vlt- () v ' - V'- I ~ I I V '- oJ ' - 1\ 1 I I ___J _ I I \) 3204-32Ss=-1 conT I o , ~ I ?-.?_5"S"- 3Z76' ~Z7~- '3~' 3 1 i T lJ " -r- I :;,~, 3 I ~ h1-r n?12 I n h elk i / I - , -fL,.(JN\Jl.,N - - 0 F= IN . I~. ~on-l~,..Jn . 4 . I 1'",L.I'tV II II lamD ~. . . kp » & -re . com i I I I t- ~ I 7" 2.0;>7 $00 t I b C;;-0 ~ • a. . ;; r I'M , a. rn p c:b b.e.. (foL.-e-. ~R' L L.t::: --.z.g 'N I""'-B I =EE e;fe... \ fU::,--,:?o (2;\"" L~::'S 0 -7/ t= I ! W~ ''t-C , -ba.ncLs wht t. s h 1.5 - '" D fu-t II. i tlD 3204 i me t:;TtJne ~ '2. e?Z - 3 U37 £OOt "'I'). 2. "Z.-4 • ~ I t..<:: I ~ ph vllil-tc. ?Qrt/nt; r. I I"" '~J h, -te. XLI/, n ~ 1.5. '6° C tt • ( C.uMlJ,tJ I .c;-,..,~ n L _ _ _ _ _ _~ m~ lont fe ~ I ~.3Wc, 1... -z.:z • S - I IV j A !tJVM(?e:n Of=. ftAC£;;s' -70 l1-l- U-oLE"". -~g T -h4 T "2- I -bZ 0 -s 4~G. 0-~- 337 I I I I Ii II ~.- -58-5 -S7 I 1--- I -I I Ij - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I 1 \- E. YE 60LDEN ~/ll t\JERALS 12E:'D 1:S \R.D W ~TS 6z... : AN I ~ \:1 PROJECT F-tii PROPERTY STARTED COMPLETED LOGGED 8Y _bgB ~ Q::t S11€J?rsy A z.. 330 0 734;) . ~VN T€?T5 U\5TV~E - 1':)67 KLE:t hi 32..5""0' DEPTH LA511J6 IN Aeblf..,L,rE. HOLE NO. COORDINATES NO. --L OFB- GE. 8Z-f _ 1"370' ~ Az.B3°.from SE corner 'Prn 'ROYAL Fe LI4155 ELEVATION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DEPTH D-fO IO-7P-' }(j PAGE L-rD BEARING INCLINATION L( Hl)L:- UK1LL A-SSUME"D 3100' AS'£.- LENGTH H Co!2C. IlcAsINGr A-crl UE"" A 126/L LITE /.. broken £. t ron (J I0 Cf r~ 0 h l +(C \ cs.T~c~ed I , / ' r-onIOr("t-e J. 0 \ / cL l 5sems L~ creri I 40-45° to e.ore (J..X(S CC4.) oce..0 I , - / , I .. ( I~ ~ heel ~~f" r--n. nor a t"-z.. LIe.. ( n . .4 fC.61 LL' r€, ~ 4? a. b~ ve.- Oa.r-tfa..lt"f h~ f~cL ,p vA.. cfuve d.own coV'"e oc:::.c::.... ~B-'39 , Dec I ., v2 /( G1oc.J~~ @~7 to ro ken cs ec;;t~~n 4Sd/C.~. .Z lJe.rt.-t Ls - I 0 '- I G ~~-C: r1lc;. h ~~- fa? A,....q "I, to€. Jol-ISt:. ~. la rn.oro(Jh . ire d,-,ke 55°- 6S·- ~Qo_ 4 5"°c'~' t'l C;; a bd u e . ~: b~~ ken ~<!.c,t» \ ".,e..1 py J ' 0>+rk.5 - ~ _. 'Arerdl,Te. a.sa..loove.. I Iqen m~re.. comP- iJS"b-247 I o ~.t-enT. ac.e.. SChtSTos~ see--r : ne..o.. r' n 1 ' nor -fa v l-rc; , ~cc.. rn, no,.... Lqmp ~ •rIe. see-To Con-t-t')rT secTs I i cLl.i ke I BB- '~2 \ LS e::,en 4S-°pt..J-r-F,.....Ot"Ti , I I ~O· - '10 ° c. ~. :~41- ~A2. ~c;; d ~OUi!.. Ls sfe.epe n To f)()-S-~°C.e:t . ~rilG 7~-i->, c;ee-.----rs rn/no('"~ uen1S I ' 1"l'""'l\1I0r . _. I i I i 'i ~ ~ ~ -- .- ... - --- -- I .. LJtr'lH I - I II 241'-~z.I-con±I 1 - ' r. i ( I .4 7pu'je 2h4-) @ 277 . , hrt:)k~n ?-onec; tfi) 1-' ',.... ..... l ENGTHI k'1t"' Ill)N IJt~l \ \ 1: 7 _' . - ,. I - I ') ,ou1e 3 2<3"- 307., '3 I ~rno 1"3' c.o·n-foY",-n I .. __ - ,a- ~Z4. of v ke ~ 32/0 . . ./ .1;;- broken zane occ "5-eC---f" , OS a n oc\ e von, ' . ! '347 - 3S-.s-. white a7-2 -=355"'.5"" - S ~. S" n -r .C::;-c. h(Cj"TOS e' £ 382- 4A~! It ra I / (, fe.,, ~F'lrT10efp , , con+or1 SeL.--t s,, r12 len reoc.Js ~ r-rtnq<;. ' I , ' I ! , e::;::r r I h tt, C , 1::> f'j 50°- 30°_ 60°_70° I Sh~ r "Z-o~e 488- sol A rt:if II,Tp • . ! I (aw L~ arlfADh,Tlr I : -=.>ec,--te;, "hea.l~cL I ere-a 70 0 c. a. I ~~,- ~Q? L£ ~ ret ((( (te 4 C.Q. b~-477 I, c.. h1o .....e S, ' OS bear Z£>ne- 5n8 @ . L::' c.on+o r-r -From -Qu Ifznq • ~' a"etlC e. (@ 5 b4. Seve ('t:! Ish (·n V e::r.ra nhc.tlC S I,Pc; @ ~ (D-/5°c.a.. "-.",,y-e I : l cOC bro ken ~ ~I'+(a f}LI .re h ea (e d w ,1h ~GlC'o? boo -td3C:::! ,4. r t::f " fl \ t ~ t) ~ c- / D ~ L ~ r.:l oh (t( c I I I J I I I t,~~-(;1{ ~, I I (;). , ' 6o() I Shea r I ' : I . ~on-e.) 30"e.a. Dvm 1r:a.eh,ffC ' 41o 0 C.a.