Nuwe koshuis soek nog 150 seniors
Nuwe koshuis soek nog 150 seniors
DieMATIE GRATIS OP KAMPUS VERSPREI WOENSDAG 27 JULIE 2005 NO 11 MARCH QUESTIONS US POLICIES POTTER, SPRINKAAN, MANGA CALLING A SPADE A SPADE Die Matie’s annual book supplement unleashed... ANCYL protests against language, racism, financial exclusion etc. 7-8 3 CLICK VIR AFRIKA Justin Stokes en Zeta Mouton wys hul steun vir die Uniting US-projek. Foto: STEVEN BARBER Nuwe koshuis soek nog 150 seniors DIE “NUWE KOSHUIS” sal bestaan uit 50 internasionale studente, 300 eerstejaars en 150 seniors. Seniors (vanuit bestaande koshuise asook PSO-wyke) kan tot en met 12 Augustus aansoek doen om plek by Studentehuisvesting. Daar word ’n jaarlikse migrasiekwota vanuit ander koshuise oorweeg. Voornemende eerstejaars kan op hul aansoekvorms aandui dat hulle in die “nuwe koshuis” wil bly. Eerstejaars wat nie plek kry in hul eerste-keuse-koshuis nie, maar wél kwalifiseer vir koshuisplek, sal dan ook in die nuwe koshuis geplaas word. Die proses om die inwonede hoof aan te stel is tans onderweg. 13 Optog môre RIKA VOLLGRAAFF RIKA VOLLGRAAFF Sarge says it all again, ’bout communism and comrades. Die HK is reeds aangestel. Taamba Iithete, Goldfields se huidige prim, is as prim aangestel. Derick Troost, onderprim, sê:“Soos enige koshuis gaan ’n groot verskeidenheid mense saamstaan vir iets wat groter as hulle is... en wat ’n voorreg om deel te hê daarin.” Die naamgewingskomitee het vroeer dié jaar ’n kompetisie aangebied waarin personeel en studente van die US die geleentheid gebied is om ’n naam vir die nuwe koshuis voor te stel. Die naamgewingskomitee sou ’n moontlike naam aan die US-bestuur voorlê wat dit weer vir finale goedkeuring aan die US-raad sou voorlê. Die komitee kon egter nie finale eenstemmigheid bereik nie en het twee name aan bestuur voorgelê. Na oorlegpleging met die raad, is besluit om die inwoners van dié koshuis in 2006 toe te laat om die naam te kies. Dr Edna van Harte, studentedekaan, is baie positief oor die koshuis. “Hierdie koshuis bied aan ons ’n geleentheid om plasing van studente op ’n nuwe manier te doen vir 2006 en ook om die institutionele kultuur van die koshuis anders te benader. Om hierdie rede wil ons graag ‘nie-tradisionele’ studente soos bv. internasionale studente daar plaas. Ons het ook ’n groeiende Moslemstudentegemeenskap met spesifieke behoeftes aan wie ons moet dink en hierdie koshuis bied geleenthede om sodanige behoeftes te kan vul. Die uitdagings aan die HK gaan groot wees, want hierdie is die grootste koshuis op kampus. Om daardie rede gaan daar diep gedink word oor die opleiding van die HK en die Inwonende Hoof wat hierdie koshuis gaan bestuur.” DIE ANCYL het ’n optog vir môre gereël om hul griewe, wat volgens hulle tot dusver op dowe ore geval het, aan Stellenbosch duidelik te maak. Die optog sal môreoggend om 09:00 aanvang neem. Studente sal mekaar in die Neelsie parkeerarea ontmoet en om 10:00 by Hoërskool Kayamandi bymekaar kom. Die optog sal daarvandaan na Birdstraat en daarná na Van Ryneveldstraat via Merrimanlaan beweeg. Die optog sal voor admin B in Victoriastraat tot stilstand kom. Die organiseerders sal dan ’n memorandum aan die rektor oorhandig. Louis Arendse van die ANCYL sê daar is fundamentele dinge verkeerd op Stellenbosch en dat dít eerste reggestel moet word. Een van hierdie dinge is die feit dat daar meer wit as anderskleurige studente op Stellenbosch is en dit nie verteenwoordigend van die land se demografie is nie. Op die vraag of hy dan van mening is dat wit studente toelating tot die US geweier moet word sodat die verhouding wit tot anderskleuriges 10% teenoor 90% is, het hy geantwoord: “Yes, that will be a small sacrifice.” Volgens die jeugliga is hierdie optog nie polititiesgedrewe nie, maar verteenwoordig hulle bloot alle minderheidgroepe op kampus. Die SR het aan die ANCYL gesê dat hulle die optog heelhartig en fisies sal steun indien die ANCYL ander minderheidsgroepe ook aan boort kry. Teen druktyd was SASCO reeds deel van die planne, en gesprekke met ander minderheidsgroepe, onder andere Lesbigay sou volg. Hencharl Strauss, voorsitter van w w w. s u n . a c . z a / d i e m a t i e Lesbigay, sê dat Lesbigay as organisasie nie die optog kan steun nie, aangesien gay-regte nêrens genoem word nie. Cheslin van der Berg, lid van die ANCYL en mede-organiseerder van die optog, sê deel van die probleem is dat swart en bruin studente nie tuis voel in die Stellenbosch-omgewing nie. Hy sonder spesifiek koshuise uit as ’n probleem. Van der Berg is ’n inwoner van Simonsberg. Volgens hom is strukture soos die diversiteitskomitee in Simonsberg oneffektief. Nie net verkies hy om nie by sulke strukture betrokke te raak nie, maar voel ook sterk daaroor dat dit nie net as ’n “kla-medium” vir minderheidsgroepe moet dien nie. Van der Berg sê verder die wyse, met spesifieke verwysing na musiek en dragkode, waarop sosiale funksies in koshuisklubs op Stellenbosch gereël word, minderheidsgroepe doelbewus uitsluit. Wilhelm Peters, prim van Simonsberg, stem saam diversiteitskomitees moet nie net ’n “klagtebuis” wees nie. Hy voel egter dat, indien Van der Berg so sterk voel hieroor, hy tog betrokke moes raak, eerder as om van buite te kritiseer. Hy sê verder dat hulle in 2004 ’n klubaand gehou het wat spesifiek gemik was om Simonsbergers van alle kulture te betrek. “Ons het musiek van hulle smaak gespeel en quarts gedrink, saam gedans en gekuier, juis om diversiteit te bevorder.” Cornelis Human, HKlid van Simonsberg gemoeid met diversiteit, het benadruk dat geen mens kan verwag om gehoor te word indien hy/sy nie betrokke wil raak nie. “Dis tragies dat sulke sensitiewe aangeleenthede op hierdie wyse na vore kom, maar as dit al manier is waarop dit effektief gehoor word, ondersteun ek dit.” 2 News DieMATIE 27 JULY 2005 Helderberg trek SR mosie van wantroue terug LEON-BEN LAMPRECHT HELDERBERG manskoshuis het op 10 Mei ’n mosie van wantroue in die SR ingestem. Die mosie is intussen voorwaardelik teruggetrek tot en met Helderberg en die SR op 1 Augustus vergader om die geskil te besleg. Pieter Kloppers sal as bemiddelaar optree. In ’n sterk-bewoorde e-pos skryf Albertus Marais, prim van Helderberg, aan Lourens du Plessis, SR-voorsitter, “Hierdie is...nie ’n ‘kom ons skop ’n bietjie stof op en gooi ons speelgoed uit die cot-oefening nie’” en dat “verandering is indringend nodig”. Marais noem ook hy en sy HK dink die SR van 2005 is van die beter studenterade wat hul nog gesien het i.t.v portefeulje bestuur. Hulle is egter van mening dat die SR as liggaam “’n uitgediende organisasie” geword het. Die mosie het dit onder meer gestel dat dat SR nie werlik studente se belange by die topbestuur verteenwoordig nie; dat Helderberg steeds sal deelneem aan alle kampusaktiwiteite, maar dat Helderberg onttrek aan die gesag van die SR en dat die mosie ad infinitum geld totdat die SR bewys lewer aan die huis (Helderberg) dat hy bevoeg is om sy belange te verteenwoordig. Marais sê daar word al lank so gevoel. Die laaste strooi, volgens hom, was toe hulle die SR genooi het na hul derde huisvergadering (“drie of vier weke voor die tyd”). Marais sê Huba Brink, SR-lid en primkomitee-voorsitter, het aan hom gesê hulle gaan poog om nie net die UK nie, maar die hele SR by die vergadering te hê. “Ek is die middag van die vergadering gesê dat slegs twee SR-lede (Brink en Pieter Koornhof), dit sou kom bywoon, wat beide ex officio posisies op die SR beklee. Hierdie was nie vir my goed genoeg nie en ek het besluit dat die SR maar hierdie skamele poging kon laat vaar,” het Marais gesê. Die SR het gereageer in ’n brief van Koornhof, die SR-sekretaris, en gesê dis besonder moeilik om op die inhoud van die mosie te reageer, aangesien dit “vaag en sonder substansie” is en dat indien hulle spesifieke voorbeelde kon verskaf waar die SR nie studente se belange by die topbestuur verteenwoordig het nie, “sou daarop gereageer kon word. Die brief noem ook daar is sekere outomatiese gevolge indien Helderberg van die studenteraad se verteenwoordiginsfunksie sou onttrek, o.m. dat Marais nie meer op die primkomitee sou kon dien nie en dat Helderberg nie meer aan SR- of SR-verwante aktiwiteite sou kon deelneem nie (soos toneelfees, eerstejaarsatletiek, ens). Intussen het Helderberg sy mosie voorwaardelik terug getrek, omdat dit volgens Marais kontra-produktief is. “Na deeglike oordenking het die HK besluit dat die huidige situasie nie bevorderlik is nie,” het Marais gesê. Marais sê die SR het geweier om onder dreigement met hulle te praat en dat Helderberg ook verbied is om aan “kompetisies soos sêr, toneelfees, ens deel te neem. “Ons wil saampraat. Probeer kyk of ons die stelsels kan verander”, sê Marais. Marais is ’n sterk voorstander van die primkomitee. “Die primkomitee moet meer geïnkorporeer word. As daar byvoorbeeld probleme is met die plasingsbeleid, praat met die PK. Dit sal die weeklikse vergadering met ’n halfuur uitrek.” Du Plessis het gesê hy hou by wat hy gesê het. “Die mosie is maar redelik vaag. Ons sal maar sien wat gebeur wanneer ons gesels. Intussen is ons hande maar afgekap.” Voluntary termination of service packages at the university DEWALD VAN RENSBURG THE UNIVERSITY’S Human Resources division has extended an invitation to all academic and non-academic personnel to apply for ‘voluntary termination of service packages’. An open letter penned by rector Chris Brink places this measure under the auspices of ‘rightsizing’, a cornerstone of the ‘Vision 2012’ strategic framework adopted in September 2003. The formal invitation, taking the form of a memo circulated by John October, senior director of Human Resources, states that this one-off initiative is aimed at facilitating ‘sustainable savings’ in the university’s rewards account. Previous temporary initiatives to this effect included revision of the university’s promotion and paid leave policies for new employees as well as the elimination of vacant positions. According to the university’s website the packages are also meant to soften the impact of possible future staff reductions. Applying for a package moreover does not guarantee receiving one. Criteria by which applicants may be refused a package include the value of their skills within the university’s strategic framework. The window for application closes on the 12 th of August. Vision 2012 and the concomitant ‘rightsizing’ process – of which the offering of voluntary severance forms Kampusleiers click teen armoede DENVER KISTING EN ESTI BRAND “DIT IS DIE ideale geleentheid om mense bymekaar te bring wat in ’n posisie is om ander te help,” is hoe Beer Adriaanse, tromspeler van Zinkplaat, hul betrokkenheid by die Uniting US-projek beskryf het.Hierdie projek is gegrond op die internasionale Make Poverty Historyveldtog wat ten doel het om wêreldarmoede aan te spreek deur die grootskaalse skuld waaronder arm lande gebuk gaan, af te skryf asook om handelsgeregtigheid en beter hulpverlening aan arm lande teweeg te bring. 30,000 kinders sterf elke dag as gevolg van uiterste armoede. Daar is uiteindelik hierdie jaar daarin geslaag om al die hulpbronne, kennis en geleenthede te benut om ’n einde te bring aan hierdie kwessie. Regoor die wêreld het mense hulself geskaar by hierdie veldtog.Twee Maties, Anri en Corné van der Spuy, het die Studenteraad genader om die Universiteit van Stellenbosch by hierdie projek te betrek. Hieruit is die Uniting US-projek van stapel gestuur om solidariteit te toon met die Make Poverty History-veldtog. Verlede Dinsdag is die Uniting US-video in die Regter van Zijl-saal opgeneem. Verskeie leiers uit die Stellenbosse a part – are expected to predominantly affect the Natural Science, Engineering and Health faculties. The strategy includes plans to reorganise the roles of academic personnel and create a cross-faculty ‘Foundation Faculty’ to address deficiencies in first-year students’ basic academic skills. These processes raise the possibility of budgetary constraints as well as staff redundancy and thus retrenchments. All university environments are required to assuage their financial and personnel requirements and to propose measures to ensure ‘financial sustainability’ and the preservation of academic excellence in the face of change. These proposals are to be completed and submitted to the rector’s management team by midSeptember after which the need for staff reduction and other cost-cutting processes will be established. Eliminating personnel is however a last resort and can quite probably be avoided, says October. Helshoogte toer Noord gemeenskap, onder andere die Studentedekaan, dr Edna van Harte en die burgemeester, Mnr Willie Ortell, het hul verskyning as akteurs in hierdie video gemaak. Rika Vollgraaff van die Matie en Martin de Abreu van mfm het ook deelgeneem. Die plaaslike video is nouliks geskoei op dié van die internasionale veldtog en dien as bewusmaking en bemarking van wit bandjies wat die simbool van die veldtog is. Hierdie wit bandjies word sedert Maandag teen R10 elk in die Neelsie oor middagete verkoop. Alle fondse wat hierdeur gegenereer word, sal geskenk word aan ’n plaaslike projek wat fokus op armoedeverligting. 