RTE News E-zine issue 2 - November 2014
RTE News E-zine issue 2 - November 2014
RADTECH RADTECH RADTECH EUROPE Promoting & Developing UV & EB Technology in European Industry 2 Announcing RTE Conference 2015 Call for Papers New format RTE Exhibition 2015 Reporting RTE Food Packaging Seminar 2014 General Assembly 2014 News from the Industry Update Update on REACH Patents December 2014, Issue No. 2 2 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Calendar of Events Q4 2014 - 2015 December 2014 3 – 5 ChinaCoat 2014 8 – 9 Biobased materials for industrial coatings conference Guangzhou, China Düsseldorf, Germany January 2015 21 – 23 The Coatings Summit 2015 Miami, USA April 2015 20 – 21 21 – 23 European Coatings Congress 2015 European Coatings Show 2015 Nuremberg, Germany Nuremberg, Germany June 2015 22 – 26 11th Coatings Science International Conference (CoSI) Noordwijk, The Netherlands October 2015 13 – 15 RTE Conference & Exhibition 2015 Prague, Czech Republic RTE Advertisement: Low priced deals for high exposure in industry Advertising in RTE RadFlash (e-newsletter) Place a static banner (630 x 150 pixels) in the monthly online e-newsletter of RadTech Europe. Only € 100,- for placement in one issue and € 1.000,- for one whole year (12 editions)! Online advertising on RTE website The RadTech Europe website (www.radtech-europe.com) is the go-to source for the European UV and EB industry. On average, the site attracts 5,000 pageviews on average divided over 1,400 visitor sessions on average per month. In the months surrounding the RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition or other leading projects, the RTE site attracted nearly 2,500 visitors per month. A lot of this traffic is generated by registered visitors, potential RTE members that remain updated on RTE’s activities through regular newsflashes. Your company’s digital advertising reaches all those directly involved in, associated with, and even just interested in, the UV/EB Technology. NEW: Business Case With the new and improved RTE website launched in October 2011, RTE offers a whole new way of advertising. If you are a RTE member and you are interested in more exposure for your company’s latest developments/products, make use of the Business Case on our website! You get a full page on the RTE website, together with short summary which will be featured prominently on the home page and related industry pages, giving you maximum exposure on the relevant parts of the website. Ask the Secretariat for more information. Advertising in RTE News RadTech Europe offers members and non members the possibility to place an advertisement in the RadTech News. Prices per issue: € 1.500,for 1 full colour page and € 750,- for a ½ full colour page. All advertisers taking up an advertisement in one or more issues of RadTech News will get the opportunity to add one page editorial space in the magazine. The article should be of general interest to our readership. Media Rates RTE e-zine 1 page per issue (full colour) ½ page per issue(full colour) Members € 1.500,- € 750,- Non-Member € 3.000,€ 1.500,- Business case online € 2.000,- - members only - Banner in RadFlash One newsletter Per Quarter One year € 250,- € 500,- € 1.000,- - members only - members only - members only - For agencies 15% discount on rates will apply. All prices excl. VAT If you are interested please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] or find more detailed information in the Advertisement & Media Rates 2015 brochure on http://www.radtech-europe.com RADTECH NEWS Contents Word of the President Calendar of events 2 Advertisement Prices 2 Word of the President 3 Building the RadTech Europe conference’s programme 2015 4 RTE event: General Assembly 4 RTE Conference Call for Papers 2015 5 Report on patents 7 Article: UV and EB are established core curing technologies – but are they completely safe for use on food packaging print? 9 New format RTE Exhibition 2015 11 HSE Update 12 RTNA Update 13 Industry News 14 Colophon16 How to become a member of RadTech Europe? Visit us at www.radtech-europe.com for more information and to download the registration form or contact the RadTech Europe Secretariat at [email protected] www.radtech-europe.com Let me start by wishing you the very best for 2015. This year will bring a host of exciting changes for the association, the most important of which will be the new-look RadTech Europe Conference and Exhibition. Listening to feedback from our members, we have not only decided to bring the organization of the event inhouse, but also opted for a conference hotel to give the entire event a more closely-connected, intimate feel. By limiting the amount of papers and organizing dedicated end-user sessions, we will provide an absolutely cutting-edge program. To further engage our academic community, the Conference Committee are looking at options to expand the poster presentations. The Management Committee is genuinely excited about the way the event is shaping up and would like to remind you of the open call for papers, enclosed in this newsletter. Of course, in the end this is your event. Let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions to make this event our best yet! This year will also see a number of other important developments. For one, work will start on the update of the EU BREF STS, a document laying out the best available technologies for surface treatment with solvents. As part of a cross-industry group heavily involved in the review, we will make sure our technologies – key in limiting VOC emissions – will receive the coverage they deserve in here. Another issue is the exemption for mercury in applications important to our industry under ROHS, a topic which has been receiving increasing attention in the media. At the time of writing, an application for extension of the exemption has been compiled and is being reviewed, before being submitted to the relevant authorities. More news should be available by our next newsletter! Looking back on 2014, I would like to thank all committee members for the excellent work they’ve done and our Graphic Arts committee in particular for the successful Food Packaging seminar, one of our most highlyattended yet. Clearly, the road chosen by looking beyond our own membership and engaging with enduser associations paid off and will be something we will continue moving ahead with our next events. For now, enjoy this issue and I’m looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events! Yours sincerely, David Helsby President of RadTech Europe New members of RadTech Europe in Q1 2014 New company members Plasma Converting Partners Dr. Panayotis Cocolios RadTech Europe welcomes all new members! Supplier of equipment, formulator 3 4 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Report on RTE General Assembly 2014 RadTech Europe members were present in Stuttgart to hear the latest developments within the association, including a restructuring of its signature RadTech Europe Conference and Exhibition scheduled for 13 to 15 October 2015 in Prague. The meeting started with the opening by the President, David Helsby, who welcomed all attendees. He proceeded with the formalities, including a closing of the General Assembly and opening of an extraordinary General Assembly, to ensure decisions could be taken in the absence of a formal quorum. Activities 2014 Mr. Helsby started by highlighting the activities of 2014, including the highly successful Food Packaging seminar. The high number of non-RTE and end-user participants clearly showed the benefits of closer ties to other organizations in the value chain, such as ECMA and EuPIA. This was a matter of focus for the association, with presentations at the Polish Flexography Association and participation in discussions with Intergraf. Conference and Exhibition The key activity for 2014 was the revamped format for the RadTech Europe Conference and Exhibition. After a review of the last edition, the Management Committee had agreed to a new tender for the event to allow for a rethink of the format. After various meetings, it was agreed that the Conference and Exhibition would be organized by the RadTech Europe secretariat, with the aim to bring this under direct ownership of the association, streamline the conference program and offer a resource-efficient exhibition with high-quality networking opportunities. Mr. Helsby highlighted some of the other key differences, such as the move to two parallel sessions and the hosting of both the Conference and Exhibition on one floor in a conference hotel. The exhibition would benefit from higherquality booths as well as product and poster presentations to allow for engaging discussions between participants. Further activities 2014 Further activities of RadTech Europe included the continuation of the PR program, resulting in significant publicity for radiation curing as well as the association and involvement in the upcoming revision of the reference document for best available technologies for surface treatment using solvents. This document would be the standard for the industry with respect to options for lowering VOC emissions and ensuring up-to-date information for radiation curing will be a great way to bring the benefits of our technology to the attention of the entire industry. Marketing Committee Attendees were informed about the activities of the Marketing Committee by Mark Macaré. In particular, he highlighted the results of