JARRELL Come grow with us... TEXAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TABLE OF CONT ENT S Overview Location map City of Jarrell Boundaries map City of Jarrell Land Use map Demographics Government Schools - JISD Schools - Universities Housing Healthcare facilities Healthcare map Area growth Employment - Statistics Employment - Major Jarrell Employers Employment - Williamson County Jobs by Industry Income Taxes Taxes Incentives Contacts Appendix Recharge Zone Zoning Traffic Count Map Overview Page 1 As President of the Jarrell Economic Development Corporation, I’d like to thank you for your interest in Jarrell. If you are considering an expansion project or starting a new business, there are a few things about Jarrell that I would like you to know. First is that the city government and Boards share a common vision and their combined efforts are focused on “Creating Reality from Vision”. The leadership of this community is focused on the goal of preserving our values and strengthening the economic tie that binds us together. We want this to be a great place for families to live, work, and play. Second, we like to say that we are centrally located on Interstate Highway 35. The importance of IH-35 is its link in the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. Under NAFTA, transportation and trade flow fluidly from Canada to Mexico. NAFTA was signed in 1994 by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and has become the largest trade bloc in the world. Jarrell sits right on top of it. Third, and closer to home, Jarrell is fortunate to be at most 3.5 hours from some of the most significant consumer bases and manufacturing bases in Texas. Austin, San Antonio, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and Houston, internationally recognized economic development engines, are driving business opportunities through and to Jarrell. Beyond our location and transportation benefits, there is an abundance of reasonably priced land with favorable topography, the availability of a significant quality labor force, and a community that is focused on directing its growth in a positive manner. Incentives are available for the goal of expanding the economic base of Jarrell with a desire to bring in more who share the values of Jarrell. The leadership in place is ready to develop the relationships necessary to make this happen. The Jarrell Independent School District has outstanding leadership, and is growing, fueled by continually growing subdivisions in all quadrants of the community. Known for its laid back lifestyle, more families are calling Jarrell home. And with the arrival of new citizens, come the opportunities for entrepreneurs to play their role in growing Jarrell. We like it here; we like our options, and we are poised to grow together. With this brochure we hope that you can see that All Roads Lead to Jarrell. If you would like more information, then come visit us and we will be happy to show you the opportunities in Jarrell, Texas. Wayne Cavalier President Jarrell Economic Development Corporation Page 2 LOCAT IO Florence Florence 35 N Dallas - Ft. Worth Jarrell, Texas is 195 Jarrell Jarrell 183 centrally located on IH-35, just north of Austin... Georgetown Georgetown Liberty Liberty Hill Hill Weir Weir 29 130 Leander Leander 79 Taylor Round Round Rock Rock r Ln me Par Cedar Cedar Park Park 45 . Jonestown Jonestown Hutto Hutto Pflugerville Lago Vista 35 Lakeway M anor 290 1 Bee Cave Austin Austin Rollingwood Rollingwood San Antonio Austin-Bergstrom International Airport LEGEND: Interstate Toll Road Highway Freeway, major thoroughfare - 231 CR 72 CR 3 1 inch = 2 miles 0 1 Overview Map CR 328 5 110 CR 142 82 CR 3 CR 33 0 9 FM 4 CR 1 1 96 CR 1 487 16 CR 3 2 CR 3 972 FM µ 18 CR 3 47 CR 1 43 CR 1 5 110 02 CR 3 7 47 CR 1 E FM 15 CR 3 1 CR 3 44 CR 1 03 CR 3 45 CR 1 46 CR 1 F M 88 CR 3 11 CR 3 13 14 CR 3 75 CR 3 37 CR 2 39 CR 2 3 CR 001 CR 3 35 2 6 34 CR 2 § ¨ ¦ 0 312 CR 1 CR 2 487 306 CR M W F 70 CR 3 1 CR 3 38 CR 2 SH 1 9 5 3 CR 3 233 CR 487 E FM Map Legend Roads City Limits ETJ ISD County CR 3 19 5 B WIL ELL LIA MS ON 304 0 CR 3 R W C 2 23 CR 08 CR 3 07 CR 3 CR 344 3 CR 3 31 30 CR 2 4 229 FM 28 CR City of Jarrell, Texas 50 CR 1 53 CR 1 CR 15 6 Metadata: Jarrell2.mxd produced on 1-12-11. For additional info contact CAPCOG at (512) 916-6000. Disclaimer: The Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) provides this map and/or data 'as is' and assumes no liability for its accuracy or completeness. This is intended as a general representation only and is in no way intended to be used as survey grade information. 