· bove. $eU(V4 { c:::./IOC. ./. +0 nee.""Pv . ba..nd sl,PS .- I ' <:".ct . A re;, f II,t~ I , I Q~ a. (Q12 - 72. f : , bfockv cor-€- 5(,PC; 04{- ~7Z.' ' I I I f- ' I Ls I y~ " I I ~ -_. _. , , 40 _titJ(J c.a . ~ he4rlnq . 40 O c.q.. due. +0 . 721-7b21 A refit/llfe- . . ......e I COrrl o~ ten-t"; ~O~6 S"~,Q. I 743-74S --fa.u(;--z.one 4S;'='c.a.. ~/~ouq'~ ·l ;;'ot t"e/,C{ bli?' , " I I ~744 f ' ·n v rn minOV .<; I, Ps. . I - - 702-834 I A-r~ It/rfe, more c.ornp.e.-+en~ .. 4 f , cTouoe@774 Lf Cfen 4SOc.a... u..Jh~re I . ve.../ u nd ls-t~r""bed . I .__. I I: ' I - Vl..l II I L.JL.~'-l'.lr I L..-.-l..1 ! I \ IIVI~ .' ~A-ULT -z..one, ~or:c __ U~ V'""y, &34-- 6bO I I "Ift~~ ,---- LC? G1~O c:;:; '(pc::. I I nl I ~1 rJ.~ I I \;:),oken In l aV""eJ L.t:I~U "I'" t5" -~Q0<:.o.~ I ctraph,tfl I -j I JBbO- 9011 A-rDJclllfe, rT\od -block", ~,~phrt(c. I sll;s /1 Wdlna, 45o~40Jc.Q... i ~1-'44: t="A-ULT z.on~,\ In a:V-4:j '\ _-r"(""q"pn lftc sIt IpC\' I, If) - ~oo c· a.. 0 c.c c4rbDna.-te. hoe-a:. led sect: _~.1:.1=JQ3l A-t"'"] (Urt-e) GfCC4 ph ,tt c ) p/VC1t1c, mycA, 1 rn 0 re. e.6m f?.e.-.~e rrl_-=rha. n a. bOd e c. a. .• I ' --r ., I • '...:J J I - - -- ~ I ~ oce CiT~ I' t qqq - I 10 ~ I rL fDO' - "0 0 c..h 5-ecd- Occ. s r-o,Ph tfles / I~ I J' weat-heced _(o..rnp dke I I : lr::u::J'1-/OOOj ..... !-.C·~ou'ie, occ. ~h(5Tose $~~t. 1--.--,--- I N.o1E: 12e=Doc.e IQ_N CO rt..E='___ L) S (Il!~------'±- TUJDC;" CA-5 ( }..Lei' __ D eJ. ~ ~ t+c;,. , ;Qc I I'iT 5 CJ J~E'POe'1"" t:=- WA~LO..5S To ; AtS.C"dlLIK, TDJ!fCS POIN.- ! ~RDK~N ~.. - I Lo31- to'?, II til c.,eo J 5 '~ r:; ~~C= J.~ "tis +~ne 03; .?5<O~Oc.a ~ l' -'/.. s I, n1 e s I nCjo ~ ( ItC \ '\. , c5",(IC I £, ' '5ChIS-(-V / I cla(omITe(?") S-O°C.4. I c.ore.. bloav \ qt-z... LJe.lnln~L C'_'1ocJQe I / I I~ JI 4 I' , - I s I !':F)t1+orl- S( (lC do_{'u,4-' see..-t lampcJvke ,\ 153- 12051 $C h l 5 t. n.., ec! q VL_S_~o~~~~11veV"y_~r"TI;, ! lookc; {f/k-~ E;W~(2M-D / l4S--J IS3: - I I I I I ~ I J I I I I I .- f I I-~"I I=E't='r-.-. -j,f-, -+-L I It In Joe CDo-t-Z>,....T 70° ca, L~mpd'1 ke) see-"ts SdlC. se-btf:T; pro ken. t>cc. -sec;-r- CfOUQ1 e.. , - - - 1(21-1145"1 Ja =reo • I bgacl.ed) i I E:'lffi?RMflY A r~1(I' -(l· ·r e.... c..onn,-T sec:;{-S3 SChl51Osf!: .,_. , .. --V"4 ( -.lllS-rl2.7 f+EiC.F. 'FAUL-re-t:>. : 5.-~-t-~ ~=t"Z-lq~ Y1Q~ : k:nf-;r~ 1011.. /(I~! AIf I M,4 I..J-,V 'r-' I I I I - I I I I I .-- I 1--- i .-._- V _ L- I I i I- I L'_ V I l- ' - oJ ' - I " I I l- 1_ L I m-e.~i-()n-e IZ.05- t 2.87 hi d~ et\l , • I ./ I I '-'" " "" ~ l- r_onf!oV'"rn I -t-h In ~,id.ed L- LV l i"""h __ r- r.. .... _ I .. - _ I I I I ~ _ >;.< 7 _ II _ p' _. - 4- _a -- .- - ,I a k:>ove \ _ acra t Ifa c e~() S ' I T cne.t.. S. , 70 r .Q. • ,\ con f.-o r- rn fa rn 0 , ~ k e. 123~- (Z..~5\ J' xcut;ln~ f~mp I duke. @ 12-47.~ 1246.'5".125"2 J ' -,'" 1"2.67- '3~.~ - TfCOW1AN. ba.nc:Ls c::;-y~enl sh Ser1c<Tp I ~c.-h l ~ t f.. Oe:.c- Da. nd {.. s· , to 5"0- 5"5° C.Q • (34,·$"-/341$ La-me> d'-4 ke c.on-l{Jr~, datrkav. 1 ? 134~·S- 14311: -r-RLJM4N l, O1estone) b rue -r, 9-\{J occ 'Da. r 0 • , I ~ I I • I I , 7 I cscA,ts-t"v <,,~-t . I I 14'37- 14-~7 I hr~enc 70 0 - ~ ~oo_ 60--65"-'5 d c.a.. r : I rt"e..t::J ba ,.,c1.~ 7>v ta) /3bL-. • 7 ' con.,.