the PR program, which generated 86 online posts and 30 printed articles and press releases in the media on the Food Packaging seminar, the Conference and Exhibition as well as in-depth articles on Food Safety and Construction. He also explained that at the end of the year, the PR strategy of the association would be adjusted to allow for a more targeted approach supported by the use of technical writers from the industry. Membership growth will be a key topic for the Marketing Committee, with a strategy being laid out on how to strengthen the value proposition of the association for potential members. In terms of education, a new edition of the electron beam seminar was planned for the first half of 2015, as well as participation in various end-user seminars and exhibitions. Health, Safety and Environment Committee In the area pf regulatory affairs, 2014 had been a year of increased cooperation for RadTech Europe. Several members had been working on Dossiers containing migration data for photoinitiators for submission to the Swiss Authorities in close collaboration with EuPIA and CEFIC. In the area of Restrictions on Hazardous Substances, the association had various discussions with lamp manufacturers as well as RadTech North America to discuss the actions needed and start work to prepare a continuation of the exemption of mercury in specific applications. More info can be found in the HSE chapter in this magazine. Mr. Macaré explained that the HSE committee would continue its efforts in the areas of REACH, Food contact, RoHS and others to protect the interests of the RadTech Europe members. Other committees Both the Electron Beam and Metal Coating working groups were looking into the possibilities of new seminars, as well providing input into the upcoming Conference. The Graphic Arts Working Group had just finalized preparations of its 9th Food Packaging seminar and would evaluate the results later in the year. Key to the success of the event had been the close discussion with other stakeholders, as well as wide publication of the event. Finances Looking at the finances, Mr. Macaré noted that the result for 2013 was lower than budgeted, with the conference failing to generate the income budgeted due to the financial climate which resulted in lower attendance. In addition, the PR program had not been budgeted, leading to an overall result for the year of -24.773 euro. The 2013 report was formally approved. For 2014, results were expected to be slightly better than budgeted, with a final results of -45.304 euro from a budget of -52.750 euro. Main deviations from the budget were the seminar, which generated 10.000 euro more than expected, as well as the website, which cost nearly 5.000 euro more than budgeted. Mr. Macaré finally presented the 2015 budget, with the main change compared to other years being the expected result for the conference of 131.502 euro, due to the shift to in-house organization of the event. All in all, a budgeted final result of 93.221 euro was approved by attendees. It was also agreed membership fees would stay as they were in 2014. RadTech Europe Call for Papers Building the RadTech Europe conference’s programme 2015 RadTech Europe is inviting industry professionals to submit papers for the 2015 RadTech Europe Conference and Exhibition, scheduled for October 13 – 15 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic. Conference Chair Dawn Skinner comments: “The RTE Conference and Exhibition is the place to find out about the latest developments in UV- and EBcuring. Under the theme “UV/EB NOW: new place, new format, new applications” our event will focus on the latest innovations, applications and trends in radiation curing, as well as relevant legislation.” The deadline for submission of titles and abstracts is February 11, 2015. The conference program committee will select proposed presentations based on the scientific significance and potential value added to the industry. The best paper will be awarded the prestigious Paul Dufour Award 2015. For additional information on submitting abstracts and the event itself, visit www.radtech-europe.com/events/ radtech15. RADTECH NEWS Call for Papers and Posters UV/EB now: New place, new format, new applications October 13 – 15, 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic The conference will be organized in several parallel sessions. Papers are invited to contribute to the following topics: Europe’s Event for UV/EB Curing Water Based UV/EB Technologies • Products • Applications RadTech Europe invites papers for the 2015 RadTech Europe conference and exhibition, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic from October 13-15, 2015. The three day conference and exhibition will address the future of radiation curing, examine new and emerging trends and innovations, and take a close look at new applications of radiation curing. Innovative companies and academic/ governmental research institutes are kindly invited to submit technical abstracts for this event outlining the latest research, current developments and innovations in the field of UV/EB curing. Important Deadlines Submission of title and abstract: February 11, 2015 Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2015 Submission of full paper: August 19, 2015 Submission of Papers Latest date for submission: February 11, 2015. Please submit your full paper title, abstract (120 words) and a CV online at www.radtech-europe.com/events/ radtech15. Your company name and full contact details are required. Organized by: www.radtech-europe.com Advances in Photochemistry and Polymerization • Fundamental research and development Graphic Arts • General new developments • Inkjet – digital • Packaging Application Developments • Wood furniture and flooring • Paper • Metal and Automotive • Plastics • 3D printing Adhesives • Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA) • Laminating • Structural Innovations • New and emerging application areas: field applied, textile, photovoltaics, aerospace, specialty applications • New tools • Innovation in curing technology • New chemistries, synthesis routes, renewable materials • Nanotechnologies Developments in Formulations and Coatings • Additives • Matting agents • Photo initiator developments Equipment • UV lamps, UV LED lamps, EB equipment • Application and coating equipment • Measuring and monitoring HSE and safe use of UV/EB technology EB Applications Paper submissions at www.radtech-europe.com/ events/radtech15 [email protected] Paper Submissions • Papers should be of a high technical level and of scientific significance and c a n n o t h ave b e e n p r e s e n t e d elsewhere. Only contributions with non-promotional content will be considered. The use of trade names have to be avoided wherever possible. • The oral presentations will be 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. • Submissions will be treated confidentially until the conference program will be published in late Spring of 2015. • Speakers may benefit from a reduced conference fee. Please note that co-authors have to pay the full conference fees. • The conference language is English. Submissions in other languages cannot be accepted. • The best paper will be honoured with the prestigious Paul-Dufour-Award. • All paper submissions will be r e v i e w e d by t h e C o n f e r e n c e Programme Commitee. Notification of the decision will be sent by e-mail no later than April 1, 2015. Full papers are expected by August 19, 2015. 5 6 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Call for Papers and Posters UV/EB now: New place, new format, new applications New Product Introduction As in 2013, the RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2015 will offer a commercial session featuring New Product Introductions in the exhibition area. This is an exclusive opportunity for RadTech Europe members to present the latest trends and developments in products and equipment. The commercial presentations should be 15 minutes in length, the cost is € 500,– per presentation (or included in gold sponsorship). Abstracts for commercial presentations may be submitted until May 1, 2015. Please note that places are limited and submissions are handled on a first-come, first served basis. To become a member of RadTech Europe, please contact Elke Verbaarschot: Tel. +31 70 31 23 920 Fax +31 70 36 36 348 [email protected] www.radtech-europe.com Conference programme Committee Chairman Dawn Skinner, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion UV Organisers Radtech Europe c/o Lejeune Association Management Laan Copes van Cattenburch 79 2585 EW The Hague The Netherlands Tel. +31 70 31 23 920 Fax +31 70 36 36 348 [email protected] www.radtech-europe.com Exhibition The exhibition is the European event for major users of radiation curing materials and equipment in the graphics, wood, electronic and optical industries and the plastics, converting and packaging industries. About 50 international exhibitors will demonstrate various fields for the use of UV/EB curing technology on the show floor. Information available at [email protected] Tel. +31 70 31 23 920 Fax +31 70 36 36 348 www.radtech-europe.com/events/ radtech15 Event Dates October 13 – 15, 2015 Clarion Hotel, Prague Venue Clarion Congress Hotel is one of the largest and most state-of-the-art congress hotels in the Czech Republic. The famed historical centre of Prague, one of the world’s most beautiful cities, is easily