2 DEMOG OVERVIEW Page 5 RAPH ICS The City of Jarrell and the school district show signs of healthy population growth. The growth outlook is very positive as Jarrell resides on the northern boundary of one of the fastest growing MSAs in the nation, the Austin-Round Rock MSA. 2010 Census Summary 2013 Estimate 2018 Forecast Increase 2013 Estimate Population 9,344 10,245 9.6% 12,491 21.8% Households 4,031 4,420 9.7% 5,352 21.1% Families 2,859 3,133 9.6% 3,794 21.1% Average Household Size 2.32 2.32 0.0% 2.33 0.4% Median Age 51.7 52.5 1.5% 54.1 3.1% Owner Occupied Housing Units 3,532 3,873 9.7% 4,689 21.7% Renter Occupied Housing Units 499 547 9.7% 663 14.9% Median Household Income $55,122 $58,524 6.2% $61,439 5.0% Average Household Income $66,863 $69,317 3.7% $73,544 6.1% Per Capita Income $28,847 $29,907 3.7% $31,511 5.4% The chart below reflects that Jarrell’s growth is trending, percentage wise, at a greater rate than that of Texas and nationally. In addition, the 2013 population is 48% male and 52% female. Population Change Jarrell Texas USA % Change % Change % Change 1980 Census 1990 Census 28.50% 19.90% 10.60% 2000 Census 90.40% 22.80% 13.20% 2010 Census 100.70% 20.60% 9.70% 2014 Projection 8.60% 5.80% 2.70% 2019 Projection 12.10% 7.80% 3.90% 2010 Census Population by Race/Ethnicity Number White 2013 Estimate Percent Number 2018 Forecast Percent Number Percent 8,221 88.0% 9,015 88.0% 10,990 88.0% 154 1.6% 168 1.6% 208 1.7% Native American 38 0.4% 41 0.4% 50 0.4% Asian 81 0.9% 88 0.9% 106 0.8% 8 0.1% 10 0.1% 12 0.1% Two or More 184 2.0% 202 2.0% 246 2.0% Other Race 658 7.0% 722 7.0% 879 7.0% 1,674 17.9% 1,906 18.6% 2,486 19.9% Black Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Hispanic Origin (any race) Source on all tables: Sites on Texas 2.0 Page 6 GOVER N MEN T Incorporation: Jarrell is a General Law City Type A, incorporated in 2001, with an incorporated area of 1.67 square miles. The extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) for Jarrell contains 14.28 square miles. City Council: 2% Sales Tax Distribution The City Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 161 Town Center Blvd. in Jarrell. The Mayor and Council serve two-year terms, with annual elections held in November. 4A EDC 0.125 Street Maintenance 0.125 City of Jarrell 0.500 Property Tax Offset 0.250 Planning and Zoning: The Planning and Zoning Commission meets annually in October. The five-member board serves 2-year terms. Unified Development Code, approved by the City Council, can be viewed online at the City’s website at The City Council acts as the Zoning Board of Adjustments and meets as needed. Road Committee: Taxes: The city sales tax is 2% and is divided with 1% going to the City, .5% to Property Tax Offset, .25% to Street Maintenance, and .25% to 4A EDC. Reference the Taxes section for additional information. The Road Committee meets as needed. The seven-member committee serves 2-year terms. County Seat: The U.S. Census Bureau lists Williamson County with an estimated 2013 population of 471,014. This makes Williamson County one of the fastest growing counties in the nation and is an 11% increase over the Census Bureau’s estimated 2010 figures. Williamson County is easily the second most populous county, behind Travis County, in the Austin MSA. Georgetown serves as the County Seat. County Offices: For a complete listing of all County office locations, hours of operation, and services provided, go to Page 7 SCHO Jarrell Independent School District OLS From crayons to college, education has long been a to priority for residents of the Jarrell Independent School District. The academic success of the JISD is evident from the Gold Performance Awards for commended academics from the Texas Education Agency. While there is a focus on traditional educational programs, there is always a commitment to constantly look for better ways to serve students and families. The Jarrell Independent School District encourages you to become familiar with the district - where they strive to develop minds that think, hearts that care, and hands that serve. The Jarrell ISD has high expectations for all students and makes every effort to attract and retain the most qualified teachers available who will enhance the positive image of its schools in the community. The caring atmosphere provided by these teachers will help promote the positive self-image for the students in the district. JISD will encourage positive staff morale by provide clean and attractive