75 HELSHOOGTERS het op 9 Julie met die Transkarootrein na Pretoria vertrek vir ’n sporttoer. Twee rugbyspanne, ’n hokkie en ’n sokkerspan het teen verskillende Tukkie-koshuise deelgeneem. Buiten vir een rugbywedstryd was Helshoogte nooit aan die verloorkant nie. Die toer is afgesluit met ’n ete in Tukkies se rugby-onthaallokaal met oud-inwoners as gassprekers. Helshoogte bedank graag dr Van Harte, Ettienne Jordaan, Cape Medical Supplies, Wellington VO en Sasko. -Artikel met erkenning aan Steph De Goede Aktueel 27 JULIE 2005 DieMATIE Nuwe rek enaars rekenaars enaarsduurder studies US-UN chapter to host a major conference THE UNITED Nations Association of South Africa (UNASA) will host an important World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) conference at the University of Stellenbosch. The conference, officially named the African Regional Model United Nations Conference (ARMUN), will be held from 5-8 September. The WFUNA African Regional Model UN Conference aims to boost awareness about the Millennium Development Goals. These goals represent a global commitment to promoting development and fighting poverty. The progress made in achieving these goals, especially regarding Africa, will be reviewed. A document consisting of the 10 most important steps that need to be taken by the international community to achieve the MDGs by 2015 will be drafted and brought to the attention of the delegation attending the Millennium Review Summit in New York later the same month. According to Monique Theron, chairperson of UNA-SA Stellenbosch chapter and a member of the ARMUN Steering committee, one of the primary aims is the “promotion of civil society involvement with the MDGs’’. In order to mobilise young people to get engaged, all participants are expected to do a follow up project once the conference is over. For the past five months, students from the Stellenbosch chapter have been preparing for the conference. Over a hundred delegates from South Africa and abroad are expected to attend the conference. The organisers have relied completely on donorfunding, with the largest amount of financing coming from the Finnish Embassy. They are still in need of more volunteers. Contact Monique Theron at [email protected]. –Margaux Petersen 3 JACO VISSER DO YOU KNOW YOUR ABC? The HIV Programs Office of the University of Stellenbosch in collaboration with their peer educators hosted the “GROW UP and GET TESTED: Know Your Status” March Campaign 2005. During the campaign 580 students accessed the counseling and testing facilities available on campus. This was a record number compared to previous years. Photo: CAMPAIGN ORGANISERS Summit questions US policies ANNELIE MARE THE US BRANCHES of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) and the South African Students’ Congress (SASCO) are organising a protest march that is taking place tomorrow, Thursday, 28 July, to raise awareness on various issues of concern. These issues were originally brought to the attention of US management on the 22nd of April 2005 in the form of a memorandum, entitled “Policy analysis on transformation of education in the University of Stellenbosch.” (See article on page 4). Preceding the protest, a summit meeting was held by ANCYL and SASCO last Thursday, 21 July 2005, Themba Ntentesa, ANCYL member, said at the summit that although the organisations had taken part in “many deliberations”, the university’s response had not been “satisfactory”. The summit sought to raise awareness about the upcoming march, as well as to elicit the particular points of view of various leadership bodies with regards to the upcoming march. Prof Chris Brink, rector of the US, said that the university supported any legitimate student organisation’s “right to protest against what they have a problem with” and that the university, although he believed it shouldn’t be aligned with any particular political party, would not oppose any political party either. Prof Brink also proceeded to mention ways in which the university sought to bring about change, including the creation of the Language Committee of Council (currently in the process of deliberating about the Language Policy) and the “Forum on Black Student Success”. Prof Brink added that both ANCYL and SASCO were involved in the first meeting of this forum. In addition to the above, the rector mentioned that he was engaged in monthly discussions with the Mayor of Stellenbosch about what they called the “reinventing of Stellenbosch”, and that “this project is taking shape as one that will address the legacy of our apartheid past”. He continued in his speech to say that, in the spectrum of the “soul of the US” he would place ANCYL and SASCO on the one end and “prominent and leading members of the Convocation” on the other end, and To Page 4 DIE REKENAARGEBRUIKSAREA van die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe (NARGA) is onlangs teen ongeveer R1,18 miljoen opgegradeer. “Dit was ’n gedwonge vervanging van die ou rekenaars. Ons het té veel klagtes (oor die ou rekenaars) gekry,” sê Ilse de Kock, bestuurder van Narga. Sowel die oop area se 85 rekenaars as die ou Linux-laboratorium (Linux-lab) se 63 rekenaars is vervang teen ’n gemiddelde koste van R8 000 per rekenaar. Die oop area spog nou met nuwe Dell DX280rekenaars. Volgens De Kock is die oop area se rekenaars drie jaar gelede vervang en die Linux-lab s’n ses jaar gelede. De Kock beklemtoon dat dit nie vir hulle die moeite werd is om rekenaars te hou nadat hulle waarborg verval het nie. Die nuwe rekenaars sal op die perseel deur Dell herstel word en sodoende sal dit verseker dat daar nooit rekenaars sal wees wat nie werk nie. Platskermmonitors (“flat screens”) is geïnstalleer ten einde rekenaargebruikers se werksoppervlakte te vergroot. In die Linux-lab is 17-duim monitors geïnstalleer. Die Linux-lab is nou toeganklik vir alle Narga-gebruikers en nie net meer vir programmeerders nie. Alle rekenaars in hierdie lokaal kan nou “dual boot” met óf Windows óf Linux. Die nuwe rekenaars sal volgens De Kock geen aanpassingsprobleme vir die gebruikers meebring nie. Die rekenaars het nie stiffie-aandrywers nie, maar mobiele stiffie-aandrywers is gedurende kantoorure vir studente beskikbaar. Narga poog om studente te laat oorskakel van stiffies na “flash disks”. Die opgradering geskied teen ’n verhoging in voorgraadse klasgelde met 8% vir die 2005 akademiese jaar volgens Chris de Beer, Hoof: Studentegelde en Debiteure. 4 Current Affairs DieMATIE 27 JULY 2005 Concerning Stellenbosch... • ANCYL memorandum and Management response ANNELIE MARÈ ON 22 APRIL 2005 the ANC Youth League and SASCO submitted a document entitled “Policy analysis on transformation of education in the University of Stellenbosch” to the US Management. Management responded a fortnight later. These documents, which deal with several issues, can be summarised as follows: LANGUAGE POLICY ANCYL suggested implementing the Afrikaans and English model, thereby presenting students with a choice between separate Afrikaans and English medium classes in the same course. Vice-rector Russel Botman explained in US management’s response that the Language Committee of Council is preparing for a full review of the current Language Policy and Plan, including the recommendations of both ANCYL’s proposals and those of the Executive Committee of Council. STUDENT RESIDENCE POLICY The memorandum’s proposals also protest the way in which students are placed in university residences, saying that first preference should be given to “distance students” in their first and second year and not students who already come from Stellenbosch. In addition, residences should be more financially accommodating. In his response, Botman mentioned that the principles that govern the student residence policy include the standpoints that “priority should be given to placing those students who will benefit most meaningfully from university residences”and that ‘‘in accordance with the principle of equity, every student who is admitted to the university should have a chance to access student residence’’. RACISM With regards to the question of racism, ANCYL requested that the university distances itself from people or individuals who are promoting racism on campus, mentioning as examples Eugene Terreblanche (who spoke in the Neelsie in 2004) and dr Dan Roodt (who was invited to speak at Woordfees). They also maintain that the SRC and the Student Affairs Bureau should engage the social clubs in town that are frequented by the students, such as Stones, Tollies, Cat Walk and Allstars, because that is where “most racial discriminatory activities occur’’. In management’s response, Botman assured the protestors that “the university shares (their) unequivocal rejection of all forms of racism as it may occur in the vicinity of Stellenbosch” and that they “are saddened by the painful realities of discrimination” as described in the memorandum.They are in conversation with the municipality on various issues. FINANCIAL AND ACADEMIC EXCLUSION The financial and academic proposals put forward by ANCYL are intended to facilitate and improve the number of students that receive degrees from the University of Stellenbosch. They maintain that financial assistance should be enough to “enable students a decent living” as this “will create confidence among students who are using the US bursary and loan” and will improve these students’ academic results since students will not have the added stress of worrying about their financial needs. Concerning academics specifically, the document asked that “the fact that students are from different schools should also be acknowledged”. Botman’s response explained that the issue of financial assistance had surfaced even before the receipt of the memorandum during discussions which the Dean of Students had facilitated between student leaders and the Division of Finance on the 16th of March 2005. Further information was shared on the nature and extent of financial support and level of student fees at the US as compared to other South African universities, and the level of student fees compared to other universities at a follow-up discussion on the 28th of April 2005. CONCLUDING REMARKS Botman proceeded to address what he called “the crux of (the) memorandum: the success of our black students”. “This,” he wrote, “is a core outcome of our strategic management of resources, the restoration of human dignity and the creation of a non-racial Stellenbosch community. The reality and impact of school education, including that of disadvantaged schools, on student success have been identified as serious risks on the agenda of this university. The matter receives the monthly attention of the management team of the vice-rector (Teaching). They quarterly report to the Rector’s Management Team. “We have already factored this risk into the university’s admission policy, student accommodation policy and our actions for improving student success at the US.” Leaders discuss issues behind protest at summit From Page 3 expressed his wish that these two constituencies could engage in direct deliberations, offering to facilitate a meeting of this nature. Brink concluded by saying that management does not “feel threatened by the idea of a protest”, but that instead they “will regard it as an opportunity for growth”. Ntentesa, representing ANCYL and SASCO’s views said in his speech that the university seemed to be “controlled by a small group of Afrikaners” and that “Africans” are not accommodated. He also expressed the organisations’ wish to ensure that more students left the university “with degrees and not simply poorer than they had arrived here”. Nombi Nkondlo, speaking as Provincial Secretary of the ANC Youth League, said that access to education is not a privilege, but a right. In this respect, Nkondlo proceeded to mention both finances and language as primary obstacles, saying that financial aid “makes the difference” in terms of ensuring that students from all backgrounds can have the same chance at achieving success. She also said that other languages must be embraced instead of Afrikaans being “imposed on students.” The SRC President from the University of Cape Town (UCT), Nqobizitha Mlilo, said that he was honoured to be working with the University of Stellenbosch “to speed up change” and that those who oppose notions of transformation also, in effect, oppose the country’s constitution. He added that UCT faced similar challenges to the ones identified by ANCYL and SASCO and that he “could hear the voices of UCT’s administration” in the words of prof Brink. Wandisile Mdeba SRC president of the University of the Western Cape (UWC), said that it was time for people to break away from the Stellenbosch’s “difficult past” and “come out of the box” by joining the march on Thursday. Mdeba also said that he considered prof Brink to be a progressive leader. The President of the US SRC, Lourens du Plessis said that a protest was “long overdue”. Furthermore, Du Plessis proposed that the issues being put forward are weakened if they seem to be limited to only two organisations and suggested that the SRC organise a summit in the near future that would include other nonpolitical organisations representing minority groups on campus such as the Black Students’ Organisation, the Muslim Students’ Organisation, LesbiGay and the International Students’ Organisation. Du Plessis considers this the “most progressive option” and said the SRC would be willing to “march in front” if the protest could include such a broad spectrum of minority constituents. Du Plessis concluded by saying it would indeed be an impressive statement for the university to make if the march could demonstrate the “majority supporting the minority” in this manner, and that the issues being raised by the students needed to be addressed “until we are rid of the scourges of the past”. Interkampus 27 JULIE 2005 DieMATIE 5 Rapping mak es Chaucer simple makes JANITA VERSTER BE A VIRGIN AND WIN A SCHOLARSHI P UGANDA - In an attempt to increase the amount of girls attending University annualy, a member of parliament from Uganda’s Kayunga district, offered a scholarship to those leaving high school able to prove their virginity. Currently only eight to 15 girls from the Kayunga district attend University yearly due to the high number of early marriages and defilement. This scholarship is only available to girls, and in order to qualify one has to pass a gynaecological exam. Besides that this programme is to promote morals and education, it is also an attempt to reduce sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/Aids. Uganda is worldwide wellknown for their successful antiHIV/Aids programmes. Since 1990 they’ve reduced the HIV/ Aids rate from 30% to 7%. - News 24 S O N K R A G - R E S I E S OPKOMENDE SPORT IN VSA VSA - Bekende Amerikaanse Universteite neem deel aan Sonkragresies, waar hulle hul kragte meet in omgewingsvriendelike motors, aangedryf deur so min krag as ‘n aardroer. Hierdie motors is ongeveer die grootte van ‘n familie-Sedan, maar het slegs een sitplek vir die drywer. Drie drywer le plat op sy rug, terwyl sy spanmaats vir hom die roete deurgee deur middel van oorfone. Die spoedlimiet vanhierdie sonkrag-aangedrewe motors is 105km/h. Alhoewel hierdie buitengewone motors normale probleme kan opdoen soos pap bande, sluit dit ook ongewone krississe in, soos byvoorbeeld as die litium battery beskadig word. Dit verg tydsame herstelwerk en kan dus ‘n span se wenkanse belemmer. - Grand Forks Herald GEOFFREY Chaucer, a famous Midieval English writer, who’s works are prescribed to students worldwide, has the reputation of being very difficult. Baba Brinkman started rapping Chaucer’s Canterbury tales in order to simplify it for students struggling. The University of Cambrigde recently hired Brinkman to do the introductory Medieval Literature class, after his popularity in Canada and his success at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. This Canadian performer with a Masters in Medieval and Renaissance English literature has been writing and rap-performing poetry for the past eight years. During his undergraduate English thesis, he thought of rapping Chaucer, “if I can show them (students) that Chaucer was really kind of the rapper of his day, then everybody kind of wins on that one.” The Rap Canterbury tales album, as well as T-shirts with O.G. Chaucer on the front, which were both extremely popular during the 2004 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, are now for sale and they can be found at The original Canterbury tales were written between 1387 and 1400, about a group of thirty people travelling as pilgrims to Canterbury in England. These Pilgrims, coming from different social backgrounds started telling stories to each other on the way to kill the time. Although his writings aren’t very complicated, it is quite difficult to understand, due to the middle-English used. The Rap Canterbury tales consist of the The Pardoner’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale, The Wife of Bath’s Tale, and The Tale of Sir Topas. These tales are told during a battle of storytelling rappers on a tour bus during Brinkman’s modern pilgrimage. With these rap-tales he’d like students to see Chaucer and rap with new eyes. Wees ook ’n drie-talige CARLA-MARIE SPIES DIE Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale bied nie slegs graadprogramme aan nie, maar ook ekstra klasse vir diegene wat graag buitemuurs ‘n vreemde taal wil bemeester. Die tale wat as deel van graadprogramme aangebied word, is Frans, Duits en Mandaryns en is van voorgraadse vlak tot by doktorsgraad-vlak (slegs Duits). Die doel van die klasse, hetsy as deel van ‘n graadprogram, of buitemuurs, is om nie slegs die tale as woorde en sinne oor te dra nie, en ook nie om net ‘n akademiese inslag te hê nie, maar as’t ware ‘n effektiewe kommunikasievermoë in dié onderskeie tale vir studente aan te kweek. Daarom word die klasse ook nie in die student se moedertaal onderrig nie, maar wel in die vreemde taal self. So word ‘n goeie greep op sowel die geskrewe én die gesproke taal gevestig. ‘n Belangrike uitgangspunt van die departement, is om nie slegs op die taal as sulks te fokus nie, maar ook ‘n liefde vir die land van herkoms by die student te kweek en studente bewus te maak van die spesifieke land se kultuur en literatuur. Juis vir dié doel, het die departement goeie verbindinge en gereelde korrespondensie met die Frans-, Duits-, en Chineessprekende lande en moedig uitruilprogramme aan. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is ook die eksamensentrum vir die Franse DELF/DALF eksamens, asook die Duitse eksamens van die Goethe Instituut. Die aandklasse, wat in samewerking met die Internasionale Kantoor gereël word, bied beginnersklasse in Frans, Duits, Mandaryns, Portugees en Spaans aan. Enige iemand, studente en die breër gemeenskap, kan by die klasse aansluit. Dié klasse bied studente die geleentheid om, indien hulle nie ‘n taal as deel van hul kursus kan of wil neem nie, wel die vreemde taal te kan bestudeer. Alhoewel dié programme, volgens Mev, Isabel dos Santos, aandklaskoordineerder, nie krediete dra nie, en dus nie as deel van ‘n graadprogram geag kan word nie, is dit steeds ‘n uitstekende leergeleentheid en bied studente die geleentheid om in ‘n ander taal te kan leer kommunikeer. Studente wat ‘n vreemde taal magtig is, sal altyd ‘n groot voorsprong hê wanneer dit by werksgeleenthede kom, hetsy oorsee of in Suid-Afrika self. Op eie bodem - met die toenemende aantal internasionale studente op kampus, sal dit ook vir Suid-Afrikaanse studente tot voordeel strek om beter met dié studente te kan kommunikeer en ‘n bydrae tot beter interaksie en kommunikasie tussen studente te kan maak. Hoe meer tale jy magtig is, hoe meer deure word daar vir jou oopgemaak, want jy’t dus meer gereedskap om te kommunikeer en ander te verstaan. Studente word dus aangemoedig om ten minste een vreemde taal aan te leer en die Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale te kontak. Gates hopes Potter majors in computers During a speech in Redmond for Microsoft’s annual Faculty Summit, by Bill Gates and Princeton University engineering school dean Maria Klawe, Klawe wished for the possibility that Hermione Granger (one of Harry Potter’s best friends) would choose a career in computer science. She said that it will help the industry to recruit more computer science majors, particularly women. Gates concurred, by saying, “Good. Well, even Harry can do it too.” He feels that the industry needs all the help it can get, even though he hasn’t even read the last book. - 6 Student Life DieMATIE 27 JULY 2005 FULL-TIME PRESENTERS IN THE fourth of our series of seven interviews, with MFM’s hottest DJ’s, James Voortman spoke to Nantale Muwonge. The show that Nantale presents is The Detour, Monday to Friday, between 18:00 and 21:00. Here is what she had to say: Can you give us a brief description of your show? A detour is ‘a deviation from a direct course of action’ according to an electronic dictionary; “a choice between two tasks” according to the powers behind The Amazing Race and a shortcut to The Hitlist (9pm – midnight) I like to think. It was my baby! I say “my baby” because besides the fact that it’s my show, I was very involved in the designing of the show. It is very me, my personality enhances the show or the show enhances my personality. I am a deviation! I’m a middle child. Describe your “on-air” personality. In a word: crazy. Alternatively, how about progressive? For the benefit of aspiring DJ’s, can you tell us how you went about getting involved at MFM? Actually, I was scouted. However, if you would like to be involved, all you have to do is set up a tent outside our offices on the third floor. We will feed you and everything. Which DJ’s in particular have influenced you? Steyn at MFM. Otherwise DJ Hooligan aka Da Hool, his single ‘Meet Her At The Love Parade’ is the first CD I bought, ever. If it were up to you, what kind of music would MFM play? MFM pretty much covers everything. We are cross-genre, and 40% of what we play is South African. Between my speciality hours and features, I get to play everything from Alicia Keys to Zubz (Mzanzi MC). What was your most embarrassing moment on air? I will never tell! My second most embarrassing moment, however, was revealing that I possess an autographed photograph of Macauley Culkin. We were having a confession session on Celebrity Tuesday. In my defence, I was eleven years old when I acquired it. I did not know any better. Besides, that was at the height of Home Alone, I was the coolest kid in school for weeks! Do you aspire to a career in radio broadcasting? I aspire to a career in the media. Who would you most like to interview on air and why? Jay-Z, so I could emotionally blackmail him into letting me produce his come-back album. Be sure not to miss the next MFM interview, as we are nearing the end of this series. Society focus: What is Anime? THE WORD anime (a-nee-may) in Western terms means Japanese animation. However, why the use of this term? Well, there is a fundamental difference between anime and American cartoons, not only do they look different, but anime is not just for children. In fact, anime is more comparable to Hollywood in general. Only a small fraction of anime is targeted at young children, the majority is mainstream. Unfortunately, South Africans have very little exposure to mainstream anime. On the other hand, kid’s anime series like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh are very popular. Nevertheless, most people do not realize that these were old series, which were released in Japan in the mid-90s. But these kid’s series have always been around, from Robotech and Samurai Pizza Cats to Heidi and Maya the bee. Most people never realize these series are Japanese because they were all dubbed. Thanks to children’s anime series like Dragonball and the Disney release Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli, anime is slowly becoming popular in South Africa. But when it comes to quality animation, Disney and Pixar are the best. Think again. Movies like Innocence and Spirited Away are superior and are winning the awards. And when it comes to CGI animation, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within and Advent Children can take on Finding Nemo any day. Anime’s influence on Hollywood is increasing. Ghost in the Shell inspired The Matrix and led the path for a global tread which combines the best of world cinema. A Japanese anime plot and characters, Chinese martial art wire-work stunts and an American budget. Kill Bill made its mark and now the top directors in Hollywood are frantically remaking anime series and movies into blockbuster live-action movies, much like the current comic book hero trend. Soon superhero movies like Batman, Spiderman, Hulk etc will be overshadowed by Spielberg’s Transformers, James Cameron’s Battle Angel Alita and Weta Workshop’s (Lord of the Rings) Evangelion. The trend has already started with the remake of Ring and The Grudge, two of Japan’s top horror movies. So next time you come across an anime fan watching some ‘cartoon’ you have never heard of, take a second look. If Tarantino is planning an anime Kill Bill prequel and Samuel L Jackson is producing and lending his voice to Afro Samurai, why can’t you enjoy anime too? ZAPPA, ZAPPA... Zappa Sambuca het kampusse vroeër vanjaar stormgeloop met die Zappa interklubhuiskompetisie. 