-o r rr1 I I I _ _ _ _-;.,--lI~g,~m~p::;......;;d~1-+-ke.@1405"e..xce(fen-rc or l e I l 5 0 - " ' f - - r- 4S h . ~Pe.L:J< Ie cL Ir're.a I , ~ (( Se"fC, te scI-, ( e>T: s~rs l- k e ...... fe u) r; LC;° c . 0.. . ht::4.nd~ -P\l rr hof/;.e @ 1~7 £' 14'4R a n , I . ./ ~ i 14s-G 5{!r(c.lt~ r4-57-15CO! I I SC/-'lst, ..,.,-een-l' ' Ilm~c....+nne bl:.1r1dS oec ,rrec, b~(}d.'Pv 6l)~.~ , '" WISps Sc-h'SI 1Q::Q-fSSBI Llmes;h,me l blue-"'lyl ! ,o°-75 °c.a. I' da rk lamp , , . I I , lb4(-J~BII \(,8' .. 1'"122 1,2,"2 - 1731. S' 'l<.cuff,n€J I / ) (G) 15"02 \ c.ol1f"o;-m eJtre~n '·S ' 1;,r.e e. n , I I , i II I r----~ dv'ke I • Iq n'1PoIlike I SS'5 I I z" br:owa -$ec,eCre csJ,t SI) band. s blue...Cjt/ /. S. ~ /cP-7~o C.Q. {e:tm Od'-f ke. - con-torm IGol"/b04L'me ~n~.. ~n~ Civ sc-f-uc;T. "oo-5"'(j°C.4 r:;~en - c; v ?cfac sf , ca. (ea reoc.JS "' c,t:J(J c.a . L I rnesf"t!J',;e.. 1"'1--11 n b~ nd-ed.. m\.llo~, tic Q v, cJ' , tJO •. Con -!lJl/rna ble.. E.ND orrteVI\;\AIJ. "P~-Pt:X:~1 dolomtTe -b~n~To ,I' ISffi·I~1 i Shll Tlt-uMA-N - -----1 Pt'oWn. I I __ • , I I '7~'.S-I'74B.3 1 ZnS~ t=:"~S2.1 masSIve ' fl'l clot. . 3'~ke 1746 f-. l) to PI' H I I I I ) ~ ::> ( ~ 'I 1"" I I I( N ) f\_. plQ9spe-cr dQ!Dmtte J baod,s n"\a sC:::: ( tJe.. Zn S, rn f n (Jr PV 'to II. C,e ()~ tra. f I I (l""') n Drs {) I u T' 0 AJ ca U l / rt e no r1 e 5 17Af:J.o- IAt7n ! Zn 5 . In t:On I , 3sec..: ts ~nre ,:5' '/ e::::, OUC;P I I I ~ ~ lu t l on I 1817.0"'/~S',} I (m I n or) /, q f / v.' 4S;°c..ct" occ , bloc k \/ Sec..-r-. ~ I _~13- 20431 I c;p(Q..c; /, Itt r '. • / I 1 ,3 ma S5/Ve. Pv / I Zn S IT q , c;everra \/. f' Zn S (6) srQ.C-l. I bands brl 'DV / tt Ie CLJre to.l k;e: (CXJ5 \'731.3 11'33.3 2,0 ,01 0,52 .03 /3 IOO~ 113'3 .~ 173'.0 S.7 ,0B 3.04 .05 7 Z tool 17'3~.O 1142,4 3.4 .01 .23 ,01 IS 1008 1,4'2·4 1746.0 3.b .oro 16 N~ NA loD~ 114b·0 .01 19 rs- NA 17 ,DZ 20 NA ~ d.l c:,. c; ~ m c; '752.0 f"O tz .05 2 ·'7B .03 2.84 .01 .f:,7 .0' 5.0 .oz. 2.Z~ .oz. (7b2.0 (7'6.8 4·6 .0 J 3.~Z \157.0 (7'2.D , I £?\f ma'5SfUe. O\J-2n<; , , n d..o ( hCltt~r 'Z.one~ S~, m, nor so lui/on cOol/,lies \~O+-lqf4 b~ ncL.sc:L, 55::en .... ZnS~· Ov 1C1,S-- '~'~·S. 'Do fo en ,ie., ' " tUJeof'; d y ,. I-rIo d. k '1,Y, bOoC.CfJ b Ctr\ de... 1:> II (Q) ZO 1'3. 2, " +0 end. .02 '·8B .02 Z4 N.A /014 117'2.0 1777,0 S.O ·02. '.44 .03 lb NA lOts l717·0 (7BZ.o 5.0 .or ,. S'b ,04 21 "0 1<0 ""'A 1782.0 17A1.0 S.Q ,08 I. b 1 .04 Is: (017 1787.0 I789.() 2.0 .03 2 ..g7 . 04 17 NA NA-. IOI~ '~Z7.$ f€>2.9.s (.0 .05 I '~5" .07 ; lD(~ le52.~ ." 11·21 . II I AS7.S" 5.0 sne~ 20 S her-r Cor-e. . t@ 2-031.5"". fJr lie".., , r z"S6J s, (,e. d K .,. v de I. L~ c ~ TfJr i. f!) , 10 ,3 PV Dv ./ H" aen I Zo ~ 3.0, l-c;~, z.. b,.,ffle. S~l, 'ho nd c:. t I to NA · r-;;-Ill '0'20 ISb2,4 19"3.~ 1.2 .ea 3."0 .o~ L NA lO~1 1893.4- , g'117 5.4 .0/ , . of, .01 6 NA .08 ki·3J .10 Ig fJA- ,oz. '·88 ·00 7 NA I 3., bk f:J ~ ~ -~ NA 1'7'7.8 1112.0 4,2 s ~lrc.. NAr¥ ~ - . ' h ea. f't!!cl "U:Jne 2031· 5".. m,nor tt:::.~/u1if:)n eo. VI Tiec... 71):;4- . A-ry ~z 4e- A-u to(3 , (~'?9.S" - !Jande; IBfjll. 2.- C -- - ", I' ,re.. m~"e S(',~ ~4~-~1 P¢a PV. b~ncls lna5Slv~ 21?S~pv., I ncl U~II'JIt.i <: do /. 'B~3.'- 'B~;;.Z .. cLlsse".., Z,",> S -5(.'(<< IY-. ~")ff~ 'Pb% 2n% {O / c::::.o'a..~ h '2.0 2.B. ~OT FT 101' /2;5'7.5- 7)0 (om I 1790 -/7 ~7 Lama dvke. !?Dl1rnn-ft'Jrrn. ()CC PF'/t1 I / r"'~t:;f 0 - I "'Nff- 10 I' f50~e::t.. ot:e- c ct e,) I -r; e .f) /g,'l.S- 11363, , I I I 2n~ £, PV OC'c ' , , 18:17. S- 1f?J2(3,S- .3' maS5JUG Zn>f 18'~.