campuses while students benefit from a low student to teacher ratio across the district. JISD teachers have an average of 12 years teaching experience. JISD continues its incredible growth over an area that contains approximately 95 square miles and includes 4 campuses; an elementary, intermediate, middle, and high school. District wide enrollment for the 2014/15 school year was 1,230 students. District enrollment is projected to grow to 2,860 students by 2023/24, or a 130% increase, averaging from 8.3% to 10.4% annually. Educational Attainment for Jarrell Educational Attainment Age 25+ (2014) Hand-drawn Trade Area Number Percent < Grade 9 322 4.20% Grades 9 - 12 480 6.20% High School 1,862 24.00% Some College 1,939 25.00% Associate Degree 614 7.90% Bachelors Degree 1,571 20.30% Graduate Degree 965 12.40% 7,753 100% Total Source: Sites on Texas 2.0 Jarrell Elementary School Jarrell High School Page 8 SCHO OL S UNIVERSITIES The City of Jarrell is located in close proximity to an abundance of higher education campuses. Excellent academic programs allow for continuing education for the existing labor force and make for an immediate source of well-educated employees. Four-year Colleges and Universities Enrollment Fall 2012 Graduates Yr. ending June 2012 Assoc Bach Mast Art Institute of Austin 1,555 32 129 Concordia University 2,568 11 241 DeVry University 277 50 Huston-Tillotson University 918 130 National American University 492 7 Doc 26 13 St. Edward's University 5,095 988 Southwestern University 1.394 280 Strayer University 1,098 Texas Lutheran University 1,315 262 34,225 5,395 1,322 74 3,287 478 82 17 707 29 24 52,186 8,821 3,104 1,372 16,820 5,379 1,463 Texas State University University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of Phoenix University of Texas at Austin Grand Total 3 105,117 53 Enrollment Fall 2012 12 Graduates Yr. ending June 2012 <1 yr Cert Community Colleges and Technical Schools Austin Community College 4 338 1 to <2 yr Cert Assoc Bach 43,315 42 785 1,789 Central Texas College 2,568 22,443 202 579 Everest Institute 1,063 Temple College 5,533 29 156 458 11 Other Institutions 2,324 195 712 396 20 74,678 468 3,026 5,572 20 Grand Total 794 Location Baylor University Prairie View A&M University 2,929 Enrollment Fall 2012 Waco 15,364 Prairie View 8.336 Houston 6,484 Huntsville 18,461 Dallas 10,893 Ft. Worth 9,727 Texas A&M University-College Station College Station 50,627 Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Corpus Christi 10,508 Rice University Sam Houston State University Southern Methodist University Texas Christian University University of Houston University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas at San Antonio Houston 62,816 Arlington 33,239 San Antonio 30,474 Page 9 H O US I NG HOUSEHOLD UNITS AND SIZE The outlook for housing starts in Jarrell is excellent. Sonterra, on the east side of Jarrell has carried the load for several years, but The HomePlace in northwest Jarrell came on line in 2013 and will ultimately add 315 homes by 2016. The Meadows at Donahoe Creek in northeast Jarrell has announced this year and will add 400 homes by 2018. In Jarrell, home ownership versus renting is exceptional as well, as Jarrell far outpaces Williamson County and the State. The Table below shows that as of the 2010 Census, 80.6% of those living in Jarrell owned their homes versus 65% for the county and 57% for the state and it remains that way through the 2018 forecasts. Households by Occupancy Trends 2010 CENSUS 2013 ESTIMATE 2018 FORECAST Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 3532 80.60% 3,873 82.60% 4,689 85.40% Renter Occupied 499 11.40% 547 11.70% 663 12.10% Vacant 349 8.00% 270 5.80% 139 2.50% 4,381 4.00% 4,690 3.00% 5,491 100.00% Owner Occupied 105,784 65.00% 116,004 66.50% 140,483 68.10% Renter Occupied 46,822 28.80% 51,286 29.40% 62,158 30.10% Vacant 10,167 6.20% 7,084 4.10% 3,670 11.50% 162,773 100.00% 174,374 100.00% 206,311 100.00% Owner Occupied 5,685,353 57.00% 5,927,491 58.00% 6,488,841 59.30% Renter Occupied 3,237,580 32.40% 3,375,469 33.00% 3,695,139 33.80% Jarrell Owner Occupied Total Housing Units Williamson County Total Texas Vacant 1,054,503 10.60% 922,407 9.00% 761,383 7.00% Total 9,977,436 100.00% 10,225,367 100.00% 10,945,363 100.00% For those desiring to purchase their own home, the median cost of a home is significantly less in Jarrell as compared to the rest of the area. From the Austin Association of Realtors MLS Summary for December 2013 YTD, the median sales price for a single family home in the