27 universiteitskoshuise het elk ’n Zappa promosiepak ontvang, waarmee “the Colours Legends are Made of” uitgebeeld moes word. Op die foto’s verskyn inwoners van Erica vrouekoshuis en Helshoogte manskoshuis wat as naaswenners elk met ’n Zappa mini Pooltafel weggestap het. Foto: STUDENT VILLAGE DieMATIE BOEKE unleashed REDAKTEURS Lize-Marié van der Watt Edward-John Bottomley v [Tn, Tn•pr] set free from a leash or restraint: Unleash the guard dogs. This supplement is dedicated to those who love books that are somehow beyond the ordinary. Literary art forms that create not mere readers but fans. Dream a little dream of me PATRICK MACKENZIE IT IS not often that a comic series finds its way on to the New York Times’ bestseller list. Nor is it often that a product of such a stereotypically juvenile entertainment medium is considered the most acclaimed and award-winning comic series of the 1990’s. This serves well to indicate the level of skill and talent, which makes the story of the Sandman both unique as a literary achievement and as a truly spell bounding story. The main difference between most other comics and Sandman is to be found in the quality of the story. Penned by British writer Neil Gaiman, whom some will immediately recognize from co-authoring Good Omens with fellow British fantasy author Terry Pratchett, has seamlessly woven an epic story with elegance and skill featuring some of the most memorable characters ever. It started off as a concept based on a pre-existing character in the comic publisher D.C.’s universe in the late 1980’s. It was later incorporated as a monthly title into one of D.C.’s infant publishers, Vertigo, whose penchant was publishing comics for mature readers. Spread across a total of ten volumes, each containing roughly nine stories as well as its own distinct story arc. While each arc is truly unique in having its own style of artwork, courtesy of a continually rotating cast of the comic world’s most sought-after artists, they all ultimately encapsulate the story of Morpheus, the Dream King. The other main characters whom we are only later introduced to – embodiments of Destiny, Death, Desire, Despair, Destruction and Delirium – are Morpheus’ “family”. They are known as the Endless. They are not gods, superheroes or villains. They are merely fulfilling their function as they have been doing since the beginning of this, and every other universe. An anthropomorphic personification, if you will. The stories often feature recognisable characters and locales from the rest of, but not limited to, the D.C. Comics universe among which include the Justice League of America, John Constantine, Arkham Asylum, Lucifer, Cain (as well as his brother Abel) – to name but a few. At the outset, the story initially follows Morpheus’ struggle to regain control over his realm, the Dreaming after having been captured for nearly 70 years. As it continues to unfold, however, the reader is treated to stories from both before this key event as well as after it. The story isn’t told from Dream’s perspective, he is merely there – very reminiscent of Terry Pratchett’s personification of Death in the Discworld series. The complete saga offers literary connoisseurs a veritable feast of references to classical literature. The foremost example of this is the award-winning story “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” where the reader is first truly exposed to the fantasy element of the Sandman. In this particular chronicle, William Shakespeare, after making a bargain with Mor- pheus, gives his first performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” to an audience of royalty from other worlds. Newcomers to the medium of the graphic novel literature will find Gaiman’s smooth style of writing, creative innovation and ability to give his characters life, especially that of Death – a cheerful Goth girl – immensely appealing. This is a highly recommended collection, one that will take your imagination firmly in hand and lead you through a world that you will never forget. Although a little on the pricey side (around R200 per volume), and somewhat difficult to obtain here in South Africa, Sandman is definitely a story worth reading and one you’ll want to read again. © Neil Gaiman BOEKE unleashed Harry Potter: Darker, Deadlier, Delightful MIA CLOETE Rowling, J.K. 2005 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Bloomsbury ISBN: 0000747581 607 pages Price: Varied THE recent international release of the penultimate book in the Harry Potter series has been met with enormous anticipation from fans, frenzied marketing ploys from publishers and mouth-foaming indignation from various religious groups. It is easy to see why The Half-Blood Prince has effortlessly muscled its way to the top of best-seller lists internationally. First off, be warned that this book is darker and infinitely more disturbing than its predecessors, even the fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix. Despite the rather whimsical appeal of the entire Potter series to one’s inner child, this latest offering from the word processor of England’s favourite (and richest) daughter tempts one’s inner censor to slap a PG13 age restriction on it and hide it from the kids. The latest thickenings in the ongoing plot would doubtlessly have offended the self-righteous anti-Potter brigade had they taken the trouble to read the book, which is doubtful since their ability to read without assistance remains in question. That being said, The Half-Blood Prince is an excellent read for fans of the series. It reveals the solutions to many of the loose-ends in the plotline of the Potterverse that have kept devoted Potter readers up at night since the publication of The Order of the Phoenix. Although the latest book is quite a substantial volume (being around 607 pages in length), this is a one sitting read. I finished mine in around 10 hours, taking only two breaks to buy cigarettes and consume coffee with like-minded people. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE EXAMS TO READ THIS BOOK. Be advised, Potter-fans, you will skip class, snub loved ones and miss meals until you have read this book cover to cover. If you are a slow reader, it would be wise to stock up on snacks, coffee and cigarettes to be kept within easy reach for the duration of your Potter session. Be warned that The Half-Blood Prince is not a starter Potter novel and some knowledge of the preceding books, especially The Goblet of Fire and The Order of the Phoenix, is necessary for the full enjoyment of the book. The Half Blood Prince varies slightly from the well-known Potter formula and is mostly a run-up to the seventh and final book, which will probably be the only work of fiction in the next couple of years to top the hype surrounding this one. Buy it, borrow it, steal it. Don’t wait for the movie. Storiemeester Brink op 70 steeds Manga is probably not a word familiar to all Stellenbosch students. It is however, a Harris manga fanatic per excelword making its way into popular culture. Brian Harris, lence gives the ignorant amongst us an overview. The truth WELL, first things first. What on mother earth is manga? Manga is, quite simply, a Japanese word for comic strip. Japanese comics are somewhat different than western comics, therefore the Japanese – and manga fans around the globe – use the term only when referring to Japanese comics. Manga is not to be confused with anime. Anime refers to Japanese animation films and series. More generally known examples include Ghost-in-the-Shell or Giant Robo. Confusion might arise because the now extinct Sci-Fi channel, showed some films made by “Manga Entertainment” a company specializing in transforming hit manga into anime films. There is no umbrella term for the comics and animation together in Japanese (except maybe the unacknowledged and unpopular term “Japanimation” created by the British) just as there is no solid term for “cartoons and comics” in western culture. For westerners used to reading comics (or any reading in general), manga takes a little getting used to. Manga is read from the right to left, top to bottom. Speech bubbles inside a particular frame are handled in the same way, although the speech inside the bubbles is read left to right. Manga is not merely the Japanese version of a comic, read by schoolchildren and some adult fans. From cute little bunny-monsters with big eyes scampering about in kid-friendly bliss to the multitude of hardcore pornographic titles like “Fantasy Final”, if you’re looking for something specific in paper entertainment, you’ll find it. I prefer the “older teen” series such as “Bleach” and “Naruto” myself, but the romantic side of me also has plenty to be satisfied with. Some of the best manga I have ever read are actually aimed at the female market, about Manga as they deal with more human issues (and the triumph over them) including anxiety, abuse and the like. (On a side note, do not mistake Fantasy Final with the more well known Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is a rather successful Japanese game series suitable for all ages to be launched as manga. Fantasy Final, thankfully not related, is definitely not). For people seeking a hobby with staying power, manga has a lot of value. Unlike American comics like “Batman” which would come out once a month, most manga appears on a weekly basis in the form of a magazine containing chapters of several different manga titles. These magazines continually add new titles to their line-up, particularly once an older title has released its concluding chapter. Of course, some titles take longer to conclude than others: The message displayed on the bottom of Naruto – Chapter 240, for example, reads: “This is the end of Part 1 of Naruto!” At one chapter a week, it’s been running for quite a while. The same magazine, Weekly Shonen Jump, also includes cult favourites “Bleach” and “One Piece”. “One Piece” already passed Chapter 350 a while ago. Naturally, once a specific title has produced a set number of chapters, they will be reprinted in stand alone, single title volumes, allowing new (or title specific) fans to catch up without having to buy 200 back issues of a particular magazine. You never know what may appear next in manga. Unlike Amercian comic companies such as Archie, Dark Horse and Marvel, Japanese manga companies employ special staff who interview any amateur manga artist who would like to have their creations published. These individuals give advice on the work