accessible by public transport. RADTECH NEWS Patents All information contained in this chapter originates from the website of the European Patent Office, worldwide.espacenet.com. Method of producing high voltage electrical insulation June 2014, Di Gianni Anna [Ch]; Schmidt Lars E [Se]; Meier Patrick [Ch]; Sangermano Marco [It] ; Abb Research Ltd Method of producing a high voltage electrical insulation, in that (i) an ultraviolet radiation as well as thermally curable composition, comprising at least one UV -curable and heat-curable epoxy resin, at least one cationic photo-initiator and at least one cationic thermal-initiator, is provided, and that (ii) ultraviolet radiation as well as heat is applied to the curable composition in any desired sequence for a time long enough until complete curing of the curable composition is obtained and products obtained. Silicone rubber composition, silicone rubber molded article, and production method thereof August, 2014, Igarashi Minoru [Jp]; Yoshida Masayuki [Jp]; Mayumi Yuka [Jp]; Kimura Tsuneo [Jp]; Ikeno Masayuki [Jp] ; Shinetsu Chemical Co A UV curable silicone rubber composition is provided. The composition does not undergo curing failure, foaming, and other undesirable conditions even if a water-containing inorganic filler such as zeolite were added. A UV curable silicone rubber composition comprising (A) 100 parts by weight of an organopolysiloxane having at least 2 alkenyl groups per molecule represented by the average compositional formula (I): R1aSiO(4-a)/2 (I) (wherein R1 is independently a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group, and a is a positive number of 1.95 to 2.05); (B) 1 to 300 parts by weight of an inorganic filler having a water content of at least 0.5% by weight; (C) 0.1 to 50 parts by weight of an organo hydrogen polysiloxane having at least 2 siliconbonded hydrogen atoms per molecule; and (D) a catalytic amount of a photoactive platinum complex curing catalyst. Led curing lamp and method Beveridge Keith; Bickford Jay; Osland David; Thomas Jonathan; Olsen Roger; Chatterton Penny ; Tcgi Jersey Ltd A curing lamp apparatus (10) which mounts to a work surface with a suction cup (14) is disclosed. The lamp includes a lamp element (20) with first and second UV light sources which emit UV light at different wavelengths. The www.radtech-europe.com apparatus (10) is mounted on the opposite side of an automobile windscreen to a crack that is to be repaired. The UV light cures resin in the crack. The different wavelengths are particularly suited to curing resin on an opposite side of a windshield with a UV blocking layer. One wavelength may be blocked by the layer which allows the other wavelength to pass through the blocking layer to cure the resin. Acrylic dispersions with multi-functional acrylates for uv-cure coatings. June 2014, Hejl Andrew [Us]; Greyson Eric; Wang Wenqin + (Andrew Hejl, ; Eric Greyson, ; Wenqin Wang) ; Rohm & Haas The present invention provides low solvent or substantially solvent-free multiethylenically unsaturated acrylate composition imbibed particles of an acid functional group containing acrylic polymer for ultraviolet curing coating applications and methods of making the same wherein the acrylic polymer is formed by polymerizing in organic solvent, then neutralized and combined with a multi-ethylenically unsaturated acrylate composition prior to dispersing the mixture into water and, preferably, removing solvent. Micro-channel-cooled high heat load light emitting device October 2014, Dahm Jonathan S, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion Uv Inc Micro-channel-cooled UV curing systems and components thereof are provided. According to one embodiment, a lamp head module includes a high aspect ratio, high fill factor array of light emitting devices and a submount. The array includes multiple groups of electrically seriesed light emitting devices that are connected in electrical parallel. The submount is of monolithic construction and includes multiple L-shaped patterned circuit material layers. Each of the L-shaped patterned circuit material layers includes an arm portion and a stem portion. The arm portion functions as a light emitting device bond pad and the stem portion functions as a wire bond pad and a circuit trace. Each light emitting device of a group is affixed to a corresponding arm portion of the submount. The stem portions are located external to the array, run parallel to the length of the array and perform a primary current carrying function for current flow between adjacent light emitting devices of the group. Uv-curable resin compositions and optical sheet July 2014, Lee Kang Min [Kr]; Kim Kyung Jong [Kr]; Ryu Deug Soo [Kr]; Shin Eui Young [Kr] + (Lee, Kang Min, ; Kim, Kyung Jong, ; Ryu, Deug Soo, ; Shin, Eui Young), Kolon Inc. The present invention relates to an UV -curable resin composition and an optical sheet including a resin curing layer formed thereby and, more specifically, to an UV -curable resin composition which comprises at least one among 1,3,5-tri(4acrylicphenyl)benzene and 1,3,5-tri(4metacrylicphenyl)benzene, and is capable of forming a resin curing layer with high refractive properties and excellent yellowing stability since a refractive index and viscosity are able to be controlled by the structure of the compound; and to an optical sheet including a resin curing layer formed thereby. Steel plate coating method using uv curing coating July 2014, Ha Bong Woo [Kr]; Kim Jin Tae [Kr]; Kim Jong Sang [Kr]; Lee Jung Hwan [Kr] + (Ha, Bong Woo, ; Kim, Jin Tae, ; Kim, Jong Sang, ; Lee, Jung Hwan); Posco. The present invention relates to a coating method of a steel plate using UV curing coating. A steel plate manufactured by the method of the present invention attaches a release film on a coating solution in the presence of an inactive gas so that an oxygen density in a coating layer can be decreased, thereby increasing surface hardness. The coating method can be applied when steel is manufactured by a coil coating having a fast process line. Crosslinkable resin composition, cured product and method for producing same August 2014, Miyabe Hidekazu [Jp]; Yoneda Naoki [Jp]; Obuchi Kentaro [Jp]; Sasaki Masaki [Jp] (Miyabe, Hidekazu, ; Yoneda, Naoki, ; Obuchi, Kentaro, ; Sasaki, Masaki); Taiyo Holdings Co Ltd. Provided are: a crosslinkable resin composition which enables crosslinking of an alicyclic olefin resin; and a cured product. A crosslinkable resin composition which is characterized by containing (A) an alicyclic olefin resin and (B) an organic compound having a carbon-carbon double bond; and a cured product which is characterized by being obtained by curing this crosslinkable resin composition by electron beam irradiation. Active energy ray-curable resin composition and cured article thereof October 2014, Makita Shohei [Jp]; 7 8 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Funakoshi Chihiro [Jp]; Minegishi Shoji [Jp] + (Makita Shohei, ; Funakoshi Chihiro, ; Minegishi Shoji); Taiyo Ink Mfg Co Ltd The present invention provides an active energy ray-curable resin composition that exhibits high close-adhesiveness and excellent wear resistance even under high temperature and high humidity without virtually any warping when cured by ultraviolet rays, electron beam, or other active energy ray, and that has secondary processability such as excellent molding after curing. This active energy raycurable composition is characterized by containing: a urethane resin having a plurality of acrylate groups or methacrylate groups; at least one amide or amide derivative selected from those having an ethylenic double bond; at least one bifunctional acrylate or bifunctional methacrylate selected from those having a cyclic skeleton containing no carboncarbon double bond; a photopoly merization initiator; and a polymer containing no ethylenic double bond. This active energy ray-curable composition is characterized if furthermore characterized in that the polymer containing no ethylenic double bond dissolves in at least one amide or amide derivative selected from those having an ethylenic double bond. Actinic and electron beam radiation curable electrode binders and electrodes incorporating same September 2014, Voelker Gary E [Us]; Arnold John [Us]; Actega Radcure Inc; Miltec Corp A process for manufacturing an electrode utilizing electron beam (EB) or actinic radiation to cure electrode binding polymers is provided. A process is also disclosed for mixing specific actinic or EB radiation curable chemical precursors with electrode solid particles, application of the mixture to an electrode current collector, followed by the application of actinic or EB radiation to the current collector for curing the polymer, thereby binding the electrode material to the current collector. Lithium ion batteries, electric double layer capacitors, and components produced therefrom are also provided. Manufacturing method for flexible printed circuit board July 2014, Zhang Yu; Chen Daiwen; Li Jinrong; Song Chengjin The invention relates to a manufacturing method for a flexible printed circuit board. The manufacturing method for the flexible printed circuit board includes the following steps: S1, printing, to be more specific, using electron beam ultraviolet light curing conductive silver paste as printing paste to print a pattern on insulating base material; S2, ultraviolet light curing, to be more specific, enabling the printing paste to