~-IS?",. ~ I i I I -> moM lDID 1152.0 '757.0 5.0 rned 7)t:J I , I I I / . I" sfr 'DV , I ll?;q2- 1~7 4.3- 20/3 ~ ~ / I I 37J . , -f!-~""rH la m P c::J...v ke~ 17 "6·8 J)f"') Il\m (+e. d k +-0 m~ Q \ / lIerL.f b (O~ k v (' I tiF ~ 'GTH I Ibck 174A,3-11I]jc I .... I""~"" i ·l'O'Z.."Z.. f02.'3 'B~9.7 I~c'(. 0 '~)5.o ")b .5' ,. S /. 3 r-'- r-: /--- 1_._ . I .. - --, '," - l- ............ '-.a"" I I- 1- 1 '2.o~-~.d 1- 1- .~., I \- ~ l..- chert.-,--0(" "~r"y( $"''= doL. L~ nrr_ "r:1 nd I til, n@ ra' I ~~ c ::2. lO';l. • 7 Idssen, 2." c::; h~r-t"1 0-1< 'i v che .... tt., I I n+er- ba11 J~J JT 1;.--------'/, -:J/D:J.7· ;2/22! ~r-r ~ 1"" r 2 L.s Gf~ n S. , r> I Do 10m lte ,,s/ J I ~e.OCJ5 , i "'-.Je.e .\l Id,~s.em wbl+e py £ 4s-c' I ) _____: sects P - bo. J1t7..7 ~,o;c i C.Q . (OZC:, . ./ b' , ~cc 0 , I .UJh,tC2 I' I i 1 I hand., na. ca on v f1, ' I r~o().s '2.4S3-2b2.Z: l::I\I1ERAkD) : spoT 12)' I } I 2. IO·e I I n·a, I() ,i 2. I n. t\ If). l I I il.... I Ii\.t\ o .02. () .61 () .(>/ I L. 2(7G,t, 3,3 ID.D L <\ uJo..Uv ' "Ott I rtf nq ~. 50: 70r.-7.fC4. . " 7c)°-GS"u c .o.' J a5Aboue) I oc:c. spor f>yrrho+,-re rc: conform 10. rn p d..'1l<.e @ I Ceo) t. @ 2478 I I I I I I ' . . . '. I I I I I I I i 1-·· r--'-I I I I I I I I I I I I 1--: . _ I I I I I I 1_. 1-- 2.-S f 2 i _ _ _ _ _\ A-.;,. 2.8z..,1 Gf b~IJ'-.-r ('a I"l'- c::; t r k Some cl, lor.+e ~o £, Pv i @ I / 77(PC}-7', 2774 -78) 7 ! 7- ~raDh(""'(c sl,ps ~ 2S"c:?D I • ==rQu'l~~ broken 2cne :2- G0 2-:lt,IiJ,.£ I, I C4! 2t;;;lJA - I /-c!; rr , dyke' ) 'S I he band.. - , A(J St~k5_ I t sch I s"t"" -r~ t-m; ~ '2?~S-Z.3~(·5 (Cd 239/.S-'~407.0- I -PPb Z 2 ~2. - 22.+'2. J, Z.Z73- 2-Z7~·~ dv ke. '27-18- 24C:~ 1 E/Vlt=:PAC-D , Cit, I c:rr'" oh(+,c. 'RArTtne, J?V, p,,--rvr m/)".~ '5chts+ose+o end. 7 J~rn } i s:trk c::; e:>t1T I,c blo..c..k, Sl " t:()oC_~ •• 2"22- I (02~ 1'J.\73. ~ A-rt:;,II,tt2, 2"'2QS"- '2."2.7 S I r- J v" 'Sec.+>. / ~ ~~c.a. . I 1'"- 6~ m,oor SdluTfOIJ Z ..f)S. I -I- d<,( 7. . Lez reo (,CJ(Jc.Q. see..-ts J I ~L 'f~ ncLc; 1027 IZlb~,D ! -§. /(COf'"<;) ~(ornl t~ ' , I ~~7-/1 t(D i '-17'.' --1---' '~'I - cl {s.~em Zr-, S . 71)i7JP1·D - 2127- I_NO - ,e l! my Co f'\ ~o 70 DC. tt _. rrn ((;1 rn p dv k~j 2S0~- 260'!·~ Sc:ct @ 27B5 I L..IL.J --"'U321-2';43 IIVI~ L..IL...J\".I\.II I I J I I• 11 I , I , I I Lit: I II I FAuLT ZONE IN ~ M FTLAC\) <.r. h l C; t: ~() n+/'},..-r, m()d b In ken n-JI/)nr qnul:te . I I II I ..... ' r"\ , ! Q7-" I ~F' 7 .,.----- i ~\ - - - oz.""- I 'P.b12(1% CcL% A, -.6:1\1 ::le.. _ h-<Otv\ 10 LO~~ "2.") 5B .to 2'b/'O 2.·4 IO~O 30;~. 0 3041.4- 2,4- 1031 3041.4 304' .t:> 4.~ , O~2. '3046.0 1305'2.9 IO~~ ~07Z·0 30n.o 2B78.S~Z~", REElEs c:L.olomlte ) It,\( sec-r5iu(~eJ7boo 10 "34I J .~o77. 0 '3cJ~., '3.~ 0.01 'o~~ 3:?P1J ,9 30£36.0 t.;;. / D .·n'] If) ·D3 11./ J /·35 4n 2P,~ -2.e~2 c:--l.d~ ... k '"2...e41 - "Z..2>42 / ) !. 5ec:f~ q I I I, rn t'" ~ -h::>ne -t J., n b "d.ec::L. .I"'~e~ ~\ brown C:;~ ("( {, (t-e. Schc.~ t , (., S-c;...a . t (Il71e S±OQe~ 2857- 287B.S- 12E;FlJES. : ,:::;"P,,-r r ?V , [ ' SSo_~S'"_ ~/q '?o~- 3136.4 '='5 0 blve cor I k.) C. Q. • , ~c. bfockv ~ec~+ o~c- sec-rda l--l<e..f ; I I I ' I I I [ ~(·4- -"30"'.n min 0 r -:'04'- O-~()~2.R c:,.-t,..kc,Zr, 5" ~C)~(L c=, 1>oSo,~ - ~t'J~G. () '?-yo 77.tJ - m a.c;c;. , Du t/e a..c;. a. I I ~.B I).nl a·of Q·OZ I.Dq 0'0 I () .o'f t:=i. 0 f).f)/ l>.