Jarrell submarket is $120,000 versus YTD Single Family Median Sales price for the entire Austin MLS market at $224,890. Page 10 HEALT WILLIAMSON/BELL COUNTY HEALTH HCA RE There are extensive Williamson County medical facilities in close proximity to Jarrell with 764 acute beds available to the community. Additionally to the north, Temple (Bell County) boasts a thriving biomedical community as it is home to a number of healthcare centers, advanced health education, and biomedical research. AREA MEDICAL FACILITIES: Round Rock Georgetown Temple 23 miles south of Jarrell 10 miles south of Jarrell 25 miles north of Jarrell Lone Star Circle of Care 2120 N. Mays #430 • Round Rock, TX Phone: 877-800-5722 Georgetown Central Clinic 603 W. University • Georgetown, TX Phone: 512-509-9550 Scott & White Continuing Care Hospital 546 North Kegley • Temple, TX Phone: 254-215-0900 Reliant Rehabilitation Hospital Central 1400 Hesters Crossing • Round Rock, TX Phone: 512-244-4400 Scott & White Clinic Georgetown 4945 Williams Drive • Georgetown, TX Phone: 512-819-0500 Scott & White Memorial Hospital * 2401 South 31st Street • Temple, TX Phone: 254-724-2111 Scott & White Memorial Hospital 300 University Blvd • Round Rock, TX Phone: 512-509-0100 St. David’s Georgetown Hospital 2000 Scenic Drive • Georgetown, TX Phone: 512-943-3000 * This hospital is the largest multi-specialty practice in Texas, with more than 500 physicians who care for patients at the hospital and at 115 regional clinics throughout Central Texas. Temple The hospital complex includes the Scott & 25 miles of Jarrell White Children’s north Hospital that has the only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit between Dallas and Austin. Seton Medical Center Williamson Round Rock 201 Seton Parkway • Round Rock, TX 23 miles south of Jarrell Phone: 512-324-4000 St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center 2400 Round Rock Ave • Round Rock, TX Phone: 512-341-1000 Cedar Park 28 miles southwest of Jarrell Seton Cedar Park Regional Medical Center 1401 Medical Parkway - Cedar Park, TX Phone: 512-528-7000 Page 11 HEALT 190 317 Killeen HCA RE 53 Temple WILLIAMSON/BELL COUNTY HEALTH 36 195 35 95 183 Jarrell 29 Georgetown Georgetown 130 Cedar Park Taylor Taylor 79 Round Round Rock Rock 45 Healthcare in Williamson County Acute Care Hospitals Hospital Location Cornerstone Hospital of Austin/Round Rock 4681 College Park Dr., Round Rock Forest Park Medical Center Austin SH-45 & LaFrontera Blvd. Reliant Central Texas Scott & White Emergency Hospital-Cedar Park 2012 Inpatient Discharges Acute Beds 54 NA 1400 Hesters Crossing, Round Rock 75 1,179 900 E Whitestone Blvd., Cedar Park 8 NA Scott & White Hospital - Taylor (formerly Johns Community Hospital) 305 Mallard Lane, Taylor Scott & White University Medical Campus 300 University Blvd., Round Rock Seton Family of Hospitals - Cedar Park Regional Medical Center 1401 Medical Parkway, Cedar Park Seton Family of Hospitals - Seton Medical Center Williamson 201 Seton Parkway, Round Rock St. David's Georgetown Hospital 2000 Scenic Dr., Georgetown St. David's Round Rock Medical Center 2400 Round Rock Ave., Round Rock Coming 2015 25 516 101 5,212 85 4,997 149 8,597 98 4,393 169 9,375 764 34,269 Other Health Facilities in Williamson County Bluebonnet Trails MHMR 1009 N Georgetown Street, Round Rock Mental Health Georgetown Behavioral Health Institute 3101 S Austin Ave., Georgetown Mental Health Georgetown Clinic 603 W. University, Georgetown Clinic Georgetown Central Clinic 4945 Williams Dr., Georgetown Clinic Rock Springs 700 SE Inner Loop, Georgetown Mental Health Texas Acute & Psychiatric Hospitals 2013, May 2014 (Hospital Tracking Database) Page 12 In Jarrell, we’re creating reality from vision. AREA G ROW TH The reality is that we are located on Interstate 35, with short drives to three of the fastest growing Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in the United States. From population to business concentrations, it is a definite plus to be so close to Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas/Ft. Worth. And Jarrell families further benefit from the job markets so near in Temple, Waco, and Killeen to the north and Georgetown, Round Rock, and Austin to the south. The vision comes from City leaders that see what needs to be done with good planning and fiscally conservative governance to support Jarrell’s future growth. It also comes from local developers and builders that know what is takes to facilitate that growth. An indicator of the success of the effort is with local