cross-link and cure under the excitation of an electron beam or ultraviolet light, wherein theelectron beam ultraviolet light curing conductive silver paste comprises 4.5-11% of acrylic monomer, 7-11% of acrylic resin, 2-8.5% of photo-initiator and 80-85% of silver powder by weight. According to the manufacturing method for the flexible printed circuit board, the pattern is printed on the insulating base material by a printing method, the efficiency is high, the speed is fast, and both the energy and cost are saved; the electron beam ultraviolet light curing conductive silver paste can be dried quickly under normal temperature, heating, roasting, mechanical punching and etching are omitted, and accordingly the production efficiency is improved, the production cost is lowered, and the environment pollution is avoided. A process for curing a composition by electron beam radiation, and by gasgenerated plasma and ultraviolet radiation July 2014, Laksin Mikhail; Decker Wolfgang; Fernandes Siddharth; Ideon Llc;Metallized Surface Technologies Llc A process for producing polymeric films by applying a liquid composition onto a surface of a substrate under vacuum conditions in a vacuum chamber. The composition has a first component which is polymerizable or crosslinkable in the presence of a sufficient amount of an acid; and a cationic photoinitiator which generates an acid upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation, electron beam radiation or both to cause polymerizing or crosslinking of the first component. A gas which emits ultraviolet radiation upon exposure to electron beam radiation is introduced into the vacuum chamber. The composition and the gas are exposed to electron beam radiation to cause the cationic photoinitiator to generate an amount of an acid to cause polymerizing or crosslinking of the first component. The composition is exposed to both electron beam radiation and gas-generated ultraviolet radiation and cured. Photosensitive resin composition, multilayer body using the resin composition and cured product thereof August 2014, Imaizumi Naoko [Jp]; Inagaki Shinya [Jp]; Honda Nao [Jp]; Nippon Kayaku Kk The purpose of the present invention is to provide the following: a photosensitive epoxy resin composition that, via photolithography, can form a highresolution, low-stress image that has vertical side walls and resists moisture and heat, and/or a resist laminate using said photosensitive epoxy resin composition; and an article or articles obtained by curing said photosensitive epoxy resin composition and/or resist laminate. The present invention is a photosensitive resin composition containing the following: an epoxy resin (A), a polyol compound (B) having a specific structure, a cationicpolymerization photoinitiator (C), a silane compound (D) containing an epoxy group, and a reactive epoxy monomer (E) having a specific structure. The epoxy resin (A) contains the phenol derivative represented by formula (1), an epoxy resin (a) obtained via a reaction with epihalohydrin, and an epoxy resin (b) that can be represented by formula (2). Photocurable polysiloxane urethane (meth)acrylate composition, adhesive and curing product August 2014, Jong Shean-Jeng [Tw]; Lee Wan-Yu [Tw] ; Daixin Materials Corp. This present invention provides a photocurable polysiloxane urethane (meth)acrylate composition comprises polysiloxane urethane (meth)acrylate, an ethylenically unsaturated functional group-containing compound, a photoinitiator, and a mercaptan compound. Said polysiloxane urethane (meth)acrylate contains a polymerization product prepared by the polymerization reaction of a reactant including a dihydroxy group-containing polysiloxanebased polymer having a weight-average molecular weight range of 5, 000 or less, diisocyanate-based compound and hydroxyl group-containing (meth)acrylatebased compound, and the molar ratio of the amount of said diisocyanate-based compound and the amount of said dihydroxy group-containing polysiloxanebased polymer is 1.05 to 1.45. The curing product formed from said composition has an elongation at break of greater than 680%, and a volume shrinkage of 1.95% or less. RADTECH NEWS UV and EB are established core curing technologies – but are they completely safe for use on food packaging print? Food Packaging Seminar Report by RadTech Europe The perfect recipe for radiation curing for food packaging has not yet been proposed or defined by the EU legislators. All that exists today are the GMP and Framework Regulation, as well as Swiss Ordinance, respected and now widely adopted across the food packaging supply chain, but still something less than the definitive answer. This situation was the driving force behind the Food Packaging Seminar held in Stuttgart in September by RadTech Europe, the regional association promoting the radiation curing technologies across all markets. The event drew together around 90 participants – all experienced specialists from the various disciplines related to the food packaging value chain (raw materials, printing inks, equipment, materials, and brand owners) -- to discuss and debate the proper use of radiation curing in food-safe printing, with the aim of enabling this technology -- which delivers a broad platform of benefits -- to achieve its well-deserved maximum potential. Market overview Stephen Harrod, author of many specialist market reports for Smithers Pira on aspects of packaging and print, set the scene with an overview of the global packaging market and its current ‘megatrends’. He forecast 2014 growth in the revived global economy at ±3.5%, and annual global growth to 2018 at 4%. Food packaging – a €55 billion market in 2013 – will, he said, show 2.1% real annual growth to 2018, led by the meat, fish and poultry; chilled foods (including ready meals); and fresh food and www.radtech-europe.com vegetable sectors. UV curing, in this dynamic environment, has much to offer: good environmental credentials (no VOCs or solvents); fast turnaround; and high performance. Barriers to its use are currently cost – in terms of inks, varnishes, and energy usage; perceived lack of ease of use; heat from standard UV lamps; healthcare ‘scares’ involving migration of print through the packaging substrate; and recycling challenges. Summarising, Mr Harrod drew attention to the strong growth in inkjet print. UV inkjet is already enjoying a CAGR of 14.8%, and there are considerable and continuing refinements in the technology base – printheads, inks, curing systems, android integrations, and presses. ‘Packaging is a great opportunity’, said Mr Harrod, for this versatile print technology. The applied chemistries Francis Bergiers, technical service and development specialist at Allnex, then provided a comprehensive overview of the applied chemistries involved in printing and packaging. The partner UV and EB curing inks must deliver viscosity, pigment wetting, cure speed, adhesion, flexibility, scratch resistance; and resistance to chemicals such as solvents. For food packaging print, additional requirements are low odour, no taste transfer, and low migration. All this must come, he underlined, at an acceptable price. Mr Bergiers highlighted recent innovations with particular relevance for food packaging, such as self-curing acrylates; acrylates that deliver higher purity; acrylates with an improved compromise between high molecular weight and viscosity; and the ability to achieve higher acrylate functionality whilst using lower viscosity systems. ‘Think like a food company!’ With the technology base clearly explained, it was time to hear from the customer: Dr Stephen Klump, Global Head of Packaging Quality and Safety, for Nestlé. His subject was ‘Managing Risk’. He outlined the many risks associated with the many different materials which come into contact with food items. Conveyor belts, plastic moulds, pipes and hoses are among the risks involved in food processing; and packaging materials – paper, board, plastic, metal, glass, coatings, inks, and adhesives -- are risks to finished or semi-finished products, as are a host of auxiliary items, such as straws, ice cream sticks, drinks dispensers. Dr Klump said that ‘consumers are very aware that there are problems out there 9 10 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Testing and legislation with their food’ – highlighting the recent horsemeat scandal, and reminding participants that governmental, NGO, and media coverage means that the consumer focus ‘goes viral’. In such a complex supply chain, involving many specialist suppliers of chemicals and raw materials as well as converters, packers, brand owners, and retailers, a publiclyidentified safety problem can have serious consequences for a brand. Nestlé’s outstanding and continuing commitment to mitigating such brand risk through its packaging safety and compliance programme is long-established and proven, and Dr Klump adjured the assembled seminar participants to join him and ‘think like a food company’. The Nestlé CoC Suppliers across the value chain do not always deliver what they promise. If there is a problem, he said, it is the supplier’s responsibility to ‘find out before someone else finds out for you’. He listed the problems his company has experienced in the packaging arena since 1991 – a list which, of course, includes mineral oils, BPA and ITX, and odour issues. He detailed an agenda through which suppliers can ensure that they perform to the standards of