and, when they believe it is ready, will publish it. Even the most successful and appreciated titles like the samurai manga “Rurouni Kenshin” (a must-read) started this way. In the western world, it is often a sad fact that the people with the best imaginations for comic strips, simply cannot draw, or vice versa. Of all the writings systems in the world that the Japanese could have adopted, they chose the system of their neighbour, China, and renamed it “Kanji”. Since childhood the Japanese are taught to write with this system and its successors (Hiragana and Katakana), and it is safe to assume that once you can write your name in any of these, you can draw. This of course, leads us to the most unfortunate point as far as we of the Western World are concerned: manga is Japanese, and we aren’t. Does that mean we have to wait until the Americans finally translate it and order it from them, using half our monthly budget in the process? Well, one could. Fortunately, the internet exists. Many people on the internet pride themselves in translating manga, and thus create companions to refer to while reading the original Japanese versions. Of course, “Scanlations” are also popular, scanned images of Japanese manga which have been edited and translated by fans. These are only legal if the said manga is not available in English and are removed from the internet as soon as the manga is licensed in America or England. Although it is surprising that stricter copyright laws have not been created, it is also true that these are often the only way in which fans and other curious ones can ever read these titles. Although there is a lot more to say about manga, I wouldn’t like to spoil any more. Manga has become much more widely popular than when I first started reading it, as with many things I’ve called “my own” in the past. Chances are you’ll see a cellphone wallpaper image or even an episode of anime soon that is based on manga, but for a different experience, give manga itself a try. GINA SCHREUDER Brink, André P 2005 Bidsprinkaan, ‘n ware storie. Kaapstad & Pretoria: Human & Rousseau ISBN 0 7981 4524 2 251 bladsye Prys: R140 PARTY mense is van mening dat ouderdom soos goeie rooi wyn is:dit raak al hoe beter met tyd. As dít waar is, het André P. Brink goéd oud geword, en is Bidsprinkaan, wat hy geskryf het om sy 70ste verjaardag te vier, ’n pryswenner-Merlot wat lank ná die eerste proe nog op die tong talm. Die roman speel af in die Kaapse koloniale tydperk ( 1760-1850) en vertel die “ware storie” van Kupido Kakkerlak, ’n Khoikhoi wat tot bekering gebring is deur sendelinge van die Londense Sendinggenootskap en later self sendeling en prediker geword het. Alhoewel Brink Kupido se lewensverhaal in die korrekte historiese konteks plaas, is die verhaal ’n kleurryke en kreatiewe fiksionele vertelling van ’n merkwaardige man se lewe. Die eerste deel van die boek beskryf Kupido se jeug in die Koup Karoostreek, waar hy die “grootste jagter, sanger, storieverteller, drinker en wywer van sy kontrei was” in ’n tyd toe “wonderwerke soos optelgoed op die aarde rondgelê het”. Wonderwerke, geloof en bygeloof is sentrale temas in Kupido se lewe, soos ook deur die titel aangedui. ’n Bidsprinkaan is ’n goddelike teken en gelukbringer in die Khoikhoi-kultuur, en dien ook later in die boek as simbool vir Kupido se worsteling tussen sy inheemse Khoikhoi-geloof en sy nuutgevonde geloof in die Christelike God. Brink kry dit reg om ’n informele, maar ook magiese verteltrant regdeur die roman te behou, en sy beskrywings is meesleurend en vermaaklik. Kupido se vrou, die bobaasseepkoker, Ana Vigilant, is ’n karakter aan wie die leser nog lank herkou, en Kupido se fassinasie met spieëls, asook sy kennismaking met die smous Servaas Ziervogel, maak die eerste deel van die boek onvergeetlik. Die tweede deel van Bidsprinkaan word uit die oogpunt van die sobere sendeling James Read vertel en kontrasteer skerp met Kupido se onverskillige jeug. Read beskryf Kupido se bekering en lewe in ’n sendingstasie in die onstuimige niemandsland tussen wit koloniste en oproerige Xhosas naby Graaff-Reinet en later in Algoabaai. Brink vra ook hier aan die leser wat dit is wat mense aanvuur om ’n sendeling te word, en ondersoek die verwarring wat die Khoikhoi ondervind tussen Westerse dogma en inheemse bygeloof. Kupido self raak ’n oorentoesiastiese Christen wat amper versuip tydens sy doop en self sy eksemplaar van die Bybel bladsy vir bladsy opeet om die Woord van God altyd in hom te dra. Namate Kupido vertroue begin verloor in die onreg van die wrede wit koloniste, begin sy geloof in God ook kwyn. Hy skryf vir God briewe in geradbraakte Afrikaans om sy misnoeë uit te spreek as dinge skeefloop, en deur hierdie hartverskeurende blikke op Kupido se psige, asook die verskillende vertelperspektiewe in die boek, dra Brink by tot die onwikkeling van Kupido Kakkerlak as ’n komplekse karakter,wat uiteindelik uitreik na die “anderkant” van die Woord en tot ’n ander dimensie toetree. André P. Brink is ’n ikoon en storiemeester. Soos Kupido aan sy ma sê: “Daar’s lewe in daai ding wat hulle sê skryf, wat verder en vinniger kan loop as wat Ma ooit weggeloop het.” Mag Brink nog lank deur die landskap van die Afrikaanse literatuur wandel. 10 DieMATIE 27 JULY 2005 Advertisement DAG & AMRA-FAYE WRIGHT IN CHICAGO AT ARTSCAPE Photo: STEVEN BARBER ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT • KUNS EN VERMAAK Nuwe klanke Music takes you&there Zamar Songs of Celebration (Bowline) AN ACTUAL tasteful approach to new age South African music is what you’ll find in Zamar, thanks to the Stellenbosch influence behind them. The acoustic sounds are depicted in a warm rose cover which carries through as the central theme in the album. Perfection in notes and timing by the 5 ladies bring forth an atmosphere of far away lands and stories untold. Artistic maturity and vision surrounds the Hava Medley and Milonga which brings much hope for future albums as well as vocal collaborations. – (John Henry Jordaan) Jack Hammer The Pilgrim (Bowline) MENS is geneig om ander vinnig te oordeel. Toe ek, byvoorbeeld, hierdie CD sien het ek dadelik gedink dat Piet Botha nou net op sy pa (Pik) se suskes ry, en dat dit ’n uiters talentlose storie sou wees. Hoe verras was ek nie toe ek uiteindelik na die CD luister. Dis ’n heerlike CD met iets van als: van rock tot ’n rustige nommer of twee, daar is regtig iets vir almal op hierdie CD. Jack Hammer is ’n groep wat nou al sterk aan die gang is vir 21 jaar en ek kan verstaan hoekom. Dit is ’n baie lekker CD om in die kar te hê en om sommer net enige tyd na te luister. – (Mariska Visser) Richard van der Westhuizen Songs uit my binnesak (Bowline) VERY melodious, very soft, very unspectacular. Mister Van der Westhuizen lends an able voice to a host of songs, many of them not straying far from the slow ballad genre. Pleasant tunes and soothing tones allow one to meander through this offering without much thought or consideration, and the melodies are what one could most accurately call pleasant. Though the album doesn’t hold much in the way of lyrical depth – or any kind of depth for that matter – the songs tell stories that are both appropriate and well suited. Hope, longing, love, frustration: themes of generic worth, the hallmarks of nothing in particular. Though the CD lacks edge and borders on repetitive, the addition of a few collaborations, as well as the liberal use of Lizelle le Roux’s violin and Emrie de Klerk’s cello, give the music substance and adds a vague classical undertone that mingles nicely with the rest. Karen Wessels’ solo attempt in “Hoe Durj Jy” is particularly and markedly well done. It succeeds in what it means to. Good to listen to while recovering from a second hip replacement. – (Matthew MacDevette) Amor Amor (Gallo) AMOR se CD val beslis nie in enigeen se smaak nie. Dit is ’n popalbum met ’n sterk techno-ritme wat dit goeie dansmusiek maak. Daar is ’n paar ballades op, maar meeste van die liedjies het ’n vinniger ritme. Sy sing in Engels en Afrikaans, wat die CD tot ’n breër gehoor laat spreek. Die lirieke is somtyds bietjie oppervlakkig en baie van die liedjies klink dieselfde, maar dit is nie ’n slegte CD as dit die tipe musiek is waarvan jy hou nie. Ek sal dit egter nie aanskaf vir my CDversameling nie, want na my beskeie mening moet Amor maar liewers bly by moederskap. – (Sarietha Engelbrecht) STEPHE OOSTHUYSEN MUSIC is the celebration of the human spirit and creativity. It has enormous powers to transport you to a different reality when you submit yourself to the strains of the sounds you play or listen to. This is what the Conservatorium strives to do in the next couple of weeks with many great upcoming events. The semester kicks off with a series of lunch hour concerts on 28 July, 11 and 18 August, with many more to follow, so keep your eyes on the notice boards outside the Conserve. It is the perfect way to take a break from the day’s classes and activities, also to transport your thoughts to different, more pleasant places than daily worries. Other upcoming concerts are Collage in Concert (7 August), in which the works of the contemporary composer, Paul Loeb van Zuilenberg, are showcased, and that of Mario Nell and the international oboist and ex-Matie, André van Daalen (13 August). Treat yourself to the world of electronic music on 9 and 11 September with the Austrian Ensemble (My Kingdom for a Lullaby) and the KEMUS concert KUKO Kuns- en Fotokompetisie DIE KUKO (KUltuurKOmitee) van die SR bied die Photo Connection Kuns en Fotokompetisie aan in samewerking met die Cinnabun Café. Die kompetisie bestaan uit drie kategorieë, naamlik fotografie, skone kuns en beeldhou. Drie wonderlike pryse is op die spel vir elke kategorie, insluitend iPods en digitale kameras, geborg deur Photo Connection in Andringastraat. Die kompetisie het ’n ope tema wat Maties ’n wonderlike geleentheid gee om hul kreatiewe talent ten toon te stel. Aansoekvorms is beskikbaar by die SR-kantoor en moet terugbesorg word voor die sluitingsdatum op 5 Augustus 2005. OOIT GEWONDER W AT GEBEUR A GTER DIE ? WA AG MATIE? DieMATIE If you are interested in being part of our editorial team for 2006 get your nomination form at Die Matie's office on the top floor of the Neelsie (past MFM to your left). Die nuwe redaksie sal tydens Die Matie-verkiesing op 10 Augustus in die Studenteraadsaal om 18:30 verkies word. for more information e-mail [email protected] DAG respectively, it is guaranteed to be a paradigm-shifting experience. Music has particularly taken three music students closer to their dreams MUSIC TAKING THEM THERE Nicola van Zyl Smit is off to London and Irene Mennen to Frankfurt. through bursaries for overseas studies. Erik Dippenaar won a prestigious Royal College of Music bursary as well as the Bill Venter / FAK overseas bursary to further his studies abroad. He is on his way to Europe in September to study organ performance with Margaret Phillips. If you ever thought that the recorder is an instrument limited to primary school, think again. Nicola van Zyl Smit won a National Arts Council Bursary for the continuation of her studies at the Royal College of Music in London, and Irene Mennen is headed for Frankfurt to do her diploma in recorder performance under the celebrated Michael Schneider. For those of you who missed out in joining Musicultus, the campus music society, there is still time left to benefit from all the perks included in your membership, such as half-price movies on Mondays and Wednesdays at Protea cinema, exclusive weekly specials at Rustic Café, discount on CDs bought at Music Matrix, cheap concert tickets and invitations to the functions hosted by Musicultus. Last semester there were loads of giggles at the Noot vir Noot evening and First Years’ Concert, which continues with the events in-line for this semester, including the Conserve Centenary Ball and an Acoustic Battle of the Bands. Contact Lou-Ann Stone for further details at [email protected]. Application forms are available at Helette van der Westhuizen, room A116 in the Conserve. For those of you who crave the taste of something out of the ordinary, it is perfectly possible to broaden your horizons far beyond Stellenbosch while staying in Stellenbosch. For free. Just let the music take you there. Opinions 