sales tax collections. Per the Texas Comptroller’s 2014 data, collections have increased 68% per year on average since incorporation in 2001. Even more dramatically, the collections have increased on average 95% a year over the last three years ending 2014. And since incorporation, the number of outlets reporting has grown 205%. JARRELL TOWN CENTER Jarrell Town Center is the City’s newest commercial development, spanning 46 acres along the IH 35 southbound frontage road. The JTC is home to the Jarrell City Hall and to the tallest water tower in Texas providing ample fire flow and storage capacity for new projects in Jarrell. JTC is home to a large travel center, donut shop, family restaurant, retail strip center, a new 45,000 sf grocery store and retail center looking to add other retail establishments JTC has excellent ingress/egress from IH35 and the frontage Across FM 487 to the north, JTC has a neighboring subdivision, The Home Place at Jarrell. The Home Place has 314 homesites with over 100 homes completed SONTERRA WEST Sonterra West is a 1,600-acre master plan community with two pools, several walking trails and parks, and home to 6,000 residences when completed. There are over 1,300 existing homes, adding more than 225+ homes per year Introducing “Lock and Leave” residences in 2016 with front yards maintained by a Condo Association The Sonterra West 160 Unit apartment complex is under construction and expanding to over 300 units mid 2016 Sonterra West has over 60,000 s/f of retail space, housing multiple restaurants and various service related businesses There are two gated self-storage facilities, one climate controlled Home to a state of the art fire station, Williamson County ESD #5, a 24 hour manned EMS station and firehouse Page 13 Labor Force Statistics EMPLO YME NT Jarrell is located in northern Williamson County, one of the fastest growing counties in the nation, and is well positioned to draw from a large Labor Force. Jarrell is located on Texas’ major North-South Corridor, Interstate 35, with two major Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) directly south, Austin/Round Rock, and directly north, Temple/Killeen. The inflow/outflow diagram shows the flow of workers into and out of Jarrell. There are 1,339 workers that live outside of Jarrell, but come to Jarrell to work. There are 2,343 that live in Jarrell, but leave the area to work. Finally, there are 207 workers that live and work in Jarrell. Within a 20 mile radius of Jarrell there are approximately 83,000 workers with 58% of those falling between the ages of 30 to 54. Jarrell does draw from a very large labor pool. The total labor force for Travis County (immediately to the south), Bell County (immediately to the north), and Williamson County was 1,009,124 according to the Texas Workforce Commission in 2013. A short 20 mile commute can draw from the heart of Killeen/Ft. Hood, Temple to the north, and Georgetown, Round Rock, and Cedar Park to the south. A 40 mile commute draws from the heart Austin/Travis County. Page 14 EMPLO YME NT 11 13 10 1 6 8 12 9 14 7 Jarrell Major Employers: Jarrell ISD Bagliore Concrete Keystone Concrete Clawson Disposal Espinoza Stone 5 4 10 3 Major Employers within the Jarrell ISD boundary MAP Company 1 Jarrell ISD 2 3 Industry Employees Elementary & Secondary Schools 286 Bagliore Concrete Poured Concrete Structure Contractors 200 Keystone Concrete Placement Poured Concrete Structure Contractors 200 4 Espinoza Stone Stone Mining & Quarrying 116 5 Clawson Disposal Other Waste Collection 86 6 Cooper Stone Corp Dimension Stone Mining & Quarrying 60 7 Cobra Stone Dimension Stone Mining & Quarrying 50 8 Flying J Travel Plaza Gasoline Stations & Convenience Stores 46 9 A J Brauer Stone Inc Cut Stone & Stone Prod Manufacturing 45 10 Superior Stone Dimension Stone Mining & Quarrying 40 11 Flasher Equipment Company Traffic Safety and Control Products 40 12 McDonalds Limited-Service Restaurants 38 13 Taylor Press Products Company Metal Stamping 35 14 Simpson's Stone Co Other Building Material Dealers 22 Jarrell Major Businesses: Retail Construction Majority Employees: Education Mining Retail Page 15 EMPLO YME NT WILLIAMSON COUNTY TThe table below demonstrates the Williamson County workforce by industry sector. The majority of jobs in the County are in: Retail, Wholesale, Accommodation and Food Services, and Health Care and Social Assistance. According to TWC unemployment figures September 2014, Williamson County had an unemployment rate of 4.3% compared to 5.0% for Texas, and 5.7% for