the Nestlé certificate of compliance, in parallel with EU and FDA regulations and directives. All the CoC’s requirements are clearly and transparently communicated to the supplier base, and all are regularly updated. The next seminar session focussed on the current status of legislation and testing, and the opportunities and threats they represent. Dr Andreas Grabitz, technical and legal expert at Eurofins Consumer Product Testing, presented two scholarly and instructive papers: the first on the principles and specialities of analytical testing of UV inks and coatings in a variety of situations; and the second on the extant diverse legal requirements relating to food packaging from a safety viewpoint, including detail on the Swiss and upcoming German Ordinances. European Printing Inks Association’s viewpoint Putting the science into action was the topic addressed, appropriately, by the Chairman of the European Printing Inks Association’s Energy Curing Work Group, Nick Ivory, who is also Technical Director of Sun Chemical. EuPIA is actively supporting the ongoing use of energy curing products in food packaging print. In this regard, he welcomed the work being done by various acrylate and photoinitiator suppliers on Dossiers for submission under the Swiss and German Ordinances, a move that will help establish more lenient migration limits for common photoinitiators and acrylates. This initiative is supported by EuPIA by supplying migration data. After detailing all the practical concerns and issues, he expressed the difficulties the industry has in pinpointing the correct way forward in the imprecise legal framework. ‘In the absence of recognised EU legislation’, he remarked, ‘it’s a bit like global warming!’ He concluded, however, that energy-curing products CAN safely be used in food packaging scenarios as long as their suitability is fully assessed. Low-migration inkjet inks Dr Marc Graindourze of Agfa Graphics focussed on low-migration inkjet ink technology for printing food packaging which, he said, is offering a whole new raft of possibilities for today’s brand owners, and is also environmentally friendly. Opportunities include mass customisation, just-in-time printing, promotions, and variable data printing – all using a print technology that is versatile, fast, reliable, and whose setup can be customised for specific applications. Agfa Graphics’ lowmigration ink technology is delivering a printed result that is ‘testing positive’ for eliminating migration and set-off in a variety of food and pharmaceutical packaging applications and is a solution for direct print on to a packaging substrate – a coming solution, he said, because adding a label to packaging involves three steps, whereas direct print takes just one. The new Agfa Graphics inks will, Dr Graindourze concluded, constitute an element in an integrated system involving partnership along the supply chain. The carton industry speaks BPIF Cartons’ Technical Director, John Wilson, who is also Product and Applications Manager at Sun Chemical, completed the formal programme with a view from the mainstream packaging industry on the safe use of radiation curing. Printers in the food packaging arena choosing to take the radiation-cured lowmigration inks route are facing a number of new challenges – and many questions for which they need answers both from their brand owner/retailer and their own suppliers. The BPIF are actively supporting their members with the creation of a low migration questionnaire which they can use with their suppliers as a discussion document, creating a technical focus at meetings, and exploring the new ‘barrier boards’ that the board mills are now introducing to the market. Mr Wilson admitted that BPIF Cartons are also closely following the Nestlé and EuPIA guidelines – proof that, in an industry sector where there is still no legislative clarity, the supply chain is taking the initiative and creating its own consensus. Summing up General Secretary Mark Macaré concluded that the RadTech Europe seminar ‘brought the industry closer to achieving full clearance for UV/EB curing in the food packaging segment.’ RADTECH NEWS Exciting new format for the RadTech Europe Exhibition 2015 13 – 15 October 2015 | Prague, Czech Republic NEW FORMAT Exhibition as part of Sponsorship This year, the exhibition will be more in collaboration with the conference. All events take place on the same floor and the exhibition will be part of the overal sponsorship. Ordering a stand is now included in taking up a sponsorship. WHY SPONSOR RadTech Europe offers its members the possibility to sponsor Europe’s event for the UV(LED) and EB curing industry. Sponsoring the RadTech Conference & Exhibition 2015 provides an excellent opportunity to promote your company and products to a specialised audience. This three day event attracts around 500 participants from all over the world focussing on the impact of new materials and curing equipment on innovative and existing market applications. As a sponsor, you will be exhibiting in the same area as the conference and you will be listed in promotional materials, the RTE e-zine and the RTE website. HOW TO BECOME EXHIBITOR/SPONSOR Browse through the brochure which can be found on www.radtech-europe.com and pick a sponsor opportunity that suits your company best. Then complete the application form and send it to the RTE Secretariat, [email protected]. Also contact the Secretariat in case you have questions and request more information. THE RTE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION IS THE ONLY EUROPEAN INDUSTRY EVENT FOR MAJOR USERS OF RADIATION CURING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. MAKE SURE TO BE A PART OF IT! Sponsorship packages RTE members are once again offered sponsor opportunities, although this year the packages also contain the possibility to order a booth for the exhibition. Each package contains a different size booth. The following packages are being offered: GOLD Sponsor • Listing as Official Sponsor in all official RTE Conference documentation; • Free standardized booth or booth space of max 20 sqm (4x5m, smaller sizes also possible (4x3m or 3x3m)) for the entire duration of the congress; • Entry in the exhibition catalogue (incl. in app); • Company logo published on the conference page on the RTE website; • Business case rotating on RTE website from June –October; • Company Logo on a display board listing the Official Sponsors in the conference area; • Sponsors will share in all the publicity and promotional activities leading up to, during and after the Innovation Awards Competition (after registration); • Full page full colour advert in one of the issues of RadTech News; • Free product introduction at the Business Information Market; www.radtech-europe.com • Company exposure in the official Conference smartphone application. SILVER Sponsor • Listing as Co-Sponsor in all official RadTech Europe Conference documentation; • Free standardized booth of max 12 sqm (4x3m, smaller size of 3x3m also possible) for the entire duration of the congress; • Entry in the exhibition catalogue (incl. in app); • Company logo published on the conference page within RTE website; • Company Logo on a display board listing the Co-Sponsors in the conference area; • Sponsors will share in all the publicity and promotional activities leading up to, during and after the Innovation Awards Competition (after registration); • Half page full colour advert in one of the issues of RadTech News. Standardized booth Exhibitors are offered standardized booths this year, constructed as islands of two or four booths. All islands are created by using a modular booth structure MBS system, making the construction very stable and providing a clean look. Unlike conventional carpentry it is completely stable without the need for additional reinforcements, which creates an uncluttered look with more visual space to show your product. By creating island consisting of 2 or 4 booths, all sponsors can get a corner-booth which is also more easily entered. The booths are available in three types; type A 9 m2 (3x3m), type B 12 m2 (4x3m) and type C 20 m2 (5x4m). The following items are included per booth: • Carpet (tiles), colour is free of choice) • 4 chairs and 1 table (round/square & black/white) • 1 brochure display (black/white) • 1 coat rack (black/chrome) • Storage incl. door, paper basket, power-sockets • Lighting (2 spotlights) and power sockets • Construction and deconstruction of the standardized booth Extra items can be ordered separately. Business Information Market (New Product Introductions & Posters) The RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2015 will offer a special area named the Business Information Market where poster sessions and commercial sessions featuring New Product 11 12 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com Introductions will be held. The market will be included in the exhibition area. The new product introductions is an exclusive opportunity for RadTech Europe members only to present the latest trends and developments in products and equipment. The commercial presentations should be 15 minutes in length, the cost is € 500,– per presentation. Abstracts may be submitted until September 15, 2015. Please note that places are limited and submissions are handled on a first-come, first served basis. Gold sponsors are given priority. Additional sponsor opportunities Next to the grand sponsor