12 DieMATIE 27 JULY 2005 BRIEWE LETTERS Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1 Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Matieland, 7602 Tel: (021) 808 3539 Faks: (021) 808 3538 e-pos: [email protected] ANCYL doen geen opheffingswerk WAAR IS DIE MEERDERHEID VAN DIE MINDERHEID? Wat van verteenwoordiging? REDAKSIONELE KOMMENTAAR NO 11 | 27 Julie 2005 DieMATIE ONAFHANKLIKE STUDENTEKOERANT VAN DIE UNIVERSITEIT VAN STELLENBOSCH SEDERT 1941 INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH SINCE 1941 Politiek verontreg minderheid Maties DAAR IS môre ’n optog op die Matie-kampus. Vir die eerste keer in ’n baie lang tyd (sedert die struggle?) is daar ’n politieke bewustheid op die kampus wat uitloop op openbare aksie en protes. Die optog word gehou om minderheidsregte aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te bevorder. Wat egter ’n probleem is, is die feit dat politiek hier ’n veel belangriker rol as die regte van minderhede speel. Studente uit voorheen-benadeelde omgewings is om verskeie redes in die minderheid op Stellenbosch. Gegewe Stellenbosch se geskiedenis, is dit verstaanbaar dat sulke studente dalk “minder tuis” voel op Stellenbosch. Dis ook waar dat die US-bestuur sedert 1994 uit hul pad gaan om transformasie te bevorder en verskille uit te wis. Die optog gaan juis oor die feit dat die gevoel bestaan dat die US nie genoeg doen om die proses te versnel nie. Dit is ook so dat baie studente sukkel op Stellenbosch, hulle voel hulle word akademies en finansieel uitgesluit. Daar is studente wat letterlik nie kos het nie, wat nog te sê in staat is om registrasiegelde te betaal. Dit is egter ’n sosio-ekonomiese probleem wat nie beperk is tot Stellenbosch-kampus nie. Voorheen-benadeelde studente wat akademies sukkel vanweë gebreke in hul skoolopleiding, se penarie moet voor die Departement van Onderwys se deur gelê word, nie noodwendig die Universiteit van Stellenbosch nie. Ander universiteite in die omgewing, byvoorbeeld die UK se fooie is selfs hoër as dié van Stellenbosch. Studente word dus daar ook “finansieel uitgesluit”. Die meerderheid op Stellenbosch is “bevoorregte” studente. Dit is dus niks anders nie as daardie meerderheid se plig om die minderheid, mede-Maties, te ondersteun in hul poging om hulself te bekwaam tot ’n gelyke vlak nie. Dit sal tot voordeel van die hele kampus strek indien Maties só ’n verenigde front vorm. Die tragedie is egter dat die ANCYL dié sensitiewe kwessie gekaap het om politieke punte te wen. Elke probleem wat genoem word, is wesenlik op Stellenbosch, maar mens kan nie anders as om te wonder juis hoé besorg van die betrokke politici werklik oor die minderhede op die Matie-kampus is nie. Môre se optog behoort in wese deur elke Matie gesteun te word, maar dié wese het verlore gegaan in die politieke magstryd, en om dié rede ontneem politici Matieminderheidsgroepe die ondersteuning van die meerderheid op Stellenbosch. Diversiteit in eenheid hoofredaksie DIE WOORD “redaksioneel” kan die indruk skep dat dit verteenwoordigend is van die hele redaksie se mening. Veral oor ’n kwessie soos môre se optog is daar op die redaksie baie verkillende menings en persoonlike oortuigings. Ek wil dit dus tog duidelik stel dat bostaande my persoonlike mening is, en nie noodwendig deur elke lid van my redaksie gedeel word nie, en daarvoor het ek baie respek. HOOFREDAKTEUR Rika Vollgraaff ([email protected]) ASSISTENT-REDAKTEURS Michelle Viljoen ([email protected]) Edward-John Bottomley ([email protected]) NUUS Rika Vollgraaff ([email protected]) AKTUEEL Lize-Marié van der Watt ([email protected]) INTERKAMPUS Janita Verster ([email protected]) DAG EN NAG AndréPierre du Plessis ([email protected]) STUDENTELEWE Marece Wenhold ([email protected]) SPORT Rickus Jooste ([email protected]) FOTOREDAKTEUR Steven Barber ([email protected]) ADVERTENSIEBESTUURDER Janita Verster ([email protected]) REKENAARBESTUURDER Marius Marais ([email protected]) TEKSREDAKTEUR Denver Kisting ([email protected]) SPOTPRENT Thinus Slabbert SARGE Dewald van Rensburg ([email protected]) TROMP-OP Johan Fourie ([email protected]) KWYTRAAK René Vollgraaff ([email protected]) medewerkers GRAFIKA Chris Knobloch TEKSREDAKSIE Dora Scott TEL 021 808-3539 FAKS 021 808-3538 E-POS [email protected] POSADRES Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Matieland, 7602 VOLGENDE UITGAWE 17 Augustus 2005 SPERDATUM 10 Augustus 2005 ADVERTENSIES 083 406 6930 OPLAAG 8 000 DIE NUUS van die ANC jeugliga se beplande protes teen transformasie op Stellenbosch kampus het my opnuut weer die harnas ingejaag. Die meeste Maties is al so gewoond aan die klagtes rondom transformasie en die taalbeleid dat hulle heeltemal apaties teenoor hierdie sake staan. Ek is in der waarheid meer ontsteld oor die stilswye van die meerderheid Afrikaans-sprekende Maties (hierby ingesluit alle rasse) as oor die klagtes van die ANC jeugliga. Dit is die ou “struggle” weer van voor af. Die polities begunstigde minderheid maak hul stemme dik en kry alles wat hulle vra op ’n silwer skinkbord, terwyl die polities onderdrukte massa maar eerder hulle bekke hou weens die vrees om deur “polities korrekte” studente as rasiste uit gekryt te word. Natuurlik sal die nie Afrikaans-sprekende op Stellenbosch nooit heeltemal tuis voel nie. Net so sal ek, as Afrikaanse-sprekende, ontuis voel by ’n universiteit soos die voormalige VISTA in Port Elizabeth. Sou die ANC jeugliga lede teen diskriminasie en taal-uitsluiting geprotesteer het as hulle by die universiteit van Lyden in Nederland studeer het? Sekerlik nie! Hoekom dan hier? Om die huidige taalbeleid van Stellenbosch te bestempel as trae transformasie, diskriminasie en rassisme, is totaal ongegrond en onregverdig! Daar is honderde Afrikaanssprekende kleurling studente op kampus wat vroeer jare nie heenkome na ’n universiteit gehad het nie weens apartheid. Vandag help die US studente finansieel en met akademiese ontwikkelingsprogramme om hulle op te hef, en doen dit uiters geslaagd in Afrikaans. Om die waarheid te sê, die bestaan van ‘n Afrikaans medium universiteit in die Wes-Kaap is vir baie minder-bevooregde leerders van kardinale belang as hulle enigsens ’n aandeel wil hê in hoër-tersiêre opvoeding. Maar Engelssprekende studente kan kies om te studeer aan twee baie goeie ander Engels medium Universiteite in die Wes-Kaap. Is dit dan nie uiters selfsugtig en kleinlik om die geleentheid vir die mense, om in hul moedertaal opgevoed te word, van hulle te wil wegneem nie? As daar soveel ander universiteite in die land is wat in Engels onderrig gee, hoekom kom die protesteerders van die taalbeleid Stellenbosch toe? Die US is oop vir transformasie, maar na beide kante toe. Miskien moet die ANC-jeugliga lede hulle self afvrae hoeveel hulle self nou al “getransformeer” het tot bietjie Boland-kultuur! Miskien sal protesteerders meer tuis voel as Afrikaanse Bolanders hulle bietjie geleer skoffel het op ’n Woensdag-aand bo in die Neelsie. Die ANC-jeugliga moet weer mooi gaan dink aan wie hulle almal verteenwoordig in die Weskaap voor hulle Afrikaans uitkryt as ‘n simbool van rassisme en remskoen teen transformasie. Onthou maar net mooi wie die ANC meerderheid in die laaste verkiesing deur die drif getrek het, en onthou ook maar net mooi wat se moedertaal nog deur die mense se are vloei. BESORGDE MATIE Optog word gehou op die verkeerde plek DIE ANCYL reël ’n optog vir môre. Daar is verskeie probleme wat swart en bruin studente in dié land in die gesig staar. Om die Universiteit van Stellenbosch die sondebok van álle ongelykhede te maak, is belaglik. PROGRESSIEWE MATIE Studente is die universiteit se kliënte GUN MY asb die geleentheid om die volgende saak wat die studente grensloos irriteer, aan te spreek. Aan die einde van my tweede ampstermyn in ’n bestuursposisie binne ’n koshuisomgewing is daar verskeie kwelpunte rondom die denkwyses in sekere diensomgewings binne die US. Waar dit by dienslewering kom, is daar twee partye, die diensverskaffer en die kliënt! Die diensverskaffer (uit US geledere) is veronderstel om die kliënt (die student) se behoeftes sover moontlik te bevredig en die kliënt se belange ter harte te neem. Nie andersom soos sekere diensverskaffers binne die US redeneer nie. Studente wil nie alewig ervaar dat klagtes net in ons gesigte teruggegooi word nie. Ek doen ’n beroep op hierdie diensverskaffers om vir ’n slag professioneel te wees en te sorg dat dienste aan studente van gehalte is en volledig verrig word sodat daar nie alewig verskonings en verwere gesoek word om studente se klagtes te omseil nie. In die Junie-vakansie moes baie studente hul koshuiskamers ontruim sodat buitegroepe in die koshuise kon tuisgaan. Ons vertrou die US om toe te sien dat daar voldoende sekuriteit binne DieMATIE soek ADVERTENSIEBESTUURDERS en TAALVERSORGERS Application forms available at Die Matie office Third floor of the Neelsie, past MFM to your left ons koshuise in hierdie tyd is. Soos in die verlede was dit egter nie die geval nie en kon enige persoon die koshuise binnegaan aangesien die deurwagte nie 24 uur op hul poste was nie en nie vreemde persone voorgekeer het as hulle die koshuise betree het nie. Iemand wat voltyds in diens van die US is, moes tog toesien dat hierdie deurwagte wél hulle werk gedoen het…Is dit gedoen? Ek verneem by verskeie van my kollegas dat hulle ook met probleme soos diefstal en saakbeskadiging sukkel nadat buitegroepe in die vakansies in die koshuise was. Verder is dit onaanvaarbaar om ’n hele koshuis te ontruim waar daar dan net van helfte van die kamers gebruik gemaak word deur buitegroepe. Dis swak administrasie! Om onnodig te ontruim lei tot groot frustrasie. Laat die buitegroepe deposito’s betaal sodat hulle geforseer word om korrekte getalle vooraf deur te gee. Ek rig dus hierdie pleidooi aan u om toe te sien dat wedersydse vertroue tussen die diensverskaffer en die kliënt aan die orde van die dag kan kom. Verstaan asb. ons misnoeë. CHRISTOFF GREEFF PERSPEKTIEWE & dinge Ryk en arm: Wat maak die verskil? “IN THIS world, the optimists have it, not because they are always right, but because they are positive. Even when wrong, they are positive, and that is the way of achievement, correction, improvement, and success. Educated, eyes-open optimism pays; pessimism can only offer the empty consolation of being right.” My kursus konfronteer my elke dag met die vraag hoekom sommige lande ryk is en ander arm. Hoekom kan meer mense in Amerika aan te veel kos doodgaan, as aan te min kos? Hoekom is dit nie so in Somalië, of dan in Suid-Afrika nie? Wat het die ryk lande gedoen om te wees waar hulle is? Wat het die arm lande nie gedoen nie? Soos in enige wetenskap, is daar nie net een teorie nie. Sommige sê die vraag is verkeerd. In plaas van om te vra hoekom arm lande nie groei nie, moet ons kyk na die geskiedenis. Vir die grootste deel van ons verlede was armoede aan die orde van die dag. Dis slegs onlangs (eers in die afgelope 200 jaar) wat rykdom – of, eerder, ’n hoë lewensstandaard – vir die middelman ’n realiteit in die ryker lande geword het. So die beter vraag sal wees – hoekom het die ryk lande so vinnig gegroei? ’n Verskeidenheid redes kan hiervoor aangevoer word. Geografie, kultuur, regeringsbeleid, kolonisasie, handel en geluk is maar ’n enkele paar. Intense statistiese en ekonometriese toetse het maar nog min gedoen om ons nader aan ’n antwoord te bring. Maar net soos lande is daar ook rykdoms- gapings tussen individue. Ons sien dit baie duidelik in Suid-Afrika: die afstand tussen ryk en arm raak by die dag groter, selfs na 1994. Waarom? Ook daar probeer ekonome, sosioloë, historici en ander akademici en leke antwoorde vind: Politieke stelsels, onderwys, werkloosheid, handelsliberalisering, ens. Maar, weereens, meeste van hierdie “oorsake” kan netsowel “gevolge” wees. Ons weet nie wat kom eerste nie, ongelykheid en dan werkloosheid, of andersom. Kousaliteit is die groot woord. Maar in sy opsomming van die geskiedenis van die wêreld (Wealth and Poverty of Nations) eindig David Landes met dié gevolgtrekking: Die mense wat die sukses behaal het is die mense wat oopoog en optimisties die lewe aangepak het. Dis dié wat waag wat wen. En dié wat nie opgee na die eerste verloor nie. ’n Ou cliché, maar so so waar. En dié wat harde werk insit. Hier’s wat hy sê: “Too many of us work to