the US. # of Companies # of Jobs % of Jobs Avg Weekly Wages Avg Annual Wage NAICS Industry 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 32 129 0.1% $560 $29,094 21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 35 1,046 0.8% $941 $48,932 22 Utilities 12 274 0.2% $1,263 $65,650 23 Construction 853 8,806 6.3% $909 $47,281 31-33 Manufacturing 331 7,286 5.2% $2,176 $113,152 42 Wholesale trade 499 17,256 12.4% $1,852 $96,291 44-45 Retail Trade 1,046 20,020 14.4% $557 $28,938 48-49 Transportation and Warehousing 142 1,576 1.1% $749 $38,948 51 Information 122 1,425 1.0% $1,105 $57,447 52 Finance and insurance 536 6,249 4.5% $1,246 $64,779 53 Real estate and rental and leasing 340 1,314 0.9% $955 $49,634 54 Professional and technical services 1,190 8,050 5.8% $1,202 $62,491 55 Management of companies and enterprises 22 356 0.3% $1,741 $90,532 56 Administrative and waste services 497 8,091 5.8% $705 $36,673 61 Educational services 134 1,711 1.2% $668 $34,736 62 Health care and social assistance 950 12,793 9.2% $788 $40,976 71 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 104 2,180 1.6% $359 $18,655 72 Accommodation and food services 645 14,650 10.5% $322 $16,744 81 Other services (except public administration) 737 5,174 3.7% $771 $40,092 8,233 118,378 85.0% $987 $51,337 160 20,833 15.0 $787 $40,918 Total Private Sector Total Government Source: Texas Workforce Commission, QCEW Come grow with us... Page 16 INCO OVERVIEW ME According to 2013 estimates, the average household income in Jarrell has increased from the 2010 Census by almost 4% to $69,317. This trails the average household income in Williamson County of $81,854, but is level with the average household income statewide of $69,427. The majority (52%) of Jarrell households reported income levels between $50,000 and $99,999. 2010 CENSUS 2013 CENSUS 2018 FORECAST Households 4,031 4,420 5,352 Families 2,859 3,133 3,794 51.7 52.5 54.1 Median Household Income Median Age $55,122 $58,524 $61,439 Average Household Income $66,863 $69,317 $73,544 2.32 2.32 2.33 Average Household Size Households by Income 2010 CENSUS 2013 ESTIMATE 2018 FORECAST Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Less Than $10,000 105 2.60% 96 2.20% 113 2.10% $10,000 - $14,999 132 3.30% 110 2.50% 76 1.40% $15,000 - $19,999 112 2.80% 109 2.50% 147 2.80% $20,000 - $24,999 106 2.60% 121 2.70% 119 2.20% $25,000 - $29,999 162 4.00% 132 3.00% 145 2.70% $30,000 - $34,999 220 5.40% 210 4.80% 168 3.10% $35,000 - $39,999 344 8.50% 371 8.40% 343 6.40% $40,000 - $44,999 318 7.90% 301 6.80% 495 9.30% $45,000 - $49,999 277 6.90% 333 7.50% 388 7.20% $50,000 - $59,999 471 11.70% 500 11.30% 616 11.50% $60,000 - $74,999 492 12.20% 608 13.80% 692 12.90% $75,000 - $99,999 660 16.40% 737 16.70% 869 16.20% $100,000 - $124,999 291 7.20% 362 8.20% 555 10.40% $125,000 - $149,999 84 2.10% 103 2.30% 181 3.40% $150,000 - $199,999 126 3.10% 86 1.90% 89 1.70% $200,000+ 133 3.30% 240 5.40% 356 6.60% 4,031 100.00% 4,420 100.00% 5,352 100.00% Total Source: Sites on Texas 2.0 Page 17 TAX ES The tax structure is competitive both locally and statewide and taxes are designed to make companies competitive within their industries as well. Texas is one of only a handful of states with no individual income tax and there is no corporate income tax. Property Tax Please note that the City of Jarrell property tax rates are very competitive making Jarrell an attractive location for property ownership. Rates are for 2015. City County County School District City Community College Other Total Bastrop Bastrop 0.6190 0.5640 1.4410 0.0000 0.0000 2.6240 Elgin Bastrop 0.6190 0.6569 1.5400 0.1005 0.0000 2.9164 Lockhart Caldwell 0.7175 0.7333 1.3305 0.0000 0.0440 2.8253 Buda Hays 0.4670 0.3475 1.5377 0.1005 0.1500 2.6027 Kyle Hays 0.4670 0.5848 1.5377 0.1005 0.1440 2.8340 San Marcos Hays 0.4670 0.5302 1.4141 0.0000 0.0000 2.4133 Austin Travis 0.4169 0.4589 1.2020 0.1005 0.1178 2.2961 Manor Travis 0.4169 0.7118 1.5150 0.1005 0.2178 2.9620 Pflugerville Travis 0.4169 0.5405 1.5400 0.0000 0.2136 2.7110 Austin Williamson 0.4815 0.4589 1.3325 0.1005 0.0200 2.3934 Cedar Park Williamson 0.4815 0.4795 1.5119 0.1005 0.0200 2.5934 Georgetown Williamson 0.4815 Hutto Williamson 0.4815 Jarrell Williamson 0.4815 The tax structure both and statewide and 1.3980 is competitive 0.0000 0.0000locally2.3135 competitive1.6700 within their industries as well. Texas 0.5285 0.0459 0.1000 2.8259is one of only 0.4300 0.0000 0.1000income 2.3790 income tax1.3675 and there is no corporate tax. 0.4340 Leander Williamson 0.4815 0.6329 