packages, it is also possible to sponsor by item separately. The following opportunities are offered: • Wifi (exclusive) • Standardized 9m2 booth only (3x3m) • Brochure exposure • Brochure insert • Lanyards • Pens (excl. production costs) • Bags (exclusive) (excl. production costs) • Notepads (exclusive) (excl. production costs) • Conference CD & abstract book • Conference catering o Conference lunch & coffee breaks o Social drink Afterwork Party o Entertainment Afterwork Party Advertisement In the period before, during and after the conference, the RTE website, e-zine and newsletters will get a higher viewers rate due to this big industry event. Therefore, it might be of interest for you to also place an advert or banner on one of these media channels. For more information and possibilities, please contact the RTE Secretariat. Health, Safety and Environment update ROHS RadTech Europe involved in working group for extention of exemption of mercury under RoHS The European Union (EU) recast Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (recast RoHS), as with the current version, prohibits placing on the EU market new electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) that contain more than 0.1% by weight of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants, and 0.01% of cadmium. Although RoHS II entered into force on July 21, 2011, it did not take effect until January 2, 2013, the date by which Member States must adopt implementing laws and regulations. UV curing equipment typically qualifies as “large-scale stationary industrial tools” (LSIT) that are excluded from the previous RoHS. The recast continues this exclusion but now explicitly defines LSIT as: a largescale assembly of machines, equipment, and/or components, functioning together for a specific application, permanently installed and de-installed by professionals at a given place, and used and maintained by professionals in an industrial manufacturing facility or research and development facility. Examples include machines for the industrial production and processing of materials and goods. Activities qualifying as “professional installations,” will include those needing special assembling equipment, permits, specialized training, considerable installation time, etc. Other factors may include the need for special power connections, water lines, etc. New Process for Exemptions Not to be confused with the LSIT exclusion, the recast Directive also continues to provide certain time-limited exemptions from the substance restrictions. UV mercury vapor bulbs in equipment, where it is not excluded as a LSIT, nevertheless are exempt from RoHS as “mercury in other discharge lamps for special purposes not specifically mentioned in this Annex.” This exemption will expire on July 21, 2016, unless renewed. Requests to renew an existing exemption must be submitted 18 months before the exemption expires and must include a lifecycle analysis of possible alternatives; a description of WEEE implications; and a plan for developing, requesting the development, or using possible alternatives. Progress on renewal of exemption A Working Group, under the guidance of Lighting Europe is working on an Application to continue the current exemption for the use of mercury in “special purpose discharge lamps”. This exemption category, 4f, covers the medium pressure mercury lamps (bulbs) that are used for UV curing and some other applications such as projection lamps, water treatment etc and is due to expire in July 2016. The Working Group, in which Dawn Skinner of the Management Committee of RadTech Europe has a seat, have put together the first draft of the Application. This was filling in a standard form set out " by the Oko-Institute that covers areas such as describing what the bulbs are, applications where they used, some calculations about the amount of mercury that these sources will bring onto the European market each year, outline of alternative technologies including their advantages, drawbacks and current status. This document is currently being reviewed by an external assessor. Then the " Application will be sent to the OkoInstitute in Germany – the body charged by the EU Commission with collating, reviewing and assessing Exemption Applications from all different sources, then recommending the appropriate action to the EU. The timetable is for the Application to be " submitted to the Oko-Institute by the end " of the year. The Oko-Institute can then come to the Working Group for further information, then the Application is open for public comments. At this stage other companies or Associations can submit documents in support of, or challenging, the Application for continued Exemption. We should hear back from the assessors shortly and decide on follow-up actions then. RadTech Europe has agreed to give financial backing to the Working Group. REACH/CLP Restrictions are focus of new enforcement project The Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement decided that its next major project will focus on enforcing REACH Annex XVII restrictions. The scope and individual restrictions to be covered will be confirmed in early 2015. Inspections will then take place during 2016 and the final report will become available in 2017. The list of current restricted substances in the Annex can be found here. ECHA has updated information on the Candidate List substances in articles for consumer use On 11 November 2014, the Candidate List of substances in articles has been updated. This update includes information from the 328 notifications and from registration dossiers received by ECHA until 23 September 2014, for substances included in the Candidate List on 16 December 2013 and earlier. This consists of examples of articles containing those substances, which can be available for consumer use on the EU RADTECH NEWS market. Under certain conditions, importers and producers of articles have to submit notifications of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles to ECHA, no later than six months after the inclusion of the substance in the Candidate List. Information on Candidate List substances in articles Draft CoRAP update with new substances for evaluation in 2015-2017 published ECHA has prepared a proposal to update the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP). The draft plan contains 134 substances that are proposed to be evaluated in 2015-2017 by the Member States under the REACH Regulation. Draft CORAP 2015–2017 list Languages required for labels and safety data sheets As a rule, labels and safety data sheets (SDS) must be written in the official language(s) of the Member State(s) where a substance or mixture is placed on the market. To facilitate this task, ECHA has published a table of languages to be used on labels and in SDS, as required in each EEA country. Languages required for labels and safety data sheets Deadline for classification, labelling and packaging provisions for mixtures: 1 June 2015 The classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) provisions that have been in applied for substances since 2010, will come into force for mixtures from 1 June 2015. As a result, a huge amount of products will have to be re-labelled, including consumer items, such as paints or detergent, and industrial mixtures. Dedicated information to the CLP 2015 deadline and how to comply can be found at http://www.echa.europa.eu/clp-2015. Countries call for stronger EU chemical regulation On October 28 eight European countries signed a letter urging the new EU Commission to strengthen chemical legislation for nanomaterials and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The letter highlights five areas where improvements are desirable: • Reduction of EDC consumer exposure • Checking that nanomaterials are safe to use • Replacement of hazardous substances in products • Regulation of chemical content of imported products • Ensuring sufficient information about chemicals is provided by manufacturers. www.radtech-europe.com Nanomaterials The Policy Department of the European Parliament has analyzed the main differences between EU and US legislation on ,among others areas, nanomaterials. The findings were published here. FOOD SAFETY English versions of updated German Food-Contact Recommendations available Unofficial English translations of the most recent revisions to Recommendation XXXVI, covering food-contact paper and paperboard, have been made available by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessmentend of September: • BfR Recommendation XXXVI (Paper and board for food contact), • BfR Recommendation XXXVI/1 (Cooking paper, hot filter papers and filter layers), • BfR Recommendation XXXVI/3 (Absorber pads based on cellulosic fibres for food packaging) The revisions contain amendments to the lists of substances that may be used in food-contact paper and paperboard in BfR Recommendation XXXVI, together with the removal of outdated text. Although the German BfR Recommenda tions are not legally binding, they are widely respected by industry throughout the European Union, particularly in areas where harmonized EU legislation has not yet been adopted, such as paper and paperboard for food packaging. Belgian Food Contact Database open for subscription This database, an initiative of Belgian authorities and supported by the Council of Europe, consists of a compilation of lists of known substances that are or were used in FCM. It is based on