the national shrine of our lady of czestochowa narodowe
the national shrine of our lady of czestochowa narodowe
THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA NARODOWE SANKTUARIUM MATKI BOZEJ JASNOGÓRSKIEJ Amerykanska Czestochowa—Duchowa Stolica Polonii Doylestown, PA Volume III: Issue April – 22 – Kwietnia 2007. MASS SCHEDULE III Niedziela Wielkanocna III Sunday of Easter Weekdays (Monday-Saturday) 7:30, 8:00 & 11:30am (English) Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm (English) Sunday 8:00, 10:00am & 12:30 pm (Polish) 9:00, 11:00am, 2:30 & 5:00pm (English) Holy Days Vigil Mass 5:00pm (English) Holy Days 7:30am, 8:00am, 11:30am, 5:00pm (English), 10:00 am (Polish) CONFESSIONS Heard before all scheduled Masses on Sundays & on weekdays during the 11:30am Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA Sundays - After 12:30 noon Mass. Wednesdays - After 11:30am Mass. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Daily in Our Lady’s Chapel (Lower Church) 12:00-5:00pm. OFFICE HOURS Business Office Cemetery Office Gift Shop Cafeteria NIGHT VIGIL - CZUWANIE (POLISH) Last Saturday of the month, beginning at 9:00pm, until 3:00am on Sunday. KALENDARZ okres wielkanocny CALENDAR Time of Resurrection 25 KWIETNIA Sw. Marka Ewangelisty. APRIL 25 Saint Mark the Evangelist. 29 KWIETNIA IV Niedziela Wielkanocna. Pielgrzymka ministrantów. Msza sw. o godz. 12:30 PM. Spotkanie po Mszy sw. APRIL 29 IV Sunday of Easter. Pilgrimage for Altar Servers. Mass at 12:30 PM. Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm. Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm. Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm. Sunday 11:00am-12:00pm & 1:00-2:00pm. Monday-Sunday 9:00am-4:30pm (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day Easter Sunday & Thanksgiving Day). Open only Sundays 9:30am-3:30pm, (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day & Thanksgiving Day). PAULINE FATHERS & BROTHERS P.O. BOX 2049 - 654 FERRY ROAD • DOYLESTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 18901 TEL: (215) 345-0600 • FAX: (215) 348-2148 • WEBSITE: WWW .CZESTOCHOWA.US • EMAIL: [email protected] - WWW .PAULINI.PL III Niedziela Wielkanocna. III Sunday of Easter. Piotr byl rybakiem, a nie pasterzem, wiec dlaczego zostal pasterzem dusz? Po polowie 153 ryb Pan powiedzial do niego, aby pasl owce. Co naprawde kryje w sobie owo ewangeliczne przekwalifikowanie? Nie mozna caly czas tylko lowic dusz. W koncu trzeba tez je nakarmic, odzywic, dawac im staly pokarm pokoju duchowego, wyszukiwac drogi do nieba. Przebaczyc komus grzechy, nawrócic rekolekcyjna mowa czy upomnieniem w konfesjonale jest latwiejsza sztuka niz cierpliwe, wytrwale obdarowywanie miloscia, znoszenie czyjegos dojrzewania i prowadzenie latami. Polów noca nie przynosi efektu, bo nie wystarcza nawet ogromne wysilki rybaków dusz, gdy zabraknie im czasu na Slowo Boze. Noc Kosciola zaczyna sie wtedy, gdy kaplani bardziej marza o najnowszym .............. niz o znajomosci Slowa Bozego. I jeszcze ta prawa strona lodzi. Dlaczego akurat z prawej strony polów byl tak obfity? Jesli owa lódz jest obrazem Kosciola, to Jezus zdaje sie wyraznie mówic, ze w Kosciele nie ma szans na sukces w dzialaniu „na lewo!”, a juz na pewno nie uda sie zachecic ludzi do tlumnego uczestnictwa w liturgii, gdy zabraknie w niej tych, którzy wyjasniaja Slowo Boze, i gdy zabraknie elementarnej prawosci! Ale prawa strona lodzi to cos wiecej