1.5119 0.1005 0.0200 2.7468 Round Rock Williamson 0.4815 0.4147 1.3325 0.1005 0.0200 2.3492 Taylor Williamson 0.4815 0.8139 1.4500 0.0000 0.0000 2.7454 Sales & Use Tax The state levies a sales and use tax of 6.25% on sales of tangible personal property and certain services. Cities, counties, and transit authorities may add to the sales tax rate up to a maximum combined state and local rate of 8.25%. Texas grants sales and use tax exemptions on machinery and equipment utilized in the manufacturing process. Purchases of machinery and equipment, replacement parts, and accessories that have a useful life of more than six months, and that are used or consumed in the manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or repairing of tangible personal property for ultimate sale, are exempt from state and local sales and use tax. Natural gas and electricity are exempt from sales taxes when sold to commercial businesses that are "predominantly" manufacturing. Page 18 TAX ES Corporate Franchise Tax The tax applies to corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships (general, limited and limited liability), business trusts, professional associations, business associations, joint ventures and other legal entities organized in Texas or that do business in Texas. The tax is not imposed on: sole proprietorships, general partnerships directly owned by natural persons, and other specified entities such as certain financial services businesses, nonprofits, and others. In addition, a corporation in Texas engaged solely in the business of manufacturing, selling, or installing solar energy devices is exempted from the franchise tax. There is no ceiling on this exemption, so it is a substantial incentive for solar manufacturers. The tax rate is 1% of margin for most taxable entities. The tax rate is 0.5% for entities primarily engaged in retail and wholesale trades (as defined in Divisions F and G of the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual) as well as those businesses under classified as eating and drinking establishments. Foreign Trade Zone Jarrell is in FTZ 183, the Foreign Trade Zone of Central Texas. An FTZ is an area within the United States designated by the federal government as outside of U.S. Customs territory. The FTZ encourages investment in the U.S. and the creation of American jobs by allowing U.S. businesses to operate with equivalent customs treatment to business conducted off-shore. FTZs can reduce customs duties and fees, and achieve logistics benefits for the import and export of goods. Triple Freeport Exemption Set with State law, Freeport Exemption gives local taxing jurisdictions the option to waive tax collection on specific personal property known as freeport goods. Freeport property qualifies for an exemption from ad valorem taxation only if it has been detained in the state for 175 days or less for the purpose of assembly, storage, manufacturing, processing, or fabricating. In Jarrell, the City, Williamson County, and the Jarrell Independent School District have waived tax collection on freeport goods. I NC EN ....... C Page 19 TIVE S onsidering doing business in Jarrell? ................ R equest a custom incentive package today! The Jarrell Economic Development Corporation focuses on your company's specific needs and our goal is to assist your company in gaining the maximum benefit from local, state, federal, and other government entity incentives programs. Please contact us to request a custom incentive package. All incentive packages are developed to begin a partnership between Jarrell and the prospective company to ensure success for all. We’ll want to know about the philosophy of the company, the project being undertaken, and all of the following items: the number of jobs created the average wage of those new jobs and the gross annual payroll generated capital investment the amount of new taxes generated by the project the environmental sustainability of a project Thank you for your interest in the City of Jarrell and we look forward to working with you. Page 20 Jarrell Economic Development Corporation 161 Town Center Boulevard P.O. Box 831 Jarrell, Texas 76537 Phone 512.746.4593 Fax 512.746.2052 C ty oun Roa CONT AC T 05 d3 Co unt oa yR 35 07 d3 FM -48 7 For more information visit City Of Jarrell 161 Town Center Boulevard Jarrell, Texas 76537 512.746.4593 Williamson County Courthouse 701 Main Street Georgetown, Texas 78626 512.943.1100 Recharge Zone Zoning Traffic Count Map Jay Engineering Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1220 