national legislations, regulations and directives of the European Commission or resolutions of the Council of Europe. It is an exhaustive database containing all the listed substances and the references to the existing regulation). It is a living database supervised by a dedicated advisory group at the Council of Europe. The database will be updated and refined by adding substances, new assessments and relevant data on substances. The database is freely accessible for public stakeholders and can be accessed by industries and industrial organization after the payment of a fee that will grant the access for one year. For more information on the database, please see https://fcm.wiv-isp.be/About.aspx Fifth draft of German Printing Ink Ordinance published The German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) has published the fifth draft of its proposed ordinance to regulate printing inks used in food packaging materials. Officially known as the “21. Verordnung zur Änderung der Bedarfsgegenstände verordnung” the proposal sets out a positive list of substances that may be used in the manufacture of printing inks for food-contact materials, along with specific migration limits. No date has been announced for publication of the final ordinance. Commission consults the public on criteria to identify Endocrine Disruptors The European Commission has launched an on-line consultation to help define criteria for endocrine disruptors as required by the regulations on biocidal and plant protection products. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with hormone systems, which may lead to harmful effects on health and the environment. Input is sought from stakeholders and the public on various options for the criteria and for their implementation. All citizens and organisations are invited to contribute to the consultation which will be open until 16 January 2015. Replies to the public consultation will, subject to confidentiality rules, be published following the closure of the consultation. The public consultation can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ BREF STS Radtech Europe involved in update of BREF STS The BREF STS, best available techniques (BAT) reference document on Surface Treatment Using Organic Solvents will be updated. The kick-off meeting of the EU Commission for the update will start in the first half of 2015. RadTech Europe, together with a number of other stakeholder organizations are coordinating input for the update of the reference document for best available techniques for surface treatment with solvents (BREF STS). This document specifies emission limits to the environment and other environmental permit requirements, as well as the best available technologies. The official update process is expected to start early 2015 and last approximately 3 years. 13 14 RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com News from the Industry Speed Assembly Processes and Ensure Complete Cures with New Catheter Adhesive 14 November - Dymax Corporation has introduced MD® 215-CTH-UR-SC, an LED-curable adhesive designed for bonding and assembly of next-generation catheter designs using Nylon 12 and PEBA. Formulated with new Encompass™ technology that combines Dymax exclusive See-Cure color change and Ultra-Red™ fluorescing technologies with LEDcuring capabilities, 215-CTH-UR-SC provides secure bonds with the added benefits of easy cure confirmation and post-cure bond-line inspection. The adhesive is ideal for a number of catheter applications including bonding the lumen to the balloon or hub, marker band assembly, and manifold bond joints. While in an uncured state, this adhesive is blue in color for easy verification of placement. As the product cures with sufficient exposure to UV light, its blue color transitions to colorless and provides obvious visual confirmation that the adhesive is fully cured and the bond site secure. 215-CTH-UR-SC fluoresces bright red under low-intensity black light (365 nm), contrasting extremely well on plastics that naturally fluoresce blue in color (like PVC). This allows manufacturers to incorporate automated or manual quality inspection to verify complete and accurate placement of the adhesive after cure. In addition to adhesives and coatings, Dymax also offers high-performance oligomers as well as a variety of dispensing and light-curing equipment. The company’s products are perfectly matched to work seamlessly with each other, providing design engineers with tools to dramatically improve manufacturing efficiency and reduce costs. For more information: www.dymax.com Perstorp steps up its bioplastics competitiveness 6 November - Perstorp the world leader in -polycaprolactones (PCL) technology, marketed under the Capa™ brand, is stepping up its investment into the fast growing bioplastics market. World demand is expected to continue to grow at over 20% pa for the foreseeable future, and Capa™ Thermoplastics are already playing a vital role in enhancing biopolymer performance and biodegradability across a range of bioplastic applications. Investing in naturally competitive solutions Perstorp has a track record of investing in sustainability and spends more than 85% of its R&D resourc- es on finding environmentally sound solutions. As part of this strategy, and with the global bioplastics market set for rapid growth, the timing is right for Perstorp to make substantial new investments in the development of bioplastics and bio products. The investments include a pilot plant, which is already up and running at Warrington, UK, increased technical resources and a new laboratory at Perstorp, Sweden, which will be in place from January 2015. This will help customers to develop their business faster, reduce time-to-market and develop new products and formulations towards emerging bioplastic applications. Linda Zellner, Perstorp Project Bioplastics Manager, comments: “We are increasing our competitiveness in bioplastics through these investments, which is a core focus area for the Perstorp Group. We intend to take a leading position in the development of new bioplastic products, since Capa™ Thermoplastics add significant value to biopolymer performance and end-of-life solutions.” Focusing on 3 bioplastic growth areas Capa™ is a perfect performance enhancer and processing aid for renewable biopolymers whether it is used for short-life, long-life or end-of-life solutions. In particular Perstorp’s primary focus today is on three key bioplastic growth segments – paper coatings, bags & films and packaging. The current investments are designed to support rapid development of all three, but also to ensure the infrastructure is in place to meet the challenges of new emerging applications. Capa™ in particular opens up new opportunities for bioplastics such as PLA, PHA and starch by improving their functional properties, especially toughness and flexibility enabling them to be competitive in film and packaging applications. The superior compostability of Capa™ also improves the products useful end-of-life making bioplastic packaging, bags and film environmentally attractive. The latest investments are aimed at broadening the sustainable options available to producers and ultimately to consumers too. Increasing the sustainable options Bioplastics are being increasingly seen as the plastic of choice as political and consumer awareness increases the demand for greater sustainability and better waste management solutions. Perstorp’s latest investments will broaden the biopolymer choice. The pilot plant will help to produce new Capa™ grades for existing customers and support the continued expansion of the Capa™ Thermoplastics product line, while the new lab will become a caprolactone innovation center for application development. This will ensure that new formulations are developed and tested to meet the challenges of emerging applications where Capa™ can play a decisive role in increasing competiveness. Linda Zellner highlights: “Biopolymer formulators and producers will get a fast response to their specific Capa™ needs and then have access to a broader range of innovative sustainable options as the bioplastics application portfolio develops.