niz tylko dzialanie zgodne z prawem Boga i ludzka prawoscia. Prawa strona to strona Mesjasza, który zasiadl po prawicy Boga Wszechmogacego, po zdeptaniu grzechu i szatana. To równiez strona owiec, a nie kozlów ze sceny sadu milosierdzia. Czy lowienie ryb jest aluzja do potopu Noego? Jesli tak, to Bóg daje szanse nawet tym, których zatopily odmety grzechu. Dopóki jest siec Kosciola, jest szansa. Co bedzie, gdy jej zabraknie? My brothers and sisters, this gospel story is a story about you and me. It is a story about our relationship to the Lord. As broken as it might get at times, Jesus is here to speak to us of his friendship, of his gestures of reconciliation, and of his great confidence in us, entrusting to us the work and the grace of the Kingdom. My brothers and sisters, this gospel story is also a story about our Church and the exercise of the ministry of Peter that continues through Peter's successor, the Bishop of Rome. The Lord stands guard over his Church despite the human frailties and outright mistakes of some of the successors of Peter. The Lord's promise that the sheep will be fed and that the lambs will be cared for, moves us to pray that our Holy Father will always know the Lord's friendship, his reconciliation, and his trust. As we turn now to the table that the Lord sets for us, it is not a meal of bread and fish but, rather, the table of the Last Supper of bread and of wine. Let us not forget that at this table it is Jesus, once more, who gathers the gifts. It is Jesus who blesses in praise and thanksgiving the Father. It is Jesus who breaks the Bread. And it is Jesus who gives us the gift of himself in Holy Communion. In His presence and through his action, we once more celebrate friendship, reconciliation, and trust. May the gift of God's grace be the leaven of our week ahead as we minister to each other in the Holy Name of Jesus, the Lord. 22 kwietnia Dzien Zucha Specjalna Msza sw.w Kaplicy Matki Bozej o godz.11:00 a.m. 2007-04-22, niedziela. April 22 Polish Cub Scouts and Brownie Day. Polish Scouts celebrate the Earth Day. Mass At 11:00 AM, Sunday. Zuch dba o srodowisko. Ogloszenie — prosimy o kontakt z biurem cmentarnym osoby, które zarezerwowaly groby na naszym cmentarzu, wczesniej niz 2 lata temu i nie beda ich potrzebowac. 215/ 345 - 0600 wew.3033 lub 3034 Zarzad Cmentarza IF YOU RESERVED A PLOT IN OUR CEMETERY MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO AND HAVE NOT USED IT, PLEASE CONTACT US TO UPDATE YOUR RECORDS. 215/ 345 - 0600 EXTENSION 3033 OR 3034 Zapraszamy na czuwanie nocne! Sobota, 28 kwietnia od godz. 9:00 PM w Kaplicy Matki Bozej Czestochowskiej… Wszystko zaczyna sie od modlitwy, która rodzi sie w ciszy naszych serc... Glosmy dobra nowine, ze nasza sila jest w modlitwie… Na comiesieczne czuwania nocne zapraszaja Ojcowie i Bracia Paulini! Mozliwosc noclegu po czuwaniu - prosiy o wczesniejszy kontakt: tel. 215-345-0600, fax. 215-345-9458. Cardinal Justin Rigali by the Grace of God and Favor of the Apostolic See Archbishop of Philadelphia. Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and Forever! Today, united with Christians throughout the world, we rejoice in the good news of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Redeemer! It is with particular joy that I announce a year of Jubilee for the Church of Philadelphia as we begin our celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Philadelphia! Recognizing the faithfulness of the immigrants who came here, Pope Pius VII on April 8, 1808 established Philadelphia as a Diocese. It is in a spirit of deep gratitude that the Church of Philadelphia begins her Bicentennial Celebration. The Church of Philadelphia Serving the People of God in the Beginning, Now and Always! In this year of Jubilee, I ask all the faithful to render fitting praise and thanks to Almighty God for the blessings that have been ours for these past 200 years of living and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I urge you to participate in the many and varied celebrations of this bicentennial year. I beg that you pray in particular for an increase of priestly vocations for the benefit of the Archdiocese, so that the presence of Jesus in the Sacrament may be ours now and always! Through the intercession of Saints John Neumann and Katharine Drexel, may we grow together, clergy, religious and laity and become more faithful and willing in our service of God and neighbor. In proclaiming this year of Jubilee, I ask the protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, upon our local Church and all her faithful people. Given at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, on the eighth day of April, the Solemnity of the Resurrection, in the Year of Our Lord 2007, our Bicentennial Year. Cardinal Justin Rigali Archbishop of Philadelphia. Jak przezywalismy Wielkanoc? How we celebrated Easter? Chrystus zmartwychwstaje niezaleznie od tego, co sie dzieje w swiecie. Zwycieza swa miloscia i dobrocia. Nasza sile czerpiemy z Jego zmartwychwstania! Jak swietowalismy uroczystosc Zmartwychwstania Panskiego? - foto or Our Lady Wants to hear you ! The Shrine’s A.P.T. Heating & Cooling Adult & Youth Choirs have openings. Owner Operated Our singing community is a sociable group INSTALLATION, SERVICE, GAS, OIL FURNACES, BOILERS, which desires your company. For information HEAT PUMPS, AIR CONDITIONING. call: Anna Croom, Director (215) 547-9703 Phones: 215—412—0306; 610—213—2914 Evelyn Walsh, (215) 345-8162. !!! Mówimy po polsku !!! ORDER OF SAINT PAUL THE FIRST HERMIT The Pauline Fathers and Brothers wish to invite any men who feel a calling to serve God. If you are discerning a vocation, please contact us.. o. Podprzeor Bartlomiej Marciniak OSPPE [email protected] tel. (215) 345-0600#1011 Polski Adwokat! Polish Lawyer! Henry F. Siedzikowski, Esquire 925 Harvest Drive Blue Bell, Pensylvania 19422. Phone: (215)-977-1000 Fax: (215)-977-1099 E-mail: [email protected] Krempa Associates, Inc. Registered Investment Advisor Helping Clients Achieve Their Financial Goals and Dreams Since 1971 Albert C Krempa Jr CLU, ChFC, CFS 215-345-5020 or 800-243-1460. KULINSKI MEMORIALS tel. 1-800-458-5467 WYKONAMY POMNIK, NA KTÓRY KAZDY CZLOW1EK ZASLUZYL ZYCIEM I PRACA POMNIK, NA KTÓRY ZASLUGUJE KAZDY CZLOWIEK! NASZA FIRMA OD WIELU LAT MA ZASZCZYT WYKONYWANIA POMNIKÓW CMENTARNYCH. OFERUJEMY USLUGI W ZAKRESIE: WYKONANIA POMNIKÓW GRAWEROWANIA IMION, DAT I RZEZB RELIGIJNYCH NA PLYTACH CMENTARNYCH OFERUJEMY PRZYSTEPNE CENY WSZYSTKICH ZAINTERESOWANYCH PROSIMY O KONTAKT: TELEFONICZNY: (908) 722 3130; 1 -800-458 – 5467 OSOBISTY: NA CMENTARZU W AMERYKANSKIEJ CZESTOCHOWIE. KULINSKI MEMORIALS HAS BEEN WORKING AT THE SHRiNE FOR MANY YEARS, SERVING THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. P LEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT HOME OR WE CAN MEET AT THE CEMETERY. Tel: (908) 722 3130; 1 -800-458 – 5467