Leander, Texas 78646-1220 Tel. (512) 259-3882 Fax. (512) 259-8016 TM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-4780 C-3 TH EN N. T SF-3 UE VEN E. A UE EN B ST. C-2 V E. A A INT HS T. EC NU VE E. A 307 S T. P EB C-3 SF-3 C ED E ST. N AVE C-2 W. 34 AD F RO UE VEN E. A E E NU AVE HS IXT T. ST. ON P UE T. DS ST. ST PARKS W C-2 EN . AV G UE EN F EH ENU V E. A V E. A C-2 35 C-2 BU C SF-3 KS EI U VEN E. A MF FIF COUNTY RD 344 H INT ST. ST. EEK SPUR DOUBLE CR E L ENU V E. A ROAD S T. IFT S. F H IXT COUNTY J S. S C-2 E ENU AV W. AD 372 COUNTY RO MF AD 307 COUNTY RO NCH ROAD AD 396 SPEARS RA TY UN 305 C-3 I-1 N. NINTH ST N. EIGHTH . . E. AVENUE ST. F . ST. N. SEVENTH N. SIXTH ST THIRD ST. P E I-1 C-3 ST. N. SIXTH ST B E. AVENUE E SF-1 F . E. AVENUE K ST. S. NINTH ST. E. AVENUE J S. EIGHTH ST. . . S. FIFTH ST S. FOURTH ST. COUNTY S. SIXTH ST C-2 J AVENUE E. E. AVENUE TENTH ST. ST. W. AVENUE E. AVENUE I S. SEVENTH THIRD ST. C-2 W. AVENUE K PRA I H . FOURTH ST W. AVENUE H W. AVENUE FIFTH ST. SECOND IRIE VE DRI MH-1 E. AVENUE H W. AVENUE SF-3 G G W. AVENUE 235 ST FM 487 WE W. AVENUE W. AVENUE FIRST ST. COUNTY ROAD N. FIFTH ST ST. D C C . W. AVENUE E FM 487 E. AVENUE W. AVENUE SECOND ST FIRST ST. 305 RIV WD ROAD MH-1 E. AVENUE E. AVENUE D O EAD COUNTY C-2 B THIRD ST. EK NU . SECOND ST KM PAR W. AVENUE N. FOURTH ST. AVE A E. AVENUE N. TENTH ST. W. I-2 C-2 RTH ST FIR OU S. F T. HS CO C-2 SF-2 05 D3 A RO FM 487 EAST L ROAD FM 487 PARK MEADOW 305 TOWN CENT DRIVE PRAIRIE DRIVE SF-1 SF-2 234 COUNTY ROA C BU D D 332 COUNTY ROA COUNTY ROAD C-3 ST OC KT C-3 ON D 216 COUNTY RD 370 PRIVATE RD ROAD 31 922 COUNTY ROAD COUNTY 3 COUNTY ROAD 239 AD COUNTY RO 332 COUNTY RD 309 MH-1 LEY LOOP CITY OF JARRELL SF-2 MEADOW VAL C-2 LEY LOOP C-3 306 COUNTY RD 239 216 SF-2 MEADOW VAL COUNTY ROAD COUNTY RD FM 487 WEST 924 ON AD COUNTY RO ER C BUD STOCKT C-3 FM 487 EAST PRIVATE ROAD COUNTY RD 234 FM 487 WEST AD COUNTY RO 304 EAST AD 305 COUNTY RO EEK DRIVE DOUBLE CR K E NU AVE E. ST. D ON COUNTY RO C-2 I TH N AVE GH W. COUNTY ROAD MH-1 COUNTY RD 305 I S. E UE SEC RANCH ROAD I-2 D 305 COUNTY ROA ST. ST. C-2 J E NU NTH ST. RD TH THI C-2 E. EVE S. S E . AV AVE S. N ST. TH H UR FO W E APPALOOSA COV E NU P PARKS COUNTY ROAD D 307 COUNTY ROA 35 EH NU AVE D 308 COUNTY ROA W. E ST. SF-3 CO V TH EG NU AVE KIN TEN W. SPEARS WEST AD 307 COUNTY RO N. S E APPALOOSA COV RD THI SEC FIR C-2 IL BE LI LL AM C SO OU N NT CO Y UN TY 304 COUNTY ROAD SF-3 4 P Y T. W. E D 308 COUNTY ROA DS P D UE UE VEN E. A NTH ON SEC ST. RD U EN . AV CO UN T THI EVE N. S SF-3 UE EN AV W. W 307 COUNTY ROAD NU AVE AD 307 COUNTY RO ST. C-2 ST. FT H SF-3 C-2 RTH OU D W. N. N ST. I N. F N. F RO A SF-3 TH IGH N. E H IXT NTY N. S COU SF-3 216 216 AD 332 COUNTY RO 312 AD COUNTY RO 332 D 313 COUNTY ROA 12 D3 A RO COUNTY ROA TY UN CO D 332 D 239 COUNTY ROA 239 AD COUNTY RO COUNTY ROAD 312 237 COUNTY RD D 234 COUNTY ROA C-3 COUNTY ROAD COUNTY ROAD COUNTY ROAD 314 314 314 D 310 AD COUNTY RO COUNTY ROA AD 314 COUNTY RO 314 ADOW COVE BRIGHT ME D 238 AD 315 COUNTY RO COUNTY RO COUNTY ROA D 238 COUNTY ROA AD 237 COUNTY RO AD 234 D 238 COUNTY ROA COUNTY ROAD 375 291 COUNTY ROAD D 315 COUNTY ROA COUNTY ROAD 315 D 237 COUNTY ROA C-3 COUNTY ROAD 311 AD 237 COUNTY RO PR 944 AD 311 COUNTY RO AD 311 COUNTY RO HUNT CLUB DR AD 311 COUNTY RO T 1105 FARM TO MARKE UNTY ROAD 311 CO RKET 1105 FARM TO MA STEEPLECHASE CO RD 311 LANE C-3 917 145 COUNTY ROAD COUNTY ROAD PRIVATE ROAD 388 FARM TO MA C-3 LIVE OAK TRAILS Y WIND RKET 1105 City Of Jarrell, Texas HILL SCHO ZONING MAP OL R 917 PRIVATE ROAD OAD COUNTY ROAD Legend 146 SINGLE FAMILY - RESIDENTIAL RETAIL/COMMERCIAL SF-1 C-1 SF-2 D 146 COUNTY ROA AD 145 COUNTY RO AD 145 COUNTY RO C.R. 146 C-2 SF-3 C-3 MULTI-FAMILY - RESIDENTIAL COUNTY ROAD INDUSTRIAL MF 316 I-1 DUPLEX - RESIDENTIAL I-2 DR AD 145 COUNTY RO COUNTY RO T FARM TO MARKE APPROVED BY: 1105 COUNTY ROAD P MH-1 AD 144 35 PUBLIC MANUFACTURED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 144 PARKS MH-2 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF JARRELL, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS D 144 COUNTY ROA A OVERLAY DISTRICTS DATE MAYOR D HAVELKA ROA IVE FREEDOM DR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY DATE AD 317 COUNTY RO Map Created: February, 2005 D 316 COUNTY ROA DRIVE BEN WOOD COUNTY ROAD 316 D 144 COUNTY ROA J A EC O Map Updated: September, 2014 304 T 1105 RKE FARM TO MA JARRELL TEXAS Creating Reality from Vision Jarrell Economic Development Corporation Fall 2016
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