live and live to be happy. Nothing wrong with that; it just does not promote high productivity. You want high productivity? Then you should live to work and get happiness as a by-product.”Daar is geen plaasvervanger vir optimisme en harde werk nie. Kyk maar, dié in ons samelewing wat werklik iets is, besit beide dié eienskappe. En net soos vir individue, so ook vir lande. Kulture en people wat nie hierdie waardes hoog ag nie, sterf uit. Dis so eenvoudig. Die toekoms van die armes – van Afrika – gaan nie afhang van hoeveel aalmoese hul kry nie (skuld afgeskryf word nie). Dit gaan ook nie bepaal word deur hul toegang tot markte, hul blootstelling aan beter stelsels en tegnologie nie, dit gaan selfs nie verander word deur bloot in nog onderwys te investeer nie. Nee. Sonder die eienskappe van harde werk en optimisme gaan die gaping tussen ryk en arm steeds vergroot. Slegs wanneer hierdie eienskappe inslag vind in ’n samelewing, sal die ander faktore ’n rol in die ontwikkelingsproses begin speel. Maar dis ongelukkig nie maklik nie. Dis nie iets wat in ’n oogwink opgelos kan word nie. Landes som dit só op: “The one lesson that emerges (from history) is the need to keep trying. No miracles. No perfection. No millennium. No apocalypse. We must cultivate a skeptical faith, avoid dogma, listen and watch well, try to clarify and define ends, the better to choose means.” Amen. The one good thing about communists, almost ‘COMRADE’ has come a long way, suffering etymological distillations from the ancient tongues of Europe, mucking about in the French Revolution and taking the world by storm as the sexless, classless, non-racial and supranational salutation of revolutionaries everywhere. It’s invigorating to see it still dangling from the lips of Youth Leaguers and other consortiums of angry young people here in the land of ideological throwbacks. As one of the many young bucks hereabout hobbled by a smorgasbord of ‘ooms’ and ‘tannies’, ‘sirs’ and ‘misters’, ‘ouens’ and ‘bra’s’, this relic from that great and brutal 20th century daydream, international communism, will always have a wistful charm. It’s a delightful reminder of philosophy classes lost to time, but more importantly serves to place tomorrow’s march in a rarefied and aesthetically pleasing historical context. Communism’s great crime, apart from superlative totalitarianism and of course those gulags, was always the wholly humourless and unforgivably graceless application of principle to reality. Principles moreover based, by and large, on iffy social science. Historical materialism’s stepchildren did however have one redeeming facet, a principle that is sound despite its crass application, amongst other things, in the deployment of the word ‘comrade’ to the far-flung corners of the world. That belief is the Blank Slate Theory of Humankind. The idea, now finally at the core of all legal-rational apparatus as well as the social sciences, is that people are people are people – so to speak. Every Joe Sonofabitch is born an empty vassal with equal potential and a similar lack of defining qualities – to be filled via an amorphous process of socialisation, the content of which is an accident of birth. And while the axiomatic ‘all men are created equal’ was once understood to refer to the Pale Races only, the advent of the Asian Math Wiz has forced my ethnic forbears to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe our snazzy schools had something to do with ‘the intrinsic differences between races’. ‘Comrade’ is then a rather guileless and now archaic acknowledgement of basic human uniformity promoted via direct tampering with the process of socialisation – simply teaching the children to address all and sundry in the same manner. In years long gone the diametrically opposed notion that people come to this world half-full and already adept at different things was formalised (not for the first time, but hopefully for the last) at this very institution. The very most frightening thing about Apartheid still remains the possibility that Verwoerd et al were in fact earnest and convinced they had the African peoples’ best interests at heart. Like the more successful commies of yesteryear, the verkramptes of the old RSA were guilty of overzealously applying very iffy social science. Certain locutions at last week’s ANCYL summit in preparation for tomorrow’s march had me considering this thematic symmetry. The refrain that ‘history is being made’ recognises GORRELKOP NUWE KOSHUIS, OU PROBLEME GORREL wil so graag koshuisplek hê eendag sodat Gorrel ook kan deel in al die dinge van ’n koshuisman en -vrou. So Gorrel het geapply om in die nuwe koshuis te gaan bly, julle weet mos daai groen stukkie mos daar tussen al die ander vrouekoshuise. Nee kyk, het Gorrel vir sy ouerhuis vertel, dit wat ’n mens nie doodmaak nie is net goed vir jou. So Gorrel wil graag die unisex-gevoel betree. Die ding is net Gorrel se Engels is nou nie so goed nie en toe Gorrel die ander dag ’n toer kry the potential symbolism of an acceptable transformative shake-up of this cutesy little town – the squashing of one basic conception of people by another – riveting stuff, a Grand Gesture. Now I’m no great fan of the Youth League and its affiliates. It’s good at mobilisation, and yes, socialisation, but meanders in the ideological backwaters long abandoned by the jetsetting neo-liberal ANC proper. The League cannot help but qualify sound and indispensable policy critiques with hyperbole bred from a fixation on the Grand Gesture. The need for a rethink of e.g. a bursary system that pays for tuition, but not for books become subsumed in the untenable principle of free and universal tertiary education. Mention of an improved support structure for commuter students accompanies broad calls for freedom and equality. The content of crummy policy is addressed along with the mindset of a racist student body. The fact that the black students of this institution still get a series of raw deals is streamlined into a single enemy – one fought against under a single banner. The idea of total revolution tenuously inherited from communism’s heyday is brought to bear against a system that needs various unrelated reforms. All the problems on tomorrow’s march’s agenda are real and pressing. One just worries that something silly like the phrasing will make them easier for those to whom they are addressed to ignore. Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter kampuspolitiek. En die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief hieronder veroorsaak nie. deur die nuwe koshuis was al die woorde en die bordjies Ingils. Gorrel het gewonder na watter kamer om te draai toe Gorrel water wou laat afslaan. –Miskien moet Gorrel eerder wonder waar die Xhosa-bordjies is. OOM JAN WORD NAT GORREL gaan kuier die vakansie by Gorrel se grootouers. Daar in daai dooie dorpie waar ouma en oupa Gorrel woon hou hulle hul eie kunstefees sommer daar op die Maties se maatjies, die Kovsies, se kampus. Gorrel gewaar toe vir die eerste keer Kovsies se Jan Marais, ook ’n standbeeldman wat pronk tussen rooibakstene. Maar hiérdie meneer Marais het ’n jassie en ’n hoedjie gedra om sy sementlyf teen die Vrystaatwinter te besterm. Daarom besluit Gorrel net daar en dan Gorrel wil graag vir oom Jan op die Rooiplein ’n bypassende rooireënbaadjie gee want hy word baie natter as wat sy eweknie ooit sal raak. –Ouma Gorrel sal die jassie en die hoedjie brei, sy soek nog net materiaal. “Charity begins at home” is wat oupa Gorrel vir haar sê. Kampus Quotes “ Keep your friends close, but your money closer! – Gehoor in die Neelsie Mens moet geen funda mentele besluite maak as jy honger is, net wakker geword het of daar ’n meisie in jou bed is nie. – Eendrag-vierdejaar Tradisionele Stellenbosch studente sing graag 02:00 die oggend voor Tollies, nie 11:00 voor admin B nie. – SR-voorsitter oor beplande optog The Afrikaner is the greatest obstacle to Afrikaans. – Member of the audience at ANCYL meeting Beauty lies in the eye of the beer holder. – Conversation in the SRC office Procrastination is like masturbation–it’s fun, but in the end you’re only f**king yourself. –Clinton Adas Ek kan nie weer my siel verkoop nie, maar ek hoop om ’n verband daarop te kry die eksamen. – Student in akademiese krisis Onthou jy daai half transaksies agter op die periodieke tabel? – BRek-student aan ingenieursvriend Sorry prof, ek het nie ’n oog toegemaak in die vorige klas nie. – Ontwakende student Mense wat só mooi skryf, maak my jags. – Gehoor in die Matie-kantoor met verwysing na die Bidspringkaan-resensie Mens kan sien Chris Brink is nie die rektor van daai college of knowledge nie. – Matie oor Boland Kollege inlywingsritueel Forum 27 JULIE 2005 DieMATIE René Vollgraaff KWYTRAAK MATIES IN LONDEN LONDEN is deesdae ’n buitepos van Stellenbosch. Dit kan gesê word sonder om eens te dink aan die ironie van so ’n stelling in die konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse geskiedenis. Die “wat gaan jy volgende jaar doen?”-vraag word meer as net dikwels met “Londen toe” beantwoord. Die vrae wat onstaan, is legio: hoekom?; hoe lank?; wat gaan jy doen?; maar meer spesifiek: Wie is die Matie in Londen? Ek probeer dié vraag beantwoord in Spice Island, ’n plek soortgelyk aan Dros of Terrace in Stellenbosch, behalwe vir die lieflike uitsig op die Teems. Celia le Roux, voorheen van Nerina, vertel dat sy BCom(Institusionele Beleggings) geswot het, waarna sy ’n paar maande in Amerika en Bermuda was voordat sy in Londen beland het. Ek wil weet hoekom? “Ag, ek wou nie dadelik in Suid-Afrika begin werk en ’n kar en ’n flat kry nie. Dan is ’n mens so vas aan ’n plek. Ek wou eers ’n bietjie die wêreld sien.” Celia vertel dat sy verantwoordelik is vir ’n maatskappy se rekeninge-afdeling, hoewel sy haarself na FinRek 188 belowe het dat sy nooit enigiets met rekeningkunde te doen wil hê nie. “Dis orraait, maar bietjie boring,” sê sy. Frederik Hefer, oud-Majubaan met ’n honneurs-graad in BCom(Rekenaarwetenskap) doen ook tans rekenmeesterswerk. Hy wil my graag vertel van sy eerste werk: “Dit was by Ann Summers, dis ’n plek wat sexy onderklere en allerhande ander toebehore 14 Tollies gaan Teems toe verkoop. Ek het aanvanklik gedink dis net onderklere en het gedink ek sal maklik hulle rekeninge doen.” Sekere van die ander apparate wat na ’n tydjie begin kop uitsteek het, was glo net té aardig na sy sin. Frederik erken dat hy hier is vir die geld: “Daai lening moet afbetaal word!” sê hy. Dis geen geheim dat Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers in aanvraag is in die land van tee en die tube nie. Dit word weer duidelik as ek in een dag met vier sulkes gesels. Pieter (Vossie) de Vos, oud-inwoner van die Withuis, het NOS gedoen terwyl hy die laaste twee vakke van die sy BCom(Bestuursrekeningkunde)-graad klaargemaak het. Hy is tans ’n Wiskunde-onderwyser in Kent. Ek wil weet of die Britse skoolkinders regtig so erg is soos sekere gerugte dit wil hê. “Erger,’’ antwoord hy. SuidAfrikaanse kinders is ook stout, maar hulle sal nooit hul onderwyser aansê om te f-off nie!” “Haai nee, my kinders is pragtig,” sê Marelize Ras van Sonop. Marelize het BEd studeer en hou tans skool vir drie- tot vyfjariges. Nog ’n oud-inwoner van Sonop, Francel van Vuuren, is in dieselfde bootjie. Sy vertel dat baie van die kinders in haar klas uit sogenaamde council houses kom en dat die sosiale omstandighede van sulke kinders soms swakker is as sekere kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse skole. “Hier is ook baie kinders van immigrante, wat nie regtig kan Engels praat nie. Ek het ’n Albaniese tweeling in my klas gehad en het ná ’n lang gesukkel uiteindelik vir hulle geleer om ‘Good morning’ te sê.” Mense vra dikwels of gegradueerdes werklik hulle kwalifikasies ten volle benut wanneer hulle begin werk. Ek stel dié vraag aan Lin-Marie van Niekerk terwyl ons in Green Park in Londen sit en kyk hoe ’n groep Afrikaanssprekende mans a la Stellenbosch touchies speel. Lin-Marie is ook nou ’n onderwyseres, maar het eintlik kuns studeer. “Ek het darem die backdrop vir die skool se play geverf!” skerm sy. Stephan Erasmus van Wilgenhof het ’n honneursgraad in Aktuariële Wetenskap en soek na ses maande egter steeds werk. Hy was al by verskeie onderhoude, maar doen intussen spysenieringswerk. Ek probeer