~4- In. f)} f).f)1 mg,~SIt)C: Pb s. so,ne. 2t1 5 3 \~ - ? . Ba.n.6.~ ~"',..(. (3{. • c:;- tJ~ Zn5 ~ ban..Ls · ... nl) 0: n-II'J ~ I f).DI 2. In·LJLJ. ltJ.fJl 0·01 I 3a'z.c b.O () ./R 1·67 1'). II D.77 /7 Q.3} /.(J 6 0·01 a·()lJ 16 30'39,0 7.0 IO~B il'30~Z. 0 (030) ~099; 0 3105'.5 b'S' 4·87 q·o( (040 3IQS.S' '3lfo,t;; 5'".0 I.BO //·35 /').11. 2.5D ~-3" ~lto. 311~. 5' 5.0 (j·Z9 ID ·71 lJ ./0 2.31 .L~ 5.0 IJ .()7 1041 S" ~I2d.S- 9.56 a-If) ~./jO 22. f}. II 1.3D 3·107 0./1 3.01 3S a·of, 4.7t1 O.os! a·17 20 fJ7 1043 3120.S 3lzS",o 4.5 (04-4 31 2 5".0 i3r~cJ,O (04S- ~I ~". 0 31?,4· 7 ~'~.7 ~.7 n. If) b'OD D '07 !;> .4/ ~, 3f,.s (J.oZ f). 104fo ~~~ f). 5·0 /·8 52 I..... /)/ I ~I O·lJ ~E ::b 2. I 1 py bg,."Jc;.o I ~c;:.llJ~ 2" ~ ,-t ... c... 2r. c:.. ,n do ( I,"') -'7~ do I ~3.f} 0·81 1.'11 ~ .... • Q.)t\. d..,. >- I ~e8o I . 3a8fo.O 1042 "311$,5' 7 II w-\. . At" a.. ~o R() · q - ~ r .34- ·7 I I). s+.z.ks ZoS co do ( ~ 114. I ~ If 4- ~ ,~~ - , Du b ~J ~ "!>c~2. 0 - j . n de!> I 309'2.0 l' ',"O~ 'Zn5 t:>v h fl"l.ac;c::., ?CJC')?0 - i I I I mlnaV' ., ba neLs. 0<' rn .~' rnD.SC:fV~ 1. 2ns (. -:;OBh.o- ~o"'2.0- : n~"rCl If 2..ec:L c;~C/-n;( ~~I037 Z,..,.<\ c:; p(j+S c:;-rrks I i rn, , ~:3~ .0 - ~C>4/, 4 - ~ 1'J.~ rna ~-::.,t.J~ ~o7Z:Q - ~077.o I QCe.. .' I 12t::.-ev~ do ,. "-':110_J_" I 0·;2 (}.25 4.62 ~. 03 tJ .45 I i 4.'lK (J.o3 rhn+t1,PA (o.rno cl.lIke -12.u M~ 2B43- 2t3S711 I L I '?>\~t; - _ J O.tRS~ I . ~1f- 2"Z.1r>~ 1 to·~b. :v t /~tJ -9 - 312S - ?,,\6'1-·1 r-~ l\Jt. 1 1.04- C(.6Lt O-o~' 9·' o.o~ D·p51 l.~ ~.37 ~E IV· \ Dr PTt-f 1 - IJt~(-t<lr II II 1 J \ .I-~ .......:r I()N I 97' --ILt:NGTHI !~g ~I~f4" 3230.0 ~ 'RER /;:::;s rl.n f 0 m t Ie \ T uJ~ e.A.~,~ ~ e.c...-t-s, 75""- I OJ e.n m -e....cl 5'"l) 0_ bO () Q v. ~ c· ~ . bl dc. k'v .r:::::;e-~. I I I rare STrk -rr P\I c:.. minor Zn5 I . '2 I La. m t:::) >< c vt+l n .. d-y ke. @) ~ 1~ c; • ~w L- -F~nr-tu.,.e- 3J~G- I L.onoe 3201 I 5cJ~ I s'PEf1:2..R V . c.T. c/\.!. I I J 3 <'S-o I 0 r=:- i-b L-G" 400 I I I I 1-- ,I. I I I I I-- i =~ 1-73 -:;22- I-70ft; 1400 I 1'600 ! 320 I-~~ ~ z:z..I-Co 2323 32 2000 I 3291 ~. l~. . '-s~.5" <2 I 1 22-10 32.7 : 24/3 332. -57;.5' I 1"2Pl00 s~7 I 33f3 -5"l.s1 • t I - 58.5"" 3~~ 2'=:>00 j ! 0 1"U>o Ib 00 I 1 ~24 I 320 l-bS I "'3 z.. \ I -e:, b I ~ 21 l-tA.s- I 0{90 II I r;,CJO I /C?)O T I ~CO . T- r-2'?-r- tTEtbTS·· ~030 I I ~r- J= _$(.,0 54" . .--- I I I I I I I I I I I 1-. ----.. ~ LEGEND em Lompropnyre REEVES MACDONALD MINE dyke w o o o PART OF THE 1900 ANO 2650 LEVELS ~ ~ Sulphide minrrolizotioo LAIB FORMATION zoo 0 Scole ~ EMERALD MEMBER: block phyllih 200 400 FHt ~ REEVES MEMBER; 'imntonr ~ dolomih w o o o ~ TRUMAN MEMBER: gfeltn and brown phyllite and limntora • w RENO fORMATION o o ~ Grey micocro\J!t quarhite o ~ '..., QUARTZITE RANGE fORMATION ~ NAVADA MEMBER: white. grey. and bro.... n micoctou!t quartzite. gfeen phyllite. minor limestone I ",aOON I 3000N 'T,. .j','I'.',',', °"1'1""'1' j',',1I ",,',', ~'NUGGET MEMBER: mouin .... hite quorhih 1,1,111,1 , ,1 - - Bedding fault _'VW Tron$vcnr fault - Diamond-drill holt. Horiz.ontol unless (lngle of inclination indicated w o o o • Rttvu w o o o Orcbod)' • I ~lGURE 15 ~Ofl[8QO\" ~"rr.V{$ll"'(ST~(ANO ~"'("'OlR lflU"''''H .... [ ] II(NO fORMATION I4:1 DUA~lll'[ ~A"IG[ \900 Lev :f.ilUil.i.IUUUU .... ' .... · \ ( I \1 I ZOOON -, / ,/ Isometric sketch of the Reeves orebody end its foulteE segment~ F\G 3A ~ 7 KooTENP\y' ARC Geo\o~'1 C\'t\& D.eP0C;l~. Section A ;!'