“ Meet us at the European Bioplastics Conference Perstorp will be exhibiting at the 9th European Bioplastics Conference in Brussels (2/3 December 2014)*. Linda Zellner will be giving a keynote speech at the conference on the use of compostable plastics, so why not come along and meet her to understand how Perstorp’s new caprolactone investments can help you step up your bioplastics competitiveness? For more information: www.perstorp.com/bioplastics Call for Papers: COSI 2015 4 November 2014 - After ten successful events, Eindhoven University of Technology will continue the tradition with Coatings Science International Conference (COSI) 2015. The Eleventh Coatings Science International Conference (COSI) from 22 to 26 June, 2015 in Noordwijk, the Netherlands will include a mixture of academic and industrial research. The Organising Committee is seeking scientific papers to be considered for presentation, especially valuating and targeting high scientific quality in the field of Science & Technology of Coatings. Not just another coating conference! Coatings Science International holds a broad definition of this field, combining a wide variety of disciplines in chemistry and physics. Polymer, material and paint chemists, as well as surface and interface scientists, formulators, designers and industry policy makers will find in this conference a broad platform for combining and exchanging the latest developments of their disciplines on a high scientific level. The COSI conference will contain presentations from invited speakers and submitted papers which will undergo selection process based on abstracts provided. Next to academic authors, especially industrial speakers are encouraged to submit an abstract. As scientific quality is the leading selection criteria, the abstract should provide sufficient clarity on the scientific content of the paper. Authors will be invited to upload their abstract via the online submission system. The abstracts should be received no later than 15 December 2014. Heraeus Noblelight introduces New high power UV LED lamps for 365 nm applications 30 September - Curing inks and coatings in today’s high performance UV curing processes requires high performance lamps. Sufficient curing of these materials, and ultimately the materials’ cured performance, is achieved through high UV intensity and energy. Furthermore, these demanding processes require lamps that are properly matched with the inks and coatings to be cured. RADTECH NEWS Heraeus Noblelight’s new LED product portfolio is the solution to many curing processes requiring high intensity 365 nm output. Heraeus welcomes the opportunity to assist with the development of these processes. Experienced application experts are available at various development and application centers worldwide. At these locations, UV-curable materials can be tested in step with actual practice and industrial processes can be optimized. Many of today’s ink and coating systems have been formulated with photoinitiators that are responsive to 365 nm energy. Medium pressure lamps exhibit a broad UV spectral output, and their strong peak at 365 nm is thus compatible with these photoinitiators. Commercial LED lamps at a wavelength of 365 nm have been available for some time. However, the low output of these lamps has limited their usefulness to a small number of curing applications. Until now… More information: www.fusionuv.com Heraeus Noblelight, the first manufacturer to offer industrial lighting solutions from UV to IR, has developed a portfolio of high power 365 nm LED systems. Offering a class leading UV output of 7 W/ cm2 at the emission window, these lamps are available in three form factors to accommodate a variety of curing processes. The lamps’ modular design offers the flexibility to meet various process widths and machine designs, and the low heat generation is suitable to heat-sensitive materials. Like Heraeus Noblelight›s other LED systems, the 365 nm lamps can be dimmed or cycled repeatedly without losing intensity during their service life. Impressive finishing First seminar „VIP – Very Impressive Printing” at IST METZ 22 September - An extraordinary print product is made of more than just paper and ink. High-class coating, elaborate embossing, delicate laser punching or innovative processing make printed paper special. An outstanding print product intrigues customers, it surprises and fascinates them. At the seminar „VIP – Very Impressive Printing“, IST METZ GmbH presented numerous creative possibilities for finishing. Customers and representatives from advertising agencies got to know unusual print products and their production process at the UV manufacturer IST METZ in Nürtingen on 17 September. Highlights in printing, finishing and processing and digital extensions were presented that offer new possibilities in the creative process. Industry News These page(s) feature abstracts of press information received from RTE members or articles concerning RTE members collected from the trade press in recent months. RTE members interested in extra media coverage can send their press releases to the RTE secretariat, e-mail: [email protected] in either word or pdf format (pictures already included in the text). We will then make sure to post them on our website and in the RTE News e-zine (published twice per year). News from RadTech North America In this section relevant news from RTNA is posted. RadTech Fall meeting 2014 highlights The UV LED Committee Is Developing a Demo for uv.eb WEST 2015 We will discuss a giveaway we can cure on-site at WEST to offer attendees. Please make sure your company is at the www.radtech-europe.com Cleveland meeting and part of the conversation as we explore materials, equipment, substrates, processes, marketing, and more. The Automotive Committee Will Build A Bike (or some other wheeled mode of transportation)! UV/EB for automotive and transportation is on the rise as evidenced by interest at events like the Detroit Society of Coatings Technology FOCUS and SPE TopCon events. This meeting will explore potential projects, such as finishing a 2or 4- wheeled vehicle with UV/EB cured parts. We hope to put together a small group of raw material, formulation and equipment suppliers to develop a “seeing Andreas Bosse, Head of Marketing & Communications at IST METZ, talked about the changes on the printing market over the last few years. A print product has to stand out by means of an added value, he said. Stefan Feil, Director Technical Marketing at IST METZ, explained how this can be achieved. He mentioned the advantages of UV printing which allows for high-class coatings at high production speed. He showed some examples that have been manufactured on the printing press of IST METZ. Inline embossing has been used on two of the presented products. Reinhold Hiller, Product Manager IOC Offset System at Kocher + Beck GmbH + Co. Rotationsstanztechnik KG described the process. The forming die and substrate can be installed easily into the machine without further modifications. Print products are upgraded by the sophisticated inline embossing. A print product can have an added value through the connection with digital media, as Felix Müller, Managing Director of Visionsbox GmbH & Co. KG, explained in more detail. The UV DAYS packaging of IST METZ for example, which has been awarded several times last year, was extended by a 3D animation showing the transformation from packaging to ambient light. Benjamin Alle, Managing Director of Highlight Media GmbH, talked about laser finishing and also showed some examples for delicate laser punching. To attract the customer’s attention, print products repeatedly require new ideas in processing. Dietmar Berger, Managing Director of Druckweiterverarbeitung Berger, presented several creative solutions in his concluding speech. More information: www.ist-uv.com Questionnaire e-zine We are very interested in your thoughts on the new electronic format of the RadTech news. Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected]. is believing” road show that can serve as a UV “marketing vehicle”. Secure Your Role in 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing in the New 3D Printing Focus Group 3D printing and additive manufacturing is everywhere. There is even a new direct to consumer store at Amazon.com. While there are several options for materials and processes, UV curing technology is becoming one of the most popular because of it’s high resolution prints among other properties. At this meeting we’d like to develop a 3D printing demo at uv.eb WEST 2015 where we have a printer running during while we also distribute objects 3D printed using SLA, DLP, or other UV processes. Time permitting, we’d also like to discuss developing an eBook on the use of UV curing for 3D printing processes and materials. 15 RADTECH RADTECH RADTECH EUROPE Colophon RadTech News Issue 2, November 2014 RadTech News (e-zine) is published 2 times a year exclusively for members of RadTech Europe. In 2014, the hard copy yearbook will be published in December/ January as an overview/report of the 2014 activities for all involved in the UV/EB radiation curing industry. RadTech Europe is the European Association for the promotion of UV/EB curing technology for inks, coatings and adhesives. Edited and published by RadTech Europe Lejeune Association Management Mark Macaré Elke Verbaarschot P.O. Box 85612 NL-2508 CH The Hague, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)70 3123920 Fax: +31 (0)70 3636348 Email: [email protected] Website: www.radtech-europe.com Management Committee President: Vice-President Treasurer: David Helsby, RadLab/ RAHN Aufrey de Wulff, Allnex Carolien Bastien, Sartomer Europe Barbara Fenzi, Lamberti SpA Carl Nunney, BASF Nick Ivory, Sun Chemical Arnd Riekenbrauck, IST METZ GmbH Dawn Skinner, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion UV Inc. Chair Marketing Committee Audrey de Wulff, Allnex Chair HSE Committee: Mark Macaré (interim Chair) Chair Metal Coatings Group:Vacancy Chair EB Project Group: Vacancy Chair Graphic Arts Working Group: Jeroen Diepgrond, BASF RTE Conference Dawn Skinner, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion UV Inc Association management for RadTech Europe Mark Macaré, Secretary General Elke Verbaarschot, Senior Management Assistant Cora Van der Lek, Financial Support Printing & Design de Swart, The Hague RadTech Europe News issue has been compiled with utmost care, RadTech Europe declines any responsibility for possible incompleteness of any information published in this issue. RadTech Europe: Promoting & Developing UV & EB Technology in European Industry www.radtech-europe.com
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