meer uitvind oor die alledaagse (of -nagse) lewe van Stellenbossers in Londen en beland in The Walkabout, ’n kuierplek van Australiese oorsprong langs die Teems. Ná die £5-ingangsfooi betaal is, voel dit skielik asof ek in Tollies of Denim & Diamonds is. Die posters op die mure adverteer Drie Nasies en Vodacombeker-rugby en die meeste van die gesigte lyk vaagweg bekend. Selfs goeie ou Castle Lager pryk in die yskaste langs die meer volksvreemde Fosters Ice. Op pad huis toe word die kebabshop besoek vir die tipe lafenis wat McDonalds of BP gewoonlik drie-uur in die oggend verskaf. Selfs die morning after-gevoel is pure Stellenbosch. Ek vra vir my gasvrou of sy gereeld dié “Tollies-langs-die-Teems” besoek. “Nee! As ek dit kan verhelp, sal ek nooit gaan nie.” Nes in Stellenbosch. Party is hier vir die geld, ander is hier vir die party, ander is net hier omdat hulle nie weet watter ander rigting om in te slaan nie. Die meeste bly egter vir twee jaar, die volle duur van ’n werksvakansievisum. Ek vra dus vir Vossie of hy gelukkig is in Londen. “Ja,” kom die antwoord, “ek verlang baie terug, maar hier is soveel nuwe dinge om te sien en mense om te ontmoet. Ek werk byvoorbeeld saam met ’n klomp Aussies en hulle is glad nie so sleg as daar nie rugby betrokke is nie!” Op pad terug na Canada Water tube-stasie ( want dis hier en in Wimbledon waar die meeste SuidAfrikaners woon) word die ou-ou storie van Afrikaans op die tube weer aan my bevestig toe twee meisies giggel wanneer ’n vreemde ou hulle as “dames” groet nadat hy gehoor het dat hulle Afrikaans praat. Ek wonder hoeveel sal reageer as ek “Chris Brink!” skree. Koos Kombuis, ook so kenmerkend van Stellenbosse studente-kultuur, skryf in My mamma is ’n taal dat boetie nie meer border toe gaan nie, maar Londen toe. Hy is egter vol vertroue dat die jeug wel Suid-Afrika sal red – sodra hulle van Londen af terugkom. Ek is geneig om met hom saam te stem, dis nou as hierdie jeug nie binnekort die Republiek van Stellenbosch in Londen uitroep nie. Education - key to success I am a 19 year old girl, the second child out of four being raised by a single parent. All I have dreamed of is going to University, the only thing missing was the funds. I knew that my mom could not afford to pay the fees. At school I was one of the top students, chosen by the district committee to go to Aloe Ridge Hotel for three days, to motivate us about many things, but mostly education. I studied very hard and wrote my final examinations which I passed with three distinctions. On receiving my results I contacted the district office to apply for financial assistance. The applications were faxed off but, we were disappointed to find that the application date had closed the previous week. I did not receive a bursary or scholarship, so I registered with Technikon SA, because of their reasonable fees. In 2004, the Technikon told me I had won a bursary worth R1000 from Edu-Loan. I was so surprised and very happy. This bursary helped me realize that if I am the best that I can be, I will achieve my goals. I studied hard throughout the whole year and passed first year National Diploma: Financial Information Systems with two distinctions out of three subjects. Edu-Loan, thank you for motivating me through the toughest time in my life. Education is the key to success and Edu-Loan you are truly our future. Sport 27 JULIE 2005 DieMATIE 15 Studente presteer tydens Bergrivier Kanomarathon JOHN DE VILLIERS CHRIS VAN DEVENTER VAT VOOR TYDENS DAG EEN Foto: MOUTON VAN ZYL DIE Bergrivier Kanomaraton het Woensdag 13 Julie in Paarl begin en Saterdag 16 Julie in Velddrif geëindig. Die afgelope week se reën was net té laat en die marathon is gevolglik op ’n medium naby ’n lae riviervlak gehou in perfekte weersomstandighede. Hank McGregor van KwaZulu-Natal het die wedvaart oor 225 kilometer gewen in 17h:10min:34sek. Altesaam 27 roeiers van Stellenbosch Kanoklub het aan hierdie kompetisie deelgeneem. Onder hulle was die Van Deventer broers, Gert en Chris wat onderskeidelik 6de en 9de oor die wenstreep geroei het. Die eerste Maties oor die lyn was Heinrich Schloms in die 19de plek en Adriaan Dippenaar in die 26ste plek. In die vroue afdeling het Alexa Lombard van die Westelike Provinsie gewen. Alexa het met haar 18de plek geskiedenis gemaak deur die eerste vrou te word wat ’n top 20 posisie kon behaal. Stephne Rabie van Maties was 5de in die vroue-afdeling. Helene Rabie was 2de en Wibke Dunaiski 3de in die onder 21 afdeling vir vroue. Ander Maties wat ook die wedvaart voltooi het, was Erhardt Joubert (62ste), John de Villiers (64ste), Louis Pienaar (75ste), Hugo van Sittert (77ste), Adriaan van Wijk (96ste), Ryan Bradbury (122ste), Sunley Uys (140ste), Pieter Theron (149ste) en Waldo Noordermeer (186ste). Matie paddles Lake Malawi EIGHT adventurers are currently paddling the 800km west coast of Lago Nyasa, [“the lake of stars”], so named by missionary-explorer David Livingstone, now better known as Lake Malawi. The team comprises six male UCT students, one female Matie and a professional adventure filmmaker. The adventure was the brain-child of Ikeys Kevin Flanagan and Charli Denison who both share a passion for African travel. After their last adventure, a trip through Southern Africa on public transport only, they decided on paddling the full western shore of Lake Malawi as their next challenge. Four close friends, Richard Fraser, Nick Carkeek, Ben van Breda and Vincent Dickson joined in, forming the original team of six. Rob Dyer, 28, who paddled the whole coast of Mozambique from the Rovuma River to Kosi Bay in 2003/4, couldn’t resist the offer to join the expedition. The last member to join the team was Matie Frances Loots, a second year B.Com student and resident of Academia. The expedition team left Cape Town on the 23rd of June with all their gear, including three speciallyprepared PaddleYak Hybrid Swift Adventure kayaks, driving to Johannesburg, through Zimbabwe and Mozambique and on to Mangochi in Malawi at the southernmost point of Lake Nyasa. From there they set off in their kayaks to Mantema at the northernmost point of the lake, inside the borders of Tanzania, the first paddling team to ever attempt the full western shore route. In order to achieve their goal in 32 days they have a strict paddling regime, doing an average of almost 30 kilometres a day, the equivalent of running the Comrades over three days, ten times in a row. Along the way they will be facing crocodiles, hippopotami, bilharzia and malaria. The team will camp along the coast as well as stay in various lodges where their schedule and budgets permit. Besides achieving their paddling targets, the team will also perform various research functions en route, including taking water samples, recording incidences of malaria, making detailed GPS recordings, promoting kayaking and maintaining log books. The paddling system will work on a rotation basis. Six paddlers will paddle three double kayaks, while two will drive the back-up vehicle to the next three days’ rendezvous points, obtaining and preparing food, recording data and updating the website, before changing positions. To follow the group’s progress and send them words of support by email, go to Upon their return, Frances and the group will present talks on their experiences and promote the forthcoming documentary about their kayaking trip into what used to be known in the times of the benevolent dictator, Hastings Banda, as “the friendly heart of Africa”. TRAINING DAY The team during training for the cruelling expidition MatieSPORT WEDNESDAY 27 JULY 2005 Little Green Giants on a roll • Huis Marais occupies top of the log whilst Wilgenhof claims the Jim Fouche Cup the campaign. With a nail biting 17-16 win over Eendrag, Majuba have moved into eighth place with 15 points from six matches. They are separated from Medics on points difference, and are certainly still alive in the race for the semi-finals. The same holds true for the men from Tygerberg. Helshoogte (who enjoyed their bye week on Friday) and Eendrag are in 11th and 12th place respectively. They have identical records of 11 points from six matches. Kolonieshof bring up the bottom of the table with five points from seven matches. At this stage Huis Marais and Wilgenhof certainly look like the two strongest teams in the competition. Their encounter on the final day of the league phase could well be the deciding factor when it comes to final log positioning. GUSTAV VENTER _ THE destiny of the Jim Fouche Cup, awarded to the leading team over the first half of the Sauer competition, was decided this past Friday as Wilgenhof downed Medics by a score line of 17-5. The result ensured that Wilgenhof edged their noses ahead of Huis Marais’s six match log tally of 22 points, thanks to a superior points difference of +54 against +40. However, having enjoyed another victory this past Friday, Huis Marais are still the pace setters on the log with a tally of 27 points from seven matches. Their bye is during week 12 of the competition. Wilgenhof are five points adrift in second place, but have played only six matches. Elsenburg continued their good season with a 10-8 win over Huis Visser, and have now moved into third place on the log, with 22 points from seven matches. Huis Visser, being the only team in the top nine not to have won more than two matches, actually find themselves in sixth position as a result of six bonus points earned thus far. PSO have gone off the boil a little lately, and a 15-3 loss to Dagbreek has now dropped them into fourth place on 18 points. Dagbreek are in fifth, only one point adrift. Both these teams have already enjoyed BIG GREEN MACHINE Jan-Louis du Toit and company during Friday’s Sauer clash with Kolonieshof Photo: STEVEN BARBER bye weeks. Another team struggling of late is Simonsberg. They were downed by a Helderberg side desperately trying to breathe life into their season. Simonsberg find themselves in seventh place (16 points), while Helderberg are in tenth (13 points). The bye weeks for both these teams are scheduled for the second half of Sauer Statistics: Top Try Scorer: Karl Droggemoller (PSO) with 4. Top Points Scorers: 1. Gustav van der Merwe (Huis Marais) with 47, 2. Tiaan Oosthuizen (Helderberg) with 36, 3. Wilhelm van Rensburg (Wilgenhof) with 36, 4. Leroy Villet (Majuba) with 28 and 5. Adriaan Bezuidenhoudt (Helshoogte)with 27. Geen voetfoute vir Maties Netbal DIE Matie Netbalspan, geborg deur BP Stellenbosch, het Saterdag in hul laaste wedstryd gespeel en het vir Boland Oud Studente(BOS) in ’n senutergende wedstryd met 39-37 geklop. BOS het die hele wedstryd voorgeloop en met die aanbreek van die laaste kwartier met slegs drie doelle kop bo water gehou. Maties het egter ’n kan-nie-dood-houding gehad en geveg tot die einde. Danksy puik verdediging en onderskeppings deur Andrea Steyn en akkurate doelwerk van veral Christine Markgraaff kon hulle inhaal en in die laaste twee minute van die wedstryd vir die eerste keer die voortou neem. Maties is vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar as wenners van die Boland Superliga gekroon. Die klub spog met 4 SA spelers naamlik Christine Markgraaff(SA Seniors), Michelle Hess (SA 0/21 kaptein), Claudia Hess(SA 0/21) en Leanie Kleynhans(SA Aksienetbal). Daar is ook 20 spelers in die Boland spanne opgeneem en na afloop van die SA 0/19- en SA 0/21-kampioenskappe is daar nege Matiespelers in SAoefengroepe opgeneem. Die Maties het ook in die die Julievakansie aan die SASSU toernooi in Bellville deelgeneem en het baie goed vertoon. Die span het Kovsies oortuigend geklop asook die Universiteit van Johannesburg wat onderskeidelik eerste en derde geplaas is. Nadat doelgemiddeldes uitgewerk is, is Maties egter vierde geplaas. — Sportredaksie DIE ‘VESTE’ SPAN Die universiteit se manshokkiespan het die Universiteit van Kaapstad se Ikeys in ‘n spannende finaal by die die Suid-Afrikaanse Studente Sportunie (SASSU) se Universiteite Hokkietoernooi wat onlangs by die Universiteit van Pretoria gehou is, met 1-0 gewen. Dit is die eerste keer sedert 2000 dat die manshokkiespan die toernooi en ‘n goue medalje wen. In dieselfde toernooi het die universiteit se vroue hokkiespan ‘n derde plek in hul kompetisie behaal. Foto: JACKIE WIESE
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