~~~v.~ Revelstoke 5 miles Legend PROPERTIES I Lead Point Area 2 Ree"es-MacDonald mine 3 Jersey mine 4 H.B. mine 5 Duncan 6 Wigwam 7 R udd ock Cr. o c=J Granite ~ Post- Reeves [Z] Reeves-Badshot ~ Pre-Reeves 20 , I Miles R~D 8\R.t:> Canada U.S.A. Figure 15-1 Map of the Kootenay Arc showing approximate distribution of the Lower Cambrian Badshot-Reeves limestone, pre-Reeves and post-Reeves metasediments and principal granitic masses. Inset reveals style of folding near Duncan Lake. ~umbers locate deposits treated in text. Modified after Fyles, 1964. ~urt:U"o 19 b~. FIGURE 14 1/-.' --- [ 19 ] aEE~~Q!X_!!! GERMANIUM §Q~8~~§£_8~~Q~~BY_~~I~QQ§_a~Q_~§~§ U.s STATISTICS ======================================================= 1984 (E) 1983 1982 ======================================================= REFINERY PRODUCTION IMPORTS 26,000 KG 20,000 KG 20,000 KG 6,000 6,500 6,000 REPORTED CONSUMPTION 42,000 35,000 35,000 PRICE; U.S $ PER KG $1,060 $1,060 $1,060 ------------------------------------------------------Source: Mining Annual Review, 1985. Germanium is considerably rarer than gallium, and makes up only 0.0004% of the earths crust. Up until the present, it has been produced only as a by-product of smelting of copper and zinc. From zinc ore, germanium is volatilized during the refining process, and is collected electrostatically. In copper smelting it is collected magnetically in flue dust. These are leached with Hydrochloric acid to form germanium tetrachloride which is hydrolyzed and reduced to metal with hydrogen. The metal is produced in the U.S. by Eagle-Picher and a subsidiary of Union Miniere; elsewhere in the world it is produced by Union Miniere, and such well-known metals producers as Pennarroya, and Preussag, and others. About 5% of production 'is used in electroni~s, most is used in infra-red optics (important in military and civil). New uses are in gamma radiation detectors, germanium-silicon thermoelectric devices, and in fibre optics. It is also used as a catalyst in petroleum and polyester fibre industries and a high growth usage is in polyethylene terephthalate, the plastic used in soft-drink bottles. Recent data acquired by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. suggests that the usage of germanium for semi-conductor technology may increase relative to gallium in the near future, and consequently, forecasts for germanium prices are optimistic. [ 20 ] APPENDIX IV e~Je~~~I_~I~~Beb_~~EQ6II6_1~_I~~_~I~~_~~bI B~~~~§_~e~~Q~ab~_~I~~6_bI~~ The presence of zinc-lead gossan zones on the Reeves-Macdonald and Red Bird properties led to surface and underground exploration on both properties in the 1920's; the mining of near-surface sulphide mineralization in the Reeves resulted in the production of 7,252,000 tons of ore yielding 110,000 tons of lead concentrate, 499,000 tons of zinc concentrate, 500,000 ounces of silver and 3,000,000 pounds of cadmium prior to its closure in 1975. In today's values, this represents over $340,000,000 in production. Four distinct zones were mined by Reeves Macdonald Mines Ltd. Orebodies averaged 600 feet in length, were 20 to 30 feet in width, had a steep plunge to the south-west, were mineralogically distinguishable from each other and had distinctive metal ratios. None of these zones were traced to mineralogical termination at depth. The most westerly portion of the Reeves mine, known as the Annex Zone contained more than double the grade of ore previously mined, having a grade of 1% lead, 8.0% zinc, 2.5 ounces per ton silver, and 0.09% cadmium. Plans and sections accompany this brief summary. [ 21 ] I~5_~5B§5Y_~!~5: The Jersey Mine, situated 50 kilometers northeast of the Red Bird prospect, comprises 56 crown granted claims and is owned by Placer Development Ltd. Between 1949 and 1970, the mine operated suceessfully, starting at 300 tons per day production and increasing to 2500 tons per day in 1969. It was the first major mine in Canada to adopt trackless mining methods. During 1969 and 1970 production increased from pillar recovery as the orebody was depleted. Production ceased in 1970, and milling machinery was moved to the adjacent Invincible tungsten orebody, which had been discovered in 1968, and production in 1970 amounting to 430 tons per day came from the rehabilitated Dodger orebody, as the production shaft had not yet reached the Invincible ore. The concentrator was located on the highway south of Salmo but the mine offices, plant buildings, 60 company residences, and a school were located at the 4000 ft elevation on Iron Mountain. The zinc-Iead-silver-cadmium ore occurs at the base of the Reeves Limestone member of the Laib Formation, concentrated in the western limbs of two fold structures, which are overturned to the west. The "A" zone (the more westerly), has an axis striking about due north, and consists of several ore bands up to several feet thick, with an overall thickness of 80 feet. Trough II , complex. The eastern structue, the "Dodger has an axis striking North 15 degrees east, and is more The ore occurs as a variety of band lenses and mantos which dip from flat to 30 degrees easterly. [ 22 ] Mining was by open stope methods. to the Bunker Hill Smelter at Kellog~ Lead concentrates were shipped Idaho, and zinc concentrates were shipped to the Anaconda Smelter at Black Eagle, Montana. In 1967 there were 225 men employed, 94 of whom worked underground. I~~_~~~~_~I~~ The H.B.Mine, operated from 1955 to 1978 by Cominco (originally Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company Ltd.), is situated on the west side of Aspen Creek, on the north side of Sheep Creek~· 7 miles by road from Sal mo. The ore occurs as a sphalerite-galena -pyrite replacement of dolomite in the Reeves member of the Laib Formation. Several types of are zones are present; the No 1 zone - the main productive zone was a steeply dipping lens with a long axis plunging gently to the south. Several flat-lying tabular zones occur~ and the Garnet zone outcrops at surface, where it was mined by open pit; the same zone was mined undergound by long hole methods. Ore production began in 1955 at a level of 1000 tons per day. Although ore reserves were not exhausted, the mine was closed down November prices. 1~ 1966, because of low metal Production resumed in 1973 and continued to August 17, 1978, when the mine was permanently closed. From 100 to 130 people were employed, about 28 of whom were on Staff payroll. Concentrates were shipped to the Trail Smelter. amounts of gold were recovered in 1975 and 1976. Small [ 23 ] SAl"O AREA "INE PRODUCTION =================================================================================================== TONS MINE YEARS PRODUCTION ZINC LB. LEAD LB. SILVER OZ SRADE GRADE I GRADE OllT ~ CADMIUM LB. BROSS VALUE $ GRADE X =================================================================================================== REEVES HAC 7,232,000 541,850,405 142,625,454 1,572,173 $322,872,863. 3,000,000 1 (TO 1975) H.B. 3.74'1. 7,282,997 648,186,804 (TO 1978) JERSEY (TO 135,463,744 4.45'1. 0.93'1. 0.21 OZIT 1~954,868 1 0.12 0.013'1. f 231,000,000 600,000 7.19'1. 1.85'1. 0.09'1. 1,702 ? ? 0.02% 875,376 1 6,256,000 490,000,000 1966) RED BIRD (1974) O.9BX $367,456,960. 1 3,730,000 $312,845,000. 0.030% ? ? =================================================================================================== SOURCE: ANN REPTS MINMINES, CAN MINES HANDBOOK [ 24 ] KETAlINE AREA "INE PRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'tINE YEARS TONS PRODUCTION ZINC LEAD SILVER 6RADE X GRADE 1 GRADE OllT t COPPER f BROSS VALUE $ GRADE Z =================================================================================================== PEND D,OREILLE 5,451,328. 281,290,369 145,362,573 257,226 2.58% 1.331 0.047 0.002% 2,347,974 139,344,708 64,394,015 76,261 152,983 2.96k 1.37% 0.032 0.003 36,944,947 10,346,736 9,710 202 4.28% 1.20% 0.022 0.00005 (1924-1956) GRANDVIEW ~ETALlNE 431,480 201,648 $179,056,176. $86,449,903. $21,132,123. =================================================================================================== SOURCE: US6S PAPER 489 NOTE: METAL PRICES ASSU~ED; ZINC - $O.SO/LB, LEAD-$O.25/LB, SILVER $7.50/0Z, CADMIUM -$1.50/LB CALCULATED IN CANADIAN DOLLARS GEOLOGICAL SUMMARY B~Q_~IBQ_~!EbgBaIIg~_EBgJ~~I SALMO MINING CAMP - NELSON M.D. SUMMARY This report details exploration results from the IIRed Bird ll stratabound sulphide zinc exploration project on claims adjacent to the Reeves Macdonald Mine, a long term producer of zinc, lead and silver located 25 miles east of the Cominco Trail Smelter in the prolific mine-making southern portion of the Kootenay Arc. Golden Eye Minerals Ltd. can earn an 80~ interest in Hecla Mining Company's Red Bird property which contains the high grade Red Bird Deposit and adjacent Beerbottle, Annex, Prospect, and suspected Annex West and Reeves zones that are plunge continuation of zones mined at the Reeves McDonald Mines. Additional ground has been staked by the company adjacent to these prospects. The mineralized zones are massive to disseminated base-metal sulphides in stratiform tabular bodies striking southwest, dipping. steeply southeast and plunging southwesterly within dolomitized IIReeves Member ll limestone of the Cambrian Laib Formation. From November 22, 1985 to March 23, 1986, a total of 6 diamond drill holes totalling 8924 feet were completed under an exploration agreement with Teck Corporation, at a total cost of approximately $400,000.00 From November 1986 to February 10, 1987, an additional two deep drill-holes were completed by Golden Eye Minerals Ltd., with financing provided by Knights Mineral Partnership, and a FAME grant from the Provincial Government ($80,000). A ninth hole, funded by a private placement, is currently drilling. The project has been successful in locating zones which may provide substantial tonnages of excellent grade zinc with associated lead, silver, cadmium and germanium values. Recommendations are made for at least 6 additional deep drill holes to be followed, if results warrant, by underground development and exploration. ~~~-----------Barry J.Price, M.Sc. Consulting Geologist. Feb